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journalists who wrote romance
Showing 169-176 out of 547 results
Lori Gottlieb
Lori Gottlieb (born 1966)

psychotherapist, journalist, psychologist, columnist

  • Stanford University
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
Stick Figure
Marry him
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone : The Workbook
Mr Good Enough The Case For Choosing A Real Man Over Holding Out For Mr Perfect
Diario De Una Anorexica
Inside the cult of Kibu and other tales of the madness
Magere Zeiten. Das Jahr, in dem ich erwachsen wurde
Marry him
Diario de Una Anorexica
Deberías hablar con alguien
Inside the cult of Kibu
Belki de Biriyle Konusmalisin
Marry him
I Love You, Nice to Meet You
Mr Good Enough
Louise Rennison
Louise Rennison (1951-2016)

comedian, journalist

  • University of Brighton, Leeds East Academy
Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants
Love Is a Many Trousered Thing (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
'Let the Snog Fest Begin!'
Stop in the name of pants!
…Startled by his furry shorts!
Luuurve is a many trousered thing...
Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants
Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants!
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging
On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas
Away Laughing on a Fast Camel
William Again
Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers
Midnight Feast
"...and That's When It Fell Off in My Hand" (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
Startled by His Furry Shorts (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
A Midsummer Tights Dream
Are these my basoomas I see before me?
Stop in the name of pants!
Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Startled by his furry shorts
Dancing in my nuddy-pants
Wild Girls Wild Boys Wild Tights
Away laughing on a fast camel
Luuurve Is A Many Trousered Thing Fab New Confessions Of Georgia Nicolson
A Midsummer Tights Dream
Then he ate my boy entrancers
Love is a many trousered thing
Fab Confessions Of Georgia Nicolson
It's OK, I'm Wearing Really Big Knickers (Confessions of Georgia Nicolsn)
Stop in the name of pants!
Stop in the Name of Pants! (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, Book 9)
Withering tights
Withering tights
It's OK, I'm wearing really big knickers!
A Midsummer Tights Dream
Startled By His Furry Shorts
Faldas cortas o piernas largas
The taming of the tights
Dancing In My Nuddypants Youll Laugh Your Knickers Off
Further confessions of Georgia Nicolson
The Taming Of The Tights
And that's when it fell off in my hand
Knocked Out By My NungaNungas Confessions of Georgia Nicolsn
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas
It's OK, I'm Wearing Really Big Knickers! (Angus)
Fab Confessions of Georgia Nicolson 5 and 6
The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolsn)
Mon Nez, Mon Chat, L'Amour¹Et Et... Moi
Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
It's OK. I'm Wearing Really Big Knickers!
Withering Tights
Fab confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Amooorrr es cosa de muchos
Menudo lío de chicos
" ... then he ate my boy entrancers"
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas (rack) (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
'Startled by his furry shorts!'
Fabbity-Fab! A Big Box of Georgia (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
'Then he ate my boy entrancers'
Angus, thongs and perfect snogging
'Are these my basoomas I see before me?'
Abran Paso a MIS Nunga-Nungas
Stop in the Name of Pants (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Confessions of Georgia Nicolson 8  Luuurve is a Many Trousered Thing
Fab confessions of Georgia Nicholson
Taming of the Tights
Mon nez, mon chat, l'amour... et moi
Luuurve is a many trousered thing
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas
Startled by His Furry Shorts
Außer Kussweite. cbt. Neue Bekenntnisse der Georgia Nicolson
Away Laughing on a Fast Camel
Love Is a Many Trousered Thing
Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers
Bailando en Mis Bragas Invisibles
Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me?
Le Bonheur Est Au Bout De L'Elastique
Retour à la case égouttoir de l'amour
Then he ate my boy entrancers
Cachas de los Shorts Peludos
LA Mia Vita E UN Disastro
Are theses my basoomas I see before me?
Dancing in My Nuddy Pants (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson)
Fabbity-fab journal
Le Journal intime de Georgia Nicolson, volume 4
On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God
Frontalknutschen. Die Bekenntnisse der Georgia Nicolson
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging
Withering Tights
Entre mes nunga-nungas mon coeur balance
Are these my basoomas I see before me?
Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Džiunglių karštligės šokis
Mi gato Angus, el primer morreo y el plasta de mi padre
Startled by his furry shorts!
Midsummer Tights Dream
Entre Mes Nunga-Nungas Mon Coeur Balance
Stop in the Name of Pants!
Komm Knutschen! cbt
Le Journal intime de Georgia Nicolson, tome 2
Cachondismo Cosmico y las Brasas del Amor
Georgias Book Of Wisdomosity
Withering Tights with Bonus Material
Sono disperata e nessuno se ne cura!
Op zoek naar Masimo
Le coup passa si près que le félidé fit un écart
Komm Knutschen. Weitere Bekenntnisse der Georgia Nicolson
Angus, stringi i przytulanki
Un gus vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras
Außer Kussweite. Neue Bekenntnisse der Georgia Nicolson
Louise Rennison (Confessions of Georgia Nicolsn)
Hoorntjes, hamburgers en harige billen
Mi Gato Angus, El Primer Morreo Y El Pasta
Kiwi's, kanjers en giga-onderbroeken
Questa Casa E UN Manicomio! E Io Sono Chiusa Dentro
Kuss und Schluss
Manuel de Pedrolo i Molina
Manuel de Pedrolo i Molina (1918-1990)

journalist, poet, translator, playwright

El llegir no fa perdre l'escriure
Obra poètica completa, 1931-1990
Us convida a l'acte
Joc brut
Touched by Fire
Mecanoscrit del segon origen
Cròniques d'una ocupació
7 relats d'intriga i ficció
Les portes del passat
Novel.les curtes
Cròniques colonials
Cartes a Jones Street
A casa amb papers falsos
Els elefants són contagiosos
L'ús de la matèria
Milions d'ampolles buides
Si em pregunten, responc
Les fronteres interiors
"Conjectures", de Daniel Bastida
Mossegar-se la cua
Contes i narracions
Múltiples notícies de l'Edén
Històries i ficcions
Avui es parla de mi
Domicili provisional
Juego sucio
L' ordenació dels maons
Reserva d'inquisidors
Diari 1986
Cops de bec a Pasadena
La paraula dels botxins
Sòlids en suspensió
M'enterro en els fonaments
Acte de violència
Darrers diaris inèdits
Exemplar d'arxiu, únicament persones autoritzades
Pols nova de runes velles
Totes les besties de carrega
S'han deixat la clau sota l'estora
Viure a la intempèrie
D'esquerra a dreta, respectivament
S'alcen veus del soterrani
Algú sota l'altre
Totes les bèsties de càrrega
Hem posat les mans a la crònica
Tocats pel foc
Aquesta nit tanquem
La nit horitzontal
Diari 1987
Trajecte final
Bones notícies de Sister
Falgueres informa
International Setting
Pas de ratlla
Procés de contradicció suficient
Baixeu a recules i amb les mans alçades
Si són roses, floriran
Mecanoscrito del Segundo Origen
Detall d'una acció rutinària
Acte de violència
Els hereus de la cadira
Introducció a l'ombra
Doble o res
Epistolari de Manuel de Pedrolo
Balanç fins a la matinada
No hi fa res si el comte-duc no va caure del cavall, a Tàrrega
Acompanyo qualsevol cos
Apoc̀rif quatre: Tilly
Darrera versió
Homes i no
Anònim III, o, Dels grans treballs de conservació del sistema
Elena de segona ma
Arreu on valguin les paraules, els homes
Entrada en blanc
Sóc el defecte ; Pell vella al fons del pou ; Algú a l'altre cap de peça
La repuesta
Un amor fora ciutat
Situació bis
Lectura a banda i banda de paret
El premi literari i més coses
El principio de todo
Pas de ratlla
La mà contra l'horitzó
Perquè ha mort una noia
Anònim II, o, De les dimensions permanents de la Triarquia
Manuel de Pedrolo, us convida a l'acte--
Gairebé ningú i altres contes
Tècnica de cambra
Espias de fecunditat irregular/s
Apòcrif tres : Verònica
Temps obert
Mecanoscrit del segon origen
Elena de segona mà
Unes mans plenes de sol
Disset contes i una excepció
Vint-i-vuit contes
Un camí amb Eva ...
Torno on vaig néixer
Solució de continuïtat
Apòcrif, u, Oriol
D'ara a demà
Patologies diversament obscures
Obres púbiques
Epistolari de Manuel de Pedrolo
Algú que no hi havia de ser
Aquesta matinada i potser per sempre
Sòlids en suspensió
Si són roses, floriran
Tants interlocutors a Bassera
Cendra per Martina
Situació analítica
La ma contra l'horitzo
Les finestres s'obren de nit
La nostra mort de cada dia
Des d'uns ulls de dona
Nou pams de terra
Un amor extramuros
La creació de la realitat, punt i seguit
Estrictament personal
Tot o nul
Una selva com la teva
Domicili permanent
[Simplement sobre la terra]
Caus a cada cantonada
Joc tapat
Crèdits humans
Las ventanas se abren de noche
Apòcrif dos, Tina
A cavall de dos cavalls
Juego sucio
Alberto Barrera Tyszka
Alberto Barrera Tyszka (born 1960)

journalist, poet, opinion journalist

  • Central University of Venezuela
La enfermedad
Hugo Chávez
Patria o muerte
Delarivier Manley
Delarivier Manley (1663-1724)

playwright, journalist, editor

The adventures of Rivella
The power of love: in seven novels
New Atalantis
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zaraziens
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah, et des Zaraziens. Trad
New Atalantis
The secret history of Queen Zarah
Memoirs Of Europe
Delarivier Manley
Delarivier Manley
The Adventures Of Rivella Or The History Of The Author Of The Atalantis With Secret Memoirs And Characters Of Several Considerable Persons Her Contemporaries
The Adventures of Rivella (Broadview Literary Texts) (Broadview Literary Texts)
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
The Secret History Of Queen Zarah And The Zarazians
New Atalantis
The New Atalantis
The Power Of Love
Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript
The Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Suite de l'histoire secrette de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah
A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people
A stage-coach journey to Exeter
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
A key to the second volume of the Memoirs of Europe, by the author of the New Atalantis
A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard
A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe
Secret memoirs from the New Atalantis
The novels of Mary Delarivière Manley
New Atalantis
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
A woman of no character
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Court intrigues in a collection of original letters, from the island of the New Atlantis, &c
Lucius, the First Christian King of Britain
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah
Court intrigues
A learned comment upon Dr. Hare's excellent sermon preach'd before the D. of Marlborough, on the surrender of Bouchain. By an enemy to peace
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes, from the New Atlantis, an island in the Mediterranean
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
The adventures of Rivella
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Manley
Adventures of Rivella
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian .. Volume; Volume 2
Court Intrigues, in a Collection of Original Letters, from the Island of the New Atalantis, &c. by the Author of Those Memoirs
The Power of Love
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality
Lucius, the first Christian king of Britain
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
Almyna, or, the Arabian Vow. a Tragedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's Servants ... Humbly Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Countess of Sandwich
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes. From the new Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean. ... Written Originally in Italian. ... The Sixth Edition. of 4; Volume 4
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian . . Volume; Volume 1
The court legacy
A modest inquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people, upon the ..
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian .. Volume; Volume 2
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian . . Volume; Volume 2
A Modest Enquiry Into the Reasons of the Joy Expressed by a Certain Sett of People, Upon the Spreading of a Report of Her Majesty's Death
The adventures of Rivella, or, The history of the author of the Atalantis
The power of love /in seven novels ... Never before published. By Mrs. Manley
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality of both sexes from the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean
The secret history of Queen Zarah
A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard
Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian ...
The power of love, in seven novels, viz I. The fair hypocrite II. The physician's stratagem III. The wife's resentment IV. [and] V. The husband's resentment in two examples VI. The happy fugitive VII. The perjur'd beauty
Letters writen [sic] by Mrs. Manley
The last lover
Secret memoirs from the New Atalantis
The royal mischief
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian ...
The lost lover, or, The jealous husband
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Suite de l'histoire secrette de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day
A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe
The lost lover
The adventures of Rivella
Court intrigues
A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah
The power of love
A stage-coach journey to Exeter
Almyna, or, The Arabian vow
Aluísio Azevedo
Aluísio Azevedo (1857-1913)

diplomat, journalist, chronicler, caricaturist, drawer, painter, playwright

The slum
O cortiço
O madeireiro e alguma prosa
O homem
O mulato
O Japão
Filomena Borges
Conventillo, El
O esqueleto
Aluísio Azevedo
Livro de uma sogra
O mulato
Casa de Pensão
Casa de pensão
O livro de uma sogra
El mulato
Girândola de Amores
Obras completas
O coruja
Aluísio Azevedo
A mortalha de Alzira
A condessa Vésper
O mulato
Livro de uma sogra
Uma lágrima de mulher
Girandola de amores
A Brazilian tenement ..
Casa de pensão
O livro de uma sogra
O cortic ʹo
O cortic̦o
Mattos, Malta ou Matta?
Uma lágrima de mulher
A Brazilian tenement
Cortiços & condomínios
O cortiço
Philomena Borges
O Coruja
Mattos, Malta ou Matta?
Ramón López Velarde
Ramón López Velarde (1888-1921)

poet, journalist

  • Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí
Obra poetica
La suave patria y otros poemas
Song of the heart
Correspondencia con Eduardo J. Correa y otros escritos juveniles, 1905-1913
Poesía y poética
El minutero y otras crónicas
Fron [i.e. From] the Mexican Poetry
Poemas escogidos
La sangre devota
Prosa política
La suave patria
La provincia de López Velarde
La grulla del refrán
Novedad de la patria
El león y la virgen
Poesías, cartas, documentos e iconografía
El retorno maléfico
Don de febrero
Suave patria y otros poemas
ITESM, Campus Monterrey, Dirección de Difusión Cultural presenta Réquiem en memoria de Ramón López Velarde (1888-1921)
Diapasón del corazón
Ramón López Velarde en la Nación
El don de febrero y otras prosas
Ramón López Velarde en La Nación
Crítica literaria, 1912-1921
El son del corazón
Selección de poesías de Ramón López Velarde
Suave patria
Renglones líricos y El obsequio de Ponce
Poésias, cartas, documentos e iconografia
Poesías completas, y El minutero
Antología mínima
Poesías completas y El minutero
Percepción sensorial en López Velarde
Poesías de Ramón López Velarde
Poesías completas
El minutero
Obras completas ...
Lia Levi
Lia Levi (born 1931)


The Jewish husband
Se va via il re
Una bambina e basta
Tutti i giorni di tua vita
Che Cos'e L'Antisemitismo?
L' albergo della magnolia
Il mondo è cominciato da un pezzo
La portinaia Apollonia
Quasi un'estate
Trilogia della memoria
Tutti i giorni di tua vita
Cecilia va alla guerra
La sposa gentile
Una bambina e basta
La nonna ricca
Ognuno accanto alla sua notte
L' amore mio non può
La collana della regina
La notte dell'oblio
Questa sera è già domani
Da quando sono tornata
Il braccialetto
Giovanna e i suoi re