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linguists who wrote historical fiction
Showing 33-40 out of 40 results
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, literary critic, typographer

Dom Casmurro
The Hand and the Glove (Studies In Romance Languages)
Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
O alienista
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Quincas Borba
The psychiatrist, and other stories
The Devil's Church and other stories
A chapter of hats
The hand & the glove
Philosopher or Dog?
Memorial de Aires (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Varias historias (Portuguese edition)
Cuentos brasileños
A semana
Esau e Jacó
Tu só, to, puro amor ..
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis
Hand and the Glove (Studies in Romance Languages)
Las academias de Siam y otros cuentos
The Devil's Church and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
The Alienist
                Art of the Novella
Casa velha
Psychiatrist and Other Stories
You, love, and love alone
The collected stories of Machado de Assis
Bons dias!
Philosopher Or Dog
O que pensou e disse Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Machado de Assis afro-descendente
Iaiá Garcia (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
The wager
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
La montre en or et autres contes
Esaú e Jacó
8 Cuentos de
The Alienist
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Pensamentos e reflexões de Machado de Assis
The heritage of Quinca̧s Borba
Le philosophe ou le chien
Crônicas, crítica, poesia, teatro
Historias sem data
The Wager
O velho Senado
Epitaph of a small winner
La Cartomancienne
Ressurreição (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Critica litteraria
Poemas de amor de Machado de Assis
Teatro de Machado de Assis, Qorpo-Santo e Coelho Neto
Comentários da semana
A economia em Machado de Assis
Library of Latin America
Advogacia pitoresca
The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories
Balas de estalo de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Papéis avulsos
Critica theatral
O espelho
Linha reta e linha curva
Ce que les hommes appellent amour
Novas Relíquias (Ilustrado)
Caixa - Machado de Assis - 3 Vols.
Reliquias de Casa velha
Contos Fluminenses
PapéIs Avulsos (Ilustrado)
Novas Relíquias
Empréstimo de ouro
Mezarimdan Yaziyorum
Um Homem Célebre (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis
Um Homem Célebre
Ao Acaso
Outras reliquias
Um homem célebre
Bons Dias (Ilustrado)
Mao e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
Conto de Escola (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite
A Mão E A Luva - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Crônicas e Contos de Machado de Assis
Páginas Recolhidas (Ilustrado)
PapéIs Avulsos
Polêmicas e Reflexões (Ilustrado)
Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Semana - Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis
Várias Histórias
Machado de Assis
Helena : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Papéis avulsos
O Almada (Ilustrado)
Mariana (Ilustrado)
Trois contes
Uma Por Outra (Ilustrado)
Notas Semanais (Ilustrado)
Páginas Recolhidas
Filozof Kopek
Mão e a Luva
Contos Fluminenses
Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis
Diálogos e reflexões de um relogoeiro
Herança, Valério, Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church
Crisálidas (Ilustrado)
Sonetos Machadianos : (dois Sonetos Literariamente Analisados)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
História de Quinze Dias (Ilustrado)
Cronicas Escolhidas
Box - Todos os Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis Avulsos
Diálogos e reflexões de um relojoeíro
Cartomante (Ilustrado)
7 Melhores Contos de Machado de Assis
Correspondência de Machado de Assis com Magalhães de Azeredo
Parasita Azul
Textos Críticos (Ilustrado)
The devil's church
The Bons Dias! Chronicles of Machado de Assis
Almas Agradecidas
Histórias Sem Data
Ressurreição : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
O ideal do crítico
Hombre Célebre y Otros Cuentos
Narraciones escogidas
A Mao e a Luva
Marcha Fúnebre (Ilustrado)
Poesias Cronicas E Contos Por Othon Bastos
"El alienista" y otros cuentos
Trio in A-Minor
A Mão e a Luva
Ideias Do Canário (Ilustrado)
50 Contos de Machado de Assis
Herança (Ilustrado)
Las academias de Siam
Contos Fluminenses (Ilustrado)
Mão e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
A Cartomante (Col
Queda que as mulheres têm para os tolos
Papeis Avulsos (Em Portugues do Brasil)
PapéIs Avulsos
Histórias Sem Data (Ilustrado)
Contos Obra Completa
A mão e a luva
Hand and the Glove
A idéia do Ezequiel Maia
Ressurreição : (com Notas)(Biografia)
Quase ministro
O Diplomático, Relíquias Da Casa Velha (Ilustrado)
Igreja Do Diabo (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner
Poesia Obra Completa
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Confissões de Uma Viúva Moça
Dom Casmurro e Os Discos Voadores
Onze contos de Machado de Assis
Histórias da Meia-Noite
The alienist
Encher Tempo (Ilustrado)
Melhores Contos
Um Dia de Entrudo (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church and Other Stories
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Do teatro
Historias Sobre Ética
Americanas (Ilustrado)
Poesias completas
Ocidentais (Ilustrado)
Várias Histórias (Ilustrado)
Parasita Azul (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Brazilian Tales
O Alienista (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner;
Almas Agradecidas (Ilustrado)
Balas de Estalo (Ilustrado)
The psychiatrist
Histórias de Meia-Noite
Esau e Jaco
Contos Fluminenses
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Falenas (Ilustrado)
Carteira e Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Semana (Ilustrado)
Ressurreição (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão (Ilustrado)
Histoires Diverses
Mão e a Luva
Críticas Teatrais (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Mão e a Luva (Ilustrado)
Os Trabalhadores Do Mar
Páginas Recolhidas
Poesias Em Pergaminho
Helena (Ilustrado)
Machado de Assis & Joaquim Nabuco
Misa de Gallo y Otros Cuentos - Cyc -
Ao Acaso (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão
Historias Sem Data
Quase Ministro (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite (Ilustrado)
Suje-Se, Gordo! (Ilustrado)
Crônicas de Lélio
Mão e a Luva
Miss Dollar
Contos Fluminenses
Contos fluminenses
Idéias e imagens de Machado de Assis
Tres Romances
História de Quinze Dias
Valério (Ilustrado)
Uma Por Outra
Histórias Sem Data
Papeis Avulsos
Felicidade Pelo Casamento (Ilustrado)
Contos - Coleção Bom Livro
Machado de Assis
Contos recolhidos
o anjo Rafael Contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Os Romances de Machado de Assis
Trinta crônicas irreverentes
Reminiscências jurídicas na obra de Machado de Assis
Historias da meia noite
Machado para a juventude
Un hombre ce lebre y otros cuentos
Contos esparsos
O conto de Machado de Assis
A semana
Cartas de Machado de Assis e Euclydes da Cunha, coligidas por Renato Travassos
Papéis velhos e outras histórias
Memorial de aires ; O alienista
Seis contos escolhidos e comentados por José Mindlin
O alienista, e outras histórias
Critica litteraria
Poesias completas: Chrysalidas, Phalenas, Americanas, Occidentaes
Iaiá Garcia
Novas reliquias
Miss Dollar & another story
Obra completa em quatro volumes
Reliquias de casa velha
Obra completa
Conto de escola
Capitu mandou flores
Cuento de escuela (y 17 cuentos más)
Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis avulsos
Histórias sem data
Dom Casmurro
Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aquarelas do Brasil
Posmrtné paměti Bráse Cubase
Poesia e prosa
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Crônicas selecionadas
Machado de Assis
Conceitos e pensamentos
O califa
La Alienisto
Obras ilustradas de Machado de Assis
Três contos fantásticos
Dispersos de Machado de Assis
Relatos de otro milenio
A cartomante
Teatro de Machado de Assis (Dramaturgos Do Brasil)
Dez paródias de Machado de Assis
Contos completos de Machado de Assis
Contos fluminenses
Uns brac̜os ; Conto de escola
Machado de Assis
Contos avulsos
A mão e a luva
Machado para jovens leitores
Paginas recolhidas
O alienista
Helena ; Iaiá Garcia
Esaú e Jacob
Várias histórias
A poesia completa
Histórias da meia noite
Teatro completo
Os melhores contos
Toda poesia de Machado de Assis
Yayá Garcia
Machado de Assis & confrades de versos
Obra completa
Rua Cosme Velho, 18
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Contos sem data
O alienista e o espelho
História de quinze dias
Esaú e Jacó
Obras completas de Machado de Assis
A olhos vistos
A Mão e a Luva
Contos e crônicas
Páginas recolhidas
Machado de Assis et son oeuvre littéraire
História de quinze dias, História de trinta dias
Recontando Machado
Os melhores contos de Machado de Assis
O mínimo e o escondido
Paginas recolhidas
Contos fluminenses
Contos de Machado de Assis
Historias romanticas
Esaú e Jaco
Machado de Assis, ontem, hoje e sempre
Casa velha
Machado de Assis
A sereníssima república e outros contos
Machado de Assis, romancista
The psychiatrist, and other stories
O jornal e o livro
Brazilian Tales
Contos consagrados
A mão e a luva
Contos esquecidos
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Três romances
Poesias completas
O Pensamento vivo de Machado de Assis
Contos Escolhidos
Capitu e outras Evas
Iaiá Garcia
Obra completa
Angela Carter
Angela Carter (1940-1992)

linguist, translator, journalist, playwright, poet

  • University of Bristol
Saints and strangers
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
The Sadeian woman
Wise Children
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
Burning Your Boats
The Passion of New Eve
Nights at the circus
I Shudder at Your Touch
The magic toyshop
The bloody chamber and other stories
American Ghosts and Old World Wonders
The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman
Heroes & villains
Sea-Cat and Dragon King
The Bloody Chamber
Shadow dance
Wayward girls & wicked women
Nothing Sacred
Angela Carters Book Of Wayward Girls And Wicked Women An Anthology Of Stories
Several perceptions
The War of Dreams
The donkey prince
Crossing the Border
Wise Children
Comic and Curious Cats
Wayward Girls and Wicked Women
Gollancz/Sunday Times SF competition stories
Wayward girls & wicked women
Shaking a leg
Miss Z, the dark young lady
Virago Book of Fairy Tales
The Bloody Chamber: And Other Stories: 75th-Anniversary Edition (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Wayward Girls & Wicked Women
Expletives deleted
The curious room
The Bloody Chamber By Angela Carter
Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales
Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales
Wise Children
The second Virago book of fairy tales
Expletives Deleted
The Bloody Chamber, Wise Children, Fireworks
Old Wives' Fairy Tale Book, The
Venus Negra
La Pasion de La Nueva Eva
The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories (Vintage Magic)
Shaking A Leg
Comic and Curious Cats
Come unto these yellow sands
Fireworks (Virago Modern Classics)
Bloody Chamber Wise Children Fireworks
Angela Carter's Book Of Fairy Tales
American Ghost/old World
Magic Toyshop
Fairy Tales Of Charles Perrault
The second Virago book of fairy tales
Modern Classics Heroes and Villains
Angela Carter - an interview
Le Théâtre des perceptions
Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales
The Bloody Chamber and other adult tales
The Virago book of fairy tales
As infernais maquinas de desejo do doutor Hoffman
Fireworks B Special
Passion of New Eve
Virago Bk Fairy Tales Bc Only
Law of Attraction for Manifestation- How to Attract Health, Money, Love and Success in Life Using Law of Attraction... !!
Several Perceptns
Wise Children
Magic Toyshop B
Shadow Dance C C/Px12
Le magasin de jouets magique
Varias Percepciones
Angela Carter Mixed B C/Px14
Magic Toyshop B Pbp
Collected Angela Carter
Shadow dance
Several Perceptions B
X24 d?'Bin Virago Fairy Tales
Miss Z
La Jugueteria Magica
Wise Children
The magic toyshop
Heroes and Villians
Noches en el circo
Virago Book of Fairy Tales
Strange Things Sometimes Still Happen
Noches En El Circo
X36 Fairy Tales Vol Ii
Second Virago Book of Fairy
Black Venus's tale
Heroes and Villains
Passion of New Eve B Bc Only
Virago Book of Fairy Tales - Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales
Les machines à désir infernales du docteur Hoffman
Miss Z,The Dark Young Lady
Büyülü Oyuncak Dükkâni
Burning Your Boats
Black Venus
Strange Things Sometimes Still Happen
Bloody Chamber and Other Stories
Several Perceptions
103 Contos de Fadas
Complete Fairy Tales
La Camara Sangrienta
Bloody Chamber
Angela Carter's Book of Wayward Girls and Wicked Women
Magic Toyshop Mug
Nights at the Circus
Nothing Sacred
Burning Your Boats
Fantasmas de America y Maravillas del
Shadow Dance B D/Bx18
Shaking a Leg
Passion of New Eve B Special
Heroes and Villains
Wise Children Dumpbin X 40
Bloody Chamber and Other Stories
La bottega dei giocattoli
Lizzie Borden
Shadow Dance
Heroes y Villanos
Passion of New Eve, The
La danse des ombres
Curious Room
Strange things sometimes still happen
Sea-Cat and Dragon King
Virago Fairy Tales Ii d?'Bin X 18
Black Venus
Artificial Fire
Menina do Capuz Vermelho e Outras Historias de Dar
Black Venus
Rewriting The Body
Virago Modern Classics Box Set
Het nichtje van de poppenspeler (Internationale klassieker) (Dutch Edition)
La compagnie des loups et autres nouvelles
American Ghosts and Old Wo
The Bloody Chamber
American Ghosts and Old World Wonders
Nächte im Zirkus. Roman
Blaubarts Zimmer. Märchen Aus Der Zwischenwelt
Angela Carter B Mixed S/Wx10
Virago Fairy Tales X36 Dumpbin
La passion de l'Eve nouvelle
Magic Toyshop, The
Magic Toyshop Notebook
La juguetería mágica
Ming zhi de hai zi
Carter Reissues Dumpbin X 36
Cuentos de hadas de Ángela Carter
Ninos Sabios
The Old Wife's Fairy Tale Book
The war of dreams
Wies uns gefällt
Feux d'artifice
Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
The Old wives' fairy tale book
La Compagnie des loups
Black Venus's tale
Ninas Malas, Mujeres Perversas
Saints and Stragers
Mądre dzieci (Biblioteczka interesującej prozy)
Le fiabe delle donne
Robert van Gulik
Robert van Gulik (1910-1967)

linguist, diplomat, translator, illustrator, musician, orientalist

  • Leiden University, Utrecht University
The haunted monastery
Judge Dee at work
The Chinese gold murders
Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee = Dee goong an
The lacquer screen
The Emperor's Pearl
Murder in Canton
Necklace and Calabash
The Phantom of the Temple
The Chinese lake murders
The willow pattern
The Chinese Nail Murders (Judge Dee Mysteries)
The Monkey and the Tiger
The Chinese maze murders
Judge Dee at work
The red pavilion
The Phantom of the Temple
Poets and Murder
The Chinese Lake Murders
Necklace and Calabash
The Emperor's Pearl
The Chinese gold murders
The lacquer screen
The Chinese bell murders ; with an introd. by Donald F. Lach
Poets and murder
Chinese Gold Murders (Judge Dee Mystery)
Chinese Bell Murders (Judge Dee Mystery)
The Chinese bell murders
The Lacquer Screen
The Chinese nail murders
POETS & MURDER (Judge Dee Mysteries)
The MONKEY AND THE TIGER (Monkey & the Tiger Srs)
The Chinese lake murders
The Chinese Bell Murders
The Chinese Gold Murders
Judge Dee at Work (Judge Dee Mysteries)
The haunted monastery
Chinese Bell Murders, The
The Emperor's Pearl (Judge Dee Mysteries)
The Chinese bell murders
Judge Dee at Work
Emperor's Pearl
Willow Pattern
Haunted Monastery
Murder in Canton
Necklace and Calabash
Poets and Murder
Lacquer Screen
Monkey and the Tiger
The haunted monastery : a Chinese detective story
Red Pavilion
Phantom of the Temple
Monkey and the Tiger
Poets and murder
Crime and Punishment in Ancient China
Sexual life in ancient China
Erotic Colour Prints of the Ming Period
Sexual life in ancient China
The monkey and the tiger
Murder in Canton
Richter Di bei der Arbeit
The Chinese Nail Murders
The Red Pavilion
The Chinese Maze Murders
Trafic d'or sous les T'ang
Erotic colour prints of the Ming period
El monasterio maldito
The Chinese nail murders
Scrapbook for Chinese Collectors
El asesinato del magistrado
Chinese pictorial art as viewed by the connoisseur
The Chinese bell murders
Mi xi tu kao
The red pavilion
The willow pattern
Das Phantom im Tempel
Hsi K'ang and his poetical essay on the lute
Le juge Ti à l'oeuvre
Le paravent de laque
Die Perle des Kaisers
Mi Fu on Inkstones
The lore of the Chinese lute
Poeten und Mörder
Merkwürdige Kriminalfälle des Richters Di
Le singe et le tigre
De nacht van de tijger
Der geschenkte Tag. Ein Amsterdamer Kriminalroman
Erotic colour prints of the Ming period
Sexual Life in Ancient China
Le pavillon rouge
New Year's Eve in Lan-Fang
Sexual Life in Ancient China
Le monastère hanté
Vụ án mạng lúc rạng đông
Assassins et poètes
The Chinese maze murders
Di Renjie qi an
The Chinese Bell Murders (Judge Dee Mysteries)
Nächtlicher Spuk im Mönchskloster
Tod im Roten Pavillon
4 vingers
La vie sexuelle dans la Chine ancienne
Trois affaires criminelles resolues par le juge Ti
The lore of the Chinese lute
Meurtre sur un bateau-de-fleurs
Meurtre à Canton
Mord im Labyrinth
Merkwürdige Kriminalfälle des Richters Di
Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee
The willow pattern
Emperors Pearl
Affaires résolues à l'ombre du poirier
Le Collier de la princesse
Meurtre à Canton
Le motif du saule
Squelette sous cloche
Der See von Han-yuan
Le Jour de grâce
The gibbon in China
Chinese pictorial art
Le mystère du labyrinthe
Geisterspuk in Peng-lai
Le monastère hanté
Mord nach Muster
Judge Dee at Work
La perle de l'empereur
Necklace and Calabash
The Chinese Maze Murders
The willow pattern, a Chinese detective story
Les débuts du juge Ti
Hsi K¦ang and his poetical essay on the lute
Mi xi tu da guan
Red Tape Murder (86150)
Chinese Maze Murders
Poets and murder
Poets and Murder
The Red Pavilion
Chinese Gold Murders
Van Gulik R
De nacht van de tijger
Murder in Canton
Lacquer Screen
The Red Pavilion
The Chinese Lake Murders. Three cases solved by Judge Dee. A Chinese detective story suggested by original ancient Chinese plots
Night of the Tiger (84160)
Haunted Monastery
The Chinese gold murder [sic]
Tres Cuentos Chinos
Night of the Tiger
Sexual life in ancient China
The Chinese Lake Murders
The gibbon in China
Murder in Canton (84020)
Rechter Tie
The lacquer screen
Necklace and calabash
Hei hu li
Chinese Maze Murders
The emperor's pearl
Gibbon Dans la Civilisation Chinoise
Der Affe und der Tiger
The willow pattern
Sexual Life in Ancient China
Huang jin mi an
The Haunted Monastery
Sedzia Di i nawiedzony klasztor
The Monkey and the Tiger
Los asesinatos de los clavos chinos
Morning of the Monkey (84910)
Phantom of the Temple
Emperor's Pearl
El biombo lacado.
The Willow Pattern
The monkey and the tiger
The Haunted Monastery
The willow pattern, a Chinese detective story
The given day
The Phantom in the Temple
L' Énigme du clou chinois
Judge Dee at work
Murder in Ancient China
Monkey and the Tiger
The phantom of the temple
The Monkey and the Tiger
The Chinese gold murders, a Chinese detective story
Red Pavilion
Necklace and calabash: a Chinese detective story
Haunted Monastery
Judge Dee at Work (86560)
Assassins et poètes
Zhongguo gu dai fang nei kao
Fantoom in Foe-lai
Murder in Canton
Hsi K'ang and His Poetical Essay on the Lute
Le fantome du temple
The Lore of the Chinese lute
The Chinese Bell Murders
The fox-magic murders
On three antique lutes
The Chinese Nail Murders
Murder in Canton
to kokkino periptero / το κόκκινο περίπτερο
Ming mo yi seng Donggao chan shi ji kan
The Willow Pattern
Phantom of the Temple
4 vingers
Poeti i ubiytsi
Dee goong an
New Year's Eve in Lan-fang
The willow pattern : a Judge Dee detective story
Chinese pictorial art as viewed by the connoisseur
Znamenitye dela sudʹi Di = Di-gun-anʹ
The chinese nail murders
4 [i.e. Vier] vingers
Sexual Life in Ancient China
Le Fantôme du temple (French Edition)
The law of search and seizure in Canada
Hsi K'ang and his poetical essay on the lute
Ch'un meng so yen
Yu zhu an
Edwin Abbott Abbott
Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838-1926)

theologian, school teacher, cleric, philologist

  • University of Cambridge
A  Shakespearian grammar
Johannine Vocabulary
Johannine Grammar
Francis Bacon
St. Thomas of Canterbury
How to parse
The  kernel and the husk
Latin prose through English idiom
How to write clearly
Silanus the Christian
Hints on Home Teaching
Bible lessons
The  Anglican career of Cardinal Newman
The  fourfold Gospel
Indices to diatessarica
Through nature to Christ
Bacon And Essex
The  spirit on the waters
Cambridge sermons preached before the University
Contrast, or, A prophet and a forger
Hints on home training and teaching
Light on the gospel from an ancient poet
The corrections of Mark adopted by Matthew and Luke
The good voices, a child's guide to the Bible
Via Latina
The  message of the Son of man
Miscellanea Evangelica
Paradosis Or In The Night In Which He Was Betrayed
Newmanianism: A Preface to the Second Edition of Philomythus ; Containing a ..
From letter to spirit
English lessons for English people
The  early life of Cardinal Newman
How to tell the parts of speech
Bacon's Essays V1
The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel
Promus of Formularies and Elegancies (being Private Notes, Circ. 1594, Hitherto Unpublished)
Speculative Science Fiction Classics (16 Books)
"The  Son of man"; or Contributions to the study of the thoughts of Jesus
The  common tradition of the synoptic gospels
Fourfold Gospel
Fourfold Gospel; Section II
Miscellanea evangelica (II)
Oxford sermons
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Johannine grammar
'Righteousness' in the Gospels
A Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope
The Fourfold Gospel; Section II
Fourfold Gospel; Section I
The Fourfold Gospel; Section V
Bacon's Essays; Volume 1
Düzlemler Ülkesi
Fourfold Gospel; Section III
Notes on New Testament criticism
Fourfold Gospel; Section IV
Philomythus, an antidote against credulity
The Son of Man, or, Contributions to the study of the thoughts of Jesus
Justin's Use of the Fourth Gospel
The common tradition of the synoptic Gospels
Parables for children
Hand-book of English grammar ...
Via latina
How to write clearly
English lessons for English people
The fourfold Gospel
Illusion in religion
Miscellanea evangelica
Richard Francis Burton
Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890)

translator, explorer, poet, diplomat, military personnel, ethnologist, linguist, cartographer, historian, zoologist, spy, anthropologist, traveler, naturalist

  • University of Oxford
Vikram and the Vampire
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Tales from the Arabian nights [21 stories]
Supplemental nights to the Book of the thousand nights and a night [7 volumes]
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Madinah & Meccah, Vol. 2
First Footsteps in East Africa
A mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
First Footsteps in East Africa
The book of the sword
The Arabian nights entertainments [65 stories]
First Footsteps in East Africa; Or, An Explanation of Harar.: Or, An Exploration of Harar
Ultima Thule: Or, A Summer in Iceland
Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Meccah and Medinah
The Lake Regions of Central Africa
First footsteps in East Africa, or, An exploration of Harar
Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night [3/10]
The city of the saints
Arabian Nights
Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo, Volume 2 of 2
Wanderings in West Africa
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Madinah and Meccah
To the Gold Coast for gold
The City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Mountains to California
The sentiment of the sword
Goa, and the Blue Mountains, or, Six months of sick leave
The Sotadic Zone
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil: With a Full Account of the Gold ..
Etruscan Bologna
Ultima Thule
Letters from the battle-fields of Paraguay
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po
Wit and wisdom from West Africa
The City of the Saints: And Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil
The Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû al-Yazdi [pseud.]
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah
The Lake Regions of Central Africa: A Picture of Exploration
Goa, and the Blue Mountains
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
The lake regions of Central Africa
Sind revisited: With Notices of the Anglo-Indian Army; Railroads; Part, Present, and Future, Etc
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
Falconry in the valley of the Indus
Wanderings in West Africa
Nile Basin: Part I: Showing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy's Western Lake Resevoir; a Memoir ... with ..
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
Wanderings in three continents
The Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
The land of Midian (revisited)
The Arabian Nights
First footsteps in East Africa, or, An exploration of Harar
Physiology by Numbers
A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome: With Notices of the So Called "Amazons," the Grand Customs ..
The Arabian Nights [9 stories]
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
Unexplored Syria
Sindh and the races that inhabit the Valley of the Indus
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
A glance at the 'Passion-play' [of Oberammergau]
The city of saints and across the Rocky Mountains to California
A new system of sword exercise for infantry
Sir Richard Burton's travels in Arabia and Africa
The kas©ʾdah of H©Øj©ʾ Abd©  el-Yezd©ʾ
Camoens: his life and his Lusiads, a commentary
The lake regions of Central Africa
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, Volume 2
Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay
Sind revisited
Unexplored Syria
Etruscan Bologna
Tales from 1001 Arabian Nights [18 stories]
The Beautiful and the Damned
Etruscan Bologna: A Study
Scinde; or, The unhappy valley
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah
The gold-mines of Midian
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
The Ogham-runes and El-Mushajjar
The Gold-mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities: A Fortnight's Tour ..
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Unexplored Syria
Sindh and the races that inhabit the valley of the Indus with notices of the topography and history of [the] province
A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome: With Notices of the So Called "Amazons ..
Ultima Thule V1
Bilješke o Istri
A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
The gold-mines of Midian and the ruined Midianite cities
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Part 3
First footsteps in East Africa
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, V1
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil
First Footsteps in East Africa or an Exploration of Harar
The Arabian Nights
Explorations of the Highlands of Brazil
Nile Basin (Middle East in the Twentieth Century)
Wanderings In Three Continents
The Lake Regions of Central Africa
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
The Book of The Thousand Nights And One Nights
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, V1
First footsteps in East Africa
El Islam
two trips to gorilla land, and the cateracts of the Congo. --
A Glance At The Passion-Play
Hindu Art of Love
Two Trips to Gorilla Land
A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, now entituled The Book of The Thousand Nights and a Night [10/10]
The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Sindh And The Races That Inhabit Yhe Valley Of The Indus
Ultima Thule
The book of the thousand nights and a night [17 volumes]
Die Goldminen von Midian. Reisen und Forschungen im biblischen Land 1876 - 1877
Falconry in the valley of the Indus
Scinde; or The unhappy valley
The City of the Saints
Comoens The Lyricks Part I
Goa And The Blue Mountains Or Six Months Of Sick Leave
The Kasidah Of Haji Abdu El-yezdi
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah, Volume 1
Sindh And The Races That Inhabit The Valley Of The Indus; With Notices Of The Topography And History Of The Province
Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam
The Jew
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, V2
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah, Volume II
First footsteps in East Africa
The Land Of Midian (North-Western Arabia) Volume  I
Voyages à La Mecque et chez les Mormons
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, V2
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, Volume 2
Wanderings In West Africa
Premiers pas dans l'Afrique Orientale
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, V1
Etruscan Bologna
To the Gold Coast for Gold (A Personal Narrative), Volume 1
The Gypsy
To the Gold Coast for Gold, V1
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Part 2
The kasidah of Haji Abdu el-Yezdi [pseud.]
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, V1
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
The Gold-Mines Of Midian And The Ruined Midianite Cities
The Jew
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo, Volume 1
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Part 1
Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay
A new system of sword exercise for infantry
The Sotadic Zone
To the Gold Coast for Gold
The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Sind Revisited V1
The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam
The Book Of The Sword
The Land of Midian Volume 1
The Thousand and One Nights
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
The City of the saints
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
The Nile basin
The Land of Midian (Revisited) Two volumes in one
A Mission To Gelele, King Of Dahome
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
Burton O LA Pasion Oriental
Etruscan Bologna
A Midsummer Memory: An Elegy on the Death of Arthur Upson
Sind revisited
Vagabundeos Por El Oeste de Africa III
Zanzibar; city, island, and coast
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo 2 Vols in 1
The gold-mines of Midian and the ruined Midianite cities
A mission to Gehele, king of Dahome
Literary Leaders of America: A Class-book on American Literature
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night [6/10]
Mi Peregrinacion a Medina y La Meca III - La Meca
A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
The Nile basin [by] Richard F. Burton and Captain Speke's discovery of the source of the Nile
Vagabundeos Por El Oeste de Africa II
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night [5/10]
Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo
The look of the West, 1860
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdi
Unexplored Syria
Sind revisited
Mi Peregrinacion a Medina y La Meca II
Narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah
A secret pilgimage to Mecca and Medina
Sind Revisited
Selected papers on anthropology, travel & exploration
Voyages du capitaine Burton
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights' entertainments now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night [8/10]
The City of the Saints; And, Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Two trips on the Gold Coast
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
The works of Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton
Camoens: his life and his Lusiads
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
The Jew, the gypsy and El Islam
Pilgrimage to Medina and Mecca - Excerpts
The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam
The erotic traveler
The captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in A.D. 1547-1555
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî [pseud.]
Of no country
The Land of Midian, Set (Arabia Past & Present)
Premiers pas dans l'Afrique orientale
Narrative of a pilgrimage to Meccah and Medinah
Wanderings in three continents
The erotic traveler
Vagabundeos Por El Oeste de Africa I
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights' entertainments, now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night [2/10]
The kasi dah of Ha ji  Abdu  el-Yezdi [pseud.]
The search for the source of the Nile
The land of Midian (revisited)
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu el-Yezdi
The erotic traveler
The Kasidah
Letters from the battle-fields of Paraguay
A glance at the "passion-play"
Tales From the 1001 Nights
Highlands of the Brazil
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu [pseud.]
Love, war and fancy
Selected papers on anthropology, travel & exploration
Selections from the Arabian nights
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abudû el-Yezdî
Explorations of the highlands of the Brazil
Selections from the Arabian Nights
Os Lusíadas ; Volume 2
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî [pseud.] translated and annotated by his friend and pupil, F.B
Sind revisited
To the Gold Coast for gold
Kama Surtra of Vatsayayana
The Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû al-Yezdî [pseud.]
Arabian Nights
                Collins Classics
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to al-Madinah & Meccah
Vikram and the vampire
1001 Nights (Arabian Nights), Volume 1
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 10 of 16]
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains 2 Volume Set
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 8 of 16]
Pilpay's Fables
The Lake Regions of Central Africa
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 14 of 16]
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entitled The book of the thousand nights and a night [1/10]
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 4 of 16]
First Footsteps In East Africa, Or, An Exploration Of Harar; Volume 1
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah
The Book of the Sword
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 9 of 16]
Voyages du capitaine Burton
Tales from the 1001 Nights
Supplemental Nights to the book of the thousand and one nights with notes anthropological and explanatory [3/7]
Kama Sutra
To The Holy Shrines
The illustrated Kama Sutra. Ananga-Ranga. Perfumed garden
The Kasi dah of Ha ji  El Yezdi
The sentiment of the sword
The Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû al-Yazdi
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 13 of 16]
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 7 of 16]
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
A pilgrimage to Meccah and Medina
Supplemental Nights to the book of the thousand and one nights with notes anthropological and explanatory [5/7]
Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse, in A. D. 1547-1555, among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 16 of 16]
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 1 of 16]
The source of the Nile
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 6 of 16]
Narrative of a pilgrimmage to Meccah and Medinah
The Kasi dan of Ha ji  Abdu El Yezdi
Pilgrimage to Makkah
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 11 of 16]
More stories from the Arabian Nights
Arabian Nights
First Footsteps in East Africa
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 15 of 16]
Favorite tales from the Arabian nights' entertainments
The Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse
Wit and Wisdom from West Africa
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 12 of 16]
The Kasîdah  of Hâjî Abdû Al-Yazdi [pseud.] a Lay of the Higher law Translated and Annotated by his Friend and Pupil, F. B
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 5 of 16]
Pilgrimage to Meccah
Stories from 1001 Arabian nights
1001 Arabian Nights [Volume 3 of 16]
The Nile Basin
The City Of The Saints
Priapeia, sive, Diversorum poetarum in Priapum lusus, or, Sportive epigrams on Priapus
City of the Saints
Lake Regions of Central Africa
The Arabian Nights
Os Lusíadas (the Lusiads); Volume 2
Falconry in the Valley of the Indus
Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 15
El Jardín Perfumado
A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry
A grammar of the Siraiki language
Unexplored Syria : Volume 2
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entitled The book of the thousand nights and a night
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and  the Cataracts of the Congo  Volume 1
Goa, and the Blue Mountains Or Six Months of Sick Leave
Lake Regions of Central Africa 2 Volume Set
First Footsteps in East Africa, or, An Exploration of Harar; Volume 1
Wanderings In Three Continents
Book of the Sword
Personal Narrative Of A Pilgrimage To Mecca And Medina; Volume 3
The Arabian Nights
The Land of Midian, Vol. 2
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Lake Regions of Central Africa
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 15
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo 2 Volume Set
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 11
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo; Volume 2
Viaje A La Ciudad De Los Santos
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el-Medinah and Meccah 3 Volume Set
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando
Lake Regions of Central Africa : Volume 2
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah
Persian stories from the Arabian nights
The Land of Midian
Book of the Sword
Book of the Sword
The Arabian Nights Entertainments [2/2]
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po Vol. 1
Lake Regions of Central Africa : Volume 1
Binbir Gece Masalları
The lake regions of Central Africa
Zanzibar: City, Island, and Coast
Arabian Nights, in 16 Volumes
Scinde; or the Unhappy Valley
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah
Alla ricerca delle sorgenti del Nilo e nel centro dell'Africa
Ultima Thule
Personal Narrative Of A Pilgrimage To Almadinah Meccah
Ultima Thule
To the Gold Coast for Gold : Volume 1
Etruscan Bologna
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah; Volume 1
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al Madinah and Meccah, Undertaken in 1853
Personal Narrative Of A Pilgrimage To Mecca And Medina; Volume 2
To the Gold Coast for Gold
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah; Volume II
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el-Medinah and Meccah
Ogham-Runes and El-Mushajjar
The Book of the Sword
Wanderings in Three Continents
The Kama Sutra & the Perfumed Garden
Personal Narrative of a  Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and  Meccah
The Lands of Cazembe: Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798
City of the Saints
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil
Tales from the 1001 Nights
The Ananga Ranga
Arabian Nights
Men of progress
The Arabian Nights, book collection on CD
Arabian nait'ŭ .
Unexplored Syria : Volume 1
To The Gold Coast for Gold
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains to California
First footsteps in East Africa. --
A Mission to Gelele
Kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû Al-Yazdi [pseud. ] a Lay of the Higher Law Translated and Annotated by His Friend and Pupil, F. B
Arabian nights tales
SINDH and the Races that Inhabit the Valley of the Indus
Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezd (illustrated)
Kasidah of Haji Abdu el-Yezd Illustrated
I Can't Stop Drinking about You
Julnar the Sea-Born and her son, King Badr Basim of Persia
Os Lusíadas
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Unexplored Syria
Zanzibar : Volume 2
Biology by Numbers
First Footsteps in East Africa or,  an Exploration of Harar
Scinde V1: Or The Unhappy Valley (1851)
Burton Bin Bir Gece MasallarI Babil KitaplIgI
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po
Falconry in the Valley of the Indus
To the Gold Coast for Gold 2 Volume Set
Arabian miniatures
Kama Sutra in Pop-Up
Ārabakī ahiṃ 1001 gī wārī
The City of the Saints
Prairie Traveller
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Madinah [and] Meccah
Stone talk (Lithophónema)
First footsteps in East Africa. --
First Footsteps in East Africa
The Great Lakes of East Africa
Binbir Gece Masallari; Babil Kitapligi 26
The Nile basin
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 13
Pilpay's fables
Xi xie gui guo wang
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains : Volume 2
Aux sources du Nil
Burton and Lake Tanganyika, 1857
The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam
Arabian Nights
Goa, and the Blue Mountains
To the Gold Coast for Gold : Volume 2
A Mission to Gelele
Land of Midian
Unexplored Syria Vol. 2 : Visits to the Libanus, the Tulúl el Safá, the Anti-Libanus, the Northern Libanus, and the 'Aláh
Zanzibar : Volume 1
Marocco and the Moors
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains : Volume 1
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 14
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to al-Madinah & Meccah
The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities. a Fortnight's Tour in North-Western Arabia
Physiology by Numbers
The kasîdah (couplets) of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
A mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
The City of the saints
Arabian Nights CD'li ; Ingilizce seviyeli hikaye kitabi. Stage 2
Arabian Nights, in 16 Volumes
Supplemental nights to the Book of the thousand nights and a night [6/7]
First footsteps in East Africa
Lands of Cazembe. Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe In 1798
The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California
Relat personal d'un pelegrinatge a Medina i la Meca
The book of the thousand nights and a night [5 & 6]
To the Gold Coast for gold
Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, Now Entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah
Sir Richard Burton's Travels in Arabia and Africa
The Arabian Nights
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu el Yezdi
The City of the Saints
First Footsteps in Africa
Glance at the 'passion-Play' [of Oberammergau]
Unexplored Syria
The Arabian nights, or, The book of a thousand and one nights
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo  Volume 2
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil; with a Full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines. Also, Canoeing down 1500 Miles of the Great River São Francisco, from Sabará to the Sea
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Lands of Cazembe
The Land of Midian
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah; Volume 1
Kama Sutra and Ananga Ranga
The Great Lakes of East Africa
Supplemental Nights to the book of the thousand and one nights with notes anthropological and explanatory [4/7]
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo.  (Complete)
The Arabian Nights Entertainments
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah; Volume 2
Viagens aos planaltos do Brasil (1868)
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night [7/10]
Ultima Thule
Book of the Sword
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el-Madinah and Meccah
Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand and One Nights with Notes Anthropological and Explanatory Volume Six
Wanderings in Three Continents; Volume 25
Etruscan Bologna
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Madinah and Meccah
Unexplored Syria
Kasidah of Haji Abdu el- Yezdi
Favorite Tales from the Arabian Nights' Entertainments
First footsteps in East Africa, or, An exploration of Harar
First Footsteps in East Africa or, an Exploration of Harar
To the Gold Coast for Gold and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
Mission to Gelele, king of Dahome
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; a Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, with Introd. , Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay upon the History of the Nights; Volume 2
Ultima Thule, or, A summer in Iceland
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Ultima Thule
Tales from the Arabian Nights
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Madinah and Meccah
Etruscan Bologna
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments; Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night : With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory
Ultima Thule
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
Sentiment of the Sword; a Countryhouse Dialogue. Edited, with Notes
First Footsteps in East Africa, or, an Exploration of Harar; Volume 2
Scinde; or, the Unhappy Valley
Book of the Sword
The city of the saints
Supplemental nights
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Kama Sutra Illustrated by Richard Francis Burton
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
Relat personal d’un pelegrinatge a Medina i la Meca
City of the Saints
Arabian Nights
The look of the West, 1860
Arabian Nights Volume One
Supplemental nights to the Book of the thousand nights and a night [1/7]
First Footsteps in East Africa; or, an Exploration of Harar
Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana
The Nile basin
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments
First Footsteps in East Africa
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah; Volume 2
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah
BOOK of the Thousand Nights and a Night VOLUME III
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome
Falconry in the Valley of the Indus
Goa and the Blue Mountains or Six Months of Sick Leave
Supplemental Nights To the Book of Volume 2
To the Gold Coast for Gold
Os Lusiadas
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Wanderings in West Africa from Liverpool to Fernando Po; Volume 1
Scinde; or, the Unhappy Valley
Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû El-Yezdî [pseud. ]
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to el Medinah and Meccah; Volume 1
Lake Regions of Central Africa
Premiers Pas Dans l'afrique Orientale
The Book of the thousand nights and a night a plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainents
The Arabian Nights Entertainments
Favorite Tales from the Arabian Nights' Entertainments
First Footsteps in East Africa
New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah; V. 2
Book of the Sword
City of the Saints
The book of the thousand nights and a night [1/12]
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome; Volume I
The Arabian Night's Entertainments
Supplemental Nights
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entitled The book of the thousand nights and a night [9/10]
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdi [pseud.]
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil
The Vice
The Kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
BOOK of the Thousand Nights and a Night VOLUME IV
Lake Regions of Central Africa
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo; Volume 2
Zanzibar; City, Island, and Coast
Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities
Priapeia, or, The sportive epigrams of divers poets on Priapus
The Nile Basin and Captain Speke's Discovery of the Source of the Nile
The City of the Saints
The Nile basin
Arabian Nights
The book of the thousand nights and a night
To the Gold Coast for Gold
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 4
Arabian miniatures
First Footsteps in East Africa
Le Livre noir des Mille et Une Nuits - Précédé de Toutes les façons d'être homme que connaissent les
Kama Sutra
Selected papers on anthropology, travel & exploration
The sotadic zone
Mission to Gelele
Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, Now Entitled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 6
Stone talk
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights' entertainments
Ultima Thule
BOOK of the Thousand Nights and a Night. VOLUME I
Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu
First Footsteps in East Africa
BOOK of the Thousand Nights and a Night VOLUME V
Glance at the 'passion-Play' [of Oberammergau]
Wit and Wisdom from West Africa; or, a Book of Proverbial Philosophy, Idioms, Enigmas, and Laconisms
Kasidah of Haji Abdu el-Yezd
The first four chapters of Goa, and the blue mountains, or, Six months of sick leave
The kasîdah of Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Nile Basin : Part I
The Kasidah
Tales from the Arabian Nights
Burton's Reisen Nach Medina und Mekka und in das Somaliland Nach Härrär in Ost-Afrika
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil; with a Full Account of the Gold and Diamond Mines. Also, Canoeing down 1500 Miles of the Great River São Francisco, from Sabará to the Sea; Volume 2
Unexplored Syria
Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil
To the Gold Coast for Gold
Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments
The Arabian Nights
Epilogo a Las Mil y Una Noches
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
Land of Midian; Volume 2
Lake Regions of Central Africa
The Arabian Nights [25 stories]
New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry
The Ananga Ranga of Kalyana Malla and the Symposium of Plato
Falconry in the Valley of the Indus
New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry by Richard Francis Burton
The gold-mines of Midian and the ruined Midianite cities
Mission to Gelele
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah VOL. 2
Os Lusiadas
First Footsteps in East Africa
Ananga Ranga
The Kaspidah of Hpajpi Abdpu el-Yezdpi
Unexplored Syria
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
Land of Midian, Vol 2
A mission to Gelele, King of Dahome (Travellers and explorers)
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
To the Gold Coast for Gold a Personal Narrative in Two Volumes. ?Vol. II
To the Holy Shrines
Supplemental nights to the book of The thousand nights and a night
Voyages Aux Grands Lacs de l'afrique Orientale
Die Kasidah des Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Lake Region of Central Africa, a Picture of Exploration
Tales from the Arabian Nights
Book of the Sword
Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments Now Entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
Etruscan Bologna
Viagem de canoa, de Sabará ao oceano Atlântico
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu
Manuel de Moraes
Kasidah of Haji Abdu el-Yezd ( Illustrate Edition)
Lake Regions of Central Africa
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 16 (Esprios Classics)
Aladdin (Classics for Beginning Readers, Reader's Digest Young Families)
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah
Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 6
BOOK of the Thousand Nights and a Night. VOLUME II
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Translated from the Arabic / by R. F. Burton. Reprinted from the Original Ed. and Edited by Leonard G. Smithers
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entitled The book of the thousand nights and a night [4/10]
Ultima Thule, or, a Summer in Iceland; 1
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Volume 5
Relat personal d'un pelegrinatge a Medina i la Meca
Goa, and the Blue Mountains or Six Months of Sick Leave
A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nightsʾ Entertainments
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night; Translated from the Arabic / by R. F. Burton. Reprinted from the Original Ed. and Edited by Leonard G. Smithers; Volume 1
Letters from the battle-fields of Paraguay
First Footsteps in East Africa; or, an Exploration of Harar
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah; Volume 1
To the Gold Coast for Gold
Supplemental Nights to the book of the thousand and one nights with notes anthropological and explanatory [2/7]
Look of the West, 1860
Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome (Travellers & Explorers)
Explorations of the Highlands of Brazil
Secret Sutras
Arabian Nights
The Arabian nights entertainments [1/2]
Naomi Mitchison
Naomi Mitchison (1897-1999)

nurse, poet, linguist

  • Dragon School
The hostages
The Corn King and the Spring Queen
The bull calves
The blood of the martyrs
Cloud cuckoo land
When the Bough Breaks and Other Stories
The Conquered
Early in Orcadia
Early in Orcadia
Cleopatra's People
The conquered
Caught in the Organ Draft
Travel light
The blood of the martyrs
Solution three
You may well ask
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
When the bough breaks, and other stories
The blood of the martyrs
Among you taking notes--
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
Sun and moon
Alexander the Great
The family at Ditlabeng
The Africans
Images of Africa
African heroes
The Fourth Pig
The Fourth Pig (Oddly Modern Fairy Tales)
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Naomi Mitchison
Sunrise tomorrow
Mucking around
Black Sparta
Margaret Cole, 1893-1980
When the Bough Breaks, and Other Stories
Lobsters on the agenda
The blood of the martyrs
To the Chapel Perilous
African Heroes
A life for Africa
The home and a changing civilisation
Small talk-
To the Chapel Perilous
Memoirs of a Spacewoman
The Vegetable War
The Conquered
The Young Alfred the Great
Friends and enemies
Solution three
Kornkönig und Frühlingsbraut
The Big House
Cleopatra's people
You May Well Ask
Five Men and a Swan
Sea-green Ribbons
Anna Comnena
Return to the fairy hill
As It Was
Science Fiction Story Reader 10
Small talk--: memories of an Edwardian childhood
Memoiren einer Raumfahrerin
Alexander the Great
Phoenix: Among You Taking Notes..
A girl must live
What Do You Think Yourself
Black Sparta
Oil for the highlands?
The far harbour
Cleansing of the Knife and Other Poems
All change here
Naomi Mitchison's Vienna diary
Comments on birth control
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Other People's Worlds, and Mucking Around
Judy and Lakshmi
Blood of the Martyrs
Vienna diary
The laburnum branch, poems
Oil for the Highlands?
Vienna diary 1934
The Land the Ravens Found
Barbarian Stories, with the Hostages, and Boys and Girls and Gods
Blood of the Martyrs
Cloud cuckoo land
The Danish teapot
Graeme and the Dragon and Other Stories for Young Readers
The Land the Ravens Found
The land the ravens found
What the human race is up to
Life for Africa
Ketse and the chief
The Conquered
Behold Your King
The family at Ditlabeng
The Kingdom of Heaven
Judy and Lakshmi
Oath-Takers and Sea-Green Ribbons
The Family at Ditlabeng
The Alban goes out
Rib of the Green Umbrella and Karensgaard
Naomi Mitchison (Saltire Pamphlets: Self-portrait Series)
When the bough breaks and other stories
The swan's road
Blood of the Martyrs
Fairy Who Couldn't Tell a Lie
Solution Three
The Swan's Road
Five men and a swan
Black Sparta
Return to the fairy hill
Judy and Lakshmi
Far Harbour with Henny and Crispies
Friends and enemies
Bull Calves
Not by Bread Alone
Re-educating Scotland
The Oath-takers
Small Talk
Friends and Enemies
Travel Light
Blood of the Martyrs
When the Bough Breaks with Black Sparta
The Barbarian
Beyond this limit
The moral basis of politics
Bridges of Understanding
The big surprise
African heroes
Presenting other people's children
Boys and girls and gods
Anna Comnena
The Young Alfred the Great
Presenting other people's children
When we become men
The conquered
When we become men
The Best war stories
Among You Taking Notes
Travel Light
Other people's worlds
Naomi Mitchison's Vienna Diary
The Conquered
What the Human Race is Up to
Barbarian stories
Sun and moon
Lobsters on the agenda
To the Chapel Perilous
The land the ravens found
To the Chapel Perilous
Not by bread alone
What Do You Think Yourself? with a Girl Must Live
Among You Taking Notes...
Alexander the Great (Then & There)
Black Sparta
Behold your king
The big house
Graeme and the dragon
A fishing village on the Clyde
Small talk
Five men and a swan
Men and Herring
The corn king and the spring queen / by Naomi Mitchison ; with four pictures by Z. Stryjenska being decorations of the Polish National Pavilion in the Paris Exhibition of 1926
The far harbour
Six women of the world
The conquered
Comments on birth control
The hostages,and other stories for boys and girls
The Alban goes out
As it was in the beginning
The rib of the green umbrella
Memoirs of a spacewoman
Images of Africa
Saunes Bairos
The bull calves
Nix-nought-nothing ; and Elfen Hill
The delicate fire
Memoirs of a spacewoman
The laburnum branch
Blood of the martyrs
Six women of the world
The powers of light
The Fourth Pig
The price of freedom
We have been warned
What the human race is up to
The Alban goes out
The fairy who couldn't tell a lie
The family of Ditlabeng
The Brave nurse and other stories
The delicate fire
Corn King & Spring Queen
The big house
An end and a beginning; and other plays
When we become men
The Corn king and the spring queen
The laburnum branch
Ketse and the chief
When the bough breaks
The barbarian
Man and herring
Don't look back
As it was in the beginning
H. L. Mencken
H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)

satirist, literary critic, essayist, social critic, autobiographer, journalist, historian, linguist

  • Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
James Branch Cabell
A Subtreasury of American Humor
In defense of women
The American Language
A Book of Prefaces
Men versus the Man
A new dictionary of quotations on historical principles from ancient and modern sources
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
Minority report
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The Vintage Mencken
Heathen days, 1890-1936
Thirty-five Years of Newspaper Work
Mencken's America
My life as author and editor
Happy days, 1880-1892
The American language
Treatise on the gods
The young Mencken
George Bernard Shaw
The new Mencken letters
The American scene
The American language; an inquiry into the development of English in the United States
H.L. Mencken's Smart set criticism
A choice of days
Dreiser-Mencken letters
The diary of H.L. Mencken
The American language. Supplement 1-
A Mencken chrestomathy
The bathtub hoax, and other blasts & bravos from the Chicago tribune
A Religious Orgy in Tennessee
Mencken and Sara
A carnival of buncombe
Prejudices: Second Series
Letters from Baltimore
The impossible H.L. Mencken
Mencken and Sara
A second Mencken chrestomathy
Damn!: A Book of Calumny
From Baltimore to Bohemia
In defense of Marion
Newspaper days, 1899-1906
A book of burlesques
H.L. Mencken on American literature
Three Early Works
The new Mencken letters
George Bernard Shaw, his plays
In defense of women
Do you remember?
Ich Kuss Die Hand
Friedrich Nietzsche
The editor, the bluenose, and the prostitute
Days of H.L. Mencken
Europe after 8:15
In defence of women
Pistols for two
The H.L. Mencken baby book
On politics
H.L. Mencken on Religion
In defense of women
The artist
In Defense of Women
The American language, Supplement two
Prejudices: third series
Newspaper Days: Mencken's Autobiography
A personal word
Making a president
Treatise on the Gods (Maryland Paperback Bookshelf)
The American language; an inquiry into the development of English in the United States.  4th ed.  Supplement I-II
Heathen Days: Mencken's Autobiography
Happy Days: Mencken's Autobiography
Selected prejudices
Letters of H.L. Mencken
Heathen Days
Prejudices, sixth series
Ship Ahoy!
A gang of pecksniffs
Criticism in America
In defense of women
The New Age
The collected drama of H.L. Mencken
The mating game and how to play it
The gist of Mencken
Minority Report (Maryland Paperback Bookshelf)
The American language, Supplement one
H.L. Mencken's Smart Set Criticism
The American language
The American language
Ventures into verse
American Mercury Magazine, May to August 1927
Mencken on Mencken
American Mercury Magazine, September to December 1924
Prejudices: second series
H.L. Mencken on music
A Mencken Chrestomathy
H. L. Mencken on Theodore Dreiser
H. L. Mencken on Joseph Conrad
Mencken's last campaign
American Mercury Magazine, September to December 1927
American Mercury
The War Between The Sexes
A k a H.L. Mencken
American Mercury Magazine, January to April 1928
American Mercury Magazine, May to August 1924
The vintage Mencken
Prejudices, fourth series
Europe After 8
Newspaper Days
American Mercury Magazine, May to August 1925
Mencken and Sara
The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzche
H.L. Mencken's Dictionary of Quotations
The H.L. Mencken Baby Book
In defense of women, by H. L. Mencken
Puritanism As a Literary Force
Americana 1926
American Mercury Magazine, January to April 1927
Prejudices, first series
The American language
American Mercury Magazine, May to August 1926
Notes on democracy
Treatise on the gods
Damn! (A Book of Calumny)
Treatise on right and wrong
Treatise on right and wrong
American Mercury Magazine, January to April 1926
American Mercury Magazine, September to December 1925
American Mercury Magazine, September to December 1926
Christmas story
Heathen days, 1890-1936
A little book in C major
In Defense of Women
American Mercury Magazine, January to April 1924
Collected Works of Henry Louis Mencken
Americana, 1925
American Mercury Magazine, January to April 1925
H. L. Mencken on James Huneker
Ausgewählte Werke, 3 Bde., Bd.2, Autobiographisches 1930-1948
The Philosophy Of Friedrich Nietzsche
Letters of H.L. Mencken
The American language ; an inquiry into the development of English in the United States
The American Language
H.L. Mencken's smart set
A book of calumny
Ventures into verse
H.L. Mencken
The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
The American scene, a reader
Vachel Lindsay
American Language Supplement 1 (American Language No. 1)
My Life As Author and Editor
Amer Language Abridged
What's ahead for books & authors?
The artist;
James Branch Cabell
Book of Burleques
Three years, 1924-1927
Happy Days
Band I
The Dreiser bugaboo
Prejudices: first-sixth series
Newspaper Days
The American language
Prejudices: fifth series
Mencken on Mencken
Heathen Days
American Language Supplement 2 (American Language No. 1)
The day of H. L. Mencken
A personal word
Newspaper Days 1899 to 1906
Americana 1926
The young Mencken
American Language
In the footsteps of Gutenberg
A carnival of buncombe
In defense of women
Prejudices, sixth series
The days trilogy
Happy days, 1880-1892 [by] H. L. Mencken
Notes on democracy
H. L. Mencken conversing with Donald Howe Kirkley, Sr
On politics
Pistols for two
Happy days, 1880-1892. --
Line of Love
The young Mencken
The American language
The American scene
Prejudices: second series
In defense of women
A book of burlesque
Quickstep to war
Erez Israel
The Nordic blond renaissance
[The American mercury
Heathen days, 1890-1936
A new dictionary of quotations on historical principles from ancient and modern sources
A Mencken chrestomathy
H. L. Mencken's Smart set criticism
A Mencken chrestomathy
The Smart Set: A Magazine of Cleverness
Triumph of democracy
The American language; an inquiry into the development of English in the United States
A book of burlesques
H.L. Mencken on The nation ...
To the friends of the American mercury
Selected prejudices
The passing of a profit and other forgotten stories
Project for a licensing act  for Baltimore City
A book of burlesques
A book of calumny
Minority report
Prejudices: sixth series
In defense of women
Happy days, 1880-1892
Christmas story
Treatise on the Gods
The American scene: A reader
Treatise on right and wrong
Heathen days, 1890-1936
Newspaper days, 1899-1906
Bull fight album
Mr. Mencken to the book publishers
Ship ahoy
Spiritual autopsies
Birth control trial
Notes on democracy
Happy days, 1880-1892
The artist
"Generally political."
Men versus the man
A girl from Red Lion, P.A.
The rewards of virtue
Sylvia Day
Sylvia Day (born 1973)

blogger, linguist

  • Defense Language Institute
Ask For It
The Stranger I Married
Don't tempt me
Seven years to sin
Seven Years to Sin
Pride and pleasure
Seven Years to Sin
Ask for It
A passion for him
Iron Hard
Ask for It
Passion for Him
Seven Years to Sin
Bared to You
Pleasures of the Night (Dream Guardians, Book 1)
Captivated by you
Eve of Destruction (Marked, Book 2)
Eve of Darkness (Marked, Book 1)
Eve of Chaos (Marked, Book 3)
Heat of the Night (Dream Guardians, Book 2)
One with You
Entwined with You
One with you
A Touch Of Crimson
In the flesh
Reflected In You
Perfect kisses
Butterfly in frost
A Hunger So Wild
A Hunger So Wild A Renegade Angels Novel
The arrangement
A Touch Of Crimson A Renegade Angels Novel
Scandalous liaisons
Sylvia Day Crossfire Series 4-Volume Boxed Set
Soltanto per te
Afterburn / Aftershock
butterfly in frost
Carnal Thirst
So Close
So Close
Bad boys ahoy!
Don't Tempt Me
Para Sempre Sua
Don't Tempt me
One with You
Don't Tempt Me
Crossfire Series Box Set
In the Flesh
Afterburn  Aftershock
Eve of Darkness
Afterburn and Aftershock
The Stranger I Married
Passion for the game
Too Far
Cautivada por ti
Passion for the Game
Lustfully Ever After
Plomien Crossa
Buzdaki Kelebek
Si Vous Me Provoquez
Entwined with you
Begeerd door jou
Siete años para pecar
Eve of Destruction
Ask - Esaret
Marked Trilogy : (Eve of Darkness, Eve of Destruction, Eve of Chaos, Eve of Sin City)
Orgullo y placer
Gesloten hart
A Passion for Him
Magic and Mayhem
Reflected in You (A Crossfire Novel)
Passion for the Game
Un extraño en mi cama
Dream Guardians - Begehren
A Touch of Crimson
Pleasures of the Night (Dream Guardians, Book 1)
Relaciones escandalosas
Seven Years to Sin
Touch of Crimson (a Renegade Angels Novel) P
Crossfire. Vollendung
Gesloten hart
Les anges renégats, Tome 1
Reflejada en ti
Heat of the Night
Reflected in You
One with You
Don't Tempt Me
Mari�e � un inconnu
Eve e a destruição (Portuguese Edition)
No me tientes
Afterburn / Aftershock
Toque de Rojo
Sylvia Day Crossfire Series Boxed Set
Veroverd hart
From Bad Boys Ahoy!
A Passion for Him
Gunaha Davet
Um Desejo Selvagem
Passion for the Game
Captivada per tu
Beni Bastan Cikar
Heat of the night
Historical Romance Collection
Scandalous Liaisons
Sylvia Day Georgian Series : Books 2-4
Bundet til dig (in Danish)
Reflejada en ti
Entwined with You
Passion for the Game
Pleasures of the Night
Scandalous Liaisons
Bad Boys Ahoy!
Si Vous le Demandez
Lucien's Gamble
Bared to You / Reflected in You / Entwined with You
Kiskirtici Cazibe
No te escondo nada
Georgian Romance Collection
Afterburn and Aftershock
Toda sua
In the Flesh
Crossfire T.04 Fascine-moi
Crossfire. Erfüllung
Atada a ti
Sieben Jahre Sehnsucht
Crossfire 01. Versuchung
Spejlet i dig (in Danish)
Passion for Him
Carnal Thirst
Riflessi di te. The crossfire trilogy vol. 2
Ask For It
Marito amante
Afterburn. Atrévete…; Aftershock. Arriésgate…
Eve Of Darkness
Entwined with You
Sempre amb tu
Too Far
Caress of Wings
La Nuit leur appartient
Crossfire Novels
Don't Tempt Me
Stranger I Married
Verslaafd aan jou (Crossfire)
Lligada a tu
Taste of Seduction (a Renegade Angels Novel)
Amours scandaleuses (French Edition)
Pack Sylvia Day
Reflectida en tu
Tutku Oyunlari
Seninle Tamamlandim
El calor de la noche
Verbonden met jou (Crossfire, #3)
Desnuda ante ti
Catching Caroline
Nachtelijke ontmoeting
Insieme a te. The crossfire series
Cautivada por ti
Crossfire 01. Dévoile-moi
Passion for the Game
The stranger I married
No t'amago res
Seven Years to Sin (Historical Romance)
Snaring the Huntress
El secreto de la Condesa de Peñassola
Begeerd door jou
Sende Tutuklu Kaldim
Wish List
Stranger I Married
Arzulanan Kadin
Een met jou
Eve of Darkness
Complete Crossfire Series
Georgian T.02 Si vous aimez jouer
Alluring Tales
Afterburn / Aftershock
Complete Crossfire Series
In the Flesh
Begeerd door jou
Begeerd door jou
Nuevo Corazón
Sylvia Day Crossfire Series Four Book Collection
Gesloten hart
Somos uno
Stranger I Married
Los placeres de la noche
Passion for the Game
Hambre insaciable
Afterburn & Aftershock
De carne y hueso
Çapraz ateş serisi
The Stranger I Married
The stranger I married
Sylvia Day Favorites
A Hunger So Wild
No te escondo nada
Ask For It
Un Extraño En Mi Cama
Seven Years to Sin
White Hot Holidays
La nuit leur appartient
Love Affairs
Don't Tempt Me
Scandalous Liaisons
A Touch of Crimson
Dreams of the Oasis II
Obnazhenna︠i︡a dl︠i︡a teb︠i︡a
A Passion for Him
Three Eves
Entwined With You
Atada a ti
Dangerouse Declassified
Pred tobom