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critics who wrote historical fiction
Showing 97-104 out of 135 results
A. B. Guthrie Jr.
A. B. Guthrie Jr. (1901-1991)

historian, journalist, literary critic

  • Harvard University, University of Washington
The way west
The big sky
The last valley
The blue hen's chick
These thousand hills
The genuine article
Playing catch-up
Murders at Moon Dance
Big sky, fair land
Murder in the Cotswolds
Fair land, fair land
The way west
No second wind
Wild pitch
A field guide to writing fiction
The big it, and other stories
The big it
Big Sky
The big sky
The big sky
Fair land, fair land
The Big Sky
Wild Pitch
The Blue Hen's Chick
Three thousand hills
Once upon a pond
The Way West
The way west
Murders at Moon Dance
The genuine article
The way West
Le produit d'origine
The big It and other stories
Wild pitch
The Big It
Playing catch-up
The big sky
The Big It
Private Murder
These Thousand Hills
The Big It
The Way West
The way west
Max Aub
Max Aub (1903-1972)

playwright, poet, literary critic

Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Guía de narradores de la Revolución Mexicana
Field of honour
Great Short Stories of the World
Las buenas intenciones
Campo abierto
Campo francés
Campo de sangre
Los mejores relatos españoles del siglo XX
Campo del moro
La calle de Valverde
Campo cerrado
San Juan
Conversaciones con Buñuel
Jusep Torres Campalans
La gallina ciega
Max Aub y la vanguardia teatral
Enero sin nombre
Ultimos cuentos de la guerra de España
Escribir lo que imagino
Campo de los almendros
Crimenes ejemplares
Los tiempos mexicanos de Max Aub
Diario de Djelfa
El zopilote
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Das Magische Labyrinth, Audio-CDs, Die Stunde des Verrats
La Calle de Valverde/ Valverde's Road
Obras completas
Teatro completo
Algunas prosas
Cuaderno verde de Jusep Torres Campalans
Das magische Labyrinth 3. Blutiges Spiel. Roman
El desconfiado prodigioso
Escribo Lo Que Imagino - Cuentos Fantasticos
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.6, Bittere Mandeln
Retrato de un general, visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacia la izquierda
Das magische Labyrinth 4. Die Stunde des Verrats
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.1, Nichts geht mehr
Die besten Absichten
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.5, Am Ende der Flucht
Discurso de la novela española contempora?nea
Lamentos del Sinaí
Aforismos en el laberinto
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Obras en un acto
La prosa española del siglo 19
La verdadera historia de la muerte de Francisco Franco
La vida conyugal
Max Aub, historiador de la prosa contemporánea
Manual de historia de la literatura española
Crimes exemplaires
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.3, Blutiges Spiel
Diarios, 1967-1972
Ciertos cuentos
Mis páginas mejores
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.4, Die Stunde des Verrats
El rapto de Europa
Antología de relatos y prosas breves de Max Aub
"San Juan" (1942)
Nichts geht mehr. Das Magische Labyrinth 1
Imposible Sinaí
Das Magische Labyrinth, 6 Bde., Ln, Bd.2, Theater der Hoffnung
Retrato de un general
Manuscrito cuervo. Historia de Jacobo
La Véritable Histoire de la mort de Francisco Franco
Espejo de avaricia
Primer teatro
Escritos sobre el exilio
Die Erotik und andere Gespenster
Crímenes ejemplares
Cara y cruz
Los pies por delante y otros cuentos
Luis Alvarez Petreña
Der Mann aus Stroh. Erzählungen
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Ensayos mexicanos
Mis pa ginas mejores
Obra poética completa
Jusep Torres Campalans/Joseph Torres Campalans
El desconfiado prodigioso; Ja cara del Avaro; Discurso de la Plaza de la Concordia; Los excelentes varones; Entreme s de 'El director'; La madre
Das magische Labyrinth 1 - 6
Últimos cuentos de la Guerra de España
No son cuentos
Gallina Ciega, La
Cuentos mexicanos, con Pilón
Una nueva poesía española (1950-1955)
Dernières nouvelles de la guerre d'Espagne
Del amor
Max Aub, Dario Puccini
Cuentos De Damas Fantasticas/ Stories of Fantastic Ladies (Narrativa Breve)
Las vueltas
Das magische Labyrinth 6. Bittere Mandeln. CD
Hablo como hombre
Der Mann aus Stroh
Crimenes Ejemplares (Archivos de Arquitectura)
Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña
El cerco
El Laberinto mágico
Antología traducida
Fábula verde
De Max Aub a Cervantes
"San Juan," tragedia
La poesía española contemporánea
El desconfiado prodigioso. Jacara del Avaro. Discurso de la plaza de la Concordia. Los excelentes varones. Extremes de El director La Madre
Mis Pginas Mejores
Sala e espera
Yo vivo
Crimes Exemplares
Vida y obra de Luis Alvarez Petren?a
Luis Buñuel, novela
Ch & T
La uña y otras narraciones
Cuentos ciertos
Sala de espera
Max Aub en el laberinto del siglo xx
Antología traducida
Destierro y destiempo
Diarios, 1939-1972
Crímenes ejemplares y otros
La una y otras narraciones
Historias de mala muerte
Pequeña y vieja historia marroquí
El Rapto De Europa O Siempre Se Puede Hacer Algo
Los muertos
La uña
Enero en Cuba
Novelas escogidas
Poemario de Un Liberal (Coleccion Jano)
Poesía española contemporánea
Versiones y subversiones
Nuevos diarios inéditos
Imposible Sinaí
Discurso de la novela española contemporanea
Vueltas sin regreso
El rapto de Europa; o, Siempre se puede hacer algo, drama real en tres actos
Historias de mala muerte
No son cuentos
La vida conyugal
Antología traducida
Teatro español actual
Crímenes ejemplares
Obras en un acto
Campo del moro
Campo del moro
Campo de sangre
Retrato de un general visto de medio cuerpo y vuelto hacía la izquierda (fechada en 1968)
Homenaje a Max Aub
Dos vidas imaginarias
La calle de Valverde
Los muertos
Cuerpos presentes
La prosa española del siglo XIX
Cuentos mexicanos (con pilo n)
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
No son cuentos
Antología traducida
Historias del 36
Campo francés
Hablo como hombre
Morir por cerrar los ojos
Los cuentos mexicanos
La vida conyugal
Campo del moro
Imposible Sinaí
Epistolario 1929-1971
Hablo como hombre
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Max Aub, Francisco Ayala
Epistolario entre Max Aub y Vicente Aleixandre
Poesía mexicana, 1950-1960
Enero en Cuba
Buñuel, todas las conversaciones
Teatro completo
Ensayos mexicanos
Discurso de la novela española contemporánea
Tres monólogos y uno solo verdadero
El cerco
De Max Aub a Cervantes
Crímenes ejemplares
Crímenes ejemplares
El rapto de Europa
El laberinto mágico: Campo de almendros
La cachette d'Harpagon
A. S. Byatt
A. S. Byatt (1936-2023)

poet, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Bryn Mawr College
The Matisse Stories
The virgin in the garden
On histories and stories
On Histories and Stories
Angels & insects
The Children's Book
The virgin in the garden ; and Still life
Angels & Instincts
Angels and Insects
Angeles E Insectos
Babel Tower
Passions of the mind
A whistling woman
Imagining characters
Still life
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye
The tragedy of King Lear with related readings
Sugar and other stories
The biographer's tale
The Game
Little black book of stories
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009
Iris Murdoch
Deadly Sins
The Virago Book Of Ghost Stories
Degrees of freedom
Selected Essays, Poems, and Other Writings
Peacock & vine
Unruly Times
Medusa's Ankles
The Oxford Book of English Short Stories
Vintage Byatt
Writers on Artists
Wordsworth and Coleridge in their time
Grimm Reader
The Pocket Canons Bible
Portraits in fiction
New Writings 4 (Special Sale)
Geschichten von Feuer und Eis
Die Verwandlung des Schmetterlings
Konzernrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht
Des anges et des insectes
Bülbül'ün Gözündeki Cin
Bp Portrait Award 2003
Die Jungfrau im Garten
Shadow of a sun
Jack Milroy
New Writing
Medusa’s Ankles
Der verliebte Dschinn
Das Geheimnis des Biographen
Nature morte
Medusa's Ankles
Elaine Feinstein with A.S. Byatt
Angels & Insects: Two Novellas (Vintage International)
X 10 Djinn & the Nightingale Counterpack
Collected Stories
Kees Fens finding the place
Raw Material (Storycuts)
Stone Woman (Storycuts)
Still Life
Possessione / Posession
On Histories and Stories
Ángeles e insectos
Pocket Canons
Pink Ribbon (Storycuts)
Küçük Kara Hikayeler Kitabı
Thing in the Forest (Storycuts)
El libro de los niños
Future House
Untitled Novel 2 (Byatt)
Untitled Novel
Petits Contes noirs
English and German Cultural Encounters
Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings
Stern- und Geisterstunden
The Song of Solomon
Natura morta
Song of Solomon
Angels and Insects
On the Conjugial Angel
El libro de los niños
Untitled A. S. Byatt
Le mal de peau
X5 Possession Reading Guide Exp
Naturaleza muerta
A. S. Byatt Boxed Set
Portraits in Fiction
A. S. Byatt Airport Pack
Das Buch der Kinder
Body Art (Storycuts)
Il libro dei bambini
Angels & Insects-Film Tie-In E
Middlemarch; Possession
Untitled Stories
Naturaleza muerta
Detskai͡a kniga
New writing
Le livre des enfants
Cesm-i bulbulun icindeki cin
Andrei Bely
Andrei Bely (1880-1934)

poet, autobiographer, playwright, literary critic, philosopher, critic, poetry study, illustrator

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Petersburg (Russian Classics) (in Russian)
Серебряный голубь
St. Petersburg
The christened Chinaman
Korolevna i rytsari
Mezhdu dvukh revoli͡u︡t͡s︡iĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiǐ
Nachalo veka =
Kotik Letaev
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Gibel' senatora (Peterburg)
First Encounter
Pervoe svidanie
Masterstvo Goglya
Kritika, ėstetika, teoriya simvolizma
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Perepiska, 1902-1932
Stikhi o Rossii
Ritm kak dialektika i "Mednyǐ vsadnik"
Lug zelenyi
The dramatic symphony
Mezhdu dvukh revolutsii =
Masterstvo Gogoli͡a
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ =
Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner
Pami͡a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
Pervoe svidanie
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Simvolizm. Der Symbolismus
The dramatic symphony ; The forms of art
Posle razluki
Tragediia tvorchestva
Zapiski chudaka =
Kotik Letaev
Vospominanii͡a︡ o Bloke
Vospominaniia ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke =
Kotik Letaev
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Serebrianyi golub
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Bloke =
Serebryanyi golub'
Kotik Letaev
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
St. Petersburg
Staryĭ Arbat
Lug zelenyĭ
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu =
Izbrannai︠a︡ proza
I͡A︡ byl mezh vas--
[Gibelʹ senatora
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii
Nachalo veka
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Ivanov-Razumnik--perepiska
Mezhdu dvukh revolyutsii
Revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡ i kulʹtura
In the kingdom of shadows
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy
" Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Perepiska, 1928-1933
Tragedi︠i︡a tvorchestva: Dostoevskiĭ i Tolstoĭ. Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ ipoėmy v 2 tt
Serebrianyi golub
Symbolismus, Anthroposophie
Nachalo veka =
Kak my pishem
Zapiski chudaka =
Moskovskiĭ alʹmanakh
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Kak my pishem
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Gogol's artistry
"Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Dusha samosoznai︠u︡shchai︠a︡
"Vse mysli dli︠a︡ vykhoda v svet - zaperty"
"...nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Zhizni gibelʹnoĭ pozhar
Verwandeln des Lebens
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Stikhotvoreniya i poemy
Serebrianyi golub' =
Anthroposophy and Russia
Kubok meteleĭ
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Vospominanii͡a︡ ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iǐ
Sobranie ėpicheskikh poem
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Moskovskiĭ chudak
Poziia slova
André Bély
Serebri͡a︡nyĭ golubʹ ; Rasskazy
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Vospominaniia ob Aleksande Aleksandroviche Bloke
Putevyia zametki
Na perevale
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Ėmiliĭ Metner
Pochemu i͡a︡ stal simvolistom i pochemu i͡a︡ ne perestal im bytʹ vo vsekh fazakh moego ideĭnogo i khudozhestvennogo razvitii͡a︡
Simfonii︠a︡ (2-i︠a︡, dramaticheskai︠a︡)
O khudozhestvennoĭ proze
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Aleksandr Blok, Moskva
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
[ Vospominanii͡a︡ o A. A. Bloke (romanized form)]
Na perevale
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Zoloto v lazuri
The dramatic symphony, translated by Roger and Angela Keys ; The forms of art, translated by John Ellsworth
Vospominanii︠a︡ o Shteĭnere
Krylatai͡a︡ dusha
Kotik Letaev [by] Andrei Bely
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Poezii︠a︡ slova ; O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Sievernaia simfonia: 1-ia geroicheskaia
Zoloto v lazuri
Vozvrashchenʹie na rodinu
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Chetyre simfoniĭ =
Vospominani|i|a o Shteĭnere
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Kak my pishem
St. Petersburg
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu
Na perevale
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Ritm, kak dialektika, i "Mednyĭ vsadnii͡a︡"
Istorii︠a︡ stanovlenii︠a︡ samosoznai︠u︡shcheĭ dushi
Andreĭ Belyĭ o Bloke
Zapiski mechtateleĭ
Complete short stories
Rudolʹf Shteĭner i Gete v mirovozzri︠e︡nīi sovremennosti
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Poėziia slova
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Khristos voskres
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Aleksandr Blok--perepiska 1903-1919
Zoloto v lazuri
Sirin uchënogo varvarstva
Stikhi o Rossīi
Moskva pod udarom
Veter s Kavkaza
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
"-- Nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Khristos voskres
Kritika, ėstetika, teorii͡a︡ simvolizma
Vospominaniia o A.A. Bloke
Zhezl Aarona
Chetyre simfonii
Krizis kulʹtury
Poezi|i|a slova ; O smysle poznani|i|a
Krizis kulʹtury
Sievernaia simfoniia
Korolevna i ryt︠s︡ari
O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Kotik Letaev
Na perevale
Evangelie kak drama
Posle razluki
Mezhdu dvukh revoliutsii
Pervoe svidanie
Zapiski chudaka
Moskovskiĭ chudak
Zapiski chudaka
Moskva pod udarom
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Anthony Powell
Anthony Powell (1905-2000)

diarist, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
A Dance to the Music of Time
The acceptance world
The Acceptance World
The Acceptance World
A dance to the music of time
Hearing secret harmonies
What's become of Waring
The kindly ones
The valley of bones
From a view to a death
The fisher king
Afternoon men
O, how the wheel becomes it!
The military philosophers
A Question of Upbringing
Books Do Furnish a Room (Dance to the Music of Time)
To keep the ball rolling
Faces in my time
At Lady Molly's
The soldier's art
The strangers all are gone
John Aubrey and his friends
Casanova's Chinese restaurant
Messengers of day
A buyer's market
Temporary kings
Infants of the spring
The memoirs of Anthony Powell
The Valley of Bones
At Lady Molly's (Dance to the Music of Time)
Under review
Casanova's Chinese Restaurant
Two plays
Books do furnish a room
Journals 1982-1986
A Buyer's Market
Hearing Secret Harmonies
The Soldier's Art
Casanova's Chinese Restaurant
A writer's notebook
Miscellaneous verdicts
A Buyer's Market
A dance to the music of time III
A Buyer's Market
At Lady Molly's: a novel
A Buyer's Market
Temporary Kings
A question of upbringing
Hearing Secret Harmonies
Hearing Secret Harmonies
The acceptance world
Temporary Kings
Military Philosophers
Temporary Kings
The Soldier's Art
The wat'ry glade
Agents and patients
At Lady Molly's
Temporary kings
Two novels
The Soldier's Art
A Dance to the Music of Time
A dance to the music of time: second movement
Hearing Secret Harmonies
Agents and patient
From a view to a death
Novels of high society from the Victorian Age
A reference for Mellors
A question of upbringing, a novel
The acceptance world, a novel
The Album of Anthony Powell's Dance to the music of time
The military philosophers
A buyer's market, a novel
Two novels: Venusberg.  Agents & patients
Agents and patients
The valley of bones
Afternoon men, a novel
Mr. Zouch: superman
Afternoon men
Messengers of day
Casanova's Chinese restaurant
The acceptance of absurdity
A buyer's market
A dance to the music of time. A question of upbringing. A buyer's market. The acceptance world
The soldier's art; a novel
John Aubrey and his friends
The acceptance world
Novels of high society from the Victorian Age
Een kwestie van opvoeding
A dance to the music of time
Een kopersmarkt
What's become of Waring
A question of upbringing
A dance to the music of time
Barnard letters, 1778-1824
Faces in my time
George Saintsbury
George Saintsbury (1845-1933)

literary critic

  • University of Oxford, King's College School
The historical novel
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day
A history of Elizabethan literature
A history of English prose rhythm
The earlier Renaissance
Miscellaneous essays
The flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory
A short history of French literature
The peace of the Augustans
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
A history of English criticism
Corrected impressions
A consideration of Thackeray
Prefaces and essays
George Saintsbury : the memorial volume
A history of nineteenth century literature (1780-1895)
Seventeenth century lyrics
Specimens of English prose style
Elizabethan & Jacobean pamphlets
The English novel
Loci critici
A letter book
Political pamphlets ..
Sir Walter Scott
Historical manual of English prosody
A first book of English literature
Minor poets of the Caroline period
A history of the French novel (to the close of the 19th century)
Primer of French literature
Notes on a cellar-book
A short history of English literature
Specimens of French literature from Villon to Hugo
Matthew Arnold
Essays on French novelists
A history of nineteenth century literature (1780-1900)
A short history of French literature (from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century)
The historical character of English lyric
Political verse
A history of English prosody from the twelfth century to the present day
The later nineteenth century
The Earl of Derby
George Saintsbury
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe
Essays on French novelists
A history of English prosody
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day
Some recent studies in English prosody
Collected essays and papers, 1875-1920
Jonathan Swift
A letter book, selected with an introduction on the history and art of letterwriting
The Song of Roland
French lyrics
A history of the French novel
Alexander Pope
The flourishing of Romance and rise of allegory
French lyrics selected and annotated by George Saintsbury
A short history of English literature
A Saintsbury miscellany
French lyrics, selected and annotated by George Saintsbury, with illus. by A. Gérardin
Historical manual of English prosody
A scrap book
French literature and its masters
The collected essays and papers of George Saintsbury
The collected essays and papers of George Saintsbury, 1875-1920
Alain René Le Sage, 1668-1747
A history of nineteenth century literature, 1780-1900
A second scrap book
A short history of English literature
A history of English criticism, being the English chapters of A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe
A history of Elizabethan literature
The Grouse
The memorial volume
Tales of mystery
History of 19th century literature, 1780-1900
Noci critici
The historical character of the English lyric
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
The English novel
A last vintage
A history of ninetheenth century literature (1780-1900)
A golden book
The Song of Roland
Laurence Sterne
French lyrics selected and annotated by George Saintsbury
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860
Minor poets of the Caroline period ...
French lyrics
A history of European literature
Minor poets of the Caroline period
History of criticism, and literary taste in Europe
Seventeenth century lyrics
A history of Elizabethan literature
The song of Roland
Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. --
Political verse...
Historical manual of English prosody
French lyrics
A last scrap book
A short history of French literature (from the earliest texts to the close of the nineteenth century)
Essays in english literature
The English novel
Seventeenth century lyrics
The song of Roland
The historical character of English lyric
A history of English prosody from the twelth century to the present day
A history of English criticism
Seventeenth century lyrics
Political pamphlets ...
The English novel, by George Saintsbury ...
National rhymes of the nursery
A history of the French novel (to the close of the nineteenth century)
The Song of Roland
A short history of English literature
Matthew Arnold
A history of criticism and literary taste in Europe form the earliest texts to the present day
Notes on a cellar-book
A short history of French literature
A History of the French novel. ...
Dmitry Bykov
Dmitry Bykov (born 1967)

journalist, poet, literary critic, biographer, film critic, public figure, pedagogue, teacher, columnist, mind gamer, opinion journalist

  • MSU Faculty of Journalism
Boris Pasternak
Boris Pasternak
Blud truda
V mire zhivotikov
Kak Putin stal prezidentom SShA
Dushi vysokai︠a︡ svoboda
V mire zhivotikov
Vmesto zhizni
Poslednee vremi︠a︡
Dumanie mira
Byl li Gorʹkiĭ
Na pustom meste
Boris Pasternak
Vremi︠a︡ potri︠a︡seniĭ
Vmesto zhizni
Trinadt︠s︡atyĭ apostol
Poslanie k ~iunoshe
Sovetska︠i︡a literatura
Muzhskoĭ vagon
Boris Pasternak
Pisʹma schastʹi︠a︡
Boris Pasternak "Russian Language Import"
Bulat Okudzhava
Novye pisʹma schastʹi︠a︡
Ostromov, ili Uchenik charodei︠a︡
Khroniki blizhaĭsheĭ voĭny
Bolʹshie pozhary
Kalendar-2. Sporyi o besspornom
Zverʹki i zver︠i︡ushi
Grazhdanin poėt
Proshchaĭ, kukushka
Na pustom meste
Novye i noveĭshie pisʹma schastʹi︠a︡
Sovetskie pisateli
Detskiĭ mir
Peterburgskai︠a︡ poėticheskai︠a︡ format︠s︡ii︠a︡
Sovetskai͡a literatura
Ostromov, ili Uchenik charodei︠a︡
Taĭnyĭ russkiĭ kalendarʹ
Proshchaĭ, kukushka
Poslednee vremi︠a︡
Living souls
Bulat Okudzhava
Marusi︠a︡ otravilasʹ
Vneklassnoe chtenie
Shkola zhizni
Na samom dele
Prishedshiĭ sam
I vse-vse-vse
The predictability of the past
Sovetskai︠a︡ literatura
Sindrom Chernysha
Ostromov, ili Uchenik charode︠i︡a
Boris Pasternak
Dumanie mira
Na pustom meste
Carl Clinton Van Doren
Carl Clinton Van Doren (1885-1950)

literary critic, biographer, journalist

  • University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Columbia University
James Branch Cabell
Benjamin Franklin
The great rehearsal
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists, 1900-1920
Fireside Book of Favorite American Songs
Carl Van Doren
Many minds
Secret history of the American Revolution
The great rehearsal
Three worlds
Secret history of the American Revolution
American and British literature since 1890
The American novel
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
American scriptures
Travel and tourism
An Illinois boyhood
Sinclair Lewis
Indian treaties printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762
The life of Thomas Love Peacock
The roving critic
The American novel, 1789-1939
The Cambridge history of American literature
What is American literature?
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
Modern American prose
The great rehearsal
Jane Mecom
Mutiny in January
What is American literature?
Mark Twain and Bernard Shaw
An anthology of world prose
Some days with Washington
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards
Other provinces
The Life Of Jonathan Swift
Jane Mecom, the favorite sister of Benjamin Franklin
Youth and wings
Fools of God and doctors of the Church
La novela norteamericana, 1789-1939
Carl Van Doren
American literature
An American Omnibus
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Contemporary American Novelists
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Americana esoterica
The Cambridge history of American literature
Cato's moral distichs
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Borzoi reader
The patriotic anthology
The American novel, 1789-1939
An American omnibus
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
The ninth wave
The Cambridge history of American literature
Mutiny in January
Many minds
The Secret History of America
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists 1900-1920
Letters from Carl
What is American literature?
American and British literature since 1890
Secret history of the American Revolution
Kısa Amerikan edebiyatı tarihi (What is American litterature [!])
The roving critic
The patriotic anthology
American scriptures
The London omnibus
The patriotic anthology
James Branch Cabell
The Cambridge history of American literature
Benjamin Franklin
William Butler Yeats as an interpreter of modern life
Modern American prose
James Branch Cabell
Sinclair Lewis
The travels of Baron Munchausen
Three worlds
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
Benjamin Franklin
An anthology of world prose