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journalists who wrote romance
Showing 233-240 out of 547 results
Rosalind Miles
Rosalind Miles (born 1943)

literary critic, journalist

  • University of Oxford, University of Birmingham
The Lady of the Sea
The child of the Holy Grail
Knight of the sacred lake
Isolde, queen of the Western Isle
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country (Guenevere Novels)
The Guenevere 2
Guenevere 3
Isolde, queen of the Western Isle
The maid of the white hands
Queen of the Summer Country
The Women's History of the World
I, Elizabeth
Ben Jonson
Women and power
The fiction of sex
Hell hath no fury
Ben Jonson
The problem of Measure for measure
Who Cooked the Last Supper
Love, sex, death, and the making of the male
Women and power
Modest proposals
The female form
The children we deserve
Ben Jonson
The rites of man
The female form
Guenevere 1
I, Elizabeth
The children we deserve
Act of Passion
Act of passion
Return to Eden
Ben Jonson, his craft and art
Women's History of the Modern World
The rites of man
Return to Eden
Pikros Therismos
Modest proposals, or, May I call you mine?
Epistrofi stin Edem
Bitter legacy
De roos en de doorns
Prodigal Sins
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country
Maid of the White Hands
The Queen of the Summer Country
Les pièges de la passion
Les héritiers
I, Elizabeth
Tko je skuhao posljednju večeru?
Act of passion
La vengeance aux deux visages
Geliebt, gehaßt und unvergessen. Australien- Roman.
Bitter legacy
Rebel Women
Der heilige See. Roman.
The maiden of white hands
Les promesses du péché
Ginebra, reina del País del Verano
The fiction of sex
Timothy Mo
Timothy Mo (born 1950)


  • University of Oxford, Mill Hill School
An Insular Possession
Sour sweet
The Monkey King
The redundancy of courage
Sour Sweet (Textplus)
Renegade or halo2
Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard
Insular Possession
An Insular Possesion
La Redundancia del Valor
Redundancy of Courage, the
The Reduncancy of Courage
Sour Sweet
Václav Havel
Václav Havel (1936-2011)

playwright, politician, director, poet, film director, human rights activist, dissident, essayist, philosopher, opinion journalist

  • Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Theatre, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Tge mond pitang
The art of the impossible
Dopisy Olze
Open letters
Dálkový výslech
Letní přemítání
Largo desolato
The garden party and other plays
To the Castle and back
The beggar's opera
Disturbing the peace
Living in truth
Prosím stručně
Disturbing the peace
Open letters
Living in Truth
Versuch In Der Warheit Zu Leben
Letní přemítání
The Power of the Powerless
Living in truth
The anatomy of a reticence
Dopisy Olze, červen 1979-září 1982
Summer meditations
The increased difficulty of concentration
Letters to Olga
Summer Meditations On Politics Morality
The garden party
Dalkovy Vyslech
Responsibility, safety, stability
Redevelopment or slum clearance
Largo desolato
Summer meditations
Uzel pohádek
Selected plays, 1963-83
Largo Desolato (Havel, Vaclav)
L' amour et la vérité doivent triompher de la haine et du mensonge
Selected plays 1984-1987
Letters to Olga
Letters from prison
The memorandum
Largo desolato
Dálkový výslech
Briefe an Olga
The View from Prague
Václav Havel '94
Le conformisme par la peur
Projevy, leden-červen 1990
Angst vor der Freiheit. Reden des Staatspräsidenten. ( rororo aktuell)
Deset dopisů Olze
Open letters
Lettres à Olga
The increased difficulty of concentration
Václav Havel, or, Living in truth
Sommermeditationen. ( sachbuch)
O lidskou identitu
Il est permis d'espérer
Do různých stran
Redevelopment, or, Slum clearance
Moral in Zeiten der Globalisierung
Dopisy Olze
Vaclav Havel, 1992 & 1993
Am Anfang war das Wort. Texte von 1969 bis 1990. ( rororo aktuell / Essay)
Václav Havel '95
To the Castle and Back
The memorandum
Das Gartenfest / Die Benachrichtigung. Zwei Dramen. Essays
Summermeditations on politics, morality and civility in a time of transition
Vážení občané
Sedm úvah
L'angoisse de la liberté
Garden Party - Ce 37
Die Gauneroper. Das Berghotel. Erschwerte Möglichkeit der Konzentration. Der Fehler. Theaterstücke
Three Vaněk plays
Do různých stran
Die Vanek- Trilogie
Largo Desolato. Schauspiel in sieben Bildern
Epizoda z 60. let
Temptation (Havel, Vaclav)
Quelques mots sur la parole
Drei Stücke
Essais politiques
Briefe an Olga, Identität und Existenz
Hôtel des Cimes
Výzva k transcendenci
Literature and tolerance
Vaclav Havel
Versuch, in der Wahrheit zu leben
Acceptance speech written on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus prize 1986
Žebrácká opera
Vaclav Havel
Václav Havel, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Prezident v Bratislave
Siła bezsilnych
Gewissen und Politik
Private View
Hovory s Havly
The garden party
Three Vanek Plays
Václav Havel 97
Václav Havel--František Janouch
Moc bezmocných
La politique et la conscience
Open Letters
L'Amour et la Verite Doivent Triompher de la Haine et du Mensonge
Zahradní slavnost
Bohumil Hrabal
Václav Havel '96
Assises de la Confédération européenne
Politics and conscience
O svobodě o moci
Largo desolato
Dopisy Olze
Audience. Vernissage. Pétition
A word about words
Selected plays, 1984-87
Ztížené možnosti
Prase, aneb, Václav Havel's hunt for a pig
Sila bessilʹnykh
Largo desolato
Wacky Rule Bk
Essais politiques
Alina Reyes
Alina Reyes (born 1956)


Behind closed doors
30 unter 40
The Sexual Labyrinth
La vérité nue
The Butcher
Ma vie douce
When you love you must depart
Politique de l'amour
The politics of love
Moha m'aime
The Fatal Bodice
Derrière la porte
Lumière dans le temps
Le boucher
Nus devant les fantômes
Charité de la chair
When you love must depart
Corps de femme
Une nuit avec Marilyn
Il n'y a plus que la Patagonie
Sept nuits
Lucie's long voyage
Lucie au long cours
La Septima Noche/the 7th Night
Poupee, Anale Nationale
Au corset qui tue
Poupée, anale nationale
La nuit
El Cuaderno De Rosa/ Rosa's Notebook
Close Encounters
La jeune fille et la Vierge
Le chien qui voulait me manger
Psaumes du temps présent
La dameuse
Souviens-toi de vivre
Le carnet de Rrose [sic]
The Dog That Wanted to Eat Me
Chasse Spirituelle
Souviens-toi de vivre
Forêt profonde
7 Gece
Lucie's long voyage
Fatal Bodice
Behind Closed Doors
Le Boucher Alina Reyes
Quand tu aimes, il faut partir
La chasse amoureuse
Nus devant les fantomes (French Edition)
Detras de La Puerta
Butcher - Header
Aldo Busi
Aldo Busi (born 1948)

translator, columnist

  • University of Verona
Altri abusi
Vita standard di un venditore provvisorio di collant
Madre Asdrubala
Seminario sulla gioventù
Sodomie in corpo 11
Uses and abuses
Seminar on youth
Manuale del perfetto papà
Manuale del perfetto gentilomo
The standard life of a temporary pantyhose salesman
La camicia di Hanta
Manuale della perfetta gentildonna
Manuale del perfetto single
L' amore è una budella gentile
Seminario sulla gioventu
Dritte per l'aspirante artista (televisivo)
Manuale della perfetta mamma
Cazzi e canguri
Sodomies in elevenpoint
Bisogna avere i coglioni per prenderlo nel culo
Vita standard di un venditore provvisorio di collant
Un cuore di troppo
Seminario sulla gioventù
La vergine Alatiel
Grazie del pensiero
La delfina bizantina
Pâté d'homme
La delfina bizantina
Uses and abuses
Per un'Apocalisse più svelta
La signorina Gentilin dell'omonima cartoleria
Le persone normali
Vendita galline Km 2
Guancia di Tulipano
Nudo di madre
Business-Guide China
Sentire le donne
L' amore trasparente
Suicidi dovuti
E io, che ho le rose fiorite anche d'inverno?
Casanova Di Se Stessi
Pâté d'homme
Vendita galline Km 2
L'altra mammella delle vacche amiche
Suicidi dovut
Suicidios Debidos (Edhasa Literaria)
El especialista de Barcelona
L'Amore E Una Budella Gentile. Flirt Con Liala
Vacche amiche
Manuale della perfetta umanità
Seminario sulla gioventu
Louise Michel
Louise Michel (1830-1905)

teacher, poet, pedagogue, woman of letters, journalist, communard, anarchist, politician

La chasse aux loups
Histoire de ma vie
La Commune
Le livre de bagne
Cause animale, luttes sociales
Légendes et chansons de gestes canaques, 1875 ; suivi de Légendes et chants de gestes canaques, 1885 ; et de civilisation
Cause animale, luttes sociales
Coffret "la commune". la commune, histoire et souvenirs - histoire de la commune de 1871 (2 vol.)
Contes et Légendes
L'ere nouvelle - Pensee derniere - Souvenirs de Caledonie
La reine Jeanne de Naples et de Provence
A travers la vie et la mort
Aux amis d'Europe
Le batard impérial
Légendes et chants de gestes canaques
Matricule 2182
A travers la vie, poésies
Les microbes humaines
Louise Michel, exil en Nouvelle-Calédonie
Trois romans
Le monde nouveau
La comune
Légendes et chansons de gestes canaques (1875)
Fragments de la série d'articles dans La révolution sociale
Le claque-dents
Les microbes humains
A travers la vie, poésies
A travers la vie
À travers la mort
Les crimes de l'époque
La fille du peuple, roman inédit
La fille du peuple, roman inédit
Les réprisées ...
Légendes et chants de gestes canaques
La fille du peuple
Je vous écris de ma nuit
Prise de possession
Edna Ferber
Edna Ferber (1885-1968)

playwright, journalist

  • Lawrence University
Ice Palace
Five complete novels
Dawn O'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed
Saratoga Trunk
So Big
Saratoga Trunk
Show boat
Buttered Side Down
Fanny Herself
One basket
Personality Plus
Roast Beef, Medium
The Best Short Stories of 1917
Half Portions
American Beauty
Stage door
The girls
Great son
A peculiar treasure
They brought their women
One basket
American Women's Literature
Roast Beef Medium: The Business Adventures of Emma McChesney
Personality Plus: Some Experiences of Emma McChesney and Her Son, Jock
Come and get it
American Women Writers
Twenty best plays of the modern American theatre
Personality Plus, Some Experiences of Emma Mcchesney And Her Son, Jock
A kind of magic
Dawn O'Hara
Ferber: Edna Ferber and Her Circle
The Ring and the Book, Volume 2
The Woman Who Tried to Be Good and Other Stories
Librivox Short Story Collection 092
Buttered side down; stories
$1200 a year
They brought their women, a book of short stories
A prática da gestão do conhecimento em empresas públicas
Show boat, So Big, Cimarron
Emma McChesney & Co
Old man Minick
Great Son
What She Wore
Roast Beef, Medium the Business Adventures of Emma Mcchesney
The land is bright ..
The eldest
The Home Town Feeling
Emma McChesney and Company
Dawn o' Hara
Un Morso doo Pang
Dawn O'Hara the Girl who Laughed
Emma McChesney
Surn Dried
Stage Door
The Kitchen Side Of The Door
My story that I like best
The Homely Heroine
Fanny Herself
My Story That I Like Best
Maymeys From Cuba
Show Boat
Der weisse Palast
Mother knows best
That's Marriage
The Man Who Came Back
Personality Plus
Where The Car Turns At 18th
The Gay Old Dog
Theatre Royal
Stage Door, a Play in Three Acts
GREAT SON (Fawcett Crest Book)
One Of The Old Girls
Buttered side down
The Leading Lady
Buttered Side Down - Short Stories by Edna Ferber
Emma Mcchesney And Company
My Story That I Like Best
The acting edition of The royal family
Fanny Herself (The Modern Jewish Experience)
The Maternal Feminine
One Basket
Long Distance
Emma Mcchesney and Co
Half Portions
Ice Palace.
Come and Get it
Fanny Herself Illustrated
Emma Mcchesney and Company Illustrated
Ice Palace
Half Portions
Half Portions
Show Boat - an Edna Ferber Novel;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Fanny Herself
Personality Plus
Gigolo - an Edna Ferber Short Story Collection;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
One Basket
Saratoga Trunk (Perennial Classics) by Edna Ferber (2000-08-22)
One Basket
Personality Plus
Personality Plus : Some Experiences of Emma Mcchesney and Her Son, Jack
Roast Beef, Medium : The Business Adventures of Emma Mcchesney
Saratoga Trunk
Stage door, a play by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman
Nobody's in town
Show Boat
Great son, by Edna Ferber
One Basket
Buttered Side Down
Fanny Herself / By Edna Ferber; Illustrated by J. Henry
Emma Mcchesney & Co
They brought their women
Dawn O'Hara
A Peculiar Treasure An Autobiography
I Have a Non-US TIN
Kind of Magic
Fanny Herself
American Beauty
Dawn o'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed - an Edna Ferber Novel;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Dawn O'Hara
No room at the inn
Cheerful by Request
Roast Beef Medium
Roast Beef, Medium
My Story That I Like Best
Reminiscence of Show Boat and the Gay Old Dog Read by Edna Ferber (Cdl 51719)
Fanny Herself
Stage Door
Half Portions
Emma Mcchesney & Co. - Book 3;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Saratoga Trunk
Fanny Herself
Half Portions
Show Boat
Fanny Herself Annotated
American Beauty
Nobody's in Town
A Kind of Magic
My Story That I Like Best
So Big
Old Man Minick
The Algonquin Wits
Cheerful - by Request - an Edna Ferber Short Story Collection;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Half Portions
Dawn O'Hara
Great Son.
Dawn O'Hara
La ruée vers l'Ouest
Das haus der Väter
The Land Is Bright
So Big - an Edna Ferber Novel;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Your town
Fanny Herself-Original Edition(Annotated)
Emma Mcchesney and Company
Bon Bons, Bourbon and Bon Mots
A Peculiar Treasure
Stage Door, a Play in Three Acts
Condensed Books (Hunter / Giant / Through Charley's Door / The Best Cartoons From Punch / Island Rescue)
Buttered Side down Stories
Buttered Side Down
Show Boat
Fanny Herself / by Edna Ferber; Illustrated by J. Henry
The Royal Family
Saratoga Trunk
American Beauty
Emma Mcchesney and Company
Emma McChesney & Co
Personality Plus
Buttered Side down : Stories
Nobody's in Town and Trees Die at the Top
Personality Plus - Some Experiences of Emma Mcchesney and Her Son, Jock - Book 2;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Roast Beef Medium
Emma Mcchesney and Company
Mother Know Best
Half Portions - an Edna Ferber Short Story Collection;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Fanny Herself
American Beauty
Mother Knows Best
Emma McChesney and Company
Fanny Herself
Librivox Short Story Collection 089
No room at the inn
American Beauty First Edition
One Basket Thirty-One Short Stories
Half Portions Illustrated
Collected Short Stories of Edna Ferber - Including Buttered Side down, Cheerful - by Request, Half Portions, & Gigolo;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
So Big (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Personality Plus
Personality Plus
American Beauty
Emma Mcchesney and Company
Roast Beef, Medium : the Business Adventures of Emma Mcchesney
So Big - Unabridged
Roast Beef Medium
Fanny Herself Annotated
Fanny Herself - an Edna Ferber Novel;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
A Paculiar Treasure
Buttered Side Down
Buttered Side Down
Giant Lib/E
Dawn O'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed
A peculiar treasure;
Buttered Side down Annotated
Buttered Side down : Stories
Emma Mcchesney Collection - Three Volumes in One;Roast Beef - Medium, Personality Plus, and Emma Mcchesney & Co
Fanny Herself
Dinner At Eight
The Royal Family
Het purperen land (Internationale klassieker)
Feminist Literary Classics - Volume III : Orlando
Buttered Side Down
Saratoga Crunk
Nobodys in Town
Half Portions
Dinner At Eight a Play
One basket
My Story That I Like Best
Buttered Side down - an Edna Ferber Short Story Collection;with an Introduction by Rogers Dickinson
Dawn O'hara
Emma Mcchesney and Co. Annotated
Three Comedies
Roast Beef Medium
A Kind of Magic
Buttered Side Down
Das Komödiantenschiff
Emma McChesney and Co.
Saratoga Trunk
Half Portions
Fanny Herself
Emma McChesney and Co.
Great Son
Royal Family
Fanny Herself / by Edna Ferber; Illustrated by J. Henry
One Basket
Dziedzictwo amerykańskie
The girls
They brought their women
Butter side down
Koh gadol
Sefinat shaʻashuʻim
1200 a year
A peculiar treasure
A peculiar treasure
Three Comedies
The gay old dog
Come and get it
Armon ha-ḳeraḥ
Kern and Hammerstein's new production of Show boat
Mariano José de Larra
Mariano José de Larra (1809-1837)

journalist, playwright, poet, literary critic

Artículos de costumbres
Fígaro: Colección de artículos dramáticos, literarios, políticos y de costumbres, publicados en ..
No más mostrador: Comedia original en cinco actos
Artículos de costumbres
Ideario español
Artículos políticos
El arte de conspirar
Partir á tiempo
Don Juan de Austria
El Pobrecito Hablador
Obras completas de Figaro
Artículos literarios
Obras completas de Figaro
A beneficio del señor López
Diccionario privado de Mariano José de Larra
Oda a la Esposicion de la Industria española del año 1827
El doncel de Don Enrique el doliente /
Las palabras
Vuelva usted manana y otros articulos
Carta panegírica de Andrés Niporesas á un tal don Clemente Diaz
Roberto Dillón o el Católico de Irlanda
Articulos Varios
Baile de máscaras. Billetes por embargo
A cada paso un acaso o El Caballero
Buenas Noches
El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente
Coleccion de artículos filosóficos, satíricos, literarios y políticos
Figaro. Coleccion de Articulos Dramaticos, Literarios, Politicos y de Costumbres
El pobrecito hablador
El doncel de don Enrique el Doliente
El doncel de don Enrique, el doliente
Artículos de costumbres
Arti?culos de cri?tica literaria
La crítica teatral completa de Mariano José de Larra
Arti culos de cri tica literaria
Obras de D. Mariano Jose  de Larra (Figaro)
Arti culos de cri tica literaria y arti stica
Arti culos de costumbres
Arbi culos escogidos
Obras selectas
Articulos - Golu
Obras completas
Artículos escogidos
Los mejores articulos de Larra
Costumbristas románticos
En este pai s y otros arti culos
Artículos políticos 1832-1837
Articulos poli ticos y sociales
El doncel de don Enrique, el doliente
Larra, escritos sobre teatro
Artículos (selección)
Articulos Selectos
Articulos completos
El doncel de Don Henrique el Doliente
Articulos escogidos
Articulos De Costumbres
Artículos varios
Artículos sociales, políticos y de crítica literaria
Antología fugaz
Artículos completos
Coleccion de artículos filosóficos, satíricos, literarios y políticos
La urbanizacion decimononica de Madrid
Lo que no se debe decir--
Oda a la Esposicion de la Industria española del año 1827
Obras de Larra
Obras completas de Figaro (don Mariano José de Larra)
Prosa escogida
El duende satírico del día ; El pobrecito hablador
Obras completas de D. Mariano José de Larra (Figaro)
Qué pillin!!
Antología de artículos
Larra (Fígaro)
El Duende Satírico del día
Quitting business
Un desafío
Obras completas
Artículos de crítica literaria
Selected essays
Vita spagnola dell'ottocento
No más mostrador, comedia original en cinco actos
Obras completas
Artículos de Larra de costumbres, política y crítica literaria
El doncel de Don Enrique
El conde Fernán González y la exención de Castilla
Artículos de crítica y de costumbres
El pobrecito hablador; prólogo de Carmen de Burgos (Colombine)
Articulos de critica literaria y artistica
Artículos políticos y sociales
Los mejores articulos
Artículos de crítica literaria y artística
Articulos completos [por] Mariano José de Larra (Figaro)
Carta panegírica de Andrés Niporesas á un tal don Clemente Diaz, gran poeta y literato, en contestacion á cierta sátira contra El Pobrecito hablador
No mas mostrador
Articulos de crítica literaria y artística
Obras de D. Mariano José de Larra (Figaro)
Coleccion de artículos dramáticos, literarios, políticos y de costumbres
Il poveraccio parlatore, e altri scritti
El arte de conspirar
Larra, el hombre y la obra
Partir á tiempo
Artículos de crítica literaria
Articulos politicos y sociales
En este país y otros artículos
El doncel de Don Enrique el Doliente
Obras completas de Figaro (Don Mariano José de Larra)
Ensayos satíricos [por]
Articulos de costumbres
Tipos y costumbres del país de los batuecos
El pobrecito hablador
Artículos de costumbres y de crítica de Mariano José de Larra
El duende satírico del dia
Articulos inmortales
Un desafío
Obras completas de Figaro
Articulos de costumbres y políticos
Articulos políticos y sociales
El arte de conspirar
Artículos dramáticos, literarios, políticos y de costumbres
Dios nos asista
En este pais otros articulos
Día de difuntos
Vuelva usted mañana, y otros articulos
Colección de artículos filosóficos, satíricos, literarios y políticos
La urbanizacion decimononica de Madrid
Selección de articulos
Tres cuentos carlistas
La oración de la tarde
Artículos de costumbres
Seis artículos
Artículos selectos
No más mostrador
El pobrecito hablador
Artículos sociales (antologia)