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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 153-160 out of 180 results
Peter L. Berger
Peter L. Berger (1929-2017)

sociologist, theologian

  • Wagner College, New School
Adventures of an accidental sociologist
New Sociology of Knowledge
Adventures of an Accidental Sociologist
Im Morgenlicht der Erinnerung
The social construction of reality
The precarious vision
The noise of solemn assemblies
Invitation to sociology
The heretical imperative
The sacred canopy
The war over the family
A rumor of angels
A far glory
Movement and revolution
To empower people
Questions of Faith
Sociology reinterpreted
Aspiring to freedom
The capitalist revolution
Pyramids of sacrifice
Redeeming laughter
The structure of freedom
Many globalizations
Speaking to the Third World
Certainty and doubt
Invitation to sociology
Das Unbehagen in der Modernität
Redeeming Laughter
Sociology reinterpreted
Peter Berger and the study of religion
Facing up to modernity
Challenge and response
The homeless mind : modernization and consiousness. --
Many Altars of Modernity
Modes of existence: papers in ontology and philosophical logic
Pyramids of Sacrifice ; political ethics and social change
A Future South Africa
A Future South Africa
Invitation à la sociologie
A rumor of angels
The hidden form of capital
The homeless mind
Modernity, pluralism and the crisis of meaning
The Intersections Collection Pearson Custom Sociology
Erlösender Glaube?
The Capitalist Spirit
The sacred canopy
Confession, conflict, and community
Religion in a revolutionary society
Invitation to Sociology
Modernität, Pluralismus und Sinnkrise
Introducción a la sociología
The desecularization of the world
Between relativism and fundamentalism
Peter Berger and the study of religion
Readings in sociology
Marxism and sociology
The social reality of religion
American apostasy
The limits of social cohesion
Institutions of Democracy and Development (A Sequoia Seminar)
Erlosendes Lachen
In Praise Of Doubt How To Have Convictions Without Becoming A Fanatic
A rumor of angels
A rumour of angels
Perspectives on church-state relations in Russia
Wir und die Gesellschaft
Construction sociale de la réalité
Auf den Spuren der Engel
The homeless mind
Pyramids of sacrifice: political ethics and social change
Piramida Kurban Manusia
Health, lifestyle and environment
Protocol of a damnation
Sehnsucht nach Sinn. Glauben in einer Zeit der Leichtgläubigkeit
Sociology: a biographical approach
Future South Africa
The capitalist revolution
Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century
Hidden Form of Capital
Marxistisk sociologi
The precarious vision
Soziologiarako gonbitea
Naqd bar navīngarī navishtah-ʾi
Between Relativism and Fundamentalism
Role of Business in Democratic Transitions and Economic Development
Sosyolojiye Cagri - Hümanist Bir Perspektif
Limits of Social Cohesion
Sacred Canopy
Invitation to sociology;
Cuestiones sobre la fe
Modernlesme ve Bilinc
La Construction sociale de la réalité
Movement and revolution
Les mystificateurs du progrès
Against the world for the world
The hidden form of capital
The sacred canopy
The human shape of work
The human shape of work
Comprendre la sociologie ; son rôle dans la société moderne
Risa redentora
Facing up to modernity
La religion dans la conscience moderne
Invitation to Sociology
Marxism and sociology
Soziologiarako gonbitea. Ikusmolde humanistiko bat
The precarious vision
In search of an East Asian development model
On the concept of alternatives in development
Los numerosos altares de la modernidad
Facing up to modernity
Rumor of Angels
Introduccion A La Sociologia
The noise of solemn assemblies;
La rumeur de Dieu
Los numerosos altares de la modernidad
Political Ethics and Social Change
Future directions for public policy
Comprendre la sociologie
A rumour of angels
Erlösender Glaube?
La construcció social de la realitat
The sacred canopy;
The Other side of God
Movement and Revolution
The noise of solemn assemblies
Modernisation and religion
Desecularization of the World
Altäre der Moderne
Invitation To Sociology a Humanisitic Perspective
The social reality of religion
Hyŏndae sahoe wa sin
Erlösendes Lachen
Capitalism and equality in the Third World
The social reality of religion
Invitation to sociology
The precarious vision
The sacred canopy
Auf den Spuren der Engel
A rumor of angels
Invitation to sociology
The noise of solemn assemblies
Different gospels
A rumor of angels
Business and democracy
Movement and revolution
Capitalism and equality in America
Socijalna konstrukcija zbilje
Letter on the parish ministry
Le piramidi del sacrificio
Martin Buber
Martin Buber (1878-1965)

philosopher, existentialist, translator, pedagogue, literary editor, Bible translator, educator, zionist, theologian, librettist

  • University of Vienna, Humboldt University of Berlin
Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten
Der grosse maggid und seine nachfolge
Niḳolai Ḳoperniḳus 1473-1543
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Ich und du
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Pfade in Utopia
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Die Legende des Baalschem
Ein Land und zwei Völker
Between man and man
Der heilige Weg
Erzählungen der Chassidim
Israel and the world
Ten Rungs
Ben ʻam le-artso
Königtum Gottes
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
On the Bible
To hallow this life
Gog u-Magog
Martin Buber's 10 Rungs
Bilder von Gut und Böse
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Der Glaube der Propheten
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Towards union in Palestine
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen, 1900-1915
The Ten Rungs & The Way Of Man
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung
Vom Geist des Judentums
On Judaism
Chinese Tales: Zhuangzi
Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied
The first Buber
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Hasidism and modern man
Que Es El Hombre ?
Zwei Glaubensweisen
Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy
The Great ideas today, 1967
L'éclipse de Dieu
The knowledge of man
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Lesser Ury
Die j©·udische Bewegung
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen 1900-1915
The way of response
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Scripture and translation
Ereignisse und Begegnungen
Chassidische Legenden Verbeeld [Een Suite van H.N. Werkman]
Der Jude und sein Judentum
Daniel, Gespräche von der Verwirklichung
The Martin Buber reader
Martin Buber Werke, 22 Bde., Bd.1, Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften (1898-1924)
Buber, The Writings of Martin
Ecstatic Confessions
Reden über das Judentum
Lesser Ury
Das dialogische Prinzip
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
I and Tao
Believng Humansm
La vie en dialogue
Schriften Zum Judentum
Chinese tales
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Or ha-ganuz
Hundert chassidische Geschichten
Das Problem des Menschen
Die chassidischen Bücher
Des Baal- Schem- Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott
l'homme au raifort
Schriften über das Dialogische Prinzip
GOOD AND EVIL. Two Interpretations.
Schriften Zur Zionistischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Deutung des chassidismus
Israel and Palestine
The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Martin Buber, a centenary volume
Yehudim ṿe-ʻArvim be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Politische Schriften
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
On the Bible
A Believing humanism
Good and Evil, Two Interpretations
La Relation, âme de l'éducation ?
Martin Buber and the theater, including Martin Buber's "mystery play" Elijah
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Schriften Zur Biblischen Religion
Schriften Zur Bibelübersetzung
Lesser Ury
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Tales of the Hasidim
El Camino del Hombre
Erets li-shene amim
Frühe Kulturkritische und Philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Les récits hassidiques, tome 2
Briefwechsel Martin Buber-Ludwig Strauss, 1913-1953
Der Knecht Gottes
The Knowledge of Man
Worte an die Zeit
Das verborgene licht
For the sake of heaven
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Königtum Gottes
Pirḳe ḥasidut
On the Bible
A believing humanism
Das dialogische Prinzip
The philosophy of Martin Buber
Die Rede, Die Lehre und das Lied
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel Zum 50. Geburtstag
On the Bible;
Chassidismus I
Schriften Zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Images of Good and Evil
L'Eclipse de Dieu
Ten Rungs
Gog und Magog
El principio dialógico
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Lesser Ury
Ben ve Sen
Eclipse of God
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Schriften Zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Eclipse de Dios
The Jew
Tales of the Hasidim Later Masters Vol. II
ha-Ruaḥ ṿeha-metsiʼut
Reden über Erziehung
Begegnung. Autobiographische Fragmente
Martin Buber, Bilanz seines Denkens (German Edition)
Tri reci o zidovství
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
An der Wende
Towards Union in Palestine
Einsichten. Aus den Schriften gesammelt
Vom Geist des Judentums
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
On Judaism
Chassidismus III
Vorlesungen Zu Judentum und Christentum
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Confesiones extáticas
Martin Buber
Dialogische Prinzip. Ich und du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an Den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des Dialogischen Prinzips
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Schriften Zu Philosophie und Religion
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Cheruth. Eine Rede über Jugend und Religion.
Martin Buber. Den Menschen erfahren
Chassidismus II
Way of Humanity
Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie und Zur Sozialphilosophie
For the sake of heaven (Harper torchbooks. The Temple library)
Die Schrift
Martin Buber. Worte für jeden Tag
Schriften Zum Christentum
Les récits hassidiques, tome 1
El Conocimiento del Hombre
Die Josefslegende, in acquarellierten Zeichnungen eines unbekannten russischen Juden der Biedermeierzeit
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus
Die Jüdische Bewegung
[Die Schrift]
Die Schrift
Einsichten aus den Schriften Gesammelt (Insel-Bucherei Nr. 573)
Le problème de l'homme
ECLIPSE OF GOD a Critique of the Key 10th Century Philosophies - Existentialism, Crisis Theology, Jungian Psychology
On Judaism
Way of Man
Biblical humanism
Frühe Jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Eclipse of God a Critique of the Key 20th Cent. Philosophies Existentialism Crisis Theology and Jungian Psychology
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros I
Wer eine Seele rettet, rettet die Welt
To hallow this life
At the turning
Cuentos Jasidicos
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
Confesiones extáticas
Mythos und Mystik
Schriften Zur Chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur
Schriften Zu Literatur, Theater und Kunst
Recht und Unrecht
Darko shel Miḳra
Daniel; dialogues on realization
Hasidism and Modern Man
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Tales of the Hasidim
Two letters to Gandhi from Martin Buber and J. L. Magnes
Good and Evil Two Interpretations I Right and Wrong II Images of Good and Evil - Scholar's Choice Edition
Schriften Zum Messianismus
Eine jüdische Hochschule
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die judische bewegung = The Jewish Movement.
Sprachphilosophische Schriften
For the sake of heaven
The knowledge of man. Edited with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith.
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Encuentro En El Desfiladero
Juedische Kuenstler
Judíos en la U.R.S.S.
Der utopische Sozialismus
Encounter; autobiographical fragments
Vom Geist des Judentums
Deʻotaṿ ha-ḳedumot shel ha-noʻar
Colpa e sensi di colpa
Mystische Zeugnisse aller Zeiten und Völker
Leket I
Dialogisches Leben
Ben ʻam le-artso
Recht und Unrecht
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
גוג ומגוג
Bet-sefer-gavoha yehudi
Raʻyon ha-geʼulah ba-Ḥasidut
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
Humanismo hebreo y nacionalismo
Martin-Buber Werkausgabe (MBW)
Stationen des Glaubens
Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich
Martin Buber
Il principio dialogico
On the Bible
Gog u-Magog
Me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Der Glaube der Propheten
Der Weg der Menschen
Rede über das Erzieherische
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Bet sefer gavoha Yehudi
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Gog und Magog
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag
Pirḳe ḥasidut
Darko shel Miḳra
Das Buch der zwölf
Das Buch der Preisungen
Psalm 130
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Das Buch Rut
Worte an die Jugend
La leggenda del Baal-Scem
Martin Buber (JNUL-Jerusalem)
For the sake of heaven
Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Das Buch der Preisungen
En la encrucijada
Yo y Tu y Otros Ensayos
Kingship of God
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros II
Cuentos Jasidicos. Primeros Maestros I
Recht und Unrecht. Deutung einiger Psalmen
Cuentos jasídicos, los maestros continuadores
A believing humanism
ha- Tsedeḳ ṿeha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim
Lettres choisies de Martin Buber, 1899-1965
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. 1
Buber für Atheisten
Pene adam
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat
Paths in Utopia
I and thou
Tales of angels, spirits & demons
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
The way of man, according to the teaching of Hasidism
Entsiḳlopedyah ḥinukhit
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Tikvah le-shaah zo
Bücher der Kündung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebes-Geschichten
Auf die Stimme hören
Die Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip
Sionismo y universalidad
Ten rungs
The knowledge of man
Parola e scrittura
Schriften zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Or ha-ganuz
Die jüdische Bewegung
Zion als Ziel und als Aufgabe
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
Letters/martin Buber
Leḳet me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Les récits hassidiques
Die Vorurteile der Jugend
Leket I
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Martin Buber
On Judaism
Worte an die Zeit
Beʻayat ha-adam
Die Troestung Israels
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Opowieści chasydów
Brief an Gandhi
Königtum Gottes
Das Kommende
Ḥilufe igrot be-meshekh shivʻim shanah
Jewish Spirituality
Problem cz¿owieka
Die Juden in der UdSSR
Gog und Magog
Derko shel mikra
The way of man according to the teachings of Hasidism
Right and wrong
Völker/Staaten und Zion
Right and wrong
Martin Buber im Gespräch mit Gott und den Menschen
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Die frage an den einzelnen
Das Problem des Menschen
Gog şi Magog
Estudios sobre judaismo
Droga człowieka według nauczania chasydów
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Good and evil
Palestine, a bi-national state
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Kampf um Israel
Martin Buber
Die fünf Bücher der Weisung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Die Schriftwerke
Pene 'adam
Ben ʻam le-artso
From the treasure house of Hassidism
Die chassidische Botschaft
El camí de l'home
Deux types de foi
Imagenes del Bien y del Mal
Drei Legenden
Ekstatischer Konfessionen
Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Bücher der Geschichte
Die Schriftwerke
Tri besjede o židovstvu
Un experimento que no fracasó
Un experimento que no fracasó
Isreal and the World
Vom Geist des Judentums
Pointing the way
Darko shel adam ʻal-pi torat ha-ḥasidut
Das Problem des Menschen
München ehrt Martin Buber
Tales of the Hasidim, Vol. 2
Geschichten von Rabbi Bunam
Dva obraza very
Leket II
Frühe jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Or ha-ganuz
Bet sefer gavoah Yehudi
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. II
Khasidskie istorii
Die chassidischen Bücher
On Judaism
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
Zwiesprache. Traktat vom dialogischen Leben
Reden üUber das Judentum
Be-mashber ha-ruaḥ
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Be-sod śiaḥ
Cuentos jasídicos, los primeros maestros
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Zac mienie Boga
Kalewala das National-Epos der Finnen
Dialogisches Leben
Juedische Kuenstler
Das Buch der Preisungen
Or ha-ganuz
Eclipse de Dios
Opowieści chasydów
Marṭin Buber, meʾah shanah le-huladto
Das Buch im Anfang
Das Buch der Preisungen
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Opowieści chasydów
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Martin Buber
Malkhut shamayim
Ereignisse und begegnungen
Velenie dukha
Torat ha-neviʾim
Discorsi sull'educazione
Ich und du
El humanismo hebreo y nuestro tiempo
Zu einer neuen Verdeutschung der Schrift
Shmuley Boteach
Shmuley Boteach (born 1966)

theologian, rabbi, politician

  • Rabbi Alexander S. Gross Hebrew Academy
Honoring the child spirit
Judaism for everyone
The Kosher sutra
Wrestling with the divine
10 conversations you need to have with your children
Hating Women
Hating women
Face your fear
The Michael Jackson tapes
Shalom in the home
Shalom in the Home
Kosher sex
Kosher Jesus
Lust for Love
10 conversations you need to have with yourself
Parenting with fire
The Private Adam
Dating secrets of the Ten Commandments
The private Adam
Parenting with fire
Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
Why Can't I Fall in Love?
An intelligent person's guide to Judaism
Moses of Oxford
The broken American male
Kosher Adultery
Confessions of a rabbi and a psychic
Kosher Sex
Kosher Sutra
The fed-up man of faith
The wolf shall lie with the lamb
The Jewish Guide to Adultery
True Confessions
Holocaust Holiday
Kosher emotions
Yut'aein kajok taehwa
True Confessions
Intelligent Person's Guide to Judaism
Bartolomé de Las Casas
Bartolomé de Las Casas (1484-1566)

theologian, chronicler, jurist, historian, human rights activist, Latin Catholic priest, missionary, anthropologist, friar

  • University of Salamanca
Las Casas on Columbus
Obras completas
En el quinto centenario de Bartolomé de las Casas
Historia de las Indias
An account, much abbreviated, of the destruction of the Indies, with related texts
The devastation of the Indies
In defense of the Indians
A short account of the destruction of the Indies
A selection of his writings
The only way
Le Miroir // de la // Tyrannie Espagnole // Perpetree aux Indes // Occidentales
Indian freedom
Brevísima relación de la destruición [sic] de las Indias
Del único modo de atraer a todos los pueblos a la verdadera religión
Il supplice schiauo indiano
An account of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America
Bartolomé de las Casas; a selection of his writings
The Spanish colonie
Los indios de Mexico y Nueva España
Bartolome de Las Casas and Thomas More's Utopia
Brevisima Relacion De La Destruicion De Las Indias/ Brief Relationship of the Destruction of the Indies
Brevisima relacion de la destruicion de las Indias (COLECCION HISTORIA) (Humanidades/ Humanities)
Brevisima Relacion De La Destruicion De Las Indias (Clasicos)
On the only way to draw all people to a true and living faith
Brevissima Relacion De La Destruccion in
Œuvres de don Barthélemi de las Casas, évêque de Chiapa, défenseur de la liberté des naturels de l'Amérique
Aqui se cotiene treynta proposiciones muy juridicas ..
Tratado cõpro / batorio del Imperio soberano y / principado vniuersal que los Re / yes de Castilla y Leon tienen so / bre las indias
Obra indigenista (Seccion Clasicos)
Lo que sigue es vn pedaçode vna carta y relacion que escriuio cierto hombre
Los tesoros del Perú
Apologética historia sumaria
Este es vn tratado q[u]el obispo dela ciudad Real de Chiapa do[n] fray Bartholome de las Casas, o Casaus, compuso por comission del Consejo Real delas Indias
Tratado de Indias y el doctor Sepúlveda
Principia queda[m] ex quibus procedendum est in disputatione ad manifestandam et defendendam iusticiam Yndorum
De regia potestate
The tears of the Indians being an historical and true account of the cruel massacres and slaughters committed by the Spaniards in the Islands of the West Indies, Mexico, Peru, etc
Obra indigenista
The decimation of the Indies
La libertà pretesa dal supplice schiauo indiano di Monsignor Reverendiss. D. Bartolomeo dalle Case, ò Casaus siuigliano, dell'Ordine de' Predicatori, & vescouo di Chiapa, città regale dell'Indie
Entre los remedios q̄ Dō Fray Bartolome delas Casas: obispo dla ciudad real de Chiapa
The tears of the Indians
History of the Indies
Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas an Philipp II
Umbständige warhafftige Beschreibung der indianischen Ländern, so vor diesem von den Spaniern eingenommeu [sic] und verwüst worden ...
La decouverte des Indes occidentales
Relation des Voyages et des D©♭couvertes que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Indes Occidentales
Vida de Cristóbal Colón
Den Spiegel Der Spaensche T Rann E Gheschiet in WestIndien Waer in Te Sien Is de Onmenschelijcke Wreede Feyten Der Spangiaerden
Derechos civiles y políticos
Carta de amonestaciõ del obp̃o de Chiapa don fray Bartolome de las Casas a los Muy M. Señores presidẽte y oydores de la real audiencia q̃ residen en la ciudad de Grãs-a-dios
La leggenda nera
Colección de las obras del venerable obispo de Chiapa
Cartas y memoriales
De verwoesting van de West-Indische landen
Brevísima relación de la destruición de las Indias
Crónicas escogidas
Aqui se co[n]tienẽ vnos auisos y reglas para los confessores q[ue] oyeren confessiones delos Españoles que son o han sido en cargo a los Indios delas Indias del mar Oceano
De las antiguas gentes del Perú
Tyrannies et cruautez des Espagnols perpetrees es Indes Occidentales, qu'on dit le Nouueau Monde
Aqui se co[n]tiene[n] treynta proposiciones muy juridicas
Istoria ò breuissima relatione della distruttione dell' Indie Occidentali
Carta de don frey Bartolõe de las Casas
Tratados de Fray Bartolome de las Casas
Spanish Colonie or Brife Chronicle or the Acts and Gestes of the Spaniards in the West Indies
Tratados II
Personal Narrative Of The First Voyage Of Columbus To America
Sumario del primer viaje
Newe Welt
Histoire admirable des horribles insolences, crauautez, & tyrannies exercees par les Espagnols es Indes Occidentales
Los indios de México y Nueva España
De unico vocationis modo
Las obras del Obispo d. Fray Bartolome de las Casas, o Casaus, obispo que fue de la ciudad real de Chiapa en las Indias, de la Orden de Santo Domingo ...
Colección de tratados, 1552-1553
Brevísima relación de la destrucción de Africa
A relation of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America
A   Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, Or, a Faithful Narrative of the Horrid and Unexampled Massacres Committed by the Popish Spanish Pa
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Regionvm Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio, insertis Figuris æneis ad vivum fabrefactis
Las Casas
Den Vermeerderden spieghel der Spaensche tierannije - geschiet in Westindien
Narratio regionum indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima
La destruccio n de las Indias
Kurzgefasster Bericht von der Verwüstung der Westindischen Länder
Apologética historia de las Indias
Newe Welt
La larga marcha de Las Casas
Aqui se contiene vna disputa, o controuersia, entre el Obispo Don fray Batholome de las Casas, o Causas, obispo que fue de la ciudad Real de Chiapa, que es en las Indias, parte dela nueua España
Popery and slavery display'd
Der ander PostReutter, an Bäpstliche Heyligkeit, Bapst Paulum V. durch einen Fürnemen geistlichen Praelaten in Italianischer Sprach aussgefertigt
Histoire des Indes Occidentales
Popery truly display'd in its bloody colours, or, A faithful narrative of the horrid and unexampled massacres, butcheries, and all manner of cruelties, that hell and malice could invent, committed by the popish Spanish party on the inhabitants of West-India
Seer cort verhael vande destructie van d'Indien
Istoria ò breuissima relatione della distruttione dell'Indie Occidentali di Monsig. Reverendiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case ò Casaus, Sauigliano dell'Ordine de'Predicatori [et] Vescouo di Chiapa
The Spanish colonie, or brief chronicle of the acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, called the Newe World, for the space of xl. yeeres
L'Évangile et la Force
El Indio esclavo
En defensa de los indios
[Manuscript written in 1550]
Obras escogidas de Fray Bartolome de las Casas
Cristóbal Colón Los cuatro viajes del almirante y su testamento
Den spiegel der Spaensche tyrannye, gheschiet in West-Indien
Estudios lascasianos
Aqui se contiene vna disputa, o controuersia, entre el Obispo do[n] fray Batholome de las Casas, o Casaus, obispo q[ue] fue dela ciudad Real de Chiapa, que es enlas Indias, parte dela nueua España
Tyrannies et cruautez des Espagnols, commises es Indes Occidentales, qu'on dit le nouueau monde
Apoloǵ́etica historia sumaria
[Las obras del obispo D. fray Bartolomé de las Casas ..
Warhafftiger vnd gründtlicher Bericht der Hispanier grewlichen, vnd abschewlichen Tyranney, von jhnen in den West Indien, so die Neuwe Welt genennet wirt, begangen
History of the Indies [by] Bartolomé de la Casas
Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descrptio
Colección de las obras del venerable obispo de Chiapa, don Bartolomé de las Casas ...
Warhafftiger vnd gründlicher Bericht, der Hispanier grewlich: vnd abschewlichen Tyranney von jhnen in den West Indien, die Newe Welt genant,begangen
The Spanish colonie, or, Briefe chronicle of the acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies
Den spiegel der Spaensche tierannije, geschiet in Westindien
[De thesauris, Doce dudas, Casas' last memorial to the Consejo de Indias, and Selections of Casas' last will and testament]
Paginas  secretas
La découverte des Indes Occidentales, par les Espagnols
Istoria ò breuissima relatione della distruttione dell'Indie Occidentali di Monsig. Reuerendiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case ò Casaus, Siuigliano, Vescouo di Chiapa, città regale nell'Indie
Narratio regionum indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima
Conquista dell'Indie Occidentali di Monsignor Fra Bartolomeo dalle Case ò Casaus, Siuigliano, Vescouo di Chiapa
The Spanish colonie, or, Briefe chronicle of the acts and gestes of the Spaniardes in the West Indies, called the Newe World, for the space of xl yeeres
Obras escogidas
Historia de las Indias; Volume 02
Liberty and Property, and no Pretender; or, the Miserable Case of Protestants in Great Britain Under a Popish Prince, ... By a Clergyman, the Author of Popery and Slavery Display'd
Brévisima relación de la destrucción de Africa
Los indios de México y Nueva España; antología
Las Casas et la défense des indiens
Carta del señor don frey Bartolome de las Casas al Illustre y Muy Magnifico señor don Mercurino Arborio de Gattinara Chanceller de S. Mag. el rey don Carlos en q̃ suplica a s. s. q̃ se le conceda la provincia del çenu q̃ se cuente entre la tr̃ra q̃ se le señalare pa poner remedio a los agravios de los yndios en la tr̃ra firme
Cristianismo y defensa del indio americano
De las antiguas gentes del Perú
Très brève relation de la destruction des Indes
Este es vn tratado q̄[ue] el obispo dela ciudad real de Chiapa Dō Fray Bartolome de las Casas o Casaus compuso por comission del Consejo Real delas Indias
Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias
Tratados de 1552 impresos por Las Casas en Sevilla
Aqui se cõntienẽ vnos auisos y reglas para los confessores q̃oyeren confessiones delos Españoles que son o han sido en cargo a los Indios delas Indias del mar Oceano
Tratados de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
Entre los remedios q[uo?] do[n] Fray Bartolome delas Casas, obispo d'la ciudad real de Chiapa
A relation of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America
The Spanish colonie
Entre los remedios q[ue] do[n] fray Bartolome delas Casas, obispo d'la ciudad real de Chiapa, refirio por mandado del Emperador rey n[ost]ro senor, enlos ayuntamie[n]tos q[ue] ma[n]do hazer su magestad de perlados y letrados y personas gra[n]des en Valladolid el año de mill [et] quinie[n]tos y quare[n]ta y dos, para reformacio[n] delas Indias
All Mankind Is One
Lo que sigue es vn pedaço de vna carta y relacion que escriuio cierto hombre
La controversia sugli indios
Doce dudas
Apología, o, Declaración y defensa universal de los derechos del hombre y de los pueblos
De thesauris
Aqui se co[n]tiene[n] vnos auisos y reglas para los confessores q[ue] oyeren confessiones delos españoles que son o han sido en cargo a los indios delas Indias del mar oceano ...
La libertà pretesa dal supplice schiavo indiano
Christian Harvest
L'Évangile et la force
D. A. Carson
D. A. Carson (born 1946)

theologian, philosopher, missionary

  • McGill University, Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor
Exegetical fallacies
Possessed by God
A student's manual of New Testament Greek accents
Divine sovereignty and human responsibility
Christ and Culture Revisited
Praying with Paul
New Testament commentary survey
How Long, O Lord?
The intolerance of tolerance
The Gagging of God
The farewell discourse and final prayer of Jesus
Sermon on the Mount
The God Who is There
Justification and variegated nomism
The Gospel according to John
Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
A call to spiritual reformation
The King James version debate
The Church in the Bible and the World
When Jesus confronts the world
Scripture and truth
Showing the Spirit
Telling the Truth
The inclusive-language debate
A Model of Christian Maturity
Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics
Basics for believers
For the Love of God, Volume 2
From Triumphalism to Maturity
Teach Us to Pray
Here Is Our God
The cross & Christian ministry
Right with God
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God
Worship by the Book
An introduction to the New Testament
God with us
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God
Love in Hard Places
Essential Evangelicalism
For the love of God
Jesus and His Friends
How long, O Lord?
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World
From Sabbath to Lord's Day
Introduction to the New Testament, An
Collected writings on Scripture
Greek Accents
Jesus the Son of God
Gagging of God, The
Comentario Biblico del Expositor
God's Word, Our Story
Greek accents
Hermeneutics, authority, and canon
Showing the Spirit
Letters along the way
God and culture
Biblical interpretation and the church
Biblical Interpretation and the Church
Coming Home
The God who is there
Commentary on the New Testament use of the Old Testament
Gagging of God Ivp UK
Perfect Storm
Linguistics and the New Testament
The Inclusive Language Debate
How Long O Lord
Interpreting Eden
It is written--scripture citing scripture
The God Who is There [sound recording]
Gospel-Centered Ministry
Justification & Variegated Nomism
Coming Home
New Bible commentary
His mission
Jesus Sermon on the Mountain
Matthew, Vol.2 (Ch. 13-28), The Expositor's Bible Commentary
Who Chose the Books of the New Testament?
The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures
Holy sonnets of the twentieth century
Telling the truth
Glory of God and Paul
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Hardcover, Full Color, Free Digital
Scripture and truth
From Sabbath to Lord's Day
What Is the Gospel?
When God's Voice Is Heard
Coming Home: Essays on the New Heaven and New Earth
How Can We Help Victims of Trauma and Abuse?
Zondervan's Seminary in a Box
Matthew, Vol.1 (Ch. 1-12), The Expositor's Bible Commentary
Gospel As Center
Christ Has Set Us Free
The Cross and the Christian Ministry
Churches Partnering Together
How Should We Think about Homosexuality?
Biblical interpretation and the Church
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy
Introducing the New Testament
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Leathersoft, Pink/Brown
Themelios, Volume 42, Issue 2
Can We Know the Truth?
Sin and the Fall
Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Hermeneutics, authority, and canon
NVI Biblia de Estudio, Teología Bíblica, Leathersoft, Café, Interior a Cuatro Colores
Can We Know The Truth
Now and Not Yet
Holy Spirit
Basics for Believers
The Sermon on the Mount
The Cross and Christian Ministry
Christ's Redemption
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Black
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Indexed
The Church Gods New People
What Does Nature Teach Us about God?
What Is the Bible?
For the Fame of God's Name
GospelCentered Ministry
                Gospel Coalition Booklets
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Large Print, Leathersoft, Brown/Tan
The Feasts of Repentance
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Premium Leather, Black
Evangelism in a Skeptical World
New Bible Commentary
What Does It Mean to Be a Thoughtful Christian?
Preach the Word
Pastor As Scholar and the Scholar As Pastor
What Is Islam?
Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World
The Expositor's Bible Commentary
The Gospel as center
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Leathersoft, Tan/Brown, Indexed
What Is a Christian Worldview?
Gospel and Scripture
God's love compels us
Discourse analysis and other topics in Biblical Greek
Piercing Leviathan
Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics
NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Personal Size, Leathersoft, Light Blue/Turquoise, Indexed
How Should Christians Think about Sex?
Pastor As Scholar and the Scholar As Pastor
How Do We Talk with Skeptics?
Scriptures Testify about Me
God's Love Compels Us
For the Love of God
Themelios, Volume 44, Issue 2
Themelios, Volume 34, Issue 1
Christ and Culture Revisited
Praying with Paul
Telling the Truth
Dictionnaire de théologie biblique
Themelios, Volume 44, Issue 1
Temple and the Church's Mission
Themelios, Volume 43, Issue 3
Why Does Friendship Matter?
Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?
For the Love of God Vol. 1
Carson Classics: Jesus and His Friends: An Exposition of Matthew 5-7
Teach us to pray
Themelios, Volume 36, Issue 3
NVI Biblia de Estudio, Teología Bíblica, Tapa Dura, Interior a Cuatro Colores
Basics for Believers
For the Love of God
God and Culture
Themelios, Volume 37, Issue 1
Servant of the Lord and His Servant People
Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon
Themelios, Volume 35, Issue 2
Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 3
Contagious Holiness
New Testament commentary survey
Themelios, Volume 46, Issue 2
Scripture and Truth
King James Version Debate
Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God
How Do We Know God Exists?
Now Choose Life
Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics
Christ and Culture Revisited
Themelios, Volume 35, Issue 1
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 3
Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God
Justification and Variegated Nomism. Volume I
Right with God
Themelios, Volume 37, Issue 2
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 3
The Intolerance of Tolerance
For the Love of God Vol. 1
Falacias Exegéticas
Introduction to the New Testament
Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 2
Gospel and the Modern World
Changed into His Likeness
Gospel According to John
Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 1
Themelios, Volume 42, Issue 1
Themelios, Volume 35, Issue 3
For the Love of God Vol. 2
Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
God Who Is There DVD Finding Your Place in God's Story
Themelios, Volume 33, Issue 1
God and Culture
Biblical Theology According to the Apostles
Themelios, Volume 36, Issue 1
Themelios, Volume 46, Issue 3
Themelios, Volume 34, Issue 3
Love in Hard Places
For the Love of God
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 2
NVI Biblia de Estudio, Teología Bíblica, Leathersoft, Café con Índice, Interior a Cuatro Colores
Carson Classics : Showing the Spirit
Gospel-Centered Ministry
For the Love of God, Combined Edition, Volumes One and Two
A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers
Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
Are All Religions True?
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 1
Call to Spiritual Reformation
Themelios, Volume 45, Issue 3
Introducing the New Testament
Christ's Redemption
Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures
Letters along the Way
The cross and Christian ministry
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 1
New Testament Commentary Survey
Centralidad Del Evangelio
Don't Call It a Comeback
It Is Written : Scripture Citing Scripture
Themelios, Volume 40, Issue 2
Hermeneutics, authority, and canon
It Is Written
Scriptures Testify about Me
Christ and Culture Revisited
From Triumphalism to Maturity
Sermon on the Mount
Themelios, Volume 42, Issue 3
Entrusted with the Gospel
Royal Priest
Love of God
Christ and Culture Revisited
Themelios, Volume 37, Issue 3
Themelios, Volume 46, Issue 1
Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus
Jesus the Son of God
Showing the Spirit
Exegetical Fallacies
Themelios, Volume 36, Issue 2
Reclaiming the Center
Themelios, Volume 34, Issue 2
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 2
Who Is Jesus of Nazareth?
Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures
New Testament Commentary Survey
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 3
Collected Writings on Scripture
How Do We Live in a Digital World?
Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon
Cross and Christian Ministries
Introduction to the New Testament
God's Unfaithful Wife
Prophetic from the Center : The Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1 Corinthians 15
Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom
Themelios, Volume 44, Issue 3
How Do Humans Flourish?
Intolerance of Tolerance
CU NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Personal Size
Love in Hard Places
Interpreting Eden
Jesus's Sermon on the Mount and His Confrontation with the World
Pillar New Testament Commentary (Set of 16 Volumes)
Hearing God's Words
How Long, O Lord?
Jesus the Son of God
God with Us
Divine Sovereignty/Human Responsibility
Justification and Variegated Nomism
Themelios, Volume 43, Issue 1
Themelios, Volume 46, Issue 3
Always Reforming
Restoration of All Things
Calling on the Name of the Lord
The Intolerance of Tolerance
Themelios, Volume 45, Issue 1
Father, Son and Spirit
Themelios, Volume 40, Issue 1
Gagging of God
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible
When Jesus Confronts the World
How Long, O Lord?
From Prisoner to Prince
Praying with Paul
Jesus and the Logic of History
Unceasing Kindness
Quick Introduction to the New Testament
God the Peacemaker
Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics
Themelios, Volume 43, Issue 2
Themelios, Volume 45, Issue 2
The God Who is There [sound recording]
Collected Writings on Scripture
With the Clouds of Heaven
Linguistics and the New Testament
Themelios, Volume 40, Issue 3
God Who Became Human
'Return to Me'
Basics for Believers
Jesus the Son of God
Themelios, Volume 33, Issue 3
Holy Spirit
Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical Greek
Idiotypes in Biology and Medicine
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 1
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Themelios, Volume 47, Issue 1
Call to Spiritual Reformation
NIV Zondervan Study Bible
Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical Greek
Now My Eyes Have Seen You
Divine sovereignty and human responsibility
NVI Biblia de Estudio, Teología Bíblica, Piel Reciclada, Negro, Interior a Cuatro Colores
Gospel According to John
Themelios, Volume 33, Issue 2
Collected Writings on Scripture
John Mason Neale
John Mason Neale (1818-1866)

theologian, priest, translator, Anglican priest

  • University of Cambridge, Trinity College
Medi℗æval preachers and medi℗æval preaching
Mediaeval preachers and mediaeval preaching
Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching
The triumphs of the cross
Good King Wenceslas
Hymns of the Eastern Church
A history of the Holy Eastern Church
Seatonian Poems
The triumphs of the Cross. First sermon
Catechetical notes and class questions, chiefly on the earlier books of holy Scripture
Deeds of Faith
A History of the So-called Jansenist Church of Holland
Herbert Tresham
A commentary on the Psalms
The liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom, and Basil, and the Church of Malabar
The Unseen World
Victories of the Saints
Hymns of the Eastern Church
Hymns of the Eastern Church
The virgin's lamp, prayers and devout exercises
A History of the Holy Eastern Church
The symbolism of churches and church ornaments
The liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, and the Church of Malabar
Essays on liturgiology and church history
A History of the Holy Eastern Church. The Patriarchate of Alexandria
Agnes de Tracy
English history for children
A history of the so-called Jansenist church of Holland
Hymns for the sick
A History Of The Holy Eastern Church V1
A History of the Holy Eastern Church
Sermons on 1. portions on the Apocalypse, 2. the Holy Name, 3. the last chapter of proverbs
The quay of the Dioscuri
Shepperton manor: A Tale of the Times of Bishops Andrewes
Church enlargement and church arrangement
A few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments
The followers of the Lord
The Bible, and the Bible only, the religion of protestants, a lecture
The history of pews
The place where prayer was wont to be made
Ayton priory; or, The restored monastery
Mediaeval hymns and sequences, translated
A few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments [by J.M. Neale]. No. 1, suited to ..
Stories from heathen mythology and Greek history: For the Use of Christian Children
Mediæval Hymns and Sequences
Duchenier: Or, The Revolt of La Vendée
The Ancient Liturgies Of The Gallican Church
The virgin's lamp
Collected hymns, sequences and carols of John Mason Neale
Lectures principally on the church difficulties of the present time
Sequentiae ex missalibus
Sequences, hymns, and other ecclesiastical verses
A Commentary on the Psalms
A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and from the Various Office ...
Notes, ecclesiological and picturesque, on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria
Notes, Ecclesiological and Picturesque, on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria, with a Visit to ..
The Bible and the Bible only
A mirror of faith
The history of pues (pews) ... a paper read before the Cambridge Camden Society
Sequentiae ex missalibus Germanicis, Anglicis, Gallicis
Sermons on the blessed Sacrament
Good King Wenceslas
Hymns of the Eastern Church. Translated, with Notes and an Introduction
Hymns for children
History of the Holy Eastern Church
The Virgin's Lamp, Prayers And Devout Exercises For English Sisters
Sermons Preached In A Religious House V1
Deeds Of Faith
Sermons preached in Sackville college chapel
Occasional Sermons
Original sequences, hymns, and other ecclesiastical verses
The Liturgies of Saints Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostomos, and Basil, and the Church of Malabar
Mediæval hymns and sequences
Tetralogia liturgica
The Exiles of the Cebenna
Collected hymns, sequences and carols of John Mason Neale
The Liturgies Of St. Mark, St. James, St. Clement, St. Chrysostom And The Church Of Malabar
Sermons For Children
Ecclesiological notes on the Isle of Man, Ross, Sutherland and the Orkneys
Mediaeval hymns and sequences
A commentary on the Psalms, by J.M. Neale (and R.F. Littledale). 4 vols. [and] Index
Seatonian poems
The wisdom of John Mason Neale
A Commentary on the Psalms, by J.M. Neale . of 4 Vols. [and] Index; Volume 2
The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments
Seatonian Poems
Catechetical notes and class questions, literal and mystical
The life and times of Patrick Torry
Letters of John Mason Neale
A Commentary on the Psalms from Primitive and Mediæval Writers: And from the Various Office ...
A Commentary on the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and from the Various Office ...
The Hymns of the Eastern Church
Hymns of the Eastern Church
The Exiles Of The Cebenna
Sermons on passages of the Psalms
The Daughters of Pola
Voices from the East
A commentary on the Psalms
A few words to churchwardens on churches and church ornaments
The Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix, Monk of Cluny on the Celestial Country
Mediæval Preachers and Mediæval Preaching. a Series of Extracts, Translated from the Sermons of the Middle Ages, Chronologically Arranged; with Notes and an Introduction
Place Where Prayer Was Wont to Be Made : The Re-Introduction of the System of Private Devotion in Churches Considered in a Letter to the Venerable the President of the Cambridge Camden Society
A Song Of Redemption
A short commentary on the Hymnal noted; from ancient sources [by J.M. Neale].
Notes on the divine office, historical and mystical
Annals of virgin saints
The history of pues
The Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, S. Basil
The moral concordances of Saint Anthony of Padua
Letters of John Mason Neale
Collected Hymns, Sequences and Carols of John Mason Neale
A history of the Holy Eastern Church
The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments
Sermons preached in a religious house
The unseen world
Notes, Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria with a Visit to Montenegro
Sermons Preached in a Religious House [ed. by J. Haskoll]
The fall of Constantinople
A history of the so-called Jansenist church of Holland
Catechetical notes and class questions, literal and mystical
Mediæval Preachers and Mediæval Preaching : A Series of Extracts, Translated from the Sermons of the Middle Ages, Chronologically Arranged
Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. with an Appendix on Liturgical Quotations from the Isapostolic Fathers, by Gerard Moultrie
Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. With an Appendix on Liturgical Quotations From the Isapostolic Fathers, by Gerard Moultrie
A History of the Holy Eastern Church; Volume 3
A few words of hope on the present crisis of the English church
The patriarchate of Antioch
Sermons on the Song of Songs
The Triumphs of the Cross
Essays on liturgiology and church history
Sunday afternoons at an orphanage
Notes ecclesiological & picturesque, on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria
A Short Commentary on the Hymnal Noted; From Ancient Sources [by J.M. Neale]
The holy Eastern church
A Commentary on the Psalms from primitive and mediaeval writers
The Celestial Country
Mediaeval hymns and sequences
Readings for the Aged
Poynings [by J.M. Neale]
Mediæval Preachers and Mediæval Preaching : A Series of Extracts, Translated From the Sermons of the Middle Ages, Chronologically Arranged
A Statement of the Late Proceedings of the Lord Bishop of Chichester
The patriarchate of Alexandria
Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. with an Appendix on Liturgical Quotations from the Isapostolic Fathers, by Gerard Moultrie
The Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, and the Church of Malabar
Catechetical Notes and Class Questions
Hymns, chiefly mediaeval, on the joys and glories of Paradise
The moral concordances of Saint Anthony of Padua
The Farm of Aptonga
Voices from the East
Notes, ecclesiological and picturesque, on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria [&c.]
Lectures on church difficulties
Sermons for children
The life and times of Patrick Torry
The unseen world
The fall of Constantinople
The triumphs of the Cross
Hymns of the Eastern Church
The holy Eastern church
Sequences, hymns, and other ecclesiastical verses
Lectures on church difficulties
Christian Nurse
Duchenier; or The revolt of La Vendée
Songs and ballads for the people
Notes ecclesiological and picturesque on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria, with a visit to Montenegro
Notes, ecclesiological and picturesque on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria with a visit to Montenegro
In den Höhlen von Zericah
Hymns Suitable For Invalids
Annals of virgin saints
Confession and absolution
The Lewes Riot
Sermons on passages from the prophets
A Commentary on the Psalms
Sermons preached in a religious house
Readings for the aged
Hymni ecclesiae e breviariis
Tetralogia liturgica sive S. Chrysostomi, S. Jacobi, S. Marci, divinae missae ...
The Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, S. Basil
The fall of Constantinople
Confession and absolution
St. Margaret's magazine
Mediaeval preachers and mediaeval preaching
A few words to church-builders
Hymns of the Eastern Church
Letters of John Mason Neale, D. D.
Sermons on the Blessed Sacrament preached in the oratory of S. Margaret's, East Grinstead
Sermons for children
Stories from heathen mythology and Greek history, for the use of Christian children
Herbert Tresham
Evenings at Sackville College
Songs and ballads for manufacturers
The liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom, and Basil, and the church of Malabar
Sermons preached in Sackville College Chapel
Hymns of the Eastern Church
Hymns of the Eastern Church
The Invalid's Hymn Book
Shepperton Manor
Notes on the divine office
The Liturgies of S. Mark, S. James, S. Clement, S. Chrysostom, S. Basil
Selections from the writings of John Mason Neale, D.D.
The followers of the Lord
Edward Schillebeeckx
Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009)

theologian, Catholic priest

  • University of Paris, St Joseph College, Turnhout
Interim report on the books Jesus & Christ
Paul the Apostle
Sono un teologo felice
Paulus, der Völkerapostel
Saint Paul
Gerechtigheid en liefde
God is Ieder Ogenblik Nieuw
Openbaring en Theologie
Evangelie verhalen
The Schillebeeckx Reader
Christusontmoeting als Sacrament Van de Godsontmoeting
Mensen als verhaal van God
Om het behoud van het evangelie
Truth and certainty
The language of faith
The concept of truth and theological renewal
On Christian faith
The real achievement of Vatican II
Ministry, leadership in the community of Jesus Christ
The layman in the church, and other essays
Jesus Christ and human freedom
Zending van de kerk
A Personal God?
Jesus, Son of God? (Concilium)
The church with a human face
The Eucharist
The Right of the community to a priest
The Church and mankind
The Schillebeeckx case
Revelation and Theology
Clerical celibacy under fire
Vatican II: the real achievement
Wereld en kerk
Tussentijds verhaal over twee Jezus boeken
God the future of man
Revelation and Theology (Stagbooks)
Twenty years of Concilium
Mary, Mother of the Redemption (New Testament for Spiritual Reading)
World catechism or inculturation?
Besinnung auf das Zweite Vatikanum
Mystik und Politik
Interim report
Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P
Theologisch geloofsverstaan anno 1983
Maria, moeder van de verlossing
God and man
Le mariage est un sacrement
God as Father?
Mission of the Church (Stagbooks)
L'E ́glise du Christ et l'homme d'aujourd'hui selon Vatican II
Sacramentalizing human history
Man as man & believer
The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 10
World And Church
Martyrdom today
Edward Schillebeeckx OP
Pleidooi voor mensenin de kerk
Le message de Dieu de la foi des Apôtres aux dogmes de l'église
Jesus An Experiment In Christology
Edward Schillebeeckx O.P. ... selected and edited by Martin Redfern.
Jesus, Son of God?
Interim Report On The Books Jesus And Christ
Revelation and Theology: Volume 1
The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 5
God is new each moment
Mary, Mother of the Redemption, The Religious Bases of the Mystery of Mary
Revelation and experience
God as father?
Le Christ, sacrement de la rencontre de Dieu
The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 9
Jesus: an experiment in Christology
The layman in the church
Vatican II , The Real Achievement
La mission de l'Eglise
L' Église du Christ et l'homme d'aujourd'hui selon Vatican II
Vatican II--a struggle of minds
De zending van de kerk
L'histoire des hommes, récit de Dieu
Christ, the Christian Experience and the Modern World
The Understanding Of Faith
The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 11
The Problem of eschatology
Christ, the Christian experience in the modern world
Het ambts-celibaat in de branding
Revelation and Theology: Volume 2:
Orthodoxy and heterodoxy
Kerkelijk ambt
Problem of Eschatology
Personale Begegnung mit Gott
Autour du célibat du prêtre
Theologisch testament
Sacramental Reconciliation.
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 10 : Church
Das kirchliche Amt
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 4
The definition of the Christian layman
Plaidoyer pour le peuple de dieu. histoire et theologie des ministeres dans l'eglise
Revelation and Experience
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 1
Mission of the Church
Mary, mother of the redemption
Christ the sacrament
Dogma and pluralism
Survey of Catholic Theology, 1800-1970
God en mens
La Iglesia de Cristo y el hombre moderne segun el Vaticano II
Marriage : human reality and saving mystery
Révélation et théologie
Approches théologiques
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 7 : Christ
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 6 : Jesus
Expérience humaine et foi en Jésus-Christ
Le monde et l'Église
Vatican II
The Eucharist
De sacramentale heilseconomie
Christus' tegenwoordigheid in de eucharistie
Dogma and Pluralism
De sacramentele heilseconomie
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 9 Vol. 9
The layman in the church
Jesus in our Western culture
God, the future of man
Personal God?
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 8
L'©♭conomie sacramentelle du salut
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 2
The Unifying role of the bishop
Bernard Jan Cardinal Alfrink
Martyrdom today
Unifying Role of the Bishop
Meedenken met Edward Schillebeeckx, bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar te Nijmegen
Der Amtszölibat Eine kritische Besinnung
Christ, the sacrament of the encounter with God
Die eucharistische Gegenwart
The real achievement of Vatican II
Sacramental reconciliation
Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx Volume 3
Mary, mother of redemption
Basis &  ambt
The layman in the church, and other essays
The Sacraments in general
Leven uit de geest
L'Expérience de l'Esprit
The Church and mankind
Maria, mãe da redebção
Als politiek niet alles is
Offenbarung und Theologie
Revelation and theology
God and man
Christ, the sacrament of the encounter with God
Democratisering en identiteit
God as Father?
God, the future of man
Jubileumboek Ward Verhaeghen 1949-1974
The eucharist
The definition of the Christian layman
Weil Politik nicht alles ist
Le mariage est un sacrament
Le Mariage
The Problems of eschatology
Dogma and pluralism
Pleidooi voor mensen in de kerk
The Unifying role of the bishop
Politiek of mystiek?
Ons Rakelings Nabij
Man as man & believer
The real achievement of Vatican II
Le Christ, sacrement de la rencontre de Dieu
Die eucharistische Gegenwart
God and man
God, the future of man
Theologians today
Christ, the sacrament of the encounter with God
Marie, mère de la rédemption
Openbaring en theologie
Christ the sacrament of encounter with God
Man as man and believer
Collaboration of religious
John White Chadwick
John White Chadwick (1840-1904)

theologian, poet, Christian minister

  • Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School
William Ellery Channing, minister of religion
The man Jesus
Theodore Parker
Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer
George William Curtis
Samuel Longfellow
The old, old story
Henry W. Bellows his life and character
Women of the Bible
The lovers' treasury of verse
The state of the nation
The immortal hope
Seeing and being
The possible life
The faith of reason
The great refusal
In Nazareth town
Through love to light
The two voices
Out of the heart; poems for lovers
Birth and triumph of Cupid
A treasury of helpful verse
Out of the heart
Later poems
The power of an endless life
The Bible of to-day
The conversion of energy
The failures of successful men
Man's unity with God
A daring faith
The summer's parable
The wisdom of fools
Rational religion
The spirit of truth
The higher Unitarianism
Revivals of religion
Birthdays of the spirit
A glorious trinity
The fullness of time
Positive and negative theology
Social responsibility
Unitarian advantages and obligations
After Christmas
The divine example
Two meanings of religion
The art of life
The character of Jesus
Twenty-five years together
The new orthodoxy
The national outlook
Faith on the earth
The aesthetic gospel
Cap'n Chadwick
The Bible of the heart
The Unitarian convention
Great hopes for great souls
Things that remain
The good new times
Cap'n Chadwick, Marblehead skipper and shoemaker
Communion with God
The hidden manna
No backward step
The undiscovered country
The new Sinai
Religion nevertheless
Our gains and losses
Historical discourse
A liberal faith
What do Unitarians believe
A book of poems
Moral athletics
The New Testament and the higher criticism
The real presence
The continuing city
The conceit of science
The higher secularism
In his steps
Resurrection of Jesus
The house of pain
Punishment of sin
The earthquake God
The rise of man
Gifts for children
The great perhaps
Radical bigotry
Reconciled to life
The unbridled tongue
American Unitarianism
The beseeching God
The divine sufficiency
The infinite life of man
The light of life
Progressive orthodoxy
The public service of religion
Atoning sacrifice
A glorious church
Origin and destiny
Work and rest
Good courage
Our religious debt
The unknown life
Realized religion
The law of liberty
The life-long joy
Essentials in religion
Divine service
James Martineau
Things necessary to salvation
The uses of religion
Channing's life and work
What men can do for religion
The conduct of life
Gnostics and agnostics
The incarnation
The victory over death
God the father
The rational time-view
Orthodoxy: what is it?
The holy spirit
Ethical culture
New Testament and rational ethics
A better resurrection
New Testament and rational theology
William Ellery Channing
Morality and religion
The daring hope
A pastoral letter
Wrestling with God
Christian unity
The great discoverer
The inevitable God
The child in the midst
Orville Dewey
The transfigured life
Gravitations of the spirit
Is life worth living?
The idea of a church
Good out of Nazareth
The price of moral freedom
Henry Ward Beecher
Rich and poor
'Robert Elsmere'
Practical religion
The choir invisible
Dead works
The nearer God
New testament inspiration
Lives worth living
Comfort in religion
Threefold religion
A psalm of labor
The unseen eternal
Belief and life
The cloud of witnesses
The wandering Jew
Moral aspect of religious change
The day of judgment
A palm Sunday lesson
Religious ideals and religious unity
The constructive achievements of the Higher Criticism
Jesus and modern life
Peace and war
Unitarianism a constructive faith
Modern miracles
A mere man
The revelation of God
Life in ourselves
Old and new Unitarian belief
The gospel of science
Thanksgiving, old and new
The persistence of Hell
Tertullian and Montanism / by John White Chadwick
Samuel May of Leicester
A revival of religion
Old and new Unitarian belief
The Bible
Common-sense theology
Fifty years since Channing
My stewardship
The faith of reason
William Ellery Channing
The great salvation
William Ellery Channing
Power and use ...
The man Jesus
The present distress
Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer
The constructive achievements of the higher criticism
Historical discourse
Some aspects of religion
The essential piety of modern science
Questions on the Old Testament books
Unitarianism-- a democratic system of religion
The education of conscience
The day of judgment
The faith of reason
The revelation of God and other sermons
Theodore Parker
The Bible of to-day
George Fox and Quakerism
Out of the heart
The light of common day
The poetry of rational religion
What do Unitarians believe?
Is life a blessing?
Channing's life and work
Dogmas and ideals
Questions on the Old Testament books
Science and a future life
Thomas Paine
The natural origin of Christianity
Morality and religion
The conversion of energy
The choir invisible and other sermons
The right use of Sunday
Enduring hardness
The religious revolution
Future punishment
The people's Sunday
Frederic Henry Hedge
A noble life
The uses of religion
The two voices
A book of poems
The enfranchisement of women
Theodore Parker
The Unitarian Convention
The sacred scriptures
Thomas Paine
Creed revision-- whither?
A book of poems
Henry Ward Beecher