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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 9-16 out of 180 results
Karen Armstrong
Karen Armstrong (born 1944)

theologian, Islamicist, historian of religion

  • University of Oxford
The Spiral Staircase
Through the narrow gate
Beginning the world
Francis of Assisi
St. Paul
San Pablo
Through the Narrow Gate
A history of God
The great transformation
The Case for God
The Gospel according to woman
Holy war
The Bible
A Short History of Myth
The battle for God
Pocket Canons Bible II
Fields of Blood
In the Beginning
Visions of God
A Short History of Myth (Canongate Myths)
The Lost Art of Scripture
Gospel According to Woman, The
Remembering Karelia
The History of God CD
Tongues of Fire
Jerusalem CD
Living Into Hope
Freedom from Fear
Pocket Canons Bible II
Feminist theology
Islam (Universal History)
The Bible A Biography
Una Historia De Dios/ A History of God
Fields of blood
The Battle For God CD
The Case for God
A Short History of Myth (Myths, The)
Buddha (Lives)
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Campos de sangre
Le Bouddha
The end of silence
Le combat pour Dieu
The Future of God
History of Jerusalem
A Short History of Myth
Lost Art of Scripture
Breve Historia Del Mito
Every Eye Beholds You
The Myths Series Collection : Books 1-3
Historia De Jerusalen / Jerusalem
Muhammad Prophet For Our Time
The Battle for God
Sacred Nature
Historia de la biblia
The changing face of God
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
El Islam/ Islam (Breve Historia Universal / Brief Universal History)
The Myths
Shifting Ground and Cultural Bodies
The Case for God
Holy War
St Paul
Kleine Geschichte des Islam
Sacred Nature
La Escalera De Caracol/ the Spiral Staircase
Short History of Myth, A (The Myths)
St Paul
Pladoyer Fur Gott
Resisting modernity
Shifting ground and cultured bodies
Tongues of fire
Jerusalem:One City,Three Faiths
Las preguntas siguen
The Great Transformation
The Bible
Una Historia de Dios
In the Beginning
Die Botschaft
From the Heart
Angel Eyes
Short History of Myth
Breu història de l'islam
A Short History of Myth
Los Origenes del Fundamentalismo En El Judaismo, El Cristianismo y El Islam
Une brève histoire des mythes
The Bible
El Islam / Islam
Maum ui chinbo
Een Geschiedenis van god
Musalmanon ka siyasi uruj o zaval
Tanri Adina Savas
In the Beginning
Keto Diet for Women Over 50
Em Nome de Deus (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Spiral Staircase
Twelve steps to a compassionate life
Tanrı Savunusu
Battle for God
El arte perdido de las Escrituras
Fields of blood
En defensa de Dios
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Starting A Cake Business
Coming Back to Life
History of Jerusalem
The great transformation
Is the recommended dose of plant food the most appropriate for the plant in the case of cress(Lepidium sativum) plants
The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions
On the Bible
The First Christian
Una historia de Dios
Fields of Blood
A Life of Christ
Im Namen Gottes
Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time
Mahoma. Biografía del Profeta
History of God
Historia de la Biblia
In the Beginning
Die Geschichte von Gott
MuhammadSangNabi : SebuahBiografiKritis [Muhammad
Doce pasos hacia una vida compasiva
In the Beginning
Een Geschiedenis van god
Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Spiral Staircase
Gospel Accord Woman
Los orígenes del fundamentalismo en el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el islam
Een Geschiedenis van god
History of God CD SP
De wenteltrap
The Great Transformation The Beginning of our Religious Traditions Unabridged
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews
Mitlerin Kisa Tarihi
Büyük Dönüşüm
Breve historia del mito
Tanri'nin Tarihi
Blood Red Roses
El Islam
Short History of Myth, A
Xue tian
Istori︠i︡a Boga
La gran transformación
The English mystics of the fourteenth century
Historia de Jerusalén
muhammod mohanobi saw er jiboni bangla
Sejarah Tuhan
Berperang demi Tuhan
Dějiny Boha
Istorii͡a Boga
The battle for God
The spirit of Palestine
ha-Hisṭoryah shel Elohim
Shen de li shi
Histoire de Dieu
Twelve steps to a compassionate life
Los orígenes del fundamentalismo
Bitva za Boga
Henri de Lubac
Henri de Lubac (1896-1991)

theologian, Catholic priest, French resistance fighter

Proudhon et le christianisme
Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard explained
Claudel et Péguy
L' alba incompiuta del Rinascimento: Pico della Mirandola
Trois jésuites nous parlent
Three Jesuits speak
Medieval exegesis
Mystère du surnaturel
Augustinianism and Modern Theology
Christian resistance to anti-Semitism
Ecriture dans la tradition
The motherhood of the Church
Sur les chemins de Dieu
History and Spirit
A brief catechesis on nature and grace
Entretien autour de Vatican II
Aspects of Buddhism
The church: paradox and mystery
Henri de Lubac, S.J
Corpus mysticum
Le drame de l’humanisme athée
La foi Chrétienne
Eternel féminin
At the service of the church
Résistance chrétienne à l'antisémitisme
La révélation divine
Résistance chrétienne au nazisme
Medieval Exegesis Vol 1 (Ressourcement: Retrieval & Renewal in Catholic Thought)
The Faith of Teilhard de Chardin
Theology in history
Medieval Exegesis : The Four Senses of Scripture
The religion of Teilhard de Chardin
The sources of revelation
Méditation sur l'église
Théologies d'occasion
The Splendour of the Church
More paradoxes
Méditation sur l'Eglise
De Lubac
Petite catéchèse sur nature et grâce
Theological fragments
Vatican Council notebooks
De la connaissance de Dieu
Augustinisme et théologie moderne
La Postérité spirituelle de Joachim de Flore
L' Éternel féminin
Méditation sur l'Église
Oeuvres complètes
Histoire et Esprit
Théologie dans l'histoire
La posteridad espiritual de Joaquín de Fiore / 2
Three Jesuits Speak
Medieval Exegesis Volume 3 The Four Senses Of Scripture
La rencontre du bouddhisme et de l'occident
Mezzo secolo di teologia al servizio della chiesa
La rencontre du bouddhisme et de l occident
Carnets du Concile
Blondel et Teilhard de Chardin correspondance commentee
Exégèse médiéval
Oeuvres complètes, tome 12
Scripture in the Tradition (Milestones in Catholic Theology)
The eternal feminine
Mémoire sur l'occasion de mes écrits
Révélation divine
Hymne an das Ewig Weibliche
Athéisme et sens de l'homme
Memoria en torno a mis escritos
Father Teilhard and St. Paul
Por los caminos de Dios
Teilhard explained
Budismo y cristianismo
Exe ge  se me die val
Les églises particulières dans l'Église universelle
Exégèse médiévale
Athéisme et sens de l'homme
Aspects du bouddhisme
La Priere du Pere Teilhard de Chardin
Mémoire sur l'occasion de mes écrits
Du hast mich betrogen, Herr!
Irish Commune
Teilhard, missionnaire et apologiste
L' Église dans la crise actuelle
Splendour of the Church;
Parodoja y misterio de la Iglesia
L' Ecriture dans la tradition
Le mystère du surnaturel
The mystery of the supernatural
Exegese medievale
Augustinisme et theologie moderne
Augustinisme et théologie moderne
Israël et la foi chrétienne
Les e ́glises particulières dans l'Église universelle
Geheimnis aus dem wir leben
The sources of revelation
Recherches dans la foi
Vatican Council Notebooks
Medieval Exegesis, Vol. 3
Histoire et esprit
The discovery of God
L' Écriture dans la tradition
Auf den Wegen Gottes
Henri De Lubac SJ
Le fondement théologique des missions
The Splendour of the Church (Stagbooks)
La posteridad espiritual de Joaquín de Fiore / 1
The Faith of Teilhard De Chardin
Pic de la Mirandole
La prière du père Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard et notre temps
The splendour of the church
Meditación sobre la Iglesia
Images de l'abbé Monchanin
La fe cristiana
Augustinisme et théologie moderne
Paradoja y misterio de la Iglesia
Dieu se dit dans l'histoire
Histoire et esprit
Faith of Teilhard De Chardin
Dialogo Sobreel Vaticano II
The Catholic and his Church
Surnaturel : études historiques
The spirituality of the Ursulines of the Roman Union
La rencontre du bouddhisme et de l'Occident
Teilhard posthume
L'homme devant Dieu
Affrontements mystiques
Sur les chemins de Dieu
Discovery of God (Ressourcement: Retrieval & Renewal in Catholic Thought)
The eternal feminine
Méditation sur l'Église
La prière du père Teilhard de Chardin
Correspondance et rencontres
Buddismo e Occidente
Aspects du Bouddhisme
Theology and tomorrow
Le dialogue sur le sacerdoce de saint Jean Chrysostome
Aspects du Bouddhisme
The faith of Teilhard de Chardin
Aspects of Buddhism
Buddismo e Occidente
Corpus mysticum
Vocation de la France
The mystery of the supernatural
The discovery of God
Theilard explained
Affrontements mystiques
Alle sorgenti della cultura cristiana
Corpus mysticum: Kirche und Eucharistie im Mittelalter
L'Alba incompiuta del Rinascimento
La lumière du Christ
De la connaissance de Dieu
The eternal feminine
The discovery of God
Claudel Et Peguy
The sources of revelation
Christian faith
Die Tragëdie des Humanismus ohne Gott
Medieval Exegesis Vol 2 (Ressourcement: Retrieval & Renewal in Catholic Thought)
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith (1805-1844)

prophet, politician, theologian, necromancer

  • Emery Collegiate Institute
An American prophet's record
Journals series
The papers of Joseph Smith
The personal writings of Joseph Smith
The doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
The pearl of great price
Joseph Smith
The Prophet Joseph Smith's Views on the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States
The Book of Mormon
Visions of Joseph Smith the Seer
The essential Joseph Smith
Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith
The Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith's teachings
Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith
The teachings of Joseph Smith
A book of commandments for the government of the Church of Christ, organized according to law on the 6th of April 1830
Lectures on faith
The Voice of Truth
Doctrines of Salvation : sermons and writings of Joseph Fielding Smith /.
Revelations and translations
The King Follett Discourse
The Doctrine And Covenants Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints
Joseph Smith's teachings
The book of Mormon
Polygamy Not of God
Scriptural teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith
Manuscript revelation books
Book of doctrine and covenants
El libro de mormón
Book of Mormon =
The Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith's Testimony
Plural marriage in America
Topical quotes of the prophet Joseph Smith
The Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith's teachings
Joseph Smith's 1832-34 diary ; also, Joseph Smith's 1832 account of his early life
Correspondence between Joseph Smith and Col. John Wentworth ... Gen. James Arlington Bennet ... and the Honorable John C. Calhoun ... in which is given, a sketch of the life of Joseph Smith, the rise and progress of the Church of Latter Day Saints, and their persecutions by the state of Missouri ..
1840 Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith, prophet-statesman
Joseph Smith's 1838-39 diaries
Doctrine and covenants ; Pearl of great price
Joseph Smith's 1835-36 diary
Joseph Smith's own story
Articles of faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The history atlas of South America
The doctrine and covenants
A book of commandments for the government of the Church of Christ
Joseph Smith's commentary on the Bible
The Holy scriptures
General Smith's views of the powers and policy of the Government of the United States
Old Redstone,Or, Historical Sketches Of Western Presbyterianism
New Translation of the Bible by Joseph Smith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Changes in The pearl of great price
Doctrine and covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints
The Cold War
Joseph Smith's Teachings
The prophet Joseph Smith tells his own story ..
The pearl of great price
Joseph Smith tells his own story
The doctrine and covenants, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A brief history of Joseph Smith, the prophet
The Book of Mormon
General Joseph Smith's appeal to the Green Mountain Boys, December, 1843
The Book of Mormon
Evidence taken on the trial of Mr. Smith before the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, on Saturday, July 1, 1843, respecting the late persecution of the Latter Day Saints, in the state of Missouri, North America
The doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints
Synoptic tables showing the relationship of the first three Gospels
Memoir of Joseph Smith of South Holme Late of Huggate and Riseborough, Wesleyan Local Preacher
Document showing the testimony before the judge of the fifth judicial circuit of the state of Missouri, on the trial of Joseph Smith, Jr., and others, for high treason and other crimes against that state
History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
1926 Book of Mormon - Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Mārman̲ puttakam
the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price (Triple Combination)
the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price (Triple Combination)
The first vision
The American diplomatic tradition
The personal writings of Joseph Smith
Holidays in Retirement
Joseph Smith histories, 1832-1844
American Piano Classics
Book of Rifles
Joseph Smith histories, 1832-1844
Diplomacy of America's Modern Wars
Tangos, Milongas and Other Latin-American Dances for Solo Piano
1920 Lds Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 3
The wolf
1st Edition Enlarged Book of Mormon
1830 Book of Mormon
History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Simply Romantic Piano
Book of Mormon : another testament of Jesus Christ ; Doctrine and covenants of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sanits ; Pearl of great price
Book of Mormon/Large Print
Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 2
The Papers of Joseph Smith
Great Waltzes for Solo Piano
Gottfried Arnold
Gottfried Arnold (1666-1714)

theologian, historian, protestant theologian, church historian, poet, pedagogue

  • University of Halle-Wittenberg
Das Leben der Gla©ơbigen oder Beschreibung solcher Gottseligen Personen, welche in denen letzten 200. Jahren sonderlich bekandt worden
Das Leben der Gläubigen, oder, Beschreibung solcher gottseligen Personen
Gottfried Arnolds Weg von 1696 bis 1705
Vit©Œ Patrum
Vitæ Patrum, oder, Das Leben der Altväter und anderer gottseeligen Personen
Das Leben der Gläubigen, Oder, Beschreibung solcher Gottseligen Personen
Das Leben der Glaübigen oder Beschreibung solcher Gottseligen Personen, welche in denen letzten 200. Jahren sonderlich bekandt worden
Waare Afbeelding Der Erste Christenen
Paradiesischer Lustgarten voller andächtigen Gebete
Das Geheimnis der göttlichen Sophia
Historie und Beschreibung der mystischen Theologie
Sämmtliche geistliche Lieder
Die Erste Liebe
Unparteyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie
Sämmtliche geistliche Lieder
Unparteiische Kirchen- und Ketzerhistorie
Gottfried Arnolds Kurtz gefasste Kirchen-Historie des Alten und Neuen Testaments
Das Geheimnisz der göttlichen Sophia, oder, Weiszheit
Histoire und Beschreibung der Mystischen Theologie
Gothofredi Arnoldi Historia cognationis spiritualis, inter christianos receptae
Gottfried Arnolds Wahre Abbildung der ersten Christen, nach ihrem lebendigen Glauben und heiligen Leben
Gottfried Arnoldin auswahl
Die Abwege, oder, Irrungen und Versuchungen gutwilliger und frommer Menschen, aus Beystimmung des gottseelingen Alterthums
Das wahre Christenthums altes Testaments im heilsamen Gebrauch der vornehmsten Sprüche aus dem ersten Buch Mosis
Gottfrid Arnolds Unparteyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie
Fratum sororumq
Historie der kerken en ketteren
Der richtigste Weg durch Christum zu Gott
Gottfried Arnolds Unpartheyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie
Gottfried Arnold
Giessener Antrittsvorlesung sowie andere Dokumente seiner Giessener Zeit und Gedoppelter Lebenslauf
Unparteiische Kirchen- und Ketzerhistorie vom Anfang des Neuen Testaments bis auf das Jahr Christi 1688
Die geistliche Gestalt eines evangelischen Lehrers, nach dem Sinn und Exempel der Alten
Neue göttliche Liebes-Funcken und ausbrechende Liebes-Flammen
Supplementa, Illustrationes und Emendationes zur Verbesserung der Kirchen-Historie
Gottfried Arnolds Endliche Vorstellung seiner Lehre und Bekäntniss auff Hrn. D. Veiels ... und M. Corvini Anklagen
Denckmahl des alten Christenthums
Gottfried Arnolds Unpartheyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historien
Vitae patrum, oder, Das Leben der Altväter und anderer Gottseeligen Personen
Gottfried Arnolds Unpartheyische kirchen und ketzer historie
Wahre Abbildung des inwendigen Christenthums
Hauptschriften in Einzelausgaben
Gottfrid Arnolds Unparteyische Kirchen-und Ketzer-Historie
Gottfried Arnolds, weil. Past. und Königl. Preuss. Inspect. zu Perleberg, Wahre Abbildung des inwendigen Christenthums
Die Erste Liebe, das ist, Wahre Abbildung der ersten Christen
Wahrer Christenspiegel
Hauptschriften in Einzelausgaben
Die Abwege oder Irrungen und Versuchungen gutwilliger und frommer Menschen
Die Verklärung Jesu Christi in der Seele
Gottfried Arnold's Historie und Beschreibung Der Mystischen Theologie
Die geistliche Gestalt eines evangelischen Lehrers
Gottfried Arnolds Fernere Erkläuterung seines Sinnes und Verhaltens beym Kirchen- und Abendmalgehen
Gottfried Arnolds Unpartheyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historien
Gottfried Arnolds Wahre Abbildung des inwendigen Christenthums ...
Gottfried Arnolds Auserlesene Send-Schreiben derer Alten
Eusebius of Caesarea
Eusebius of Caesarea (0264-0339)

theologian, priest, historian

Jacobus de Voragine
Jacobus de Voragine (1227-1298)

translator, Catholic priest, theologian, chronicler, archbishop, Catholic bishop

Legenda aurea
Women of the Gilte legende
The Golden Legend
Legende Doree
Die altokzitanische Version B der "Legenda aurea"
Leaves from the Golden legend
The golden legend
The Golden Legend
Legenda Aurea
The legende, named in Latyn Legenda aurea that is to say in Englysshe The golden legende
Ōgon densetsu
Vides de sants rosselloneses
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia
Lombardica historia que a plerisq[ue] Aurea legenda sanctor[um] appellatur
Legende sancto[rum]
Legenda aurea
Lombardica historia que a plerisq[ue] Aurea legenda sa[n]ctorum appelatur
Hie hebt an das Wintertail der hailigen Leben
Legenda aurea aus der goldenen Legende des Jacobus de Voragine
[Legenda aurea]
La Légende dorée illustrée par les artistes du Moyen Âge
Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum s[e]c[undu]m ordinem alphabeti collecta, et [pri]mo [pre]mitti[tur] [pro]logus
Incipit lege[n]da sanctoru[m] q[ue] Lombardica nominat[ur] historia
Leyenda de los santos
Lombardica hystoria
La leyenda dorada
Incipit prologus super lege[n]da sanctorum quam compilauit frater Jacobus natione Janue[n]sis ordinis fratrum p[re]dicatorum
Thus endeth the legende named in Latyn Legenda aurea that is to saye in Englysshe The golden legende
Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum s[e]c[undu]m ordinem alphabeti collecta, et primo premittitur prologus
Lombardica hystoria
Mariale aureo
The festivals of Our Lady
Golden Legend, or, Lives of the Saints; Volume 3
La Légende dorée
La légende dorée
Legenda Aurea V2 (1846) (Latin Edition)
The Golden Legend; Lives of the Saints
Golden Legend
La légende dorée
Quattro leggende del beato Jacopo da Varagine volgarizzate nel secolo XIV
Flos Sanctorum
The Golden Legend
The Golden Legend; Or, Lives of the Saints
Sermones pulcherrimi variis scripturaru[m] doctrinis referti de sanctis per anni totius circulum concurrentibus
La Légende dorée, tome 2
Legēde sanctorū santarūq[ue]
Golden Legend
Le légende dorée
La légende dorée, traduite du latin d'après les plus anciens manuscrits
La Légende dorée, tome 1
Jacobi a Voragine Legenda aurea vulgo Historia lombardica dicta
The Legendary History of the Cross
Golden Legend
Legenda aurea sanctorum sive Lombardica historia
Legenda Aurea
The golden legend, or, Lives of the Saints
Golden Legend
The life of St. George
The lyf of Adam
The Golden Legend
The lyfe of Adam
Die Legenda Aurea
La légende dorée illustrée de 135 dessins du moyen-âge
The Golden Legende
Legenda aurea. Heiligenlegenden
Three lives from the gilte legende
La legende dorée
The Golden Legend  Volume II
Iacopo da Varagine e la sua Cronaca di Genova dalle origini al MCCXCVII
Legenda aurea sanctorum sive Lombardica historia. German
Sermones quadragesimales
St. Benedict's Bones
La légende dorée des saints de France du moyen aĝe
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Dutch]. Passionael
Thus endeth the legende named in Latyn lege[n]da aurea that is to saye in Englysshe the golden legende ..
Legende Dorée
Die Legenda aurea des Jacobus de Voragine
La légende dorée illustrée de 135 dessins du moyen-âge
Here begynneth the legende in latyn legenda aurea that is to saye in Englysshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe all other metallys. so this legende excelleth all other bookes
Sermones aurei [et] pulcherrimi variis scripturaru[s] doctrinis referti de tempore, per totū anni circulum
Here begynneth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea, that is to say in englyshe the golden legende ..
Les plus belles fleurs de la Legende dorée de Jacques de Voragine, Evesque de Gennes
The Golden Legend
Die Altokzitanische Version B der Legenda Aurea
Legenda sanctorū
Legendario delli sancti vulgare et hystoriato
Leggenda Aurea
légende Dorée de Jacques de Voragine, Traduit du Latin et Précédée d'une Notice Historique et Bibliographique Par M. G. B... .
Legenda hec aurea nitidis excuditur formis
Jacobi A Voragine Legenda Aurea, Vulgo Historia Lombardica Dicta, Recens. T. Graesse
[Leben der Heiligen
Legende Dorée
La Légende dorée illustrée par les peintres de la Renaissance italienne
Legenda, Ut Vocant, Sanctorum
La Légende dorée illustrée par les peintres de la Renaissance italienne
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Antonius Liber: Epigramma in laudem urbis Coloniae
Della natività di santo Giovanni Batista
Laudes beatae Mariae virginis
Legenda aurea s. historia lombardica
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
La legende doree
Reuerendissimi Fratris Iacobi de Voragine, Genuensis Archiep[iscop]i, Ordinis Predicatoru[m], S[an]c[t]orum ac festorum per totum annum liber incipit
Sermones de tempore et de sanctis et Quadragesimales et Mariale
Here begynneth the legende named in Latyn Legenda aurea
Legenda aurea sive historia lombardica
[Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive, Lombardica historia]
Legendario delle vite de santi
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
A stanzaic life of Christ
La légende dorée, traduite du latin d'après les plus anciens manuscrits
Sermones aurei de tempore per totum annum
Les plus belles fleurs de la legende dorée
Lombardica historia que a plerisq[ue] Aurea legenda sanctoru[m] appellatur. Item, Martyrologiu[m] Usuardi monachi ad Karolum Magnum
(The  golden legend) Begin The lyfe of Adam
Historia lombardica seu Legenda sanctorum
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [Low German] Dat duytsche Passionael
Lombardica historia que a pleriq[ue] aurea legenda sa[n]ctorum appellatur
Sermones de tempore, de Sanctis quadregesimales, et de Beata Maria Virgine
Leaves from the Golden legend
La légende dorée
La legende dorée
Sermones aurei de tempore per totum annum
La légende dorée
Leggenda aurea
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [German] Leben der Heiligen: Winterteil und Sommerteil
Legenda aurea s. historia lombardica
Złota legenda
Passionael winter stuck datmen hiet die guldene legende
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia
Mariale, siue Sermones de Beata Maria Virgine Fratris Iacobi de Voragine, Archiep[iscop]i Ianuensis
Passionael (Aurea legenda)
Legenda hec aurea nitidis excuditur formis
Mariale s. sermones de beata Maria virgine
Leaves from the Golden Legend
Das Passional
Lombardica historia que a pleriq[ue] aurea legenda sa[n]ctorum appellatur
Die Legenda aurea des Jacobus de Voragine
In the state of innocensye
Sermones de sanctis per anni circulu[m] fratris Jacobi de voragine ordinis predicato[rum] quo[n]dam archiepiscopi Janue[n]sis cum registro eoru[n]dem in principio
Quattro leggende del beato Jacopo da Varagine volgarizzate nel secolo XIV
Gulden legende
Laudes beatae Mariae virginis
End. Thus endeth the legende named in latyn legenda aurea that is to saye in Englysse the golden legende
Legenda aurea de sanctis
La légende de Sainte Marie-Magdeleine
Sermones pulcherrimi variis scripturarum doctrinis referti de sanctis per anni totius circulum concurrentibus
Sermones de sanctis
Cronaca della città di Genova dalle origini al 1297
Legenda aurea de sanctis
Hannah Adams
Hannah Adams (1755-1831)

theologian, historian

A memoir of Miss Hannah Adams
The truth and excellence of the Christian religion exhibited
A summary history of New-England
A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations, Jewish, Heathen, Mahometan and ..
A dictionary of all religions and religious denominations
A view of religions, in two parts
An alphabetical compendium of the various sects
The history of the Jews
A view of religions
An abridgement of the history of New-England
An abridgment of the history of New-England
Die geschichte der Juden von der zerstoerung Jerusalems and bis auf die gegenwartigen zeiten ..
An abridgment of the history of New-England, for the use of young persons ..
A summary history of New-England, from the first settlement at Plymouth, to the acceptance of the federal constitution
The truth and excellence of the Christian religion exhibited in two parts
A concise account of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews
A narrative of the controversy between the Rev. Jedidiah Morse, D.D. and the author
A view of religions, in three parts..
A dictionary of all religions and religious denominations, Jewish, heathen, Mahometan and Christian, ancient and modern
An alphabetical compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world from the beginning of the Christian aera to the present day
Abridgment of the History of New-England, for the use of young persons
An abridgement of the History of New-England, for the use of young persons
A view of religion, in two parts
An alphabetical compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world from the beginning of the Christian aera to the present day
The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the nineteenth century
A dictionary of all religions and religious denominations
Letters on the Gospels
A view of religions, in two parts
The history of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present time
A concise account of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews /.
A view of religions
The Close communion of the Baptists contrary to the word of God
A memoir of Miss Hannah Adams
Die geschichte der Juden von der Zerstörung Jerusalems an bis auf die gegenwärtigen Zeiten
An alphabetical compendium of the various sects which have appeared in the world from the beginning of the Christian era to the present day. With an appendix, containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced among mankind. The whole collected from the best authors, ancient and modern
A summary history of New-England
Donald Spoto
Donald Spoto (1941-2023)

biographer, theologian, biblical scholar

  • Fordham University, Iona University
The Life of Alfred Hitchcock
Marilyn Monroe
The kindness of strangers
Laurence Olivier
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
A passion for life
The kindness of strangers
The art of Alfred Hitchcock
High society
The Blue Angel
Spellbound by beauty
The Hidden Jesus
Reluctant Saint
The decline and fall of the House of Windsor
Blue angel
Falling in Love Again Marlene Dietrich
Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn
High Society : The Life of Grace Kelly.
High Society: Grace Kelly and Hollywood
Stanley Kramer, film maker
Elizabeth Taylor
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
The Redgraves
Rebel  the Life and Legend of James Dean
Stanley Kramer, film maker
Otherwise engaged
Die Seeräuber-Jenny
Laurence Olivier
Odri Khepbern
High society
Ingrid Bergman
Marilyn Monroe
A girl's got to breathe
Ingrid Bergman (Zhenshchina-mif)
Elizabeth Taylor
Girl's Got to Breathe
Audrey Hepburn
Aodaili Heben
Otherwise Engaged
James Dean
Rotte Rēnya
The Redgraves
L'ange bleu
In Silence
Marilyn Monroe
Jackie O. Das Leben der Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Audrey Hepburn/ Enchantment. The Life of Audrey Hepburn
A passion for life : the biography of Elizabeth Taylor
A Passion for Life
High Society
Diana. Ihr letztes Jahr
Āto obu Hitchikokku
Un inconnu nommé Jésus
Marilyn Monroe
Zarafet - Audrey Hepburn'un Hayati
Elizabeth Taylor Hb Bclub
Francisco De Asis
Marilyn Monroe
The Hidden Jesus - A New Life
Grace Kelly
Marlene Dietrich - El Angel Azul
Les secrets des Windsor
Woman of Myst
Esplendor y Ocaso de La Dinastia Windsor
Lawrence Olivier
Bt Viewrs Gd Film A H
Elizabeth Taylor
Die Windsors
Diana - El Ultimo Ano
Dynasty the Turbulent Saga of the Royal
El Jesus Desconocido
Falling in Love Again
Wyższe sfery
Grace Kelly
Camerado Hollywood
Grace Kelly, una biografía
Lotte Lenya
Marilyn Monroe - La Biografia