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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 89-96 out of 180 results
Theodore Beza
Theodore Beza (1519-1605)

theologian, translator, playwright, Bible translator, poet, historian, Protestant reformer, pastor, high school teacher

  • Old University of Orléans
Icones, id est, Verae imagines virorvm doctrina simvl et pietate illvstrivm
Icones, 1580
Les vrais pourtraits des hommes illustres en piete et doctrine
Icones, 1580
Un grand de l'Europe
Les vrais povrtraits des hommes illvstres en piete et doctrine
Beza's Icones
Beza's "Icones"
La vie de Jean Calvin
Icones, id est, Verae imagines virorum doctrina simul et pietate illustrium
Les vrais povrtraits des hommes illvstres en piete et doctrine
Du droit des magistrats sur leurs subjets
A view from the Palatine
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poemata
Abraham sacrifiant
Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France
Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France
Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum
A little book of Christian questions and responses in which the principal headings of the Christian religion are briefly set forth
Epistola Magistri Benedicti Passavantii
The life of John Calvin
Abraham sacrifiant
Little Book of Christian Questions and Responses in Which the Principal Headings of the Christian Religion...
Psaumes mis en vers français (1551-1562)
Chrestiennes méditations
De Francicae linguae recta pronuntiatione, 1584
Satyres chrestiennes de la cuisine papale
Psaumes mis en vers français (1551-1562)
Quaestionum et responsionum Christianarum libellus
Les vrais portraits des hommes illustres
Tracts; Volume 2
Tractatio de polygamia in qva et Ochini apostatae pro polygamia
A tragedie of Abraham's sacrifice
Christian meditations vpon eight Psalmes of the prophet Dauid. Made and newly set forth by Theodore Beza. Translated out of French, for the common benefite, into the vulgare tongue by I.S
Amoenitates poeticae: sive Theodore Bezae, Marc-Antonii Mureti, et Joannis Secundi Juvenilia ...
Confessio Christianae fidei, et eiusdem collatio cum papisticis hæresibus. Per Theodorum Bezam Vezelium. Adiecta est altera breuis eiusdem Bezæ fidei confessio
Discours du recteur Th. de Bèze
A briefe and piththie [sic] sum of the christian faith
Chrestiennes méditations
The popes canons
Ad repetitionem primam F. Claudij de Sainctes De rebus eucharistiae controuersis ...
The Life of John Calvin - A Modern Translation of the Classic by Theodore Beza
Propositions and principles of diuinitie
Iobus Theodori Bezae partim commentariis partim paraphrasi illustratus
A briefe and piththie [sic] some of the christian faith
Master Bezaes sermons vpon the three chapters of the canticle of canticles
A discourse, of the true and visible markes of the Catholique Churche vvritten by M. Theod. Beza. Vezelius
Sermons svr l'histoire de la resvrrection de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ
Cours sur les épîtres aux Romains et aux Hébreux, 1564-66
Theodori Bez©Œ Vezelii Po©±mata varia ...
Abraham sacrifiant, tragédie françoise
Ad repetitas Iacobi Andreae & Nicolai Selnecceri calumnias responsio
Le Passavant de Théodore de Bèze
A little catechisme, that is to saye, a short instruction touching Christian religion
Commentary Of The Epistle To The Romans
A briefe and piththie sum of the Christian faith
Comédie du pape malade et tirant à la fin
Vie de J. Calvin
Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Chrisi
The iudgement of a most reuerend and learned man from beyond the seas
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poemata varia
Tracts Relating to the Reformation; Volume 3
A tragedie of Abraham's sacrifice written in French by Theodore Beza, and translated into English by Arthur Golding
A briefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith
Cours sur les E pi tres aux Romains et aux He breux 1564-66 d'apre  s les notes de Marcus Widler
Tracts Relating to the Reformation, Volume 2
Tractatio de repudiis et divortiis
A tragedie of Abraham's sacrifice
Iobus, Theodori Bezæ partim commentarijs partim paraphrasi illustratus. Cui etiam additus est Ecclesiastes, Solomonis concio de summo bono, ab eodem Th. B. paraphrasticè explicata
An euident display of Popish practises, or patched Pelagianisme
Tragedie Francaise du Sacrifice D'Abraham
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
De repvdiis et divortiis
Maister Beza's Houshold prayers
Master Bezaes houshold prayers
A discourse vvritten by M. Theodore de Beza, containing the life and death of M. Iohn Caluin
Volvmen [-volumen alterum] tractationum theologicarum
Psalmorvm sacrovm Davisis libri qvinqve dvplici poetica metaphrasi, altera alteri ©· regione oposita varion carminum genere Latin©· expressi Theodoro Beza Vezeloi, & Georgio Buchanao Scoto autoribus. Qui rursus, adiunctis quaruordecim canticis, ex utriusque testamenti libris excerptis, argumentis & paraphrasi per ipsum Th. Bezam Vezelium illustrantur. Eivsdem Bvchanani tragoedia quae inscribitur Iephthes
Ane answer made the fourth day of Septembre a thousand fyue hundreth syxtie [and] one, by maister Theodore de Besza minister of the holie Euangile, in the presence of the quene mother, the king and quene of Nauarre, the princes of the blood royall, and of the priuie counseil, vnto that whiche the cardinall of Lorraine had replied against that whiche was propounded in the first iourney of their talking together, by the said de Besza in the name of the reformed churches. Together with an other short answer made by the said de Besza the 26 day of the said moneth vnto certein articles of replie set forth by the said cardinall
Tracts Relating to the Reformation Volume; Volume 1
Beza's "Icones"
Histoire Ecclésiastique des églises Réformées Au Royaume de France Volume; Volume 3
Abraham sacrifiant
Correspondance, Tome XXVI, 1585. Recueillie par Hippolyte Aubert
Cours sur les épîtres aux Romains et aux Hébreux, 1564-66
Correspondance de The odore de Be  ze
Tractatio de polygamia in qva et Ochini apostatae pro polygamia
Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
De hypostatica dvarvm in Christo naturarum vnione & eius effectis, placida & Christiana disceptatio
Ad tractationem de ministrorvm Evangelii gradibvs, ab Hadriano Saravia Belga editam
The treasure of truth
De controversiis in coena Domini, per nonnvllos nvper in Germania partim renouatis, partim auctis, Christiana & perspicua disceptatio
De coena domini adversvs Iodici Harchii Montensis dogmata
Ad acta colloquii Montis Bel Gardensis Tubingae edita
Theodori Bezae ad Ioan. Guil. Stuckium, ac. Theologiae in ecclesia Tigurina Professorem epistola
Novum Testamentum Et Psalmi Latine
Ad serenissimam Elizabetham Angliae reginam
A learned treatise of the plague
Discours Merveilleux de la Vie, Actions & Deportemens de Catherine de Medicis, Royne Mere; Auquel Sont Recitez les Moyens Qu'elle a Tenu Pour Vsurper le Gouuernement du Royaume de France, & Ruiner l'estat D'iceluy
Les Cent Cinquante Psaumes de David
Homiliae ...
Poemata Theodori Bez©Œ, Vezelii
Histoire eccle siastique des e glises re forme es au royaume de France
In Canticvm Canticorvm Solomonis homiliae Th. Bezae
Job Expounded by Theodore Beza
The treasure of trueth
Jesu Christi domini nostri novum testamentum
Ad Danielis Hofmanni demonstrationes ad oculum
De Francicae linguae recta pronuntiatione, 1584
Cent Cinquante Psaumes de David
Justification by Faith Alone
Épître de Maître Benoît Passavant
Tragedie of Abraham's Sacrifice [microform]
Abraham sacrifiant
Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione et christiano presbyterio... Theodoro Beza... auctore
A discourse wrytten by M. Theodore de Beza, conteyning in briefe the historie of the life and death of Maister Iohn Caluin
Poemata iuvenilia quibus continentur sylvae, elegiae, epitaphia, icones, epigrammata, quae juvenis adhunc ingenij exercitandi gradiâ conscripsit & divulgari passus est
Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze
Tragedie of Abraham's Sacrifice Written in French by Theodore Beza, and Translated into English by Arthur Golding. Ed. , with an Introduction, Notes and an Appendix Containing the Abraham Sacrifiant of Theodore Beza
Histoire Ecclésiastique des églises Réformées Au Royaume de France Volume; Volume 2
Theodori Bezæ theologi & poetæ clariss. Epitaphia selecta, cum anglica versione ..
Abraham sacrifiant
Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandæ causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore
Two very lerned sermons of M. Beza
Ane oration made by Master Theodore de Beze, minister of the word of God, accompanyed with. xi. other ministers and. xx. deputies of the refourmed churches of the realme of Fraunce, in the presence of the king, ... Tuesday the ix. day of September, 1561, in the noonnery of Poyssy. Truely gathered and set forth in suct sort as it was spoken by the said de Beze. Whereunto is added a brief declaration exhibited by the said Beze, to the Quene the mother, the next morowe after the making of the said oration, touching certain poyntes conteyned in the same
Response à la confession du feu Duc Jean de Northumbelãde, n'agueres decapité en Angleterre
A discourse wrytten by M. Theodore de Beza
Maister Bezaes houshold prayers
Cours sur les e pi tres aus Romains et aux He breux, 1564-66
Novum Testamentum et Psalmi Latine
Master Bezaes sermons upon the three first chapters of the Canticle of Canticles
Les Juvenilia
Abraham Sacrifiant
Le sacrifice d'Abraham
Novum testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Lex Dei, moralis, ceremonialis et politica, ex libris Mosis excerpta & in certas classes distributa
Correspondance de Théodore de Beze
Ad Ioannis Brentii argumenta, & Io. Andreae Theses, quibus carnis Christi omnipraesentiam nituntur confirmare, id est adversus renovatos Nestorii & Eutychetis errores, responsum
The Life of John Calvin
Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France
De veris et visibilibus ecclesiae catholicae notis, tractatio
Novi Testamenti libri historici, Graeci & Latini perpetuo commentario ex antiquitate, historiis, philologia illustrati
Testamentvm Novvm
Ad acta Colloquii Montisbelgardensis, Tubingae edita
Jesu Christi Domine Nostri Novum Testamentum latine
De coena domini, adversus Iodoci Harchii Montensis dogmata, Theodori Bezae responsio
Editorial matter with index for vol. III
Iobvs ...
Les vrais pourtraits des hommes illustres ...
Explicata Cyrilli sententia de communicatione & vivificatione carnis Christi, ex lib. 10. cap. 13 in Ioannem
Een schoon tractaet des godtgheleerden Theodori Bezae vande straffe, welcke de wereltlijcke overicheydt over de ketters behoort te oeffenen
Ad repetitionem primam F. Claudii de Sainctes de rebus Eucharistiae controversis, Theodori Bezae responsio
Harangue des ministres de la parole de Dieu
Jesu Christi Domini nostri Novum Testamentum, sive Novum Foedus
Quaestionum et responsionum Christianarum pars altera, quae est de sacramentis
De Francicae linguae recta pronuntiatione
Tractatvs tres de rebus grauissimis scriptis
Chrestiennes méditations
Volvmen tractationum theologicarum ...
Theses theologicae in schola Genevensi
Editorial matter with index for volume I.
Propositions And Prin- ciples Of Divinitie, Propovnded And Di- sputed in the Vniversitie of Geneva, by certaine students of Divinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Be- za, and M. Anthonie Faivs, Professors of Divinitie. Wherein Is Contained, a Methodicall summarie, or Epi- tome of the common places of Divi- nitie
Lex Dei
Iesv Christi, D.N. Novū testamentū, Gr. & Lat. Theodoro Beza interprete. Addite sunt ab eodē summae breves doctrine vnoquoque Evangeliorū & actorum loco cōprehensae. Item, methodi Apostolicarū epistolarum brevis explicatio. Huic autem tertiae editioni, praeter quorundam locarum recognitionem, accesserunt breues difficiliorum phrasewn expositiones, & aliae quaedam annotatiunculae, cum ex maioribus ipsius Bezae annotationibus, tum aliunde excerptae
Theodori Bezae modesta et christiana defensio, ad D. Nicolai Selnecceri maledicam & virulentam responsionem
Du droit des Magistrats sur leurs subiets. Traitté tres-necessaire en ce temps, pour advertir de leur devoir, tant les Magistrats que les subiets : publié par ceux de Magdebourg l'an MDL
Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque
Les juvenilia de Théodore de Bèze
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Responsio ad Francisci Balduini Ecebolii apostatae convicia
La sainte Bible, qvi contient l'Ancien et le Novveav Testament, c'est à dire l'Ancienne et la Novvelle Alliance
Confessio Christianae fidei, et eiusdem collatio cum papisticis haeresibus
Ad Sebastiani Castellionis calumnias, quibus unicum salutis nostrae fundamentum, id est aeternam Dei praedestinationem evertere nititur, responsio
Master Bezaes Ser- mons Vpon The Three First Chapters Of The Canticle Of Canticles
Theses theologicae in schola Genevensi ab aliquot sacrarum literarum studiosis sub DD. Theod. Beza & Antonio Fayo s. s. theologiae professoribus propositae & disputatae. In quibus methodica locorum communium s. s. theologiae epitome continetur
Sermons sur les trois premiers chapitres du Cantique des Cantiques de Salomon
Quaestionum & responsionum Christianarum libellus. In quo praecipua Christianae religionis capita ?at' ?p?t?µ?? proponuntur
Response faite le quatrieme jour de septembre 1561 en la presence de la royne mere, le roy et royne de Navarre, les princes du sang et conseil privé
Iesu Christi D. N. Nouum Testamentum
Jesu Christi D. N. Nouum Testamentum
Novvm Iesv Christi Testamentvm
Iesv Christi D. N. Nouum Testamentum
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poemata
Ad tractationem de ministrorum Evangelii Gradibus ...
Job expounded by Theodore Beza
The Bible and holy scriptures conteined in the Olde and Nevve Testament
A briefe and pith- thie some of the christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a con- futacion of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto
Response aux cinq premieres et principales demandes de F. Iean Hay, moine Iesuite aux ministres Escossois
Iesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum
De unitate essentiae divinae, & tribus in ea subsistentibus personis, adversus Arianos ?µ????s????. Epistola ad illustrissimum principem Nicolaum Radzwilum, magni ducatus Lithuaniae supremum mareschalcum
Iesu Christi, D.N., Nouu[m] Testamentu[m] Graece & Latine
A new hieroglyphical Bible for the amusement & instruction of children
[Psalmorum Dauidis et aliorum prophetarum libri quinque
Responsio ad qvaestionvm et responsionvm Danielis Hofmanni ...
Traicte des vrayes, essencielles et visibles marqves de la vraye Eglise catholique ...
Iesv Christi D.N. Nouum testamentum, siue Nouum foedus
Jobus ...
Confession, oder, Bekan[n]tnuss des Glaubens der Euangelische[n] Kirchen in Franckreich
The New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ
De hypostatica duarum in Christo naturarum unione, et eius effectis placida et Christiana, cum D. Iohanne Pappo, Argentinensis ecclesiae doctore, Theodori Bezae, Genevensis ecclesia ministri disceptatio
Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
Chrestiennes meditations, ...
Diallacticon viri boni & literati, de veritate, natura atque substantia corporis & sanguinis Christi in eucharistia
Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque
Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Iesu Christi Domini Nostri Nouum Testamentum, sive, Novum foedus
Nouum D. N. Iesu Christi Testamentum
Aliquot psalmi Davidici, variis numeris a Theodoro Beza expressi. Integri, si dederit Dominus, futuri operis specimen
Harangue des protestans du royaume de France
Novum testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Sermons sur l'histoire de la resurrection de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ
Ample discours des actes de Poissy
De hypostatica duarum in Christo naturarum unione, adversus ?acobi Andreae assertionem
Propositions And Principles of Diuinitie, propounded and disputed in the vniuersitie of Geneua, by certaine students of Di- uinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Beza, and M. Anthonie Faivs, professors of Diuinitie. Wherein Is Con- tained a Methodicall sum- marie, or Epitome of the common places of Diuinitie. Translated Ovt Of Latine into English, to the end that the causes, both of the present dangers of that Church, and also of the trou- bles of those that are hardlie dealt vvith els-vvhere, may appeare in the English tongue. .
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament
Epistola magistri Benedicti Passavantii Responsiua ad commissionem sibi datam à venerabili D. Petro Ly- seto, nuper Curiae Parisiensis prae- sidente
Apologia pro iustificatione per unius christi viva fide apprehensi iustitiam gratis imputatam. Adversus anonymi scriptoris tractatum, clàm nuper ab Antonio quodam Lescalio editum & publicè postea impudentissimè sparsum
Response a la confession du feu duc Iean de Northumbelãde
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
The Bible
Tractatvs pivs et moderatvs de vera excommunicatione, & christiano presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandẹ causa, cl. v. Ioan. Erasti ... centum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus
The Bible: that is, The Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
Iesv Christi, D. N. Nouũ Testamentũ, Gr. & Lat. Theodoro Beza interprete
Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France
Responsio ad defensiones & reprehensiones Sebastiani Castellionis, quibus suam Novi Testamenti interpretationem defendere adversus Bezam, & eius versionem vicissim reprehendere conatus est
Sermons svr l'histoire de la resvrrection de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ
La troisieme harangue prononcee à Poissy
Ad putidas quasdam a Iacobo Andrea partim recenter confictas, partim aliunde repetitas calumnias responsio
Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliand[ae] causa, cl. v. Ioan [i.e. Th.] Erasti ... centum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus
Sermons sur l'histoire de la resurrection de nostre Seigneur Iesus Christ
Les Psaumes en vers français
Theodori Bezae pro corporis Christi veritate adversus ubiquitatis commentum, et Guilielmi Holderi convitia responsio
Ē Kainē Diathēkē
Adversvs Sacramentariorvm errorem pro vera Christi praesentia in Coena Domini
Theodori Bezae pro corporis Christi veritate, aduersus Vbiquitatis comme[n]tum & Guilielmi Holderi conuitia, responsio
Tractatio de repudiis et divortiis
Apologia ad acta conventus quindecim theologorum Torgae nuper habiti
The Bible
Psaumes mis en vers franc̜ais (1551-1562)
Ad tractationem de ministrorum evangelii gradibus
Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum
Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetarum
De haereticis a civili magistratu puniendis libellus, adversus Martini Bellii farraginem, & novorum academicorum sectam
Tractatio de polygamia, in qua et Ochini Apostatae pro polygamia, et Montanistarum ac aliorum adversus repetitas nuptias argumenta refutantur
Theod. Bezae altera brevis fidei confessio, & eiusdem cum superiore argumenti
Histoire ecclésiastique des églises réformées au royaume de France
The Bible
De haereticis a civili magistratu
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and New Testament
Confession de la foy chrestinne ...
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old & New Testament
Apologia Theod. Bezae Vezelii ad libellum c F. Claudii de Xainctes, cui titulum fecit, examen Calvinianae amp; Bezanae doctrinae de coena Domini ex scriptis authorum eiusdem collectum
D. N. Iesv Christi Testamentum novum Gr. Lat
De coena Domini, plana & perspicua tractatio. In qua Ioachimi Wesphali calumniae refelluntur
Tractatvs Pivs Et Moderatvs de vera Excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandȩ causa, Cl. V. Th. Erasti D. Medici centum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus
Qvaestionvm et responsionvm Christianarvm libellus
Confessio Christianae fidei, & eiusdem collatio cum papisticis haeresibus
Lex Dei, moralis, ceremonialis, et politica, ex libris Mosis excerpta, & in certas classes distributa
De praedestinationis doctrina et vero usu tractatio absolutissima. Ex Th. Bezae praelectionibus in nonum epistolae ad Romanos caput à Raphaele Eglino Tigurino, theologiae studioso, in schola Genuensi, recens excepta
Hē Kainē Diathēkē tou Kyriou hēmōn Iēsou Christou
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poematum ... item, ex Georgio Buchanano aliísque variis insignibus poetis excerpta carmina, pr[a]esertímq[ue] epigrammata
Epistolarum theologicarum Theodori Bezae Vezelij liber unus
Ad F. Claudii de Xainctes responsionem altera Th. Bezae apologia
Iohannis Calvini vita a Theodoro Beza Genevensis ecclesiae ministro accurate descripta
Opvscvla, in qvibvs pleraqve Christianae religionis dogmata aduersus haereses nostris temporibus renouatas solidè ex Verbo Dei defenduntur ...
The Bible
Novvm Testamentum domini nostri Jesu Christi
Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & Christiano presbyterio
Defensio sacramentalis coniunctionis corporis et sanguinis Christi cum sacris symbolis, adversus Matthiae Flacii Illyrici falsissimas demonstrationes, & eiusdem apologiam
Hē Kainē Diathēkē
De francicae linguae recta pronuntiatione
Ad D. Nicolai Selnecceri et theologorum Ienensium calumnias, brevis & necessaria Theodori Bezae responsio
Summa doctrinae de re sacramentaria
Abstersio calumniarum, quibus aspersa est ecclesia Genevensis à Tilemanno Heshusio
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Tractatus tres de rebus grauissimis scripti
Epistolarum theologicarum Theodori Bezae Vezelii, liber unus. Secunda editio, ab ipso auctore recognita
A tragedie of Abraham's sacrifice
Iesu Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum
Theodori Bezae Vezelii Volumen Primum Tractationum Theologicarum
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament
De controversiis in Coena Domini ... [microform]
Traicté de la justice de Dieu et horrible vengeance contre les meurtres commis par les princes et potentats de la terre
Adversus sacramentariorum errorem pro vera Christi praesentia in coena domini, homiliae duae, auctore Nathanaele Nesekio
Ad Nicolai Selnecceri ?????sµ??s apologia tertia
Novum D.N. Iesu Christi Testamentum Latinè
Theodori presbyteri Rhaethensis libellus adversus haereses quibus iam olim hypostatica duarum in Christo naturarum unio oppugnata est, nunc primum Graece editus, & Latinus factus à Theodoro Beza Vezelio
Iesu Christi D.N. Nouum Testamentum
The Bible, that is, The Holy Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament
Summa totius Christianismi, sive descriptio et distributio causarum salutis electorum, & exitii reproborum, ex sacris literis collecta
Iesu Christi D. N. Novum Testamentum, sive novum foedus
The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament
Réponse au gentilhomme savoisien ne se nommant pas
Seconde harangue prononcee à Poissy
Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi
Abraham sacrifiant
Theodori Bezae Vezelli Poëmata varia ...
Cours sur les Épîtres aux Romains et aux Hébreux, 1564-1566
Abraham sacrifiant
The Bible
Editorial matter with index for vol. II
The Newe Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
Testamentum Nouum
Iesv Christi domini nostri nouum testamentum, siue nouum foedus
Hē kainē diathēkē
Comédie du pape malade et tirant à la fin où ses regrets & complaintes sont au vif exprimées ...
Iesu Christi Domini Nostri Nouum Testamentum, sive Nouum foedus
La Bible, qui est toute la Sainte Escriture du Vieil & du Nouueau Testament
The Bible
???OF?G??, sive cyclops, dialogus de vera communicatione corporis & sanguinis domini, adversus Tilemanni Heshusii commenta
Beza's "Icones": Contemporary Portraits of Reformers of Religion and Letters ...
De pace christianarum ecclesiarum constituenda, consilium
The New Testament of our Lord Iesus Christ
Theodori Bezae Vezelii, Volumen tractationum Theologicarum
Tēs Kainēs Diathēkēs hapanta
Ad D. Io. Brentii Argvmenta Qvibvs Carnis Christi omnipraesentiam nititur confirmare
An euident Display of Popish Practises, or patched Pelagianisme. Wherein is mightelie cleared the soueraigne truth of Gods eternall Predestination, the stayd groundworke of oure most assured safe- tie by Christ
A little catechisme, that is to say, a short instruction touching Christian religion, set forth by Tehodorus Beza. Minister of the churche of God in Geneva
Responsio ad defensiones & reprehensiones Sebastiani Castellionis, quibus suam Noui Testamẽti interpretationem defendere aduersus Bezam, & eius versionẽ vicissim reprehendere conatus est ...
Ad Danielis Hofmanni demonstrationes ad oculum
Kurtze Bekanntnuss des christlichen Glaubens
Response aux cinq premieres et principales demandes de F. Jean Hay ...
De polygamia et divortiis
The Bible
Homiliae Theodori Bezae Verelii, in historiam Domini resurrectionis
Iesu Christi D. N. Nouum testamentum, siue, foedus
Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum
Theses sive axiomata de trinitate personarum & essentiae unitate, ex Theod. Bezae praelectionibus
Confession de la foy chrestienne
Epistolarum theologicarum liber unus
The Bible
Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi
De Veris, Et Visibilibvs Ecclesiae Cathol-icae notis, tractatio
Les Psaumes en vers français, avec leurs mélodies
The Newe Testament of Ovr Lorde Iesvs Christ
Epistolae quas Theodorus Beza ad Wilhelmum IV. Hassiae Landgravium mist ; primum editae ab Henrico Heppe
David F. Ford
David F. Ford (born 1948)


  • University of Tübingen, University College Dublin
Marriage as a path to holiness
The Modern Theologians
The business marketing course
Shaping Theology
The Shape of Living
Mastering Equity Derivatives ("Financial Times" Market Editions)
Shape of Living, The
Studying men and masculinity
Shape of Living, The,
Managing business relationships
Technology strategy for business
The business marketing course
Christian Wisdom
The shape of living
Ice, Land and Man (Man and Environment)
The modern theologians
Interreligious Reading After Vatican II
                Directions in Modern Theology
Barth and God's story
Understanding Business Marketing and Purchasing
Spotter's guide to aquarium fishes
Self and salvation
The future of Christian theology
A long rumour of wisdom
The modern theologians reader
Understanding Business Markets
The promise of scriptural reasoning
Peces de Acuario
The investor's guide to traded options
Mobile Location Services
Adult basic reading instruction in the United States
The Modern theologians
Living in praise
A position classification system for non-certificated personnel for the Springfield Public Schools
The marketing of central heating with particular reference to the channels of distribution
Barth and Gods Story
Who's the Thief
An investigation of methods of introducing anti blocking agents to polymers and their effect on the anti blocking processand quality of dispersion
Reading texts, seeking wisdom
The drama of living
Understanding business markets
Reading texts, seeking wisdom
Shaping theology
Musics of belonging
Managing and Marketing Technology
Bernard Bolzano
Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848)

mathematician, logician, philosopher of science, theologian, Catholic priest, historian, epistemologist, philosopher, professor, aesthetician, teacher

  • Charles University
Ausgewählte Schriften
Vlastní životopis
Über das Verhältniss der beiden Volkstämme in Böhmen: Drei Vorträge im Jahre 1816 an der ..
Paradoxien des unendlichen
Paradoxien des Unendlichen
Lehrbuch der Religionswissenschaft
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Erbauungsreden an die akademische Jugend
The mathematical works of Bernard Bolzano
Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes
Die drey Probleme der Rectification
Selected writings on ethics and politics / Bernard Bolzano
On the mathematical method and correspondence with Exner
Die Sozial- und Ethnoethik Bernard Bolzanos
Mathematische und philosophische Schriften 1810-1816
Reine Zahlenlehre
Vermischte Schriften, 1839-1840
Zur Physik
Miscellanea mathematica
Kleine Wissenschaftslehre
Mathematisch-physikalische und philosophische Schriften, 1842-1843
Sozialphilosophische Schriften
Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der Ästhetik
Vermischte philosophische und physikalische Schriften, 1832-1848
Von der mathematischen Lehrart
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie? Trad, et commenté par Denis Macabrey
B. Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre: Versuch einer ausführlichen und ..
Selected Writings on Ethics and Politics (Studien zur oesterreichischen Philosophie 40)
Einleitung zur Grössenlehre und erste Begriffe der allgemeinen Grössenlehre
Über das Verhältniss der beiden Volksstämme in Böhmen
Der böhmische Vormärz in Briefen B. Bolzanos an F. Pr̆íhonský,  1824-1848
Bernard Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre in vier Bänden
Erbauungsreden für Akademiker
Les paradoxes de l'infini
Uber das Verhaltnis der beiden Volksstamme in Bohmen. Drei Vortrage im Jahre 1816 an der Hochschule zu Prag gehalten. Wien 1849. Nachdruck
On the Mathematical Method and Correspondence with Exner (Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, 37) (Studien Zur Sterreichischen Philosophie)
Dr. Bolzano und seine Gegner. Ein Beitrag zur neuesten Literaturgeschichte. Sulzbach 1839. Nachdruck
Was ist Philosophie?  Aus dessen handschriftlichem Nachlass
Bernard Bolzano, 1781-1848
Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes
Versuch einer ausführlichen und grösstentheils neuen Darstellung der Logik mit steter Rücksicht auf deren bisherige Bearbeiter
Dr. B. Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre
Miscellanea Mathematica 10
Theorie der reellen Zahlen im Bolzanos handschriftlichen Nachlasse
Bernard Bolzanos Schriften
Paradoxien des Unendlichen, hrsg. aus dem schriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers von Fr. Přihonsky
Von dem besten staate, nach den manuskripten des National-museums in Prag
Vermischte mathematische Schriften
Paradoxes of the infinite
Was ist Philosophie? Aus dessen handschriftlichen Nachlass. Wien 1849. Nachdruck
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie
Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik. 1. Lfg
Was ist Philosophie? von Bernard Bolzano, aus dessen handschriftlichem Nachlass
Paradoxes of the infinite
Grundlegung der Logik
Ueber die Perfectibilität des Katholicismus
Athanasia, oder, Gründe für die Unsterblichkeit der Seele
Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848)
Die Sozial- und Ethnoethik Bernard Bolzanos
Der böhmische Vormärz in Briefen B. Bolzanos an F. Příhonský, 1824-1848
Versuch einer objectiven Begründung der Lehre von den drei Dimensionen des Raumes
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der Ästhetik
Kleine Wissenschaftslehre
Rein analytischer Beweis de Lehrsatses
Philosophische Tagebücher 1827-1844
Grundlegung der Logik
Wissenschaftslehre [von] Bernhard Bolzano
O logice
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Geometrické práce (Geometrische Arbeiten)
Von dem besten staate
24 Erbauungsreden, 1808-1820
Philosophische Texte
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?
Das Problem des Unendlichen
Bernard Bolzano, Leben und Wirkung
Philosophische Tagebücher, 1817-1827
Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik
Was ist Philosophie?
Wissenschaft und Religion im Vormärz
Über den Begriff des Schönen
Versuch einer objectiven Begründung der Lehre von der Zusammensetzung der Kräfte
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Rein analytischer Beweis de Lehrsatses
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Über die Eintheilung der schönen Künste
Philosophische Tagebücher, 1811-1817
Robert Ellis
Robert Ellis (born 1956)


  • University of Oxford
Caring for Victor
A way with words
The Pictorial Album of Rock
People, Power and Politics
Handpicked Software for Mac OS X
A Way with Words Resource Pack 1 Book
The Practice of Construction Management
A Way with Words Resource Pack 1 Audio Cassette
A Way with Words Resource Pack 2 (Cambridge Copy Collection)
Political change through time
A Way with Words
Investigation of cobalt complexes of Schiff's bases and dioximes
Romantic South Carolina
Way with Words
A treatise on Hannibal's passage of the Alps
A Way with Words
A Way With Words
A Way with Words
A Way With Words
A Way With Words
The Mike Schmidt Study
Stringed musical instruments and painting
A Way With Words
A Way With Words
Way with Words, Level 1
The Legend of King O'Malley
Annual Abstracts of 82nd Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease Nov 11-13, 2001
Way with Words Bk. 3
A way with words
People, Power and Politics
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908)

theologian, prophet

Taz̲kiratushshahādatain maʻa risālah ʻarbī va ʻalāmatul-muqarrabīn
Zindah aur zindagī bak̲h̲sh ḥamāre Rasūl-i Karīm
Maḥāmid-i k̲h̲ātimunnabīyīn sarvar-i ambiyāʼ ḥabīb-i K̲h̲udā Muḥammad Rasūl Allāh, musammah bah, Durr-i yatīm
Jesus in India
Great Reformer Vol.1
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
al- Vasiyyatah
Commentary on the Holy Quran
Tafsīr-i Sūrat-i Māʼidah tā Sūrat-i Taubah
Muḥabbat ke mulk kī bādshāhat
Tafsīr-i Sūrat-i Yūnus tā Sūrat-i Kahf
al- Hadiyyahtulmubbārikah yaʻnī kitāb-i tuḥfah-yi Qaiṣariyyah
Ḥaz̤rat Masīḥ Moʻūd kī taʻlīm-i fahm-i Qurāʾn
Tafsīr-i Sūratulbaqarah
Laikcar Lāhaur
Testimony of the Holy Qurʼān
Jesus in India
Tafsīr-i Sūrat Āl-i ʻImrān va an-Nisāʻ
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Lekcar Ludhiyānah
Kitāb tuḥfah-yi gulaṛviyyah
Majmūʻah-yi ishtihārāt
Cashmah-yi Masīḥ
The teachings of Islam
Commentary on the Holy Quran
Al-Khuṭbah al-ilhāmīyah
Tuḥfah-yi Bag̲h̲dād
al- Balāg̲h̲ jis kā dūsrā nām hai Faryād-i dard
Fatāvā-yi Ḥaz̤rat Masīḥ-i Mauʻūd ʻAlaihissalām
Ḥaz̤rat Mirzā G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad Ṣāḥib kā daʻvaʹ-i Nubūvat se inkār =
Ḥaz̤rat Mirzā G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad Qādiyānī ..
Tablīg̲h̲-i risālat
Nuzūl al-Masīḥ
Kitāb-i t̤uḥfah-yi Gūlaṛvaīyah
Sirr-ul-khilafah (Secret of caliphate)
Durr-i s̲amīn
Muqam̄-i Muḥammad
Isalāmī asūlāṃ dī falāsafī
Minan al-Raḥmān
Jesus in India
Fatḥ-i Islām
Claims and teachings
Tiryq al-qulb
Nishān-i āsmānī jis kā dusarā nām shahādattulmulhamīn
Sirāj-i munīr
Masīḥ Ḥindustān men̲
Anjām-i atham, K̲h̲udā kā faiṣlah, dāʻvat-i qaum, maktūb-i ʻArabī banām ʻulamāʻ
Ḥaqīqat al-taubah
The teachings of Islam
Nūr al-Qurān
Tafsīr Sūrat Fātiḥah
Gūrnaminṭ Angrezī aūr jihād
Najm al-hudā
Mavāhiburraḥmān =
Fatḥ-i Islām ; Tauz̤iḥ-i marām ; Izālah-yi auhām
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Lekcar Siyālkoṭ
R ūḥānī k̲h̲azāʼin
The teachings of Islam
Paig̲h̲ām-i ṣulaḥ
Kishtī-yi Nūḥ
Ifāz̤āt-i malfūẓāt
Shān-i khātim al-anbiyā'
Risālat tuḥfat Baghdād
Jesus in India
Four questions by a Christian and their answers
Filsafat Ajaran Islam
Izālah-i auhām
Najmul hudā
Ḥujjat Allāh
The four questions answered
Majmūʻah-yi ishtihārāt
Four questions by a Christian and their answers
Victory of Islam
The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam
Triumph of Islam
Sirājuddīn īsā'ī ke cār savālon kā javāb
Ḥaqīqatul vaḥī
Paig̲h̲ām-i ṣulaḥ
Islāmī uṣūl kī filāsafī
Cashmah-yi Masīḥī
Sirr al-khilāfah
Psalms of Ahmad
Fatḥ-i Islām
Ḳeṭaʻim nivḥarim mi-kitve ha-mashiaḥ ha-meyuʻad ha-muvṭaḥ
Āʼīnah-yi kamālāt-i Islām
Philosophy of Teachings of Islam
Tuḥfah'-i qaiṣariyah
Jesus in India
Al- Khuṭbah al-ilhāmīyah
A review of Christianity from a new point of view
Barahin i-Ahmadiyya
Tiryāq al-qulūb
Z̤iyā al-ḥaqq
Tadhkiratush shahadatain =
Durr-i samīn
Message of peace
Commentary on the Holy Quran
al- Qaṣāʼidulaḥmadiyyah
Siraājuddin ʻĪsāʼī ke cār savālon̲ kā javāb
Durr-i s̲amīn maʻ farang =
Teachings of Islam
Prayers of the Promised Messiah =
Sayyidinā Ḥaẓ̤rat Masīḥ-i Moʻūd kī zarīn nasāʼiḥ va hidāyat
Reality of Khilafah
The teachings of Islam
Hamamat al-bushra
The essence of Islam
Najm al-huda, the star that guides
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Maktūbāt-i Aḥmad
Our teaching
Ḥaz̤rat bānī-yi Jamāʻat-i Aḥmadiyyah kī naʼe bhāʼiyon̲ keliyʼe naṣāʼih
Tauz̤īḥ-i marām
Jesus In India
The teachings of Islam
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Fountain of Christianity
Victory of Islam
Blessings of prayer
A review of Christianity from a new point of view
Al- Vaṣīyat
Essence of Islam
Najm al-hudā
A message of peace
How to get rid of the bondage of sin
The Philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Pronouncements of the promised Messiah
Psalms of Ahmad
Jesus in India
Islamic teachings on the moral conditions of man
A review of Christianity
Our teaching, translated from Kashti-Nuh
Three questions by a Christian answered
Teachings of Islam
Barkāt al-du'ā'
The essence of Islam
Objectives explained
The essence of Islam
Les trésors spirituels
Need of Imam of the Age
Ta'līm-i Islām
Barahini Ahmadiyah
Islamic teachings on the moral conditions of man
A brief sketch of my life
The essence of Islam
Our teaching
A Gift for the Queen
فلسفة تعاليم الإسلام
Victory of Islam
Sayyadnā Ḥaz̤rat Masih Moʻūd kī zarīn nasāʼih va hidāyat
Jesus in India
Teachings of Islam
نزول المسيح و إعجاز احمدی
Essence of Islam
Kemenangan Islam
سفينة نوح
The philosophy of the teachings of Islam
Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya—Parts I & II
Mavāhiburraḥmān =
Noah's Ark
A gift for the Queen
Star of the Empress
Eine Auswahl aus den Schriften des Verheissenen Messias (Friede sei auf ihm)
Testimon y of the Holy Quran
Truth Revealed
The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam
Enseignements de L'islam
Our Teaching
Sayyidnā Ḥaz̤rat Masih Moʻūd kī zarīn nasāʼih va hidāyat
Kemenangan Islam
Penampakan Kebesaran Tuhan
Ḥaz̤rat Mirzā G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad Ṣāḥib kā daʻvaʹ-i Nubūvat se inkār =
The will
التجليات الالهية
Ḥaz̤rat Mirzā G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad Ṣāḥib kā daʻvaʹ-i Nubūvat se inkār =
Ḥaz̤rat Mirzā G̲h̲ulām Aḥmad Ṣāḥib kā daʻvaʹ-i Nubūvat se inkār =
Memperbaiki Suatu Kesalahan
The Need For The Imam
Islami usool ki filosofi
Al-Zamakhshari (1075-1144)

theologian, philosopher, philologist, mufassir, literary, linguist, poet

Kitāb khaṣā'iṣ al-'asharah al-kiram
Kitāb Khaṣāʼiṣ al-ʻasharah al-kirām al-bararah
Asās al-balāghah
Nukat al-Aʻrāb fī gharīb al-iʻrāb fī al-Qurʾān al-Karīm
al- Kashshāf ʻan ḥqāʾiq al-tanzīl wa-ʻuyūn al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-taʾwīl
al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq ghawāmiḍ al-tanzīl wa-ʻuyūn al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-taʼwīl
al- Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq al-tanzīl wa-ʻuyūn al-aqāwil fī wujūh al-taʻwil
al- Jibāl wa-al-amkinah wa-al-miyāh
al- Maqāmāt
al- Mustaqṣá fī amthāl al-ʻArab
Pishrav-i adab
Al- Mustaqsa fi amthal al-'Arab
Ruʾūs al-masāʾil
Aṭwāq al-dhahab fī al-mawāʻiẓ wa-al-khuṭab
Aṭwāq al-dhahab
Anthologia sententiarum arabicarum
A'jab al-'ajab fī sharḥ Lāmīyat al-'Arab
Kitāb al-amkinah wa-al-miyāh wa-al-jibāl
Rabīʻ al-abrār wa-nuṣūṣ al-akhbār
Al- Kashshaf 'an haqa'iq ghawamid al-tanzil
Rabīʻ al-abrar wa-fuṣūṣ al-akhbār
al- Mufaṣṣal
al- Mufaṣṣal fī ṣanʻat al-iʻrāb
Al- Mufassal
Muqaddimat al-adab
Al- Qur'an ma'a tafsir al-kashshaf 'an haqa'iq al-tanzil
al- Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʾiq al-tanzīl wa-ʻuyūn al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-taʾwīl
Aḳsá 'l-ereb fī tercūmet-i Muḳaddimet il-edeb
al- Muḥājāh bi-al-masāʾil al-naḥwīyah
Kitab al-fayiq fi gharib al-hadith
Sharḥ al-Faṣīḥ
Al- Durru al-dā'ir al-muntakhab min kināyāt
al- Mufaṣṣal fī ʻilm al-ʻArabīyah
Pīshraw-i adab, yā, Muqaddimat al-adab
Al- Aḥājī al-naḥwīyah
Sharḥ Maqāmāt ʻallāmat al-dunyā Jād Allāh Maḥmūd ibn ʻUmar al-Zamakhsharī
Rabīʻ al-abrār wa-nuṣūṣ al-akhbār
al- Qisṭās al-mustaqīm fī ʻilm al-ʻurūḍ
Al- Fā'iq fī gharīb al-ḥadīth
Al- Mu'awwal fi sharh al-mufassal
Kitâb al-Mufaççal
Al- Qisṭās al-mustaqīm
Fāʾiq fī gharīb al-ḥadīth
Asas al-balaghah
al-Mustaqṣá fī amthāl al-ʻArab
Nawābigh al-Kalim
al-Muḥājāh bi-al-masāʼil al-naḥwīyah
A Muʻtazilite creed of Az-Zamaḫšarî (d. 538/1144)
Abul-Baḳâ ibn Jaʻîś Commentar zu dem Abschnitt über das [Ḥāl] aus Zamachśarî’s Mufaṣṣal
al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʾiq ghawāmiḍ al-tanzīl lil-Imām Jār Allāh al-Zamakhsharī
ربيع الأبرار و فصوص الأخبار في المحاضرات
Maqāmāt al-Zamakhsharī
إعجاز سورة الكوثر
al-Kalim al-nawābigh
أساس البلاغة
al-Unmūdhaj fī al-naḥw
Aṭwāq al-dhahab fī al-mawāʻiẓ wa-al-khuṭab
Nukat al-Aʻrāb fī gharīb al-iʻrāb fī al-Qurʼān al-Karīm
Sharḥ al-Maqāmāt
al-Jibāl wa-al-amkinah wa-al-miyāh
al-Fāʼiq fī gharīb al-ḥadīth
Pīshraw-i adab, yā, Muqaddimat al-adab
al-Mukhtār min tafsīr al-Kashshāf
Le résume de la grammaire arabe par Zamak̲šarī
al-Qurʾān maʻa tafsīrihi al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq al-Tanzīl
al-Mufaṣṣal fī al-naḥw
al-Kashshaf 'an Haqa'iq at-Tanzil
Aʻjab al-ʻajab fī sharḥ Lāmīyat al-ʻArab
Bulūgh al-arab fī sharḥ Lāmīyat al-ʻArab
Samachschari's Goldne Halsbänder
Kitāb Asās al-balāghah, taʾlif Abī al-Qāsim Maḥmūd ibn ʻUmar al-Zamakhsharī
Samachscharii Lexicon Arabicum Persicum
al-Qisṭās al-mustaqīm fī ʻilm al-ʻurūḍ
Khulāṣat al-kashshāf, al-maʻrūf bi-hi, iʿrāb al-Qurʾān
al-Mufaṣṣal fī ʻilm al-ʻArabīyah
Ýagşyzadalaryň bahary
al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq ghawāmiḍ al-Tanzīl wa-ʻuyun al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-taʼwīl
Wa-hadha kitab al-mufassal fi al-nahw
Kitāb al-Kashshāf fī ḥaqāʾiq al-tanzīl
Asās al-balāghah
Ibn Jaʼīs Commentar zu Zamachśarī's Mufaṣṣal
Aṭwāq al-dhahab
al-Mustaqṣá fī al-amthāl
Samachschari's Goldene Halsbänder
Jāmiʿ al-muqaddimāt
Beiträge zur Erklärung des Mufaṣṣal
Horezmce tercümeli Muqaddimat al-adab
Asās al-balāghah
Hidāyat al-naḥw maʻa Bidāyat al-naḥw
Les pensées de Zamakhschari
Ruʼūs al-masāʼil
Tafsīr-i Kashshāf
The muqaddimat al-adab
al-Fa ik fi gharib al-hadith
Al-kashshāf ʻan haqāʾiq ghawāmid al-tanzīl wa-ʾuyūn al-aqāwīl fī wujūh al-tāʾwīl
Specimen e literis orientalibus, exhibens ʼAz-Zamak̈s̈arīi Lexicon geographicum, cui titulus est quod auspice viro clarissimo T.G.J. Juynboll
Muhtasar Mukaddimetü'l-edeb
Kitāb al-mufaṣṣal fī ʻilm al-ʻArabīyah
al-Kashshāf ʻan ḥaqāʼiq al-tanzīl wa-ʻuyūn al-aqāwil fī wujūh al-taʼwīl
Huub Oosterhuis
Huub Oosterhuis (1933-2023)

poet, theologian, Catholic priest

Myasthenia gravis
Open your hearts
In het voorbijgaan
Bid om vrede
Fifty psalms
40 Fälle Neurologie
The children of the poor man
Klinische neurologie
Anybody, everybody
Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis
At times I see: reflections, prayers, poems, and songs
God is new each moment
Myasthenia Gravis
At times I see
Times of life
Myasthenia gravis
Mensen voor dag en dauw
Quelqu'un parmi nous
When from our exile
Fifty psalms: an attempt at a new translation
Twee of drie
Prayers Poems and Songs
In het voorbijgaan / Huub Oosterhuis
Fifty psalms
Wie bestaat
Niets is onmogelijk
Nooit meer niet
Tot op vandaag
Gaan waar geen weg is
Isaac Williams
Isaac Williams (1802-1865)

cleric, poet, theologian

  • University of Oxford, Harrow School
The characters of the Old Testament
Devotional Commentary On The Gospel Narrative
Our Lord's ministry
Female characters of Holy Scripture
Our Lord's nativity
The characters of the Old Testament in a series of sermons
Female characters of Holy Scripture
The characters of the Old Testament
Devotional commentary on the gospel narrative
The Gospel narrative of Our Lord's Ministry... harmonized
The characters of the Old Testament in a series of sermons
The baptistery
Our Lord's resurrection
The altar
The Apocalypse
The cathedral; or, the Catholic and apostolic church in England
The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Passion Harmonized
The autobiography of Isaac Williams
The Apocalypse, with notes and reflections
Plain sermons on the latter part of the Catechism
Hymns translated from the Parisian Breviary
The gospel narrative of our Lord's nativity harmonized
The autobiography of Isaac Williams, B. D
On reserve in communicating religious knowledge
Sermons on the Characters of the Old Testament
The Baptistery, Or The Way of Eternal Life
Plain sermons, on the latter part of the catechism
Our Lord's passion
The Apocalypse
Sermons on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and holy days throughout the year
A harmony of the four evangelists
Ancient hymns for children
Hymns translated from the Parisian Breviary
The gospel narratives of Our Lord's passion harmonized
The Holy Week
The altar
Thoughts on the study of the Holy Gospels
The Baptistery, Or The Way of Eternal Life
The autobiography of Isaac Williams, B.D., fellow and tutor of Trinity College, Oxford, author of several of the "Tracts for the times," "A Commentary on the gospel narrative," etc
Sacred verses
The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Resurrection, Harmonized
A series of sermons on the epistle and the gospel for each Sunday in the year and on some of the chief festivals
Sermons on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and holy days throughout the year
A few remarks on the charge of the Lord Bishop of Glocester and Bristol on the subject of reserve in communicating religious knowledge as taught in the Tracts for the times, no. 80 and no. 87
The gospel narrative of Our Lord's resurrection harmonized
Thoughts in past years
Altar, or, Meditations in verse on the great christian sacrifice
The cathedral
The altar, or Meditations in verse on the great Christian sacrifice
Autobiography of Isaac Williams ...
The Baptistery, or, The way of eternal life
The cathedral, or, The catholic and apostolic church in England
Our Lord's ministry (the second year)
The Cathedral
The altar
Thoughts in past years
The Gospel narrative of Our Lord's passion harmonized
Hymns on the Catechism
A short memoir of the Revd Robert Alfred Suckling, M. A. late perpetual curate of Bussage
A series of sermons on the epistle and gospel for each Sunday in the year
Days and seasons, or Church poetry for the year
Days and seasons
Sacred verses, with pictures
Thoughts on the study of the holy gospels intended as an introduction to a harmony and commentary
Selections from the writings of Isaac Williams
The altar: or Meditations in verse on the great Christian sacrifice [by I. Williams]. By the ..
The Christian scholar
Thoughts in past years, by the author of The cathedral
Plain sermons, on the catechism
The Gospel narrative of Our Lord's Resurection harmonized
The Baptistery, Or, The Way of Eternal Life
Ars geologica
Thoughts on the study of the Holy Gospels
The seven days
The gospel narrative of our Lord's passion
The Christian seasons
The Gospel narrative of the Holy Week harmonized
Church poetry, or, Christian thoughts in old and modern verse
The autobiography