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biographers who wrote mystery
Showing 121-128 out of 147 results
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973)

poet, diplomat, politician, lyricist, autobiographer

  • University of Chile
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
World Literature 1999
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Windows that open inward
Selected odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto general
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
CorazoĢn amarillo
Confieso que he vivido
Late and posthumous poems, 1968-1974
Canción de gesta
Cien sonetos de amor
The Poetry of Pablo Neruda
España en el corazón
Plenos poderes
Memorial de Isla Negra
El crimen fue en Granada
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
100 Love Sonnets
Love Poems
I Explain a Few Things
Odes to opposites
Las manos del día
Las piedras del cielo
Una casa en la arena
Twenty poems
Odes to common things
Abriendo Puertas
Incitación al Nixonicidio y alabanza de la revolución chilena
Libro de las preguntas
All the odes
Mejores Poemas de Amor, Los
Fin de mundo
Arte de pájaros
Cantos ceremoniales
Full woman, fleshly apple, hot moon
Geografía infructuosa/Incitación al Nixonicidio/2000/El corazón amarillo/Elegía
The Heights of Macchu Picchu
Né pour naître
Neruda at Isla Negra
Odas elementales
Antologia poetica
Pablo Neruda. Por Las Costas Del Mundo
Regalo de um poeta
El habitante y su esperanza
El riĢo invisible
Cantos ceremoniales, Plenos poderes
Todo el amor
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologa General
Nuevas odas elementales
200 Poemas De Amor
Los versos del capitaĢn
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor (Poesia)
GeografiĢa infructuosa
El cuaderno verde del Che
La rosa separada
Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta
El mar y las campanas
Pablo Neruda and Nicanor Parra face to face
JardiĢn de invierno
Neruda's garden
Homenaje al poeta Federico García Lorca
Canto General
On the Blue Shore of Silence
Five Decades
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
Tercer libro de las odas
Ode to typography
Full Woman Fleshly Apple Hot Moon
                PS Paperback
La espada encendida
Que despierte el leñador
Las uvas y el viento
Defectos escogidos
The Complete Memoirs
Isla Negra
Canto General, 50th Anniversary Edition (Latin American Literature and Culture, 7)
Las piedras de Chile
Discursos Ante El Senado Soy Un Escritor Elegido Senador Por Los Obreros
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda
Canto General/ General Song
Intimate Infinite
Por las costas del mundo
Cuadernos de Temuco 1919-1920
Things that dream
Ruko, o prĢ„thviĢ„
Para Albertina Rosa
Poemas de amor
A new decade
Los Versos mas Populares
Résidence sur la terre
Antologia Poetica De Pablo Neruda/Poetic Anthology of Pablo Neruda (Clasicos Esenciales Santillana)
Nueva canto de amor a Stalingrad
Jardin de Invierno, Libro de las Preguntas, El mar y las Campanas, Defectos Escogidos / Winter Garden, Book of Questions, The Sea and the Bells, Chosen Defects
Sublime blue
Obras Completas I - De Crepusculario a Las Uvas y El viento 1923 - 1954
Antología poética, 1
Tentativa del hombre infinito
Obras escogidas
Five decades
Viajes al corazoĢn de Quevedo y por las costas del mundo
La Barcarola
Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda (Latin American Literature and Culture)
America, My Brother, My Blood / America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
El libro de las preguntas
Cartas de amor
Neruda joven
Essential Neruda
Habla Neruda
Poemas de amos
Antologia Esencial - 373 -
Vingt poèmes d'amour et une chanson désespérée
De "Odas elementales" a "Memorial de Isla Negra", 1954-1964
Arte De Pajaros, Una Casa en La Arena / Bird Art, A House in the Sand
Tercera residencia, 1935-1945
Yo respondo con mi obra
Cartas de amor de Pablo Neruda
America My Brother, My Blood
Su Mejor Poesia
MeĢxico florido y espinudo
La poesiĢa no habraĢ cantado en vano
Twenty poems
Cartas a Laura
New poems (1968-1970)
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Ein Lesebuch
Splendore e morte di Joaquín Murieta
Pablo Neruda
Prologos (Problemi Na Prekhoda V Bulgariia)
Chilenische Lyrik im bewegten 20. Jahrhundert
Toward the splendid city: Nobel lecture
Obras completas
All the Odes
Maremoto, Aun, La Espada Encendida, Las Piedras del Cielo / Seaquake, Still, The Flaming Sword, The Stones of the Sky
Residencia en la tierra
Crepusculario/El Hondero Entusiasta /Tentativa del Hombre Infinito / Crepuscular/The Enthusiast Slinger/ The Attempt of the Infinite Man
Epistolario viajero, 1927-1973
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda
Epic Song
Canto general
Canto General I (Clsicos Universales)
Navegaciones e regresos
Der unsichtbare Fluß. Gedichte 1923 - 1973
Nerudiana dispersa
Obras Completas I De Crepusculario a Las (Obras Completas)
To the women of the world
Viele sind wir
Discursos Premios Nobel
7 de noviembre
Nerudiana Dispersa I 1915-1964 (Obras Completas)
Lo mejor de Anatole France
Los Mejores Poemas De Amor/ the Best Love Poems
Poemario da a Entrevista de Guayaquil 1822
Inaugurando el anĢƒo de Shakespeare
Poesia de Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Reads His Poems in Spanish
Vinte Poemas de Amor e uma Canção Desesperada
Pablo Neruda y Nacanor Parra
Poesía de amor
Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Bd.99, Gedichte
Mensaje de paz y unidad
Balladen von den blauen Fenstern
J'avoue que j'ai vécu
La insepulta de Paita
Book of Twilight
Los poetas del mundo defienden al pueblo español
La Lampara en la Tierra - Alturas de Macchu-Picchu
Even This Twilight
Regalo De Un Poeta/ Gift Of A Poet
Para un castillo de penas
Pablo Neruda: the early poems
Evrensel Sarki / Canto General
Antología poética, 2
IĶ”Aļø” budu zhitŹ¹--
Peace for twilights to come!
Obras completas (Opera mundi)
Para Albertina Rosa: Epistolario
La serenata épica de Neruda a México
Canto General (Contempora)
Pablo Neruda para niños
Nocturnal collection
Obras completas II
Canto general
Pablo Neruda acusa
Vinte Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada
Spiritual passports
Oda a la tipografiĢa
Un canto para BoliĢvar
Romancero de la guerra española
Antologia Essencial
Cento sonetti d'amore
Glanz und Tod des Joaquín Murieta
Cuadernos de Temuco
Poetry of Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems
Oda a la typografía =
Poemas de amor
YasadIgImI Itiraf Ediyorum
Hrozny a vítr
Discurso de Stockholm
Pablo Neruda - Obras II / Rustica
Itinerario de una amistad
Windows That Open Inward
Dulce patria
De arte de pajaros a el mar y las campanas/ From The Art of the Birds to the Sea and the Bells (Obras Completas / Complete Works)
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Then Come Back
Las cosas rotas y otras 60 odas elementales
Ayaklarina Dokunurum Golgede
Regalo de un poeta
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
AntologiĢa fundamental
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Discurso pronunciado con ocasión de la entrega del premio Nobel de literatura, 1971 / Pablo Neruda
Résidence sur la terre
Yo acuso
Antologia Fundamental
Defectos escogidos ; 2000
Viente Poemas De Amor Y Una Cancion Desesperada Cien Sonetos De Amor (Ave Fenix)
Carta a MeĢxico
The house at Isla Negra
OĢda na typografii =
Crepusculario/el Hondero/tentativa Del H
Elegia: Obra postuma (Biblioteca breve ; 418 : Poesia)
Generación del Trece
Cuatro grandes poetas de América
Love Poems
Antología poética
A La Orilla Del Silencio
Antología poética
Antologia Poetica - Bolsillo -
A Estos Yo Canto y Yo Nombro Escritores En La Obra de Pablo Neruda Antologia
Chant général
Cien Sonetos de Amor - Veinte Poemas de Amor
Neruda y MeĢxico
Bestiary-Bestiario (Harvest Special Hb292)
O Partido Comunista e a liberdade de criacĢ§aĢƒo
Ve Asktan Olacak Olumum
El fin del viaje
Three odes
ΕκατĻŒ ερωτικĪ¬ σονĪ­τα
Kuruntular Kitabi
We are many
La poesiĢa poĢstuma de Pablo Neruda
Libro de las preguntas seleccion
Todo Ileva tu nombre
PoesiĢas escogidas
Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
Um geboren zu werden
Tus pies toco en la sombra y otros poemas inéditos
Basic Anthology
Eikósi erotiká poiimata ki ena tragoudi apelpismeno
Yuz Ask Sonesi
Canto General (Latin American Literature and Culture, Vol 7)
Lo mejor de Pablo Neruda
Homenaje a Pablo Neruda
Nuevas Odas Elementales/tercer Libro De (Contemporanea)
A New Decade (Poems 1958 -1967)
Frascos rojos en Maldonado
Pablo Neruda lee su poesía
Oda a la lagartija
a la Mesa Con Neruda
Discursos parlamentarios de Pablo Neruda
Seleccion De Poemas
Chile en el corazón
Los Mas Bellos Poemas de Amor Latinoamericanos
Habitante Y Su Esperanza/anillos
Hungrig bin ich, will deinen Mund. Liebessonette
PoesiĢa poliĢtica
Bir Yildiza Övgü
Canto General II (Clsicos Universales)
Then come back
Fifty Odes
Pablo Neruda, letzte Gedichte
Yeryüzünde Konaklama
Twenty Love Poems, Q
Pablo Neruda y Nicanor Parra
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
America, Mi Hermano, Mi Sangre
Veite Poemas De Amor (Mexican Authors)
Antologia Fundamental - Neruda
Antología poética
Kaptanin Dizeleri
Book of twilight
Gei yi ke xing de song ge
Attraverso l'oscuro splendore
Ik ben
La solitude lumineuse
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Cuando de Chile
Venok Nerude
Memorial de Isla Negra
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Mexico florido y espinudo
Jeg bekender, jeg har levet
20 Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada-C/CD
Um geboren zu werden
El habitante y su esperanza. El hondero entusiasta. Tentativa del hombre infinito. Anillos
Las furias y las penas
Cantos de Pablo Neruda
Poesía de amor
Pablo Neruda en breve
La barcarola
AquiĢ estoy
Nieluda shi xuan
Obras completas
Cuatro poemas escritos en Francia
Huellas de dolor y esperanza
Comiendo en Hungría
En Defensa de Manuela Sáenz
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Diez odas
Adiós a Tallone
Correspondencia entre Pablo Neruda y Jorge Edwards
Arte de pájaros
Pābalo Nerudāra āro kabitā
Odas elementales
Dos odas elementales
Algunas odas
Presencia de Ramón López Velarde en Chile
Er shi shou qing shi yu jue wang de ge
Heights of Macchu Picchu
Obras Pablo Neruda (Obras)
Los versos del capitán
La copa de sangre
O coração amarelo
Centenario del poeta Pablo Neruda
Canción de gesta
Pablo Neruda, HeĢctor Eandi
Selected poems of Pablo Neruda
"La nave" e altri testi
Poemas de Amor - Nueva Edicion
Dogs nad ang don bzhi pa
Residencia en la tierra (1925-1935)
El hondero entusiasta (1923-1924)
Canción de gesta
No Royalty A/C We Are Many
Oda a las flores de Datitla
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada  Los versos del capitan
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
La Biblioteca Nacional y Pablo Neruda
Poemas de amor de Pablo Neruda
Neruda y México
México florido y espinudo
20 poemas al árbol y cactus de la costa
Libros pintados
Cantos de amor y de combate
Que despierte el leñador
Canto General II
Cartas a Gabriela
Canto general
20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Alturas de Macchu Picchu
Pablo Neruda
Antología esencial
Antología elemental
Pablo Neruda
Os versos de capita o
The unknown Neruda
Cantos de amor
Incitement to Nixonicide and praise for the Chilean revolution
El habitante y su esperanze
Canto General (Ayacucho Library Collection Ser : Vol 2)
PoeĢsie impure
En el corazoĢn de un poeta
Letter to Miguel Otero Silva, in Caracas (1948)
Twintig liefdesgedichten en een wanhoops zang
Fin de mundo
Love poems
Don Alonso de Ercilla, inventor de Chile
Neruda, el hombre y el poeta
Οι στĪÆχοι του καπετĪ¬νιου
Neuvas odas elementales
Oda al mar
Antologia popular de la resistencia
Poesie e scritti in Italia
Libro de las odas
4 poemas de Pablo Neruda y Un amanecer en la isla
La rosa separada
Canto General I - 86 -
Pablo Neruda Reading His Poetry in Spanish (Swc 1215)
To the women of the whole world
Los mejores versos de Pablo Neruda
Discorso di Stoccolma (conferenza Nobel)
Ode alla tipografia
Poemario de la entrevista de Guayaquil 1822 en la épica voz de Neruda, Genta y Castillo
Alturas de Machu-Pichu
[Gimny Kube i Drugie Poėmy
Body of a Woman
Città, città di fuoco, resisti
Canción de gesta
Confieso que he vivido
Confieso que he vivido
Bestiary. Bestiario
Address to the sea
Š”ŠµŠ¾ŠæштŠ° ŠæŠµŃŠ½Š°
Beleidigtes Land
Hypsē tou Matsou Pitsou
20 [i.e. Veinte] poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
El mal y el malo
La coppa di sangue
AntologiĢa esencial [de] Pablo Neruda
Selected poems
Antologia Poetica 1
Antologia Popular-neruda
Pablo Neruda Poemas
Ź»Eśrim shire ahavah į¹æe-shir eįø„ad meyoŹ¼ash
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
Antologia Poetica 2
PoesiĢas completas
Four odes, one song
Walking around
Antologia Poetica/an Anthology of Poems (Poesia)
Agar bā shumā sukhan bigūyam
Ź»Eśrim shire ahavah į¹æe-shirat-yeŹ¾ush aįø„at
Pablo Neruda-Claudio Véliz, correspondencia en el camino al Premio Nóbel, 1963-1970
מבח×Ø ×©×™×Øים
Venti poesie d'amore e una canzone disperata
Una casa en la arena
Canto general
Pablo Neruda e sua poesia eterna
Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein (1874-1946)

poet, art collector, salonniĆØre, autobiographer, librettist, playwright, collector

  • Radcliffe College, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Blood on the dining-room floor
Blood on the Dining-Room Floor
Three lives
Gertrude Stein's America
The Other Persuasion
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Everybody's autobiography
Look at Me Now and Here I Am
Women Who Wrote
The World is Round
A primer for the gradual understanding of Gertrude Stein
Matisse, Picasso, and Gertrude Stein, with two shorter stories
Stanzas in meditation
Nine Short Novels by American Women
A novel of thank you
The making of Americans
Lucy Church, amiably
Lectures in America
Tender Buttons
Wars I have seen
The letters of GertrudeStein and Thornton Wilder
Gertrude Stein
Painted lace
Geography and plays
What are masterpieces
All the World's a Stage
Fernhurst, Q.E.D., and other early writings
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
A book concluding with As a wife has a cow
Loving, Repeating
The letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913-1946
Writings and lectures, 1911-1945
Paris France
Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein
"Three Lives" and "Tender Buttons"
Dear Sammy
How writing is written
To do
A Stein reader
Four in America
Bee time vine
The Yale edition of the unpublished writings of Gertrude Stein
Ida, a novel
Brewsie and Willie
How to write
Reflections on the atomic bomb
Novel of Thank You (American Literature Series)
Lifting Belly
Great American Poets
Last operas and plays
Baby precious always shines
Selected Notes on Money (Belles Lettres)
The geographical history of America
Look At Me Now and Here I Am Writings and Le
Useful knowledge
Selected operas & plays of Gertrude Stein
The geographical history of America, or, The relation of human nature to the human mind
The Yale Gertrude Stein
A History Of Having A Great Many Times Not Continued To Be Friends The Correspondence Between Mabel Dodge And Gertrude Stein 19141934
The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas
The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Carl Van Vechten, 1913-1946
The Gertrude Stein reader
History or Messages from History (Green Integer Books Series , No 1)
Gertrude Stein on Picasso
Tender Buttons
Erzählen. Vier Vorträge
The previously uncollected writings of Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein Reads
Spinnwebzeit. Bee Time Vine und andere Gedichte
Great American Short Novels
A book concluding with As a wife has a cow, a love story
The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
To Do
Three Lives
Paris France (Peter Owen Modern Classic)
Selected operas & plays of Gertrude Stein
Selected writings
Die geographische Geschichte von Amerika
In Savoy =
Gertrude Stein für Minuten. Ein Lesebuch
Mrs. Reynolds and five earlier novelettes
From The making of Americans
Paris. Frankreich Persönliche Erinnerungen
Lectures in America
Paris, France
Selected operas & plays of Gertrude Stein
Dix Portraits
Paris France
Alphabets and birthdays
The world is round
As fine as Melanctha, 1914-1930
Üç Yaşam
Bell Is a Cup by Matt Connors
Autobiographie von Alice B. Toklas
Stanzas in Meditation
Geography and Plays
Selected writings of Gertrude Stein
Autobiographie de tout le monde
Aprender a escribir
Wars I Have Seen
Two: Gertrude Stein and her brother
Das große Lesebuch
The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Before the flowers of friendship faded friendship faded
Paris France
Matisse, Picasso, and Gertrude Stein, with two shorter stories
Gertrude Stein's Early Geographies
Three Lives And Tender Buttons
Q. E. D
The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Fernhurst, Q.E.D.and Other Early Stories (Lesbian Landmarks)
The first reader & three plays
Making of Americans : Being a History of a Family's Progress
Little Called Pauline
Four in America
Trois vies
Everybody's Autobiography
Geography and Plays
Üc Hayat
Gertrude Stein
Jedermanns Autobiographie
Geographical History of America
Autobiographie d'Alice Toklas
Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein
Alice B. Toklas'in Özyasamöyküsü
Hassas Dügmeler
Stanzas in meditation
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Les guerres que j'ai vues
The Crack Up
Geography and Plays
Composition as explanation
Tendres boutons
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Illustrated
Tender Buttons
Autobiography of Alice B Toklas
How to Write
Portraits and prayers
Drei Leben. Erzählungen. ( Sammlung Luchterhand im DTV)
World Is Round
Reflection on the atomic bomb
Tender Buttons - Objects
Three Lives Stories of The Good Anna, Melanctha and The Gentle Lena
Three Lives - The Stories of the Good Anna, Melanctha and the Gentle Lena;With an Introduction by Sherwood Anderson
In Savoy or Yes Is for a Very Young Man
Morceaux choisis de La fabrication des américains
Four saints in three acts
White wines
An historic drama in memory of Winnie Elliot
Five short war poems
Chicago inscriptions
On our way
Alphabets and Birthdays (The Yale edition of the unpublished writings of Gertrude Stein, v. 7)
Bonne annee
A manoir
Third historic drama
Everybody's autobiography
Lectures in America
An exercise in analysis
A village, are you ready yet not yet?
Louis XI and Madame Giraud
Things as they are
Will he come back better. second historic drama. in the country
A whole
At present
A list
I like it to be a play
The first reader
A collection
A curtain raiser
A lyrical opera made by two
For the country entirely
Absolutely Bob Brown, or, Bobbed Brown
Il mondo eĢ€ rotondo
Am I to go or I'll say so
Counting her dresses
An elucidation
Three sisters who are not sisters
Film. Portrait de Georges Hugnet
A play called not and now
What happened
Do let us go away
Autobiografia Alicji B. Toklas
Turkey and bones and eating and we liked it
A parlor
Guerras Que He Visto
Selected writings of Gertrude Stein
Old and old
Kisses can
Louis XI and Madame Giraud
Yes is for a very young man
ha-Oį¹­obiyografyah shel Alis B. į¹¬oįø³las
Gertrude Stein Reads from Her Poetry (V 1050)
An historic drama in memory of Winnie Elliot
Turkey and bones and eating and we liked it
He said it
Short sentences
Listen to me
Play I [-III]
Reread another
Gertrude Stein reads from her works
Every afternoon
A village, are you ready yet not yet
Reread another
Capital capitals
Three sisters who are not sisters
Yes is for a very young man
Why are there whites to console
Dix portraits
Look and long
Play I [-III]
Autobiografia lui Alice B. Toklas
Ladies' voices
A play of pounds
Lucretia Borgia
Lynn and the college de France
Portraits and prayers
Ladies' voices
Stanzas in Meditation and Other Poems (The Yale edition of the unpublished writings of Gertrude Stein, v. 6)
Brewsie et Willie
Stanzas in meditation, and other poems, 1929-1933
A circular play
Do let us go away
Autobiografia Alicji B. Toklas
L' autobiografia di Alice Toklas
A curtain raiser
Say it with flowers
Four saints in three acts
The five Georges
The king or something
The flowers of friendship
The five Georges
Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the villa Curonia
Have they attacked Mary. He giggled
A play called not and now
The mother of us all
Ernest Hemingway and the post-war decade
Saints and singing
A parlor
Selected writings of Gertrude Stein
Not slightly
Petits poèmes pour un livre de lecture
Motor automatism
La brave Anna
Doctor faustus lights the lights
They must. be wedded. to their wife
Descriptions of literature
In a garden
Look and long
Please do not suffer
Autobiographie d'Alice Toklas
Lectures in America
For the country entirely
Fania Marinoff & Carl Van Vechten offer you warm holiday greetings with Two (hitherto unpublished) poems by Gertrude Stein
In Savoy, or, "Yes" is for yes for a very young man
Will he come back better. second historic drama. in the country
A circular play
A collection
Madame Recamier
Novel of Thank You (The Yale edition of the unpublished writings of Gertrude Stein)
Old and old
In a garden
Jie fang shi rong yao de
They weighed weighed-layed
Bonne annee
Zarte Knöpfe. Tender Buttons
White wines
Picasso (Biblioteca La Esfera)
Dix portraits
The geographical history of America, or, The relation of human nature to the human mind
A play of pounds
Doįø³į¹­or FaŹ¼usį¹­ madliįø³ et ha-orot
Two: Gertrude Stein and her brother
Very well I thank you
Saints and singing
Short sentences
Not slightly
Selected writings
Madame Recamier
A bouquet. their wills
The king or something
The world is round
Literally true
Please do not suffer
Objects lie on a table
A movie
A lyrical opera made by two
Lucretia borgia
What happened
Literary cubism
A movie
Autobiografia di Alice Toklas
Kriege die ich gesehen habe
As fine as Melanctha (1914 to 1930)eby Gertrude Stein
Painted lace and other pieces (1914-1937)
Wars I have seen
America and Alfred Stieglitz
Two (hitherto unpublished) poems
An exercise in analysis
Autobiografia De Todo El Mundo
L' histoire géographique de l'Amérique
Guerras Que He Visto (Ensayo-Cro)
Fernhurst, Q.E.D., and other early writings
Last operas and plays
Composition comme explication
Why are there whites to console, a portrait of Janet
Capital capitals
Captain Walter Arnold
Brewsie and Willie
An acquaintance with description
Ralph Ellison
Ralph Ellison (1914-1994)

essayist, autobiographer, literary critic, music critic, journalist, critic, literary scholar

  • Tuskegee University
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Words of Ages
Going to the territory
Invisible Man
Flying home and other stories
Shadow and act
Twice-Told Tales
The Selected Letters of Ralph Ellison
Trading twelves
The collected essays of Ralph Ellison
Living with Music
Conversations with Ralph Ellison
Shadow and act
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
Homme invisible pour qui chantes-tu ?
Ralph Ellison papers
Ralph Ellison's Invisible man
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
The Black Ball
Three days before the shooting--
Flying Home and Other Stories
Gorulmeyen Adam
Flying Home and Other Stories
Juneteenth (Revised)
The Nation, Volume 7
Juneteenth Reading Group Guide
Black Ball
Juneteenth : a novel
Shadow and act
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

poet, diarist, biographer, journalist, teacher

  • Prince of Wales College, Dalhousie University
Among the Shadows
Anne of Green Gables
Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne of the Island
Emily's quest
Emily of New Moon
Emily climbs
Kilmeny of the orchard
The blue castle
A tangled web
Magic for Marigold
The Alpine path
Mistress Pat
Christmas with Anne
Jane of Lantern Hill
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea
Pat of Silver Bush
Anne of Avonlea
The Anne of Green Gables novels [8 novels]
Further chronicles of Avonlea
The road to yesterday
After many days
Favorite Love Stories
Anne's House of Dreams
Anne of Ingleside
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne of the Island
Akin to Anne
At the Altar
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Windy Poplars
Rainbow Valley
Road to Avonlea
Rilla of Ingleside
Against the Odds
The story girl
Anne of the Island and Tales of Avonlea
My dear Mr. M
Along the shore
Days of dreams and laughter
The poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1896 to 1901
The golden road
Emily of New Moon [3/4]
The Complete Anne of Green Gables
Across the Miles
Word Cloud Classics
The Anne of Green Gables Diary
The doctor's sweetheart and other stories
Spirit of place
Emily Trilogy
The Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery from 1905-1906
The Way to Slumbertown
Anne of Green Gables (Boxed Set)
The watchman and other poems
Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1935-1942
Light Princess and Other Stories to Die For
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903
Anne Of Green Gables / Story Girl
The Blythes are quoted
Vintage Christmas
The Green Gables Letters
A writer's garden
Anne of the Island / Anne's House of Dreams
50 Favorite Novels
Complete Journals of L. M. Montgomery
25 Favorite Novels
It's Just a Stage (Road to Avonlea, No 19)
The story girl earns her name
Classic Christmas
Charming Novels of Classic Heroines
More Favorite Stories of Christmas Past
Children's Classics Collection
The Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery from 1904
A World of Songs
The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1921-1929
Classic Christmas Stories
Anne Of Green Gables Press-Out Model House (Press Out Activity Book)
Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, Anne's House of Dreams, Rainbow Valley and Rilla of Ingleside
The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, 1889-1910
Weihnachtliche Wortschätze
After Many Years
Anne Of Green Gables Birthday Book
After Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables Journal
Collection of Friendship
Sara in Avonlea. Die Ankunft / Marillas Geheimnis. (Big Book). Ein Sommer voller Geheimnisse
The Avonlea Album
Anne of Green Gables
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1907 to 1908
Aunt Maud's Recipe Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short  Stories, 1909 to 1922
Emily auf der High- School
Anne 3 Copy Hardcover Boxed Set
Chronicles of Avonlea / Further Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne's House of Dreams
Anne's House of Dreams / Anne of Ingleside / Rainbow Valley / Rilla of Ingleside
A Dark and Stormy Night (Road to Avonlea, No 25)
Ana de las tejas verdes
Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery: Volume IV
Ana de las tejas verdes 3. La maestra de Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea / Anne of the Island / Anne's House of Dreams
Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories
Essential L. M. Montgomery
Librivox Short Story Collection 047
Ana de las Tejas Verdes 5. Adiós, Isla del Príncipe
Anne auf Green Gables. Auf dem Weg ins Glück. (Big Book)
Twice upon a Time
Anne's House of Dreams / Rainbow Valley /Rilla of Ingleside /Further Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne und Rilla. Zum ersten Mal verliebt / Der Weg ins Glück. (Big Book)
Ana de las tejas verdes 8 - Hasta siempre, señorita Shirley
The Red Room
Classic Literature for Christian Homeschoolers, Volume 4
Ana de las tejas verdes 9 - Bienvenida, Señora Blythe
Anne : the Green Gables Complete Collection
Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, 1910-1921
Merry Christmas and Other Christmas Stories
Ana de las tejas verdes 10 - La familia crece
Anne of Green Gables / A Little Princess / The Wizard of Oz
Ana de las tejas verdes 1. La llegada.
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 3
Ana de las tejas verdes 9 - Bienvenida, Señora Blythe
Emily in Blair Water
Ana de las tejas verdes 8 - Hasta siempre, señorita Shirley
Anne auf Green Gables. (Big Book). Anne auf Green Gables / Anne in Avonlea
The Selected Journals of LM Montgomery Volume IV
It's just a stage [and] Misfits and miracles.
Ana de las tejas verdes 10 - La familia crece
Short Stories From 1896-1901
Annes drømmehjem
Short Stories of Lucy Maud Montgomery From 1905-1906
Short Stories 1902 To 1903
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 5 : Seniorengeschichten
Short Stories 1904
Name for Herself
Short Stories From 1909-1922
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 1 : Tiergeschichten
Kayip Cennet - Mavinin Kizi Emily 2
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Courageous women
The selected journals of L.M. Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories 1904
Anne of Green Gables Quotes to Color
Anne of Green Gables Annotated and Unabridged
The Complete Chronicles of Avonlea
Anne of Green Gables and the Journey to Her New Home : Read and Learn
Letters from L. M. Montgomery to Penzie MacNeill, circa 1886-1894
Oxford Children's Classics World of Wonder Box Set
Complete Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 To 1922
Works of Lucy Maud Montgomery (100+ Works)
Hayal Dokumacisi - Mavinin Kizi Emily 3
Stage 2 - Anne of Green Gables
Short Stories 1896 To 1901
Yesilin Kizi Anne Set  Ciltli
Christmas with Anne of Green Gables and Other Stories
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 7 : Frauengeschichten
Imagining Anne
Nuevas Crónicas de Avonlea
Short Stories
Short Stories 1907 To 1908
Yesilin Kizi Anne Yeni Arkadasiyla
Anne of the Green Gables, Three Volumes in One, With Illustrations from the Early 1900's
Christmas Compendium
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 2 : Weihnachtsgeschichten
Penguin Readers Level 2
Anne of Green Gables Megapack
Anna de Verdaj Gabloj (Romantraduko Al Esperanto)
Short Stories From 1902-1903
Rodowa tajemnica
Más Aventuras en Avonlea
Penguin Minis
Mutluluk Agaci - Mavinin Kizi Emily 4
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 4 : Kindergeschichten
Anne of Green Gables Vol. 2
Around the Hearth
Short Stories 1904
Anne of Green Gables - Anne arrives, mit 1 Audio-CD. Level 2
Aunt Becky began it
Yesilin Kizi Anne Set
Short Stories From 1907-1908
Lucy Maud Montgomery Rilia
Anne of Ingleside / Anne's House of Dreams / Anne of Windy Poplars
Manga Classics Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables - Large Print
La maestra de Avonlea
Catherine Cookson - The Black Candle
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set
Ana de las tejas verdes 4. Más aventuras en Avonlea
Short Stories 1905 To 1906
Anne of Green Gables Address Book
Anne of Green Gables (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Blue Castle Plus Three by O. Henry
Anne : the Green Gables Complete Collection
Amistad para Siempre / a Forever Friendship. Illustrated Edition
Yesilin Kizi Anne Yeni Evinde
Anne de la Isla
La Stanza Rossa e altre storie di fantasmi
Ana Die Mit Den Grünen Giebeln
Anne & Rilla, Zum ersten Mal verliebt
Short Stories
Anne Green Gables #02-3 Vols (Boxed)
Rüzgârin Kizi Emily 3
Yesilin Kizi Anne 3 - Adanin Kizi
50 Classic Canadian Writers
Anne, la de Tejas Verdes
Anne & Rilla, Der Weg ins Glück
Anne, la de Avonlea
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1901 To 1903
Jane of Lantern, Magic for Marigold
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes
Mischmeasles (Story Girl)
Anne de Green Gables (Coleção Duetos)
Anne, la de Tejas Verdes
Four Winds
Short Stories
Christmas with L. M. Montgomery
Oxford Children's Classics
Essential Stories of L. M. Montgomery (Annotated)
Anne de Green Gables
Kilmeny, la Violinista Del Huerto
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes (traducción Actualizada)
Level 2 : Anne of Green Gables Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack
Foxton Readers : Anne of Green Gables : 400 Headwords Level 1
Level 2
The Hope Chest of Arabella King (The Road to Avonlea)
Timeless Treasures :
Anne of Green Gables Press-Out Doll Book
Emily Da Escalada
Anna de Teules Verdes
Anna de Teules Verdes
Anne Auf Green Gables Anne of Green Gables-Reihe, 1
Anne's Needle Craft Book
Lucy Maud Montgomery, works on CD
Anne of Green Gables
Pat of Silver Bush and Mistress Pat
Regnbågens Dal
Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book
Anne Do Vale Do Arco Íris
Anne of Green Gables Collection (Illustrated)
Das Mond Arbeitsbuch. 1920 bis 2020
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 6 : Liebesgeschichten I
Anna Auf Green Gables,
Anne of Green Gables Cookbook
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set Ciltli
Anne of Green Gables : (a Bookmark Star Edition)
Anne of Green Gables (Illustrated)
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Anna Dai Capelli Rossi, Serie Anna Dai Capelli Rossi, 1
Jotted Joyfully
La novia espera y otros cuentos
Anne of Green Gables Holiday Diary
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 9 : Versöhnungsgeschichten
Anne of Green Gables 3 Copy Box Set, Vol. 1
Anne de Las Tejas Verdes
Anne of Green Gables Series - 5 Complete Works
Ana Celle Aux Pignons Verts
Valancy Stirling
An Sherli
Lucy Maud Montgomery's Collected Short Stories
Short Stories
Ana de Las Tejas Verdes Serie Ana de Las Tejas Verdes, 1
Anne Da Ilha
Readying Rilla
Lucy Maud Montgomerys Kurzgeschichten Band 8 : Männergeschichten
Yeşilin Kızı Anne
Yesilin Kizi Anne 5 Hayaller Evi
Yesilin Kizi Anne 6 Ingleside
Ana Quella Dai Timpani Verdi
Anne de Avonlea : (Livro 2 Da Série Anne de Green Gables)
Holidays and Happy Days
Anne, la de Los Álamos Ventosos
Anne de Ingleside
Emily Da Lua Nova
The Anne of Green Gables Collection
Essential Works of L. M. Montgomery (Annotated)
Summer Shenanigans (Book 3 (Story Girl)
King Cousins (Story Girl)
L.M. Montgomery's Complete Journals
Anne, a de Tellas Verdes
Ana De Las Tejas Verdes 3
Anne of the Green Gables
Christmas at Red Butte and Other Stories
O Castelo Azul
Anne of Green Gables - Anne grows up, mit 1 Audio-CD
Anne Shirley Collection - Anne of Green Gables, Rainbow Valley, Rilla of Ingleside, Chronicles of Avonlea, and More
Anne of Avonlea (Translated in Spanish)
Busca de Emily
Anne Da Ilha
Anne of Green Gables (Heavy Metal Edition)
Yesilin Kizi Anne Kutulu Set Ciltsiz
Anne Von Green Gables
The selected journals of L.M. Montgomery
Emily of New Moon [2/4]
François Mauriac
FranƧois Mauriac (1885-1970)

journalist, poet, playwright, literary critic, biographer

  • Ɖcole des chartes, Sainte-Marie Grand Lebrun
Viper's Tangle
Holy Thursday
God and Mammon
Questions of Precedence
Proust's way
The re  se, a portrait in four parts
Thérèse Desqueyroux
What I believe
Therese Desqueyroux
Le noeud de vipeĢ€res
Souffrances et bonheur du chreĢtien
The inner presence; recollections of my spiritual life
The Woman of the Pharisees
The holy terror
De Gaulle
Le mystere Frontenac
TheĢreĢse Desqueyroux
Second thoughts
The unknown sea
Un adolescent d'autrefois
Souvenirs retrouveĢs
Nouveaux meĢmoires inteĢrieurs
Vipers' tangle
Le romancier et ses personnages
Therese Desqueyroux (Textes Francais Classics Et Modern)
The Son of Man
Ce que je crois
Les paroles restent
Lettres d'une vie, 1904-1969
Le croyant et l'humaniste inquiet
François Mauriac
L' adieu aĢ€ l'adolescence
L' agneau
The desert of love
FrancĢ§ois Mauriac en verve
MeĢmoires politiques
Adolescent d'autrefois
The knot of vipers
The stumbling block
Le jeudi-saint
The stumbling block =
The Frontenac mystery
Lettres ouvertes
D'un bloc-notes a l'autre, 1952-1969
Le dernier bloc-notes, 1968-1970
Le cahier noir
Memoires interieurs
The lamb (L'agneau)
Le noeud de viperes
Flesh and blood
Mauriac par lui-même
La pharisienne
Le Sagouin. Texte et documents
Woman of the Pharisees
Le désert de l'amour
Men I hold great
Bloc-notes, tome 5
Le baiser au leĢpreux
Le\Noeud de Viperes
Terres franciscaines
Young Man In Chains
Saint Margaret of Cortona
Le baillon deĢnoueĢ
Words of faith
Le Nouveau bloc-notes, 1961-1964
La vie de Jean Racine
La paix des cimes
Trois grands hommes devant Dieu
La pierre d'achoppement
Theatre, Asmodee: Advec
Le\Fils de l'Homme
Life of Jesus
Nouveaux me moires interie urs
Bozk malomocnému
Anguish and joy of the Christian life
Oeuvres Romanesques et Theatrales Vol. 2
Cain, where is your brother?
Genitrix: De Genitrix
Correspondance, 1925-1967
Oeuvres Romanesques et Theatrales Vol. 1
Mozart & autres eĢcrits sur la musique
Le sagouin
The family
The loved and the unloved
Le noeud de vipères
Oeuvres Romanesques et Theatrales Vol. 4
Petits essais de psychologie religieuse
Therese Desqueyroux (Sheed & Ward Book)
Le desert de l'amour
Francois Mauriac
Les\Anges Noirs
L' imitation des bourreaux de JeĢsus Christ
Le Baillon Denoue
The weakling, and The enemy
Les anges noirs
La fin de la nuit
Mauriac avant Mauriac
Oeuvres Romanesques et Theatrales Vol. 3
Nouvelles lettres d'une vie, 1906-1970
Lacordaire et nous
Mémoires intérieurs
Le sagouin
Vie De Jesus
La sagouin
Les Pages immortelles de Pascal
Sainte Marguerite De Cortone
L' Enfant Charge De Chaines: Avec
Destins (20th Century Texts)
La robe pre texte
Reponses a Paul Claudel: Avec
Questions Of Precedance
Vida De Jesus
Dieu et Mammon
Souffrances et bonheur deu chreĢtien
ReneĢ Bazin
Oeuvres Autobiographiques
Les Mains Jointes Et Autres Poemes 1905-1923
Bloc-notes, 5 volumes
Les\Chemins de la Mer Avec
Du coteĢ de chez Proust
Mes grands hommes
Réponse à Paul Claudel
Les\Mal Aimes
Le\Fleuve de Feu
D'autres et Moi
La\Vie de Jean Racine Avec
Asmodee  Theatre
LA Vie Et LA Mort D'UN Poete
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de m. André Chaumeix
Therese Desqueuyroux
La rencontre avec Barrès
Blaise Pascal et sa sœur Jacqueline ..
Le\Dernier Bloc Notes (V /  1968 1970)
LA Desert De Lamour
Oeuvres Romanesques Illustrees
The Eucharist
Le\Nouveau Bloc Notes (III / 1961 1964
Les chefs d'oeuvre de FrancĢ§ois Mauriac
Le roman
Desert de l'Amour
A kiss for the leper (Le baiser au leĢpreux)[
Therese Desqueyroux (in French)
Le\Mystere Frontenac
A Mauriac reader
Le droĢ‚le
Ne pas se renier ..
Le Fils De L'Homme
Lines of life (Destins)
El Mal
Le Baiser Au Lepreus
Fin de la Nuit
Trois Recits/Plongees
Le nouveau bloc-notes
Drole, Le
Potļø sļø”eluÄ­ prokazhennomu
Journal d'Un Homme de Treinte Ans
Le Romancier et ses personnages, suivi de "l'Education des filles"
Nudo de Vivoras
Le pain vivant
Les chemins de la mer
The Holy Terror (Translated By Anne Carter)
Mort Du General De Gaulle
Le romancier et ses personnages suivi de L'education des filles by F. Mauriac
Writers at Work Around the World
Le jeune homme
Trois récits
Journal Coll. Diamant
Le baiser au lepreux and Genetrix
Margaret of Cortona
Du co te  de chez Proust
Le feu sur la terre; ou, Le pays sans chemin. PieĢ€ce en quatre actes
Le\Nouveau Bloc Notes (IV / 1965 1967
Therese Desqueyroux / 3 Audio Compact Discs in French
A kiss for the leper
Pages choisies
Le roman
A woman of the Pharisees (La Pharisienne)
Oeuvres romanesques et theatrales completes
Oeuvres romanesques (en 2 volumes)
Le baiser au le preux
Paroles perdues et retrouveĢes
Le\Romancier et Ses Personnages
Five novels
The loved and the unloved (Galigai)
Thérèse Desqueyroux  [ Language
LA Fleuve De Deu
The stuff of youth
Les\Chemins de la Mer
Francois Mauriac on Race, War, Politics, and Religion
Preseances  Galigai
Souffrances Et Bonheur Du Chretien
La\Fleuve de Feu
Le désert de l'amour
Asmodee; or, The intruder
Woman of the Pharisees
François Mauriac, journaliste
Le mystère Frontenac
Ecrits de jeunesse ; GeneĢ€se d'une eĢcriture
The Frontenacs
Le nœud de viperĢ€es
Le désert de l'amour
Mask of Innocence
God and Mammon and what was lost
FrancĢ²ois Mauriac
Discours De Reception a L'Academie Francaise
The return of Dr. O'Grady
Le mal
Les main jointes
Trois Recits
François Mauriac
Nouveaux Memoires Interieurs/More Reflections from the Soul (Studies in French Literature)
Le Feu Sur LA Terre
L' enfant chargé de chaînes
Le dro^le
Un camp très ordinaire
Le\Nouveau Bloc Notes (II / 1958 1960
Thérèse , a portrait, in four parts
Le\Baillon Denoue  Chronique
On n'est jamais sûr de rien avec la télévision
Bloc-notes, 1952-1957
The little misery
Lines of life
The mask of innocence
Yilan dugumu
Le\Baiser au Lepreux
A Mauriac Reader
Le fleuve de feu
Le chreĢtien Mauriac
Journal d'une homme de trente ans
God and Mammon and What Was Lost
Le Baiser aux Lepreux
Paroles catholiques
Le désert de l'amour
enfant Chargé de Chaînes
The unknown sea (Les chemins de la mer)
Le ba illon de noue , apre s quatre ans de silence
La vie et la mort d'une poète
Oeuvres romanesques
Le nouveau bloc-notes, 1965-1967
Le drole
That which was lost
The Kiss to the Leper
Commencements d'une vie
Therese Desqueyroux
God and Mammon
Le nœud de vipères
El beso al leproso [par] Francisco Mauriac
Mains Jointes et Autres Poèmes (1905-1923)
Therese, a portrait in four parts
Le nœud de vipeĢ€res
Het einde van den nacht
Ce qui e tait perdu
Young man in chains =
Correspondance intime
Du cote Ģde chez Proust
Malagar, ma maison des champs
La province
Le baiser au lepreux et Genetrix
Blaise Pascal et sa soeur Jacqueline
The Desert of Love
Plonge es
Le feu sur la terre, ou, Le pays sans chemin
The Eucharist, the mystery of Holy Thursday
The knot of vipers
Les mal aimeĢs
D'autres et moi
Œuvres romanesques et theĢaĢ‚trales compleĢ€tes
Saint Margaret of Cortona
Supplement au Traité de la concupiscence de Bossuet
The re  se Desqueyroux
Vie de Jésus
The Frontenac mystery(Le MysteĢ€re Frontenac)
La nuit du bourreau de soi-meĢ‚me
Œuvres autobiographiques
D'autres et moi
Das schwarze Heft
Journal d'un homme de trente ans
Les Chefs-d'œuvre de François Mauriac
Passage du Malin
Thérèse ...
Questions of precedence (PreĢseĢances)
Le bâillon dénoué aprĢ€es quatre ans de silence
Œuvres romanesques
Les anges noirs
The modern theatre and its background
Die Einöde der Liebe
Ce qui eĢtait perdu
Ce qui était perdu
Words of Faith
Proust's Way
Los mal amados
Vie de Jean Racine
Maundy Thursday
El comunismo y los cristianos
Hommage à François Mauriac
Essential François Mauriac
Communism and Christians
Le roman
Der AussaĢˆtzige und die Heilige
Onze lettres aĢ€ un jeune preĢ‚tre homosexuel
The lamb
François Mauriac's Great men
Mauriac par lui-meme
Mozart et Autres Ecrits Sur la Musique
Therese Desqueyroux
Le Myste  ve Frontenac
Les chefs d'oeuvre de Franc Ź¹ois Mauriac
Letters on Art and Literature
Life of Jesus
Le romancier et ses personnages, précédé d'une étude d'Edmond Jaloux
Journal d'un homme de trente ans (extraits)
La chair et le sang
Proust's Way
Vipers' Tangle (The Loyola Classics Series)
Les maisons fugitives
François Mauriac, Frédéric Mistral, Theodor Mommsen. --
Holy Thursday
The knot of vipers (Le noeud de vipeĢ€res)
Du côté de chez Proust
Vipers' Tangle
Mauriac De L Amour
EĢcrits intimes
Journal, 1932-1939
Le jeune hommme
Vipers' Tangle
Great men
De Gaullet
Flesh and blood (La chair et le sang)
Mauriac Omnibus
Le baiser au lépreux
Therese, a portrait in four parts
Lettres ouvertes
Supplément au Traité de la concupiscence de Bossuet
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Le fleuve de feu
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Flesh and blood (La chair et le sang)
פקע×Ŗ הצפעונים
Dieu & Mammon
... L' enfant chargé de chaines
The Unknown sea
The Frontenac mystery
La robe prétexte
Asmodée, pièce en cinq actes
Le fils de l'homme
Dieu et Mammon
Czarne anioły
Journal du temps de l'Occupation
La robe prétexte, roman
Pamiętnik życia wewnętrznego
Ce qui était perdu, roman
La pharisienne
La vie de Jean Racine
Un adolescent d'autrefois
La vie de Jean Racine ; suivi de Mes grands hommes
Le mal
Le drôle
Mauriac par lui-meme
NgĘ°xoi vvo cô Ä‘Ę”n
Journal I
Ā˜DieĀœ Wege des Meeres
Journal d'un homme de trente ans
Woman of the Pharisees =
Le noeud de vipères
Din ve san'at
Le roman
The river of fire
Souffrances et bonheur du chrétien
Paris libéré
Bóg i złoty cielec
Les Chemins de la mer
Le Drôle ... Edited by Isabelle H. Clarke ... Illustrated by Madeleine Charléty
Le baiser au lépreux
Le romancier et ses personnages
Le noeud de vipers
The eucharist
Le pain vivant
Nudo de vívoras
The unknown sea
Le roman
Le baiser au lépreux and Genitrix
Asmodée, pièce en cinq actes
Le bâillon dénoué
La vie et la mort d'un poète
What I believe
The knot of vipers=
Le noeud de vipères
Passage du Malin
Journal III
D' autres et moi
The lamb (L'agneau)
François Mauriac's Great men
Ce que je crois
Galigaï, roman
Le noeud de vipères
De Gaulle
Un Adolescent D'autrefois (Textes Francais Classiques Et Modernes Series)
La robe prétexte
Correspondence 1916-1942
The little misery =
The Mask of innocence
Tajemnica Frontenaków
The river of fire
Les mains jointes
The lamb
The Loved and the unloved
Great men
Tereza DeskeÄ­ru ; Klubok zmeÄ­ ..
Terez Desįø³eru
The Son of Man
Woman of the Pharisees (La pharisieene)
La pharisienne
Yeshimon ha-ahavah
Oeuvres complètes
Ce que je crois
Le tourment de Jacques Rivière
Oeuvres romanesques et théâtrales complètes
Les pages immortelles de Pascal
NgĘ°į»i vį»£ cô Ä‘Ę”n
Le démon de la connaissance
The stumbling block
Souffrances et bonheur du chrétien
Le communisme et les Chrétiens
Les mains jointes
The desert of love (Le désert de l'amour) ; The enemy (Le mal)
Le noeud de vipères, roman
Le Nouveau bloc-notes, 1961-1964
Un adolescent d'autrefois
Un adolescent d'autrefois
The desert of love (Le désert de l'amour) [The enemy (Le mal)] Translated by Gerard Hopkins
De Gaulle
Les mal aimés
Petits essais de psychologie religieuse
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Hen yu ai
Asmodée, pièce en cinq actes
The inner presence; recollections of my spiritual life =
Mauriac par lui-même
Le désert de l'amour
Anguish and joy of the Christian life
La fin de la nuit, roman
The knot of vipers
Célébration du quatre-vingtième anniversaire de M. François Mauriac ...
Mémoires intérieurs. Translated from the French by Gerard Hopkins
Anguish and joy of the Christian life
Życie Jezusa
Mauriac Avant Mauriac 1913-1922
Les chemins de la mer
Le mystère Frontenac
Flesh and blood =
Le roman
Les mains jointes
Le nouveau Bloc-notes, 1958-1960
Le désert de l'amour
Burza cichnie o zmierzchu
Mauriac par lui-même
Young man in chains (L'enfant chargé de chaînes)
Journal ...
The kiss to the leper
Vipers' tangle
ZhiznŹ¹ Zhana Rasina
François Mauriac, le chrétien, le romancier, le journaliste
Vipers' tangle
Memoires politiques
Young man in chains
La fin de la nuit
De quelques coeurs inquiets
The Frontenac mystery =
Las francasadas (Plongées)  Traduccion L.A. Sanchez
Préséances, roman
Mémoires intérieurs
Le cahier noir
François Mauriac's Great men
Das geheimnis Frontenac
Mémoires intérieurs
Le baillon dénoué
La province
Young man in chains (L'enfant chargé de chaînes)
La pharisienne
La sagouin
Woman of the Pharisees
The lamb =
Le chrétien Mauriac
הנשיקה למצו×Ø×¢
Lines of life
Nowy pamiętnik życia wewnętrznego
Le noeud de vipères
L'enfant chargé de chaines
Le fleuve de feu
Journal II
Ai di huang mo
Le fils de l'homme
Mémoires intérieurs ; Nouveaux mémoires intérieurs
L'adieu à l'adolescence
La rencontre avec Pascal
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Pèlerins de Lourdes
Un adolescente de otros tiempos
Mes plus lointains souvenirs
Pustynia miłości
Teresa Desqueyroux
The desert of love =
François Mauriac
L'homme et le péché
Le mystère Frontenac
Divagations sur Saint-Sulpice
MaterŹ¹ ; Pustyniļø aļø” liļø uļø”bvi ; Tereza DeskeÄ­ru ; Klubok zmeÄ­
La vie de Racine
Les arbres et les pierres
L'affaire Favre-Bulle
Life of Jesus
Maltaverne =
L'education des filles
Le mal
Le sagouin
Les mal aimés, piıece en trois actes
Le sagouin
The Son of Man
Le nouveau Bloc-notes, 1958-1964
Mauriac par lui-même
La fin de la nuit
François Mauriac
Trois Ecrivains Devant Lourdes
... La robe prétexte
Le nouveau Bloc-notes, 1958-1960
Journal d'un homme de trente ans (extraits)
Le noeud de vipères
The Stumbling block
La robe prétexte
Galigaï, roman
Le désert de l'amour
Questions of precedence =
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

essayist, autobiographer, diarist, literary critic, publisher, women's rights activist

  • King's College London
Librivox Short Story Collection 007
To the Lighthouse
Mrs. Dalloway
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Jacob's Room
The Waves
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
The years
A Room of One's Own
Night and Day
Between the Acts
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Three guineas
The Second Common Reader
The letters of Virginia Woolf
Prentice Hall
Moments of being
The London scene
Nurse Lugton's golden thimble
Favourite sea stories from Seaside Al
The Situation of the Story
A haunted house, and other short stories
A Writer's Diary
Monday or Tuesday
Room of Ones Own Three Guineas
Roger Fry
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
Mrs. Dalloway / A Room of One's Own
The moment, and other essays
The letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolfe
Granite and Rainbow
Contemporary writers
Mrs Dalloway's party
10 relatos de mujeres
Virginia Woolf
Great Classic Stories II
The definitive collected edition of the novels of Virginia Woolf
The widow and the parrot
Classic Women Short Stories
Congenial spirits
Voyage Out
The Mrs. Dalloway reader
La mosca de Virgilio
Short stories
Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West
On Reading, Writing and Living with Books
The Mark on the Wall
A passionate apprentice
Kew Gardens
Paper darts
The diary of Virginia Woolf
Si las mujeres mandasen
The common reader, first series
Selected Short Stories
The Virginia Woolf reader
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
The diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol 2
Mrs Dalloway
Diary of Virginia Woolf - V.4 1931-35
Letters, Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
Leave the Letters Till We're Dead
Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Horas en una biblioteca
The death of the moth
Language Arts Resources from Recycables
A haunted house
Math Learning Resources from Recyclables
Classic Women's Literature
The Death of the Moth, and Other Essays
Books and portraits
The Charleston Bulletin Supplements
Jacob's Room & The Waves
Travels with Virginia Woolf
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.2 1920-24
Nurse Lugton's curtain
On being ill
Diary of Virginia Woolf - V.3 1925-30
Stavrogin's Confession
On Not Knowing Greek (On)
The Pargiters
Feminist Literary Classics - Volume I
Virginia's Sisters
The common reader
Mrs Dalloway's party
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
Women and writing
The platform of time
Carlyle's House
Del vicio de los libros
On being ill
Voyage Out
The Pargiters, the novel-essay portion of The years
Una habitación propia
The Roger Fry Memorial Exhibition
The question of things happening
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.1 1915-19
Mrs. Dalloway (SparkNotes Literature Guide) (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
A change of perspective
Love of Spaniels
The London Scene (Signature)
The mark on the wall and other short fiction
Life As We Have Known It The Voices Of Workingclass Women
Street Haunting
Women and writing
The Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Selected essays
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.5 1936-41
Genius and Ink
How Should One Read a Book?
To the Lighthouse : (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
The captain's death bed
Selected Diaries
Collected Essays
Blau & Grün
A reflection of the other person
Walter Sickert
Talks with Tolstoi
The Awakening with Related Readings
Stavrogin's Confession and the Plan of the Life of a Great Sinner
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
The Essays of Virginia Woolf Volume 6
Anatomy of African Misery
Der gewöhnliche Leser I. Essays
Tagebücher 4. 1931 - 1935
Collected Short Stories
La Scène londonienne
Selected Letters
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 1 1904-1912
Die Wellen. Roman. ( Gesammelte Werke, Prosa VIII)
Las olas - 1. edicion
Der gewöhnliche Leser II. Essays
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 2 1912-1918
Selected Short Stories
Ein verwunschenes Haus. Erzählungen
Hyde Park Gate News
24 contes al dia
HabitaciÓn Propia
Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Between The Acts The Years
Un cuarto propio
POWERPOINT 97. Eine kompakte Einführung.
Robinson Crusoe;with an Additional Essay by Virginia Woolf
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.3, 1925-1930
The crowded dance of modern life
Para o Farol
Monday or Tuesday
Stop What You're Doing and Read... of All Ordinary Human Life
On fiction
Al Faro
Frauen und Literatur. Essays
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.1, 1915-1919
Between the Acts
The love of reading
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.2, 1920-1924
Jacob's Room
Promenades européennes
Po mori Łu proch £
Augenblicke. Skizzierte Erinnerungen
Mini Modern Classics the Lady in the Looking Glass
Der gewöhnliche Leser, 5 Bde., Bd.2, Essays
The Essays Of Virginia Woolf
Passeio Ao Farol (Virginia Woolf)
Monday or Tuesday (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
The Essays of Virginia Woolf
Essays on the Self
Two Stories
Selected Essays
Congenial Spirits
Selected Essays
Estuche mujeres singulares. Autoras
Two Stories
Virginia Woolf Collection Includes Her Greatest Works
Al Faro
Night and Day  Jacobs Room
                Wordsworth Classics
A Room of Ones Own  The Voyage Out
                Wordsworth Classics
The sickle side of the moon
Pelican Books
Mrs. Dolloway
The Fight for Freedom for Women
24 contes al dia
Street Haunting - A London Adventure
Die Fahrt hinaus. Roman
Relatos completos
On Being Ill
Poesía y verdad
Las olas - 2. edición
La viuda y el loro
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 3 1919-1924
Al Faro
Una habitación propia
Un cuarto propio
Four Literary Translators
Una habitación propia
La Vie de Roger Fry
Crowded Dance of Modern Life Uk
Read + Doodle Book 1 : Sherlock Holmes a Case of Identity, Lamb's Shakespeare a Midsummer Night's Dream, Dracula's Guest, the Mark on the Wall
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 3
To the Lighthouse
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Kew Gardens
Briefe 2
Gela bat norberarena
Monday or Tuesday
Genio y tinta
The common reader, first series (Harvest books)
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Una posada andaluza
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf Illustrated Edition
Society Illustrated
Solid Objects (Illustrated)
Briefe 1
Monday or Tuesday : (Annotated)(Biography)
Las olas
Londres/ The London Scene
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Diário - 1915-1926
New Dress
Vile Bodies
Um Quarto Só Seu
Together and Apart
¿Soy una snob?
Monday or Tuesday Illustrated
Haunted House and Other Stories : (Annotated)(Biography)
To the Lighthouse
Second Common Reader, The
Chambre à Soi
Carta a un poeta joven
The Common Reader (Second Series)
Promenade Au Phare
Common Reader, First Series : (Annotated)(Biography)
Entre Os Atos
The Common Reader
Wlasny pokój
Mrs. Dalloway in der Bond Street und andere Erzählungen / Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories
Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Room of One's Own
Las mujeres y la literatura
Top 4 Colección Virginia Woolf : Al Faro, Mrs Dalloway, una Habitación Propia y Las Olas
Duchess and the Jeweller
Night and Day
Beginning Bulletin Boards: Basic skills
Mark on the Wall
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Society (Illustrated)
Cuarto Propio
Virginia Woolf
Common Reader, First Series
Stanza Tutta per Sé
Al Faro
Fin de Viaje
Room of One's Own
Street Haunting and Other Essays
Naar de Vuurtoren
Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid
New Dress
Al faro
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Genius and Ink
Mrs. Dalloway
The Collected Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Suis-je snob ? (French Edition)
Zum Leuchtturm. Roman
Les Fruits étranges et brillants de l'art
Woman's College from the Outside
Three guineas
A Haunted House
Olas Las Terramar
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Le Livre sans nom
Haunted House
Common Reader
Monday or Tuesday
Memorias de una novelista
Una habitación propia
The Common Reader
The Lectures, Essays and Literary Criticism of Virginia Woolf
Mark on the Wall
Haunted House
Eigenes Zimmer
la fascination de l'etang
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Stories
Paper Darts (Illustrated Letters)
Mrs. Dalloway (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Au Phare
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
The flight of the mind
Al Faro
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Una habitación propia
Killing the angel in the house
Lady in the Looking-Glass (Illustrated)
Memorias de una novelista
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Kew Gardens
Virginia Woolf - Monday or Tuesday
Shooting Party
The Diary of Virginia Woolf (Volumes 1 and 2)
HAUNTED HOUSE and Other Short Stories
The Moment
Moments Liberty the Shorter Diary of Vir
Solid Objects Illustrated
Horas en una biblioteca
In the Orchard Illustrated
Top 3 Colección Virginia Woolf : una Habitación Propia, Orlando y Al Faro
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid
Les Ones
Virginia Woolf, best novels
London Scene
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Genio y tinta
Trois guinées, suivi de "L'Autre Corps"
Haunted House and Other Stories
Collected Essays and Letters of Virginia Woolf
La signora Dalloway in Bond Street
Mark on the Wall
La Traversée des apparences
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 4
Together and Apart
Haunted House and Other Stories
Street Haunting : a London Adventure;including the Essay 'Evening over Sussex
Julia Margaret Cameron
Señora Dalloway
The Common Reader
Society Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Kew Gardens
Solid Objects Illustrated
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 2
Zum Leuchtturm
Matar al ángel del hogar
Virginia Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway ; and, To the lighthouse
Collected Essays vol 1.
Shakespeare's Sister
Monday or Tuesday
Momenti di essere e altri racconti
Haunted House and Other Short Stories
The Platform of Time (Hesperus Non-fiction)
Kew Gardens Illustrated
A Haunted House and Other Short Stories
Collected Essays
Zum Leuchtturm
The voyage out,
Monday or Tuesday
Walter Sickert
Los años
Eseje wybrane
Um Teto Todo Seu
Beau Brummell
Mr Bennett and Mrs. Brown
Vtg Virginia Woolf / Roger Fry
Dos relats
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown : (the Hogarth Essays No. 1)
Para o Farol
Monday or Tuesday
Eigenes Zimmer
Common Reader
Phyllis und Rosamond. Frühe Erzählungen
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf - Volume II - Between the Acts, Mrs. Dalloway, & Orlando
Monday or Tuesday
Monday or Tuesday
CUARTO PROPIO Losada 70 Aniversario
Virginia Woolf & the Raverats
Selected Diaries (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
The common reader
Un cuarto propio
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Virginia Woolf & the Raverats
The second Common reader, (Harvest books)
Les Ones
ha- MasaŹ» el ha-įø„uts
Al Faro : (2020) (2021)
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Woolf V V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 2
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Objets massifs
Between the Acts and A Room of One's Own
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
New Dress
Relatos Completos
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Nurse Lugton's Curtain
Death of the Moth and Other Essays
Room of One's Own (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Lady in the Looking Glass
Monday or Tuesday
Virginia Woolf "The Hours"
Diario di una scrittrice
Al Faro
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
O Quarto de Jacob (Coleção Duetos)
Primeros diarios
A Reflection of the Other Person (Collected Letters)
Virginia Woolf Reader
Kew Gardens
Unwritten Novel
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Great Writers Virginia Woolf (Great Writers)
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
La cortina de la niñera Lugton
Cartas a mujeres
Room of One's Own
Mrs. Dalloway (Heathen Edition)
Le Journal d'un écrivain
Monday or Tuesday
Woolf Short Stories
New Dress and Other Stories
Cartas a Mujeres
Shooting Party
Virginia Woolf - Monday or Tuesday
Society Illustrated
Las mujeres y la literatura
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
La inocentada del acorazado & La sociedad
Short Stories by Virginia Woolf
So haben wir gelebt
Kew Gardens
Diary of Virginia Woolf
A Change of Perspective (Collected Letters)
Second Common Reader
Diary Of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 3, 1925-1930
Common Reader, First Series
Habitación Propia
La traversée des apparences
London Scene
Virginia Woolf
Genio y tinta
Um Quarto Só Seu
Second Common Reader 1ST Edition
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Street haunting
Chambre à Vous
To The Lighthouse, A Harvest Book
Monday or Tuesday
Horas en una biblioteca
Aforizmalar - Virginia Woolf
Chambre à Soi
Woolf omnibus
Roger Fry
New Dress
Eines jeden Glück
Solid Objects Illustrated
Writer's Diary
Augenblicke des Daseins
Diari d'una escriptora
Monday or Tuesday
The Essays
Horas en una biblioteca
The Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Bookclub-in-a-Box Discusses To The Lighthouse, the Novel by Virginia Woolf (Bookclub-In-A-Box)
El lector común
Las olas
Society Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Granite and Rainbow
Habitación Propia / a Room of One's Own
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Escenas de una vida : matrimonio, amigos y escritura
Englische Kurzgesschichten
Au Phare
Monday or Tuesday
Moments Of Being
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 5
De la Lecture et de la Critique
On Reading and Re-Reading
Between Acts
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts
The Art of Fiction A Collection of Essays
Um Teto Todo Seu
Dnevnik pisatelŹ¹niļø tļø”sy
Cuadros y retratos
Naar de Vuurtoren
Common Reader
La Mort de la Phalène
Sra. Dalloway
A viagem
Virginia Woolf Dumpbinx 28
Gita al faro
Common Reader
Mark on the Wall
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
El Diario de Virginia Woolf Vol. V
Mrs. Dalloway
Translations from the Russian
Monday or Tuesday
Unwritten Novel
Society Illustrated
Kew Gardens (Illustrated)
New Dress
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
To the Lighthouse (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Al Faro
Fin de Viaje
Au Phare
Una habitación propia
Der gewöhnliche Leser, 5 Bde., Bd.1, Essays
Learning Links for Language Arts
Society Illustrated
Un Cuarto y Otros Ensayo
Deniz Feneri
Una habitación propia
Matar l'àngel
Waves (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Virginia Woolf, women and writing
Stanza Possedere
Das Totenbett des Kapitäns
Essays of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 5 1929-1932
Una cambra pròpia
Journal tome 8
Common Reader - First Series
Estuche Virginia Woolf
Die Fahrt hinaus
Two Stories
Mark on the Wall
Orlando (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Jacob's Room
Common Reader, Second Series
The common reader
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf - Volume I - the Years, the Waves
Travels with Virginia Woolf
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays (First Edition | Dust Jacket)
A cockney's farming experiences
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
A Writer's Diary
Contemporary writers
Society (Illustrated)
Estar enfermo / Notas desde las habitaciones de los enfermos
Walter Sickert;
Street Haunting
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Street Haunting
Jacob's Room
A letter to a young poet
Un esbós del passat
Haunted House and Other Stories
To the Lighthouse
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Mrs Dalloway's Party
Entre actos
Das Mal an der Wand. Gesammelte Kurzprosa
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
Kew Gardens (Illustrated)
Mark on the Wall
Jacob's Room
Estuche Virginia Woolf
Signora Dalloway
Monday or Tuesday
Monday or Tuesday - Publishing People Series
Letter to a Young Poet
Common Reader
Al Faro
In the Orchard : And Evening over Sussex
L' art du roman
A letter to a young poet
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday Special Edition
Les Ones
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Travels with Virginia Woolf
Una habitación propia
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Collected Essays Volume II
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Granite and rainbow
Virginia Woolf Megapack
Common Reader, Second Series
Au Phare
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Cuentos escogidos
Society Illustrated
Virginia Woolf
A woman's essays
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
Monday or Tuesday
Chambre à Soi
Las Olas
Lunedì o Martedì
Romans et nouvelles (coffret)
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
The years
Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume 1 Vol. 1
Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
Ein eigenes Zimmer / Drei Guineen. Zwei Essays
Fin de Viaje
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
The Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
A haunted house and other short stories
Entre els actes
Una sociedad
Zum Leuchtturm
Monday or Tuesday
To the Lighthouse
DEATH of the MOTH, and Other Essays
Hours in a library
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Memoirs of a novelist
Memorias de una novelista
The common reader
The Years
Moments of Being. Slater's Pins Have No Points
Street Haunting : A London Adventure;Including the Essay 'Evening Over Sussex
Monday or Tuesday
Cuarto Propio
Os diarios de Virginia Woolf - Uma selecao -1897-1941
Learning Links for Math
Moment and Other Essays
Society Illustrated
Society Illustrated
El Diario de Virgina Woolf, Vol. III
Common Reader, Second Series : (Annotated)(Biography)
The Common Reader Second Series
Monday or Tuesday
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Letter to a Young Poet
Die Fahrt Zum Leuchtturm
Memorias de una novelista
Liber amoris et autres textes
Promenade Au Phare
Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf Annotated Classic Edition
Top 2 Colección Virginia Woolf : Orlando y Al Faro
"Monday Or Tuesday", "Kew Gardens" and More
Habitación Propia
Las Olas
Virginia Woolf Collection
Jacob's Room
Una societat
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Monday or Tuesday
Al Faro (Traducido)
Cuentos escogidos
Room of One's Own - Unabridged
Woolf on Women - a Collection of Essays
Unwritten Novel
Feminist Literary Classics - Volume II
El Diario de Virginia Woolf, Vol. IV
Haunted House
Zum Leuchtturm
Monday or Tuesday
Haunted House
On Being Ill
Rupert Brooke
Congenial Spirits
3 Books by Virginia Woolf
Les Ones
Mme Dolloway
Para o Farol
The Common Reader.
Monday or Tuesday
Writer's Diary
The Common Reader
De la lecture & De la critique
London. Bilder einer großen Stadt
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf
Monday or Tuesday
600 libros desde que te conocí
Dustash va javaker
The Hogarth essays
Common Reader
Para o Farol
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
El Diario de Virginia Woolf, Vol. II
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
Monday or Tuesday Short Stories
Street Haunting
Las Olas
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf Illustrated Edition
Solid Objects (Illustrated)
Zum Leuchtturm
Virginia Woolf
Al Faro
Entre actos
Mrs Dalloway's Party
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Room of One's Own (Annotated)
Writer's Diary
Virginia Woolf's Jacob's Room
Moment and Other Essays : (annotated)(Biography)
Schreiben für die eigenen Augen
Monday or Tuesday
La fascination de l'étang
Orlando : (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Quatre lettres cachées
The complete shorter fiction
Captains Death Bed & Other
Lectures, Essays and Literary Criticism of Virginia Woolf
Momentos de vida
Room of One's Own and Three Guineas
Art of Biography
Roger Fry
Orlando (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Los Años
Common Reader
Stanza Tutta per Sé
Common Reader Second Series
ha- MasaŹ» el ha-įø„uts
Monday or Tuesday
Mrs. Dolloway
Common Reader
String Quartet
Al Faro
Sra. Dolloway
Relatos Completos / The Complete Shorter Fiction (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Aforizmalar - Virginia Woolf
Quatre lettres cachées (French Edition)
The Mark on the Wall
Monday or Tuesday
Genio y tinta
The Years
A Question of Things Happening (Collected Letters)
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Second Common Reader
Stanza Tutta Tua
Die Erzählungen
A haunted house
La casa encantada y otros cuentos
Over Londen
Diario íntimo
El lector comun
Mrs Dalloway's party
A haunted house, and other short stories
L'habitació d'en Jacob
Entre os actos
Bir yazarin guncesi
įø¤erut shel regaŹ»
גב×Ø×Ŗ דאלוויי
[Vājinia Wurufu Saigetsu
Die Dame im Speigel
La vedova et il pappagallo
Virginia Woolf calendar-diary 1982
Shakespeare's sister
Lun zi wo yu xie zuo
Granite and rainbow
Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories =
Objetos sólidos
Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories =
Over Londen
Romans et nouvelles (1917-1941)
Peace pieces
Il lungo viaggio
Drei Guineen
Ett eget rum
Drei Guineen
The captain's death bed
Entre les livres
Libri e scrittori
La muerte de la polilla
The common reader : second series
Lettera a un giovane poeta
La crociera
A haunted house, and other short stories
Die Dame im Spiegel
De golven
La  sceĒ¹e londonienne
Elettyjä hetkiä
À John Lehmann
Romankunstens faser
The captain's death bed, and other essays
Et London-eventyr
Scene di Londra
Der schiefe Turm
The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol.4, 1931-1935
[Vājinia Wurufu Saigetsu
Œuvres romanesques
A festa de Mrs Dalloway
Elettyjä hetkiä
Kew Gardens y otros cuentos
Momentos de vida
Real printing will devour one's entire life
Vers le phare
La crociera
Wakaki shijin e no tegami
Quattro lettere nascoste
Lettera a un giovane poeta
Mrs. Dalloway and to the Lighthouse (Swc 1105)
Leggere, recensire
A cortina da Tia Bá
De la maladie
Blau & Grün
The Sickle Side of the Moon (Collected Letters)
Entre les livres
Yi zhi jiao huo li de gou
Una casa encantada y otros relatos
Volare su Londra
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
A haunted house
Et London-eventyr
El viejo Bloomsbury y otros ensayos
La casa encantada y otros cuentos
The common reader
Mrs. Dalloway
Come si legge un libro?
Objetos sólidos
A haunted house, and other short stories
Aarene gaar
Noche y día
La viuda y el loro
Am Mittelmeer
Granit und Regenbogen
A haunted house
To the Lighthouse/ The London Scene
Dones i literatura
The common reader, first and second series
Entre els actes
Collected essays
I racconti
The Virginia Woolf daybook
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
Los Anos
Flush, historien om en cocker spaniel
Gli anni
Ett eget rum
Der Suchscheinwerfer
Il lungo viaggio
Volare su Londra
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monks House papers at the University of Sussex
Aarene gaar
A letter to a young poet
Recent paintings by Vanessa Bell
Ein Zimmer für sich allein
Kew Gardens and other short stories =
The moment, and other essays
No Royalty A/C V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 4
Diario íntimo
Fin de viaje
Roger Fry, a biography
À John Lehmann
Diarios 1925-1930
Bir yazarin guncesi
Le tre ghinee
Frauen und Literatur
Brev til en ung Digter
Uma casa assombrada
Une prose passionée et autres essais
Ein verwunschenes Haus
Urufu tanpenshū
įø¤adro shel GŹ¾eiįø³ob
Short stories
Lailah į¹æa-yom
Selections from her essays
Mezi akty
Le opere di Virginia Woolf
Lailah į¹æa-yom
Monday or Tuesday
Las Olas (Fabula)
Feste Gegenstände
La torre inclinada y otros ensayos
Urufu bungakuron
Virginia Woolf par elle-meĢ‚me
La viuda y el loro
Los años
[Vājinia Wurufu Wakaki shijin e no tegami
The letters of Virginia Woolf
The second Common reader
La vedova et il pappagallo
[Mikhlol sipurim k'tzarim]
The early novels of Virginia Woolf
Letters of Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey
Un habitación propia
Hogarth House diarios 1915-1921
Os três guinéus
Frauen und Literatur
A letter to a young poet
Smyčcový kvartet
Flush, historien om en cocker spaniel
Rishum shel he-Ź»avar
The moment
La camera di Giacobbe
Viajes y viajeros
La Mujer y el feminismo en la Argentina
The second Common reader ...
A cortina da Tia Bá
Momenti di essere
Noite e dia
A viagem
To The Lighthouse/London Scene, The
Der Tod des Falters
Reisen mit Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf calendar-diary 1983
Virginia Woolf to the Lighthouse Mrs. Dalloway/Cassette/Cdl 51105
Apna kamra
No Royalty A/C V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 3
מו×Ŗ העש
Le dé en or
Noite e dia
Pu tong du zhe
De golven
TÅ­ngdae ro
Ein verwunschenes Haus
Lappin und Lapinova
La camera di Giacobbe
La maison hantée
Marat Daloį¹æei
Det lutande tornet
[Mikhlol sipurim k'tzarim]
Virginia Woolf Prepack
La  sceĒ¹e londonienne
Scene di Londra
Between the acts
Das grosse Lesebuch
Phyllis und Rosamond
Lappin und Lapinova
Entre os atos
Stephen versus Gladstone
I racconti
Momenti di essere
Contemporary writers
Geheim Londen
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Victoria Woolf
The Listener
Entre os actos
The death of the moth, and other essays
Ellada Kai mais mazi
Virginia Woolf [by] Monique Nathan
Una casa encantada y otros relatos
Smyčcový kvartet
Pu tong du zhe
Shalosh giniŹ¾ot
Os três guinéus
Une prose passionée et autres essais
Faro, Al
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey: letters
Kew Gardens and other short stories =
Libri e scrittori
El viejo Bloomsbury y otros ensayos
Virginia Woolf "The Hours"
Women and writing
Noche y dia
Kew Gardens (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Die Erzählungen
Det lutande tornet
The mark on the Wall (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Die ErzaĢˆhlungen und Flush
A moment's liberty
Widoki Londynu
Chun jing zhi quan
Der schiefe Turm
A festa de Mrs Dalloway
Virginia Woolf par elle-meĢ‚me
Contemporary writers
Lun hsiao shuo yuĢˆ hsiao shuo chia
The Hogarth essays
Relatos Completos - Woolf -
Olas, Las
Mezi akty
Yi jian zi ji de wu zi
The Shakespeare Head Press edition of Virginia Woolf
A writer's diary being extracts from the diary of Virginia Woolf
Los años
Wezenlijke momenten
Per le strade di Londra
The captain's death bed, and other essays
Saggi, prose, racconti
Phyllis und Rosamond
Missis Dėllouėĭ
Entre actos
Die Dame im Spiegel
Mrs. Dalloway
El ha-migdalor
Brev til en ung Digter
Der Tod des Falters
L' Oeuvre romanesque
Entre els actes
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monks House papers at the University of Sussex
The death of the moth, and other essays
Das Lesebuch
Lun hsiao shuo yuĢˆ hsiao shuo chia
Dao deng ta qu
Die Dame im Speigel
Selections from her essays
Entre actos
Uma casa assombrada
Noche y día
Der Suchscheinwerfer
Yi zhi jiao huo li de gou
Comp Shorter Fic of
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and to the Lighthouse
Blau & Grün
Lettre à un jeune poète
The death of the moth
to the light house
The moment
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia
Great Classic Library
Monday or Tuesday (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Lettre à un jeune poète
Gli anni
Momentos de vida
La torre inclinada y otros ensayos
Two Stories Written and Printed by Virginia Woolf and L.S. woolf (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
[Vājinia Wurufu Wakaki shijin e no tegami
Wezenlijke momenten
Contemporary writers
The sayings of Virginia Woolf
The moment
Essays and short stories of Virginia Woolf
Leggere, recensire
Granit und Regenbogen
A room of one's own, and other essays
Come si legge un libro?
Mot fyren
Woolf, Virginia Contemporary Writers
Dones i literatura
Entre os atos
A moment's liberty
Ben ha-maŹ»arakhot
La maison hantée
Le dé en or
Geheim Londen
Rêves de femmes
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

politician, autobiographer, lawyer, political activist, political prisoner

  • University of the Witwatersrand, University of Fort Hare
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Long Walk to Freedom
Nelson Mandela
In the words of Nelson Mandela
In his own words
Conversations with Myself
No Easy Walk to Freedom
Nelson Mandela speaks
Nelson Mandela, speeches 1990
The Struggle Is My Life
Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales
The Illustrated Long Walk to Freedom
Long Walk to Freedom
Habla Nelson Mandela
For Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales (Aesop Accolades (Awards))
One nation, one country (Statements)
Notes to the future
Cuba and Angola
Intensifiquemos la lucha
L' apartheid
A prisoner in the garden
Reader's Digest Great biographies in large type
A prisoner in the garden
Nelson Mandela
Let freedom reign
The prison letters of Nelson Mandela
QueĢ lejos hemos llegado los esclavos!
Un Long Chemin Vers La Liberte
Nelson Mandela, symbol of resistance and hope for a free South Africa
Nelson Mandela I Am Prepared to Die
Nelson Mandela: Intersifiguemos LA Lucha
The Mandela document
Favorite African Folktales
Speeches that Changed the World
46664 The Concert
Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years
Voices from Robben Island
I am prepared to die
Selected speeches and writings of Nelson Mandela
Azadi ki shahrah par
Address by President Nelson Mandela to the 49th ANC National Conference, 17 December 1994, Bloemfontein
Nelson Mandela's favorite African folktales
The essential Nelson Mandela
Eye of the Hurricane
Walk the last mile with us
L' Apartheid
Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales 2004 Wall Calendar
The Voice of Nelson Mandela
Housing Generator
The story of the Rugby World Cup, South Africa, 1995
Nelson Mandela speaks
A time to build
I have done my duty to my people and to South Africa
South and Southern Africa into the next century
We accuse
How Far We Slaves Have Come!
One nation, one country
The building has begun!
A better life for all
Renewal and renaissance
Long Walk to Freedom : 1962-1994
Invest in peace
Freedom, justice and dignity for all in South Africa
Violence and Health
A Mandela!
Madiba Buyusu
Un long chemin vers la liberté
A Mandela!
Prison Letters
El color de la libertad
Mis cuentos africanos
In the words of Nelson Mandela
Un gesto può cambiare il mondo
In the words of Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom : 1918-1962
Cartes des de la presó de Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom Part 1 of 2
Illus Long Walk Freedom Hb Bclub
Cartes des de la presó de Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom Part 2 of 2
Long Walk to Freedom Hb D/Bx12
L'apartheid (Documents)
Conversaciones conmigo mismo
In gesprek met mijzelf
Mis cuentos africanos
Pensêes Pour Moi-même
In gesprek met mijzelf
Nelson Mandela by himself
Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom B D/Bx36
Conversaciones conmigo mismo
Nelson Mandela
Long Walk Freedom B d/Bx27 Inc3Fr
Une minute peut changer le monde
Nelson Mandela addresses the Special Committee against Apartheid on his historic visit to the United Nations,22 June 1990
Nelson Mandela. Une vie en mots et en images
Pensées pour moi-même
Meine afrikanischen Lieblingsmarchen
Nelson Mandela addresses the Special Committee against Apartheid on his historic visit to the United Nations, 22 June 1990
Trial of Nelson Mandela
The prison letters of Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Mā burdagān tā bih kujā āmadahŹ¼Ä«m
Letters to Madiba
Rivonia sabotage trial, Oct. 1963-Sept. 1964
In the words of Nelson Mandela
Letters to Madiba
Freedom, justice and dignity for all in South Africa
Indlela ende eya enkululekweni
An irresistible vision
Freiheit ist ein Ideal
L'Année Mandela
Gehe deinen Weg in Freiheit
Statement of the National Executive Committee of the ANC on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of the African National Congress
Meine afrikanischen Lieblingsmärchen
Fighting on both sides of the law
A. N. Wilson
A. N. Wilson (born 1950)

historian, biographer, teacher

  • University of Oxford, Rugby School
Hearing voices
My name is Legion
A bottle in the smoke
Dream children
Daughters of Albion
Winnie and Wolf
A watch in the night
Love unknown
The rise and fall of the House of Windsor
Penfriends from Porlock
Scandal, or, Priscilla's kindness
The life of John Milton
C. S. Lewis
Our times
The Elizabethans
Hilaire Belloc
God's funeral:The Decline of Faith in Western Civilisation
Iris Murdoch, as I knew her
The Healing Art
After the Victorians
How can we know?
Hitler A Short Biography
The Tabitha stories
Incline our hearts
The Laird of Abbotsford
Gentlemen in England
Who Was Oswald Fish?
The vicar of sorrows
Wise virgin
The Victorians
Eminent Victorians
Dante in love
Unguarded hours
The Sweets of Pimlico
The Elizabethans
Essays by Divers Hands
My Name Is Legion AN Wilson
A life of Walter Scott
Hilaire Belloc, A Biography
Against religion
Incline our hearts
Incline Our Hearts
Gentlemen in England
Hazel the guinea pig
Dante in love
The Queen
The Faber book of church and clergy
Kindly light
The book of the people
More Of The World's Best Dirty Jokes
Carl S. Lewis - Biografia
The Elizabethans
The Faber book of church and clergy
Wise virgins
The Rise & Fall of Windsor
Paul-the Mind of the Apostle
The potter's hand
The Norton book of London
Hazel the guinea pig
The Lampitt papers
Our Times
Charles Darwin
Ink and Spirit
The rise and fall of the House of Windsor
A jealous ghost
Der Streuner