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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 201-208 out of 344 results
Ray Huang
Ray Huang (1918-2000)

historian, philosopher, pedagogue, sinologist

  • University of Michigan, Nankai University
Huang Renyu quan ji
Huang he qing shan
Huang He qing shan
1587, a year of no significance
China, a macro history
Broadening the horizons of Chinese history
Taxation and governmental finance in sixteenth-century Ming China
Guan xi qian wan chong
Di bei tian nan xu gu jin
Zhongguo da li shi (Huang Renyu zuo pin xi lie)
Di bei tian nan xu gu jin
Shi liu shi ji Ming dai Zhongguo zhi cai zheng yu shui shou
Conversation on Chinese History by the Hudson River ('He de xun he pan tan zhong guo li shi', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Xin shi dai de li shi guan
Zhongguo da li shi
Da li shi bu hui wei suo
Zi ben zhu yi yu nian yi shi ji
English Speech Training in 45 Illustrated Lessons
Jin dai zhong guo de chulLu
Zi ben zhu yi yu er shi yi shi ji
Wan li shi wu nian (Huang Renyu zuo pin xi lie)
Taxation And Governmental Finance In Sixteenthcentury Ming China
Cong da li shi di jiao du du Jiang Jieshi ri ji (Li shi yu xian chang)
Broadening the Horizons of Chinese History: Discourses, Syntheses, and Comparisons (An East Gate Book)
Cong da li shi de jiao du du Jiang Jieshi ri ji
Bianjing can meng
Jin dai Zhongguo di chu lu
Hexun he pan tan Zhongguo li shi
Fang kuan li shih ti shih chieh
Mian bei zhi zhan
Wan li shi wu nian
Wan li shi wu nian
Fang kuan li shi de shi jie = Fangkuanlishideshijie
Cong da li shi de jiao du du Jiang Jieshi ri ji
Wo ting Huang Renyu jiang Zhongguo li shi
Capitalism and the 21st Century ('Zi ben zhu yi yu 21 shi ji', in traditional Chinese, NOT in English)
Zi ben zhu yi yu er shi yi shi ji
Zhongguo da li shi
Ming dai de cao yun
Mian bei zhi zhan
Hexun he pan tan Zhongguo li shi
Fang kuan li shi di shi jie
Guan xi qian wan chong
Kŏsi Chungguksa
Shi liu shi ji Ming dai Zhongguo zhi cai zheng yu shui shou
Fang kuan li shi de shi jie
Xian dai Zhongguo de li cheng
Shō Kaiseki
1587 a Year of No Significance
Broadening the Horizons of Chinese History
Changsha bai mo li
Di bei tian nan xu gu jin
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)

nurse, statistician, politician, teacher, sociologist

Notes on nursing
Letters from Egypt
Florence Nightingale
Ever yours, Florence Nightingale
'I have done my duty'
The collected works of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
Florence Nightingale's spiritual journey
[Notes written in pencil]
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Letters of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Una and the lion
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Directions for cooking by troops, in camp and hospital
Notes on hospitals
Notes on Nursing: What it Is, and what it is Not
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions, together with a proposal for organising an ..
Florence Nightingale's Indian letters
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
The Friendship of Florence Nightingale and Mary Clare Moore
Una and the Lion
Suggestions for thought
Observations on the evidence contained in the stational reports submitted to her by the Royal commission on the sanitary state of the army in India
Life or death in India
Florence Nightingale on health in India
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Florence Nightingale on hospital reform
The art of nursing
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on nursing
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British Army during the late war with Russia
Florence Nightingale in Rome
Notes on Hospitals
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Introductory Notes on LyingIn Institutions
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Selected writings
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on Nursing
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Florence Nightingale and the Birth of Professional Nursing (Western Influence on Japan)
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British army
Florence Nightingale's Notes on nursing
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Cassandra and Suggestions for Thought
Selected writings of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale at Harley Street: her reports to the governors of her nursing home, 1853-4
Lunatic asylums and the treatment of the insane
Organization of nursing
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Notes on Nursing What It Is, and What It Is Not
Note on the aboriginal races of Australia
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and war
Thermodynamik der Gase
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Notes on nursing
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine
Exercises in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding by Florence Nightingale of the first training school for nurses
As Miss Nightingale said--
Letters of Florence Nightingale to Revd. Mother Clare Moore (co-workers during Crimean War)
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
To the probationer-nurses of the Nightingale Fund School at St. Thomas's Hospital
Construction of hospitals
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
Florence Nightingale's anmerkungen zur krankenpflege
Suggestions on a system of nursing for hospitals in India
Letters from Miss Florence Nightingale on health visiting in rural districts
Proposal for improved statistics of surgical operations
The dumb shall speak and the deaf shall hear, or, The ryot, the zemindar, and the government
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Sites and construction of hospitals
Health and local government
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Florence Nightingale on mysticism and eastern religions
Notes on hospitals
Letters from Greece
Address from Florence Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formely trained there, 23rd July, 1874
Our Indian stewardship
Health missioners for rural India
The people of India
Notes on nursing
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale à travers ses écrits
Letters of Florence Nightingale in the History of Nursing Archive, Special Collections, Boston University Libraries
On trained nurses for the sick poor
To Her Nurses - Florence Nightingale
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British army during the late war with Russia
Letters from Egypt
The Nightingale pledge
Memorandum of instructions by matron to ward sisters on duties of probationers
Statements exhibiting the voluntary contributions received by Miss Nightingale
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Health teaching in towns and villages
Health and local government
Fourteen Nightingale letters
Note on different systems of nursing
Notes on nursing, and, Notes on hospitals
To commemorate Florence Nightingale
Suggestions on the subject of providing, training, and organizing nurses for the sick poor in workhouse infirmaries
Notes on nursing
Address from Miss Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formerly trained there
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
To the nurses and probationers trained under the Nightingale Fund
Note on the different systems of nursing
Florence Nightingale on wars and the War Office
Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the army, the organization of military hospitals, and the treatment of the sick and wounded
Rural hygiene
The Holy Bible
How people may live and not die in India
Notes on nursing
Notes on nursing and other writings
Florence Nightingale calendar, 1921
A note on pauperism
Notes on nursing and notes on hospitals
Suggestions for improving the nursing service of hospitals and on the method of training nurses for the sick poor
Miss Nightingale and the War Office
Des soins a donner aux malades
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine, for the practical training of deaconesses, under the direction of the Rev. Pastor Fliedner, embracing the support and care of a hospital, infant and industrial schools, and a female penitentiary
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Florence Nightingale on society and politics, philosophy, science, education and literature
Notes On Nursing Custom Imprint Edition
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale, curriculum vitae
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Hospital construction
On trained nursing for the sick poor
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Michael Cox
Michael Cox (1948-2009)

biographer, teacher, literary scholar, literary historian

  • University of Cambridge
M.R. James
A dictionary of writers and their works
Victorian Ghost Stories
Victorian Tales of Mystery and Detection
The glass of time
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The meaning of night
Tutankhamun And His Tombful Of Treasure
The concise Oxford chronology of English literature
The Oxford book of Victorian ghost stories
The Oxford chronology of English literature
The Oxford book of twentieth-century ghost stories
The glass of time
The glass of time
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The Oxford book of historical stories
The concise Oxford chronology of English literature
The Oxford book of historical stories
The Oxford book of Victorian detective stories
The meaning of night
The Oxford book of spy stories
12 English detective stories
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
The Oxford book of spy stories
Who wrote what?
Victorian ghost stories
The Oxford book of English ghost stories
De zin van het duister
La nuit de l'infamie
Horror stories
The incredible internet
פשר הלילה
Jaan Kross
Jaan Kross (1920-2007)

translator, pedagogue, professor, poet lawyer, poet, politician

  • University of Tartu
Kallid kaasteelised
Omae luloolisus ja alltekst
The conspiracy & other stories
The czar's madman
Professor Martens' departure
The Ropewalker
The Czar's madman
Der Verrückte des Zaren
Kolme katku vahel
Dans l'insaisissable. le roman de juri vilms
Das Leben des Balthasar Rüssow
Le Fou Du Tzar
Professor Martens' Abreise
Sailing against the wind
The rock from the sky
Neli monoloogi Püha Jüri asjus
Professor Martens' Departure
Vihm teeb toredaid asju
Rakvereskiĭ roman ; Ukhod professora Martensa
Imperatorskiĭ bezumet︠s︡
Keisri hull
Czar S Madman
Voog ja kolmpii
Kamennye skripki
La Partida del Profesor Martens
Mesmeri ring
Lauljad laevavööridel
Klio silma all
Kogutud teosed
Wikmani poisid
Kivist viiulid
Na glazakh u Klio
Silmade avamise päev
Professor Martensi ärasõit
Kolmandad mäed
Kamienie Z nieba
Vuelo estático
Book of Falsehoods Between Three Plagues Volume 3
Ķeizara trakais
Uppiniskaisuuden kronikka
Professor Matensi arasoit
Kross. Üksikud head mehed
Polet na meste
Between Three Plagues
CERCLE DE MESSMER - Roman - Traduit de L'estonien par Jacques Tricot
Day Eyes Were Opened
Rakvere romaan
Vier Monologe Anno Domini 1506
Le départ du professeur Martens
Trzy bicze czarnej smierci, czyli opowiesc o Baltazarze Russowie
Treading Air
Book of Falsehoods
People Without a Past
Bernd Rabehl
Bernd Rabehl (born 1938)

political scientist, pedagogue, essayist, sociologist

  • Humboldt University of Berlin
Rudi Dutschke
Strauss, eine Karriere
DKP - eine neue sozialdemokratische Partei
Rebellion der Studenten oder Die neue Opposition
Marx und Lenin
Linke Gewalt
Am Ende der Utopie
Die antiautoritäre Revolte
Geschichte und Klassenkampf
Probleme der Demokratie heute
Marxismus heute
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (1889-1968)

opinion journalist, poet, teacher

  • School of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Blessed are the meek
Wspomnienia z Kornwalii 1947-1957
Z otchłani
Troja północy
The covenant
W Polsce Podziemnej
The leper king
The meek shall inherit
Troja północy, 966-1966
Szaleńcy Boży
Złota wolność
Dzień dzisiejszy
Kłopoty Kacperka góreckiego skrzata
Rok polski
Na emigracji
The blaze
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Błogosławiony Jan Sarkander ze Skoczowa
The blaze
Bez oręża
The gift of Nessus
Nieznany kraj
Pątniczym szlakiem
Bez ore̦źa
The leper king
Blessed are the meek
Król trędowaty
Ognisty woz
Du fond de l'abîme, Seigneur..
Beato sacrilegio
Rok Polski
Patniczym szlakiem
Złota wolność
The covenant
Rok polski
Król Tredowaty
The blaze
Blogoslawiona wina
Legnickie pole
Król trędowaty
Suknia Dejaniry
Ognisty wóz
Blessed are the meek
Bez oręża
Gesualdo Bufalino
Gesualdo Bufalino (1920-1996)

poet, translator, teacher

  • University of Palermo, University of Catania
Il fiele ibleo
The keeper of ruins and other inventions
Lies of the night
Tommaso and the blind photographer
Blind Argus or the Fables of the Memory
Las Mentiras de La Noche
Perorata del Apestado
Qui pro quo
L' enfant du paradis
Night's Lies
Die Lügen der Nacht. Roman
The Keeper of Ruins
L' amaro miele
Las Mentiras de La Noche
I languori e le furie
Calende greche
Die Lügen der Nacht
Le menzogne della notte
Der Ingenieur von Babel. Erzählungen
Argo il cieco
Das Pesthaus
The plague-sower
Diceria dell'untore
Qui pro quo
Bluff di parole
Conversazione con Gesualdo Bufalino
Plague-Spreader's Tale
Tommaso y El Fotografo Ciego
Argos El Ciego
L' uomo invaso e altre invenzioni
Museo d'ombre
El Guerrin Mezquino
Non faccio niente senza gioia
Perorata del Apestado, La
Il guerrin meschino
Le menzongne della notte
Bruno Caruso
Calendas Criegas
La luce e il lutto
I languori e le furie
Argo il cieco, ovvero, I sogni della memoria
Dizionario dei personaggi di romanzo
Argo I Cielo
Las Tretas de La Noche
Mit blinden Argusaugen oder Die Träume der Erinnerung
Il malpensante
L' uomo invaso
Tommaso e il fotografo cieco, ovvero, Il Patatràc
Bluf de Palabras
Saldi d'autunno
Cere perse
Malpensante, El
Il tempo in posa
Les Mensonges De La Nuit
Ulrich Karger
Ulrich Karger (born 1957)

literary critic, school teacher

Briefe von Kemal Kurt (1947-2002)
Vom Uhrsprung
Geisterstunde im Kindergarten
Herr Wolf kam nie nach Berchtesgaden
Bücherwurm trifft Leseratte 2
Dicke Luft in HalbundHalb
Mitlesebuch Nr. 26
Familie Habakuk und die Ordumok-Gesellschaft
Ran an'n Sarg und mitjeweent
Bücherwurm trifft Leseratte
Briefe von Kemal Kurt (1947-2002)
Mythos des Unsichtbaren
Das kleine Märchenbuch
Die kleine Märchenreise
Die kleine Märchengalerie
Der kleine Märchentraum
Einsamkeit berühren
Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 12
Das große Zeichenbuch
Männer sind eben so!
Ples duhov v otroškem vrtcu
Das kleine Märchenschloß
Halloween à l'école
Die kleine Märcheninsel
Halloween all'asilo
Geisterstunde im Kindergarten
Dicke Luft in Halb und Halb
Gemischte Gefühle
Spoken in de speelzaal
Vom Uhrsprung und anderen Merkwürdigkeiten