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television presenters who wrote biography
Showing 97-104 out of 111 results
Luciano De Crescenzo
Luciano De Crescenzo (1928-2019)

film director, actor, engineer, television presenter, director

  • University of Naples Federico II
Sembra ieri
Vita di Luciano De Crescenzo scritta da lui medesimo
Ti porterà fortuna
Tutti santi me compreso
Così parlò Bellavista
Storia della filosofia greca
Il tempo e la felicità
Storia dela filosofia medioevale
Il pressappoco
Der Listenreiche
Zio Cardellino
Die Zeit und das Glück
The Dialogues
La distrazione
Le donne sono diverse
Als Männer noch Helden sein durften. Antike Mythen neu erzählt
Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. Die Vorsokratiker
Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie. Von Sokrates bis Plotin
Der Listenreiche. Die Odyssee, neu erzählt für den Leser von heute
Also sprach Bellavista. Neapel, Liebe und Freiheit
Tale e quale
Zio Cardellino. Der Onkel mit dem Vogel. Roman
oi dialogoi. Von der Kunst, miteinander zu reden
Storia della filosofia medioevale
Die Kunst der Unordnung
Elena, Elena, amore mio
Oi dialogoi
Storia della filosofia moderna
La Napoli di bellavista
Alles fließt, sagt Heraklit
Und ewig lockt das Weib
Mein Doppelgänger und ich
Cosi` parlo` Bellavista
Croce e delizia
Bellavista und die Liebe
Als wäre es gestern gewesen
Das Urteil des Paris. Antike Mythen neu erzählt
Sokrates, sein Leben und Denken
Panta rei
I grandi miti greci a fumetti
Kleine Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie
Ainsi parlait Bellavista
Napoli ti voglio bene
The History of Greek Philosophy
La domenica del villaggio
Storia della filosofia moderna
Il dubbio
Ordine e disordine
I pensieri di Bellavista
Les grands philosophes de la Grèce antique
Non parlare, baciami
Oi dialogoi
Historia de la filosofía griega
Stammi felice
Fosse 'a Madonna!
Garibaldi era comunista
Storia della filosofia
Helena, Helena amore mio
Les grands philosophes de la Grèce antique
La distrazione
Il caffè sospeso
Zio Cardellino
Ulisse era un fico
La Napoli di Bellavista
Le donne sono diverse
Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore (1923-2012)

television presenter, astronomer, autobiographer, film editor, composer, aircraft pilot

Men of the Stars (An Artist's House Book)
William Herschel, astronomer and musician of 19 New King Street, Bath
TV Astronomer
Isaac Newton
Patrick Moore
Stories of science and invention
The next fifty years in space
The planets
Exploring the night sky with binoculars
Guide to Mars
The starry sky
Guide to the planets
Watchers of the stars
The boy's book of space
The atlas of the universe
Mission to the Planets
Amateur astronomy
The Guinness book of astronomy facts & feats
A-Z of astronomy
Teach Yourself Astronomy
The picture history of astronomy
Firefly atlas of the universe
Starry Sky
The observer's book of astronomy
Halley's Cometpop-up book
The amateur astronomer
Philip's atlas of the universe
The International encyclopedia of astronomy
50 Years in Space
The worlds around us.
Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars
The wandering astronomer
Patrick Moore on Mars
The planet Neptune
The Moon
Travellers in space and time
The sky at night
1993 Yearbook of Astronomy
Starry Sky, Revised Edition (Starry Sky)
Guide to the moon
Moon flight atlas
The observer's year
Atlas of the universe
The return of Halley's Comet
Exploring other planets
The sun and moon
Armchair astronomy
Guide to the stars
Can you speak Venusian?
Wonder why book of the earth
Year Book of Astronomy
The new challenge of the stars
More Small Astronomical Observatories
The universe
The sky at night
The stars
Astronomy for the Beginner
Yearbook of Astronomy 2015
The Unfolding Universe
Astronomers' stars
Patrick Moores Astronomy
                Teach Yourself
The new guide to the stars
Telescopes and observatories
Philip's Guide To The Night Sky
Patrick Moore's Astronomy Quiz Book
The Guinness book of astronomy facts & feats
Astronomy encyclopedia
Our Universe
Astronomy Photographer of the Year
1989 Yearbook of Astronomy
First book of stars
Fun to Know About the Mysteries of Space (Fun-to-know-about)
Suns, myths and men
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1998
The Planet Neptune
The return of Halley's comet
1996 Yearbook of Astronomy
2004 Yearbook Of Astronomy
Astronomical telescopes and observatories for amateurs
The sky at night
Astronomy With A Budget Telescope An Introduction To Practical Observing
Black holes in space
The astronomy of Southern Africa
1988 Yearbook of Astronomy
Yearbook of Astronomy 1985
Guide to Stars and Planets (Firefly Pocket Reference)
The amateur astronomer's glossary
Exploring the Earth and Moon
Young Astronomer and His Telescope
Watchers of the stars
The unfolding universe
The development of astronomical thought
The great astronomical revolution
The Cosmic Tourist
Patrick Moore's millennium yearbook
Can You Play Cricket On Mars
Atlas of the universe
The return of Halley's Comet
Patrick Moore's data book of astronomy
Peril on Mars
1981 Yearbook of Astronomy
Philips Guide to the Night Sky
Yearbook of Astronomy 2002
The unfolding universe
Atlas of the Solar System
2001 Yearbook of Astronomy
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1990
Un anno intero sotto il cielo
Yearbook Astronomy 2006 (Yearbook of Astronomy)
Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2016
The Guinness book of astronomy
The universe for the beginner
Watchers of the stars
Basic astronomy
The Great Astronomical Revolution
Suns, Myths and Men
Survey of the moon
The craters of the Moon
Stars and Planets
The new atlas of the universe
2005 Yearbook of Astronomy
Patrick Moore
Naked-eye astronomy
1979 yearbook of astronomy
Moore on Mercury
The Observer's Year
Astronomy for O level
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1983
Space in the sixties
What's new in space?
The sun
Wandering Astronomer
Small Astronomical Observatories: Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)
Explorers of Space
Let's Look at the Sky
Astronomy with a Budget Telescope
The development of astronomical thought
The planet Venus
The amateur astronomer's glossary
Modern Amateur Astronomer
The worlds around us
Book Of Planets
How torecognize the stars
Philip's astronomy encyclopedia
The Observer's Book of Astronomy
The planet Venus
1978 Yearbook of Astronomy
Astronomy for the under tens
Legends of the Stars
1992 Yearbook of Astronomy
Story of the Earth for the Under Tens
Fireside astronomy
The observational amateur astronomer
Black holes in space
Planet Neptune
The pocket guide to astronomy
Patrick Moore's Passion for astronomy
Countdown!, or, How nigh is the end?
The universe for the under tens
Year Book of Astronomy
The data book of astronomy
Patrick Moore's pocket guide to the stars and planets
The sky at night
Patrick Moore on the Moon
Moon flight atlas
Color star atlas
Patrick Moore's story of the earth for the under tens
Astronomy encyclopedia
Astronomy for the Beginner
The sky at night
Exploring the Mysteries of Astronomy
Moore Craters of the Moon
Legends of the planets
Astronomy for GCSE
The space shuttle action book
Philip's guide to the night sky
What's new in space?
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1982
The Observers' Book of Astronomy
The Caldwell Catalogue
Le retour de la comète de Halley
Astronomers' stars
La Luna
New Astronomy Guide
Science and fiction
The Mitchel Beazley new concise atlas of the universe
The 1994 Yearbook of Astronomy
Patrick Moore's passion for astronomy
The Rand McNally new concise atlas of the universe
The new look of the universe
The space shuttle action book
Suns, myths and men
Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe
A guide to the planets
Astronomy with a budget telescope
Yearbook of astronomy
The craters of the moon
Patrick Moore's History of Astronomy
1973 Yearbook of Astronomy
Patrick Moore on Mars
Captives of the moon
The new look of the universe
Armagh Observatory
The Data Book of Astronomy
The moon
The observer's book of astronomy
Space travel for the under tens
The New guide to the planets
Let's look at the sky, the planets
Peril on Mars
Isaac Newton
Basic astronomy
Stars and space
Black holes in space
Return of Halley's Comet
New Guide to the Planets
Caverns of the moon
Naked-eye astronomy
Guide to the moon
80 Not Out
Patrick Moores Yearbook Of Astronomy 2012
Astronomy for O Level
Yearbook of Astronomy-84
Halley's comet pop-up book
Earth satellites
Moore on Mercury
Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2013
Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars
Eyes on the Universe
Modern Amateur Astronomer
Conquest of Air
Armagh Observatory
Brilliant stars
Astronomy : A Complete Introduction
Patrick Moore on Mars
The astronomy of Birr Castle
Life on Mars
Sky at Night
Philip's Guide to Stars and Planets
Mission to the planets
Patrick Moore's Astronomy
The craters of the Moon
Exploring Weather
Astronomia (Aprende Tu Solo)
Young Astronomer and His Telescope, the P
Patrick Moores Yearbook of Astronomy 2011
                Yearbook of Astronomy
The astronomer's telescope
More Small Astronomical Observatories
Patrick Moore's space travel
Planet of fire
Yearbook of Astronomy 2009
Earth satellites
Small Astronomical Observatories
Yearbook of astronomy 1987
Philip's guide to stars and planets
Wanderer in space
Space travel for the beginner
The Guinness book ofastronomy facts & feats
Man the astronomer
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1970
Astronomers' stars
Man's Future in Space (Science in Action)
Exploring the planetarium;
Isaac Newton (Lives to remember)
The development of astronomical thought
The planet Venus
A Handbook of Practical Amateur Astronomy
Observational Amateur Astronomer
2008 Yearbook of Astronomy
Halleys Comet Pop Up
Yearbook of astronomy
Atlas of the Universe
Stars and Planets/08466
First Book of Stars
International Ency of Astronom
Legends of the Stars
Planet Venus 2ND Edition
Moore on Mercury
The Sky at night
The Sky at Night
Invader from space
Patrick Moore's colour star atlas
Isaac Newton
On the moon
Brilliant stars
Crater of fear
The Sun
Modern Amateur Astronomer
Small Astronomical Observatories
The New Atlas Of The Universe
Transit When Planets Cross the Sun
Suns, Myths and Men
The story of astronomy
Le soleil et la lune
The amateur astronomer's glossary
Exploring maps
Patrick Moore's Millennium Yearbook
The Observer's Book Of Astronomy
Seeing stars
Astronomy for the Under Tens
Next Fifty Years in Space
Telescopes and Observatories
The Story of Astronomy
A guide to the planets
The amateur astronomer's glossary
Travellers In Space and Time
Life on Mars
The Atlas of the Universe.
Can You Speak Venusian? A Trip Through the Mysteries of the Cosmos
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1976
Philip's guide to stars and planets
The sky at night.
Planet of Fear
Astronomy for O Level
Moon Flight Atlas
Guide to Mars
Patrick Moore's Astronomy
The International Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1984
The Observer's Year
The New Space Encyclopedia
How to Make the Most of Your Telescope
Voici l'univers
2010 Yearbook Of Astronomy
Sun And Moon, The (Starry Sky)
Philips' Stargazer
The West Country eclipse
Killer comet
Astronomy Before the Telescope
Legends of the Stars
Stars and Planets
Exploring the world
Man the astronomer
Can You Play Cricket on Mars?
Development of Astronomical Thought
Stars of the southern skies
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1977
A handbook of practical amateur astronomy
Patrick Moore's Passion for Astronomy
Space research and exploration
The Astronomy Quiz Book
The Guinness book of astronomy
More Small Astronomical Observatories
The story of man and the stars
Modern astronomy
Suns, myths and men
Les comètes et les étoiles filantes
Patrick Moore's Data Book of Astronomy
Sky above Us
Patrick Moore's armchair astronomy
Astronomer'S Stars
The sun
The unfolding universe
The New Look of the Universe
The picture history of astronomy
Earth Satellite
Sky at Night
Story of Astronomy
Fireside astronomy
Observer's Year
1991 Yearbook of Astronomy
Mission to Mars
Peril on Mars
The Planets
Observational Amateur Astronomer
Astronomy and Space (Volume 1)
The sky at night, 10
Science and fiction
Exploring the World ( The Franklin Watts Refrence Library 2 )
Exploring the night sky with binoculars
Yearbook of astronomy
The yearbook of astronomy 2003
Space in the sixties
A survey of the moon
Patrick Moore's History of astronomy
Watchers of the stars : the scientific revolution
Rand McNally Seeing stars
The starry sky
Naked-eye astronomy
Patrick Moore's beginner's guide to astronomy
A guide to the stars
Space In The Sixties
Men of the Stars
Can You Play Cricket on Mars?
The Mitchell Beazley concise atlas of the universe
The Astronomy encyclopaedia
Eyes on the Universe
The Astronomy of Birr Castle
The moon raiders
Yearbook of Astronomy, 1975
Data Book of Astronomy
The Cosmic Tourist -The 100 Most Awe-inspiring Destinations in the Universe
The Astronomy Encyclopedia
Patrick Moore
A survey of the moon
Raiders of Mars
Conquest of the Air The Story of the Wright Brothers
Exploring the earth and moon
Yearbook of astronomy
Étoiles et planètes
Stars of the Southern Skies
The voices of Mars
Astronomy with a Budget Telescope
The domes of Mars
Encyclopedia of Astronomy
Anno Intero Sotto il Cielo
The earth, our home
Yr Bk Astronomy
Starry Sky
Spy in space
Comets and Shooting Stars
Life on Mars
Sun in Eclipse
Fireside Astronomy
Science and Fiction
The planets
The next fifty years in space
Voices of Mars
Exploring the world
Isaak Newton
The planet Venus
Your book of astronomy
Legends of the stars
Eyes on the universe
The sun
The boys' book of astronomy
Destination Luna
The Caxton atlas of the universe
Exploring maps
The true book about man
The stars above
1986 yearbook of astronomy
Gezegenler kilavuzu
New concise atlas of the universe
Guide to comets
The Space Shuttle achoi book
The earth, our home
The star of Bethlehem
Stars and space
Practical amateur astronomy
Planet of fear
The sky at night
First steps in astronomy
Exploring earth history
Crater of fear
The Planets
Yearbook of astronomy
Survey of the moon
The sky at night
Guide to the stars
Yearbook of astronomy
Guide to the planets
The comets; visitors from space
A guide to the planets
Étoiles et planètes
Exploring the moon
Stories of science and invention
The stars
The Stars
The terror star
Can you speak Venusian?
Yearbook of astronomy
Het heelal
Exploring the Earth and Moon
The Mitchell Beazley new concise atlas of the universe
Philip's guide to the night sky
Legends of the stars
Exploring weather
Yearbook of astronomy
Les planètes
Wonder why book of the earth
Exploring the planetarium
Stars and Space
The Sky at Night
The sun
Exploring the galaxies
Exploring the stars
Let's look at the sky, the stars
The observer's book of astronomy
Exploring the planetarium
Man's future in space
Telescopes and observatories
Saturn (Rand McNally Library of Astronomical Atlases for Amateur and)
Astronomy for GCSE
Exploring other planets
Conquest of the air
Let's look at the sky
The amateur astronomer's glossary
Exploring the world
Space exploration
The new look of the universe
Patrick Moore's guide to the 1999 total eclipse
The secret of the black hole
Travellers in space and time
UK Solar Eclipses from Year 1
The atlas of the universe
Exploring the galaxies
Space in the sixties
Suns, myths, and men
The Development of astronimical thought
The astronomy of Birr Castle
The true book about man
Yearbook of astronomy
Exploring maps
Stars of the southern skies
Philip's guide to the night sky
The story of man and the stars
The starry sky
Exploring earth history
Astronomy and space research
Exploring rocks
Yearbook of astronomy
Guide to Mars
The craters of the moon
Patrick Moore's Pocket guide to the stars and planets
Philip's guide to stars and planets
Yearbook of Astronomy
Space exploration
Earth satellites
The Mitchell Beazley new concise atlas of the universe
Yearbook of astronomy
Handbook of Astronomy
The southern stars
Comets and shooting stars
A survey of the moon
Your book of astronomy
The solar system
Telescopes and observatories
Daniel Picouly
Daniel Picouly (born 1948)

television presenter

  • University of Paris, Panthéon-Assas University
La faute d'orthographe est ma langue maternelle
Nos histoires de France
Le Champ de personne
Thumbelina of Toulaba
La treizième mort du chevalier
Folio Junior
Schwimmstunde mit Marilyn
LA Lumiere Des Fous
Hondo mène l'enquête
Hans Bouman
68, mon amour
L' enfant léopard
Las Trece Muertes Del Caballero (Alianza Literaria (Al))
Der Leopardenjunge
Le coeur à la craie
Un beau jeudi pour tuer Kennedy
La Lumiere DES Fous
Le cri muet de l'iguane
La donzelle
Fort de l'eau
Tête de Nègre
Paulette et Roger
Fängt ja gut an, das Leben
Y a pas péno
Le lutteur de sumo
On lit trop dans ce pays
Fort De 'Eau
Un bâton de rouge dans le chargeur
Longtemps je me suis couché de bonheur (French Edition)
La lumière des fous
El Nino Leopardo/ Leopardo the Kid
Poucette de Toulaba
Nos géographies de France
L'école des filles, l'école des garçons
Les larmes du vin
Lulu princesse
Les petites histoires de Lulu Vroumette
Les colonies de vacances
Quatre-vingt-dix secondes
Paris, rive noire
L'enfant léopard
La nuit de Lampedusa
Le Champ de personne
Lumières d'enfance
La maîtresse de Lulu a disparu
Lulu présidente!
Lulu Vroumette
La victoire du nègre
Y'a pas péno
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck (born 1964)

radio personality, television presenter, journalist, politician, public figure, businessperson

Being George Washington
Dreamers and deceivers
Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America
The snow angel
The Christmas sweater
The Overton Window
Glenn Beck's common sense
Arguing with idiots
The 7
The original argument
Agenda 21
An Inconvenient Book
The Real America
Idiots Unplugged Truth For Those Who Care To Listen
The immortal Nicholas
The eye of Moloch
The eye of Moloch
An inconvenient book
The Eye Of Moloch
Arguing with Socialists
Great Reset
Addicted to Outrage
Dark Future
Agenda 21
Chasing Embers
The Overton window
Saving Aziz
Agenda 21
The Overton window
8.28.2010 - Miracle on the Mall - A Scrapbook for My Children
The Christmas Sweater
We Are Brothers
Pilgrim Hypotesis
Propaganda Wars
The Overton Window
Inconvenient Book
Real America
Real America Messages From the Heart &
Arguing with Idiots
Agenda 21
Miracles and Massacres
Kırmızı kazak
Being George Washington
The Original Argument
Book of American Heroes
The Oarsman
The Snow Angel
Christmas Sweater
Arguing with idiots : how to stop small minds and big government
The Great AI
American Crisis
Mission Without Borders
Kar Melegi
Laura Ingraham
Laura Ingraham (born 1963)

radio personality, television presenter, lawyer, journalist, law clerk, jurist

  • Dartmouth College, University of Virginia School of Law
The Hillary Trap
Of thee I zing
The Obama Diaries
Power to the People
Power to the people
Shut Up & Sing
Billionaire at the barricades
The Obama diaries
Franz Alt
Franz Alt (born 1938)

journalist, television presenter, theologian

Deutschland ist erneuerbar
Frieden ist möglich
Es begann mit Adenauer
Peace is possible
Liebe ist möglich
Frieden und Freiheit sind möglich
Es begann mit Adenauer
Advances in Computers
Schilfgras statt Atom
Krieg um Öl oder Frieden durch die Sonne
Das ökologische Wirtschaftswunder
La pace è possibile
Der Prozess der ersten Regierungsbildung unter Konrad Adenauer
Frieden ist möglich
Von der Armee zur europäischen Friedenstruppe
Das ökologische Wirtschaftswunder
Wege zur ökologischen Zeitenwende (German Edition)
Wohlstand für keinen
Material zum Problem der Kommunikation in der Demokratie
Advances in computers
Die Sonne schickt uns keine Rechnung
Jesus--der erste neue Mann
Der ökologische Jesus
Raum für Zukunft
Agrarwende jetzt
Sicher auf neuen Wegen
Brauchen wir ein neues Parteiensystem?
Visionen + Aktionen für Kopfbahnhof und Stadt
L'Arme absolue, les Béatitudes
Wind des Wandels
Entwicklung braucht Energie
Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert (1942-2013)

film critic, journalist, reporter, presenter, television presenter

  • University of Cape Town, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
A kiss is still a kiss
Life itself
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Questions for the movie answer man
The perfect London walk
Scorsese by Ebert
The Pot and How to Use It
Two Weeks in the Midday Sun
The Great Movies
Roger Eberts Home Movie Companion 400
Roger Eberts Movie Yearbook 2013
                Roger Eberts Movie Yearbook
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2000 (Roger Eberts Movie Yearbook, 2000)
The Tragedy of Hamlet with Connections
Roger Ebert's four-star reviews, 1967-2007
Roger Ebert's video companion.
Roger Ebert's Video Companion, 1994
The great movies III
A Horrible Experience Of Unbearable Length More Movies That Suck
Roger Ebert's video companion
Awake in the Dark
Behind the Phantom's mask
Roger Ebert'S Movie Yearbook 2001
Roger Ebert's movie home companion
Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion
Roger Ebert's Video Companion 1996 edition
I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2005
Movie Home Companion
Las Grandes Peliculas (Ma Non Troppocine)
Your Movie Sucks
Roger Ebert'S Movie Yearbook 2002
Roger Ebert's video companion
The great movies II
The Bigger Little Book of Hollywood Cliches
The future of the movies
Grandes Peliculas 2/ Big Movies 2 (Ma Non Troppocine)
Awake in the Dark : The Best of Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert's movie yearbook 2006
Roger Ebert's movie yearbook 2009
Scorsese by Ebert
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2003
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 1999 (Serial)
Ebert's bigger little movie glossary
The great movies
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2004 (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
Roger Ebert's movie yearbook 2007
The Little book of Hollywood cliches
Ebert's Little Movie Glossary
Roger Ebert's Video Companion 1997 (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
A kiss is still a kiss
The great movies IV
Ebert's little movie glossary
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2006 (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
Roger Ebert's book of film
Your Movie Sucks
The computer insectiary
Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook 2007 (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
Images at the horizon
Images at the Horizon
Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion, 1989 Edition
An Illini century
Roger Ebert's Video Companion 1998 (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
An Illini century
Ebert's Bests
Two weeks in the midday sun
Roger Ebert's pocket video guide
Roger Ebert's Video Companion 1995/Roger Ebert's Pocket Video Guide (Roger Ebert's Movie Yearbook)
Die Zustandigkeit Der Tarifvertragsparteien Zum Abschlub Von Verbands- Und Firmentarifvertragen
Roger Ebert's movie home companion
Life Itself
Herzog by Ebert
Bth Behind Phantm Msk
The Real Tom Jones
Peter Ustinov
Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)

actor, film director, television presenter, playwright, film producer, autobiographer, comedian, television actor

  • Westminster School
Photo finish
The Loser
Great humorous stories
The Old Man and Mr. Smith
Romanoff and Juliet
The love of four colonels
Life is an operetta and other short stories
The unknown soldier and his wife
Ustinov in Russia
Monsieur René
Ustinov still at large
Halfway up the tree
The disinformer
Quotable Ustinov
Monsieur Rene
The frontiers of the sea
Five plays
Add a dash of pity and other short stories
My Russia
Beethoven's tenth
Add a Dash of Pity
Achtung! Vorurteile
We were only human
Die endlose Reise
Ustinov at Eighty
God & The State Railways
Die Reise geht weiter. Neue Geschichten von unterwegs
The Banbury nose
Monsieur Rene
Karneval der Tiere / Des Esels Schatten
Ustinov's diplomats
Der alte Mann und Mr. Smith
Achtung! Vorurteile
Halb auf dem Baum und andere Komödien
The Millennium Generation
Monsieur Rene
The frontiers of the sea: short stories
Ich und Ich. Jubiläumsausgabe
Dear Me CD
Rectorial address delivered at an academic ceremony in the Caird Hall, Dundee, on 17th October 1968
Rectorial address delivered in the University [of Dundee] 3rd November 1972
The moment of truth
The Comedy Collection
House of regrets
The wit of Peter Ustinov
A mitad de camino
Photo finish, an adventure in biography in three acts
Die Heirat und andere Komödien
Le vieil homme et M. Smith
Love of Four Colonels
Peter Ustinovs geflügelte Worte
Der Intrigant. Zwei Novellen
Gott und die Staatlichen Eisenbahnen
Ich und Ich
Das UNICEF- Weihnachtsgeschichtenbuch
Was ich von der Liebe weiß. Großdruck. Beflügelte Weisheiten
The Loser
Neues aus der alten Welt
Romanoff and Juliet
The frontiers of the sea
Romanof ṿe-Yulyah
Viejo y Mister Smith, El
Ustinovs kleines Welttheater. Staatsmänner, Stars und andere Kollegen
Die endlose Reise
The Love of Four Colonels. A Play in Two Acts.
Sof ha-meruts
Photo Finish
Le Viel homme et monsieur Smith
The many voices of Peter Ustinov. Conversation with Cliff Michelmore
The unknown soldier and his wife
How to be terribly, terribly funny
Romanoff and Juliet
Der Verlierer
Le désinformateur
Photo finish
Still at Large
Plays about people. [The tragedy of good intentions : Blow your own trumpet
Quotable Ustinov
Add a Dash of Pity
The love of four colonels, a play in two acts
The loser, a novel
Romanoff and Juliet..a Comedy in Three Acts
Über das Leben und andere Kleinigkeiten
THE BANBURY NOSE A Play in Four Acts.
We were only human
Frontiers of the Sea by Peter Ustinov (1966-11-06)
James Thurber
Der Mann, der es leicht nahm. Erzählungen
The Methuen Book of Theatre Verse
Plays about people
Dear Me
C. S. S. Dear Me
Ustinov at Large
The Laughter Omnibus
Five Plays
Dear Me
Beyond, a play in one act
Halfway up the tree
Old Man and Mr. Smith
Für jedes Kind