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academics who wrote historical fiction
Showing 105-112 out of 170 results
Philip Roth
Philip Roth (1933-2018)


  • Rutgers University, University of Chicago
The Plot Against America
American Pastoral
The American Trilogy 1997-2000 (American Pastoral / Human Stain / I Married A Communist)
Novels 2001-2007 (Dying Animal / Exit Ghost / Plot Against America)
Indignation (MTI)
Exit Ghost
The Ghost Writer
My Life as a Man
Portnoy's Complaint
Goodbye, Columbus and five short stories
I married a communist
The Counterlife
The Human Stain
The Humbling
Sabbath's Theater
The dying animal
Operation Shylock
The breast
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
Letting go
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
Zuckerman Bound
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
The great American novel
Zuckerman unbound
The Anatomy Lesson
The Facts
Words of Ages
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
Our Gang
Fictions--Second Edition
Fifty Best American Short Stories
Reading myself and others
Shop Talk
When she was good
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
The golden shore
The Professor of Desire
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Fourth Edition
Great American Authors Read from Their Works Lib/E
The Prague orgy
A Philip Roth reader
The Carolina reader--writing about literature 2008
Novels 1967-1972 (Breast / Our Gang / Portnoy's Complaint / When She Was Good)
The conversion of the Jews
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
The Short Story
Stories that count
The Story-makers -- Second Edition
Novels & other narratives, 1986-1991
Novels, 1993-1995
Novels & Stories, 1959-1962 (Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories / Letting Go)
Why write?
100 years of the best American short stories
Grün hinter den Ohren
Prize stories 1964
Conversations with Philip Roth
Literature - Structure, sound, and sense - Fourth Edition
Nemeses (Everyman / Humbling / Indignation / Nemesis)
The Winchester Reader
Novels,  1973-1977 (Great American Novel / My Life as a Man / Professor of Desire)
Philip Roth
Masterpieces of Modern Short Fiction
La gran novela americana
The Counterlife
Masonry in the formation of our government, 1761-1799
Notes for my biographer
Das Lied verrät nicht seinen Mann
Sabbath's Theater
Amerika'ya Tuzak
Het complot tegen Amerika
Insan Lekesi
I Married a Communist
Arzu Profesörü
Pastoral Amerika
Operation Shylock
Our Gang
I Married a Communist(Mandarin Edition)
Sabbath's Theater
Goodbye, Columbus
Writer at Work
Lamento di Portnoy
Pastorale americana
Ölen Hayvan
Exit Ghost
Portnoy'un Feryadi
Amerykanska sielanka
Insan Lekesi
Sokaktaki Adam
El animal moribundo
Human Stain
Tache Roth
My Life As a Man
Letting Go. 2/2
Prague Orgy
My Life As a Man
Ghost Writer
Great American Novel
American Pastoral
Olen Hayvan
Hayalet Yazar
Die Prager Orgie
Exit Ghost
Plot Against America
Anatomy Lesson
Philip Roth Reads from His Zuckerman Bound
Human Stain (Mandarin Edition)
Sabbath's Theater
Letting Go. 1/2
Goodbye, Columbus
Bir Komunistle Evlendim
Las némesis
Sale el espectro
La macchia umana
Ve Hayalet Sahneden Cekilir
Shylock Operasyonu
Entre Nós
El lamento de Portnoy
Dying Animal
Wie Gelegenheiten Ratgebernetzwerke strukturieren
Shop Talk
Ma Vie D Homme (Folio) (French Edition)
Dying Animal
Letting Go
Philip Roth reading from "Letting go"
Zuckerman Unbound
Der Ghostwriter. Roman
Trilogía americana
Goodbye, Columbus
Sabbath'ın Tiyatrosu
When She Was Good
Professor of Desire
Karsit Hayat
Pastoral Americana
Shop Talk (Mandarin Edition)
Great American Novel
Sale el espectro
Bir Erkek Olarak Yasamim
Other Men's Daughters
His mistress's voice
The Breast
Prague Orgy
Tatsachen. Autobiographie eines Schriftstellers
Baba Mirası – Gerçek Bir Hikaye
Zuckerman Unbound
Plot Against America
Professor of Desire
I Married a Communist
¿Por qué escribir?
Marca de l'Home
Human Stain
Dying Animal
Shop Talk
Mein Mann, der Kommunist
L'habit ne fait pas le moine précédé de Défenseur de la foi
American Pastoral (Mandarin Edition)
Bir Komünistle Evlendim
Anatomy Lesson
Reading Myself and Others
Portnoy s Complaint by Philip. Roth (1969-01-01)
Shop Talk
Human Stain
Operation Shylock
My Life As a Man
our gang (starring tricky and his friends)
Die Anatomiestunde. Roman.
El pecho
La humillación
Zuckerman Bound
American Pastoral
Zuckermans Befreiung. Roman.
Exit Ghost
De Kepesh-trilogie / druk 1
The Professor of Desire
The Counter Life
Bete Qui Meurt (Folio) (French Edition)
Reading from "Letting Go" / The Mourners
Anatomy Lesson
Professor of Desire
La contravida
Moreh ha-Teshuḳah
La visita al maestro
The Facts
Philip Roth
El mal de Portnoy
Great American Novel
Portney's Complaint
El mal de Portnoy
Elegía (Literatura Random House) (Spanish Edition)
Reading Myself and Others
Pastoral americana
Looking at Kafka
The Breast
Pastoral Americana - MTI / American Pastoral - MTI
La conjura contra América (Literatura Random House) (Spanish Edition)
Zuckerman Unbound
Hosça Kal,columbus ve Bes Öykü
Professor of Desire (Waterstone's Only Edition)
Indignacion / Indignation (Spanish Edition)
Eigene und fremde Bücher, wiedergelesen
Ghost Writer
El oficio
Le complot contre l'Amérique
Tsuḳerman le-lo kevalim
Novotny's pain
Sabbaths Theater.
El profesor del deseo
Patrimonio. Una storia vera
Nuestra pandilla
La revedere, Columbus
El mal de Portnoy
Parlons travail
El trastorn de Portnoy
Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories
Portnoy's Complaint
Goodbye, Columbus/Goodbye, Columbus
Los hechos
El oficio
El teatro de Sabbath
Exit Ghost
Our Gang
Shalom lekha, Ḳolumbus
[ My Life as a Man (Vintage International (Paperback)) [ MY LIFE AS A MAN (VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL (PAPERBACK)) ] By Roth, Philip ( Author )Jan-13-1994 Paperback
Komplottet mod Amerika
On the air
Philip Roth
Dying Animal
ha-Ḥayah ha-goṿaʻat
Goodbye, Columbus
Exit geest
ha-Ruaḥ yotse
The Great American Novel
When She Was Good
El reparador
Letting Go
Il teatro di Sabbath
Zuckerman Unbound
The Professor of Desire
Portnoys Beschwerden
When she was good
Goodbye Columbus ( 1959 )
Counterlife, The
Engano (Portuguese Edition)
Goodbye, Columbus and Other Stories
Complot Contre l Ameriq
The Ghost Writer
Complexo de Portnoy (Ed. de Bolso) (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Ḥayai ke-gever
Lecturas de mí mismo
Portnoy et son complexe
When she was good
Our Gang (Starring Tricky and His Friends)
El profesor del deseo
The Great American Novel.
I Married a Communist
American Pastoral
Our Gang
Exit Ghost
Sofer ha-tselalim
The Ghost Writer
The Humbling
Ghost Writer 1ST Edition
Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
La mia vita di uomo
Mancha Humana
Los hechos
Human Stain
Los hechos
Reading Myself and Others
Sale el espectro
Portnoy's Complaint
¿Por qué escribir?
Philip Roth's Our Gang
La lezione di anatomia
Zuckerman encadenado
ענייני עבודה
Goodbye, Columbus, and five short stories.
Letting Go
Our gang (starring Tricky and his friends)
Exit Le Fantome 1 (Folio) (French Edition)
Plot Against America
Spisek przeciwko Ameryce
El pecho
My Life As a Man by Philip Roth (1974-08-01)
My Life As A Man (A Bantam Book)
Zuckerman Bound
O Animal Moribundo (Portuguese Edition)
Kompleks Portnoya
Goodbye Columbus (Bantam Books, N4664)
I Married a Communist
Cuando ella era buena
Sabbath's Theater
A PAX Adventure 1954 - 1956
Umberto Eco
Umberto Eco (1932-2016)

philosopher, essayist, pedagogue, translator, semiotician, literary critic, medievalist, literary scholar, historian

  • University of Turin
Il cimitero di Praga
Imi︠a︡ rozy
Tên của đóa hồng
Il nome della rosa
L'isola del giorno prima
Numero zero
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
La Misteriosa fiamma della Regina Loana
Kant e l'ornitorinco
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Belief or Nonbelief?
History Of Beauty
The search for the perfect language
Vertigine della lista
Six promenades dans les bois du roman et d'ailleurs
Storia figurata delle invenzioni
Il pendolo di Foucault
This Is Not the End of the book
The Meaning of Meaning
Diario minimo
Tratado de Semiotica General
Apocalipticos E Integrados/ Apocalyptics and integrators (Filosofia)
Cómo se hace una tesis
La Struttura Assente
On literature
Opera Aperta
The Story of Time
The three astronauts
The middle ages of James Joyce
La bustina di minerva
On Ugliness
Comment voyager avec un saumon
Enrico Baj
La bomba e il generale
Platon im Striptease-Lokal
I limiti dell'interpretazione
Il problema estetico in Tommaso d'Aquino
Postille a Il nome della rosa
Il superuomo di massa
Dire quasi la stessa cosa
La guerre du faux
Interprétation et surinterpretation
On Beauty
Travels in Hyperreality (Harvest Book)
- M
Candida Hofer
A passo di gambero
La riscoperta dell'America
Incontro =
The role of the reader
Sobre Literatura
Talking of Joyce
Chronicles of a Liquid Society
Einführung in die Semiotik
Stories upon Stories
Sémiotique et philosophie du langage
Meaning and Mental Representation (Advances in Semiotics)
Experiences in translation
Art et beauté dans l'esthétique médiévale
Theory of Semiotics (Advances in Semiotics)
Beato di Liébana
Faith in fakes
Poetry of Translation
Tres cuentos
Cinq questions de morale
Pastiches et Postiches
Número Cero
Conversations About the End of Time
Migración e intolerancia / Migration and Intolerance
Sugli specchi e altri saggi
A hombros de gigantes
                Italian Academy Lectures
La historia de la belleza
A paso de cangrejo/ At a Crab's Pace
La recherche de la langue parfaite dans la culture européenne
Francesco Vezzoli : TV 70
Semiotica y Filosofia del Lenguaje
Derrick oder Die Leidenschaft für das Mittelmaß. Streichholzbriefe 1990 - 2000
Il segno
Cult Of Vespa
In cosa crede chi non crede?
Wie man mit einem Lachs verreist und andere nützliche Ratschläge
Inventing the Enemy
Entre Mentira e Ironia
Inventing the Enemy
The Rainbow Harmonica Instruction and Song Book
N - Z
Historia de la fealdad. - 1. edición
On the Shoulders of Giants
La storia de I promessi sposi raccontata da Umberto Eco
Lector In Fabula
En Qui Creen los Que No Creen?
L'Ile Du Jour D'Avant
Le problème esthétique chez Thomas d'Aquin
Historia de las tierras y los lugares legendarios
Im Labyrinth der Vernunft
Derrick oder Die Leidenschaft für das Mittelmaß. Neue Streichholzbriefe
Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlußarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Gli gnomi di gnù
La definición del arte
Confessions of a young novelist
Los Tres Astronautas/ The Three Astronauts
La recherche de la langue parfait dans la cultute européenne
Il costume di casa
A Semiotic Landscape Panaroma Semiotique
L'Île du jour d'avant
La quête d'une langue parfaite dans l'histoire de la culture européenne
The Book Of Legendary Lands
Las Poeticas de Joyce
Cristianesimo e politica
De bibliotheca
Segundo Diario Minimo
How to Spot a Fascist
Umberto Eco
Prazhskoe kladbishe
Signo de Los Tres, El - Dupin-Holmes-Pierce
La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea
Seis Paseos Por Los Bosques Narrativos
Writers and politics
Inventing the enemy and other occasional writings
Tra menzogna e ironia
πρώτο ελάχιστο ημερολόγιο
Die Geschichte der Häßlichkeit
Het nulnummer
Kunst und Schönheit im Mittelalter
La memoria vegetale e altri scritti di bibliofilia
Scritti sul pensiero medievale
Que Hacemos Con Los Pobres? (Nuevo siglo)
Pape Satàn
Dall'albero al labirinto
Temat na pierwsza strone
Gesammelte Streichholzbriefe
Polnyj nazad! / A passo di gambero: guerre calde e populismo mediatico
Mein verrücktes Italien. Verstreute Notizen aus vierzig Jahren
Stelle & stellette
Contra el fascismo
Im Wald der Fiktionen. Sechs Streifzüge durch die Literatur
Cecü'nün Yer Cüceleri
Sämtliche Glossen und Parodien
Streit der Interpretationen
Lüge und Ironie. Vier Lesarten zwischen Klassik und Comic
Woran glaubt, wer nicht glaubt
El Signo
Carnaval !
Ostrov nakanune
Gülün Adi
de Los Espejos y Otros Ensayos
Strutture ed eventi dell'economia alessandrina
Im Labyrinth der Vernunft. Texte über Kunst und Zeichen
Storia della bellezza
Le forme del contenuto
Leggere i Promessi sposi
Contra el feixisme
Shadow of Reason
El Libro de Los Laberintos
The Story of the Betrothed
Sette anni di desiderio
Güzelliğin tarihi
Environmental information
I tre cosmonauti
Como Se Estudia
La Edad Media, II. Catedrales, caballeros y ciudades
Il problema estetico in Tomasso d'Aquino
On the medieval theory of signs
Het eiland van de vorige dag
Naming the Rose
De naam van de roos & Naschrift
Schöne Bescherungen. Komische phantastische Geschichten
Sociologia de La Creacion Literaria
La production des signes
Pape Satàn aleppe
Algunas consideraciones acerca de las lenguas perfectas
Eugenio Carmi
Histoire de la beauté
Die Grenzen der Interpretation
Die Bücher und das Paradies. Über Literatur
Edad Media, La IV. Exploraciones, comercio y utopías
Com viatjar amb un salmó
La Estrategia De La Illusion
La Nueva Edad Media
Le isole del tesoro
Construir al enemigo
Il fascismo eterno
Sulla Letteratura
Die Bibliothek
Das offene Kunstwerk
A paso de cangrejo
History of beauty
Sulla televisione
Dalla periferia dell'Impero
Victor Hugo y el vértigo de la narración
La Edad Media, I. Bárbaros, cristianos y musulmanes
Il superuomo di massa
Le rôle du lecteur
L'expérience des images
Stampa e mondo politico oggi
The Semiotics of Cellular Communication in the Immune System
Im Wald der Fiktionen
De Naam van de Roos
Über Gott und die Welt. Essays und Glossen
Sette Anni Di Desiderio
Sport ist Mord. Texte zur Abwehr körperlicher Betätigung
Looking for a Logic of Culture
Mimarlık Göstergebilimi
Sator arepo eccetera
L'expérience des images
Felsefe Tarihi 2
Lo strano caso della Hanau 1609
Conceito de Texto
Yi ge qing nian xiao shuo jia de zi bai
Storia delle terre e dei luoghi leggendari
Ortacag 2 .Cilt
La comunicación
Die Suche nach der vollkommenen Sprache
Luoghi del silenzio imparziale
16. Yüzyil Rönesans Çagi
Los cómics de Mao
Sette anni di desiderio
Das Ende der Zeiten
Apokalyptiker und Integrierte. Zur kritischen Kritik der Massenkultur
De geschiedenis van imaginaire landen en plaatsen
La struttura assente
Out of chaos
A paso de cangrejo
Zapiski na pudełku od zapałek
La vie est un rêve, Charlie Brown
Yengec Adimlariyla, Sicak Savaslar ve Medyatik Populizm
Antik Roma
Ortacag 4. Cilt
Mei gui de ming zi
Otkroveni︠i︡a molodogo romanista
L'Espresso, 1955/85
Povero Pinocchio
Leonardo Cremonini
Il Cinquecento
Rol£ chitateliŁa
El museo
De superman au surhomme
Wymyślanie wrogów
Numele trandafirului
From the Tree to the Labyrinth
Ortacagi Düslemek
L'Uomo e l'arte ...
Menas ir grožis viduramžių estetikoje
Nos Ombros dos Gigantes
Il Novecento
Ortacag Estetiginde Sanat Ve Güzell
Ertelenmiş Kıyamet
Düsman Yaratmak
El Fin de Los Tiempos
De bibliotheca
Il Seicento
Esperanto ve Cok Dilli Bir Gelecek
Estetica e teoria dell'informazione
Sifir Sayi
Il Medioevo
Trzy opowiesci
Role of the Reader
Felsefe Tarihi 3
Yoman zaʻir
'Changmi ŭi irŭm' ch'angjak not'ŭ
Sign, Symbol, Code
Le rôle du lecteur, ou, La coopération interprétative dans les textes narratifs
Filosofi in libertà
Podziemni bogowie
Avrupa Kulturunde Kusursuz Dil Arayisi
Ostrov nakanune
Das Mädchen aus der Volkskommune
Costruire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali
Storia figurata delle invenzioni
El superhombre de masas
Jak podróżować z łososiem?
Bara no namae
Comment écrire sa thèse
Museum Environment HB
Poetiki Dzhoisa
Cultura y semiótica
Antik Yunan
El Redescubrimiento de America
La filosofia e le sue storie
De la estupidez a la locura
De la estupidez a la locura
Die Geschichte der legendären Länder und Städte
Apocalypse Postponed
Acik Yapit
Construire l'ennemi
Le figure del tempo
Psicologia do Vestir
DIARI MINIM................L'ANCORA
Semiotica della letteratura in URSS
Die Insel des vorigen Tages
Die Kunst des Bücherliebens
Ortacag 3. Cilt
Il superuomo di massa
Semiotic Landscape. Panorama Sémiotique
Yorum ve aṣırı yorum
Popüler Roman Kahramanları
Bes Ahlak Yazisi
Sur les épaules des géants
Budalaliktan Delilige
La Rosa dipinta
Önceki Günün Adası
Kasei ni itta sannin no uchū hikōshi
La metafora nel Medioevo
Los Novios
Umjetnost i ljepota u srednjevekovnoj estetici
Trzecie zapiski na pudełku od zapałek
Documenti su il nuovo medioevo
Le musée, demain
Bitkisel Hafıza ve Bibliyofili Üzerine Diğer Yazılar
Tez Nasil Yazilir?
Storia della bruttezza
O literature
Construir Al Enemigo / Building the Enemy
L'idea deforme
Die geheimnisvolle Flamme der Königin Loana
Sobre Literatura / on Literature
University and mass media
Zwischen Autor und Text. Interpretation und Überinterpretation
History of Beauty and on Ugliness
Croire en quoi?
Bekenntnisse eines jungen Schriftstellers
Hepsi Sana Miras Serisi 3 - Nisanlilar
Genc Bir Romancinin Itiraflari
Il Settecento
Carolina Invernizio, Matilde Serao, Liala
Günlük Yaşamdan Sanata
Where Are You?
Historia da Feiura (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Le Donne al muro
Devlerin Omuzlarında
Perché continuiamo a fare e a insegnare arte?
Efsanevi Yerlerin Tarihi
Cirkinligin Tarihi
Edebiyata Dair
La memoria vegetale
Sulle spalle dei giganti
Felsefe Tarihi
The Name of the Rose (Helen and Kurt Wolff Books)
The Bond affair
Antik Yakindogu
Nadie acabará con los libros
Somon Baligiyla Yolculuk
Anlatı Ormanlarında Altı Gezinti
Filosofi in libertà
Efsanevi Yerlerin Tarihi-Büyük Boy
Maiatnik Fuko
To onoma tou vodou
Effetto Eco
À reculons comme une écrevisse
Vegetal and Mineral Memory - The Future of Books
Como Se Faz Uma Tese (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Faith in Fakes
Inventing the Enemy
Diario minimo
Pa Pei Sa Dan a Lai Pei : Pape Sat©n Aleppe
Die Fabrikation des Feindes und andere Gelegenheitsschriften
La estructura ausente
Jak napisac prace dyplomowa Poradnik dla humanistow
Cronicile unei societati lichide
Istorii͡a urodstva
Broché - Le nom de la rose
Inanc ya da Inancsizlik
Yorum ve Asiri Yorum
Het eiland van de vorige dag
Olafur Eliasson
La Edad Media, III. Castillos, mercaderes y poetas
Im Krebsgang voran
Yanlış Okumalar
La memoria vegetal / Plant Memory
Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry
Felsefe Tarihi
Çirkinliğin Tarihi
Chŏnnal ŭi sŏm
Fascismo eterno
Die Geschichte der Schönheit.
Inventing the Enemy
Toldot ha-yofi
La búsqueda de la lengua perfecta
Il nome della rosa
Teoria e storia dell'aforisma
Das alte Buch und das Meer
Somon Balıgıyla yolculuk
El Superhombre de Masas
Storia figurata delle invenzioni
Historia krain i miejsc legendarnych
Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas
Rosens navn
Storia della bruttezza a cura di Umberto Eco
Gesprekken over het einde der tijden
Wat spiegels betreft
Die Suche nach der vollkommenen Sprache
Trzecie zapiski na pudełku od zapałek
Einfuehrung In Die Semiotik
Hoe schrijf ik een scriptie
História da feiura
Apocalittici E Integrati Pack
A rozsa neve
Storia figurata delle invenzioni
Superhombre De Las Masas
El Signo
Zametki na poli︠a︡kh "Imeni rozy"
Ueber Gott Und Die Welt
Philip Pullman
Philip Pullman (born 1946)

playwright, librarian, executive producer, audiobook narrator

  • University of Oxford, Ysgol Ardudwy
Two crafty criminals!
Northern Lights
The Amber Spyglass
The Subtle Knife
The ruby in the smoke (Sally Lockhart #1)
The Firework-maker's Daughter
Detective stories
The tin princess (Sally Lockhart #4)
The scarecrow and his servant
Shadow in the north (Sally Lockhart #2)
The tiger in the well
His Dark Materials
The book of dust - La Belle Sauvage
The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Spring-Heeled Jack
I was a rat!
The Golden Compass Graphic Novel, Volume 2
The Broken Bridge
Lyra's Oxford
The Butterfly Tattoo
The Secret Commonwealth
Once Upon a Time in the North
Thunderbolt's Waxwork
Grimm Tales
Scary! 2
Once Upon A Poem
Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
The adventures of John Blake
The Golden Compass Graphic Novel Volume 3
The Adventures of the New Cut Gang
His Dark Materials set
Count Karlstein, or the Ride of the Demon Huntsman
The White Mercedes
His Dark Materials (Adapted)
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
The Writer's Map
Daemon voices
Using the Oxford Junior Dictionary
Frankenstein (Oxford Playscripts)
Puss in Boots
Writer's handbook guide to writing for children
Told Again
Story of the Year 06
The New Cut Gang
Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales
Imagination Chamber
Nelson Thornes Dramascripts Sherlock Holmes and the Limehouse Horror
Contra la «identidad»
The Subtle Knife Graphic Novel
Life and death
How to be Cool
Private Peaceful By Michael Morpurgo Aladdin And The Enchanted Lamp By Philip Pullman The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark By Jill Tomlinson
Inside the Rainbow : Russian Children's Literature 1920-1935
The Golden Compass Graphic Novel, Complete Edition
Darkness Illuminated
Northern Lights - the Graphic Novel Volume 1
His Dark Materials (stage Version)
' Perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things'
Firework-Maker's Daughter (Stage Adaptation)
Using the "New Oxford School Dictionary"
Book of Dust TR 9-Copy Floor Display
Philip Pullman Slipcase
Four Tales
Using the Oxford Illustrated Junior Dictionary
There was a knock at the door
Borzoi Young Reader
A materia escura
Dictionary of Symbols
The Collectors: A His Dark Materials Story (Kindle Single)
Northern Lights - the Graphic Novel
Book of Dust - la Belle Sauvage (stage Version)
Northern Lights - the Graphic Novel Volume 2
Sherlock Holmes and the Limehouse Horror
His Dark Materials (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The haunted storm
Golden Compass Graphic Novel
ha-Daḥlil u-mesharto
Wonderful Story of Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
Sally Lockhart Slipcase
סאלי לוקהארט
Reading Group Guide to The Subtle Knife
Stephen Baxter
Stephen Baxter (born 1957)

  • University of Cambridge, University of Reading
Stone spring
Iron Winter
Bronze Summer
The long earth
The Long Mars
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Long War
Other Worlds Than These
The Long Utopia
The Long Cosmos
Vacuum Diagrams
The Light of Other Days
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Three
The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures
Year's Best SF 9
The Best Science Fiction of the Nineties
Eclipse 2
Revolutions in the earth
The Time Ships
The Science Of Avatar
Bronze summer
Phase Space
World Engines
The Massacre of Mankind
Early medieval studies in memory of Patrick Wormald
Alternative Rock
World Engines
Timelike Infinity
The Long Earth
The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction
The Earls of Mercia
Firstborn (A Time Odyssey)
                Mammoth Trilogy
Doctor Who: the Wheel of Ice
The Web 2028
The Web
Time's Eye a Time Odyssey
Bridging Infinity
Gulliver Zone
Voyage - 1
Dark of the Night
The Hunters of Pangaea
Edge of Infinity
England's Rise to Greatness, 1660-1763
Reality Dust
Lumière des jours enfuis
Bronze Summer: The Northland Trilogy
Deep future
Burning Brightly
Reengineering information technology
Fables from the fountain
Voyage - 2
The Medusa Chronicles
Web Webcrash
A Time Odyssey
Space (The Manifold Trilogy, Book 2)
Matilda : Be Outrageous
The Thousand Earths
Luz de Otros Tiempos
"Financial Times" Management Briefings
The Hunters of Pangaea (Boskone Book)
Xeelee : An Omnibus
The Martian in the Wood
Infinity's End
Voyage, tome 1
Xeelee: Endurance
Les enfants de la destinée - tome 1 Coalescence
Tales from the White Hart [signed 50th Anniversary edition]
Das Multiversum 3. Ursprung
L'Odyssée du Temps, T1
Das Multiversum 2. Raum
Les vaisseaux du temps
L'Odyssée du Temps, Tome 3 : Les premiers-nés
GULLIVERZONE (Gulliver Zone) - The Web
The Long Earth Series 5 Books Collection Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter Box Set
Poussière de Lune
Scarlet Traces : a War of the Worlds Anthology
La tierra larga
L'Odyssée du Temps, Tome 2 : Tempète solaire
Cycle des Xeelees, Tome 1
Das Multiversum 01. Zeit
Die letzte Flut
Bronze Summer
Die Medusa-Chroniken
World Engines
Les chroniques de Méduse
Universes [signed slipcase]
Xeelee Endurance
Das Ende der Menschheit
Fortress Sol
Les univers multiples - tome 1 Temps
Timelike Infinity
Phase Space
Best of British Science Fiction 2023
Evolution - tome 2
World Engines
2020 Look at Space Opera Book
Creation Node
Web 2027
The Year's Top Short SF Novels
Las naves del tiempo
Project Clio
Time Ships
Thousand Earths
The role of the IT/IS manager
Celtic Visions of Ireland
Les Univers multiples, Tome 2
Firstborn Bk. 3
Alternate Histories
Gravity Dreams [hc]
Les univers multuples - tome 1 Temps
El arca
Riding the Rock
Creation Node
Timelike Infinity
Xeelee: Vengeance
Bronze Summer
Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates (born 1938)

playwright, poet, essayist, autobiographer, professor, diarist

  • University of Detroit Mercy, Rice University
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The Falls
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The Accursed
My heart laid bare
Blonde 20th Anniversary Edition
My Heart Laid Bare
My Heart Laid Bare
A Bloodsmoor Romance
The accursed
Bloodsmoor Romance
My Heart Laid Bare
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural
We were the Mulvaneys
The Dark Descent
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Dark Forces
Other Worlds Than These
A garden of earthly delights
Fifty Best American Short Stories
Black water
You must remember this
Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers
A fair maiden
The Situation of the Story
My Sister, My Love
Black Girl/White Girl
Expensive people
Broke Heart Blues
The Tattooed Girl
The collector of hearts
The Best American Short Stories 1973
Heat, and other stories
After the wreck, I picked myself up, spread my wings, and flew away
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Man crazy
The Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Mysteries of Winterthurn
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror - Eleventh Annual Collection
Missing Mom
Wild Nights!
Little Bird of Heaven
I lock my door upon myself
The Sophisticated Cat
The Museum of Dr. Moses
Angel of light
Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories
Dear Husband
American appetites
Master's Choice - Volume II
The female of the species
We Were the Mulvaneys
Middle Age
The Best American Essays 1991
I'll Take You There
Where is here?
First love
The Faith of a Writer
The triumph of the spider monkey
Raven's wing
Crossing the border
Boston Noir 2
Last days
Freaky green eyes
The Mammoth Book Of Angels and Demons
McSweeney's Issue 21 (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern)
The hungry ghosts
High lonesome
Do with me what you will
A Bloodsmoor romance
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
All the good people I've left behind
Because it is bitter, and because it is my heart
The rise of life on earth
The assignation
Will you always love me? and other stories
I Am No One You Know
The Man without a Shadow
Unholy loves
Angel fire; poems
A sentimental education
The Best American Mystery Stories 2008
Marriages and infidelities
The Best American Short Stories 1979
The Nicotine Chronicles
Choice Words
The seduction & other stories
What I lived for
The wheel of love and other stories
Where are you going, where have you been?
The perfectionist and other plays
Men and Women
In rough country
The goddess and other women
It occurs to me that I am America
Son of the morning
The corn maiden and other nightmares
Deadly Sins
The hostile sun
Small avalanches and other stories
The Best American Essays 1999
The wheel of love
A Widow's Story
George Bellows
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates
New heaven, new earth
On writing short stories
The sacrifice
Twelve plays
Lovely, dark, deep
The edge of impossibility: tragic forms in literature
Come meet Muffin
The Barrens
A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel
Give me your heart
The time traveler
Where is Little Reynard?
The best American essays of the century
Love and its derangements and other poems
Naughty Cherie
Meurtres et obsessions
First person singular
The tatooed girl
My Life as a Rat
Protectors 2: Heroes (Protectors Anthologies) (Volume 2)
Women whose lives are food, men whose lives are money
Masters of Darkness III
(Woman) writer
The assassins
Upon the sweeping flood, and other stories
Black dahlia & white rose
On boxing
American gothic tales
Three plays
Transgressions: Chasing Shadows
Crossing the Border
Scenes from American life; contemporary short fiction
New Jersey noir
Fabulous Beasts
Jack of Spades
Dreams from the Witch House: Female Voices of Lovecraftian Horror
How I write
Upon the sweeping flood
By the North Gate
The Lost Landscape: A Writer's Coming of Age
Miracle play
Conversations with Joyce Carol Oates
High crime area
A Fair Maiden
My Life As a Rat
Will You Always Love Me?
Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (P.S.)
With shuddering fall
Little Bird of Heaven
The Tattooed Girl (Rumpole Crime)
High crime area
Beautiful days
Dis mem ber
Profane Art
Jack of Spades: A Tale of Suspense
The  You
The Lost Landscape
Widow's Story
Daddy Love
The New Kitten
Oxford Book of American Short Stories
Hazards of time travel
Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.
Blonde A Novel
Dreamer With a Thousand Thrills
What I Lived For
Billy Budd and Other Tales
Black Dahlia White Rose Stories
Joyce Carol Oates
The Falls CD
On Boxing (P.S.)
Give Me Your Heart
American Melancholy
Two or three things I forgot to tell you
Where I've been, and where I'm going
Unter Verdacht. Die Geschichte von Big Mouth und Ugly Girl
Cutting Edge
Dziewczyna z tatuażami
First Person Singular
Anonymous sins & other poems
Invisible Women (Ontario Review Press poetry series)
A Convergence of Birds
Qué fue de los Mulvaney
Mon coeur mis à nu
Corn Maiden
When Things Get Dark
As You Like it Shakespeare
I stand before you naked
Beautiful Days
Una tendra donzella
Haute Enfance
Désirs exaucés, suivi de "Démons", et "L'Agresseur"
Love and its derangements; poems
Natural Causes
Shirley Jackson Collection
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Hazards of Time Travel
The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror
Soul at the white heat
Confessions d'un gang de filles
Dr. Magic
American Melancholy
American Gothic Tales
Son of the Morning
Cutting Edge
Murder for Love - Murder for Women - At the Paradise Hotel Sparks Nevada AND Heartbreak House
A widow's story
The Lost Landscape
Moja Siostra, Moja Miosc
The Doll-Master: And Other Tales of Terror
Dis mem ber
Devil's Half Acre
Daddy Love
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Extenuating Circumstances
Give Me Your Heart
Night-Gaunts Other Tales Suspense Export
Premier amour. Un conte gothique
Riesgos de Los Viajes en el Tiempo
Southern California Anthology (Southern California Anthology)
Night, Neon
The Grave Diggers Daughter
A Fair Maiden. Joyce Carol Oates
Reading the fights
Au commencement était la vie
Third Annual Best Horror Stories of the Year
Daddy Love
The Corn Maiden: And Other Nightmares
New plays
The Perfectionist
New Jersey Noir
Goddess and Other Women
The evil eye
When Things Get Dark
Hazards of Time Travel
American Appetites
Lost Landscape
A Book of American Martyrs
Lives of the Twins
Night, Neon
Give Me Your Heart
The Falls (Rumpole Crime)
Five Short Stories by Women
Zero Sum
DIS MEM BER and Other Stories of Mystery and Suspense
Cardiff, by the Sea
Evil eye
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Drawing Lines
Simpsonistas, Vol. 2
The Best American Mystery Stories 2005
Mysteries of Winterthurn
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
The doll-master and other tales of terror
The Doll-Master And Other Tales Of Horror
Shadows Over Main Street, Volume 2
The edge of impossibility
In darkest America
Dreams from the Witch House (2018 Trade Paperback Edition)
The Doll-Master And Other Tales of Terror
USA noir
Daddy Love
Extenuating Circumstances
The Sacrifice: A Novel
Night, Neon
Night-gaunts and other tales of suspense
CVC9 Carter V Cooper Short Fiction Anthology
The Collector of Hearts: New Tales of the Grotesque
Wild Saturday, and other stories
Women in love
Dis Mem Ber [Paperback] [Jan 11, 2018] Joyce Carol Oates
Bookshop Mysteries
Un libro de mártires americanos
Them (Wonderland Quartet)
After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, and Flew Away
Bitterkeit des Herzens
The female of the species
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Moisson noire (French Edition)
Grenzüberschreitungen. Erzählungen
Telling stories
The  You
Expensive People
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister
Little Bird of Heaven
La hija del sepulturero / The Gravedigger's Daughter
Dear Husband
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Horror
Woman Writer
Die Lästigen
Daddy Love
Cardiff, by the Sea
Black Dahlia and White Rose
Wild nights!
We Were the Mulvaneys
Le Triomphe du singe-araignée
The man without a shadow
Femme à la fenêtre
Book of American Martyrs
Lovely, Dark, Deep
Man Without a Shadow
Wild Saturday and Other Stories
Son of the Morning
Mujer de barro
My Life As a Rat
Night Walks
Cardiff, by the Sea
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Babysitter (Spanish Edition)
Upon Sweeping Flood
Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.
Best American Mystery Stories 2005
Love Derangmts Poems
Die Verfluchten
Johnny Blues
Hazards of Time Travel
Mother, missing
Cutting Edge
Un jardín de placeres terrenales
Persecución [Próxima aparición]
My sister, my love
Dis Mem Ber
Give Me Your Heart
The Accursed
Bicak Sirti; Kadin Yazarlardan Yeni Gizem ve Suc Hikayeleri
Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You
With shuddering fall
Tattooed Girl
Carthage (Roman étranger) (French Edition)
Wooded forms
Meine Zeit der Trauer
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Un livre de martyrs américains
Mystery, Inc
Souvenez-vous de ces années-là
Deli Yesil
Souvenez-vous de ces années-là
My Life As a Rat
delicieuses pourritures
Hudson River
The museum of Dr. Moses
Museum of Dr Moses
tan cerca en todo momento siempre
Czy zawsze bedziesz mnie kochac?
Broke Heart Blues Hb Book Club
Wild Nights!
Delatora / My Life as a Rat
Garden of Delights
Les Femelles
You Must Remember This / Joyce Carol Oates
Black girl/white girl
Vahşi Geceler
Black Girl,/White Girl
Mŏlbĭni kajok =
Freaky Green Eyes
With Shuddering Fall
Black Girl White Girl
Aci Ulke
Hazards of Time Travel
Because It Is Bitter and Because It Is My Heart
Angel of Light
La hembra de nuestra especie
Qué fue de los Mulvaney
Book of American Martyrs
Del boxeo
Amours profanes
Do With Me What You Will
On Boxing
High Crime Area
American Appetites
Extenuating Circumstances ARC
Wir waren die Mulvaneys
High Lonesome
Mother, Missing
Soul at the White Heat
Jack of Spades
Mystery, Inc
Unheilige Liebe. Roman
Because it is bitter, and because it is my heart
My Sister, My Love
Joyce Carol Oates Reading 20pk RGG
CVC10 Carter V Cooper Short Fiction Anthology
Evil Eye Lib/E
Little Bird of Heaven
Son of Morning-C
Birine mi Benzettiniz?
Gravedigger's Daughter
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 2000 (Volume 98, No. 6)
Tattooed Girl
Masque de sang
We Were the Mulvaneys
Fille noire, fille blanche
The journal of Joyce Carol Oates
Cat Saw Murder
The Faith of a Writer
My sister, my love
The Perfectionist
High Crime Area
Corn Maiden
Ruins of Contracoeur and Other Presences
Unusual Suspects
The gravedigger's daughter
Night, Neon
Freaky Green Eyes
High Lonesome
Das Mittwochskind. Erzählungen.
Telling Stories
Sieben Reisen in den Abgrund
Soul at the White Heat
La hija del sepulturero
Zarbie les yeux verts (French Edition)
I'll Take You There
Extenuating Circumstances
Walet Pik
Man Without a Shadow
Oates in Exile
High Crime Area
El legado de Maude Donegal ; El hijo superviviente
High School Sweetheart - A Mystery
A book of American martyrs
Rey de Picas
The Gravedigger's Daughter
Man Without a Shadow
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars.
Ich schließe mich selbst ein
The sacrifice
Blonde (Spanish Edition)
Middle Age
Vous ne me connaissez pas
A Fair Maiden Lib/E
Evil Eye
Beautiful Days
Faithless Palm Reader Ed Eb
Do with Me What You Will
Missing Mom
Lost Landscape
The Best American Essays, 1991 (Best American Essays)
Je vous emmène
Bloodsmoor Romance
Mágico, sombrío, impenetrable
Black Girl,/White Girl
Snake Eyes
Darker Shade of Noir
Middle Age
What I Lived For
Prison Noir
Middle Age
Der Mann ohne Schatten
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Dis Mem Ber
Ave del paraíso
Jack of Spades
Widow's Story
With Shuddering Fall
Summer Sweat
Hermana mía, mi amor
Give me your heart
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror
Kapilarimi Kapatiyorum
Cher époux (French Edition)
Prison noir
The poisoned Kiss and other stories from the portuguese (Fawcett Crest Book)
Party in the wood
High Crime Area
Hazards of Time Travel
American Melancholy
Monstruo De Ojos Verdes/the Green Eye Monsters
Lost Landscape
Night-Side & Different Kinds of Dead
Hermana mía, mi amor (bolsillo)
Dis Mem Ber
Gravedigger's Daughter LP
Le Triomphe du singe-araignée
Kuang ye zhi ye!
Uccellino del paradiso
Bad Girls.
Freaky Green Eyes
Extenuating Circumstances
Engel des Lichts. Roman
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
Ma vie de cafard
Uccellino del paradiso
Best new American voices, 2003
Jack of Spades
Un libro de mártires americanos
Amours profanes
A Fair Maiden
Evil Eye
What I Lived For
My Life As a Rat
Extenuating Circumstances (SIGNED)
Engel des Lichts
Evil Eye
Book of American Martyrs
Give Me Your Heart
Simpsonistas, Vol. 1
Mystery, Inc
I Am No One You Know
Extenuating Circumstances
Triumph of the Spider Monkey
Scenes from American life
Son of The Morning
Ave Del Paraiso
Cardiff, by the Sea Lib/E
Hudson River
Soul at the White Heat Lib/E
Choose Wisely
Memorias de una viuda
Freaky Green Eyes
Hudson River
I'll Take You There
Black Girl,/White Girl
Ulls verds
Hazards of Time Travel
Starr Bright Will Be with You Soon
Das Rad der Liebe. Erzählungen
Wild nights! ; and
Corn Maiden
Faith of a Writer
Zombie Reader's Group Guide
Terres amères (Roman étranger)
Man Without a Shadow
Como un espectro / Miao Dao
Nulle et grande gueule
Cupid & Psyche
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Black Water
Double Delight
Una hermosa doncella
Invisible woman
Spiritual Envy
Dul Kadinin Oykusu
Corn Maiden
Der Zorn des Engels
Middle Age : A Romance
A Bloodsmoor Romance
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Night. Sleep. Death. the Stars
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister
Un Jardn De Placeres Terrenales
Ilk Ask
Nadobna dziewica
Das Spukhaus
The Wheel of Love and Other Stories
Noche. SueñO. Muerte. Las Estrellas
Das Rendezvous
48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister ARC
The Corn Maiden and Other Nightmares Lib/E
I Am No One You Know
Jack of spades
Book of American Martyrs
A widow's story
Where Are You Going
Do With Me What You Will
Über Boxen. Ein Essay
The Accursed
Doll-Master and Other Tales of Horror
Zero Sum
Die Schwestern von Bloodsmoor. Ein romantischer Roman
The poisoned kiss, and other stories from the Portuguese
Hazards of Time Travel
Fair Maiden
Give Me Your Heart
New Jersey Noir
Delicieuses pourritures
Black Water
Small Avalanches and Other Stories
Valet de pique
Marriages and Infidelities
Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You
Night, Neon ARC
hermosa doncella
Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense
Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Freaky Green Eyes
Kucuk Cennet Kusu
Evil Eye
Mysteries of Winterthurn
Puro fuego
Gerald Slota story
Fair Maiden
Unter Verdacht
Foxfire. Die Geschichte einer Mädchenbande
Un amour noir
Female of the Species
Man Without a Shadow
In Rough Country
Dear Husband
By the North Gate
Memorias de una viuda
With Shuddering Fall
Petite soeur, mon amour
Season of Peril
La Hija Del Sepulturero
Wir waren die Mulvaneys
Maça Valesi Nihai Sonu Beklemenin Hikayesi
You Can't Catch Me
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been
Jack of Spades
Upon the sweeping flood
Queen of the night
The Woman Who Laughed
A middle-class education
Plagiarized material
Petite soeur, mon amour
Je vous emmène
Invisible woman
First Person Singular
National Geographic Directions
Night walks
Solstice (Amf-25 Cassette)
Kuang ye de ye
El señor de las muñecas y otros cuentos de terror
La hija del sepulturero
The step-father
Facts, visions, mysteries
The edge of impossibility
First Love
My heart laid bare
Agua Negra
the collector ofvhearts
Best new American voices, 2003
montruo de ojos verdes
Jue mu ren de nü er
Wofür ich gelebt habe
O crayola!
Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books in the University Library, Cambridge
Le musée du Dr Moses
ʻAśu bi ki-retsonkhem
Vaghteshe baman
Mère disparue
Celestial timepiece
Crossing the border
New Jersey noir
Puro Fuego
La fille tatouée
The poisoned kiss
Small avalanches and other stories
Angel fire; poems
Mágico, sombrío, impenetrable
The Museum of Dr. Moses
Man Crazy Reading Group Guide
Reading the fights
Malʾakh ha-or
Un amour noir
A posthumous sketch
Schwarzes Wasser
The Perfectionist
The lamb of Abyssalia
Le ravin
Telling Stories
Little bird of heaven
עיניים ירוקות מוזרות
Zarbie les yeux verts
In case of accidental death
Dödgrävarens dotter
Niebieski ptak
The time traveler
לאחר ההתרסקות
Freaky groene ogen
The girl
The art of fiction, LXXII
Burakku uōtā
Le triomphe du singe-araignée
The Falls CD
The hostile sun
Del boxeo
The hungry ghosts
Night-gaunts and other tales of suspense
Wo de mei mei, wo de ai
Mit offenen Augen
Das Spukhaus
Twelve plays
A middle-class education
Reflets en eau trouble
Le sourire de l'ange
Letzte Tage
Mujer de barro
Ave del paraíso
A stone orchard
Xing, xing gan =
The poisoned kiss, and other stories from the Portuguese
Nightless nights
La fille du fossoyeur
In darkest America
The miraculous birth
On Boxing (P.S.)
The Ecco anthology of contemporary American short fiction
The Key and Tone Clusters
The edge of impossibility: tragic forms in literature
Les chutes
Qiang bao
Cupid & Psyche
Anonymous sins & other poems
The metamorphosis
Excerpts from a journal: July 1989
The Life of the Writer, the Life of the Career
Las Hermanas Zinn (Joyce Caro)
Small avalanches and other stories
"T he immense indifference of things"
The Life of the Writer, the Life of the Career
Rey de Picas
Luxury of sin
Fleur vénéneuse
The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates
Yi fu ai wei ming
The step-father
Season of Peril
Como bola de nieve
Dreaming America & other poems
The rise of life on earth
Amours profanes
Amores Profanos
Tada aš išskleidžiau sparnus ir nuskridau
Night Walks
The blessing
Le Gout̂ de l'Amérique
Mario Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa (born 1936)

dramaturge, politician, journalist, essayist, literary critic, playwright, philosopher, opinion journalist, film director

  • National University of San Marcos, Complutense University of Madrid
El sueño del celta
La Fiesta del Chivo
El sueño del celta
La tía Julia y el escribidor
Travesuras de la niña mala
Pantaleón y las visitadoras
La guerra del fin del mundo
Conversación en La Catedral
Kathie y el hipopótamo
Elogio de la madrasta
Lituma en los Andes
Contra viento y marea
La civilización del espectáculo
Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto
La señorita de Tacna / Kathie y el hipopótamo / La Chunga
Obras completas
Los cachorros
La ciudad y los perros
¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero?
La casa verde
Diccionario del amante de América latina
El hablador
Los cachorros
Los jefes / Los cachorros
El paraíso en la otra esquina
El barco de los niños
The Methuen Book of Contemporary Latin American Plays
Sables y utopías
La orgía perpetua
La verdad de las mentiras
Tiempos recios
La llamada de la tribu
Lletra de batalla per Tirant lo Blanc
Dos soledades
Los jefes
Historia de Mayta
El loco de los balcones
El lenguaje de la pasión
La utopía arcaica
Conversas com Vargas Llosa
Diario de Irak
El pez en el agua
El viaje a la ficción
Cartas a un joven novelista
Lo mejor del periodismo de América Latina
Literatura y política
Espejo de escritores
In praise of reading and fiction
Barclay and Crousse
Obras escogidas
Entre Sartre y Camus
La tentación de lo imposible
George Grosz and Mario Vargas Llosa
La señorita de Tacna
Los cuentos de la peste
La chunga
La utopía arcaica
Odiseo y Penélope
Cinco esquinas
Obra reunida
Literatura y política
Historia secreta de una novela
Conversación en Princeton con Rubén Gallo
Edebiyata Ovgu
La vida en movimiento
Los desafíos a la sociedad abierta
Green House
El buitre y el ave Fénix
José María Arguedas, entre sapos y halcones
Kathie y el hipopótamo / La Chunga
La ciudad y los perros / La casa verde
Mario Vargas Llosa
Una historia no oficial
Ciudad, arquitectura y paisaje
Obras escogidas
Los cachorros
Call of the Tribe
García Márquez
Medio siglo con Borges
Elogio de la educación
Mr. President
Antología mínima de M. Vargas Llosa
Desafíos a la libertad
El héroe discreto
La literatura es mi venganza
Entre la libertad y el miedo
A Writer's Reality
La historia secreta de una novela
Global fortune
Le Hérisson et le Renard
Cervantes y la ficción
Fonchito y la luna
La zia Julia e lo scribacchino
El debate
Cubs and Other Stories
Notebooks of Don Rigoberto
El herói discreto
Letters to a Young Novelist
Entretien avec Mario Vargas Llosa, suive de
The Prado Museum
El hablador
El desafio neoliberal
Captain Pantoja and the Special Service
Language of Passion
Book of the Teatro Real
Vargas Llosa
Conferencia magistral
Día domingo
Harsh Times
Las mil noches y una noche
Temps sauvages
Time of the Hero
Fonchito E A Lua
Entrevistas escogidas
Martín Chambi
Who Killed Palomino Molero?
Writer's Reality
In Praise of the Stepmother
Conversation at Princeton
La mirada quieta
Pensar a cultura
Harsh Times
Los cachorros / El desafío / Día domingo
Discreet Hero
Seven stories from Spanish America
La casa verde
Los jefes - Los cachorros
Mistress of Desires
Perpetual Orgy
Literatur ist Feuer
La novela
Fish in the Water
Making Waves
War of the End of the World
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter
Bases para una interpretación de Rubén Darío
Conversación en La Catedral
Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos
Death in the Andes
Notes on the Death of Culture
Way to Paradise
I quaderni di don Rigoberto
La Fiesta del Chivo
Real Life of Alejandro Mayta
Les bonnes nouvelles de l'Amérique latine
Bad Girl
In Praise of Reading and Fiction
Día domingo
Elogio de la educación
La novela en América Latina
La Chunga
Los jefes / Los cachorros / Conversación en La Catedral
ha-ʻIr ṿeha-kelavim
The bad girl
Panṭaleʾon ṿe-"sherut ha-mevaḳrot"
La mirada quieta
Sueño y realidad de América Latina
Gerardo Chávez
La civilización del espectáculo
Sueño y realidad de América Latina
ha-Maḥbarot shel don Rigoberṭo
El héroe discreto
Dodah Ḥulyah ṿeha-katvan
La señorita de Tacna. Kathie y el hipopótamo
La ciudad y los perros
El viaje a la ficción
Palma, valor nacional
Cómo Fujimori jodió al Perú
XVIII Pregón Taurino de Sevilla [2000]
Conversación en la catedral
En torno a los derechos humanos
Mario Vargas Llosa
Historia de Mayta
El viaje a la ficción
La verdad de las mentiras
Les cahiers de don Rigoberto
The genesis and evolution of Pantaleón y las visitadoras
Al pie del Támesis
La ciudad y los perros
Ansprachen aus Anlaß der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels 1996. Text teils in deutsch und spanisch
Nationalismus als neue Bedrohung
Izrael - Palestyna
Entrevistas escogidas
Cinco esquinas
Razgovor v sobore
Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos
Het groene huis
Cartas a un joven novelista
Ḥalomo shel ha-Ḳelṭi
Milḥemet sof ha-ʻolam
Semana cultural de La Nación
El viaje a la ficción
El pez en el agua
Orașul și cîinii
De vis in het water
Testigos del olvido
Sables y utopías
Pantaleón y las visitadoras / La tía Julia y el escribidor
Políticos peruanos
El arte de la novela
תעלוליה של ילדה רעה
Ein diskreter Held
Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977)

poet, zoologist, translator, playwright, autobiographer, lepidopterist, literary critic, journalist, chess composer, chess player, literary scholar, entomologist, man of letters

  • University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
Speak, Memory
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Pale fire
Short Fiction, Classic and Contemporary -- Second Edition
Zashchita Luzhina
Look at the harlequins!
The Story and Its Writer -- Ninth Edition
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
Машенька (Mašenka)
Lolita. A Screenplay
The Original of Laura
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction -- Shorter Seventh Edition
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Камера Обскура (Kamera obskura)
Korolʹ, dama, valet
Nabokov's Dozen
Bend sinister
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead
Slovo o polku Igoreve
The Vintage Book of Amnesia
Priglashenie na kaznʹ
Transparent things
Christmas Stories
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita and Poems read by Vladimir Nabokov
Twice-Told Tales
Tragedii︠a︡ gospodina Morna
Nabokov's Congeries
Nabokov's butterflies
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Bedtime stories
Lectures on Literature. Austen, Dickens, Flaubert, Stevenson, Proust, Kafka, Joyce
Ada / Lolita
The Nabokov-Wilson letters
Strong opinions
Lectures on Don Quixote
Nikolai Gogol
Izobretenie Val'sa
The variety of fiction
The Greatest Russian Stories Of Crime And Suspense
Lectures on Russian Literature
Машенька / Подвиг (Glory / Mary)
Dar / Drugie berega / Kamera obskura/ Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Zashchita Luzhina
Lectures on Literature
Verse and Versions
Novels 1955-1962 (Lolita / Lolita. A Screenplay / Pale Fire / Pnin)
Nabokov o Nabokove i prochem
Sobranie sochineniĭ amerikanskogo perioda v pi͡a︡ti tomakh
Novels and memoirs, 1941-1951
The Modern Tradition - Second Edition
Mašenka / Волшебник
Details of a sunset and other stories
Korolʹ, dama, valet / Lolita / Mashenʹka / Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Sogli︠a︡dataĭ / Volshebnik / Zashchita Luzhina
A Russian beauty and other stories
Notes on prosody, and Abram Gannibal
Short Stories -- Classic, Modern, Contemporary
The Provisional Government
Alphabet in color
Notes on prosody
Erzählungen 1921 - 1934
Korol', dama, valet / Mashenʹka
Vremennoe pravitelʹstvo
Letters to Véra
Fine lines
Vintage Nabokov
Cuentos completos
Selected poems
Insomniac Dreams: Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov
Penguin Modern Classic STOCK PACK 5 x 50
Erzählungen 1935 - 1951
Five Novels (Dar / Korol', dama, valet / Lolita / Podvig / Priglashenie na kazn')
The Man from the USSR and Other Plays
Kak ya lyublyu tebya
Korolʹ, dama, valet / Lolita / Podvigʹ
Mashenka / Kamera obskura / Lolita
Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov
Tyrants Destroyed and Other Short Stories
Podvigʹ / Sogliadatai / Zashchita Luzhina
Vremennoe pravitelʹstvo i bolʹshevistskiĭ perevorot
Invitation to a Beheading
Pnin ; Rasskazy ; Blednoe plami︠a︡
Oeuvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 1
Briefwechsel mit Edmund Wilson 1940-1971
Priglashenie na kazn' / Zashchita Luzhina
Letters to Véra
Habla, memoria
Lolita / Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Zashchita Luzhina
Novels (Look at the Harlequins! / Transparent Things)
Lolita / Mashen'ka / Zashchita Luzhina
Think, Write, Speak
Novels (Korolʹ, dama, valet / Mashenʹka)
Cloud Castle Lake
Golos skripki v pustote
Priglashenie na kaznʹ / Lolita
Korol', dama, valet / Mashen'ka / Vozvraschenie Chorba
Die Venezianerin
Novels (Ada / Look at the Harlequins! / Transparent Things)
Now Remember
Zaschita Luzhina; Podvig; Soglyadataj
Vozvrashchenie Chorba
Letters to Véra
Song of Igor's Campaign
Die Gabe
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
Curso de Literatura Europea
Works (Drama / Ėsse / Korolʹ, dama, valet / Mashenʹka / Rasskazy / Ret︠s︡enzii / Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ / Zashchita Luzhina)
Gelächter im Dunkel
Der schwere Rauch. Gesammelte Erzählungen
The song of Igor's campaign
Gelächter im Dunkel; Verzweiflung; Kamera Obscura
Nobokov's quartet
Eugene Onegin : A Novel in Verse
Novelas 1941-1957 (Bend Sinister / Lolita / Real Life of Sebastian Knight)
Nabokov Russian Translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland
Edebiyat dersleri
Strong Opinions
Une beauté russe
Look at the Harlequins!
Lushins Verteidigung
Sbornik stateĭ po ugolovnomu pravu
Die Schwestern Vane. Erzählungen 1943 - 1951
Transparent Things
ADA o el ardor
Nabokov's Quartet
Der neue Nachbar. Erzählungen 1925-1934
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Ada, ou, L'ardeur
Rasskazy ; Vospominanii͡a︡
Mademoiselle O. Erzählungen 1935-1939
Со дна коробки
Istreblenie tiranov
Perepiska s sestroĭ
Short Stories (Signs and Symbols / That in Aleppo Once / Time and Ebb / Vane Sisters)
Lectures on Ulysses
Vzglyani na arlekinov!
Plays : Lolita
Strong Opinions
Tenʹ russkoĭ vetki
Vesna v Fialʹte
Bend sinister
La Venitienne Et Autres Nouvelles
Collected Poems
Poems and Problems (McGraw-Hill paperbacks)
I︠A︡/snovidenii︠a︡ Nabokova
Zaschita Luzhina
Polnoe sobranie rasskazov
Tragedy of Mister Morn
Nabokov's Dozen
Man from the U. S. S. R.
Ada or Ardor
Sebastian Knight'in Gercek Yasami
The Waltz Invention
Sueños de un insomne
Deutliche Worte
Invitation to a Beheading
The Gift, 1963 [Japanese Edition]
Nabokov's Congeries
Enchanter, The
Karanlikta Kahkaha
La Defensa
Sie Kommet-Kommt Sie?
Prawdziwe życie Sebastian Knighta
Lujin Savunmasi
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov papers
Luzhin Defense
Bir Gunbatiminin Ayrintilari
Rus Edebiyati Dersleri
Song of Igor's Campaign
Sueños de un insomne
Der Bezauberer
Pisʹma k Vere
Collected Stories
King Queen Knave 1ST Edition
The nearctic members of the genus Lycaeides Hübner (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera)
Oryginal Laury
Udivitelʹnoe pokolenie
Edebiyat Dersleri
Una belleza rusa
Three Russian poets
Korol, dama, valet
Gesammelte Werke 21. Eigensinnige Ansichten.
Saydam Seyler
Nabokov's Dozen
Look at the Harlequins!
König Dame Bube
Nabokov's Quartet
King, queen, knave
Kak i͡a︡ li͡u︡bli͡u︡ tebi͡a︡
Nikolai Gogol
Lolita (1962)
La Vénitienne et autres nouvelles
Vladimir Nabokov
Notes on Prosody and Abram Gannibal
Transparent Things
Vladimir Nabokov LOOK AT THE HARLEQUINS Hardcover/DJ 1st 1974
Héroe de Nuestro Tiempo
Invitation au supplice
Lectures on Russian Literature
Lolita (Franklin Library: 100 Greatest Masterpieces American Literature)
Nabokov: Oeuvres romanesques completes t.2 (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade) (French Edition)
Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories
Pálido fuego
Un héroe de nuestro tiempo
Wen xue jiang gao
Selected Poems
Laughter in the Dark
Luzhin Defense, The
Selected Letters, 1940-1977
Annotated Lolita
Lolita by Nabokov, Vladimir; G. P. Putnam's Sons, NY 1955 First Edition
Russian Beauty and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol
Nabokovs Butterflies
Original of Laura :
Laughter in the Dark
Look at the Harlequins!
Solgun Ates
The gift;
Tragedy of Mister Morn
Ada (A Fawcett Crest Book)
Hero of Our Time
The gift
Man from the USSR and Other Plays
Verdadeira Vida de Sebastian Knight - Real Life Of
King, Queen, Knave
Соглядатай / Ка́мера обску́ра
The gift
Fuoco pallido
Ada; or, Ardor
Cosas transparentes
Terra incognita
Priglashenie na kazn'
La Veneziana
Curso de literatura rusa
Laʼurah, ha-maḳor (kef la-mut)
Pale Fire; a Novel
Laughter in the Dark
Sueños de un insomne
Blady ogien
Ada or Ardor
L'original de Laura
Korol', dama, valet / Mashenʹka
Kommentarii k "Evgenii︠u︡ Oneginu" Aleksandra Pushkina
Bend sinister
Transparent Things
Lolita (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Infaza Cagri
Sueños de un insomne
Carpik Dünya
Real Life of Sebastian Knight
L extermination des tyrans
Cosas transparentes
Obrona Lużyna
Rua, Dam, Vale
Perepiska s Mikhailom Karpovichem 1933-1959
Pale Fire
Histoires de Mickey Mouse Au Coucher
Un mondo sinistro
Pale Fire
Terra Incognita
Pale Fire
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ 1929-1951
Konus, Hafiza
King, Queen, Knave
Mashen'ka, Zashchita Luzhina, Priglashenie na kazn', Drugie berega (fragmenty)
Invitation to a Beheading
Kapli︠a︡ solnt︠s︡a v venchike stikha
La veritable vida d'en Sebastian Knight
Notes on Prosody
Invitation to a Beheading
Vesna v Fial'te i drogie rasskazy
Das wahre Leben des Sebastian Knight
Собрание сочинений русского периода в пяти томах (Смех в темноте / Lolita)
Collected Stories
Lectures on Don Quixote
ADA or Ardor
Senyals i símbols
LOLITA (Complete & Unabridged, Crest Giant 1959 (d338))
La veritable vida d'en Sebastian Knight
Stadtführer Berlin
Don Quijote Dersleri
Short Stories (Oudar kryla / Venetsianka)
Luzhin Defense
Terra Incognita
Laura'nin Asli
Ada ou ardor - Cronica de uma familia
Pale Fire
Rasskazy ; Priglashenie na kaznʹ
Zashchita Luzhina
Novelas 1962-1974
The Annotated Lolita
Look at the Harlequins!
We Came to Know. . . .
Nikolai Gogol
Bend Sinister
Strong Opinions
Laughter in the Dark
Mary the First Novel By the Author of Lolita and Ada
Collected Poems
Ada Ya da Arzu
Look at the Harlequins!
We Came to Know...
Ti︠a︡zhelyĭ dym
Z niepoprawnej strony
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Nabokovs Quartet 1ST Edition Us
Transparent Things
20th Century Invitation to a Beheading
Spring in Fialta
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡, rasskazy
Senyals i símbols
Gesammelte Werke. Band 17
El original de Laura
Lolita, a Novel
King, Queen, Knave
Zaschita Luzhina
Nikolay Gogol
Rare Vladimir Nabokov / LOLITA 1ˢᵗ Edition; 5ᵗʰ Printing
Sogliadatai / Volshebnik
Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Gorniĭ putʹ
El hechicero
Ultima Thule
Nine stories
Unicestwienie tyranów
Perepiska's Sestrol
Who will drive me home?
Nouvelles (édition complète)
Подлинная жизнь Себастьяна Найта
Works (Lolita / Волшебник)
Anniversary notes
Romany, rasskazy, ėsse
Rasskazy. Vospominaniya
Jeanette Winterson
Jeanette Winterson (born 1959)

journalist, film producer, playwright

  • University of Oxford, Accrington and Rossendale College
The daylight gate
The passion
Sexing the cherry
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?
The world and other places
Art Objects
Gut symmetries
Written on the Body
The King of Capri
The Body
Granta 110
The Battle of the Sun
The PowerBook
Tanglewreck (Blackbirds)
Boating for beginners
The stone gods
Oranges are not the only fruit
Midsummer nights
The gap of time
Stop What You're Doing and Read This!
The Gap of Time: William Shakespeare' The Winter's Tale Retold: A Novel (Hogarth Shakespeare)
Christmas Days: 12 Stories and 12 Feasts for 12 Days
The Myths Series Collection : Books 1-3
Myth Series Floor Display
The Battle of the Sun
Frankenstein and Sexing the Cherry
Art and Lies Edition
Midsummer Nights
Passion Fruit
12 Bytes
The Myths
Art objects
Courage Calls to Courage Everywhere
The powerbook
The powerbook
The gap of time
The Battle of the Sun
Oranges are not the only fruit
Oranges are not the only fruit
Simetrias Viscerales
Night Side of the River
What? Why? Witch?
Lion, the Unicorn and Me
Hansel and Greta
Midsummer Nights
Going Through a Phrase, An Anthology of Writing from London's Lesbian and Gay Community
Fit for the Future
World's Wife
Oranges are not the only fruit
The Lion The Unicorn And Me
Art & Lies
The battle of the sun
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Gut symmetries
The gap of time
Night Side of the River
Great Moments in Aviation and Oranges are Not the Only Fruit
The bedside Guardian 2014
Khozi Łai stvo sveta
Ju zi bu shi wei yi de shui guo