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biographers who wrote romance
Showing 9-16 out of 147 results
Marguerite Duras
Marguerite Duras (1914-1996)

film director, playwright, autobiographer, journalist, women's rights activist, philosopher, director

  • University of Paris
La maladie de la mort
Lover, Wartime Notebooks, Practicalities
The Impudent Ones
Le marin de Gibraltar
Des journeĢes entieĢ€res dans les arbres
El Amante/The Lover
Une aussi longue absence
Garden Square
Amante de la China del Norte
Ojos Azules, Pelo Negro
L' amant
Hiroshima mon amour
Four Novels
The War
Vie matérielle
Moderato cantabile
Pluie d'été
The North China Lover
Barrage contre le Pacifique
Détruire, dit-elle
Amante anglaise
Yann Andréa Steiner
Yann Andrea Steiner
The Vice-Consul
Emily L
Woman to woman
Maladie de la mort
Le bureau de poste de la rue Dupin
Testi segreti
Ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Marguerite Duras
Hiroshima mon amour
C'est tout
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
La vie mateĢrielle
Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Marguerite Duras, Alain Resnais
The man sitting in the corridor
Cahiers de la guerre et autres textes
La vie tranquille
India song
Yves Saint Laurent and fashion photography
Eden cinéma
Destroy, she said ; Destruction and language
Yeux bleus, cheveux noirs
Les Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein
Hiroshima mon amour, scénario et dialogues
Les parleuses
La douleur
C'est tout
La douleur
L'Amante anglaise
Le marin de Gibraltar
La musica deuxieme
Hele dagen in de bomen
Dix heures et demie du soir en eĢteĢ
Sailor From Gibraltar A Novel
Les parleuses
Les impudents
El amante
La mer eĢcrite
Les Lieux de Marguerite Duras
Abahn, Sabana, David
Des journeĢes entieĢ€res dans les arbres
La vie matérielle
Les petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Le square
Savannah Bay
A sea of troubles
La douleur
Le Square
La maladie de la mort
The North China lover
La pluie d'été
Le navire Night
La pluie d'été
Whole Days in the Trees
Abahn, Sabana, David
Les yeux verts
L' amant de la Chine du Nord
La Douleur
Le Vice-consul
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
Le square
Nathalie Granger
Thousand Acres
Emily L
Le Square
Suspended Passion
Suspended passion
Three plays
Moderato cantabile, suivi de L'Univers romanesque de Marguerite Duras
De namiddag van meneer Andesmas
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
Œuvres complètes
Me, and Other Writing
Musica Deuxieme
The Vice-Consul
La beauté des nuits du monde
Im Sommer abends um halb elf. Roman
Une aussi longue absence
L' apreĢ€s-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Marin de Gibraltar
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
L'après-midi de monsieur andesmas (French Edition)
Wartime Notebooks And Other Texts
L'\Eden Cinema
Die Schamlosen
L' Eden CineĢma
Dits aĢ€ la teĢleĢvision: Entretiens avec Pierre Dumayet (Atelier/E.P.E.L) (French Edition)
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
India song, Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta de sert
India Song
Meta is anglijos
La musica
Two by Duras
India song
L' homme assis dans le couloir
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
Los Ojos Azules Pelo Negro
The square ; Ten-thirty on a summer night ; The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
L' amant de la Chine du Nord
El hombre sentado en el pasillo
Destroy, She Said
Les  Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
Les parleuses
La vie tranquille
La cuina de Marguerite
The square ; Ten-thirty on a summer night ; The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Hirosima Sevgilim
Marguerite Duras OEuvres Completes Tome III [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade]
Détruire, dit-elle
Destroy, she said
Savannah Bay
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
El cine Edén
Theatre 1
L' après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Bir Yaz Aksami On Bucukta
The little horses of Tarquinia
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
Yindu zhi ge
Abahn, Sabana, David
Le Marin de Gibraltar. Roman, etc
L'home que seu al passadís
Petits chevaux de Tarquinia
L'Amante anglaise
Hiroshima mon armour
Amante Inglesa,
Hiroshima mon amour, scénario et dialogue
Malady of Death
Ach, Ernesto!
Somut Yaşam
L' amour
The sea wall
Pasifike Karsi Bir Kent
Qing ren, wu fa bi yan
eden cinema
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Des journées entières dans les arbres
The square
L'homme atlantique
Tarkvinijos arkliukai
Qing ren
La vida tranquil·la
Des journées entières dans les arbres
The square
Bir yaz akşamı on buçukta
Un Barrage contre le Pacifique
Yann Andréa Steiner
L 'EĢteĢ 80
Le vice-consul
L'Amant de la Chine du Nord de Marguerite Duras (fiche de lecture et analyse complète de l'oeuvre) (French Edition)
Fu ling shi
Three plays
Die Krankheit Tod. La Maladie de la Mort
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le square
La Provinciale de Tourgueniev
L'Amant de Marguerite Duras
Fu ling shi
Le navire night
Hiroshimah ahuvati
Les petits cheveux de Tarquinia
Le vice-consul
Green eyes
Bei fang de Zhongguo qing ren
L' homme atlantique
Whole days in the trees
Wartime writings
La cocina de Marguerite
Véra Baxter, ou, Les plages de l'Atlantique
L'Amant de Marguerite Duras
Ingiliz Sevgili
Abahn Sabana David
Tarquinia'nın Küçük Atları
Abahn Sabana David.
Un Barrage Contre Le Pacifique (French Edition)
Lol V. Stein'in Kendinden Gecisi
The Square
Cine Eden, El
Savannah Bay
Olum Hastaligi
El dolor
Yann Andréa Steiner
Entretiens avec Marguerite Duras
El amante de la China del Norte
MĘ°į»i giį» rį»ÆĘ”i đêm hè
India song  Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta deĢsert
La vida tranquila
MODERATO CANTABILE (L'oeuvre au clair) (French Edition)
Marinero de Gibraltar
L 'amour
Savas Yillari Defterleri ve Diger Metinler
Natsu no yo no ju jihan
Hiroshima mon amour
La pluie d'été
L'été 80
Lettres retrouvées (1969-1989)
DeĢtruire dit-elle
'Destroy...'  Translated from the French by Barbara Bray
L' Eden cinéma
Hiroshima mon amour
Easy Life
L' Amante anglaise
Lointains souvenirs
L' après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Yves Saint Laurent
Le Marin de Gibraltar
Pasifik'e Karsi Bir Bent
Des journées entieres dans les arbres
Giornate Intere Fra Gli Alberi
Le navire night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
The vice-consul
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le Marin de Gibraltar
C'est tout
Yves Saint Laurent
Les yeux bleus cheveux noirs
La beauté des nuits du monde
Orelyah Shį¹­ainer
Giştî emeye
La ravissement de Lol V.Stein
The sea wall
Wartime Writings
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Marguerite Duras
El amante
La pute de la côte Normande
The square
Le Marin de Gibraltar
El Amante De La China Del Norte
Dix heures et demie du soir en e te
Ve ra Baxter, ou, Les plages de l'Atlantique
Wartime notebooks & other texts
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Im Sommer abends um halb elf.
Occhi blu capelli neri
L' apre  s-midi de Monsieur Andesmas
Moderaį¹­o kanį¹­ibel
The rapture of Lol V. Stein;
Le vice-consul
Yaz Yagmuru
Le marin de Gibraltar
El amor
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ten-thirty on a summer night
Le livre dit
Detruire dit-elle
Yikmak Diyor Bir Kadin
De pijn
Hiroshima, mon amour
Les yeux verts
Marguerite Duras
Hiroshima mon amour (and) Une aussi longue absence
Oeuvres cineĢmatographiques
The rapture of Lol V. Stein
La vie tranquille
Détruire dit-elle
Le vice-consul
Im Sommer abends um halb elf
El amante
Qing ren
La vida material
Le cinéma que je fais
Le vice-consul
4 Novels : The Square, Moderate Cantabile, 10
Askiya Alinmis Tutku
Hiroshima, Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbad
Yann Andréa Steiner
The Square
El dolor
L’odeur de la nuit était celle du jasmin
Maįø„barot ha-milįø„amah (u-khetuvim aįø„erim)
Les viaducs de la Seine-et-Oise
El amante
Le marin de Gibralter
Nathalie Granger
Destroy, She Said
Quaderns de guerra
Green eyes
Un barrage contre le Pacifique, roman
Le dernier des métiers
Abahn Sabana David
El amante
Four novels
L'Amante anglaise
L'amante Anglaise (translated By Barbara bray)
El marí de Gibraltar
Three plays
Three plays
Marguerite Duras
La Pluie d'été
Los espacios de Marguerite Duras
Dix heures et demie du soir en été
Le navire Night
Cinéma invisible
El teatre de l'amant anglesa
El marinero de Gibraltar
Une aussi longue absence
Man Sitting in the Corridor
Yesil Gozler
Le Vice-Consul
Le vice-consul
Les petits chevaux de Tarquinia
MįŗÆt xanh tóc đen
Four Novels : The Square, Moderato Cantabile, 10
The a tre
Mavi Gozler Siyah Saclar
Kuzey Cinli Sevgili
L' Eden cine ma
La tarda del senyor Andesmas
Bir Kis Gunu Ogleden Sonra
La vida material
La vida tranquila
Suzanna Andler ; La musica & L'amante anglaise
The little horses of Tarquinia
Moriļø aļø”k iz Gibraltara
Le camion, suivi de Entretien avec Michelle Porte
The afternoon of Monsieur Andesmas
Agatha ; Savannah Bay
Atsukamashiki hitobito
Hiroshima mon amour. Synopsis
Le théâtre de l'amante anglaise
Zhongguo bei fang lai di qing ren
Le navire Night ; Césarée ; Les mains négatives ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner ; Aurélia Steiner
Ein ruhiges Leben
Savannah Bay
Nathalie Granger
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
L'après-midi de monsieur Andesmas
Qing ren
Un barrage contre le Pacifique
Las diez y media de una noche de verano ; Una tarde de M. Andesmas /Marguerite Duras ; traducción del francés por Caridad Martínez
Madame Dodin
Les petits chevaux de Traquinia
Der Schmerz
Yves Saint Laurent and Fashion Photography
Zhi bu luo tuo shui shou
La cuisine de Marguerite
El amante de la China del norte
Daphne du Maurier
Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989)

playwright, biographer

Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Jamaica Inn
The scapegoat
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
My Cousin Rachel
Daphne Du Maurier
Frenchman's Creek
Jamaica Inn, Level 5
The Loving Spirit
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Letters from Menabilly
The Rebecca Notebook and Other Memories
The Flight of the Falcon
The house on the strand
The glass-blowers
Mary Anne
The Best horror stories
Don't Look Now
Hungry Hill
The parasites
Echoes from the macabre
The breaking point
Enchanted Cornwall
The Du Mauriers
I'll never be young again
Vanishing Cornwall
Myself when young
The progress of Julius
The Birds and Other Stories
The 5th Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories
The Birds
Come wind, come weather
Golden Lads
Animal Farm and Related Readings
The infernal world of Branwell BronteĢˆ
The Winding Stair
The King's General
The young George du Maurier
Six gothic tales
The Virago Book Of Ghost Stories
Stories of Suspense
Daphne du Maurier's classics of the macabre
Baker's dozen
September tide
Charles Keeping's Book of Classic Ghost Stories
The dream and other stories
Four Great Cornish Novels
The best horror stories
Kiss me again, stranger
The doll
Der Weekend-Krimi
The Breakthrough
The apple tree
Don't Look Now and Other Stories
Du Maurier Collection
Spätestens in Venedig ..
Happy Christmas
The Rendezvous and Other Stories
Rebecca, A Play
Heavy Weather
Rule Brittania
Three complete novels and five short stories
My cousin Rachel
Der kleine Fotograf. Großdruck. Erzählung
Not After Midnight and Other Stories
The Blue Lenses
Three Famous Du Maurier Novels
Daphne Du Maurier's Cornwall
Simply stories
Jamaica Inn. Simplified. Retold by A. S. M. Ronaldson. Penguin Readers, Level 6
Dream and Other Stories
Rebecca (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Langenscheidt Lektüre, Bd.61, The Birds
The Daphne Du Maurier tandem
Split second
Growing pains
15 steps out,
The years between
A.B.C. Murders / Birds
Daphne DuMaruier
The Man Who Invented Tomorrow
Jamaica Inn / The Birds and Other Stories
Gerald. Roman
" The Birds " : Level 2, RLA (Penguin Longman Penguin Readers)
Ein Grenzfall.
IcĢ§imdeki adam
The treasury of Du Maurier short stories
Rebecca for Kids
Best Short Stories of Daphne Du Maurier
Ā˜DesĀœ Königs General. Die Bucht des Franzosen. Mary Anne
Rebecca Mug
Birds and Other Echoes from the MacAbre
Rebecca Unlined Notebook
Omnibus 1
Daphne du Maurier Omnibus 2
Daphne du Maurier
Omnibus 4
Plötzlich an jedemend
Daphne du Maurier Omnibus 3
Mystery Fancier
Du Maurier's Three Romantic Novels of Cornwall
Monte verita
Don't Look Now and Other Echoes from the Macabre
Rebecca and Rebecca's Tale Two-Book Set:  Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca and Rebecca's Tale
du Mauriers
The Blue Lenses and Other Stories
Zauberhaftes Cornwall
Plötzlich An Jenem Abend Erzählungen
Early stories
Peguin Readers 5
The Daphne Du Maurier companion including Rebecca, My cousin Rachel,  and Frenchman's creek
Ihr ergebener Diener und andere bisher unveröffentlichte Erzählungen.
ŠšŠ¾Š·ŠµŠ» Š¾Ń‚ŠæущŠµŠ½Šøя; ŠŸŃ€Š°Š²ŃŒ, Š‘Ń€ŠøтŠ°Š½Šøя
Du Mauriers
Du Maurier 2007 Bin
du Mauriers
Du Maurier Custom Header
Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Volume IV
Stous kapnous tōn paraisthēsiogonōn
The World of the Newborn
Die grossen Meistererzählungen
Niespokojny duch
Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates (born 1938)

playwright, poet, essayist, autobiographer, professor, diarist

  • University of Detroit Mercy, Rice University
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Little Bird of Heaven
Middle Age
I'll Take You There
The evil eye
Evil eye
Black Girl White Girl
I'll Take You There
Middle Age
Middle Age
Middle Age
Evil Eye
I'll Take You There
Evil Eye
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
We were the Mulvaneys
The Dark Descent
The Falls
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Dark Forces
Other Worlds Than These
A garden of earthly delights
Fifty Best American Short Stories
Black water
You must remember this
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
A fair maiden
The Situation of the Story
My Sister, My Love
Black Girl/White Girl
Expensive people
Broke Heart Blues
The Tattooed Girl
The collector of hearts
The Best American Short Stories 1973
Heat, and other stories
After the wreck, I picked myself up, spread my wings, and flew away
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Man crazy
The Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Mysteries of Winterthurn
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror - Eleventh Annual Collection
Missing Mom
Wild Nights!
I lock my door upon myself
The Sophisticated Cat
The Museum of Dr. Moses
Angel of light
Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
The Accursed
Dear Husband
American appetites
Master's Choice - Volume II
The female of the species
We Were the Mulvaneys
My heart laid bare
The Best American Essays 1991
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Where is here?
First love
The Faith of a Writer
The triumph of the spider monkey
Raven's wing
Crossing the border
Boston Noir 2
Last days
Freaky green eyes
The Mammoth Book Of Angels and Demons
McSweeney's Issue 21 (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern)
The hungry ghosts
High lonesome
Do with me what you will
A Bloodsmoor romance
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
All the good people I've left behind
Because it is bitter, and because it is my heart
The rise of life on earth
The assignation
Will you always love me? and other stories
I Am No One You Know
The Man without a Shadow
Unholy loves
Angel fire; poems
A sentimental education
The Best American Mystery Stories 2008
Marriages and infidelities
The Best American Short Stories 1979
The Nicotine Chronicles
Choice Words
The seduction & other stories
What I lived for
The wheel of love and other stories
Where are you going, where have you been?
The perfectionist and other plays
Men and Women
In rough country
The goddess and other women
It occurs to me that I am America
Son of the morning
The corn maiden and other nightmares
Deadly Sins
The hostile sun
Small avalanches and other stories
The Best American Essays 1999
The wheel of love
A Widow's Story
George Bellows
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates
New heaven, new earth
On writing short stories
The sacrifice
Twelve plays
Lovely, dark, deep
The edge of impossibility: tragic forms in literature
Come meet Muffin
The Barrens
A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel
Give me your heart
The time traveler
Where is Little Reynard?
The best American essays of the century
Love and its derangements and other poems
Naughty Cherie
Meurtres et obsessions
First person singular
The tatooed girl
My Life as a Rat
Protectors 2: Heroes (Protectors Anthologies) (Volume 2)
Women whose lives are food, men whose lives are money
Masters of Darkness III
(Woman) writer
The assassins
Upon the sweeping flood, and other stories
Black dahlia & white rose
On boxing
American gothic tales
Three plays
Transgressions: Chasing Shadows
Crossing the Border
Scenes from American life; contemporary short fiction
New Jersey noir
Fabulous Beasts
Jack of Spades
Dreams from the Witch House: Female Voices of Lovecraftian Horror
Blonde 20th Anniversary Edition
How I write
Upon the sweeping flood
By the North Gate
The Lost Landscape: A Writer's Coming of Age
Miracle play
Conversations with Joyce Carol Oates
High crime area
A Fair Maiden
My Life As a Rat
Will You Always Love Me?
Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (P.S.)
With shuddering fall
Little Bird of Heaven
The Tattooed Girl (Rumpole Crime)
High crime area
Beautiful days
Dis mem ber
Profane Art
Jack of Spades: A Tale of Suspense
The  You
The Lost Landscape
Widow's Story
Daddy Love
The New Kitten
Oxford Book of American Short Stories
Hazards of time travel
Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.
Blonde A Novel
Dreamer With a Thousand Thrills
What I Lived For
Billy Budd and Other Tales
Black Dahlia White Rose Stories
Joyce Carol Oates
The Falls CD
On Boxing (P.S.)
Give Me Your Heart
American Melancholy
Two or three things I forgot to tell you
Where I've been, and where I'm going
Unter Verdacht. Die Geschichte von Big Mouth und Ugly Girl
Cutting Edge
Dziewczyna z tatuażami
First Person Singular
Anonymous sins & other poems
Invisible Women (Ontario Review Press poetry series)
A Convergence of Birds
Qué fue de los Mulvaney
Mon coeur mis à nu
Corn Maiden
When Things Get Dark
As You Like it Shakespeare
I stand before you naked
My Heart Laid Bare
Beautiful Days
Una tendra donzella
Haute Enfance
Désirs exaucés, suivi de "Démons", et "L'Agresseur"
Love and its derangements; poems
Natural Causes
Shirley Jackson Collection
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Hazards of Time Travel
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror
Soul at the white heat
Confessions d'un gang de filles
Dr. Magic
American Melancholy
American Gothic Tales
Son of the Morning
Cutting Edge
Murder for Love - Murder for Women - At the Paradise Hotel Sparks Nevada AND Heartbreak House
A widow's story
The Lost Landscape
Moja Siostra, Moja Miosc
The Doll-Master: And Other Tales of Terror
Dis mem ber
Devil's Half Acre
Daddy Love
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Extenuating Circumstances
Give Me Your Heart
Night-Gaunts Other Tales Suspense Export
Premier amour. Un conte gothique
Riesgos de Los Viajes en el Tiempo
Southern California Anthology (Southern California Anthology)
Night, Neon
The Grave Diggers Daughter
A Fair Maiden. Joyce Carol Oates
Reading the fights
Au commencement était la vie
Third Annual Best Horror Stories of the Year
Daddy Love
The Corn Maiden: And Other Nightmares
New plays
The Perfectionist
New Jersey Noir
Goddess and Other Women
When Things Get Dark
Hazards of Time Travel
American Appetites
Lost Landscape
A Book of American Martyrs
Lives of the Twins
My Heart Laid Bare
Night, Neon
Give Me Your Heart
The Falls (Rumpole Crime)
Five Short Stories by Women
Zero Sum
DIS MEM BER and Other Stories of Mystery and Suspense
Cardiff, by the Sea
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Drawing Lines
Simpsonistas, Vol. 2
The Best American Mystery Stories 2005
Mysteries of Winterthurn
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
The doll-master and other tales of terror
The Doll-Master And Other Tales Of Horror
Shadows Over Main Street, Volume 2
A Bloodsmoor Romance
The edge of impossibility
In darkest America
Dreams from the Witch House (2018 Trade Paperback Edition)
The Doll-Master And Other Tales of Terror
USA noir
Daddy Love
Extenuating Circumstances
The Sacrifice: A Novel
Night, Neon
Night-gaunts and other tales of suspense
CVC9 Carter V Cooper Short Fiction Anthology
The Collector of Hearts: New Tales of the Grotesque
Wild Saturday, and other stories
Women in love
Dis Mem Ber [Paperback] [Jan 11, 2018] Joyce Carol Oates
Bookshop Mysteries
Un libro de mártires americanos
Them (Wonderland Quartet)
After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away
Bitterkeit des Herzens
The female of the species
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Moisson noire (French Edition)
Grenzüberschreitungen. Erzählungen
Telling stories
The  You
Expensive People
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister
Little Bird of Heaven
La hija del sepulturero / The Gravedigger's Daughter
Dear Husband
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Horror
Woman Writer
Die Lästigen
Daddy Love
Cardiff, by the Sea
Black Dahlia and White Rose
Wild nights!
We Were the Mulvaneys
Le Triomphe du singe-araignée
The man without a shadow
Femme à la fenêtre
Book of American Martyrs
Lovely, Dark, Deep
Man Without a Shadow
Wild Saturday and Other Stories
Son of the Morning
Mujer de barro
My Life As a Rat
Night Walks
Cardiff, by the Sea
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Babysitter (Spanish Edition)
Upon Sweeping Flood
Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.
Best American Mystery Stories 2005
Love Derangmts Poems
Die Verfluchten
Johnny Blues
Hazards of Time Travel
The accursed
Mother, missing
Cutting Edge
Un jardín de placeres terrenales
Persecución [Próxima aparición]
My sister, my love
Dis Mem Ber
Give Me Your Heart
The Accursed
Bicak Sirti; Kadin Yazarlardan Yeni Gizem ve Suc Hikayeleri
Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You
With shuddering fall
Tattooed Girl
Carthage (Roman étranger) (French Edition)
Wooded forms
Meine Zeit der Trauer
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Un livre de martyrs américains
Mystery, Inc
Souvenez-vous de ces années-là
Deli Yesil
Souvenez-vous de ces années-là
My Life As a Rat
delicieuses pourritures
Hudson River
The museum of Dr. Moses
Museum of Dr Moses
tan cerca en todo momento siempre
Czy zawsze bedziesz mnie kochac?
Broke Heart Blues Hb Book Club
Wild Nights!
Delatora / My Life as a Rat
Garden of Delights
Les Femelles
You Must Remember This / Joyce Carol Oates
Black girl/white girl
Vahşi Geceler
Black Girl,/White Girl
Mŏlbĭni kajok =
Freaky Green Eyes
With Shuddering Fall
Aci Ulke
Bloodsmoor Romance
Hazards of Time Travel
Because It Is Bitter and Because It Is My Heart
Angel of Light
La hembra de nuestra especie
Qué fue de los Mulvaney
Book of American Martyrs
Del boxeo
Amours profanes
Do With Me What You Will
On Boxing
High Crime Area
American Appetites
Extenuating Circumstances ARC
Wir waren die Mulvaneys
High Lonesome
Mother, Missing
Soul at the White Heat
Jack of Spades
Mystery, Inc
Unheilige Liebe. Roman
Because it is bitter, and because it is my heart
My Sister, My Love
Joyce Carol Oates Reading 20pk RGG
CVC10 Carter V Cooper Short Fiction Anthology
Evil Eye Lib/E
Little Bird of Heaven
Son of Morning-C
Birine mi Benzettiniz?
Gravedigger's Daughter
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 2000 (Volume 98, No. 6)
Tattooed Girl
Masque de sang
We Were the Mulvaneys
Fille noire, fille blanche
The journal of Joyce Carol Oates
Cat Saw Murder
The Faith of a Writer
My sister, my love
The Perfectionist
High Crime Area
Corn Maiden
Ruins of Contracoeur and Other Presences
Unusual Suspects
The gravedigger's daughter
Night, Neon
Freaky Green Eyes
High Lonesome
Das Mittwochskind. Erzählungen.
Telling Stories
Sieben Reisen in den Abgrund
Soul at the White Heat
La hija del sepulturero
Zarbie les yeux verts (French Edition)
Extenuating Circumstances
Walet Pik
Man Without a Shadow
Oates in Exile
High Crime Area
El legado de Maude Donegal ; El hijo superviviente
High School Sweetheart - A Mystery
A book of American martyrs
Rey de Picas
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Man Without a Shadow
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars.
Ich schließe mich selbst ein
The sacrifice
Blonde (Spanish Edition)
Vous ne me connaissez pas
A Fair Maiden Lib/E
Evil Eye
Beautiful Days
Faithless Palm Reader Ed Eb
Do with Me What You Will
Missing Mom
Lost Landscape
The Best American Essays, 1991 (Best American Essays)
Je vous emmène
Bloodsmoor Romance
Mágico, sombrío, impenetrable
Black Girl,/White Girl
Snake Eyes
Darker Shade of Noir
What I Lived For
Prison Noir
Der Mann ohne Schatten
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Dis Mem Ber
Ave del paraíso
Jack of Spades
Widow's Story
With Shuddering Fall
Summer Sweat
Hermana mía, mi amor
Give me your heart
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror
Kapilarimi Kapatiyorum
Cher époux (French Edition)
Prison noir
The poisoned Kiss and other stories from the portuguese (Fawcett Crest Book)
Party in the wood
High Crime Area
Hazards of Time Travel
American Melancholy
Monstruo De Ojos Verdes/the Green Eye Monsters
Lost Landscape
Night-Side & Different Kinds of Dead
Hermana mía, mi amor (bolsillo)
Dis Mem Ber
Gravedigger's Daughter LP
Le Triomphe du singe-araignée
Kuang ye zhi ye!
Uccellino del paradiso
Bad Girls.
Freaky Green Eyes
Extenuating Circumstances
Engel des Lichts. Roman
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Ma vie de cafard
Uccellino del paradiso
Best new American voices, 2003
Jack of Spades
Un libro de mártires americanos
Amours profanes
A Fair Maiden
Evil Eye
What I Lived For
My Life As a Rat
Extenuating Circumstances (SIGNED)
Engel des Lichts
Book of American Martyrs
Give Me Your Heart
Simpsonistas, Vol. 1
Mystery, Inc
I Am No One You Know
Extenuating Circumstances
Triumph of the Spider Monkey
Scenes from American life
Son of The Morning
Ave Del Paraiso
Cardiff, by the Sea Lib/E
Hudson River
Soul at the White Heat Lib/E
My Heart Laid Bare
Choose Wisely
Memorias de una viuda
Freaky Green Eyes
Hudson River
Black Girl,/White Girl
Ulls verds
Hazards of Time Travel
Starr Bright Will Be with You Soon
Das Rad der Liebe. Erzählungen
Wild nights! ; and
Corn Maiden
Faith of a Writer
Zombie Reader's Group Guide
Terres amères (Roman étranger)
Man Without a Shadow
Como un espectro / Miao Dao
Nulle et grande gueule
Cupid & Psyche
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Black Water
Double Delight
Una hermosa doncella
Invisible woman
Spiritual Envy
Dul Kadinin Oykusu
Corn Maiden
Der Zorn des Engels
Middle Age : A Romance
A Bloodsmoor Romance
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister
Un Jardn De Placeres Terrenales
Ilk Ask
Nadobna dziewica
Das Spukhaus
The Wheel of Love and Other Stories
Noche. SueñO. Muerte. Las Estrellas
Das Rendezvous
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister ARC
The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares Lib/E
I Am No One You Know
Jack of spades
Book of American Martyrs
A widow's story
Where Are You Going
Do With Me What You Will
Über Boxen. Ein Essay
The Accursed
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Horror
Zero Sum
Die Schwestern von Bloodsmoor. Ein romantischer Roman
The poisoned kiss, and other stories from the Portuguese
Hazards of Time Travel
Fair Maiden
Give Me Your Heart
New Jersey Noir
Delicieuses pourritures
Black Water
Small Avalanches and Other Stories
Valet de pique
Marriages and Infidelities
Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You
Night, Neon ARC
hermosa doncella
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Freaky Green Eyes
Kucuk Cennet Kusu
Mysteries of Winterthurn
Puro fuego
Gerald Slota story
Fair Maiden
Unter Verdacht
Foxfire. Die Geschichte einer Mädchenbande
Un amour noir
Female of the Species
Man Without a Shadow
In Rough Country
Dear Husband
By the North Gate
Memorias de una viuda
With Shuddering Fall
Petite soeur, mon amour
Season of Peril
La Hija Del Sepulturero
Wir waren die Mulvaneys
Maça Valesi Nihai Sonu Beklemenin Hikayesi
You Can't Catch Me
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been
Jack of Spades
Upon the sweeping flood
Queen of the night
The Woman Who Laughed
A middle-class education
Plagiarized material
Petite soeur, mon amour
Je vous emmène
Invisible woman
First Person Singular
National Geographic Directions
Night walks
Solstice (Amf-25 Cassette)
Kuang ye de ye
El señor de las muñecas y otros cuentos de terror
La hija del sepulturero
The step-father
Facts, visions, mysteries
The edge of impossibility
First Love
My heart laid bare
Agua Negra
the collector ofvhearts
Best new American voices, 2003
montruo de ojos verdes
Jue mu ren de nü er
Wofür ich gelebt habe
O crayola!
Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge
Le musée du Dr Moses
Ź»Aśu bi ki-retsonkhem
Vaghteshe baman
Mère disparue
Celestial timepiece
Crossing the border
New Jersey noir
Puro Fuego
La fille tatouée
The poisoned kiss
Small avalanches and other stories
Angel fire; poems
Mágico, sombrío, impenetrable
The Museum of Dr. Moses
Man Crazy Reading Group Guide
Reading the fights
MalŹ¾akh ha-or
Un amour noir
A posthumous sketch
Schwarzes Wasser
The Perfectionist
The lamb of Abyssalia
Le ravin
Telling Stories
Little bird of heaven
עיניים י×Øוקו×Ŗ מוז×Øו×Ŗ
Zarbie les yeux verts
In case of accidental death
Dödgrävarens dotter
Niebieski ptak
The time traveler
לאח×Ø ×”×”×Ŗ×Øהקו×Ŗ
Freaky groene ogen
The girl
The art of fiction, LXXII
Burakku uōtā
Le triomphe du singe-araignée
The Falls CD
The hostile sun
Del boxeo
The hungry ghosts
Night-gaunts and other tales of suspense
Wo de mei mei, wo de ai
Mit offenen Augen
Das Spukhaus
Twelve plays
A middle-class education
Reflets en eau trouble
Le sourire de l'ange
Letzte Tage
Mujer de barro
Ave del paraíso
A stone orchard
Xing, xing gan =
The poisoned kiss, and other stories from the Portuguese
Nightless nights
La fille du fossoyeur
In darkest America
The miraculous birth
On Boxing (P.S.)
The Ecco anthology of contemporary American short fiction
The Key and Tone Clusters
The edge of impossibility: tragic forms in literature
Les chutes
Qiang bao
Cupid & Psyche
Anonymous sins & other poems
The metamorphosis
Excerpts from a journal: July 1989
The Life of the Writer, the Life of the Career
Las Hermanas Zinn (Joyce Caro)
Small avalanches and other stories
"T he immense indifference of things"
The Life of the Writer, the Life of the Career
Rey de Picas
Luxury of sin
Fleur vénéneuse
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates
Yi fu ai wei ming
The step-father
Season of Peril
Como bola de nieve
Dreaming America & other poems
The rise of life on earth
Amours profanes
Amores Profanos
Tada aš išskleidžiau sparnus ir nuskridau
Night Walks
The blessing
Le GoutĢ‚ de l'Amérique
James A. Michener
James A. Michener (1907-1997)

military officer, autobiographer, teacher

  • Swarthmore College, University of Northern Colorado
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
The Source
The World Is My Home
The Bridges at Toko-ri
The covenant
The drifters
Tales of the South Pacific
Six days in Havana
The Hokusai Sketchbooks
Return to Paradise
Iberia; Spanish travels and reflections
The novel
Rascals in Paradise
Sports in America
The floating world
The quality of life
Kent State
The eagle and the raven
Great World War II Stories
This Noble Land
The modern Japanese print
A Michener miscellany: 1950-1970
My lost Mexico
Creatures of the kingdom
Literary Reflections
The source
South Pacific
Best Sellers
Japanese prints
Covenant, The
The watermen
Presidential lottery
The source
Animals Tame & Wild
James A. Michener's writer's handbook
Report of the county chairman
The Fires of Spring
The bridge at Andau
Creatures of the kingdom
The novel
Centennial 1
The drifter, a novel
America vs. America
Selected writings
Hawaii (Audiobook on 42 CDs) (Unabridged audiobook on 42 CDs)
The voice of Asia
The source
Miracle in Seville
Miricle in Seville
The fires of spring
The voice of Asia
The Drifters: A Novel
Miracle in Seville
The fires of spring
Alaska-Open Mkt Ed
A century of sonnets
Miracle in Seville
Bridges at Toko-ri / Caravans  / Sayonara / Source
The bridge at Andau
The covenant
Bridges at Toko-ri / Sayonara
The source
Rascals in Paradise
Verheißene Erde. Roman
The Novel
The Fires of Spring
Mazurka. Roman
The Covenant
Legacy / Recessional
Caravans 1
Tales of the South Pacific
Japanese prints from the early masters tothe modern
The Novel
The James Michener Value Collection
The Bridge at Angau. --
Michener on sport
Colorado - Saga. Roman
Die Südsee. Roman
Fires of Spring -3
Caravans [Book]
Collectors, forgers--and a writer
Die Kinder von Torremolinos. Roman
Caribbean-Limited Ed
Endstation Florida
The Novel
Return to paradise
Klondike. Roman
The bridge at Andau
The future of the social studies
Drifters -1
Die Welt ist mein Zuhause. Erinnerungen
Dresden, Pennsylvania
Creatures of Kingdom
L'Alliance, tome 2
Tales of the South Pacific
Classic Stories of World War II
L' alliance
The Novel
World is My Home
The Hokusai sketch-books
The legacy
The source
Docteur Zorn
La course aux étoiles
Alaska. Roman
James A. Michener on the Social Studies (Bulletin (National Council for the Social Studies))
Rascals in paradise
The eagle and the raven
Two complete novels
Le roman
The Drifters Unabridged Audiobook Part 1 of 2
Space - Canada Audio
Drifters Part 1
Texas PT 1
Fiction Recessional
Hawaii (12 cassettes, Part I of III)
Caribbean Part 2
The unit in the social studies
About Centennial; some notes on the novel
Rascals in Paradise-1
Covenant Part 2
Hawaii-Part 2
The floating world
Recessional Part 1 of 2
The Watermen
Hawaii Part 1 of 3
Kent State Part 2 of 2
Iberia Part 2
Poland Part 1 of 2
Sayonara, o l'amore impossibile
Hijos De Torremolinos/the Drifters
Poland Part 2 of 2
Texas PT 3
Centennial Part 1 of 3
Chesapeake Part 3
Centennial, Part 3
Covenant Part 3
Texas PT 2
Cenntennial Part 2 of 3
The Source Part 3 of 3
Space Part 1
Space Part 2
Iberia Part 2 of 2
Iberia Part 1 of 2
The Source Part 1 of 3
The source
Hawaii-Part 1
The fires of spring
Iberia Part 1
Mexico Part 2
Three by James A. Michener
The Covenant Part 3 of 3
Source Part 1
South Pacific-16.95
The Source Part 2 of 2
The future of the social studies
Iberia, Spanish travels and reflections
The novel
Das dreckige Dutzend / Die Brücken von Toko-Ri / Feindfahrt
Recessional Part 2 of 2
Texas Part 2 of 3
Centennial, Part 2
The Eagle and the Raven
Bahía de Chesapeake
Chesapeake Part 2 of 3
Texas Part 1 of 3
Bridge at Andau
The Fires of Spring Part 2
Mexico Part 2 of 2
Caribbean Part 1 of 2
Hawaii-Part 3
Chesapeake Part 1 of 3
The Drifters Part 2 of 2
James A. Michener on the social studies
The Drifters Part 1 of 2
Mexico Part 1 of 2
Alaska Part 1
Chesapeake Part 1
Alaska Part 3
James Michener Conversations With Writers (L051 Cassette)
Kent State Part 1 of 2
Hawaii Part 3 of 3
bahia de chesapeake
The Fires of Spring Unabridged Audiobook Part 2 of 2
Centennial, Part 1
Poland Part 2
Alaska Part 1 of 3
Alaska Part 2 of 3
The Fires of Spring Part 1
James A. Michener's USA
The modern Japanese print
Novel - Header
Caribe Caribbean
The Covenant Part 1 of 3
Alaska Part 2
Chesapeake Part 2
Drifters Part 2
Texas (Part 3 of 3)
The Novel
Caribbean Part 1
Bitmeyen aci
The drifters
Caribbean Part 2 of 2
Legacy-Open Mkt
Michener Novels
Space : a novel
Chesapeake Part 3 of 3
The Covenant Part 2 of 3
Mexico Part 1
Tales of South Pacifi
Hawaii Part 2 of 3
Return to paradise
Alaska Part 3 of 3
Space Part 1 of 2
Wings Bestsellers: James Michener
Centennial Part 3 of 3
Sports in America Part 1 of 2
Collectors Editions Americana-3 Vol. Boxed Set
Selected Works
The future of social studies
Poland Part 1
Source Part 3
Covenant Part 1
Space Part 2 of 2
Hit Bilanz. Deutsche Chart Singles 1956 - 1980 'Top 10'.
The source
Caravans : a novel
La course aux étoiles
The novel
The Bridges at Toko-Ri
Modern Japanese Prints
Modern Japanese Print
Caravans [ Sept. 1973, Fawcett Crest ] (The Place: Afghanistan. The Assignment: To find a missing American girl whose parents have not heard from her since her impetuous marriage to a young Afghan engineer...)
My lost Mexico
Japanese Prints
Bridges at Toko-Ri
The Source, A Random House Novel
Presidential Lottery
Return to Paradise
The world is my home : a memoir
Ceux Qui Dérivent
Die Brücken von Toko-Ri
Exhibition, February 2-March 20, 1963
The Floating World, rev. ed.
Pacifique sud - traduit de l'americain
Selected Works
La saga del Colorado
Bridges at Toko-Ri
Rascals in Paradise
The source; a novel
La source - Pavillons Poche NE
Kent State
The Covenant
Der Adler und der Rabe
Rodgers & Hammerstein's South Pacific
Creatures of the Kingdom
South Pacific
The source
La course aux étoiles
Karawanen der nacht
Islam, the misunderstood religion
אל הוואי
Az andaui híd
Rascals in Paradise
Collectors, forgers -- and a writer
The bridges of Toko-ri
James A. Michener papers
Colorado Saga
Tales of the South Pacific
Der Adler und der Rabe
De ruimte
Verdammt im Paradies
Presidential lottery
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

poet, diarist, biographer, journalist, teacher

  • Prince of Wales College, Dalhousie University
Anne of the Island
Kilmeny of the orchard
The blue castle
The story girl
25 Favorite Novels
Anne of Green Gables
Chronicles of Avonlea
Emily's quest
Emily of New Moon
Emily climbs
A tangled web
Magic for Marigold
The Alpine path
Mistress Pat
Christmas with Anne
Jane of Lantern Hill
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea
Among the Shadows
Pat of Silver Bush
Anne of Avonlea
The Anne of Green Gables novels [8 novels]
Further chronicles of Avonlea
The road to yesterday
After many days
Favorite Love Stories
Anne's House of Dreams
Anne of Ingleside
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne of the Island
Akin to Anne
At the Altar
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Windy Poplars
Rainbow Valley
Road to Avonlea
Rilla of Ingleside
Against the Odds
Anne of the Island and Tales of Avonlea
My dear Mr. M
Along the shore
Days of dreams and laughter
The poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1896 to 1901
The golden road
Emily of New Moon [3/4]
The Complete Anne of Green Gables
Across the Miles
Word Cloud Classics
The Anne of Green Gables Diary
The doctor's sweetheart and other stories
Spirit of place
Emily Trilogy
The Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery from 1905-1906
The Way to Slumbertown
Anne of Green Gables (Boxed Set)
The watchman and other poems
Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1935-1942
Light Princess and Other Stories to Die For
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903
Anne Of Green Gables / Story Girl
The Blythes are quoted
Vintage Christmas
The Green Gables Letters
A writer's garden
Anne of the Island / Anne's House of Dreams
50 Favorite Novels
Complete Journals of L. M. Montgomery
It's Just a Stage (Road to Avonlea, No 19)
The story girl earns her name
Classic Christmas
Charming Novels of Classic Heroines
More Favorite Stories of Christmas Past
Children's Classics Collection
The Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery from 1904
A World of Songs
The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1921-1929
Classic Christmas Stories
Anne Of Green Gables Press-Out Model House (Press Out Activity Book)
Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne's House of Dreams, Rainbow Valley and Rilla of Ingleside
The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, 1889-1910
Weihnachtliche Wortschätze
After Many Years
Anne Of Green Gables Birthday Book
After Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables Journal
Collection of Friendship
Sara in Avonlea. Die Ankunft / Marillas Geheimnis. (Big Book). Ein Sommer voller Geheimnisse
The Avonlea Album
Anne of Green Gables
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1907 to 1908
Aunt Maud's Recipe Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1909 to 1922
Emily auf der High- School
Anne 3 Copy Hardcover Boxed Set
Chronicles of Avonlea / Further Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne's House of Dreams
Anne's House of Dreams / Anne of Ingleside / Rainbow Valley / Rilla of Ingleside
A Dark and Stormy Night (Road to Avonlea, No 25)
Ana de las tejas verdes
Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume IV
Ana de las tejas verdes 3. La maestra de Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne of the Island / Anne's House of Dreams
Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories
Essential L. M. Montgomery
Librivox Short Story Collection 047
Ana de las Tejas Verdes 5. Adiós, Isla del Príncipe
Anne auf Green Gables. Auf dem Weg ins Glück. (Big Book)
Twice upon a Time
Anne's House of Dreams / Rainbow Valley /Rilla of Ingleside /Further Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne und Rilla. Zum ersten Mal verliebt / Der Weg ins Glück. (Big Book)
Ana de las tejas verdes 8 - Hasta siempre, señorita Shirley
The Red Room
Classic Literature for Christian Homeschoolers, Volume 4
Ana de las tejas verdes 9 - Bienvenida, Señora Blythe
Anne : the Green Gables Complete Collection
Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1910-1921
Merry Christmas and Other Christmas Stories
Ana de las tejas verdes 10 - La familia crece
Anne of Green Gables / A Little Princess / The Wizard of Oz
Ana de las tejas verdes 1. La llegada.
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 3
Ana de las tejas verdes 9 - Bienvenida, Señora Blythe
Emily in Blair Water
Ana de las tejas verdes 8 - Hasta siempre, señorita Shirley
Anne auf Green Gables. (Big Book). Anne auf Green Gables / Anne in Avonlea
The Selected Journals of LM Montgomery Volume IV
It's just a stage [and] Misfits and miracles.
Ana de las tejas verdes 10 - La familia crece
Short Stories From 1896-1901
Annes drømmehjem
Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery From 1905-1906
Short Stories 1902 To 1903
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 5 : Seniorengeschichten
Short Stories 1904
Name for Herself
Short Stories From 1909-1922
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 1 : Tiergeschichten
Kayip Cennet - Mavinin Kizi Emily 2
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Courageous women
The selected journals of L.M. Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories 1904
Anne of Green Gables Quotes to Color
Anne of Green Gables Annotated and Unabridged
The Complete Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables and the Journey to Her New Home : Read and Learn
Letters from L. M. Montgomery to Penzie MacNeill, circa 1886-1894
Oxford Children's Classics World of Wonder Box Set
Complete Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 To 1922
Works of Lucy Maud Montgomery (100+ Works)
Hayal Dokumacisi - Mavinin Kizi Emily 3
Stage 2 - Anne of Green Gables
Short Stories 1896 To 1901
Yesilin Kizi Anne Set  Ciltli
Christmas with Anne of Green Gables and Other Stories
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 7 : Frauengeschichten
Imagining Anne
Nuevas Crónicas de Avonlea
Short Stories
Short Stories 1907 To 1908
Yesilin Kizi Anne Yeni Arkadasiyla
Anne of the Green Gables, Three Volumes in One, With Illustrations from the Early 1900's
Christmas Compendium
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 2 : Weihnachtsgeschichten
Penguin Readers Level 2
Anne of Green Gables Megapack
Anna de Verdaj Gabloj (Romantraduko Al Esperanto)
Short Stories From 1902-1903
Rodowa tajemnica
Más Aventuras en Avonlea
Penguin Minis
Mutluluk Agaci - Mavinin Kizi Emily 4
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 4 : Kindergeschichten
Anne of Green Gables Vol. 2
Around the Hearth
Short Stories 1904
Anne of Green Gables - Anne arrives, mit 1 Audio-CD. Level 2
Aunt Becky began it
Yesilin Kizi Anne Set
Short Stories From 1907-1908
Lucy Maud Montgomery Rilia
Anne of Ingleside / Anne's House of Dreams / Anne of Windy Poplars
Manga Classics Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables - Large Print
La maestra de Avonlea
Catherine Cookson - The Black Candle
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set
Ana de las tejas verdes 4. Más aventuras en Avonlea
Short Stories 1905 To 1906
Anne of Green Gables Address Book
Anne of Green Gables (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Blue Castle Plus Three by O. Henry
Anne : the Green Gables Complete Collection
Amistad para Siempre / a Forever Friendship. Illustrated Edition
Yesilin Kizi Anne Yeni Evinde
Anne de la Isla
La Stanza Rossa e altre storie di fantasmi
Ana Die Mit Den Grünen Giebeln
Anne & Rilla, Zum ersten Mal verliebt
Short Stories
Anne Green Gables #02-3 Vols (Boxed)
Rüzgârin Kizi Emily 3
Yesilin Kizi Anne 3 - Adanin Kizi
50 Classic Canadian Writers
Anne, la de Tejas Verdes
Anne & Rilla, Der Weg ins Glück
Anne, la de Avonlea
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1901 To 1903
Jane of Lantern, Magic for Marigold
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes
Mischmeasles (Story Girl)
Anne de Green Gables (Coleção Duetos)
Anne, la de Tejas Verdes
Four Winds
Short Stories
Christmas with L. M. Montgomery
Oxford Children's Classics
Essential Stories of L. M. Montgomery (Annotated)
Anne de Green Gables
Kilmeny, la Violinista Del Huerto
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes (traducción Actualizada)
Level 2 : Anne of Green Gables Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack
Foxton Readers : Anne of Green Gables : 400 Headwords Level 1
Level 2
The Hope Chest of Arabella King (The Road to Avonlea)
Timeless Treasures :
Anne of Green Gables Press-Out Doll Book
Emily Da Escalada
Anna de Teules Verdes
Anna de Teules Verdes
Anne Auf Green Gables Anne of Green Gables-Reihe, 1
Anne's Needle Craft Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery, works on CD
Anne of Green Gables
Pat of Silver Bush and Mistress Pat
Regnbågens Dal
Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book
Anne Do Vale Do Arco Íris
Anne of Green Gables Collection (Illustrated)
Das Mond Arbeitsbuch. 1920 bis 2020
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 6 : Liebesgeschichten I
Anna Auf Green Gables,
Anne of Green Gables Cookbook
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set Ciltli
Anne of Green Gables : (a Bookmark Star Edition)
Anne of Green Gables (Illustrated)
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Anna Dai Capelli Rossi, Serie Anna Dai Capelli Rossi, 1
Jotted Joyfully
La novia espera y otros cuentos
Anne of Green Gables Holiday Diary
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 9 : Versöhnungsgeschichten
Anne of Green Gables 3 Copy Box Set, Vol. 1
Anne de Las Tejas Verdes
Anne of Green Gables Series - 5 Complete Works
Ana Celle Aux Pignons Verts
Valancy Stirling
An Sherli
Lucy Maud Montgomery's Collected Short Stories
Short Stories
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes Serie Ana de Las Tejas Verdes, 1
Anne Da Ilha
Readying Rilla
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 8 : Männergeschichten
Yeşilin Kızı Anne
Yesilin Kizi Anne 5 Hayaller Evi
Yesilin Kizi Anne 6 Ingleside
Ana Quella Dai Timpani Verdi
Anne de Avonlea : (Livro 2 Da Série Anne de Green Gables)
Holidays and Happy Days
Anne, la de Los Álamos Ventosos
Anne de Ingleside
Emily Da Lua Nova
The Anne of Green Gables Collection
Essential Works of L. M. Montgomery (Annotated)
Summer Shenanigans (Book 3 (Story Girl)
King Cousins (Story Girl)
L.M. Montgomery's Complete Journals
Anne, a de Tellas Verdes
Ana De Las Tejas Verdes 3
Anne of the Green Gables
Christmas at Red Butte and Other Stories
O Castelo Azul
Anne of Green Gables - Anne grows up, mit 1 Audio-CD
Anne Shirley Collection - Anne of Green Gables, Rainbow Valley, Rilla of Ingleside, Chronicles of Avonlea, and More
Anne of Avonlea (Translated in Spanish)
Busca de Emily
Anne Da Ilha
Anne of Green Gables (Heavy Metal Edition)
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set Ciltsiz
Anne Von Green Gables
The selected journals of L.M. Montgomery
Emily of New Moon [2/4]
E. M. Forster
E. M. Forster (1879-1970)

literary critic, biographer, librettist, essayist

  • Tonbridge School, University of Cambridge
Howards End
Short Stories
A Room with a View
A Room With a View/A Passage to India Omnibus
A room with a view, Where angels fear to tread
Room with a View
Room with a View - Unabridged
A Passage to India
The Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Two cheers for democracy
The Other Persuasion
Aspects of the novel
Prentice Hall
Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two B
The Hill of Devi
Selected letters of E.M. Forster
The Machine Stops
Great novels and short stories of E.M. Forster
The Life to Come, and Other Short Stories
Commonplace book
Selected Stories
A Room with a View/Howards End
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
Abinger harvest
The hill of Devi and other Indian writings
The light fantastic
Howards End (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism (Paper))
A Passage to India
A Passage to India
The Life to Come
The manuscripts of Howards End
Three complete novels
Princes Tale and Other Uncollected Writing
A Passage to India
Letters between Forster and Isherwood on homosexuality and literature
The Celestial Omnibus and other stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread (English Library)
Pharos and Pharillon
On Reading, Writing and Living with Books
A Passage to India
Pharos and Pharillon
The Celestial Omnibus (Signature Collection)
Virginia Woolf
Desmond MacCarthy
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
E.M.Forster Film Omnibus
The manuscripts of A Passage to India
Abinger Harvest (Abinger Edition of E.M. Forster)
Aspects of the novel, and related writings
The Lucy novels
The eternal moment, and other stories
A passage to India
Marianne Thornton (Abinger Editions)
Albergo Empedocle, and other writings
Howard's End and Other Stories
The creator as critic and other writings by E.M. Forster
Route des Indes
Lad's Love
Where angels fear to tread
Pharos and Pharllion
Marianne Thornton
Original Letters From India
Una habitación con vistas
A Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The story of the siren
Arctic summer, and other fiction
A passage to India
Room with a View
The BBC talks of E.M. Forster, 1929-1960
England's pleasant land
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, and related writings
Only connect
Passaggio in India
Pasaje a La India/ A Passage to India
The machine stops and other stories
Avec vue sur l'Arno
A Room with a View and Howards End
Marianne Thornton, 1797-1887
The Story of a Panic
The Longest Journey
A Passage to India
A passage to India
The prince's tale and other uncollected writings
The collected tales
The Celestial Omnibus and other stories
A Room With a View (Twelve-Point)
Government of Egypt, Recommendations by a Committee of the International Section of the labour Research Department, with Notes on Egypt by E.M.Forster (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
Other Kingdom
E. M. Forster: selected writings
Aeneid of Virgil
Aspects of E. M. Forster
A Passage to India (Classic, 20th-Century, Audio)
The feminine note in literature
Howards End and A Room with a View
Where angels fear to tread ; [and], The longest journey ; [and], A room with a view ; [and], Howards End ; [and], A passage to India
E.M. Forster
Alexandria: a history and a guide
Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
The Celestial Omnibus and other Stories by E. M. Forster
The Other Side of the Hedge
Sinclair Lewis interprets America
Nordic twilight
Pasaje a la India
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
A Room with a View (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
A Passage to India (Modern Classics S.)
The Longest Journey (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
The Longest Journey
The Longest Journey (Abinger Edition of E M Forster)
Passage to India (1307)
Pasaje a la India/ A Passage to India
Coll Tales Forster
HOWARDS END V7 (Howards End)
Howards END (Collected Works of E.M. Forster)
Great Novels of E.M. Forster
What I believe
Where Angels Fear to Tread
A room with a view, Howards end, Maurice
A Passage to India
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickenson and Related Writings
A Passage To India
The Curate's Friend; the Road from Colonus
James Eyre and Other Genderswitched Stories
A letter to Madan Blanchard
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The government of Egypt
Forster-Masood letters
Collected short stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread
E.M. Forster, centenary revaluations
In the watches of the night
Howard's End
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
E.M. Forster
Edwin Keppel Bennet
Battersea Rise
Longest Journey Illustrated
The uncollected Egyptian essays of E.M. Forster
La mansión
The Obelisk
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Lucy Novels
T.S. Eliot and his difficulties
A view without a room
Donde los ángeles no se aventuran
A Passage to India
Pharos and Pharillon
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The life and works of D.H. Lawrence
A Passage to India
Marianne Thornton, a domestic biography, 1797-1887
Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread by EM Forster
A Passage To India
Howards End
Daughter dear
Anonymity, an enquiry
We (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
The new disorder
The development of English prose between 1918 and 1939
Auf der Suche nach Indien
The manuscripts of passage to India
Goldsworth Lowes Dickinson
Der ewige Augenblick
Where Angels Fear to Tread (New Portway Reprints)
Marianne Thornton
Marianne Thornton 1797-1887: a domestic biography
Passage to India
Longest Journey
Overtocht naar India
40 Short Stories 3e & Howards End & Awakening 2e & LiterActive
A Room with a View Illustrated
Een kamer met uitzicht
Room with a View
Ansichten des Romans
HindistanaĢ“ hir gecit
Life to Come
Tolstoy's War and peace
Howards End
Short Stories of E. M. Forster
The Abinger edition of E. M. Forster
Pharos and Pharillon - A Novelist's Sketchbook of Alexandria through the Ages
Room with a View by E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Edward Morgan Forster, Collection
Room with a View Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Room with a View Annotated
City of God
Manzarali Bir Oda
Machine Stops Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
The Machine Stops
ROOM with a VIEW Annoated Edition
Great Novels of E. M. Forster
Howards End :(Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops : Spécial Annotations by
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics: Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
England speaks, a symposium
Hindistan'a Bir Gecit
A Passage to India (Harbrace Modern Classics)
The Machine Stops
el libro del principe
The Longest Journey
Longest Journey Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated)
Howards End
Celestial Omnibus
A Passage to India
Machine Stops
Longest Journey Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Pharos and Pharillon
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Marianne Thornton, a domestic biography, 1797-1887
Room with a View Annotated
Pharos And Pharillon
Life to Come
The Machine Stops
Pasaje a la India
E. M. Forster Collection
Howards End
Life to Come
Howards End Illustrated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
Howards End
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View (Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
ROOM with a VIEW (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus, and Other Stories
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Machine Stops Illustrated
Howards End (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Howards End
A Passage to India. Guild edition
E.M. Forster's letters to Donald Windham
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Room with a View Annotated Comedic Dramas and Plays
En lo que creo
Longest Journey (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Longest Journey
Machine Stops Illustratedv
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Howard's End
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
The novels of E. M. Forster
Passage to India (1924) and the Machine Stops (1909) Unabridged Editions
Virginia Woolf
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
Room with a View (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Howards End Annoted
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Howards End Illustrated
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Howards End Annotated
Passage to India
The Machine Stops
The Longest Journey
Howards End Annotated
Longest Journey
The longest journey
The Celestial Omnibus and other Stories
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stori
Where Angels Fear to Tread : (Annotated)
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson (UK HB in DJ - 1934)
Longest Journey
Howards End E. M. Forster, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony
Room with a View (100 Copy Limited Edition)
Wiedersehen in Howards End
Room with a View Annotated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Machine Stops
Machine Stops
Howards End
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Where angels fear to tread,
Room with a View (annotated)
Penguin Readers Level 4
E.M. Forster's A passage to India
Machine Stops( Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Howards End
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Machine Stops Annotated
The Celestial Omnibus, and Other Stories
Machine Stops
Where Angels Fear to Tread : Spécial Annotations by
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Room with a View( Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Room with a View
A Room With a View / Howards End / Maurice
Longest Journey
Howards End Illustrated
Longest Journey
Camera Con Vista
Passage to India : Spécial Annotations by
Howards End
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Machine Stops Annotated
Longest Journey Illustrated
Longest Journey Illustrated
Un viatge a l'Índia
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
The Machine Stops
Howards End Annotated
Longest Journey (Illustrated)
Machine Stops : (Annotated)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster Illustrated Edition
A Passage to India
A Room With a View / Howards End / Maurice
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (illustrated Edition)
The Longest Journey
Goldworthy Lowes Dickinson
Howards End Annotated
Hill of Devi
Howards End by E. M. Forster ( Annotated)
Howards End Illustrated
Howards End E. M. Forster
Howards End
Machine Stops
Room with a View (AmazonClassics Edition)
Longest Journey
Passage to India
Longest Journey (Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India (Everyman)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Passage to India by E. M. Forster
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Where angels fear to tread - the original classic edition
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Howards End Illustrated
Room with a View Annotated
E. M. Forster - The Machine Stops
Room with a View : Spécial Annotations by
Machine Stops Illustrated
Basic surgical operations
Cennet Dolmusu
Passage to India (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Illustrated)
Howard's End
E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster(illustrated Edition)
Machine Stops :(Illustrated Edition)
Room with a View: (Full Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India, A
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories : Spécial Annotations by
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Passage to India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
The Longest Journey (Penguin Books. no. 1470.)
Passage to India
Machine Stops Annotated
Howards End Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
Longest Journey, the - E. M. Forster
Longest Journey Illustrated
Et Rom Med Utsikt
Howards End (Penguin modern classics)
A Passage to India
Die Maschine steht still
Room with a View (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Room with a View Annotated and Illustrated Edition
The Cave and the Mountain
Howards End Annotated
Cartas de la India
Longest Journey Illustrated
Roman Sanati
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
A passage to India
L'omnibus céleste et autres nouvelles
Machine Stops Annotated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Howards End : (Annotated)
Waar engelen schromen te gaan
Room with a View Annoted
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
4 Books by E. M. Forster
Passage to India
Howards End Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Room with a View (Illustrated)
A Passage to India (Harbrace Modern Classics, No. 1-B)
A Silk Road Journey II 2 A Passage to India and Intriguing India, Music and Images
Passage to India
Howard's End - Penguin Modern Classics No. 311
Room with a View
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Where Angels Fear to Tread Lib/E
Meleklerin Uğramadığı Yer
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
The longest journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (Illustrated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Room with a View (Illustrated)
el libro del principe
Room with a View
Howards End Illustrated
The Hill of Devi
Longest Journey
A Passage to India
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View
Machine Stops (Annotated)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View Illustrated
Machine Stops Illustrated
Room with a View Novel by E. M. Forster
E. M. Forster
Room with a View (Annotated) Unabridged Classic Version
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
La Máquina se para
Room with a View : (Annotated)
Machine Stops, The
Longest Journey Illustrated Edition
Machine Stops Illustrated
G. K. Chesterton
Howards End
Room with a View (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Longest Journey Classroom Edition
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
The Longest Journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Howards End Annotated
Celestial Omnibus
The Longest Journey
Passage to India by E. M. Forster Annotated Novel
Room with a View
Howards End
A Passage to India
Machine Stops
Machine Stops
Where Angels Fear to Tread Illustrated
Room with a View Annotated Edition by E. M. Forster
Longest Journey
Machine Stops
Longest Journey
Howards End Illustrated
Howards End Illustrated
A Passage To India
The Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Annotated)
Room with a View :(Illustrated Edition)
Longest Journey
Room with a View(annotated)
Meleklerin Ugramadigi Yer
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster(illustrated Edition)
Passage to India
Howard's End (The World's Best Reading)
The Machine Stops
Manuscripts of Howard's End
Machine Stops (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Room with a View Annotated
Longest Journey
E. M. Forster
Hindistan'a Bir Geçit
Where Angels Fear to Tread
E. M. Forster
Pharos and Pharillon
Celestial Omnibus
Passage to India : (2020)
The longest journey
Machine Stops Annotated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Tales
Longest Journey
Where Angels Fear to Tread
Pharos and Pharillon
Room with a View (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Passaggio in India
Manzaralı Bir Oda
Een Kamer Met Uitzicht (Vertaald 2022)
Machine Stops Illustrated
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Illustrated)
Passage to India
Longest Journey
A Passage to India
Indo eno michi
Machine Stops Illustrated Edition
Machine Stops
Room with a View
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Hill of Devi
Longest Journey (Annotated)
Machine Stops
Passage to India
Where angels fear to tread
Machine Stops (Illustrated)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Howards End
Machine Stops (Illustrated Edition)
Longest Journey Illustrated
Machine Stops and Other Stories
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
A Passage To India
Pasaje A La India
Where Angels Fear to Tread
The Hill of Devi, Being Letters from the Dewas State Senior.
Room with a View (Illustrated)
Room with a View (Diversion Classics)
Room with a View Annotated Teen and Young Adult Classic Literature
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories
Room with a View Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated Edition)
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories (Annotated)
Uma Passagem para A Índia
Machine Stops
A Passage to India
Room with a View Annotated
Howards End (Illustrated)
Where Angels Fear To Tread
Passage to India (1924) and the Machine Stops (1909) Unabridged Editions by Edward Morgan Forster OM CH
Pharos and Pharillon
Celestial Omnibus and Other Stories Illustrated
Longest Journey (Annotated)
Room with a View Annotated
Machine Stops by E. M. Forster
Howards End Illustrated
The Longest Journey Classroom Edition
Howards End (a Classics Illustrated Edition)
Passage to India
Longest Journey
Passage to India
Passage to India (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Howards End (Illustrated)
The Hill of Devi, being Letters from Dewas State Senior
Howards End Illustrated Edition
Corinna of England
Room with a View
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
A presidential address to the Cambridge humanists, summer 1959
The new collected short stories
The celestial omnibus
Forrest Reid Memorial
E.M. Forster - K.P. Kavaphēs
Xiao shuo mian mian guan
The longest journey. --
Kaį¹æanot į¹­ovot
Where angels fear to tread
The Hill of Devi
De hemelse paardetram en andere verhalen
The celestial omnibus
מהע להודו
Pageant of Abinger. ...
The celestial omnibus and other stories
A passage to India
The longest jouney = El viaje más largo (edición bilingüe)
Where angels fear to tread
Pasaje a la India
Virginia Woolf
The longest journey. --
Where angels fear to tread
Pharos and Pharillon
The true Joan of Arc--Shaw's or France's
Fairy tales for computers
Pessimism in literature
The manuscripts of Howards end
MasaŹ» le-Hodu
Passage to India
The celestial omnibus & the eternal moment
The longest journey
The celestial omnibus
The longest journey
The Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society present England's pleasant land
A Garland for E. M. Forster
Guįŗ•arÄ« bih Hind
Room With a View/Cassettes (1285)
Porridge or prunes, sir?
Evaluating Managed Mental Health Services
Dodie Smith
Dodie Smith (1896-1990)

autobiographer, playwright

  • St Paul's Girls' School
I Capture the Castle
I capture the castle
It Ends with Revelations
Stop What You're Doing and Read to Your Daughter
I Capture the Castle
The Hundred and One Dalmatians
101 Dalmatians
The New Moon With the Old
The starlight barking
Walt Disney's 101 dalmatians.
Dog Stories by James Herriot, Rudyard Kipling, Gerald Durell and others
Look back with love
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians
Look back with mixed feelings
Disney's 102 Dalmatians
Look back with astonishment
Hundred and One Dalmatians
The hundred and one Dalmatians
Amateur Means Lover
101 Dalmatas
101 Dalmatians
One hundred and one dalmatians
The midnight kittens
The girl from the candle-lit bath
Disney's 101 Dalmatas/Spanish
It Ends with Revelations
Speak Up, Patch
Look back with gratitude
Hundred and One Dalmatians
Call it a day
Dear octopus
The town in bloom
Stories of the hundred and one dalmatians
Tale of Two Families
Les cent un dalmatiens
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians
101 Dalmatians
The Hundred and one dalmations
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Starlight Barking
101 Dalmatians Big Book Penguin Young Reader, Level 3
Town in Bloom
101 Dalmatians
Bonnet over the windmill
Disney Classic - 101 Dalmatians
Mein Sommerschloß
The puppies' story
Dear octopus
The Hundred and One Dalmatians
Disney's 101 Dalmatians
A tale of two families
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Penguin Young Readers Level 3
Lovers and friends
Hundred and One Dalmatians
Autumn crocus
Touch wood
101 and Starlight Barking
101 dalmatians
Hundred and One Dalmatians Modern Classic
Pongo's in love
Adventure Stories for Girls
101 dalmatyńczyków
101 dalmatians
The town in bloom
Tle of Two Fmilies
101 dalmatians
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
The starlight barking; more about the hundred and one dalmatians
Hundred and One Dalmatians
El Castillo Sonado
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians
101 Dalmaçyali Çocuk Klasikleri
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians (Disney's Wonderful World of Reading)
I Capture the Castle
101 Dalmatian
Hundred and One Dalmatians (Children's Choice)
New Moon with the Old
101 Dalmations
El castillo soñado
New Moon with the Old
Town in Bloom
Starlight Barking (Deluxe)
Capture the Castle
It Ends with Revelations
Letter from Paris, a comedy
Starlight Barking
I Capture the Castle B Pbp
Walt Disneys the Lucky Puppy
101 dalmatyńczyków
I Capture the Castle B Special
The Hundred and One Dalmatians (Penguin Young Readers, Level 3)
GK - 101 Dalmacyali
Disney's Speak up, Patch!
Hundred and One Dalmatians / the Starlight Barking
Walt Disney's 101 dalmatians
101 dalmatians
Disney's 101 Dalmatians
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians (Disney)
101 dalmatians
Les 101 dalmatiens
Call it a day
Le château de Cassandra
Who goes there?
It ends with revelations
What a mess, little puppies!
Reshimot įø²asandrah
101 dalmatians
The Dalmatians' guess who?
TaŹ»alumat ha-kelavim ha-meŹ»ofefim
The midnight kittens
101 dalmatians
Disney's puppy rescue
A Dalmatian day
MeŹ¾ah kelavim į¹æe-eįø„ad
Honoré Willsie Morrow
HonorƩ Willsie Morrow (1880-1940)

magazine editor, biographer

On to Oregon!
Splendor of God
The enchanted canyon
Judith of the godless valley
The Lincoln stories of Honoré Morrow
With malice toward none
Splendid Journey
Benefits forgot
Seven Alone
The lost speech of Abraham Lincoln
Great captain
With malice toward none
Great Captain, Three Lincoln Novels
Great captain
On to Oregon!
We must march
Tiger! Tiger!
The Lincoln stories of Honore  Morrow
Lydia of the Pines
Great Captain
The father of Little women
Svobodny naveki
The Enchanted Canyon
The Enchanted Canyon
Beyond the blue Sierra
On to Oregon! (Trophy Repackage)
Splendour of God
Demon daughter
Great captain
Judith of the Godless Valley
The Heart of the Desert Kut-Le of the Desert
The Forbidden Trail
The Enchanted Canyon; A Novel of the Grand Canyon and the Arizona Desert
The forbidden trail
The Last Full Measure
The heart of the desert
The heart of the desert
On to Oregon!
Splendor of God
Benefits Forgot
Let the king beware!
The Enchanted Canyon; a Novel of the Grand Canyon and the Arizona Desert
The father of Little women
Mary Todd Lincoln
Great Captain. the Abraham Lincoln Trilogy. Forever Free, With Malice Toward None, the Last Full Measure
The Father of Little Women
The enchanted canyon
Great Captain
"Benefits forgot"
The forbidden trail
Lydia of the pines
Forever Free 1st Printing
Forever free
The heart of the desert
Yonder sails the Mayflower
Beyond the blue Sierra
The exile of the Lariat
Black Daniel
The Lincoln stories of HonoreĢ Morrow
Benefits Forgot; a Story of Lincoln and Mother Love
Still Jim
The enchanted canyon
Benefits Forgot; A Story of Lincoln and Mother Love
On to Oregon!
Judith of the godless valley
Ship's parrot
The last full measure
The heart of the desert (Kut-le of the desert)
We must march; a novel of the winning of Oregon
We must march
The Devonshers
The father of Little women
Ship's parrot