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historians who wrote historical fiction
Showing 121-128 out of 156 results
Michael Cox
Michael Cox (1948-2009)

biographer, teacher, literary scholar, literary historian

  • University of Cambridge
The glass of time
The Oxford book of historical stories
The Oxford book of historical stories
The Oxford chronology of English literature
The meaning of night
Victorian Ghost Stories
Victorian Tales of Mystery and Detection
The glass of time
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The meaning of night
Tutankhamun And His Tombful Of Treasure
M.R. James
The concise Oxford chronology of English literature
The Oxford book of Victorian ghost stories
The Oxford book of twentieth-century ghost stories
The glass of time
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The concise Oxford chronology of English literature
The Oxford book of Victorian detective stories
The Oxford book of spy stories
A dictionary of writers and their works
12 English detective stories
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The Oxford book of spy stories
Who wrote what?
Victorian ghost stories
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
De zin van het duister
La nuit de l'infamie
Horror stories
The incredible internet
פשר הלילה
Camilo Castelo Branco
Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890)

translator, playwright, poet, historian

  • University of Porto
A bruxa de Monte Córdova
O senhor do paco de Ninães
Amor de perdição
A queda dum anjo
Novelas do Minho
O judeu
Agulha em palheiro
As tres irmans
A sereia
O olho de vidro
Obolo ás creanças [sic] por Camillo Castello Branco e Francisco Martins Sarmento
Amor de salvação
O retrato de Ricardina
Coração, cabeça e estômago
O último ato
O assassino de Macário
Carlota Angela, romance original
Lagrimas abençoadas
Purgatório e paraíso
O condemnado
Duas épocas da vida
O vinho do Porto
O marquês de Torres Novas
O romance de um homem rico
A brazileira de Prazins
A senhora Rattazzi
A mulher fatal, romance
Mosaico e silva de curiosidades historicas, literarias e biographicas
Mistérios de Fafe
Os criticos do Cancioneiro alegre
Coisas espantosas
Vingança, romance original: romance original
Theatro comico
O visconde de Ouguella
Maria da Fonte
Memorias do carcere
A filha do regicida
Livro de consolação: romance
Voltareis, ó Christo?: Narrativa
Ao anoitecer da vida
O esqueleto
A neta do arcediago
D. Luiz de Portugal neto do Prior do Crato
Scenas innocentes da comedia humana
Solemnia verba, última palavra da ciência, o x de todos os problemas do coração
Um livro
A caveira da mártir
O santo da montanha
O General Carlos Ribeiro
O sangue
Divindade de Jesus
Os brilhantes do brasileiro
O demonio do ouro
Onde está a felicidade?
Sentimentalismo e historia
Obras completas
No Bom Jesus Do Monte
A engeitada
Cavar em ruinas
Noites de insomnia
A viúva do enforcado
Mistérios de Lisboa
A filha do Doutor Negro
Aventuras de Basílio Fernandes Enxertado
Cartas de Camilo Castelo Branco
Cancioneiro alegre [de poetas portuguezes e brazileiros.]
Delictos da mocidade
Esbôço de critica
Vingança d’um rhinoceronte d’amor
A praga rogada nas escadas da forca
Historia e sentimentalismo
Poesia ou dinheiro?
Espinhos e flores
Nas trevas
O que fazem mulheres, romance philosophico
O morgado de Fafe em Lisboa
Folhas cahidas, apanhadas na lama
O morgado de Fafe amoroso
Correspondencia epistolar entre José Cardoso Vieira de Castro e Camillo Castello Branco
O regicida
Luiz de Camões
Horas de paz
Doze casamentos felizes
Escritos de Camilo
Camilo, contra-revolucionario
O cego de Landim
A neta do acrediago
Un homem de brios
Cem cartas de Camillo
Camilo íntimo
Obras de Camillo Castello-Branco
Anotações de Camilo à "História de Portugal nos séculos XVII e XVIII" de Rebelo da Silva
Rapsodia Camilliana
Camilo e Castilho
A doida do candal
Annos de prosa, romance
Cartas de Camillo Castello Branco a Thomaz Ribeiro
Suicida ..
O carrasco de Victor Hugo José Alves
Cenas contemporâneas
O bem e o mal
Bohemia do espirito
Quatro horas innocentes
A cavallaria da Sebenta
Esboços de apreciações litterárias
Livro negro de Padre Diniz
Notas á Sebenta do dr. Avelino Cesar Callisto
O Arrependimento
Escritos diverso
Estrellas funestas
Catalogo da preciosa livraria do eminente escriptor Camillo Castello Branco
O lubis-homem
Eusébio Macário
Citações e pensamentos de Camilo Castelo Branco
De como me casei =
O Arrependimento
A murraça
Esboços de apreciações literarias
Novelas Do Minho
Perfil do marquês de Pombal
Memorias de Guilherme do Amaral, obra posthuma
Estrelas propícias
Lucta de gigantes
Vinte cartas de Camilo Castelo Branco, 1876-1885
Seroens de S. Miguel de Seide
Vinte horas de liteira
Dispersos de Camilo
Notas á margem em varios livros da sua biblioteca, recolhidas por Alvaro Néves
A corja
Dois anos de agonia
Polémicas de Camilo Castelo Branco
O Inferno
Cartas ineditas de Camillo Castello Branco ao I Conde de Azevedo
Cartas de Camilo aos editores António Maria Pereira
A " Lyrica de João Minimo" e "Flores sem fructo" de Almeida Garrett
Cartas a Eduardo da Costa Santos. Com um prólogo de Julio Brandão
Livro de Consolação
Centenário de Camilo em Guimarães
O Assassino de Macario
Amor de Perdição; Amor de Salvação
A Infanta capelista
Queda d'um Anjo
O Que Fazem Mulheres
Amor de Perdicion  Edition
Maria Moysés
Freira No Subterraneo
Como os anjos se vingam
O Judeu
As Tres Irmans
Princípios para uma conseqüência
Le cahier noir (French Edition)
Duas horas de leitura
O Bem e o Mal
Amor de Salvação
Scenas da hora final
Entre a Flauta e a Viola
Voltareis ó Christo?
Camilo, quando jovem escritor
A via dolorosa 1859-1860
Noites de Insomnia, Offerecidas a Quem Não Póde Dormir. Nº 11
Vida do José do Telhado
O bico de gaz
Noites de Insomnia, Offerecidas a Quem Não Póde Dormir. Nº 1
Memorias Do Carcere; Volume 1
Salve, Rei!
As virtudes antigas
Filha Do Arcediago
A defeza dos livreiros: sucessores de Ernesto Chardron
As polémicas de Camilo
Páginas quase esquecidas
No Bom Jesus Do Monte ...
Sentimentalismo e história
A diffamação dos livreiros sucessores de Ernesto Chardron
O condenado
Coisas Que Só Eu Sei (Ilustrado)
O lobisomem
O Regicida
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 2)
Polêmicas em Portugal e no Brasil
Cousas leves e pesadas
Doze cartas inéditas de Camilo Castelo Branco
Duas epochas na vida
Obras de Camilo Castelo Branco
Annos de Prosa; a Gratido; o Arrependimento
Carlota Angela
As favas negras
Esboc ʹos de apreciac ʹo es litera rias
O Vinho Do Porto
O Olho de Vidro
Contos de Camilo Castelo Branco
José do Telhado
D. Antonio Alves Martins, bispo de Vizeu
Echos humoristicos do Minho, carta[s] ao "Cruzeiro", publicação quinzenal
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 1)
Mistérios de Lisboa (Ilustrado) (Volume 3)
As virtudes antigas; ou, A freira que fazia chagas, e o frade que fazia reis. Um poeta portuguez ... rico!
Cartas inéditas de Camilo e de D. Ana Plácido
Os ratos da Inquisição: Poema inédito do judeu portuguez Antonio Serrão de Crasto
A cruz do Corcovado
Camilo Castelo Branco
Inspirações ; A Murraça
Noites de Lamego
Agulha Em Palheiro
Volcoens de lama
Camillo: a sua vida, o seu genio, a sua obra
A morgada de Romariz
As paixões de Camilo
Memorias de Guilherme do Amaral
A senhora Rattazzi
O olho de vidro
Maria Moisés
A filha do regicida
O demónio do ouro
Amor de Perdição (memorias duma família)
A morgadinha de Val-d’Amores
Cancioneiro alegre de poetas portuguezes e brazileiros commentado
Um homem de brios
Amor de perdição
Amor de perdição de Camilo Castelo Branco
Agostinho de Ceuta
O que fazem mulheres
Contos e Textos
Mistérios de Lisboa
Os martyres
Vida e crimes de Jose  do Telhado
A queda dum anjo
Abençoadas lágrimas
Perfil do Marquês de Pombal
Mysterios de Lisboa
A Sereia
Curso de litteratura portugueza: continuaçao e complemento do Curso de ..
Mist©♭rios de Lisboa ...
Camilo epistolar
De como me casei
A doida do Candal
Cartas inéditas de Camilo Castelo Branco à filha Bernardina Amélia, ao genro e à neta
Luta de gigantes
A cruz do Corcovado
O demonio do ouro
La Sirène
Memórias do carcere
A brazileira de Prazins
Escritos diversos de Camilo Castelo Branco
Cenas da foz
Catherine Gavin
Catherine Gavin (1907-2001)

lecturer, historian, war correspondent

  • University of Aberdeen
The French Fortune
Traitors' gate
A Light Woman
The devil in harbour
Sunset Dream
A dawn of splendour
The snow mountain
The house of war
Give me the daggers
A Dawn of Splendour
How sleep the brave
None dare call it treason
The glory road
The fortress
The Cactus and the Crown
One Candle Burning
Louis Philippe, King of the French
Askta ve savasta Mustafa Kemal
The moon into blood
El Sueno Del Ocaso
The Glory Road
The fortess
French Fortune
House of War
One Candle Burning
The Devil in Harbour
Edward the seventh
The black milestone
La forteresse
The sunset dream
The Devil In The Harbour
Britain and France
A Light Woman
Clyde Valley
Liberated France
The Devil in Harbor
How Sleep the Brave
Georg Lukács
Georg Lukács (1885-1971)

philosopher, politician, sociologist, literary critic, art historian, philosopher of culture, literary historian, literary scholar

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, Eötvös Loránd University
Történelmi regény
Essays on realism
Romanul istoric
The Historical novel
Le roman historique
Der historische Roman
The historical novel
The historical novel
La novela historica
A történelmi regény
La novela histórica
Le roman historique [par] Georges Lukacs
Il romanzo storico
Le Roman historique
Essays über Realismus
Theorie des Romans
Lélek és a formák
Reviews and articles from Die Rote Fahne
Der junge Hegel
Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein
Record of a life
German realists in the nineteenth century
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Lenin: a study on the unity of his thought
The Theory of the Novel
Frühe Schriften zur Ästhetik
Goethe und seine Zeit
The meaning of contemporary realism
The destruction of reason
Gespräche mit Georg Lukács
Demokratische Diktatur
Realism in our time
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Balzac et le réalisme français
Writer & critic, and other essays
Georg Lukács
Soul and Form
Die Theorie des Romans
The young Hegel
Ontology of Social Being, Volume 1. Hegel
Die Seele und die Formen
Georg Lukács in Berlin
Die Theorie des Romans: Ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch über die ..
Heidelberger Notizen, 1910-1913
Studies in European realism
Aesthetics and Politics
Probleme des Realismus
Moskauer Schriften
Über die Vernunft in der Kultur
La signification presente du réalisme critique
The process of democratization
Primi scritti sull'estetica
The destruction of reason
Revolutionäres Denken
Writer and critic
Ecrits de Moscou
Schriften zur Ideologie und Politik
Organisation und Illusion
Studies in European Realism
Marxism and human liberation
Az ész trónfosztása
Gelebtes Denken
Tactics And Ethics 19191929 The Questions Of Parliamentarianism And Other Essays
Political writings, 1919-1929
Tactics and ethics
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Realism in our time
Heidelberger Philosophie der Kunst (1912-1914)
Die Grablegung des alten Deutschland
Lenin A Study On The Unity Of His Thought
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ästhetik ...
Wider den missverstandenen Realismus
Conversations with Lukács
Curriculum vitae
Demokratisierung heute und morgen
Georges Lukacs ou le Front populaire en littérature
Napló =
Die ontologischen Grundlagen des menschlichen Denkens und Handelns
German Realists in the Nineteenth Century
Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins
Probleme der Ästhetik
La théorie du roman
Marxismus und Stalinismus
Russische Literatur, Russische Revolution
Von Nietzsche bis Hitler oder Der Irrationalismus in der deutschen Politik
Tolsztoj és a realizmus fejlődése
Skizze einer Geschichte der neueren deutschen Literatur
open statments Essays on realism
Wie ist Deutschland zum Zentrum der reaktionären Ideologie geworden?
The sociology of modern drama
Kunst und objektive Wahrheit
Intimna drama
Der russische Realismus in der Weltliteratur
Filosofia e prassi
Ontology of Social Being, Volume 2 Marx
Ady Endréről
Entwicklungsgeschichte des modernen Dramas
Ensaios sôbre literatura
Ontology of Social Being Vol. 3
The Meaning of Contemporary Realism
Heidelberger Ästhetik (1916-1918)
Philosophie de l'art (1912-1914)
Művészet és társadalom
Essays on Realism
A heidelbergi művészetfilozófia és esztétika ; A regény elmélete
Marx és Lenin
Ifjúkori művek, 1902-1918
The young Hegel
Der junge Marx
Le roman historique
El cambio de función del materialismo história
Le jeune Marx
Marxism and human liberation
Lukács György válogatott művei
Conversations with Luka cs
A Magyar mveldés története
Faust und Faustus
Problèmes du réalisme
Versuche zu einer Ethik
Georg Lukács Werke
Goethe and his age
Wie ist die faschistische Philosophie in Deutschland entstanden? (1933)
Über die Besonderheit als Kategorie der Ästhetik
Georg Lukács zum siebzigsten Geburtstag
Revolution und Gegenrevolution
Schriften zur Literatursoziologie
Goethe and his age
The theory of the novel
Lukaqi wen xue lun wen ji
Revolution and revelation
Georg Lukacs
La théorie du roman
Essays on Thomas Mann
Marxismo e politica culturale
A drámaírás főbb irányai a múlt század utolsó negyedében
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Essays on Thomas Mann
Correspondance de jeunesse, 1908-1917
Demokratische Diktatur, 1925-1929
Kunst og kapitalisme
The Meaning of contemporary realism
Studies in European realism
Der junge Hegel und die Probleme der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft
A defence of history and class consciousness
A teoria do romance
Marx's basic ontological principles
K istorii realizma
Pensée vécue, mémoires parlées
Marx, Ontologia del ser social/ Marx, Ontology Of The Social Being
Fortschritt und Reaktion in der deutschen Literatur
Marxism and Human Liberation
Lukács György levelezése (1902-1917)
Pensée de Lénine. L'Actualité de la révolution
Le jeune Hegel
Esztétikai írások
Existentialisme ou marxisme ?
Record of a Life
Russische Literatur Russische Revolution
Der junge Hegel. Über die Beziehung von Dialektik und Ökonomie
Realism in our time
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Georg Lukacs
Marxism and human liberation
Die Eigenart des Ästhetischen
La theorie du roman
Balzac und der französische Realismus
Theorie DES Romans
Politische Aufsätze
Studies in European realism
György Lukács
Uber die Besonderheit als Kategorie der Ästhetik
A modern dráma fejlődésének története
L'anima e le forme
Solzhenitsyn ([MIT paperback series] MIT 175)
Marxism and human liberation
The Young Hegel
Lenin a Study In the Unity of His Though
Georg Lukacs Text + Kritik, Zeitschrift für Literatur 39/40.
Teoria del romanzo
La responsabilità sociale del filosofo
Dialectique et spontaneite
La theorie du roman
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Culture of People's Democracy
Cagdas Gercekciligin Anlami
Goethe & his age 68
Organisation und Partei
Writer and critic and other essays
Chvostismus und Dialektik
The meaning of contemporary realism
Briefwechsel, 1902-1917
Geschichtlichkeit und Aktualität
The historical novel
Destruction of Reason
The culture of people's democracy
Georg Lukács
El joven Hegel y los problemas de la sociedad capitalista
Selected correspondence
Die Säuberung
Realism in Our Time
Journal 1910-1911
Studies in European realism
Thomas Mann
Von Nietzsche zu Hitler, oder, der Irrationalismus in der deutschen Politik
Soul and form
The historical novel
The ontology of social being
Realism in Our Time
Dialogo Sobre o "Pensamento Vivido"
Avrupa Edebiyati ve Varolusculuk
Autobiographische Texte und Gespräche
Essays on Thomas Mann
Die Eigenart des Ästhetischen
Naplo =
Teoría de la novela
Entretiens avec Georg Lukacs
Writer and critic and other essays
Marksizm Mi Varolusculuk Mu?
The historical novel
The meaning of contemporary realism
Prolegômenos para uma ontologia do ser social
Conversaciones con Lukacs
La distruzione della ragione
Ist der Sozialismus zu retten?
Utam Marxhoz
Sozialismus und Demokratisierung
La destruction de la raison
강원랜드카지노▷ AOA800.COM ◁강원랜드카지노
A humanizmus és a barbárság harca
Balzac und der französische Realismus
ha-Reʼalizm ba-sifrut
Realismo, materialismo, utopia
Conversations with Lukács
Utam Marxhoz
Der junge Hegel ueber die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Oekonomie
Balzac et le réalisme français [par] Georg Lukacs
Defence of History and Class Consciousness
Nagy orosz realisták
Die Theorie des Romans
Hegel's false and his genuine ontology
Tibor Déry
Probleme der Asthetik
Goethe und seine Zeit
Diálogo sobre o "Pensamento vivido"
Existentialisme ou marxisme?
Balázs Béla és akiknek nem kell
Irástudók felelössége
Az esztétikum sajátossága
La signification présente du réalisme critique
Svoeobrazie e steticheskogo
Pensée vécue, mémoires parlés
La théorie du roman. [Traduit de l'allemand par Jean Clairevoye
Young Hegel
Das Werk und Wirken von Georg Lukács in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
Goethe és kora
Rukāchi shoki chosakushū
Teoría de la novela
Xiao shuo
La destruction de la raison
Új magyar kulturáért
Lenin; a study on the unity of his thought
Littérature, philosophie, marxisme, 1922-1923
Müvészet és társadalom
Marx és Engels irodalomomelmélete, három tanulmány
The ontology of social being
Balzac, Stendhal, Zola
A demokratizálodás jelene és jövöje
Il giovane Hegel e i problemi della societá capitalistica
Taktik und Ethik
Intellettuali e irrazionalismo
L' ame et les formes
Lukács György irodalomelmélete
A modern dráma fejlödésének története
Individuum und Praxis
A különösség mint esztétikai kategória
Történelem és osztálytudat
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Estrutura de classes e estratificação social
Irástudók felelőssége
Realism in our time
A társadalmi lét ontológiájáról
Gottfried Keller
History and class consciousness
Német realisták
Az esztétikum sajátossága
Die Theorie des Romans
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. --
Az újabb német irodalom rövid története
Schriften zur Literatursoziologie
Literaturnye teorii XIX veka i marksizm
Die Theorie des Romans
Irodalom Bes demokrácia
Essays on Thomas Mann [by] Georg Lukács
La theorie du roman
A Kűlőnősség mint esztétikai kategória
Existentialismus oder Marxismus?
La Hongrie et la civilisation
Writer & critic, and other essays [by] Georg Lukács
Von Nietzsche zu Hitler
Frühe Schriften zur Asthetik
Writer and critic
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Népi írók a mérlegen
Der junge Hegel
Gottfried Keller
Geijutsu no tetsugaku
Thomas Mann
Goethe et son époque
Essays on Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann
La theorie du roman
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Writer and Critic
A realizmus problémái
Historia i świadomość klasowa
Trianon után
Asthetik. --
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Életem és kortársaim
Die Zerstorung der Vernunft von Georg Lukacs. --
Asthetik. --
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. --
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Writer and Critic
Histoire et conscience de classe
Goethe et son époque
A magyar művelődés története
Goethe and his age
Magyar irodalom - magyar kultúra
Sociología de la literatura p̀or  György Lukács
A művészet és az objektív igazság
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
L' âme et les formes
Nietzsche és a fasizmus
Taktika és ethika
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Balzac et le réalisme français
Essays über Realismus
Balzac et le réalisme français
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Magyarok a kultúráért
Philosophie de l'art
Müvészet és társadalom
Revolution and Gegenrevolution
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
A fiatal Hegel
Wider den missverstandenen Realismus
Az ész trónfosztása
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Irodalom és demokrácia
Storia e coscienza di classe oggi
Balzac et le réalisme français
Die Theorie des Romans
Beiträge zur Kritik der bürgerlichen Ideologie
A polgári filozófia válsága
Rukāchi, Burotsuho, Zēgāsu hyōgen shugi ronsō
Molodoĭ Gegelʹ i problemy kapitalisticheskogo obshchestva
Kaikyū ishiki to wa nan zo ya
Az esztétikum sajátossága
Balzac et le réalisme français
Történelem és osztálytudat
Tagebuch 1910-11
Puschkin. Gorki
A lélek és a formák
Thomas Mann
La teoría de la
Journal : 1910-1911
Balázs Béla és akiknek nem kell
La théorie du Roman
A Lukács-vita (1949-1951)
Zoé Oldenbourg
Zoé Oldenbourg (1916-2002)


  • Sorbonne
The Heirs of the Kingdom.
Destiny of fire
Bucher de Montségur
The awakened
Catherine the Great
Massacre at Montségur
The cornerstone
La joie-souffrance
The heirs of the Kingdom
Catherine de Rissie
Destiny of fire [Book]
Le Bücher de Montse gur
La Joie des pauvres, tome 1
La Joie-souffrance, tome 2
Le bûcher de Montségur, 16 mars 1244
Argile et cendres, tome 1
Catherine de Russie
Catherine the Great
La Joie des pauvres, tome 2
Argile et cendres
Visages d'un autoportrait
Cities of the flesh
Saint Bernard ..
The heirs of the kingdom
Les bru le s
Massacre at Montse gur
Cities of the Flesh
The Crusades
Les brûlés
Le Proces Du Reve
La joie-souffrance
Les irre ductibles
La Pierre angulaire
Les cite s charnelles, ou l'histoire de Roger de Montbrun
The World Is Not Enough
Reveilles de la Vie
La\Joie Souffrance   Tome II
Que vous a donc fait Israël?
Le bûcher de Montségur
Catherine the Great
The chains of love
La Hoguera de Montsegur
La Pierre angulaire
LA Piedra Angular
La joie-souffrance
Cities of the flesh
Le bûcher de Montségur, 16 mars 1244
La Joie-souffrance
La\Pierre Angulaire
Que nous est Hécube?, ou, Un plaidoyer pour l'humain
La Joie des pouvres
The heirs of the kingdom
Visages d'un Autoportrait
Las Cruzadas
L'évêque et la vielle dame, ou, La belle-mère de Peytavi Borsier
Quemados, Los
Visages d'un autoportrait
Réveillés de la vie
The Horizon book of great cathedrals
Argile et Cendres   Tome I
La\Joie Souffrance   Tome I
La\Joie des Pauvres   Tome I
Les\Cites Charnelles
La\Joie des Pauvres   Tome II
Massacre at Montsegur
Les amours égarées
Las ciudades carnales
La alegría de los pobres
Destiny of Fire
The heirs of the kingdom
L'épopée des cathédrales
La pierre angulaire
Visages d'un autoportrait
Massacre at Montségur, a history of the Albigensian Crusade
Les irréductibles
Le procès du rêve
The cornerstone
L'eveque et la vieille dame, ou, La belle-mere de Peytavi Borsier
Argile et cendres
La pierre angulaire
Massacre at Montségur
Saint Bernard
Réveillés de la vie
Les brûlés
Destiny of fire
Argile et cendres
Cities of the flesh
L'eveque et la vieille dame, ou, La belle-mere de Peytavi Borsier
Cities of the flesh; or, The story of Roger de Montbrun
-assacre at Montsegur
Les croisades
Que nous est Hécube?, ou, Un plaidoyer pour l'humain
La pierre angulaire
Catherine de Russie
Argile, roman
Les brûles
Les irréductibles
The World is not enough
La pierre angulaire
La Joie des pauvres
Bernhard Hennen
Bernhard Hennen (born 1966)

historian, journalist

Der Tempelmord
Rückkehr zum Schwarzen Keiler
Das Jahr des Greifen
Die Entdeckung
Nächtliche Begegnung
Wolfgang Hohlbeins Fantasy Selection 2001
Der Verfluchte
Die Amazone
Der Sturm
Die Nacht der Schlange
New Fantasy Selection
Die Elfen
Wolfgang Hohlbeins Fantasy Selection 1999
Elven, The
Die Windgängerin
Die Chroniken von Azuhr - Die Weiße Königin: Roman: Limitierte Sonderausgabe
Der Flötenspieler. Ein Kriminalroman aus der Zeit Kleopatras
Die Elfen. 6 CDs
Erzähler des S. Fischer Verlages
Im Schatten des Raben. (Das Gesicht am Fenster. Die Nacht der Schlange. Zwei aventurische Kriminalromane.)
The Elven
De diepe stad (Drakenelfen) (Dutch Edition)
Elfenritter. 1. Die Ordensburg
Die Phileasson-Saga - Die Wölfin
Elven Winter (The Saga of the Elven)
Drei Nächte in Fasar
Die Phileasson-Saga - Himmelsturm
Die Phileasson-Saga - Nordwärts
Die Könige der ersten Nacht
De gevallen koning (Drakenelfen) (Dutch Edition)
Elfenritter. 2. Die Albenmark
Vtorzhenie drakonov. Poslednyaya bitva
Elven Queen
Das Nachtvolk. Ein Nibelungen- Roman
Die Phileasson-Saga - Silberflamme
Die Chroniken von Azuhr - Der träumende Krieger
Der Wahrträumer. Die Gezeitenwelt 1. Roman
Die Phileasson-Saga - Schlangengrab
Die Phileasson-Saga - Totenmeer
Elfenritter. 3. Das Fjordland
Drachenelfen - Die gefesselte Göttin
Het spel van de raven
Drachenelfen - Die letzten Eiskrieger
Drachenelfen - die gefesselte Göttin
Mykola Kostomarov
Mykola Kostomarov (1817-1885)

historian, opinion journalist, critic, poet, historiographer

  • National University of Kharkiv
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologii︠a︡
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
O znachenīi kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russkoĭ istorīi
Kto byl pervyĭ Lzhedimitrīĭ?: istoricheskoe izsli︠e︡dovanīe
Zur Judenfrage ; До юдейського питання
Istoricheskii︠a︡ monografii i issledovanii︠a︡ Nikolai︠a︡ Kostomarova
Slavianskaia mifologiia
Si︠e︡vernorusskii︠a︡ narodopravstva vo vremena udi︠e︡lʹno-vi︠e︡chevago uklada ..
Bogdan Khmelʹnit︠s︡kīĭ
Russkie nravy
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Malorossīĭskīĭ getman Zinovīĭ-Bogdan Khmelʹnit͡s︡kīĭ
Samozvant͡s︡y i proroki
Literaturnoe nasliedie
Russkai︠a︡ respublika
Tvory v dvokh tomakh
Si︠e︡vernorusskīi︠a︡ narodopravstva
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ee glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoho narodu
Kostomarov's "Books of genesis the Ukranian people" ; with commentary by B. Yanisvs'kyi
Slov'i͡a︡nsʹka mifolohii͡a︡
Russkie nravy
Smutnoe vremi︠a︡ Moskovskago gosudarstva v nachali︠e︡ XVII stoli︠e︡tii︠a︡
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Ocherk domashneĭ zhizni i nravov velikorusskogo naroda v XVI i XVII stoletii͡a︡kh
Russkaia istoriia v zhizneopisaniiakh
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Istoryï͡a Ukraïny v z͡hytï͡epysï͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh ï͡eï dïi͡achiv
Spasiteli Rossii v XVII v
Skot︠s︡kiĭ bunt
Istoricheskie proizvedeniya
O zhizni, byte i nravakh russkogo naroda
Staryĭ spor
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Russkie inorodt͡s︡y
Naukovo-publitsystychni i polemichni pysannia Kostomarova
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v ʺzhizneopisanīi͡akh
Istoricheskie proizvedenii︠a︡ ; Avtobiografii︠a︡
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v 16 i 17 stolietiiakh
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Dve russkie narodnosti
Malorossiǐskiǐ getman Zinoviǐ-Bogdan Khmel'nitskiǐ
Slavi͡a︡nskai͡a︡ mifologīi͡a︡
Istoricheskīi︠a︡ monografīi i izsli︠e︡dovanii︠a︡
Istoryia Ukraïny v zhytiepysiakh vyznachniǐshykh ieï diiachiv
Si͡evernorusskīi͡a narodopravstva
Sorok'' li͡e︡t''
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v ʺzhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologii︠a︡
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ee glavneǐshikn dei︠a︡teleǐ
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Zakon Boz͡h︡yĭ
Dvi rusʹki narodnosty
O znachenii kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russkoĭ istorii
Bogdan Khmelʹnit︠s︡kiĭ
Tvory v dvokh tomakh
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Lichnostʹ t͡s︡ari͡a︡ Ivana Vasilʹevicha Groznogo ; Povestʹ ob osvobozhdenii Moskvy ot poli͡a︡kov v 1612 godu i izbranie t͡s︡ari͡a︡ Mikhaila ; T͡S︡arevna Sofʹi͡a︡
Sobranie sochineniĭ N.I. Kostomarova
Halerei͡a︡ portretiv
Bogdan Khmelnitski
Syn, Kholop, Sorok let
Istoryi͡a Ukraïny v z͡hyti͡epysi͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh i͡eï dïi͡achiv
Avtobīografīi︠a︡ N.I. Kostomarova
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Knigi bytiya ukrainskogo naroda
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Knigi bytiia ukrainskogo naroda
Literaturnoe nasli͡e︡dīe
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavn︠ieĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Malorossiski getman Zinovi-Bogdan Khmel'nitski
Zemskie sobory
Istoryi͡a︡ Ukraïny v zhyti͡e︡pysi͡a︡kh vyznachniĭshykh i͡e︡ï dïi͡a︡chiv
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ee glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
Gospodstvo doma sv. Vladimira
Nachalo Rusi
Dvi rus'ki narodnosty
Ocherk domashnei zhizni i nravov velikorusskago naroda v XVI i XVII stoletiyakh N.I. Kostomarova
Knyhy bytiia ukraïnskoho narodu
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Russkaya istoriya v zhizneopisaniyakh ee glavneishikh deyatelei
Pami︠a︡tniki starinnoĭ russkoĭ literatury
O znachenii kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russko istorii
Smutnoe vremya Moskovskago gosudarstva v nachale XVII stoletiya
Literaturnoe nasliedie
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Skotskoĭ bunt
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI i XVII stoletiyakh
Smutnoe vremi͡a︡ Moskovskogo gosudarstva v nachale XVII stoletii͡a︡
Istoricheskīi͡a︡ monografīi i izsli͡e︡dovanīi͡a︡
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Istoryi͡a Ukraïny v z͡hyti͡epysi͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh i͡eï dïi͡achiv
Deux nationalités russes \
Sobranīe sochinenīĭ N. I. Kostomarova
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva
Dieiateli russko tserkvi v starinu
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v zhizneopisanīi͡akh ei͡a glavni͡eĭshikh di͡ei͡ateleĭ
Literaturnoe nasli︠e︡dīe
Mogilnyia predaniia
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnskoho narodu
Ocherk domashneĭ zhizni i nravov velikorusskago naroda v XVI i XVII stoli︠e︡tīi︠a︡kh
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Povi︠e︡stʹ ob osvobozhdenīi Moskvy ot poli︠a︡kov v 1612 godu i izbranīe t︠s︡ari︠a︡ Mikhaila
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v zhizneopisanīi͡akh ei͡a glavni͡eĭshikh di͡ei͡ateleĭ
Syn ; Khlop ; Sorok let
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI i XVII stoli︠e︡tii︠a︡kh
Sobranie sochinenii
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Lekt︠s︡īi po russkoĭ istorīi professora N. I. Kostomarova
Iz nashego proshlago, I
Si︠e︡vernorusski︠a︡ narodopravstva vo vremena udi︠e︡lʹno-vi︠e︡chevago uklada
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Pisʹmo N. Kostomarova k izdateli︠u︡ "Kolokola"
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Dvi rus £ki narodnosty
Byt i nravy russkogo naroda v XVI i XVII stoletii︠a︡kh
Russische Geschichte in Biographien
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologīi︠a︡
Le livre de la genèse du peuple ukrainien
Sobranie sochinenii
Avtobīografīi︠a︡ N.I. Kostomarova
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoho narodu
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ N. Kostomarova
Preemniki Bogdana Khmelʹnit͡skogo
Knyhy bytii Ła ukrai ns £koho narodu ...
Agnes Strickland
Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)

historian, poet, editor

Don Froila and his ten daughters
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest: With Anecdotes of ..
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
Tales from English history
The pilgrims of Walsingham
The Queens of England: A Series of Portraits of Distinguished Female Sovereigns
The Queens of England
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses
The lives of the seven bishops committed to the Tower in 1688
The pilgrims of Walsingham or Tales of the middle ages
Demetrius: a tale of modern Greece. With other poems
Lives Of The Bachelor Kings Of England
Stories from history
Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest
True stories from ancient history
Lives Of The Queens Of England V1
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England
The Life Of Mary Stuart, Queen Of Scotland
Lives Of The Queens Of Scotland And English Princesses V2
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Agnes Strickland's Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The Youthful travellers
Lives of the Tudor princesses
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The seven ages of woman
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Princesses
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Old friends and new acquaintances
The seven ages of woman and other poems
The queens of Scotland
The use of sight, or, I wish I were Julia
The juvenile Rollin, or, Conversations on ancient history
Queen Victoria from her birth to her bridal
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots
True Stories from Ancient History; Chronologically Arranged, from the Creation of the World to the Death of Charlemagne
The queens of England
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Floral sketches, fables, and other poems
Lives of the queens of Scotland
How will it end?
Narratives of nature, and history book for young naturalists
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the batchelor Kings of England
Memoirs of the queens of Henry VIII., and his mother, Elizabeth of York
Floral sketches, fables, and other poems
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
The moss-house
Historic scenes and poetic fancies
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England
Agnes Strickland's Queens of Scotland
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart princesses
Lives of the queens of Scotland
Lives of the queens of England
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the queens of Scotland
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
The use of sight; or, I wish I were Julia
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Life of Mary Queen of Scots
Lives of the Tudor princesses, including Lady Jane Gray and her sisters
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
The lives of the seven bishops committed to the Tower in 1688
The juvenile forget me not
Instructive conversations for the use of children
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England
The juvenile forget me not, or, Cabinet of entertainment and instruction
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Lives of the Queens of England
Worcester field
The queens of England
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
The tell-tale
Lives of the Queens of England
Tales from English history
Always happy! or, Anecdotes of Felix and his sister Serena
Stories from history
The queens of England
Tales and stories from history
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
Historical tales of illustrious British children
Evenings of mental recreation
True stories, from ancient history
Historical tales of illustrious children
Alda, the British captive
Old friends and new acquaintances
Lives of the Tudor and Stuart princesses
The life of Queen Elizabeth
Lives of the last four princesses of the royal house of Stuart
Lives of the queens of England
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest, from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
Worcester Field, or, The cavalier
Tales from English history for children
The rival Crusoes
True stories, from ancient history
The Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland
Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest
Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the royal succession of ...
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. By A. [and E.] Strickland
The rival Crusoes, or, The shipwreck
Memoirs of Elizabeth
Narratives of nature, and history book for young naturalists
A tale of modern Greece, in three cantos