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critics who wrote historical fiction
Showing 81-88 out of 135 results
Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)

translator, librarian, literary critic, poet, opinion journalist, essayist

  • Collège Calvin
Cuentos históricos
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
El Aleph
Historia universal de la infamia
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
Libro de los seres imaginarios
World Literature
The Story and its Writer -- Third Edition
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
The Story and Its Writer
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Eighth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
Historia de la eternidad
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
Crime Classics
Short Stories (25 Agosto 1983, La rosa de Paracelso, Tigres azules, Utopía de un hombre que está cansado)
Evaristo Carriego
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
Backpack Literature -- Fifth Edition
This craft of verse
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Fourth Edition
Spanish Short Stories 1 — Cuentos hispánicos 1
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
Fictions--Second Edition
El informe de Brodie
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay
Los mejores cuentos policiales
Poems (L' Or des tigres ; L'Autre, le même II ; Éloge de l'ombre ; Ferveur de Buenos Aires)
Obra Poética, 1923-1967
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Fourth Edition
Fiction Gallery
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
The World of Mystery Fiction
Otras inquisiciones
Jorge Luis Borges
El oro de los tigres
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Fifth Edition
Borges at eighty
Borges On Writing
World Literature
The Story and Its Writer -- Compact Seventh Edition
Literature--Third Compact Edition
Siete conversaciones con Jorge Luis Borges
Qué es el budismo
The aleph
McDougal, Littell Literature and language--English and World Literature
La Cifra
The Short Story
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Borges - un diálogo sobre cine y los venidos a menos
Obras Completas 1. 1923-1949
Literature--Eighth Edition
Everything and nothing
That Glimpse of Truth
Cuentos de cine
Achievements in Fiction
Borges, a reader
Nueva antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Fifth Edition
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama--Compact Edition
Twice-Told Tales
Philosophy. A text with readings--Sixth Edition
El informe de Brodie / Historia universal de la infamia
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Third Edition
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
The shapes of fiction
Obras completas. Historia universal de la infamia
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Seventh edition
Traditions in literature -- Seventh Edition
Collected Fictions
Works (Elogio de la Sombra / Informe de Brodie)
Prólogos con un prólogo de prólogos
Libro de sueños
Los mejores relatos latinoamericanos
El hacedor
An Introduction to English Literature
The total library
Veinte cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo xx
Leopoldo Lugones
The Short Story
Sudden Fiction International
Siete noches
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Fifth Edition
The Norton introduction to literature--third edition
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Fifth Edition
El Libro de Arena
Trio--Third Edition
Cuentos latinoamericanos
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology -- Second Edition
70 años de narrativa argentina
Literature--Twelfth Edition
On Mysticism
Literature, The Human Experience -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Fiction--Second Edition
An introduction to fiction -- Tenth Edition
Biblioteca personal
An introduction to literature -- twelfth edition
Other Voices, Other Vistas
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades
Glencoe World Literature
Nueve ensayos dantescos
Los conjurados
El tamaño de mi esperanza
Crónicas de Bustos Domecq
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Third Edition
Antaeus/No. 73 and 74, Spring, 1994
Twenty-four conversations with Borges
Elogio de La Sombra
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Canadian Edition
The light fantastic
Cuentos hispanoamericanos del siglo XX
The Story and Its Writer--Eighth Edition
Literature, a pocket anthology -- Canadian Edition
Borges Esencial
Obras completas
The Widow Ching Pirate [5 stories]
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Third Edition
Fiction, A Pocket Anthology--Second Canadian Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Platinum--Second Edition.
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Sixth Edition with Essays
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
Borges, sus días y su tiempo [reportaje por]
An Introduction to fiction -- Fifth Edition
Arte Poetica
Textos cautivos
The Story and its writer--Second Edition
Obras completas ** 1975-1985
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary--Fourth Edition
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Fourth edition
Borges oral
Campfire Legends
The Riverside anthology of literature -- Second edition
The Road to Science Fiction From Here to Forever
Works (Libro de arena / Memoria de Shakespeare)
El otro, el mismo
Introduction to fiction
Backpack Literature--Second Edition
Obras Completas 1952-1972
Literature--Sixth Compact Edition
A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The British Tradition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--tenth edition
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
The story and its writer--Sixth Edition
Philosophy, A Text with readings--Fifth edition
Extraordinary tales
The Riverside anthology of literature
Borges, el memorioso
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Third edition
World literature
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Sixth Edition
Antología personal
The Story and Its Writer--Compact Ninth Edition
The Secret Books
The art of the tale
Fervor de Buenos Aires
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter eleventh edition
Hablan los renovadores
The Norton introduction to literature--ninth edition
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan
The realm of fiction--74 short stories
Literature of Fantasy and the Supernatural
Elements of Literature -- Fourth Edition
Literature -- A Pocket Anthology
Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi
Poesía completa
The Garden of Forking Paths
The language of literature--World literature
Professor Borges
Moving Beyond the Page
Elements of literature
Modern World Literature
World literature -- revised edition
Relatos completos
An Introduction to Fiction -- Sixth Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter Thirteenth Edition
Selected non-fictions
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Literature -- Part 1. Fiction -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter tenth edition
Xul Solar
Die zwei Labyrinthe Lesebuch
The Aleph and other stories, 1933-1969
Jorge Luis Borges - Conversations
Borges en Revista multicolor
El idioma de los argentinos
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
Dialogos Sobre La Vida y La Muerte
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Mond gegenüber. Gedichte 1923 - 1929
Breve Antologia De Cunentos Policiales
La Moneda de Hierro
The Norton Introduction to Literature--ninth edition
Literature--fourth edition
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Von Büchern und Autoren
The Norton anthology of short fiction--Second edition
Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume I
Literature--Second Compact Edition
Luna de enfrente y cuaderno San Martin
Backpack literature--Fourth edition
Aprendizaje del Escritor
Persönliche Bibliothek
Dos fantasías memorables ; Un modelo para la muerte
Zwielicht und Pomp
An Introduction to Fiction -- Seventh Edition
Understanding fiction -- Third Edition
Introduction to fiction
World writers today
Fiction--Twelfth Edition
An Introduction to Fiction -- Eighth Edition
Cuentos marinos
On Writing
Cartas del fervor
Jorge Luis Borges en Sur, 1931-1980
Prose works
Manual de zoología fantástica
Trio - Fourth Edition
Die zyklische Nacht. Gedichte 1934 - 1965
The Norton introduction to literature--shorter eighth edition
Cervantes y el Quijote
Espejo de escritores
Borges--sus mejores páginas
An Introduction to literature -- sixteenth edition
Universalgeschichte der Niedertracht Fiktionen Das Aleph
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction--Shorter Eighth Edition
Un ensayo autobiográfico
Borges, el palabrista
Livre de préfaces suivi de "Essai d'autobiographie"
Prólogos de La biblioteca de Babel
Garzanti - Gli Elefanti
Literature--Structure, Sound, and Sense--Second Edition
La Memoria de Shakespeare
L' univers de Borges
Literature--Third Edition
El lenguaje de Buenos Aires
Conversations, Volume 1
Discreta Efusión
El Martin Fierro
The Slaying of the dragon
On Argentina
The Norton introduction to literature--eighth edition
El compadrito [su destino, sus barrios, su música, por] Jorge Luís Borges [y] Silvina Bullrich
The Early Modern Period -- Second Edition
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Borges--imágenes, memorias, diálogos
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
The Norton introduction to Literature--eleventh edition
Obra poética
El tango
Literature--Thirteenth Edition
La rosa profunda
The Perpetual Race Of Achilles And The Tortoise
Poesía gauchesca
Premio de la literatura en lengua castellana "Miguel de Cervantes" 1979
El candelabro de los siete brazos
The Mirror of Ink
The British Tradition
La biblioteca de babel
Obras completas, 1923-1972
Textos recobrados, 1919-1929
The Short Story -- Second Edition
Literature, the human experience. Fifth Edition
El Congreso
Literature--Seventh Compact Edition
Literature--Fifth Compact Edition
Cuentos Memorables
Obra Poetica
Borges de Buenos Aires
Textos recobrados, 1956-1986
Literature--Eighth Compact Edition
The Norton Introduction to Literature--Shorter thirteenth edition
The Twentieth Century -- Custom edition for UNLV
Ghost stories
Literature, the human experience. Shorter Fifth Edition with Essays
Literature--an introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama--Fifth Edition
La literatura fantástica
Antología del cuento hispanoamericano
Selected Poems
Textos Recobrados
El río
Dos fantasías memorables
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
Diálogos Jorges Luis Borges Ernesto Sabato
Death and the Compass / Playground
Jorge Luis Borges
The realm of fiction
Poemas, 1923-1958
Conversations, Volume 3
El libro de Job, Baruj Spinoza
Sokrovennoe chudo
Literature -- Part 1, Fiction -- Twelfth Edition
Antiguas Literaturas Germanicas
Dos palabras antes de morir y otras entrevistas
Cuentos Duplicados
Essentials of British and World Literature
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Classics in World Literature
Historias de dos
Borges por él mismo
Cuentos hispanoamericanos
Traditions in Literature -- Classic Edition
HabitaciÓn Propia
Borges en El hogar, 1935-1958
El círculo secreto
Poetry--Tenth Edition
Il congresso del mondo
Libro de diálogos
Metamorfosis : (Revisado y Corregido)
Un cuarto propio
Cuentos completos
Leopoldo Marechal
Textos Recobrados 1931-1955
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades, 1952-1977
Literature -- Tenth Edition
Nuevos cuentos de Bustos Domecq
En Dialogo II
Borges na luz de Borges
La muerte y su traje
Writers at Work Around the World
eFictions [Pasco Hernando Community College Collection]
Antología poética argentina
Cuentos para leer los sábados
Luna de enfrente
Poesía Completa
Eine neue Widerlegung der Zeit und 66 andere Essays
Literature--third edition
El matrero
La Casa de Asterión; Un sueño; El laberinto y La metamorfosis
The Norton Introduction To Literature--combined shorter edition
Borges en diálogo
Historia universal de la infamia / Hombre de la esquina rosada
El Otro Borges
Autores Latinoamericanos
Six problèmes pour don Isidro Parodi
The uncommon reader
Totalmente Suya
Backpack Literature -- Sixth edition
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Introduccion a la Literatura Inglesa
Elementary Chinese Readers
Florida y boedo
Diccionario privado de Jorge Luis Borges
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Jorge Luis Borges - Radioscopie de Jacques Chancel
Diálogos últimos
Literature--Custom Edition for Florida A&M University ENC 1102
Borges. el Misterio Esencial / Borges. the Essential Mystery
Fervor de Buenos Aires / Luna de enfrente / Cuaderno San Martín / El hacedor
The sonnets
The Norton introduction to literature--fifth edition
Autobiografia / Borges
Literature--Compact Sixth Edition
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- The British Tradition, Volume II
Obra poética, 1923-1969
Prosa completa (1930-1975)
Literature--reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay--second edition
Obras completas en colaboración - 1. Con Adolfo Bioy Casares
Encyclopaedia of the World
Conversations, Volume 2
The Norton introduction to literature--Shorter Twelfth Edition
Motero Sucio
Cuentos breves y extraordinarios
El Príncipe Feliz
Un cuarto propio
Todo Borges y ...
S. E. X. O. : Salvajes Erecciones, EXtremos Orgasmos
Do cinema
Jorge Luis Borges 1899-2019
Historia de la noche
Historia EDUNV de la infamia
Salvando a Amaia
An introduction to literature -- fifth edition
In memory of Borges
Entretiens avec alina diaconu
En voz de Borges
The Spanish language in South America
De 0 A 100
Don Isidro Parodi’ye Altı Bilmece
Chico Malo
Das Eine und die Vielen
Essai sur les anciennes littératures germaniques
Prosa completa. Volumen 1
Lottery in Babylon
Kum Kitabi
Cuentos completos
Obra poética, 1923-1977
Rose und Münze
El libro de la almohada
Le Sud et autres fictions
Seis siglos de la ciudad de México
Öteki Sorusturmalar
Obras Completas IV - Borges
Sonsuz Gul
Dios Del Sexo
Obra poética, 1923-1985
Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle. Anthologie. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 11)
Cuentos de hijos y padres
Borges, un sueño de los espejos
Widow Ching--Pirate
Inquisitionen. Essays 1941 - 1952. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 7)
Sonetos a Buenos Aires
Tensión Mecánica
Poesia Gauchesca, in Two (2) Volumes [Vols. I & II]
The gold of the tigers
F*llame Hasta el Fin
La rosa de Paracelso ; Tigres azules
Entretiens sur la poésie et la littératur, suivi de, Quatre essais sur J.L. Borges
Backpack Literature--Third Edition
Deathwatch on the Southside
25 cuentos argentinos del siglo XX
látigo Del Cowboy
Antología poética 1923-1977
Borges por Borges
Sobre Sonhos e Outros Dialogos
The Language of Literature [grade 10]
Priblizhenie k Alʹmutasimu
Poesía Gauchesca II
Un modelo para la muerte
Miss America Latina
Valoración de Jorge Luis Borges en la comunidad judía de Argentina
Elogio da sombra
Homenaje a Borges
Sudando de Placer
Borges, el otro
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.5/1, Essays 1932-1936
Yedi Gece
OEuvre poétique, 1925-1965
Borges, obras reseñas y traducciones inéditas
Poesía completa
Borges en la Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires
Poemas escogidos
Sonsuzlugun Tarihi
Las obsesiones de Borges
El otro, el mismo. Para las seis cuerdas. Elogio de la sombra
Protegiendo a Alba
Imperio Sucio
Fiktionen.: Erzaehlungen 1939 - 1944
Labirinto Brasil
Spiegel und Maske. Erzählungen 1970 - 1983. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 13)
Oro en la piedra
Blaue Tiger und andere Geschichten
Ultimas conversaciones con Borges
Obra Poetica (Volume 1)
Perfectamente Odiable
Entrevista caraqueña a Jorge Luis Borges
Poems of the night
Sexo Siempre Es la Respuesta
Narcisista, Sociópata e Irresistible
Arjantin Öyküleri
Alcakligin Evrensel Tarihi
Reina Roja
Trío Infernal
F*llame Como Si Salieras de la Cárcel
Memória de Borges - Um Livro Raro Com Diferentes Entrevistas de Jorge Luis Borges Compiladas Por Floriano Martins
Selected Essays and Prose
Les Dialogues de Borges
Gespräche in Buenos Aires
25 Agustos 1983 Ve Diger Öyküler
La muerte y la brújula
Pisʹmena boga
Ficciones - Hayaller ve Hikayeler
Fictions (Jupiter Books)
Obra poética, 3
Cuentos en el laberinto
Borges para millones
Dvoĭnik Magometa
Un Jardín para Borges
Storia dell'eternità
Poesía completa
Düssel Varliklar Kitabi
Library of Babel
Niedertracht und Ewigkeit
H�roe Anti-V�rgenes
Sobre la escritura
Luz Negra
Miscelánea. Vol. 2
The Story and Its Writer--Seventh Edition
Del escrito
Destino e obra de Camões
Sochinenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Presa en la Isla
Besitz des Gestern
Kabbala und Tango. Essays 1930 - 1932. ( Werke in 20 Bänden, 2)
Introduction to Literature
Il libro di sabbia
Paginas de Jorge Luis Borges
Rüyalar Kitabi
Literature from around the world
Veinticinco agosto 1983
Nueva refutación del tiempo
Dangerous Dimensions New Pub Date Jan 2021
Promise the Infinite
Introduction to Literature
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.4, Erzählungen
Borges und ich. (El hacedor). Kurzprosa und Gedichte 1960
Farenheit 451
Rosa y azul
Textos Recobrados 1929
Library of Babel and Other Stories
F*lladores Fuertes
Vaqueros Armados
Die letzte Reise des Odysseus
Literature--Tenth Edition
Antologia da Literatura Fantastica
Racconti brevi e straordinari
Book of Sand
Storia Universale Dell'Infammia
Nove saggi danteschi
Literature--Sixth Edition
Neuf essais sur Dante
Obra poética, 2
Borges laberintos Ducmelic
Literature--Seventh Edition
Harén de Músculo
Borges Poesias - Golu
Para las seis cuerdas ; milongas
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde., Bd.6, Erzählungen
Bohesi shi wen ji
Italiano Descarado
Aspectos de la literatura gauchesca
Die unendliche Bibliothek: Erzählungen, Essays, Gedichte
Gritando de Placer
Trabuco Armado
Cuentos Completos
El Arte del cuento
Obra Poetica - 1975-1985
Entretien avec André Camp
L'oro delle tigri. Testo spagnolo a fronte
Poesía completa
Siete poemas sajones =
Collected Fictions -- Translated By Andrew Hurley
Khorkhe Luyis Borkhes
Las Mil Y Una Noches: Segun Burton/the Thousand and One Nights
J*diendo Mucho
Cuentos completos
Obras completas en colaboración
L'altro, lo stesso. Testo originale a fronte
Soldada Urbana
John Doe
Manual de Zoología Fantástica
Borges con los abogados
Posesión Agradecida
Historia universal de la infamia
Conversaciones con J. L. Borges de Armenia y los armenios
De Borges a María Kodama
Cuentos de H. Bustos Domecq
El Martín Fierro
Un modelo para la muerte
Indice de la nueva poesia americana
Qué es el budismo
Cuentistas y pintores argentinos
Moderns and contemporaries -- second edition
Borges - Poesias
Para las seis cuerdas
El libro de arena
La intrusa y otros cuentos
Do Cinema
Antología clásica de la literatura argentina
Tema del traidor y del héroe
Antología poética
Breve antología anglosajona
Proa (1924-1926)
Sefer ha-yeshuyot ha-dimyoniyot
Gesammelte Werke, 9 Bde. in 11 Tl.-Bdn., Bd.6, Borges und ich
El matrero
Los orilleros
El Cuento argentino contemporáneo
Les conjurés
Un modelo para la muerte p̀or  Jorge Luis Borges ỳ  Adolfo Bioy Casares
Doze Figuras do Mundo
La Generación poética de 1922
Le bugie della parola
Truciolo familiare
Nueva antología personal
Utopía de un hombre que está cansado
Borges En Sur 1980
Obra poética, 1923-1976
Tabibito e no okurimono
Borges el mismo, otro
Conversaciones, versaciones con
The Norton introduction to literature--second edition
Τα μονοπάτια της Ιθάκης
Cuentos urbanos
Borges profesor
Poemas (1922-1943)
Páginas escogidas
Asesinos de papel
ha-Duaḥ shel Doḳṭor Brodi
מלאכת השיר
Ancient Germanic Literatures
Los paraísos perdidos
al-Maraya wa-al-matahat
Tiempo Falto
El advenimiento
Die Anthologien: Handbuch der phantastischen Zoologie / Das Buch von Himmel und Hölle / Buch der Träume
Strastʹ k Buėnos-Aĭresu
Poemas, 1923-1953
Yfir saltan mar
La hermana de Eloísa
Mutarjimū Alf laylah wa-laylah
Diez cuentos magistrales
Peregrinos de la lengua
Poemas (seleccion)
Zoología fantástica
Antología de la poesía oral- traumatica y tanatica de Jorge Luis Borges
Chroniques de Bustos Domecq
Sus mejores paginas
Cuaderno San Martín
Literaturas germánicas medievales
Obra poe tica, 1923-1964
Literature--second edition
Obra poética
El Golem
Mevokhe ha-zeman
Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges
Ficciones ; El aleph ; El informe de Brodie
Livre de Prefaces Suivi d'Essai d'Autobiographique
Espacio Borges
Breve Ant. De Ctos. Fantasticos (Antologias)
Cristo en la cruz y otros poemas
Jorge Luis Borges
Borges literal
Deux fictions
El Cuento policial
Obras completas
Xewn û xeyal
Manuale di zoologia fantastica
Literature--Fifth Edition
Literature--Approaches to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--second edition
Literature--Compact Seventh Edition
Boheshi de mo huan tu shu guan =
Short story collections by Jorge Luis Borges
Hombre de la esquina rosada y otros cuentos
Dos fantasías memorables
Borges, el judaísmo e Israel
Obra poética, 1923-1966
Los Franceses en la Argentina =
Literature--Compact Edition
La Rosa d'oro
Manual de zoología fantástica
El aleph borgiano
Oeuvres complètes
An introduction to literature -- thirteenth edition
Les Autres
Libro del cielo y del infierno
Irish strategies
Los Rivero
Ensaio autobiográfico (1899-1970)
El Aleph
En torno a Borges
Introducción a la literatura norteamericana
Antiguas literaturas germánicas
El Aleph
Proa (1924-1925)
Cuentos argentinos
La sabiduría de Jorge Luis Borges
Destino y obra de Camoens
Obra poética, 1923-1964
Racismo y judaísmo
L. Sprague de Camp
L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000)

military officer, historian, essayist, literary critic, journalist

  • California Institute of Technology, Stevens Institute of Technology
The Arrows of Hercules
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
Nebula Winners Fourteen
Lest Darkness Fall
Cosmic Knights
Science Fiction A to Z
The compleat enchanter
The Golden Years of Science Fiction
Conan the Swordsman
The ancient engineers
Warlocks and Warriors
Science fiction handbook
Lost continents
Isaac Asimov präsentiert Märchenwelt der Fantasy. Die schönsten Geschichten [20 short stories]
Witches & Wizards
Land of unreason
Laughing Space
Tales beyond time
Conan the conqueror
The Fantastic Universe Omnibus
Conan the Barbarian
The great monkey trial
Isaac Asimov presents the great science fiction stories -- Volume 1, 1939
The fallible fiend
The incorporated knight
Conan the Wanderer
The great science fiction series
The fringe of the unknown
Dragon Tales
The day of the dinosaur
The story of science in America
The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction
The heroic age of American invention
The clocks of Iraz
Rivers of time
Conan the Adventurer (Volume 5)
Down in the Bottomlands (And Other Places)
The honorable barbarian
Space Mail, Volume II
Energy and power
The Spell of seven
The Bones of Zora
Dark Valley destiny
Conan the freebooter
The great fetish
Lest Darkness Fall & Timeless Tales Written in Tribute
The hostage of Zir
Conan of Cimmeria
The Tritonian ring
Great Cities of the Ancient World
Conan 10/Avenger
Undesired Princess and the Enchanted Bunny
The complete compleat enchanter
The carnelian cube
The Goblin Tower
Literary swordsmen and sorcerers
Conan the Buccaneer
The unbeheaded king
Spirits, Stars, and Spells
The Hand of Zei
The Science fictional olympics
3000 years of fantasy and science fiction
Ancient ruins and archaeology
The incomplete enchanter
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 9
Conan the liberator
Masters of Darkness III
The ape-man within
Footprints on sand
Years In The Making
Conan of Aquilonia
Man and power
The purple pterodactyls
The Enchanter Reborn
Conan of the Isles
The incorporated knight
An elephant for Aristotle
The castle of iron
The Prisoner of Zhamanak
Swords and sorcery
The ragged edge of science
Darwin and his great discovery
Sagas of Conan
The Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens
The Hand of Zei
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 2 (1940)
Tales from Gavagan's bar
Enchanter Compleated
Wall of serpents
The Queen of Zamba
Divide and rule
Time & chance
Rogue queen
The Robert E. Howard Reader
Rubber dinosaurs and wooden elephants
The reluctant king
Citadels of Mystery
The Conan grimoire
Aristotle and the gun and other stories
The purple pterodactyls
Tales from Gavagan's Bar
The Virgin of Zesh and the Tower of Zanid
Conan the Buccaneer
Conan the Freebooter
Conan the Usurper
Futures to Infinity
The Blade of Conan
The continent makers
The best of L. Sprague de Camp
Warlocks and warriors
The dragon of the Ishtar Gate
H.P. Lovecraft
Blond barbarians & noble savages
The Conan swordbook
Le coffre d'Avlen
Stones of Nomuru
A gun for dinosaur
The pixilated peeress
The Incompleat Enchanter
An Elephant for Aristotle
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories #2 [DAW 205]
The bones of Zora
L'honorable barbare
Conan 04/The Wanderer
The continent makers
Conan/spider God
The undesired princess
Conan the buccaneer
Die besten Stories von L. Sprague de Camp
Conan the Adventurer
Glory That Was
The Freebooter
The Exotic Enchanter
Conan the Wanderer
Solomon's stone
Lost continents
The Conan reader
Heroes and hobgoblins
A l'heure d'Iraz
The Reluctant King
The wheels of if
De Peur que les tenebres...
Sagas of Conan
Les éngimes de l'archéologie
An elephant for Aristotle
Lands beyond
Le roi entêté
The Venom Trees of Sunga
Incorporated Knight
The Hand of Zei
The Glory That Was
Conan the Wanderer
Genus homo
Ag un for dinosaur, and other imaginative tales
Dynamic Science Stories
Conan the Buccaneer
Al Azif
The hand of Zei
Golden Wind
The bronze god of Rhodes
Conan #06
The stones of Nomuru
Anthropomorphic Aliens
Phantoms & fancies
The Heroic Age of American Invention
Conan the Adventurer
Tower of Zanid (Krishna Novels)
Divide and Rule [and The Stolen Dormouse]
Solomon's Stone
Virgin of Zesh
Conan 03/Freebooter
The golden wind
Purple Pterodactyls
Wall of Serpents
Fringe of the Unknown
Conan (No 1)
De Hoorn Van Midgard
Conan y el dios araña
The Dragon of Ishtar Gate
Prisoner of Zhamanak
Conan the Buccaneer 6
Tales from Gavagan's Bar
An Elephant for Aristotle
Virgin and the Wheels
Sir Harold and the gnome king
Lost Continents
The floating continent (Krishna series)
Swords of Zinjaban
Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens
Bones of Zora
La main de Zei
Les enigmes de l'archéologie
The Search for Zei / The Hand of Zei
Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales
Lands beyond,
Conan 05/Adventurer
Die Kontinente-Macher
Divide and Rule
Prisoner of Zhamanak
Die Jungfrau von Zesh. Fünfter Roman des Krishna- Zyklus.
The Prisoner of Zhamanak
Science-Fiction Handbook
Continent Makers
Venom Trees of Sunga
Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers
Intégrale Novaria - Le roi malgré lui
The Bronze God of Rhodes (Starblaze Editions)
Isaac Asimov Präsentiert Sagenwelt Der Fantasy
The day of the dinosaur
Spirits, Stars and Spells
Swords and Sorcery
Undesired Princess
The Castle of Iron
Tower of Zanid
L. Sprague de Camp SF Gateway Omnibus: Lest Darkness Fall, Rogue Queen, The Tritonian Ring
Conan the Freebooter
Miscast Barbarian
Conan le barbare - d'apres le scenario de john milius
Energy and power
The Wheels Of IF
Darwin and his great discovery
The Golden Wind
The Glory That Was
The Glory That Was (PBL SF, 63-542)
Dark Valley Destiny
The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate
Warlock Warriors
The Best of L. Sprague de Camp
Conan l'aventurier
Incorporated Knight
Die Suche nach Zei. Zweiter Roman des Krishna- Zyklus.
The Virgin and the Wheels
Stones of Nomuru
Best of L. Sprague de Camp
Conan the Buccaneer
Solomon's stone
The Arrows of Hercules
Glory That Was
Queen of Zamba
The Golden Wind
Science-fiction handbook;
Blade of Conan :HOWARD
Man and power;
The Spell of Conan
The Complete Enchanter; The Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea
Sprague de Camp Sf Omnibus
Conan the Barbarian
Dragon of the Ishtar Gate
Conan the Buccaneer
Time and Chance
The arrows of Hercules
The Bronze God of Rhodes
The blade of Conan
H. P. Lovecraft.
Conan the buccaneer
Conan 06/Buccaneer
Genus Homo
Pixilated Peeress
Der Herrscher Pterodactyls
Castle of Iron
Science Fiction Stories
Tower of Zanid
Hand of Zei
The Bronze God of Rhodes
Carnelian Cube
Conan y el dios araña
The Reluctant King
The arrows of Hercules
Conan the Wanderer
Clocks of Iraz
Glory That Was
The reluctant king
The castle of iron
The Spell of Conan
Sprague de Camp's new anthology of science fiction
Vozrozhdennyi  charodei
The tower of Zanid
The pixilated peeress
The venom trees of Sunga
Cosmic manhunt
The glory that was
Conan l'aventurier
La saga de Zeï
Heroes of American Invention
A Gun for Dinosaur and other imaginative tales
Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)

journalist, translator, poet, composer, autobiographer, literary critic, literary scholar, librettist, dramaturge, pedagogue, teacher, man of letters

  • Xaverian College, Victoria University of Manchester
Malayan trilogy
Long Day Wanes a Malayan Trilogy
Nothing like the sun
A Dead Man in Deptford
Napoleon symphony
The Kingdom of the Wicked
Time for a Tiger
The enemy in the blanket
Black Prince
Earthly Powers
A Clockwork Orange
One Hand Clapping
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Cyrano de Bergerac
Any old iron
The Wanting Seed
The Pianoplayers
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
The end of the world news
You've Had Your Time
The complete Enderby
Man of Nazareth
Little Wilson and Big God
Honey for the Bears
One Man's Chorus
The Eve of St Venus
99 Novels
Beard's Roman Women
Ernest Hemingway and His World
Ernest Hemingway
The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories
Literature--Third Compact Edition
A Mouthful of Air
Tremor of Intent
New York
On Mozart
The Language of Literature
A long trip to teatime
The devil's mode
Literature--Eighth Edition
English literature
Conversations with Anthony Burgess
Hommage a qwert yuiop
Here comes everbody
This man and music
Revolutionary Sonnets and Other Poems
Urgent Copy
Enderby's Dark Lady
Flame Into Being
The land where the ice cream grows
Mozart and the wolf gang
The Right to an Answer
Language made plain
Clockwork Orange / Wanting Seed
Literature--Twelfth Edition
Devil of a State
Abba Abba
The Novel Now
The light fantastic
Enderby outside
The End of the World News
Oberon old and new
Oedipus the King
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
A Vision of Battlements
The clockwork testament, or, Enderby's end
But do blondes prefer gentlemen?
Obscenity and the arts
The Doctor Is Sick
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition, Shorter
Future imperfect
On going to bed
Beds in the East
The worm and the ring
Inside Mister Enderby
Coaching days of England... comprehending the years 1750 until 1850
One flew over the cuckoos nest and a clockwork orange 2 books collection set
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
A Clockwork Orange and Honey for the Bears
The novel to-day
Cyrano de Bergerac and related readings
Der Rosenkavalier
Blooms of Dublin
Will and testament
Rencontre au sommet
Anthony Burgess reads from The eve of St. Venus and Nothing like the sun
Enderby (Enderby Outside / Inside Mr. Enderby)
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition
A Clockwork Orange - A play with music
Studies in the short story -- Fifth Edition
Drama -- Twelfth Edition
Splinters - Stories of The Macabre
The Norton Reader -- Ninth Edition
Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard
Otomatik portakal
The age of the Grand Tour
A Christmas recipe
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
A vision of battelments
The Norton reader -- Shorter Tenth Edition
Selections from A Clockwork Orange (Single Cassette)
Collected Poems
Bir Elin Sesi Var
Murder to music
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Drama--Tenth Edition
Literature -- Tenth Edition
D. H. Lawrence and Italy
Otomatik Portakal ; Modern Klasikler Dizisi - 3
Mozart ve Deyyuslar
Mais les blondes préfèrent-elles les hommes ?
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Chatsky and Miser, Miser! Two Plays by Anthony Burgess
Bir elin sesi vier
Doktor Hastalandi
The long day wanes
Orange Mecanique
The Novel Now; A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction
The ink trade
Language Maid Plane
Novel Now a Guide To Contemporary Fiction
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eleventh Edition
Vindiciae Legis
Journal of the Plague Year
Cartas ao Planeta Brasil
20th Century Earthly Powers
Les Puissances des ténèbres -- Tome II
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Second Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Two Tales of the Future
L'homme de Nazareth
Piano Players
Clockwork Orange (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Devil's Mode
The Norton Reader -- Fourth Edition
Viajes De Gulliver
Poderes terrenales
Monsieur Enderby
Paul's last farewel, or, A sermon, preached at the funerall of ... Mr. Thomas Blake
Rome Sous La Pluie
The Norton reader -- thirteenth edition
A Clockwork Orange
Ink Trade
Anthony Burgess Reads From A Clockwork Orange and Enderby
Earthly Powers
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eighth Edition
The Maltese Islands and the Sea
Modus diaboli
The Norton Reader -- Third Edition
ha-Tapuz ha-mekhani
Mekhanicheskiĭ apelʹsin
Urgent copy
Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977)

poet, zoologist, translator, playwright, autobiographer, lepidopterist, literary critic, journalist, chess composer, chess player, literary scholar, entomologist, man of letters

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Speak, Memory
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Pale fire
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
Zashchita Luzhina
Look at the harlequins!
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
Машенька (Mašenka)
Lolita. A Screenplay
The Original of Laura
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Камера Обскура (Kamera obskura)
Korolʹ, dama, valet
Nabokov's Dozen
Bend sinister
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead
Slovo o polku Igoreve
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
Priglashenie na kaznʹ
Transparent things
Christmas Stories
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita and Poems read by Vladimir Nabokov
Twice-Told Tales
Tragedii︠a︡ gospodina Morna
Nabokov's Congeries
Nabokov's butterflies
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Bedtime stories
Lectures on Literature. Austen, Dickens, Flaubert, Stevenson, Proust, Kafka, Joyce
Ada / Lolita
The Nabokov-Wilson letters
Strong opinions
Lectures on Don Quixote
Nikolai Gogol
Izobretenie Val'sa
The variety of fiction
The Greatest Russian Stories Of Crime And Suspense
Lectures on Russian Literature
Машенька / Подвиг (Glory / Mary)
Dar / Drugie berega / Kamera obskura/ Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Zashchita Luzhina
Lectures on Literature
Verse and Versions
Novels 1955-1962 (Lolita / Lolita. A Screenplay / Pale Fire / Pnin)
Nabokov o Nabokove i prochem
Sobranie sochineniĭ amerikanskogo perioda v pi͡a︡ti tomakh
Novels and memoirs, 1941-1951
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
Mašenka / Волшебник
Details of a sunset and other stories
Korolʹ, dama, valet / Lolita / Mashenʹka / Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Sogli︠a︡dataĭ / Volshebnik / Zashchita Luzhina
A Russian beauty and other stories
Notes on prosody, and Abram Gannibal
Short Stories -- Classic, Modern, Contemporary
The Provisional Government
Alphabet in color
Notes on prosody
Erzählungen 1921 - 1934
Korol', dama, valet / Mashenʹka
Vremennoe pravitelʹstvo
Letters to Véra
Fine lines
Vintage Nabokov
Cuentos completos
Selected poems
Insomniac Dreams: Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov
Penguin Modern Classic STOCK PACK 5 x 50
Erzählungen 1935 - 1951
Five Novels (Dar / Korol', dama, valet / Lolita / Podvig / Priglashenie na kazn')
The Man from the USSR and Other Plays
Kak ya lyublyu tebya
Korolʹ, dama, valet / Lolita / Podvigʹ
Mashenka / Kamera obskura / Lolita
Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov
Tyrants Destroyed and Other Short Stories
Podvigʹ / Sogliadatai / Zashchita Luzhina
Vremennoe pravitelʹstvo i bolʹshevistskiĭ perevorot
Invitation to a Beheading
Pnin ; Rasskazy ; Blednoe plami︠a︡
Oeuvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 1
Briefwechsel mit Edmund Wilson 1940-1971
Priglashenie na kazn' / Zashchita Luzhina
Letters to Véra
Habla, memoria
Lolita / Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Zashchita Luzhina
Novels (Look at the Harlequins! / Transparent Things)
Lolita / Mashen'ka / Zashchita Luzhina
Think, Write, Speak
Novels (Korolʹ, dama, valet / Mashenʹka)
Cloud Castle Lake
Golos skripki v pustote
Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Lolita
Korol', dama, valet / Mashen'ka / Vozvraschenie Chorba
Die Venezianerin
Novels (Ada / Look at the Harlequins! / Transparent Things)
Now Remember
Zaschita Luzhina; Podvig; Soglyadataj
Vozvrashchenie Chorba
Letters to Véra
Song of Igor's Campaign
Die Gabe
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
Curso de Literatura Europea
Works (Drama / Ėsse / Korolʹ, dama, valet / Mashenʹka / Rasskazy / Ret︠s︡enzii / Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ / Zashchita Luzhina)
Gelächter im Dunkel
Der schwere Rauch. Gesammelte Erzählungen
The song of Igor's campaign
Gelächter im Dunkel; Verzweiflung; Kamera Obscura
Nobokov's quartet
Eugene Onegin : A Novel in Verse
Novelas 1941-1957 (Bend Sinister / Lolita / Real Life of Sebastian Knight)
Nabokov Russian Translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland
Edebiyat dersleri
Strong Opinions
Une beauté russe
Look at the Harlequins!
Lushins Verteidigung
Sbornik stateĭ po ugolovnomu pravu
Die Schwestern Vane. Erzählungen 1943 - 1951
Transparent Things
ADA o el ardor
Nabokov's Quartet
Der neue Nachbar. Erzählungen 1925-1934
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Ada, ou, L'ardeur
Rasskazy ; Vospominanii͡a︡
Mademoiselle O. Erzählungen 1935-1939
Со дна коробки
Istreblenie tiranov
Perepiska s sestroĭ
Short Stories (Signs and Symbols / That in Aleppo Once / Time and Ebb / Vane Sisters)
Lectures on Ulysses
Vzglyani na arlekinov!
Plays : Lolita
Strong Opinions
Tenʹ russkoĭ vetki
Vesna v Fialʹte
Bend sinister
La Venitienne Et Autres Nouvelles
Collected Poems
Poems and Problems (McGraw-Hill paperbacks)
I︠A︡/snovidenii︠a︡ Nabokova
Zaschita Luzhina
Polnoe sobranie rasskazov
Tragedy of Mister Morn
Nabokov's Dozen
Man from the U. S. S. R.
Ada or Ardor
Sebastian Knight'in Gercek Yasami
The Waltz Invention
Sueños de un insomne
Deutliche Worte
Invitation to a Beheading
The Gift, 1963 [Japanese Edition]
Nabokov's Congeries
Enchanter, The
Karanlikta Kahkaha
La Defensa
Sie Kommet-Kommt Sie?
Prawdziwe życie Sebastian Knighta
Lujin Savunmasi
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov papers
Luzhin Defense
Bir Gunbatiminin Ayrintilari
Rus Edebiyati Dersleri
Song of Igor's Campaign
Sueños de un insomne
Der Bezauberer
Pisʹma k Vere
Collected Stories
King Queen Knave 1ST Edition
The nearctic members of the genus Lycaeides Hübner (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera)
Oryginal Laury
Udivitelʹnoe pokolenie
Edebiyat Dersleri
Una belleza rusa
Three Russian poets
Korol, dama, valet
Gesammelte Werke 21. Eigensinnige Ansichten.
Saydam Seyler
Nabokov's Dozen
Look at the Harlequins!
König Dame Bube
Nabokov's Quartet
King, queen, knave
Kak i͡a︡ li͡u︡bli͡u︡ tebi͡a︡
Nikolai Gogol
Lolita (1962)
La Vénitienne et autres nouvelles
Vladimir Nabokov
Notes on Prosody and Abram Gannibal
Transparent Things
Vladimir Nabokov LOOK AT THE HARLEQUINS Hardcover/DJ 1st 1974
Héroe de Nuestro Tiempo
Invitation au supplice
Lectures on Russian Literature
Lolita (Franklin Library: 100 Greatest Masterpieces American Literature)
Nabokov: Oeuvres romanesques completes t.2 (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade) (French Edition)
Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories
Pálido fuego
Un héroe de nuestro tiempo
Wen xue jiang gao
Selected Poems
Laughter in the Dark
Luzhin Defense, The
Selected Letters, 1940-1977
Annotated Lolita
Lolita by Nabokov, Vladimir; G. P. Putnam's Sons, NY 1955 First Edition
Russian Beauty and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol
Nabokovs Butterflies
Original of Laura :
Laughter in the Dark
Look at the Harlequins!
Solgun Ates
The gift;
Tragedy of Mister Morn
Ada (A Fawcett Crest Book)
Hero of Our Time
The gift
Man from the USSR and Other Plays
Verdadeira Vida de Sebastian Knight - Real Life Of
King, Queen, Knave
Соглядатай / Ка́мера обску́ра
The gift
Fuoco pallido
Ada; or, Ardor
Cosas transparentes
Terra incognita
Priglashenie na kazn'
La Veneziana
Curso de literatura rusa
Laʼurah, ha-maḳor (kef la-mut)
Pale Fire; a Novel
Laughter in the Dark
Sueños de un insomne
Blady ogien
Ada or Ardor
L'original de Laura
Korol', dama, valet / Mashenʹka
Kommentarii k "Evgenii︠u︡ Oneginu" Aleksandra Pushkina
Bend sinister
Transparent Things
Lolita (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Infaza Cagri
Sueños de un insomne
Carpik Dünya
Real Life of Sebastian Knight
L extermination des tyrans
Cosas transparentes
Obrona Lużyna
Rua, Dam, Vale
Perepiska s Mikhailom Karpovichem 1933-1959
Pale Fire
Histoires de Mickey Mouse Au Coucher
Un mondo sinistro
Pale Fire
Terra Incognita
Pale Fire
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ 1929-1951
Konus, Hafiza
King, Queen, Knave
Mashen'ka, Zashchita Luzhina, Priglashenie na kazn', Drugie berega (fragmenty)
Invitation to a Beheading
Kapli︠a︡ solnt︠s︡a v venchike stikha
La veritable vida d'en Sebastian Knight
Notes on Prosody
Invitation to a Beheading
Vesna v Fial'te i drogie rasskazy
Das wahre Leben des Sebastian Knight
Собрание сочинений русского периода в пяти томах (Смех в темноте / Lolita)
Collected Stories
Lectures on Don Quixote
ADA or Ardor
Senyals i símbols
LOLITA (Complete & Unabridged, Crest Giant 1959 (d338))
La veritable vida d'en Sebastian Knight
Stadtführer Berlin
Don Quijote Dersleri
Short Stories (Oudar kryla / Venetsianka)
Luzhin Defense
Terra Incognita
Laura'nin Asli
Ada ou ardor - Cronica de uma familia
Pale Fire
Rasskazy ; Priglashenie na kaznʹ
Zashchita Luzhina
Novelas 1962-1974
The Annotated Lolita
Look at the Harlequins!
We Came to Know. . . .
Nikolai Gogol
Bend Sinister
Strong Opinions
Laughter in the Dark
Mary the First Novel By the Author of Lolita and Ada
Collected Poems
Ada Ya da Arzu
Look at the Harlequins!
We Came to Know...
Ti︠a︡zhelyĭ dym
Z niepoprawnej strony
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Nabokovs Quartet 1ST Edition Us
Transparent Things
20th Century Invitation to a Beheading
Spring in Fialta
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡, rasskazy
Senyals i símbols
Gesammelte Werke. Band 17
El original de Laura
Lolita, a Novel
King, Queen, Knave
Zaschita Luzhina
Nikolay Gogol
Rare Vladimir Nabokov / LOLITA 1ˢᵗ Edition; 5ᵗʰ Printing
Sogliadatai / Volshebnik
Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Gorniĭ putʹ
El hechicero
Ultima Thule
Nine stories
Unicestwienie tyranów
Perepiska's Sestrol
Who will drive me home?
Nouvelles (édition complète)
Подлинная жизнь Себастьяна Найта
Works (Lolita / Волшебник)
Anniversary notes
Romany, rasskazy, ėsse
Rasskazy. Vospominaniya
Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann (1875-1955)

essayist, autobiographer, social critic, diarist

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Technical University of Munich
Lotte in Weimar
Joseph und seine Brüder
Doctor Faustus
Lotte in Weimar
Lotte in Weimar
Lotte in Weimar
Doctor Faustus
Tables of the Law
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Die Briefe Thomas Manns
Der Zauberberg
Tonio Kröger
Death in Venice and Other Tales
Königliche Hoheit
Death in Venice
Joseph in Egypt
Die allerneueste klassische Sau
Stories of three decades
Wagner und unsere Zeit
Tod in Venedig
Der Erwählte
Herr und Hund
Death in Venice and other stories
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
The transposed heads
Six Early Stories
Buddenbrooks, Verfall einer Familie
Mario und der Zauberer
Letters of Heinrich and Thomas Mann, 1900-1949
This war
Der Tod in Venedig
Thomas Mann
An exceptional friendship
Confessions of Felix Krull
Essays of three decades
Joseph, der Ernährer
Letters to Paul Amann, 1915-1952
Mythology and humanism
Goethe und Tolstoi
Die Geschichten Jaakobs / Der junge Joseph
Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus
Thomas Manns Tonio Kröger als Weg zur Literatur
Versuch über Schiller
Grosse kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
Death in Venice and Other Stories (First Book)
The tables of the law
Das Wunderkind
Thomas Mann, Katia Mann - Anna Jacobson
Die Erzählungen
Young Joseph
Selbstkommentare: Der Zauberberg
A Guide to Library Research Methods
Rede und Antwort
Tonio Kroger
Neue Studien
Jahre des Unmuts
Thomas Mann's "Goethe and Tolstoy"
Thomas Mann: Two Stories
A Christmas poem
On myself and other Princeton lectures
Buddenbrooks - Die Schulepisode. Ab 9. Schuljahr
Tagebücher, 1940-1943
Bashan and I
Achtung, Europa!
Death in Venice ; Tristan ; Tonio Kröger ; Doctor Faustus ; Mario and the magician ; A man and his dog ; The black swan ; Confessions of Felix Krull, confidence man
Tagebücher, 28.5.1946-31.12.1948
Schwere Stunde
Death in Venice CD
Der kleine Herr Friedmann
Von Deutscher Republik
Maître et Chien
Understanding fiction -- Second Edition
Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955
Joseph und seine Bru der
Thomas Mann Diaries 1918-1939
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Briefwechsel mit Autoren
Die vertauschten Köpfe
Dichter oder Schriftsteller?
Tagebücher, 1944-1.4.1946
Reflections of a nonpolitical man
Fragile Republik
Deutschland und die Deutschen
Tonio Kröger / Mario und der Zauberer. Mit Materialien
Thomas Mann over Schopenhauer en Nietzsche
Death in Venice, Tonio Kroger, and Other Writings (German Library)
Confessions of Felix Krull, confidence man
Tagebücher, 1937-1939
Exulant Thomas Mann
The Yale Zauberberg-manuscript
The Oxford guide to library research
Mario Y El Mago / El Pequeño Señor Frieder
Horror and Mystery Photoplay Editions and Magazine Fictionizations
Joseph et ses frères, tome 3
Meerfahrt mit Don Quijote
Sämtliche Erzählungen
Journal, tome 2
Die Geschichte Jaakobs
Last essays
Los Buddenbrook
Briefe an Jonas Lesser und Siegfried Trebitsch 1939-1954
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud (Humanidades / Humanities)
Deutschland und die Deutschen 1945
Briefe II
The coming victory of democracy
Ensayos Sobre Musica, Teatro Y Literatura
Romans et nouvelles, tome 3
Tagebücher, 1918-1921
Über Deutsche Literatur
Lotte in Weimar
Library Research Models
Thomas Mann--Felix Bertaux
The story of a novel
Das Gesetz
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzählungen
Der kleine Herr Friedemann Der Wille zum Gluck Tristan
Herr und Hund ; Gesang vom Kindchen
Nietzsches Philosophie im Lichte unserer Erfahrung
Confessions of Felix Drull, confidence man
The war and the future
An die gesittete Welt ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). Politische Schriften und Reden im Exil. (Bd. 18)
Herzlich zugeeignet
Joseph, der Erna hrer
Lektürehilfen Der Tod in Venedig
Altezza reale
Die Erza hlungen
Early sorrow
René Schickele
Tagebücher, 1951-1952
Theodor Storm
Thomas Mann--Félix Bertaux
Thomas Mann and Theodor W. Adorno
Little HerrFriedemann, and other stories
Tagebücher, 1949-1950
Tonio Kroeger / Mario und der Zauberer
Deathin Venice - Iristan....
Two stories
Ko nigliche Hoheit
Order of the day
Thomas Mann's Addresses Delivered At The Library Of Congress (New German-American Studies/Neue Deutsch-Amerikanische Studien)
Alteza Real
Briefe 1
La muerte en Venecia
Tonio Kröger. Illustrierte Geschenkausgabe
Tagebücher, 1953-1955
The story of a bird lover. by William Earl Dodge Scott.
Appels aux allemands
Goethe als Repräsentant des bürgerlichen Zeitalters
Politische Schriften und Reden
Cuentos tempranos 1893-1912
Bild und Text bei Thomas Mann
Essays, Bd.2, Für das neue Deutschland, 1919-1925
Germany and the Germans
Dokter Faustus
Joseph et ses frères
Briefe an Richard Schaukal
Sorge um Deutschland
Goethe als Repra sentant des burgerlichen Zeitalters
Death in Venice & Other Stories
Thomas Mann - Heinrich Mann: Briefwechsel, 1900-1949
Reden und Aufsätze
Das Eisenbahnunglück
Lotte in Weimar ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 7)
Handbuch der Kommunalen Wissenschaft und Praxis 1
Über mich selbst. Autobiographische Schriften ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 14)
Thomas Mann--Karl Kerenyi
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzahlungen
Holy Sinner [Paperback]  by Thomas Mann
Third annual conference
The Holy Sinner;
Joseph und seine Brüder, 4 Bde., Bd.4, Joseph, der Ernährer
La Mort à Venise
Selected essays
Lübeck als geistige Lebensform
Fiorenza, Gedichte, Filmentwürfe
Essays, Bd.4, Achtung Europa!
Tonio Kröger, novelle
Mario and Der Zauberer (Universal-Bibliothek)
Adel des Geistes
La Morte a Venezia Tristano Tonio Kroger
Death in Venice
A man and his dog
Königliche Hoheit / Der Erwählte. Zwei Romane
Letters, 1889-1955
The tales of Jacob
José y sus Hermanos 4
Altes and neues
And Experience in the Occult
Joseph und seine Brüder
Thomas Mann Reading
Goethe's Laufbahn als Schiftsteller
Im Schatten Wagners
Os Buddenbrook. Decadência de Uma Família
Les Têtes interverties
This peace
Baas en Hond
Secme Oykuler
Gesang vom Kindchen
Les Buddenbrook
Sämtliche Erzählungen I. Sonderausgabe
Rede und Antwort ( Frankfurter Ausgabe)
An exchange of letters
Three Essays by Thomas Mann
Joseph und seine Brüder 2. Der junge Joseph
Goethe und die Demokratie
Confessions of Felix Krull, confidence man
Unordnung und frühes Leid. Erzählungen 1919 - 1930
Briefwechsel mit seinem Verleger Gottfried Bermann Fischer 1932-1955
Die Forderung des Tages ( Frankfurter Ausgabe)
Sämtliche Erzählungen II. Sonderausgabe
Children & fools
To Magiko vouno
Mario and the magician and other stories
Königliche Hoheit ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 15)
Die Begegnung
The letters of Thomas Mann to Caroline Newton
Bekentnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Sa mtliche Erza hlungen
Der Zauberberg. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. Textband / Kommentarband
Joseph und seine Brüder 3. Joseph in Ägypten
Addresses delivered at the Library of Congress, 1942-1949
Essays 02. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. Kommentarband. 1914 - 1926
La Muerte en Venecia (Pocket Edhasa; 8)
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 13)
La Muerte en Venecia/Mario y el Mago
Vom zukünftigen Sieg der Demokratie
Es geht um den Menschen
Tonio Kröger ; und
Späte Erzählungen ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). Von Herr und Hund ( 1919) bis Die Betrogene (1953). (Bd. 6)
Doktor Faustus ( Frankfurter Ausgabe)
Tonio Kröger. Frühe Erzählungen
Ansprache im Goethejahr 1949
Joseph in Ãgypten (6521 266). (Bd. II)
Tonio Kröger; Mario und der Zauberer
Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man
Beethoven im Werk von Thomas Mann
He was mankind's friend
Essays II. Für das neue Deutschland 1919 - 1925
Déception et autres nouvelles
Listen, Germany!
Aufsätze ; Reden ; Essays
De Weg naar het Kerkhof
Das Thomas Mann-Buch
Muerte en Venecia / Death in Venice
Lotte à Weimar
El elegido
Freud und die Psychoanalyse
Joseph und seine Brüder. Joseph, der Ernährer
Sieben Manifeste zur jüdischen Frage 1936-1948
Six Early Stories
Les Maîtres
Hesse / Mann Letters
U ̈ber mich selbst
Joseph in Agypten
Die Betrogene. Erzählungen 1940 - 1953
Essays, Bd.3, Ein Appell an die Vernunft
Consideraciones de un apolítico
Essays, Bd.6, Meine Zeit
Buddenbrooks. Diverse Umschlagfarben, unsortiert
Der letzte Buddenbrook
Joseph und seine Brüder, 4 Bde., Bd.2, Der junge Joseph
Der kleine Herr Friedemann. Schmuckausgabe
Bemu hungen
Essays 02. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. Textband. 1914 - 1926
Der Erwa hlte
Mario und der Zauberer. Späte Erzählungen
Bashan and I
Goethe and Tolstoy
A Montanha Mágica
Los Origenes del Dr Faustus
De Wet
The problem of freedom
Grundlagen und Gedanken, Erzählende Literatur, Buddenbrooks
Buddenbrooks ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). Verfall einer Familie. (Bd. 3)
Der Wille Zum Glueck Und Andere Erzaehlu
Meine Zeit
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. Buch der Kindheit
Le Docteur Faustus - La vie du compositeur allemand Adrian Leverkhün racontée par un ami
Frühe Erzählungen ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). Von Vision ( 1893) bis Tod in Venedig (1912). (Bd. 4)
Friedrich und die grosse Koalition
Doktor Faustus / Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus
Der Erwählte ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 2)
Leiden und Grösse der Meister
Thomas Mann: Das Gesetz
Zutrauliche Teilhabe
Buddenbrooks. Sonderausgabe. Verfall einer Familie
Dokumente und Untersuchungen
Past masters and other papers
Lektürehilfen Tonio Kröger
Die erzählenden Schriften
Eliza Scott Ross
Der Tod in Venedig. Wirklichkeit, Dichtung, Mythos
Le Journal du docteur Faustus
Weihnachten bei den Buddenbrooks. Großdruck. Mit den Rezepten des Weihnachtsmenüs
Buddenbrooks. Jubiläums- Edition. Verfall einer Familie
Mario et le magicien ; Expériences occultes ; Doux sommeil
De Toverberg
Doktor Faustus / Doctor Faustus
Joseph und seine Brüder, 4 Bde., Bd.3, Joseph in Ägypten
Goethe and democracy
Deutsche Ansprache
Buddenbrooks. Erläuterungen und Materialien
Collegheft, 1894-1895
Frederick the Great and the Great Coalition
Death in Venice
Thomas Mann und Hans Friedrich Blunck
Traversée avec Don Quichortte
Leiden und Größe der Meister ( Frankfurter Ausgabe). (Bd. 8)
Advertencia a Europa
Über mich selbst. Autobiographische Schriften
Joseph und seine Brüder. Die Geschichte Jaakobs
Doktor Faustus
Joseph und seine Brüder, 4 Bde., Bd.1, Die Geschichten Jaakobs
Unordnung und frühes Leid
Schriften zur Politik
Joseph the Provider
Leiden und Gro sse der Meister
Dichter und Herrscher
Essays 02. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. 1914 - 1926. (Textband / Kommentarband.)
El Doctor Faustus
Schwere Stunde. Erzählungen 1903 - 1912
Dolandirici Felix Krull'un Itiraflari
Yusuf ve Kardesleri Doyuran Yusuf 4. Cilt
Königliche Hoheit [Roman]
The story of a novel
Carlota en Weimar
Zor Saat
Confessions de Fèlix Krull
Die Erzählungen.  Fiorenza
Thomas Mann's stories and episodes
Joseph in Egypt
Letters to Paul Amann, 1915-1952
La guerra ya no está permitida
This War by Thomas Mann
Briefe 1948-1955 und Nachlese
Death in Venice
Duitsland heeft me nooit met rust gelaten
Selected Stories
Der Tod in Venedig
Richard Wagner y la música
Schriften und Reden zur Literatzur Kunst und Philosophie 3
Buddenbrooks, the decline of a family (translated from the German by H.T. Lowe-Porter)
Freud, Goethe, Wagner
... Ein briefwechsel
Die Briefe Thomas Manns 4/5. 1951 - 1955 und Nachträge / Empfängerverzeichnis und Gesamtregister. Regesten und Register
Tonio Kroger : (Annotated Edition)
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzhlungen
Joseph The Provider
Adel Des Geistes
The Transposed Heads
Thomas Mann in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Königliche Hoheit
Joseph the Provider (Joseph and his Brothers, IV)
Joseph und seine Brüder
Essays II. Politische Reden Und Schriften.
Death in Venice, Tristan [and] Tonio Kröger
Mario et le magicien
Tagebücher 1940 - 1943
Friedrich und Die Grosse Koalition
Thomas Mann's addresses delivered at the Library of Congress, 1942-1949
Confessions de Fèlix Krull
Doctor Faustus
Der Tod in Venedig
The Holy Sinner. Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
Friedrich und die gross Koalition
Mario und der Zauberer, ein tragisches Reiseerlebnis
Thomas Mann (In German and English)
Muerte en Venecia
Le Docteur Faustus
La muerte en Venecia
Thomas Mann
Specification of Thomas Mann
DEATH IN VENICE. Translated by Kenneth Burke with an Introduction by Erich Heller. Illustrated with Wood-Engravings Felix Hoffmann.
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man
Last essays
Essays, 7 Bde., Tl.1, Essays 1893-1914, m. Kommentar
Duitsland heeft me nooit met rust gelaten
MeerFahrt mit Don Quixote
Correspondence 1943-1955
Essays of Three Decades by Thomas Mann
The genesis of a novel
Mario and the Magician : (Annotated Edition)
Lotte Weimar'da
Confess Felix Krull
Essays 3
Der Tod in Venedig
La Voluntad de Ser Feliz y Otros Relatos
Confessions of Felix Krull
Die Forderung des Tages
Doktor Faustus (polish)
The Black Swan
Die schönsten Erzählungen
Buddenbrooks Verfall Einer Familie ; Roman
Young Joseph
Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories by Mann Thomas (1954-09-01)
Yusuf Ve Kardesleri 3
Rede Und Antwortl
Muerte en Venecia
Stories of Three Decades. Trans By H.T. Lowe-Porter
Joseph in Egypt, Vol. 2
Königliche Hoheit, Roman
Wagner Und Unsere Zeit
Lotte in Weimar
Little Herr Friedmann and Other Stories
Tonio Kröger
Oxford Guide to Library Research
Königliche hoheit, roman
Doctor Faustus
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud
Das Randfigurenkabinett des Doktor Thomas Mann
Muerte En Venecia
Königliche Hoheit
Tod in Venedig
Briefe III 1924-1932. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
Königliche Hoheit und die Novellen
Das essayistische Werk
Tonio Kröger, m. Audio-CD
Death in Venice and Other Stories
Essays of Three Decades
Briefwechsel mit seinem Verleger Gottfried Bermann Fischer, l932-1955
Five stories
Doktor Faustus
Joseph und seine Bruder Vier Romane in einem Band
Unicorn Coloring Book
Three essays
The transposed heads
Le docteur Faustus
Tagebücher 1949 - 1950
Tristan, Sechs Novellen
Thomas Mann
Nachlässe, Prosa, 1951-1955
Vom kommende Sieg der Demokratie
Munchen als Kulturzentrum
Los Buddenbrook
Freedom, its meaning
Doctor Faustus
Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories
Tonio Kroger
Alfallverwertung als Rechtspflicht : Zur Konkretisierung unbestimmter Rechtsbegriffe metajuristischen Ursprungs im Abfallvewertungsgebot des Paragraphes 3 Abs. 2 Satz 3 AbfG
Selected Stories
Brief an Paul Amann 1915-1952
Carlota En Weimar
The Tables of the Law (Austrian-German Culture Series)
La Loi
Joseph and his brothers
Lübeck als geistige Lebensform
Gladius Dei; Schwere Stunde
Der Zauberger
Kala hansa
Sketch of My Life
Cuentos Completos
Diarios de entreguerras 1918-1939
Tonio Droger
Der Radfahrsport in Bild und Wort.
Sleep, sweet sleep
Cervantes, Goethe, Freud
Joseph und seine Brüder, 2 Bände
Joseph und seine Brüder. 3. Band.
Jaakob. Aus den Geschichten von Jaakob.
Noblesse de l'esprit
Le mirage
Tonio Kroger and other stories
Las historias de Jaacob / El joven José
José en Egipto / José el Proveedor
Die forderung des Tages, Reden und Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1925-1929
Tonio Kroger: Novelle Von Thomas Mann
Tagebücher 1953 - 1955
Dagboeken 1918-1921 & 1933-1939
Little Herr Friedmann and Other Stories
Briefe 1937-1947
Tonio Kröger
De dood in Venetië, en andere verhalen
Lotte in Weimar.
Joseph in Egypt--Volume I
Joseph in Egypt Vol. I-II
Death in Venice
Tropico de Capricornio
Der kleine Herr Friedemann und andere Novellen
Royal Highness
Young Joseph, (Joseph and his brothers)
Memoir of the Rev. Richard Adams, of the New Forest
The Holy Sinner;
Tonio Kroger
Altes und neues
Doktor Faustus
Mario and the Magician
A sketch of my life
Addresses delivered at the Library of Congress, 1942-1949
Los Buddenbrook
Späte Erzählungen
Message Delivered
Meisternovellen (Europaischer Buchklub)
Werden sie nicht ber uhmt ...!: Briefwechsel Thomas Mann und Harald Kohtz
A Morte em Veneza & Tonio Krueger
Royal highness
Cuentos tardíos 1919-1953
Death in Venice : (Annotated Edition)
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man
Tonio Kroger
Buddenbrooks : Decline of a Family
Tod in Venedig
Joseph and His Brothers - Volume 1
Der Tod in Venedig. Erläuterungen und Dokumente
Las historias de Jaacob / El joven José
La Llei
Die Erzählungen : Fiorenza : Gesang vom Kindchen : Gedichte
Confesiones Del Estafador Félix Krull
Doctor Faustus The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn As Told by a Driend
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull.
JOSEPH IN EGYPT (Volume Two, only)
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (The Early Tears)
Handbuch der kommunalen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Venedik'te Ölüm
Death in Venice and Other Tales
Buddenbrooks - the Original Classic Edition
Das Eisenbahnungluck
El Elegido
Tonio Kröger
Confesiones del estafador F‚liz Krull
Death In Venice and Seven Other Stories
Der Künstler und die Gesellschaft
Travesía marítima con Don Quijote
Death in Venice & A Man and His Dog
Lotte in Weimar
A Christmas Carol at 221B
Las Cabezas Trocadas
Romane und Erzählungen
A tomrecht und Strahlenschutz : Textsammlung MIT Einführung und Erläuterungen - Rechtsstand
Horror and Mystery Photoplay Editions and Magazine Fictionizations, Volume II
Death in Venice
Deutsche Hörer!
Doktor Faustus. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
La muerte en Venecia
Dinle Alman Ulusu
José y sus hermanos
Unordnung und fru hes Leid
Kleine Herr Friedmann und Andere Novellen
Bilse und ich
Die Betrogene
Confessions de Fèlix Krull, lladre i farsant
Thomas Mann Collection Volume Folder 1
Bekenntnisse Des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Death in Venice (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Doctor Faustus ( First Modern Library Edition )
Büyülü Dag
Death in Venice
La mort a Venècia
Young Joseph
Los Buddenbrook
What a compulsory 8 hour working day means to the workers
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh
Three essays
Gesammelte Werke in zehn Banden
Königliche Hoheit
Els Buddenbrook
Ansprache im Goethejahr gehalten am 25. Juli 1949 in der Paulshirche zu Frankfurt am Main
Erlauterungen Und Dokumente
Frühe Erzählungen
Leiden und Grösse
The coming victory of democracy / by Thomas Mann ; translated from the German by Agnes E. Meyer
Joseph in Egypt (2 Volume Box Set)
Tod in Venedig
Briefwechsel (mit) Heinrich Mann, 1900-1949
Cervantes, Goethe y Freud - 135
Tristan; Novelle, Mit Einem Nachwort Von Rudolf K. Goldschmit
Der Tod in Venedig
Koninklijke hoogheid
Tod in Venedig (Annotated)
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull : Der Memoiren erster Teil : mit Illustrationen von Werner Klemke :
Mario and the Magician and Other Stories
THIS PEACE. Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter.
Muerte en Venecia
Sarayda bir macera
Royal Highness
Case of Mr. Crump
La muerte en Venecia
Cuentos tardíos 1919-1953
Mario et le magicien -expériences occultes
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Buddenbrooks, the decline of a family
Freud, Goethe, Wagner
Konigliche Hoheit
the Holy Sinner
Mario and the Magician
Early sorrow and Mario and the magician
Tonio Kröger
Doctor Faustus The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn As Told by a Driend
Death in Venice and Other Stories
Sieben Aufsätze
Death in Venice
Das Problem der Freiheit
Sulla leggenda musicale Palestrina di Hans Pfitzner
The Beloved Returns
Briefe, 1948-1955 und Nachlese
Joseph Und Seine Brüder
Los Buddenbrook
Stories of three decades;
Living Thoughts of Schopenhauer
Sur le mariage, édition bilingue (français/allemand)
Der Tod in Venedig
Death in Venice and a Man and His Dog
Romans et nouvelles, tome 1
Correspondence 1943-1955
Doctor Faustus con La genesi del Doctor Faustus
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (Modern Classics S.)
Das Wunderkind. Novellen.
Schriften und Reden zur Literatur, Kunst und Philosophie
Death in Venice
Death in Venice
Joseph and his brethren
Der Erwählte; Roman
Thomas Mann Gesammelte Werke
La muntanya màgica
Royal Highness
Tagebuecher. Sonderausgabe
Der Tod in Venedig. Erzählungen
Buddenbrooks; 2
Dieser Friede
Doktor Faustus
Lotte in Weimar. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
Little Herr Friedmann and Other Stories
Les buddenbrook
La Caida
The Thomas Mann reader
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud
Tristan. Traduction de Gabrielle Valère-Gille
Tagebücher 1918 - 1921
Briefwechsel: Thomas Mann-Robert Faesi
Royal Highness
Tonio KrögerTristan
Smert Venecii
Der Tod in Venedig
Goethe et Tolstoï
Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man
La muerte en Venecia
Pensadores Modernos
Doctor Faustus
Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man (Signet)
Sämtliche Erzählungen 3. Mario und der Zauberer und andere Erzählungen
Literarische Porträts
Tonio Kröger, novelle von Thomas Mann
Altes und neues
Mann Family History
Death In Venice
Wa lsungenblut
Königliche Hoheit, und die Novellen
Nietzsche's philosophy in the light of contemporary events
Die Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull - Der Memoiren erster Teil
Das große Lesebuch
Fragile Republik
Black Swan
Der Tod in Venedig
Unordnung und frühes Leid, Novelle
Death in Venice & Seven Other Stories
Mario ile Sihirbaz
This Peace together with The Address of November 9, 1938 in New York
This War
Efendi ile Köpegi
Landesrecht Niedersachsen
De Paljas
Nachlese Prosa 1951-1955
Death In Venice
Degisen Kafalar
Tonio Kroger
Der Erwählte
Carlota en Weimar
Death in Venice
Pariser Rechenschaft
Tagebücher 1946 - 1948
De Buddenbrooks
Buddenbrooklar - Bir Ailenin Çöküşü
Tales of Jacob
Thomas Mann an Ernst Bertram
Death in Venice
Joseph in Egypt, Vol. I
Buyulu Dag
O Eleito
Confessions of Felix Krull...Confidence Man (The Early Years)
Der Tod in Venedig: Novelle
My German Schools and Schoolmasters, an Autobiographical Narrative
Essays By Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann
Joseph and His Brothers (Modern Classics S.)
Der Erwahlte
Freud, Goethe, Wagner
Death in Venice
José en Egipto / José el Proveedor
Joseph the Provider
Volshebnaya gora
Past masters and other papers: [by] Thomas Mann (Essays, most of them selected from "Rede und antwort")
Question of Balance
Textos críticos
Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories
Lektu>RE - Durchblick
Wasserverbände und demokratische Legitimation
Doktor Faustus
Doktor Faustus; 1929 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü
Miszellen (Moderne Klassiker;Fischer Bucherei)
The Transposed Heads by Thomas Mann 1st Ed. 1941
Essays of Three Decades
Ein Tag aus dem Schulleben Hanno Buddenbrooks
Königliche Hoheit
Die Buddenbrooks
Herr und Hund
Stories and episodes
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzahlungen
Tonio Kröger.
London After Midnight
CONFESSIONS Of FELIX KRULL CONFIDENCE MAN. The Early Years. Modern Library No 360.
Die Forderung des Tages
Gerhart Hauptmann
Death in Venice
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Ausgewählte Erzählungen
Frühe Erzählungen. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
Introduction to Passionate journey
Königliche Hoheit. Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe. 2 Bände
Doutor Fausto. A Vida do Compositor Alemão Adrian Leverkühn Narrada por Um Amigo
Muerte en Venecia
Tables of the Law
Mort a Venècia
München als Kulturzentrum
Ton- und Filmaufnahmen. Ein Verzeichnis
Confesiones del estafador F‚ lix Krull
Majesteleri Kral
Grundtorheit Antibolschewismus
Die Erzahlungen Erster Band
Buddenbrooks: the Decline of a Family : (Annotated Edition)
Mario ve Sihirbaz
Doctor Faustus
Joseph in Egypt - Volume I
Buddenbrooks; Verfall Einer Familie / Thomas Mann
Ansprache im Schillerjahr 1955
Yosef ṿe-eḥaṿ
Aldanan Kadin
Herr und Hund; Gesang Vom Kindchen
This peace
The Ten Commandments
Unikitty Coloring Book
Novellen Erster Band
Herr und Hund; Gesang Vom Kindchen
Holy Sinner
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
Two stories (German texts-no.10)
Travessia Maritima Com Dom Quixote
Thomas Mann - Stefan Zweig
José y sus hermanos
Bekenntnisse Des Hochstaplers Felix Krull Roman
Joseph in Eygpt. Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter Joseph and his Brothers, part 3
Bekenntnisse Des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Carlota en Weimar
Friedrich und Die Grosse Koalition
The tales of Jacob (Joseph and his brethren, I)
Oíd, alemanes...
Joseph in Egypt (Volume 2)
Friedrich und die Große Koalition. Ein Abriß für den Tag und die Stunde
Tonio Kröger/ Mario und der Zauberer
Joseph in Egypt (Vols 1 & 2)
Death in Venice (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Sieben Manifeste zur Ju dischen Frage, 1936-1948
Halldór Laxness, Maurice Maeterlinck [and] Thomas Mann
Buddenbrooks The Decline Of A Family,
Ontboezemingen van de oplichter Felix Krull
This peace
Joseph in Egypt Volume One
Aldatilmis Kadin
Stories of Three Decades
Joseph in Egypt Volume 2
Gespräch in Briefen
Reden und Aufsatze
Vorrang der Abfallverwertung
Tonio Kroger
Schriften und Reden zur Literatur, Kunst und Philosphie
Joseph and His Brothers
Der Tod in Venedig [von] Thomas Mann
Briefe III. 1948 - 1955 und Nachlese
Tonio Kröger & Mario und der Zauberer. Textanalyse und Interpretation zu Thomas Mann
Jose y Sus Hermanos
Montaa Magica, La
Joseph In Egypt Volume Two
A Sketch of My Life
Zwei Festreden
Gesammelte Werke in Einzelbänden
Tod in Venedig
Two stories: Unordnung und frühes Leid : Mario und der Zauberer
Der Wille zum Glück und andere Erzählungen
Les Histoires De Jacob
Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen
...The beloved returns. Lotte in Weimar
Tonio Kröger
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzahlungen
The theme of the Joseph novels
Carlotta a Weimar
Weihnachten bei den Buddenbrooks
Oxford Guide to Library Research
Tristan; Novelle, Mit Einem Nachwort Von Rudolf K. Goldschmit
Thomas Mann's Addresses Delivered at the Library of Congress, 1942-1949
Doctor Faustus
El elegido
Diarios de entreguerras 1918-1939
Czarodziejska góra
As Cabecas Trocadas
Listen, Germany!  Twenty-five radio messages to the German people over BBC
Sua alteza real
El elegido
La Morte a Venezia
Freud und die Zukunft
Altesse royale
Frage und Antwort: Interviews mit Thomas Mann, 1909-1955 (German Edition)
The Oxford Guide to Library Research
Notizen: zu Felix Krull, Friedrich, Königliche Hoheit, Versuch über d. Theater, Maja, Geist u. Kunst, ein Elender, Betrachtungen e. Unpolitischen, Doktor Faustus, u. anderen Werken
Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus
Muerte en Venecia, La
Der Tod in Venedig
Iosif i ego brat'ja
Briefe, 1937-1947
Das Gesetz
The beloved returns
Königliche Hoheit
Die Erzählungen
Joseph, der Ernährer
Versuch über Schiller
An exchange of letters
Briefwechsel Hermann Hesse / Thomas Mann
Selections from his writings
Tonio Kröger, novelle
Joseph in Egypt
Thomas Mann
Königliche hoheit
Tonio Kröger
Doktor Faustus, je 10 Cassetten, Tl.1
Ṿiduye ha-harpatḳan Feliḳs Ḳrol
Gespräch in Briefen
Bekenntnisse des hochstaplers Felix Krull
Okkulte Erlebnisse
Thomas Mann an Ernst Bertram
Joseph and his brothers
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
Stories of a lifetime
Der kleine Herr Friedemann und andere Novellen
Tonio Kröger
Der Tod in Venedig
Das wunderkind
Gesang vom Kindchen
Death in Venice, and seven other stories
Briefe 1948-1955 und Nachlese
Frühe Erzählungen, 1893-1912
The Hesse-Mann letters
Iosif i ego brati͡a
Adel des Geistes
Deutsches Novellenbuch
Goethe und die Demokratie
Der Zauberberg. 8 Cassetten
Über deutsche Literatur
Stories and episodes
Stories of three decades
Der Wille zum Glück
Królewska wysokość
Benechia kakushi
Ausgewählte Erzählungen
Doktor Faustus
Thomas Mann, 1875-1975
Lotte in Weimar, 12 Cassetten
Lotte in Weimar
Der Erwählte
Freud, Goethe, Wagner
Tonio Kröger
The magic mountain
Stories of a lifetime
Lettere a italiani
Goethe als Repräsentant des bürgerlichen Zeitalters
Dieser Friede
Der letzte Buddenbrook
A törvény
Briefe und Tagebücher, 18 Bde., Tl.1, Briefe 1889-1913
Lübeck als geistige Lebensform
Ausgewa hlte Erza hlungen
Joseph and his brothers
La guerra ya no está permitida
Mario und der Zauberer
René Schickele
Selected essays by Thomas Mann
Putʹ na Volshebnu︠i︡u goru
Buddenbrooks. 22 CDs
Thomas-Mann-Festwoche Lübeck 1975, 31.5.-8.6.
Der Zauberberg 2. 7 Cassetten
Doktor Faustus, je 10 Cassetten, Tl.2
Das Problem der Freiheit
Die Betrogene
Thomas Mann papers
Konigliche Hoheit
Unordnung und frühes Leid
Briefe an Paul Amann, 1915-1952
Ausgewählte Erzählungen
Doctor Faustus
Heinrich Mann-Thomas Mann
Gesammelte Werke
Friedrich und die grosse koalition
Leiden an Deutschland
Joseph and his brothers
Journal, tome 1
Maṿet be-Ṿenetsyah
Last essays
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
T'omasŭ Man tanp'yŏnjip
Die geschichten Jaakobs
The Holy Sinner
A sketch of my life
Tōmasu Man tanpenshū
Gerhart Hauptmann
Joseph und seine Brüder
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.25, Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
The refugees and the world conscience
Iosif i ego bratʹi︠a︡
Der kleine Herr Friedemann ; Der Wille zum Glück ; Tristan
Freud, Goethe, Wagner
Stories of three decades
Okkulte Erlebnisse
Over Menno ter Braak
Bilse und ich
Gespräch in Briefen
Wagner et notre temps
I Buddenbrook
Iosif i ego brat'ja
Nietzsches Philosophie im Lichte unserer Erfahrung
Die Briefe der Manns
Romans et Nouvelles, tome2
Essays of three decades
Thomas-Mann-Ehrung der DDR, 1875-1975
Herr und Hund
Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler
Adel des Geistes
Die Entstehung des Doktor Faustus
Und die Flamme soll euch nicht versengen
Der junge Joseph
Lotte in Weimar
Der Zauberberg
A kiválasztott
Der Tod in Venedig
Die vertauschten Köpfe
Der Tod in Venedig und andere Erzählungen
Reden und Aufsätze
Essays, 7 Bde., Tl.1, Essays 1893-1914
"Ganz entre nous"
Königliche Hoheit
Death in Venice, and seven other stories
Altes und Neues
Letters to Paul Amann, 1915-1952
Early sorrow and Mario and the magician
Carlota en Weimar
Stories of three decades
Deutsche Hörer!
Zhong duan pian xiao shuo xuan
Last essays
Germany and the Germans
Memoir of the rev. Richard Adams, of the New forest
Beim Propheten
Altes und Neues
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.23, Buddenbrooks
Bilse und ich
How Congress Shapes Health Policy
 Thomas Mann
Friedrich und die grosse Koalition
Mario és a varázsló
Achtung, Europa!
The coming victory of democracy
Die Geschichten Jaakobs
Richard Wagner
Thomas Mann an Ernst Bertram
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
Das Wedekindbuch
Handbuch der kommunalen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Bekenntisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
בית בודנברוק
Over Their Dead Bodies Yankee Epitaphs
Doktor Faustus
Truth and reason may appear to be crushed ...
Zpověď hochštaplera Felixe Krulla
Doktor Faustus
Loṭeh be-Ṿaimar
Joseph and his brothers
Nietzsche's philosophy in the light of contemporary events
Trunken von Gedichten
The living thoughts of Schopenhauer
The beloved returns
Der Zauberberg, Roman
Los Buddenbrook
Ein Briefwechsel
Disordine e dolore precoce
Thomas Mann, Frank Thiess, Walter von Molo
La muerte en Venecia
Selected short stories of Thomas Mann
The magic mountain
Correspondencia 1943-1955 (Filosofia)
Gedenkschrift für Thomas Mann, 1875-1975
Die erzählenden Schriften gesammelt in drei Bänden
Vdekje ne Venecie
Joseph und seine Brüder
Die Briefe Thomas Manns 3. 1944 - 1950. Regesten und Register
Der kleine Herr Friedemann
"Ihr sehr ergebener Thomas Mann"
Grundlagen und Gedanken, Erzählende Literatur, Tonio Kröger
Lotte en Weimar (en Esperanto)
Lotte in Weimar
Königliche hoheit
Reden und Aufsatze
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Sang réservé
Befreiung oder Niederlage?
Gesammelte Werke in dreizehn Bänden
The beloved returns
Listen, Germany!
Die Erzählungen : Fiorenza : Gesang vom Kindchen : Gedichte
Relato de mi vida
Gesammelte Werke
Mario und der Zauberer
Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen
Joseph and his brothers
Schriften und Reden zur Literatur, Kunst und Philosophie
An exchange of letters
Königs Erläuterungen und Materialien, Bd.47, Der Tod in Venedig
Stories of three decades
Thomas Mann, geboren in Lübeck
A propos du Docteur Faustus
Doktor Faustus
Briefe, 1889-1936
Die Entstehung
Briefwechsel, 1900-1949
Tonio Kro ger
Neue Studien
Ansprache im Schillerjahr 1955
Der Tod in Venedig
Doktor Faustus
La legge
Das Gesetz
I Buddenbrook
Felix Krull. 13 CD
Yi zhi de sheng li
La guerra ya no está permitida
Lotte Weimarban
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Death in Venice
Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852)

playwright, historian, literary critic, teacher, poet, opinion journalist

  • Imperial St. Petersburg University
Forms of the Novella
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Tarasa Bulba
Best Russian short stories
Dead Souls
Dead Souls
Almas Muertas
Dead Souls
Dead Souls
Dead Souls
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Great Short Stories of the World [30 stories]
Мертвые души
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Short stories
Тарас Бульба
Shin el =
Petersburg tales
Sorotchintzy fair
The overcoat and other short stories
Dead Souls
The overcoat and The nose
Petersburg tales
Dead souls
Dead Souls
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Nouvelles de Petersbourg
Sochineniia N.V. Gogolia
The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Dead Souls
Zapiski sumasshedshego
Four Great Russian Plays
Diary of a Madman
The Inspector-General
[Nevskiĭ prospekt
Letters of Nikolai Gogol
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume six COURAGE
The Overcoat
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Home life in Russia
The overcoat, and other tales of good and evil
Best Short Stories of All Time
Six Great Modern Short Novels
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Peterburgskie povesti
The theater of Nikolay Gogol
Dead Souls - Reavey Translation Background & Sources Essays in Criticism (Nce)
The Government Inspector (Hereford Plays)
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Dead Souls (Classiques Russes)
Dead souls
Christmas Classics 6 Copy Mixed Counter Display
Taras Buljba
The collected tales
The mantle
Evenings near Dikanka ; and, Mirgorod
Tchitchikoff's Journeys, or Dead Souls
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Inspector and 3 other plays
The inspector
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Great Conversations 2
The Diary of a Madman, and Other Russian Sketches
Evenings near the village of Dikanka
Vecheri na khutori bilia Dykanky
Christmas Classics
Taras Bulba
Das Bildnis
Dead souls
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen. Erzählungen
And the Earth Will Sit on the Moon
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Si hun ling
Taras Boulba
Russian Short Stories : (Large Print Edition, Arial 18 Font)
19th Century Russian Drama
The Nose
The Government Inspector and Other Works
                Wordsworth Classics
The Nose
The Nose
Die toten Seelen. Ein Poem
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Polnoe sobranie sochineni
Podlinniki pisem Gogolia k Maksimovichu
The Nose
Tarass Boulba
Sochinenīi͡a N.V. Gogoli͡a
Diary of a Madman
The night before Christmas
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Dead Souls - (1842)
Der Revisor
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
Les âmes mortes
Trās Būlbā
[The works of Nikolay Gogol]
Novelas de San Petersburgo - 3. edición.
Le nez
Almas Muertas
Taras Bulba
Collected tales and plays
The play as theater
Sbornik malenʹkikh pʹes russkikh klassikov
Evenings near the village of Dikanka
Ivan Fedorovych Shponʹka ta ïkhni͡a titonʹka
Les âmes mortes
Der Mantel
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Les joueurs
Petersburger Novellen
The inspector-general
Sobranie sochinenii
The divine liturgy of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Le nez
Old Russian stories
Diary of a Madman, The Government Inspector, & Selected Stories
Almas Muertas
Dead souls, 1842 (In Russian Language) / Die toten Seelen / Mertvye dushi : poema Mertvye dushi
LA Nariz Y Otros Cuentos
Die toten Seelen
The squabble
Ménage D'autrefois
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Taras Bulba, and other tales
Mayis Gecesi - Portre
Dead Souls (Annotated)
Historias de San Petersburgo
La Brouille des deux Ivan
Tārās Bulbā
St. Johns Eve
Taras Bulba
The government inspector
Nose Illustrated
Vechory na khutori bili︠a︡ Dykanʹky
The Portrait
Portret =
Dead Souls Illustrated
Âmes Mortes (illustré)
Liang guo Yifan di chao jia
Pages du journal d'un fou
Dead Souls ( Illustrated Classics )
Cuentos de San Petersburgo
The inspector-general (or "Revizór")
Petersburg Öyküleri
Palto - Burun ve Fayton
Si hun ling can gao
Las almas muertas
Viy (English and Russian Language Edition)
Bir Delinin Güncesi
Der Zauberer
Taras Bulba
Theatre of Nicolai Gogol
Mertvye dushi. Revizor. Povesti
Zapiski sumasshedshego
The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
St. John's eve
Cossacks Tales by Nikolai Gogol
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Shinyel (the Overcoat)
Nikolay Gogol - Öyküler
[Povestʹ o tom, kak possorilsi͡a︡ Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem
Ölü Canlar Ciltli
Jie hun
Les ames mortes
The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich
Palto-Burun-Bir Delinin Güncesi-Neva Caddesi-Fayton
Die toten Seelen. Erzählung
Mertvye dushi
Une terrible vengeance
Taras Bulba
Maĭskai︠a︡ nochʹ, ili Utoplennit︠s︡a
Les deux héritages: L'inspecteur général; Les débuts d'un aventurier
A Place Bewitched, and Other Stories
The overcoat
Der Mantel
The Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil
Le Manteau - Le Nez
Mysterious Portrait : (Annotated Edition)
Voprosy istorii, kulʹtury i prirody Verkhnego Poochʹi︠a︡
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki ; Mirgorod
Diary of a Madman : (Annotated Edition)
Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich
Russische Weltliteratur : Schuld und Sühne - Die toten Seelen - Oblomow - Krieg und Frieden
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Dead Souls
Qin cha da chen
Si hun ling
The creation of Nikolai Goqoe
Revizor (Shkol'naya biblioteka)
Taras Bulba and other tales
Taichō Būriba
Petersburger Skizzen und andere Aufsätze
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
The theater of Nikolay Gogol
Die toten Seelen
Izbrannye sochinenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Peterburgskie povesti
Palto. Translated by Pinar Teber
Mantle and Other Stories
Die Geschichte vom großen Krakeel zwischen Iwan Iwanowitsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch
Evlenme - Kumarbazlar
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem v semnadt︠s︡ati tomakh
Taras Bulba, and other tales. The Inspector General. Introduction by Nikolay Andreyev (Everyman's Library. no. 740.)
Dead Souls Annotated
Rossii︠a︡ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Vybrannyi︠a︡ mi︠e︡sta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi
Nuzhno lyubit Rossiyu
Capote. O Retrato - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Nos =
The Gamblers and Marriage
Pokhozhdenii͡a Chichikova
Die Toten Seelen (Illustrated)
Povesti. Mertvye dushi
Dead Souls
Dikanka Yakınlarında Bir Çiftlikte Akşam Toplantıları
Dead Souls
The overcoat
Fiche de lecture Le Révizor
Wu yue zhi ye
Diary of a madman, Nevski prospect.
Taras Bulba (Annotated)
Die Nase / Der Mantel
Gogolʹ o vi︠e︡ri︠e︡, mīri︠e︡ i zhizni
Mertvye dushi
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
The Mysterious Portait
Neva Bulvari
Mertvye dushi
Propala hramota
Dead Souls
Bir Delinin Anı Defteri, Palto-Burun, Petersburg Öyküleri ve Fayton
Âmes Mortes
[Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Feng ren ri ji
Neva Caddesi
Wai tao
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
Die toten Seelen
Dead Souls Illustrated Edition
Cuentos rusos
Tina kahaniyam
Ölü Canlar
Tavas Bulba
Gogolʹ i teatr
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Sochinenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Inspector-General; a Comedy in Five Acts. Translated by Thomas Seltzer
Polnoe sobranīe khudozhestvennykh proizvedenīǐ N.V. Gogoli͡a s bīografīeǐ
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
The Nose And A May Night - Stage 4
Dead Souls
Roi des Gnomes
Tchitchikoff's journeys
[The works of Nikolay Gogol]
Racconti di Pietroburgo
Diary of a Madman
Polnoe sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
De dode zielen of De lotgevallen van Tchitchikow
Collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Iki Ivan'in Münakasasi
Mrtve duse
Christmas Eve
Inspector General
Veillées de L'Ukraine
Taras Bulʹba
The Government inspector
Die Nacht vor Weihnachten
Sipurim Rusiyim nivḥarim
Dead souls
Taras Bulba
Sochinenii︠a︡ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Chichikov's journeys, or, Home life in old Russia
Mertvye dushi - Мертвые души
Starosvetskie pomeschiki
Wu yue de ye
Nouvelles de petersbourg
Aksam Toplantilari - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Zapiski sumasshedshego
Pasajes escogidos de la correspondencia con los amigos
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ N. V. Gogol͡ia
Sochinenīi͡a︡ i pisʹma
Nevskiĭ prospekt
The overcoat & other stories
Dikanka Yakınlarında Bir Köyde Akşamlar
Dead Souls
Âmes Mortes
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Taras Bulba
Diary of a Madman
Petersburg Oykuleri
Tales of good and evil
How the two Ivans quarrelled
Gogol Nikolai
Taras Bulba
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan'ki
World's Great Classic
Nuzhno li͡ubitʹ Rossii͡u
Tailai Bo'erba
Die Todten Seelen: Ein satyrisch-komisches Zeitgemaelde
Ölü Canlar
Taras Bulba
âmes Mortes (Édition Française Traduite Par Ernest Charrière Illustrée)
Mertvye dushi
Novels, the comedy "Auditor" poem "dead souls" (,  "",  " ")
Nouvelles de Petersbourg
Le journal d'un fou, suivi de, Le portrait, et, La perspective Nevsky
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Mémoires d'un Fou
Palto Burun
Iz pisem
Nochʹ pered pozhdestvom
The diary of a madman
The Government Inspector And Other Plays
Archwiliwr, Yr
dead Souls
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Pokhozdenīe Chichikova
Tarass Boulba
Taras Bulʹba
Taras Bulba and Five Other Tales
Taras Bulba
Zibranni︠a︡ tvoriv u semy tomakh
Tarass Boulba Illustree
Dead Souls. Everyman's Library No. 726
Le Revizor
Tarass Boulba
Mertuye dushi
Dead souls
The Night Before Christmas
Ménage D'autrefois
Taras Bul'ba
Mukashikatagi no jinushitachi
Taras Bulba
Las almas muertas
Liang ge Yifan de gu shi
El Capote y otros relatos
Bir Delinin Guncesi-Oda
Die toten Seelen
Ölü canlar
Starosvetskie pomeschchiki
Dead souls
Petersburger Erzählungen
Diary of a Madman (Annotated)
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol(Illustrated Edition)
Journal d'un fou/1k7
Vyechyera na chumorye bliz dukanki
Taras Bulba
Ölü Canlar
Eluosi ming zhu er ji
Le journal d'un fou ; suivi de Le portrait ; et La perspective Nevsky
Mémoires d'un Fou (illustré)
Tarass Boulba
Ölü Canlar; Ismail Güzelsoy'un Önsözüyle
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Diary of a madman, the government inspector and selected stories
Taras Bulʹba
Dead Souls : (Annotated Edition)
La nariz
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri - Palto - Burun
Xun an shi ji qi ta
Müfettis Ciltli
Revizor A Comedy
Taras Bulba; A Tale of the Cossacks. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood, with an Introd
Die toten Seelen
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Récits de Pétersbourg
Hanz Kuechelgarten Leaving The Theater And Other Works Early Writings Essays Book Reviews Letters
Old-Fashioned Farmers
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Cuentos peterburgueses
Taras Bulʹba
El inspector
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Holt lelkek
Mayis Gecesi
Overcoat and Other Short Stories
El Capote
Üc Hikaye
Olu Canlar
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
Perspective Nevsky
A selection
Putʹ k Gogoli︠u︡
Ölü Canlar
Mufettis - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
The government inspector
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Tarass Boulba
Nose-Original Edition(Annotated)
The Inspector-General
Las Veladas De Dikanka
Taras Bulba, the classic epic of the Ukrainian Cossacks
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
Gogolli chakpʻumsŏn
Taras Bulba : (Annotated Edition)
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Du gun
Taras Bulba
Razmyshlenii︠a︡ o Bozhestvennoĭ liturgii
Anime Morte
Mejska nóc
Memoirs of a Madman
Povesti ; Revizor ; Zhenitʹba
Las almas muertas
Hanz Kuechelgarten, Leaving the theater, & other works
Xun an
Taras Bulba A Tale of the Cossacks
Petersburg Tales
The Inspector-General
Butun Oyunlari
Xiao xiang
Evenings in little Russia
Dead Souls
Qin chai da chen
Shiseru tamashii
Sorochinska︠i︡a ︠i︡armarka
Dagboek van een gek en andere verhalen
Dead Souls
Brouille des Deux Ivan
Dead Souls
Dead Souls
El Abrigo
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Bir Delinin Ani Defteri
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Olu Canlar - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Olu Canlar
Nevskiĭ Prospekt
Vechera na khutore bliz dikan'ki
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Ölü Canlar
Vechornyt︠s︡i na khutori bili︠a︡ Dykanʹky
Nefashot metot
Dead souls
Journal d'un fou
O Nariz
Dead Souls
Le portrait
Kritika, publit͡sistika, dukhovnai͡a proza
Inspector and Other Plays
Mrtvé duše
Inspector and Other Plays
Ukrainska noveller
Taras Bulba
âmes Mortes Tome 1
Der Pumpmajor
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Tote Seelen
El Capote y Otros Relatos
How the two Ivans quarrelled
Dead Souls-Classic Original Edition(Annotated)
El inspector
The Inspector general (Revizor)
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Nuit de la Saint-Jean
N. V. Gogolʹ o literature
Fiche de lecture Le Révizor
Pages du journal d'un fou
Almas Mortas
Dead Souls Illustrated
Old Russian stories (A Perpetua book)
Mantle, and Other Stories
Manteau - le Nez
Pov♯s¿Æ o tom, kterak se rozhn♯vali pan Mat♯j s panem Matou¿Łem
Mysterious Portrait
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Nose Annotated
Taras Bulba (Annotated)
Sobranie sochinenii v semi tomakh
Hanz Kuechelgarten, Leaving the Theater and Other Works
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Dead Souls (illustrated)
Die Toten Seelen
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Shinel' =
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druz'yami
Les veillées de l'Ukraine
Evenings in Little Russia
Anime Morte
Cossack tales
Diary Of a Madman and Other Stories
Mertvye Dushi
Cuentos completos
Mantle and Other Stories
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (Annotated)
Selected Stories of Nikolai Gogol
Cloak Illustrated
Povesti, revizor
Vybrannyi︠a︡ mi︠e︡sta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi Nikolai︠a︡ Gogoli︠a︡
Sorochinskai͡a︡ i͡a︡rmarka
Taras Bulʹba
Mysterious Portrait Annotaed
Âmes Mortes
[the Works of Nikolay Gogol] Volume 1; Series 2
Diary of a Madman
Vetlles en un veïnat de Dikanka
Nevsky Prospect
Sochineniia v dvvkh tomakh
Tarass Boulba, Illustree
âmes Mortes Illustree
Petersburgse vertellingen
Nose Illustrated
Government Inspector
The inspector-general
Dead Souls
Récits de Petersbourg
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Revizor, The government inspector
O Sobretudo
Taras Bulba
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedenii  v pyati tomakh
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled ILLUSTRATED
Nose-Original Edition(Annotated)
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druz'yami
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Diary of a Madman (Annotated)
Nikolai Gogol, Short Stories Collection
Die Toten Seelen
Dead Souls Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol a New Translation By Helen Michailoff. 1964
May Evening
Recits de petersbourg - le nez et autres nouvelles
Cloak Annotated
The overcoat
Government Inspector
Mantle, and Other Stories
Vetlles en un veïnat de Dikanka
Divine Liturgy of Russian Orthodox Church
Almas Muertas
Der Zauberer
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Taras Bulba : (Annotated)(Biography)
Le Anime morte
Por qué se pelearon los dos Ivanes
Dead Souls, 1842 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / (Mertvye dushi / Die toten Seelen / Le anime morte /  )
Sobranie sochineniĭ v vosʹmin tomakh
Sochinenii v dvukh tomakh
Taras Bulba and Other Tales by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Polnoe sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeni
La Nariz
Nose (Annotated with Biography)
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
âmes Mortes
Manteau - le Nez
Tarasas Bulba
'The Overcoat' and Other Stories
Short Fiction
Taras Bulba
Cloak Annotated
Mertvye dushi
Diary of a Madman-Original Edition(Annotated)
Selected Tales
Old Russian Stories
Izbrannie proizvedeniya vovukhtomakh
The Viy
Taras Bulba (in Russian)
Polnoe sobran♯±e sochinen♯±♯Ư
The government inspector
Taras Bulba
Nouvelles Choisies de Nicolas Gogol. Traduites du Russe Par Louis Viardot
Tarass Bulba il Pastrano
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
Almas Mortas
Golol a nase doba
Mantle and Other Stories
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls : (Annotated)(Biography)
Meditations on the Divine Liturgy
Razmȳshlenīya o bozhestvennoĭ liturgīi
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
The greatcoat
Pokhozhdeniia Chichikova
Diary of a Madman-Original Edition(Annotated)
Taras Bulba - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Taras Bulba Annotated
Diary of a Madman Annotated
Maĭskai͡a︡ nochʹ
St. John's Eve
Taras Bulbas
Las Almas Muertas
N.V. Gogol'
Inspector General
Almas Mortas
Tote Seelen
Die toten Seelen
Die Toten Seelen (Annotated)
Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Pokhozhdenii͡a︡ Chichikova
The Diary of a Madman
Mirgorod being a continuation ofevenings in a village near Dikanka
Sochineniia N. V. Gogolia
Diary of a madman
ʻArve ha-kefar shele-yad Diḳanḳah
Tarass Boulba
The government inspector, and other plays
Noch' pered Rozhdestvom
Diary of a Madman Illustrated
Die Toten Seelen (illustriert)
The government inspector
Almas Mortas
Taras Bulba Annotated
Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends
Illi͡u︡strirovannoe polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Diary of a Madman Illustrated
Taras Bulba
The overcoat ; The government inspector
Tarass Boulba
Olu Canlar
âmes Mortes
Taras Bulba Annotated
Inspector General (Annotated)
Mysterious Portrait
âmes Mortes
The Government inspector
Diario de un Loco
Manteau - le Nez
Story of the Nose
The Overcoat
Dead Souls, 1842 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / (Myortvyye dushi /  )
Noch' pered Rozhdestvom
Veillées du Hameau Près de Dikanka - Tome 1
Illi͡u︡strirovannoe izdanīe sochinenīĭ
âmes Mortes, Roman; Volume 01
Gogol Plays
Inspector General
Gogol Collected Tales
Sobranie sochinenii b shesti tomakh
Chichikov's journeys
Povesti, dramaticheskiye, proizvedenniya
St. John's Eve
La nuit de Noel ; suivi de La veille de la Saint-Jean
The Overcoat
[Les âmes mortes
Gogol Three Plays
U rizdvi Łanu nich
Taras Bulba
Sorochintsy Fair
Vechera Na Khutore
Tarass Boulba
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Inspector-General (illustrated)
The Nose (Annotated)
The tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarrelled with Ivan Nikiporovich
Place Bewitched and Other Stories (riverrun Editions)
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Die abenteur Tschitschikows
Taras Bulba
Memoirs of a Madman
Government Inspector : The Inspector General
Mirgorad Four Tales
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Nevskii  Prospekt = Nevsky Prospect
Taras Bulʹba
Taras Bulba
Almas Mortas
Six Great Modern Short Novels (Laurel Edition, 7996)
[Rukopisʹ Gogoli︠a︡
Sorochyns £kyi  i Łarmarok
Government Inspector
Dead Souls (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
St. John's Eve
Diary of a Madman
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Vechera na hutore bliz Dikan'ki
Journal d'un Fou
Dead Souls
Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil
Inspector General
Inspector General
Les aventures de Tchitchikov
Government Inspector
Government Inspector
The Mysterious Portrait
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls
Tote Seelen
Almas Muertas
âmes Mortes Illustree
Taras Bulba
Der Mantel
Mertvyi︠a︡ dushi
Anime Morte
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Manteau (le)
Récits de Pétersbourg
Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
Memoirs of a Madman (illustrated)
The gamblers
The Government Inspector
Nose Illustrated
Government Inspector and Other Russian Plays
Les ames mortes
Zakoldovannoe mîsto
Mërtvye dushi
Der Geistervogel
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Cloak Annotated
Inspector General
Perepiska N.V. Gogoli︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Perepiska N.V. Gogolya
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem v dvadt︠s︡ati trekh tomakh
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
The government inspector
Ṭaras Bulba
Мертвые души
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Sorochinskai︠a︡ i︠a︡rmarka
Strashna pomsta ta inshi opovidann︠i︡a
Pokhozhdeniia Chichikova, ili Mertvyia dushi
Izbrannye sochineni︠i︡a v dvukh tomakh
Dukhovnai︠a︡ proza
Taras Buljba.
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
1000 Ṭsherṿontses
Тарас Бульба
Poor folk
Peterburgskie povesti
Perepiska N.V. Gogoli︠a︡ s N.N. Sheremetevoĭ
Diary of a madman, Nevski prospect
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Holt lelkek
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Contes fantastiques
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Almas Muertas, Las
The Government Inspector
Reviz�or: A Comedy
Cossack tales
Der reṿizar
Пропавшая грамота
Avtorskaiı̐ aı̐Ł ispoved £
Nikolai Gogol's Dead souls
The government inspector
Diary of a Madman
Dead Souls
Le Revizor (French Edition)
The government inspector
Sochineni︠i︡a v dvukh tomakh
Cuentos Petersburgueses
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls
Neizdannyĭ Gogolʹ
Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
The Government Inspector and other plays
Povest £ o tom, kak possorilsiı̐ aı̐Ł Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem =
Bruce Sterling
Bruce Sterling (born 1954)

blogger, journalist, futurist, literary critic, literary scholar

  • Art Center College of Design, University of Texas at Austin
Robot Artists & Black Swans
The Difference Engine
The Hacker Crackdown
Alien Contact
Year's Best Fantasy 6
Schismatrix Plus
Holy Fire
Meeting Infinity
Heavy weather
The zenith angle
Wastelands 2
World brain
The caryatids
Crystal express
Involution Ocean
A good old-fashioned future
Holy Fire
Tomorrow Now
Heavy weather
Semiotext(e) SF
The Artificial Kid
Twelve Tomorrows: Visionary stories of the near future inspired by today's technologies (all new 2016 edition)
The Politics of the Impure
Gothic Hightech Stories
Involution ocean
Thomas Demand
Islands in the net
Shaping things
Visionary in Residence
Islands in the net
Crystal Express
Hollywood Kremlin
The Epic Struggle for the Internet of Things
Shaping things
Twelve Tomorrows 2014
Transreal Cyberpunk
The zenith angle
Heiliges Feuer
Tomorrow now
Libres enfants du savoir numérique
Ascendancies: The Best of Bruce Sterling
A Good Old-Fashioned Future
Brennendes Land
Totem Poles
Futurs à gogos
La baleine des sables
Spectra Special Edition
Das Geheimnis der Matrix
Loco: A Tor.Com Original
Schismatrix Plus
Gros temps
Inseln im Netz
Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
Mozart en verres miroirs
Heavy Weather
Pirate utopia
Schismatrix Plus
Good Night, Moon: A Tor.Com Original
Pirate Utopia
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1988
Fuego Sagrado, El
Involution Ocean
Mirrorshades. L'antologia della fantascienza Cyberpunk
The Book of Imaginary Media
Art of Alex Gross
Piratas de Dados
Mirrorshades - Una Antologia Ciberpunk
Artificial Kid
Schismatrix Plus (Science Fiction Book Club 50th Anniversary Collection, Volume 31)
Super Fun Brain Challenges
Islands in the Net
Le Feu sacré
Le gamin artificiel
Scout in the Woods
Tricky Dectective Puzzles
Brave New Now (Lisbon Architecture Triennale - Close, Closer ebook series 1)
Les Mailles du réseau
Gros temps
How to Select & Install Medical Software
Wacky Brainteasers
Cristal Express
Budushchee uzhe nachalosʹ
Reflexos do futuro
Schismatrice +
La Caza de Hackers
Les mailles du réseau
Giro di vite contro gli hacker
Rirkrit Tiravanija
20-Minute Crafts
Perfect Kids' Parties
Maneki Neko
José Saramago
José Saramago (1922-2010)

journalist, playwright, translator, poet, chronicler, essayist, diarist, literary critic, dramaturge, revolutionary

The Elephant's Journey
História do cerco de Lisboa
Baltasar and Blimunda
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Levantado del Suelo
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
The Year Of The Death Of Ricardo Reis
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
El Ano de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
The Elephant's Journey
Baltasar and Blimunda
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
Memorial do convento
Baltasar and Blimunda
History of the Siege of Lisbon
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Baltasar and Blimunda
Elephant's Journey
Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira
Ensaio sobre a lucidez
O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
The cave
The double
Todos os nomes
Las pequenas memorias
Memorial do convento
Levantado del suelo
Viagem a Portugal
The tale of the unknown island
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
As Intermitências da Morte
O Homem Duplicado
The cave
Raised from the ground
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis / O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis
Raised from the ground
Journey to Portugal
Deste mundo e do outro
The cave
Cuadernos de Lanzarote
Small memories
The Stone Raft
Saramago,"Soy un comunista integral"
Viaje a Portugal
O caderno
Ensaio sobre a cegueira
La Caverna (Saramago, Jose. Works.)
The lives of things
El hombre duplicado
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias da Morte, As
Blindness (Harvest Book)
El evangelio según Jesucristo
Las Intermitencias de La Muerte
Jose Saramago en Sus Palabras  Jose Saramago in His Words
José Saramago en sus palabras
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera
El cuento de la isla desconocida/ The Tale of the Unknown Island
El Nombre Y La Cosa (Cuadernos De La Catedra De Alfonso Reyes)
All the Names
La flor más grande del mundo
The Cave
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
Hoffnung Im Roman Alentejo
Journey to Portugal
História do cerco de Lisboa
El Cuento de La Isla Desconocida
Death with interruptions
The Tale of the Unknown Island
Memorial do Convento
La caverna = A caverna
The stone raft
A segunda vida de Francisco de Assis
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Las maletas del viajero
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
El Viaje del Elefante  An Elephants Journey
L'Évangile selon Jésus-Christ
The Lives of Things
Memorial Do Convento
The Gospel accorinding to Jesus Christ
El cuaderno del año del Nobel
Folhas políticas, 1976-1998
The tale of the unknown island
La balsa de piedra
Death at intervals
Jesus Mateo
El equipaje del viajero
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafía
El evangelio según Jesucristo
La Caverna
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Don Giovanni ou o dissoluto absolvido
Der Stuhl und andere Dinge
Das Todesjahr des Ricardo Reis
Todos os Nomes
Cuadernos de Lanzarote II
Casi Un Objeto/Almost an Object
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario III
Collected Novels of José Saramago
Das Wvangelium Nach Jesus Christus
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Casi un objeto
José Saramago
All the Names
Das Zentrum
El hombre duplicado - 1. ed.
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Death With Interruptions
El evangelio según Jesucristo
Os Poemas Possiveis
A jangada de pedra
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Die Geschichte von der unbekannten Insel
Cândida Höfer
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Cuadernos de Lanzarote I 1993-1995
Death with interruptions
El Hombre Duplicado
La caverna
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario V
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Geschichte Der Belagerung Von Lissabon
Handbuch der Malerei und Kalligraphie
Double : (Enemy)
Die portugiesische Reise
LA Flor Mas Grande Del Mundo/the World's Largest Flower (Historias Para Dormir)
Raised from the ground
Pequeñas Memorias
Uma longa viagem com José Saramago
Xiu dao yuan ji shi (Pu yu zuo jia cong shu)
L'Année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
Casi Un Objeto
Nas suas palavras
Das Steinerne Flor
Death with Interruptions
Journey to Portugal
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafia
The Double
Passport to Portugal
God smerti Rikardo Reĭsa
Alabardas / Halberds
El viaje del elefante
El viaje del elefante
A Viagem do Elefante
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
As pequenas memórias
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
Uma voz contra o silêncio
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo/the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Saramago por José Saramago
A jangada de pedra
Os Apontamentos
Miasto ślepców
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias de la Muerte
Objecto Quase
As pequenas memórias
Levantado del Suelo
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida/the Tale of the Unknown Island
O conto da Ilha Desconhecida
O Lagarto
The Double
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario IV
Balsa de Piedra, La
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
L'Autre comme moi (Cadre vert) (French Edition)
Memorial Del Convento/baltazar And Blimunda
A Bagagem do Viajante
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Das Memorial
Memorial del Convento
All the names
Jangada De Pedra
Memorial Del Convento
Las Pequenas Memorias
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera
Viagem a Portugal
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario II
La Caverna
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis. - 2.ed.
Manual of painting & calligraphy
A caverna
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo, El
Evangelio Según Jesucristo / the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
Le dieu manchot
Ölümlü Nesneler
História do cerco de Lisboa
Het schijnbestaan
Caín / Cain
The tale of the unknown island
Objecto quase
Kleine Erinnerungen
Provavelmente Alegria
Ricardo Reis'in Oldugu Yil
Levantado do chão
Ewangelia wedlug Jezusa Chrystusa
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ölüm Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus; 1998 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Memorial do Convento
Discursos Premios Nobel
El viatge de l'elefant
Death at Intervals
Memorial del Convento
Histoire du siège de Lisbonne
A viagem do elefante
i spilia / η σπηλιά
Butun Isimler
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
luz inesperada
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
O silêncio da água
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
Cain / Cain
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera (Spanish Edition)
El silencio del agua
Raised from the Ground
Levantado do cha o
Olum Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus
Small Memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
El viatge de l'elefant
La caverna
El Viaje del Elefante
Levantado Do Chao
Small Memories
El cuento de la isla desconocida
Ressamın Günlüğü
Journey to Portugal
Memorial do convento
Cuadernos de Lanzarote, (1993-1995)
Saramago na Universidade
Provavelmente alegria
The stone raft
Alabardas, alabardas, espingardas, espingardas
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
Deste Mundo e do Outro
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, the
cuento de la isla desconocida
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Tale of the Unknown Island
Balsa de Piedra
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - The Gospel According to Jesus Christ - Blindness [3 Books in One]
Topragin Uyanisi
Conversaciones con Saramago
Un regard sur le monde. Anthologie
In nomine dei
Os Apontamentos
La balsa de piedra
Das steinerne Floß
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
The Elephant's Journey
Provavelmente alegria
Año de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
The Cave
L'home duplicat
Death with Interruptions
Assaig sobre la lucidesa
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, The
Las Pequeas Memorias
All the Names
Baltasar and Blimunda
L'Evangeli segons Jesucrist
A noite
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera / Blindness
Catidaki Pencere
Blindness (Movie Tie-In)
Le Radeau de pierre
Storia dell'assedio di Lisbona
Heykelden Tasa ve Nobel Konusmasi
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Seeing
Le intermittenze della morte
Tale of the Unknown Island
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Stone Raft
O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por SEBASTIAO SALGADO
O silencio da agua - Nova edicao
O homem duplicado
Manual de pintura y caligrafi a
Intermitencias De La Muerte, Las
Viaggio in Portogallo
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Viaje del Elefante
Miasto ślepców
Bilinmeyen Adanin Öyküsü
1998 Nōberu-shō, 21-seiki e no eichi
Oggetto quasi
Viaje Del Elefante / the Elephant's Journey
A Segunda Vida de Francisco de Assis
Dunyanin En Buyuk Cicegi
Les intermitències de la mort
Memorial Do Convento
History of the Siege of Lisbon
A Noite
La viuda
Masaʻ ha-pil
Història del Cerco de Lisboa
14 canciones. El viaje del elefante
Yitik Adanin Oykusu
Levantado do Chão
Small memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
viaje del elefante (edición ilustrada). 20. º aniversario del Premio Nobel
Viagem a Portugal
Vospominanii Ła o monastyre
Alle namen
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Memorial do convento
La Balsa de Piedra
Miji ŭi sŏm =
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Stone Raft
L'últim quadern
Double Proof
Real fiction
Levantado do chão
A maior flor do mundo
Vospominanii︠a︡ o monastyre
Uma luz inesperada
Claraboia oder Wo das Licht einfällt
Caim Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por MILTON HATOUM
Obras Completas - Volume 4
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira. Die Stadt der Blinden, portugiesische Ausgabe
O homem duplicado
Cave Proof
As intermitências da morte
Levantado del Suelo
La caverna
Alle Namen. Sonderausgabe
Il racconto dell'isola sconosciuta
Nobel Address
Provavelmente Alegria
Portekiz’e Yolculuk
Os poemas possíveis
Memoriale del convento
A maior flor do mundo
Raised from the Ground
Raised from the Ground
I neʻelam
L'uomo duplicato
Baltasar a Blimunda
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Il Vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo
Viagem a Portugal
Folhas Políticas
El Ultimo Cuaderno
History of the Siege of Lisbon, The
Que Haréis con Este Libro
Les intermittences de la mort
The stone raft
Journey to Portugal
Els poemes possibles
La balsa de piedra
El Cuento de la Isla Desconocida
De Este Mundo y Del Otro / Las Maletas Del Viajero
Viaje a Portugal
Death with Interruptions
Que Farei Com Este Livro
Mizraklar, Mizraklar Tüfekler, Tüfekler
El quadern
Os poemas possi veis
Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Le Conte de l'île inconnue
Isa'ya Gore Incil
Stone Raft
Filin Yolculugu
Cain - Jose SARAMAGO - Book in Portuguese
Todos Os Nomes
Democracia y universidad
Manuel de peinture et de calligraphie
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Blindness (film Tie-In)
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Las Intermitencias De La Muerte
Autre Comme Moi
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Tale of the Unknown Island
Het schijnbestaan (Dutch Edition)
A Viagem do Elefante
Evangelie ot Iisusa
L'Evangile selon Jésus-Christ
A jangada de pedra
Sularin Sessizligi
Tale of the Unknown Island
Le voyage de l'éléphant
In nomine Dei
Death at intervals
El Evangelio según Jesucristo
Lizbon Kusatmasinin Tarihi
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
A bagagem do viajante
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
isa'ya Göre İncil
CAIN (Spanish Edition)
Quaderns de Lanzarote II
As Intermitencias da Morte
Deste mundo e do outro
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
Casi un Objeto / Almost an Object
Belki de Nese
L'anno mille993
Di questo mondo e degli altri
Kücük Anilar; Cocukluk ve Ilkgenclik Anilari
Small Memories
A viagem do elefante
Godine smrti Rikardo Reiša
Viaje a Portugal
El cuento de la isla deconocida
L'any de la mort de Ricardo Reis
A última entrevista de José Saramago
Kopyalanmis Adam
El hombre duplicado
Small Memories
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Manuale di pittura e calligrafia
Collected Novels of Jose Saramago
El Viaje Del Elefante
Baltasar Ile Blimunda
La flor más grande del mundo
Kain (Dutch Edition)
Portugal (Pallas Guides)
Ricardo Reis’in Öldügü Yil
Uma Luz Inesperada
Quasi objets
Objecto quase
A estátua e a pedra
Stone raft
Caverna / the Cave
Objeto quase
Poesia Completa
El Ano de La Muerte de Ricardo Ries
Körlük - Görmek
The Tale Of The Unknown Island / (El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida)
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
A maior flor do mundo
As opiniões que o DL teve
De andere kant
El último cuaderno
Kamennyĭ plot
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
La balsa de piedra
Discurso de aceptación del Premio ante la Academia Sueca, 1998
Les Poèmes possibles (Os poemas possíveis)
Discursos de Estocolmo
Terra do pecado
Le cahier
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Baltazar i Blimunda
A bagagem do viajante
Os apontamentos
El evangelio segun Jesucristo 1ed.
Poesía completa
Que farei com este livro?
The elephant's journey
Os apontamentos
Die Stadt der Blinden
A viagem do elefante
Diálogos com José Saramago
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Awakening
In nomine Dei
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Levantado do chão
A caverna
A noite
La balsa de piedra
Os poemas possíveis
El evangelio según Jesucristo 1ed.
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
La Caverne
Histoires tragico-maritimes
Viagem a Portugal
O ano de 1993
Os poemas possíveis
Su contu de s'ìsula disconnota
De man in duplo
Objecto quase
L'année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
El hombre duplicado
Viaje a Portugal
Baltasar and Blimunda
A jangada de pedra
El silencio del agua
Deste mundo e do outro
Nuestro libro de cada día
Cadernos de Lanzarote