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diplomats who wrote mystery
Showing 9-16 out of 20 results
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

poet, diplomat, politician, lyricist, autobiographer

  • University of Chile
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
World Literature 1999
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Windows that open inward
Selected odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto general
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Corazón amarillo
Confieso que he vivido
Late and posthumous poems, 1968-1974
Canción de gesta
Cien sonetos de amor
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda
España en el corazón
Plenos poderes
Memorial de Isla Negra
El crimen fue en Granada
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
100 Love Sonnets
Love Poems
I Explain a Few Things
Odes to opposites
Las manos del día
Las piedras del cielo
Una casa en la arena
Twenty poems
Odes to common things
Abriendo Puertas
Incitación al Nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolución chilena
Libro de las preguntas
All the odes
Mejores Poemas de Amor, Los
Fin de mundo
Arte de pájaros
Cantos ceremoniales
Full woman, fleshly apple, hot moon
Geografía infructuosa/Incitación al Nixonicidio/2000/El corazón amarillo/Elegía
The Heights of Macchu Picchu
Né pour naître
Neruda at Isla Negra
Odas elementales
Antologia poetica
Pablo Neruda. Por Las Costas Del Mundo
Regalo de um poeta
El habitante y su esperanza
El río invisible
Cantos ceremoniales, Plenos poderes
Todo el amor
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologa General
Nuevas odas elementales
200 Poemas De Amor
Los versos del capitán
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor (Poesia)
Geografía infructuosa
El cuaderno verde del Che
La rosa separada
Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta
El mar y las campanas
Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra face to face
Jardín de invierno
Neruda's garden
Homenaje al poeta Federico García Lorca
Canto General
On the Blue Shore of Silence
Five Decades
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
Tercer libro de las odas
Ode to typography
Full Woman Fleshly Apple Hot Moon
                PS Paperback
La espada encendida
Que despierte el leñador
Las uvas y el viento
Defectos escogidos
The Complete Memoirs
Isla Negra
Canto General, 50th Anniversary Edition (Latin American Literature and Culture, 7)
Las piedras de Chile
Discursos Ante El Senado Soy Un Escritor Elegido Senador Por Los Obreros
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto General/ General Song
Intimate Infinite
Por las costas del mundo
Cuadernos de Temuco 1919-1920
Things that dream
Ruko, o pr̥thvī
Para Albertina Rosa
Poemas de amor
A new decade
Los Versos mas Populares
Résidence sur la terre
Antologia Poetica De Pablo Neruda/Poetic Anthology of Pablo Neruda (Clasicos Esenciales Santillana)
Nueva canto de amor a Stalingrad
Jardin de Invierno, Libro de las Preguntas, El mar y las Campanas, Defectos Escogidos / Winter Garden, Book of Questions, The Sea and the Bells, Chosen Defects
Sublime blue
Obras Completas I - De Crepusculario a Las Uvas y El viento 1923 - 1954
Antología poética, 1
Tentativa del hombre infinito
Obras escogidas
Five decades
Viajes al corazón de Quevedo y por las costas del mundo
La Barcarola
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda (Latin American Literature and Culture)
America, My Brother, My Blood / America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
El libro de las preguntas
Cartas de amor
Neruda joven
Essential Neruda
Habla Neruda
Poemas de amos
Antologia Esencial - 373 -
Vingt poèmes d'amour et une chanson désespérée
De "Odas elementales" a "Memorial de Isla Negra", 1954-1964
Arte De Pajaros, Una Casa en La Arena / Bird Art, A House in the Sand
Tercera residencia, 1935-1945
Yo respondo con mi obra
Cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda
America My Brother, My Blood
Su Mejor Poesia
México florido y espinudo
La poesía no habrá cantado en vano
Twenty poems
Cartas a Laura
New poems (1968-1970)
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Ein Lesebuch
Splendore e morte di Joaquín Murieta
Pablo Neruda
Prologos (Problemi Na Prekhoda V Bulgariia)
Chilenische Lyrik im bewegten 20. Jahrhundert
Toward the splendid city: Nobel lecture
Obras completas
All the Odes
Maremoto, Aun, La Espada Encendida, Las Piedras del Cielo / Seaquake, Still, The Flaming Sword, The Stones of the Sky
Residencia en la tierra
Crepusculario/El Hondero Entusiasta /Tentativa del Hombre Infinito / Crepuscular/The Enthusiast Slinger/ The Attempt of the Infinite Man
Epistolario viajero, 1927-1973
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda
Epic Song
Canto general
Canto General I (Clsicos Universales)
Navegaciones e regresos
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Gedichte 1923 - 1973
Nerudiana dispersa
Obras Completas I De Crepusculario a Las (Obras Completas)
To the women of the world
Viele sind wir
Discursos Premios Nobel
7 de noviembre
Nerudiana Dispersa I 1915-1964 (Obras Completas)
Lo mejor de Anatole France
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor/ the Best Love Poems
Poemario da a Entrevista de Guayaquil 1822
Inaugurando el año de Shakespeare
Poesia de Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Reads His Poems in Spanish
Vinte Poemas de Amor e uma Canção Desesperada
Pablo Neruda y Nacanor Parra
Poesía de amor
Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Bd.99, Gedichte
Mensaje de paz y unidad
Balladen von den blauen Fenstern
J'avoue que j'ai vécu
La insepulta de Paita
Book of Twilight
Los poetas del mundo defienden al pueblo español
La Lampara en la Tierra - Alturas de Macchu-Picchu
Even This Twilight
Regalo De Un Poeta/ Gift Of A Poet
Para un castillo de penas
Pablo Neruda: the early poems
Evrensel Sarki / Canto General
Antología poética, 2
I͡A︡ budu zhitʹ--
Peace for twilights to come!
Obras completas (Opera mundi)
Para Albertina Rosa: Epistolario
La serenata épica de Neruda a México
Canto General (Contempora)
Pablo Neruda para niños
Nocturnal collection
Obras completas II
Canto general
Pablo Neruda acusa
Vinte Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada
Spiritual passports
Oda a la tipografía
Un canto para Bolívar
Romancero de la guerra española
Antologia Essencial
Cento sonetti d'amore
Glanz und Tod des Joaquín Murieta
Cuadernos de Temuco
Poetry of Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems
Oda a la typografía =
Poemas de amor
YasadIgImI Itiraf Ediyorum
Hrozny a vítr
Discurso de Stockholm
Pablo Neruda - Obras II / Rustica
Itinerario de una amistad
Windows That Open Inward
Dulce patria
De arte de pajaros a el mar y las campanas/ From The Art of the Birds to the Sea and the Bells (Obras Completas / Complete Works)
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Then Come Back
Las cosas rotas y otras 60 odas elementales
Ayaklarina Dokunurum Golgede
Regalo de un poeta
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Antología fundamental
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Discurso pronunciado con ocasión de la entrega del premio Nobel de literatura, 1971 / Pablo Neruda
Résidence sur la terre
Yo acuso
Antologia Fundamental
Defectos escogidos ; 2000
Viente Poemas De Amor Y Una Cancion Desesperada Cien Sonetos De Amor (Ave Fenix)
Carta a México
The house at Isla Negra
Óda na typografii =
Crepusculario/el Hondero/tentativa Del H
Elegia: Obra postuma (Biblioteca breve ; 418 : Poesia)
Generación del Trece
Cuatro grandes poetas de América
Love Poems
Antología poética
A La Orilla Del Silencio
Antología poética
Antologia Poetica - Bolsillo -
A Estos Yo Canto y Yo Nombro Escritores En La Obra de Pablo Neruda Antologia
Chant général
Cien Sonetos de Amor - Veinte Poemas de Amor
Neruda y México
Bestiary-Bestiario (Harvest Special Hb292)
O Partido Comunista e a liberdade de criação
Ve Asktan Olacak Olumum
El fin del viaje
Three odes
Εκατό ερωτικά σονέτα
Kuruntular Kitabi
We are many
La poesía póstuma de Pablo Neruda
Libro de las preguntas seleccion
Todo Ileva tu nombre
Poesías escogidas
Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
Um geboren zu werden
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Basic Anthology
Eikósi erotiká poiimata ki ena tragoudi apelpismeno
Yuz Ask Sonesi
Canto General (Latin American Literature and Culture, Vol 7)
Lo mejor de Pablo Neruda
Homenaje a Pablo Neruda
Nuevas Odas Elementales/tercer Libro De (Contemporanea)
A New Decade (Poems 1958 -1967)
Frascos rojos en Maldonado
Pablo Neruda lee su poesía
Oda a la lagartija
a la Mesa Con Neruda
Discursos parlamentarios de Pablo Neruda
Seleccion De Poemas
Chile en el corazón
Los Mas Bellos Poemas de Amor Latinoamericanos
Habitante Y Su Esperanza/anillos
Hungrig bin ich, will deinen Mund. Liebessonette
Poesía política
Bir Yildiza Övgü
Canto General II (Clsicos Universales)
Then come back
Fifty Odes
Pablo Neruda, letzte Gedichte
Yeryüzünde Konaklama
Twenty Love Poems, Q
Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
Veite Poemas De Amor (Mexican Authors)
Antologia Fundamental - Neruda
Antología poética
Kaptanin Dizeleri
Book of twilight
Gei yi ke xing de song ge
Attraverso l'oscuro splendore
Ik ben
La solitude lumineuse
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Cuando de Chile
Venok Nerude
Memorial de Isla Negra
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Mexico florido y espinudo
Jeg bekender, jeg har levet
20 Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada-C/CD
Um geboren zu werden
El habitante y su esperanza. El hondero entusiasta. Tentativa del hombre infinito. Anillos
Las furias y las penas
Cantos de Pablo Neruda
Poesía de amor
Pablo Neruda en breve
La barcarola
Aquí estoy
Nieluda shi xuan
Obras completas
Cuatro poemas escritos en Francia
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Comiendo en Hungría
En Defensa de Manuela Sáenz
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Diez odas
Adiós a Tallone
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Arte de pájaros
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Odas elementales
Dos odas elementales
Algunas odas
Presencia de Ramón López Velarde en Chile
Er shi shou qing shi yu jue wang de ge
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Obras Pablo Neruda (Obras)
Los versos del capitán
La copa de sangre
O coração amarelo
Centenario del poeta Pablo Neruda
Canción de gesta
Pablo Neruda, Héctor Eandi
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
"La nave" e altri testi
Poemas de Amor - Nueva Edicion
Dogs nad ang don bzhi pa
Residencia en la tierra (1925-1935)
El hondero entusiasta (1923-1924)
Canción de gesta
No Royalty A/C We Are Many
Oda a las flores de Datitla
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada  Los versos del capitan
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
La Biblioteca Nacional y Pablo Neruda
بابلو نيرودا ، قصائد مختارة
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
Neruda y México
México florido y espinudo
20 poemas al árbol y cactus de la costa
Libros pintados
Cantos de amor y de combate
Que despierte el leñador
Canto General II
Cartas a Gabriela
Canto general
20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Pablo Neruda
Antología esencial
Antología elemental
Pablo Neruda
Os versos de capita o
The unknown Neruda
Cantos de amor
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
El habitante y su esperanze
Canto General (Ayacucho Library Collection Ser : Vol 2)
Poésie impure
En el corazón de un poeta
Letter to Miguel Otero Silva, in Caracas (1948)
Twintig liefdesgedichten en een wanhoops zang
Fin de mundo
Love poems
Don Alonso de Ercilla, inventor de Chile
Neruda, el hombre y el poeta
Οι στίχοι του καπετάνιου
Neuvas odas elementales
Oda al mar
Antologia popular de la resistencia
Poesie e scritti in Italia
Libro de las odas
4 poemas de Pablo Neruda y Un amanecer en la isla
La rosa separada
Canto General I - 86 -
Pablo Neruda Reading His Poetry in Spanish (Swc 1215)
To the women of the whole world
Los mejores versos de Pablo Neruda
Discorso di Stoccolma (conferenza Nobel)
Ode alla tipografia
Poemario de la entrevista de Guayaquil 1822 en la épica voz de Neruda, Genta y Castillo
Alturas de Machu-Pichu
[Gimny Kube i Drugie Poėmy
Body of a Woman
Città, città di fuoco, resisti
Canción de gesta
Confieso que he vivido
Confieso que he vivido
Bestiary. Bestiario
Address to the sea
Сеопшта песна
Beleidigtes Land
Hypsē tou Matsou Pitsou
20 [i.e. Veinte] poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
El mal y el malo
La coppa di sangue
Antología esencial [de] Pablo Neruda
Selected poems
Antologia Poetica 1
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda Poemas
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shir eḥad meyoʼash
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologia Poetica 2
Poesías completas
Four odes, one song
Walking around
Antologia Poetica/an Anthology of Poems (Poesia)
Agar bā shumā sukhan bigūyam
ʻEśrim shire ahavah ṿe-shirat-yeʾush aḥat
Pablo Neruda-Claudio Véliz, correspondencia en el camino al Premio Nóbel, 1963-1970
מבחר שירים
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
Una casa en la arena
Canto general
Pablo Neruda e sua poesia eterna
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)


  • Bowdoin College
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Great Short Stories of the World -- a collection of complete short stories chosen from the literatures of all periods and countries
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Classic American Short Stories
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Great American Short Stories
Short Stories
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
The Best Crime Stories of the 19th Century
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Literature -- second edition
Fictions--Second Edition
Los mejores cuentos policiales
Great American Short Stories from Hawthorne to Hemingway
Perrine's Story and Structure--Twelfth Edition
Literature, The Human Experience, Reading and Writing--Shorter Ninth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition
Famous Tales of the Fantastic
Great American Short Stories
Great Short Short Stories
The Family Book of Best Loved Short Stories
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
American 24-Karat Gold
Scarlet Letter with Connections
Great Short Stories
Fiction 100
Great American Short Stories [48 stories]
The Short-story
The Short Story
Favourite Scary Stories from Graveside Al
The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature--Eighth Edition
Great American Short Stories
Perrine's Story and Structure--Tenth Edition
America's Literature
The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
The American Short Story [59 stories]
The Man Without a Country and Other Stories
The Carolina reader--writing about literature 2008
Elements of Literature - Third Canadian Edition
Specimens of the Short Story
Classic American Short Stories
A book of the short story
The Bedford Introduction to Literature--Reading, Thinking, Writing--Sixth Edition
The Dolliver Romance
My Favorite Horror Story
Short Stories of Various Types
Mystery in the Mainstream
40 Short Stories -- Sixth Edition
Librivox Short Story Collection 051
Great American Ghost Stories
Introduction to Literature, Stories -- third edition
The Moral of the Story
More Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children
American short stories (2)
Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction
Lady Eleanore's Mantle and other tales of mystery
The Scarlet Letter
Young Goodman Brown
The House of the Seven Gables
A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Rappaccini's Daughter
Mosses from an Old Manse
The Crucible and Related Readings
Twice-Told Tales
The Marble Faun
Great Short Stories of the World [30 stories]
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Passages from the American note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The Dark Descent
Tanglewood Tales
A Book of Short Stories
The United States in literature -- Medallion Edition [with The Glass Menagerie]
The Celestial Railroad and Other Stories
Young Goodman Brown and Other Tales
Our Old Home. 1/2
The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Tanglewood Tales and Biographical Stories
The Birth-Mark
The Great Stone Face and other tales of the White Mountains
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
The United States in Literature
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Works (Tanglewood Tales / Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys)
Grandfather's Chair
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Great Short Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Birthmark / Ethan Brand / Minister's Black Veil / My Kinsman, Major Molineux / Rappaccini's Daughter / Roger Malvin's Burial / Scarlet Letter / Young Goodman Brown)
Huosang Gete xiao shuo xuan
Selected Tales and Sketches
Our Old Home
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories
Hawthorne's Short Stories
The Snow-Image
The experience of literature
Passages from the English note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
World's Great Adventure Stories
The Blithedale Romance
The Golden Touch
Words of Ages
True Stories from History and Biography
The Marble Faun. 1/2
The Evil Image
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
The Best Known Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (House of the Seven Gables / Scarlet Letter / Twice-Told Tales)
Mosses from an Old Manse. 1/2
Shapes of the supernatural
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Billy Budd / Red Badge of Courage / Scarlet Letter
The Snow Image and Other Twice-Told Tales
The Shape of Fiction. Stories for Comparaison
Great American Short Stories
Spectral Tales
The Garden of Romance
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes]. Volume Five. Drama
Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
Selected Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Novels (House of the Seven Gables / Scarlet Letter)
The Old Manse
The Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
Little Masterpieces - Nathaniel Hawthorne (Ambitious Guest / Birth-mark / Dr. Heidegger's Experiment / Drowne's Wooden Image / Ethan Brand / Gray Champion / Great Stone Face / Wakefield)
Representative Selections, with Introduction, Bibliography, and Notes
Chilling Horror Short Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level
Great Science Fiction About Doctors
Fiction Gallery
Passages from the French and Italian note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Situation of the Story
Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century
The Scarlet Letter and Other Writings
Great American Suspense (Ethan Brand, Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Oval Portrait, Upper Berth, Yellow Sign)
Twice-Told Tales [1/2]
The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter and Other Tales of the Puritans
The Portable Hawthorne
The Minister's Black Veil
The Scarlet Letter and The Blithedale Romance
Scarlet Letter
Twice-Told Tales and other short stories (Ethan Brand / My Kinsman, Major Molino / Young Goodman Brown)
Novels (Blithedale Romance / Fanshaw / House of the Seven Gables / Marble Faun / Scarlet Letter)
The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter and Selected Tales (Gentle Boy / Gray Champion / Maypole of Merry Mount / Minister's Black Veil / Scarlet Letter / Young Goodman Brown)
Great Writings
Tales and Sketches (Mosses from an Old Manse / Snow-Image and other twice-told tales / Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys / Twice-Told Tales / Wonder Book for Girls and Boys)
Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories
Twenty Days with Julian and Little Bunny
Literature as Art
Bodies of the Dead and Other Great American Ghost Stories
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Future perfect
The Great Book of Thrillers
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century
The scarlet letter
Rappaccini's Daughter (Rappaccini's Daughter / Select Party / Young Goodman Brown)
Grandfather's Chair and Biographical Stories
Achievements in Fiction
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret
Haunting Tales (Artist of the Beautiful / Birth-Mark / Dr. Heidegger's Experiment / Minister's Black Veil)
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Fourth Edition
Sketches and Studies
Twice-Told Tales
A Wonder-Book ; Tanglewood Tales, and Grandfather's Chair
The Color of Evil
The Complete Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Four Great American Novels (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Billy Budd / Daisy Miller / Scarlet Letter)
A study of the short story
The Realm of Fiction - 61 Short Stories
Tales, Sketches, and other papers
The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories
Fireside Al's Treasury of Classic Stories
Selected Tales and Sketches. Third Edition
The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Old Manse Edition)
Memoir of Nathaniel Hawthorne with stories
Short Stories
Fantasy Classics
The Marble Faun. 2/2
American Short Stories
Bedtime stories
Man in the Black Suit / Young Goodman Brown
Exploring Literature -- Fourth Edition
The Best New England stories
The American Landscape
Short Stories
The Best American Tales
The Boston Book: Being Specimens of Metropolitan Literature
Three Complete Novels (Blithedale Romance / House of the Seven Gables / Scarlet Letter / Stories)
Seven Stories (Ethan Brand / Great Stone Face / Maypole of Merry Mount / Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe / Rappaccini's Daughter / Seven Vagabonds / Young Goodman Brown)
The Haunted Mind and Other Strange Tales (Dr. Heidegger's Experiment / Fancy's Show Box / Haunted Mind / Little Annie's Ramble / Vision of the Fountain)
Great Tales of Horror & the Supernatural
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The Scarlet Letter
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
Twelve short stories, second series
The Elements of the Short Story
The Penguin Book of American Short Stories
King Midas
The United States in Literature
The Token and Atlantic Souvenir
Forebodings [5 stories]
The Dolliver Romance; Fanshawe; And Septimius Felton; With An Appendix Containing The Ancestral Footstep
The English notebooks
He visto cosas que no creeríais
A Rill from the Town Pump
Classical Mythology
Colonial stories
Classic Short Stories
Twice-Told Tales [2/2]
The American Short Story
Fanshawe, and other pieces
Tales of the White Hills and Sketches
Stories New and Old
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages
The scarlet letter, and selected writings
The variety of fiction
Selected Tales and Sketches
Classic Horror Stories
The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Autograph Edition)
The complete works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Modes of fiction
Hawthorne's First Diary
Cuentos clásicos del norte
The letters, 1857-1864
Hey! Listen To This
Great Classic Stories II
Mosses from an Old Manse. 2/2
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Our old home, and English note-books
Greatest Short Stories [2/6] -- American
Liberty tree: with the last words of Grandfather's chair
The Custom house, and Main street
The elixir of life manuscripts
Seven Masterpieces of Gothic Horror
The great stone face & two other stories (Feathertop / Great Stone Face / Minister's Black Veil)
The experience of literature
Septimius Felton
The book of love
Selections from Twice-Told Tales (David Swan / Howe's Masquerade / Lady Eleanore's Mantle / Minister's Black Veil / Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe / Old Esther Dudley / Prophetic Pictures / Sights from a Steeple)
American Short Stories
The Oxford Book of American Essays
Famous old people
The Scarlet Letter and Related Readings
Tri Noveloj (Dr. Heidegger's Experiment / Minister's Black Veil / Young Goodman Brown)
Classic Ghost Stories
Literature - Structure, sound, and sense - Fourth Edition
The Best of Hawthorne
The Celestial Railroad
The Literature of the American Renaissance
The scapegoat
Flora Curiosa
Hawthorne's American travel sketches
Selected letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dr. Jekyll Y Mr. Hyde & El Retrato De Edward Randolph's/ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde & Edward Randolph's Portrait
Sci-Fi Horror Stories
The Gettysburg Speech / The Great Carbuncle / Bunker Hill Oration / The Deserted Village / Enoch Arden
Types of the Short Story
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
Hawthorne's lost notebook 1835-1841
Twelve Short Stories
Short Stories Old and New
The American Notebooks by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The House of the Seven Gables and the Snow Image and Other Twice-Told Tales
Clasicos de Misterio [5 stories]
Hawthorne in England
Hawthorne's Works
The Dolliver Romance and Kindred Tales
In Colonial Days
The New Adam and Eve, etc.
The Three Golden Apples
Short Stories -- Classic, Modern, Contemporary
Tales and Sketches
The Gettysburg Speech / Emancipation Proclamation / Second Inaugural Address / The Great Carbuncle / Bunker Hill Oration / The Deserted Village / Enoch Arden
Biographical Stories
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment and Other Stories
Life of Franklin Pierce, president of the United States
The heart of Hawthorne's journals
Legends of the Province House
What happened in Salem?
100 Hair Raising Little Horror Stories
Great Classic Ghost Stories
The Lock and Key Library -- French Novels
The Oblong Box & other Tales of the Uncanny
Selected Stories
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & The Scarlet Letter & Uncle Tom's Cabin & Benito Cereno & Clotel
Hawthorne. Twice-Told Tales / Biographical Stories
The Scarlet Letter
The Complete Novels and Selected Tales. Volume II (Modern Library)
Works. --
The Letters. 1813-1843
Ordinary Mysteries
The Blithedale romance and Fanshawe
From Mosses From An Old Manse
The Scarlet Letter
Cuentos clásicos del Norte
The Paradise of Children
Twice Told Tales (Edward Randolph’s Portrait / Grey Champion / Howe’s Masquerade / Lady Eleanore’s Mantle / Maypole of Merry Mount / Minister's Black Veil / Old Esther Dudley)
The World Anthology
Miscellanies Biographical and Other Sketches and Letters
The Scarlet Letter
Love letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne ..
Classic American Short Stories
Our Old Home And Septimius Felton
The Ancestral Footstep
American Classic Collection (Birthmark / Gift of the Magi / Masque of the Red Death / Yellow Wallpaper)
The Phoenix Pick Anthology of Classic Science Fiction Stories
The Seven Vagabonds
Haunted House Classics
Greatest Short Stories [1/8]
The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories. Volume 4
Legends of the Province House, etc.
American Classics Collection
Passages from the American note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1/2
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Blithedale Romance / Twice-Told Tales)
Four Classic American Novels
Selected Works of Nathaniel Hawthore (House of the Seven Gables / Scarlet Letter / Twice-Told Tales)
Trio - Fourth Edition
Roger Malvin's Burial / Short Stories from the Pickwick Papers
Spooky Classics for Children
Little Daffydowndilly and other stories and biographical stories
Passages from the American note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2/2
The Great Stone Face
Collection Set of Stories That Stick
The Gentle Boy
The Dragon's Teeth
Selected Tales
Celestial Railroad and Other Stories
El Velo Negro Del Ministro Y Otros Cuentos / The Minister's Black Veil And Other Stories (Benteveo)
The gentle boy and other tales
Wakefield Y Otros Relatos
Passages from the English Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1/2
The Golden Fleece
The Whole History of Grandfather's Chair and Biographical Stories
The miraculous pitcher, and biographical stories
Notes of Travel. 2/4
Nathaniel Hawthorne Audio Collection (Minister's Black Veil / Rappaccini's Daughter / Twenty Days with Julian and Little Bunny / Young Goodman Brown)
The Prophetic Pictures
Letters of Hawthorne to William D. Ticknor, 1851-1864
Bukcase III
The letters
Hawthorne, 20 tales
Great American Short Stories Volume III
Grandfather's Chair / Mosses from an Old Manse
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, VI & Scarlet Letter 2e & Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2e CSCC & My Antonia
Notes of travel
The Snow Image and other stories
The letters, 1853-1856
Stories of Suspense
The French and Italian notebooks
Selected Tales and Sketches
The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne - Volume I
Vingt jours avec Julian et petit lapin, selon papa - Hawthorne en famille
American Fiction
Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. 1/2
Notes of Travel. 1/4
The Centenary Edition of the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne 1839-1863
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Short Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The consular letters
The snow-image and uncollected tales
The Minotaur
The Lock and Key Library -- American
Young Goodman Brown and Other Stories (Artist of the Beautiful / Minister's Black Veil / My Kinsman Major Molineux / Young Goodman Brown)
Our Old Home and English Note-books. 2/2
El fin de la inocencia
Notes of Travel. 3/4
Miscellaneous prose and verse
Science Fiction of Antebellum America
Hawthorne as editor
Hawthorne After Dark
The Scarlet Letter
Notes of Travel. 4/4
A Book of Autographs
Classic Christmas Stories
Tales of the White Mountains
From Twice Told Tales
Pegasus, the winged horse
The House of the Seven Gables
Historias Antiguas Cortas y Nuevas
American Story
The Great Stone Face
Selections from Irving and Hawthorne
American Classics Collection (Age of Innocence / Little Women / My Antonia / Scarlett Letter)
House of Seven Gables
Sights from a Steeple
The snow-image, The Great stone-face, Little Daffydowndilly
La letra escarlata
Scarlet Letter SparkNotes Literature Guide
Scarlet Letter (Classic Retelling)
Classical Tales of Mythology
The Great Stone Face AND The Snow Image
Blithedale Romance
The Christmas Banquet
Journal of an African Cruiser: Comprising Sketches of the Canaries, the Cape ..
Works (Biographical Stories / Fanshawe / Grandfather's Clock)
Hawthorne: tales of his native land
International Short Stories. Stories from America
Tanglewood Tales
The American claimant manuscripts
Earth's Holocaust
The business of reflection
The Gorgon's Head
The Scarlet Letter (adaptation)
The maypole of Merrymount
Scarlet Letter and Other Writings
Halloween Stories from "Mosses from an Old Manse" and Other Tales
The House of the Seven Gables with Related Readings
Emma & Wuthering Heights 2e & Scarlet Letter & Awakening
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Earth's Holocaust
The House of the Seven Gables
The Wives of the Dead
Letra Escarlata
Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Standard Library Edition)
Works (Passages from the American Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Passages from the English Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne)
The Dolliver romance, and other pieces
Sunday at home, and other tales
American Classics (Omnibus Edition) (Diversion Classics)
Twice-Told Tales
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter & Benito Cereno
Scarlet Letter Followed by Hawthorne of Henry James
Scarlet Letter
The Magic Garden of My Book House
Two tanglewood tales: The dragon's teeth, The minotaur
A Bell's Biography
The Minotaur
A look into Hawthorne's workshop
The Scarlet Letter [adaptation]
Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Globe Edition)
The Intelligence Office
Selected Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne
La Muchacha de La Tormenta y Otros Relatos Bajo Sospecha
True Stories from History and Biography
Tanglewood Tales
Pasteboard Masks. Fact as spiritual symbol in the novels of Hawthorne and Melville (Radcliffe Honors Theses in English. no. 2.)
Echte Schauermärchen der Weltliteratur (Bebilderte Ausgabe)
Selected Tales and Sketches
Rappaccini's daughter, and other tales
The letters, 1843-1853
Passages from the French and Italian Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1/2
Haunting Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Christmas Banquet / Dr. Heiddegger's Experiment / Edward Randolph's Portrait / Ethan Brand / Gray Champion / Hollow of Three Hills / Howe's Masquerade / Rappaccini's Daughter / Young Goodman Brown)
Scarlet Letter
Jason and the Golden Fleece
The Magic Pitcher
Clásicos norteamericanos III (The Ambitious Guest by Nathaniel Hawthorne / Kaleidoscope by Ray Bradbury / The Last Question by Isaac Asimov / The Man with the Gash by Jack London)
The Artist of the Beautiful
My Kinsman Major Molineux
The Scarlet Letter (adaptation)
A Wonder Book For Girls & Boys
Scarlet Letter
Stories from the States
Passages From the French and Italian Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Letra Escarlata
The Golden Fleece
La hija de Rappaccini
Fancy's Show-Box
Grandfather's Chair
Scarlet Letter Thrift Study Edition
The Scarlet Letter followed by Hawthorne
Hawthorne's Works (Concord Edition)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Transcendentalism Collection
The custom-house
The Scarlet Letter & related writings by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Shape of Fiction. Second Editon
The Scarlet Letter and Young Goodman Brown
Chippings with a Chisel
The Scarlet Letter
Blithedale Romance
P.'s Correspondence
Tanglewood Tales
The Miraculous Pitcher
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter & Uncle Tom's Cabin
Lady Eleanore's Mantle
Contes et récits
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Twice-Told Tales
Great Classic Love Stories
Mitos Gregos
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
The scarlet letter and selected prose works
Carnets du reclus
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Volume 1
Works (Snow Image / Tanglewood Tales)
Scarlet Letter Novel
Scarlet Letter (Illustrated Classic)
House of the Seven Gables (Diversion Classics)
Marble Faun Illustrated
Gentle Boy
Old Manse
Scarlet Letter (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
The Scarlet Letter (adaptation)
Biographical Stories Illustrated
Blithedale Romance
House of the Seven Gables
Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys
The Blithedale Romance
Biographical Stories
Marble Faun
Works (Blithedale Romance / Snow Image)
A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Marble Faun Illustrated
A Select Party
Mosses from an Old Manse
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Old Manse Illustrated
John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
Scarlet Letter
El Sillon del Abuelo
Young Goodman Brown
Chippings with a Chisel
Rappaccini's Daughter
Little Annie's Ramble - Publishing People Series
Intelligence Office Illustrated
Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains
William Macharg and Edwin Balmer
Tanglewood Tales
Marble Faun Annotated
Bell's Biography
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
Minister's Black Veil
House of the Seven Gables
House of Seven Gables
Life of Franklin Pierce
Intelligence Office Illustrated
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Great Stone Face
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure
House of the Seven Gables and Other Tales
Biographical Stories Illustrated
Tales, Sketches, and Other Papers
Marble Faun
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 10
Scarlet Letter, the. Oxford World's Classics
Earth's Holocaust - Publishing People Series
Marble Faun
Little Daffydowndilly
Sunday at Home
Scarlet Letter
Blithedale Romance
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Twice Told Tales
Scarlet Letter
The Scarlet Letter - Original February 1850 Uncensored Version
Sights from a Steeple
Roger Malvin's Burial
Blithedale Romance
The Celestial Railroad
The Scarlet Letter - Vocabulary from Literature
Grandfather's Chair
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated Illustrated
Fire Worship
Scarlet Letter
Scarlett Letter
Blithedale Romance
Great Stone Face
The Complete Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 8
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Twice-Told Tales (Hardcover)
Great Stone Face
Mrs. Bullfrog - Large Print
The Canterbury Pilgrims
Hawthorne's Works
New Adam and Eve Illustrated
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Rappaccini's Daughter
Scarlet Letter
Wonder Book
House of Seven Gables
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
Oriental Investigators
Little Annie's Ramble
Book of Autographs - Publishing People Series
Blithedale Romance
Main Street - Large Print
Kizil Damga
Young Goodman Brown
Tanglewood Tales
Selected from Mosses from an Old Manse''
Procession of Life
Twice Told Tales
Old News - Publishing People Series
Pomegranate Seeds
Wonder Book
Tanglewood Tales
Septimius Felton
Earth´s Holocaust
La Fille de Rappaccini et autres contes fantastiques
In Colonial Days Large Print
Scarlet Letter
Wonder Book of Greek Mythology Rewritten for Children
Main Street
Scharlachrote Buchstabe
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair or True Stories from New England History, 1620-1808
Young Goodman Brown
Antique Ring - Large Print
The Blithedale Romance
Young Goodman Brown Illustrated
Wonder Book, a
Pygmies - Large Print
The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Vision of the Fountain - Large Print
Study Guide for The Scarlet Letter with Related Readings (Glencoe Literature Library)
English Prose - Book 1
Short Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Tanglewood Tales
Complete Novels and Selected Tales
Sketches from Memory
Shen qi de gu shi
Blithedale Romance
Biographical Stories
ScarIet Letter IIIustrated
The Scarlet Letter -
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1909 Volume 8
Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys
Marble Faun
Snow Image
The Sister-years
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Blithedale Romance
Scarlet Letter
Liberty Tree
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe
Great Short Works
Our Old Home, and English Note-Books. 1/2
Our Old Home. 2/2
The Scarlet and the Blithdale Romance - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Artist of the Beautiful
The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne's Works
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mosses from an Old Manse
Marble Faun
Cuando la Tierra Era Niña
The House of Seven Gables
Allegories of the Heart
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Life of Franklin Pierce
Scarlet Letter - Illustrated Edition
Scarlet Letter
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment Illustrated
Scarlet Letter Illustrated
Seven Vagabonds - Large Print
Scarlet Letter With the Custom House
Passages from the French and Italian Note-books. 2/2
Scarlet Letter , The
Twice-Told Tales
Young Goodman Brown
Book of Autographs - Large Print
Scarlet Letter, The
Sunday at Home
खिताबी पत्र
The Great Stone Face
Septimius Felton
Marble Faun, Vol. 1
Letra Escarlata
Fire Worship - Publishing People Series
Mitos griegos contados otra vez
Paradise Tales for Kids
Elixir de Vie
Twice Told Tales
Doctor Grimshawes Secret
House of the Seven Gables
Nathanial Hawthorne
Lily's Quest
Wonder Book
Legends of the Province House - Publishing People Series
Tanglewood Tales
Little Annie's Ramble
Snow Image
Old Apple Dealer - Publishing People Series
Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys
Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne (Literature, Classics) [Annotated]
Scarlet Letter (Illustrated)
House of the Seven Gables
Passages from the English Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Passages From the American Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Marble Faun - Volume 1
Little Annie's Ramble (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
Scarlet Letter Illustrated
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret, a Romance
Scarlet Letter
Young Goodman Brown - Large Print
Sights from a Steeple - Publishing People Series
House of the Seven Gables
Chiefly about War Matters
Golden Fleece
Blithedale Romance
The Pygmies
The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces
Scarlet Letter - Original February 1850 Uncensored Version
Old Woman's Tale
Tanglewood Tales
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Marble Faun
True Stories from History and Biography
Gorgon's Head
Lily's Quest - Publishing People Series
Minister's Black Veil
Blithedale Romance
Works Volume 05
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment Illustrated
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
Notes of Travel of Nathaniel Hawthorne; Volume IV
The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 8
Great Carbuncle - Publishing People Series
A Study Guide to The Scarlet Letter
The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Blithedale Romance
The Violated Heart
Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Biographical Stories
Marble Faun Illustrated
Best of Hawthorne
Biographical Stories
Manga Classics : the Scarlet Letter Hardcover
The Scarlet Letter and The Antique Ring - Stage 4
Select Party - Large Print
The Works
Sylph Etherege
Leyendas de la Casa Provincial
Drowne's Wooden Image - Large Print
Wonder Book
La lettre écarlate
Marble Faun
The Custom House / The Scarlet Letter / The House of the Seven Gables / The Blithedale Romance / The Marble Faun
The Artist of the Beautiful
Pomegranate Seeds
Huosang duan pian xiao shuo xuan
Legends of the Province House and other twice-told tales
The House of the Seven Gables. 1/?
Tanglewood Tales
House of the Seven Gables (illustrated)
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
House of the Seven Gables
Short Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Young Goodman Brown and Other Stories
Quotations of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Fancy's Show-Box
Scarlet Letter : (Annotated)
Gentle Boy
Wonder Book
The Scarlet Letter
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Scarlet Letter Simple English Special UK Addition
Tanglewood Tales
Wonder Book
Ancestral Footstep Outlines of an English Romance
Fire Worship
Wonder Book
Twice-Told Tales
Scarlet Letter Large Print
Roger Malvin's Burial - Publishing People Series
Septimius Felton
Tanglewood Tales
Scarlet Letter
Ambitious Guest
Great Stone Face
Fire Worship
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Rappaccini's Daughter
Blithedale Romance
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Rappaccini's Daughter
Man of Adamant
Scarlet Letter
The Complete Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 7
House of the Seven Gables
Intelligence Office
Old Apple Dealer
Tanglewood Tales
The House of Seven Gables and The Snow Image and Other Twice-Told Tales
Footprints on the seashore
Minister's Black Veil Illustrated
Edward Fane's Rosebud
Marble Faun
Blithedale Romance
Young Goodman Brown Illustrated
P's Correspondence - Large Print
Prophetic Pictures
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
New Adam and Eve (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
Scarlet Letter
Fire Worship
Mosses from an Old Manse
Old Apple Dealer
Snow-Image and Other Twice-told Tales
Sketches and Studies
Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys
The Gentle Boy
Marble Faun
The Blithedale Romance. 1/2
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Scarlet Letter - Illustrated Edition
Lettera Scarlatta
Seven Vagabonds
Seven Vagabonds
Marble Faun, or the Romance of Monte Beni
Wonder Book
Gorgon's Head
Wakefield y otros cuentos
Young Goodman Brown
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
House of the Seven Gables
Blithedale Romance
Earth's Holocaust
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
The Scarlet Letter and the Blithedale Romance
The Scarlet Letter and Selected Writings
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure
Works, Volume 5
The Great Carbuncle
Scarlet Letter Annotated Wordworth Classics
House of Seven Gables
Old Ticonderoga
Biographical Stories
Circe´s Palace
Scarlet Letter : (Annotated)(Biography)
Marble Faun
The Scarlet Letter Level-2
Doctor Grimshawes Secret
Tanglewood Tales
Mrs. Bullfrog
Threefold Destiny
Three Golden Apples
Roger Malvin's Burial
Drowne's Wooden Image
Mosses From An Old Manse
Mosses from an Old Manse
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Blithedale Romance
My Kinsman, Major Molineux
Septimius Felton
Young Goodman Brown
Septimius Felton
Dolliver Romance - an Unfinished Fragment
Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Standard Library Edition)
The Complete Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 7
Rappaccini'nin Kizi
Vision of the Fountain
Young Goodman Brown
Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Shaker Bridal
Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys
Tanglewood Tales
Celestial Railroad
Man of Adamant
Selected from Mosses from an Old Manse
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Letra Escarlata
Grandfather's Chair
Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales
Ancestral Footstep
Ambitious Guest
The Great Stone Face
The House of Seven Gables
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 12
Dolliver Romance
Threefold Destiny
Tanglewood Tales for Girls & Boys
Septimius Felton
Legends of the Province House
My Visit to Niagara - Large Print
Marble Faun; or, the Romance of Monte Beni-
Sketches and Studies (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 12
Blithedale Romance : (Annotated Edition)
House of the Seven Gables
Twice Told Tales
Peter Parley's Universal History, on the Basis of Geography
The Miraculous Pitcher
Blithedale Romance
Passages from the American Notebooks
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter & Uncle Tom's Cabin
Scarlet Letter Simple English It's a Teacher Addition
Tanglewood Tales for Girls & Boys
Tanglewood Tales
Scarlet Letter (Mermaids Classics)
Scarlet Letter (GoodVibeRead Edition)
Marble Faun
Hollow of the Three Hills - Publishing People Series
Die Totenhochzeit
My Visit to Niagara
Minotaur - Publishing People Series
Scarlet Letter
Blithedale Romance
Marble Faun
Twice-Told Tales
Short stories
Marble Faun
Snow Image
Nathaniel Hawthorne Collection
The Marble Faun or The Romance of Monte Beni
Twice-Told Tales
Little Annie's Ramble
Canterbury Pilgrims
Gorgon's Head
Dragon's Teeth - Publishing People Series
House of the Seven Gables : (Annotated)(Biography)
House of the Seven Gables
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter
Circe's Palace
The Man of Adamant
David Swan
Lettre écarlate
Scarlet Letter (Annotated)
Old Manse - Publishing People Series
Chippings with a Chisel
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthrone
Illustrated Scarlet Letter
The Blithedale Romance
Biographical Stories
Dolliver Romance
Hawthorne Selected Tales and Sketches
The Custom House, and Main Street
A Wonder Book ; and, Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys
Passages from a Relinquished Work
Roger Malvin's Burial
Rappaccini's Daughter Illustrated
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
Mosses from an Old Manse and Others Stories : (Annotated)(Biography)
Scarlet Letter
Marble Farm
My Kinsman, Major Molineux
Blithedale Romance
Scarlet Letter
Celestial Railroad - Publishing People Series
Scarlet Letter
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Popular Edition)
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Marble Faun Illustrated
Doctor Grimshawe´s Secret a Romance
Scarlet Letter - Large Print
Blithedale Romance
Scarlet Letter (Extra Large Print Edition)
Gentle Boy Illustrated
Wonder Book
Letra Escarlate
Great Stone Face
Grandfathers Chair
Village Uncle - Publishing People Series
Tanglewood Tales
Snow Image
The Great Stone Face
Mitos Gregos. Histórias Extraordinárias de Heróis, Deuses e Monstros Para Jovens Leitores
Main Street
Scarlet Letter and Life in the Iron Mills and Pocket Style Manual 4e
Wonder Book
Artist of the Beautiful
Select Party
The Scarlet Letter
Rappaccini's Daughter Illustrated
Twice Told Tales
Scarlet Letter
House of the Seven Gables
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Footprints on the Seashore
Biographical Stories
Pomegranate Seeds
The Blithedale Romance
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Intelligence Office Illustrated
Marble Faun Illustrated
Gorgon's Head
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
The Scarlet Letter Lib/E
Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys, Being a Second Wonder-book, Nathaniel Hawthorne, 3rd Print, 1883
Scarlet Letter (ILLUSTRATED)
Mosses from an Old Manse
Tanglewood Tales
From The Snow Image
Biographical Stories Illustrated
Essential Nathaniel Hawthorne (100+ Works)
Hall of Fantasy
Dragon's Teeth
Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Twice-Told Tales
Marble Faun Large Print
Rappaccini's Daughter
House of the Seven Gables
The Complete Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 7
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
SCARLET LETTER by Nathaniel Hawthorne the New Fully Updated and Annotated Edition
Devil in Manuscript
House of the Seven Gables
Blithedale Romance
The celestrial railroad and other stories
Journal of an African Cruiser
Select Party
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure - Large Print
House of Seven Gables (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Dr. Heideggers Experiment
Intelligence Office
Dragon's Teeth
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Christmas Banquet
Great Stone Face
Life of Franklin Pierce
Legends of the Province House
Mosses from an Old Manse
Buds and Bird Voices
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Scarlet Letter (Heavy Metal Edition)
Egotism; or, the Bosom Serpent
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter & Benito Cereno
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1909 Volume 12
Minister's Black Veil
Great Stone Face - Publishing People Series
The Snow-image
Snow Image and Other Stories
Legends of New England
House of the Seven Gables (Annotated)
Ancestral Footstep
Main Street
Scarlet Letter
Twice Told Tales
Complete Writings Volume 13
Marble Faun Annotated
House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne Annotated
Letra Escarlata
Septimius Felton
Snow Image
Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
Mrs. Bullfrog - Publishing People Series
The House of the Seven Gables (adaptation)
Biographical Stories
The Snow-Image
Blithedale Romance Annotated
Marble Faun
Scharlachrote Buchstabe
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret a Romance
Marble Faun Illustrated
Cuentos contados dos veces
Rill from the Town Pump
Marble Faun
Ancestral Footstep
True Stories of History and Biography
Biographical Stories
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
House of the Seven Gables
Prophetic Pictures
Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys
Rappaccini's Daughter
Dolliver Romance
Casa de Las Siete Torres
La hija de Rappaccini
Works (Doctor Grimshawe's Secret / Marble Faun)
A Virtuoso's Collection
Peguin Readers 2
Young Goodman Brown
Ethan Brand
Procession of Life - Large Print
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Büyük Tas Yüz - Babil Kitapligi - 12
Twice Told Tales (Volume 1 ) (The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne  (12 Volumes)
Idées et germes de nouvelles
The Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Dolliver Romance / Septimius Felton)
Tales, Sketches, and other Papers. 1/2
Legends of the Province House
Tanglewood Tales, Illustrated Edition
Wonder Book of Greek Mythology
Scarlet Letter
Twice Told Tales
Wonder Book : Large Print
Egotism; or, the Bosom Serpent
Footprints on the Seashore
Sylph Etherege (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
Septimius Felton, or, The Elixir of Life
The Scarlet Letter   NOVEL by
Mosses from an Old Manse
Rappaccini's Daughter
Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe - Large Print
Sylph Etherege (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
A Wonder Book
द हाउस ऑफ़ द सेवन गैबल्स
Young Goodman Brown Illustrated
Marble Faun Illustrated
Tanglewood Tales
Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 10
Húsið á Sjö Gables
John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
Marble Faun
Scarlet Letter
Ancestral Footstep
Three Golden Apples
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret
Blithedale Romance
Collected Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Pomegranate Seeds
Rappaccini's Daughter
The Birthmark and Other Stories (Ambitious Guest / Birthmark / Feathertop / Minister's Black Veil / My Kinsman, Major Molineux / Roger Malvin's Burial / Wakefield / Wives of the Dead / Young Goodman Brown)
Scarlet Letter : (Annotated Edition)
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 7
Buds and Bird Voices
The Scarlet Letter
Lily's Quest
Mosses from an Old Manse
P's Correspondence - Publishing People Series
Man of Adamant - Large Print
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter 2e & Charlotte Temple
Blithedale Romance
Rappaccinni's Daughter and Other Stories
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne ...
Marble Faun
Ethan Brand
Minister's Black Veil
House of the Seven Gables - Publishing People Series
TWICE-TOLD TALES-American Literature Criticism(Illustrated)
Old Manse Illustrated
Nathaniel Hawthorne Collected Novels
Beautiful thoughts from Nathaniel Hawthorne
Blithedale Romance
Rill from the Town Pump - Publishing People Series
Scarlet Letter, the Manga Edition
Twice-Told Tales
Wonder Book
Marble Faun Illustrated
Scarlet Letter (Annotated)
Experimento Del Doctor Heidegger
The Scarlet Letter CD'li; Ingilizce seviyeli hikaye kitabi. Stage 6
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Rappaccini's Daughter
Letra Escarlata
The Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 4
Tanglewood Tales - CC Edition
Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales
House of the Seven Gables (Annotated)
Wedding Knell - Large Print
Nathaniel Hawthrone Collection
Tanglewood Tales
Procession of Life
Septimius Felton, or, the Elixir of Life
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
The Minister's Black Veil
Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne the New Updated Kindal Book
Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne's Tales
The scarlet letter
True Stories of History and Biography
The Scarlet Letter, And, the House of the Seven Gables
Whole History of Grandfather´s Chair
The Scarlet Letter PL 26
Great Stone Face
True Stories from History and Biography
Short Stories Tales Of Fantasy And Imagination
Scarlet Letter
Lettre écarlate
Ethan Brand
Rappaccini's Daughter
Passages from the French and Italian Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2/2
Chippings with a Chisel Illustrated
Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
Mosses from an Old Manse
Biographical Stories for Children
Old Woman's Tale
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment - Large Print
Passages from the English Notebooks
Snow-Image and other twice-told tales / Twice-Told Tales
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Tanglewood Tales
Man of Adamant
Works, Volume 1
Browne's Folly
Septimius Felton
White Old Maid
House of the Seven Gables
Sister-Years - Large Print
Nathaniel and Julian Hawthorne, father and son, on CD-ROM
The Paradise for Children
Great Stone Face
The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains
Marble Faun Annotated
Old Ticonderoga - Large Print
Blithedale Romance
Old Manse
Passages From the English Notebooks
Biographical Stories
Алая Буква; The Scarlet Letter
Birth-Mark Illustrated
Scarlet Letter (1000 Copy Limited Edition)
House of the Seven Gables
Haunted Mind - Large Print
True Stories of History and Biography
Passages from the English Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2/2
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
Marble Faun
Old Manse Illustrated
Scarlet Letter(Annotated Edition)
Blithedale Romance Annotated
Main Street
Peter Parley's Universal History
My Kinsman, Major Molineux - Large Print
Kizil Damga
Christmas Banquet
House of the Seven Gables
Great Stone Face
Twice-Told Tales
The Blithedale Romance
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret
Marble Faun : The Romance of Monte Beni
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Complete
Tales of the White Hills
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Old Woman's Tale - Publishing People Series
La casa de los siete tejados
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Edition & Scarlet Letter
Great Stone Face
American Magazine Of Useful And Entertaining Knowledge; Volume 3
The Golden Fleece
Mosses from an Old Manse
Roger Malvin's Burial
House of the Seven Gables (Modern Edition)
Scarlet Letter
Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains
Scarlet Letter (100 Copy Limited Edition)
The Minister's Black Veil
House of the Seven Gables
Americans in Rome, 1764-1870
MOSSES from an OLD MANSE and OTHER STORIES (Annotated)
Little Daffydowndilly
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Rappaccini's Daughter
True Stories from History and Biography
Mosses From an Old Manse
Young Goodman Brown Illustrated
French and Italian Notebooks
Septimus Felton
House of the Seven Gables
Legends of the Province House
Kizil Harf Damgali Kadin
Scarlet Letter
Septimius Felton - Large Print
Lilly's Quest (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
The Maypole of Merry Mount
Intelligence Office Illustrated
Sketches from Memory
Marble Faun - Volume 2
Lettera Scarlatta
Scarlet Letter
Tanglewood Tales
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Marble Faun
Paradise for Children Illustrated
Main Street
Rappaccini's Daughter Illustrated
Lettera Scarlatta (Edizione Italiana) Illustrata
Scarlet Letter (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
May-Pole de Merry Mount
Tanglewood Tales
The Ancestral Footstep
The Works Of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 8
Blithedale Romance
Passages from the note-books of the late Nathaniel Hawthorne
Marble Faun
Rappaccini's Daughter Illustrated
Prophetic Pictures
The Haunted Mind
The Scarlet Letter and Awakening 2e and Maggie
In Colonial Days
New Adam and Eve
Doctor Grimshawes Secret
Vision of the Fountain - Publishing People Series
May-Pole of Merry Mount - Large Print
El Sillon del Abuelo
The great stone face and Mosses from an old manse, continued, [and] Twice told tales, continued.
Scarlet Letter Novel
Timeless Classics Low Level
Septimius Felton
Paradise for Children
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure
Young Goodman Brown Illustrated
Scarlet Letter Illustrated
Twice Told Tales
Pomegranate Seeds
House of the Seven Gables
Great Carbuncle - Large Print
Complete Writings, Volume 18
La Letra Escarlata
Ancestral Footstep
Snow Image
The Marble Faun
A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys, and Tanglewood Tales
Nathaniel Hawthorne Collection
Garten des Bösen (Illustriert)
Wonder Book
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair Large Print
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret a Romance Large Print
Celestial Railroad
Contes du minotaure
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Toll-Gatherer's Day
Wonder Book
Twice Told Tales
Twice-Told Tales
Young Goodman Brown
Selected Short Stories
Greek Myths
Our Old Home, And English Note-books, Volume 2
The Marble Faun or the Romance of Monte Beni Volume One
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Scharlachrote Brief
Works, Volume 10
Scarlet Letter
Ethan Brand
Legends of the Province House
Scarlet Letter Graphic Novel
Golden Fleece - Large Print
American Literature for Christian Homeschoolers, Volume 2
The Scarlet Letter
Tanglewood Tales
Blithedale Romance Annotated
Bell's Biography - Large Print
An Evening with Hawthorne
Hawthorne's Works
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1909 Volume 3
Eski Ev
HOUSE of the SEVEN GABLES Annotated
Minister's Black Veil
Tanglewood Tales
House of Seven Gables
Snow Image
American Magazine Of Useful And Entertaining Knowledge, Volume 1
Our Old Home Large Print
Marble Faun, Volume II
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales. Twice Told Tales, First and Second Series
Main Street
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret
The complete Greek stories of Nathaniel  Hawthorne from'The' wonder book' and 'Tanglewood tales'
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Fireside Edition)
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
Marble Faun (a Classics Illustrated Edition)
Graves and Goblins
Mosses from an Old Manse, and Other Stories
Selected English Short Stories XIX & XX centuries (Third Series)
Mosses from an Old Manse
Tanglewood Tales
Legends of the Province House
Old News
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated
Blithedale Romance
The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment Illustrated
My Kinsman, Major Molineux
Wonder Book for Girl& Boys
My Kinsman, Major Molineux
Three Golden Apples
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne: Volume 4-Including One Novel 'Septimius Felton; Or, the Elixir of Life, ' Two Nov
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter
Tanglewood Tales
House of the Seven Gables
Pygmies - Publishing People Series
Twice told tales.
Tanglewood Tales
Pomegranate Seeds
Bell's Biography
Wonder Book
Twice Told Tales
Rappaccini's Daughter
A Wonder Book
Blithedale Romance Illustrated
House of Seven Gables
The House of the Seven Gables
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks
Little Daffydowndilly (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 3
Scarlet Letter (Diversion Classics)
Ancestral Footstep
Tanglewood Tales
Whole History of Grandfather's Chair
Tanglewood Tales
The consular letters, 1853-1855
Tales, Sketches, Etc
The House Of the Seven Gable
House of Seve Gables
Liberty Tree
Rappaccini's Daughter (Annotated)
Marble Faun
Tanglewood Tales - Publishing People Series
Sketches and Studies
Works, Volume 7
The Marble Faun
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, 2e V1 & The Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter - Large Print
Grandfather's Chair
Miraculous Pitcher
Minister's Black Veil Illustrated
Sketches and Studies
Twenty Days With Julian and Little Bunny, a Diary
The selected works
Marble Faun; or, the Romance of Monte Beni
Letra Escarlata, La
Level 2
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret A Romance
Grandfather's Chair
Marble Faun I
Scarlet Letter SparkNotes Literature Guide
Timeless Classics Low Level
Moses from an Old Manse
From Twice Told Tales
The Dolliver Romance
May-Pole of Merry Mount
Marble Faun- Volume 1
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Mosses From an Old Manse
The Dolliver Romance
Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories
Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
Circes Palace
Blithedale Romance
The Wayside
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Scarlet Letter - Illustrated Edition
Little Annie's Ramble
Scarlet Letter
TWICE-TOLD TALES (Illustrated)
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Mosses from an Old Manse Annotated Illustrated
House of the Seven Gables
Grandfathers Chair
Scarlet Letter Annotated
Marble Faun
In Colonial Days
Scarlet Letter Annotated Penguin Classics
Selected Short Stories
Mosses from an Old Manse
Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1839-1841
Antique Ring
Wonder Book
Marble Faun
Man of Adamant - Publishing People Series
The Vision of the Fountain
Bedford Anthology of American Literature, 2e V1 & Charlotte Temple & Scarlet Letter
Biographical Stories Illustrated
Christmas Banquet
House of Seven Gables
Great Stone Face
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
Our Old Home, and English Note-Books
Scarlet Letter Annotated
Marble Faun
Pomegranate Seeds - Large Print
The Old Apple Dealer
True stories from New England history, 1620-1803
Biographical stories for children
A wonder book
The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse")
Little Annie's ramble
Mosses from an old manse
Our old home
True stories from history and biography
Grandfather's chair
A wonder book for boys and girls
Hong zi
Best Mystery Value Collection 1
An Old Woman's Tale
Le livre des merveilles, 2. ptie
The Minotaur and the Golden Fleece
Le premier livre des merveilles
The Blithedale romance
The Toll Gatherer's Day
The White Old Maid
Alai͡a bukva
The three golden apples
Contes Etranges
Transformation, or, The romance of Monte Beni
The Village Uncle
Mosses from an old manse
Rappaccini's daughter
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The house of the seven gables
El Cuento de ciencia ficción del siglo XIX
Huosang duan pian xiao shuo ji
Old News
Liberty tree
The complete writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Carnets américains, 1835-1853
Writings for children
The Dolliver romance, and other pieces
Great short works
The scarlet letter
Sipurim muflaʾim
A Wonder book for girls and boys
Edward Fane's Rosebud
Szkarłatna litera
Gan ha-ʻeden shel ha-yeladim
The complete writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne with portraits, illustrations, and facsimiles
Passages from the English note-books, of Nathaniel Hawthorne ...
The 3 Golden Apples (adaptation)
The scarlet letter
True stories from history and biography
Passages from the English note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Gan-ʻEden ha-yeladim
The house of the seven gables
Tanglewood tales for girls and boys
A wonder-book, Tanglewood tales, and Grandfather's chair
Memoir of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Great short works of Hawthorne
Legends of the Province House
Hong zi
Tanglewood tales, for girls and boys
The ghost of Doctor Harris
El Gran Rubi y Otros Cuentos Contados DOS Veces
Rappaccini's Daughter and Other Stories (Fantasy Listening)
A wonder-book for girls and boys
Pol. Suicide
Hawthorne's short stories
A Select Party
Xing hong wen
Passages from a Relinquished Work
Other Tales and Sketches
Circe's Palace
A rill from the town pump
Mr. Higginbotham's catastrophe
The Hall of Fantasy
Little Daffydowndilly and other stories, and biographical stories
A Childrens Christmas Sampler
A wonder-book and Tanglewood tales
Visit to the menagerie
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne ...
Time's Portraiture
Monsieur du Miroir
The house of the seven gables
The gentle boy, and other tales ..
Twice-told tales
A wonder book and Tanglewood tales for girls and boys
Twice-told tales
A wonder book
John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
ha-Shogeh be-zahav
The Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Set
Famous old people
Passages from the American note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hawthorne's short stories
The American notebooks
Mosses from an old manse
The whole history of grandfather's chair
Tanglewood tales
Twice told tales
La semblance du vivant
Old Ticonderoga
Ein Besuch auf der Eisenbahn nach der Himmllischen Stadt
The Select Tales of Hawthorne
The golden touch
The Scarlet Letter Readalong
The celestial railroad
The scarlet letter
Marmurowy faun albo Romans o hrabim Monte Beni
Transformation; or, The romance of Monte Beni
A wonder-book for girls and boys
The celestial railroad
Tanglewood tales for girls and boys
A virtuoso's collection, and other tales
The house of the seven gables
A Book of Mysterious and Fateful Stories
The great stone face, and other stories
Gorgon's head
Story and Its Writer 7e & Writing About Literature & Scarlet Letter 2e
The tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Xing hong wen
Passages from the French and Italian note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Dolliver romance, Fanshawe, and Septimius Felton
Transformation, or, The romance of Monte Beni
Gu shi gou qi lu
Biographical Sketches
The gentle boy
Hi monji
Las fantasías de Hawthorne
Mosses from an old manse
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne - 2/2
Grandfather's chair
The weal-reaf
Letters of Hawthorne to William D. Ticknor, 1851-1864
Die Totenhochzeit (Great Carbuncle / Hollow of the Three Hills / Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure / Wedding Knell)
Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Lily's Quest
La lettera scarlatta
The Scarlet letter
The Man Who Would Be King
Der Garten des Bösen und andere Erzählungen
Stories from Tanglewood Tales
Notes of travel
The House of Seven Gables Readalong
The Threefold Destiny
Twice-told tales
The snow-image, and other tales
Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1/2
Mosses from an old manse
A wonder-book for girls and boys
The snow-image
Snow Flakes
Gizat ha-zahav
The marble faun
Browne's Folly
The paradise of children
'Alice Doane's Appeal'
The Scarlet Letter
Ot ha-shani
The maypole of Merrymount, from Twice-told tales
A wonder book
Dr. Bullivant
Huosang tong hua ji
Ye xin ke
Tales of the White Hills
Twice-told tales
Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The romance of the seven gables
The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
True stories from history and biography
Footprints on the Sea-Shore
Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford-On-Avon
The Scarlet Letter & The Great Stone Face
The scarlet letter
Story and Its Writer 6e & Scarlet Letter
A wonder-book for girls and boys
Beneath an Umbrella
La Letra escarlata
Fan lao huan tong
Hong zi
Tales & Sketches; Biographical Stories  (volume 12)
[The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne]
Selected tales and sketches
The marble faun, or, The romance of Monte Beni
The Scarlet letter
Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man
William Russell
William Russell (1915-2000)


Recollections of a detective police-officer
Berlin Embassy
The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook
The Schmalkald articles
Extraordinary Women
Geschichte des heutigen Europa vom fünften bis zum achtzehnten Jahrhunderte
Extraordinary Men
American Journal Of Education
A just vindication of the doctrine and practice of John the Baptist, Christ and his Apostles, concerning water-baptism
Russell's History Of Modern Europe, Epitomized
Russell On Scientific Horse Shoeing, For Leveling And Balancing The Action And Gait Of Horses And Remedying And Curing The Different Diseases Of The Foot
The Canadian inventor activity book
Jack Thurlow And I Or How Will It End
The recollections of a policeman
Will be offered at public sale
A true narrative of the Portsmouth-disputation
Physical diagnosis : a guide to methods of clinical investigation
American Annals of Education and Instruction, and Journal of Literary Institutions, Volume 9
Kroger Grocery Warehouse, Nashville, Tennessee
A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation
Eccentric personages
Practical scientific horseshoeing for leveling and balancing the action and gate of horses and remedying and curing the different diseases of the foot
American Annals of Education and Instruction, Volume 5
History of Modern Europe
A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation
American Annals of Education and Instruction, and Journal of Literary Institutions, Volume 4
Uma Passagem para A Índia
My Brothers Past
Integrative Systemic Therapy in Practice
Berlin Embassy
Russell on Scientific Horseshoeing
Russell on Scientific Horseshoeing for the Different Diseases of the Foot
Bravo the Brave Butterfly
Wind Is Rising
Together Forever
Berlin Embassy
Medical philosophy
The History of Europe From the Treaty of Amiens in 1802 to the Pacification of Paris in 1815
Orthophony : Or, Vocal Culture in Elocution
Essays on sacred subjects
Pulpit Elocution
Eccentric personages
Diary of a detective police officer
Management Failures
The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society. From the Rise of the ... to his son. A new Edition of 5; Volume 3
History of Modern Europe. with an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society, from the Fifth to the Eighteenth Century. in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to His Son. of 2; Volume 1
Legal recognition of teaching as a profession
Scottish Medical And Surgical Journal, Volume 2
Recollections of a detective police-officer
Roselyn X
Extraordinary Women
The History of Modern Europe. Part II. From the Peace of Westphalia, in 1648, to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. With a View of the Progress of Society ... From a Nobleman to his son. of 2; Volume 1
William Russell correspondence
The History of Modern Europe; With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; and a View of the Progress of Society, From the Rise of the ... of Letters From a Nobleman to his son Volume
Berlin embassy, (A MacFadden book)
Orthophony, or, Vocal culture [microform] : a manual of elementary exercises for the cultivation of the voice in elocution
Frozen Pirate
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 16
The recollections of a detective
History of Modern Europe : With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763
London's Secret Square Mile
History of Modern Europe
Exercises in Elocution
Roselyn X
Russell's American Elocutionist ...
Lessons in Enunciation
History of Modern Europe
Lecture on the Infant School System of Education, and the Extent to Which It May Be Advantageously Applied to All Primary Schools
Récit du sanglant et terrible massacre arrivé dans la ville de Moscou, ainsi que de la fin effrayante et tragique du dernier duc Démétrius 1606
Extraordinary women
Orthophony; or, the Cultivation of the Voice in Elocution
Report on the state and progress of vaccination in Bengal during the years 1805 and 1806, submitted to the medical board at Fort William
History of Modern Europe : With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 176
The History of America, From its Discovery by Columbus to the Conclusion of the Late war. With an Appendix, Containing an Account of the Rise and ... Britain and her Colonies.... of 2; Volume 1
Pulpit Elocution Comprising Suggestions on the Importance of Study
Rey Perdido de Oz
Essentials of Middle and Secondary Social Studies
The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society. From the Rise of the ... to his son. A new Edition of 5; Volume 2
The History Of Modern Europe
Eccentric personages
Russell on Scientific Horseshoeing for Leveling and Balancing the Action and Gait of Horses and Remedying and Curing the Different Diseases of the Foot
The experiences of a French detective officer
The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a View of the Progress of Society. From the Rise of the ... the Peace of Paris, in 1763. of 5; Volume 1
Recollections of a Policeman
Phantom Death
Russell on Scientific Horseshoeing for Leveling and Balancing the Action and Gait of Horses and Remedying and Curing the Different Diseases of the Foot
American Elocutionist
Combat Boots
Bravo the Brave Butterfly : Coloring and Activity Book
Lessons in Enunciation : Comprising a Course of Elementary Exercises, and a Statement of Common Errors in Articulation, with the Rules of Correct Usage in Pronouncing
Rudiments of Gesture, Comprising Illustrations of Common Faults in Attitude and Action
Deceased Wife's Sister, and My Beautiful Neighbour, V. 3
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 6
Russell's American Elocutionist. the American Elocutionist
Pulpit Elocution
Pulpit Elocution
Eccentric Personages; Volume II
The righteous to be remembered
Russell on Scientific Horseshoeing
History of Modern Europe : With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 17
Despatches from the Crimea
The History of Modern Europe. with an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Russell's American Elocutionist. the American Elocutionist
You're Other Left...Idiot!
Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook : Second Edition
The History of America, From its Discovery by Columbus to the Conclusion of the Late war. With an Appendix, Containing an Account of the Rise and ... Britain and her Colonies.... of 2; Volume 2
Codename Aquarius
Duties of Teachers
Exercises in Elocution
Extraordinary men
Eccentric personages
Prime Ministers and Some Others
Recollections of a Detective Police-Officer, By 'Waters'
The last speech & behaviour of William late lord Russel, upon the scaffold in Lincolns-Inne-Fields, a little before his execution, on Saturday, July 21. 1683, being condemned for high-treason in conspiring the death of the King and the subversion of the government, &., together with the paper delivered by him to the sheriffs, and signed with his own hand. Also the last speeches, behaviour and prayers of Capt. Thomas Walcot, John Rouse, William Hone, a little before their execution on July 20. 1683
Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal, Volume 7
Recollections of a Detective Police-Officer, by 'waters'
The Bolivar countries
Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)

poet, diplomat, teacher

  • Escuela Normal № 1 de Santiago
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Discursos Premios Nobel
A Gabriela Mistral reader
Tal Lugar
Invitación a Gabriela Mistral (1889-1989)
Poema de Chile
Niña errante
These Are Not Sweet Girls
Gabriela Mistral, escritos políticos
Gabriela Mistral
This America of ours
Poemas de las madres
Cartas de amor y desamor
Selección de poesías amorosas en lengua española
La Cenicienta
Bendita mi lengua sea
Las Renegadas. Antología
Selected prose and prose-poems
Crickets and frogs
El otro suicida de Gabriela Mistral
Crickets and frogs
Selected prose and prose-poems
Antología por Gabriela Mistral
Cartas de amor
En verso y prosa
Crickets and frogs
Ronda De Astros
Poesias completas
Gabriela Mistral's Letters to Doris Dana
Poesías completas de Gabriela Mistral
Antologia Poetica
Cartas de amor de Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral para niños
El Libro De Kakuro
Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral
Blanca Nieves En La Casa De Los Enanos  Gabriela Mistral Version
Nuestra América
Poesía infantil
Gabriela Mistral
En batalla de sencillez
Gabriela y México
Poesia Infantil
Selected poems of Gabriela Mistral [pseud.]  Translated by Langston Hughes
Lecturas para mujeres
50 prosas en El Mercurio 1921-1956
Prosa religiosa de Gabriela Mistral
Chilenische Lyrik im bewegten 20. Jahrhundert
A Gabriela Mistral reader
Antologia Poetica
Gabriela Mistral, escritos políticos
Tan de usted
Desolacion ternura tala lagar (Sepan Cuantos / Know How Many)
This America of Ours
Quiero que me quieran
Proyecto preservación y difusión del legado literario de Gabriela Mistral
La tierra tiene la actitud de una mujer
Antología esencial
Grandeza de los oficios
Motivos de San Francisco
Recados para hoy y mañana
Recopilación de la obra mistraliana, 1902-1922
Pensamiento pedagógico
Gabriela anda por el mundo
Croquis mexicanos
Cartas de la gran Gabriela a Carlos Pellicer
Gabriela piensa en ..
Pasiones del vivir
Gabriela Mistral
Roger Martin Du Gard, Gabriela Mistral [and] Boris Pasternak
Preciadas cartas
El otro suicida de Gabriela Mistral
Antología de poesía y prosa de Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral - Selected Poems
Antología de Gabriela Mistral
Rondo de Astros
Canto a San Francisco
Magisterio y niño
Gabriela Mistral
Cartas a Lydia Cabrera
Gabriela Mistral - Escritos Politicos
Lecturas para mujeres / Books for Women (Sepan Cuantos..Know How Many...)
Ronda de astros
Poesía y prosa
Rondas de Gabriela Mistral
Palabras para la Universidad de Puerto Rico
Poesías de Gabriela Mistral
Canto a México
Desolacion Ternura - Tala-Lagar / Desolation Tenderness - Destruction Press (Sepan Cuantos..Know How Many...)
La niña Lucila escribe cuentos
Antología general de Gabriela Mistral
Ricordando la Poetessa Gabriela Mistral, Premio Nobel Della Letteratura, 1945. -Poesie Selezionate- Edizione Bilingue : Traduttore
Pensando a Chile
Ta kalitera poiimata tis = sus mejores poemas
Poesia y Prosa
Vuestra Gabriel
El sentido de la profesión
Prosa de Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral poesías completas
Lecturas para mujeres
Gabriela Mistral
Páginas en prosa [por] Gabriela Mistral [pseud.]
Poemas de Chile [por] Gabriela Mistral
Me criaron peregrina
Caperucita roja
Páginas en prosa
Manuel, en los labios por mucho tiempo--
Paginas En Prosa - Golu
Poesía reunida
Gabriela Mistral en Puerto Rico
Notes and Sketches
Obras selectas
Producción de Gabriela Mistral de 1912 a 1918 [por]
Elogio de las cosas de la tierra
Poèmes choisis
Recados para hoy y mañana
Gabriela Mistral & Cecília Meireles
Yin Yin (Juan Miguel Godoy Mendoza)
Antología poética de Gabriela Mistral [i.e.L. Godoy Alcayaga] ; selección de Alfonso Calderón. --
Obras selectas [de] Gabriela Mistral [pseud.]
Gabriela Mistral
Toda Gabriela Mistral en Repertorio americano
Gabriela Mistral poesías completas
Gabriela Mistral en La voz de Elqui
Gabriela Mistral y Joaquín García Monge
Antología poética de Gabriela Mistral [i.e.L. Godoy Alcayaga] ; selección de Alfonso Calderón. --
Legado de Gabriela Mistrall
Lecturas para mujeres
Gabriela Mistral
Lecturas Para Mujeres ("Sepan cuantos--")
Magisterio y niño
A voice from South America
La cenicienta
La bella durmiente del bosque
Todas íbamos a ser reinas [por] Gabriela Mistral
Todas íbamos a ser reinas
Poseias completas
Bendita mi lengua sea
Lagar II
Las renegadas
Cincuentenario de Viaje al sueño
Cuentos de mi país
Los sonetos de la muerte y otros poemas elegíacos
Una escritura recadera
Sol del alma
Caminando se siembra
Reino Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral
Desolación ; Ternura ; Tala ; Lagar
Geografía de Chile
Vida y obra de Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral Poesia
Antología poética de Gabriela Mistral [i.e. L. Godoy Alcayaga]
Caperucita Roja
Al trasluz
Pasión de enseñar (pensamiento pedagógico)
Antologia poética de Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral en breve
Páginas (perdidas) de la vida mía
Doris, vida mía
Poesías completas
Epistolario: cartas a Eugenio Labarca (1915-16)
Toda culpa es un misterio
Epistolario de Gabriela Mistral y Eduardo Barrios
Poemas y prosas selectos
El niño en la poesia de Gabriela Mistral
Poesía religiosa
Por la humanidad futura
Siete cartas de Gabriela Mistral a Lydia Cabrera
Antologia De Poesia Y Prosa De Gabriela
Gabriela Mistral en México
Homenaje a Gabriela Mistral
Latitudes Extremas
Poesías completas [de] Gabriela Mistral
Index to Gabriela Mistral papers on microfilm, 1912-1957
Gabriela Mistral
Epistolario americano
Antología, selección de la autora
Gabriela Mistral en el "Repertorio americano"
Vendré olvidada o amada
El ojo atravesado II
Homenaje a Gabriela Mistral
Latitudes extremas
Gabriela Mistral en El coquimbo
Cartas de Gabriela Mistral [pseud.] a Juan Ramón Jiménez
Antología poética de Gabriela Mistral
Nubes blancas (poesi as) y La oracio n de la maestra
Gabriela presente
James Russell Lowell
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)

poet, diplomat, essayist, literary critic, journalist, pedagogue, publisher

  • Harvard Law School, Harvard College
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
A Subtreasury of American Humor
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Mark Twain's Library of Humor
Among my books
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
The complete poetical works of James Russell Lowell
My study windows
The vision of Sir Launfal
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
Letters of James Russell Lowell
The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell
The Biglow papers
A fable for critics
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The function of the poet and other essays
Fireside Travels
Fireside travels
The poetical works of James Russell Lowell
Political essays
My Study Windows
The old English dramatists
The Oxford Book of American Essays
The writings of James Russell Lowell
The English poets
The Earlier Essays of James Russell Lowell
The poetical works of James R. Lowell
The cathedral
The early poems of James Russell Lowell
Selected literary essays
Latest literary essays and addresses
Under the willows
James Russell Lowell's The Biglow papers
Literary essays
The poetical works of Joames Russell Lowell
Poetical works
Literary and political addresses
Conversations on some of the old poets
James Russell Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell: Containing The Vision of Sir Launfal, A Fable ..
The English poets, Lessing, Rousseau
The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems
Democracy and Other Addresses
Among My Books: Second Series
A Moosehead journal
The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
Poems of James Russell Lowell
Literary and Political Addresses
A fable for critics, or, better, A glance at a few of our literary progenies from the tub of Diogenes
Selected literary essays from James Russell Lowell
Melibœus-Hipponax: The Biglow papers. Second series
Anti-slavery papers
Latest literary essays [and] The old English dramatists
The Vision of Sir Launfal
Three memorial poems
Reader! Walk Up at Once (it Will Soon be Too Late) and Buy at a Perfectly Ruinous Rate a Fable ..
Odes, Lyrics and Sonnets from the Poetic Works of James Russell Lowell
A Moosehead Journal: My Garden Acquaintance. A Good Word for Winter ..
The Rose
Impressions of Spain
The Vision of Sir Launfal, Under the Old Elm, and Other Poems: With a Biographical Sketch and ..
On democracy
Impressions of Spain Comp. by Joseph B. Gilder, with an introd. by A.A. Adee
Four American Poems - Vier amerikanische Gedichte
Early prose writings of James Russell Lowell
Among My Books
The beggar ; Forgetfulness
Among My Books
The writings of James Russell Lowell in prose ..
The round table
Literary essays
New letters of James Russell Lowell
The independent in politics
Books and libraries
The works of James Russell Lowell
A year's life
Lectures on English poets
Early poems
Democracy, and other addresses
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The courtin'
Among my books
My garden acquaintance and A good word for winter
The writings of James Russell Lowell
The power of sound
Literary essays
Democracy, and other papers
Early prose writings, with a prefactory note by Dr. Hale, of Boston, and an introd. by Walter Littlefield
Under the old elm
The old English dramatists
A Fable For Critics Or, Better, A Glance At A Few Of Our Literary Progenies
Rousseau and the Sentimentalists
Under the Old Elm: And Other Poems
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell ...: Complete in Two Volumes
The English Poets: Lessing, Rousseau: Essays
The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell V2
The vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell, with biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole
Fireside travels
Biglow Papers (Series 2)
Last poems
The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell V1
Among My Books, First Series
My garden acquaintance ; A good word for winter ; A Moosehead journal ; [At sea]
The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems
John Dryden
Lowell gems
The function of the poet
James Russell Lowell
The poetical works of James R. Lowell: Complete in Two Volumes. Volume I[-II]
Richard the third and the primrose criticism
Shakespeare Once More
Lowell's Fireside travels
My study windows
The Early Poems of James Russell Lowell Including The Bigelow Papers
Mason and Slidell
Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell
Heartsease and rue
The Function of the Poet and Other Essays
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
Letters Of James Russell Lowell V2
The rose
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Political essays
Pleural effusions
The complete writings of James Russell Lowell
Odes, lyrics and sonnets from the poetic works of James Russell Lowell
The Earlier Essays Of James Russell Lowell
Two essays of James Russell Lowell
Songs of Freedom
Under the willows, and other poems
A year's life
Poems, containing The vision of Sir Launfal, A fable for critics, The Biglow papers, Under the willows and other poems
Literary Essays III
Political Essays
American ideas for English readers
The Courtin
Lectures on English Poets
Latest literary essays and addresses : old English dramatists
Poetical works, including the Biglow papers
Poetical works of James Russell Lowell, including the Biglow papers, with prefatory memoir, notes, glossary, etc
Uncollected poems
Selections from the writings of James Russell Lowell
Three Memorial Poems
Four poems
A Fable for Critics
Heartsease and Rue
The President's policy
Essays on the English Poets
Literary essays
Literary criticism of James Russell Lowell
Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems
Poetry Class Poem
My Study Windows
The writings of James Russell Lowell in prose and poetry
The Lowell birthday-book ..
A Legend of Brittany and Other Miscellaneous Poems and Sonnets
A Fable for critics
The Complete Poetical Works
The vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell
My Study Windows
Uncollected poems of James Russell Lowell
Lowell's prose works
The North American Review
Biglow Papers, The - 1st Series
New letters
Gems from Lowell
The poetical works of James Russel Lowell
Political essays
Prose-Conversations on Some of the Old Poets
Fireside Travels
Democracy and Other Addresses
Lowell day by day
The function of the poet
My garden acquaintance
Among My Books (3,4,5 Volumes)
The Biglow papers
Latest Literary Essays and Addresses
My study windows
James Russell Lowell
Early poems
Among My Books
The President's policy
A Years Life
Poetical works of James Russell Lowell including the Biglow papers
Proceedings at the Presentation of a Portrait of John Greenleaf Whittier to Friends' School ...
Mr. Lowell's Last poems
James Russell Lowell's The Biglow papers, first series
My study windows
The vision of Sir Launfal
The Biglow Papers
Among My Books
The Cathedral
Last Poems
Fireside travels
Lowell's The vision of Sir Launfal
Representative selections
Four Poems
The Biglow Papers
Anti-slavery papers
The writings in prose and poetry
Democracy, and other addresses
The complete poetical works of James Russell Lowell
An Indian summer reverie
The North American Review
Early poems
Ode recited at the Harvard commemoration, July 21, 1865
Favorite poems
The pioneer
The North American Review
The works of James Russell Lowell
The North American Review
Books and libraries
The Cablenews-American
The North American Review
The Biglow papers
The North American Review
The North American Review
Ode recited at the commemoration of the living and dead soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865
Literary essays IV
A souvenir of J. R. Lowell: eight etchings on Japanese paper
The complete poetical works
The Biglow papers
The election in November
Poems III
The North American Review
Odes, lyrics, and sonnets from the poetic works of James Russell Lowell
The North American Review
James Russell Lowell
The Biglow papers
New letters of James Russell Lowell
Complete poetical works
Literary essays I
Essays, poems and letters
The Biglow papers
Reader! walk up at once-it will soon be too late-and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Literary criticism ..
The rose
Poems ...
Conversations on some of the old poets
The vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems
The Biglow papers
Poems I
Among my books. 1st and 2d ser
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
The courtin' / by James Russell Lowell ; illustrated by Winslow Homer
The present crisis
Last poems of James Russell Lowell
Among my books
The North American Review
Class poem
The North American Review
Complete works
The vision of Sir Launfal
Fireside travels
Among my books
Biglow Papers (Series 1)
The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinious rate A fable for critics
Early poems
Proceedings at the dedication of the new library building, Chelsea, Mass., December 22, 1885
The Biglow papers
Conversations on some of the old poets
Lowell leaflets
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate
Poems of James R. Lowell
Poems by James Russell Lowell
Among my books
Selected literary essays from James Russell Lowell
My study windows
The vision of Sir Launfal...
Literary essays
The function of the poet
A fable for critics, or, better, (I like, as a thing that the reader's first fancy may strike, an old-fashioned title-page, such as presents a tabular view of the volume's contents) A glance at a few of our literary progenies (Mrs. Malaprop's word) from The tub of Diogenes, a vocal and musical medley. That is, a series of jokes
The poetical works of James Russell Lowell
Poems II
The vision of Sir Launfal and other poems
Poems of James Russell Lowell
Poems by James Russell Lowell
Lectures on English poets
Ode recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865
The North American Review
The complete poetical works
Address before the Modern Language Association of America, 1889
The English poets
The early poems of James Russell Lowell
Abraham Lincoln
My study window
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Cambridge in the centennial
Early poems
James Russell Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal
Letters of James R. Lowell
My garden acquaintance
Henry van Dyke
Henry van Dyke (1852-1933)

diplomat, poet

  • Princeton University, Princeton Theological Seminary
The valley of vision
The story of the other wise man
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Little rivers
The blue flower
Fisherman's luck
Out-of-doors in the Holy Land
The spirit of Christmas
The ruling passion
The poetry of Tennyson
"Even unto Bethlehem"
The gospel for a world of sin
The lost word
The gospel for an age of doubt
God and little children
Counsels by the way
Sermons to young men
A treasury of Christmas stories
The first Christmas tree
Camp-fires and guide-posts
Fighting for peace
Golden moments; treasures of inspiration
The broken soldier and the maid of France
The sad shepherd
The spirit of America
Days off
Joy and power
The house of Rimmon
The Upward Path
The school of life
The unknown quantity
What peace means
Responsive readings
The red flower
Straight sermons to young men and other human beings
The Christ-child in art
The poetry of the Psalms
The poems of Henry Van Dyke
The mansion
The white bees
The open door
Thy sea is great, our boats are small
Ideals and applications
The reality of religion
The character and influence of abolitionism
Companionable books
The toiling of Felix
The national sin of literary piracy
The friendly year
Ships and havens
The battle of life
The Van Dyke book
The poetry of nature
Classic Christmas Stories
Home for Christmas
Golden stars
The music-lover
The toiling of Felix, and other poems
The story of the Psalms
The Americanism of Washington
Evangel ..
The good old way
Giving thanks for all things
The lost boy
Le Robert Maxi - 2017 (Robert maxi lf) (French Edition)
The battle of life
Henry Jackson Van Dyke..
The church, her ministry and sacraments
Librivox Short Story Collection 086
Foot-path to peace
Essays in application
Pro Patria
The Whole family
Light my candle
Who follow the flag
Pro patria
Poems I
The childhood of Jesus Christ
The American birthright and the Philippine pottage
The Heart of Christmas
Six days of the week
The man behind the book
Beloved Christmas Classics
Poems II
The upward path
Ars agricolaris
Songs out of doors
The builders and other poems
The Poems of Henry Van Dyke
The Red River of the North
Little masterpieces of English poetry
Classic Christmas Short Stories
A Lover of Music
The Spirit of America
The Reward of Virtue
The Grand Canyon, and other poems
Keeping Christmas
A book of British and American verse
The Gentle Life
Ladies of the Rachmaninoff eyes
The golden key
La gardienne de la lumi℗ıere et autres histoires canadiennes
A creelful of fishing stories
Fighting for Peace
Poems, now first collected and revised, with many hitherto unpublished
The Keeper of the Light
A Year of Nobility
Even Unto Bethlehem
Treasury of Christmas Stories
What Peace Means, and The Spirit of Christmas
A Brave Heart
The National Sin Of Literary Piracy
The Sad Shepherd: A Christmas Story, and The Unruly Sprite
George Eliot and Real Women
The Poems of Henry van Dyke
Samuel Johnson
Sgeul an droaidh eile le Eanruig Van Dyke
A Friend of Justice
The Grand Canyon
Golden Stars And Other Verses
Chosen poems
The church
The Good Enchantment of Dickens
Joy & Power
The House of Rimmon
The White Blot
The First Christmas Tree and Other Stories
Le génie de l'Amérique
An introduction to the poems of Tennyson
Who owns the mountains?
The Red Flower Poems Written in War Time
The Golden Key
The gospel for a world of sin
Half-told tales
The story of the other wiseman
The Red Flower
The Red Flower
Music, and other poems
Even Unto Bethlehem the Story of Christmas
Golden Stars, and The Americanism of Washington
Companionable Books
The Ruling Passion
School of Life
Lost Word
Unruly Sprite
Van Dyke Book
Americanisms of Washington
Unknown Quantity
The works of Henry Van Dyke
Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land Impressions of Travel in Body and Spirit
The Valley of Vision
Music, and other poems
Book of Common Worship
1st ed. Days Off and Other Digressions
Mansion (1911)
Little Rivers
Lost Word
Poetry of Tennyson
Other Wise Man - Unabridged
Spirit of Christmas
The Story of the Psalms
Red Flower : Poems Written in War Time
Days Off
What Peace Means
The blue flower, (The works of Henry Van Dyke. Avalon ed.  vol. VI.  Stories and romances.  II)
Young Man with the Rag Doll
House of Rimmon : A Drama in Four Acts
Little Rivers : A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness
Half Told Tales
Little Rivers
Joy and Power : Three Messages with One Meaning
Friendly Year
Little Rivers : a Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness. by : Henry Van Dyke
***RE-PRINT*** Counsels by the way
The open door
The poetry of Tennyson
Even Unto Bethlehem (The Story of Christmas)
Companionable Books
The Mansion
Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land Impressions of Travel in Body and Spirit
Friendly Year Chosen and Arranged from the Works of Henry Van Dyke
The Red Flower
Toiling of Felix, and Other Poems
[The Christmas angel]
The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France
The school of life
The Valley of Vision
Companionable Books
Out-of-doors in the Holy Land; (The works of Henry Van Dyke. Avalon ed)
The story of the Psalms
Story of the Other Wise Man and the Mansion
The Sad Shepherd / A Christmas Story
The poetry of the Psalms
The toiling of Felix,
The house of Rimmon
Joy and Power
The poems of Henry Van Dyke
The Works of Henry Van Dyke (Pro Ratria: the spirit of America fighting for peace, Volume XI)
The Mansion
THE BLUE FLOWER - FISHERMAN'S LUCK (1st was 1899, 2nd 1905)
Ruling Passion
Unknown Quantity a Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales
Straight Sermons to Young Men and Other Human Beings
Spirit of Christmas
Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land : Impressions of Travel in Body and Spirit
Joy and Power
Essential Henry van Dyke Collection (22 Books)
Collected Works of Henry Van Dyke
Manhood, Faith and Courage
Little rivers
The Spirit of America
The reality of religion
Out-Of-Doors in the Holy Land
First Christmas Tree and the Story of the Other Wise Man
The builders, and other poems
The Unknown Quantity - A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales
Short Works of Henry Van Dyke
The Ruling Passion
The music-lover
The Spirit of Christmas [illustrated]
Joy and Power
Spirit of Christmas
Blue Flower, The
Poems of Tennyson
Companionable Books
The spirit of Christmas
Golden stars and other verses following 'The red flower'
The sad shepherd
An old game
Little rivers a book of essays in profitable idleness by Henry V
The Christ-child in art
Van Dyke Book
The Red Flower
Henry Van Dyke THE STORY OF THE OTHER WISE MAN Grosset & Dunlap Reprint c.1923
Days Off
Days Off
Poetry of Tennyson, The - Tenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged with a New Preface
Poems Of Henry Van Dyke, The (BCL1-PS American Literature)
"Even unto Bethlehem"
Henry Van Dyke, Best readings
Fighting For Peace
Days Off
The gospel for an age of doubt
Valley of Vision
Poems of Henry Van Dyke
The Toiling Of Felix
Days off and Other Digressions
Little Rivers : A Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness
The Poetry of Tennyson
The Man Behind The Book
The Blue Flower
The Mansion
Great short works
Red Flower
Thy sea is great, our boats are small, and other hymns of today
God and little children
Days off and Other Digressions
Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land
Red Flower Poems Written in War Time
Songs Out of Doors
Sad Shepherd
Sad Shepherd
Fighting for Peace
Lost Word : A Christmas Legend of Long Ago
Music and Other Poems
Camp-fires and Guide-posts
Little Rivers
Librivox Short Story Collection 089
The story of the other wise man
Days off and Other Digressions
The poems of Henry Van Dyke
The valley of vision,
The red flower
Red Flower
Der vierte Weise
Address delivered at the Aldine Club
Historic Presbyterianism
The poetry of Tennyson
The Sad Shepherd; a Christmas Story
story of the Psalms (1913)
Out-of-doors in the Holy Land
Pro Patria, the spirit of America fighting for peace
The first Christmas tree,
The story of the other wise man and The mansion
The Van Dyke book, selected from the writings of Henry Van Dyke
Poems of Henry Van Dyke
Story of the Psalms
Fighting for Peace
House of Rimmon a Drama in Four Acts
Gospel for a World of Sin
Gospel for a World of Sin
Blue Flower
The Blue Flower
Story of the Other Wise Man and the Mansion
The blue flower
Lost Word : A Christmas Legend of Long Ago
Little Rivers
The travel diary of an angler
Spirit of Christmas
The Story of the Other Wise Man
Valley of Vision
Americanism of Washington
Fighting for Peace
The house of Rimmon; a drama in four acts.
Days off and other digressions
Songs Out of Doors
Gospel for a World of Sin
The story of the other wise man / Henry Van Dyke ; illustrated by Ruth McCrea
Di si bo shi ji qi ta
The Spirit of Christmas
Little Rivers, a Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness
Blue Flower
America befriend
Fighting for Peace
The Spirit of Christmas With a Watercolor and Decorative Drawings
Foot-Path to Peace
The Builders and Other Poems
Camp-Fires and Guide-Posts
Fighting for Peace
The Grand Canyon and Other Poems
The Lost Word
The broken soldier and the maid of France
Poems of Henry Van Dyke
First Christmas Tree
The Poems Of Henry Van Dyke
The first Christmas tree
Blue Flower
Studies in Tennyson
The mansion
Manhood, faith and courage
Blue Flower
Poems of Henry Van Dyke, Now First Collected and Revised, with Many Hitherto Unpublished
Days Off and Other Digressions
Golden stars
The gospel for a world of sin
A prayer for Christmas morning
Toiling of Felix
Works of Henry Van Dyke
First Christmas Tree a Story of the Forest Illustrated
The Bible as it is
Music, and other poems
Ruling Passion
Great short works
Studies in Tennyson
Essays in Applications
Counsels by the way,
Spirit of Christmas
The Mansion Henry Van Dyke 1911
House of Rimmon
Ildy of the Split Bamboo
Unknown Quantity, The
The toiling of Felix, and other poems
The reality of religion
Essays in appreciation
The Grand Canyon and other poems
La storia dell' altro savio
The poems of Henry Van Dyke
Henry Van Dyke postcard and poem
Commemorative tribute to Hamilton Wright Mabie
Historic scenes in fiction
The poems of Henry Van Dyke
La historia del otro mago
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur (1735-1813)

military personnel, diplomat

  • University of Caen Normandy
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Letters from an American farmer
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Letters from an American farmer ; and, Sketches of eighteenth-century America
Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York
Sketches of eighteenth century America
More letters from the American farmer
Letters From An American Farmer
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain
Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York
Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York, depuis l'année 1785 jusqu'en 1798
Letters from an American farmer
Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain
Letters from an American farmer
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain
Eighteenth-century travels in Pennsylvania & New York
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain
Lettres d'un cultivateur Américain
Qu'est-ce qu'un Américain?
Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York depuis l'année 1785 jusqu'en 1798
Sketches of eighteenth century America
Crèvecoeur's eighteenth-century travels in Pennsylvania & New York
Qu'est-ce qu'un Américain?
Letters from an American farmer
The Divided loyalist
Briefe eines amerikanischen landmanns an den ritter W. S. in den jahren 1770 bis 1781
Letters from an American farmer and other essays
Journey into northern Pennsylvania and the State of New York
Letters from an America farmer, [by] Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain addressées à Wm. S ... on esq. depuis l'année 1770 jusqu'en 1786
Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans l'état de New-York, depuis l'année 1785 jusqu'en 1798
Voyage Pensylvanie
Letters from an American farmer and other essays
What is an American?
Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New-York
Letters from an American farmer
John Carter
John Carter (1905-1975)

bookseller, bibliographer, diplomat

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Collecting detective fiction
ABC for book-collectors
An enquiry into the nature of certain nineteenth century pamphlets
Books and book-collectors
Printing and the mind of man
Taste & technique in book-collecting
Publisher's cloth
A.E. Housman, a bibliography
Binding variants in English publishing, 1820-1900
Gorfin's stock
The National Book League
New paths in book collecting
[Typewritten notes for a Double Crown Club talk on February 17, 1960]
William Johnson Cory, 1823-1892
Precis of Paden
Binding varients in English publishing 1820-1900
The firm of Charles Ottley, Landon & Co
William Johnson Cory
Percy Muir at eighty
More binding variants
William Ged and the invention of stereotype
Victorian fiction
The forgeries of Tennyson's plays
Binding variants ; with, More binding variants in English publishing, 1820-1900
Thomas J. Wise centenary studies
Bücher, die die Welt verändern
Precis of Paden, or, The sources of 'The new Timon'
A.E. Housman
Notes, drafts and correspondence on William Ged and the invention of stereotyping, 1957-1961
Catalogue of the valuable collection of printed books, the property of the late John Carter
The mystery of 'The death of Balder'
Hawkshaw rides again
A handlist of the writings of Stanley Morison
The woodcut calligraphy of Reynolds Stone
[Miscellaneous items relating to the Stanley Morison exhibition held in the King's Library, British Museum, July 8-October 3, 1971]
The origins of publishers' cloth binding
Printing and the mind of man
Taste [and] technique in book-collecting
John Hayward, 1904 [i.e. 1905]-1965
Seiyō o kizuita shomotsu
Taste [and] technique in book-collecting
A. E. Housman