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journalists who wrote romance
Showing 153-160 out of 547 results
Juan Marsé
Juan Marsé (1933-2020)


Últimas tardes con Teresa
Rabos de lagartija
Últimas tardes con Teresa
La oscura historia de la prima Montse
The fallen
Si te dicen que caí
La muchacha de las bragas de oro
Noticias felices en aviones de papel
Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club
Señoras y señores
Esta cara de la luna
Encerrados con un solo juguete
Ronda del Guinardó
Juan Marsé, periodismo perdido (antología,1957-1978)
Historia de España
Últimas tardes con Teresa
Teresa l'après midi
Un día volveré
De laatste middagen met Teresa
El amante bilingüe
Últimas tardes con Teresa
ʻAravim ʻaḥaronim ʻim Teresah
Golden girl
Si te dicen que caí
Noches de Bocaccio
Rubem Fonseca
Rubem Fonseca (1925-2020)


  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Law
Histórias de amor
Bufo & Spallanzani
O doente Molière
A Grande Arte (High Art)
Vast Emotions and Imperfect Thoughts
Secreções, excreções e desatinos
Pequeñas criaturas
Breve Antologia De Cunentos Policiales
Historias de Amor
E do meio do mundo prostituto só amores guardei ao meu charuto
The Lost Manuscript
The taker, and other stories
O selvagem da ópera
Winning The Game And Other Stories
Y de Este Mundo Prostituto y Vano Solo Quise Un Cigarro Entre Mi Mano
A Confraria dos Espadas
Mandrake - A Biblia e a Bengala
Ela e outras mulheres
Bufo und Spallanzani
Romance negro e outras histórias
La Cofradia de Los Espadas
El Enfermo Moliere
Grenzenlose Gefühle, unvollendete Gedanken
Secreciones Excreciones y Desatinos
O buraco na parede
Os prisioneiros
Axilas e outras histórias indecorosas
Diario De Un Libertino
Lúcia McCartney
On Rio
A grande arte
Vastas emoções e pensamentos imperfeitos
El seminarista
A colera do cão
Vastes émotions et pensées imparfaites
Un été brésilien
Contos reunidos
64 contos
Feliz Ano Novo
Rubem Fonseca
O romance morreu
O caso Morel
O seminarista
O cobrador contos
Diário de um fescenino
Os prisioneiros
El Gran Arte
Der Abkassierer
O seminarista
Du grand art
El salvaje de la ópera
O cobrador
O caso Morl
O homem de fevereiro ou março
A coleira do cão
Ayu Utami
Ayu Utami (born 1968)

journalist, model, curator

  • University of Indonesia
Het getal Fu
Menentang tirani mayoritas
Si parasit lajang
Soegija, 100% Indonesia
Sidang Susila
Bilangan fu
Pemilu yang rileks
Simple miracles
Cerita cinta Enrico
Manjali dan Cakrabirawa
Kisah orang-orang Sagitarius
Kisah orang-orang capricorn
Kisah orang-orang Scorpio
Pengakuan eks parasit lajang
Juhani Karila
Juhani Karila (born 1985)


  • University of Tampere
Pienen hauen pyydystys
Polowanie na małego szczupaka
Summer Fishing in Lapland
Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington (1892-1962)

poet, translator, journalist, biographer, military personnel, literary critic, editing staff

  • University of London, Dover College
Fifty romance lyric poems
Fifty Romance lyric poems
All men are enemies
Richard Aldington & H.D
Death of a hero
Images of war
Passionate Prodigality
Literary lifelines
Richard Aldington
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
An imagist at war
Balls, and Another book for suppression
Life for life's sake
Four English portraits
French studies and reviews
Portrait of a rebel
Jane Austen
War and love (1915-1918)
Rejected guest
W. Somerset Maugham
Literary studies and reviews
Remy de Gourmont
Images of desire
The strange life of Charles Waterton
Collected Poems by Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington
Portrait of a genius
Bubb booklets
Ezra Pound & T.S. Eliot
The dearest friend
The complete poems of Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington: selected critical writings, 1928-1960
Images (1910-1915)
Soft answers
Seven against Reeves
The Duke, being an account of the life & achievements of Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington ..
The religion of beauty
France... a book of photographs
Poetry of the English-speaking world
Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea, Latinpoets of the Renaissance
Candide and other romances
Literary Lifelines
Lawrence of Arabia, a biographical enquiry
French comedies of the 18th century
Artifex; sketches and ideas
D.H. Lawrence, an indiscretion
Great French romances
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats; two lectures
Doch polkovnika
Poetry, The Viking Book of
Medallions in clay
Images old and new
A tourist's Rome
The squire
At all costs
David Herbert Lawrence in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumentum
The crystal world
A dream in the Luxembourg
The approach to M. Marcel Proust
A letter from Richard Aldington and a summary bibliography of Count Potocki's published works
André Spire
The Colonel's daughter, a novel
The poems of Richard Aldington
Latin poems of the Renaissance
A fool i' the forest
Stepping heavenward
D.H. Lawrence; an appreciation
The romance of Casanova
Greek songs in the manner of Anacreon
A book of characters
Exile, and other poems
Images of War, a Book of Poems
A Wreath for San Gemignano
The influence of Mr. James Joyce
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Moartea unui erou
Women must work
Roads to Glory (Arts & Literature)
Life of a lady
Introduction to Mistral
Hark the herald
Women must work
The Berkshire Kennet
Death of a hero
Latin poems of the Renaissance
France = La France = Frankreich
Balls and Another book for suppression
In Winter
D. H. Lawrence
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Images (1910-1915)
Love and the Luxembourg
A Roman letter
Life quest
Great French romances
A poem
The eaten heart
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats
Some imagist poets
Stepping heavenward
The fifteen joys of marriage
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
Introduction to Mistral
The Berkshire Kennet
Literary studies and reviews
Poets of the Great War Cassette set
Love and the Luxembourg
The selected war poems
Two stories
France = La France = Frankriech
Very heaven
Soft answers
Literary lifelines, the Richard Aldington-Lawrence Durrell correspondence
A dream in the Luxembourg
Images of desire
The imagists
Vse l︠i︡udi -- vragi
Images of war
F.T. Marinetti
Last straws
Edinstvenna︠i︡a l︠i︡ubovʹ Kazanovy
Collected Poems
Lawrence l'imposteur
Last straws
Remy de Gourmont, a modern man of letters
Stella Gibbons
Stella Gibbons (1902-1989)

poet, journalist

  • University College London, North London Collegiate School
The matchmaker
Nightingale Wood
My American
White sand and grey sand
The rich house
Cold Comfort Farm
Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm
The charmers
The woods in winter
The Snow-woman
Conference at Cold Comfort Farm
Cold Comfort Farm
The weather at Tregulla
Yellow Houses
The gentle powers
The Swiss summer
Here be dragons
The bachelor
A pink front door
The shadow of a sorcerer
Enbury Heath
Roaring tower
Fort of the Bear
La Filla de Robert Poste
Miss Linsey and pa
Flora Poste y los Artistas
Collected poems
The lowland Venus, and other poems
The mountain beast
The priestess, and other poems
The wolves were in the sledge
The untidy gnome
Pure Juliet
La segunda vida de Viola Wither
Beside the Pearly Water
La hija de Robert Poste
José Mármol
José Mármol (1817-1871)

librarian, diplomat, journalist, poet, politician

  • National School of Buenos Aires
El poeta
Obras poéticas y dramáticas de José Mármol
Manuela Rosas y otros escritos políticos del exilio
Armonías, poesías
Cantos del peregrino
Poesías escogidas
El ojo del arúspice
José Mármol
Manuela Rosas
El señor Anrumarrieta y otros escritos satíricos
Asesinato del Sr. Dr. D. Florencio Varela
Poesías escogidas
Obras poéticas y dramáticas
El poeta
Cantos del peregrino
Obras poéticas: Cantos del Peregrino
Poesías completas
Obras: Cantos del peregrino
Obras poéticas, cantos del Peregrino, poesias diversas
El cruzado
Asesinato del Sr. Dr. D. Florencio Varela
Armonías, poesías
Manuela Rosas
Poesías escogidas
Obras poéticas y dramáticas
Pierre Pevel
Pierre Pevel (born 1968)

journalist, translator

  • lycée Henri-Poincaré
Cardinal's Blades Omnibus
Les lames du cardinal (2)
The Alchemist in the Shadows
The Cardinal's Blades
The Dragon Arcana
Les Lames du Cardinal
Les Enchantements d'Ambremer
Le Chevalier (Haut-Royaume #1)
Les Ombres de Wielstadt
Viktoria 91
Las Sombras De Wielstad (Pegasos)
Le Paris des merveilles T01 Les Enchantements d'Ambremer
Les Lames du cardinal (1)
Les Lames du Cardinal, Tome 3 : Le dragon des Arcanes
Le Paris des Merveilles, II : L'Élixir d'Oubli
Les Lames du Cardinal : L'intégrale de la trilogie
Haut-Royaume T02 L'Héritier
Alchemist in the Shadow
Three Prince War
Les Artilleuses - vol. 02/3