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philosophers who wrote popular science
Showing 1-8 out of 18 results
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Peter Godfrey-Smith (born 1965)


  • University of California, San Diego
Roger Penrose
Roger Penrose (born 1931)

mathematician, physicist, philosopher, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • University College London, University of Cambridge
The Road to Reality
Shadows of the mind
The Emperor's New Mind
The large, the small and the human mind
The nature of space and time
Spinors and space-time
Stephen Hawking
Cycles of Time
What is life? The physical aspect of the living cell
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013
Three Princeton Lectures on the Mathematics and Physics
Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity
Nature and the Greeks
Les ombres de l'esprit
Droga do rzeczywistości
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
Les ombres de l'esprit
Hermann Weyl
Les deux infinis et l'esprit humain
White Mars
On space and time
Spinors and Space-Time
Collected works
On Space And Time
Cosmology of Consciousness
Analytical and numerical approaches to mathematical relativity
Hermann Weyl
White Mars; or, the Mind Set Free
Einstein's Miraculous Year
Spinors and Space-Time, Volume 1
Ciclos del tiempo
Ciclos del tiempo
El camino a la realidad
Der Weg zur Wirklichkeit
Conversations with Einstein
Cycles of Time
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Zyklen der Zeit
Zihnin Gölgeleri
Fizigin Gizemi Kralin Yeni Usu 2. Cilt
Techniques of differential topology in relativity
Artificial Intelligence Versus Natural Intelligence
Science, spirituality, and the nature of reality
Zaman Döngüleri
Gercegin Yollari
A la découverte des lois de l'univers
Consciousness and the Universe
Quantum gravity 2
Kralin Yeni Akli
Twistor Symmetries and Particle Physics
Us Nerede? Kralin Yeni Usu 3. Cilt
Emperor's New Mind
Mr Tompkins in Paperback
Consciousness and the universe
Kralin Yeni Akli
La Mente Nueva del Emperador
Evrenin Yeni Fiziğinde Moda, İnanç ve Fantezi
Emperor's Guide to the Physical Universe
The Emperor's New Mind - Concerning Computers , Minds , and the Law of Physics
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
L'esprit, l'ordinateur et les lois de la physique
Lo grande, lo pequeno y la mente humana
Lo grande, lo pequeño y la mente humana
Altair Design
Bilgisayar ve Zeka Kralin Yeni Usu 1. Cilt
Moda, fe y fantasía en la nueva física del universo
How Consciousness Became the Universe
Quantum gravity
Schatten des Geistes: Wege zu einer neuen Physik des Bewußtseins (German Edition)
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

naturalist, astrologer, protestant theologian, mathematician, astronomer, musicologist, physicist, cosmologist, music theorist, philosopher, teacher, inventor

  • University of Tübingen, Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
Gesammelte Werke
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae
Opera omnia
Harmonies of the world
The harmony of the world
Le secret du monde
Joannis Kepleri astronomi Opera omnia
Sixcornered Snowflake
Tertius interveniens
Warnung an die Gegner der Astrologie
Johannes Kepler in seinen Briefen
Johannes Kepler
Joannis Keppleri De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
New astronomy
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mvndi libri v
Die astrologie des Johannes Kepler
Understanding Modern Taiwan
Nova stereometria doliorvm vinariorvm, in primis Austriaci, figuræ omnium aptissimæ et usus in eo virgæ cubicæ compendiosissimus & plane singularis
De cometis libelli tres
Tabvlæ Rudolphinæ
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur
Astronomia nova [aitiologetos (romanized form)], sev, Physica coelestis
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo
srodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Traum vom Mond
Ausszug au  der uralten Messekunst Archimedis ..
Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ, or, The Rudolphine tables
Des kaiserliches Mathematikers Johannes Kepler Unterredung mit dem Sternenboten
Joannis Kepleri Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
J. Keplers grundlagen der geometrischen optik
The secret of the universe =
Dioptrice Johannis Kepler
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi
De fvndamentis astrologiæ certioribvs
Epitome astronomiæ copernicanæ vsitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Selections from Kepler's Astronomia nova
Nova Kepleriana
The Secret of the Universe
Joannis Keppleri Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque colestium studiosos, de raris mirisq[ue], anni 1631
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Epitome of Copernican astronomy, books 4 and 5, The organization of the world and the doctrine on the theoria ..
Ephemerides novae
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena
L' Harmonie du monde
Mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia nova aitiologētos [romanized] seu Physica coelestis
Prodomus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
L' étrenne
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumum de astronomia lunari
Harmonies Of The World (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Kurze Darstellung der Copernicanischen Astronomie in sieben Bänden
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Joannis Kepleri Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quæ visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ..
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sideral messenger
On the more certain fundamentals of astrology, Prague, 1601
Ioannis Kepleris ... Strena
Über die zuverlässigeren Grundlagen der Astrologie
Harmonices mvndi [di Giovanni Keppler]
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunft Saturni unnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Lo wenso da geschicht im Monat Julio dess MDCXXIII Jahrs..
Discussione col Nuncio sidereo e Relazione sui quattro satelliti di Giove
Weltharmonik, übersetzt und eingeleitet von Max Caspar
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata  quaestionum..
Strena seu de niue sexangula..
Harmonices mundi..
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscriptae Libri V. VI. VII. quibus propriè Doctrina Theorica (post principia libro V. praemissa) comprehenditur
Harmonies Of The World
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ..
Neue Astronomie
The Six-Cornered Snowflake
Dissertatio cum nuncio siderea nuper ad mortales Misso a   Galilae'o Galilaeo..
Somnium, Seu Opus Posthumum de Astronomia Lunari, Divulgatum A M. Ludovico Kepplero, ...
Etrenne Ou la Neige Sexangulaire
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Joh. Kepleri, mathem. cæe. & Jacobi Bartschi Tabulæ manuales logarithmicæ ad calculum astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles
Ioannes Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V quorum
Weltharmonik (German Edition)
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inque Vll libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt De doctrina sphaerica
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Concerning the more certain fundamentals of astrology: A new brief dissertation looking towards a cosmotheory together with a physical prognosis for ... of Christ, written to the philosophers, 1602
Keplers Elegie in obitum Tychonis Brahe
De stella nova in pede serpentarii..
Somnium ya da Ay Astronomisi
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur; potissimum de artificiosa observatione et aestimatione diametrorum deliquiorumque solis & lunae, cum exemplis insignium eclipsium
Neue Stereometrie der Fässer
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum..
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum continens mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia Nova
Astronomia nova aitologetos
Tajemnica kosmosu
Johannes Kepler: life and letters
Epistolae J. Keppleri & M. Berneggeri mutuae
Ioannis Kepleris Strena, seu, De niue sexangula
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae..
Ioannis Keppleri Ad epistolam clarissimi viri D. Jacobi Bartschii ... præfixam ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Kepleri Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso à Galilæ'o Galilæo ..
Astrnomia nova aitiologestos
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumun de astronomia lunari
The Almagest by Ptolemy; On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, by Copernicus; Epitome of Copernican Astronomy IV and V; The Harmonies of the World V, by Kepler. Great Books Vol. 16
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ...
Neue Astronomie
Astronomia nova aitiologētos, seu, Physica coelestis
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Tajemnica Kosmosu
Joh. Keppleri mathematici olim imperatorii Somnium, seu opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Tabvlae Rudolphinae
Astronomia nova
Johannes Kepler
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo
Kepler's Somnium
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prognosticon, von aller handt bedraulichen Vorbotten künftigen Übelstands in regiments und kirchensachen sonderlich von cometen und erdbidem auff das Jahr 1618 und 1619
Astronomia nova aitiologetos
Kosmische Harmonie
Joannis Keppleri ... De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
[Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Harmonies of the world
Kepler-Festschrift. 1971
Joannis Keppleri mathematici Eclogae chronicae ex epistolis doctissimorum aliquot virorum, & suis mutuis
De stella nova in pede Serpendarii
El secreto del universo
Joannis Kepleri... Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
Astronomia nova aitiologetos seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis democibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe plurium annorum pertinaci studis elaborate Pragae a Joanne Keplero
De cometis libelli tres
Tertivs interveniens
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sidereal messenger
Doctrina sphaerica
Joannis Kepleri Astronomi opera omnia
Joannis Keppleri harmonices mundi libri V...
Kepler's Traum vom Mond
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Mysterium cosmographicum
Prodromus Dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Harmonices mundi libri V
Schriften zur Optik 1604-1611
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso Galilaeo Galilaeo mathematico Patavino
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Ioannis Kepleri Sae. Cae. Mtis. mathematici Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quae visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ...
Opera omnia
The Major writings of Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler
Tychonis Brahei dani Hyperaspistes
Sämtliche Gedichte
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Ausszug auss der uralten messekunst Archimedis ...
Gründlicher Bericht vnd Bedencken, von einem vngewöhnlichen newen Stern, welcher im October dess 1604
Astronomia nova, seu Physica caelestis
Zwei wiederaufgefundene Prognostica von Johann Kepler auf die Jahre 1604 und 1624 / [herausgegeben] von Walther von Dyck
Johannes Kepler, 1571-1971
Ioannis Keppleri ... Ad epistolam clarissimi viri d. Jacobi Bartschii laubani lusati, medicinae candidati, praefixam Ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V
Ioannis Kepleri Mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio, cum nuncio sidereo, nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo, Mathematico Patauino
Discurs welcher Gestalt allerhand Ulmische Mass-Sachen
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Astronomia nova ai'tiologe tos; seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariisde motibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe ...
Prodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Tabulae Rudolphinae, or, the Rudolphine tables
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunfft Saturni vnnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Löwen
(1) Strena, sive, De nive sexangula (1611) ; (2) Sidereus nuncius (1653) ; (3) Dialogus de calendario gregoriano (1726)
Der Traum, oder, Mond Astronomie
Martin Cohen
Martin Cohen (born 1964)


  • University of Exeter
101 philosophy problems
The Essentials of Philosophy and Ethics
Political Philosophy
Philosophical tales
Wittgenstein's beetle and other classic thought experiments
101 ethical dilemmas
Political Philosophy
Philosophy For Dummies
Mind games
Mind Games
La biblia de la filosofía
Juegos mentales
Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer (born 1954)

historian of science, journalist, sport cyclist, psychologist, philosopher

  • Pepperdine University, California State University, Fullerton
Secrets of Mental Math
How We Believe
What Are You Optimistic About?
Why people believe weird things
Denying history
Why Darwin Matters
Think like a math genius
Science friction
Sport cycling
The Borderlands of Science
In Darwin's Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace
Teach Your Child Science
The moral arc
Pseudoscience and deception
The mind of the market
The Science of Good and Evil
Paranormal claims
The believing brain
The skeptic encyclopedia of pseudoscience
Why Darwin matters
Why People Believe Weird Things
Christianity Is Not Great
The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience 2 volume set
Mind of the Market
UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens
Weird Earth
In Darwin's shadow
Heavens on earth
Believing Brain
How We Believe
Think Like a Maths Genius
The Skeptic encyclopedia of pseudoscience
Giving the Devil his Due
Science Friction
Arguing Science
Why Darwin Matters
Prove It Before You Promote It
Science of Good and Evil
Heavens on Earth
Por qué creemos en cosas raras
In Darwin's Shadow : The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace
Finding Purpose in a Godless World
The soul of science
Reality Check
Swayonomics. : An article from
H. L. Mencken
Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience
Race across America
The Mind of the Market
Inanan Beyin
The Raam Book
Moral Arc
Denying History
In Darwin's Shadow
Ahlakın Yayı
The believing brain
Manual for Creating Atheists
Giati oi anthrōpoi pisteuoun se paraxena pragmata
Julian Huxley
Julian Huxley (1887-1975)

evolutionary biologist, ethologist, professor, philosopher, physiologist, biologist, film director

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
The science of life
Essays in popular science
The Doubleday pictorial library of nature
The wonderful world of life
New Bottles for New Wine
Evolution in action
Essays of a biologist
The humanist frame
Religion without revelation
Knowledge, morality, and destiny
The individual in the animal kingdom
Evolution as a process
Problems of relative growth
From an antique land
Democracy marches
Evolutionary humanism
The courtship habits of the great crested grebe
Africa view
Scientific research and social needs
Heredity East and West
On population
Charles Darwin and his world
From an antique land
The elements of experimental embryology
Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963
The human crisis
We Europeans
Man in the modern world
Problems of relative growth
Why I reject the idea of God
4215911 delfin   naranga
African view
Man stands alone
Man in the modern world
Biological aspects of cancer
Scientific research and social needs
Problems in experimental embryology
Evolutionary ethics
Scientific progress
Democracy marches
Soviet genetics and world science
On living in a revolution
Education and the humanist revolution. --
Essays in popular science
The living thoughts of Darwin
If I were dictator
Argument of blood
Africa view
Science, religion, and human nature
Die Löwin Elsa und ihre Jungen
Biology and human life
L' Évolution en action
Evolution, the modern synthesis
The conservation of wild life and natural habitats in central and east Africa
West African survey
Memories II
Scientific progress
The story of evolution
Charles Darwin and his world
Reconstruction and peace
The uniqueness of man
Science and social needs
Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963
Charles Darwin
A scientist among the soviets
The new systematics
The courtship habits of the great crested grebe
Religion without revelation
Evolution as a preoces
The captive shrew
Captive shrew
We Europeans
Knowledge, morality, and destiny
Three Essays on Population
Essays in popular science
Life can be worth living
La vallée du miracle "TVA,"
The uniqueness of man
Man Stands Alone
TVA, adventure in planning
Mammals and birds
Bird-watching and bird behaviour
Essais d'un biologiste
The conservation of wild life and natural habitats in Central and East Africa
The human crisis
Aspects of Africa, I [-IV]
From an antique land
Evolution in action
Demokratie marschiert
Essays of a humanist
This is our power [speeches delivered by Julian Huxley and Jaime Torres Bodet during the third sess. of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Beirut, Dec. 10, 1948
The captive shrew and other poems of a biologist
The wonderful world of evolution
Reshaping man's heritage
Antrycide & Africa [and correspondence]
The future of the colonies
World population
Religion without revelation
Julian Huxley on T.H. Huxley
At the Zoo
On Living in a Revolution
Der Mensch in der modernen Welt
Education and the humanist revolution
Growth of ideas
The living thoughts of Darwin
What dare I think?
Kingdom of the beasts
On living in a revolution
The elements of experimental embryology, by Julian S. Huxley and G. R. De Beer
Biological aspects of cancer
The new systematics
Reconstruction and peace
Science and Religion
A Book that shook the world
The future of the colonies
'Race' in Europe
'Race' in Europe
The stream of life
The Evolucion, La
Memories II
Au royaume des animaux
Kingdom of the beasts
What dare I think?
More aspects of Africa, I [-III]
Three Essays on Population - Malthus, Huxley & Osborn
New bottles for new wine
Essays of a humanist
Man in the modern world
The stream of life
Animal language
UNESCO; its purpose and its philosophy
Religion without revelation
Man in the modern world
Africa view
Man in the modern world
Charles Darwin and his world
Essays of a biologist
The atlas of world wildlife
Religion without revelation
A scientist among the soviets
What dare I think?
Essays of a humanist
On population
Reshaping man's heritage; biology in the service of man
Memories II
The captive shrew and other poems of a biologist
New bottles for new wine
Essays in popular science
Religion without revelation
Ren lei de yan jin
The captive shrew and other poems of a biologist
Biological aspects of cancer
Soviet genetics and world science
Soviet genetics and world science
On living in a revolution
Africa view
Evolution in action
Holyrood, the Newdigate poem, 1908
Science and social needs
If I were dictator
Su E yi chuan xue pi pan
Essays in popular science
Art and architecture
Courtship Habits
What dare I think?
The Atlas of world wildlife
Soviet genetics and world science
Religion without revelation
The Rand McNally atlas of world wildlife
A Book that shook the world
Fishes, insects and reptiles
Kindgom of the beasts
Africa view
Essays of a biologist
Essays in popular science
The stream of life
From an antique land
'Race' in Europe
Memories, Volume 2
Man in the modern world
What dare I think?
Man stands alone
Argumento de sangre
TVA, adventure in planning
Knowledge, morality, and destiny
Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963
Man in the modern world
Charles Darwin and his world
Knowledge, morality, and destiny
Essays of a humanist
Science at your service
Race in Europe
Religion as an objective problem
From an antique land
The Doubleday pictorial library of growth of ideas
Charles Darwin and his world
Growth of ideas
The human crisis
The stream of life
Essays of a humanist
New bottles for new wine
Jinshu no mondai
Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963
The Mitchell Beazley atlas of world wildlife
Essays of a humanist
Bird-watching and bird behaviour
From an antique land
George Henry Lewes
George Henry Lewes (1817-1878)

literary critic, philosopher, theatre critic, journalist, naturalist

The physiology of common life
ha-Raʻav ṿeha-tsama
The physiology of common life
Life and works of Goethe
The principles of success in literature
The story of Goethe's life
Problems of life and mind
Comte's philosophy of the sciences
A biographical history of philosophy
On actors and the art of acting
The Physiology of Common Life
Sea-side studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles, and Jersey
On Actors and the Art of Acting
The Biographical History of Philosophy from Its Origin in Greece Down to the Present Day
Problems of Life and Mind
A Biographical History of Philosophy
The Physiology of common life v. 1
The Physical Basis of Mind ...: Being the Second Series of Problems of Life and Mind
Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences: Being an Exposition of the Principles of ..
Studies in animal life
The biographical history of philosophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day
The Story of Goethe's Life
The Physical Basis of Mind
The life of Maximilien Robespierre
The letters of George Henry Lewes
The history of philosophy from Thales to Comte
Goethe's Leben und Werke
The Life and Works of Goethe: With Sketches of His Age and Contemporaries, from Published and ..
The Life and Works of Goethe: With Sketches of His Age and Contemporaries ..
Versatile Victorian
[Three sisters and three fortunes
The Physical Basis of Mind ...: Being the Second Series of Problems of Life ..
Aristoteles-- ein Abschnitt aus einer Geschichte der Wissenschaften
The Spanish drama ; Lope de Vega and Calderon / by G.H. Lewis.  The Cid : a short chronicle, founded on the early poetry of Spain / by George Dennis
Letters of George Henry Lewes
Science and speculation
Sea-side studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly isles, & Jersey
Literary criticism of George Henry Lewes
Studies in Animal Life
The Biographical History of Philosophy from Its Origin in Greece Down to the Present Day Part Two
The Physiology Of Common Life V2
Biographical History of Philosophy from Its Origins in Greece Down to the Present Day
The history of philosophy
The Physical Basis of Mind (1877) (Thoemmes Press - Classics in Psychology)
Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences Being an Exposition of the Principles of the Cours De Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte
Studies in animal life
Rose, Blanche, and Violet
Problems of life and mind
Son of Sennacherib King of Assyria Bc 681 to 668
The Principles of Success in Literature
The story of Goeth's life
Life of J.W. von Goethe
The lawyers
The physical basis of mind
The Spanish drama
The life and works of Goethe, with sketches of his age and contemporaries
The life & works of Goethe
The physical basis of mind ...
The life of Maximilien Robespierre, with extracts from his unpublished correspondence
Sunshine through clouds
The Fortnightly
The noble heart
The game of speculation
A cozy couple
Foundations for a science of mind
The Spanish drama: Lope de Vega and Calderón
Problems of life and mind
A biographical history of philosophy
A chain of events
A strange history
The study of psychology
The history of philosophy fom Thales to Comte
Give a dog a bad name
Buckstone's adventure with a Polish princess
The life of Goethe
Sunshine through the clouds
Geschichte der Philosophie von Thales bis Comte
Naturstudien am Seestrande
The story of Goethe's life
The physiology of common life
The physical basis of mind
The life and works of Goethe
The story of Geothe's life
Literary criticism of George Henry Lewes
The history of philosophy
Goethes leben und werke
The life of Goethe
The biographical history of philosophy, from its origin in Greece down to the present day
The Spanish drama
The foundations of a creed
Dzieje żywota i utworów Goethego
On actors and the art of acting
Problems of Life and Mind, By George Henry Lewes. Third Series
Story of Goethe's life
The life and works of Goethe
Text-Book in Psychology
Aristotle : a chapter from the history of science, including analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings
The biographical history of philosophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day
Comte's philosophy of the sciences
The life of Goethe
[Contributions to The Leader
The biographical history of philosophy, from its origin in Greece down to the present day
Thibaut Giraud
Thibaut Giraud (born 1986)

video blogger, science communicator, professor of philosophy