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academics who wrote horror
Showing 81-88 out of 103 results
Javier Marías
Javier Marías (1951-2022)

translator, professor, journalist, editor

  • Complutense University of Madrid
Voyage along the horizon
Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí
Corazón tan blanco
Tu rostro mañana 1
Vidas escritas
Todas las almas
Mientras ellas duermen
Negra espalda del tiempo
Literatura y fantasma
Tu rostro mañana, vol. 2
Los enamoramientos
Seré amado cuando falte
Dark Back of Time
Harán de mí un criminal
Demasiada nieve alrededor
Mano de sombra
Tu rostro mañana, vol. 3
Vida del Fantasma
Pasiones pasadas
Veces Un Caballero (Planeta Fabula)
El oficio de oír llover
Your Face Tomorrow
El monarca del tiempo
Poison, Shadow and Farewell
El siglo
Así empieza lo malo
Los villanos de la nación
Tu Rostro Manana / 2 Baile y Sueño
Voyage Along the Horizon
Donde Todo Ha Sucedido
Salvajes y sentimentales
Mala Indole
Hombre sentimental
Quand j'étais mortel
Berta Isla
Entre enternidades
Cuando fui mortal
Vida del fantasma
Lo que no vengo a decir
El hombre que parecía no querer nada
Los dominios del lobo
Vida del fantasma
Le roman d'Oxford
Das Leben der Gespenster.(Wagenbach SALTO)
Während die Frauen schlafen
Alle Seelen
No más amores
Morgen in der Schlacht denk an mich
Während die Frauen schlafen. Cassette. Erzählungen
Vidas Escritas (Siruela/Bolsillo)
Als ich sterblich war
Una Noche De Amor / A Night of Love
Das Leben der Gespenster
Cuando los tontos mandan
Während die Frauen schlafen. CD. Erzählungen
Morgen in Der Schlact Denk an Mich
Ce que dit le majordome
Dans le dos noir du temps
Veneno y sombra y adiós
Juro no decir nunca la verdad
Baile y Sueño
Alle unsere frühen Schlachten. Fußball- Stücke
Il tuo volto domani
Schwarzer Rücken der Zeit
Die Reise über den Horizont
Der Gefuhlsmensch
Mala índole
Alle unsere frühen Schlachten
Tu rostro mañana (Danza y sueño / Fiebre y lanza / Veneno, sombra y adiós)
Travesía del horizonte
Literatura y Fantasma - Edicion Ampliada (Textos de Escritor)
Geschriebenes Leben. Ironische Halbporträts
Tomás Nevinson
Cuentos Europeos
El Quijote de Wellesley
Der Gefühlsmensch
Lección pasada de moda
Venice, an Interior
Ni se les ocurra disparar
Mala índole
Ven a buscarme
Las huellas dispersas
Salvajes y sentimentales
Madame du Deffand and the Idiots
Tiempos ridículos
Los dominios del lobo
Yar?nki Y³z³n, Birinci Cilt
Aquella mitad de mi tiempo
Man of Feeling
Aci Bir Baslangic Bu
Geschriebenes Leben
Yazınsal Yaşamlar
Die sterblich Verliebten
Dans ve Rüya
Schwarzer Rücken der Zeit
Yarin Savasta Beni Düsün
Duygusal Adam
Los dominios del lobo
Selvagens e sentimentais
Beyaz Kalp
Morgen in der Schlacht
Cuando la sociedad es el tirano
Keine Liebe mehr
Tüm Ruhlar
Tres cuentos didácticos
Yarinki Yuzun Cilt 3
Tomás Nevinson
Όταν ήμουν θνητός
Veneno y sombra-- y adiós
The Library of the Lost
Los enamoramientos
¿Será buena persona el cocinero?
Lección pasada de moda
Los villanos de la nación
Desde Que Te Vi Morir
Kötü Niyet Öyküleri
Between Eternities and Other Writings
Enamoramientos, Los
Der Gefühlsmensch
Zamanin Karanlik Yüzü
Iris Murdoch
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999)

poet, philosopher, biographer, professor

  • Badminton School, University of Oxford
The Sea, the Sea; A Severed Head
A fairly honourable defeat
Nuns and soldiers
An unofficial rose
Something Special
A word child
The red and the green
Existentialists and Mystics
An accidental man
The book and the brotherhood
The Bell
Great humorous stories
The nice and the good
The Green Knight
The Italian girl
The fire & the sun
Metaphysics as a guide to morals
The philosopher's pupil
The Sea, the Sea
Le dilemme de Jackson
Under the net, a novel
Going Back
Bruno's Dream
Henry und Cato
The unicorn; a novel
The Time of the Angels
Sartre, romantic realist
In guter Absicht
Iris Murdoch, writer at war
El castillo de arena
Die Flucht vor dem Zauberer
A writer at war
A year of birds
The servants and the snow ; The three arrows ; The black prince
La Souveraineté du bien
Le Prince noir
Une'Tete Coupee
The existentialist political myth
Reynolds Stone
De Sacrale En Profane Liefdes Machine
Living on paper
Women ask why
Le message à la planète
From a tiny corner in the house of fiction
One alone
La negra noche
The Time of the Angels (The Collected Works of Iris Murdoch)
Joanna, Joanna
Rencontres avec Iris Murdoch
A Fairly Honourable Defeat
L'attention romanesque
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume Three
Amigos Y Amantes/ Friends and Lovers
L'élève du philosophe
Iyinin Egemenligi
El Fuego y El Sol
Pediatric Medicine
Philosophy and literature
3 Arrows & Servnt & Snow
Tamarisk now
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume Two
Something special
A severed head
Iris Murdoch Omnibus
Three Arrows and the Ser Kindle
תחת הרשת
Philosophy Essays
Iris Murdoch in conversation with Malcolm Bradbury
Novels of Iris Murdoch Volume One
Ruya Sakinleri
Black Prince (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Never mind about the bourgeoisie
Black Prince (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Murdoch: 40 years a novelist
Het boek en de broederschap
Algo del otro mundo
Descubrir el existencialismo
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)

psychoanalyst, sociologist, philosopher, literary critic, linguist

  • Sofia University, Paris 8 University
Pouvoirs de l'horreur
The portable Kristeva
Hannah Arendt
Strangers to ourselves
Tales of love
Murder in Byzantium
Proust and the Sense of Time
Black Sun
Julia Kristeva, interviews
La révolution du langage poétique
Time and Sense
Desire in language
Revolution in poetic language
Contre la dépression nationale
Le temps sensible
Des Chinoises
Langage, cet inconnu
Soleil noir
Au commencement était l'amour
The samurai
Le texte du roman
Adel Abdessemed
Revolt, She Said (Foreign Agents)
Histoires d'amour
The feminine and the sacred
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme
Marriage As a Fine Art
New Maladies of the Soul
Seule, une femme
Inferno and paradiso
Au risque de la pensée
Etrangers à nous-mêmes
Enchanted Clock
Le plaisir des formes
The Sense And Nonsense Of Revolt The Powers And Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Hatred and forgiveness
The feminine and the sacred
Desire In Language A Semiotic Approach To Literature And Art
Le génie féminin
Th©♭r©·se, mon amour
The sense and non-sense of revolt
Le langage, cet inconnu
Desire in language
Passions of Our Time
The old man and the wolves
The enchanted clock
Louise Bourgeois
Teresa my love
Intimate Revolt The Powers And The Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
The Severed Head
Sēmeiōtikē : recherches pour une sémanalyse
The severed head
La haine et le pardon
Europe des cultures et culture européenne
(Re)découvrir l'œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir
Essays in semiotics
La révolte intime
The Kristeva reader
This Incredible Need to Believe
In the beginning was love
Understanding Through Fiction : A Selection from Teresa, My Love
Hannah Arendt
Diversité et culture
Teresa, My Love
Grandir c'est croire
Strangers to Ourselves
Crisis of the European subject
Language - The Unknown
Meurtre à Byzance
Feminine and the Sacred
Lettre au président de la République sur les citoyens en situation de handicap
El texto de la novela
Passions of Our Time
Le Genie Feminin: La Vie, la Folie, les Mots (Folio Essais) (French Edition)
Cinq éloges de la rencontre
Murder in Byzantium
Les samouraïs
Severed Head
La cruauté au féminin
Guerre et paix des sexes
New maladies of the soul
Chroniques du temps sensible
Folle vérité
Stabat Mater
Sens Et Non-Sens de La Revolte
Lumières, religions et raison commune
Sēmeiōtikē = Semiótica
Essays in Semiotics
Sens et non-sens de la révolte
Je me voyage
Trabajo de la Metafora
Die Chinesin
Des expériences intérieures
L'avenir d'une révolte
Introdução à semanálise
História da linguagem
This incredible need to believe
Porvenir de la Revuelta
Langue, discours, société pour Emile Benveniste
Lettre ouverte à Harlem Désir
Tales of Love
Melanie Klein
Colette, un génie féminin
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Le vieil homme et les loups
La Revolte Intime
Shemesh sheḥorah
Pulsions du temps
La discriminación en Argentina
Essays in semiotics =
Visions capitales
Notre Colette
Kristeva Reader
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Intimate revolt
Langue, discours, société
Zarim le-ʻatsmenu
El lenguaje, ese desconocido
La Traversée des signes
Autour d'Émile Benveniste
Izbrannye trudy
Au risque de la pensée
Georgia O'Keeffe
Murder in Byzantium
L'horloge enchantée
Où en est la théorie littéraire
L'amour de soi et ses avatars
Pŭtuvam sebe si
Épistémologie de la linguistique
Des Chinoises
Max Aub
Max Aub (1903-1972)

playwright, poet, literary critic

Great Short Stories of the World
Field of honour
Las buenas intenciones
Campo abierto
Campo francés
Campo de sangre
Los mejores relatos españoles del siglo XX
Campo del moro
La calle de Valverde
Campo cerrado
San Juan
Conversaciones con Buñuel
Jusep Torres Campalans
La gallina ciega
Max Aub y la vanguardia teatral
Enero sin nombre
Ultimos cuentos de la guerra de España
Escribir lo que imagino
Campo de los almendros
Crimenes ejemplares
Los tiempos mexicanos de Max Aub
Diario de Djelfa
El zopilote
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Das Magische Labyrinth, Audio-CDs, Die Stunde des Verrats
La Calle de Valverde/ Valverde's Road
Obras completas
Teatro completo
Algunas prosas
Cuaderno verde de Jusep Torres Campalans
Das magische Labyrinth 3. Blutiges Spiel. Roman
El desconfiado prodigioso
Escribo Lo Que Imagino - Cuentos Fantasticos
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.6, Bittere Mandeln
Retrato de un general, visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacia la izquierda
Das magische Labyrinth 4. Die Stunde des Verrats
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.1, Nichts geht mehr
Die besten Absichten
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.5, Am Ende der Flucht
Discurso de la novela española contempora?nea
Lamentos del Sinaí
Aforismos en el laberinto
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Obras en un acto
La prosa española del siglo 19
La verdadera historia de la muerte de Francisco Franco
La vida conyugal
Max Aub, historiador de la prosa contemporánea
Manual de historia de la literatura española
Crimes exemplaires
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.3, Blutiges Spiel
Diarios, 1967-1972
Ciertos cuentos
Mis páginas mejores
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.4, Die Stunde des Verrats
El rapto de Europa
Antología de relatos y prosas breves de Max Aub
"San Juan" (1942)
Nichts geht mehr. Das Magische Labyrinth 1
Imposible Sinaí
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.2, Theater der Hoffnung
Retrato de un general
Manuscrito cuervo. Historia de Jacobo
La Véritable Histoire de la mort de Francisco Franco
Espejo de avaricia
Primer teatro
Escritos sobre el exilio
Die Erotik und andere Gespenster
Crímenes ejemplares
Cara y cruz
Los pies por delante y otros cuentos
Luis Alvarez Petreña
Der Mann aus Stroh. Erzählungen
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Ensayos mexicanos
Mis pa ginas mejores
Obra poética completa
Jusep Torres Campalans/Joseph Torres Campalans
El desconfiado prodigioso; Ja cara del Avaro; Discurso de la Plaza de la Concordia; Los excelentes varones; Entreme s de 'El director'; La madre
Das magische Labyrinth 1 - 6
Últimos cuentos de la Guerra de España
No son cuentos
Gallina Ciega, La
Cuentos mexicanos, con Pilón
Una nueva poesía española (1950-1955)
Dernières nouvelles de la guerre d'Espagne
Del amor
Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Max Aub, Dario Puccini
Cuentos De Damas Fantasticas/ Stories of Fantastic Ladies (Narrativa Breve)
Las vueltas
Das magische Labyrinth 6. Bittere Mandeln. CD
Hablo como hombre
Der Mann aus Stroh
Crimenes Ejemplares (Archivos de Arquitectura)
Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña
El cerco
El Laberinto mágico
Antología traducida
Fábula verde
De Max Aub a Cervantes
"San Juan," tragedia
La poesía española contemporánea
El desconfiado prodigioso. Jacara del Avaro. Discurso de la plaza de la Concordia. Los excelentes varones. Extremes de El director La Madre
Mis Pginas Mejores
Sala e espera
Yo vivo
Crimes Exemplares
Vida y obra de Luis Alvarez Petren?a
Luis Buñuel, novela
Ch & T
La uña y otras narraciones
Cuentos ciertos
Sala de espera
Max Aub en el laberinto del siglo xx
Antología traducida
Destierro y destiempo
Diarios, 1939-1972
Crímenes ejemplares y otros
La una y otras narraciones
Historias de mala muerte
Pequeña y vieja historia marroquí
El Rapto De Europa O Siempre Se Puede Hacer Algo
Los muertos
La uña
Enero en Cuba
Novelas escogidas
Poemario de Un Liberal (Coleccion Jano)
Poesía española contemporánea
Versiones y subversiones
Nuevos diarios inéditos
Imposible Sinaí
Discurso de la novela española contemporanea
Vueltas sin regreso
El rapto de Europa; o, Siempre se puede hacer algo, drama real en tres actos
Historias de mala muerte
No son cuentos
La vida conyugal
Antología traducida
Teatro español actual
Crímenes ejemplares
Obras en un acto
Campo del moro
Campo del moro
Campo de sangre
Retrato de un general visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacía la izquierda (fechada en 1968)
Homenaje a Max Aub
Dos vidas imaginarias
La calle de Valverde
Los muertos
Cuerpos presentes
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Cuentos mexicanos (con pilo n)
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
No son cuentos
Antología traducida
Historias del 36
Campo francés
Hablo como hombre
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Los cuentos mexicanos
La vida conyugal
Campo del moro
Imposible Sinaí
Epistolario 1929-1971
Hablo como hombre
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Max Aub, Francisco Ayala
Epistolario entre Max Aub y Vicente Aleixandre
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Enero en Cuba
Buñuel, todas las conversaciones
Teatro completo
Ensayos mexicanos
Discurso de la novela española contemporánea
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
El cerco
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Crímenes ejemplares
Crímenes ejemplares
El rapto de Europa
El laberinto mágico: Campo de almendros
La cachette d'Harpagon
Jonathan Safran Foer
Jonathan Safran Foer (born 1977)

  • Princeton University, Georgetown Day School
Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things . .
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Everything Is Illuminated
Here I am
The Future Dictionary of America
Eating animals
Tree of Codes
Todo Esta Iluminado (21)
Here I Am
New American Haggadah
Feasting and Fasting
Wszystko jest iluminacją
Convergence of Birds
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Eating animals
A convergence of birds
We Are the Weather
Tan Fuerte, Tan Cerca / Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Long Never
Here I Am
Alles ist erleuchtet
We are the weather
Convergence of Birds: Original Fiction and Poetry Inspired by the Work of Joseph Cornell
New American Haggadah 5-copy Package
Me voici
The best American nonrequired reading, 2003
Extreem Luid & Ongelooflijk Dichtbij
New Jersey Noir
Penguin Readers Level 5
We Are the Weather
Tan fuerte, tan cerca
Here I Am
Eating Animals
USA noir
Everything is Illuminated
Eating animals
Ogni cosa è illuminata
Salvar o Planeta Começa ao Pequeno-Almoço (Portuguese Edition)
Wir sind das Klima!
Here I Am
Eating animals
Convergence of Birds
Everything Is Illuminated
Eating Animals
Todo está iluminado
L'avenir de la planète commence dans notre assiette (Points) (French Edition)
Todo está iluminado
Aquí estoy
Aquí estoy
Tan fuerte, tan cerca
Aquí estoy
Om at spise dyr (in Danish)
Hier bin ich
Faut-il manger les animaux ?
Zjadanie zwierzat
Tan fuerte, tan cerca
Samataci Suclular ve Daha Fazlasi
Here I Am
Aquí estoy
Aqui Estoy
Aqui Estou (Portuguese Edition)
Molto forte, incredibilmente vicino
Faut-il manger des animaux
Diary of Petr Ginz, 1941-1942
New American Haggadah
Ten Portraits of Jews of the 20th Century
Podem salvar el món abans de sopar
Todo está iluminado
Totul este iluminat Reeditare - Jonathan Safran Foer
extrêmement fort et incroyablement près
Tan fuerte, tan cerca
Hier bin ich
Tiere Essen
Extremement Fort Et Incroyablement Pres (Points) (French Edition)
Tiere Essen
We Are the Weather
Todo está iluminado
Tiere essen
We Are the Weather
Wir sind das Klima!
Penguin Readers Level 5
Comer animales
Eating Animals
Podem salvar el món abans de sopar
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Eating Animals
Eating Anamals
Oto jestem
Strasznie glosno niesamowicie blisko
Extrêmement fort et incroyablement près (French Edition)
Tan fuerte, tan cerca
Nos Somos o Clima - Salvar o planeta começa no cafe da manha (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Todo Esta Iluminado
Tìm bố ở New York
Podemos salvar el mundo
Le-ekhol baʻale ḥayim
Vot i︠a︡
Hagadah ḥadashah le-Fesaḥ
Žutko gromko & zapredelʹno blizko
Extreem luid & ongelooflijk dichtbij
Bradford Morrow
Zhutko gromko & zapredelʹno blizko
George Saunders
George Saunders (born 1958)

translator, essayist, journalist, geophysicist, geological engineer

  • Syracuse University, Colorado School of Mines
Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things . .
Tenth of December
Lincoln in the Bardo
CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2005
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2008
The very persistent gappers of Frip
The brief and frightening reign of Phil
The Best American Short Stories 2008
In persuasion nation
The Braindead Megaphone
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2012
In Persuasion Nation
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2006
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
Liberation Day
Fox 8
Builder and Blunderer: A Study of Emperor William's Character and Foreign Policy
Congratulations, by the way
The Story Prize
The braindead megaphone
The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
George Saunders
Casebook of the Bizarre
BürgerKriegsLand fast am Ende. Erzählungen
Brain-Dead Megaphone
Honne, The Spirit Of The Chehalis
October Revolution
Red Bow
Bounty- Land
In Persuasion Nation
Treatise on Theatres
Zorro 8
Araligin Onu
Frip'in Aşırı Israrcı Pırtlakları
Zorro 8
Felicidades, por cierto
Phil'in Dehset Verici Kisa Saltanati
İç Savaş Diyarı Feci Düşüşte
Samizdat; voices of the Soviet opposition
Deu de desembre
Orange Blossom Trail
Braindead Megaphone
Prestigious Presidential Papa Pope Poet
Swim in the Pond in the Rain
Wage determination in Canada
Diez de diciembre
Secessiolàndia pel pedregar
Een duik in een vijver in de regen
Zehnter Dezember
Felicidades, por cierto
Moral and Social State of the Christian Community Before and after Constantine the Great
A Treatise on Theatres. by George Saunders
Swim in a Pond in the Rain
Interest arbitration and wage inflation in the federal public service
Civil War Land in Bad Decline
Royal Air Force 1939-1945 (volume 3)
Civilwarland in Bad Decline
Tilki 8
Generación quemada
Camberwell nostalgia!
Ways of seeing
The Spirit among Us
Audrey Niffenegger
Audrey Niffenegger (born 1963)

poet, artist, visual artist

  • Northwestern University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Time Traveler's Wife
Her Fearful Symmetry
The Night Bookmobile
The Adventuress
Awake In The Dream World The Art Of Audrey Niffenegger
The Raven Girl
The three incestuous sisters
Her Fearful Symmetry
The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger
Photoshop filters finesse
Her Fearful Symmetry
Bizarre romance
Her Fearful Symmetry
Photoshop filter finesse
Her fearful symmetry
The Book as Art
Photoshop Filters Toolkit Disk
Raven girl
Classic Penguin
The Night Bookmobile
Her Fearful Symmetry
The spinster
Bizarre Romance
Kai's Power Tools Finesse
Her Fearful Symmetry
Drei Schwestern
Awake in the Dream World
Three Incestuous Sisters
Ta de dui cheng ling hun
Daybook, Turn, Prospect
Her fearful symmetry
Time Travelers Wife FILM TIE
Imkansiz Asklar Evi
Bizarre Romance
De toute éternité
Zhena puteshestvennika vo vremeni
Les jumelles de Highgate
Orphan Exchange
Time Traveler's Wife
Sigan yŏhaengja ŭi anae
Raven Girl
Her fearful symmetry
Die Zwillinge von Highgate
Le temps n'est rien
Les jumelles de Highgate
Pen Connected
James Anthony Froude
James Anthony Froude (1818-1894)

historian, translator, biographer, deacon, essayist, editing staff, priest

  • Oriel College, Westminster School
Great Cat Tales
The English in the West Indies
Short studies on great subjects
The divorce of Catherine of Aragon
Lectures on the Council of Trent
The Spanish story of the Armada, and other essays
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth
The nemesis of faith
English seamen in the sixteenth century
Two lectures on South Africa
My relations with Carlyle
The two chiefs of Dunboy
Life and letters of Erasmus
Lord Beaconsfield
Thomas Carlyle
Science and theology
The Spanish story of the Armada
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century: Lectures Delivered at Oxford, Easter Terms, 1893-4
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
Essays in literature & history
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada
Caesar; a sketch
Cæsar: A Sketch
Lectures on the Council of Trent, delivered at Oxford, 1892-3
"Thumping English lies."
Caesar: A Sketch
The reign of Edward the Sixth
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Short Studies on Great Subjects
History of England from the fall of Wolsey (to the defeat of the Spanish armada)
Life and Letters of Erasmus. Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-94
The Nemesis of Faith
Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835
Julius Caesar
The Earl of Beaconsfield
Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled "India & Lord Ellenborough"
Luther, a short biography
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century: Lectures Delivered at Oxford ..
Froude's Life of Carlyle
The reign of Mary Tudor
The Spanish Story of the Armada and Other Essays
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Life and times of Thomas Becket
Calvinism: An Address Delivered at St. Andrew's March 17, 1871
Short Studies on Great Subjects
Life and Letters of Erasmus: Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-4
Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London, 1834-1881
Oceana or England and Her Colonies
The English in the West Indies
The reign of Elizabeth
The divorce of Catharine of Aragon
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Life of the Earl of Beaconsfield
Calvinism: an address delivered at St. Andrew's March 17, 1871
The Two Chiefs Of Dunboy Or An Irish Romance Of The Last Century
Inaugural address delivered to the University of St. Andrews, March 19, 1869
Selections from the writings of James Anthony Froude
Theological unrest: discussions in science and religion ...
Historical essays
Thomas Carlyle
English Seaman in the Sixteenth Centuries
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle V2
Report of the Copyright Commission, presented to both Houses of Parliament. London: 1878 [and] ... Minutes of the evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Copyright, with appendix. London: 1878
Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
Caesar A Sketch
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century
Historical and other sketches
History Of England: From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth V2
The Spanish Story Of The Armada And Other Essays
The reign of Mary Tudor
John Bunyan
Science and theology, ancient and modern / by James Anthony Froude. And The sovereignty of ethics / by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century V2
Short studies on great subjects
Thomas Carlyle V1
The nemesis of faith ; Shadows of the clouds
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle Part Two
Lord Beaconsfield
The Reign of Henry the Eighth Volume 1
John Hawkins and the African Slave Trade
Short studies on great subjects
Lord Beaconsfield
The Froude-Ruskin friendship, as represented through letters
Shadows of the clouds
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century
Gems from Froude
The reign of Elizabeth
The Knights Templars
Life and Letters of Erasmus
The Nemesis of Faith
The Earl Of Beaconsfield
My relations with Carlyle, together with a letter from the late Sir James Stephen, dated December 9, 1886
Life and letters of Erasmus
Short studies on great subjects
The Life And Times Of Thomas Becket
Science and Theology
Thomas Carlyle V2
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
Life and letters of Erasmus
My Relations With Carlyle
Saint Hugh of Lincoln
Lectures On The Council Of Trent
Thomas Carlyle
Two Lectures On South Africa
English in the West Indies
Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle V1
Essays on History and Literature
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle 3 Volume Set
Poems by Zeta [pseud.]
The English In The West Indies Or, The Bow Of Ulysses
The English in the West Indies
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth; Volume 8
Julius Caesar
The English in the West Indies
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 9
Oceana, or, England and her colonies
Lectures on the Council of Trent, Delivered at Oxford 1892-3 / by James Anthony Froude
The divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The Irish Reformation: Or, The Alleged Conversion of the Irish Bishops at the Accession of Queen ...
Oceana: Or, England and Her Colonies
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century
Life and Times of Thomas Becket
Thomas Carlyle
The Nemesis of Faith
Two Lectures on South Africa, Delivered Before the Philosophical Institute, Edinburgh, Jan. 6 & 9 1880
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 9, Pt. III
My Relations with Carlyle
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 1
Caesar; a Sketch
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 6
Thomas Carlyle
The reign of Mary Tudor.  Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams
Science and theology, ancient and modern
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Volume v.9
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada; Volume 10
Theological unrest, discussions in science and religion
Short studies on great subjects
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 2
Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian, a narrative of the life of Mary Stuart ...
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 10, P IV
The Reign of Mary Tudor
Julius Caesar
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle; Volume 1
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 10
Thomas Carlyle 2 Volume Set
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 3
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth;
English in the West Indies
Short Studies on Great Subjects; Volume 4
Reminiscences 2 Volume Set
Oceana; or, England and Her Colonies. New Ed
History Of England, Volume 10
The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century
Essays in Literature & History
English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century; Volume 1
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 12
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 10
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada
The Knights templars
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth - Vol. V
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 8
Nemesis of Faith
Short Studies on Great Subjects
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Short Studies on Great Subjects
The English in the West Indies
Fraser's Magazine
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 6
Life and Times of Thomas Becket
The dissolution of the monasteries, and other essays
A biography of Caesar
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 1
The reign of Edward VI.  [Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams]
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 6
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 7
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford, 1893-4
The cat's pilgrimage
Short Studies on Great Subjects
History Of England
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth Vol. 8, Pt. II
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada; Volume 1
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 2
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 1
Spanish Armada
Short Studies of Great Subjects Everyman's Library # 13
The reign of Edward VI.  [Introd. by W. Llewelyn Williams]
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada, Volume 7
The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon; The Story as Told by the Imperial Ambassadors Resident at the Court of Henry VIII
Thomas Carlyle
History of England From the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Volume 5
Shadows of the Clouds
Life and Letters of Erasmus
Life and Letters of Erasmus
Spanish Story of the Armada
The nemesis of faith (and) shadows of the clouds
Short Studies On Great Subjects, Volume 4
The reign of Henry the Eighth
Bunyan (English Men of Letters)
The Reign of Mary Tudor
Thomas Carlyle 2 Volume Set
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Shadows of the Clouds
Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century, Volume 3
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford, 1893-4
Life and Letters of Erasmus; Lectures Delivered at Oxford 1893-4
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 9
Oceana, Or, England and Her Colonies
Oceana; Or, England and Her Colonies. New Ed
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey
Thomas Carlyle Vol. 2
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 4
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon
The reign of Henry the Eighth
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century / by James Anthony Froude
The English In Ireland In The Eighteenth Century, Volume 1
The Book of Job
History Of England From The Fall Of Wolsey To The Death Of Elizabeth, Volume 11
Fraser's Magazine, Volume 6
Short Studies on Great Subjects; Volume 4
Thomas Carlyle
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth 12 Volume Set
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada
The book of Job
Science and theology, ancient and modern
The influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character
The nemesis of faith
The two chiefs of Dunboy; or, An Irish romance of the last century
Short stories on great subjects
Short stories on great subjects
My relations with Carlyle
Oceana, or, England and her colonies
Lectures on the Council of Trent
Short studies on great subjects
The English in Ireland in the eighteenth century ...
Historical essays
Short studies on great subjects
Essays in literature & history
Life and letters of Erasmus
Theological unrest
Short studies on great subjects
Short studies on great subjects
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to defeat of the Spanish Armada
The cat's pilgrimage ...
The Knights templars
Fraser's magazine
The Spanish story of the Armada
Short stories on great subjects
The English in the West Indies, or, The bow of Ulysses
On shortening the church services
Life and letters of Erasmus
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth
Thomas Carlyle
Oceana, the tempestuous voyage of J.A. Froude, 1884 & 1885
Lectures on the Council of Trent
The Spanish story of the Armada
England's forgotten worthies ...
Thomas Carlyle
English seamen in the sixteenth century