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inventors who wrote popular science
Showing 1-5 out of 5 results
George Gamow
George Gamow (1904-1968)

physicist, inventor, nuclear physicist, cosmologist, biochemist, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Odesa University
One, two, three ... infinity
The New World of Mr Tompkins
Mr. Tompkins inside himself
Cong yi dao wu qiong da
Thirty years that shook physics
Laughing Space
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
A star called the sun
The Expert Dreamers
Matter, earth, and sky
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins Gets Serious
The birth and death of the sun
Biography of the earth
Biografia De La Fisica/ Biography of Physics
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
The creation of the universe
One, two, three ... infinity
The great physicists from Galileo to Einstein
Mr Tompkins in paperback
My world line; an informal autobiography
The moon
Cosmology, fusion & other matters
A Star called the sun
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The creation of the universe
A plan et called earth
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
The atom and its nucleus
A planet called earth
Matter, earth, and sky
Thirty years that shook physics
Dunyamizin hayat hikayesi
Matter, Earth, and sky
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations
Thirty years that shook physics
Biography of the earth
Physics: foundations and frontiers
Physics: foundations and frontiers
The atom and its nucleus
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
the moon
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland; or, Stories of C, G, and H. Illustrated by John Hookham
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
Jeux mathématiques
Matière, terre et ciel
Mr Tompkins learns the facts of life
Una estrella llamada Sol
Monsieur Tompkins au pays des merveilles
La gravitation
Matter Earth and Sky
Thiry years that shook physics
Biographie de la terre
A star called the Sun
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland or Stories of c, G, and h
Mr Tompkins in Wonderland, or, Stories of c, G, and h
Monsieur Tompkins s'explore lui-même
Der Bau des Atomkerns und die RadioaktivitaĢˆt
Thirty years that shook physics. The story of quantum theory. Illustrations by the author.
Constitution of atomic nuclei and radioactivity
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of the earth, its past, present, and future
A star called the sun / George Gamow
Geburt und Tod der Sonne
Un, deux, trois...l'infini
One Two Three..
Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself
La creación del universo
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Matematiska tankelekar
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The atom and its nucleus
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller Historien om lille c, store G og lille h
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transfomations
Matter, earth, and sky
My world line
The birth and death of the sun
Di Qiu gu jin tan
Nacimiento y muerte del sol
Mr Tomkins in wonderland
Wu li shi jie qi yu ji
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller historien om c, G og h
One, two, three ... infinity
PriklĶ”iucheniĶ”ia mistera Tompkinsa
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Expanding universe and the origin of galaxies
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

astronomer, philosopher, mathematician, physicist, inventor, astrologer, polymath, scientist, engineer

  • University of Pisa
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche
Sidereus nuncius
Discoveries and opinions of Galileo
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Dialogo dei massimi sistemi
Galileo on the world systems
Galileo's logical treatises
Il saggiatore
Sidereus nuncius, or, The Sidereal messenger
Opere di Galileo Galilei nobile fiorentino
Opere di Galileo Galilei ..
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen: Über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und ..
The essential Galileo
Dal carteggio e dai documenti
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige
Dialogo sopra i duemassimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico e copernicano
Discorso al serenissimo don Cosimo II, gran duca di Toscana, intorno alle cose che stanno in su l'acqua
Thus spoke Galileo
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum
Galileo Galilei
I documenti del processo di Galileo Galilei
Lettere teologiche
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichtsten Weltsysteme, das Ptolemäische und das Kopernikanische
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Sidereus nuncius, magna longeque
De motu
On sunspots
Two New Sciences and Drake's History of Free Fall
Speeches that Changed the World
Dialogo Sobre Los DOS Maximos Sistemas del Mundo P
Operations of the geometric and military compass, 1606
Les nouvelles pensees de Galilee
Galileo Galilei e la sua scuola
The achievement of Galileo
Le Operazioni del Compasso Geometrico et Militare
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Modern Library Science)
Schriften, Briefe, Dokumente
Frammenti e lettere
Physique-chimie, seconde. Livret de professeur
Opusculos Sobre El Movimiento De La Tierra
Carta a Cristina de Lorena/ Letter to The Grand Christina
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello stvdio di Pisa
Starry Messenger
Sidereus nuncius magna..
Selected writings
Le mecaniche
GalileĢe, penseur libre
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse di Galileo Galilei
Dialogos Acerca De Dos Nuevas Ciencias/dialogues Regarding The Two New Sciences
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti
Parola di Galileo
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
Galilaei Galilaei Lyncei, Academiae Pisanae Mathematici ...Systema cosmicum
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico, e militare
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
Cartas del senĢƒor Galileo Galilei, acadeĢmico linceo, escritas a Benedetto Castelli y a la senĢƒora Cristina de Lorena, Gran Duquesa de Toscana
Galileo's early notebooks
Galileo Galilei Opere a cura di Seb. Timpanaro..
Early Notebooks
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e giusta siponderano..
Vita ed opere
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei
Il compasso geometrico e militare di Galileo Galilei
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno a due nuove sciencze, attenenti alla mecanica et i movimenti locali
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum & probatorum theologorum doctrina de Sacræ Scripturæ testimoniis
Sensate esperienze e certe dimostrazioni
Istoria e dimostrationi intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti
Opere. Ristampa della ed. nazionale sotto l'alto patronato di S.M. il re d'Italia et di S.E. Benito Mussolini
Inedita Galilaeiana
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und die Fallgesetze betreffend
Unterredungen und mathematische Demonstrationen über zwei neue Wissenszweige, die Mechanik und die Fallgesetze betreffend. 1. - 6. Tag
Alcune lettere inedite
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e guista siponderano le cose contenute nella Libra astronomica e filosofica di Lotario Sarsi Sigensano [pseud.] scritto in forma di lettera all'illmo et reuermo monsre d. Virginio Cesarini
Opere di Galileo Galilei Linceo Nobile Fiorentino ... in questa nuova editione insieme raccolte, e divarij trattati dell' istesso autore non piu stampati accresciute ...
The sidereal messenger of Galileo Galilei and a part of the preface to Kepler's Dioptrics
Le messager des étoiles
Dialogue on the great world systems
Lettera del sig. Galileo Galilei al padre Christoforo Grienberger ... in materia delle montuositaĢ€ della lvna
La prosa Galileo Galilei
Discours concernant deux sciences nouvelles
Il problema della verità
Men of physics
Le opere di Galileo Galilei.  Supplemento
Della scienza mecanica, e delle utilita che si traggono da gl'istromenti di quella
Tractatio de praecognitionibus et praecognitis ; and, Tractatio de demonstratione
Dialogo..dei..due massimi sistemi del mondo
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuoue scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali
Il processo originale di Galileo Galilei
Galileo GalileÄ­ Izbrannye trudy
Il problema della verita
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari
Le operazioni del coripasso geometrico et militare..
Antologia galileiana
Scritti letterari
Delle mecchaniche
Studi sulla Divina Commedia
Discorsi e dimonstrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze
Lettera di Galileo Galilei sull'azione dei remi
Lettere di Galileo Galilei pubblicate la prima volta pel suo trecentesimo natalizio in Pisa, xviii febbraio MDCCCLXIV
Sulla libertà della scienza e l'autorità delle Scritture
Siderevs nvncivs magna
Galileo's Siderius nuncius, or, A sidereal message
La rivoluzione scientifica
Il processo di Galileo
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico
Men of physics: Galileo Galilei, his life and his works
Difesa di Galileo Galilei ... contro alle calunnie e imposture di Baldessar Capra
The sidereal messenger
Siderius nuncius
Discorso...intorno alle cose, ..
La prosa a cura di I
Dialogue on the great world systems, in the Salusbury translation
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Great Minds Series)
Dialogues concerning two new Sciencees
Il pensiero di Galileo Galilei
Istoria e dimastrazioni intorno alle macchie selari..
Scritti di critica letteraria
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti comprese in tre lettere scritte all'illvstrissimo signor Marco Velseri..
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum, et probatorum theologorum doctrina, de Sacrae Scripturae testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, quae sensata experientia, et necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, temere non usurpandis
Izbrannye trudy
Discorso al serenissimo don cosimo ii intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, O che in quella si muouono
The Controversy on the comets of 1618
La prosa
Galileo against the philosophers in his Dialogue of Cecco di Ronchitti (1605) and Considerations of Alimberto Mauri (1606)
Della scienza mecanica
Considerazioni al Tasso
Dialogue sur les deux grands systèmes du monde
Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti comprese in the lettere scritte all illustrissimo signor Marco Velseri Linceo
Galileo's letter about the libration of the moon
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Prose scelte
Dialogo sui massimi sistemi
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Systema cosmicvm
Sidereus nuncius
Istoria il dimonstazioni intorno alle macchie solari..
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa : e filosofo e matematico primario del serenissimo gr. duca di Toscana
Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Sidereus Nuncius. Nachricht von neuen Sternen
Considerazioni al Tasso di Galileo Galilei e Discorso di Giuseppe Iseo sopra il poema di M. Torquato Tasso per dimostrazione di alcuni luoghi in diversi autori da lui felicemente emulati
Galileo : prose scelte a mostrare il metodo di lui, la dottrina, lo stile
Dialogues Concerninc Two New Sciences
Difesa ..
Discorso ..
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei ..
[Lettera sull']inclinazione dell'eclittica all'eccantricità del sole]
Discorso ... intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, o che in quella si muovono
Les mechaniques de Galileo, mathematicien et inge nieur du Duc de Florence, avec plusieurs additions..
Opere, a cura di Franz Brunetti
Sidereus nuncius magna longeque admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaq; proponeus unicuiq;... perspicilli a se reperti beneficio sunt observata in lunae facie fixis innumeris lacteo circulo stellis nebulosis apprime vero in quatuor planetis circa Jovis stellam
La prosa di Galileo
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechaniks and local motion
Siderevs nvncivs, magna, longeqve admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaqĢue proponens vnicuique, praesertim verò philosophis, atqĢ astronomis, quae à Galileo Galileo perspicilli nuper à se reperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lunae facie, fixis innvmeris, lacteo circvlo, stellis nebvlosis, apprime verò in qvatvor planetis circa Iovis stellam disparibus interuallis, atque periodis, celeritate mirabili circumuolutis
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei
Dialog o dwu najwazĢ‡niejszych układach sĢwiata: Ptolemeuszowym i Kopernikowym
Two New Sciences
Il saggiatore nel quale con bilancia esquisita e giusta siponderano le cose contenute nella Libra astronomica e filosofica
The dialogues of Galileus Galilei
Difesa di Galileo Galilei
Considerazioni di M.Vincenzio di Grazia..
Carteggio Galileano inedito
Dialogues [par] Galilée
Galilée : Sidereus nuncius
Discorsi, e dimostrationi matematiche
Les mechaniques di Galilee
Discours et démonstrations mathématiques concernant deux sciences nouvelles
Dialogue on the great world systems
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Potolemaic & Copernican
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum, & probatorum theologorum doctrina, de Sacrae Scripturae testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, quae sensatâ experientiâ, & necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, temere non usurpandis
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Della scienza mecanica
Dialog o dwu najważniejszych układach świata, Ptolemeuszowym i Kopernikowym
Tre lettere di Galileo Galilei
Sidereus nuncius
Carteggio galileano inedito
G. Galilaei In Jovis satellites lucubrationes
Opere di Galileo Galilei ...
Carta a Cristina De Lorena Y Otros Textos Sobre Ciencia Y Religion (Alianza Universidad)
Galileo e l'europa
Galileo Galilei Opere a cura di Seb. Timpanaro...
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Scritti vari
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
A mensagem das estreĢlas
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
Tractatus de proportionum instrumento, quod merito compendium vniuersae geometriae dixeris ..
Galileo Galilei zum 400. Geburtstag
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
I dialoghi di Galileo Galilei sui massimi sistemi tolemaico e copernicano
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Commercio epistolare di Galileo Galilei
Opere di Galileo Galilei nobile fiorentino
Scampoli galileiani
Le rime
Les mechaniqves de Galilée ...
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche intorno a due nuove scienze attinenti alla meccanica e ai movimenti locali
Due insigni autografi di Galileo Galilei e di Evangelista Torricelli
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Prose scelte a mostrare il metodo di lui, la dottrina, lo stile
La prosa di Galileo
Frammenti e lettere
Nov-antiqua sanctissimorum patrum
I dialoghi di Galileo Galilei sui massimi sistemi Tolemaico e Copernicano ...
Lettera a Cristina di Lorena
Tenmon Taiwa
Scampoli galileiani
Memorie e lettere inedite finora o disperse di Galileo Galilei
Scritti e discorsi nel IV centenario della nascita di Galileo Galilei
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuoue scienze attenenti alla mecanica & i movimenti locali, del signor Galileo Galilei ...
Giornate lincee indette in occasione del 350o anniversario della pubblicazione del "Dialogo sopra i massimi sistemi" di Galileo Galilei
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme: das ptolemäische und das kopernikanische
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei...dove nei congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano...
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Dialogue on the great world systems
Sur les traces de Galilée
Galilaei Galilaei ... Systema cosmicum
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei: tratti dai manoscritti della Biblioteca nazionale di ...
Frammenti e lettere
Galilaei Galilaei, Lyncei, Academiarum Pisanae ac Patavinae philosophi ac mathematici summi Systema cosmicum
Capitolo contro il portar la toga
The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics [...]
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuove scienze attenenti alla mecanica, & i movimenti locali
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo dove ne  Ģˆcongressi di quattro gioinate si disconrre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo,tolemaico e copernicano
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Epistolaria di Galileo Galilei
Dal carteggio e dai documenti, pagine di vita di Galileo
Dialog despre cele douĒŽ sisteme principale ale lumii ptolemeic și copernician
Systema cosmicum
Dialog o dvukh glavneĒshikh sistemakh mira ptolomeevoĒ i kopernikovoĒ
I dialoghi sui massimi sistemi tolemaico e copernicano
Siderevs nvncivs
Dialog o dwu najważniejszych układach świata ptolemeuszowym i kopernikowym
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican
Discorso al serenissimo Don Cosimo II, Gran Duca di Toscana, intorno alle cose, che stanno in sù l'acqua ò che in quella si muouono
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Les novvelles pensees de Galilee ..
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Les novvelles pensees de Galilei ... Où par des inuentions merueilleuses, & des demonstrations inconnuës iusques à present
Systema cosmicum
Opere di Galileo Galilei. Nuova edizione coll'aggiunta di varj trattati dell'istesso autore non più dati alle stampe
In biasimo della toga
Scienza e religione
Scritti di critica letteraria
Les mechaniqves de Galilée ..
Systema cosmicvm, authore Galilaeo Galilaei ...
La prosa
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Vita ed opere
Capitolo del Galileo in biasimo della toga
Galileo a madama Cristina di Lorena (1615)
Les MeĢchaniques de GalileĢe ..
D. Galilaei de Galilaeis ... De proportionum instrumento a se invento
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico et militare
Diálogos acerca de dos nuevas ciencias
Galileo e la scienza sperimentale
Dos lecciones infernales
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
La operazione del compasso geometrico
Dialogo sui massimi sistemi
Galileo Galilei
Due sonetti [e] quattro madrigali
Galilaei et Renierii in Jovis satellites lucubrationes
Discourses and mathematical demonstrations concerning two new sciences
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion, in four dialogues. ... By Galileo Galilei, ... With an appendix concerning the center of gravity of solid bodies. Done into English from the Italian, by Tho. Weston, ... and now publish'd by John Weston, ..
Galileo Galilei
Due lezioni all'Accademia fiorentina circa la figura, sito e grandezza dell'Inferno di Dante
Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion
Galilæi Galilæi Lyncei, Academiæ Pisanæ mathematici, Seren[issi]mi Magni-Ducis Hetreviæ Philosophi & Mathematici Primarij Systema cosmicum
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
Galileo e l'Inquisizione
Discursus et demonstrationes mathematicae
Difesa di Galileo Galilei, nobile fiorentino, lettore delle matematiche nello studio di Padoua
Men of physics
Dialogues concerning two new sciences
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme: das ptolemäische und das kopernikanische
Alcuni scritti inediti di Galileo Galilei
I Dialoghi di Galileo Galilei, sui massimi sistemi Tolemaico e Copernicano
Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichsten Weltsysteme
Galileo's notes on motion
Scritti letterari
Due lettere di Galileo Galilei, ed una del Keplero inedite
The starry messenger, Venice 1610
Le opere di Galileo Galilei
Galilei e Redi
Garireo Garirei Shin kagaku taiwa
Les novvelles pensées. Où par des inuentions merueilleuses, et des demonstrations inconnuës iusques à present, il est traitté de la proportion des mouuements, tant naturels, que violents, et de tout ce qu'il y a de plus subtil dans les mechaniques et dans la physique
Dialogo di Galileo Galilei ...
Tractatvs de proportionvm instrvmento
Men of physics
Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
Prose scelte
Shin Kagaku Taiwa
Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008)

inventor, explorer, physicist

  • King's College London, Richard Huish College, Taunton
Man and Space
The Promise of Space
Man and space
ha-Adam į¹æehe-įø„alal
Rendezvous with Rama
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Childhood’s End
The End of the World -- stories of the apocalypse
The Hugo Winners [volume I]
Machines That Think
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
The Nightmare Reader
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume One
The Hugo Winners, Volumes one and two
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Islands in the Sky
The Ghost from the Grand Banks
Rama II
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Science Fiction of the forties
The Sentinel
Microcosmic Tales
Great Tales of Action and Adventure
More Penguin Science Fiction
The Science Fictional Solar System
Grave Predictions
Imperial Earth
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
The Twelve Frights of Christmas
The Sands of Mars
Reach for Tomorrow
The City and the Stars
Science fact/fiction
Expedition to Earth
Nebula Award Stories Eight
The Future Makers
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
The Songs of Distant Earth
A Fall of Moondust
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
Fifty short science fiction tales
The View from Serendip
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Science Fiction A to Z
Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Four
The Lost Worlds of 2001
Deep Range
Where do we go from here?
Tales from the White Hart
The Future in Question
The Hammer of God
The Ultimate Alien
Richter 10
2010, odyssey two
Profiles of the future
Great Science Fiction About Doctors
The Garden of Rama
Dolphin Island
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds!
Young Star Travelers
The Light of Other Days
Star of Stars
Tales of Ten Worlds
The Trigger
Glide Path
The wind from the sun
Rama Revealed
Fourth Planet from the Sun
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
1984 Spring
The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume Two
Faszination der Science Fiction
The Last Theorem
Those Amazing Electronic Thinking Machines!
Prelude to Space
The Seventh Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: 25 Modern and Classic Stories
Prentice Hall Literature
Great Science Fiction
Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night
The Science Fiction Roll of Honor
More of the Best of Science Fiction and Fantasy
The nine billion names of God
Beyond the Fall of Night
Voices from the Sky
The Super Hugos
Seventh Science Fiction Megapack
The Frankenstein Omnibus
Isaac Asimov presents the golden age of science fiction. Sixth Series
The great science fiction series
Tales From Planet Earth
Astounding days
Histórias de Robôs - Volume 3
The other side of the sky
The Exploration of Space
Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Volume Four - 1961 - Autumn Selections
Time’s Eye
Isaac Asimov's Masters of Science Fiction
Astounding days
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 22 (1960)
Mad Scientists
The Snows of Olympus
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 23 (1961)
Into Space
Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction #13 (1951)
If, February 1958
The golden years of science fiction -- fourth series
Going Into Space
How the world was one
Prelude to Mars
Space Mail, Volume II
Indian Ocean Adventure
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Fifth Series
Election day 2084
Beyond the fall of night
Of Time and Stars
Thinking machines
The fountains of paradise
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 11 (1949)
The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction / Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction)
The Treasure of the Great Reef
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Cosmic Critiques
Tales from the planet earth
The Expert Dreamers
Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1966
The Reefs of Taprobane
Science Fiction Masterpieces
Rama revealed
Interplanetary Flight
After the end
The Colours of Infinity
The Other Side of the Sky
The Coming of the Space Age
Voice across the Sea
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 8 (1946)
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953)
Time Probe
The Science fictional olympics
Report on Planet Three and Other Speculations
From the Ocean, From the Stars
Nine Billion Names
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 9 (1947)
The collected stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany
Technology [6 works]
Out of this world
The coming of the Space Age; famous accounts of man's probing of the universe
Ultimate Egoist Vol. 1
Indian Ocean Treasure
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke
Of Time and Tars
Against the Fall of Night
Yamuk Bakan Oykuler
American heritage
Ascent to Orbit
City and Stars
Where Do We Go From Here? Book 2
Giants Unleashed
The Frontiers of Knowledge
Frontline of discovery
American Heritage
Tales from the White Hart
Talks with the Masters
The Making of a Moon
Pioneers of Science Fiction and Adventure
The Telephone’s First Century--and Beyond
Tales of ten worlds
Flying Saucers
Tales from the White Hart
Galactic Empires
Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019
Light of Other Days, The
Una odisea espacial
The City and the Stars
Rama 2
The Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction
Fabiola's Sisters
Isaac Asimov's Choice
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 1-Breaking Strain
Firstborn (A Time Odyssey)
The Deep Range
Ninth Science Fiction Megapack
The Songs Of Distant Earth And Other Stories
The Space Trilogy
The Odyssey file
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 8
From the Pen of Paul
The Odyssey File
Wind from the Sun
Project Solar Sail
The Challenge of the Spaceship
Tales of Ten Worlds
Tales of Ten Worlds
The Challenge of the Sea
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 17 (1955)
Report on Planet 3
By Space Possessed
Report on Planet 3
The City and the Stars
The Profession of Science Fiction
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 16 (1954)
Arthur C. Clark's A-Z Mysteries
Time's Eye a Time Odyssey
The Songs of Distant Earth
La terre est un berceau
Great Science Fiction Stories
The Coast of Coral
The Sands of Mars
The other side of the sky
Voci di terra lontana
The War of the Worlds
Novelets of Science Fiction (Belmont SF, L92-567)
The Space Dreamers
Across the Sea of Stars
The Last Theorem
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 6-The Shining Ones
The Exploration Of Space
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 5-The Diamond Moon
Le 20 juillet 2019
Profiles of the Future : An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible
Against the Fall of Night
First Men in the Moon
Into Space
ŠŸŠ¾ŃŠ»ŠµŠ“Š½Š°Ń‚Š° тŠµŠ¾Ń€ŠµŠ¼Š°
Tales of Ten Worlds
Future View Communications
Futures Unlimited.
Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets
City and the Stars the (Gemstar) Sands of Mars the
The Garden of Rama
Glide Path
Lion of Comarre
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 3-Hide and Seek
Reflections on Jesus and Socrates
Worlds to Come
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 2-Maelstrom
Report on Planet Three and Other Speculations
Sixth Science Fiction Megapack
Imperial Earth
Starting Rock Climbing
Sentinel Limted Ed Tr
Space Odyssey
The Other Side of the Sky
Rendevous With Rama
Earthlight (Golden Age Masterworks)
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 3
La Cité et les Astres
The City and the Stars
El espectro del Titanic
Coast of Coral (The Blue Planet Trilogy, Volume 1)
The Best Short Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
The Ninth Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: Classic and Modern Science Fiction
Expedition to Earth
The City and the Stars
Deep Range
The Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories: 1400 Headwords
Bangs and Whimpers
Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 4-The Medusa Encounter
Satellite Science Fiction, February 1957
The Songs of Distant Earth and Other Stories
An Arthur C. Clarke Second Omnibus
Against the fall of night
Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, September 1958, Featuring *Lastborn* by Isaac Asimov (Volume 16, No. 5)
Clarke's Universe
Factor Detonante
Reach for Tomorrow
Les Jardins de Rama
A Meeting With Medusa and Other Stories
Terre, planète impériale
Death and the Senator
Les jardins de rama 011797
A Meeting With Medusa/Green Mars (Special Double Release)
Base Vénus. 2, Maelström
Voices from Sky
A Meeting With Medusa
Las Arenas de Marte
The Last Theorem
Tales from White Hart
The Other Side of the Sky
The wind from the sun: stories of the space age
If, November 1961
Imperial Earth
The Shining Ones and Other Stories
Beyond the Fall of Night
Le Feu aux poudres, tome 1
2001, l'odysseĢe de l'espace
Indian Ocean treasure
Rama II
Old Rover
Le Feu aux poudres, tome 2
Towering Yarns
Rendevous with Rama
Rama Revealed
The Caves of Steel - F-784
Chants de la terre lointaine
The Deep Range
The Sentinel
Boy Beneath the Sea
Base Vénus. 4, Méduse
Rama: The Complete Rama Omnibus. by Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee
Frontiers of Knowledge
2001 l'odyssée de l'espace
El mundo es uno - 1. edición
Reach For Tomorrow (Gollancz S.F.)
The city and the stars
En Las Profundidades
Cuentos De La Taberna Del Ciervo Blanco/ Tales from the White Heart
Tndra,Plnts Vgtn
Sands of Mars
Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
2001-3001, les odyssées de l'espace
El centinela
The snows of Olympus
Rama II
The coming of the space age
Ghost Grand Banks Export X24 D/B
Deep Range
Against the Fall of the Night / Beyond the Fall of Night
Expedition to Earth
Las Arenas De Marte/the Sands of Mars
Hammer of God
An Arthur C. Clarke Omnibus
Tetik 1
The treasure of the Great Reef
LA Ciudad Y Las Estrellas/the City and the Stars
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke
Ntre Orgs Antc Flra
Against Fall Of Night
Across the Sea of Stars
Sands of Mars
The Lion of Comarre and Other Stories
Prelude To Space
Encontro Com Rama - Rendezvouz With Rama (Em Portugues do Brasil)
The Lion Of Comarre; And, Against The Fall Of Night
Rama Bahcesi
Rama revele
Prelude To Space
Le Vent Venu Du Soleil
Tales from Planet Earth
Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lectures
Las arenas de Marte
Other Side of Time
to teleutaio theorima / το τελευταĪÆο θεĻŽρημα
The City and the Stars
The Arthur C. Clarke Collection
Rama II / Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee
Rama Revealed
Exploration of Space
Tales from the White Hart
Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, May 1970 (Volume 30 No. 2)
Encontro com Rama
Demain, moisson d'étoiles
Beyond the Fall of Night
Reach for Tomorrow. Stories by the Author of Childhood's End
Antarctic Birds
Original Minds
2001 een ruimte-odyssee
Prelude to Space
Misterije svijeta
Man and space
Expedition to Earth
Expedition to Earth
The Sands of Mars
Against the fall of night
La ciudad y las estrellas
Prelude To Space
Cennetin Cesmeleri
Across the Sea of Stars
Jardins de rama
The songs of distant earth
2001; a space odyssey
Sanzen'ichinen shūkyoku eno tabi
Reach for Tomorrow
The Wind from the Sun
Earthlight and Other Stories
The Ghost From the Grand Banks
Bifrost n102
Trois mille un, l'odyssee finale
Peguin Readers 5
S&j;glide Path Clarke A
Prelude to Mars
Avant l'Eden
Sands of Mars
Against the Fall of Night
Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1956 Featuring Asimov's "The Dying Night" (Volume 11, No. 1)
Tales of Ten Worlds
2001 and Beyond
Glide Path
El martillo de Dios
Collected Stories
Against the Fall of Night
Indian Ocean Treasure
Imperial Earth
Tales of Ten Worlds
Expedtion to Earth
Across the Sea of Stars
Les chants de la terre lointaine
Ghost from Grand Banks X10 S/W
The Sands of Mars
Indian Ocean adventure
El martillo de Dios
Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds!
The Other Side Of The Sky
Hammer of God a D/Bx18
The Other Side of the Sky
Claro de tierra
Glide Path
Terre, planète impériale
Conservation Antarctic
Cánticos de la lejana Tierra
Cita con rama
Dix sur l'échelle de Richter
Other Side of the Sky
Rock Weathering in Cold Regions
Sands of Mars
Voice Across the Sea
El fantasma del Titanic
As Fontes do Paraiso
The Sands of Mars
Time Probe - Sciences In Science Fiction
Voices from the Sky
The View from Serendip by Arthur Charles Clarke (1977-09-05)
Childhood S End
A Meeting With Medusa
Exploration of Space
Tormenta solar
Island in the Sky -S1769
Worlds of IF Worlds of Science Fiction, June 1958 Clarke's SONGS OF DISTANT EARTH (Volume 8, No. 4)
Arthur C Clarke Mixed a S/Wx12
As fontes do paraIso
Rama II
Astounding Science Fiction, May 1946 Clarke's RESCUE PARTY & More (Volume XXXVII No. 3)
Vaikystes Pabaiga
Odissea nello Spazio
The City and the Stars
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Tales from the White Hart [signed 50th Anniversary edition]
X27 Dumpbn Mixed Arthur C Clarke
Arthur Co. Clarke Trilogy
Rama revelada
Voices from the sky
Univers 02
The Deep Range
Prelude to space
Prelude to Space
Man and space
L'Odyssée du Temps, T1
X42 Mixed Dump Arthur C. Clarke
Demain, moisson d'etoiles
Dolphin Island
Astronauts & Androids
Reach for tomorrow
The Deep Range
Poeira Lunar (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Expedition to Earth Hb
The Exploration of Space
The Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night
Las fuentes del paraíso
The Nine Billion Names of God and the Testing of Standley Teagarden
Arthur C. Clarke 2 Volume Hardback Collection (The Songs of Distant Earth & Imperial Earth)
City and the Stars
Ghost Grand Banks X24 D/B
Songs of Distant Earth
Die Delphininsel
Dolphin Island
A Revelação de Rama
Cennetin Cesmeleri
Childhood's End (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The nine billion names of God. The best short stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Rendez vous avec rama
The City and the Stars
L'Odyssée du Temps, Tome 3 : Les premiers-nés
Cita con Rama
El Altimo Teorema
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Reefs of Taprobane; Underwater Adventures Around Ceylon
Et la lumiere tue
Beyond the Fall of Night
Ntve Mxd Ecnmy Cndn Nh
The Garden of Rama
Promise of Space
Exploration Space
An Arthur Clarke Omnibus
THE COMING OF THE SPACE AGE Famous Accounts of Man's Probing of the Universe
Prelude to space
Tales of ten worlds
X12 Arthur C Clark Mixed S/Wrap
Earthlight (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)
Expedition to Earth (includes the Sentinel, 2001film story)
Tales From Planet Earth
Tales Frm the Whte Har
The nine billion names of God. The best short stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Cage <3> in the 1960s, sand 20th century SF (Kawade Bunko) (2001) ISBN
Rendez Vous With Rama
The Challenge of the Sea
The Ghost From The Grand Banks
Relatos De Diez Mundos/Tales of Ten Worlds
Rama II
Rendezous with Rama
The Garden of Rama
Four great S F novels
Voices from the Sky
Report Planet Three
A cidade e as estrelas
The Space Dreamers
The promise of space
Expedition to Earth
Ein Treffen mit Medusa
Amazing Stories, July 1953 The Man From Saturn (Volume 27, No. 5)
Cita con Rama
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3
Sehir ve Yildizlar
The Wind From The Sun
The making of a moon, the story of the earth satellite program
Der Hammer Gottes
El Jardi n de Rama
The Sands of Mars
The Exploration of the Moon
Tales from the White Hart
Ghost from the Grand Banks
Interplanetary flight
The First Five Fathoms
2001, a space odyssey ; The city and the stars ; The deep range ; A fall of moondust ; Rendezvous with Rama
The sands of Mars
International Satellite Directory 2001
2001 Deux mille un : L'odyssée de l'espace
The coming of the Space Age
Rendevous with Rama
Hammer of God
Imperial Earth
Glide Path
Ghost from the Grand Banks and the Deep Range
Time probe
Rama II
Death and the senator
The exploration of space
Unter den Wolken der Venus.. Stories
Time Probe
Worlds of IF Science Fiction, February 1957 (Volume 7, No. 2)
Prelude to Space
Ä°mparator Dünya
Report on Planet Three & Other Speculations
Coming of the space age
Die Wiege der Zukunft
Prelude to Mars
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, July 1960 (Volume 34, No. 7)
L'Odyssée du Temps, Tome 2 : Tempète solaire
Going into space
Man and space
Les prairies bleues
Collected Stories Arthur C
City and the Stars and The Sands of Mars
The Other Side of the Sky
Selected Works of Arthur C. Clarke
From the Ocean, from the Stars
Voice Across the Sea
Tales from the White Hart
The Coast of Coral
Expedition to earth
Imperial Earth
Expedition to Earth
The Lion of Comarre & Against the Fall of Night
Hammer of God C D/Bx24
Against the Fall of Night (Pyramid G554)
2001 : Odyssee im Weltraum - Die Saga
Rama'nin Sirri
Reach for tomorrow
The challenge of the spaceship
Deep Range
Sands of Mars
The Fantastic Muse
Les Chants de la Terre lointaine
Chants de la terre lointaine
2001, una odissea a l'espai
Ghost from the Grand Banks
Great Science Fiction Stories
Le marteau de dieu
City and the Stars, The
Terre, Planète Impériale
Transit of Earth,the Nine Billion Names of God,the Star (Swc 1566)
Glide Path
The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Imperial Earth
Le trésor du grand récif.
Bir Uzay Efsanesi
Other Side of the Sky, The
La trilogie de l'espace : L'intégrale
Sands of Mars, The
Makenzie kehrt zur Erde heim.
Cocuklugun Sonu
L'oeil du temps
Worlds of When
Song of Songs
Future Visions
Tale from White Hart
įø²esarut ha-adamah
Profiles of the future :an enquiry into the limits of the possible
Preludio allo spazio
Rescue Party (When the World Ends)
Four Great SF Novels
Arthur C. Clarke (Writers of the 21st Century)
The last theorem
Mysterious World
Martillo de Dios, El (Top Emece)
Cuentos del Planeta Tierra
2001 Odissea nello Spazio
The deep range
Expedicion a LA Tierra/Expedition to Earth
Mizraįø³ot gan ha-Ź»eden
From Narnia to Space Odyssey
El centinela
Out of This World 3
Childhood's end
Report on planet three
Choice of Futures
Worlds of when
Sands of Maris
Out of this world 1
Mifgash Ź»im Rama
The Songs of the Distant Earth
Het rode zand van Mars
Two Thousand Ten
Geheimnisvolle Welten
Cuentos de La Taberna del Ciervo Blanco
Dolphin Island (Abridged)
Sipure Ź»aśeret ha-Ź»olamot
Glide path
Man and Space (Life Science Library)
Sfârşitul copilăriei
Seize the Moment
The city and the stars
The Gallery on the Left
L' exploration de l'espace
Out of This World 4
Two Thousand One
Breaking Strain
Bth-Song Dis Earth-Ltd
The sands of Mars
From the ocean, from the stars
Skozi čas in nazaj / 2001 - vesoljska odiseja
Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers
Songs Dist Earth-O M
ha-Ruaįø„ ha-noshevet min ha-shemesh
SolnechnyÄ­ veter
Against the fall of night
Een nieuwe dageraad en andere verhalen
Koniec Dzieciństwa (polish edition)
Sands of Mars
More Than One Universe
Svet inykh dneÄ­
Mysterious Worlds
Histórias de dez mundos
Alcanza El Maana
Possessed and Other Stories
Claro De Tierra/Imperial Earth
Kami no tettsui =
Jenseits der Da mmerung
Sismo grado 10
The other side of the sky
Yet more Penguin science fiction
Regreso a Titan
įø¤adirat zeman
The sentinel
The lion of Comarre
S&j;expedition Earth Clarke AC
Yue qiu li xian ji
The Dark Blue Depths
Tras La Caida de La Noche
įø²ets ha-yaldut
Opowieści z dziesięciu światów
Master of space
Frontline of Discovery
Kosmicheskaļø iļø”a odisseļø iļø”a
L'homme et l'espace
Out of This World 6
Arthur C. Clarke
Expedition to Earth (Ballantine)
The Lion of Commare and Against the Fall of Night
El fin de la infancia
The Ghost from Grand Banks
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

naturalist, astrologer, protestant theologian, mathematician, astronomer, musicologist, physicist, cosmologist, music theorist, philosopher, teacher, inventor

  • University of TĆ¼bingen, Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
Gesammelte Werke
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae
Opera omnia
Harmonies of the world
The harmony of the world
Le secret du monde
Joannis Kepleri astronomi Opera omnia
Sixcornered Snowflake
Tertius interveniens
Warnung an die Gegner der Astrologie
Johannes Kepler in seinen Briefen
Johannes Kepler
Joannis Keppleri De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
New astronomy
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mvndi libri v
Die astrologie des Johannes Kepler
Understanding Modern Taiwan
Nova stereometria doliorvm vinariorvm, in primis Austriaci, figuræ omnium aptissimæ et usus in eo virgæ cubicæ compendiosissimus & plane singularis
De cometis libelli tres
Tabvlæ Rudolphinæ
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur
Astronomia nova [aitiologetos (romanized form)], sev, Physica coelestis
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo
srodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Traum vom Mond
Ausszug au  der uralten Messekunst Archimedis ..
Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ, or, The Rudolphine tables
Des kaiserliches Mathematikers Johannes Kepler Unterredung mit dem Sternenboten
Joannis Kepleri Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
J. Keplers grundlagen der geometrischen optik
The secret of the universe =
Dioptrice Johannis Kepler
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi
De fvndamentis astrologiæ certioribvs
Epitome astronomiæ copernicanæ vsitataĢ‚ formaĢ‚ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Selections from Kepler's Astronomia nova
Nova Kepleriana
The Secret of the Universe
Joannis Keppleri Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque colestium studiosos, de raris mirisq[ue], anni 1631
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Epitome of Copernican astronomy, books 4 and 5, The organization of the world and the doctrine on the theoria ..
Ephemerides novae
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena
L' Harmonie du monde
Mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia nova aitiologētos [romanized] seu Physica coelestis
Prodomus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
L' étrenne
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumum de astronomia lunari
Harmonies Of The World (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Kurze Darstellung der Copernicanischen Astronomie in sieben Bänden
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Joannis Kepleri Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quæ visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ..
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sideral messenger
On the more certain fundamentals of astrology, Prague, 1601
Ioannis Kepleris ... Strena
UĢˆber die zuverlaĢˆssigeren Grundlagen der Astrologie
Harmonices mvndi [di Giovanni Keppler]
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunft Saturni unnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Lo wenso da geschicht im Monat Julio dess MDCXXIII Jahrs..
Discussione col Nuncio sidereo e Relazione sui quattro satelliti di Giove
Weltharmonik, übersetzt und eingeleitet von Max Caspar
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata  quaestionum..
Strena seu de niue sexangula..
Harmonices mundi..
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscriptae Libri V. VI. VII. quibus proprieĢ€ Doctrina Theorica (post principia libro V. praemissa) comprehenditur
Harmonies Of The World
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ..
Neue Astronomie
The Six-Cornered Snowflake
Dissertatio cum nuncio siderea nuper ad mortales Misso a   Galilae'o Galilaeo..
Somnium, Seu Opus Posthumum de Astronomia Lunari, Divulgatum A M. Ludovico Kepplero, ...
Etrenne Ou la Neige Sexangulaire
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Joh. Kepleri, mathem. cæe. & Jacobi Bartschi Tabulæ manuales logarithmicæ ad calculum astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles
Ioannes Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V quorum
Weltharmonik (German Edition)
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inque Vll libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt De doctrina sphaerica
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Concerning the more certain fundamentals of astrology: A new brief dissertation looking towards a cosmotheory together with a physical prognosis for ... of Christ, written to the philosophers, 1602
Keplers Elegie in obitum Tychonis Brahe
De stella nova in pede serpentarii..
Somnium ya da Ay Astronomisi
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur; potissimum de artificiosa observatione et aestimatione diametrorum deliquiorumque solis & lunae, cum exemplis insignium eclipsium
Neue Stereometrie der Fässer
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum..
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum continens mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia Nova
Astronomia nova aitologetos
Tajemnica kosmosu
Johannes Kepler: life and letters
Epistolae J. Keppleri & M. Berneggeri mutuae
Ioannis Kepleris Strena, seu, De niue sexangula
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae..
Ioannis Keppleri Ad epistolam clarissimi viri D. Jacobi Bartschii ... præfixam ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Kepleri Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso à Galilæ'o Galilæo ..
Astrnomia nova aitiologestos
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumun de astronomia lunari
The Almagest by Ptolemy; On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, by Copernicus; Epitome of Copernican Astronomy IV and V; The Harmonies of the World V, by Kepler. Great Books Vol. 16
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ...
Neue Astronomie
Astronomia nova aitiologētos, seu, Physica coelestis
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Tajemnica Kosmosu
Joh. Keppleri mathematici olim imperatorii Somnium, seu opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Tabvlae Rudolphinae
Astronomia nova
Johannes Kepler
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo
Kepler's Somnium
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prognosticon, von aller handt bedraulichen Vorbotten künftigen Übelstands in regiments und kirchensachen sonderlich von cometen und erdbidem auff das Jahr 1618 und 1619
Astronomia nova aitiologetos
Kosmische Harmonie
Joannis Keppleri ... De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
[Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Harmonies of the world
Kepler-Festschrift. 1971
Joannis Keppleri mathematici Eclogae chronicae ex epistolis doctissimorum aliquot virorum, & suis mutuis
De stella nova in pede Serpendarii
El secreto del universo
Joannis Kepleri... Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
Astronomia nova aitiologetos seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis democibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe plurium annorum pertinaci studis elaborate Pragae a Joanne Keplero
De cometis libelli tres
Tertivs interveniens
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sidereal messenger
Doctrina sphaerica
Joannis Kepleri Astronomi opera omnia
Joannis Keppleri harmonices mundi libri V...
Kepler's Traum vom Mond
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Mysterium cosmographicum
Prodromus Dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Harmonices mundi libri V
Schriften zur Optik 1604-1611
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso Galilaeo Galilaeo mathematico Patavino
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Ioannis Kepleri Sae. Cae. Mtis. mathematici Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quae visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ...
Opera omnia
The Major writings of Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler
Tychonis Brahei dani Hyperaspistes
Sämtliche Gedichte
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Ausszug auss der uralten messekunst Archimedis ...
Gründlicher Bericht vnd Bedencken, von einem vngewöhnlichen newen Stern, welcher im October dess 1604
Astronomia nova, seu Physica caelestis
Zwei wiederaufgefundene Prognostica von Johann Kepler auf die Jahre 1604 und 1624 / [herausgegeben] von Walther von Dyck
Johannes Kepler, 1571-1971
Ioannis Keppleri ... Ad epistolam clarissimi viri d. Jacobi Bartschii laubani lusati, medicinae candidati, praefixam Ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V
Ioannis Kepleri Mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio, cum nuncio sidereo, nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo, Mathematico Patauino
Discurs welcher Gestalt allerhand Ulmische Mass-Sachen
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Astronomia nova ai'tiologe tos; seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariisde motibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe ...
Prodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Tabulae Rudolphinae, or, the Rudolphine tables
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunfft Saturni vnnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Löwen
(1) Strena, sive, De nive sexangula (1611) ; (2) Sidereus nuncius (1653) ; (3) Dialogus de calendario gregoriano (1726)
Der Traum, oder, Mond Astronomie
Jacques Cousteau
Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997)

zoologist, explorer, filmmaker, innovator, photographer, conservationist, oceanographer, inventor, Officer of the French Navy, marine biologist, engineer, biologist, film director, world traveler, producer

  • Ɖcole Navale, CollĆØge Stanislas de Paris
Provinces of the sea
Outer and inner space
Guide to the sea and Index
Challenges of the Sea
The silent world
The act of life
Invisible messages
The Living Sea
Quest for food
The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau
The white caps
Three adventures: GalaĢpagos, Titicaca, the Blue Holes
Reader's Digest Condensed Books--Spring 1953 Selections
Jacques Cousteau's Amazon journey
Octopus and squid, the soft intelligence
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau
The adventure of life
The Ocean Worls Of Jacques Cousteau The Adventure Of Life
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau.
Instinct and intelligence
Guide to the sea and index
The silent world
The Cousteau almanac
Diving companions: sea lion, elephant seal, walrus
Nos amies les baleines
Jacques Cousteau's Calypso
Planète des baleines
Jacques Cousteau
Silent World
Attack and defense
The act of life
Vie et la mort des coraux
Window in the sea
The shark
Oasis in space
Captain Cousteau's underwater treasury
The whale
Riches of the sea
Oasis in space
Trésor englouti
The silent world
A sea of legends
Man re-enters the sea
Mammals in the sea
A Sea of Legend
World without sun
Three Adventures
Diving companions
Attack and defense
A Bill of Rights for Future Generations (Proceedings, No 34)
Quest for food
A la recherche de l'Atlantide
Les requins
Monde sans soleil
Diving for sunken treasure
Trois aventures de la Calypso
Attack and defense
Le monde du silence
The Shark
The Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau
The ocean world of Jacques Cousteau
Islands at the edge
La planeĢ€te des baleines
The art of motion
Sea lion, elephant seal, walrus
La mer de Cortez
Life and Death in a Coral Sea
Atlas of the Oceans
Pharaohs of the sea
Les surprises de la mer
L' homme, la pieuvre et l'orchidée
The Art of Motion
Un treĢsor englouti
Octopus and squid, the soft intelligence
Du grand large aux Grands Lacs
Par dix-huit meĢ€tres de fond
Octopus and Squid
L' iĢ‚le des esprits
The Underseas Discoveries of Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The sea in danger
The Cousteau United States Almanac of the Environment
The shark: splendid savage of the sea
Cap Horn a   la turbovoile
Sea of Legends
Le monde sans soleil
Lost relics of the sea
The Cousteau Almanac of the Environment
The ocean world
The Living Sea
Les dauphins et la liberteĢ
The ocean world of Jacques Costeau
Encyclopédie Cousteau : le monde des océans
La vie et la mort des caraux
FrancĢ§ais, on a voleĢ ta mer
La mer blesseĢe
Diving for sunken treasure
The shark
Saumons, castors et loutres
Oasis in Space     (Abrams)
Les requins [par] Jacques-Yves Cousteau et Philippe Cousteau
Life at the Bottom of the World
Act of Life (Abrams)
La monde du silence
Le monde du silence
The silent world
Enciclopedia del mar
Life and death in a coral sea
The shark