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academics who wrote fantasy
Showing 145-152 out of 181 results
E. L. Doctorow
E. L. Doctorow (1931-2015)

playwright, essayist, professor, faculty member

  • Kenyon College, Columbia University
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The march
The book of Daniel
Lives of the poets
World's fair
Loon Lake
Homer and Langley
The waterworks
Drinks before dinner
Reporting the universe
City of God
Welcome to Hard Times
Three screenplays
Conversations with E.L. Doctorow
Short stories
Creationists: Selected Essays
Jack London, Hemingway, and the Constitution
Welcome to Hard Times
Loon Lake
City of God
The Waterworks
World's Fair
Three complete novels
The Book of Daniel
Billy Bathgate
No es lo que parece
The waterworks
City of God
The book of Daniel
E.L. Doctorow, essays and conversations
Andrew's brain
The Best American Short Stories 2000
Sweet Land Stories
Lamentation 9/11
Bill Bathgate
The book of Daniel
All the Time in the World
Billy Bathgate M/TV
Book of Daniel
Le livre de Daniel
Welcome to Hard Times
Andrew's Brain
42nd Parallel (the U. S. A. Trilogy #1)
El Arca Del Agua
Three Screenplays
Welcome to Hard Times
Book of Daniel
Book of Daniel, the
Sweet Land Stories
The waterworks
All the time in the world
Reporting the Universe (The William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization)
Lives Of The Poets
Ragtime a Novel by the Author of The Book of Daniel
Andrew's Brain
Ragtime (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Homer & Langley
Tot el temps del món
Sweet Land Stories
El cervell de l'Andrew
Billy Bathgate
Welcome to Hard Times
Homer i Langley
Bill Bathgate
Worlds Fair (1263)
Welcome to Hard Times
Poets and Presidents
La gran marxa
E. L. Doctorow
Loon Lake
Loon Lake
Verhalen van een beter land
Todo el Tiempo del Mundo  All the Time in the World
Ciudad de Dios
Billy Bathgate
World's Fair
Big as life
Jack London, Hemmingway & the Constitution
The Waterworks
Andrew's brain
Worlds Fair 1ST Edition
Lives of the poets
Book of Daniel
Billy bathgate
Billy Bathgate by E.L. Doctorow (1989-02-04)
Homer and Langley
Homer & Langley
Worlds Fair/Cassettes (1263)
Homer & Langley (Portuguese Edition)
City of God
Billy Bathgate
Homer and Langley
All the Time in the World
Bad man from Bodie
Billy Bathgate by E.L. Doctorow (1989-04-26)
The book of Daniel; a novel
Ragtime/Cassettes (1261)
Billy Bathgate
Billy Bathgate : a novel
Book of Daniel
Jack London, Hemingway and the Constitution
Ragtime; The March; and Homer and Langley
Andrew's Brain
In Andrews Kopf
Ragtime. Roman
Daniel’in Kitabi
Sweet land stories
La feria del mundo
La Ciudad de Dios
Reading for My Life
Alle Zeit der Welt
El libro de Daniel
World's Fair
Cuentos completos
Andrew's brain
El arca de agua
Bad Man from Bodie
Como todo acabo y volvio a empezar (Spanish Edition)
Billy Bathgate - A Novel
Ragtime (1261)
Lives of the Poets
Johnny Got His Gun
Homer and Langley
All the Time in the World
Homer & Langley
City of God
Lives of the Poets
Das Wasserwerk
Històries de la dolça terra
La gran marcha
Drinks Before Dinner
City of God
Mozg Ėndri︠u︡
Andrews hersenen
Scenes and Sequences
Sefer Daniʾel
Welcome to Hard Times
Homer ṿe-Langli
E. L. Doctorow Reading
Das Leben der Dichter
World's fair
El cerebro de Andrew
Welcome to Hard Times (R)
El Libro De Daniel/the Book of Daniel
L'acquedotto di New York
The people's text
El arca de agua
Poetas y Presidentes
Agam ha-Ṭavlanim
World's fair
Big as life
All the time in the world
Reading and Interview/Cassettes (10011&10012)
Martin Buber
Martin Buber (1878-1965)

philosopher, existentialist, translator, pedagogue, literary editor, Bible translator, educator, zionist, theologian, librettist

  • University of Vienna, Humboldt University of Berlin
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Ich und du
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Pfade in Utopia
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Die Legende des Baalschem
Ein Land und zwei Völker
Between man and man
Der heilige Weg
Erzählungen der Chassidim
Israel and the world
Ten Rungs
Ben ʻam le-artso
Königtum Gottes
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
On the Bible
Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten
To hallow this life
Gog u-Magog
Martin Buber's 10 Rungs
Bilder von Gut und Böse
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Der grosse maggid und seine nachfolge
Der Glaube der Propheten
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Towards union in Palestine
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen, 1900-1915
The Ten Rungs & The Way Of Man
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung
Vom Geist des Judentums
On Judaism
Chinese Tales: Zhuangzi
Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied
The first Buber
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Hasidism and modern man
Que Es El Hombre ?
Zwei Glaubensweisen
Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy
The Great ideas today, 1967
L'éclipse de Dieu
The knowledge of man
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Lesser Ury
Die j©·udische Bewegung
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen 1900-1915
The way of response
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Scripture and translation
Ereignisse und Begegnungen
Chassidische Legenden Verbeeld [Een Suite van H.N. Werkman]
Der Jude und sein Judentum
Daniel, Gespräche von der Verwirklichung
The Martin Buber reader
Martin Buber Werke, 22 Bde., Bd.1, Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften (1898-1924)
Buber, The Writings of Martin
Ecstatic Confessions
Reden über das Judentum
Lesser Ury
Das dialogische Prinzip
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
I and Tao
Believng Humansm
La vie en dialogue
Schriften Zum Judentum
Chinese tales
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Or ha-ganuz
Hundert chassidische Geschichten
Das Problem des Menschen
Die chassidischen Bücher
Des Baal- Schem- Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott
l'homme au raifort
Schriften über das Dialogische Prinzip
GOOD AND EVIL. Two Interpretations.
Schriften Zur Zionistischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Deutung des chassidismus
Israel and Palestine
The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Martin Buber, a centenary volume
Yehudim ṿe-ʻArvim be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Politische Schriften
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
On the Bible
A Believing humanism
Good and Evil, Two Interpretations
La Relation, âme de l'éducation ?
Martin Buber and the theater, including Martin Buber's "mystery play" Elijah
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Schriften Zur Biblischen Religion
Schriften Zur Bibelübersetzung
Lesser Ury
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Tales of the Hasidim
El Camino del Hombre
Erets li-shene amim
Frühe Kulturkritische und Philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Les récits hassidiques, tome 2
Briefwechsel Martin Buber-Ludwig Strauss, 1913-1953
Der Knecht Gottes
The Knowledge of Man
Worte an die Zeit
Das verborgene licht
For the sake of heaven
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Königtum Gottes
Pirḳe ḥasidut
On the Bible
A believing humanism
Das dialogische Prinzip
The philosophy of Martin Buber
Die Rede, Die Lehre und das Lied
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel Zum 50. Geburtstag
On the Bible;
Chassidismus I
Schriften Zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Images of Good and Evil
L'Eclipse de Dieu
Ten Rungs
Gog und Magog
El principio dialógico
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Lesser Ury
Ben ve Sen
Eclipse of God
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Schriften Zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Eclipse de Dios
The Jew
Tales of the Hasidim Later Masters Vol. II
ha-Ruaḥ ṿeha-metsiʼut
Reden über Erziehung
Begegnung. Autobiographische Fragmente
Martin Buber, Bilanz seines Denkens (German Edition)
Tri reci o zidovství
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
An der Wende
Towards Union in Palestine
Einsichten. Aus den Schriften gesammelt
Vom Geist des Judentums
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
On Judaism
Chassidismus III
Vorlesungen Zu Judentum und Christentum
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Confesiones extáticas
Martin Buber
Dialogische Prinzip. Ich und du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an Den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des Dialogischen Prinzips
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Schriften Zu Philosophie und Religion
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Cheruth. Eine Rede über Jugend und Religion.
Martin Buber. Den Menschen erfahren
Chassidismus II
Way of Humanity
Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie und Zur Sozialphilosophie
For the sake of heaven (Harper torchbooks. The Temple library)
Die Schrift
Martin Buber. Worte für jeden Tag
Schriften Zum Christentum
Les récits hassidiques, tome 1
El Conocimiento del Hombre
Die Josefslegende, in acquarellierten Zeichnungen eines unbekannten russischen Juden der Biedermeierzeit
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus
Die Jüdische Bewegung
[Die Schrift]
Die Schrift
Einsichten aus den Schriften Gesammelt (Insel-Bucherei Nr. 573)
Le problème de l'homme
ECLIPSE OF GOD a Critique of the Key 10th Century Philosophies - Existentialism, Crisis Theology, Jungian Psychology
On Judaism
Way of Man
Biblical humanism
Frühe Jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Eclipse of God a Critique of the Key 20th Cent. Philosophies Existentialism Crisis Theology and Jungian Psychology
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros I
Wer eine Seele rettet, rettet die Welt
To hallow this life
At the turning
Cuentos Jasidicos
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
Confesiones extáticas
Mythos und Mystik
Schriften Zur Chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur
Schriften Zu Literatur, Theater und Kunst
Recht und Unrecht
Darko shel Miḳra
Daniel; dialogues on realization
Hasidism and Modern Man
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Tales of the Hasidim
Two letters to Gandhi from Martin Buber and J. L. Magnes
Good and Evil Two Interpretations I Right and Wrong II Images of Good and Evil - Scholar's Choice Edition
Schriften Zum Messianismus
Eine jüdische Hochschule
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die judische bewegung = The Jewish Movement.
Sprachphilosophische Schriften
For the sake of heaven
The knowledge of man. Edited with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith.
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Encuentro En El Desfiladero
Juedische Kuenstler
Judíos en la U.R.S.S.
Der utopische Sozialismus
Encounter; autobiographical fragments
Vom Geist des Judentums
Deʻotaṿ ha-ḳedumot shel ha-noʻar
Colpa e sensi di colpa
Mystische Zeugnisse aller Zeiten und Völker
Leket I
Dialogisches Leben
Ben ʻam le-artso
Recht und Unrecht
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
גוג ומגוג
Bet-sefer-gavoha yehudi
Raʻyon ha-geʼulah ba-Ḥasidut
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
Humanismo hebreo y nacionalismo
Martin-Buber Werkausgabe (MBW)
Stationen des Glaubens
Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich
Martin Buber
Il principio dialogico
On the Bible
Gog u-Magog
Me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Der Glaube der Propheten
Der Weg der Menschen
Rede über das Erzieherische
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Bet sefer gavoha Yehudi
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Gog und Magog
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag
Pirḳe ḥasidut
Darko shel Miḳra
Das Buch der zwölf
Das Buch der Preisungen
Psalm 130
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Das Buch Rut
Worte an die Jugend
La leggenda del Baal-Scem
Martin Buber (JNUL-Jerusalem)
For the sake of heaven
Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Das Buch der Preisungen
En la encrucijada
Yo y Tu y Otros Ensayos
Kingship of God
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros II
Cuentos Jasidicos. Primeros Maestros I
Recht und Unrecht. Deutung einiger Psalmen
Cuentos jasídicos, los maestros continuadores
A believing humanism
ha- Tsedeḳ ṿeha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim
Lettres choisies de Martin Buber, 1899-1965
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. 1
Buber für Atheisten
Pene adam
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat
Paths in Utopia
I and thou
Tales of angels, spirits & demons
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
The way of man, according to the teaching of Hasidism
Entsiḳlopedyah ḥinukhit
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Tikvah le-shaah zo
Bücher der Kündung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebes-Geschichten
Auf die Stimme hören
Die Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip
Sionismo y universalidad
Ten rungs
The knowledge of man
Parola e scrittura
Schriften zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Or ha-ganuz
Die jüdische Bewegung
Zion als Ziel und als Aufgabe
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
Letters/martin Buber
Leḳet me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Les récits hassidiques
Die Vorurteile der Jugend
Leket I
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Martin Buber
On Judaism
Worte an die Zeit
Beʻayat ha-adam
Die Troestung Israels
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Opowieści chasydów
Brief an Gandhi
Königtum Gottes
Das Kommende
Ḥilufe igrot be-meshekh shivʻim shanah
Jewish Spirituality
Problem cz¿owieka
Die Juden in der UdSSR
Gog und Magog
Derko shel mikra
The way of man according to the teachings of Hasidism
Right and wrong
Völker/Staaten und Zion
Right and wrong
Martin Buber im Gespräch mit Gott und den Menschen
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Die frage an den einzelnen
Das Problem des Menschen
Gog şi Magog
Estudios sobre judaismo
Droga człowieka według nauczania chasydów
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Good and evil
Palestine, a bi-national state
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Kampf um Israel
Martin Buber
Die fünf Bücher der Weisung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Die Schriftwerke
Pene 'adam
Ben ʻam le-artso
From the treasure house of Hassidism
Die chassidische Botschaft
El camí de l'home
Deux types de foi
Imagenes del Bien y del Mal
Drei Legenden
Ekstatischer Konfessionen
Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Bücher der Geschichte
Die Schriftwerke
Tri besjede o židovstvu
Un experimento que no fracasó
Un experimento que no fracasó
Isreal and the World
Vom Geist des Judentums
Pointing the way
Darko shel adam ʻal-pi torat ha-ḥasidut
Das Problem des Menschen
München ehrt Martin Buber
Tales of the Hasidim, Vol. 2
Geschichten von Rabbi Bunam
Dva obraza very
Leket II
Frühe jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Or ha-ganuz
Bet sefer gavoah Yehudi
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. II
Khasidskie istorii
Die chassidischen Bücher
On Judaism
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
Zwiesprache. Traktat vom dialogischen Leben
Reden üUber das Judentum
Be-mashber ha-ruaḥ
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Be-sod śiaḥ
Cuentos jasídicos, los primeros maestros
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Zac mienie Boga
Kalewala das National-Epos der Finnen
Dialogisches Leben
Juedische Kuenstler
Das Buch der Preisungen
Or ha-ganuz
Eclipse de Dios
Opowieści chasydów
Marṭin Buber, meʾah shanah le-huladto
Das Buch im Anfang
Das Buch der Preisungen
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Opowieści chasydów
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Martin Buber
Malkhut shamayim
Ereignisse und begegnungen
Velenie dukha
Torat ha-neviʾim
Discorsi sull'educazione
Ich und du
El humanismo hebreo y nuestro tiempo
Niḳolai Ḳoperniḳus 1473-1543
Zu einer neuen Verdeutschung der Schrift
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)

astronomer, physicist, mathematician, astrophysicist, researcher

  • University of Cambridge, Bingley Grammar School
The molecule men
The Black Cloud
Diseases from space
Laughing Space
Into deepest space
Great Science Fiction
Lifecloud, the origin of life in the universe
Fifth planet
The inferno
Comet Halley
Our place in the cosmos
A for Andromeda
Commonsense in nuclear energy
Seven Steps to the Sun
Ten faces of the universe
Ossian's ride
A for Andromeda
Element 79
Home is where the wind blows
On Stonehenge
The physics-astronomy frontier
The Expert Dreamers
Highlights in astronomy
Man and materialism
A different approach to cosmology
Commonsense in nuclear energy
The incandescent ones
Astronomy and cosmology
The nature of the universe
Energy or extinction?
Life on Mars?
Rockets in Ursa Major
Andromeda breakthrough
Fifth planet
Astronomical origins of life
Of Men And Galaxies (Great Minds)
Nicolaus Copernicus
The incandescent ones
Archaeopteryx, the primordial bird
The intelligent universe
The Frontiers of Knowledge
The Westminster disaster
Frontiers of astronomy
Man in the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus: an essay on his life and work
Seven Steps to the Sun
Le nuage de la vie
Fifth Planet
Man in the universe. --
The Nature of the Universe
Space travellers
A for Andromeda
Into deepest space
Common sense in nuclear energy
The theory of cosmic grains
From Stonehenge to modern cosmology
Evolution from space
Man in the Universe (Bampton Lectures in America)
A for Andromeda
The new face of science
Evolution from Space
Political Shakespeare
The relation of biology to astronomy
Astronomy today
Evolution from space
The Westminster disaster
The small world of Fred Hoyle
Diseases from Space
Frontiers of astronomy
Steady-State Cosmology Re-Visited
The cosmogony of the solar system
The origin of life
Andromeda Breakthrough
Comet Halley
October the First Is Too Late
Cosmic life-force
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
The cosmagony of the solar system
Andromeda breakthrough
Some recent researches in solar physics
Of men and galaxies
Living comets
Vindication of Cosmic Biology
Some recent researches in solar physics
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
Home is Where the Wind Blows
Origin of Life
Origen y Destino de Las Estrellas
Action at a distance in physics and cosmology
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
October the first is too late
Evolution from space (the Omni lecture) and other papers on the origin of life
Ossian's Ride
Intelligent Universe
The physics-astronomy frontier
'Mathematics of Evolution'
Our Place in the Cosmos
Ice, the ultimate human catastrophe
Frontiers of astronomy
Three Classic Novels
Galaxies, nuclei, and quasars
Andromeda Breakthough
The Andromeda Anthology
October the first is too late
Man and Materialism
Encounter with the future
Frontiers Of Astronomy
From grains to bacteria
The Incandescent Ones
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
Viruses from space and related matters
The quasar controversy resolved
Encounter with the future
A decade of decision
Andromeda breakthrough
Facts and dogmas in cosmology and elsewhere
A for Andromeda
Facts and Dogmas in Cosmology and Elsewhere
Man and materialism
October the First is Too Late
Evolucion de La Vida Desde El Espacio Exterior
Steady-state cosmology re-visited
Frozen Planet of Azuron
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus: The St. John's College Cambridge lecture 1962-63 delivered at the University of Hull 17 May 1963
The universe
Of Men and Galaxies
The Universe According to Hoyle
Nature of the Universe
Man and materialism
Rockets in Ursa Major
Man in the universe
Proofs that life is Cosmic
Astronomy Today
Les Incandescents
Energi eller undergang?
Living comets
October the First Is Too Late (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
Some recent advances in solar physics
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Home Is Where the Wind Blows
The Anglo-Austrian Telescope
The nature of the universe
Fifth Planet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
The nature of the universe
Living Comets
Frontiers of astronomy
Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion
Ossian's ride
Our Place In The Cosmos
Of men and galaxies
The new face of science
Rockets in Ursa Major
The nature of the universe
Some recent researches in solar physics
Galazies, nuclei and quasars
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
A decade of decision
Andromeda Anthology
La nube negra
A for Andromeda
Viruses from space and related matters
La nube negra
The planet of death
The energy pirate
Man in the universe
Different Approach to Cosmology
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
The giants of universal park
Ankoku seiun
Donna Jo Napoli
Donna Jo Napoli (born 1948)

linguist, linguistics teacher

  • Harvard University
Jimmy, the pickpocket of the palace
Jimmy, the pickpocket of the palace
Pink magic
Lights on the Nile
Magic Circle
Earth Shook
Alligator bayou
Stones in Water
The prince of the pond
The king of Mulberry Street
For the Love of Venice
Sly the Sleuth and the pet mysteries
When the water closes over my head
The smile
Daughter of Venice
Song of the Magdalene
Crazy Jack
On Guard
The Magic Circle
Friends everywhere
The Wager
Changing Tunes
Three days
On her own
Bravest Thing
Soccer shock
One leap forward
Sly the sleuth and the sports mysteries
Song of the Magdalene (Point)
Fire In The Hills
Playing games
Lies and lemons
Flamingo dream
Fish Girl
Shelley Shock
Ready to dream
How hungry are you?
Trouble on the tracks
Hotel Jungle
Shark shock
Give and Take (Aladdin Angelwings)
Corkscrew counts
Bobby the bold
Little creatures
Treasury of Greek Mythology
The Wager
Stones in water
Mama Miti
Running away
Left out
The Great God Pan
Happy holidays
The hero of Barletta
No fair!
Hang in there
Sly the sleuth and the code mysteries
Gracie, The Pixie of the Puddle
Signs and voices
Language matters
April flowers
Mogo, the third warthog
Treasury of Egyptian mythology
The Wishing Club
Syntactic Argumentation
Sly the Sleuth and the Food Mysteries (Sly the Sleuth)
Primary movement in sign languages
Stones in Water
New Voices (Aladdin Angelwings)
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology
Partners (Aladdin Angelwings)
Hands and hearts
Words to Make a Friend
Treasury of Norse Mythology
Deaf around the world
Give and take
Tales from the Arabian nights
Flucht nach Venedig.
Treasury of Greek mythology
Handy stories to read and sign
Not Fair! (Angelwings)
The Wager
Tales From the Arabian Nights
Elements of tone, stress, and intonation
Mogo, the Third Warthog
Treasury of Bible Stories
Playing Games (Aladdin Angelwings)
The crossing
Treasury of Greek Mythology
Predication theory
Treasury of Magical Tales from Around the World
Dark shimmer
Bridges Between Psychology and Linguistics
No Fair! (Aladdin Angelwings)
Treasury of Norse mythology
Mogo, the Third Warthog
Mama Miti
Hacia El Norte (Isla Del Tiempo)
Tongue's palette
The king of Mulberry Street
Friends Everywhere (Aladdin Angelwings)
Happy Holidays
Lies and Lemons (Aladdin Angelwings)
Daughter of Venice
New Voices
Das Hasenwunder. Die Geschichte von Laurel und Mümmel
Running Away
Una perla única
Song of the Magdalene
April Flowers (Aladdin Angelwings)
One Leap Forward
Bridges between psychology and linguistics
Lies and Lemons
Little Creatures
Happy Holidays (Aladdin Angelwings)
In a Flash
Hang in There (Aladdin Angelwings)
Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
Breath (Golden Kite Honors (Awards))
The hero of Barletta
Left Out
On Her Own
No Fair!
April Flowers : (Spring Special)
Lies and lemons
Knowitall (Aladdin Angelwings)
Running Away (Aladdin Angelwings)
Playing Games
Hang in There
Fish Girl
Linguistic muse (Current inquiry into language and linguistics)
Lights on the Nile
Give and Take
Left Out (Aladdin Angelwings)
One Leap Forward (Aladdin Angelwings)
Friends Everywhere
On Her Own (Aladdin Angelwings)
Playing games
Predication Theory
Het gevecht met de duivels
April flowers
Crazy Jack
A single pearl
Speaking in tongues
Hero of Barletta, The
The wager
Deaf around the world
The two si's of Italian
Little Creatures (Aladdin Angelwings)
For the love of Venice
Lingua Franca
The bravest thing
Signs and voices
Andrew Greeley
Andrew Greeley (1928-2013)

journalist, sociologist, Catholic priest, columnist

  • University of Chicago, University of Saint Mary of the Lake
Contract with an Angel
Angel Light
Angel fire
Emerald magic
The Bishop and the missing L train
Happy Are the Peacemakers
White Smoke
The cardinal sins
Irish whiskey
Star Bright!
Happy are the meek
Happy are the oppressed
Irish mist
Happy are those who mourn
Fall from grace
Happy are the poor in spirit
A midwinter's tale
The bishop in the West Wing
Irish lace
The archbishop in Andalusia
Ascent into hell
The Catholic imagination
Virgin and martyr
Irish stew!
God game
Irish eyes
The Catholic Revolution
Summer at the Lake
The bishop in the old neighborhood
September song
Irish crystal
A Christmas wedding
Happy are the clean of heart
Golden years
Irish Linen
The priestly sins
The Irish Americans
Patience of a Saint
Irish cream
The Bishop goes to the university
Irish tweed
Why can't they be like us? America's white ethnic groups
Irish gold
The great mysteries
Death in April
The Jesus myth
Lord of the dance
St. Valentine's night
Rite of spring
The making of the Popes 1978
Unsecular man
Irish love
An occasion of sin
The bishop at the lake
The Senator and the Priest
The cardinal virtues
Happy are the Merciful
White smoke
Love affair
Second spring
Wages of sin
The Magic Cup
Home for Christmas
Younger than springtime
Religion as poetry
The final planet
Love and play
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain
The Mary myth
Faithful Attraction
The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood
The Catholic myth
How to save the Catholic church
Happy are those who thirst for justice
Religion in the year 2000
Summer at the lake
Everything you wanted to know about the Catholic Church but were too pious to ask
Conversations with Andrew Greeley
Ethnicity, denomination, and inequality
When life hurts
Fall from grace
Sexual intimacy
The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain
American Catholic
All about women
A Piece of My Mind...on Just About Everything
Patience of a saint
Summer at the Lake
The Sinai myth
The search for Maggie Ward
Love song
Building coalitions: [American politics in the 1970s
Religious change in America
Fall from grace
The bottom line catechism for contemporary Catholics
Life for a wanderer
Strangers in the house
And young men shall see visions
The bishop at sea
Thy brother's wife
A Midwinter's Tale
Ethnicity in the United States
The Catholic experience
Uncertain trumpet; the priest in modern America
Confessions of a parish priest
Sacraments of love
Happy are the clean of heart
That most distressful nation
Why Can't They Be Like Us?
Cardinal sins
The education of Catholic Americans
Common ground
Love Affair
Angels of September
The Devil, you say!
The book of love
The Bishop at the Lake
A book of Irish American blessings & prayers
What a modern Catholic believes about God
Religion, a secular theory
The senator and the priest
Angry Catholic women
Confessions of a parish priest
The new agenda
Thy brother's wife
Irish gold
Irish love
The Making of the Pope 2005
Emerald Magic
Irish Tiger
An Andrew Greeley reader
Wages of sin
The bishop and the Three Kings
An ugly little secret
The Book of Love
Irish tiger
Love song
The religious imagination
The Persistence of religion
The Cardinal virtues
The search for Maggie Ward
God in the Movies
All About Women
My Love
White Smoke
The Seven Deadly Sins
A future to hope in
The Making of the Pope 2005
The Bishop And The Missing L Train A Blackie Ryan Story
The church and the suburbs
Catholic schools in a declining church
God in popular culture
St. Valentine's night
Crisis in the church
The denominational society
Communication in the church
The sociology of the paranormal
Parish, priest & people
The Bibleand us
Young Catholic Family
Catholic high schools and minority students
Happy are those who thirst for justice
A Christmas Wedding
Myths of religion
The Irish
Thy brother's wife
New horizons for the priesthood
The bishop at sea
From backwater to mainstream
Golden Years
The Cardinal Virtues
The Bishop and the Three Kings (A Father Blackie Ryan Mystery)
The changing Catholic college
The hesitant pilgrim
Virtues and Vices
Ethnic drinking subcultures
Letters to a Loving God
The Bible and Us
Irish lace
The truth about conservative Christians
Religion and career
American Catholics since the council
A fresh look at vocations
Chicago Catholics and the Struggles Within Their Church
Come blow your mind with me
The Jesus myth
I hope you're listening, God
The Seven deadly sins
Younger Than Springtime
Second spring
Sociology of Religion
Letters to Nancy, from Andrew M. Greeley
Life for a wanderer
Irish Stew!
Thy brother's wife
The priestly sins
Irish Whiskey
Towards Vatican III
Why can't they be like us?
Emerald Magic
Home for Christmas
The Catholic Myth
Happy are those who thirst for justice
Happy are the poor in spirit
Younger Than Springtime (O'Malley Novels
The bishop in the West Wing
Irish Love
Lord of the Dance
TheI rish Americans
Priests in the United States
Thy Brother's Wife
The Magic Cup: An Irish Legend Retold (Tor Fantasy)
Sexual intimacy
Nora Maeve and Sebi
A stupid, unjust, and criminal war
Common Ground
No bigger than necessary
Sacraments Of Love
Furthermore! Memories of a Parish Priest
Angels of September
Chicago Catholics and the struggles within their church
The communal Catholic
Year of Grace
Irish Gold
Irish Lace
What a modern Catholic believes about the Church
Confessions of a Parish Priest
Irish Mist A Nuala Anne Mcgrail Novel
Denominational Society
Come blow your mind with me
Death & beyond
The seven deadly sins
Lord of Dance
The Bishop at the Lake
Irish Mist
Paciencia de santo
Search for Maggie Ward, The
The Family in crisis or in transition
The Sinai myth (Doubleday Image book D350)
The Catholic priest in the United States
The sense of love
Remaking Urban Citizenship
Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain
Search for Maggie Ward
Irish Whiskey
Persistence of Religion
God Game
That Most Distressful Nation
Irish Gold, Irish Lace, Irish Wiskey
Senor De LA Danza
The search for Maggie Ward
Sacred visions
Bishop and the Missing l Train
Angels of September
Common Ground
Midwinter's Tale
God Game Open Market Edition
Communication in the Church
Summer at the Lake
Thy Brothers Wife
The Catholic why? book
Irish Tweed
Complaints against God
Priestly Sins
The Bishop Goes to the University
Irish Cream
Church As Institution
Catholic Revolution
Second Spring
Ascent into Hell
Irish Linen
An Epidemic of Joy
Bishop at the Lake
Irish Gold
Es leuchtet ein Stern. Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
The bishop and the three kings
Final Planet
Lord of the Dance
Family in Crisis or Transition
The sociology of Andrew M. Greeley
Religion As Poetry
Emerald Magic
Irish Eyes
The persistence of religion
Lord of the Dance
Faithful Attraction
The life of the spirit
Home for Christmas
Bishop in the West Wing
Irish Tiger
Catholic High Schools and Minority Students
Andrew Greeley
Changing Catholic College
The Bishop at Sea (A Father Blackie Ryan Mystery)
Paciencia de Santo
Bishop Goes to the University
Changing Catholic College
Bishop in the Old Neighborhood
Thy Brother's Wife
Happy are the merciful
A book of Irish-American blessings
Contract with an Angel
Education of Catholic Americans
Education of Catholic Americans
Cardinal Virtues
Golden Years
Senator and the Priest
The Bishop in the West Wing
Cardinal Sins
Ascent into hell
The friendship game
Second Spring
Irish Love
Changing Catholic College
Star Bright!
A Midwinter's Tale (O'Malley Novels
Book of Love
The making of the Popes
Catholic contributions
Irish lace
Irish Stew!
The Priestly Sins
Catholic High Schools and Minority Students
Younger Than Springtime
Christmas Wedding
Search for Maggie Ward
Catholic Imagination
Catholic Imagination
The education of Catholic Americans
Virgin and martyr
Irish tweed
Contract with an Angel
Grzechy kardynalne
Irish Gold
                Nuala Anne McGrail Novels Audio
Irish Whiskey (Nuala Anne McGrail Novels (Audio))
Irish Crystal
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
Irish Gold
Youth asks, does God still speak?
Irish Lace
Teenage world--its crises and anxieties
Great Mysteries
The bishop and the three kings
All About Women 2
Ocasión de pecado
The Search for Maggie Ward
Chinese Economy under Maoism
Biały dym
And young men shall see visions
All about Women
Women I've met
Pecados cardinales
That Most Distressful Nation
Ethnic Drinking Subcultures
September Song
Der Mönch aus Russland
Happy Are Those Who Mourn
Truth about Conservative Christians
God in the Movies
The making of the Popes 1978 : the politics of intrigue in the Vatican
Andrew Greeley's Chicago
Archbishop in Andalusia
The crucible of change
Irish Mist
Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millenium
101 Irish-American Blessings
Los Pecados Cardinales/the Cardinal Sins
Monja O Guerrillera/Virgin and Martyr
What a modern Catholic believes about God
Pan tańca
Religious Indicators, 1940-1985
The Incarnate imagination
The social effects of Catholic education
Irish Tiger
Irish Tiger
Ascension Al Infierno/Ascent into Hell
May the wind be at your back
The Passover trilogy
Letters to Nancy
La mujer de tu hermano
Happy are the peace makers
The Church and the suburbs
Blackie at Sea
Magic Cup -OSI
The denominational society
I am with you
Letters to Nancy, from Andrew M. Greeley
The Catholic experience
Wrześniowe anioły
Virgin and martyr
God in popular culture
Religion and career
The influence of religion on the career plans and occupational values of June 1961 college graduates
The church and the suburbs
Lord of the dance
Sociology and religion
The challenge of living
What a modern Catholic believes about God
The Brother's Wife
Death in April -Op/38
La Perdida de La Gracia
Passover Tril
Priests for tomorrow
Irish tweed
Rite of Spring - 40 Copy Display
The Catholic priest in the United States
Archbishop in Andalusia
The Passover Trilogy
The touch of the spirit
Summer at the Lake
Religion and Career
A future to hope in
The Life of the spirit (also the mind, the heart, the libido) in the light of Freud, Jung, Thomas Aquinas, Broadway Joe Namath and Pope John XXIII, as seen from the shores of Lake Michigan
Forging a common future
LA Mujer De Tu Hermano/Thy Brother's Wife
Life for a wanderer
Ángeles de septiembre
Ocasion de Pecado
Las Deudas del Pecado
Vamik Volkan
Vamik Volkan (born 1932)

psychiatrist, academic, peace activist

  • Ankara University Medical School
Siblings in the unconscious and psychopathology
The need to have enemies and allies
What do you get when you cross a dandelion with a rose?
Life after loss
The immortal Atatürk
Primitive internalized object relations
The infantile psychotic self and its fates
Third Reich in the Unconscious
Linking objects and linking phenomena
Six steps in the treatment of borderline personality organization
The homosexualities
Richard Nixon
Blind Trust
Attitudes of Entitlement
The Psychodynamics of international relationships
Turks and Greeks
Searching for the perfect woman
Cyprus--war and adaptation
The Homosexualities and the Therapeutic Process
Regional and ethnic conflicts
Depressive states and their treatment
Perspectives from the Front Lines
Osmanlı'nın yasından Atatürk'ün Türkiye'sine
Spektrum des Narzißmus
Eine Borderline- Therapie
Normal & pathological responses to bereavement
The Psychodynamics of International Relationships
Psychoanalyse der frühen Objektbeziehungen
Mental zoo
Cultural zoo
The seed of madness
W. H. Auden
W. H. Auden (1907-1973)

poet, literary historian, playwright, librettist, literary critic, essayist, composer, translator

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall
Collected longer poems
The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays
Poets of the English language
As I walked out one evening
Journey to a war
Collected shorter poems, 1927-1957
Plays and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden, 1928-1938
19th century British minor poets
Libretti and other dramatic writings by W.H. Auden,1939-1973
Letters from Iceland
The collected poetry of W.H. Auden
Forewords and afterwords
The prolific and the devourer
Collected Poems
The portable Greek reader
Selected poetry
Secondary worlds
In solitude, for company
Homage to Clio
The map of all my youth
About the house
The English Auden
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden
Epistle to a godson, and other poems
The Sea and the Mirror
Selected poetry of W.H. Auden
The dyer's hand, and other essays
The sea and the mirror
The poet's tongue
W.H. Auden and Chester Kallman
Lectures on Shakespeare
Julius Caesar and Related Readings
Two great plays
The enchafèd flood
Complete works of W. H. Auden
The ascent of F6
Look, Stranger!
The Viking book of aphorisms
A certain world
The Criterion book of modern American verse
Tell Me the Truth About Love
Thank you, fog
City without walls
A reader's companion to The hobbit and the lord of the rings
"The Language of Learning and the Language of Love"
The shield of Achilles
Selected Poems
The Elder Edda: a selection
The orators
Restoration and Augustan poets
The dog beneath the skin; or, Where is Francis?
Nineteenth century minor poets
The Complete Works of W.H. Auden
Lectures on Shakespeare
This Lunar Beauty
The dyer's hand and other essays
Norse Poems
The Faber book of aphorisms
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden, Volume V: Prose: 1963–1968
Collected Auden
Elizabethan and Jacobean poets
Making, knowing and judging
Lectures on Shakespeare
Restoration and Augustan poets
Academic graffiti
The age of anxiety
The Dyer's Hand
Romantic poets
Tell Me the Truth About Love
El Mundo De Shakespeare/the World of Shakespeare (El Otro Lado)
The collected poetry of W. H. Auden
The enchafèd flood; or, The romantic iconography of the sea
The poet's tongue
The Portable Greek reader
Elizabethan and Jacobean poets
W.H.Auden Reading His Poetry
Portable Poets of the English Language, Elizabethan
44 wiersze
The Platonic blow ; and, My epitaph
The English Auden
The ascent of F. 6 and On the frontier
Havamal Words Of The High One
For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio (W.H. Auden: Critical Editions)
The Viking book of aphorisms
The Dyer's hand
The enchafed flood; or, The romantic iconography of the sea
Auden's Prose (The complete works of W.H. Auden)
Ein Bewußtsein der Wirklichkeit. Essays
A playboy of the western world
Prose and travel books in prose and verse
The Orators
"In Solitude, for Company": W. H. Auden after 1940
The Portable Romantic poets
The Enchafed Flood
Homage to Clio
WH Audens Prose 19491955
Enchanted Flood
Essais critiques
Three unpublished poems
Voice of the Poet
The Orators
Secondary Worlds
Tell Me the Truth About Love (Faber Pocket Poetry)
The Complete Works of W.H. Auden: Prose
On the frontier
Another Time (Faber Library)
Nineteenth century minor poets
For the time being
Selected poetry of W.H. Auden
Collected Shorter Poems 1957
Wh Auden Poems (Poet to Poet: An Essential Choice of Classic Verse)
Poets of the English language
The Oxford book of light verse
The poet's tongue
On this island
Collected poetry
A Certain World
Orators an English Study
The cave of making
Portable Poets of the English Language, Restoration and Augustan
City without walls, and other poems
The art of healing
Restoration and Augustan poets
Nineteenth century British minor poets
Norse Poems
Auden Reads Auden
Letters from Iceland [by] W.H. Auden [and] Louis MacNeice
A Saint-Simon of our time
Philosophy with courage and imagination
A gobble poem
City Without Walls
The Faber book of modern American verse
Shi ren yu hua jia
The collected poetry
W.H. Auden
Early Auden
Romantic poets : Blake to Poe
The double man
The Oxford Book of Light Verse
Tell me the truth about love
Selections from poems by Auden
The Viking book of aphorisms
Selected poems by W.H. Auden
Portable Poets of the English Language, Medieval and Renaissance
The platonic blow
Common life
W.H. Auden's book of light verse
Victorian and Edwardian poets
Ehibition of a Book Dedicated by Henry Moore to W.H. Auden, with Related Drawings
The age of anxiety
Louis MacNeice : a memorial address, delivered at All Souls, Langham Place, on 17 October, 1963
Verlorenes Lachen, verlorenes Beten
The Faber book of aphorisms
Medieval and Renaissance poets
Sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ =
Good-bye to the Mezzogiorno (Addio al Mezzogiorno)
An Elizabethan song book
Parad Los Relojes y Otros Poemas
New year letter
Portable Poets of the English Language, Romantic
Collected shorter poems 1930-1944
A tragedy in two acts
The ascent of F.6 and On the frontier
Portable Poets of the English Language, Victorian and Edwardian
The Enchafed Flood or the Romantic Iconography of the Sea
Poets Tongue
Portable Poets of the English Language, Elizabethan
Education, today--and tomorrow
The Oxford book of light verse
The Oxford book of light verse
Epistle to a godson, and other poems
Poets of the English Language Vol. 1
Poems, 1927-1929
Louis MacNeice, a memorial address
The greatest of the monsters
The martyr as dramatic hero
Our changing society
Collected shorter poems, 1927-1959
Poets of the English language
A selection
The maker
Elegy for young lovers
Song of the devil
Some poems
Lines to Dr. Birk on his retiring from general practice
The old man's road
Worte und Noten
The dog beneath the skin
Proposal for an Independent Review
Selected essays
Night mail
The orators
Chtenie ; Pisʹmo ; Ėsse o literature
Auden--five poems
Another time
I believe
The Oxford book of light verse
Nineteenth century minor poets
The Magic Flute
A shock
Poetry and freedom
A gobble poem
A selection by the author
Poetry of W. H. Auden
Cartas de Islandia
Selected poems by W.H. Auden
The enchafèd floor
Another time
The Viking book of aphorisms
Tribute to Wystan Hugh Auden
Before this loved one
The summer quickens all
The witnesses
Cancion De Cuna Y Otros Poemas/ Nursery Songs and Other Stories
Secondary worlds
Makers of history
Letters from Iceland
The aliens
St. John Perse
Play of Daniel, a 13th-Century Musical Drama
Two songs
The Oxford book of light verse
The enchafed flood
The ballad of Barnaby
Der Wanderer
Paul Bunyan
The dog beneath the skin, or, Where is Francis?
Look, stranger!
The Elder Edda
Selected essays
Journey to a war
Another time
A New Year greeting
New year letter
Selected Poems by W H Auden (7137)
The pattern and the way
For the time being
A reminder
Doce poemas
The Portable Greek reader
A certain world
Norse poems
Two great plays by W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood
The ascent of F.6 (and) On the frontier
The Faber book of aphorisms
Goodbye to the Mezzogiorno
Nineteenth-century British minor poets
Comp Wor Auden Libre
Three songs for St. Cecilia's Day
The dance of the death
W.H. Auden Reads His Poetry
Religious drama
Vier gedichten
Com Wor Auden Essa 2
An Evening of Elizabethan verse and its music
Cancion De Cuna Y Otros Poemas/ Nursery Songs and Other Poems
A selection by the author. --
The ascent of F6
The Dog beneath the show or where is Francis?
A selection
Wie es mir schien
Van Gogh
Collected shorter poems, 1930-1944
La Mano del Tenidor
Interview with W.H. Auden
Poems, 1928, reproduced in facsimile
Epistle to a godson
Delia, or, A masque of night
Nineteenth century British minor poets
Poems in a child's eyes = Pjesme u ocima djece
Two great plays
Com Wor Auden Essa 3
Forewords and other words
Ode to Terminus =
The Faber book of aphorisms
Poésies choisies
Dall'età dell'ansia
Zai zhan shi
Don Giovanni
La verità, vi prego, sull'amore
The Oxford verse of light verse
Collected shorter poems, 1930-1944
Sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ
Portable Poets of the English Language
Auden and the Other
W. H. Auden reading from his works
Com Wor Auden Essa 4
Oxford poetry, 1927
The portable Greek reader
Letters from Iceland
A tragedy in two acts
Good-bye to the mezzogiorno
The Viking book of aphorisms, a personal selection
The enchafed flood
Two poems
Our hunting fathers
Making, knowing and judging
Diez Poemas
The Viking book of aphorisms
The dance of death
Forewords and afterwords
W.H. Auden reading
Collected shorter poems, 1930-1944
On the frontier
Poets of the English language
River profile
The table-talk of W.H. Auden
The play of Daniel
Portable Poets of the English Language, Medieval and Renaissance
Poemes de W.H. Auden
An Elizabethan song book
Spain, the question
Two great plays
Poets at work
Collected poetry
W.H. Auden : a selection by the author
Igor Strawinsky
Natural linguistics (for Peter Salus)
Fleet visit
The ascent of F6
September 1, 1939
Poems, 1928
Portable Poets of the English Language, Restoration and Augustan
Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath (born 1953)

theologian, educator, church historian, chemist, philosopher, priest, biochemist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
Chosen ones
Darkness shall fall
Chosen ones
Reformation thought
Christian theology
In the beginning
Science of God
A life of John Calvin
A passion for truth
I believe
Scientific Theology
Iustitia Dei
What Was God Doing on the Cross?
A Brief History of Heaven
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelicalism and the future of Christianity
The Future of Christianity
The Genesis of Doctrine
Explaining your faith
Christianity's dangerous idea
The journey
J.I. Packer
The genesis of doctrine
The Unknown God
The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
The reenchantment of nature
The making of modern German Christology
Christian spirituality
Understanding doctrine
The Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Modern Christian Thought
Science & Religion
Theology for Amateurs
Glimpsing the face of God
To Know and Serve God
Surprised by meaning
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Beyond the Quiet Time
A Cloud of Witnesses
The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought
The renewal of Anglicanism
Roots That Refresh
The Christian theology reader
The J.I. Packer collection
What was God doing on the cross?
Thomas F. Torrance
Christian theology
Understanding Jesus
The twilight of atheism
The Living God
The enigma of the cross
Reformation Thought
Niv Bible Handbook
The Open Secret
Reformation thought
Suffering & God
Power religion
History of Apologetics
Darwinism and the divine
Re-Imagining Nature
The Christian Theology Reader
Understanding the Trinity
The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
The passionate intellect
The making of modern German christology, 1750-1990
A fine-tuned universe
Springboard of Faith
Justification by faith
The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible
The Christian Theology Reader
Lion, the Dove, and the Lamb, Revised Edition
Emil Brunner
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader Set
Darwinism and the Divine
Christian History: An Introduction
The Unknown God
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader
Iustitia Dei
Narrative apologetics
Faith And Creeds A Guide For Study And Devotion
Christian Literature
Luther's theology of the cross
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Dawkins delusion
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Science and religion
The order of things
Christian Theology
The Christian theology reader
Christian Theology Reader
Christian literature
Dawkins' GOD
Spirituality in an age of change
The Dawkins delusion?
Trinitarian Theology of Nature
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification
Explaining your faith without losing your friends
Mere Discipleship
The mystery of the cross
Historical Theology
Reformation Thought
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
Emil Brunner
Christian Theology, 6e National EPub Inclusive Access
Roots That Refresh
An introduction to Christianity
Emil Brunner
Lord and Saviour
Making sense of the cross
Christian History
Territories of Human Reason
Why Are We Here?
Open Secret
Jesus Christ
Theology Set
Christian Belief
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion
Christian Life and Hope
Territories of Human Reason
Why God won't go away
Chosen Ones
Why Is There Suffering?
Order of Things
Re-Imagining Nature
Doubt in perspective
Darkness Shall Fall
C. S. Lewis
Science and the Doctrine of Creation
Spirit of Grace
Historical Theology
Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis
The Hodder dictionary of Bible themes
Studies in doctrine
Inventing the universe
The Futures of evangelicalism
Intellectuals don't need God and other modern myths
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought
Christian Spirituality
NIV Bible Commentary
The big question
Enriching Our Vision of Reality
Knowing Christ
Why god won't go away
Mere apologetics
Mere Apologetics
Brief History of Heaven
Flight of the Outcasts
The Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs
The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds
Roman Catholicism
Doing theology for the people of God
Christian History
Scientific Theology : Nature
Christian Theology
The Blackwell companion to Protestantism
The NIV Bible companion
Dawkins' GOD
The Re-enchantment of Nature
NIV Bible Commentary
The spirit of grace
The Christian life and hope
Bridge Building
El Acompañante biblico NVI
The future of Atheism
Historical theology
The enigma of the cross
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
Dawkins God
Christian Spirituality
The sunnier side of doubt
Passion for the Gospel
Knowing Christ
The Making of Modern German Christology
Arcic II and justification
NIV Thematic Reference Bible
Evangelical Anglicans
Doing theology for the people of God
C.S. Lewis
Understanding Doctrine
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith
Journey Through Suffering