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journalists who wrote romance
Showing 473-480 out of 547 results
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)

military officer, poet, translator, publisher, painter, journalist, peace activist, activist shareholder, playwright, bookseller, political activist

  • University of Paris, Columbia University
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Love in the days of rage
Love in the Days of Rage
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Unfair arguments with existence
City Lights anthology
Experiencing Reading
A far rockaway of the heart
A Coney Island of the mind, poems
Literary San Francisco
Endless life
The secret meaning of things
How to paint sunlight
Landscapes of living and dying
Leaves of life
Pictures of the gone world
I greet you at the beginning of a great career
Tyrannus Nix?
Open eye, open heart
Time of useful consciousness
San Francisco poems
Seven days in Nicaragua libre
These are my rivers
Little Boy
Poetry as an insurgent art
Blasts Cries Laughter
City Lights pocket poets anthology
When I look at pictures
European poems & transitions
Wild dreams of a new beginning
Howl of the censor
Life studies, life stories
Pictures of the Gone World
What Is Poetry?
Tentative description of a dinner given to promote the impeachment of President Eisenhower
City lights pocket poets anthology
Poetry Pamphlets 912
Pictures of the gone world
Writing across the landscape
Northwest ecolog
A Far Rockaway of the Heart
                New Directions Paperbook
Where is Vietnam?
Starting from San Francisco
After the cries of the birds
Ferlinghetti's greatest poems
City Lights Review, Number One (City Lights Review)
Back roads to far places after Basho
Love is no stone on the moon
San Francisco Poems (Poet Laureate Series (City Lights Foundation), No. 1.)
City Lights Review, No 3 (City Lights Review)
Over all the obscene boundaries
One thousand fearful words for Fidel Castro
The Mexican night
Time of Useful Consciousness
Starting from San Francisco
Poetry as insurgent art
City Lights Journal
S Ferlinghettim v Praze
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Into the Deeper Pools
City Lights Review, Number Two (City Lights Review)
A world awash with fascism & fear
Back roads to far places
Leaves of life
A political pamphlet
Ord om Vietnam
Inside the Trojan Horse
Wild dreams of a new beginning
Henry Rollins, Billy Childish, Jello Biafra, Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Un parque de atracciones de la mente
Who are we now?
The populist manifestos
The cool eye
Either Limits or Contradictions
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Live at the Poetry Center
A trip to Italy & France
Lawrence Ferlinghetti : [an interview with Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Back roads to far places
Amant des gares
Americus, Book I
After the cries of birds
An artist's diatribe
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti versei
The illustrated Wilfred Funk
Six sumi
Moscow in the wilderness, Segovia in the snow
Back roads to far towns after Bashō
Antología poética
City lights review
Tyrannus Nix?
Tyrannus Nix?
Scene italiane
Penguin Modern Poets
Reverie smoking grass
Viajes por América desierta y otros poemas =
City lights Journal
The canticle of Jack Kerouac
The secret meaning of things
Il lume non spento
After the cries of the birds
City lights review
The old Italians dying
La noche mexicana
Tou shi Meiguo
A world awash with facism & fear
Literary San Francisco
An eye on the world
Open eye
Kücük Cocuk
The jack of hearts for Dylan
Little Boy
A political pamphlet
Writing Across the Landscape
Thoughts to a concerto of Telemann
Moscow in the wilderness, Segovia in the snow
City Lights Journal Number Four
La quatrième personne du singulier (Her)
Unfair arguments with existence
Northwest ecolog
The Mexican Night; Travel Journal by Ferlinghetti
Director of alienation
Mule Mountain dreams
Un regard sur le monde
Starting From San Francisco
Amor en días de Furia
Ends & beginnings
Spirit of the crusades
Un luna park del cuore
The old Italians dying
An eye on the world
Allen Ginsberg dying
Pictures of the gone world
The Street's Kiss
Amor en días de Furia
Starting from San Francisco
San Francisco poets
The Canticle of Jack Kerouac
Unfair Arguments With Existence
Director of alienation
The sea & ourselves at Cape Ann
Unfair arguments with existence
Names of twelve San Francisco streets changed to honor authors & artists
El amor en los días de la furia
José Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

philosopher, pedagogue, sociologist, mathematician, literary critic, opinion journalist, politician, poet, translator, essayist

  • Universidad Central, University of Deusto
Estudios sobre el amor
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas. Tomo VIII (1926/1932) [Obra póstuma]
Misión de la universidad
Meditaciones del Quijote
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
La rebelión de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Ideas y creencias
Del Imperio Romano
Historia como sistema
Historical reason
Sobre la caza
Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos sobre ciencia y filosofía
¿Qué es conocimiento?
An interpretation of universal history
An Interpretation of Universal History
El espectador
The Dehumanization of Art; and other essays on art, culture, and literature.
Obras (Del realismo en pintura / Fragmentos / Goya / La deshumanización del arte / Sobre el punto de vista en las artes / Tres cuadros del vino / Velázquez)
Ensayos sobre la «Generacion del 98» y otros escritores españoles contemporáneos
Misión del bibliotecario y otros ensayos afines
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Obras completas
¿Qué es filosofía?
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
En torno a Galileo
Una interpretación de la historia universal
Meditación del pueblo joven y otros ensayos sobre América
Phenomenology and Art
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos de estética
Misión del bibliotecario
Textos sobre el 98
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos sobre educación y pedagogía
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Viajes y países
Discursos políticos
Epistolario completo Ortega-Unamuno
España invertebrada
La vida alrededor
Obras (Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte)
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía y otros ensayos de filosofía
Meditación de la técnica
Espíritu de la letra
Europa y la idea de nación
Investigaciones psicológicas
José Ortega y Gasset
Rectificación de la república
Obras (Goya / Velázquez)
Vieja y nueva política
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Obras completas
La deshumanización del arte
Ortega y Gasset
Notas de andar y ver
Stern und unstern
Obras completas
Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos afines
Meditación del pueblo joven
Prólogo para alemanes
Ensayos escogidos
Obras completas
Obras completas
Idea del teatro
Obras completas
La caza y los toros
Obras completas
Pasado y porvenir para el hombre actual
Obras completas
Meditación de nuestro tiempo
Obras completas
Obras completas
La redención de las provincias
Ideas sobre el teatro y la novela
Escritos pol¸ticos (Coleccioón El arquero)
Los escritos de Ortega y Gasset en La Nación
Espíritu de la letra
Kant, Hegel, Scheler
Obras completas
Sus mejores páginas
Le spectateur
España Invertebrada; Bosquejo de Algunos Pensamientos Historicos
Castilla y sus castillos
Goethe desde dentro
Meditación de Europa
Meditationen über die Jagd
Hombres, mujeres. 1926
Das Wesen geschichtlicher Krisen
El sentimiento estético de la vida
Vives, Goethe
Personas, obras, cosas
Vieja y nueva política y otros escritos programáticos
Mirabeau: O, El politico. Contreras
Meditaciones del Quijote e Ideas sobre la novela
Obras (La rebelión de las masas / Mirabeau o el político)
Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Esquema de las crisas
Las Atlántidas y Del imperio romano
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Teoría de Andalucía
La redención de las provincias y la decencia nacional
La idea del teatro y otros escritos sobre teatro
Méditations sur la chasse (Lisbonne, 1942)
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
Sobre la razón histórica
Obras (Goya / Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte / Velázquez)
Las Atlántidas
El Madrid de José Ortega y Gasset
Escritos políticos
Ortega y Gasset estética de la razón vital
La obra de Ortega y Gasset
De la política
Las Atlántidas con unas figuras del Sudán y de la China
Cartas de un joven español (1891-1908)
La Spagna e l'Europa
Obras completas
Mirabeau, an essay on the nature of statesmanship
Caracteres y circumstancias
Schriften zur Phänomenologie
Problemas Resueltos de Maquinas Electricas
Vergangenheit und Zukunft im heutigen Menschen
Apuntes sobre el pensamiento
The Idea of Principle in Leibnitz and the Evolution of Deductive Theory
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de matafísica
Signale unserer Zeit
Essais espagnols
La deshumanizacio n del arte, y otros ensayos este ticos
El libro de las misiories
José Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955
Theme de Notre Temps
Über die Liebe
Meditations on Hunting
Revolt of the Masses
Was ist Philosophie?
Cuerpo vivido
Concord and liberty
Invertebrate Spain
De opstand der horden
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Para la cultura del amor
Origin of Philosophy
Carta a un alemán pidiendo un Goethe desde dentro = Brief an einen deutschen = Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Meditaciones Del Quijote
Der Mensch ist ein Fremder
Kant - Hegel - Scheler (Obras de Jose Ortega y Gasset)
Del amor / Amor en Stendhal
Obras selectas
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Meditaciones del Quijote
Meditación de Europa y otros ensayos
Revista de occidente
El Espectador
Dos visiones de España
La rebelión de las masas
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Phenomenology and Art
Ideas Y Creencias, No. 151
Obras completas. Tomo V
Obras da José Ortega y Gasset
¿Qué es filosofía? y otros ensayos
Caracteres Y Circunstancias
Modern Theme; 0
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
El libro de las misiones
Modern Theme
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
Man and Crises
Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, Eledcion
cos'è filosofia
¿Qué es filosofía? lección X
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Concord and Liberty
Insan ve "Herkes"
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Triumph des Augenblicks - Glanz der Dauer
En tiempos de la sociedad de masas
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Autour de Galilée
Misiones jesuíticas guaraníes
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
The modern theme,
Dan Auta
Goethe, Dilthey
On love;
Invertebrate Spain,
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Misere et Splendeur de la Traduction
España invertebrada y otros ensayos
Concord and Liberty. Trans. by Helene Weyl
Appunti per un commento al Convivio di Platone
Sanatin Insansizlastirilmasi ve Roman Ustune Dusunceler
Obras completas. Tomo VI
The dehumanization of art
The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Writings on Art and Culture (Doubleday anchor book, A72)
Ortega y Gasset centennial
¿Qué es filosofía?
Triptico, No. 181
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones del Quijote
El Tema De Nuestro Tiempo (El ocaso e las revoluciones, el sentido historico de la teoria de einstein, ni vitalismo ni racionalismo)
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Actas del coloquio celebrado en Marburgo con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de J. Ortega y Gasset (1983)
Idea del teatro
Meditations On Quixote - A Seminal Discussion Of Literature
La Civiltà veneziana del Trecento
Jose Ortega Y Gasset Ideas Y Creencias
El libro de las misiones
Estética y creatividad en Ortega
Tarihsel Bunalim ve Insan - Ortega y Gasset'ten Secme Yazilar
Concord And Liberty
Concord and Liberty
El hombre y la gente
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
What is Philosophy?
Was ist Philosophie?
El tema de nuestro tiempo
El tema de nuestro tiempo. La rebelion de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Mirabeau, o, El político ; Contreras, o, El aventurero ; Vives, o, El intelectual
Mered ha-hamonim
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones Sobre La Literatura y El Arte (Clasicos Castalia)
The modern theme
The Revolt of the Masses
Man and people
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
History as a system, and other essays toward a philosophy of history
Misión de la universidad
The revolt of the masses
Idea del Teatro
Revolt of the Masses
Entre la Jerarquia y la Liberacion
Antología de textos sobre Estimativa y Valores
Concord and Liberty Translated from the Spanish by Helen Weyl
Misión de la universidad
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía
Vom Menschen als Utopischem Wesen. Vier Essays.
Europäische Kultur und europäische Völker
Masot ʻal ahavah
El libro de las misiones
On love ... aspects of a single theme
Man and Crisis
Ortega y Gasset Velazquez Goya The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays
Sistem Olarak Tarih
La Rebelion De Las Masas
Idea del Teatro
On love
Sevgi Ustune
La deshumanización del arte
Sistem Olarak Tarih
España invertebrada
What is Philosophy
Meditación del Pueblo Joven
Obras completas. Tomo IX (1933/1948) [Obra póstuma]
Cantos y cuentos del antiguo Egipto
Q̂ué es filosofía?
Historia como sistema
Toward a philosophy of history
What is philosophy?
¿Qué es filosofía?
Quijote Üzerine Düşünceler
Ensimismamiento y alteración. Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos
Mission of the university
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Introducción a una estimativa. ¿Qué son los valores?
The revolt of the masses;
Meditaciones Del Quijote [and] Ideas Sobre La Novela
Obras completas
Goethe, Dilthey
Mission of the University
The Revolt of the Masses, Man and Crisis
Qué malo tiene odiar
The dehumanization of art
El origen deportivo del Estado
Goethe desde dentro el punto de vista en las artes
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos estéticos
Caracteres y circunstancias
Meditaciones del Quijote
Pensare e credere
Esquema de las crisis y otros ensayos
El espectador
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Qué es filosofía?
Espíritu de la letra
Las etapas del cristianismo al racionalismo y ortros ensayos
Viajes y países
La caza y los toros
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Las Atlántidas
What is philosophy?
Beskhrebetnaya Ispaniya (Filosofiya. Psikhologiya)
Ensayos escogidos
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Del optimismo en Leibnitz
España invertebrada
Estudios sobre el amor
Um einen Goethe von innen Bittend
Prólogo para alemanes
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Una interpretación de la historia universal
El espectador de José Ortega y Gasset ...
El hombre y la gente
예술 의 비인간화 와 그 밖 의 미학 수필
Papeles sobre Velázquez y Goya
Ayelet Waldman
Ayelet Waldman (born 1964)

lawyer, journalist

  • Wesleyan University, Harvard Law School
Red Hook Road
Bad Mother
Fight of the Century
Girls who like boys who like boys
Daughter's keeper
The big nap
Murder Plays House
Nursery crimes
Bye-Bye, Black Sheep
Death gets a time-out
A playdate with death
Red Hook Road
Love and other impossible pursuits
The cradle robbers
Love and other impossible pursuits
Kingdom of olives and ash
Love and treasure
A really good day
Inside this place, not of it
The Big Nap
Nursery crimes
Death gets a time-out
The cradle robbers
Death gets a time-out
Nursery Crimes
And Murder Makes Three
Modern Love, Revised and Updated
Unter guten Freunden. Ein Fall für Juliet Applebaum
El Amor Y Otros Imposibles/ Love and Other Impossible Pursuits
A playdate with death
Loving Learning
Red Hook Road
Zomerse fuga
The Big Nap (Mommy-Track Mystery) by Ayelet Waldman (2001-06-01)
אהבה ועוד משימות בלתי אפשריות
Qué día más bueno
Ahavah ṿe-otsarot aḥerim
[(The Big Nap)] [By (author) Ayelet Waldman] published on (July, 2002)
Qué día más bueno
Daughter's Keeper
Neḳudat mifgash
De weg door het park
Ima raʻah
Bad Mother
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (born 1940)

translator, essayist, journalist

  • University of Bristol, Aix-Marseille University
Le déluge
Diego y Frida
La fièvre
The Round and Other Cold Hard Facts
Le chercheur dór
The interrogation
Mondo et autres histoires
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Poisson d'or
Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer, suivi de, La montagne du dieu vivant
Hasard: Suivi de, Angoli Mala
Printemps et autres saisons
Conversations avec J.M.G. Le Clézio
In the Eye of the Sun
Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam
Le rêve mexicain, ou, La pensée interrompue
Voyage au pays des arbres
Etoile errante
L' inconnu sur la terre
El Pez Dorado
Gens des nuages
Voyage à Rodrigues
L'extase matérielle
Peuple du ciel, suivi de 'Les Bergers"
Ein Ort fernab der Welt
La cuarentena
La Quarantaine
Manuscripts of Timbuktu
The African
Ritournelle de la faim
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Coeur Brule
L' Extase matérielle
El Diluvio
Vers les icebergs
Fliehender Stern
La fête chantée, et autres essais de thème amérindien
Terra amata
L' Africain
La le caca et autres faits du style
Les musées sont des mondes
Correspondencia México Francia
Coeur brûlé et autres romances
El Sueo Mexicano O El Pensamiento Interrumpido
La\Ronde et Autres Faits Divers
Folio Junior
La Grande Vie. Nouvelle
Les années Cannes, 40 ans de festival
La Fièrre
L' extase materielle
Rififi en banlieue. Textsammlung. Für das 4. und 5. Lernjahr
Ritournelle de La Faim
The Mexican dream
Le Livre des fuites, roman d'aventures
Histoire du pied et autres fantaisies
Relation de Michoacan
Zolota︠i︡a rybka
Trois villes saintes
Voyages de l'autre cote
Bitna, sous le ciel de Séoul
Viaje A Rodrigues
Voyage a Rodrigues
Le livre des fruites
Relación de Michoacán
La Grande Vie suivi de "Peuple du ciel"
Peuple du ciel
Trois villes saintes
Voyages de l'autre côté
Villa Aurore
Le jour où Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur
Vòng xoáy
Chanson bretonne / L'enfant et la guerre
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Lullaby (Folio - Junior Series No. 448)
Bitna, sous le ciel de Séoul
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Viaje a Rodrigues
Nebesnye zhiteli
La música de la fam
Omwentelingen (Dutch Edition)
Cin'de On Bes Sohbet
Música del Hambre
T'aorŭnŭn maŭm
Trois villes saintes
Trois villes saintes
La conquista divina de Michoacán
L'Africain (Nobel Prize Literature 2008) (French Edition)
Trois villes saintes
La grande vie ; suivi de, Peuple du ciel
Bretonisches Lied
Quinze causeries en Chine
Celui Qui N'Avait Jamais Vu La Mer/La Montagne Du Dieu Vivant
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Göcmen Yildiz
El éxtasis material
Ayagin Hikayesi ve Diger Fanteziler
In volle zee / druk 1
Der Yama-Baum und andere Geschichten
Le flot de la poésie continuera de couler
Trois villes saintes
El africano / The African Man
Agaclar Ulkesine Yolculuk
Photographies de Christophe Kuhn
Hwanggŭm mulkogi
La conquista divina de Michoacán
A Música da Fome (portugiesisch)
Lied vom Hunger
Nouvelles d'Afrique
Bitna bajo el cielo de Seúl / Bitna
Le Sixième grand-père
Une année à la campagne
Lente en andere seizoenen
La cuarentena
Canción de la Infancia / a Song from My Childhood
Chaka. Une épopée bantoue
Les ge ants
Trois villes saintes
L'extase matérielle.
Vandrande stjärna
Villa Aurore suivi de Orlamonde
Le jour òu Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur
Villa Aurore ; suivi de, Orlamonde
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Refrein van de honger
Jin yu
Ou yu =
Wulaniya =
William T. Vollmann
William T. Vollmann (born 1959)

essayist, war correspondent, journalist

  • Cornell University, Deep Springs College
Last Stories and Other Stories
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2005
Europe central
[The rifles]
Whores for Gloria
The royal family
Butterfly Stories
Second dream, fathers and crows
The rainbow stories
The ice-shirt
Thirteen stories and thirteen epitaphs
Poor People
The Best American Travel Writing 2012
Riding Toward Everywhere
The lucky star
Rising Up and Rising Down
You bright and risen angels
Expelled from Eden
The dying grass
The atlas
Uncentering the Earth
Kissing the mask
Last stories and other stories
No immediate danger
An Afghanistan picture show, or, How I saved the world
Rising Up and Rising Down
Book of Dolores
The Rainbow Stories
The Rifles (Seven Dreams)
Fathers and Crows Edition
Whores for Gloria
Fathers and crows
The royal family
Rifles Uk Edition (Seven Dreams)
Fathers and Crows (Seven Dreams)
The Atlas
Historias del arcoíris
Riding Toward Everywhere
The Ice-Shirt (Seven Dreams)
An Afghanistan Picture Show
Gulliver's travels with related readings
Traditions Transfigured
The ice-shirt
Uncentering the Earth
No good alternative
Whores for Gloria, or, Everything was beautiful until the girls got anxious
Des putes pour Gloria
The Ice-Shirt
Les nuits du papillon
The Rifles
Sperrzone Fukushima
Rising up and Rising Down
Shadows of Love, Shadows of Loneliness : Volume Two : Drawings, Prints and Paintings
Shadows of Love, Shadows of Loneliness
Dernières nouvelles
Riding Toward Everywhere
Putas para Gloria
Poor People
No Immediate Danger
Treize récits et treize épitaphes
Tout le monde aime les Américains et autres enquêtes en Afrique et dans le monde musulman
Europa central
Los pobres
Le Livre des violences (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition)
Shadows of Love, Shadows of Loneliness : Volume One : Photographs
The grave of lost stories
Europe Central
Putas para Gloria
Kissing the Mask
Tout le monde aime les Américains et autres enquêtes en Afrique et dans le monde musulman
Dictionary of Midnight
Putas para Gloria
Last Stories and Other Stories
William Godwin
William Godwin (1756-1836)

political philosopher, philosopher, journalist

St. Leon
Maria; or, The Wrongs of Woman
An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
Penny Dreadfuls
The Adventures of Caleb Williams
Caleb Williams
Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman
The enquirer
Fleetwood, or, The new man of feeling
Political and philosophical writings of William Godwin
Fables, ancient and modern
Memoirs of Wollstonecraft
St. Leon: a tale of the sixteenth century
Enquiry concerning political justice
Italian letters
Godwin & Mary
Lives of the Necromancers
Italian Letters Or The History Of The Count De St. Julian
History of the Commonwealth of England
The enquirer
The letters of William Godwin
Godwin on Wollstonecraft
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Thoughts on Man, His Nature, Productions and Discoveries
Italian Letters Vols. I and II
Thoughts on man
Collected novels and memoirs of William Godwin
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Damon and Delia
The Plays of William Godwin
A defence of the Rockingham party
Of population
Damon And Delia a Tale
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Romantic rationalist
Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, author of "A vindication of the rights of woman."
Thoughts occasioned by the perusal of Dr. Parr's Spital sermon, preached at Christ Church, April 15, 1800
Short Works of William Godwin
The history of the life of William Pitt, earl of Chatham ..
L' eutanasia dello Stato
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English poet
Of population; an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind
The anarchist writings of William Godwin
Über die politische Gerechtigkeit
Jack and the Beanstalk
                Classics Illustrated Junior
Uncollected writings (1785-1822)
The history of England
Four Early Pamphlets
The elopement of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Memoirs Of Mary Wollstonecraft
Memoirs of M. Wollstonecraft Godwin, author of A vindication of the rights of woman
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills, concerning treasonable and seditious practices, and unlawful assemblies
The looking-glass
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
Cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the grand jury
A reply to an Answer to Cursory strictures
Life of Lady Jane Grey, and of Lord Guildford Dudley, her husband ..
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
Damon and Delia ; Italian letters ; Imogen
The elopement of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Essay on sepulchres, or, A proposal for erecting some memorial of the illustrious dead in all ages
Enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on morals and happiness
History of the internal affairs of the United Provinces, from the year 1780, to the commencement of hostilities in June 1787
An inquiry concerning political justice
The looking-glass
Lives of Edward and John Philips, nephews and pupils of Milton
On law
Autobiography ; Autobiographical fragments and reflections ; Godwin/Shelley correspondence ; Memoirs
Things as they are ; or, the adventures of Caleb Williams
Things as they are
Essay on sepulchres
Tragical consequences
Tragical consequences
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English poet
The book of fables
Vidas de Nigromantes
Enquiry concerning political justice
On population
Instructions to a statesman
Saint Leon
The Shelley Clan on CD
Selections from Political justice
An account of the seminary that will be opened on Monday the fourth day of August, at Epsom in Surrey
The enquirer. Reflections on education, manners, and literature. In a series of essays. By William Godwin. [Two lines from Ovid]
Baldwin's Fables, ancient and modern
Memoirs of M. Wollstonecraft Godwin
Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman
The adventures of Caleb Williams, or, Things as they are
Lives of the necromancers, or, An account of the most eminent persons in successive ages who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of magical power
Answer to cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the Grand Jury
Sketches of history
An essay on trades & professions ...
St. Leon
Uncollected writings (1785-1822); articles in periodicals and six pamphlets; one with Coleridge's marginalia
An enquiry concerning political justice
Das eigentum
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Imogen A Pastoral Romance From the Ancient British
Deloraine (3 Vols in 2)
Selections from Political Justice
The pantheon
Fables in prose
Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr. Pitt's bills
Four Early Pamphlets, 1783-84
The Political and Philosophical Writings of William Godwin (Pickering Masters)
Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
Lives of the necromancers. Or, An account of ... persons ... who have ..
The Book of fables
The history of the life of William Pitt, earl of Chatham
Outlines of English grammar. ...
Four early pamphlets (1783-1784)
Thoughts on Man His Nature, Productions and Discoveries Interspersed with some Particulars Respecting the Author
The Enquirer: Reflections on Education, Manners, and Literature. In a Series of Essays
The herald of literature
Italian Letters, Vols. I and II The History of the Count de St. Julian
The Pantheon, or, Ancient history of the gods of Greece and Rome
The Wrongs of Woman; or Maria and Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Eighteenth Century Literature) (Eighteenth Century Literature)
Essay on sepulchres
Fables ancient and modern
Lives of Edward and John Philips
Wallace Stevens
Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)

poet, journalist, playwright, poet lawyer, lawyer

  • New York Law School, Harvard University
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Ethan Frome and Related Readings
Ethan Frome with Connections
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Opus posthumous
Letters of Wallace Stevens
The palm at the end of the mind
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
Wallace Stevens
Collected poetry and prose
Sur plusieurs beaux sujects
The necessary angel
The necessary angel
Secretaries of the moon
The emperor of ice-cream, and other poems
Selected Poems
Opus posthumous
The auroras of autumn
Selected poems
Poems by Wallace Stevens. Selected, and with an introduction, by Samuel French Morse.
The contemplated spouse
The relations between poetry and painting
Harmonium (Faber Poetry)
The contemplated spouse
Poesía reunida
Collected Poems
Wallace Stevens Reads the Idea of Order at Key West/Looking Across the Fields and Watching the Birds Fly and Other Poems
Poesía reunida
Aforismos Completos
Hellwach, am Rande des Schlafs
Sur Plusieurs Beaux Sujects
Poesía reunida
Estructures en la boira
The necessary angel
Bir Karakusa Bakmanin On Üc Yolu
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
Estructures en la boira
Poemas tardíos
Voices & Visions
The man with the blue guitar
Emperor of Ice-Cream and Other Poems
The Necessary Angel Publisher
Ideas de orden
Notes toward a supreme fiction
Parts of a World.
A primitive like an orb
Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens
Harmonium by Wallace Stevens (2001-05-08)
Las Auroras de Otono y Otros Poemas
The Man With the Blue Guitar and other Poems
Vassar viewed veraciously
Two or three ideas
Del modo de dirigirse a las nubes y otros poemas
Poesía esencial
Esthétique du mal
El ángel necesario
Perennial Earth
Poems by Wallace Stevens
Wallace Stevens Reads
Carlos parmi les bougies
The collected poems of Wallace Stevens
De mooiste van Wallace Stevens
Il mondo come meditazione
Harmonium, A Book of Poems
Study of two pears =
A Celebration
Wallace Stevens Reading His Poems
Transport to Summer
La roca
The Auroras of Autumn
Men made out of words
Mannen med den blå gitarren
Selected Subjects
The Fortune anthology
A Celebration for Wallace Stevens
Transport to summer
Poemas de Wallace Stevens
Transport to summer
The sun this March
Collected poems
Another weeping woman
Description without place
The Palm at the End of the Mind-Selected Poems and a Play (A Vintage Book ; V-768)
ha-Ish ʻim ha-giṭarah ha-keḥulah ṿe-shirim aḥerim
Ideas of order
Parts of a world
The palm at the end of the mind
The man with the blue guitar & other poems
An ordinary evening in New Haven
Wallace Stevens
Meṭafiziḳon ba-afelah
Three travelers watch a sunrise
Collected poems
Idées de l'ordre
Three academic pieces
Mattino domenicale ed altre poesie
Fabliau of Florida
The collected poems of Wallace Stevens
An ordinary evening in New Haven, written for the occasion of the thousandth meeting of the Connecticut Academy, New Haven, 4 November 1949
The necessary angel
The auroras of autumn
Voices & Visions-Wallace Stevens (Voices & Visions)
Collected poems
Parts of a world
Letters.  Selected and edited by Holly Stevens
The necessary angel
Collected poems
Owl's clover
The auroras of autumn
Two American contemporaries
Raoul Dufy
Transport to summer
Wallace Stevens reading his poems
Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird
An ordinary evening in New Haven
Opus posthumous
The necessary angel
Ellen Datlow
Ellen Datlow (born 1949)

editing staff, journalist, editor

  • State University of New York at Albany
Black Thorn White Rose
The Second Omni book of science fiction
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
Off Limits
Blood Is Not Enough
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror - Eleventh Annual Collection
Twists of the Tale
Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
The Best Horror Of The Year volume 4
The Faery Reel
Lovecraft's Monsters
The Dark
The Coyote Road
Demons and Dreams
The Year's best fantasy and horror - 5th Annual Collection
Lethal Kisses
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2007
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1
                Best Horror of the Year
The Year's Best Fantasy--Second Annual Collection
The Green Man
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror -- seventeenth annual collection
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears
The year's best fantasy & horror 2008
The First Omni Book of Science Fiction
A wolf at the door
Black Swan, White Raven
Vanishing Acts
Little Deaths
Alien Sex
Lethal Kisses: 18 Tales of Sex, Horror, and Revenge
Haunted legends
Naked city
The Doll Collection: Seventeen Brand-New Tales of Dolls
Queen Victoria's Book Of Spells
Fearful Symmetries
Mad Hatters and March Hares: All-New Stories from the World of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland
The Year's best fantasy and horror--Fourteenth Annual Collection
A Whisper of Blood
The Year's best fantasy and horror--8th Annual Collection
Lovecraft unbound
Swan Sister
Silver birch, blood moon
Snow white, blood red
Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales: An Anthology
The Year's best fantasy and horror--fifteenth annual collection
Nebula Awards Showcase 2009
The Beastly Bride
The best horror of the year, volume 3
Nightmare Carnival
Omni Visions Two
Blood and other cravings
The year's best fantasy
When Things Get Dark
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Tenth Annual Collection
The Year's best fantasy and horror--third annual collection
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Sixth Annual Collection
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Seven
When Things Get Dark
The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror--Eighteenth Annual Collection
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Thirteenth annual collection
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Eight
Salon fantastique
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Sixteenth Edition
Body Shocks
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Fourth Annual Collection
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Two
Tor. com Publishing Editorial Spotlight #3
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 6
Tails of wonder and imagination
Children of Lovecraft
The Monstrous
Haunted nights
The cutting room
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Eleven
Final Cuts
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 3
Best Horror of the Year (Best Horror of the Year Series Book 7)
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
Troll's Eye View
Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--seventh annual collection
Screams from the Dark
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
Best Horror of the Year Volume Ten
Supernatural noir
The best of the best horror of the year
Children of Lovecraft
Tails of Wonder and Imagination
The devil and the deep
Omni visions one
Fearful Symmetries
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 14
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 2
Black Swan, White Raven
Snow White Blood Red
Salon Fantastique
Edited By
Contes du chat pervers
Queen Victoria's Book of Spells
Digital domains
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Twelfth annual collection
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Nine
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Vanishing Acts
Screams from the Dark
Lovecraft Unbound
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Black Swan, White Raven
Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2006
Silver Birch, Blood Moon
Blood and Other Cravings
Christmas and Other Horrors
Supernatural Noir
Cutting Room
Christmas and Other Horrors
Luchshee za god 2005
Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror of the Year 2011
Devil and the Deep
Tool Tales
Best Horror of the Year Volume 14
Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror of the Year 2009
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
Alien Sex
Best Horror of the Year
Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
Queen Victoria's Book of Spells
Best Horror of the Year, Volume Fourteen
Best Horror of the Year Volume 14
Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror of the Year 2012
Best Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror of the Year 2010
Best Horror of the Year, Volume Fifteen
Troll's-Eye View
Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008
Little Deaths
Best of Demons and Dreams
Best of the Best Horror of the Year
Best Horror of the Year Volume 13
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears
Off Limits
Black Heart, Ivory Bones
Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
Best Horror of the Year Volume Thirteen
Wolf at the Door
Coyote Road
Black Thorn, White Rose
Vanishing Acts
Best Horror of the Year Volume Twelve
Nightmare Carnival