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journalists who wrote historical fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 481 results
Colum McCann
Colum McCann (born 1965)

academic, journalist

  • University of Texas at Austin, Clonkeen College
This side of brightness
This Side of Brightness Edition U K
We fell like snow
Let the great world spin
Everything in this country must
Fishing the Sloe-Black River
Let the great world spin
At the fights
Norman Mailer Moonfire The Epic Journey Of Apollo 11
The book of men
Let the great world spin
Let the Great World Spin
Best European Fiction 2011
Let the great world spin
Thirteen ways of looking
Letters to a young writer
Der Himmel unter der Stadt
Le Chant du coyote
365 Days in Ireland Calendar 2008 (A Picture-a-Day)
Gesang der Kojoten
Trece formas de mirar
Fischen im tiefschwarzen Fluß
365 Days in Ireland Calendar 2007
Der Tänzer
Les Saisons  De La Nuit
Get Organized
Wie alles in diesem Land
Untitled Novel
Ailleurs, en ce pays
365 Days in Ireland Calendar 2006
365 Days in Ireland Calendar 2004
Les Saisons de la nuit
365 Days in Ireland Calendar 2002
Un Pais Donde Todo Debe Morir (Modernos Y Clasicos)
La Rivière de l'exil
Perros Que Cantan
Treize façons de voir
Let the great world spin
Laat de aarde draaien
Être un homme
Robert Low
Robert Low (1947-2020)


The White Raven
The Whale Road
The Lion at Bay
The Wolf Sea
The Prow Beast
The lion wakes
Lion Rampant
Oathsworn Series Books 1 To 3
W.G. Grace
La Pasionaria
Complete Kingdom Trilogy
Camino de Las Ballenas
Burning the Water
Shake Loose the Border
Oathsworn Series Books 1 To 5
Dish of Spurs
Kingdom Series Books 1 And 2
The Observer book of profiles
Okky Madasari
Okky Madasari (born 1984)


  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, University of Indonesia
Zee Edgell
Zee Edgell (1940-2020)


Time and the River
Beka Lamb
Beka Lamb
The Festival of San Joaquin
In Times Like These
Alexandre Herculano
Alexandre Herculano (1810-1877)

journalist, poet, historian, politician

Alexandre Herculano
Lendas e narrativas
História de Portugal
Historia de Portugal: desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de ..
Eurico, o Presbítero
O Monge de Cister
Historia de Portugal desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de Affonso III
A reacção ultramontana em Portugal; ou, A Concordata de 21 de fevereiro
Poesias por A. Herculano
O bobo
A Europa e nós--uma polémica de 1853
Cartas de Vale de Lobos
Consideraçoes pacificas sobre o opusculo, Eu e o clero
Alexandre Herculano, o historiador
O monasticon
Cenas de um ano da minha vida
Da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em Portugal
História da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em Portugal
O pároco de aldeia
Cartas de Vale de Lobos ao 3°é Cândido dos Santos
Cartas inéditas de Alexandre Herculano a Joaquim Felipe de Soure
Casamento civil
O Pároco Da Aldeia (Ilustrado)
Um homen e uma ideologia na construc ʹa o de Portugal
Leyendas y narraciones
Alexandre Herculano
Da Eschola Polytechnica e do Collegio dos Nobre
Alexandre Herculano: um homem e uma ideologia na construção de Portugal: antologia
Solemnia verba
A harpa do crente
A paixão segundo Eurico
Cartas inéditas de Alexandre Herculano a Joaquim Filipe de Soure
Composições várias de A. Herculano
Contos de Alexandre Herculano
O Bispo Negro (Ilustrado)
O Alcaide de Santarém (Ilustrado)
Lendas e Narrativas
Arras Por Foro de Espanha (1371-1372) (Ilustrado)
Dama Do Pé-De-Cabra
Cartas de Herculano publicadas em O instituto
Carta aos eleitores do circulo eleitoral de Cintra
Histórias heróicas
O monge de Cister (v.1) (Portuguese Edition)
Estudos sobre o casamento civil
Eurico o Presbitero o Bobo de Alexandre Herculano
Ode autographa e inedita de Alexandre Herculano
Dama Do Pé-De-Cabra (Ilustrado)
A dama pé-de-cabra
Histo ria de Portugal desde o comec ʹo da monarquia ate  o fim do reinado de Affonso III
Composições varias de A. Herculano
De Jerssey a Granville (Ilustrado)
Poesias de Alexandre Herculano
Eu e o clero, carta ao em. mo cardeal-patriarcha
Conto português
Algumas cartas e papéis de Alexandre Herculano
Abóboda (Ilustrado)
Herculano inédito
Arras Por Foro de Espanha (1371-1372)
Morte Do Lidador (Ilustrado)
Alexandre Herculano e "O Trovador": uma carta do grande historiador
Literatura, história e política em Portugal (1820-1856)
História de Portugal desde o começo da monarquia até ao fim do reinado de Afonso III
Poesias de Alexandre Herculano
O monasticon
História de Portugal desde o começo da monarquia até o fim do reinado de Afonso III
Estudos sobre o casamento civil
Historia de origem e establecimento da inquisição em Portugal
O monge de Cistér, ou, A epocha de D. João I
O bobo
Historia de Portugal
Contos de outros tempos
Cartas de A. Herculano
Cartas de A. Herculano
Eurico o presbytero
Historia de Portugal desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de ..
Kate O'Brien
Kate O'Brien (1897-1974)

journalist, playwright

For one sweet grape
The ante-room
Without my cloak
The Ante-Room (Virago Modern Classics)
Without My Cloak (Virago Modern Classics)
Mary Lavelle
As music and splendour
Presentation Parlour
Mary Lavelle (Virago Modern Classics)
The Land of Spices (Virago Modern Classics)
The last of summer
The land of spices
Farewell Spain
Balancing Senses
Teresa of Avila
Dealing Tac
Esa dama
My Ireland
Knitting with Kate O'Brien
The Trouble with Claudia (Lovelines)
The flower of May
Pray for the wanderer
Mary Lavelle
Surfer Girl (Lovelines)
The land of spices
English diaries and journals
ESA Dama
T he Flower of May
The last summer
Distinguished villa
Romance of English literature
The land of spices
Mary Lavelle
Romance of English literature
For one sweet grape
The last of summer
Without my cloak. --
English diaries and journals
James Lincoln Collier
James Lincoln Collier (born 1928)

journalist, music critic

  • Hamilton College
Jump Ship to Freedom
My Brother Sam Is Dead
The Corn Raid
Give Dad My Best
Jazz - The American Theme Song
Duke Ellington
War Comes to Willy Freeman
With Every Drop of Blood
The worst of times
Benny Goodman and the Swing Era
It's murder at St. Basket's
My crooked family
Rich and famous
Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong, an American Genius
Outside Looking in
Who is Carrie?
The Winter Hero
The Clara Barton You Never Knew
The bloody country
Danny goes to the hospital
Me and Billy
The great jazz artists
When the stars begin to fall
The Sitting Bull You Never Knew
The making of man
The Frederick Douglass you never knew
Making Music for Money
The Alexander Hamilton you never knew
The Winchesters
The Tecumseh You Never Knew
Wild boy
Clocks (Great Inventions)
The George Washington you never knew
Steam engines
The jazz kid
The Clock
The Rise of Selfishness in America
The teddy bear habit
The United States in the Cold War 1945-1989 (Drama of American History)
The Eleanor Roosevelt you never knew
The Mark Twain you never knew
The Benjamin Franklin you never knew
Christopher Columbus
The empty mirror
Which musical instrument shall I play?
The automobile
A visit to the firehouse
The Drama of American History
Progressivism, Depression, New Deal 1901-1941 (The Drama of American History)
Why does everybody think I'm nutty?
Gunpowder and weaponry
When the Stars Begin to Fall
Jug bands and handmade music
The Louis Armstrong You Never Knew
Electricity and the light bulb
The Abraham Lincoln you never knew
The Susan B. Anthony You Never Knew
Rock star
Abraham Lincoln You Never Knew (You Never Knew
The making of jazz
The reception of jazz in America
The Bloody Country (Point)
Jazz - an American saga
The Hypocritical American
Literature Guide
The dreadful revenge of Ernest Gallen
The Rise of Industry 1860-1900
Practical music theory
Inside jazz
Jump Ship to Freedom
Planet out of the past
Jamestown's American Portraits
The Corn Raid
Frederick Douglass You Never Knew (You Never Knew
Bloody Country -Op/65
Gunpowder and Weaponry (Great Inventions (Benchmark Books (Firm)).)
War Comes to Willy Freeman
Who Is Carrie?
George Washington You Never Knew (You Never Knew
Teddy Bear Habit or How to Become a Winner
War Comes to Willy Freeman
With Every Drop of Blood
Alexander Hamilton You Never Knew (You Never Knew
The Clock
The Making of Jazz
Vaccines (Great Inventions (Benchmark Books (Firm)).)
Teddy Bear Habit (Lost Treasures #3)
Sitting Bull You Never Knew (You Never Knew
The hard life of the teenager
Who Is Carrie? (Arabus Family Saga (Library))
Duke Ellington (Multisource)
The Making of Jazz
The Worst of Times
The empty mirror
The U.S. Enters the World Stage
The Jeffersonian Republicans: The Louisiana Purchase and the War of 1812
Building a New Nation: The Federalist Era
The Rise of the Cities
The Drama of American History Set 4
Lincoln: A Photobiography
Louis Armstrong
Tifsu et ha-shuʻal
Indians, Cowboys and Farmers
My brother Sam is dead by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
Gad Shimron
Gad Shimron (born 1950)


  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ahuvat ha-Ṭemplar me-ʻEmeḳ Refaʼim
The execution of the Hangman of Riga
"Haviʼu li et Yehude Etyopyah"
Histoire secrete du mossad
"Haviʾu li et Yehude Etyopyah"
ha- Mosad veha-mitos
Mossad Exodus; The Daring Undercover Rescue of the Lost Jewish Tribe
ha-Mosad veha-mitos
Masaʻ ha-tselav ha-aḥaron shel Rino
ha- Śaṭan be-erets ha-ḳodesh
Lo yakhol li-heyot
Tsava aḥer
Masaʻ ha-tselav ha-aḥaron shel Rino
Lo yakhol li-heyot
אהובת הטמפלר מעמק רפאים
"Heviʼu li et Yehude Etyopyah"
DNA gorali
Execution of the Hangman of Riga
Execution of the Hangman of Riga