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poets who wrote historical fiction
Showing 273-280 out of 397 results
Sima Qian
Sima Qian

historian, poet, astrologer, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer

Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji
The Grand Scribe's Records
Historical records
Shiki retsuden
Sagi pyongnim
The Cream of Classical Chinese Literature, Vol. 3 (Condensed, Chinese-English Edition; 8-Book Boxed Set)
The first emperor
Records of the grand historian of China
Tai shi gong su wang miao lun
Shiki kokujikai
Mémoires historiques
Grand Scribes Records (Grand Scribe's Records)
Istoric eskie zapiski
Shih chi so yin
Xiao He, Han Xin
Shi ji xuan (Zhongguo li dai san wen zuo jia xuan ji)
Shi ji jin shi
Shi ji lun wen
Shi ji jing hua lu
Shi ji hui zhu kao zheng
Les Mémoires historiques de Se-ma Tsʼien
Records of the Historians
Shiki kaichū kōshō kōho
Statesman, patriot, and general in ancient China, three Shih Chi biographies of the Ch'in dynasty (255-206 B.C.)
Shi ji (Gu dian ming zhu pu ji wen ku)
Sama Chon Sagi
Records of the historian
Bai hua Shi ji
Shih chi
The First Emperor Selections From The Historical Records
Selections from Records of the historian
Shi ji xuan yi
Shi ji xuan yi (Gudaiwenshimingzhuxuanyicongshu)
Le chapitre 117 du Che-ki (biographie de SSeu-ma Siang-jou)
Shi ji jin zhu
Quan zhu quan yi Shi ji
Sagi pyongnim, Shi Ji
Gu xiang zhai Shi ji
Selections from Records of the historian
Ssǔ-ma Ch'ien's historiographical attitude as reflected in four late warring states biographies
Istoric eskie zapiskik
Shi ji ji jie suo yin zheng yi he ke ben
Shi ji
Statesman, Patriot and General in Ancient China (American Oriental Ser.; No. 17)
Xin jiao Shi ji san jia zhu
Bai hua Shi ji
Shi ji di gu shi
Shao nian ban shi ji
Lian Po, Lin Xiangru, Lu Zhonglian. xuan zi Shi ji
Er shi si shi jing hua
Shi ji gu shi all in one
Quan yi shi ji
Sima Qian san wen xuan ji (Bai hua san wen shu xi)
Shi ji dao du
Shi ji zha ji
Selections from the Records of the Historian
Shi ji
Shi ji xuan jiang
Stories from "Records of the Historian"
Shi ji hui zhu kao zheng jiao ding
Shi ji tian guan shu jin zhu
guang zhu yu shi Shi ji jing hua
Shi ji xiang jie
A Comprehensive Mirror of Chinese History (Tzu Zhi Tung Jian)(Complete) (Volumes 1-20)
Ch'o nha ru l nakka ollin yo ngungdu l
Ssu-ma Ch'ien's historiographical attitude as reflected in four late Warring States biographies
Shi ji xuan ji
Cai se tu jie shiji
The Grand Scribe's Records: Volume 2
Sudur temdeglel-ece songġuġsan u̇liger
Max Aub
Max Aub (1903-1972)

playwright, poet, literary critic

Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Field of honour
Great Short Stories of the World
Las buenas intenciones
Campo abierto
Campo francés
Campo de sangre
Los mejores relatos españoles del siglo XX
Campo del moro
La calle de Valverde
Campo cerrado
San Juan
Conversaciones con Buñuel
Jusep Torres Campalans
La gallina ciega
Max Aub y la vanguardia teatral
Enero sin nombre
Ultimos cuentos de la guerra de España
Escribir lo que imagino
Campo de los almendros
Crimenes ejemplares
Los tiempos mexicanos de Max Aub
Diario de Djelfa
El zopilote
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Das Magische Labyrinth, Audio-CDs, Die Stunde des Verrats
La Calle de Valverde/ Valverde's Road
Obras completas
Teatro completo
Algunas prosas
Cuaderno verde de Jusep Torres Campalans
Das magische Labyrinth 3. Blutiges Spiel. Roman
El desconfiado prodigioso
Escribo Lo Que Imagino - Cuentos Fantasticos
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.6, Bittere Mandeln
Retrato de un general, visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacia la izquierda
Das magische Labyrinth 4. Die Stunde des Verrats
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.1, Nichts geht mehr
Die besten Absichten
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.5, Am Ende der Flucht
Discurso de la novela española contempora?nea
Lamentos del Sinaí
Aforismos en el laberinto
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Obras en un acto
La prosa española del siglo 19
La verdadera historia de la muerte de Francisco Franco
La vida conyugal
Max Aub, historiador de la prosa contemporánea
Manual de historia de la literatura española
Crimes exemplaires
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.3, Blutiges Spiel
Diarios, 1967-1972
Ciertos cuentos
Mis páginas mejores
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.4, Die Stunde des Verrats
El rapto de Europa
Antología de relatos y prosas breves de Max Aub
"San Juan" (1942)
Nichts geht mehr. Das Magische Labyrinth 1
Imposible Sinaí
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.2, Theater der Hoffnung
Retrato de un general
Manuscrito cuervo. Historia de Jacobo
La Véritable Histoire de la mort de Francisco Franco
Espejo de avaricia
Primer teatro
Escritos sobre el exilio
Die Erotik und andere Gespenster
Crímenes ejemplares
Cara y cruz
Los pies por delante y otros cuentos
Luis Alvarez Petreña
Der Mann aus Stroh. Erzählungen
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Ensayos mexicanos
Mis pa ginas mejores
Obra poética completa
Jusep Torres Campalans/Joseph Torres Campalans
El desconfiado prodigioso; Ja cara del Avaro; Discurso de la Plaza de la Concordia; Los excelentes varones; Entreme s de 'El director'; La madre
Das magische Labyrinth 1 - 6
Últimos cuentos de la Guerra de España
No son cuentos
Gallina Ciega, La
Cuentos mexicanos, con Pilón
Una nueva poesía española (1950-1955)
Dernières nouvelles de la guerre d'Espagne
Del amor
Max Aub, Dario Puccini
Cuentos De Damas Fantasticas/ Stories of Fantastic Ladies (Narrativa Breve)
Las vueltas
Das magische Labyrinth 6. Bittere Mandeln. CD
Hablo como hombre
Der Mann aus Stroh
Crimenes Ejemplares (Archivos de Arquitectura)
Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña
El cerco
El Laberinto mágico
Antología traducida
Fábula verde
De Max Aub a Cervantes
"San Juan," tragedia
La poesía española contemporánea
El desconfiado prodigioso. Jacara del Avaro. Discurso de la plaza de la Concordia. Los excelentes varones. Extremes de El director La Madre
Mis Pginas Mejores
Sala e espera
Yo vivo
Crimes Exemplares
Vida y obra de Luis Alvarez Petren?a
Luis Buñuel, novela
Ch & T
La uña y otras narraciones
Cuentos ciertos
Sala de espera
Max Aub en el laberinto del siglo xx
Antología traducida
Destierro y destiempo
Diarios, 1939-1972
Crímenes ejemplares y otros
La una y otras narraciones
Historias de mala muerte
Pequeña y vieja historia marroquí
El Rapto De Europa O Siempre Se Puede Hacer Algo
Los muertos
La uña
Enero en Cuba
Novelas escogidas
Poemario de Un Liberal (Coleccion Jano)
Poesía española contemporánea
Versiones y subversiones
Nuevos diarios inéditos
Imposible Sinaí
Discurso de la novela española contemporanea
Vueltas sin regreso
El rapto de Europa; o, Siempre se puede hacer algo, drama real en tres actos
Historias de mala muerte
No son cuentos
La vida conyugal
Antología traducida
Teatro español actual
Crímenes ejemplares
Obras en un acto
Campo del moro
Campo del moro
Campo de sangre
Retrato de un general visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacía la izquierda (fechada en 1968)
Homenaje a Max Aub
Dos vidas imaginarias
La calle de Valverde
Los muertos
Cuerpos presentes
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Cuentos mexicanos (con pilo n)
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
No son cuentos
Antología traducida
Historias del 36
Campo francés
Hablo como hombre
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Los cuentos mexicanos
La vida conyugal
Campo del moro
Imposible Sinaí
Epistolario 1929-1971
Hablo como hombre
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Max Aub, Francisco Ayala
Epistolario entre Max Aub y Vicente Aleixandre
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Enero en Cuba
Buñuel, todas las conversaciones
Teatro completo
Ensayos mexicanos
Discurso de la novela española contemporánea
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
El cerco
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Crímenes ejemplares
Crímenes ejemplares
El rapto de Europa
El laberinto mágico: Campo de almendros
La cachette d'Harpagon
Henri Barbusse
Henri Barbusse (1873-1935)

journalist, biographer, politician, painter, poet, historian

Under fire
Under Fire
Under fire
The Inferno
Le feu
Le feu
Paroles d'un combattant
La lueur dans l'abîme
Under Fire
The Inferno
The inferno
Le Feu
Under Fire
Quelques coins du coeur
Bir Savascinin Konusmalari
Under Fire (The Story of a Squad)
Under Fire
Lettres à sa femme, 1914-1917
Das Feuer
Nous autres . .
Le feu (journal d'une escouade)
Le couteau entre les dents
The Inferno/l'enfer
Le feu, journal d'une escouade suivi du "carnet de guerre"
Lettres de Henri Barbusse à sa femme
La lueur dans l'abime, ce que veut le Groupe Clarté
L' enfer
L' enfer
Les bourreaux
Do you know Thaelmann?
Under Fire/le Feu
Under Fire
Lettres de Henri Barbusse à sa femme, 1914-1917
Under Fire, Story of a Squad
Le couteau entre les dents
We others
Das Feuer
Zola ...
Under Fire (The Best Sellers of 1918 Series)
The Inferno
Lettres de Henri Barbusse à sa femme
Di henḳer
Le feu journal d'une escouade
Nous autres...
Under fire
Ce qui fut sera
We others
Les suppliants
Les Judas de Jésus
Les enchai nements
Dos fayer
You are the pioneers
Le feu
Thus and thus
150 Millionen bauen eine neue Welt
Ce qui fut sera
We others
Yeyshu Hanoytsri
L' enfer
Trois films
Le feu (journal d'une escouade)
Hommage à Henri Barbusse
Les suppliants .
Yeshu ha-Nostri
Under fire
Les grands romans de la Guerre de 14-18
Di yu
Le feu journal d'une escouade
One looks at Russia
La lueur dans l'abîme
Cong yi ge ren kan yi xin ge shi jie
Guang ming
Thus and thus
Les Judas de Jésus
Cong yi ge ren kan yi ge xin shi jie
Trois films
Babisai duan pian zuo
Faits divers
Het vuur
Il Coltello fra i Denti
Le feu
I saw it myself
Babisai xuan ji
Nous autres .
Bu neng ke fu de ren
Nous autres ..
Die Henker
Le couteau entre les dents
El fuego
Di Henḳer
Les enchaînements
Der Kampf der Sowjet-Union um den Frieden
Camilo Castelo Branco
Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890)

translator, playwright, poet, historian

  • University of Porto
A bruxa de Monte Córdova
O senhor do paco de Ninães
Amor de perdição
A queda dum anjo
Novelas do Minho
O judeu
Agulha em palheiro
As tres irmans
A sereia
O olho de vidro
Obolo ás creanças [sic] por Camillo Castello Branco e Francisco Martins Sarmento
Amor de salvação
O retrato de Ricardina
Coração, cabeça e estômago
O último ato
O assassino de Macário
Carlota Angela, romance original
Lagrimas abençoadas
Purgatório e paraíso
O condemnado
Duas épocas da vida
O vinho do Porto
O marquês de Torres Novas
O romance de um homem rico
A brazileira de Prazins
A senhora Rattazzi
A mulher fatal, romance
Mosaico e silva de curiosidades historicas, literarias e biographicas
Mistérios de Fafe
Os criticos do Cancioneiro alegre
Coisas espantosas
Vingança, romance original: romance original
Theatro comico
O visconde de Ouguella
Maria da Fonte
Memorias do carcere
A filha do regicida
Livro de consolação: romance
Voltareis, ó Christo?: Narrativa
Ao anoitecer da vida
O esqueleto
A neta do arcediago
D. Luiz de Portugal neto do Prior do Crato
Scenas innocentes da comedia humana
Solemnia verba, última palavra da ciência, o x de todos os problemas do coração
Um livro
A caveira da mártir
O santo da montanha
O General Carlos Ribeiro
O sangue
Divindade de Jesus
Os brilhantes do brasileiro
O demonio do ouro
Onde está a felicidade?
Sentimentalismo e historia
Obras completas
No Bom Jesus Do Monte
A engeitada
Cavar em ruinas
Noites de insomnia
A viúva do enforcado
Mistérios de Lisboa
A filha do Doutor Negro
Aventuras de Basílio Fernandes Enxertado
Cartas de Camilo Castelo Branco
Cancioneiro alegre [de poetas portuguezes e brazileiros.]
Delictos da mocidade
Esbôço de critica
Vingança d’um rhinoceronte d’amor
A praga rogada nas escadas da forca
Historia e sentimentalismo
Poesia ou dinheiro?
Espinhos e flores
Nas trevas
O que fazem mulheres, romance philosophico
O morgado de Fafe em Lisboa
Folhas cahidas, apanhadas na lama
O morgado de Fafe amoroso
Correspondencia epistolar entre José Cardoso Vieira de Castro e Camillo Castello Branco
O regicida
Luiz de Camões
Horas de paz
Doze casamentos felizes
Escritos de Camilo
Camilo, contra-revolucionario
O cego de Landim
A neta do acrediago
Un homem de brios
Cem cartas de Camillo
Camilo íntimo
Obras de Camillo Castello-Branco
Anotações de Camilo à "História de Portugal nos séculos XVII e XVIII" de Rebelo da Silva
Rapsodia Camilliana
Camilo e Castilho
A doida do candal
Annos de prosa, romance
Cartas de Camillo Castello Branco a Thomaz Ribeiro
Suicida ..
O carrasco de Victor Hugo José Alves
Cenas contemporâneas
O bem e o mal
Bohemia do espirito
Quatro horas innocentes
A cavallaria da Sebenta
Esboços de apreciações litterárias
Livro negro de Padre Diniz
Notas á Sebenta do dr. Avelino Cesar Callisto
O Arrependimento
Escritos diverso
Estrellas funestas
Catalogo da preciosa livraria do eminente escriptor Camillo Castello Branco
O lubis-homem
Eusébio Macário
Citações e pensamentos de Camilo Castelo Branco
De como me casei =
O Arrependimento
A murraça
Esboços de apreciações literarias
Novelas Do Minho
Perfil do marquês de Pombal
Memorias de Guilherme do Amaral, obra posthuma
Estrelas propícias
Lucta de gigantes
Vinte cartas de Camilo Castelo Branco, 1876-1885
Seroens de S. Miguel de Seide
Vinte horas de liteira
Dispersos de Camilo
Notas á margem em varios livros da sua biblioteca, recolhidas por Alvaro Néves
A corja
Dois anos de agonia
Polémicas de Camilo Castelo Branco
O Inferno
Cartas ineditas de Camillo Castello Branco ao I Conde de Azevedo
Cartas de Camilo aos editores António Maria Pereira
A " Lyrica de João Minimo" e "Flores sem fructo" de Almeida Garrett
Cartas a Eduardo da Costa Santos. Com um prólogo de Julio Brandão
Livro de Consolação
Centenário de Camilo em Guimarães
O Assassino de Macario
Amor de Perdição; Amor de Salvação
A Infanta capelista
Queda d'um Anjo
O Que Fazem Mulheres
Amor de Perdicion  Edition
Maria Moysés
Freira No Subterraneo
Como os anjos se vingam
O Judeu
As Tres Irmans
Princípios para uma conseqüência
Le cahier noir (French Edition)
Duas horas de leitura
O Bem e o Mal
Amor de Salvação
Scenas da hora final
Entre a Flauta e a Viola
Voltareis ó Christo?
Camilo, quando jovem escritor
A via dolorosa 1859-1860
Noites de Insomnia, Offerecidas a Quem Não Póde Dormir. Nº 11
Vida do José do Telhado
O bico de gaz
Noites de Insomnia, Offerecidas a Quem Não Póde Dormir. Nº 1
Memorias Do Carcere; Volume 1
Salve, Rei!
As virtudes antigas
Filha Do Arcediago
A defeza dos livreiros: sucessores de Ernesto Chardron
As polémicas de Camilo
Páginas quase esquecidas
No Bom Jesus Do Monte ...
Sentimentalismo e história
A diffamação dos livreiros sucessores de Ernesto Chardron
O condenado
Coisas Que Só Eu Sei (Ilustrado)
O lobisomem
O Regicida
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 2)
Polêmicas em Portugal e no Brasil
Cousas leves e pesadas
Doze cartas inéditas de Camilo Castelo Branco
Duas epochas na vida
Obras de Camilo Castelo Branco
Annos de Prosa; a Gratido; o Arrependimento
Carlota Angela
As favas negras
Esboc ʹos de apreciac ʹo es litera rias
O Vinho Do Porto
O Olho de Vidro
Contos de Camilo Castelo Branco
José do Telhado
D. Antonio Alves Martins, bispo de Vizeu
Echos humoristicos do Minho, carta[s] ao "Cruzeiro", publicação quinzenal
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 1)
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 3)
As virtudes antigas; ou, A freira que fazia chagas, e o frade que fazia reis. Um poeta portuguez ... rico!
Cartas inéditas de Camilo e de D. Ana Plácido
Os ratos da Inquisição: Poema inédito do judeu portuguez Antonio Serrão de Crasto
A cruz do Corcovado
Camilo Castelo Branco
Inspirações ; A Murraça
Noites de Lamego
Agulha Em Palheiro
Volcoens de lama
Camillo: a sua vida, o seu genio, a sua obra
A morgada de Romariz
As paixões de Camilo
Memorias de Guilherme do Amaral
A senhora Rattazzi
O olho de vidro
Maria Moisés
A filha do regicida
O demónio do ouro
Amor de Perdição (memorias duma família)
A morgadinha de Val-d’Amores
Cancioneiro alegre de poetas portuguezes e brazileiros commentado
Um homem de brios
Amor de perdição
Amor de perdição de Camilo Castelo Branco
Agostinho de Ceuta
O que fazem mulheres
Contos e Textos
Mistérios de Lisboa
Os martyres
Vida e crimes de Jose  do Telhado
A queda dum anjo
Abençoadas lágrimas
Perfil do Marquês de Pombal
Mysterios de Lisboa
A Sereia
Curso de litteratura portugueza: continuaçao e complemento do Curso de ..
Mist©♭rios de Lisboa ...
Camilo epistolar
De como me casei
A doida do Candal
Cartas inéditas de Camilo Castelo Branco à filha Bernardina Amélia, ao genro e à neta
Luta de gigantes
A cruz do Corcovado
O demonio do ouro
La Sirène
Memórias do carcere
A brazileira de Prazins
Escritos diversos de Camilo Castelo Branco
Cenas da foz
Matthew Stadler
Matthew Stadler (born 1959)


Allan Stein
The sex offender
The dissolution of Nicholas Dee
Snapshot chronicles
The Back Room
Li Yu
Li Yu (1610-1680)

playwright, publisher, actor, poet, calligrapher

Rou pu tuan
Shi er lou
Silent operas =
Der schönste Knabe aus Peking
Li Yu quan ji
Die vollkommene Frau
The before midnight scholar
Li Liweng qu hua
憐香伴 (Lián Xiāng Bàn)
Xian qing ou ji
Jue shi ming yan shi er lou deng liang zhong
Bi mu yu
Wu sheng xi
Ru pu tuan
Yi zhong yuan
He jin hui wen zhuan
Chūgoku kisho Rōpūtowan
The before midnight scholar
Gu jin shi lüe
Qiao tuan yuan
Au gré d'humeurs oisives
The before midnight scholar (Jou Pu Tuan)
Yu sao tou
Huang qiu feng
Liweng yi jia yan quan ji
Feng zheng wu
Chen zhong lou
Shen luan jiao
The before midnight scholar (Jou Pu Tuan)
Qian gu qi wen
Liweng yi jia yan juan ji
Lian cheng bi
Liweng yi jia yan wen ji
Li Liweng yi jia yan
Nai he tian
Ji shi xing le
Shi er jia ping dian Li Liweng shi zhong qu
Chi du chu zheng
Xian qing ou ji
Zi zhi xin shu
He jin hui wen zhuan
Li weng dui yun
Jing shi xuan yan
Xin zeng zi zhi xin shu quan ji
Wu sheng xi xiao shuo
Yi jia yan ju shi qi wan bu
Bai hua Xian qing ou ji
Li Liweng xi ju xuan
Zi zhi xin shu
Xian qing ou qi
Hui wen zhuan
Jue shi ming yan
Li Wi ŭi hŭigok iron
Wu sheng xi
Xiu xiang He jin hui wen zhuan
Li Yu sui bi quan ji
Qian gu qi wen
Xian qing ou ji
Yu pu tuan
Xian qing ou ji
Liweng shi zhong ju
Jie zi yuan hua bu
Lian cheng bi
Bai hua Xian qing ou ji
Ji jiu li chu xi =
Si liu chu zheng
Hui wen zhuan
Liweng yi jia yan quan ji
Li Liweng xiao shuo shi wu zhong
Liweng qu hua
Agnes Strickland
Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)

historian, poet, editor

Don Froila and his ten daughters
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest: With Anecdotes of ..
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
Tales from English history
The pilgrims of Walsingham
The Queens of England: A Series of Portraits of Distinguished Female Sovereigns
The Queens of England
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses
The lives of the seven bishops committed to the Tower in 1688
The pilgrims of Walsingham or Tales of the middle ages
Demetrius: a tale of modern Greece. With other poems
Lives Of The Bachelor Kings Of England
Stories from history
Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest
True stories from ancient history
Lives Of The Queens Of England V1
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England
The Life Of Mary Stuart, Queen Of Scotland
Lives Of The Queens Of Scotland And English Princesses V2
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Agnes Strickland's Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The Youthful travellers
Lives of the Tudor princesses
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The seven ages of woman
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Princesses
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Old friends and new acquaintances
The seven ages of woman and other poems
The queens of Scotland
The use of sight, or, I wish I were Julia
The juvenile Rollin, or, Conversations on ancient history
Queen Victoria from her birth to her bridal
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots
True Stories from Ancient History; Chronologically Arranged, from the Creation of the World to the Death of Charlemagne
The queens of England
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Floral sketches, fables, and other poems
Lives of the queens of Scotland
How will it end?
Narratives of nature, and history book for young naturalists
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the batchelor Kings of England
Memoirs of the queens of Henry VIII., and his mother, Elizabeth of York
Floral sketches, fables, and other poems
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
The moss-house
Historic scenes and poetic fancies
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England
Agnes Strickland's Queens of Scotland
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart princesses
Lives of the queens of Scotland
Lives of the queens of England
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the queens of Scotland
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
The use of sight; or, I wish I were Julia
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the Tudor princesses, including Lady Jane Gray and her sisters
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The lives of the seven bishops committed to the Tower in 1688
The juvenile forget me not
Instructive conversations for the use of children
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England
The juvenile forget me not, or, Cabinet of entertainment and instruction
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Lives of the Queens of England
Worcester field
The queens of England
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
The tell-tale
Lives of the Queens of England
Tales from English history
Always happy! or, Anecdotes of Felix and his sister Serena
Stories from history
The queens of England
Tales and stories from history
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Evenings of mental recreation
True stories, from ancient history
Historical tales of illustrious children
Alda, the British captive
Old friends and new acquaintances
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart princesses
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest, from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Worcester Field, or, The cavalier
Tales from English history for children
The rival Crusoes
True stories, from ancient history
The Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the royal succession of ...
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
The rival Crusoes, or, The shipwreck
Memoirs of Elizabeth
Narratives of nature, and history book for young naturalists
A tale of modern Greece, in three cantos
Jurji Zaydan
Jurji Zaydan (1861-1914)

poet, journalist, teacher, journal editor

  • American University of Beirut
al-Mamlūk al-shārid
Saladin and the assassins
The caliph's heirs
The battle of Poitiers
The conquest of Andalusia
The caliph's sister
Umayyads and ʻAbbásids
Tarikh adab al-lughah al-'Arabiyah
Fath al-Andalus
Al- Hajjaj ibn Yusuf
Ta'rīkh al-tamaddun al-islāmī
Tarikh al-Tamaddun al-Islami
ʻAdhrāʾ Quraysh
Abu Muslim al-Khurasani
Umayyads and ʻAbbasids
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Jihad al-muhibbin
Tabaqāt al-umam
Asir al-Mutamahdi
Al- 'Arab qabla al-Islam
Al- Falsafah al-lughawiyah wa-al-alfaz al-'Arabiyah
Medenīyet-i İslāmīye tārīhi
ʻArūs Farghānah
Tārīkh adāb al-lughat al-'arabīya
Tārīkh al-Māsūnīyah al-ʻāmm
Misr al-Uthmaniyah (Kitab al-Hilal)
17 Ramaḍān ; al-Amīn wa-al-Maʼmūn ; Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī
Jihād al-muḥibbīn
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Fatḥ al-Andalus, aw, Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād
Muʼallafāt Jirjī Zaydān al-kāmilah
Kitāb ʻIlm al-firāsah al-ḥadīthah
ʻAdhrāʼ Quraysh ; Fatāt al-Qayrawān ; al-ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd
Tārīk̲h̲ tamaddun-i Islām
Ghādat Karbalāʼ ; ʻArūs Farghānah ; Shajarat al-Durr
'Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir
Fatāt al-Qayrawān
Abū Muslim al-Khurāsānī ; Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn ; al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf
al- Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf
ʻArūs-i Farg̲h̲ānāh
Fatat Ghassan
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī
'Arus Farghanah
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn wa-makāyid al-Ḥashāshīn
Pengantin Fergana
Mukhtārāt Jirjī Zaydān
ʻArūs Farghānah
Miṣr al-ʻUthmānīyah
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Armanusat al-Misriyah
Istibdad al-Mamalik
al- Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al- Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ al-ʻArabīyah
Al Abbassa
Sharl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān
Al- Amin wa-al-Ma'mun
Sharl wa-'Abd al-Rahman
Ghadat Karbala'
Asīr al-Mutamahdī ; al-Mamlūk al-shārid ; Jihād al-muḥibbīn
Fatḥ al-Andalus
Istibdād al-Mamālīk
Penaklukan Andalus
Asīr al-Mutamahdī
Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah khāḍiʻ li-nāmūs al-irtiqāʼ bi-iʻtibār annahā kāʼin ḥayy nāmin
Al- Mamluk al-sharid
Tarājim mashāhīr al-Sharq
al- ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd
Inqilāb al-ʻUthmānī ; Fatḥ al-Andalus ; Istibdād al-Mamālīk
al-H ̣ajjāj ibn Yūsuf
Mudhakkirāt Jurjī Zaydān
Riḥlah ilá Ūrūbbā, 1912
Sabʻat ʻashar Ramaḍān
Fatāt Ghassān
Fatat al-Qayrawan
Shajarat al-Durr
Ghādat Karbalāʼ
Al- 'Abbasah ukht al-Rashid
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Ahmad ibn Tulum
'Adhra' Quraysh
Tārīkh ādāb al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al- Mamlūk al-shārid
Al- Inqilab al-'Uthmani
Riḥlah ilá Ūrūbbā, 1912
al- ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
Kitāb Taʻrīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Sab'at 'ashar Ramadan
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Nāṣir
al-Amīn wa-al-Maʾmūn
Fatāt Ghassān ; Armānūsah al-Miṣrīyah
Mukhtārāt Jirjī Zaydān
Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻarabīyah
Shārl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ; ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Nāṣir
Tārīkh al-Māsūnīyah ; ʻIlm al-firāsah al-ḥadīth ; ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ; Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamāʼ ; Tārīkh al-ādāb al-ijtimāʻīyah fī al-mamālīk al-Ūrūbbīyah
Mashāhīr al-Sharq (2) ; al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah ; Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Sabʻat ʼashar Ramaḍān
Ghādat Karbalāʼ
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
ʻArūs-i Karbalā
Mudhakkirāt Jirjī Zaydān
Yawmīyāt riḥlah baḥrīyah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (4) ; Mashāhīr al-Sharq [1]
al-Mukhtaṣar fī tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Der letzte Mameluck und seine irrfahrten
Kitāb al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
ʻArūs-i Farg̲ẖānāh
Abū Muslim-i Khurāsānī
Dāstān-i ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Nāṣir
Fatāt al-Qayrawān
Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamā'
Armānūsah al-Miṣrīyah
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Armānūsat al-Miṣrīyah
Novia de Fargana
Asīr al-Mutamahdī
Kitāb al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
al-Ṣihyūnīyah tārīkhuhā wa-aʻmāluhā
Miṣr al-ʻUthmānīyah
Tarājim mashāhīr al-Sharq fī al-qarn al-tāsiʻ ʻashar
Kitāb tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
Shārl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān
Bānū-yi Qīravān
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī (1-3)
Tarīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Amīn va Maʼmūn ...
Abū Muslim al-Khurāsānī
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth (1-2)
Ḥajjāj ibn-i Yūsuf
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
al-Inqilāb al-ʻUthmānī
Tārīkh al-ʻArab qabla al-Islām ; Ṭabaqāt al-umam
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ  al-ʻArabīyah
Bendera hitam dari Churasan
Bunāt al-nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah
ʻAdhrāʼ Quraysh
al-Mamlūk al-shārid
Fatāt Ghassān
al-ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd, aw, Nakbat al-Barāmikah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (1-2)
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Harun Răshidning singlisi
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī (3-5)
Aḥwāl al-duwal al-muʻāṣirah ; Mulūk al-Sharq wa-umarāʼuhā ; al-Manāṣib wa-al-rutab ; Mudhakkirāt Jirjī Zaydān
al-Amīn wa-al-Maʼmūn
Deldādegān-e a︠rab
Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn
ʻAbbāsah khāhar-i Hārūn al-Rashīd
Tarajim mashāhīr al-Sharq fi al-qarn al-tasiʻ ʻashar
Majmūʻat maqālāt fī aḥwāl al-duwal al-muʻāṣirah, riḥla̲t
al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamā'
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfaẓ al-Arabīyah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (2-3)
Majmūʻat maqālāt
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ al-ʻArabīyah
دلاوران عرب
ʻArūs-i Farghānah
Farghona kelini
Kitāb tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Le dix-sept du mois de Ramadan