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poets who wrote horror
Showing 97-104 out of 279 results
Dennis Cooper
Dennis Cooper (born 1953)

poet, journalist, publisher, performance artist, critic, blogger, film director

  • Pasadena City College, Pitzer College
Horror hospital unplugged
My loose thread
The dream police
God Jr
The Sluts
Ugly Man
Guide (Cooper, Dennis)
My Loose Thread (Cooper, Dennis)
God Jr
All ears
The tenderness of the wolves
Coming attractions
The marbled swarm
Recent pasts
Smothered in hugs
He Cried
My Mark
The missing men
Full frontal fiction
Bill Henson
Ugly man
My Mark / Dennis Cooper
Graduate seminar
Against nature
Against Nature
Brian aka "Bear"
John Kessel
John Kessel (born 1950)


The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror - Eleventh Annual Collection
Good news from outer space
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Three
Real Unreal
The Pure Product
Digital Rapture
Corrupting Dr. Nice
Baum Plan for Financial Independence
Feeling very strange
The Moon and the Other
The 2011 Nebula Awards showcase
The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2021 Edition
Meeting in infinity
The Secret History of Science fictiom
The Baum plan for financial independence and other stories
Feeling Very Strange
L'Amour au temps des dinosaures
Good News from Outer Space
Volleyball Lampoon and Quote Collection
The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction 2
Volleyball Encyclopedia
Volleyball: From Signups to Service
The Moon and the Other
Pride and Prometheus
Volleyball's Basic Skills
El amor en tiempos de los dinosaurios
American apocalypse
El amor en tiempos de los dinosaurios
Enemy Mine - Another Orphan
Freedom Beach
Corrupting Dr Nice
Freedom Beach
Baum Plan for Financial Independence
Clarkesworld Issue 87
Presidential Papers
Pride and Prometheus
Clarkesworld Issue 124
The Dark Ride
Lune Et L Autre (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition)
Freedom Beach
Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)


The Evil Image
Great Conversations 2
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Goblin market
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
What is pink?
The complete poems of Christina Rossetti
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
Selected prose of Christina Rossetti
Goblin Market
Goblin market
Poems and prose
Reflected lights from "The face of the deep;"
The caterpillar
The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti
Time flies
Fly away, fly away over the sea
Doves and Pomegranates
The Letters of Christina Rossetti
Goblin market and other poems
Goblin Market
Doves and pomegranates
The skylark
Christina Rossetti
Selected Poems
Red Sky
Sing-song, a nursery rhyme book, and other poems for children
Speaking Likenesses
Christina Rossetti
Goblin Market: The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems
A choice of Christina Rossetti's verse
Sing-song ; Speaking likenesses ; Goblin market
Called to be saints
The family letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti
New poems by Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti
The face of the deep
Poems of Christina Rossetti
Pre-Raphaelite Poetry
Dante, the Poet Illustrated Out of the Poem
The face of the deep
Selected Poems (Everyman's Pocket Poets)
Called to be saints
Love poems
English Victorian Poetry
What is pink?
Goblin Market The Prince's Progress and Other Poems
The Skylark
A choice of Christina Rossetti's verse
The works of Christina Rossetti
The Complete Poems
Poems and Prose
The family letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti
Goblin market
Goblin Market
The family letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti
The poetical works of Christine Georgina Rossetti
Remember Me When I Am Gone Away (Inspirational)
Poems of Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti (Illustrated Poets)
Blooming Beneath the Sun
Goblin Market
Goblin Market
Christina Rossetti in Poetry and Prose
Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems
The letters of Christina Rossetti
Commonplace, a tale of to-day
The Poetical Works Of Christina Georgina Rossetti
Hurt no living thing
The family letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti
Seek and find
Selected poems
The poetical works of Christina Georgina Rossetti
The Prayers of Christina Rossetti
Goblin market
New poems
Letter and spirit
Marchnad y Corachod
Goblin Market, the Prince's Progress, And Other Poems
A pageant
Redeeming the time
Selections from the Pre-Raphaelites
New poems
A pageant and other poems
The poetical works
Christina Rossetti's A pageant and other poems
Goblin Market And Selected Poems
Poems of Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
Speaking likenesses
Selected poems of Christina G. Rossetti
For remembrance
Coblin Market
Sing-song, a nursery rhyme book for children
Commonplace (Hesperus Classics)
New poems by Christina Rossetti
What are heavy?
Commonplace, and other short stories
Sele cted poems of Christina Rossetti
Sing Song
The prince's progress, and other poems
Goblin market, the prince's progress and other poems, with four designs by D.G. Rossetti
Poems for children
Poetical works of Christina Rossetti
A choice of Christina Rossetti's verse
Goblin market
Prose works of Christina Rossetti
Poetical works of Christina Georgina Rossetti, with memoirs and notes
What Is Pink?
Poems (Rossetti)
Familiar correspondence
Verses reprinted from Called to be saints : Time flies : The face of the deep
Family Letters Of Christina Georgina Rosseti, The (BCL1-PR English Literature)
Christina Rosetti. Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Selected poems of Christina  G. Rossetti
New poems by Christina Rossetti, hitherto unpublished or uncollected
Verses by Christina G. Rossetti
Speaking likenesses
The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti (Rossetti, Christina Georgina//Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti)
Family Letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti, with Some Supplementary Letters & Appendices
The prince's progress and other poems
The poetical works of Christina G. Rossetti
The family letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti
The poetical works of Christina Georgina Rossetti
Poetical works
Monna innominata
Selected poems of Christina Rossetti
Apuleius (0124-0169)

philosopher, poet, rhetorician, physician

Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
The Fable Of Cupid And Psyche
Apulei Apologia sive pro se de magia liber
Cupid & Psyche & Other Tales from the Golden Ass of Apulcius
De philosophia libri
Metamorphoseon libri XI
The Isis-book
El Asno De Oro / The Donkey of Gold
Opera omnia
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée
The works of Apuleuis
L' asne d'or
The short stories of Apuleius
Cupid and Psyche, and Other Tales from the Golden Ass of Apuleius
The garland of flowers
Pro se de magia
Opera quae supersunt
Asno de Oro, El
El Asno De Oro
Apuleius' Metamorphoses
The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura
La fable de Psyché
Story of Cupid & Psyche;
Apologia Siue de Magia Liber
The Golden Ass
An Apuleius reader
Amour et Psyché
Amor und Psyche
Lucii Apulei Madaurensis Apologia sive De magia liber et Florida
Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England : Læce Boc
Apulei Opera quae supersunt
L'\Ane d'Or Ou les Metamorphoses
Metamorphoses books VI, 25-32 and VII
Golden Ass
Apuleii opera omnia
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. I
Zlatni magarac
L'Ane d'or ou Les métamorphoses
Apologia. Florida. De Deo Socratis (Loeb Classical Library)
Eros and Psyche
Opuscules philosophiques
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. II, fasc. 2
Apuleo volgare tradotto
Opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Julianus Floridus ... jussu christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini
Opera Quae Supersunt, vol. II, fasc. I
Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Opuscules philosophiques (Du dieu de Socrate, Platon et sa doctrine, Du monde) et fragments
Cupid and Psyche
The Fable of Cupid and Psyche
Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses BooksVI, 25-32 and VII
Psyche und Eros
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. III
Apvleio dell'asino d'oro
La favola di amore e psiche
Qvae in toto opere continentvr. L. Apuleij Madaurensis
Apuleii Madavrensis opera omnia qvae exstant
À Propos du Dieu de Socrate
An Apuleius reader
Favola Di Amore e Psiche
Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Metamorphoses books IV 28-35, V and VI 1-24
Metamorphosis, or, The Golden Ass
Apologia Sive Pro Se de Magia Liber
L. Apulei Opera omnia
Eros e Psiqu - SŽrie Espelhos
Apuleii Metamorphoseon Libri Undecim
Amor și Psyche
Du démon Ou Esprit Familier de Socrate...
Gli XI libri delle metamorfosi
Quae praesenti enchiridio contineantur. L. Apuleii de asino aureo libelli. XI
Apuleius cum commento Beroaldi
Asno de Oro...
Les metamorphoses, ov L'asne d'or
L'âne d'or Ou les Métamorphoses
Amor i Psyche
Metamorfosi [di] Apuleio
El Asno de oro
Fable de Psyche, Figures de Raphael
Apuleii Madaurensis Opera Omnia quae exstant
Gli XI libri delle Metamorfosi / Apuleio ; traduzione di Ferdinando Carlesi ; testo critico riveduto da Nicola Terzaghi
The birth of pleasure
The most pleasant and delectable tale of the marriage of Cupid andPsyche
L'asino d'oro
Métamorphoses Ou l'Ane D'or
Five Works by Apuleius : Apologia, de Deo Socratis, de Dogmate Platonis, Florida,
L'asne d'or, ov Les Metamorphoses de Lvce Apvlee philosophe platonique
Metamorfosis el Asno de Oro
Accipe candidissime lecto[r] philippi Beroaldi viri doctissimi in asinum aureũ. L. Apulei ex Archetypo redimpressa (Arte singulariq[ue] in imprimendis libris industria: honesti uiri Magistri Ioannis Philippi) commentaria ...
L. Apulei Madaurensis floridorum
Daphnis und Chloe / Amor und Psyche
El asno de oro [por] Apuleyo
Apuleius'[peri ermēneiōn]
The transformations of Lucius
Apulei Opera Quae Supersunt ...
Cupid and Psyche and Other Tales from the Golden Ass
Asinus aureus
Les Métamorphoses (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
On the God of Socrates
Story of Cupid & Psyche
Opera Omnia Ex Fide Optimorum Codicum Aut Primum Aut Denuo Collatorum
The god of Socrates
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis Opera quae supersunt
The Isis-Book - Metamorphoses (Etudes Preliminaires Aux Religions Orientales Dans L'empire Romain , No 11)
Asino d'oro (da Apuleio)
Metamorfozy albo Złoty Osioł
Appuleii opera omnia
ASINO d'ORO Volgarizzato Da Agnolo Firenzola la NOVELLA DELLO STERNUTO Tradotta Da Matteo Boiardo
Ḥamor ha-zahav
Apulée: Métamorphoses, livre XI
asino D'oro
Golden Asse
Asno de ouro o-apuleio
L. Apvleii Madavrensis philosophi Platonici Metamorphoseos
L'Ane d'or (d'après les Métamorphoses)
Du Monde
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue Lusus asini libri XI
Ad Apule: Metamorphoseon librium primum (et secundum)
L'âne D'or
Qvae in toto opere continentvr
Lucii Apulei Metamorphoseen Libri XI
Amor und Psyche; Märchen Von Apulejus. Übertragen Von Eduard Norden, Mit Buchschmuck Von Walter Tiemann
Gli 11 [i.e. undici] libri delle Metamorfosi
Opera Omnia ex fide optimorum codicum aut primum aut denuo collatorum
Opera Quae Supersunt
Die Geschichte Von Dem Mann Im Faß
Cupid and Psyche and other tales from the Golden ass of Apuleius
L. Apuleii metamorphoseos
Platon und seine Lehre
Über die Magie
Istorii vechnoĭ li͡ubvi
Golden Asse of Lucius Apuleius;
Asino D'Oro
Pro se de magia liber (Apologia)
Lucii Apuleii ... Metamorphoseos liber ac nonnulla alia opuscula eiusdem, necnon epitoma Alcinoi in disciplinarum Platonis
Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses
Eros y Psique
Apvlei Apologia
Amour et Psyché
Opera Omnia
Apvleivs Madavrensis Platonicus, serio castigatus
Apvlei Madavrensis platonici Opera omnia qvae exstant
De la Doctrine de Platon
Les Métamorphoses ou l'Ane d'or d'Apulée, avec le Démon de Socrate, avec des remarques. Volume 1
La Metamorfosis O El Asno de Oro
Métamorphoses Ou l'Âne D'or
Amore e Psiche
La metamorfosis
Pétrone, Apulée, Aulu-Gelle
Scipionis Gentilis...
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis de Deo Socratis Liber
The Isis-book (metamorphoses, Book Xi)
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée
Opuscules philosophiques . Fragments (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
Goldene Esel
L. Apuleii Madaurensis philosophi Platonici Opera quae quidem extant omnia
Pro se de magia (Apologia)
Lut︠s︡īi︠a︡ Apulei︠a︡ platonicheskoĭ sekty filosofa Prevrashchenīe, ili, Zolotoĭ osel
De Platone et eius dogmate
De Cupidinis et Psyches amoribus fabula anilis
Las metamorfosis, o, El asno de oro
Sul dio di Socrate [di] Apuleio
Opera Omnia
ane D'or
Apologia, o, Discurso sobre la magia en defensa propia
Les Métamorphoses (Collection Des Universites de France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
Baskalasimlar-Altin Esek
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis
Metamorphoses book IV, 1-27
L'asino d'oro di Lvcio Apvleio filosofo platonico
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue Lusus asini libri XI. Floridoru[m] IIII. ; De Deo Socratis I. ; De Philosophia I. ; Asclepius Trismegisti Dialogus eode[m] Apuleio i[n]terprete. Eiusdem Apuleij liber de Dogmatis Platonicis. Eiusde[m] liber de Mundo, que[m] magna ex parte ex lib. Aristotelis eiusde[m] argumenti in latinum traduxit. hic sane liber mutilatus ante nostram impressionem circunferebatur. eum nos fidem antiquisimi codicis secuti, restituimus. multos aut, & quide[m] insigneis errores commisit Apulieus in uertendo hoc libro, quos omneis indicauit Petrus Alcyonius graeca, & latina literatura praestantissimus, & philosophus clarissimus cum librum illum latinitate donaret. Apologiae II. Isagogicus liber Platonicae philosophiae per Alcinou[m] philosophum, graece impressus. nam maluimus hunc graecum imprimere, quam[quam] latinum. cum ineptae tralatione cuiusdam Episcopi Tropiensis barbarus esset..
Zolotoĭ osel
Las Metamorfósis de Apuléo; Volume 1
Lvcii Apvlei Madavrensis Apologia, Sive de Magia Liber et Florida
Altin Esek
Metamorphosen - Asinus Aureus - Apuleius
L.Apvlei Madavrenis opera omnia qvae exstant. E quibus post vltiman P. Colvii editionem
De philosophia libri
Apulee, Les Metamorphoses: Livres VII-XI: 3 (Collection Des Universites De France) (French and Latin Edition)
Lucii Apuleii Madaurensis Platonici philosophi opera
Les metamorphoses
Apologie - Florides
[Set Verwandlungsgeschichten, 2 Bände, Tusculum]
Über Die Welt
Amor und Psyche
Apvleii Madavrensis opera omnia qvæ exstant
Z El asno de oro
El asno de oro
Asinus aureus
Psiché et L'Amour, extrait des Métamorphoses d'Apulée, Philosophe...
L. Apuleii Opera omnia
Opera omnia quae exstant
Il filosofo e la città
Opera.  Interpretatione et notis illustravit
The Apologia and Florida
The Isis-book (Metamorphoses, book XI)
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée, traduites en français par Victor Bétolaud
Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI
Operae quae supersunt
Les métamorphoses /ctexte établi par D.S. Robertson et traduit par Paul Vallette
L' interpretazione
Apulei Metamorphoseon
Opera Omnia
Apulei Opera quae supersunt
De deo Socratis = Der Schutzgeist des Sokrates
Apulée, conteur fantastique
De deo Socratis =
Lucii Apuleii Madaurensis platonici philosophi opera
Oeuvres comple tes d'Apule e traduites en franc ʹais par Victor Be tolaud ...
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue lusus asini libri XI. Floridoru[m] III.  De deo Socratis I.  De philosophia I. Asclepius Trismegisti dialogus eode[m] Apuleio i[n]terprete.  Eiusdem Apuleii liber de dogmatis platonicis ..
The Apologia and Florida. Tr. By H.E. Butler
De Deo Socratis liber
O chrysos gaidaros, ē, oi Metamorphōseis
Metamorphoseis (4, 28 - 6, 24) Apulée, Métamorphoses (Le conte d'Amour et Psyché) Édition
Apvleivs Madavrensis Platonicus serio castigatus
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis Opera quae supersunt
Das Herbarium Apuleii : nach einer fr©ơh-mittelenglischen fassung
L' asino d'oro
Metamorphoseon libri 11
L' asinu d'oru, traduzione di Matteu Rocca
ApuleI Madaurensis Platonici Opera omnia quae exstant
Lucii Apuleji Madaurensis Platonici philosophi Opera
Apuleius Madaurensis Platonicus serio castigatus
Apuleii Metamorphoseon libri XI
Apvlie Apologia sive Pro se de magia liber
Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

politician, playwright, poet, journalist, editor, librettist, correspondent, essayist

  • University of Oxford, Charterhouse School
A study of the short story
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall
Essays in criticism and literary theory
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley
The evidences of the Christian religion
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The free-holder
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
The thoughts of a Tory author, concerning the press
The Spectator
Essays and Tales
Essays of Joseph Addison
Selections from the "Spectator"
Sir Roger de Coverley
The Free-holder, Or, Political Essays: Or Political Essays
The evidences of the Christian religion. To which are added, several discourses against atheism ..
Miscellaneous works
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years, 1701, 1702, 1703
Criticisms on Paradise Lost
The campaign: a poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough
Charles the Third of Spain
The miscellaneous works of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
The works of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison
Miscellaneous works in verse and prose
The works of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
The Evidences of the Christian Religion
Days with Sir Roger de Coverly
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Spectator
The Spectator; selected essays.  With an introd. and notes.  By Alex. Charles Ewald
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison
Criticisms on Paradise lost
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Spectator [by Addison and others]
The Evidences of the Christian Religion: With Additional Discourses on the ..
Essays and Tales
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals
Select essays of Addison
Addison and Steele
The Miscellaneous works in verse and prose, of the right honourable Joseph Addision
The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison: In Four Volumes
The Free-holder, Or, Political Essays
The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; in ..
Evidences of Christianity
The Spectator [by Addison and others]
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Essays and tales
Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator of Steele and Addison
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Addison, Steele, Budgell
The De Coverley papers
The Spectator. v. 1-5
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
A discourse on ancient and modern learning
Eighteenth Century Plays
The drummer
The Spectator
Charles the Third of Spain
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's club by Richard Steele & Joseph Addison
Charles the Third of Spain
Selected Essays of Joseph Addison
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Essays of Joseph Addison
Miscellaneous works
Essays and tales
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Guardian, with Notes, and General Indexes: Complete in One Volume
Addison and Steele
Miscellaneous works
The Spectator Vol. Two
Critical essays from the 'Spectator'
Criticisms on Paradise lost
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley, from The spectator
The commerce of everyday life
The spectator
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
The drummer
Select essays, together with Macaulay's essay on Addison's life and writings
The poetical works
Selections from the Tatler
The guardian
The Spectator Volume 2
Evidences of the Christian Religion with Additional Discourses on the Being and Attributes of God and the Other Important Doctrines of Natural and Revealed Religion
The Spectator
Addison. Criticisms on Paradise lost
Selections from papers contributed to the Spectator
Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays And Poetical Fragments, Tending To Amuse The Fancy And Inculcate Morality
The Spectator
The Spectator -  Vol II
Days with Sir Roger de Coverly
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V5
Selections from Addison's papers in the Spectator
The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay\'s Fables; and Somerville\'s Chase
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late right honorable Joseph Addison, esq
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V1
Works, including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's edition
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V6
The Addisonian miscellany
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 2
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Coverley Papers from the Spectator
The poetical works of ... Joseph Addison: With a life of the author
Essays of Joseph Addison
Charles the Third of Spain
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V3
Criticism on Milton
The Spectator
The works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq;...
The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Spectator
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V4
The Spectator
Essays of Joseph Addison
The works, including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's ed
The Spectator: With a Biographical and Critical Preface, and Explanatory Notes ...
Some portions of essays contributed to the Spectator
The letters of Joseph Addison
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost
Caton en Utica
The Works Of Joseph Addison V3
Miscellaneous works
The spectator
Addison's hymn
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals, London 1726
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V2
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 1
Works, with notes by Richard Hurd
Selections from the writings of Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
Cato, a tragedy in five acts
The Spectator
The Spectator
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost
The poetical works of Joseph Addison. Gay's Fables. and Somerville's Chase
Essays of Joseph Addison
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator, ed. by T. Arnold
The Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison
History, opinions, and lucubrations, of Isaac Bickerstaff, esq
Criticism on Milton's Paradise Lost, from the Spectator, 1711-12
Cato a Tragedy in Five Acts
The free-holder, or, Political essays
Sir Roger de Coverly: Essays from the Spectator
The evidences of the Christian religion
The campaign: a poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough
The Spectator Volume One
The Spectator
The Spectator
Critique on Paradise Lost
De Coverly Papers
Le spectateur, ou le Socrate moderne, où l'on voit un portrait naïf des moeurs de ce siècle: ou ...
Le spectateur, ou le Socrate moderne, où l'on voit un portrait naïf des moeurs de ce siècle: ou ...
The spectator
Addison's criticism on 'Paradise lost', with notes
The late tryal and conviction of Count Tariff
Joseph Addison and Richard Steele
The vision of Mirzah
The Sir Roger De Coverly Papers from the Spectator, London
The Spectator
Criticism on Milton
The Spectator
The Spectator
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
The Spectator. v. 1-5
Criticisms on Milton
The Spectator
The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq: Revised and Corrected
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose...
A dream of the painters
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator
The Spectator - Volume 2
The Spectator in four volumes
Goldsmith's Deserted village, Cowper's Task (Book III, The garden), and the De Coverley papers (from the Spectator)
The drummer, or, The haunted-house: a comedy
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Maxims, observations, and reflections, moral,  political, and divine
Sir Roger de Coverley: Consisting of the Papers Relating to Sir Roger which Were Originally ...
Musarum anglicanarum analecta: sive Poemata quædam melioris notæe, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita ...
Il tamburo
Coverley Papers from the Spectator
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverly Papers.
Miscellanies in verse and prose
The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians
Addison's hymn
The Spectator ...
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost From 'The Spectator' 31 December, 1711- 3 May, 1712 ...
Sir Roger de Coverly: Or, the Merry Christmas. A Dramatic Entertainment of ...
An Essay upon Milton's imitations of the ancients in his 'Paradise lost'; with some observations on the 'Paradise regained'
The beauties of the Spectator, Tatler and Guardian
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise lost
Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The Christian poet
The Town Talk: The Fish Pool, the Plebeian, the Old Whig, the Spinster, &c.
The Tatler and The Guardian
Addison: Selections from Addison's Papers Contributed to the Spectator
The dramatick works of Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Works Of The Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Volume 6
The Town Talk: The Fish Pool, the Plebeian, the Old Whig, the Spinster, &c.
Sir Roger De Coverley and Other Essays from the Spectator
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
A dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
A poem to His Majesty, presented to the lord keeper
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. In four volumes
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost, from 'The spectator.' 31 December, 1711-3 May, 1712
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Tatler and Guardian
Narrative and descriptive essays
Sir Roger de Coverley: Essays from the "Spectator."
Deserted Village, the Task, and Sir Roger de Coverley [microform]
The Guardian
Days With Sir Roger de Coverley
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
The letters of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The Spectator
English Humorists of the Eighteenth (18th) Century
The mind of the Spectator under the editorship of Addison & Steele
Sir Roger de Coverley, Essays from the Spectator: Essays from the Spectator
The Guardian
The Addisonian miscellany
The Spectator: With Notes and a General Index
The letters of Joseph Addison
The Poetical Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Poems on several occasions
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The Spectator, with illustrative notes
The Spectator
The present state of the war, and the necessity of an augmentation, consider'd
The Spectator
Der Getreue Hofmeister, sorgfältige Vormund und neue Mentor, oder, Einige Discurse über die Sitten der gegenwärtigen Zeit
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
Selections from Addison and Steele
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
The Guardian
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
Selections from Addison and Steele
De Coverley papaers
Addison: Selections from Addison's Papers Contributed to the Spectator
Selections from the works of Joseph Addison
Catón en Utica
The Spectator
The Spectator; Essays Joseph Addison and Richard With an Introd, and Notes By John Morrison (Classic Reprint)
Sir Roger de Coverley, essays from the Spectator
The guardian ...
The Spectator
The late tryal and conviction of Count Tariff
A letter from Italy
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator
Selections from Joseph Addison
Remarks on several parts of Italy in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
An essay by Joseph Addison, The trial of the wine-brewers
The evidences of the Christian religion ...
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose
Addison's essays from the 'Spectator'
Days with Roger de Coverley
An essay
Spectator Papers
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The campaign
Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Notes upon the twelve books of Milton's Paradise lost
Coverley papers
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The works
An essay on friendship
Il Catone
The poems of Addison and John Philips
The Spectator. ...
The political creed of a Tory-malecontent
The Spectator in London
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley, and other essays from the Spectator [by] Joseph Addison [and] Richard Steele
The drummer, or, The haunted house
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, esq
Coverly Papers from the Spectator
The miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
A discourse on ancient and modern learning. By the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; First published from an original manuscript of Mr. Addison's, prepared and corrected by himself
Essays. Chosen and edited by John Richard Green
Free-holder Or Political Essays (The Works Of Joseph Addison)
The old Whig. Numb. I
Reasons offer'd against the continuance of the Bank
The Spectator ...
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
The free-holder, or, Political essays
A Familiar explanation of the poetical works of Milton
The evidences of the Christian religion
A letter from Italy
Musarum Anglicanarum analecta, sive, Poemata quaedam melioris notae, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita
Domestic happiness portrayed, or, A repository for those who are and those who are not married
Essays on Joseph Addison
The letters
The vision of Marraton
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The drummer, or, The haunted house
Essays of Joseph Addison
To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his picture of the King
Selected Essays from the Tatler, the Spectator and the Guardian
Of the Christian religion. By Joseph Addison, Esq
Poetical works, with the life of the author
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley, from The spectator
The Spectator
The Tatler, and the Guardian
Criticism on Paradise Lost
Tom Folio
Caton d'Utique
The Spectator
The campaign
The beauties of Addison
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Le Spectateur
The papers of Joseph Addison, Esq. in the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, and Freeholder. Together with his treatise on the Christian religion. To which are prefixed Tickell's life of the author, and extracts from Dr. Johnson's remarks ... In four volumes. ..
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
The select Spectator; or, A selection of moral and religious papers from the Spectator
The vision of Mirzah
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 1
The Coverley papers from the 'Spectator'
An essay by Joseph Addison
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
The Free-holder
The dramatick works of Joseph Addison
The Christian poet
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverley, and other essays from the Spectator
Selections from the Spectator
The Tatler
The works of Joseph Addison
Poems on several occasions
The Works of Joseph Addison
Three setts of medals illustrated by the ancient poets in the foregoing dialogues
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
Miscellanies, in verse and prose
Oratio. Nova philosophia veteri præferenda est
Diálogos sobre la utilidad de las medallas antiguas, principalmente por la conexîon que tienen con los poetas griegos y latinos
Addison and Steele, selections from the Tatler and the Spectator
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years 1701, 1702, 1703: By Joseph Addison, Esq
The present state of the war, and the necessity of an augmentation, consider'd
Expeditio militaris Addisoniana, poema, Duci de Malborough inscriptum. Latinè reddidit, T.G
The spectator
The dramatic works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. Containing, Cato. ... Rosamond. ... The drummer: ... Now first collected into one volume
The drummer; or, The haunted house
Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise Lost
To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, with the tragedy of Cato, Nov. 1714. To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his picture of the King
A letter from Italy to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Halifax, 1701
The Tatler
Musarum anglicanarum analecta: sive Poemata quædam melioris notæe, seu hactenus inedita, seu ..
Tragedy of Cato
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals, especially in relation to the Latin and Greek poets
A Select Collection of the Psalms of David
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late right honorable Joseph Addison, esq, in three volumes
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c
A discourse on antient and modern learning
The Tatler
The vision of Mirza
The Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverly and other essays
Sir Roger de Coverly and other essays from the Spectator
The poems of Joseph Addison
The Guardian
The evidences of the Christian religion
Maxims, observations and reflections
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The poetical works of the right honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Interesting anecdotes, memoirs, allegories, essays, and poetical fragments
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq
The works of Joseph Addison
The Resurrection
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison; including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's edition, with letters and other pieces not found in any previous collection
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The essays of Addison
Sir Roger de Coverly
The campaign, a poem, to ... the Duke of Marlborough
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Everlasting club
Spectator papers
Mr. Addison's fine ode to Dr. Thomas Burnet, on his sacred theory of the earth
The campaign
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 ...
Sir Roger de Coverley
Joan Lindsay
Joan Lindsay (1896-1984)

poet, painter, playwright, essayist, artist

  • National Gallery of Victoria Art School
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Time without clocks
Piknik pod wiszącą skałą
Secret of Hanging Rock
Secret of Hanging Rock
Ladislav Klíma
Ladislav Klíma (1878-1928)

poet, philosopher, playwright

The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch
Glorious Nemesis
The sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch
Mezi skutecnosti a snem
Záznamy extatikovy
Oeuvres completes - le grand roman t.4
Tout, oeuvres complètes, tome 1
Filosofické listy
Traités et diktats
Vteřiny věčnosti
O Solovjevově etice
Podivné příběhy
Sebrane spisy
Měj odvahu k sobě
Utrpení knížete sternenhocha
Slavná Nemesis
Svět jako vědomí a nic
Mezi skutečností a snem
Svět jako vědomí a nic
Cierpienia księcia Sternenhocha
Victoria aeterna
Boj o vše
Vteřiny věčnosti
Sus triumfans
Velký román, tzv., Ladislava Klímy
Duchovní přátelství
Podivné příběhy
Edgar a Eura ; Vlastní životopis
Husité a jiné prózy
Jsem absolutní vůle
Putování slepého hada za pravdou
Les souffrances du prince Sternenhoch
Selen a jinée fragmenty z pozůstalosti
Lidská tragikomedie
Lidská tragikomedie
Traktáty a diktáty
Filosof z předměstí
Dopisy I
Sebrané spisy
Velký roman
Vteřiny věčnosti
Česky román
Arta a jiné příběhy
Slavná Nemesis
Sebrané spisy
Traktáty a diktáty
Alfred Noyes
Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)

poet, playwright

  • University of Oxford
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Sightlines 9
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Bronze Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Bronze
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Reader's Companion--Bronze Level
The highwayman
Collected poems
Tales of the Mermaid Tavern
The torch-bearers
The wine-press
The magic casement
William Morris
Watchers of the Sky
Forty Singing Seamen
Drake, an English epic, books I-XII
The unknown God
The Highwayman (Visions in Poetry)
The avenue of the allies and Victory
Open boats
...The last voyage
Beyond the desert
A Belgian Christmas eve
The minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The edge of the abyss
Prentice Hall Literature--Sample Selections--Bronze
The lord of misrule
Two worlds for memory
A poet's anthology of poems
Mystery ships
Poems of the new world
What is England doing?
A salute from the fleet
Orchard's bay
A Belgian Christmas eve, being "Rada" rewitten and enlarged as an episode of the great war
Walking shadows
The secret of Pooduck Island
A letter to Lucian, and other poems
The opalescent parrot
The New morning
No other man
The Golden Hynde
Daddy fell into the pond, and other poems for children
Le sort du sous-marin allemand
...The book of earth
Sherwood; or, Robin Hood and the three kings
Forty singing seamen
The secret of Pooduck Island
Portrait of Horace
A Book of Princeton Verse 1916
A tale of old Japan
Pageant of Letters
The Enchanted Island
The flower of old Japan
Pageant of letters
The secret of Pooduck Island
The poems of Alfred Noyes
If judgement comes
Shadows on the down and other poems
The Wine Press a Tale of War
Collected poems in one volume
The secret of Pooduck island
The loom of years
Nine selections from Alfred Noyes
The elfin artist and other poems
The Golden hynde, and other poems
Some aspects of modern poetry
The Magic Casement - An Anthology of Fairy Poetry
Selected verse
If judgment comes
Shadows on the down and other poems
The enchanted island, and other poems
The golden book of Catholic poetry
Shadows on the down
Collected Poems of Alfred Noyes
Robin Hood
The Forest of Wild Thyme: A Tale for Children Under Ninety
The accusing ghost of Roger Casement
Walking shadows
The New Morning, and Rada
Drake, an English epic
New essays and American impressions
Drake, an English epic, books 1-12
The devil takes a holiday
The forest of wild thyme
Open boats
Dick Turpin's ride
The return of the scare-crow
The edge of the abyss
The Lord Of Misrule And Other Poems
Ballads and poems
Youth and memory
IF judgment Comes Collected poems
The hidden player
A book of Princeton verse, 1916
The accusing ghost, or, Justice for Casement
The flower of old Japan, and other poems
Collected Poems of Alfred Noyes V1
Walking shadows
Songs of shadow-of-a-leafand other poems
The edge of the abyss
The torch-bearers
The avenue of the allies and Victory
Collected poems
The avenue of the allies and Victory
A salute from the fleet and other poems
Some aspects of modern poetry
The wine press
Alfred Noyes
The magic casement
A salute from the Fleet, and other poems
Songs of Shadow-of-a-leaf and other poems
The wine press
Some aspects of modern poetry
The flower of old Japan
The unknown God
The incompleat gardener
Collected poems by Alfred Noyes
The opulescent parrot
Pageant of letters
Selected verse including A victory dance and other poems old and new
The return of the scare-crow
The golden book of Catholic poetry
Collected poems
The torch-bearers ...
Le sort du sous-marin allemand
The strong city
The new morning
The elfin artists and other poems
The prayer for peace
Open boats
The wine press
Mystery ships
The wine press
The last voyage
The strong city
The sun cure
The accusing ghost
The last man
The avenue of the allies and Victory
Dick Turpin's ride, and other poems
Open boats
The avenue of the allies and Victory
The golden hynde, and other poems
The torch-bearers
The New morning
The unknown God
Two Christmas poems
Mystery ship (trapping the "U" boat)
Selected verse including A victory dance and other poems old and new
The carol of the fir tree