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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 249-256 out of 344 results
Max Horkheimer
Max Horkheimer (1895-1973)

philosopher, pedagogue, sociologist, literary critic

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Goethe University Frankfurt
A Life in Letters
Philosophische Fragmente
Kritische Theorie
Towards A New Manifesto
Survey of the social sciences in Western Germany
Between Philosophy and Social Science
Zur Kritik der instrumentellen Vernunft
Gesammelte Schriften
Wirtschaft, Recht und Staat im Nationalsozialismus
Gesammelte Schriften IV
Gesammelte Schriften XII
Kritische Theorie
Dialektik der Aufklärung
Traditionelle und kritische Theorie
Criticas De La Razon Instrumental (Filosofia)
Gesammelte Schriften III
Gesammelte Schriften I
Gesammelte Schriften VI
Über das Vorurtell
Teori ve Pratik Uzerine
Traditionelle und kritische Theorie
Éclipse de la raison
Sociologica 2
Teoria Critica
Notizen 1950 bis 1969 und Dämmerung
Horkheimer und Italien
Dawn & decline
Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung
Gesellschaft im "Ubergang
Les débuts de la philosophie bourgeoise de l'histoire
Dialéctica de la Ilustración
Dialéctica de la Ilustración
Aydinlanmanin Diyalektigi
Notes critiques, 1949-1969
Bericht des scheidenden Rektors Max Horkheimer bei der Rektoratsübergabe am 12. November 1953
Akademisches Studium, Begriff der Bildung, Fragen des Hochschulunterrichts
Materialismo, Metafisica Y Moral / Materialism, Metaphysics and Moral (Filosofia / Philosophy)
Aus der Pubertät
Anfa nge der bu rgerlichen Geschichtsphilosophie
Teoria Tradicional, Teoria Critica
Autoridad Y Familia
A la busqueda del sentido. - 2.Ed.
Sociedad, Razon y Libertad
Verwaltete Welt
Critical theory; selected essays
Théorie traditionnelle et théorie critique
Über die Freiheit
Sosyolojik Acilimlar
Anhelo de Justicia
Sozialphilosophische Studien
Zum Begriff der Vernunft
Max Horkheimer
Dämmerung, Notizen in Deutschland
La funcion de las ideologias
Filosofie en kritische theorie
Ocaso (Pensamiento Critico)
Akıl Tutulması
Um die Freiheit
Zeugnisse, Theodor W. Adorno zum sechzigsten Geburtstag
Le dialectique de la raison
Oplysningens dialektik
Die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Philosophie
La dialectique de la raison
Critica de la razon instrumental / Critique of instrumental reason
The end of reason
Kant: la critica del giudizio
Gesammelte Schriften VIII
Dialéctica de la Ilustración
Anfänge der bürgerlichen Geschichtsphilosophie
˜Aœ felvilágosodás dialektikája
Gesammelte Schriften
Apšvietos dialektika
Gesammelte Schriften XVI. Briefwechsel 1937-1940.
Gesellschaft im Übergang
Krytyka instrumentalnego rozumu
Gesammelte Schriften VII.
An Maidon ; e Zum Schicksal der Religion
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
Studies in philosophy and social science
Dialettica dell'illuminismo
Gesammelte Schriften XIV. Nachgelassene Schriften 1949 - 1972. 5. Notizen.
Gesammelte Schriften XVIIII. Nachträge, Verzeichnisse und Register.
Bidayat falsafa al tarikh
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)

politician, political scientist, diplomat, entrepreneur, pedagogue, autobiographer, businessperson, foreign minister

  • George Washington Educational Campus, City College of New York
On China
White House years
Years of renewal
Years of upheaval
White House years
Years of Upheaval
Years of Renewal
White House years
Years of Upheaval
The White House Years
Years of upheaval
Henry Kissinger Foreign Policy e-Book Boxed Set
שנותי בבית הלבן
Wo yan zhong de Zhou Enlai
American foreign policy
World order
The troubled partnership
Nuclear weapons and foreign policy
Does America need a foreign policy?
For the Record
American foreign policy
The necessity for choice
On China
Nuclear Security
For the record
American Foreign Policy
Ending the Vietnam War
On China Henry Kissinger
Does The 21st Century Belong To China Kissinger And Zakaria Vs Ferguson And Li The Munk Debate On China
The Age of A.I.
Problems of national strategy
Meaning of History
Reflections, October 2001
World Order
Kissinger on Kissinger
Das Gleichgewicht der Grossmächte
Troubled Partnership (Atlantic Policy Study)
The export of nuclear technology
The global challenge and international cooperation
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi '87, 88
The National Security Council
Les Malentendus Transatlantiques
Global consensus and economic development
China - 1. edición
Les malentendus transalantiques
White Youse Years Special Income
World Restored Europe After Napoleon
American Foreign Policy
Zhu Rongji on the Record : The Road to Reform
Le chemin de la paix ; essai
Report of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
White House Years Reprint Income
Debate Entre El Vino Y La Cerveza Y Otros Papeles De Cocina
Mafhūm al-siyāsah al-khārijīyah al-Amrīkīyah
Die Herausforderung Amerikas. Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War
Crisis : The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises
Les années de renouveau
Problems Of National Strategy
La Nouvelle Puissance Américaine
Die Vernunft der Nationen
Kissinger Report
Issues on My Mind
The Kissinger transcripts
Major statements on Latin America
Lun Zhongguo
The troubled partnership
Nuclear nonproliferation
New Russian Diplomacy
Henry Kissinger the Complete Memoirs e-Book Boxed Set
Does America Need a Foreign Policy?
The Transatlantic crisis
Hemispheric cooperation for development
Beyaz Saray Yillarim
Nuclear Weapons and the Peace Movement
Problems of National Strategy
America and Asia
Global peace, the Middle East, and the United States
Years of Upheaval
A la maison blanche (1968-1973)
Kissinger Transcripts
Kernwaffen und Auswärtige Politik
Kisshinjā hakushi Nihon no 21-seiki o yogensuru
Zhu Rongji on the Record
Southern Africa and the United States, an agenda for cooperation
The United States and Japan in a changing world
Years of Renewal
Human rights and the Western Hemisphere
Diplomacia, La
On China
Memoiren Bd. I. 1968-1973
Building an enduring foreign policy
The Troubled Partnership
Wo men wu pan le Zhongguo
U.S. and Soviet Policies Toward Asia and Implications for the Korean Peninsula
Zhongguo jiang cheng ba 21 shi ji ma?
Report of Secretary of State Kissinger on his visits to Latin America, Western Europe, and Africa
Statement, May 9, 1975, Washington, D.C
Reconsideracion Del Nuevo Orden Mundial
The troubled partnership
Henry Kissinger
Years of Renewal
Les Années orageuses, tome 2
Henry A. Kissinger speaks on Communist parties in Western Europe,  challenge to the West, at the Conference on Italy and Eurocommunism, sponsored by the Hoover Institution and the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D. C., June 9, 1977
American Foreign Policy
Years of Upheaval
The United States and Latin America, the new opportunity
Years of Upheaval
Problems of National Strategy
Kissinger the Negotiator
American unity and the national interest
Latin America, Europe, and Africa
Bureaucracy, politics, and strategy
Problems of National Strategy (A Book of Readings)
NATO, the next thirty years
Communist parties in western Europe
United States and Middle Eastern policy in a changing global arena
The United States and Africa, strengthening the relationship
The industrial democracies, the imperative of cooperation
Monetary Policy and Defense of the "Grey Areas"
White House Years
Statement, December 3, 1974, [Washington, D.C.]
White House Years
Orden mundial
Cohesion of industrial democracies, precondition for global progress
Ordinea mondiala
Lee Kuan Yew
Years of Upheaval
Egypt-Israel agreement
The future of America's foreign policy
American Foreign Policy
Strategic trends towards the 21st century
Kakuheiki to gaikō seisaku
al-Bārzānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Henry Kissinger papers
Three addresses on foreign policy
"We will never abandon Israel"
O Kitae
Da wai jiao
Poni︠a︡tʹ Putina
נשק גרעיני ומדיניות חוץ
La Diplomacia (Diplomacy)
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi 87, 88
Lezioni di politica di Henry Kissinger
À la Maison Blanche
Communist parties in western Europe
A nova América Latina
Memoiren 1973-1974 Band 2
I︠A︡dernoe oruzhie i vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika
Stanet li XXI vek vekom Kita︠i︡a
The necessity for choice
The troubled partnership
American foreign policy
Nuzhna li Amerike vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika?
Bārazānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Pierre Bergounioux
Pierre Bergounioux (born 1949)

diarist, literary critic, teacher, sculptor

  • École normale supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
La Toussaint
Back in the Sixties (en français)
Le Premier Mot
Trente mots
Trois années
Cousus ensemble
Pierre Bergounioux, l'héritage
Le matin des origines
Le grand sylvain
Jusqu'à Faulkner
Bourdieu et la littérature
Simple magistraux et autres antidotes
Conversations sur l'Isle
La mue
Carnet de notes
La cécité d'Homère
La maison rose
La Demeure des ombres
Le bois du chapitre
Un peu de bleu dans le paysage
École, mission accomplie
C'était nous
La mort de Brune
Le chevron
B-17 G
Flaubert, l'empire de la bêtise
Agir, écrire
La casse
L' invention du présent
Carnet de notes, 1991-2000
Johan Zoffany
La bête faramineuse
Ce pas et le suivant
Peindre aujourd'hui
L' immémorable
L' orphelin
La ligne
L' arbre sur la rivière
Utopies en Limousin
Exister par deux fois
Deux querelles
La fin du monde en avançant
Une chambre en Hollande
La puissance du souvenir dans l'écriture
Carnet de notes
Una habitació a Holanda
Un écho lacunaire
Marinette Cueco
Le récit absent
Les forges de Syam
L'Algérie des deux rives
Où est le passé
Les restes du monde
Une passion française
Univers préférables
Pycniques et leptosomes
Haute tension
Una habitació a Holanda
Le style comme expérience
Paysages entre rêve et terre
Aimer la grammaire
Una habitació a Holanda
Compagnies de Pierre Michon
Chasseur à la manque
Mirra Alfassa
Mirra Alfassa (1878-1973)

mystic, occultist, yogi, teacher, translator

  • Académie Julian
Education, life & yoga
The hidden forces of life : selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Integral Healing
Looking from within
Commentaries on the Dhammapada, US Edition (Buddhism)
Flowers and their messages
Sunlit Path
The psychic being
Flowers and their Messages
Questions and Answers 1953
Words of Long Ago
Search for the soul in everyday living
White roses
Prayers & Meditations
On Thoughts and Aphorisms
Mother's agenda
Śrīmātr̥ vākkulu
Prières et méditations
Commentaires sur le Dhammapada
Search for the Soul in Everyday Living
Collected works
Education Part 2
Words of long ago
Commentaries on "Elements of Yoga"
Mātājīnī vāṇī
Flowers & Their Messages, US Edition
Health & Healing in Yoga
A mother's blessing and other stories
Notes on the Way
Growing within
Words of the Mother
Stories told by the Mother
Tales of all time
Prayers and Mantras
On Women
Prières annuelles, 1933-1961
Conversations 1929-30-31
Soul and its Powers
Collected Works of The Mother, 17 Vol. Set
Burning Brazier
More Answers from The Mother (Volume 17 of Coll. Works of The Mother) Deluxe
On Physical Education
The Lesson of Life
Golden book of the mother
Some Answers from The Mother (Volume 16 of Collected Works of The Mother)
Flowers - the Smile of the Divine
More Answers from The Mother (Volume 17 of Coll. Works of The Mother) Popular
Questions and answers, 1955
Guidance in Work
Douce Mère
L' agenda de Mère
Mātājīnāṃ motī
The Mother on Herself
On Education
The Mother on Desires
Our many selves
Mantras of the Mother
The Supreme Discovery
Prières annuelles =
Powers within
Commentaries on "the Life Divine"
Surrender and Grace (Yoga)
Questions and answers, 1956
Seeds of Light
Prayers and Meditations (Selected)
About Savitri
Questions and answers, 1957 & 1958
Education Part 3
Carnet de laboratoire
Notes sur le chemin
Paintings and Drawings
Mirra Alfassa, paintings and drawings
Ideal Child
About Savriti
Helping Humanity
Paroles d'autrefois
125th birth anniversary of The Mother, 21st February, 2003
About Savitri
A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga
Loving homage
Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann (1847-1935)

painter, illustrator, printmaker, collector, graphic artist, teacher, architectural draftsperson, etcher, lithographer, drawer, visual artist

  • Weimar Saxon-Grand Ducal Art School
Die Phantasie in der Malerei ; Schriften und Reden
Max Liebermann in seiner Zeit
Eine Liebe zu Berlin
Max Liebermann
Die Phantasie in der Malerei
Gesammelte Schriften
Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann en Holland
"Image of his soul"
Graphische Blätter von Max Liebermann und Lovis Corinth aus eigenem Bestand
Ein Impressionismus f ur Hamburgs B urgertum: Max Liebermann und Alfred Lichtwark
Max Liebermanns Arbeiten für den Fritz Heyder Verlag
Max Liebermann and international modernism
Zeichnungen, mit einer Einleitung von Hans W. Singer
Jozef Israels
Zeichnungen von Max Liebermann
Zum 80. Geburtstag von Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann und Emil Nolde
Max Liebermann und die französischen Impressionisten (German Edition)
Im Garten von Max Liebermann
Siebzig briefe
Max Liebermann
Die Handzeichnungen Max Liebermanns
Liebermann, Slevogt, Corinth
Max Liebermann, achtundvierzig Bilder
Der Jesus-Skandal
Max Liebermanns graphische Kunst
Siebzig Briefe, hrsg. von Franz Landsberger
Max Liebermann am Meer
Im Garten von Max Liebermann. Ausstellung, Hamburger Kunsthalle, 11.6. - 26.9.2004
Was vom Leben übrig bleibt, sind Bilder und Geschichten
ʻAl ha-dimyon ba-tsiyur
Ein Impressionismus für Hamburgs Bürgertum
Max Liebermann in Braunschweig
Nichts trügt weniger als der Schein
Max Liebermann: Poesie des einfachen Lebens. Ausstellung Kunsthalle W urth, Schw abisch Hall, 13. September 2003 - 29. Februar 2004
Josef Israels
Liebermann, Slevogt, Corinth
Der Zwölfjährige Jesus im Tempel von Max Liebermann
Liebermann und Klee
Für Max Liebermann, 1847-1935
Max Liebermann, der Birkenweg
Liebermann und Van Gogh
Max Lieberman, Bilder ohne Worte
Een Anarchist is der Kerl doch.
Max Liebermann, Briefe
Max Liebermann und Frankreich
Verlorene Schätze
Ausstellung von Werken von Max Liebermann
Max Liebermann und die Holländer
Max Liebermann in Hamburg
Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi
Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (1002-1071)

muhaddith, historian, teacher

al- Sābiq wa-al-lāḥiq
Tārīkh Baghdād
al-Sābiq wa-al-lāḥiq
L' introduction topographique â l'histoire de Bagdâdh d'Aboû Bakr Aḥmad ibn Thâbit al-Khatîb al-Bagdâdhî
al-Qawl fī ʻilm al-nujūm
Al- Kifāyah fī 'ilm al-riwāyah
al- Taṭfīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-ṭufaylīyīn wa-akbhārihim wa-nawādir kalāmihim wa-ashʻārihim
Risālah fī ʻilm al-nujūm
al- Fawāʾid al-muntakhabah al-ṣiḥāḥ wa-al-gharāʾib
Tālī Talkhīṣ al-mutashābih fī al-rasm
Tārīkh al-anbiyāʾ
al- Faṣl lil-waṣl al-mudraj fī al-naql
Faqīh wa-al-mutafaqqih
Kitāb al-faqīh wa-al-mutafaqqih
Taqyĭd al-`Ilm
Tārĭkh Baghdād aw madĭnat al-salām
al -Kifāyah fĭ `ilm al-riwāyah
Tarikh Baghdad
al -Jāmi` li-akhlāq al-rāwĭ wa-ādāb al-sāmi`
al- Jāmiʻ li-akhlāq al-rāwī wa-ādāb al-sāmiʻ
Iqtiḍā' al-'ilm al-'amal
Taqyīd al-ʻilm
al-Riḥlah fī ṭalab al-Ḥadīth
Ghunyat al-multamis īḍāḥ al-multabis
Taṭ fīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-ṭufaylīyīn wa-akhbārihim wa-nawādir kalāmihim wa-ashʻārihim
Kitāb al-faqīḥ wa-al-mutafaqqih wa-uṣūl al-fiqh
Kitāb mūḍiḥ awhām al-jamʻ wa-al-tafrīq
Tārīkh al-anbiyāʾ
Kifāyah fī maʻrifat uṣūl ʻilm al-riwāyah
Al- Tatfil wa -hikayat al-tufaylyyin
Sharaf aṣḥāb al-Ḥadīth
Al- Bukhala'
L' introduction topographique à l'histoire de Bagd̂adh dAbôu Bakr Ahamad ibn Tĥabit al-Khat̂ib al-Bagd̂adĥi (392-463 H. 1002-1071 J.-C.)  Par Georges Salmon
Mukhtār Mukhtaṣar kitāb Tārīkh Baghdād li-Abī Bakr Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī al-Khaṭīb (t. 463 H)
Naṣīḥat ahl al-Ḥadīth
Tārīkh Baghdād aw madīnat al-salām
al- Bukhalāʾ
al- Taṭfīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-ṭufaylīyīn wa-akbhāruhum wa-nawādir kalāmihim wa-ashʻārihim
al-Amālī bi-Jāmiʻ Dimashq
Taqyīd al-ʻilm
Muwaḍḍiḥ awhām al-jamʻ wa-al-tafrīq
Sharaf aṣhāb al-Ḥadīth
ترجمة الامام ابي حنيفة النعمان بن ثابت امام اهل الرأي منقولة من تاريخ بغداد للامام العلامة المحدث ابي بكر الخطيب البغدادي
al-Taṭfīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-ṭufaylīyīn wa-akhbāruhum wa-nawādir kalāmihum wa-ashʻar̄ihum
Kitāb al-asmāʼ al-mubhamah fī al-anbāʼ al-muḥkamah
Kitāb al-kifāyah fī ʻilm al-riwāyah
Kitāb al-Faqīh wa-al-mutafaqqih
Taʼrīkh Baghdād
Kitāb al-Muttafiq wa-al-muftariq
al-Jāmiʻ li-akhlāq al-rāwī wa-ādāb al-sāmiʻ
Iqtiḍāʼ al-ʻilm al-ʻamal
Tārīkh Baghdād aw madīnat al-salām
الجزء فيه ذكر صلاة التسبيح و الأحاديث التي رويت عن النبي (ص) فيها و اختلاف الناقلين لها
al-Ishārāt ilá bayān al-asmāʼ al-mubhamāt
al-Taṭfīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-ṭufaylīyīn wa-akhbārihim wa-nawādir kalāmihim wa-ashʻārihim
اجازة المجهول والمعدوم وتعليقها بشرطن
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Faqīh wa-al-mutafaqqih
Sharaf ashāb al-hadīth
Nasihat ahl al-Hadith
كتاب الفقيه والمتفقه وأصول الفقه
Sharaf aṣḥāb al-ḥadīth ; wa-Naṣīḥat ahl al-ḥadīth
Kītāb al-kifāyah fī ʻilm al-riwāyah
جزء مسألة الاحتجاج بالشافعي
al-Faqīh wa-al-muttafaqah
al-Taṣnīf al-mawḍūʻī li-Tārīkh Baghdād
al-Qawl fī ʻilm al-nujūm
L'introduction topographique à l'histoire de Bagdâdh d'Aboû, Bakr Aḥmad ibn Thâbit al-Khatîb al-Bagdâdhî (392-463 H.= 1002-1071 J.-C.)
Kitāb Talkhīṣ al-mutashābih fī al-rasm wa-ḥimāyat mā ashkala minhu ʻan bawādir al-taṣḥīf wa-al-wahm
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Faqīh wa-al-mutafaqqih
al-Taṭfīl wa-ḥikāyāt al-Ṭufaylīyīn wa-akhbāruhum wa-nawādir kalāmihim wa-ashʻārihim
al-Kifāyah fī maʻrifat uṣūl ʻilm al-riwāyah
al- Muntakhab min kitāb al-zuhd wa-al-raqāʾiq
al-Muʼtanif takmilat al-Muʼtalif wa-al-mukhtalif
Kitāb muwḍiḥ awhām al-jamʻ wa-al-tafrīq
Al Faqih wal mutafaqqih
Muttafiq wa-al-Muftariq
Kitāb al-Asmāʾ al-mubhamah fī al-anbāʾ al-muḥkamah
Tahdhīb Sharaf aṣḥāb al-ḥadīth
Jurji Zaydan
Jurji Zaydan (1861-1914)

poet, journalist, teacher, journal editor

  • American University of Beirut
Al- Hajjaj ibn Yusuf
Muʼallafāt Jirjī Zaydān al-kāmilah
Tarājim mashāhīr al-Sharq
Mashāhīr al-Sharq (2) ; al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah ; Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Mudhakkirāt Jirjī Zaydān
Yawmīyāt riḥlah baḥrīyah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (4) ; Mashāhīr al-Sharq [1]
Tarājim mashāhīr al-Sharq fī al-qarn al-tāsiʻ ʻashar
Bunāt al-nahḍah al-ʻArabīyah
Tarajim mashāhīr al-Sharq fi al-qarn al-tasiʻ ʻashar
Umayyads and ʻAbbásids
Tarikh adab al-lughah al-'Arabiyah
Fath al-Andalus
Ta'rīkh al-tamaddun al-islāmī
Tarikh al-Tamaddun al-Islami
ʻAdhrāʾ Quraysh
Abu Muslim al-Khurasani
Umayyads and ʻAbbasids
Saladin and the assassins
The caliph's heirs
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Jihad al-muhibbin
Tabaqāt al-umam
Asir al-Mutamahdi
The battle of Poitiers
The conquest of Andalusia
Al- 'Arab qabla al-Islam
Al- Falsafah al-lughawiyah wa-al-alfaz al-'Arabiyah
Medenīyet-i İslāmīye tārīhi
The caliph's sister
ʻArūs Farghānah
Tārīkh adāb al-lughat al-'arabīya
Tārīkh al-Māsūnīyah al-ʻāmm
Misr al-Uthmaniyah (Kitab al-Hilal)
17 Ramaḍān ; al-Amīn wa-al-Maʼmūn ; Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī
Jihād al-muḥibbīn
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Fatḥ al-Andalus, aw, Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād
Kitāb ʻIlm al-firāsah al-ḥadīthah
ʻAdhrāʼ Quraysh ; Fatāt al-Qayrawān ; al-ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd
Tārīk̲h̲ tamaddun-i Islām
Ghādat Karbalāʼ ; ʻArūs Farghānah ; Shajarat al-Durr
'Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir
Fatāt al-Qayrawān
Abū Muslim al-Khurāsānī ; Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn ; al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf
al- Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf
ʻArūs-i Farg̲h̲ānāh
Fatat Ghassan
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī
'Arus Farghanah
Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn wa-makāyid al-Ḥashāshīn
Pengantin Fergana
Mukhtārāt Jirjī Zaydān
ʻArūs Farghānah
Miṣr al-ʻUthmānīyah
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Armanusat al-Misriyah
Istibdad al-Mamalik
al- Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al- Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ al-ʻArabīyah
Al Abbassa
Sharl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān
Al- Amin wa-al-Ma'mun
Sharl wa-'Abd al-Rahman
Ghadat Karbala'
Asīr al-Mutamahdī ; al-Mamlūk al-shārid ; Jihād al-muḥibbīn
Fatḥ al-Andalus
Istibdād al-Mamālīk
Penaklukan Andalus
Asīr al-Mutamahdī
Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah khāḍiʻ li-nāmūs al-irtiqāʼ bi-iʻtibār annahā kāʼin ḥayy nāmin
Al- Mamluk al-sharid
al- ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd
Inqilāb al-ʻUthmānī ; Fatḥ al-Andalus ; Istibdād al-Mamālīk
al-H ̣ajjāj ibn Yūsuf
Mudhakkirāt Jurjī Zaydān
Riḥlah ilá Ūrūbbā, 1912
Sabʻat ʻashar Ramaḍān
Fatāt Ghassān
Fatat al-Qayrawan
Shajarat al-Durr
Ghādat Karbalāʼ
Al- 'Abbasah ukht al-Rashid
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Ahmad ibn Tulum
'Adhra' Quraysh
Tārīkh ādāb al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al- Mamlūk al-shārid
Al- Inqilab al-'Uthmani
Riḥlah ilá Ūrūbbā, 1912
al- ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
Kitāb Taʻrīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Sab'at 'ashar Ramadan
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Nāṣir
al-Amīn wa-al-Maʾmūn
Fatāt Ghassān ; Armānūsah al-Miṣrīyah
Mukhtārāt Jirjī Zaydān
Tārīkh al-lughah al-ʻarabīyah
Shārl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ; ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Nāṣir
Tārīkh al-Māsūnīyah ; ʻIlm al-firāsah al-ḥadīth ; ʻAjāʼib al-makhlūqāt ; Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamāʼ ; Tārīkh al-ādāb al-ijtimāʻīyah fī al-mamālīk al-Ūrūbbīyah
Sabʻat ʼashar Ramaḍān
Ghādat Karbalāʼ
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
ʻArūs-i Karbalā
al-Mukhtaṣar fī tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Der letzte Mameluck und seine irrfahrten
Kitāb al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
ʻArūs-i Farg̲ẖānāh
Abū Muslim-i Khurāsānī
Dāstān-i ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Nāṣir
al-Mamlūk al-shārid
Fatāt al-Qayrawān
Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamā'
Armānūsah al-Miṣrīyah
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
Armānūsat al-Miṣrīyah
Novia de Fargana
Asīr al-Mutamahdī
Kitāb al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
al-Ṣihyūnīyah tārīkhuhā wa-aʻmāluhā
Miṣr al-ʻUthmānīyah
Kitāb tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
al-ʻArab Qabla al-Islām
Shārl wa-ʻAbd al-Raḥmān
Bānū-yi Qīravān
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī (1-3)
Tarīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Amīn va Maʼmūn ...
Abū Muslim al-Khurāsānī
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth (1-2)
Ḥajjāj ibn-i Yūsuf
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī
al-Inqilāb al-ʻUthmānī
Tārīkh al-ʻArab qabla al-Islām ; Ṭabaqāt al-umam
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ  al-ʻArabīyah
Bendera hitam dari Churasan
ʻAdhrāʼ Quraysh
al-Mamlūk al-shārid
Fatāt Ghassān
al-ʻAbbāsah ukht al-Rashīd, aw, Nakbat al-Barāmikah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (1-2)
Tārīkh Miṣr al-ḥadīth
Harun Răshidning singlisi
Tārīkh al-tamaddun al-Islāmī (3-5)
Aḥwāl al-duwal al-muʻāṣirah ; Mulūk al-Sharq wa-umarāʼuhā ; al-Manāṣib wa-al-rutab ; Mudhakkirāt Jirjī Zaydān
al-Amīn wa-al-Maʼmūn
Deldādegān-e a︠rab
Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn
ʻAbbāsah khāhar-i Hārūn al-Rashīd
Majmūʻat maqālāt fī aḥwāl al-duwal al-muʻāṣirah, riḥla̲t
al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Ansāb al-ʻArab al-qudamā'
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfaẓ al-Arabīyah
Tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah (2-3)
Majmūʻat maqālāt
al-Falsafah al-lughawīyah wa-al-alfāẓ al-ʻArabīyah
دلاوران عرب
ʻArūs-i Farghānah
Farghona kelini
Kitāb tārīkh ādāb al-lughah al-ʻArabīyah
Le dix-sept du mois de Ramadan
Randall Silvis
Randall Silvis (born 1950)

playwright, teacher

  • PennWest Clarion
North of unknown
An occasional hell
On Night's Shore
In a Town Called Mundomuerto
Dead man falling
The Boy Who Shoots Crows
Heart So Hungry
The luckiest man in the world
Disquiet heart
Two days gone
Under the rainbow
Walking the bones
Doubly dead