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teachers who wrote historical fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 109 results
Michael Livingston
Michael Livingston (born 1974)


Hervey Allen
Hervey Allen (1889-1949)

literary critic, poet, biographer, teacher

  • University of Pittsburgh, Shady Side Academy
The forest and the fort
Anthony Adverse
Bedford Village
Toward the morning
Anthony Adverse
Anthony Adverse, Part 1
Toward the flame
The city in the dawn
Anthony Adverse.
Du Bose Heyward
It was like this
Christmas epithalamium
Anthony Adverse, Part 3
The blindman
Earth moods
Carolina Chansons
Action at Aquila
Carolina Chansons
New legends
The bride of Huitzil
Carolina chansons
Anthony Adverse, Part 2
Carolina Chansons, Legends of the Low Country
Israfel, the life and times of Edgar Allan Poe
Sarah Simon
Toward the flame; a war diary
Wampum and old gold
Anthony Adverse
The sources of Anthony Adverse
Ballads of the border
Lute and Scimitar
Songs for Annette
Wampum and old gold
Du Bose Heyward
The forest and the fort
Dvora Omer
Dvora Omer (1932-2013)

pedagogue, educator

  • Oranim Academic College
Hannah Crafts
Hannah Crafts (1830-1901)

teacher, autobiographer

The bondwoman's narrative
The Bondwoman's Narrative
Pep Coll
Pep Coll (born 1949)


Viaje al Pirineo fantástico
Josep Rovira
Muntanyes maleïdes
Les senyoretes de Lourdes
Los Tesoros de Aiguestortes y Sant Maurici
Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs
Quan Judes era fadrí i sa mare festejava
La perla del dragón
Muntanyes (mig) Maleïdes
Viaje al Pirineo fantástico
El parlar del Pallars
Muntanyes maleïdes
Mentre el món serà món
Roc de Quer
Els arbres amics
Brujas de Negua, Las
Totes les dones es diuen Maria
El secret de la moixernera
Roc de Quer
La mula vella
Lletres de la riba tallada
Bot de pernes
La llarga migdiada de Déu
El Pont de Mahoma
El segle de la llum
Al mateix riu d'Heràclit
El salvatge dels Pirineus
Respostes al qüestionari de Francisco de Zamora (1790)
Llegendes d'arreu de Catalunya
L' edat de les pedres
L' abominable crim de l'Alsina Graells
Viatge al Pirineu fantàstic
Viatge al Pirineu fantastic (Col·leccio Classica)
Guia dels indrets mítics i llegendaris de la Ribagorça romànica
Muntanyes maleides
Bhudev Mukhopadhyay
Bhudev Mukhopadhyay (1827-1894)

teacher, editor, civil servant

  • Presidency University, The Sanskrit College and University
Sāmājika prabandha
Kia Corthron
Kia Corthron (born 1961)

playwright, activist, teacher

  • Columbia University School of the Arts, University of Maryland
The castle cross the magnet carter
Moon and the Mars
Breath, boom
Force Continuum
Splash Hatch on the E Going Down
Seeking the Genesis
Come down burning
A Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick
American Political Plays in the Age of Terrorism
Wake up Lou Riser
Anchor aria
Cool Dip in the Barren Saharan Crick and Other Plays
Humana Festival 2014
The Essential Clarence Major
Slide glide the slippery slope
Digging eleven
The Venus de Milo is armed
Seeking the genesis
Safe box
Life by asphyxiation
Catnap allegiance
Cage rhythm
Asher Knafo
Asher Knafo (born 1935)


  • University of Paris, Tel Aviv University