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anthropologists who wrote fantasy
Showing 17-19 out of 19 results
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Claude LĆ©vi-Strauss (1908-2009)

philosopher, politician, anthropologist, photographer, pedagogue, professor, sociologist, psychologist, mythographer, ethnologist, researcher

  • Paris Law Faculty
Anita Albus
Anthropologie structurale
Homme nu
Du miel aux cendres
Tristes tropiques
The way of the masks
Structures eĢleĢmentaires de la parenteĢ
Race et histoire
The story of Lynx
Look, listen, read
Myth and meaning
Regard eĢloigneĢ
The jealous potter
Saudades do Brasil
Origine des manieĢ€res de table
Anthropology and myth
Pensée sauvage
ToteĢmisme aujourd'hui
Antropología estructural
La penseĢe sauvage
Les grands textes de la beauté
La voie des masques
Introduction to the work of Marcel Mauss
The scope of anthropology
L' homme nu
Entretiens avec Claude Lévi-Strauss
Le cru et le cuit
A world on the wane
Le toteĢmisme aujourd'hui
La potieĢ€re jalouse
Introduction to a science of mythology
Des symboles et leurs doubles
Claude LeĢvi-Strauss
Paroles donneĢes
Histoire de Lynx
Antropologia si problemele lumii moderne
El suplicio de Papá Noel
Les structures elementaires de la parente
Mito Y Significado
Savage Mind (Nature of Human Society)
Les structures eĢleĢmentaires de la parenteĢ
LA Pensee Sauvage
Discours prononceĢs dans la seĢance publique tenue par l'AcadeĢmie francĢ§aise pour la reĢception de Claude LeĢvi-Strauss le jeudi 27 juin 1974
El pensamiento salvaje
Race et histoire, race et culture
The savage mind
Le regard eĢloigneĢ
Le totemisme aujourd'hui
Mythos und Bedeutung
Il pensiero selvaggio
Anthropologie structurale deux
Mythologica, in 4 Bdn., Bd.2, Vom Honig zur Asche
TheS tory of Lynx
El totemismo en la actualidad
Saudades de SaĢƒo Paulo
The Way of the ancestors
De près et de loin
From Montaigne to Montaigne
Mendimi i eger
Les structures eĢleĢmentaires de la parenteĢ
Anthropology confronts the problems of the modern world
Nous sommes tous des cannibales (La librairie du XXIe siècle) (French Edition)
Traurige Tropen
Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft, Nr.14, Das wilde Denken
Tristes Tropiques
Le Père Noël supplicié
L' Origine des manieĢ€res de table
The savage mind (The nature of human society series)
L'autre face de la lune
Mythos und Bedeutung. Vorträge
The scope of anthropology
Anthroplogie structurale deux
Strukturale Anthropologie II
El Totemismo en la actualidad
A world on the wane
Tristes tropiques
LeĢvi-Strauss e l'antropologia strutturale
La vie familiale et sociale des Indians Nambikwara
Das Ende des Totemismus
The savage mind (La pensée sauvage)
Antropologia strutturale
Strukturale Anthropologie
La vie familiale et sociale des Indiens Nambikwara
Los alcances de la antropología
We are all cannibals and other essays
We Are All Cannibals
The future of kinship studies, 1965
Der Blick aus der Ferne. ( Fischer Wissenschaft)
Loin du Brésil
Introduction to the science of mythology
Claude Lévi-Strauss, ou, La structure et le malheur
A world on the wane
Myth And Meaning
Claude Lévi-Strauss, un parcours dans le siècle
Triste tropiques
Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss
Mirar Escuchar Leer
La voie des masques
La Voie des ancêtres
Mythologica IV. Der nackte Mensch. 2 Bände
Les structures élémentaires de la parenté
Die elementaren Strukturen der Verwandtschaft
Strukturale Anthropologie I
Anthrolpologie Structurale
The other face of the moon
Race and History
Entretiens avec Claude Live­Strauss
Tristes Tropiques
elementary structures of kinship
The Naked Man (Introduction to a Science of Mythology)
Introduction to a Science of Mythology (His Introduction to a science of mythology)
Scope of Anthropology
L'anthropologie face aux problèmes du monde moderne
Myth and Meaning
Tristes Tropicos/ Sad Tropics (Paidos Basica / Basic Paidos)
Claude Lévi-Strauss, un parcours dans le siècle
More Lost Massey Lectures
Sehen Hören Lesen
Tristes Tropiques
Structural Anthropology
La Alfarera Celosa
Tristes tropiques
Mythos und Bedeutung. Fünf Radiovorträge. Gespräche mit Claude Levi- Strauss
The Nambicuara
Structural Anthropology, Volume 2 (Structural Anthropology)
Tristes Tropicos/ the Sad Tropics
Yue de ling yi mian
El Pensamiento Salvaje
Structural Anthropology
Story of Lynx
De Pres et de Loin  Entretiens
Structural anthropology
l'identite 5e ed
Histoire de Lynx
Mendimi i eger
Wild Thought
Myth and Meaning
Mythologica I Das Rohe und das Gekochte
Race, science and society
Mito y significado
La alfarera celosa
Anthropology Confronts the Problems of the Modern World
Anthropologie structurale deux
Din ve buĢˆyuĢˆ
Shinzoku no kihon kōzō
El totemismo en la actualidad
From Honey To Ashes Introduction To a Science O
L'HOMME NU Mythologiques
Yapisal Antropoloji
Pensée Sauvage
Bakmak Dinlemek Okumak
la otra cara de la luna
Raça i història
Routledge Great Minds
Günümüzde Totemizm
Mitologicas II . de La Miel a Las Cenizas
Tu teng zhi du
Yaban dusunce
Tristes Tropique 1ST American Edition
Modern Dunyanin Sorunlari Karsisinda Antropoloji
La potière jalouse
Tristes Tropiques - An Anthropological Study of Primitive Societies in Brazil
Die Philosophie der Antike 3.
The Savage Mind
De la miel a las cenizas
Totemism (Beacon paperback)
Myth and Meaning
Mito y Significado
The raw and the cooked
Structural anthropology
Las Estructuras Elementales Del Parentesco
Antropologia estrutural
Ayin Öteki Yüzü
L'antropologia davant dels problemes del món modern
Results of the Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists
The Effectiveness of Symbols
Hüzünlü Dönenceler
Anthropologie structurale t.2
Structural Anthropology Zero
L'antropologia davant dels problemes del món modern
Entretiens avec Claude Lévi-Strauss par Georges Charbonnier
Tristes Tropiques
Chers tous deux
Mythologica II Vom Honig zur Asche
ha-įø¤ashivah ha-peraŹ¾it
Die Eifersuchtige Topferin
Échanges et Communications, II
Pensamiento Salvaje, El
PechalŹ¹nye tropiki
French bibliographical digest
Das wilde Denken
Mitus u-mashmaŹ»ut
Tristes tropiques
Structures élémentaires de la Parenté
Wir sind alle Kannibalen
Race and history (The Race question in modern science)
Lo sguardo da lontano
Raza Y Cultura (Teorema Serie Menor)
Results of the Conference of Anthropologists and Linguists
Grafias de Eros - Historia, Genero E Identidades
Die andere Seite des Mondes
Chercheurs D'or
Structures Elementaires de la Parent?
Structures élémentaires de la Parenté
The future of kinship studies
Anthropologie structurale deux
Mythologiques - L'origine des manières de table ***
Myth and Meaning
Anthropologie Structurale.
Arraza Eta Kondaira
Claude Lévi-Strauss
O Pensamento selvagem
La mirada distante
Leçon inaugurale faite le mardi 5 janvier 1960 ...
Other Face of the Moon
The savage mind
A world on the wane
Siamo Tutti Cannibali
La pensée sauvage
Race and history
A world on the wane
Der Blick aus der Ferne
The Savage Mind (La Pensée Sauvage)
Le totémisme aujourd'hui
Historia de Lince
Mythologica, in 4 Bdn., Bd.3, Der Ursprung der Tischsitten
l'identite 5e ed
Tristos tròpics
The savage mind
Vom Honig zur Asche
L'Origine des manières de table
Anthropologie structurale
Raw and Cooked Myth
Seminario - La Identidad
Mit ve Anlam
La antropología ante los problemas del mundo
La alfarera celosa
L'Origine des manières de table
Du miel aux cendres
From Honey to Ashes V02 M
Introduction à l'oeuvre de Marcel Mauss
Hepimiz Yamyamiz
Tristes-Tropiques (Tristes Tropiques 48)
Uzaktan Yakindan
World on the Wane
Race and History
O pensamento salvaxe
Correspondance 1942-1982
Mito e linguagem social
Liweishituo dui hua lu
Du miel aux cendres
Intro Work Marcel Mauss
Antropología estructural
Le strutture elementari della parentela
Montaigne'den Montaigne'e : Devrimci bir bilim
Palabras devueltas
Tristos tròpics
Mito y significado
Anthropologie Structurale
The raw and the cooked
Antropología estructural
Tristos tròpics
Échanges et Communications
Tristos tròpics
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)

mythologist, translator, anthropologist, orator, ethnologist, researcher, lecturer, essayist, teacher, academic, historian, historian of religion, documentary participant

  • Canterbury School, Dartmouth College
Mythic Imagination Collected Short Fiction
The masks of God
The Power of Myth
The hero with a thousand faces
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
A skeleton key to Finnegans wake
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space
Transformations of myth through time
The inner reaches of outer space
Myths to live by
Baksheesh & Brahman
Mythic worlds, modern words
The Hero's Journey
Thou Art That
The Mysteries
The hero's journey
Sermons by the late Joseph Campbell, D.D., of the Synod of New Jersey
Myths of light : Eastern metaphors of the eternal / by Joseph Campbell ; edited and with a foreword by David Kudler
The flight of the wild gander
The mythic image
Myths to Live by
Primitive Mythology
Myths, dreams, and religion.
The mythic dimension
Power Of Myth
Creative Mythology
Myths, Dreams, Religions
The Masks of God
In all her names
Sake and Satori
Myths, Dreams, and Religion
Man and Time
Occidental mythology
Changing images of man
The Flight of the Wild Gander
Baksheesh and Brahman
Spirit and Nature
El Vuelo del Ganso Salvaje
Spiritual Disciplines
Romance of the Grail
The way of the animal powers
Joseph Campbell Collection: Mythology and the Individual
Occidental Mythology
Follow Your Bliss
A Joseph Campbell companion
Wings of Art
Myths of Light
                Collected Works of Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell Collection
The masks of God : creative mythology
A skeleton key to Finnegans Wake
Pagan and Christian mysteries
The Masks of God, Vol. 3
Inward Journey: Joseph Campbell Audio Collection, Volume 2
Masks of God Primitive Mythology
Wisdom of Joseph Campbell
The Masks of God, Vol. 4
Myths and Masks of God
Western Quest
The Mystic Vision
Historical atlas of world mythology
Mythic Worlds, Modern Words
The Wisdom of Joseph Campbell
Oriental Mythology   the Masks of God
The Masks of God - Occidental Mythology
The Masks of God, Vol. 2
Los Mitos
Mythology and the Individual
The way of the seeded earth
Spirit and Nature
The Mythic Dimension
The Mythic Image
Joseph Cambell
Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol. 1: The Way of the Animal Powers
Renewal myths and rites of the primitive hunters and planters
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Myths to live by
Inward Journey
Creative mythology
Myths of Light
Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters
The Masks of God
Power of Myth 4
Die großen Mythen der Menschheit
Tarot revelations
Tarot Revelations
The rush-light
This Business of the Gods
Power Of Myth V6 (Power of Myth)
Agricultural planning in Grenada
Power Of Myth V2 (Power of Myth)
An open life
Renewal myths and rites of the primitive hunters and planters
Pathways to Bliss
Der Heros in tausend Gestalten
Myth and Metaphor in Society
El Heroe de las Mil Caras
Mythen der Menschheit
The Inner Reaches Of Outer Space Metaphor As Myth And As Religion
Way of the Animal Powers, Part 1
Historical atlas of world mythology
Occidental Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume III)
Die Kraft der Mythen. Bilder der Seele im Leben des Menschen
Das bist du
The Language of the Goddess
Spirit and Nature
The Western Way
Man and Time Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series)
Power of Myth, Programs 1-6
The way of myth
Power Of Myth V3 (Power of Myth)
Skeleton Key To Finnegans Wake Unlocking James Joyces Masterwork
Power of Myth 1
Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 2
Los mitos en el tiempo
Oriental mythology
A guide to California's historic gin mills
Mythic Imagination
Way of the Seeded Earth
The Soul of the Ancients
A Guide to California Historic Gin Mills
Man and Myth (Vol 4)
Tu Eres Eso
Way of the Animal Powers, Part  2
Creative Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume IV)
Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol II Part 1
Historical Atlas of World Mythology: Way of the Animal Powers, The Vol. 1
Historical Atlas of World Mythology: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Vol. 2: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters
Western Quest (Joseph Campbell Audio Collection)
Power Of Myth V1 (Power of Myth)
Mitos de La Luz
Imagen del mito
An Open Life
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Man and Myth Joseph Campbell Audio Collection (Campbell, Joseph, Joseph Campbell Audio Collection.)
An open life
The Eastern Way Joseph Campbell Audio Collection (Campbell, Joseph, Joseph Campbell Audio Collection.)
Oriental Mythology
Hermeneutica y Praxis del Indigenismo
Die Masken Gottes
Mascaras de Dios
The Myths and Masks Of God (Joseph Campbell Audio Collection)
Poder del Mito, El
Eranos. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks
Love and the Goddess
Power of Myth 3
Power Of Myth V5 (Power of Myth)
Spiritual Disciplines
Power of Myth 2
Mearing stones
The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 1
A Skeleton Key to "Finnegans Wake"
Oriental Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume II)
Les Philosophies de l'Inde
Papers from Eranos Yearbooks
Mythos:the Shaping of the Eastern Tradition
The Arabian Nights
Western Myth and Mythology
Historical Atlas of the World Volume Pt3 (Way of the Seeded Earth)
This business of the gods--
Mythes à travels les âges
Man and Time
Call of the Hero
Myths, dreams, and religion
O Herói de Mil Faces
Man and Transformation (Papers from Eranos Year Book)
Man and Transformation
Erotic Irony
The language of the goddess
The Way of Art
The Power of Myth
Erotic irony and mythic forms in the art of Thomas Mann
Eastern Myth and Mythology
The flight of the wild gander:explorations in the mythological dimension
Pathways to bliss
O poder do mito
Sacrifice and Bliss
History Atlas of World Myths: Vol. 3
Myths, dreams, and religion
Business of the Gods. . . .
No Title Exists
Papers from the Eranos yearbooks
Joseph Campbell
Historical Atlas of the World Volume Pt1
Primitive mythology
Myths, Personal Dreams, and Universal Themes With Joseph Campbell
Bohater o tysiącu twarzy
A Skelton key to Finnegan's Wake
Papers from the Eranos yearbooks
The masks of God
Papers from the Eranos yearbooks
Ä°lkel mitoloji
Myths to live by
The ecstasy of being
The portable Arabian nights
The mythic image
Qudrat-i UstÅ«rah (guftŹ¹gu ba Bill Muyirz)
Moć mita
The portable Arabian nights
The hero with a thousand faces
A skeleton key to Finnegans wake
Papers from the Eranos yearbooks
The flight of the wild gander
Papers from the Eranos yearbooks
A skeleton key to Finnegans wake
Michel Leiris
Michel Leiris (1901-1990)

anthropologist, ethnologist, poet, diarist, ethnographer, collector

  • LycĆ©e Janson-de-Sailly
Le merveilleux
Francis Bacon, face et profil
Afrique noire
AndreĢ Masson and his universe
The Rules of the Game
Picasso Collected Writings
Nights as day, days as night
Age d'homme
Race and culture
L' Afrique fantôme
A propos de Georges Bataille
Langage tangage, ou, Ce que les mots me disent
The automatic muse
Picasso and the Human Comedy
Journal de Chine
La langue secrète des Dogon de Sanga
Aurora Cardinal Point
Francis Bacon
AndreĢ Masson and his universe
Roussel l'inge nu
Cinq Etudes D'Ethnologie
Lage Dhomme Precede De La Litterature
Roussel l'ingeĢnu
La course de taureaux ; suivi de Calendrier et souvenirs taurins
L' Afrique noire
Francis Bacon ou la brutalité du fait
Cinq études d'ethnologie
Francis Bacon, ou, La veĢriteĢ criante
Bacon, Picasso, Masson
Journal, 1922-1989
Andre  Masson et son univers
Cinq eĢtudes d'ethnologie
Roussel & Co
Wifredo Lam
La langue secreĢ€te des Dogons de Sanga (Soudan francĢ§ais)
"Au-Dela D'UN Regard" (Collection Litteraire: Pergamine)
L' homme sans honneur
Roussel l'ingénu
Correspondance 1926-1962
Francis Bacon
Contacts de civilisations en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
Wilfredo Lam
Miroir de l'Afrique
La règle du jeu
Miroir de la tauromachie
Le ruban au cou d'Olympia
Mots sans mémoire
C'est-à-dire : entretien avec Sally Price et Jean Jamin ; suivi de Titres et travaux
La langue seciete des Dogons de Sanga (soudan franc Ź¹ais)
L' eĢvasion souterraine
Grande fuite de neige
La possession et ses aspects theĢaĢ‚traux chez les EĢthiopiens de Gondar, preĢceĢdeĢ de La croyance aux geĢnies zaĢ‚r en EĢthiopie du Nord
La possession et ses aspects theĢaĢ‚traux chez les EĢthiopiens de Gondar
Sculpture of the Tellem and the Dogon
Mots sans mémoire. Simulacre, le point cardinal, glossaireÂĀ…
Haut mal, suivi de Autres lancers
Afrique noire
Phantom Africa
Haut mal, suivi de Autres lancers
Pierres pour un Alberto Giacometti
L' EtnoĢleg davant el colonialisme
Michel Leiris
Ondes. suivi de images de marque
André Masson and his universe [by] M. Leiris and G. Limbour
L' Age d'homme
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour
Die Lust am Zusehen
Glossaire j'y serre mes gloses
Haut Mal. Autres Lancers
Francis Bacon
AndreĢ Masson et le theĢaĢ‚tre
Au verso des images
Entre augures
A cor et a cri
Race and culture
L' Afrique fantome
Langage tangage
Race and culture
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour
Brise es
La Possession et ses aspects théâtraux chez les Ethiopiens de Gondar
Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jours
Michel Leiris
Literatura Como Tauromaquia
A cor et aĢ€ cri
La reĢ€gle du jeu
Un génie sans piédestal
Grande fuite de neige
La règle du jeu
Andre Masson and his universe
The prints of Joan Miro
Late Picasso Paintings, Sculpture, Drawing, Prints 1953-1972
L' A ge d'homme
L'A frique fantoĢ‚me
L' aĢ‚ge d'homme
Contacts de civilisations en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
Nights as day, days as night
André Masson et le théâtre
Bagatelles végétales
Correspondance, 1923-1977
Cahier Dakar Djibouti
Le ruban au cou d'Olympia
L'Age d'homme
Henri Laurens or sculpture in good hands
L' âge d'homme
Race and culture
L' âge d'homme, précédé de, De la littérature considérée comme une tauromachie
Nuits sans nuit
L'Afrique Fantome
Marrons sculptés pour Miró
Nuits sans nuit et qulques jours sans jour
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 4 Frele Bruit
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 1 Biffures
André Masson et son univers
Écrits sur l'art
Wifredo Lam
L'âge d'homme
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 2 Fourbis
Aimé Césaire
Aurora, roman
La\Regle du Jeu Vol. 3 Fibrilles