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journalists who wrote fantasy
Showing 257-264 out of 471 results
Thomas King
Thomas King (born 1943)

radio personality, photographer, essayist, scholar of English, actor, film director, academic, activist

  • University of Utah
Green grass, running water
Truth & Bright Water
The truth about stories
One good story, that one
Coyote sings to the moon
All my relations
Medicine River
A short history of Indians in Canada
Coyote tales
A Coyote Columbus story
All my relations
Une brève histoire des Indiens au Canada
Osvaldo Soriano
Osvaldo Soriano (1943-1997)


Piratas, fantasmas y dinosaurios
Cuentos de cine
Winter quarters
Cuarteles de invierno
A Funny Dirty Little War
Memorias del Mister
Artistas, Locos y Criminales
Una Sombra YA Pronto Seras
El ojo de la patria
No habrá más penas ni olvido
El The Ojo de La Patria (Colección Narrativas Argentinas)
A Sus Plantas Rendido Un Leon (La Otra Orilla)
Cuentos de los años felices
El Ojo de la Patria (Seix Barral Biblioteca Soriano)
La hora sin sombra
Arqueros, Ilusionistas y Goleadores
Memorias del Míster Peregrino Fernández y otros relatos de fútbol
Rebeldes, Sonadores y Fugitivos
No Habra Mas Penas Ni Olvidos
Una sombra ya pronto serás
Piratas, fantasmas y dinosaurios
Triste, solitario y final
La Hora Sin Sombra (Seix Barral Biblioteca Soriano)
El Negro De Paris (Colección Torre de Papel)
Artistas, Locos y Criminales (Seix Barral)
A Sus Plantas Rendido Un Leon
Una Sombra YA Pronto Seras (Colección Narrativas Argentinas)
Triste Solitario y Final - S J -
Triste, solitario y final
A sus plantas rendido un Leon
Hora Sin Sombra, La
Je ne vous dis pas adieu..
No Habra Mas Pena Ni Olvidos
No habra mas penas ni olvido
El Negro de Paris
Mai piú pene né oblio
A sus plantas rendido un león
Thlimménos, teleftaíos kai mónos
Rebeldes, soñadores y fugitivos
Triste Solitario y Final - Con Guia de Lectura
Quartieri d'inverno
Una sombra ya pronto serás
Cuarteles de invierno
Quartéis de Inverno
Cuarteles de invierno
No habrá más penas ni olvido
No habrá más penas ni olvido
Sus Plantas Rendido un León
No habrá más penas ni olvido (Seix barral)
Cuarteles de invierno
Cómicos, tiranos y leyendas
No habrá más penas ni olvido
Triste, solitario y final
Llamada internacional
Cuarteles de invierno
No habrá más penas ni olvido
Chris Kohler
Chris Kohler (born 1980)


  • Tufts University
Final Fantasy V
Retro Gaming Hacks
Britain in the nineteenth century, 1815-1914
Sentinels Omnibus 2
Sentinels : The Rivals
World Was SQUARE
Phantom Limb
Fina Casalderrey
Fina Casalderrey (born 1951)

professor, journalist, pedagogue, ethnographer, playwright

Contos dende a arquitectura
Alas De Mosca Para Angel
El misterio del cementerio viejo/ The mystery of the old cemetery
Sobrevives?/ Survive?
La abuela tiene una medicina (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
Cuando la tierra se olvido de girar/ When the Earth Forgot to Spin
El abuelo es sabio (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
La abuela no quiere comer (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
No Te Cases, Papa!
O Libro Da Empanada
El abuelo sale de paseo (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
Silence! El lago de las ninas mudas/ Silence! The Lake of the the Deaf Girls
¡¡¡Gela se ha vuelto vampira!!!
El nen gos
Asustate, Merche!
Historia de la bicicleta de un hombre lagarto
Pasmate, Merche!
Derradeira Carta OS Reis Magos
Asústate, Merche!
Hija De Las Olas
Luas De Nacara
Pesadilla en el tren Chocolate
Reposteria En Galicia/bakery of Galicia
O Libro Da Empanada/ The Book of Empanadas
Un gos al pis, i què?
As De Mosca Para Anxo
Ultima Carta a Los Reyes Magos/the Last Letter to the Wise Men
O Meu Avo E Unha Gata
Quen Me Quere Adoptar?
Duas Bagoas Por Maquina
Prohibido casar, papá!
El misterio de la Casa del Palomar
Pimpin Y Dona Gata/ Pimpin and Mrs. Gata
Alas de Mosca Para Angel
Mutacions Xeneticas
Un Saquino De Contos
Un can en o piso!
Quien Quiere Adoptarme?/ Who Wants to Adopt
El Misterio De Los Hijos De Lua/ the Mystery Lua's Kids
Eu Son Eu
El misterio de los hijos de Lúa
Pimpin e doña Gata
Apertas de vainilla
Puf! Hau nazka!
A máscara de Palma
O neno can
Can no piso, un
Prohibido casar, papa!
O misterio dos fillos de Lúa
Historia da bicicleta dun home lagarto
Nolo e os ladróns de leña
Puag, que noxo!
O misterio do Faro Vello
Fuego!!! (Spanish Edition)
Gordiño Recheo. Caderno de comprensión lectora
Un caballo de fuego
No et pots casar, pare!
Cuando la Tierra se olvidó de girar
A Muller Xabaril
Bi malko makinarengatik
Puf! Hau nazka!
Ola, estupido monstro peludo!
O misterio da casa de Pombal
Un Dia De Caca Y Vaca (Cartera De Valores)
Pesadelo no tren chocolate
¡No te cases Papá!
Un cavall de foc
No te cases papá
El misterio de la Casa del Palomar
Mutacións xenéticas
El estanque de los patos pobres
Gordito relleno/ Chubby (El Barco De Vapor: Serie Naranja/ the Steamboat: Orange Series) (Spanish Edition)
Desventuras dun lobo namorado
íHola, estúpido monstruo peludo!
O misterio da Casa do Pombal
Lingua guapa. Cantos que contan...
A furgoneta branca
Abrazos de vainilla
Puf! Hau nazka!
Bi malko makinarengatik
Un saco de estrelas
Reposteria En Galicia (Turismo / Ocio)
Contra el vent
O misterio do cemiterio vello
Voces termando da paisaxe galega
María Victoria Moreno. A muller que durmía pouco e soñaba moito
Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar
Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar
Bi malko makinarengatik
Lecturas. Hora de ler! Un, dous, tres... 4 Primaria
E ti que farías por min?
Sobrevives?/ Do you Survive? (Fora De Xogo)
El misterio del cementerio viejo
Blíster "Alas de mosca para Ángel" 5º de Primaria
Lectures. Hora de llegir! Tic, tac, tic... 4º primaria
Dos lágrimas por Máquina
Un can no piso!
Puf! Hau nazka!
A Pomba e o Degolado
El misteri dels fills de Lluna
O xenio da Cidade do Sal
Papa e meu!
A lagoa das nenas mudas
Asústate, Merche!
Giovanni Papini
Giovanni Papini (1881-1956)

poet, journalist, literary critic, biographer, philosopher

Antología de la literatura fantástica
Watch For The Light
Un uomo finito
Selected works
Life of Christ
Life of Christ. Freely translated from the Italian by Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Labourers in the vineyard
Storia di Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
The Failure
Dante Vivo
Laborers in the vineyard
The failure (Un uomo finito)
L' altra meta
Dante vivo
Il non finito
Ritratti stranieri (1908-1921)
La leggenda di Dante
Four and Twenty Minds
Il diavolo
Le memorie d'Iddio
L'uomo Carducci
Pagine scelte
The letters of pope Celestine VI to all mankind
Scritti postumi
Der heilige Augustinus
Saint Augustine
I nipoti d'Iddio
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
El Libro Negro/the Black Book
Historia de Cristo
Chiudiamo le scuole!
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1920)
The story of Christ
Giorni di festa
Il libro nero
Storia di Cristo
Giovanni Vailati, 1863-1909
Buffonate, Satire e fantasie
Le felicità dell'infelice
L' uomo Carducci
Carteggio Papini-Signorelli
Lettere domestiche agli amici della Valtiberina (1909-1951)
Italiener vor dem Jüngsten Gericht
The memoirs of God
Life and myself
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
24 cervelli
... Santi e poeti
Diario 1900
Il Diavolo
Eresie letterarie (1905-1928)
Sant' Agostino
Parole e sangue
A man--finished
Italia mia
L' esperienza futurista, 1913-1914
Concerto fantastico
Storia di Cristo
Histoire du Christ
Carteggio (1914-1941)
Jacopone da Todi
Un uomo finito
Danite vivo
Michelangiolo und sein Lebenskreis
Rapporto sugli uomini
Il tragico quotidiano
Passato remoto
Giovanni Papini, Giuseppe Prezzolini
La spia del mondo
Passato remoto, 1885-1914
Storia di Cristo
4 And 20 Minds
Gli operai della vigna
Svedkovia utrpenia
The story of Christ; transl. from the Italian by M.P. Agnetti.
Gog, El Libro Negro
Scrittori e artisti
Las Almas Cambiadas / The Changed Souls (Benteveo)
Un homme fini
Carteggio, 1904-1925
E Istoria tou Christou
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Dante vivant
Grandezze di Carducci
Vita di Michelangiolo nella vita del suo tempo
Cento pagine di poesia
24 [Ventiquattro] Cervelli
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Lettere agli uomini di Papa Celestino VI
Saint' Agostino. --
Strane storie
Un uomo finito
Figuras humanas
Opera prima
Giorni di festa (1916-1918)
Lo specchio che fugge
[Historia de Cristo]
24 cervelli
La leggenda di Dante
L'imitazione del padre
Grandezza di Carducci
Figure umane
Vita de Michelangelo nella vita del suo tempo
The story of Christ
L' inquietudine di un secolo
Il sacco dell' orco
Gli amanti di sofia (1902-1918)
Stroncature (1904-1931)
Giudizio universale
Io, Papini
Polemiche Religiose
Life of Christ
Poeti d'oggi (1900-1925)
Le memorie d'Iddio
Vecchio e nuovo nazionalismo
Diario (1916-1953)
Filosofia e letteratura
Poesia in prosa
Istoria tou Hristou
Foglie della foresta
Tutte le opere di Giovanni Papini
24 [ i.e. Venti quattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
Świadkowie meki
La corona d'argento
Racconti di gioventù
I testimoni della Passione
Incontriamo Papini
Città Felicità: Firenze
Tutte le opere
Le crépuscule des philosophes
Das Wesen der Renaissance
La loggia dei busti
Storia di un'amicizia
Italia mia
Storia della letteratura italiana ..
L' uomo Carducci
The devil, notes for a future diabology
El Diablo
Giorni di festa
Lettres aux hommes du pape Célestin VI
La seconda nascita
A prayer for fools
The Story of Christ
L' Altra metà
Felicità di Giacomo Leopardi
Pane e vino
Michelangelo, his life and his era
Le livre noir
Modlitba ke Kristu
... Dante vivo
La spia del mondo
Memuarn fun Reboyne sheloylem
Prose morali
Le pazzie del poeta
Opera prima, venti poesie in rima e venti ragione in prosa
Dante vivo
Le disgrazie del libro in Italia
Poeti d'oggi
Sefer zikhronotaṿ shel ha-Elohim
Cento pagine di poesia
Storia di un'amicizia, 1900-1924
Poesia in prosa
Giovanni Papini
Giorni di festa
Diario, 1916-1953
Poesia in versi
Pagine scelte
Life of Christ
Giovanni Papini, 1881-1981
Historia de Cristo
Il crepuscolo dei filosofi
Laborers in the vineyard
Scritti postumi di Giovanni Papini
L'inquietudine di un secolo
Polemiche religiose (1908-1914)
Storia di Cristo
Saint Augustine
Città Felicità
Carteggio, 1939-1956
El libro negro. - 2. ed.
Le felicità dell'infelice
Ritratti italiani (1904-1931)
Ḥayāt al-Masīḥ
I racconti
Four and twenty minds
Life of Christ
24 [i.e. Ventiquattro] cervelli
Poesia e fantasia
I carteggi di Giovanni Papini
Le ombre di Parnaso
Carteggio, 1904-1925
... tutto il presente era da loro sacrificato a un futuro che a sua volta sarebbe diventato presente e sacrificato a sura volta a un altro futuro e cosi fino all'ultimo presente, fino alla morte
La oracion del buzo
... Il mio futurismo
Cento pagine di poesia
William Harrison Ainsworth
William Harrison Ainsworth (1805-1882)


  • The Manchester Grammar School
The Lancashire Witches, a Romance of Pendle Forest
The elixir of life (Auriol)
Guy Fawkes; or, The gunpowder treason
Ovingdean Grange; a tale of the South Downs
The Constable de Bourbon
the new monthly magazine
The Admirable Crichton
Bentley's Miscellany
Old Saint Paul's, a Tale of the Plague And the Fire
The spendthrift, a tale
Bentley's Miscellany
The miser's daughter
The new monthly magazine
The leaguer of Lathom
Saint James's
Beau Nash, or, Bath in the eighteenth century
The goldsmiths' wife
The star-chamber, an historical romance
The Star-Chamber Volume 1
Talbot Harland
Jack Sheppard (1839)
Bentley's Miscellany
Bentley's Miscellany
The fall of Somerset
Merry England
The Lord Mayor of London
Windsor Castle, an historical romance
The Star-Chamber, Volume 2
Bentley's Miscellany
Bentley's Miscellany
The New Monthly Magazine VOL.127
Bentley's Miscellany
The Manchester rebels of the fatal '45
Cruikshank's Water Colours
Bentley's Miscellany
The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth
Bentley's Miscellany
Preston Fight
Bentley's Miscellany
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 57
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 11
Ballads: romantic, fantastical, and humorous
John Law, the projector
Hilary St. Ives V1
Chetwynd Calverley
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 50
Cardinal Pole
The maid's revenge
Historical romances of William Harrison Ainsworth
Mervyn Clitheroe
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 23
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 26
James The Second Or The Revolution Of 1688
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 7
The flitch of bacon
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 40
The good old times
Myddleton Pomfret
The Spanish match
December tales
Bentley's Miscellany
Old court
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 5
The Constable Of The Tower V2
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 57
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 41
Bentley's Miscellan, Volume 14
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 59
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 47
Stanley Brereton
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 15
Bentley's Miscellany
Bentley's Miscellany, Vol. XXXV
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 36
Ainsworth's novels
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 51
Hilary St. Ives
Bentley's Miscellany, Volume 30
Tower of London
Jack Sheppard a Romance
Myddleton Pomfret V3
Letters from Cockney lands
Old St. Paul's
Rookwood, a romance
Spanish Match : Or, Charles Stuart at Madrid
The Good Old Times: The Story of the Manchester Rebels of '45
Bentley's Miscellany; Volume 6
The Historical Romances of William Harrison Ainsworth Rockwood in One Volume
The South-Sea Bubble
Goldsmith's Wife
Myddleton Pomfret
Bentley's Miscellany; Volume 1
Historical romances
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 5
Auriol the Elixir of Life
The Lancashire Witches
Novels and romances
The Good Old Times V2
Jack Sheppard Volume I A Romance
The Spectre Bride, Auriol or the Elixir of Life, and a Night in Rome
Ainsworth's Magazine
Bentley's Miscellany; Volume 7
Mervyn Clitheroe
The South-Sea bubble. With nineteen illus. by Edward Henry Corbould
Twr Llundain
History of the Dunmow Flitch of Bacon Custom
Tower of London
Hilary St. Ives
Ainsworth's Magazine
The Projector
The Combat of the Thirty. From a Breton Lay of the Fourteenth Century. With an Introduction, Comprising a New Chapter of Froissart
Windsor Castle
New Monthly Magazine, Volume 2
Lancashire Witches
Guy Fawkes
The Goldsmith's Wifes
Jack Sheppard
The tower of London
Lancashire Witches, a Romance of Pendle Forest. with Illus. by Sir John Gilbert
Jack Sheppard Volume III A Romance
Mervyn Clitheroe
South-Sea Bubble
Old Saint Paul's
Old Saint Paul's; Volume 2
The Tower of London, V.II (Historical Romances of William Harrison Ainsworth)
New Monthly Magazine
Nell Gwynne
Beatrice Tyldesley
Old Saint Pauls (The Evergreen library)
El castillo de Windsor
Crichton; Volume 1
The tower of London, an historical romance
The novels of William Harrison Ainsworth
Tower Hill
Spanish Match
Guy Fawkes, or, the Gunpowder Treason
Jack Sheppard
Windsor castle
The constable of the tower
Beau Nash
Turpin's ride to York
Auriol, or, The elixir of life
Old Saint Paul's
The admirable Crichton
Legend of the Devil's dyke
The Manchester rebels of the fatal '45 ...
Old Saint Paul's
The New Monthly Magazine
Sir John Chiverton
Saint James's; or, The court of Queen Anne
Saint James's
Beatrice Tyldesley V3
The tower of London
The Stone jug
Preston fight
Flitch of bacon
Ainsworth's novels
The spendthrift
Historical romances of William Harrison Ainsworth
Historical romances of William Harrison Ainsworth
Terence Blacker
Terence Blacker (born 1948)

journalist, lyricist

  • Hawtreys, University of Cambridge
Power-crazy Ms.Wiz (Ms Wiz S.)
The twyning
The Transfer
3 Great Fantasy Novels
In control, Ms. Wiz?
Time Flies for Ms Wiz
If I Could Work
Ms. Wiz spells trouble
Ms Wiz Banned!
Ms.Wiz Millionaire (Ms Wiz)
You're Nicked MS Wiz (Ms Wiz)
Ms Wiz Spells Trouble (Ms Wiz)
In Stitches with Ms.Wiz
Ms Wiz Smells a Rat
Ms Wiz Rocks
Out of Control, Ms Wiz
Ms Wiz Totally Spaced
Ms Wiz Supermodel (Ms Wiz)
Kill your darlings
The angel factory
Ms Wiz Goes Live
Ms Wiz Goes to Hollywood (Ms Wiz)
You're Kidding, Ms.Wiz (Ms Wiz)
Ms Wiz and the Sister of Doom (Ms Wiz)
Ms Wiz Magic (Ms Wiz)
The MS Adventures of Ms. Wiz
The Amazing Adventures of Ms Wiz
The Crazy World of Ms Wiz
The Secret Life of Ms.Wiz (Ms Wiz)
Miss Wiss ganz groß. 3 Miss- Wiss- Abenteuer
The Great Denture Adventure
Ms Wiz Mayhem (Ms Wiz)
No Magic Please! More Adventures With Ms. Wiz
Ms Wiz Loves Dracula
Ms Wiz Superstar (Ms Wiz)
MS Wiz Goes to Hollywood and MS Wiz and the Sister of Doom
The fame hotel
On the Wing
Dream Team (Hotshots)
Herbie Hamster, where are you?
Ms Wiz Omnibus (Ms Wiz)
Houdini the disappearing hamster
Time Flies for MS Wiz and You're Kidding, MS Wiz
The angel factory
Shooting Star (Hotshots)
In Control MS Wiz? & MS Wiz--Millionaire
Homebird (Cascades)
You Have Ghost Mail (Shock Shop)
Ms Wiz Rules OK!
Pride and Penalties
Ms. Wiz Smells a Rat and Ms. Wiz Supermodel
Nasty Neighbours (Flippers)
Racing Manhattan
Henry and the Frights
Gwahardd Ms Swyn
Secret Policemans Third Ball
Homebird (Plays Plus)
You Have Ghost Mail
Missing Believed Crazy
UN Mundo De Problemas
In Jail, Ms. Wiz?
Missing Believed Crazy
The Meaning of Cantona
De streken van juf Wijs
Shooting star
Juf Wijs in de bieb
Nasty Neighbours / Nice Neighbours
Girl power
Visto y No Visto Donde Esta ?
Aileni Sec
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Juf Wijs topmodel
Croeso, MS Swyn
El Fugitivo (Zona Libre)
If I Could Work
Henry and the Frights (Picturemac)
Kill Your Darlings
Boy 2 Girl
Garçon ou fille
Baron Munchhausen's Narrative of His Marvellous Travels and Campaigns
Moyoco Anno
Moyoco Anno (born 1971)

mangaka, journalist, film director

Sugar Sugar Rune 5 (Sugar Sugar Rune)
Sugar Sugar Rune 3 (Sugar Sugar Rune)
Sugar Sugar Rune 7 (Sugar Sugar Rune)
Flowers and Bees, Vol. 1
Flowers & Bees, Volume 5 (Flowers & Bees)
Flowers & Bees, Volume 3 (Flowers & Bees)
Flowers & Bees, Volume 4 (Flowers & Bees)
Flowers & Bees, Volume 2 (Flowers & Bees)
Flowers & Bees, Volume 6 (Flowers & Bees)
Happy Mania, Book 3
Happy Mania, Book 5
Happy Mania Volume 8 (Happy Mania)
Happy Mania Volume 7
Flowers & Bees, Volume 7 (Flowers & Bees)
Happy mania Vol. 9 (Happy mania) (in Japanese)
Happy mania Vol. 8 (Happy mania) (in Japanese)
Happy mania Vol. 10 (Happy mania) (in Japanese)
Happy Mania Volume 9 (Happy Mania)
Happy Mania, Book 1
Happy Mania Volume 11 (Happy Mania)
Insufficient Direction
Sugar Sugar Rune 8 [Japanese Edition]
Happy Mania, Book 2
Sugar Sugar Rune 4
Happy Mania, Vol. 10
Happy Mania, Book 6
Happy Mania, Book 4
Sugar Sugar Rune 2 (Sugar Sugar Rune)
Chocola & Vanilla - tome 2
Sugar Sugar Rune 1 (Sugar Sugar Rune)
Sugar sugar rune 6
Sugar sugar rune 7
Sugar sugar rune 5
Sugar sugar rune 3
Sugar sugar rune 4