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academics who wrote fantasy
Showing 129-136 out of 181 results
Juan Eslava Galán
Juan Eslava GalƔn (born 1948)


  • Facultad de FilosofĆ­a y Letras (Universidad de Granada)
El Fin del milenio
Una historia de la Guerra Civil que no va a gustar a nadie
El enigma de ColoĢn y los descubrimientos de AmeĢrica
La historia de EspanĢƒa contada para esceĢpticos
Los templarios y otros enigmas medievales
El mercedes del obispo y otros relatos edificantes o crueles
Historia secreta del sexo en EspanĢƒa
La década que nos dejó sin aliento
La Segunda Guerra Mundial contada para escépticos
El catolicismo explicado a las ovejas
España insólita y misteriosa
Verdugos y torturadores
Viaje por el Guadalquivir y su Historia
La conquista de América contada para escépticos
La vida y la época de los Reyes Católicos
Últimas pasiones del caballero Almafiera
Misterioso asesinato en casa de Cervantes
Historias de la InquisicioĢn
Los años del miedo
La mula
En busca del unicornio
El comedido hidalgo
Los íberos
La EspanĢƒa del 98
Julio César, el hombre que pudo reinar
Historia del mundo contada para escépticos
Paradores histoĢricos
Tu magistral amor
El sexo de nuestros padres
Cleopatra, Serpiente del Nilo (Divulgacion)
Viaje a los escenarios del capitaĢn Alatriste
Los Templarios y la Mesa de Salomón
Rey lobo
El mercenario de Granada
Tumbaollas y hambrientos
Moros, cristianos y castillos en el Alto Guadalquivir
La lápida templaria
La muerte de la abuela
Yo, NeroĢn
Homo erectus
De la alpargata al seiscientos
Los dientes del dragoĢn
Las Rutas de La Gastronomia En Andalucia (Rutas Culturales)
El paraíso disputado
Escuela y prisiones de Vicentito Gonzalez
La tentación del Caudillo
El amor en el jardin de las fieras
Los anĢƒos del miedo
Coitus interruptus
Leyendas de los castillos de JaeĢn
Ciudades de la Bética
Enciclopedia nazi
El Mercedes del obispo y otros relatos edificantes
Templarios, griales, vírgenes negras y otros enigmas de la Historia
La agonía del reino nazarí de Granada
Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia
Los castillos de JaeĢn
La vida amorosa en Roma
En busca del unicornio
Historia de "Toma Pan y Moja"
Viaje a Tierra Santa
Los años del miedo
Califas, guerreros, esclavas y eunucos
La Transición
Trilogía templaria III
El fraude de la SaĢbana Santa y las reliquias de Cristo
La leyenda del lagarto de la Malena y los mitos del dragoĢn
Cocina sin tonterías
Tartessos y otros enigmas de la historia
Los Iberos
Grandes batallas de la historia de EspanĢƒa
Las rutas del olivo
Statio orbis
El viaje de TobiĢas
La EspanĢƒa de las libertades
Yo, AniĢbal
Amor y sexo en la antigua Grecia
Roma de los CeĢsares
Santos y pecadores
1000 sitios que ver en España al menos una vez en la vida
Cleopatra, la serpiente del Nilo
Cuentos crueles
Los reyes catoĢlicos
El enigma de la mesa de Salomon
La primera guerra mundial contada para escépticos
Otro JaeĢn
La revolución rusa contada para escépticos
Viaje a la costa de las ballenas
Robertson Davies
Robertson Davies (1913-1995)

reporter, playwright, professor, musicologist, journalist, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Upper Canada College
Murther & walking spirits
Murther Walking Spirits
The cat that went to Trinity
The manticore
Fifth business
The rebel angels
The lyre of Orpheus
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The cunning man
World of wonders
High Spirits
The papers of Samuel Marchbanks
The Salterton Trilogy
A mixture of frailties
What's bred in the bone
A voice from the attic
The Deptford Trilogy
Fifty years of theatre in Canada
Animal U.
The Cornish trilogy
For your eye alone
Happy alchemy
Leaven of Malice
A gathering of ghost stories
At my heart's core ; &, Overlaid
One half of Robertson Davies
The merry heart
On the dangerous edge
The merry heart
Leaven of malice
The enthusiasms of Robertson Davies
Robertson Davies
Studies in Robertson Davies' Deptford trilogy
At my heart's core
Playwrights and plays
[Davies' response to the editor, Geraldine Anthony, on writing drama]
The Manticore
A voice from the attic
The Manticore
Mixed grill
The relevance and importance of the humanities in the present day
Fifth Business
World of Wonders
From A voice from the attic
Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed
Conversations with Robertson Davies
A masque of Aesop
Reading and writing
A Mixture of Frailties
Shakespeare's boy actors
Fortune, My Foe and Eros at Breakfast
Entre vous et moi: lettres 1976-1995
A chat about literacy
But why do you call it Canadian?
Curiosity Recaptured
The Canada of myth and reality
World of Wonders
The well-tempered critic
Stephen Leacock
Hunting Stuart and The Voice of the People
Shakespeare for young players
Selected Works On The Pleasures Of Readings
The mirror of nature
A Gathering of Ghost Stories
Hunting Stuart
The quotable Robertson Davies
The Salterton trilogy
It does no good to be afraid
The Mirror of Nature (Alexander Lectures, 1982)
Hunting Stuart & other plays
The diary of Samuel Marchbanks
La lyre d'Orphée
Le maître des ruses
Eros at breakfast
On being a professional
Four favourite plays
Curiosity - that's the secret
Un hombre astuto
Look at the clock
Graham Greene (1904-1991)
Delusions of literacy
The W. L. Grant Fellowship in adult education
Shakespeare over the port
Reading through Jung's spectacles
Fantômes et cie
Stephen Leacock
A jig for the gypsy
An introduction to the twenty-first Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair
A tough-minded imaginative Canadian with a vision of excellence
The table talk of Samuel Marchbanks
Leaven of malice
Question time
What do you see in the mirror?
The heart of a Merry Christmas
Changing fashions in Shakespearean production
Brothers in the black art
Dickens Digested
Hope deferred
Un homme remarquable
Conversations with Robertson Davies
Beyond industrial growth
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd
Education and literacy
L' objet du scandale
One half of Robertson Davies ; provocative pronouncements on a wide range of topics
The great Queen is amused
A dialogue
The art of fiction CVII
Ben Jonson and alchemy
Thirty years at Stratford
The personal art
The Deptford Trilogy
The theatre
Eros at breakfast, and other plays
King phoenix
Lira de Orfeo, La
Mundo de Las Maravillas
A mixture of frailities
General confession
The heart of a Merry Christmas
A masque of Aesop
Asesinato y ánimas en pena
Question time
Diary of Samuel Marchbanks (Shaw Festival)
Selected works on the art of writing
Robertson Davies 5th Business
Fortune, my foe
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd
Selected plays
Hope deferred
World of Wonders (Deptford Trilogy, Book 3)
Samuel Marchbanks' almanack
The voice of the people
Eros at breakfast
Fortune, my foe
A masque of Mr. Punch
La Memoria de La Sangre
Lira Orfeļø iļø”a
Why I do not intend to write an autobiography
A mixture of frailties
At my heart's core
A jig for the gypsy
The Merry Heart Selections 1980 - 1995
At the gates of the righteous
A voice from the attic
Speech for Stratford students. --
Entre vous et moi
Hunting Stuart
El Hombre Astuto
A masque of Mr. Punch
The voice of the people
Marchbanks' almanack
A mixture of frailties
The diary and table talk of Samuel Marchbanks
Un heureux canular
From "The diary of Samuel Marchbanks"
Fifth business
Paul Theroux
Paul Theroux (born 1941)

literary critic, professor

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
My Other Life
Blinding light
Blinding Light
Millroy the magician
The Great Railway Bazaar
The kingdom by the sea
My secret history
Picture Palace
The Mosquito Coast
The consul's file
Sunrise with seamonsters
Dark star safari
The Elephanta suite
Hotel Honolulu
The Pillars of Hercules
The stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro and other stories
Doctor Slaughter
Sir Vidia's shadow
Kowloon Tong
Chicago loop
Deep South
Saint Jack
The end of the game
A Dead Hand
The Family Arsenal
Travelling the world
Millroy the magician
A Christmas card
Fresh air fiend
The Sea
Jungle lovers
Great humorous stories
The happy isles of Oceania
Riding the iron rooster
Old Patagonian Express, The
Sailing through China
Mother land
The London embassy
The black house
Girls at Play
The imperial way
Sinning with Annie, and other stories
London snow
Ghost Train to the Eastern Star
World's end and other stories
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009
Today's best nonfiction
The collected stories
Fong and the Indians
To the Ends of the Earth
Under the Wave at Waimea
The Best American Travel Writing 2001
V.S. Naipaul, an introduction to his work
Mr. Bones
V.S. Naipaul
Riding the Iron Rooster By Train Through
The lower river
Eli Reed
Murder in Mount Holly
The Family Arsenal Paul Theroux
On the Plain of Snakes
The best American travel writing 2014
The Mosquito Coast
Figures in a landscape
Masterpieces of Modern Short Fiction
The tao of travel
Dr. Demarr
Deep south
The Mosquito Coast
The collected short novels
Sinning with Annie
Jan Morris : around the world in 80 years
Tierra madre
Riding the Iron Rooster:By Train Through China
Where the Roads All End
The Silk Road - China and the Karakorum Highway
The Greenest Island
World's end
Journey Without Maps
My Other Life
The lower river
Gentleman in the Parlour
Gentleman in the Parlour
Lower River
Picture Palace
Slow Trains to Simla
La Double vie de Lauren S.
The Cold World
Nurse Wolf & Dr Sacks
UC Riding the Iron Rooster
Down the Yangtze
Riding the Iron Rooster
Patagonie express
An den Gestaden des Mittelmeeres
Mein anderes Leben
Happy Iles of Oceania, the
Happy Isles of Oceania
Brazil Incarnate
The collected stories
Priya Ramrakha
Mother Land
Consul's File
The shortest day of the year
Les derniers jours de Hong Kong
Saint Jack
On the Plain of Snakes
Deep South
Hotel Honolulu
On the Edge of the Great Rift
Travelers' Tales Greece
What Maisie Knew
The white man's burden
LA Calle De LA Media Luna/Half Moon Street
Bad Angel Brothers
La Chine à petite vapeur
La Costa de los Mosquitos
Die glücklichen Inseln Ozeaniens
Hotel Honolulu
Figures in a Landscape
Saint Jack (Om-Asia)
The Consul's File
Hotel Honolulu
Blinding Light-O.M.
The Happy Isles Of Oceania   Part 2 Of 2
Zona Exterior
Bad Angel Brothers
Fresh-Air Fiend
My Other Life
Education by radio
Nature's Wonderlands
The Lower River
Family Arsenal
Strange Dispearance Imam Mousa Sadr
Paul Theroux Collected Stories
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Voyage excentrique et ferroviaire autour du Royaume-Uni
Ridng Iron Roostr-Opmkt
Der alte Patagonien- Express
Mi Otra Vida
Wiedersehen mit Patagonien
Lower River
Mi Historia Secreta
On the Plain of Snakes
De Laatste Dagen Van Hongkong
San Jack
Jechalem Zelaznym Kogutem
Saint Jack
De geschiedenis van een vriendschap
Mr. Bones
Der alte Patagonienexpress. 5 Cassetten
De geschiedenis van een vriendschap
Happy Isles of Oceania-Open Ma
Paul Theroux
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Nurse Wolf and Dr. Sacks (Front Lines)
The London embassy
Bad Angel Brothers
La Sombra de Naipaul
Happy Isles of Oceania Part 2
Happy Isles of Oceania
Steve McCurry Lesen
Foreign Affairs
Murder in Mount Holly
El Mago Millroy
Collected Stories
Railway bazaar
Traveling the World
Fresh Air Fiend
En la Llanura de Las Serpientes
Mr Bones
Mr. Bones
Figures in a Landscape
World's End and other Stories
Blinding Light
Belanger Brotherhood
The Happy Isles Of Oceania   Part 1 Of 2
Kowloon Tong.
My Other Life
Kowloon Tong
Poems for Travellers
On the Plain of Snakes
El geólogo
Riding the Rails with Paul Theroux
Milroy the Magician
Camp Echo
Riding the Iron Rooster
Hotel Honolulu
Millroy the Magician
Wāruzu endo (sekai no hate) =
Under the Wave at Waimea
El geólogo
Fresh-Air Fiend
The return of Bingo Humpage
Deep South
Mein geheimes Leben
Silk Road : Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran
Ultimi giorni a Hong Kong
Dispatches D1
Sailing Through China by Paul Theroux (1984-01-01)
Short Story International #34
Girls at Play
California the Other State
De Bendenrivier
Figures in a Landscape
Saint Jack
Millroy the Magician
Mother Land
Le Plaisir le plus triste
Kowloon Tong
Two Stars
Riding the Iron Rooster
Half Moon Street
The Consul's File
Jungle lovers
En el Gallo de Hierro
Happy Isles of Oceania Part 1
China per trein
Saint Jack
Sailing Through China
Collected Stories, the
Millroy the Magician
En El Gallo de Hierro
El último tren a la zona verde
Deep South
Asagi Nehir
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Luce accecante
Stary Ekspres Patagonski. Pociagiem przez Ameryki
Fresh-air fiend
Happy Isles of Oceania
A Dead Hand
Blinding Light
Consul's File
Fresh-Air Fiend : Travel Writings
My Other Life
De grote spoorwegcarrousel
De grote spoorwegcarrousel retour
Millroy de tovenaar
Sunrise with seamonster
Retour au Palazzo d'Oro
Spelende meisjes
China per trein
Murder in Mount Holly
Tren fantasma a la Estrella de Oriente
Docteur De Marr
De poort naar India
Verblindend licht
En Lower River
Paul Davies
Paul Davies (born 1946)

physicist, cosmologist

  • University College London, University of London
Awakening: The Art of Halo 4
Fantasy Art in Watercolour
The Locust Fields
Are we alone?
Six Easy Pieces
Other Worlds
About time
The cosmic blueprint
The last three minutes
The ideal real
Exactly 12 [cents] and other convictions
Wildlife travelling companion, France
Quantum mechanics
How to Build a Time Machine
Information and the Nature of Reality
                Canto Classics
Hotshot Puzzles (Hotshots)
A Dialogue for Five Voices
Gelignite Jack
The Art Of Thief
Brain Diseases And Metalloproteins
The anatomy of corporate law
The edge of infinity
Otros mundos
The Impossible Treble The Official Story Of Uniteds Greatest Season
Jump Aboard 1
Corporate Boards in European Law
Black Flag
A.J. Cook (Lives of the Left)
Staff induction
Success in English teaching
Michele Sanmicheli
Smart choice
The Hotshot Puzzles
Sky High 5 Teacher's Book
First Choice
The last three minutes
Los mitos de la materia
Cosmic jackpot
Jamie Drum's massive recovery
Comment construire une machine à explorer le temps ?
Field guide to the wild flowers of Britain & northern Europe
Superforce - The Search For A Grand Unified Theory Of Nature
Dropping the Chase
Gower & Davies: Principles of Modern Company Law
Sky High 1 Teacher's Book
Sky High 2 Teacher's Book
Towards a flexible labour market
Principles of Financial Regulation
The Art of Horizon Zero Dawn
Marvel Contest of Champions
The Goldilocks enigma
Oblique Litanies
The matter myth
The Born Presenter
Skyline (Book 1b)
China: Modern World History
Storming St. Kilda by tram
Synergy 2
Last Three Minutes
The Demon in the Machine
Manpower problems in South Asia
Wild Orchids of Britain and Europe
What's This India Business?: Offshoring, Outsourcing and the Global Services Revolution
Whats this India Business?
Nature Photography Close Up
Die Urkraft. Auf der Suche nach einer einheitlichen Theorie der Natur
Cosmic bullets
The Mind of God
War of the Mines
Auf dem Weg zur Weltformel.
So baut man eine Zeitmaschine.
All Stars
Tanri ve Yeni Fizik
All Stars
All Stars
Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Southern Europe
Towards a Flexible Labour Market
Smart Choice, Level 1
First Choice
All Stars
Wreck of the Apollo
Training Your Mind To Realize It's Potential
Tuning Four Cylinder Fords
What's this India business?
Oxford Bookworms Factfiles : Stage 2
Solutions : Intermediate : Student's Book
Jump Aboard 1: Workbook
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay (born 1974)

essayist, journalist, editing staff, literary critic

  • Michigan Technological University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Difficult Women
Bad Feminist
An Untamed State
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde
Woman's Right to Pleasure
The Best American Short Stories 2018
Not that bad
Black Panther
Sacrifice of Darkness
Dress like a woman
Drawing Power
Love and Resistance
Mickalene Thomas
Power Book
Women of the 116th Congress
The Banks Box Set
Original Sisters
The New Black: A Neo-Noir Anthology
Tage der Furcht
Frick Madison
Best Actress
Kötü Feminst
Urgent, Unheard Stories
Radicals, Volume 1 : Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing into the Wound
Dawn of the Midnight Angels
Balance ta bulle - 62 dessinatrices témoignent du harcèlement et de la violence sexuelle
Year I Learned Everything
Moon Milk Review 2011
No es para tanto
Unti on Writing
How to Be Heard
Do the Work
Kunio Yanagita
Kunio Yanagita (1875-1962)

lexicographer, anthropologist, linguist, Esperantist, agronomist, folklorist, poet

  • Graduate Schools for Law and Politics and Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, Kaisei Academy
Kinsei kidan zenshū
The legends of Tono
About our ancestors
About our ancestors; the Japanese family system
Yanagita Kunio zenshū
Tōno monogatari
Nihon no mukashibanashi
Yanagita Kunio (Sakkka no jiden)
Yanagita Kunio Minakata Kumagusu ofuku shokan
Chimei no kenkyū
Yanagita Kunio no ehagaki
Kaijo no michi
Nihon no mukashibanashi to densetsu
Japanese manners & customs in the Meiji era
Nenjū gyōji oboegaki
Tono monogatari
Kokushi to minzokugaku
Japanese folk tales
Kinki shūzoku jiten
Hi no mukashi
Mukashibanashi to bungaku
Kagyū kō
Sugae Masumi
YasoĢ„ zakki
Kainan shōki
Mainichi no kotoba
Aratanaru taiyō
Kokyo shichijunen (Nojigiku bunko)
KonŹ¾in no hanashi
Chiisaki mono no koe
Izu Ōshima hōgenshū
Sanson seikatsu no kenkyu
Kokushi to minzokugaku
Kokyō shichijūnen
Kokugo hōgengaku Shingo ron
Getsuyō tsūshin
Yukiguni no haru
Yanagita Kunio kyoĢ„iku ronshuĢ„
Nihon no matsuri
Hitome kozō sono ta
Min'yō oboegaki
Momotarō no tanjō
Ine no Nihon shi
Yacho zakki (Zenshu Nihon yachoki)
Yōkai dangi
Les Yeux précieux du serpent
Monogatari to katarimono
Nihon noĢ„minshi =
Bunrui saishi shūzoku goi
Yanagita Kunio Minakata Kumagusu ōfuku shokanshū
HoĢ„gen oboegaki
Kagyū kō
Teihon Yanagida Kunio shū
Nihon shinwa densetsushū
Nihon no matsuri
Yanagita Kunio bunka ronshuĢ„
Bunrui shokumotsu shūzoku goi
Yanagida Kunio
Minkan denshō ron
Shinpen Yanagita Kunio shū
Sumiyaki nikki
Bunrui jidō goi
Yanagita Kunio (Gendai kokugo kyoikuron shusei)
Fukusō shūzoku goi
izu Ōshima horigen shū
Yanagida Kunio Minakata Kumagusu ōfuku shokan shū
Nihon no densetsu
Kaison seikatsu no kenkyu
Kyodo seikatsu no kenkyu
Nazo to kotowaza
Fukōnaru geijutsu. Warai no hongan
Santō mintanshū
Nihon minzokugaku nyūmon
Momen izen no koto
Meiji Taisho shi
Mukashibanashi oboegaki
Shinshū zuihitsu
Kokugo hōgengaku Shingo ron
KoĢ„shoĢ„ bungei taii
ShintoĢ„ to minzokugaku
Nihon nomin shi
Oshie to seikatsu
Senzo no hanashi
Haikai hyōshaku
Matsuri no hanashi
Senmin ni sareta hitobito
Yukiguni no haru
Bunrui jidō goi
Yōkai dangi
Mainichi no kotoba
Kagyū kō
Fukusō shūzoku goi
Minzokugaku jiten
Kagyū kō
Minshu shugi ronshū
Fuko naru geijutsu
Yanagita Kunio danwa kō
Bunrui gyoson goi
Zokusei goi
Oshira-gami kō
Nihon minzoku-gaku nyūmon
Rohen sōsho kaidai
KonŹ¼in shÅ«zoku goi
Meiji Taishō shi
Nihon no mukashibanashi
Sōgō Nihon minzoku goi
Kokushi to minzokugaku
Yanagita Kunio
Teihon Yanagita Kunio shū
Tōno monogatari
Yanagida Kunio shū
SanŹ¼iku shÅ«zoku goi
Yanagida Kunio shu
Kitakoura minzokushi
Minzoku zuroku, Nihonjin no kurashi
Shintō to minzokugaku
Mukashibanashi to bungaku
Ganzen no ijinshu mondai
Kokugo hōgengaku Shingo ron
Bunrui sansen goi
Kyojū shūzoku goi
Tōno monogatari
Niigata-ken Minamikanbara-gun mukashibanashishū
Kokugo no shōrai
Sasayaka naru mukashi
Kōgo yaku Tōno monogatari
"Chiisaki mono" no shisō
Bunrui nōson goi
Nihon minzoku-gaku kenkyū
Nihon no densetsu
Nazo to kotowaza
Toshi to nōson
Yanagita Kunio watakushi no ayunde kita michi
Momen izen no koto
Kyōdokai kiroku
Yukiguni no minzoku
Sanson goi
Yanagita Kunio, Saitō Mokichi, Origuchi Shinobu
Sairei to seken
Kainan shōki
Momotarō no tanjō
Kaison seikatsu no kenkyu
Saiji shūzoku goi
Ritō seikatsu no kenkyū
Hitotsume Kozō sonota
Nihon minzokugaku no kadai
Shima no jinsei
Yanagita Kunio bungei ronshū
Sanson seikatsu no kenkyū
Sōsō shūzoku jiten
MinŹ¼yō oboegaki
Minzokugaku ni tsuite
Momotarō no tanjō
Kainan shōki
Kagyū kō
Chiisaki mono no koe
Yanagita Kunio danwa kō
Sōsō shūzoku goi
Minkan denshōron
Bunrei shokumotsu shūzoku goi
Tōno monogatari
Hyōjungo to hōgen
Kami o tasuketa hanashi
Nantō ryokō kenbunki
Yanagita Kunio
Nihon minzokugaku no tame ni
Kokugo to kyōiku
Kokugo hōgengaku Shingo ron
Nihon nōminshi
Yanagita Kunio shū
Yanagita Kunio
Kodomo fudoki
Kyōdo seikatsu no kenkyūhō
Nihon nōmin-shi
Nochi no kari kotoba no ki
Kikō bunshū
Yukiguni no haru
Shinshū zuihitsu
Zen'yaku Tōno monogatari
Josei to minkan denshō
Chimei no kenkyū
Akagozuka no hanashi
Santō mintan shū
Genpon, Tōno monogatari
Nihon densetsu meii
Kokyō shichijūnen
Okinawa bunka sōsetsu
Shin kokugaku dan
Saishin sangyō kumiai tsūkai
Yanagida Kunio Minakata Kumagusu ōfuku shokan shū
Shiryō to shite no densetsu
Yanagita Kunio shū
Tayama Katai ate Yanagita Kunio shokanshū
Yanagida Kunio nōsei ronshū
Yanagita Kunio
Nihonjin to wa nani ka
Shokumotsu to shinzō
N. Scott Momaday
N. Scott Momaday (1934-2024)

poet, scholar of English

  • University of New Mexico, Stanford University
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Why did you do it
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
House Made of Dawn
The way to rainy mountain
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Circle of Wonder
The man made of words
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
The ancient child
Winged words
In the bear's house
House Made of Dawn (Perennial Classics)
In the presence of the sun
House made of dawn
Three plays
Ancestral Voice
Angle of geese and other poems
The gourd dancer
Le chemin de la montagne de pluie
The Road to Paradise
Conversations with N. Scott Momaday
House Made of Dawn (Perennial Library)
In the presence of the sun
"Iļø Aļø” sviļø aļø”zan dobrom s zemleÄ­"
In the bear's house
The journey of Tai-me
Four arrows & magie
The journey of Tai-me
N. Scott Momaday
La strana e verace storia della mia vita con Billy the Kid e altre storie
UT, Nr.58, Im Sternbild des Bären
Death of Sitting Bear
Enfant Des Temps Oublie
Before an old painting of the Crucifixion, Carmel Mission, June, 1960
With eagle glance
Lisa Appignanesi
Lisa Appignanesi (born 1946)

journalist, linguist, literary critic, television producer, scholar of English

  • McGill University
Dreams of innocence
Femininity & the creative imagination
The cabaret
Freud's women
Losing the dead
Mad, Bad and Sad
Simone de Beauvoir
Memory and desire
Kicking fifty
The dead of winter
Simone de Beauvoir (Life & Times S.)
Paris requiem
The Memory Man
Unholy Loves (Belle Epoque Mysteries)
The Things We Do for Love
Sad, mad and bad
All about love
A good woman
Kalt ist die See
In der Stille des Winters
Die andere Frau
Ideas from France: The Legacy of French Theory
Simone De Beauvoir (Life & Times)
Das Kabarett
Freud's Women
All about love
Unholy loves
A Good Woman and The Things We Do For Love
Freud's Women