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literary critics who wrote fantasy
Showing 105-112 out of 140 results
Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)

journalist, translator, poet, composer, autobiographer, literary critic, literary scholar, librettist, dramaturge, pedagogue, teacher, man of letters

  • Xaverian College, Victoria University of Manchester
The Eve of St Venus
The land where the ice cream grows
Nothing like the sun
Earthly Powers
A Clockwork Orange
One Hand Clapping
A Dead Man in Deptford
Napoleon symphony
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Cyrano de Bergerac
Any old iron
The Wanting Seed
The Pianoplayers
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
The end of the world news
You've Had Your Time
The complete Enderby
Man of Nazareth
Little Wilson and Big God
Honey for the Bears
One Man's Chorus
99 Novels
Beard's Roman Women
Ernest Hemingway and His World
Ernest Hemingway
The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories
Literature--Third Compact Edition
A Mouthful of Air
Tremor of Intent
New York
Malayan trilogy
On Mozart
The Language of Literature
A long trip to teatime
The devil's mode
Literature--Eighth Edition
English literature
Conversations with Anthony Burgess
Hommage a qwert yuiop
Here comes everbody
This man and music
Revolutionary Sonnets and Other Poems
Urgent Copy
The Kingdom of the Wicked
Enderby's Dark Lady
Flame Into Being
Mozart and the wolf gang
The Right to an Answer
Time for a Tiger
Language made plain
Clockwork Orange / Wanting Seed
Literature--Twelfth Edition
Devil of a State
Abba Abba
The Novel Now
The light fantastic
Enderby outside
The End of the World News
Oberon old and new
Oedipus the King
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
A Vision of Battlements
The clockwork testament, or, Enderby's end
But do blondes prefer gentlemen?
The enemy in the blanket
Obscenity and the arts
The Doctor Is Sick
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition, Shorter
Future imperfect
On going to bed
Long Day Wanes a Malayan Trilogy
Beds in the East
The worm and the ring
Inside Mister Enderby
Coaching days of England... comprehending the years 1750 until 1850
One flew over the cuckoos nest and a clockwork orange 2 books collection set
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
A Clockwork Orange and Honey for the Bears
The novel to-day
Cyrano de Bergerac and related readings
Der Rosenkavalier
Blooms of Dublin
Will and testament
Rencontre au sommet
Anthony Burgess reads from The eve of St. Venus and Nothing like the sun
Enderby (Enderby Outside / Inside Mr. Enderby)
Black Prince
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition
A Clockwork Orange - A play with music
Studies in the short story -- Fifth Edition
Drama -- Twelfth Edition
Splinters - Stories of The Macabre
The Norton Reader -- Ninth Edition
Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard
Otomatik portakal
The age of the Grand Tour
A Christmas recipe
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
A vision of battelments
The Norton reader -- Shorter Tenth Edition
Selections from A Clockwork Orange (Single Cassette)
Collected Poems
Bir Elin Sesi Var
Murder to music
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Drama--Tenth Edition
Literature -- Tenth Edition
D. H. Lawrence and Italy
Otomatik Portakal ; Modern Klasikler Dizisi - 3
Mozart ve Deyyuslar
Mais les blondes préfèrent-elles les hommes ?
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Chatsky and Miser, Miser! Two Plays by Anthony Burgess
Bir elin sesi vier
Doktor Hastalandi
The long day wanes
Orange Mecanique
The Novel Now; A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction
The ink trade
Language Maid Plane
Novel Now a Guide To Contemporary Fiction
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eleventh Edition
Vindiciae Legis
Journal of the Plague Year
Cartas ao Planeta Brasil
20th Century Earthly Powers
Les Puissances des ténèbres -- Tome II
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Second Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Two Tales of the Future
L'homme de Nazareth
Piano Players
Clockwork Orange (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Devil's Mode
The Norton Reader -- Fourth Edition
Viajes De Gulliver
Poderes terrenales
Monsieur Enderby
Paul's last farewel, or, A sermon, preached at the funerall of ... Mr. Thomas Blake
Rome Sous La Pluie
The Norton reader -- thirteenth edition
A Clockwork Orange
Ink Trade
Anthony Burgess Reads From A Clockwork Orange and Enderby
Earthly Powers
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eighth Edition
The Maltese Islands and the Sea
Modus diaboli
The Norton Reader -- Third Edition
ha-Tapuz ha-mekhani
Mekhanicheskiĭ apelʹsin
Urgent copy
Alain Vircondelet
Alain Vircondelet (born 1947)

biographer, literary critic

  • University of Paris, Lycée Bugeaud
La poésie fantastique française
Mortel amiante
Jean-Paul II
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Marguerite Duras
Les Chats de Balthus
L'Enfance de Jean-Paul II
Mémoires de Balthus
Séraphine de Senlis
Alger, Alger
Charles de Foucauld
Pour Duras
Les couples mythiques de l'art
Antoine et Consuelo de Saint Exupéry, un amour de légende
La maison devant le monde
Joris-Karl Huysmans
Le roman de Jacqueline et Blaise Pascal
Journal de résistance d'un chrétien dans le monde
Les derniers jours de Casanova
La traversée
Le monde merveilleux des images pieuses
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
Bernadette, celle qui a vu
La Princesse de Lamballe
Albert Camus
Nulle part qu'à Venise
Jean Paul II, la biographie
L'art jusqu'à la folie
Une passion à Venise
Marguerite Duras
Maman la Blanche
Le Paris de Sagan
Marguerite Duras, une autre enfance
Alger, l'amour
Le grand guide de Venise - Sur les pas de Canaletto et des maitres venitiens
Venise, ou, l'innocence retrouvée
Sur les pas de Marguerite Duras
Extase de Tolède
C'étaient Antoine et Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry
La terreur des chiens
Auprès de Balthus
John Paul II
La nuit de Mayerling
Rencontrer Marguerite Duras
Juan Pablo II/ John Paul II
Guernica 1937
La vie la vie
Naissances d'un père
La véritable histoire du Petit prince
Tant que le jour te portera
Marie Noël
Le petit frère de la nuit
Balthus and Cats
La Cathédrale
Maman la Blanche
Balthus'un Anilari
Monde Merveilleux Des Images Pieuses
Saint Jean-Paul II
Éloge des herbes quotidiennes
Alger Alger
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Alger, ombres et lumières
Amore veneziano
Duras, Dieu et l'écrit
Les trésors du Petit Prince
Legendarnai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Huysmans, entre grâce et péché
Dans les pas de Saint-Exupéry
Albert Camus et la guerre d'Algérie
Cet été-là, de braise et de cendres
Dans les pas de Toulouse-Lautrec
Saint Exupéry dans la guerre
Devenir Venise
Un été à Long Island
Le Paris de Picasso
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Duras, la traversée d'un siècle
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Les enclos bretons
Renaissance de Saint Exupéry
De l'or dans la nuit de Vienne selon Klimt
Poéms pour détruire
La tisserande du Roi-Soleil
L'exil est vaste mais c'est l'été
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
Tzvetan Todorov
Tzvetan Todorov (1939-2017)

historian, semiologist, literary critic, sociologist, geologist, literary theorist, essayist, critic, philosopher

  • Sofia University, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Introduction à la littérature fantastique. English
Introduction à la littérature fantastique
Conquête de l'Amérique
Facing the Extreme
Poétique de la prose
A passion for democracy
Symbolisme et interprétation
Théories du symbole
Grammaire du Décaméron
Conquête de l'Amérique
A French tragedy
On human diversity
Genres in discourse
Symbolism and interpretation
Mémoire du mal, tentation du bien
Les aventuriers de l'absolu
Imperfect Garden
Germaine Tillion
Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem
Voices from the Gulag
Life in Common
Les genres du discours
Face à l'extrême
Literature and its theorists
Une tragédie française
French literary theory today
Torture and the war on terror
The Limits Of Art Two Essays
Encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences of language
Literature and its theorists
Éloge de l'individu
Mikhail Bakhtin
La notion de littérature et autres essais
Essential Spanish for Kids
Duties and delights
The fragility of goodness
Frail Happiness
La conquête de l'Amérique
L' homme dépaysé
Nous et les autres
La peur des barbares
La vie commune
Hope and Memory
The morals of history
La littérature en péril
The Fragility of Goodness
The new world disorder
Mikhaïl Bakhtine
A French tragedy
The poetics of prose
Devoirs et délices
Theories of the symbol
Critique de la critique
Montaigne, ou, La découverte de l'individu
Benjamin Constant
Fragility of Goodness, The
Eloge du quotidien
Das Laokoon-Projekt
Memory as a remedy for evil
L' esprit des lumieres
Symbolisme et interprétation
El triunfo del artista
Mikhail Bakhtin
Poétique de la prose
The fear of barbarians
Littérature et signification
Le nouveau désordre mondial
Grammaire du Décaméron
L'art ou la vie!
Théorie de la littérature
Le jardin imparfait
Une tragédie française
Poetik der Prosa
Les abus de la mémoire
Litterature et signification
Poétique de la prose (choix)
On Human Diversity: Nationalism, Racism, and Exoticism in French Thought (Convergences: Inventories of the Present)
Mélanges sur l'œuvre de Paul Bénichou
Le triomphe de l'artiste
Le siècle de Germaine Tillion
The semiotic conquest of America
Fragilite Du Bien (La) (Histoire,) (English and French Edition)
Critica De La Critica
The inner enemies of democracy translated by Andrew Brown
Lumi©·res, un h©♭ritage pour demain
Enzyklopädisches Wörterbuch der Sprachwissenschaften
Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme ?. Poétique, tome 2
Conquista de America, La
Goya à l'ombre des lumières
The replacement of ethics by aesthetics
Littérature et signification
Grammaire du Décamérone
El Nuevo Desorden Mundial (Con Una Cierta Mirada)
Frente Al Limite
Pensée de Rousseau
La signature humaine
Las Morales De La Historia/ The Morals of History (Paidos Basica / Basic Paidos)
Die verhinderte Weltmacht
Poetique de la prose
Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme?
La conquête de l'Amérique
L'esprit des Lumières
Les morales de l'histoire
Semiotika, retorika, stilistika
Hope and memory
Le nouveau désordre mondial
La Conqueste De L'Amerique
Teoría de los géneros literarios
Au nom du peuple
Ëloge du quotidien
Elogio Del Individuo/ the Individual's Praise
Frêle bonheur
Montaigne ou Le jardin imparfait
In defence of the Enlightenment
Eloge de l'individu
Les ennemis intimes de la démocratie
Deberes y Delicias
I formalisti russi
Die Eroberung Amerikas
Frêle bonheur
Teori as del si mbolo
Literatura y significación
Poetique de la Prose  Nouvelles Recherches sur le Recit
Los Abusos De La Memoria / Hope and Memory
I formalisti russi
Travail de Flaubert
El jardín imperfecto
Maqālāt fī al-tārīkh al-adabī
Face à l'extrême
El Hombre Desplazado
Krasotata shte spasi sveta
Teorias do símbolo
T︠S︡vetan Todorov za Bŭlgarii︠a︡
La Conquista de America
Guerre et paix sous l'Occupation
La peinture des Lumières
Sémantique de la poésie
Poetique de la prose par Tzvetan Todorov. --
Théorie de la littérature
Diccionario enciclopédico de las ciencias del lenguaje
Dukhŭt na Prosveshtenieto
Los usos de la memoria
Literatura y significación
Triumfŭt na tvoret︠s︡a
Intimnite neprii︠a︡teli na demokrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ta
El Jardin Imperfecto (Tratados y Manuales)
Esu xing shi zhu yi wen lun xuan
Poética da prosa
Theories du Symbole
Strakhŭt ot varvarite
The deflection of the enlightenment
The fear of barbarians
Fragil Felicidad
Simbolismo E Interpretacion
Lire et vivre
Gramática del Decamerón
Poetique de la prose par Tzvetan Todorov. --
Angesichts des Äußersten
The fear of barbarians
Cruce de culturas y mestizaje cultural
Muros caídos, muros erigidos
Memoria del Mal, Tentacion del Bien
Nedovŭrshenata gradina
poética estrudcturalista
Devoirs et délices
Chetene i zhivot
La pintura de la Ilustracion
Enzyklopaedisches Woerterbuch der Sprachwissenschaften
Taʼammulāt fī al-ḥaḍārah wa-al-dīmūqrāṭīyah wa-al-ghayrīyah
The poet's life (The Bennington chapbooks in literature)
La Conquista del'America
Los Generos del Discurso
Dolžnosti i nasladi
José Saramago
José Saramago (1922-2010)

journalist, playwright, translator, poet, chronicler, essayist, diarist, literary critic, dramaturge, revolutionary

The stone raft
Death with Interruptions
Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira
Ensaio sobre a lucidez
História do cerco de Lisboa
O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
The Elephant's Journey
The cave
Baltasar and Blimunda
The double
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Todos os nomes
Las pequenas memorias
Memorial do convento
Levantado del suelo
Viagem a Portugal
The tale of the unknown island
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Levantado del Suelo
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
As Intermitências da Morte
O Homem Duplicado
The cave
Raised from the ground
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis / O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis
Raised from the ground
Journey to Portugal
Deste mundo e do outro
The cave
Cuadernos de Lanzarote
Small memories
The Stone Raft
Saramago,"Soy un comunista integral"
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Viaje a Portugal
O caderno
Ensaio sobre a cegueira
La Caverna (Saramago, Jose. Works.)
The lives of things
El hombre duplicado
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias da Morte, As
Blindness (Harvest Book)
El evangelio según Jesucristo
The Year Of The Death Of Ricardo Reis
Las Intermitencias de La Muerte
Jose Saramago en Sus Palabras  Jose Saramago in His Words
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
José Saramago en sus palabras
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera
El cuento de la isla desconocida/ The Tale of the Unknown Island
El Nombre Y La Cosa (Cuadernos De La Catedra De Alfonso Reyes)
All the Names
El Ano de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
La flor más grande del mundo
The Cave
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
Hoffnung Im Roman Alentejo
Journey to Portugal
História do cerco de Lisboa
El Cuento de La Isla Desconocida
Death with interruptions
The Tale of the Unknown Island
Memorial do Convento
La caverna = A caverna
A segunda vida de Francisco de Assis
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Las maletas del viajero
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
El Viaje del Elefante  An Elephants Journey
L'Évangile selon Jésus-Christ
The Lives of Things
Memorial Do Convento
The Gospel accorinding to Jesus Christ
The Elephant's Journey
El cuaderno del año del Nobel
Folhas políticas, 1976-1998
The tale of the unknown island
La balsa de piedra
Baltasar and Blimunda
Death at intervals
Jesus Mateo
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
El equipaje del viajero
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafía
El evangelio según Jesucristo
La Caverna
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Don Giovanni ou o dissoluto absolvido
Der Stuhl und andere Dinge
Das Todesjahr des Ricardo Reis
Todos os Nomes
Cuadernos de Lanzarote II
Casi Un Objeto/Almost an Object
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario III
Collected Novels of José Saramago
Das Wvangelium Nach Jesus Christus
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Casi un objeto
José Saramago
All the Names
Das Zentrum
El hombre duplicado - 1. ed.
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Death With Interruptions
El evangelio según Jesucristo
Os Poemas Possiveis
A jangada de pedra
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Die Geschichte von der unbekannten Insel
Cândida Höfer
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Cuadernos de Lanzarote I 1993-1995
Death with interruptions
El Hombre Duplicado
La caverna
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario V
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Geschichte Der Belagerung Von Lissabon
Handbuch der Malerei und Kalligraphie
Double : (Enemy)
Die portugiesische Reise
LA Flor Mas Grande Del Mundo/the World's Largest Flower (Historias Para Dormir)
Raised from the ground
Memorial do convento
Pequeñas Memorias
Uma longa viagem com José Saramago
Xiu dao yuan ji shi (Pu yu zuo jia cong shu)
L'Année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
Casi Un Objeto
Nas suas palavras
Das Steinerne Flor
Death with Interruptions
Journey to Portugal
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafia
The Double
Passport to Portugal
God smerti Rikardo Reĭsa
Alabardas / Halberds
El viaje del elefante
El viaje del elefante
A Viagem do Elefante
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
As pequenas memórias
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
Uma voz contra o silêncio
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo/the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Saramago por José Saramago
A jangada de pedra
Os Apontamentos
Miasto ślepców
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias de la Muerte
Objecto Quase
As pequenas memórias
Levantado del Suelo
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida/the Tale of the Unknown Island
O conto da Ilha Desconhecida
O Lagarto
The Double
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario IV
Balsa de Piedra, La
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Baltasar and Blimunda
L'Autre comme moi (Cadre vert) (French Edition)
Memorial Del Convento/baltazar And Blimunda
A Bagagem do Viajante
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Das Memorial
Memorial del Convento
All the names
Jangada De Pedra
Memorial Del Convento
Las Pequenas Memorias
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera
Viagem a Portugal
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario II
La Caverna
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis. - 2.ed.
Manual of painting & calligraphy
A caverna
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo, El
Evangelio Según Jesucristo / the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
Le dieu manchot
Ölümlü Nesneler
História do cerco de Lisboa
Het schijnbestaan
Caín / Cain
The tale of the unknown island
Objecto quase
Kleine Erinnerungen
Provavelmente Alegria
Ricardo Reis'in Oldugu Yil
Levantado do chão
Ewangelia wedlug Jezusa Chrystusa
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ölüm Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus; 1998 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Memorial do Convento
Discursos Premios Nobel
El viatge de l'elefant
Death at Intervals
Memorial del Convento
Histoire du siège de Lisbonne
A viagem do elefante
i spilia / η σπηλιά
Butun Isimler
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
luz inesperada
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
O silêncio da água
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
Cain / Cain
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera (Spanish Edition)
El silencio del agua
Raised from the Ground
Levantado do cha o
Olum Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus
Small Memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
El viatge de l'elefant
La caverna
El Viaje del Elefante
Levantado Do Chao
Small Memories
El cuento de la isla desconocida
Ressamın Günlüğü
Journey to Portugal
Memorial do convento
Cuadernos de Lanzarote, (1993-1995)
Saramago na Universidade
Provavelmente alegria
The stone raft
Alabardas, alabardas, espingardas, espingardas
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
Deste Mundo e do Outro
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, the
cuento de la isla desconocida
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Tale of the Unknown Island
Balsa de Piedra
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - The Gospel According to Jesus Christ - Blindness [3 Books in One]
Topragin Uyanisi
Conversaciones con Saramago
Un regard sur le monde. Anthologie
In nomine dei
Os Apontamentos
La balsa de piedra
Das steinerne Floß
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
The Elephant's Journey
Provavelmente alegria
Año de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
The Cave
L'home duplicat
Assaig sobre la lucidesa
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, The
Las Pequeas Memorias
History of the Siege of Lisbon
All the Names
Baltasar and Blimunda
L'Evangeli segons Jesucrist
A noite
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera / Blindness
Catidaki Pencere
Blindness (Movie Tie-In)
Le Radeau de pierre
Storia dell'assedio di Lisbona
Heykelden Tasa ve Nobel Konusmasi
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Seeing
Le intermittenze della morte
Tale of the Unknown Island
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Stone Raft
O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por SEBASTIAO SALGADO
O silencio da agua - Nova edicao
O homem duplicado
Manual de pintura y caligrafi a
Intermitencias De La Muerte, Las
Viaggio in Portogallo
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Viaje del Elefante
Miasto ślepców
Bilinmeyen Adanin Öyküsü
1998 Nōberu-shō, 21-seiki e no eichi
Oggetto quasi
Viaje Del Elefante / the Elephant's Journey
A Segunda Vida de Francisco de Assis
Dunyanin En Buyuk Cicegi
Les intermitències de la mort
Memorial Do Convento
History of the Siege of Lisbon
A Noite
La viuda
Masaʻ ha-pil
Història del Cerco de Lisboa
14 canciones. El viaje del elefante
Yitik Adanin Oykusu
Levantado do Chão
Small memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
viaje del elefante (edición ilustrada). 20. º aniversario del Premio Nobel
Viagem a Portugal
Vospominanii Ła o monastyre
Alle namen
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Memorial do convento
La Balsa de Piedra
Miji ŭi sŏm =
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Stone Raft
L'últim quadern
Double Proof
Real fiction
Levantado do chão
A maior flor do mundo
Vospominanii︠a︡ o monastyre
Uma luz inesperada
Claraboia oder Wo das Licht einfällt
Caim Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por MILTON HATOUM
Obras Completas - Volume 4
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira. Die Stadt der Blinden, portugiesische Ausgabe
O homem duplicado
Cave Proof
As intermitências da morte
Levantado del Suelo
La caverna
Alle Namen. Sonderausgabe
Il racconto dell'isola sconosciuta
Nobel Address
Provavelmente Alegria
Portekiz’e Yolculuk
Os poemas possíveis
Memoriale del convento
A maior flor do mundo
Raised from the Ground
Raised from the Ground
I neʻelam
L'uomo duplicato
Baltasar a Blimunda
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Il Vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo
Viagem a Portugal
Folhas Políticas
El Ultimo Cuaderno
History of the Siege of Lisbon, The
Que Haréis con Este Libro
Les intermittences de la mort
The stone raft
Journey to Portugal
Els poemes possibles
La balsa de piedra
El Cuento de la Isla Desconocida
De Este Mundo y Del Otro / Las Maletas Del Viajero
Viaje a Portugal
Death with Interruptions
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Que Farei Com Este Livro
Mizraklar, Mizraklar Tüfekler, Tüfekler
El quadern
Os poemas possi veis
Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Le Conte de l'île inconnue
Isa'ya Gore Incil
Baltasar and Blimunda
Stone Raft
Filin Yolculugu
Cain - Jose SARAMAGO - Book in Portuguese
Todos Os Nomes
Democracia y universidad
Manuel de peinture et de calligraphie
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Blindness (film Tie-In)
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Las Intermitencias De La Muerte
Autre Comme Moi
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Tale of the Unknown Island
Het schijnbestaan (Dutch Edition)
A Viagem do Elefante
Evangelie ot Iisusa
L'Evangile selon Jésus-Christ
A jangada de pedra
Sularin Sessizligi
Tale of the Unknown Island
Le voyage de l'éléphant
In nomine Dei
Death at intervals
El Evangelio según Jesucristo
Lizbon Kusatmasinin Tarihi
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
A bagagem do viajante
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
isa'ya Göre İncil
CAIN (Spanish Edition)
Quaderns de Lanzarote II
As Intermitencias da Morte
Deste mundo e do outro
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
Casi un Objeto / Almost an Object
Belki de Nese
L'anno mille993
Di questo mondo e degli altri
Kücük Anilar; Cocukluk ve Ilkgenclik Anilari
Small Memories
A viagem do elefante
Godine smrti Rikardo Reiša
Viaje a Portugal
Elephant's Journey
El cuento de la isla deconocida
L'any de la mort de Ricardo Reis
A última entrevista de José Saramago
Kopyalanmis Adam
El hombre duplicado
Small Memories
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Manuale di pittura e calligrafia
Collected Novels of Jose Saramago
El Viaje Del Elefante
Baltasar Ile Blimunda
La flor más grande del mundo
Kain (Dutch Edition)
Portugal (Pallas Guides)
Ricardo Reis’in Öldügü Yil
Uma Luz Inesperada
Quasi objets
Objecto quase
A estátua e a pedra
Stone raft
Caverna / the Cave
Objeto quase
Poesia Completa
El Ano de La Muerte de Ricardo Ries
Körlük - Görmek
The Tale Of The Unknown Island / (El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida)
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
A maior flor do mundo
As opiniões que o DL teve
De andere kant
El último cuaderno
Kamennyĭ plot
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
La balsa de piedra
Discurso de aceptación del Premio ante la Academia Sueca, 1998
Les Poèmes possibles (Os poemas possíveis)
Discursos de Estocolmo
Terra do pecado
Le cahier
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Baltazar i Blimunda
A bagagem do viajante
Os apontamentos
El evangelio segun Jesucristo 1ed.
Poesía completa
Que farei com este livro?
The elephant's journey
Os apontamentos
Die Stadt der Blinden
A viagem do elefante
Diálogos com José Saramago
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Awakening
In nomine Dei
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Levantado do chão
A caverna
A noite
La balsa de piedra
Os poemas possíveis
El evangelio según Jesucristo 1ed.
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
La Caverne
Histoires tragico-maritimes
Viagem a Portugal
O ano de 1993
Os poemas possíveis
Su contu de s'ìsula disconnota
De man in duplo
Objecto quase
L'année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
El hombre duplicado
Viaje a Portugal
Baltasar and Blimunda
A jangada de pedra
El silencio del agua
Deste mundo e do outro
Nuestro libro de cada día
Cadernos de Lanzarote
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay (born 1974)

essayist, journalist, editing staff, literary critic

  • Michigan Technological University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Difficult Women
Bad Feminist
An Untamed State
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde
Woman's Right to Pleasure
The Best American Short Stories 2018
Not that bad
Black Panther
Sacrifice of Darkness
Dress like a woman
Drawing Power
Love and Resistance
Mickalene Thomas
Power Book
Women of the 116th Congress
The Banks Box Set
Original Sisters
The New Black: A Neo-Noir Anthology
Tage der Furcht
Frick Madison
Best Actress
Kötü Feminst
Urgent, Unheard Stories
Radicals, Volume 1 : Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing into the Wound
Dawn of the Midnight Angels
Balance ta bulle - 62 dessinatrices témoignent du harcèlement et de la violence sexuelle
Year I Learned Everything
Moon Milk Review 2011
No es para tanto
Unti on Writing
How to Be Heard
Do the Work
Bayard Taylor
Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

poet, diplomat, literary critic, journalist, critic, translator, politician, explorer, lyricist

Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Joseph and His Friend
The Late Great Ape Debate
Central Asia
At home and abroad
The  poetical works of Bayard Taylor
The  dramatic works of Bayard Taylor
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor ..
The Story of Kennett
A  visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the Beast
Travels in Arabia
Blah, blah, blah
The Lands of the Saracen
Views a-foot: or, Europe seen with a knapsack and staff
Boys of other countries
Ghostly Clients and Demonic Culprits
American Short Stories
The  echo club, and other literary diversions
The  ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Colorado: a summer trip
John Godfrey's fortunes; related by himself
Poems of the Orient
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures : Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland
A School History of Germany: From the Earliest Period to the Establishment ..
Japan in our day
Cyclopaedia of modern travel
The  poems of Bayard Taylor
Travels in South Africa
Cyclopædia of modern travel
Eldorado Or Adventures In Path Of Empire
A  sheaf of poems
By-ways of Europe
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
The Annotated Joseph and His Friend
Travels in Greece & Russia with an excursion into Crete
Studies in German literature
Home ballads
Poems of home and travel
The  prophet
The  American legend
Melodies of verse
Poetical works
The  masque of the gods
The  national ode
The Poet's Journal
Critical essays and literary notes
A  history of Germany from the earliest times to the present day
La  República dels Pirineus =
The Life, Travels And Books Of Alexander Von Humboldt
The  correspondence of Bayard Taylor and Paul Hamilton Hayne
A  school history of Germany
Lars a Pastoral of Norway
The  works of Bayard Taylor
Rhymes of Travel: Ballads and Poems
Selected letters of Bayard Taylor
The  lands of the Saracen ; John Godfrey's fortunes
Eldorado ; The story of Kennett
John Godfrey's Fortunes V1
Home pastorals, ballads and lyrics
The  picture of St. John
A Visit to India, China, and Japan (Ganesha - Japan in English: Key Nineteenth-Century Sources on Japan)
The  late great ape debate discussion guide
Views of old Europe
Beauty and The Beast, Etc.
Hand-book of literature and the fine arts
Beauty and the beast [a story of old Russia]; and, Tales of home
Picturesque Europe
Northern travel ; Travels in Greece and Russia
Views a-foot ; Beauty and the beast
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V1
A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V2
Beauty And The Beast And Tales From Home
Journey To Central Africa, A
By-ways of Europe ; Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the beast and other tales
Prince Deukalion
The Golden Wedding
The lake regions of Central Africa
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales from Home
Northern Travel
Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home (Annotated)
Joseph and His Friend
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
The lake regions of Central Africa
A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853, Volume 10
Travels to Arabia
Home ballads
Studies in German Literature. with an Introd. by George H. Boker
Boys of other countries
Travel in Kashmir Ladakh & Central Asia
Egypt and Iceland
Independence Day Orations and Poems
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Novels-Hannah Thurston
Poet's Journal
Central Asia
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Banard Taylor, Geschichte Von Deutschland
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Story of Kennett
Lands of the Saracen
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales
Journey to Central Africa
Travel and Miscellaneous-View Afoot
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
A School History of Germany
History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
Japan in our day (Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and adventure)
World's Great Classics : Northern Travel
La bella y la bestia
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Two German Giants
Northern Travel (Esprios Classics)
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 5
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
Byeways of Europe
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Joseph and His Friend
Studies in German Literature with an Introd by George H Boker
Joseph and His Friend
The picture of St. John 1867 [Leather Bound]
Ximena and Other Poems
Visit to India
Northern Travel
Hannah Thurston
Echo Club, and Other Literary Diversions
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 4
Studies in German literature
Better Angels : A Retelling of Joseph and His Friend
Unpublished Letters
Northern Travel Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland
Travels in Greece and Russia; with an excursion to Crete. Household edition
The Dramatic Works of Bayard Taylor
Late Great Ape Debate
Home authors and home artists
Lands of the Saracen
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire
Following Jesus
Christians on the move
Life of Jesus
The Poetical Works of Bayard Taylor (Household Edition)
Travels; Volume 6
Greek Travel Diaries by 19th-Century Writers
Story of Kennett
The story of Kennett,
Eldorado, Or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Boys of Other Countries
New pictures from California
The  unpublished letters of Bayard Taylor in the Huntington library
Prince Duekalion
Faust (illustrated)
At Home and Abroad
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 2
The  Quaker widow
Bismarck : His Authentic Biography
Poems of Home and Travel
Travels in Arabia
On leaving California
By-Ways of Europe
Eldorado Or Adventures in the Path of Em
The dramatic works of Bayard Taylor;
Poems of the Orient
Germany; rev. and ed. from the work of Bayard Taylor
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 2
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an Excursion to Crete
Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Story of Kennett
Eldorado; or, Adventures in the path of empire;
Beauty and the Beast
Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel : A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, for the Past Fifty Years
TRAVELS in ARABIA Ancient Rare and Interesting Story the Book Gives an Overview of the Most Important European Travelers
Northern travel ...
Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor
Travels in Greece and Russian
Bayard Taylor's Works
Bismarck: His Authentic Biography: Including Many of His Private Letters and Personal Memoranda ..
Japan in our day
New pictures from California
Japan in our day
Hannah Thurston
Poems of the orient
By-ways of Europe
The echo club, and other literary diversions
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an excursion to Crete
Eldorado or, Adventures in the path of empire
Travels in Arabia
The lake regions of Central Africa
Boys of Other Countries (juvenile)
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Melodies of verse
Studies in German literature
India, China, and Japan ; studies in German literature
The story of Kennett
The story of Kennett
Hannah Thurston (Berkshires - Collected Works of Federal Writers Project)
A visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853
Poems, by Bayard Taylor
[Letter to] My dear Mr. Garrison
Dramatic Works and Poetical Works
A visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Northern travel
National ode
The ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Critical essays and literary notes
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the path of empire
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
Hannah Thurston (The Muckrakers Ser.)
The golden wedding
Northern travel
The American Legend: A Poem Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard ..
The centennial ode
Goethe, August 28th, 1875
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
At home and abroad
Travels in South Africa
Alla gloriosa memoria di Vittorio Emanuele, primo re d'Italia, gli Italiani residenti in New York convenuti in publica assemblea offrivano in omaggio di lutto e di riconoscenza il XIV di gennajo MDCCCLXXVIII
Central Asia
Carl Clinton Van Doren
Carl Clinton Van Doren (1885-1950)

literary critic, biographer, journalist

  • University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Columbia University
James Branch Cabell
Benjamin Franklin
The great rehearsal
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists, 1900-1920
Fireside Book of Favorite American Songs
Carl Van Doren
Many minds
Secret history of the American Revolution
The great rehearsal
Three worlds
Secret history of the American Revolution
American and British literature since 1890
The American novel
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
American scriptures
Travel and tourism
An Illinois boyhood
Sinclair Lewis
Indian treaties printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762
The life of Thomas Love Peacock
The roving critic
The American novel, 1789-1939
The Cambridge history of American literature
What is American literature?
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
Modern American prose
The great rehearsal
Jane Mecom
Mutiny in January
What is American literature?
Mark Twain and Bernard Shaw
An anthology of world prose
Some days with Washington
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards
Other provinces
The Life Of Jonathan Swift
Jane Mecom, the favorite sister of Benjamin Franklin
Youth and wings
Fools of God and doctors of the Church
La novela norteamericana, 1789-1939
Carl Van Doren
American literature
An American Omnibus
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Contemporary American Novelists
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Americana esoterica
The Cambridge history of American literature
Cato's moral distichs
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Borzoi reader
The patriotic anthology
The American novel, 1789-1939
An American omnibus
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
The ninth wave
The Cambridge history of American literature
Mutiny in January
Many minds
The Secret History of America
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists 1900-1920
Letters from Carl
What is American literature?
American and British literature since 1890
Secret history of the American Revolution
Kısa Amerikan edebiyatı tarihi (What is American litterature [!])
The roving critic
The patriotic anthology
American scriptures
The London omnibus
The patriotic anthology
James Branch Cabell
The Cambridge history of American literature
Benjamin Franklin
William Butler Yeats as an interpreter of modern life
Modern American prose
James Branch Cabell
Sinclair Lewis
The travels of Baron Munchausen
Three worlds
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
Benjamin Franklin
An anthology of world prose
Lisa Appignanesi
Lisa Appignanesi (born 1946)

journalist, linguist, literary critic, television producer, scholar of English

  • McGill University
Dreams of innocence
Femininity & the creative imagination
The cabaret
Freud's women
Losing the dead
Mad, Bad and Sad
Simone de Beauvoir
Memory and desire
Kicking fifty
The dead of winter
Simone de Beauvoir (Life & Times S.)
Paris requiem
The Memory Man
Unholy Loves (Belle Epoque Mysteries)
The Things We Do for Love
Sad, mad and bad
All about love
A good woman
Kalt ist die See
In der Stille des Winters
Die andere Frau
Ideas from France: The Legacy of French Theory
Simone De Beauvoir (Life & Times)
Das Kabarett
Freud's Women
All about love
Unholy loves
A Good Woman and The Things We Do For Love
Freud's Women