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diplomats who wrote historical fiction
Showing 9-16 out of 33 results
Ivo Andrić
Ivo Andrić (1892-1975)

diplomat, poet, essayist

  • University of Graz, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
На Дрини ћуприја (Na Drini ćuprija)
Bosnian Chronicle
The damned yard and other stories
Omer Pasha Latas
The Pasha's concubine and other tales
The woman from Sarajevo
The slave girl
Bosnian chronicle
Das Fräulein
Devil's yard
Wesire und Konsuln
Conversation with Goya
Travnička hronika
Days of the Consuls
Ex ponto ; Nemiri ; Novele
The development of spiritual life in Bosnia under the influence of Turkish rule
Na Drini ćuprija
Njegoš kao tragični junak kosovske misli
Zapisi o Goji
Staze, lica, predeli
Ex ponto
Ex ponto
Die Geliebte des Veli Pascha
Il est un pont sur la Drina
Die Brücke über die Drina
The vizier's elephant
Travnička hronika
The woman from Sarajevo
Zena na kamenu
Diplomatski spisi
Bosnian chronicle
Predeli i staze
Omerpaša Latas
Most na Žepi
Priča o vezirovom slonu
The vizier's elephant
Rađanje fašizma
Bridge on the Drina
Kuća na osami
Pisma, 1912-1973
Nemirna godina
Die Männer von Veletovo
Nove pripovetke
Istorija i legenda
Sabrana dela
Šta sanjam i šta mi se događa
Sabrana djela Ive Andrića
Racconti Di Sarajevo
Na sunčanoj strani
Šta sanjam i šta mi se događa
Umetnik i njegovo delo
Le pont sur la Drina
Wesire und Konsuln
O knjizi i biblioteci
Ljubav u kasabi
Bosnian story
Die Frau auf dem Stein
Short stories
Znakovi pored puta
Ivo Andrić o Vuku
Das Fräulein
The Pasha's concubine and other tales
Prytcha pro vizyrovoho slona
Kuća na osami
Prokleta avlija
Prica o kmetu Simanu i druge pripovetke
Najlepše pripovetke Iva Andrića
Devil's yard
Sobrani dela
O Vuku kao piscu
Pripovetke u izboru samog pisca
Eseji i kritike
Three stories about Bosnia
Drina ka pul
Odabrane pripovetke
Pod grabićem
priča o kmetu simanu
Simon Bolivar Oslobodilac
Omerpaša Latas
Omer Pasa
Jevrejske priče
Aska i vuk
Nemirna godina (pripovetke)
Ömer Paşa
Prokleta avlija
Žeđ. (Pripovetke)
Sabrana djela Ive Andrića
Jelena, žena koje nema (pripovetke)
Jelena, žena koje nema
Café Titanic
Sinan'in Tekkesinde Ölüm
Priče o mitomanima
Izabrana dela
The bridge on the Drina
Deca (pripovetke)
Bridge over the Drina
The Bridge On The Drina
Znakovi pored puta
Prekleto dvorišče
Au temps d'Anika
Irgat Siman
Das Angebot
Priče o ljubavi
Na kamenu u Počitelju
Znakovi pored puta
Aska i vuk
Mara la courtisane et autres nouvelles
Drina Koprusu
Travnička hronika
Znakovi (pripovetke)
Na Drini cuprija
Der verdammte Hof
Bosnian story
Aska i vuk
Development of Spiritual Life in Bosnia under the Influence of Turkish Rule
Most na Drini
Travnik i djelo Ive Andrića--zavičajno i univerzalno
Die geliebte des Veli pascha
Das Fräulein
Izabrane pripovetke
Staze, Lica, Predeli
Le pont sur la Drina
Jelena, žena koje nema
Andrićev azbučnik
Priče o gradovima
Travnic̆ka hronika
Anikina vremena
The bridge on the Drina
Nobelovac u novinama
Pisma Vojmiru Durbešiću
Ivo Andrić nad nepreglednom rekom života
Nemir od vijeka
La señorita
Prokleta avlija
Ex ponto
Most na Žepi
Na Drini ćuprija
Die Geliebte des Veli Pascha
Café Titanic (y otras historias)
Turske priče
˜Dieœ Brücke über die Drina
Sarajevske priče
Staze. Lica. Predeli
Fratarske priče
Die Brücke über die Drina. Eine Wischegrader Chronik.
Na Drini ćuprija
Rađanje fašizma
Nemirna godina
Na Drini ćuprija
Priče o moru / Andrić ; urednik Dejan Mihailović
Sabrana dela Ive Andrića
Pisma Vojmiru Durbešiću
Priče o selu
Ispovijed i druge priče
Odabrane pripovetke
O stogodišnjici roćenja Alekse Šantića
Most na Drine
Most na Žepi
The Pasha's concubine and other tales
Beogradske priče
Travnicka hronika
Večiti kalendar maternjeg jezika
Veliki raspust
Pisac govori svojim delom
Zena na kamenu
Nemirna godina
Ivo Andrić
Travnička hronika
Fratarske priće
Ivo Andrić. 2
El elefante del visir
Razvoj duhovnog života u Bosni pod uticajem turske vladavine
גשר על הדרינה
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter (born 1924)

naval officer, diplomat, politician, farmer, autobiographer, submariner, statesperson, environmentalist, businessperson, engineer, peace activist, human rights activist, humanitarian

  • Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia Tech
The Hornet's Nest
The hornet's nest
Keeping Faith
An hour before daylight
We can have peace in the Holy Land
Living faith
Our Endangered Values
Everything to Gain
Turning point
Why not the best?
Talking peace
The blood of Abraham
Always a reckoning, and other poems
A remarkable mother
The little baby Snoogle-Fleejer
An outdoor journal
Sharing good times
Beyond the White House
The virtues of aging
Sources of Strength
White House Diary
The wit and wisdom of Jimmy Carter
The Nobel Peace Prize lecture
A call to action
A government as good as its people
Christmas in Plains
Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
Leading a Worthy Life: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Empower Zone
Measuring Our Success: Sunday Mornings in Plains
Conversations with Carter
The hornet's nest
The spiritual journey of Jimmy Carter, in his own words
Negotiation, the alternative to hostility
Beyond the White House
Faith & Freedom
The personal beliefs of Jimmy Carter
To Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process
Carter on the arts
Talking Peace A Vision For The Next Generation
Bringing Peace to a Changing World: Sunday Mornings in Plains
United States encyclopedia
State of the Union address
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
As Time Goes by
Sharing good times
Niv Lessons From Life Bible Personal Reflections With Jimmy Carter
Kids' letters to President Carter
Public lecture
White House diary
James Carter
444 rūz
State Of The Union Addresses
"I'll never lie to you"
Mémoires d'un président
Christmas in Plains
Family of Wiley Carter
The United States and the Soviet Union : [remarks]
Remarks of President Jimmy Carter at the opening session of the President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Hang time
Kingfisher Junior Illustrated Dictionary
Jimmy Carter
Le meilleur de nous-même
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Through the year with Jimmy Carter
National security goals
A full life
SALT-2: President Carter's address to Congress
U. S. Law Affecting Americans Living and Working Abroad
The American Revolution
Everything to Gain-LTD
State of the Union Addresses of Jimmy Carter
Public papers of the presidents of the United States
Life after the White House
The Hornets Nest
                Thorndike Paperback Bestsellers
Das Beste geben. Interaktiver Workshop
Everything to Gain
Virtues of Aging (Library of Contemporary Thought)
Trade Agreements Act of 1979
Bao chi xin xin
Oral History Interview with Jimmy Carter [exact date unavailable], 1974
Conference for Global Development Cooperation
Living Faith 6cp Counter W/Ris
Mei Zhong jian jiao qian hou
As virtudes de envelhecer
America's African policy
Jimmy Carter
piksel raders
Mā warāʼa al-Bayt al-Abyaḍ
Parlons de paix
Beyond the White House
America's African policy
1990 elections in the Dominican Republic
Alejo Carpentier
Alejo Carpentier (1904-1980)

journalist, essayist, musicologist, literary critic, diplomat, publisher

Historia y ficción en la narrativa hispanoamericana
Historia y ficción en la narrativa hispanoamericana
The harp and the shadow
The Kingdom of This World
The kingdom of this world
El Siglo De Las Luces / a Century of Light
The kingdom of this world
Recurso Del Metodo
The Lost Steps - Pasos perdidos
Los pasos perdidos
Los mejores relatos latinoamericanos
El arpa y la sombra
Guerra del tiempo
El reino de este mundo
El recurso del método
El siglo de las luces
Concierto barroco
Siglo de las luces
Music in Cuba
El acoso
La música en Cuba
La novela latinoamericana en vísperas de un nuevo siglo y otros ensayos
Seis cuentos latino-americanos
Cartas de Carpentier
Los Pasos Perdidos
Ese músico que llevo dentro
Aprendiz de bruja, Concierto barroco, El arpa y la sombra
La Cultura En Cuba y En El Mundo (Biblioteca Alejo Carpentier)
Letra y solfa
La Harpe Et L'Ombre
El amor a la ciudad
Los pasos recobrados
Le Sacre du printemps
Afirmación literaria americanista
La consagracion de la primavera
Alejo Carpentier
Concert baroque
Palabras en el tiempo de Alejo Carpentier
Reasons of state
La consagración de la primavera
Varèse vivant
Recurso del método
El arpe y la sombra
Le\Royaume De Ce Monde
Barok Konser
Obras completas
Visión de América
Music in Cuba
Le Royaume de ce monde
Explosion in a Cathedral
Cro nicas
La Consugracion de la primaveva
Historia de lunas ; Los fugitivos
Guerra del tiempo y otros relatos
Guerra del tiempo y otros relatos
Tientos, diferencias y otros ensayos
Ecue-yamba-ó ; La rebambaramba ; Cinco poemas afrocubanos ; Historia de lunas ; Manita en el suelo ; El milagro de Anaquillé ; Correspondencia con García Caturla
El Siglo De Las Luces (Obras Maestras De La Literatura Contemporanea)
Los Pasos pevdidos
Literatura y conciencia política en América Latina
La ciudad de las columnas
El Recurso Del Metodo / the Resource of the Method
El derecho de asilo
Conversaciones con Alejo Carpentier
Concierto barroco
El acoso
El reino de este mundo / The Kingdom of this World
La musica en Cuba
El siglo de las luces / The Century of Lights
Cuentos fant©Łsticos y de ciencia ficci©đn en Am©♭rica Latina
El Reino De Este Mundo (Coleccion Caribena)
Die Hetzjagd. Roman
El Recurso Del Metodo
Visión de America
reino de este mundo. Los pasos perdidos
Die verlorenen Spuren
Razón de ser
Concierto barroco
A puertas abiertas
Bajo el signo de La Cibeles
Recurso del Metodo, El
El adjetivo y sus arrugas
I epi gis vasilia
Mein Havanna. Geschichten über die Liebe zur Stadt
El recurso del metodo
El ocaso de Europa
Los confines del hombre
Concievto barroco
Baroque Concerto
Encuentro con Alejo Carpentier
El reino de este mundo
La aprendiz de bruja ; Concierto barroco ; El arpa y la sombra
El camino de Santiago
CONCIERTO BARROCO (Nueva Criminologia)
La palabra y su sombra
Los pasos peridos
El Arpa Y La Sombra/The Harp and the Shadow (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Diario (1951-1957)
siglo de las luces
Die verlorenen Spuren. Roman
El siglo de las luces; novela
recurso del método
Le recours de la méthode
Bu Dünyanin Kralligi
Ecue-yamba-o / "Praise be the Lord' (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Explosion in der Kathedrale
Obras Completas Vol. 3 Carpentier
Ese músico que llevo dentro 2
Temas de la lira y del bongo
El recurso del método
El Reino De Este Mundo (Biblioteca de Bolsillo)
Literatura y conciencia politica en America Latina
Guerra del tiempo
consagración de la primavera
La consagración de la primavera
Amor por la ciudad
Cuentos completos
Obras completas de Alejo Carpentier
Obras Completas de Alejo Carpenter Volumen 3
Essais littéraires
La città delle colonne =
Farben eines Kontinents. Reisen durch Lateinamerika
Obras Escogidas - Alejo Carpentier
El Siglo de las Luces
Concierto barroco
El siglo de las luces
Le siècle des lumières
Le partage des eaux
Concierto Barroco (Fiction&)
El reino de este mundo
El Reino de Este Mundo (Novela (Booket Numbered))
Chasse à l'homme
Guerra del tiempo
Guerra del tiempo
O Camiño de Santiago
La ciudad de las columnas
Letra y solfa
Los confines del hombre
Tientos y diferencias
La\Partage des Eaux
Estuche - Alejo Carpentier
Los pasos perdidos
El reino de este mundo (relato)
Los pasos perdidos
Viaje a la semilla y otros relatos
Dos novelas
El reino de este mundo
El cine, décima musa
Tientos y diferencias
Un Camino de medio siglo
Milḥemet ha-zeman
Alejo Carpentier
The kingdom of this world
Crónicas del regreso, 1940-1941
El reino de este mundo / Alejo Carpentier
La música en Cuba
El recurso del me todo: novela
Le\Siecle des Lumieres
La ciudad de las columnas
Krieg der Zeit
Concert Baroque / Concierto Barroco
Tres relatos: El camino de Santiago, Viaje a la semilla, Semejante a la noche
The kingdom of this world
El acoso ; El Derecho de asilo
Los Pasos Perdidos/the Lost Steps (Narrativa Losada)
The lost steps (A Bard book)
El acoso
Epistolario Carpentier--Fernández de Castro
Die Harfe und der Schatten
El recurso del metodo
El camino a Santiago y otros cuentos
Recuento de moradas
Los pasos perdidos
Vesna svi︠a︡shchennai︠a︡
Lecturas de juventud
Los pasos perdidos; novela
Crónicas caribeñas
Concierto Barroco - Reino de Este Mundo, El
Ese músico que llevo dentro
Cartas a Toutouche
El Reino de Este Mundo / The Ruler of This World
Explosion in a cathedral
Cuentos Latinoamericanos
Guerra del tiempo
Crónicas habaneras
Géneros de opinión
Materiales de la revista Casa de las Américas
El reino de este mundo
Κοντσέρτο μπαρόκ
Τα χαμένα βήματα
El siglo de las luces
Guerre du Temps / Guerra del Tiempo
Guerra del tiempo
Le siècle des lumières
Cuentos cubanos
Selección de Ensayos
El arpa y la sombra
Tientos y diferencias
El siglo de las luces
Guerra del tiempo y otros cuentos
Les élus
La música en Cuba
Cuentos cubanos
The lost steps
Novelas y relatos
Xiao shuo shi yi zhong xu yao
Explosion in a Cathedral
Ecue-Yamba-O (Libro amigo ; 1502/634)
Los Pasos Perdidos/Ca 9186
T︠S︡arstvo Zemnoe, roman
El reino de este mundo
Dos novelas: el reino de este mundo / el acoso
Concierto barroco
Guerra del tiempo, El acoso y otros relatos
Novela Latinoamericana En Visperas de Un Nuevo Sig (La Creacion literaria)
Los convidados de plata
La Musique à Cuba
Crónicas de España, 1925-1937
El siglo de las luces
Hommage à Alejo Carpentier
Viaje a la semilla
The chase
Tientos y diferencias
Explosion in a cathedral
El cine, décima musa
Guerra del tiempo / Alejo Carpentier
Cajon de Cuentos
Stegreif und kunstgriffe
El periodista, un cronista de su tiempo
La música en Cuba
Alejo Carpentier
Cuentos fantásticos y de ciencia ficción en América Latina
Khushwant Singh
Khushwant Singh (1915-2014)

journalist, politician, poet lawyer, diplomat, lawyer

  • St. Stephen's College, King's College London
Train to Pakistan
Memories of Madness
Train to Pakistan
A history of the Sikhs
Truth, Love and a Little Malice
Notes on the great Indian circus
The Illustrated History of the Sikhs
The end of India
Why I supported the emergency
Not a Nice Man to Know
Gurus, Godmen & Good People
I shall not hear the nightingale
The company of women
Sights and sounds of the world
Mano Majra
The Sikhs
Khushwant Singh's big fat joke book
The Collected Short Stories of Khushwant Singh
Paradise and other stories
Burial at sea
Ranjit Singh, Maharajah of the Punjab
Ranjit Singh
Khushwant Singh Selects Best Indian Short Stories
Malicious gossip
The vintage sardar
Land of the five rivers
Sex, scotch & scholarship
A History of the Sikhs: Volume 2
More malicious gossip
Khushwant Singh on women, love & lust
History of the Sikhs. v2
The collected novels
History of the Sikhs, vol 1
Train pour le Pakistan
How the Sikhs lost their kingdom
Homage to Guru Gobind Singh
Need for a new religion in India & other essays
We Indians
Around the world with Khushwant Singh
My bleeding Punjab
Gods and Godmen of India
Khushwant Singh's big book of malice
Women and Men in My Life
Khushwant Singh's Book of Unforgettable Women
City improbable
A History of the Sikhs: Volume 1
Death at my doorstep
The Sikhs today
Administrative problems, rural administration, and extension services
The voice of God
Administrative management, bureaucracy, and rural development and economics of development
Kalighat to Calcutta, 1690-1990
Pakistan express
Khushwant Singh's joke book
Khalsa Panth
Black Jasmine ...
The mark of Vishnu and other stories
Nature watch
Khushwant Singh's India
Turbaned tornado
Khushwant Singh's joke book 7
Nāṃ wicca kī piā e
Good people, bad people
Kipling's India
Pakistan mail
The unending trail
Stories from India
Many faces of communalism
Umrao Jan Ada
Religion of the Sikhs
A Sangam City
Kali Chambeli
Songs of the gurus
Khushwantnama The Lessons Of My Life
Pākistān Aikspres
Khushwant Singh's view of India
Shri Ram: a biography
Khushwant Singh on women, sex, love and lust
Two essays on Professor S. Chandrasekhar
Agnostic Khushwant
Shri Ram
Rule of law, local government, and economics of development
Khushwant Singh on war and peace in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
A bride for the sahib and other stories
Khushwant Singh's India without humbug
Khushwant Singh's view of India
Mending souls
Not wanted in Pakistan
Mauj mela
The sunset club
Khushwant Singh's editor's page
Joke Book
I believe
Khushwant Singh's joke book
The mark of Vishnu, and other stories
Administrative reforms, Chinese communes, and local government
Indira Gandhi returns
District administration, diffusion of technology, land reforms, and rural development
Chonvi Kahani
City Improbable
Sahibs Who Loved India
The voice of God, and other stories
The fall of the kingdom of the Punjab
I believe
Uncertain Liaisons
Celebrating the best of Urdu poetry
Our favourite Indian stories
Khushwant Singh's India without humbug
Ranjit Singh, Maharajah of the Punjab
Train to Pakistan
Gurus, Godmen and good people
Indira Gandhi returns
Ranjit Singh
Not a nice man to know
The Sikhs today
Portrait of a serial killer
A dream turns seventy five
I shall not hear the nightingale
Khushwant Singh on war and peace in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
View of India
The Sikhs
The company of women
Not wanted in Pakistan
A history of the Sikhs
Sikhs unlimited
I shall not hear the nightingales
Khushwant Singh selects best Indian short stories
Homage to Guru Gobind Singh
Indira Gandhi
Black Jasmine
I shall not hear the nightingale
The good, the bad and the ridiculous
On India
I shall not hear the nightingale
The Courtesan of Lucknow
Sahibs who loved India
I shall not hear the nightingale
Uncertain liaisons
Khushwant Singh behtareen afsan
Ghadar, 1915, India's first armed revolution
Mahārājah Ranjīt Singh
History of the Sikhs, 1469-1839
Delhi: A Novel
On love and sex
Mano Majra
Sanseṭa Klaba
The mark of Vishnu
Gurus, godmen, and good people
Khushwant Singh
Many moods many faces
Kampanī āf vūmin
The fall of the kingdom of the Punjab
On religion
Collected stories
Khushwant singh bahtreen tahreer
Khushwant Singh on humour
The voice of God
Unanswered prayers
Me, the jokerman
Khushwant Singh's joke book II
Train to Pakistan
Khushawanta Siṅgha
A bride for the sahib and other stories
A history of the Sikhs
Khushwant Singh's joke book III
Khushuwant Singh's India without humbug
The Japji and the Rehras
The freethinker's prayer book
Susanna Agnelli
Susanna Agnelli (1922-2009)

entrepreneur, politician, diplomat, memoirist, philanthropist

  • University of Turin
Lew Wallace
Lew Wallace (1827-1905)

military officer, lawyer, diplomat, politician, autobiographer, journalist, poet, jurist, military personnel

Ben Hur
The fair god, or, The last of the 'Tzins
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Prince of India, or Why the Constantinople Fell
Ben Hur
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Lew Wallace : Volume II
Prince of India or Why Constantinople Fell
Prince of India, or Why Constantinop
Prince of India
Men at Sea
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Smoke, sound & fury
The First Christmas: From "Ben-Hur,"
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Fair God: Or, The Last of the 'Tzins : a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
The wooing of Malkatoon
The Fair God
Life and public services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S
The Chariot Race From Ben-Hur
Stories-The Boyhood of Christ
Ben-Hur; a Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ.
Ben Hur (Classics Illustrated, 147)
Prince of India (Volume 2)
Prince of India (Volume 1)
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U. S.
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Ben-Hur: a Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace:(Annotated Edition)
Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ
Classic Christian Novels (6 Books)
Prince of India
A Tale of the Christ
The Mystery of the Smoking Chimney
An Autobiography 1827 1905
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Constantinople - Vol I
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur
Ben Chour
The first Christmas, from "Ben Hur"
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison and Life of Hon. Levi P. Morton
Mimi Pond's Secrets of the powder room
Ben-Hur Annotated
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur.
Prince of India (Volume I) Illustrated
Lew Wallace
The Fair God
Ben Hur Illustrated Classics Edition
The Boyhood of Christ
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. Vol. II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Abdülhamit ve Sarayindaki Amerikali
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. ; Volume II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ (Annotated)
Ben-Hur (Diversion Classics)
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Scenes from every land
First Christmas
Boys' Ben-hur - Tale Of Christ
Prince of India  Illustrated
Chariot-Race from Ben-Hur
Lew Wallace
Prince of India (Volume 2)
The story of American heroism
Prince of India Vol 2
Ben Hur, A Tale of the Christ (complete and unabridged) (An Airmont Classic, Cl74)
An Autobiography
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Ben Hur (Bantam Books #A1450)
Prince of India, Vol 2
La carrera de carros de Ben-Hur
Ben - Hur a Tale of the Christ Illustrated
Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ Annotated
The Fair God
Fair God or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Papazone adventure stories
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
Ben-Hur (Illustrated)
Ben-Hur A Tale of Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ - 2nd printing
Ben-hur - a Tale of Christ
Ben Hur (Christian Epics)
Prince of India : Why Constantinople Fell
Contributions to a History of The Richmond Howitzer Battalion (Army of Northern Virginia)
The Fair God; Or, the Last of the 'tzins
Prince of India (Volume II) Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Dhingra Children's Classics)
Boyhood of Christ
The Wooing of Malkatoon & Commodus
The prince of India
The prince of India
Fair God
Life and Public Services of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
The pirate of Topsail Island
The Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil war, as Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
Fair God : Or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Fair God; or, the Last of the 'Tzins; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
Prince of India, Vol 2
Ben Hur; Complete & Unabridged Book
Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur/ The World's Greatest Literature/ Volume 10
Ben Hur a Tale of the Christ
Prince of India
Ben-Hur; A Tale of the Christ (Heritage Press Illustrated Editions)
Fair God; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico; Volume 2
The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell, by Lew Wallace VOLUME 2
Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil War, As Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
The Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India (Volume 1)
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ from Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Lew Wallace; An Autobiography.; Volume II
The city of the King, or, What the child Jesus saw and heard
Prince of India; or Why Constantinople Fell
Ben-Hur (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography
Lew Wallace papers
The Boyhood of Jesus
Yerusholaim un Roym
Yerusholaim un Roym
The Life of Benjamin Harrison
Blackbeard and the Topsail Island Pirate
My own account of the first day at Shiloh
Life of General Ben Harrison and Life of Honorable Levi P. Morton
בן חור
The new court house
Ben Ḥur
Eduard Vilde
Eduard Vilde (1865-1933)

diplomat, journalist, humorist, politician

  • Tallinn Kreis School
Mahtra sôda
Jack Brown
Estonian short stories
Kui Anija mehed Tallinnas käisid
Milkman of the manor
Ärapõletatud peigmehed ja vigased pruudid
Prohvet Maltsvet
Kui unija mehed käisid Tallinas
Raudsed käed
Kui tuli tähendus
Mäeküla piimamees
Külmale maale
Na zare
Aufruhr in Machtra
Voĭna v Makhtra
V gosti︠a︡kh u krymskikh ėstont︠s︡ev
Mahtra sõda
Jean-François Parot
Jean-François Parot (1946-2018)


  • Lycée Henri-IV, Lycée Michelet, Vanves