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journalists who wrote fantasy
Showing 9-16 out of 471 results
Ben Sherwood
Ben Sherwood (born 1964)


  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
Albrecht Behmel
Albrecht Behmel (born 1971)

journalist, historian

  • Heidelberg University, Humboldt University of Berlin
Themistokles, Sieger von Salamis und Herr von Magnesia
Homo Sapiens - Berliner Art
Das Nibelungenlied
Was sind Gedankenexperimente?
Von der Kunst, zwischen sich und dem Boden ein Pferd zu behalten
1968: Die Kinder der Diktatur: Der Mythos der Studentenbewegung im ideengeschichtlichen Kontext des "hysterischen Jahrhunderts" 1870 bis 1968 (German Edition)
Erfolgreich im Studium der Geisteswissenschaften
Doktor Faust & Mephisto! - oder
Die Mitteleuropadebatte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1980-1990
Mitte 2
Maja Lidia Kossakowska
Maja Lidia Kossakowska (1972-2022)


  • University of Warsaw
Delarivier Manley
Delarivier Manley (1663-1724)

playwright, journalist, editor

The adventures of Rivella
New Atalantis
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zaraziens
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah, et des Zaraziens. Trad
New Atalantis
The secret history of Queen Zarah
Memoirs Of Europe
Delarivier Manley
Delarivier Manley
The Adventures Of Rivella Or The History Of The Author Of The Atalantis With Secret Memoirs And Characters Of Several Considerable Persons Her Contemporaries
The Adventures of Rivella (Broadview Literary Texts) (Broadview Literary Texts)
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
The Secret History Of Queen Zarah And The Zarazians
New Atalantis
The New Atalantis
The Power Of Love
Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript
The Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Suite de l'histoire secrette de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah
A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people
A stage-coach journey to Exeter
The power of love: in seven novels
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
A key to the second volume of the Memoirs of Europe, by the author of the New Atalantis
A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard
A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe
Secret memoirs from the New Atalantis
The novels of Mary Delarivière Manley
New Atalantis
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
A woman of no character
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Court intrigues in a collection of original letters, from the island of the New Atlantis, &c
Lucius, the First Christian King of Britain
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah
Court intrigues
A learned comment upon Dr. Hare's excellent sermon preach'd before the D. of Marlborough, on the surrender of Bouchain. By an enemy to peace
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes, from the New Atlantis, an island in the Mediterranean
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century
The adventures of Rivella
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Manley
Adventures of Rivella
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian .. Volume; Volume 2
Court Intrigues, in a Collection of Original Letters, from the Island of the New Atalantis, &c. by the Author of Those Memoirs
The Power of Love
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality
Lucius, the first Christian king of Britain
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
Almyna, or, the Arabian Vow. a Tragedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's Servants ... Humbly Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Countess of Sandwich
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes. From the new Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean. ... Written Originally in Italian. ... The Sixth Edition. of 4; Volume 4
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian . . Volume; Volume 1
The court legacy
A modest inquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people, upon the ..
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian .. Volume; Volume 2
Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain
Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes. from the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediteranean. Written Originally in Italian . . Volume; Volume 2
A Modest Enquiry Into the Reasons of the Joy Expressed by a Certain Sett of People, Upon the Spreading of a Report of Her Majesty's Death
The adventures of Rivella, or, The history of the author of the Atalantis
The power of love /in seven novels ... Never before published. By Mrs. Manley
Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Vol.II
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality of both sexes from the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediterranean
The secret history of Queen Zarah
A true narrative of what pass'd at the examination of the Marquis de Guiscard
Mrs. Manley's history of her own life and times. Published from her original manuscript
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian ...
The power of love, in seven novels, viz I. The fair hypocrite II. The physician's stratagem III. The wife's resentment IV. [and] V. The husband's resentment in two examples VI. The happy fugitive VII. The perjur'd beauty
Letters writen [sic] by Mrs. Manley
The last lover
Secret memoirs from the New Atalantis
The royal mischief
Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the New Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian ...
The lost lover, or, The jealous husband
Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah
The secret history of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians
Suite de l'histoire secrette de la reine Zarah et des Zaraziens, ou la Duchesse de Marlborough demasquée
A true relation of the several facts and circumstances of the intended riot and tumult on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day
A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe
The lost lover
The adventures of Rivella
Court intrigues
A modest enquiry into the reasons of the joy expressed by a certain sett of people
Histoire secrette de la reine Zarah
The power of love
A stage-coach journey to Exeter
Almyna, or, The Arabian vow
Franco Forte
Franco Forte (born 1962)

journalist, literary critic, editor, editing staff, lecturer, translator

La compagnia della morte
Come partecipare ai premi letterari (e vincere)
Il segno dell'untore
Roma in fiamme
I bastioni del coraggio
Il prontuario dello scrittore
Alberto Melis
Alberto Melis (born 1957)


Anna Kashina
Anna Kashina (born 1900)


  • Moscow State School 57
Alan Lloyd
Alan Lloyd (1927-2018)


The Spanish centuries
The great prize fight
The making of the King, 1066
Trade imperial
The boy and the otter
The scorching of Washington
The wickedest age
The Gliders
King John
Destroy Carthage!
A commentary on Herodotus books I-IV
The last otter
The year of the conqueror
The war in the trenches
The War in the Trenches
The King who lost America
The maligned monarch
The Zulu war, 1879
Der Flug der Korongo
The Taras report on the last days of Pompeii
The Hundred Years War
The Making of the King 1066
Typing One and Two
The drums of Kumasi
The eighteenth concubine
The Spanish centuries
The drums of Kumasi
Alive in the Last Days of Pompeii