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science communicators who wrote popular science
Showing 17-20 out of 20 results
Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan (1934-1996)

cosmologist, astrophysicist, planetary scientist, space scientist, science communicator, astronomer, physicist, naturalist, television presenter

  • University of Chicago
The Demon-Haunted World
Pale Blue Dot
Billions and billions
The Dragons of Eden
Broca's Brain
The Cosmic Connection
The Varieties of Scientific Experience
The Cold and the Dark
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Murmurs of Earth
Intelligent life in the universe
Conversations with Carl Sagan
Planetary Atmospheres
A path here no man thought
Selected from Cosmos (Ourworld)
Life in the Universe
The Symmetric Group:Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Visions for the 21st Century
Planetary exploration
Other worlds
Organic matter and the moon
The evolution of a planetary system
The cosmosphere
Dal Big Bang ai buchi neri
The scientific and historical rationales for solar system exploration
Reader Study Guide for Cosmos
The Cosmic Connection
The radiation balance of Venus
Untitled on Mars
Moḥo shel Broḳah
The scientific and historical rationales for solar system exploration
Martin Gardner
Martin Gardner (1914-2010)

journalist, literary critic, magician, philosopher, mathematician, science communicator

  • University of Chicago
Gardner's whys & wherefores
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Relativity for the million
Aha! gotcha
Comets & Computers
The new age
Knotted doughnuts and other mathematical entertainments
Science Puzzlers
More Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd
The 2nd Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions
Wheels, life, and other mathematical amusements
The Wizard of Oz and Who He Was
Classic brainteasers
Black holes & bug-eyed-monsters
The night is large
The Ambidextrous Universe
Mathematical magic show
The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions
The healing revelations of Mary Baker Eddy
Visitors from Oz
Mental magic
The Mathematical Gardner
Mathematical Puzzles
Mathematical Circus
Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers
Isaac Asimov's Masters of Science Fiction
Science Fiction Puzzle Tales
Space Puzzles
Science Magic
Undiluted Hocus-Pocus
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Fifth Series
Weird water & fuzzy logic
The Tokyo puzzles
The Country Of The Blind And Other Science-fiction Stories
Smart Science Tricks
The Jinn from Hyperspace
How not to test a psychic
aha! Insight
The whys of a philosophical scrivener
Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?
Isaac Asimov's Marvels of Science Fiction
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 10 (1948)
Martin Gardner's Sixth book of mathematical diversions from Scientific American
The Annotated Casey at the Bat
New Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American
Best remembered poems
The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix
The Last Recreations
Time travel and other mathematical bewilderments
On the wild side
The arrow book of brain teasers
Gardner's Workout
The flight of Peter Fromm
The Annotated Night Before Christmas
The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions
Logic Machines and Diagrams
Mathematics, magic and mystery
Brain Teasers (pocket puzzlers)
In the Name of Science
Dark Stars & Dragons
The colossal book of short puzzles and problems
My best mathematical and logic puzzles
The Universe in a Handkerchief
A Bouquet for the Gardener
Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd
Optical Illusion Play Pack
The snark puzzle book
The wreck of the Titanic foretold?
The Colossal Book of Mathematics
From the Wandering Jew to William F. Buckley
When you were a tadpole and I was a fish
Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers
Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing
Great Essays in Science
Desafíos Mentales
Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries?
Mind-Boggling Word Puzzles
Puzzles from other worlds
Martin Gardner's table magic
Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic
Colossal Book Of Wordplay
Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers
Mathematical Carnival
Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers..
More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
Order and surprise
Never make fun of a turtle, my son
More Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers
Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries?
Damas, Parabolas y Mas Mistificaciones Matematicas / Checkers, Parables and Other Mathematical Mystifications
Over the coffee cups
Martin Gardner Presents
A Gathering of Gardner
Cut the cards
Extraterrestrials & Eclipses
The no-sided professor, and other tales of fantasy, humor, mystery, and philosophy
Riddles of the sphinx, and other mathematical puzzle tales
Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games
Eğlenceli Matematik Bilmeceleri
Mathematical Circus
The Scientific American book of mathematical puzzles & diversions
Geometrie mit Taxis (German Edition)
Huevos, nudos y otros mitos
Mathematical puzzles & diversions
Enigmas de otros mundos
¡Aja! Paradojas que te hacen pensar
Bilimin Büyüsü
The Book of Visual Illusions
The Second Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
The Wizard of Oz and Who He Was
Logic Machines, Diagrams and Boolean Algebra
Mathematical Magic Show
Mathematical Games Knowledge Cards
Les Magiciens démasqués
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
The ambidextrous universe
Fractal Music, Hypercards and More Mathematical Recreations from "Scientific American"
Puro Abracadabra
Fads & Fallacies in the Name of Science (Masterpieces of Science)
¡Aja! Paradojas que te hacen pensar
Flight of Peter Fromm
The 2nd Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions
Magia de Cerca
T'ongsŏp kwa chichŏk sagi
Magia Inteligente
Science Puzzlers
Relativity for the million
Martin Gardner's favorite poetic parodies
Peter Puzzlemaker Returns!
Los mágicos números del Doctor Matrix
Relativity for the Million
Mathematics, Magic and Mystery
Matematicheskie golovolomki i razvlechenii͡a
Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing
In the name of science
The Annotated Snark
Matematikçinin Galaksi Rehberi
Space Puzzles
12 tricks with a borrowed deck
Archimedes, mathematician and inventor
Damas, parábolas y más mistificaciones
Perplexing puzzles and tantalizing teasers
Logic machines and diagrams
Famous poems from bygone days
Never make fun of a turtle, my son
Classic Mind-Bending Puzzles 2007 Calendar
Cut the cards
Classic Mind-bending Puzzles 2008 Calendar
Mathematical puzzles
Alte amuzamente matematice
Mathematical Marvels
Over the coffee cups
Matematicheskie chudesa i taĭny
Ingenio Para Genios
Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins (born 1941)

evolutionary biologist, ethologist, science communicator, essayist, theoretical biologist, epistemologist, sociobiologist, biologist, zoologist, actor, geneticist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The Blind Watchmaker
The Magic of Reality
The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Unweaving the Rainbow
Science in the soul
Science in the Soul
The God Delusion
The Greatest Show on Earth
The selfish gene
River out of Eden
The Ancestor's Tale
What Are You Optimistic About?
A Devil's Chaplain
The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution
The Extended Phenotype
Het Grootste Spektakel ter Wereld
An Appetite For Wonder The Making Of A Scientist A Memoir
Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science
The Tanner lectures on human values
Inside Natures Giants
Oxford Illustrated Science Encyclopedia
Outgrowing God
The Four Horsemen
Una luz fugaz en la oscuridad
Climbing Mount Improbable
Bóg urojony
Why we believe in god(s)
River Out of Eden
Blind Watchmaker 1.2
Caught in the Pulpit
Destejiendo el arco iris
Der entzauberte Regenbogen. Wissenschaft, Aberglaube und die Kraft der Phantasie
Genius of Britain (Text Only)
Qu'est-ce que l'évolution ? Le fleuve de la vie
Pocket Watchmaker
Opowieść przodka
Books Do Furnish a Life
Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology
God's Utility Function
Olafur Eliasson
Een Regenboog Ontrafelen
Host Manipulation by Parasites
Destejiendo El Arco Iris
River Out of Eden (Science Masters)
Flights of Fancy
God als Misvatting
The Tinbergen legacy
Science in the soul
River Out Of Eden
Viruses of the Mind
Die Schöpfungslüge
The extended selfish gene
Und es entsprang ein Fluß in Eden. Das Uhrwerk der Evolution
El gen egoi sta
Fresh Air : Faith, Reason and Doubt Lib/E
Ateísmo para principiantes
Descent of Man
Not One More Death
Geschichten vom Ursprung des Lebens
Una curiosidad insaciable
La ciencia en el alma
The best American science and nature writing, 2003
The Oxford book of modern science writing
El relojero ciego
Greatest Show on Earth
Extended Phenotype
Science, delusion and the appetite for wonder
River Out of Eden 18-copy Dumpbin
River Out of Eden
Olasılıksızlık Dağına Tırmanmak
Die Poesie der Naturwissenschaften
Escalada do Monte Improv�vel, A
Story of Life
Genislemis Fenotip; Gen Bencildir'in Devami
Capelão do Diabo
Ancestral Voices
Najwspanialsze widowisko świata
Destejiendo el arco iris
Gokkusagini Cozmek
Tanrıyı Aşmak
Kör Saatçi
El relojero ciego
La fantasía de volar
My Name is Stardust
Ruhtaki Bilim
Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Yeryuzundeki En Buyuk Gosteri
Pour en finir avec Dieu
Kör Saatci
Brief Candle in the Dark
From Apostle to Apostate
Brief Candle in the Dark
Nice guys finish first
Fantasía de Volar
Swiatelko w mroku
Merak Tutkusu
River Out of Eden 36 x Dumpbin
Una curiosidad insaciable
Una Luz Fugaz En La Oscuridad
Die Schöpfungslüge
Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology
Alabama Insert
Outgrowing God
Climbing Mount Improbable
Brief Candle in the Dark
The Young Oxford Encyclopedia of Science
God's Utility Function
O Relojoeiro Cego
DECOMPONDO O ARCO-ÍRIS - A Ciência, a Ilusão e o Apetite pelo Deslumbramento -(EURO 13.97)
Growing-up in the Universe
El espejismo de Dios
La ciencia en el alma
Young Oxford Library of Science
La ciencia en el alma
El espejismo de Dios
Religion as a by-product of something else in
Der entzauberte Regenbogen
Der Erweiterte Phänotyp
Devil's Chaplain
Genetic Book of the Dead
Der Gotteswahn
ha-Hatsagah ha-gedolah ba-tevel
Abstracts of papers presented at the 1990 meeting on Evolution
Reka iz Raja
O typhlos ōrologopoios
Oxford surveys in evolutionary biology
יש אלוהים?
Marion Montaigne
Marion Montaigne (born 1980)

comics artist, science communicator, blogger

  • Gobelins, École Estienne