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critics who wrote mystery
Showing 113-120 out of 166 results
Wisława Szymborska
Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012)

poet, translator, essayist, mechanic, literary critic, critic

  • Jagiellonian University
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
View with a grain of sand
Sightlines 9
Monologue of a dog
Nonrequired Reading
Sounds, feelings, thoughts
People on a bridge
Miracle Fair
Ludzie na moście
Koniec i początek
El Gran Numero Fin y Principio
Lektury nadobowiązkowe
Miracle fair
Milczenie roślin
Poems New and Collected
Chwila =
Miracle Fair
De la mort sans exagérer
Prosas reunidas
Rymowanki dla dużych dzieci
Karteczki własnego wyrobu
Poczta literacka, czyli, Jak zostać (lub nie zostać) pisarzem
Poesa No Completa
Wieczór autorski
Rymowanki Dla Duzych Dzieci
How to Start Writing
Nothing Twice : Selected Poems / Nic dwa razy
Correo literario
Je ne sais quelles gens
Widok z ziarnkiem piasku
Prosas reunidas
Nic darowane =
As fun as fillim
Saltaré sobre el fuego
Wszelki wypadek
Chwila =
Milczenie roślin
Życie na poczekaniu
Amore a prima vista. Testo polacco a fronte
Más lecturas no obligatorias
Wszelki wypadek
Pid odnii︠e︡i︠u︡ zirkoi︠u︡ =
Canción negra
Tarsjusz i inne wiersze
Nonrequired Reading
Wisława Szymborska
Siempre lecturas no obligatorias
View with a Grain of Sand
Basta così
Gioia di scrivere
Zmysl udzialu
Poems, New and Collected (1957-97) (Faber Poetry)
Canción negra
Poems New and Collected
Uitzicht met zandkorrel
Godzina dla Adama
Miłość szczęśliwa i inne wiersze
Nowe lektury nadobowiązkowe
Saltaré sobre el fuego
Sto pociech
Saltaré sobre el fuego
Wislawa Szymborska
Błysk rewolwru
Wielka liczba
Wisława Szymborska
Wystarczy/ Hasta aquí
Shilhe ha-meʼah
Sounds, Feelings, Thoughts
Uitzicht met zandkorrel
Nothing twice
Najlepiej w zyciu ma twoj kot
Canción negra
Tarsjusz i inne wiersze
Die Gedichte
Wybór wierszy
Hei Se de Ge
Estuche Wislawa Szymborska
As Fund As Fillim
Monologue of a Dog
Enough - Wystarczy
Tutaj / Here (book plus CD)
Lektura nadobowiązkowa
Zmysł udziału
Lecturas no obligatorias. Prosas
Poezijos rinktine
Uitzicht met zandkorrel
Wybór poezji
Hundert Gedichte, Hundert Freuden
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

poet, translator, philosopher, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Lisbon, University of South Africa
Quaresma, decifrador
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa & Co
O Banqueiro Anarquista
The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
Probleme des Naturalismus
O guardador de rebanhos
A little larger than the entire universe
Always astonished
Poètes de Lisbonne
Cuentos portugueses
A hora do diabo
A educação do estóico
Pessoa en personne
Os demônios morrem duas vezes
Antinoj (Antinous)
Ficções do interlúdio
The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
The tobacconist
A critical, dual-language edition of Quadras ao gosta popular/Quatrains in the popular style
Poesie di Álvaro de Campos
Mad Fiddler
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Encontro magick ; seguido de A boca do inferno
Sobre literatura y arte
Phernanto Pessoa. K.P. Kavaphēs
Cartas entre Fernando Pessoa e os diretores da "Presença"
Selected English Poems
Livro do desassossego
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Voz Do Silêncio
Selected poems [of] Fernando Pessoa
Suave Es Vivir Solo / How Sweet to Live Alone
Drama en gente : antologia
Yo soy una antologia : 136 autores ficticios - 1. edicion
Páginas de estética e de teoria e crítica literárias
Oeuvres Poetiques
Vida e obras do engenheiro
Paginas Escogidas  Selected Works
                Clasicos Poesia
Ode maritime
A Centenary Pessoa (Aspects of Portugal S.)
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Selected poems by Fernando Pessoa
Obra completa
Odes de Ricardo Reis
The surprise of being
35 sonnets =
Huzursuzluğun Kitabı
I Have More Souls Than One
Sixty Portuguese poems
Fernando Pessoa
A passagem das horas
Moral, Regras de Vida, Condições de Iniciação
Il libro dell'inquietudine
Ensaios políticos
Oda marítima
Contos de Natal portugueses
Fernando Pessoa & Ofélia Queiroz
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos (Ilustrado)
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Banquero Anarquista y Otros Cuentos
Letra Escarlate
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa Pessoa'yi Anlatiyor
O eu profundo e os outros eus
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Anarsist Banker
Obras de António Mora. Volumen 6
13 poemas do amor
Mein Lissabon. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
O Eu Profundo e Os Outros Eus (Ilustrado)
Baron von Teive
Poesia, 1931-1935
Poesias Inéditas (Ilustrado)
Ksiega niepokoju
El primer Fausto / Todavía más allá del otro océano
El elfo y la princesa
Fernando Pessoa. Anthologie essentielle
Poesía completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poesias inéditas (1919-1930)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
Álvaro de Campos
Cadernos. Volumen 11
Centenary Pessoa
El Primer Fausto
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Páginas de doutrina estética, selecção, pref. e notas de Jorge de Sena
Poesias Inéditas
Obra poetica
O mendigo e outros contos
A educacao do stoico. Volumen 9
Banchiere Anarchico
El banquero anarquista
Uzakliklar, Eski Denizler
La educación del estoico
Libro del desasosiego
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa
Aklin Haysiyeti
Ophelia'ya Mektuplar
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do: (ou para O: )
Antología poética
Poesie di Fernando Pessoa
Os Maias
A língua portuguesa
English Poems
Poesía de Alberto Caeiro
La oligarquía de las bestias y otras ficciones políticas
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El banquero anarquista
O Pastor Amoroso (Ilustrado)
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - X Volume : Imagens Do
Pessoa múltiple
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Alberto Caeiro - Dichtungen
Poesia - Poesie
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Obra poética e em prosa
Basibos Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa
L’educació de l’estoic
Wenn das Herz denken könnte...
Sensacionismo e outros ismos. Volumen 10
Fernando Pessoa and Co.
El banquero anarquista
Mein Lissabon
Aforismos y Afines
Heróstrato e a busca da imortalidade
De ontraadselaar
Odes de Ricardo Reis
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Alvaro de Campos. Poesias. Dichtungen
Ich Ich Ich
Carmina pessoana
Um Jantar Muito Original Seguido de a Porta
AntologÍa Del Devenir
Ricardo Reis
Obra Poética de Fernando Pessoa - Caixa
Livro do desasocego. Volumen 12
Faust. Tragèdia subjectiva
Ficciones del interludio
Crónicas de la vida que pasa
No, No Es Cansancio y Otros Poemas Sin Fecha
Contra la democracia
Self-analysis and thirty other poems
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Textos filosóficos
Fernando Pessoa. Poesía I: Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro 1. El guardador de rebaños, el pastor enamorado - 2.ª edición
Toda la gente que conozco
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Başıboş Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
L’educació de l’estoic
Ser todo de todas las maneras
El banquero anarquista y otras ficciones sociales
David Wevill Collected Translations
Mensagem (Portuguese Edition)
Poemes de Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa. Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Os melhores poemas
Cartas de amor
La confesión de Lucio
Antínoo y otros poemas ingleses
Cartas, visões e outros textos do Sr. Pantaleão
Forever someone else
Os instrumentos do tempo
Sobre el fascismo, la Dictadura Militar y Salazar
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Stations of the cross
Prensin Ölümü ve Seytanin Saati
Mensagem - Poemas Esotericos
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Libro del desasosiego
Da república (1910-1935)
O assobio da foice
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Cancioneiro (Ilustrado)
Comment les Autres Nous Voient
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do
Il libro dell'inquietudine di Bernardo Soares
Una cena muy original
O interregno
Os fantasmas da gaveta
Algebra der Geheimnisse. Ein Lesebuch
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - V Volume : Imagens Do
Oeuvres poétiques
Fernando Pessoa, nada se sabe tudo se imagina
Poemas esotéricos
Noventa Poemas Ultimos
Alberto Caeiro
L’educació de l’estoic
Chronique de la Vie Qui Passe : Proses Publiees du Vivant de l'auteur I
Lisboa en Pessoa
A nova poesia portuguesa
Cartas a Ophelia
Writings on Art and Poetical Theory
Antologia Poetica (Biblioteca de Poesia)
Contra Salazar
Visage avec masques
Odes de Ricardo Reis
El marinero
Una sola moltitudine
Antinous David & Jonathan
Lisbonne revisitée -Anthologie-
Fernando Pessoa e a filosofia hermética
El banquer anarquista
Obra Completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Il poeta è un fingitore
A maconaria vista
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Odes de Ricardo Reis
Hicbir Sey Istememenin Mutlulugu
O umbigo do anjo
Gizemli Bir Maske
Anarsist Banker Seytanin Saati
El camino de la serpiente
Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Máscaras y paradojas
Ficciones del interludio
Quaresma, descifrador. Relatos policíacos
Complete Works of Álvaro de Campos
VIII - Livro Do Desassocego
Primeiro Fausto (Ilustrado)
Páginas de estética e de teoría e crítica literárias
Textos Portugueses líricois
Ich legte die Maske ab
Very Original Dinner
Philosophical Essays
Una sola moltitudine. Volume primo
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El poeta es un fingidor
Visage avec masques
Der siebte Saal
Argumentos para peliculas
Em redor do A
Canções de beber na obra de Fernando Pessoa
Un disfraz equivocado
Plural como el universo
Sobre o fascismo, a ditadura militar e Salazar
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Plural esencial
Páginas íntimas e de auto-interpretação
La educación del estoico
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
Apreciações literárias
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
La hora del diablo
Fernando Pessoa, o comércio e a publicidade
Bulmaca Meraklisi Quaresma
Antologia Esencial Edicion Bilingue
La hora del diablo
Arco de Triunfo 1 - Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
O Conto do Vigário
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Ein anarchistischer Bankier / Ein ganz ausgefallenes Abendessen. (Wagenbach SALTO)
Felsefi Denemeler
Llibre del desassossec
Fotobibliografia de Fernando Pessoa
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa inédito
Cuentos de locos
Libro del desasosiego
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Escritos sobre génio e loucura. Volumen 7
L’educació de l’estoic
L'Heure du Diable
Tabaqueria y Otros Poemas Con Fecha
Imminenza dell'ignoto
Rosea Cruz
Teoría poética
Escritos sobre génio e loucura
Livro de versos
Poemas ingleses
O louco rabequista
Das origens e essência da maçonaria e do seu contributo judaico
Os Portugueses
As múltiplas faces de Fernando Pessoa
Dista ncia constelada
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa I-IV
Livro do desassossêgo
42 Poemas - Pessoa
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa para todos
Antología de Alvaro de Campos
Lenigma E Le Maschere
Meh ʻaśiti min ha-ḥayim
Crónicas da vida que passa
Portugal, Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio
Le Livre de l'intranquillité, tome 2
Textos de cri tica e de intervenc ʹa o
A essência do comércio
O marinheiro
Poemas esotéricos
Ficção e teatro
O rosto e as máscaras, textos escolhidos em verso e prosa
Selección Poética
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
Almas e estrelas
Fernando Pessoa
O banqueiro anarquista
Obras em prosa
El marinero
Poèmes français
Algebra der Geheimnisse
Correspondência 1905-1922
A demonstração do indemonstrável
Um jantar muito original seguido de A porta
A passagem das horas
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
A grande alma portuguesa
Contos completos
Encontro "Magick" de Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley
Destacado e nítido
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Le retour des dieux
Obra poética
Livro do desassossego de Bernardo Soares
Poemas drama ticos
Fernando Pessoa
Mensagem e outros poemas sobre Portugal
La Educacion del Estoico
Antologia poética
Alguma prosa
Apologia do paganismo
Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias inéditas
In ons leven tallozen
Antologia poética
Fernando Pessoa, poeta-tradutor de poetas
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa e Ofélia Queiroz
Notas para a recordação do meu Mestre Caeiro
Crítica literária
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
Escritos íntimos, cartas e páginas autobiográficas
Erostrato y La Busqueda de La Inmortalidad
Una sola moltitudine
Fernando Pessoa, o poeta singular e plural
Crónicas intemporias
Correspondência inédita
Ficções do interlúdio/4: poesias de Álvaro de Campos
Prosa de Álvaro de Campos
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simoes
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Fernando Pessoa, 50 anos depois de sua morte
Obra essencial de Fernando Pessoa
Ḥanut ha-ṭabaḳ
Paginas de doutrina estética
Obras em prosa
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
A mac ʹonaria vista por Fernando Pessoa
El malestar del presente. Escritos de Antonio Mora
Poesía completa
Como viver ou não em 777 frases de Fernando Pessoa
Contos, fábulas e outras ficções
Cartas de amor a Ophélia Queiroz
ha-Banḳai ha-anarkhisṭ
Cartas a Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues
Vozes da saudade
Fernando Pessoa e a Europa do século XX
Textos de intervenção social e cultural ; A ficção dos heterónimos
Poemas (Intemporales)
The Fernando Pessoa Auction
Tren de cuerda
Politica y profecía
Poesia II
Alguma prosa
Pedacinhos de poemas de Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
O Banqueiro Anarquista e outros contos filosóficos
Páginas de pensamento político
O rosto e as máscaras
Provérbios portugueses
Fernando Alberto Reis de Campos Pessoa
Pa ginas de pensamento poli tico
Páginas sobre literatura e estética
Ficções do interlúdio/2: odes de Ricardo Reis. /3: para além do outro oceano de C[oelho] Pacheco
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Homenagem a Fernando Pessoa
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
The collected poems of Álvaro de Campos
Herostrat, die ästhetische Diskussion
Poemas - 619 - Pessoa
Palavras do livro do desassossego
Novas poesias ine ditas
Sociologia do comercio
A galaxy of poets 1888-1935
Paginas Escogidas - Edicion Bilingue -
Mensagem: À memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Pais: Quinto império: cancioneiro
Antologia Esencial
Poesia profética, mágica e espiritual
Elogio da indisciplina
Poemas dramáticos...
Antologia poética de Fernando Pessoa
Marketing em Pessoa
Poesia dos outros eus
Teatro do êxtase
O banqueiro anarquista e outras prosas
Drama En Gente - Antologia / Bilingue
Primeiro Fausto
A procura da verdade oculta
Obras de Jean Seul de Méluret
Crónicas intemporais
O privilégio dos caminhos =
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Completos de Ricardo Reis
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
A economia em Pessoa
Obras completas de Fernando Pessoa
Quadras ao gosto popular
Fernando Pessoa, o último ano
Mascaras y Paradojas (Coleccion Aforismos)
Livro de viagem
Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
Passo e fico, como o universo
Novas poesias inéditas
Exo rdio em prol da filantropia & da educac ʹa o fi sica
A educação do estóico
A poesia de Alberto Caeiro
Cartas reencontradas de Fernando Pessoa a Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Quadras e outras cantares
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Poemas dramáticos de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas ocultistas
Nas encruzilhadas do mundo e do tempo
"Inscriptions" =
Poesia - Pessoa
Sobre Portugal
Sobre Portugal
Je ne suis personne
Antologia Poetica
Seleção poética [Estudo crítico-biográfico de Maria Aliete Galhoz]
Associações secretas e outros escritos
Palavras de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias de Alvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Ficções do interlúdio/1: poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas inéditos destinados ao no. 3 do "Orpheu."
Escritos Autobiograficos, Automaticos y de Reflexion Personal
Poesias ine ditas
Poemas Completos de Álvaro de Campos
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Obra poética
Texto crítico das odes de Fernando Pessoa--Ricardo Reis
Poemas dramáticos. Poemas ingleses. Poemas franceses. Poemas traduzidos
Poesias heterónimos
Poemas inéditos 1915-1920
Ficções do interlúdio
Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Escolhidos
Antologia de poemas Portugeses modernos
Obras em prosa
O poeta fingidor
Hora absurda
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Fernando Pessoa, poète pluriel, 1888-1935
Poemas ingleses
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
Da república (1910-1935)
Ecologia e território
O pensamento vivo de Fernando Pessoa
Livro do desassossego
Poesia inglesa
על העמוד היציב
Poesia 1931-1935 e não datada
O Caminho da Serpente / O Verbo do Arcano Luciferano em Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa, tempo, solidão, hermetismo
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa, série maior
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Pela verdade
Teoria da heteronímia
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Selección Poética
O conto do vigário
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Fernando Pessoa, Le théâtre de l'être
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simões
Textos filosóficos
Russell Kirk
Russell Kirk (1918-1994)

political scientist, philosopher, literary critic, historian, journalist, peace activist

  • University of St Andrews, Duke University
Old House of Fear
The Dark Descent
Dark Forces
The Surly Sullen Bell
Eliot and His Age
The Color of Evil
Academic freedom
The Sword of Imagination
Lord of the hollow dark
Edmund Burke
A program for conservatives
The American cause
The conservative mind, from Burke to Santayana
Ancestral shadows
The Politics of Prudence
America's British culture
John Randolph of Roanoke
The Century's Best Horror Fiction. Volume 2
The political principles of Robert A. Taft
Decadence and Renewal in the Higher Learning
The princess of all lands
The Essential Russell Kirk
Watchers at the strait gate
Redeeming the Time
Beyond the dreams of avarice
The roots of American order
The wise men know what wicked things are written on the sky
The Portable conservative reader
The conservative mind : from Burke to Eliot / Russell Kirk
Prospects for conservatives
The intemperate professor
The conservative Constitution
The Assault on religion
Rights and duties
Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics
Gateway to the Stoics
St. Andrews
What Shadows We Pursue
A creature of the twilight: his memorials
Randolph of Roanoke
Confessions of a bohemian Tory
The intelligent woman's guide to conservatism
Orestes Brownson
What Is Conservatism?
Fiction # 169
Off the Sand Road
Modern age
Lord Acton on revolution
Muhafazakar Anlayış
Objections to conservatism
Collected Letters of John Randolph to Dr. John Brockenbrough
Government's role in solving societal problems
Russell Kirk's Concise Guide to Conservatism
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)

psychoanalyst, sociologist, philosopher, literary critic, linguist

  • Sofia University, Paris 8 University
Murder in Byzantium
Murder in Byzantium
Pouvoirs de l'horreur
The portable Kristeva
Hannah Arendt
Strangers to ourselves
Tales of love
Proust and the Sense of Time
Black Sun
Julia Kristeva, interviews
La révolution du langage poétique
Time and Sense
Desire in language
Revolution in poetic language
Contre la dépression nationale
Le temps sensible
Des Chinoises
Langage, cet inconnu
Soleil noir
Au commencement était l'amour
The samurai
Le texte du roman
Adel Abdessemed
Revolt, She Said (Foreign Agents)
Histoires d'amour
The feminine and the sacred
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme
Marriage As a Fine Art
New Maladies of the Soul
Seule, une femme
Inferno and paradiso
Au risque de la pensée
Etrangers à nous-mêmes
Enchanted Clock
Le plaisir des formes
The Sense And Nonsense Of Revolt The Powers And Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Hatred and forgiveness
The feminine and the sacred
Desire In Language A Semiotic Approach To Literature And Art
Le génie féminin
Th©♭r©·se, mon amour
The sense and non-sense of revolt
Le langage, cet inconnu
Desire in language
Passions of Our Time
The old man and the wolves
The enchanted clock
Louise Bourgeois
Teresa my love
Intimate Revolt The Powers And The Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
The Severed Head
Sēmeiōtikē : recherches pour une sémanalyse
The severed head
La haine et le pardon
Europe des cultures et culture européenne
(Re)découvrir l'œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir
Essays in semiotics
La révolte intime
The Kristeva reader
This Incredible Need to Believe
In the beginning was love
Understanding Through Fiction : A Selection from Teresa, My Love
Hannah Arendt
Diversité et culture
Teresa, My Love
Grandir c'est croire
Strangers to Ourselves
Crisis of the European subject
Language - The Unknown
Meurtre à Byzance
Feminine and the Sacred
Lettre au président de la République sur les citoyens en situation de handicap
El texto de la novela
Passions of Our Time
Le Genie Feminin: La Vie, la Folie, les Mots (Folio Essais) (French Edition)
Cinq éloges de la rencontre
Les samouraïs
Severed Head
La cruauté au féminin
Guerre et paix des sexes
New maladies of the soul
Chroniques du temps sensible
Folle vérité
Stabat Mater
Sens Et Non-Sens de La Revolte
Lumières, religions et raison commune
Sēmeiōtikē = Semiótica
Essays in Semiotics
Sens et non-sens de la révolte
Je me voyage
Trabajo de la Metafora
Die Chinesin
Des expériences intérieures
L'avenir d'une révolte
Introdução à semanálise
História da linguagem
This incredible need to believe
Porvenir de la Revuelta
Langue, discours, société pour Emile Benveniste
Lettre ouverte à Harlem Désir
Tales of Love
Melanie Klein
Colette, un génie féminin
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Le vieil homme et les loups
La Revolte Intime
Shemesh sheḥorah
Pulsions du temps
La discriminación en Argentina
Essays in semiotics =
Visions capitales
Notre Colette
Kristeva Reader
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Intimate revolt
Langue, discours, société
Zarim le-ʻatsmenu
El lenguaje, ese desconocido
La Traversée des signes
Autour d'Émile Benveniste
Izbrannye trudy
Au risque de la pensée
Georgia O'Keeffe
Murder in Byzantium
L'horloge enchantée
Où en est la théorie littéraire
L'amour de soi et ses avatars
Pŭtuvam sebe si
Épistémologie de la linguistique
Des Chinoises
Siegfried Kracauer
Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966)

journalist, architect, film critic, sociologist, opinion journalist, editing staff

Der Detektiv-Roman
Le roman policier
From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler
Die Angestellten
Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit
Menschen im Büro
The mass ornament
From Caligari to Hitler
Jacques Offenbach and the Paris of his time
The mass ornament
Jacques Offenbach and the Paris of His Time
Theorie des Films
History, the last things before the last
Theory of film
Berliner Nebeneinander
Le voyage et la danse
From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler
Frankfurter Turmhäuser
Die Angestellten
Totalitäre Propaganda
Das Ornament der Masse
From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler
From Caligari to Hitler
Die Entwicklung des Schmiedekunst in Berlin / Potsdam und einigen Städten der Mark vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn des 19.Jahrhunderts
Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit
The salaried masses
Nature of film
Kino. Essays, Studien, Glossen zum Film
Der verbotene Blick
Offenbach and the Paris of his time
Theory of film
Schriften, 8 Bde., Kt, Bd.5/1-3, Aufsätze
Rues de Berlin et d'ailleurs
From Caligari to Hitler
Kleine Schriften zum Film
Le Roman policier
Satellite mentality
De Caligari a Hitler
Ginster von ihm selbst geschrieben
Siegfried Kracauer's American writings
Essays, Feuilletons, Rezensionen
Die Angestellten
Le Voyage et la Danse
Nature of film
Das Ornament der Masse
Strassen in Berlin und anderswo
Siegfried Kracauer Jacques Offenbach Und Das Paris Seiner Zeit (Siegfried Kracauer Schriften 8) (Siegfried Kracauer Schriften, 8)
Prima delle cose ultime
Kino, Essays
Jacques Offenbach
Romane und Erzählungen
Über die Freundschaft
Jacques Offenbach, ou, Le secret du Second Empire
Teoria Del Cine/ Theory of Film
Über die Freundschaft
Offenbach and the Paris of his time
Propaganda And The Nazi War Film
Theoria tou Kinimatographou
Orpheus in Paris
Schriften, 8 Bde., Kt, Bd.4, Geschichte
Strassen in Berlin und anderswo
Theory of film
Von Caligari zu Hitler
Die Entwicklung der Schmiedekunst in Berlin, Potsdam und einigen Städten der Mark vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts
Studien zu Massenmedien und Propaganda
Jacques Offenbach; ou, Le secret du second empire
Offenbach and the Paris of His Time
Die Angestellten
Das Ornament der Masse
Theory of film
From Caligari to Hitler
L'histoire, des avant-dernières choses
Appeals to the Near and Middle East
Les employés
Offenbakh i Parizh ego vremeni
Karigari kara Hittorā made
History, the last things before the last
T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)

playwright, poet, essayist, literary critic, social critic, lyricist, journalist, critic

  • University of Paris, Harvard University
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Murder in the Cathedral
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The Poetry of Cats
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The Waste Land
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Watch For The Light
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Prentice Hall
On poetry and poets
The confidential clerk
The sacred wood
The cocktail party
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
The elder statesman
Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
The family reunion
The letters of T.S. Eliot
Christianity and culture
Four quartets
Discursos Premios Nobel
The waste land and other poems
Selected prose of T. S. Eliot
The use of poetry and the use of criticism
Collected poems, 1909-1962
The waste land, and other poems
Collected poems, 1909-1935
The idea of a Christian society
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Selected essays, 1917-1932
T.S. Eliot
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The waste land and other writings
Inventions of the March Hare
Old Possum's book of practical cats
To criticize the critic, and other writings
After strange gods
The complete poems and plays of T.S. Eliot
For Lancelot Andrewes
The complete poems and plays, 1909-1950
On poetry and poets
Prufrock and Other Observations
Knowledge and experience in the philosophy of F.H. Bradley
The waste land, Prufrock, and other poems
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Selected poems
Poems written in early youth
Mr. Mistoffelees with Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
The varieties of metaphysical poetry
Stikhi dli︠a︡ deteĭ =
The Complete Poems and Plays
To Criticize the Critic, and other writings
Collected plays
Essays, ancient and modern
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (Harvest Book)
Ezra Pound
The "Wasteland and "Four Quartets"
Quatre Quatuors
Points of view
Shakespeare and the stoicism of Seneca
Homage to John Dryden
Puffins (Let's Investigate) (Voices in Poetry)
The aims of poetic drama
Let Us Go Then You And I Selected Poems
Essential Eliot CD
Four quartets
The sacred wood
The annotated waste land, with T.S. Eliot's contemporary prose
The Letters Of Ts Eliot
The Literary criticism of T. S. Eliot
The cultivation of Christmas trees
The waste land
The illustrated Old Possum =
The waste land and other poems
Great American Poets
T.S. Eliot Reads
John Dryden
The three voices of poetry
John Dryden, the poet, the dramatist, the critic
At the memorial service for
Das wüste Land. Gedichte
Selected Essays
The classics and the man of letters
What is a classic?
From Poe to Valéry
Charles Whibley
Selected essays
George Herbert
Essays on Elizabethan drama
Thoughts after Lambeth
Cuatro Cuartetos/ Four Quartets
The Annotated Waste Land with Eliot's Contemporary Prose
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Criticism in America
Growltiger's Last Stand
Complete poems and plays
The idea of a Christian society
The Film of Murder in the Cathedral
Selected Poems of T. S. Eliot
T.S. Eliot Reading "The Waste Land" and Other Poems
Elizabethan essays
The Use of Poetry and Use of Criticism
Poems, 1909-1925
T.S. Eliiot Reads
The value and use of cathedrals in England to-day
The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume II
The sacred wood and major early essays
The Waste Land
From Poe to Vale ry
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Eeldrop and Appleplex, and Ezra Pound
Selected poems
Poetry and drama
The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot : The Critical Edition
A song for Simeon
Letters of T. S. Eliot : Volume 4
Four Quartets
The frontiers of criticism
Essais choisis
On poetry
Coleccion Premios Nobel T. S. Eliot L Tierra Baldia
John Dryden
Voices & Visions
The Waste Land; c.1
Old Possums Book of Practical Cats TS Eliot
Ara vus prec
The family reunion
Selected essays
Poems by T. S. Eliot
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Old Possum's book of practical cats
The waste land and other poems
Essential T. S. Eliot
Waste Land
T. S. Eliot - Selected Poems
Waste Land and Other Poems
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 7
De la poésie et de quelques poètes
The literature of politics
A casebook on Gerontion
Il bosco sacro [microform]
The Poems of T. S. Eliot : Volume II
Poesias Reunidas 1909 - 1962
Religious drama
Zum Vers in 'Hamlet'
The works of T.S. Eliot exhibited from the collection of Stanley Revell
The use of poetry and the use of criticism
The illustrated Old Possum
The idea of a Christian society and other writings
Four modern verse plays
'Not in Gallup'
The Poems of T. S. Eliot : Volume I
The music of poetry
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 8
Werke I
Mr Mistoffelees
A cooking egg
Poesias reunidas 1909-1962/Collected Poems 1909-1962 (Alianza Literaria)
The Waste Land & Prufrock and Other Observations
Cocktail Party, the
The letters of T.S. Eliot
The sacred wood
Murder in the Cathedral / the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock / and        Other Poems
A note on the verse of John Milton
Pensées(Illustrated Edition)
Old Possum's book of practical cats
Four Quartets (Faber Poetry)
The Letters Of Ts Eliot
The Poems of T. S. Eliot
Izbrannai︠a︡ poėzii︠a︡
Journey of the Magi
Werke IV. Gesammelte Gedichte 1909-1962
American literature and the American language
The Waste Land
Let Us Go Then
The sacred wood
[Reprint of T.S. Eliot's letter to the Encounter, dated October 26, 1961, concerning Miss Harriet Weaver, who died October 16, 1961]
Sacred Wood
Reunion by destruction
Andrew Marvell
Essays on poetry and poets
Jellicle Cats
Zabójstwo w Katedrze
Family Reunion
Hollow People, 1925!!!
Eeldrop and Appleplex
The Waste Land
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (Audio, Faber)
The Lost Generation Reader
The elder statesman
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 3
The Essential T.S. Eliot
Religious drama: mediaeval and modern
Letters of T. S. Eliot 1928-1929
Collected Poems, 1909-1962
Rubaiyat arba (al-Amal al-kamilah / Tawfiq Sayigh)
The annotated waste land, with Eliot's contemporary prose
Prufrock and Other Poems
Letters of T. S. Eliot 1932-1933
T.S Eliot Bütün Şiirleri 1909-1962
The use of poetry and the use of criticism
On poetry and poets; essays
Selected essays
Poezje wybrane
Letters of T. S. Eliot : Volume 2
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
The Waste Land And Selected Poems
Sacred Wood and Major Early Essays
Essays ancient & modern
The Waste Land, Prufrock, and Other Poems
Ta peemata
Four Quartets
Christianity and Culture
T S Eliot
Collected Poems, 1909-1962
The Waste Land, and Other Poems
The Confidential Clerk, a Play
Der familientag
Letters of T. S. Eliot : Volume 1
Reading Poems and Choruses
Ariel Poems
Poems of T. S. Eliot : Volume II
Elder Statesman
Collected Prose of T. S. Eliot Volume 1
Catholic anthology, 1914-1915
Selected Essays
Three critical essays on modern English poetry
Memorial service at East Coker
The Sacred Wood
Sweeney agonistes
The waste land, and other poems
The family reunion
Prufrock and Other Poems
Poesie 1905-1920
Sacred Wood
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 8
The idea of a Christian society
Estilos Griegos I - Kavafis K . P. Eliot
Poetry by T.S Eliot
Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
The Waste Land Scripted for 44 Voices
Nueve gatos, nueve poemas
The Waste Land
The Waste Land, Prufrock, and Others by T. S. Eliot, Poetry, Drama
Complete Plays of T. S. Eliot
Waste Land and Other Poems
T.S. Eliot: The complete poems and plays 1909-1950
Collected Poems 1909-1962
Cocktail Party
Geoffrey Faber, 1889-1961
Cocktail Party
Meurtre dans la cathédrale
The Wasteland Prufrock and Other Poems
Elizabethan dramatists
Idea of a Christian Society
Murder in the cathedral and selected poems
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
Eliot papers
Four Quartets
T. S Eliot Collected Poems, 1909-1962
Unreal City
Family Reunion
The Criterion
Prufrock and Other Observations
Naming of Cats
Four Quartets
Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry
Selected Poems T.S.Eliot
Cat Morgan
Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley
Ihtiyar Farenin Kediler Kilavuzu
The Cocktail Party
Waste Land Facsimile
Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I
Funcion De La Poesia Y Funcion De La Critica
Selected Poems
The Waste Land
The waste land ; four quartets ; and other poems
Essays on Elizabethan Drama
Thomas Stearns Eliot
Letters of T. S. Eliot : Volume 3
Notes on T. S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral"
Die Einheit der europäischen Kultur
The rock
Complete Plays of T. S. Eliot
The Sacred Wood
Illustrated Old Possum
Munye pipʻyŏng non
De la poèsie et de quelques poètes
[Rubāʻīyāt arabʻ
Selected Poems
The rock, a pageant play written for performance at Sadler's Wells Theatre, 28 May-9 June, 1934, on behalf of the Forty-five Churches Fund of the Diocese of London
The use of poetry and the use of criticism
Old Possum's book of practical cats
The aims of education. --
Das öde Land
The hollow men
Prufrock and Other Poems
Selected prose
The waste land and other poems
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 9
Old Possum's book of practical cats calendar for 1989
Notes Towards the Definition of Culture
Sacred Wood
Essais choisis
Japanese Poetry
Prufrock and Other Observations
Four Quartets
The Waste Land
The illustrated Old Possum = Old Possum's book of practical cats
After strange gods a primer of modern heresy 1934 [Hardcover]
Elizabethan dramatists
T. S. Eliot Murder in the cathedral and selected poems
Poems 1909 1925
Confidential Clerk
The varieties of metaphysical poetry
Poems by T. S. Eliot
La terra desolata
Old Gumbie Cat
Essential T. S. Eliot
Dimecres de cendra i Poemes d'Ariel
Waste Land, Prufrock, the Hollow Men and Other Poems
Essays Ancient and Modern
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Select Poems
Studies on T.S. Eliot
Old Possum's book of practical cats
Essays on Elizabethan Drama
Idea of a Christian Society
Essays on Elizabethan Drama
Selected Poems
Poetry by T. S. Eliot (Deseret Alphabet Edition)
Sweeney Agonistes
Essays Ancient and Modern
Waste Land
Christianity and Culture
Selected Poems
Selected essays
The use of poetry and the use of criticism
An address to members of the London Library
Quatre Quartets
The Crack Up
Letters of T. S. Eliot 1930-1931
Poesia completa
Çorak Ülke
The family reunion
Selected Essays, 1917-1932
Saggi elisabettiani
Waste Land and Other Poems
Selected prose
The waste land, Four quartets and other stories
The complete plays
T. S. Eliot Reading 'Four Quartets'
Waste Land Case Study in Contemporary Criticism
The Waste Land and Four Quartets
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
The Waste Land and Other Poems
Annotated Waste Land with Eliot's Contemporary Prose
Waste Land
The Use of poetry and the use of criticism
Collected poems
Letters of T. S. Eliot, 1926-28
Waste Land, Prufrock and Other Poems
Robert Donat in T. S. Eliot's 'Murder in the Cathedral'
Springs of comfort
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (with Full-Color Illustrations)
Milton: two studies
Waste Land, Prufrock, the Hollow Men and Other Poems
Prufrock and Other Observations
Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 9
Waste Land and Other Poems
Inventions of the March Hare
The waste land, Prufrock and other observations
Macavity's Not There!
The Cultivation of Christmas Trees
Letters of T. S. Eliot : Volume 5
I propositi del dramma poetico
Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950
Prufrock and Other Observations
The Waste Land/Prufrock and Other Observations
Four quartets
East Coker
My Mini-Library of Practical Cats
T. S. Eliot - Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950
The Waste Land and Other Poems
Poems written in early youth
Fyra kvartetter
Practical Cats / Twenty Sonnets
Poesie giovanili
Si ge si chong zou
What is a classic?
The aims of poetic drama
The new criterion
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats Calendar-Diary, 1989
La terra eixorca
Collected poems, 1909-1962
The three voices of poetry
A l'heure indéfinie qui précède l'aurore
Sweeney among the nightingales
Idea of a Christian Society and Other Writ
La aventura sin fin
Prelude 1
Knowledge and experience in the philosophy of F.H. Bradley. --
Elizabethan essays
Utvalgte essays
Meurtre dans la cathédrale ; Quatre quatuors
Murder in the cathedral ...
Triumphal march
The rock
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Others (Voices in Time)
East Coker
Inventos de la liebre de marzo, poemas 1909-1917
Bunka to wa nani ka
The waste land
The dark side of the moon
After the torchlight
A song for Simeon
The aims of poetic drama
Das Theater is unersetzlich
Jarīmat qatl fī al-kātidrāʼīyah
al-Arḍ al-yabāb
Selected essays, 1917-1932
Reise der drei Könige
T.S. Eliot
Essays, ancient and modern
An address to members of the London Library
The elder statesman, a play
The use of poetry and the use of criticism, studies in the relation of criticism to poetry in England ...
The sacred wood
al- Arḍ al-yabạb
Andrew Marvell
Prufrock and other observations
Poems and Choruses
Christianity and culture
The family reunion
Bungei hihyōron
Dark Side of the Moon
Practical cats
Der Privatsekretär
Poems, 1909-1925
The family reunion
De la poésie et de quelques poètes
Murder in the cathedral
For Lancelot Andrews
El Eliot de otro(s) poetas(s)
Prakticheskie zametki staroĭ lisit͡sy o koshkakh
For Lancelot Andrewes Essays on Style & Order
The dark side of the moon
A sermon preached in Magdalene College Chapel, 7 March 1948
The undergraduate poems of T. S. Eliot. -- p. 3-7 ; 28 cm
The family reunion, a play
Le secrétaire particulier ; précédé de Fin de carrière
The undergraduate poems of T.S. Eliot, published while he was at college in the Harvard advocate, 40 Bow Street, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
A message
Little Gidding
Mord im Dom
The Waste Land, Four Quartets and Other Poems/2-Audio Cassettes
Prufrock, and other observations
T.S. Eliot reading poems and choruses
T. S. Eliot
Selected prose
Ritratto di signora
Selected essays, 1917-1932
What is a classic?
Tierra Baldia
The complete prose of T.S. Eliot
The Complete Plays of T.S. Eliot
Four quartets
The Dry Salvages
The testament of immortality
The dry salvages
T.S. Eliot Reading the Waste Land and Other Poems
Reunion by destruction
Verses to honour and magnify Sir Geoffrey Faber Kt
A note on the verse of John Milton
Meurtre dans la cathédrale
On teaching the appreciation of poetry
Ezra Pound, his metric and poetry
T.S. Eliot, tradotto da Eugenio Montale con un saggio introduttivo
Voices and Visions (Voices & Visions)
Old Possum's Book of practical cats
Ara vus [i.e. vos] prec
Poems 1909-1925
Selected essays
Die Dramen
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound
Two poems
The Waste Land & Four Quartets
Kol shire T.S. Eliyoṭ
Four quartets
Murder in the cathedral
Old Possum's book of practical cats
Collected poems
Selected essays
Use of poetry and the use of criticism: studies
Selected Essays
K opredelenii︠u︡ poni︠a︡tii︠a︡ kulʹtury
The Criterion [publicity folder]
Homage to John Dryden
Homenatge a T.S. Eliot
Points of view
Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot (YNA)
Mi-shire Ṭ. S. Elioṭ
Death by water
The undergraduate poems ..
Ausgewählte Essays, 1917-1947
Autio maa
The sacred wood; essays on poetry and criticism
La poesia de T. S. Eliot
Selected essays, 1917-1932
The undergraduate poems of T.S. Eliot
T.S. Eliot, the man as a poet, playwright, prophet, and critic
Poems written in early youth
Four Quartets (Poet to Poet: An Essential Choice of Classic Verse)
Knowledge and experience in the philosophy of F.H. Bradley. --
Ara vus prec
Burnt Norton
Poèmes 1910-1930
The complete poems and plays, 1909-1950
Later poems, 1925-1935
The criterion
The confidential clerk
ארבעה קוורטטים
Gamle possum's bog om praktishe katte
Poetry in Prose
Selected Essays. New edition
The waste land
La chanson d'amour de J. Alfred Prufrock
'Not in Gallup'
Det golde landet og andre dikt
Phonos stē mētropolē
Sur Ezra Pound
T.S. Eliot reading poems and choruses
רצח בקתדרלה
Old Possum's book of practical cats
Poèmes, 1910-1930
Poems, 1909-1925
ʻAl ha-shirah
The monthly criterion
The Three voices of poetry. --
Prufrock and Other Observations
The film of Murder in the catherdral
The possibility of a poetic drama
Función de la poesía y función de la crítica
Homage to John Dryden three essays on poetry of the seventeenth century
Collected poems, 1909-1935
Complete poems and plays, 1909-1950
Sommes-nous encore en Chrétienté?
The sacred wood
The cocktail party
What is a classic? an address delivered before the Virgil Society on 16th of October 1944
T S Eliot's Waste Land
Charles Nodier
Charles Nodier (1780-1844)

journalist, lexicographer, librarian, poet, entomologist, translator, literary critic, essayist, philologist

Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Contes de la veillée
Smarra & Trilby
Lock and Key Library -- Classic French
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque
Mélanges de littérature et de critique
Contes fantastiques
Oeuvres de Charles Nodier
La Seine et ses bords
Souvenirs et portraits de la Révolution. Suivis du Dernier banquet des Girondins
Contes de la veillée
La neuvaine de la chandeleur, et Lydie
Questions de littérature légale
Nouveaux souvenirs et portraits
Souvenirs de la Révolution et de l'empire
Jean Sbogar
Mémoires sur l'ancienne chevalerie
Cours de belles-lettres, tenu à Dole de juillet 1808 à avril 1809
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Promenade from Dieppe to the mountains of Scotland
Questions de littérature légale: du plagiat, de la supposition d'auteurs ..
Romans de Charles Nodier .
Contes fantastiques
History of the secret societies of the army
Les environs de Paris
Bonaventure Desperiers
Inès de las Sierras
Paris historique
Souvenirs de jeunesse, suivis de Mademoiselle de Marsan et la neuvaine de la chandeleur
Bibliothèque sacrée grecque-latine
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
Correspondance de jeunesse
The Luck of the bean-rows
Trilby, le lutin d'Argail
Notions élémentaires de linguistique, ou, Histoire abrégée de la parole et de l'écriture
Nouvelles suivies des fantaisies du dériseur sensé
La fée aux miettes ; précédé de Smarra et de Trilby
Questions de littérature légal
La neuvaine de la Chandeleur, et, Lydie. Le dernier chapitre de mon roman
Notions élémentaires de linguistique
Jean Sbogar
Journal de l'expédition des portes de fer
The book collector
Les tristes
Souvenirs et portraits de la révolution
Oeuvres dramatiques, I
Trilby - la fée aux miettes
Contes fantastiques
Histoire des idees et critique litteraire, vol. 404: Questions de littřature lǧale
La Neuvaine de la Chandeleur ; Le génie bonhomme ; Les aveugles de Chamouny ; Baptiste Montauban ; Trilby
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres
Les Quatre Talismans
Correspondence inédite, 1796-1844
La Fee Aux Miettes Oeuvres IV
L' amateur de livres ; précédé du Bibliomane ; de Bibliographie des fous ; et De la monomanie réflective
The woodcutter's dog
Le Vicaire de Wakefield (livre non massicoté)
Le vampire
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Giovanni Sbogarro
Romans de Charles Nodier ...
Œuvres choisies de Charles Nodier
Contes et nouvelles
Contes choisis de Charles Nodier
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise, ou, recherches ..
Autour de Charles Nodier
Les démons de la nuit
Romans de Charles Nodier
Promenade de Dieppe aux montagnes d'Ecosse
Le dernier chapitre de mon roman
Trésor des fèves et fleur des pois
Charles Nodier
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Oeuvres dramatiques, II
Franciscus Columna
Francesco Colonna
Contes de Charles Nodier
Piranèse, contes psychologiques à propos de la monomanie réflective
Cours de belles-lettres
Le Génie bonhomme
Contes, avec des textes et des documents inédits
A translation of Charles Nodier's story of the bibliomaniac
Contes de Nodier
Nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françaises
Les sept chateaux du roi de Bohème
Histoire du Roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux
De quelques phénomènes du sommeil
Contes fantastiques de Nodier
Le dernier banquet des Girondins
Souvenirs de jeunesse suivis de Mademoiselle de Marsan et de La Neuvaine de la Chandeleur
Contes et nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Souvenirs de la révolution et de l'empire
Bertram ; Le Monstre et le Magicien ; Le Songe d'or (Fragments)
La neuvaine de la chandeleur
Lord Ruthwen, ou, les vampires
Thérèse Aubert
Les quatre talismans
Jean Sbogar
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Des annales de l'imprimerie des Aldes
Die Liebe und das Zauberbuch
Œuvres de Charles Nodier
Histoire du roi de Bohm̂e et de ses sept châteaux
La fée aux miettes
Genius Goodfellow and the wood-cutter's dog
The bibliomaniac
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Langue et cultures, tome 36: Notions elementaires de linguistique ou histoire abregee de la parole et de l'ecriture: pour servir d'introduction a l'alphabet, a la grammaire et au dictionnaire
Bonaventure Désperiers: Cirano de Bergerac
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise
Thérèse Aubert
Le dernier banquet des girondins
Oeuvres choisies de Charles Nodier
Smarra, Trilby et autres contes
Histoire des Societes Secrètes de l'armee et des conspirations militaires qui ont eu pour objet la destruction du gouvernement de Bonaparte
Vocabulaire de la langue française
L' amateur de livres
Correspondance ine dite, 1796-1844
Etudes sur le seizième siècle et sur quelques auteurs rares ou singuliers du dix-septième
Critiques de l'imprimerie par le docteur Néophobus
Oeuvres dramatiques
Jean Sbogar et autres nouvelles
Du fantastique en littérature
Los Demonios de La Noche
Souvenirs de jeunesse: Séraphine; Amélie Jean-François les Bas-Bleus
Le bibliomane
Le fée aux miettes
Morçeaux choisis
Lord Ruthven and the Vampires
Souvenirs, épisodes et portraits pour servir à l'histoire de la Révolution et de l'Empire
Portraits de la Révolution et de l'Empire
Les proscrits
La fée aux miettes
Contes choisis
Inès de las Sierras
La fièvre et autres contes ; suivis d'un poème et d'un essai d'autobiographie recueillis pour la première fois
Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux ..
Romans de Charles Nodier
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres
Bean Flower and Pea Blossom
Nouvelles, suivies des Fantaisies du dériseur sensé
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise..
Den boggale
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
La fée aux miettes
Lord Ruthven The Vampire
Les mille et une nuits
Contes Satiriques
Récits fantastiques
Francisous Columna
Le vampire ; Le délateur
Fables de Florian
The woodcutter's dog
  Vignettes par Tony Johannot
Les mille et une nuits
Souvenirs de Jeunesse
Charles Nodier
Giovanni Sbogarro, a Venetian tale
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Mélanges de littérature et de critique
La Neuvaine de la chandeleur
Lord Ruthwen
Histoire des sociétés secrètes de l'armée: et des conspirations militaires qui ont eu pour objet ...
Thérèse Aubert
Giovanni Sbogarro
Smarra, ou, Les démons de la nuit
Histoire du roi de Bohème et de ses sept châteaux
La llegenda del llibreter assassí de Barcelona
Contes et nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Bibliothèque dramatique, or Répertoire universel du théâtre français
J-François les Bas Bleus
Le livre des prodiges, ou, Histoires et aventures merveilleuses et remarquables de spectres, revenans, esprits, fantômes, démons, etc., rapportées par des personnes dignes de foi
Histoire du Roi du Bohème et ses sept chateaux
Bertram ; Le monstre et le magicien ; Le songe d'or
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théatre français
Jean Sbogar
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
Vocabulaire de la langue française
Les Environs de Paris
De la liberté de la presse avant Louis XIV
Franciscus Columna
Nouvelles ; suivies des Fantaisies du dériseur sensé
Oeuvres de Charles Nodier. --
Questions de littérature légale
Jean Sbogar
Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept chateaux
Histoire des sociétés secrètes de l'armée
Jean Sbogar
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres (nouveaux mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque)
Correspondance inédite de Charles Nodier, 1796-1844
Correspondance inédite de Charles Nodier, 1796-1844
Chefs-d'oeuvre de P. Corneille
Inès de las Sierras: Medemoiselle de Marsan
De droom van het goud en anders vertellingen
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théâtre français, avec des remarques, des notices et l'examen de chaque pièce
Le voleur
Statistique illyrienne
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théâtre français
Sur une ophthalmie caus©♭e par la lumi©·re ©♭lectrique
Lord Ruthwen, ou, Les vampires
Écrin d'un conteur
Satyre Menippée de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des Estats de Paris
Morçeaux choisis
Le peintre de Saltzbourg
Promenade de Dieppe aux montagnes d'Ecosse
Vocabulaire de la langue française
El bibliómano y Subasta de mi biblioteca de Octavio Uzanne
O︠e︡uvres ...
Inès de las Sierras
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Du fantastique en littérature
Trilby, ou, Le lutin d'Argail
Trilogie écossaise
Le vampire
The woodcutter's dog
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Trésors des Fèves
Contes fantastiques
Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington (1892-1962)

poet, translator, journalist, biographer, military personnel, literary critic, editing staff

  • University of London, Dover College
Death of a hero
All men are enemies
Richard Aldington & H.D
Images of war
Passionate Prodigality
Literary lifelines
Richard Aldington
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
An imagist at war
Balls, and Another book for suppression
Life for life's sake
Four English portraits
French studies and reviews
Portrait of a rebel
Jane Austen
War and love (1915-1918)
Rejected guest
W. Somerset Maugham
Literary studies and reviews
Remy de Gourmont
Images of desire
The strange life of Charles Waterton
Collected Poems by Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington
Portrait of a genius
Bubb booklets
Ezra Pound & T.S. Eliot
The dearest friend
The complete poems of Richard Aldington
Richard Aldington: selected critical writings, 1928-1960
Fifty romance lyric poems
Images (1910-1915)
Soft answers
Seven against Reeves
The Duke, being an account of the life & achievements of Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington ..
The religion of beauty
France... a book of photographs
Poetry of the English-speaking world
Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea, Latinpoets of the Renaissance
Candide and other romances
Literary Lifelines
Lawrence of Arabia, a biographical enquiry
French comedies of the 18th century
Artifex; sketches and ideas
D.H. Lawrence, an indiscretion
Great French romances
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats; two lectures
Doch polkovnika
Poetry, The Viking Book of
Medallions in clay
Images old and new
A tourist's Rome
The squire
At all costs
David Herbert Lawrence in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumentum
The crystal world
A dream in the Luxembourg
The approach to M. Marcel Proust
A letter from Richard Aldington and a summary bibliography of Count Potocki's published works
André Spire
The Colonel's daughter, a novel
The poems of Richard Aldington
Latin poems of the Renaissance
A fool i' the forest
Stepping heavenward
D.H. Lawrence; an appreciation
The romance of Casanova
Greek songs in the manner of Anacreon
A book of characters
Exile, and other poems
Images of War, a Book of Poems
A Wreath for San Gemignano
The influence of Mr. James Joyce
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Moartea unui erou
Women must work
Roads to Glory (Arts & Literature)
Life of a lady
Introduction to Mistral
Hark the herald
Women must work
The Berkshire Kennet
Death of a hero
Latin poems of the Renaissance
France = La France = Frankreich
Balls and Another book for suppression
In Winter
D. H. Lawrence
The love of Myrrhine and Konallis
Images (1910-1915)
Love and the Luxembourg
A Roman letter
Life quest
Great French romances
A poem
The eaten heart
A.E. Housman & W.B. Yeats
Some imagist poets
Stepping heavenward
The fifteen joys of marriage
Fifty Romance lyric poems
The Viking book of poetry of the English-speaking world
Introduction to Mistral
The Berkshire Kennet
Literary studies and reviews
Poets of the Great War Cassette set
Love and the Luxembourg
The selected war poems
Two stories
France = La France = Frankriech
Very heaven
Soft answers
Literary lifelines, the Richard Aldington-Lawrence Durrell correspondence
A dream in the Luxembourg
Images of desire
The imagists
Vse l︠i︡udi -- vragi
Images of war
F.T. Marinetti
Last straws
Edinstvenna︠i︡a l︠i︡ubovʹ Kazanovy
Collected Poems
Lawrence l'imposteur
Last straws
Remy de Gourmont, a modern man of letters