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academics who wrote fantasy
Showing 81-88 out of 181 results
Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown (born 1956)


  • University of Virginia, George Washington University
The Dogs
The gifts of the body
The haunted house
What Keeps Me Here
The End of Youth
Annie Oakley's Girl
The terrible girls
Excerpts from a Family Medical Dictionary
The haunted house
American Romances
Understanding boundaries and containment in clinical practice
The Evolution of Darkness
The Last Time I Saw You
The End of Youth
The last time I saw you
The Children's Crusade
The Terrible Girls
The Heinemann Science Scheme
The evolution of darkness
3-way split
The bicycle trip and poems
Standing The Watch
Mouse works
For the 82nd Airborne
El Vino a Libertar a Los Cautivos!
Not heaven, somewhere else
Mouse works
Looking together
Food-security Assessments in Emergencies
Antonine Maillet
Antonine Maillet (born 1929)

playwright, translator, storyteller

  • Laval University, Université de Montréal
The tale of Don l"orignal
La Sagouine
Evangeline the Second
Christophe Cartier de la Noisette dit Nounours
Cent ans dans les bois
Sagouine, LA
On the eighth day
Évangéline Deusse
L' oursiade
Pierre Bleu
Madame Perfecta
Emmanuel a Joseph a Davit
Comme un cri du coeur
Rabelais et les traditions populaires en Acadie
William S
Emmanuel à Joseph, à Dâvit
Les crasseux
L' Île-aux-Puces
Crache à pic
Le huitième jour
Don l'Orignal
Le bourgeois gentleman
Par-derrière chez mon père
Gapi and Sullivan
Chronique d'une sorcière de vent
Les drôlatiques, horrifiques et épouvantables aventures de Panurge, ami de Pantagruel, d'après Rabelais
Les cordes-de-bois
Garrochés en paradis
Le temps me dure
Le mystérieux voyage de Rien
La contrebandière
The Tales of Don L'Orignal (New Press Canadian Classics)
La Gribouille
Mit der Hälfte des Herzens. Roman
Le veuve enragée
Entre dune et aboiteaux
Margot la folle
Crache a pic
Pelagie (New Press Canadian Classics)
On a mangé la dune
Christopher Cartier of Hazelnut, Also Known as Bear
Les confessions de Jeanne de Valois
L' Acadie pour quasiment rien
Don l'original
Gapi et Sullivan
La Fontaine, ou, La comédie des animaux
On a mange la dune
Le chemin Saint-Jacques
La veuve enragee
[Préface pour la radio]
Evangeline the Second
La veuve enragée
Le bourgeois gentleman
Cent ans dans les bois
Le temps me dure
Madame Perfecta
Citrouille, fils de la Sainte
Par derrière chez mon père
Par derriere chez mon pere
Rabelais et les traditions populaires en Acedie
Les crasseux
Don l'Original
Emmanuel à Joseph à Dâvit
Fais confiance à la mer, elle te portera
La Sagouine
Par derrière chez mon père
The devil is loose !
On the eighth day
Les Acadiens
Les crasseux
La contrebandière
Milorad Pavić
Milorad Pavić (1929-2009)

linguist, historian, translator, poet, playwright, literary critic, literary historian

  • University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy
Unutrašnja strana vetra, ili, Roman o Heri i Leandru
Hazarski rečnik
Predeo slikan čajem
Last love in Constantinople
Dictionary of the Khazars
Jezičko pamćenje i pesnički oblik
Le dictionnaire khazar : roman-lexique
Kratka istorija Beograda =
Vojislav Ilić i evropsko pesništvo
Nove beogradske priče
Mesečev kamen
Unutrašnja strana vetra
Istorija, stalež i stil
Prvi pisac trećeg milenija
Ruski hrt
Anahoret u Njujorku
For ever and a day
Last Love in Constantinople
Plava sveska
L'envers du vent
Zvezdani plašt
Istorija srpske književnosti baroknog doba (XVII i XVIII vek)
Poslednja ljubav u Carigradu
Za uvek i dan više
Zapis na konjskom ceberu
Leteći hram
Od baroka do klasicizma
Šešir od riblje kože
Izvrnuta rukavica
Hazari, ili, Obnova vizantijskog romana
Stakleni puz
Predeo slikan cajem
Gvozdena zavesa
Istorija srpske književnosti klasicizma i predromantizma
Stakleni puž
Unutrasnja strana vetra
Dve interaktivne drame
Das Chasarische Wörterbuch. Männliches Exemplar. Lexikonroman in 100 000 Wörtern
Kutija za pisanje
Konji svetoga Marka
Le Rideau de fer
Le chapeau en peau de poisson
Le dictionnaire khazar
Landscape painted with tea
Landschaft in Tee gemalt
Poslednja ljubav u Carigradu
Duše se kupaju poslednji put
Last Love in Constantinople
Vrata sna i druge priče
Hazarski recnik, zenski primerak
Siete pecados capitales
Srpske priče
Sabrana dela Milorada Pavića
Carski rez i druge priče
Sesir od riblje koze
Paisaje Pintado Con Te
Diccionario Jazaro - Novela Lexico
Hazar sozlugu
Das Chasarische Wörterbuch. Weibliches Exemplar. Lexikonroman in 100 000 Wörtern.
Fina Casalderrey
Fina Casalderrey (born 1951)

professor, journalist, pedagogue, ethnographer, playwright

Contos dende a arquitectura
Alas De Mosca Para Angel
El misterio del cementerio viejo/ The mystery of the old cemetery
Sobrevives?/ Survive?
La abuela tiene una medicina (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
Cuando la tierra se olvido de girar/ When the Earth Forgot to Spin
El abuelo es sabio (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
La abuela no quiere comer (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
No Te Cases, Papa!
O Libro Da Empanada
El abuelo sale de paseo (Caballo alado series-Al trote)
Silence! El lago de las ninas mudas/ Silence! The Lake of the the Deaf Girls
¡¡¡Gela se ha vuelto vampira!!!
El nen gos
Asustate, Merche!
Historia de la bicicleta de un hombre lagarto
Pasmate, Merche!
Derradeira Carta OS Reis Magos
Asústate, Merche!
Hija De Las Olas
Luas De Nacara
Pesadilla en el tren Chocolate
Reposteria En Galicia/bakery of Galicia
O Libro Da Empanada/ The Book of Empanadas
Un gos al pis, i què?
As De Mosca Para Anxo
Ultima Carta a Los Reyes Magos/the Last Letter to the Wise Men
O Meu Avo E Unha Gata
Quen Me Quere Adoptar?
Duas Bagoas Por Maquina
Prohibido casar, papá!
El misterio de la Casa del Palomar
Pimpin Y Dona Gata/ Pimpin and Mrs. Gata
Alas de Mosca Para Angel
Mutacions Xeneticas
Un Saquino De Contos
Un can en o piso!
Quien Quiere Adoptarme?/ Who Wants to Adopt
El Misterio De Los Hijos De Lua/ the Mystery Lua's Kids
Eu Son Eu
El misterio de los hijos de Lúa
Pimpin e doña Gata
Apertas de vainilla
Puf! Hau nazka!
A máscara de Palma
O neno can
Can no piso, un
Prohibido casar, papa!
O misterio dos fillos de Lúa
Historia da bicicleta dun home lagarto
Nolo e os ladróns de leña
Puag, que noxo!
O misterio do Faro Vello
Fuego!!! (Spanish Edition)
Gordiño Recheo. Caderno de comprensión lectora
Un caballo de fuego
No et pots casar, pare!
Cuando la Tierra se olvidó de girar
A Muller Xabaril
Bi malko makinarengatik
Puf! Hau nazka!
Ola, estupido monstro peludo!
O misterio da casa de Pombal
Un Dia De Caca Y Vaca (Cartera De Valores)
Pesadelo no tren chocolate
¡No te cases Papá!
Un cavall de foc
No te cases papá
El misterio de la Casa del Palomar
Mutacións xenéticas
El estanque de los patos pobres
Gordito relleno/ Chubby (El Barco De Vapor: Serie Naranja/ the Steamboat: Orange Series) (Spanish Edition)
Desventuras dun lobo namorado
íHola, estúpido monstruo peludo!
O misterio da Casa do Pombal
Lingua guapa. Cantos que contan...
A furgoneta branca
Abrazos de vainilla
Puf! Hau nazka!
Bi malko makinarengatik
Un saco de estrelas
Reposteria En Galicia (Turismo / Ocio)
Contra el vent
O misterio do cemiterio vello
Voces termando da paisaxe galega
María Victoria Moreno. A muller que durmía pouco e soñaba moito
Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar
Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar
Bi malko makinarengatik
Lecturas. Hora de ler! Un, dous, tres... 4 Primaria
E ti que farías por min?
Sobrevives?/ Do you Survive? (Fora De Xogo)
El misterio del cementerio viejo
Blíster "Alas de mosca para Ángel" 5º de Primaria
Lectures. Hora de llegir! Tic, tac, tic... 4º primaria
Dos lágrimas por Máquina
Un can no piso!
Puf! Hau nazka!
A Pomba e o Degolado
El misteri dels fills de Lluna
O xenio da Cidade do Sal
Papa e meu!
A lagoa das nenas mudas
Asústate, Merche!
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson (born 1962)

archaeologist, anthropologist

  • University of Cambridge
An archaeology of capitalism
Housing culture
Drifters Volume 6
Irregular Verbs
Circumcision, Public Health, Genital Autonomy and Cultural Rights
Irregular Verbs
Conservatism and Ideology
Lived Experience in the Later Middle Ages
American dreams, American realities
Behind the castle gate
Gantz Omnibus Volume 6
Gantz Omnibus Volume 8
Crisis of the Twenty-First Century
Bibliographia Liturgica =
Houston Genetic City
Ideas of Landscape
The Xanue
COVID, Cancer, and Christ
Foreign Policy of Mass Society
Good Grammar [Grades 6-12]
Protest - Analysing Current Trends
Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community
Blackest Spells
Gantz Omnibus Volume 7
Finding Success the First Year
Precariousness, Community and Participation
My Memories of My Life in Maine
Gantz Omnibus Volume 4
Legacy of Marxism
SAP Material Master - a Practical Guide
Behind the Castle Gate
Gantz Omnibus Volume 9
Drifters Omnibus Volume 1
Explaining and Resisting Trumpism Post-2020
Forest Brides
Drifters Omnibus Volume 2
Undermining Racial Justice
Gantz Omnibus Volume 5
Best News Ever
Property Rights in Outer Space
Eucharistic Love
Too Short to Box with God
GMO Free Diet
COVID-19 and the Politics of Fear
Answers to Your Biggest Questions about Teaching Middle and High School ELA
Circumcision, Public Health, Genital Autonomy and Cultural Rights
Planning for CLIL
Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Behind the Castle Gate
Planning for CLIL
Gantz Omnibus Volume 11
Gantz Omnibus Volume 3
Surveys in Combinatorics 2021
Elephant Coloring Book for Kids
Legacy of Marxism
Living and Working in Wartime China
Archaeological Theory
Another Star in the Sky
Mask of Wander
Undermining Racial Justice
Archaeological Theory
Learning 2D Game Development with Unity
Gantz Omnibus Volume 10
SAP® material master
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 53 2024
Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914
Bold and the Bulge
Swimmer to Coach
Gantz Omnibus Volume 12
Deadman's Tome Book of Horrors I
Positive Parenting with a Plan
Precariousness, Community and Participation
Fall From Earth
Herbert Giles
Herbert Giles (1845-1935)

sinologist, diplomat, translator

  • Charterhouse School
Antología de la literatura fantástica
A history of Chinese literature
China and the Manchus
The Civilization of China
China and the Chinese
Chinese Sketches
Religions of ancient China
Gems of Chinese literature
A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East
Historic China
A Dictionary Of Colloquial Idioms In The Mandarin Dialect
A Chinese biographical dictionary
Chinese poetry in English verse
Historic China, and other sketches
A Short History of Koolangsu
A Chinese-English dictionary
Chinese without a teacher
Confucianism and its rivals
Chinese without a teacher, being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin dialect, with a vocabulary
Chinese fairy tales
On some translations and mistranslations in Dr. Williams' Syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language
Synoptical studies in Chinese character =
Arcana Saitica Briefly Discussed in Three Essays on the Masonic Tracing Boards
An introduction to the history of Chinese pictorial art
Confucianism And Its Rivals 1915
Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio V1
Gems of Chinese literature, prose
Adversaria Sinica
Great religions of the world
Chinese without a teacher: being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin ..
Short cuts to Chinese
Synoptical studies in the Chinese character
Herbert A. Giles and China
Some truths about opium
Ying i Chung-kuo ko shih hsüan
China on CD
Great religions of the world
Chaos in China
Religions of Ancient China
Select Chinese verses
Great religions of the world
How to begin Chinese
Librivox Short Story Collection 088
A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East
Great religions of the world
The civilisation of China
Quips from a Chinese jest-book
An introduction to the history of Chinese pictorial art
Polnyĭ kitaĭsko-russkīĭ slovarʹ
Chinese self-taught
Synoptical studies in the Chinese character
The San tzu ching
A Chinese-English dictionary
Religions of ancient China
The Civilization of China & Religions of Ancient China
Adversaria Sinica
A Chinese-English dictionary
Confucianism and its rivals
Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzŭ
Ying yi Zhongguo ge shi xuan
San Tzu Ching
The hundred best characters
Zhongguo wen mai
Handbook of the Swatow dialect
Short stories from Giles' Historic China
A history of Chinese literature
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
Roberto Pazzi
Roberto Pazzi (1946-2023)

journalist, poet, anthropologist

  • University of Bologna
L'immaginario contemporaneo
Domani sarò re
The princess and the dragon
L' ombra del padre
Cercando l'imperatore
Vangelo di Giuda
Searching for the emperor
La principessa e il drago
Storie del Bosco Letterario
L' erede
Il signore degli occhi
Incerti di viaggio
Il bambino
Calma di vento
Sur les traces de l'empereur
Adrift in time
La stanza sull'acqua
Searching for the Emperor
La malattia del tempo
Il filo delle bugie
Dopo primavera
La città volante
Felicità di perdersi
Mi spiacerà morire per non vederti più
L' esperienza anteriore
Il re, le parole
Qualcuno mi insegue
Verso Sant'Elena
Le città del dottor Malaguti
Le forbici di Solingen
Calma di vento
Hotel Padreterno
Évangile de Judas
La trasparenza del buio
La gravità dei corpi
D'amore non esistono peccati
Versi occidentali
Virginia DeMarce
Virginia DeMarce (born 1940)

historian, genealogist

  • Stanford University
Carter of Deerfield, Mass., and Norwalk, Conn., Chartier of Quebec Province, Canada, and New York
The settlement of former German auxiliary troops in Canada after the American Revolution
Mercenary troops from Anhalt-Zerbst, Germany, who served with the British forces during the American Revolution
Canadian participants in the American Revolution
The family and ancestry of Hermann Joseph Jongebloed and his wife Marie Emma Zuhlke in Germany and America
Data on Demers/Dumais families in Québec, 1648-1835
A tentative outline of U.S. Easley lines primarily to the year 1800
Baptisms and burials
Supplement to A tentative outline of U.S. Easley lines primarily to the year 1800
An annotated list of 317 former German soldiers who chose to remain in Canada after the American Revolution
Now living in Boone County, Missouri
Sorting out the family of Edward Graham and Green Graham of Warren and Allen counties, Kentucky
Clues to the ancestry of Solomon Mace of Boone Co., Mo., the Mase/Mace family of Ralls and Pike Cos., Mo., the Mase/Mace family of Bourbon and Bath Cos. Ky., the Mace family of Hampshire/Hardy Cos., Va/W.V. Preliminary draft
The French-Canadian settlement in Waterville Township, Pepin Co., Wisconsin
Notebook, French-Canadian settlement in the Champlain Islands, Grand Isle County, Vermont before the year 1880