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archaeologists who wrote horror
Showing 1-8 out of 8 results
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Valerio Massimo Manfredi (born 1943)

anthropologist, archaeologist, television presenter, journalist, historian

  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of Bologna
The Last Legion
The Tower
Empire of Dragons
The Last Legion
Odysseus The Oath
L'ultima legione
El congreso frente a Mario Conde
Odysseus The Oath
The Talisman of Troy
Le Isole Fortunate
Talisman of Troy, The
The Oracle
The Ides Of March
Lo scudo di Talos
Il romanzo di Alessandro
L' impero dei draghi
Il Tiranno
The Lost Army
Alexander (Understanding Chemical Reactivity)
L' armata perduta
El Tirano / The Tyrant
La torre de la soledad/ The Tower of Solitud
Alexandros I
La Ultima Legion
L' ultima legione
Alexandros III
L' ultima legione
Die Jagd nach dem Wüstengrab. Roman
Alexandros II
Alexander. Der makedonische Prinz
Aléxandros I
L' isola dei morte
Alexandros III
Brivido nero
La última legión
Alexandros I
Alexandre le Grand, tome 3
Alexander: The Ends of the Earth
Las arenas de Amón
Alexandros - El Confin del Mundo
Mare greco
Die letzte Legion. Roman
The Ancient Curse
Talos De Esparta
Alexandros. El Hijo Del Sueño
Alexandros 1 - El Hijo del Sueño - NVA. Edicion XL
Il Tiranno
Le Pharaon oublié
Alexander, König von Asien
El caballero invisible
El Imperio de Los Dragones
Zeus e altri racconti
Idi di marzo
Alexandre Le Grand
Alexandros III
Alexandros II
La Torre de La Soledad
El Imperio De Los Dragones (Novela His)
Alexander Audio Box Set
La torre della solitudine
Le paludi di Hesperia
El Imperio De Los Dragones/ the Imperialism of the Dragons
L'armata perduta
La torre de la soledad
La Ultima Legion
El Imperio De Los Dragones/the Dragons Imperial
Alexandros II
The lost army
La Dernière légion
El Oraculo
Alexander. Der Herrscher der Welt
El caballero invisible
Alexandros III
Alexandros Le Sabbie Di Amon
I cento cavalieri
El Tirano / The Tyrant (Novela His)
Il faraone delle sabbie
Otel Bruni
Zeus e altri racconti
Grande Historia de Alexandre - Romanzo di Alessand (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Oraculo, El
Poslednij legion
Talisman de Troya, El
Aleksandr Makedonskiĭ
Talos De Esparta/Thallus of Sparta
Alexandre le Grand, tome 1
I aspida tis spartis
Turm der Einsamkeit
I Greci d'Occidente
Posledniĭ legion
Coffret 3 vols alexandre le grand
I Greci d'occidente
Imperio / Empire
La strada dei diecimila
Lo scudo di Talos
Ostatni legion
De eed van Odysseus
Los idus de Marzo
L' oracolo
Het laatste legioen
L'oracolo (Omnibus)
Richard Reece
Richard Reece (born 1939)

archaeologist, numismatist

  • University College London, University of Oxford
The Late Bus
The Korean War
Excavations in Iona, 1964 to 1974
Later Roman Empire
Coins and the archaeologist
Coinage in Roman Britain
The Coinage of Roman Britain
Identifying Roman coins
Iona: its history and archaeology
Roman Coins from 140 Sites in Britain (Cotswold Studies)
Roman coins
The Future of Roman Military Archaeology (The Tenth Annual Caerleon Lecture)
Later Roman Empire
Introduction to Roman coins
My Roman Britain (Cotswold Studies)
Excavations, Survey and Records Around Cirencester (Cotswold Studies)
Roman coins and archaeology
Travel Team
Coinage and currency
Bleeding Kansas
Out of Control
A translation of the corrected edition of the Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, published in July 1815. With notes
The chemical guide, or complete companion to the portable chest of chemistry
The Medical Guide, for Tropical Climates : Particularly the British Settlements in the East and West Indies, and the Coast of Africa
Monthly Gazette of Health
All the President's Sins
Roman Coins (Practical Handbooks for Collectors)
The Medical Guide
Burial in the Roman World
The medical guide, for the use of the clergy, heads of families, and practitioners in medicine and surgery: ...
E. A. Wallis Budge
E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934)

anthropologist, archaeologist, egyptologist

Great Cat Tales
Egyptian ideas of the future life
The mummy
Egyptian magic
The Contendings Of The Apostles
The gods of the Egyptians
The Egyptian heaven and hell
An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary
Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection
The decrees of Memphis and Canopus
The Nile
Babylonian life and history
Amulets and superstitions
The histories of rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and rabban Bar-ʻIdtâ
The dwellers on the Nile
Coptic homilies in the dialect of Upper Egypt
The Sculptures and Inscription of Darius the Great on the Rock of Behistûn in Persia
The divine origin of the craft of the herbalist
The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum
Cleopatra's needles and other Egyptian obelisks
Miscellaneous Coptic texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt
Coptic Apocrypha in the dialect of Upper Egypt
Egyptian language
The Book of the Dead
The sarcophagus of Ānchnesrāneferȧb, Queen of Ȧḥmes II, King of Egypt
The History of Esarhaddon (son of Sennacherib) King of Assyria, B.C. 681-668
The Book of Paradise
Easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics with sign list
A short history of the Egyptian people
The Egyptian Sudan
First Steps in Egyptian
Amulets and magic
Syrian anatomy, pathology, and therapeutics
Legends of the Egyptian Gods
By Nile and Tigris
Osiris; the Egyptian religion of resurrection
A hieroglyphic vocabulary to the Book of the dead
An Egyptian reading book for beginners
Egyptian Tales and Legends
An Account Of The Sarcophagus Of Seti I, King Of Egypt, B.C. 1370
From fetish to God in ancient Egypt
An Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners: Being a Series of Historical ..
The Monks of Kublai Khan
Books on Egypt and Chaldaea
Texts relating to Saint Mêna of Egypt and canons of Nicaea in a Nubian dialect, with facsimile
Tuta nkhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian monotheism
Herb-doctors and physicians in the ancient world
The Gods Of The Egyptians. Volumes 1 & 2
Annals of the Kings of Assyria
The Nile, notes for travellers in Egypt
The Book of the Kings of Egypt: Or, The Ka, Nebti, Horus, Suten Bȧt, and Rä ..
From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt (Kegan Paul Library of Ancient Egypt)
TheE gyptian Sûdân
The book of Paradise
A history of Ethiopia, Nubia and Abyssina
Budge's Egypt
The Egyptian S©Đud©Đan, its history and monuments
Coptic Biblical texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt
An introduction to ancient Egyptian literature
Egyptian Magic (Arkana)
Legends of Our Lady Mary the perpetual virgin & her mother Ḥannâ
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. I
One hundred & ten miracles of Our Lady Mary
The life and exploits of Alexander the Great
Tutānkhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian monotheism
The dwellers on the Nile, or, Chapters on the life, literature, history, and customs of the ancient Egyptians
Tutankhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian monotheism, with hieroglyphic texts of hymns to Amen and Aten
Baralam and Yewasef
A hieroglyphic vocabulary to the Theban recension of the Book of the dead, with an index to all the English equivalents of the Egyptian words
An Egyptian hieroglyphic reading book for beginners
Cook's handbook for Egypt and the Egyptian Sûdân
The paradise, or garden of the holy fathers
Egyptian Literature Vol. I
The Alexander Book in Ethiopia
The Rosetta stone
Egypt under the Saïtes, Persians, and Ptolemies
The Egyptian Sûdân
A short history of the Egyptian people, with chapters on their religion, daily life, etc.
Ancient Egyptian Language
The lives of Mabâʻ Seyôn and Gabra Krěstôs
Egyptian fairy tales
Baralâm and Yĕwâsef, being the Ethiopic version of a Christianized recension of the Buddhist legend of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. VI
The Alexander book in Ethiopia
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Book of the saints of the Ethiopian church
The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings
The earliest known Coptic Psalter
Notes for Travellers in Egypt (Kegan Paul Library of Ancient Egypt)
Book of Opening the Mouth
The Gods of the Egyptians or Studies in Egyptian Mythology
Babylonian Life and History
Assyrian texts
The Egyptian Sûdân, its history and monuments
The lives of Mabâ' Sĕyôn and Gabra Krĕstôs
The book of the kings of Egypt
An account of the Roman antiquities preserved in the museum at Chesters, Northumberland to which is added a series of chapters describing the excavations made by the late John Clayton ... at Cilurnum, Procolitia, Borcovicus, and other sites on the Roman Wall
The Queen of Sheba and her only son Menyelek (I)
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary
Cook's handbook for Egypt and the Sûdân
Egyptian tales and romances
The Ethiopian Book of Life
A Guide To The First And Second Egyptian Rooms
The book of medicines
The History of Alexander the Great, Being the Syriac Version of Pseudo Callisthenes
A history of Egypt from the end of the Neolithic period to the death of Cleopatra VII, B.C. 30
The Book of Governors (Kegan Paul Library of Ancient Egypt)
A history of Ethiopia, Nubia & Abyssinia
The contendings of the apostles (Mashafa gadla hawâryât)
Saint Michael The Archangel
First Steps in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Mummy Funereal Rites and Customs In Ancient Egypt
Book of the Opening of the Mouth Vol. II
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Le Livre des morts de l'Ancienne Egypte
Egyptian Language
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. VIII
History of Ethiopia : Volume II
Coptic martyrdoms, etc., in the dialect of Upper Egypt
The life of Takla Hâymânôt in the version of Dabra Lîbanôs, and the Miracles of Takla Hâymânôt in the version of Dabra Lîbânôs, and the Book of the riches of kings
George of Lydda, the patron saint of England ..
Annals of Nubian kings
Baralam and Yewasef : Volume 1
Legends of Our Lady Mary the perpetual virgin and her mother Hannâ
The Paradise of Palladius
Kebra Nagast
Amulets and talismans / by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge
One hundred and ten miracles of Our Lady Mary
Egyptian tales and romances
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30
Legends of Our Lady Mary, the Perpetual Virgin and her mother Hann̂a
The miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The paradise or garden of the holy fathers
Book of Opening the Mouth : Vol. I
The Kebra Nagast
The Book of Paradise, Being the Histories and Sayings of the Monks and Ascetics of the Egyptian Desert; Volume 2
Sayings and stories of Christian fathers of Egypt : the paradise of the holy fathers
The Queen of Sheba & Her Only Son Menyelek a/k/a The Kebra Nagast
The Kebra Negast
The Queen of Sheba and Her Son Menyelek
A catalogue of the Egyptian collection in the Fitzwilliam museum, Cambridge
Egyptian magic
The Monks of Kûblâi Khân, Emperor of China
The Egyptian heaven and hell
A history of Egypt
The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at
Saint Michael the archangel
Legends of the Egyptian Gods
Assyrian sculptures in the British Museum
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. VII
Easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics
The Martyrdom And Miracles Of Saint George Of Cappadocia
Legends Of The Gods
The Book of Governors
The rise & progress of Assyriology
Book of the Opening of the Mouth : Vol. I
Bandlet of Righteousness
Legends Of The Gods
The Rosetta stone
Book of Gates
The rise and progress of Assyriology
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell
The Queen of Sheba and her only son Menyelek (I)
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. II
Teaching of Amen-Em-Apt, Son of Kanekht
World War II
Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist
History of Ethiopia : Volume I
The Queen of Sheba and her only son Menyelek
The History of Alexander the Great
A history of Ethiopia, Nubia & Abyssinia
Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish with an Account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh
A Guide To The Egyptian Galleries In The British Museum
The Sayings of the Holy Fathers
Legends of the gods: the Egyptian texts
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. IV
Book of Kings of Egypt Vol II
The Book of the Dead According to the Theban Recension
The Paradise of the Holy Fathers Volume 1
From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol III
Egyptian Magic
Egyptian Literature
The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at
History of Esarhaddon
Legends of Our Lady Mary the perpetual virgin and her mother Hannâ
Predynastic Egyptian Cults
Babylonian Life and History - 1891
Alexander the Great (Kegan Paul Library of History and Archaeology)
Coptic texts
Book of the Kings of Egypt - Dynasties I - XIX
Egyptian Literature Vol. II
The Laughable Stories Collected By Mar Gregory John Barhebraeus
A History of Egypt
The contendings of the Apostles
Learn Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Coptic Biblical texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt
The History of Esarhaddon
The life and exploits of Alexander the Great, being a series of Ethiopic texts edited from manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, with an English translation and notes
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. I
Egyptian Tales and Romances
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Part 1
The Magic Of The Egyptian Religions
An Ethiopian book of the dead, The bandlet of righteousness
The Kebra Negast , with 15 original illustrations
No Title Exists
The paradise or garden of the holy fathers
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. V
The liturgy of funerary offerings
Revival : Book of the Dead
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. III
Egyptian Magic And Religion
The Egyptian Sûdân
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Plutarch's Mythological History Of Isis And Osiris - Pamphlet
Baralâm and Yĕwâsĕf
New British Politics with Politics
Revival : the Liturgy of Funerary Offerings
The bandlet of righteousness, an Ethiopian book of the dead
Cave of Treasures
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Egyptian Book of the Dead : the Papyrus of Ani Collection of 12 Books
Egypt in the neolithic and archaic periods
Egypt under the Saïtes, Persians, and Ptolemies
Tutankhamen And The Cult Of Amen
Babylonian Story of the Deluge
Antik Misir Büyüleri
An account of the Roman antiquities preserved in the museum at Chesters, Northumberland
Egyptian Magic
A History of Ethiopia Nubia & Abyssinia Vol.2
Legends of the Gods
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Part Three
Egyptian Heaven and Hell, Volume 2
On a recently discovered text of Assur-natsir-pal, B.C. 885
Miscellaneous Coptic texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt
The earliest known Coptic Psalter
By Nile and Tigris
The Teaching of Amen-Em-Apt, Son of Kanekht
The Book Of The Opening Of The Mouth V2
Magical Ceremonies In Egypt
By Nile and Tigris
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. I
The Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist
Babylonian Life and History
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Egyptian Ideas of the Afterlife
The bandlet of righteousness
Life Of The Ancient Egyptians
The literature of ancient Egyptians
The Kebra Nagast
Rosetta Stone
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Legends of the Gods
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VII
Laughable Stories Collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar Hebræus. the Syriac Text Edited with an English Translation by E. A. Wallis Budge
The Moral and Philosophical Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great being a Series of Translations of the Ethiopic Histories of Alexander by the Pseudo Callisthenes and Other Writers
The dwellers on the Nile, or, Chapters on the life, literature, history and customs of the ancient Egyptians
Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek
El lenguaje de los faraones
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus the Rosetta Stone Volume 1 Of 3
Egypt and her Asiatic empire
Babylonian Legends of the Creation
History of Ethiopia : Volume I
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
Hymns To Osiris
The Book Of The Opening Of The Mouth V1
Books on Egypt and Chaldaea
Histories of Rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and Rabban Bar-'Idtâ; V. 1
Laughable Stories
The Papyrus of Ani
Guide to the Egyptian Galleries
Legends of Our Lady Mary and perpetual virgin & her mother Hanna
The gods of the Egyptians, or, Studies in Egyptian mythology
Dwellers on the Nile
Theories About Numbers And Their Mystic And Sacred Character
The book of opening the mouth
Nile - Notes for Travellers in Egypt Paperback
Laughable Stories
Some account of the collection of Egyptian antiquities in the possession of Lady Meux,of Theobald's Ark, Waltham Cross
Egypt under Rameses the Great
Egyptian Magic Illustrated
El libro Egipcio de los muertos
Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods
Book of the Cave of Treasures
History of Esarhaddon  King of Assyria, B. C. 681-688
Egyptian Literature : Vol. I
The literature of the ancient Egyptians
Stories Of Magicians Who Lived Under The Ancient Egyptian Empire
Amulets and Superstitions
Egyptian Ideas of the Afterlife
Dwellers on the Nile, or, Chapters on the Life, Literature, History and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians
History of Esarhaddon
Contendings of the Apostles
Book of the Cave of Treasures
Egyptian Sûdân, Its History and Monuments
Laughable Stories Collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar Hebræus. Maphrian of the East from A. D. 1264 To
The Egyptian Judgment Of The Dead
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
The dwellers on the Nile
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Paradise of the Holy Fathers
The Degrees of Memphis and Canopus
Coptic Texts Edited With Introductions & English Traditions
The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The History of the Likeness of ..
Gods of the Egyptians, Volume 2
Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hannâ
Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics; or, "The Book of Medicines."; Volume 2
Babylonian Legends of the Creation
The Chronography Of Bar Hebraeus (Gorgias Historieal Texts)
The Babylonian Legends of Creation
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary
The Rosetta Stone And The Decipherment Of Hieroglyphics
The Discourses of Philoxenus
Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
...The Egyptian Heaven and Hell; Volume 1
Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Literature
Egypt under the Amenemhats and Hykos
Hell And The Damned In Egypt
Egyptian Resurrection And Immortality
Monks of Kûblâi Khân Emperor of China
Babylonian Legends of the Creation
Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt
Assyrian texts
The Book of the Kings of Egypt Part One
The Life and exploits of Alexander the Great
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VI
Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 2 Paperback
Babylonian Legends of the Creation
Tell el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum
Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics with Sign List
How Cleopatra's Needle Came to London
Egypt under the Ptolemies and Cleopatra VII
Book of Opening the Mouth : Vol. I
The Book of Paradise, being the histories and sayings of the monks and ascetics of the Egyptian desert
Egyptian Heaven and Hell, Volume 1
Egyptian Magic
Gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology; Volume 2
Babylonian Life and History. Second Edition
Alexandria - Pamphlet
On The Hieratic Papyrus Of Nesi-Amsu, A Scribe In The Temple Of Amen-Ra At Thebes, About B.C. 305
"Mike," the cat who assisted in keeping the main gate of the British Museum from February 1909 to January 1929
Gods of the Egyptians, Volume 1
Nebuchadnezzar. on Recently-Discovered Inscriptions of This King. Author's Copy
Book of the Cave of Treasures
Amulets and Superstitions
The rise and progress of Assyriology
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30
Gods of the Egyptians, Part 1
Libro Egipcio de Los Muertos
Saint Michael the Archangel
The Queen of Sheba & her only son Menyelek
Egyptian Magic
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol I
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan, Part 2
Discourses of Philoxenus
Book of the Kings of Egypt : Vol II
Coptic apocrypha in the dialect of upper Egypt
Amulets and talismans
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C
Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics; Or, the Book of Medicines.; Volume 2
Egyptian Literature : Vol. II
An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary
The earliest known Coptic Psalter
Assyrian incantations to fire and water
Baralâm and Yĕwâsĕf
Ideas of the Future Life And the Liturgy
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VIII
Gods of the Egyptians
Book of Opening the Mouth
The Syriac book of medicines
Revival: The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings (1909)
The Egyptian Sûdân
Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek
Gods of the Egyptians, Part 2
The Herbal In Arabic
The Old Gods As Herbalists And Their Divine Medicines - Pamphlet
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. V
Babylonian Story of the Deluge As Told by Assyrian Tablets from Nineveh
Companions of the Egyptian Gods in Heaven
Osiris The God Of The Resurrection
Coptic martyrdoms, etc., in the dialect of Upper Egypt
Sumerian and Assyrian Herbals
Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt; Edited from the Papyrus Codex Oriental 5001 in the British Museum
Egyptian Tales and Romances and Ideas of the Future Life
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge as Told by Assyrian Tablets From Nineveh
Discourses of Philoxenus
The Queen of Sheba & her only son Menyelek
Egyptian Tales and Romances
Book of the Opening of the Mouth
The Egyptian Burial Of The Dead - Pamphlet
Legends of the gods
The Rosetta Stone
Book of the Kings of Egypt : Vol. I
By Nile and Tigris, a Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on Behalf of the British Museum Between the Years 1886 And 1913
A Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge
A Guide To The Babylonian And Assyrian Antiquities
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VII
Histories of Rabban Hormizd and Rabban Bar-Idta
Book of the Saints of the Ethiopian Church [microform]. a Translation of the Ethiopic Synaxarium Mashafa Senkesar [transliterated from Ethiopic] Made from the Manuscripts Oriental 660 and 661 in the British Museum
Egyptian Magic (Library of the Mystic Arts)
The History of Rabban Hormizd the Persian and Rabban Bar-'Idta VOL 2
Babylonian life and history
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the Possession of Lady Meux; Volume 30
History of Ethiopia
Revival: The Book of The Dead (1909)
Dwellers on the Nile
Egyptian Tales and Romances
The Book of Governors: The Historia Monastica of Thomas of Marga AD 840
The Babylonian Legends of the Creation and the Fight Between Bel and the Dragon
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. III
Babil Yaratilis Efsaneleri
History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the History of the Likeness of Christ
The Egyptian Legend Of Ra And Isis
The Book of the Kings of Egypt
The Egyptian Sudan; Its History and Monuments-2 Volumes
Autobiographical Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Legends of the Gods
Magia Egipcia,Realidad, Intención Y Esencia Del Pensamiento Mágico Egipcio
A History of Ethiopia
Egyptian Tales and Legends
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 2
Decipherment Of The Egyptian Hieroglyphics
The Divine Herbalists
Holy Oils And Medicated Unguents - Pamphlet
Illustrations Of The Pentateuch And Bible Passage From The Egyptian Monuments
The Latin Herbals
Osiris & the Egyptian resurrection
Sawāʾ al-sabīl fī sukkān arḍ al-Nīl
Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms
A catalogue of the Egyptian collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
A List Of Hieroglyphic Names Of Egyptian Kings
The History Of Alexander The Great, Being The Suriacyversion Of The Psuedo-callisthenes
The Contendings of the Apostles
Alexander the Great
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume III
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume 2
Egyptian Tales Of Muslim Origin
The Nile
Tutankhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian monotheism, with hieroglyphic texts of hymns to Amen and Aten
The Greek Herbals
Legends of the Gods
Babylonian Life and History
A short history of the Egyptian people, with chapters on their religion, daily life, etc
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra
The Book of the Cave of Treasures (Cosimo Classics Sacred Texts)
Egyptian Tales and Romances
From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics; or, the Book of Medicines. ; Volume 2
Babylonian life and history
The Earliest Known Coptic Psalter
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary with an Index of English Words, King List and Geographical, List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, etc by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge Volume 1 Of 2
Egyptian Language Lessons
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30
Divine Origin of Craft of Herbal
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. III
The Nile
Magical Pictures, Formulas And Spells In Egypt
By Nile and Tigris, a Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on Behalf of the British Museum Between the Years 1886 and 1913
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods
The History Of The Blessed Virgin Mary And The History Of The Likeness Of Christ, Which The Jews Of Tiberias Made To Mock At
Egyptian language
Book of the Kings of Egypt : Vol. I
The divine origin of the craft of the herbalist
Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics, or, The book of medicines
Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners
Magical Stones Or Amulets In Egypt
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus the Decree of Canopus Volume 3 Of 3
The Book of the Kings of Egypt
Hymns To Aten
Budge's Egypt
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge 1920
...the Egyptian Heaven and Hell; Volume 1
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume 3
Egypt Under the Great Pyramid Builders
Egyptian Heaven and Hell, Volume 3
Ethiopian Book of the Dead - Lefafa Sedeq
Life of Rabban Hormizd
Egyptian Magic
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Part 2
The Books Of The Kings Of Egypt
Gods of the Egyptians - 2 Vols
A history of Ethiopia, Nubia & Abyssinia (according to the hieroglyphic inscriptions of Egypt and Nubia, and the Ethiopian chronicles)
The Prayer Which the Virgin Mary Made on the Mountain of Golgotha
Egypt Under Rameses The Great
Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 1 Paperback
Demoniacal Possession, Dreams, Ghosts, Lucky and Unlucky Days, Horoscopes, Prognostications, Transformations, and the Worship of Animals in Egyptian Magick
The book of the Cave of treasures
Book of Kings of Egypt - Vol II : Dynasties XX - XXX, the : Vol II
Papyrus of Ani; a Reproduction in Facsimile; Volume 2
Facsimile of the Rhind mathematical papyrus in the British Museum
The History of Alexander the Great, Being the Syriac Version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes; Volume 1
The Rosetta Stone
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
Legends Of The Ancient Egyptian Gods
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sûdân
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Egyptian Tales of Pagan Origin
The Kebra Nagast
Egyptian Language
Egyptian Language Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Magical Figures In Egypt
The Chronography of Bar Hebraeus
History of Esarhaddon  King of Assyria, B. C. 681-688
Egyptian Language
Gods of the Egyptians
Book of Paradise, Being the Histories and Sayings of the Monks and Ascetics of the Egyptian Desert; Volume 1
Easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics with sign list
Legends of the Egyptian Gods
Osiris or The Egyptian Religion of Resurrection, Part 2
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Book of the Kings of Egypt : Vol II
The Antiquity Of Magical Practices In Egypt
El libro Egipcio de los muertos
Easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics, with sign list
Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and her Mother Hannâ
Book of the Kings of Egypt - Vol. I : Dynasties I - XIX, the : Vol. I
The Virgin Mary's Vision Of Hell
A Guide to the Third and Fourth Egyptian Rooms: Predynastic Antiquities ..
History of Ethiopia : Volume I
The Nile
Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan, Part 1
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. IV
Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish
Earliest Known Coptic Psalter
Hymns To The Egyptian Gods
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume I
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus
Baralam and Yewasef
The teaching of Amen-em-apt, son of Kenekht
Egyptian tales and romances
Paradiso e l'Inferno Nell'Antico Egitto
Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, with Sign List /
Historical Literature Of The Ancient Egyptians
Rosetta Stone
A History of Egypt
An  Ethiopian Book of the Dead
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume III
The Cult Of Aten, The God And Disk Of The Sun, Its Origin, Development And Decline
Egyptian literature
The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the History of the Likeness of Christ Which the Jews of Tiberias Made to Mock At. the Syriac Texts
Babylonian Story of the Deluge And the Epic of Gilgamish
Egyptian Religion And Magic
Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the Possession of Lady Meux, of Theobald's Park, Waltham Cross
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B. C. 30
Tutankhamen, Amenism, Atenism, and Egyptian monotheism
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus : Vol. II
Water A Divine Element
Coptic Apocrypha in the Dialect of Upper Egypt
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra - Egypt under the Great Pyramid Builders
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 1
Egyptian Architecture And Art - Pamphlet
An Egyptian reading book
Book of Opening the Mouth : Vol. I
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VI
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection; Volume 2
A Sketch Of Coptic History
The history of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The history of the likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias made to mock at
Aiji wang ling shu
Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hannâ
Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt
Laughable Stories Collected by Mar Gregory John Bar-Hebraeus
Chronography of Bar Hebraeus
Egyptian Magic
Osiris; the Egyptian religion of resurrection
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection;; 2
The Ethiopian Or Abyssinian Herbal - Pamphlet
The Religion And Gods In Egypt
The sarcophagus of Anchesraneferab, queen of Ahmes II, king of Egypt, about  B.C. 564-526
By Nile and Tigris
Egyptian Language
The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (Queen of Sheba & Her Only Son Menyelek)
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Ethiopian Book of Life
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30
Demoniacal Possession, Dreams And Ghosts In Egypt
Tutankhamen - Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism
Legends of the Gods the Egyptian Texts, Edited with Translations
Decrees of Memphis and Canopus the Rosetta Stone Volume 2 Of 3
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
The dwellers on the Nile
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge as Told by Assyrian Tablets from Nineveh
Egyptian Tales Of Christian Or Coptic Origin
The Nile
... the Egyptian Heaven and Hell; Volume 1
A Hymn To Amen And Aten - Pamphlet
The lives of Maba' Sēyôn and Gabra Krēstôs
The Gods of the Egyptians, or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology Volume v. 1
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Reading Book for Beginners
The Horus Gods
The Discourses of Philoxenus
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish - 1920
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Legends of the Gods
Pointed Roofs
Tutsankhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian monotheism
Egyptian Hieroglyphic Reading Book for Beginners
Legends of the Gods
Egyptian Language Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. VII
Babil'in Tarihi ve Babil'de Yasam
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. I
Book of the Dead, Volume II
Amulets and Superstitions
George of Lydda, the patron saint of England
Egyptian language
Histories of Rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and Rabban Bar-'Idtâ
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume I
Revival: The Book of The Dead Vol 3 (1909)
The Egyptian Myths Of Ra
Tales Of Travel And Adventure Of The Ancient Egyptians
Saint Michael the Archangel : Three Enconiums by Theodosius, Archbishop of Alexandria; Severus, Patriarch of Antioch; and Eustathius, Bishop of Trake
Egyptian Literature - Annals of Nubian Kings
Liturgy of Funerary Offerings
By Nile and Tigris, a Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on Behalf of the British Museum Between the Years 1886 and 1913
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
The History of Rabban Hormizd the Persian and Rabban Bar-'Idta
Magical Names In Egypt
Books on Egypt and Chaldaea
The Book of opening the mouth
History of Ethiopia : Volume II
First Steps in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection; Volume 2
Coptic Lists Of Plants
Legends of the Gods The Egyptian Texts, edited with Translations
Liturgy of funerary offerings
By Nile and Tigris
Book of the Cave of Treasures
Ancient Egyptian Herbals And Books Of Medicine
Egyptian Magic
Egyptian Heaven and Hell, Volume 1
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Parts One and Two
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians
Paradise of the Holy Fathers, Part 1
Book of the Opening of the Mouth : Vol. II
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 : Vol. II
Legends of the Gods
The Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab Queen of Ahmes II King of Egypt
Egypt under the priest-kings, Tanites, and Nubians
Ancient Egyptian Hymns To The Gods
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
The Pyramid Texts
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B. C. 30
A history of Egypt from the end of the Neolithic period to the death of Cleopatra VII, B.C.30
Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Egyptian Reading Book
The Tell El-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum with Autotype Facsimiles
Paradise of the Holy Fathers
Egyptian Language
Nile - Notes for Travellers in Egypt (4th Ed.)
Descifrando jeroglíficos egipcios
Egyptian Magic (Classic Reprint)
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life Illustrateed
Ethiopian Magical Names Of God And Their Creative Powers
History of Ethiopia
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians With Their Tales and Romances
Rosetta Stone
The Dwellers on the Nile
History of Egypt
Babylonian Legends of Creation
Nebuchadnezzar. On Recently-discovered Inscriptions Of This King. Author's Copy
Egyptian Language
The Egyptian Language And Writing
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life Illustrateed
Babylonian Life and History With the Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life Illustrateed
Gods of the Egyptians, or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology Volume; Volume 1
The Rosetta Stone
History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the History of the Likeness of Christ
Fairy Tales of the Ancient Egyptians
The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers
The Martyrdom and Miracles of Saint George of Cappadocia
Book of Governors
Osiris or The Egyptian Religion of Resurrection, Part 1
The lives of Maba Seyon and Gabra Krestos
Book of the Dead, Volume I
O Livro dos Mortos do Antigo Egito
Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume II
The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and The History of the Likeness of Christ Which the Jews of Tiberias Made to Mock at. The Syriac Texts
Egyptian Heaven and Hell
The Judgement of the Dead and the Weighing of the Heart Before Osiris
History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII B. C. 30 Vol. IV
The Herbals In Syriac - Pamphlet
Vegetable Substances Of Divine Origin - Pamphlet
Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt; Edited From the Papyrus Codex Oriental 5001 in the British Museum
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
Egyptian Language
History of Alexander the Great
Cook's handbook for Egypt and the Sûdân
The Histories of Rabbon Hormizd the Persian and Rabban Bar-Idta
A history of Ethiopia, Nubia & Abyssinia
The book of the dead
Egypt in the neolithic and archaic periods
The Sayings and Stories of the Christian Fathers of Egypt, Vol. 1 and 2
The Egyptian Sudan
The life and exploits of Alexander the Great
The Paradise Or Garden of the Holy Fathers: Being Histories of the Anchorites, Recluses, Monks ..
The Book of the saints of the Ethiopian church
The papyrus of Ani
A short history of the Egyptian people
The Book of the Mysteries of the Heavens and the Earth
Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great, 2 Vols
Baralam and Yewasef - Baralaam and Joasaph
An Egyptian reading book
The lives of Mabâ' Sĕyôn and Gabra Krĕstôs
The Histories Of Rabban Hormizd The Persian And Rabban Bar-idta
The Laughable Stories Collected by Mr. Gregory John Bar-Hebraeus
A Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms: Predynastic Antiquities ..
First steps in Egyptian
The Rosetta stone
The life of Takla Hâymânôt
George of Lydda, the Patron Saint of England (Luzac's Semitic Texts and Translations : No 20)
El libro egipcio de los muertos
The rise & progress of Assyriology
The Nile
The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum
The Book of the Dead:The Hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of ANI, the Tranlation into English an An Introduction by E.A. Wallis Budge, Late Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in The British Museum
The earliest known Coptic psalter
Ancient Egyptian Theology
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson (born 1962)

archaeologist, anthropologist

  • University of Cambridge
An archaeology of capitalism
Housing culture
Drifters Volume 6
Irregular Verbs
Circumcision, Public Health, Genital Autonomy and Cultural Rights
Irregular Verbs
Conservatism and Ideology
Lived Experience in the Later Middle Ages
American dreams, American realities
Behind the castle gate
Gantz Omnibus Volume 6
Gantz Omnibus Volume 8
Crisis of the Twenty-First Century
Bibliographia Liturgica =
Houston Genetic City
Ideas of Landscape
The Xanue
COVID, Cancer, and Christ
Foreign Policy of Mass Society
Good Grammar [Grades 6-12]
Protest - Analysing Current Trends
Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community
Blackest Spells
Gantz Omnibus Volume 7
Finding Success the First Year
Precariousness, Community and Participation
My Memories of My Life in Maine
Gantz Omnibus Volume 4
Legacy of Marxism
SAP Material Master - a Practical Guide
Behind the Castle Gate
Gantz Omnibus Volume 9
Drifters Omnibus Volume 1
Explaining and Resisting Trumpism Post-2020
Forest Brides
Drifters Omnibus Volume 2
Undermining Racial Justice
Gantz Omnibus Volume 5
Best News Ever
Property Rights in Outer Space
Eucharistic Love
Too Short to Box with God
GMO Free Diet
COVID-19 and the Politics of Fear
Answers to Your Biggest Questions about Teaching Middle and High School ELA
Circumcision, Public Health, Genital Autonomy and Cultural Rights
Planning for CLIL
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Behind the Castle Gate
Planning for CLIL
Gantz Omnibus Volume 11
Gantz Omnibus Volume 3
Surveys in Combinatorics 2021
Elephant Coloring Book for Kids
Legacy of Marxism
Living and Working in Wartime China
Archaeological Theory
Another Star in the Sky
Mask of Wander
Undermining Racial Justice
Archaeological Theory
Learning 2D Game Development with Unity
Gantz Omnibus Volume 10
SAP® material master
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 53 2024
Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914
Bold and the Bulge
Swimmer to Coach
Gantz Omnibus Volume 12
Deadman's Tome Book of Horrors I
Positive Parenting with a Plan
Precariousness, Community and Participation
Fall From Earth
Charles R. Pellegrino
Charles R. Pellegrino (born 1953)

scientist, archaeologist

  • Victoria University of Wellington
The Jesus family tomb
Star Trek The Next Generation - Dyson Sphere
Ghosts of the Titanic
Ghosts of Vesuvius
Unearthing Atlantis
The killing star
Farewell, Titanic
Her Name Titanic
Return to Sodom and Gomorrah
Darwin's universe
Flying to Valhalla
The last train from Hiroshima
Time gate
Chariots for Apollo
Chariots for Apollo
Prosper Mérimée
Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870)

anthropologist, archaeologist, historian, translator, politician, painter, playwright, Inspector general of the Historical Monuments, drawer

  • Lycée Henri-IV
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Carmen and Other Stories
Études sur l'histoire romaine
Mateo Falcone, l'enlevement de la Redoute, Tamango, les Ames du purgatoire, extraits
Short stories
Dernières nouvelles de Prosper Mérimée ..
La guzla, ou, Choix de poésies illyriques, recueilles dans la Dalmatie, la Bosnie, la Croatie et ..
Théâtre de Clara Gazul: comédienne espagnole, suivi de La Jacquerie et de La ..
Études sur l'histoire romaine: Guerre sociale--Conjuration de Catilina
Tales for a Stormy Night
Colomba suivi de La Mosaïque et autres contes et nouvelles
Colomba and Carmen
La Vénus d'ille
Lettres à une inconnue
Letters to an Unknown
Lettres à une inconnue
Prosper Merimee
Prosper Mérimée's letters to an incognita
A chronicle of the reign of Charles IX
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
Épisode de l'histoire de Russie - Les faux Démétrius -
Les deux héritages
Épisode de l'histoire de Russie
La Vénus d'Îlle
Carmen. Arsène Guillot. L'abbé Aubain. La dame de pique. Les bohémiens. Le ..
Carmen. Version simplifiee.
Mateo Falcone.
Carmen et autres nouvelles
La Venus D'Ille / Colomba / Mateo Falcone
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
"Carmen" Et Autres Nouvelles
Carmen. Mit Materialien. Texte Integral.
Portraits historiques et littéraires
Carmen (Hesperus Classics)
La Venus D'Ille Et Autres Nouvelles
Bagdan Chmielnicki
Lettres de Prosper Mérimée à Madame de Montijo
La correspondance Merimee-Viollet-Le-Duc
Romans et nouvelles
Stories from Me rime e
Bogdan Chmielnicki
Théatre de Clara Gazul: comédienne espagnole, suivi de La Jacquerie, scènes féodales, et de La ..
Arsène Guillot et autres nouvelles
Lettres à une autre inconnue
Colomba. La Vénus d'Ile. Les Ames du purgatoire
Le Carrosse du Saint Sacrement
Prosper M©Øerim©Øee's Letters to an incognita
Letters to an Unknown
La Venus D'ille (Petits Classiques Larousse)
Carmen - 13 -
Roman et nouvelles
Théâtre de Clara Gazul
Carmen Et Treize Autres Nouvelles
Études sur l'histoire romaine
Les deux héritages: L'inspecteur général; Les débuts d'un aventurier
The Conspirators (Les Mecontents) (Absolute Classics)
A chronicle of the reign of Charles IX
Théâtre de Clara Gazul, Romans et Nouvelles
Histoire de don Pèdre Ier, roi de Castille
Épisode de l'histoire de Russie
Lettres à m. Panizzi, 1850-1870
Mateo Falcone Suivi De Tamango
French belles-lettres from 1640-1870
Théâtre de Clara Gazul: comédienne espagnole, suivi de La jaquerie et de La famille Carvajal
Colomba Et Autres Nouvelles (World Classics)
Carmen. Dossier Pedagogique.
1572. Chronique du temps de Charles ix, par l'auteur du 'Théâtre de Clara Gazul'
Plays on Hispanic themes
La Vénus d'Ille et autres nouvelles
Notes de voyages, pre?sente?es par Pierre-Marie Auzas
Lettre a Francisque Michel /  1848 1870
La Vénus d'Ille
Carmen Les Ames Du Purgatoire
La Partie de trictrac
The history of Peter the Cruel, king of Castile and Leon
Carmen Merimee
                Folio Domaine Public
The Abb©Øe Aubain, and Mosaics
Letters to Anonyma
Letters to an unknown
Carmen, et Lettres d'Espagne
Merime v pisʹmakh k Dubenskoĭ
Œuvres complètes
Nouvelles de Prosper Mérimée
Portraits historiques et littéraires
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
Notes d'un voyage en Auvergne
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
The Conspirators =
Carmen--Arsène Guillot--L'abbé Aubain--La dame de pique--Les bohémiens--Le hussard--Nicolas Gogol
                Lire Et SEntrainer
Colomba and Carmen
Chronique du règne de Charles IX: suivie de La double méprise, et de La guzla
Lettres à une inconnue
Carmen. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Französisch / Deutsch
Colomba ; suivi de La mosaïque et autres contes et nouvelles
La Vnus Dille Nouvelle
Mateo Falcone
Carmen, and Letters from Spain
Prosper Mérimée
Prosper M©Øerim©Øee's short stories
Histoire de don Pèdre Ier, roi de Castille
Le re alisme
Notes d'un voyage dans le midi de la France
Une correspondance inédite
Mélanges historiques et littéraires
-- [Pages choisies]
The writings of Prosper M©Øerim©Øee
Demetrius the impostor
Théâtre de Clara Gazul, comédienne espagnole
Romans et Nouvelles
Mateo Falcone
Épisode de l'histoire de Russie: les faux Démétrius
"Mateo Falcone", "Tamango" Et Autres Nouvelles
Dossier pédagogique
La correspondance Mérimée - Viollet-le-Duc
Chronique du règne de Charles IX. La double méprise. La Guzla
Lettres de Prosper Mérimée à la comtesse de Montijo
[Oeuvres compl©Łet
Carmen, Arsène Guillot, l'abbé Aubain, la Dame de Pique
Études sur les arts du Moyan âge
Notes d'un voyage dans le Midi de la France
Carmen und andere Novellen
Histoires de monstres et de revenants
Theatre de Clara Gazul -  Romans et Nouvelles
Colomba and Carmen
Geschichte Peter's des grausamen: Aus dem französischen
Mateo Falcone
Nouvelles. Carmen-Arsène Guillot-l'Abbe Aubain-La Dame de pique-Les Bohemiens-Le Hussard-Nicolas ..
Colomba, and, Carmen
Quatre contes de Prosper Mérimée
Études sur les arts au moyen âge
Chronique Du Regne De Charles IX
Notes d'un voyage en Corse, 1840
Carmen et treize autres nouvelles
La Jacquerie
Études de littérature russe
Notes de voyages
Mélanges historiques et littéraires
Romans et Nouvelles  Charles IX; Mateo Falcone; Vision de Charles IX; Enlevement de la Redoute; Tamango; Federico
Etudes sur l'histoire romaine
Carmen/ Les Ames du Purgatiore
Carmen et Autres Nouvelles
Correspondance   17 tomes
LaVenus d'Ille  Les Ames du Purgatoire
Théâtre de Clara Gazul (1825-1830)
La route de Mérimée
Le carrosse du Saint Sacrement
Carmen Et Autres Nouvelles (World Classics)
Nouvelles comple  tes
Stories from Mérimée
Tamango  Mateo Falcone et Autres Nouvelles
Oeuvres Completes   1862 1863
Carmen - Cyc -
Nouvelles Completes Vol. 1 Colomba et 10 Autres Nouvelles
Oeuvres Completes   1870
Lokis y Otros Relatos Fantasticos
Colomba et 10 autres nouvelles
Une amitié littéraire: Prosper Mérimée et Ivan Tourguéniev
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
Théâtre de Clara Gazul ; Romans et nouvelles
Les Cosaques d'autrefois
Lettres d'Espagne (1830-1833) P
Golden tales from Mérimée
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
Oeuvres comple?tes de Prosper Me?rime?e
Carmen, and other stories
Notes d'un voyage dans l'Ouest de la France
Theatre  Romans et Nouvelles
Oeuvres complètes de Prosper Mérimée
Me langes historiques et litte raires
Nouvelles choises
Colomba & Carmen
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
Oeuvres Completes  1866 1867
Oeuvres completes  1850 1852
The plays of Clara Gazul
Oeuvres Completes  1868 1869
A slight misunderstanding
Carmen en Colomba
Une correspondance inédite
Oeuvres Completes  1832 1835
Oeuvres completes  1847 1849
The pearl of Toledo
A Slight Misunderstanding
Slight Misunderstanding
Carmen/Audio Cassette (Le Pare Classics)
Diane de Turgis
Oeuvres Completes  1859 1860
Quatre Contes Fantastiques
Mérimée inconnu
Espagnols en Danemarck
Nouvelles du XIXe siècle
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
Romans et nouvelles
Carmen and Colomba
The Abbe Aubain and Mosaics
aso n.318 - carmen (AVANT SCENE OPERA)
Colomba   Mateo Falcone
Le Carrosse du Saint-Sacrement
The writings of Prosper Mérimée
Romans Et Nouvelles
La chronique du règne de Charles IX
Lettres à Edward Ellice, 1857-1863
Lettres a Fanny Lagden
Études sur l'histoire romaine
Le\Carrosse du Saint­Sacrement
Etudes Anglo Americaines
Oeuvres Completes   1860 1861
I falsi Demetrii
The writings of Prosper Me rime e
Les\Ames du Purgatoire
Lettres de Prosper Mérimée à madame de Beaulaincourt (1866-1870)
Carmen / Colomba
Notes d'Un Voyage en Corse/ 1840
Colomba et Autre Nouvelles
Pages choisies de Mérimée
Lettres de Prosper Mérimée a la comtesse de Boigne
Etudes de Litterature Russe  Gogol /  Tourguenev... Vol. 2
Mateo Falcone et autres nouvelles
Notes de Voyage
Chronique du Regne de Charles Neuf
Oeuvres complètes de Pierre de Bourdeilles ...
Notice sur les peintures de l'église de Saint-Savin
Histoire de Don Pèdre Ier, roi de Castille et autres écrits sur l'histoire de l'Espagne
The a tre de Clara Gazul, romans et nouvelles
Lettres de Mérimée à Ludovic Vitet
Les deux héritages
El Doble Error
Romans et nouvelles
Carmen, Colomba, and selected stories
Dernières nouvelles de Prosper mérimée ...
Oeuvres Completes  1864 1865
Chronique du re  gne de Charles IX
The history of Peter the Cruel, king of Castile and Leon
Carmen and other stories
Le Carrosse Du Saint Sacrement
Oeuvres completes  1844 1846
Oeuvres Completes  1836 1840
Lettres de Mérimée à la famille Delessert
La chronique du re  gne de Charles IX
Letters to an unknown
Carmen et autres nouvelles
Théâtre de Clara Gazul
Carmen, and other stories
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Notes d'un voyage dans le midi de la France
Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier francais de l'epoque carlovingienne a la renaissance par M. Viollet-Le-Duc
Letters to an unknown
Lettres libres à Stendhal ; suivi de H.B.
Letters to an unknown
Carmen, et autre nouvelles
Colomba and Carmen
Mateo Falcone, Colomba
Les deux héritages, suivis de L'inspecteur général et les Débuts d'un aventurier
The novels, tales and letters of Prosper Mérimée
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
Etoruria no tsubo ...
The novels, tales and letters of Prosper Mérimée, edited by Prof. George Saintsbury...
Statʹi o russkikh pisateli︠a︡kh
Pages choisies de Mérimée
Carmen ; Cartas de España ; Una corrida de toros  Pena capital ; El bandolerismo
Mateo Falcone
Nouvelles complètes
Études sur les arts au moyen âge
Épisode de l'histoire de Russie
Romans et nouvelles
Nouvelles corses
Études sur les arts du Moyen âge
Carmen di P. Mérimée
Mateo Falcone
Carmen. Arsène Guillot. L'Abbé Aubain
Colomba, La vénus d'ille, [et] Les ames du purgatoire
La jaquerie
La conjuration de Catilina
Lettres a Francisque Michel (1848-1870)
H. B.
Théâtre de Clara Gazul
Prosper Mérimée's Letters to an incognita
The History of Peter the Cruel, King of Castile and Leon: With Additional Notes
Portraits historiques et littéraires
La Jaquerie; la famille de Carvajal
Dos gesel fun Madam Luḳretsya
Premiers essais (1823-1824). Théâtre de Clara Gazul (1825-1830)
Histoire du règne de Pierre Le Grand
Carmen et les autres histoires d'Espagne
Carmen, Novelle
Lettres à Fanny Lagden
Novelly, povesti
Les deux héritages
La vénus d'ille Carmen
Pereulok gospozhi Lukret︠s︡ii
La double méprise
The slave ship of Prosper Mérimée
Prosper Mérimée et les monuments du Dauphiné
Les deux héritages
Vīnasu no satsujin
Carmen ; Arsène Guillot ; L'Abbé Aubain ; La dame de pique ; Les Bohémiens ; Le Hussard ; Nicolas Gogol
Carmen et autres nouvelles
Lettres a Viollet-Le-Duc
Histoire de don Pèdre Ier
Dernières nouvelles de Prosper Mérimée ..
La double méprise
Mateo Falcone
Notes d'un voyage en Corse
Portraits historiques et littéraires
Statʹi o russkoĭ literature
Colomba and Carmen
Lettres à une inconnue
A woman is a devil, or, The temptation of Saint Anthony
Les deux héritages
L'occasion de Mérimée
Merime no tegami
Mateo Falcone (Italian Edition)
La Guzla, ou, Choix de poésies illyriques
Lettres à une inconnue
A slight misunderstanding
An author's love
Romans et nouvelles
Ines Mendo, or, Prejudice vanquished [Part 1]
Chronique du temps de Charles IX, 1572
Carmen et autres nouvelles
Le carosse du saint-sacrement
La jaquerie
Heaven and hell
Lettres à une autre inconnue
La Vénus d'Ille
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
La confesión de Carmen
Études anglo-américaines
Tales of love and death
Mateo Falcone
La Corse et la vendetta
Dernières nouvelles
Le carrosse du Saint-Sacrement
Études anglo-américaines
Letters of Prosper Mérimée to Panizzi
Chronique du temps de Charles IX
Dernières nouvelles
Mélanges historiques et littéraires
Carmen Mateo Falcone, Tamango, La Partie de Trictrac,Le Vase Étrusque etc
Le Chambre bleue
Lettres à Viollet-Le-Duc
Carmen and other stories
Théâtre de Clara Gazul [pseud.] comédienne espagnole ...
Notes d'un voyage en Auvergne
Statʹi o russkikh pisateli︠a︡kh
La double méprise
Théâtre de Clara Gazul
Noaptea de urgie şi măcel
La Guzla
Œuvres de Prosper Mérimée
Lettre au president Bonjean
Colomba et autres nouvelles
The writings of Prosper Mérimée
L'enlèvement de la redoute
Carmen et autres nouvelles
Carmen et Autres Nouvelles Choisies
Théâtre de Clara Gazul [pseud.] comédienne espagnole
Théatre de Clara Gazul, comédienne espagnole
Les âmes du purgatoire
Lettres à une inconnue
Deux portraits de Stendhal
Izbrannye dramaticheskie proizvedenii︠a︡
Correspondance générale
La Jaquerie
Portraits historiques et littéraires
Cosas de España
The Venus of Ille and other stories
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
Quatre contes de Prosper Mérimée
Chronique du règne de Charles IX
Khronika ︠t︡sarstvovani︠i︡a Karla IX ; Novelly
Carmen ; Arsène Guillot ; L'abbé Aubain
La double méprise
Nouvelles complètes ...
Le théatre de Clara Gazul
ונוס מאיל
Les Cosaques d'autrefois
Histoire de Russie
Nouvelles complètes
Chronique du regne de Charles IX
Lettres aux Antiquaires de l'Ouest (1836-1869)
Colomba and Carmen
La Venus d'Ille
Une correspondance inédite
Études sur l'histoire romaine
Le Chambre bleue
Tamango, Mateo Falcone et autres nouvelles
Churujisu Hakushaku Fujin
Demetrius the impostor
Sobranie sochinenii
Tales before supper, from Théophile Gautier and Prosper Mérimée
Romans et nouvelles
ha-Ṿinus meʾil
Chronique de règne de Charles IX
Ines Mendo, or, The triumph of prejudice [Part 2]
Ecrits érotiques
The Venus of Ille
Jan Potocki
Jan Potocki (1761-1814)

anthropologist, historian, engineer, archaeologist

Die Handschrift von Saragossa
The new Decameron
Voyage en Turquie et en Égypte
Histoire primitive des peuples de la Russie
Tales from the Saragossa Manuscript
Voyage dans l'empire du Maroc fait en l'année 1791
Voyage dans les steps [sic] d'Astrakhan et du Caucase
Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte
Ecrits politiques
Voyage Dans Quelques Parties de la Basse-Saxe Pour la Recherche des Antiquités Slaves Ou Vendes
Oeuvres. III, Théâtre ; Histoire ; Chronologie ; Écrits politiques
Au Caucase et en Chine, 1797-1806
Oeuvres. I, Voyage en Turquie et en Égypte, Voyage en Hollande, Voyage dans l'Empire de Maroc, suivi du Voyage de Hafez, Voyage dans quelques parties de la Basse-Saxe
Oeuvres. II, Voyage à Astrakan et sur la ligne de Caucase ; Mémoire sur l'ambassade en Chine ; Objets de recherche ; Sophio-polis
Principes de chronologie pour les temps antérieurs aux olympiades
Chronologie des deux premiers livres de Manéthon
Manuscript Found in Saragossa
Hafiz'in Yolculugu
Jean Potocki (Euvres III: Theatre, Historie, Chronologie, Ecrits politiques (La Republique Des Lettres (Louvain, Belgium)) (La Republique Des Lettres (Louvain, Belgium))
Manuscript Found in Zaragoza
Parades and Proverbs
Dynasties du second livre de Manéthon
The Saragossa manuscript, a collection of weird tales
Manuskript Gefunden in Zaragoza
Zaragoza'da Bulunmus El Yazmasi
Uvres (Republique Des Lettres (Louvain, Belgium), 10.)
Drevni͡a︡i︡a︡ istorīi͡a︡ Volynskoĭ gubernīi, sluzhashchai͡a︡ prodolzhenīem pervobytnoĭ Istorīi narodov Gosudarstva Rossīĭskago
Kathleen O'Neal Gear
Kathleen O'Neal Gear (born 1954)

anthropologist, historian, archaeologist

  • California State University, Chico, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Bone Walker
People of the Weeping Eye (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fifteen)
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past, Book One)
People of the Sea (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Five)
The Visitant
People of the Silence (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eight)
Thin moon and cold mist
Raising Abel
People of the Moon (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Thirteen)
People of the Lakes (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Six)
People of the River (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Four)
People of the Fire (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Two)
Big Horn Legacy
People of the Lightning (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seven)
People of the Nightland (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fourteen)
Children of the Dawnland
People of the raven
People of the Thunder (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Sixteen)
People of the Mist (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Nine)
Dark inheritance
It Sleeps in Me
People of the Earth (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Three)
Morning River
Long Ride Home
Relic of empire
The Athena factor
The morning river
People of the Masks (The First North Americans, Book 10)
The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus
The broken land
Fire the sky
Requiem for the Conqueror
People of the mist
People of the Owl (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eleven)
People of the Longhouse (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seventeen)
Sand in the Wind
Coyote Summer
People of the lakes
People of the masks
The morning river
The summoning God
People of the Fire (The First North Americans series, Book 2)
The Athena factor
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
People of the Sea (The First North Americans series, Book 5)
A searing wind
It Dreams in Me
People of the Earth
People of the Wolf (First North Americans)
The Visitant (The Anasazi Mysteries, Book 1)
It wakes in me
The dawn country
The betrayal
People of the moon
People of the Morning Star: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book One of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past 21)
People of the Nightland (First North Americans)
This widowed land
People of the owl
People of the lightning
Thin moon and cold mist
People of the Fire
People of the river
Starstrike (Daw Book Collectors)
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
People of the Lakes
Die Weide am Fluß
People of the Wolf Special Intro Edition (First North Americans)
Relic of Empire (Forbidden Borders)
Coming of the Storm : Book One of Contact
The Summoning God (The Anasazi Mysteries, Book 2)
People of the Black Sun
Die Weide am Fluß. Roman
People of the Thunder
People of the Fire
People of the Wolf
People of the Mist
People of the Sea
Moon Hunt
People of the Lightning
Das Volk vom Fluß. Die große Vorzeitsaga
People of the Wolf
People of the Lightning
The Broken Land
People of the Black Sun
People of the Earth (The First North Americans series, Book 3)
Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Three of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Lakes (The First North Americans series, Book 6)
Ice Orphan
People of the Earth
Im Zeichen des Wolfes. Roman
People of the Sea
People of the Morning Star
Maze master
People of the Owl
Das Volk des Feuers. Roman
It Sleeps In Me
People of the Weeping Eye
Tribu del Fuego, La
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Wolf (The First North Americans series, Book 1)
People of the Canyons
People of the Lightning (The First North Americans series, Book 7)
Das Volk an der Küste
The dawn country
Moon Hunt
The Foundation
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Silence
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Longhouse: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
Das Volk der Stille
Das Volk an den Seen
Star Path
People of the Earth
Redemption of light
People of the Fire
Raising Abel
Maze Master
People of the River
Das Volk der Blitze
Das Volk des Nebels
Children of the Dawnland
Coming of the storm
Broken Land
People of the Longhouse
The visitant
People of the Sea
People of the Lakes
It Sleeps in Me
People of the Songtrail
Copper Falcon
Fire the Sky Bk. 2 : Book Two of Contact
Vikings in North America
People of the Fire: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
Thin Moon and Cold Mist
It Dreams in Me
People of the River: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
This Widowed Land
Raising Abel
The summoning God
Sand in the Wind
People of the Sea
It Wakes in Me
Rebel Hearts Anthology
People of the Silence (The First North American Series)
People of the Earth
People of the Fire
Star Path
People of the Weeping Eye
Dawn Country
Novels of North America's Forgotten Past
People of the Moon
The Ice Lion
People of the Weeping Eye
It Sleeps in Me
Summoning God
Das Volk der Erde
People of the Nightland
Ice Ghost
People of the Masks
People of the Nightland
Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
People of the Longhouse
People of the Wolf
People of the Mist
Lightning Shell
Dead Man's Doll
People of the Fire
People of the Wolf
It Dreams in Me
Broken Land
Fracture Event
Fire the Sky : Book Two of Contact
Thin Moon and Cold Mist
People of the Songtrail
Ice Ghost
Bone Walker
People of the Thunder
People of the Lakes
Der Schatten Gottes
Cries from the Lost Island
Dark Inheritance
People of the Earth (First North Americans (Audio))
Mourning War
It wakes in me
People of the Silence
People of the Lightning
People of the Thunder
Cries from the Lost Island
It Wakes in Me
Children of the Dawnland
People of the Morning Star
People of the Owl
The Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
An Abyss of Light (Powers of Light)
First North Americans