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journalists who wrote horror
Showing 97-104 out of 318 results
Lisa Tuttle
Lisa Tuttle (born 1952)


  • Syracuse University, The Kinkaid School
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
The Vampire Archives
Dark Forces
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2014
Bad Seeds
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy And Horror 2012
Alien Sex
My Pathology
Night visions
Skin of the soul
Songs of love & death
Angela's Rainbow
Down these strange streets
Isaac Asimov's aliens & outworlders
Shadows 4
Spaceship Built of Stone and Other Stories
Windhaven - The Graphic Novel
The pillow friend
Postscripts #10 - World Horror Convention Special Edition [hc] (Issue 10)
New Voices II
New voices in science fiction
The mysteries
Crossing the Border
A Nest of Nightmares
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1980
Riding the Nightmare
The Future is Female 2!
Skin of the Soul
The silver bough
Mummy! a Tale of the Twenty-Second Century
Best New Horror #28 [Trade Paperback]
Mad House
Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction (Writing Handbooks S.)
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction
Dead Hours of Night (Monster, She Wrote)
A Nest of Nightmares (Paperbacks from Hell)
Familiar Spirit
Encyclopaedia of Feminism
Memories of the body
Mark Harrison's dreamlands
Familiar Spirit (Paperbacks from Hell)
The Panther in Argyll
The Somnambulist and the Psychic Thief: Jesperson and Lane Book I
SF International 1
Lots of love
The Witch at Wayside Cross: Jesperson and Lane Book II
The Witch at Wayside Cross: Jesperson and Lane Book II
Futuros perdidos
Nido de pesadillas
Ghosts & Other Lovers
The Somnambulist and the Psychic Thief: Jesperson and Lane Book I
Dreamtime Bk 6
My Death
You'll Know When You Get There
Postcolonial Karma
The Valancourt Book of Horror Stories, volume 4
Love On-line (Contents)
A Nest of Nightmares
Stranger in the House
Ein Netz aus Angst
A Nest of Nightmares
The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief
Lost Futures
Death to life
Halloween Carnival Volume 5
Snake Inside
My Death
Memories of the Body
Barcelona Tales
Ainsi naissent les fantômes
Ghosts & Other Lovers
Curious Affair of the Missing Mummies
Non solo con il rasoio
Familiar spirit
Lost futures
Lost futures
Songs of Love and Darkness
Le nid
Familar Spirit
Cyril M. Kornbluth
Cyril M. Kornbluth (1923-1958)


  • University of Chicago, City College of New York
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
One Hundred
Great Science Fiction About Doctors
Great Tales of Horror & the Supernatural
Weird Vampire Tales
Children of the night
The best horror stories
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
The Space Merchants
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two A
Science Fiction of the forties
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
Fifty short science fiction tales
The Arbor House treasury of modern science fiction
Science Fiction Gems
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories #20 (1958)
The Syndic
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 19 (1957)
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three
Assignment in Tomorrow
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
Gunner Cade
The 11th Science Fiction MEGAPACK®: 36 Modern and Classic Science Fiction Stories
Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #2
Star of Stars
A mile beyond the moon
Laughing Space
His share of glory
100 Hilarious Little Howlers
Faszination der Science Fiction
Isaac Asimov presents the golden age of science fiction. Sixth Series
Hitler victorious
Search the Sky
Science Fiction. The Great Years
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 23 (1961)
My Favorite Science Fiction Story
Presidential year
Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction #13 (1951)
Before the Universe
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 3 (1941)
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 11 (1949)
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Second Series
The Hugo Winners. Volume 3, Book 2
Cosmic Stories, March 1941
Marriage and the Family Through Science Fiction
Masters of Fantasy
Galaxy Science Fiction
The best of C. M. Kornbluth
No Room for Man
The marching morons
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 12 (1950)
Space Science Fiction Super Pack
Not this August
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eighth  Series
Thirteen o'clock and other zero hours
Critical Judgment
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 14 (1952)
Wonder Effect
The explorers
A Treasury of modern fantasy
The Marching Morons
Our Best
Vanguard Science Fiction, June 1958
Wolfbane & Three Against the Roum
Galaxy Science Fiction, July 1951 Conclusion of MARS CHILD (Volume 2, No. 4)
Eight Worlds of CM Kornbluth
Worlds to Come
Spaced Out: Three Novels of Tomorrow (Nesfa's Choice)
Town Is Drowning
Best SF stories of C.M. Kornbluth
Venus, Inc
Mars Child
Search the Sky
Mercaderes del Espacio
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, The Novellas. Book 3
The Eighth Galaxy Reader
Our Best
Here Today... Gone Tomorrow
Histoires de Voyages dans le Temps(La grande anthologie de la Science-Fiction)
SYNDIC (Annotated)
With These Hands
LibriVox Short Story Collection 091
Marching Morons (Annotated)
Not This August
A Mile Beyond the Moon
Der Gedankenwurm
Worlds Within & The Slave
Heureux les humbles- le moindre des fléaux- Kornbluth
Altar at Midnight
Christmas Eve
Space Mail
Eine Handvoll Venus Und Ehrbare Kaufleute Science Fiction Roman
Hukuk Gladyatörü
Marching Morons (Illustrated)
Marching Morons
Takeoff (Doubleday science fiction)
Zeʼev zeʼev
Cosmic Expense Account
The Naked Storm & The Man Outside
Marching Morons
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Two (1973)
With These Hands
The Marching Morons
The Adventurer
The Altar at Midnight
4 Science Fiction Stories (Adventurer / Altar at Midnight / Marching Morons / With These Hands)
Yet more Penguin science fiction
The Luckiest Man in Denv
Jan Neruda
Jan Neruda (1834-1891)

poet, journalist, translator, critic, theatre critic, dramaturge, playwright, literary critic

The Vampire Archives
The Dracula Book of Great Vampire Stories
Povídky malostranské
Sebrané spisy
Prosté motivy
"Báby" i "baby"
Jak se časopisy dělají
Z listáře Jana Nerudy
Domov a svět
Poetické besedy
Les contes de Mala Strana
Díla bśasnická
Kritické spisy Jana Nerudy
Ballady a romance
Tales of the Little Quarter
Obrazy ze života
Pro české divadlo ; Divadelní táčky
Tři králové
Ve Ivi stope
Válečný rok 1866
Geschichten aus dem alten Prag
Pov©Øidky malostransk©♭
Povídky malostranské
Prazšké obrázky
Prague Tales (Central European Classics) (Central European Classics)
O sobě, o jiných
Listy Jana Nerudy Terezii Marii Macháčkové, 1864-1865
Pražské obrázky
Malostranský feuilleton
"Báby" i "baby"
Vším jsem byl rád!
Obrázky z domova i ciziny
Knihy veršů od Jana Nerudy
Sebrane□ spisy
Písně kosmické
Romance o Karlu IV
Vapno z pylu motyluv
O umění
Písne kosmické
Mala Strana stories
Balady a romance ; Zpěvy páteční
České divadlo
Tri povídky malostranské
Studie vážné i humoristicke
Proti srsti
Otci, matičce, Anně
Neruda v dopisech
Studie vážné i humoristické
Aforismy a dodatky
Romance štědrovečerní
Janu Nerudovi
Čtyři knihy básní
Cuentos de la malá strana
Loretánské zvonky a jiné básně
Nový pán sveta
Různí lidé
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Balady a romance
Obrazy života chudých a utiskovaných
Domov a svět
Freitags-Gesänge und andere Gedichte
Zelená hvězdo v zenitu
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Kniha veršů Jana Nerudy
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Binokl na očích, v ruce hůl
Obrazy z ciziny
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Básně Jana Nerudy
Žerty, hravé i dravé
Kam s ním?
Povídky malostranské
Malostranské povídky
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Jen dál!
O Slezsku
Básnické spisy
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Drobné klepy
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Výbor poesie
Písně kosmické
Básnické spisy Jana Nerudy
O umění
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Česka společnost
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Neruda v dopisech
Divoký zvuk
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Básně Jana Nerudy
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Knihy básní
Menší cesty
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Výbor z díla
Povi dky malostranske
Vẏbor z povídek malostranských
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Z listáře Jana Nerudy
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Kam s ním?
Nechť nový cíl dá nový den
Letní vzpomínky
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
České divadlo
Prosté motivy
Domov a svět
Čtyři knihy veršů
Vápno z pýlu motýlův
Kytka za kloboukem Jana Nerudy
Letní vzpomínky
Balady a romance
Dílo  [Uspoádal Miloslav Novotný]
Nechť nový cíl nový den
Výbor z poesie
Sešit veršů lyrických z pozůstalosti
Anthony Boucher
Anthony Boucher (1911-1968)

literary critic, journalist

  • University of Southern California, University of California, Berkeley
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
Murder for Halloween
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
More New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
The Devil's Generation
Microcosmic Tales
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
More New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 13
The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. A 30-year retrospective
Fifty short science fiction tales
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Third Series
A treasury of great science fiction
Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction #13 (1951)
The Sport of crime
Space Mail, Volume II
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 22
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 3 (1941)
Exeunt murderers
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Second Series
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 23
Profile by Gaslight
Murder in the Casbah and Other Mysteries
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 10
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 11
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 8
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 9
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 14
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1957; Featuring *Visit to a Small Planet*
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 12
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 5
The New Adventures Sherlock Holmes - Volume 4
Murder by Moonlight and Other Mysteries
Isaac Asimov presents the great science fiction stories -- volume 5, 1943
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 17
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 6
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 19
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 13
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 24
13 Horrors of Halloween
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 20
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 7
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 16
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 26
The New Adventure of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 21
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 15
The New Adventures Of Sherlock Homes - Volume 1
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 25
The New Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 18
Colonel Warburton's Madness & Other Mysteries
The New Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 3
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Volume 2
Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds
The case of the Baker Street irregulars
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1952
The compleat werewolf, and other stories of fantasy and science fiction
The Unfortunate Tobacconist & Other Mysteries
Beyond the barriers of space and time
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eighth  Series
The best from Fantasy and science fiction
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1
Rocket to the Morgue
The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
The Compleat Boucher
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 4 (1942)
Four-and-Twenty Bloodhounds
The Unknown
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 16 (1954)
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume Two
The Best from Fantasy and science fiction fifth series
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Case of the Seven of Calvary
Rocket to the Morgue
The pocket book of true crime stories
The compleat werewolf, and other stories of fantasy and science fiction
Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
The casebook of Gregory Hood
the case of the seven of calvary, Nine times nine, Rocket to the morgue
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1953
The Compleat Werewolf
Nine Times Nine
Rocket to the Morgue (American Mystery Classics)
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume One
Case of the Crumpled Knave
The Compleat Boucher
The case of the seven of calvary
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 3
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1952
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1957
Great American detective stories
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 5
The Best from Fantasy and science fiction
Far and Away
The case of the crumpled knave
Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1952
Case of the Seven Sneezes
Nine times nine
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Compleat Werewolf
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1955 (Volume 9, No. 2)
Exeunt Murderers
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vol. 4 (Gift Set)
Seven of Calvary
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1957
The Case of the Baker St. Irregulars
Case of the Solid Key
Multiplying villanies
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 21 CS
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1952 (Volume 3, No. 4)
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 20 CS
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol 2 : CS
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 19 CS
The case of the crumpled knave
Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction
Rocket to the Morgue (Dell Keyhole, 591)
The New adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 10 : CS
Far and away
Ellery Queen
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 4 CS
The case of the seven of Calvary
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 9 : CS
The New Adventure of Sherlock Holmes Vol. 24 : CS
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Vol 16 : CS
Four Novels (Black Box Thriller S)
The Best from Fantasy and science fiction sixth series
A treasury of great science fiction
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Rocket to the morgue
Chingis Khaany takhilgyn su̇m
New tales of space and time
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Eureka years
I︠A︡vuu bagsh
Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1953 (Volume 4, No. 5)
The quintessence of Queen
The best from Fantasy and science fiction
The case of the solid key
The Living Doll/The Disappearing Scientists (New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)
Luigi Capuana
Luigi Capuana (1839-1915)

journalist, literary critic

  • University of Catania
The Vampire Archives
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
C'era una volta =
Le paesane
...Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
Gli "Americani" di Ràbbato, racconto
Studi sulla letteratura contemporanea
Teatro italiano
Il paraninfo
Letteratura femminile
Cardello, e Ricordi d'infanzia
Il mulo di Rosa
Scritti critici
Nel paese della Zàgara
Sicilian tales =
Eh.  La vita ..
Luigi Capuana's Comparatico
Verga e D'Annunzio
Lettere Inedite a Lionardo Vigo (1857-1875)
Nuove "paesane"
L' isola del sole
Passa l'amore
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
Delitto ideale
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Istini e peccati
Letteratura femminile
10 novelle siciliane
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Per l'arte
Il decameroncino
Verga e D'Annunzio
La voluttá di creare
Come l'onda ..
Gambalesta, e le novelle Scimmiotto, I majori
Luigi Capuana e le carte messaggiere
Capuana e De Roberto
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Il benefattore
Figure intraviste
Antologia dagli scritti critici
La voluttá di creare
Studii sulla letteratura contemporanea
La sfinge
Eh.  La vita ...
Le arance d'oro
Sotto la pergola
Italian fairy tales
Il nemico è in noi
Tutte le fiabe
Racconti Per Ragazzi Inediti E Rari
Un vampiro
Teatro dialettale siciliano
Versi giovanili
Il decameroncino
Nuove "paesane"
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Storia fosca
Quacquarà ; 'Ntirrugatoriu ; Ppi lu currivu
Le paesane
Capuana inedito
Der Marchese von Roccaverdina
Sarta per bambole
Il marchase di Roccaverdina
Inediti e archetipi di Luigi Capuana
Le più belle novelle
Novelle inverosimili
Mondo occulto
Novelle del mondo occulto
Di alcuni usi e credenze religiose della Sicilia
Quattordici novelle, scelte da A. Bernardini Capuana
Gli Ismi Contemporanei - Scholar's Choice Edition
Tutte le fiabe
Giacinta ed altri racconti
Fausto Bragia e altre novelle
La Sicilia nei canti popolari e nella novellistica contemporanea
Lettere alla assente
Il Marchese di Roccaverdina
La fiaba lunga lunga ... Introd. e note di Noemi Ruspantini
C'era una volta ...: fiabe 1885 [Leather Bound]
Come l'onda ...
Lettere alla assente
Cronache letterarie
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
Giacinta ed  altri racconti
Quattro viaggi straordinari
Teatro dialettale siciliano
The Marquis of Roccaverdina
C'era una volta, fiabe
Nine Sicilian plays
Il marchese di Roccaverdina
Ritratti di donne
Su D'Annunzio
Lettere a Capuana
Il nemico è in noi
La primavera di Giorgio
Once upon a time
Mondo occulto
La Sicilia e il brigantaggio
The dragons' nest and other stories and plays
Cronache teatrali, 1864-1872
Scritture di luce
Gli americani di Ràbbato
Si conta e si racconta
Il filtro
Gli "ismi" contemporanei
Profumo, romanzo
Lettere alla assente
10 novelle siciliane
Il Comparàtico di Luigi Capuana e gl'inizi del Verismo
Sicilia fantastica
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907)

poet, journalist, editor

Classic American Short Stories
Stories New and Old
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Young folks library
Mark Twain's Library of Humor
The story of a bad boy
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Two bites at a cherry
Marjorie Daw and other stories
Young folks library
Young folks library
An old town by the sea
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume four LOVE
Judith of Bethulîa
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
The writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Young folks library
Marjorie Daw
The Stillwater tragedy
Out of his head
The Young folks' library
A sea turn
Friar Jerome's beautiful book
The queen of Sheba
From Ponkapog to Pesth
A sea turn, and other matters
A book of songs and sonnets selected from the poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Marjorie Daw
The queen of Sheba, and My cousin the colonel, by Thomas Baily Aldrich
Mercedes, and later lyrics
Unguarded gates and other poems
Baby Bell
The bells
A letter from Thomas Bailey Aldrich to Bayard Taylor, Auburn, N.Y., August 20, 1865
Pampinea and other poems
The sisters' tragedy
Judith and Holofernes
Cloth of gold
Ponkapog papers
Daisy's necklace, and what came of it
The ballad of Babie Bell, and other poems
Prudence Palfrey
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The story of a bad boy
[Prose works]
Tom Bailey's adventures, or, The story of a bad boy
Works. --
The little violinist, and other prose sketches
The works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Marjorie Daw, and other people
XXXVI lyrics and XII sonnets
Famous poems
Friar Jerome's beautiful book, with decorations by W.S. Hadaway
Later lyrics
Works. --
Librivox Short Story Collection 088
Early poems
Works. --
Baby Bell
Cloth of gold, and other poems
Works. --
Pauline Pavlovna: dramatic romantic play or recitation
A midnight fantasy, and, The little violinist
Flower and thorn
Wyndham towers
Two bites at a cherry, with other tales
The course of true love never did run smooth
The sisters' tragedy, with other poems, lyrical and dramatic
Works. --
The shadow of the flowers
Prudence Palfrey, a novel
Works. --
Judith of Bethulia
Unguarded gates, and other poems
At Nahant
Tragedie Stillwaterská
Marjorie Daw, and The cruise of the Dolphin
Wan tong xiao zhuan
Scene of Blanchette
Friar Jerome's beautiful book, etc
A book of songs and sonnets
The Stillwater tragedy
The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Cloth of gold
A Rivermouth romance
The poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich in two volumes
XXXI lyrics and XII sonnets
Marjorie Daw, and other stories
Prudence Palfrey, and a rivermouth romance
Wan tong zi zhuan
Jubilee days
The Pellet
The story of a bad boy
The sisters' tragedy
Marjorie Daw, and other people
From Ponkapog to Pesth
Set of turquoise, dramatic play ..
The story of a bad boy
XXXVI lyrics and XII sonnets
Z nove poesie severamerické
Miss Mehetabel's son
Marjorie Daw and other people .
Père Antoine's date palm
Marjorie Daw and other stories
Baby Bell
Sipuro shel yeled raʻ
Wyndham towers
The story of a bad boy
Little Charlie
Unguarded gates
The sisters' tragedy
Pansy's wish
Judith and Holofernes
Thomas Bailey Aldrich papers
Marjorie Daw
Flower and thorn
Z poesie severamerické
The cruise of the Dolphin, Baby Bell, and other prose and verse
For bravery on the field of battle
Pauline Pavlovna
From Ponkapog to Pesth ; and, An old town by the sea
Baby Bell [with illustrations]
The writing of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Mercedes, and later lyrics
The Stillwater tragedy
The little violinist
Marjorie Daw, and other stories
Marjorie Daw
From Ponkapog to Pesth
The story of a bad boy
The set of turquoise
The works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
John Kendrick Bangs
John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922)


  • Columbia Law School
Ghost Stories
The Water Ghost and Others
Ghosts that Have Haunted Me and Some Others
A House-Boat on the Styx
The Pursuit of the House-Boat
Alice in Blunderland
The booming of Acre Hill
The Enchanted Typewriter
R. Holmes & Co.
Paste Jewels
Coffee and repartee
Ghosts I have met and some others
Olympian Nights
The autobiography of Methuselah
Over the plum-pudding
Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica
The idiot
A Rebellious Heroine
The dreamers
Mr. Munchausen
A proposal under difficulties
Peeps at people
Mollie and the Unwiseman Abroad
The lorgnette, 1886
The inventions of the idiot
Potted fiction
The Genial Idiot
The Bicyclers, and three other farces
The Idiot at home
Andiron tales
The worsted man
In camp with a tin soldier
From Pillar to Post
Baron Munchausen
Mrs. Raffles
Tiddledywink Tales
Monsieur d'En Brochette
The Bicyclers, a Farce
The Time Shop
Jack and the check book
Toppleton's client ; or, A spirit in exile
Bikey the skicycle & other tales of Jimmieboy
Frightful Fifty, Part Two
A line o' cheer for each day o' the year
The Whole family
Songs Of Cheer
Uncle Sam, trustee
Mollie and the unwiseman
Three weeks in politics
Coffee and repartee and The idiot
Half-hours with Jimmieboy
Three More Books-the Water Ghosts And Others, the Enchanted Typewriter, Ghosts I Have Met And Some Others
The cheery way
New waggings of old tales
Shylock Homes
A Little book of Christmas
Cobwebs from a library corner
The Spectre Cook of Bangletop
The foothills of Parnassus
Roger Camerden
English Surnames, Their Sources and Significations
The Plot That Failed
Jarley's Experiment and Jarley's Thanksgiving
The Strange Misadventures of an Organ
A Houseboat on the Styx  with The Pursuit of the Houseboat on the Styx
"Eight brand new bits" of Christmas cheer
A quest for song
The mantel-piece minstrels and other stories
The real thing, and three other farces
A dramatic evening
The Mayor's Lamps
Echoes of cheer
Three books-Paste Jewels, Mr Bonapart of Corsica., A Rebellious Heroine
A prophecy and a plea
The Ghost Club An Unfortunate Episode In
Half Hours with the Idiot
The Balance of Power
Amalgamated Brotherhood of Spooks
The fatal message
Peter Newell's Pictures and Rhymes
Associated Shades
A chafing-dish party
Rollo in Emblemland
The young folk's minstrels
Singular Problem of the Stygian House-Boat
Alice in Wonderland
Houseboat in Hell
Alice in Municipaland
Loss or gain
Harper's lost reviews
Catalogue of the second part of the library of Mr. John Kendrick Bangs
The Tiddledywink's poetry book
A House Party: An Account of Stories Told at a Gathering of Famous American Authors
Labor, cheer and love
Mrs. Raffles
Potted fiction
Why I am for Harding, by a man who wanted Wood
Short Stories from Life
Coffee and repartee
To the Rough Riders
The virtue of the shoe
Message to the graduation class of Public School 188
Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica
Charles Edward Montague
Charles Edward Montague (1867-1928)


  • City of London School
Great Tales of Action and Adventure
Action, and other stories
Dramatic Values
Dramatic values
The Morning's War
Fiery Particles
Right off the map
The right place
A Writer's Notes on His Trade
Right off the Map
Rough Justice
The Right Place
Rough Justice
A Writer's Notes on His Trade
Notes from Calais base
Rough Justice
A hind let loose
Dramatic Values .  By
Action and Other Stories
A Hind Let Loose
A Hind Let Loose
Essays of To-day and Yesterday
Dramatic Values
The Right Place
Disenchantment. , essays [thoughts on the First World War] By
Right off the Map
A Hind Let Loose
Fiery Particles
The morning's war. NOVEL By
A writer's notes on his trade
The Morning's War
Dramatic Values
The morning's war; a romance
The front line
Right off the map; a novel
The right place
A writer's notes on his trade
Rough justice
The right place
Action, and other stories
A writer's notes on his trade
The morning's war
A hind let loose
Rough justice