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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 161-168 out of 344 results
A. J. Ayer
A. J. Ayer (1910-1989)

philosopher of science, pedagogue, philosopher

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
Thomas Paine
More of my life
Part of my life
Language, truth and logic
Probability and evidence
The Problem of Knowledge
Bertrand Russell
Philosophical essays
The problem of knowledge
Russell and Moore
Philosophy in the twentieth century
The foundations of empirical knowledge
British empirical philosophers: Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid, and J.S. Mill
The central questions of philosophy
Metaphysics and common sense
The origins of pragmatism
The meaning of life
Logical positivism
Freedom and morality and other essays
Philosophy and language
Logical Positivism (The Library of Philosophical Movements)
A Dictionary of philosophical quotations
The Revolution in philosophy
Probability and Evidence (The John Dewey Essays in Philosophy)
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The meaning of life and other essays
Metaphysics and Common Sense
Philosophy and politics
The origins of pragmatism: studies in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James
Problem poznania
Thinking and meaning
The foundations of empirical knowledge
Mastering McKim's Plan
On what there is
The Revolution in philosophy
Perception and identity
Russell and Moore; the analytical heritage
Linguaggio, verità e logica
The concept of a person and other essays
Contemporary philosophy
Ayer: Writings on Philosophy
A dictionary of philosophical quotations
Every Tenth Man
Bertrand Russell: philosopher of the century
Philosophy in the twentieth century - 1. edición
The concept of a person
British empirical philosophers
Man as a subject for science
Lenguaje, verdad y lógica
The humanist outlook
The humanist outlook
The concept of a person
The problem of knowledge
The revolution in philosophy
The Revolution in philosophy
Zurück zu Schlick
Language, truth and logic
British empirical philosophy
Reflexive water
Philosophical essays
Shi ji de zhi zhe
The origins of pragmatism
Studies in communication
The Revolution in philosophy
Livelli di realtà
A.J. Ayer memorial essays
What I believe
Philosophical essays
On the analysis of moral judgements
Bertrand Russell as a philosopher
A Sung Bibliography
The problem of knowledge
One's knowledge of other minds
The foundations of empirical knowledge
Metaphysics and common sense
Writings of A. J. Ayer
Logical positivism
The revolution in philosophy
Logical positivism
David Frawley
David Frawley (born 1950)

astrologer, teacher

How I became a Hindu
The yoga of herbs
Ayurvedic healing
Ayurveda and the mind
Gods, Sages and Kings
Yoga and Ayurveda
Yoga and the Sacred Fire
Yoga and Ayuryeda
Yoga for Your Type
Wisdom of the Ancient Seers
From the river of heaven
Beyond the mind
Vedantic meditation
The astrology of seers
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses
Salud Ayurveda
Astrology of the seers
Yoga & Ayurveda Book
Awaken Bharata
Hymns from the Golden Age
The Oracle of Rama
Das große Ayurveda- Heilungsbuch. Prinzipien und Praxis
Herbal Energetics Chart 9" x 12"
Ayurveda, nature's medicine
Salud Ayurveda
The Rig Veda and the history of India
Arise Arjuna
The myth of the Aryan invasion of India
Widsom of the Ancient Seers
The creative vision of the early Upaniṣads
The Rig Veda
The Astrology of the Seers a Guide to Vedic (Hindu Astrology)
Salud Ayurveda
Ayurveda and Marma therapy
The Oracle of Rama
Hinduism and the Clash of Civilizations
Natural Healing Through Ayurveda
Adolf Reichwein
Adolf Reichwein (1898-1944)

economist, pedagogue, resistance fighter, high school teacher

  • University of Marburg
Schafft eine lebendige Schule
Ein Pädagoge im Widerstand
China and Europe
China And Europe - Intellectual And Artistic Contacts In The Eighteenth Century
Museumspädagogische Schriften
Adolf Reichwein
Die Rohstoffwirtschaft der Erde
Blitzlicht über Amerika
Ausgewählte pädagogische Schriften
El despertar de Méjico
China and Europe
Schaffendes Schulvolk - Film in der Schule
Die Rohstoffe der Erde im Bereich der Wirtschaft
China und Europa
Film in der Schule
Meyrick Goulburn
Meyrick Goulburn (1818-1897)

vicar, teacher, Christian minister

  • Eton College, University of Oxford
The Goulburn Norwich diaries
The Gospel of the childhood
Thoughts on personal religion
The holy Catholic Church
The idle word
John William Burgon, late dean of Chichester
The office of the Holy Communion in the Book of common prayer
On reading the prayers and lessons
A commentary expository and devotional on the order of the administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion according to the use of the Church of England
Two sermons on confession
The Lord's prayer / by E. M. Goulburn
Farewell counsels of a pastor to his flock
The holy catholic church, its divine ideal, ministry, and institutions
The Pursuit Of Holiness
"The sphere and duties of Christian women"
Collects of the Day
Fasting Communion
A church memorial of the visit of the Royal Agriculutral Society to Norwich
Replies to "Essays and Reviews." ..
The ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich Cathedral
A commentary ... on the order of the administration of the Lord's supper
Three counsels of the divine Master for the conduct of the spiritual life
A manual of Confirmation
The existing mode of electing bishops
Family Prayers Compiled from Various Sources (chiefly from Bishop Hamilton's Manual) and ..
The functions of our cathedrals
The idle word: short religious essays upon the gift of speech, and its ..
The Book of Rugby School: Its History and Its Daily Life
Short devotional forms, for morning and night, and for the third, sixth ..
The principles of the cathedral system vindicated, 8 sermons
Sermons preached on different occasions during the last twenty years
The acts of the deacons, a course of lects. on Acts vi., vii., viii., and xxi
Church reform
Thoughts upon the liturgical Gospels
Popular objections to the Book of common prayer considered, 4 sermons
Family prayers, extr. chiefly from the manuals of bishop Hamilton and J.H. Swainson
The child Samuel
Everlasting punishment
The search after wisdom
The doctrine of the resurrection of the body as taught in holy scripture
An Introduction to the Devotional Study of the Holy Scriptures
Meditations upon the Liturgical Gospels
God keeping and breaking silence
Four sermons on subjects of the day
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life in its two chief elements, devotion and  practice
Thoughts on personal religion
The royal supremacy
The doctrine of the resurrection of the body, as taught in Holy Scripture
The principles of the cathedral system vindicated
The collects of the day
How may the Church, while holding fast the doctrine of the Athanasian Creed, show due consideration to those who object to its present form or congregational use and maintain the bond of peace in her body?
Popular objections to the Book of Common Prayer considered in four sermons on the Sunday lessons in Lent, the commination service, and the Athanasian creed, with a preface on the existing lectionary
Dean Stanley and his theology
On reading the prayers and lessons
Sermons preached on different occasions during the last twenty years
Reasons for not signing "The report of Her Majesty's Commissioners for Inquiring into the Condition of Cathedral Churches in England and Wales upon the Cathedral Church of Norwich"
Replies to "Essays and reviews"
Thoughts on personal religion
John William Burgon
The duty of the civil magistrate to the Christian religion and the Christian church
Collects of the day
The Church's title to her endowments
"The salt of the earth"
The pursuit of holiness
The functions of our Cathedrals
Thoughts upon the liturgical Gospels
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life and its two chief elements, devotion, and practice
Is it God's truth?
A reply to some parts of Mr. Ward's defence
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life in its two chief elements, devotion and practice
The end of time
The office of the Holy Communion in the Book of common prayer
An introduction to the devotional study of the Holy Scriptures
The atonement
Everlasting punishment
Crime and civilization
Religious debility
The grounds of true patriotism
The acts of the deacons
The ancient sculptures in the roof of Norwich Cathedral, which exhibit the course of Scripture history ...
Jeremias Drexel
Jeremias Drexel (1581-1638)

theologian, pedagogue, preacher, visual artist

Daniel prophetarum princeps descriptus, et morali doctrina illustratus
Ioseph Aegypti prorex
Noe, architectus arcae in diluvio navarchus descriptus, et morali doctrina illustratus
David regius psaltes descriptus et morali doctrina illustratus
Salomon regum sapientissimus
Tobias morali doctrina illustratus
Deliciæ gentis humanæ Christus Iesus
Delitiae gentis humana Christus Iesus
The heliotropium
The heliotropium ("Turning to Him"); or, Conformity of the human will to the divine
Antigrapheus, sive, Conscientia hominis
Nicetas, 1633
The Christian zodiack
Horologium auxiliaris tutelaris angeli
R. P. P. Hieremiae Drexelii, e Societate Iesv Opera omnia
The hive of devotion, or, The saints evidence for heaven
The school of patience. Written in Latin by H. Drexelius. And faithfully translated into English, by R.S. Gent
The school of patience in three parts
Recta intentio omnium humanarum actionum amussio
Reverendi Patris P. Hieremiae Drexelii e Societate Iesu Opera omnia
Aeternitatis prodromus mortis nuntius quem sanis, aegrotis, moribundis sistit
R. P. Hieremiae Drexelij e Societate Iesv, Opervm
Reverendi Patris Hieremiae Drexelii ... Opera omnia
Recta intentio, omnium humanarum actionum amussis
The angel-guardian's clock translated out of latin into English
Jeremias Drexel's "Christian zodiac"
R. P. Hieremiae Drexelii e Societate Iesv, Opervm
The angel-guardian's clock, 1630
Rhetorica caelestis, seu, Attente precandi scientia
Rosae selectissimarum virtutem quas Dei Mater orbi exhibet
Horologivm avxiliaris tvtelaris angeli
Creutz Schuel
The considerations of Drexelius upon death
Aurifondina artium et scientiarum omnium
The considerations of Drexelius vpon eternitie. Translated by Ralph VVinterton Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge
Trismegistus Christianus, seu, Triplex cultus conscientiae, caelitum, corporis
Rosæ selectissimarum virtutum quas Dei Mater orbi exhibet
The considerations of Drexelius upon eternity
The forerunner of eternity, or, Messenger of death
Recta intentio, omnium humanarum actionem amvssis
Trismegistus Christianus
The heliotropium, or, Conformity of the human will to the divine
Caelum beatorum civitas aeternitatis pars III..
Orbis Phaethon, hoc est, De universis vitiis linguae
Orbis Phaeton, siue, De vniuersis vitiis linguae
A spiritual repository containing Godly meditations
Nicetas, seu, Triumphata incontinentia
Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus
De aeternitate considerationes coram vtriusque Bavariae Duce, S.R.I. Archidapifero, Electore, Maximiliano et Coninge Elisabetha explicatae
Heliotropivm, seu Conformatio humanae, voluntatis cum divinâ
De æternitate considerationes
Tugendtspiegel, oder, Klainodtschatz
Aloe amari sed salubris succi ieiunium ..
The Christian zodiack, or, Twelue signes of predestination
Gymnasium patientiae
Avrifondina artivm et scientiarvm omnivm
Aurifodina artium & scientiarum omnium
A pleasant and profitable treatise of Hell. Written by Hieremy Drexelius. S.J
Rosae selectissimarum virtutum quas Dei Mater orbi exhibet ..
Tribunal Christi, seu, Arcanum ac singulare cuiusuis hominis in morte iudicium ..
Manipulus sacer, concionum moralium
Gazophylacium Christi Eleemosyna
Noe architectus arcae in diluuio nauarchus descriptus et morali doctrina illustratus
Hieremiae Drexelii ... Opera
Heliotropium, seu, Conformatio humanae voluntatis cum divina
Zodiacvs Christianvs locupletatus, seu, Signa XII. Divinæ prædestinationis totidem symbolis explicata
Æternitatis prodromvs mortis nvntivs
Avrifodina artium et scientiarum omnium
Orbis Phaëthon, hoc est, De vniversis vitiis lingvæ
Salomon regvm sapientissimvs descriptvs et morali doctrina illvstratvs
The Christians zodiake, or, Twelue signes of predesination unto life euerlasting
Palaestra Christiana
Aurifodina artium et scientiarum omnium
Nicetas or the triumph ouer incontinencie written in Latin by. F. Hier. Drexelius of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by. R.S. 1633
Nicetas, seu, Triumphata incontinentia
The Christians zodiake, or, Twelve signes of predestination unto life everlasting
The considerations of Drexelius upon eternitie. Translated by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge
Il trismegisto christiano ouero Tre sorti di culto della conscienza de santi del corpo del P. Gieremia Dresselio... Volgarizzata dal Sig.Giovanni Spada
Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus, seu, Signa XII. divinae praedestinationis totidem symbolis explicata
Richter Stuel Christi, oder, Sonderbares Fürfordern vnd gehaimes Gericht aines ieden Menschen in seiner Sterbstund ...
The heliotropium ("Turning to Him"); or, Conformity of the human will to the divine
The Christians zodiake, or, Twelve signes of predestination unto life everlasting
Tribunal Christi, seu, Arcanum ac singulare cujusvis hominis in morte judicium
Daniel prophetarum, princeps descriptus et morali doctrina illustratus
Recta intentio omnivm humanarum actionum amvssis
Considérations sur l'éternité
Der Ewigkeit Vorlauffer, oder, Dess Tods Vorbott den Gsunden, Krancken, Sterbenden
Aeternitatis prodromus mortis nuntius quem sanis, aegrotis, moribundis, sistit
Heliotropium, seu, Conformatio humanae voluntatis cum divina
Tribunal Christi, seu, Arcanum ac singulare cuiusuis hominis in morte iudicium ...
Trismegistus Christianus, seu, Triplex cultus conscientiae, caelitum, corporis
De aeternitate considerationes
Recta intentio, omnium humanarum actionum amssis
Creutz Schuel
The heliotropium
Infernus damnatorum carcer et rogus, aeternitatis
Trismegistus Christianus, seu, Triplex cultus conscientiae caelitum corporis
Recta intentio omnium humanarum actionum amvssis
Nicetas, seu, Triumphata incontinentia
Orbis Phaëthon, hoc est, De vniuersis vitijs lingvae ...
Nine Considerations on Eternity
Betractungen von der Ewigkeit
Der Verdambt fewrige jmmerwehrende Höllgfäncknusz
Il zodiaco cristiano locupletato, ouero, Li dodeci segni della diuina predestinatione
Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus, seu, Signa XII. divinae praedestinationis totidem symbolis explicata
Daniel prophetarvm princeps descriptvs, et morali doctrina illvstratvs
Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus, seu, Signa XII. divinae praedestinationis
Antigrapheus, sive, Conscientia Hominis ...
Horologium auxiliaris tutelaris angeli
Noe, der Arche Bawmaister und des Sündfluss Schiff Herr
Infernus, damnatorum carcer et rogus
Gutes Aug, oder, Auffrechte Mainung in allen Wercken
Nicetas, das ist, Ritterlicher Kampf vnd Sig wider alle Vnrainigkheit, vnd fleischlichen Wollust
Der Ewigkheit Vorbott, desz, Todtsz Heroldt
Considerations on eternity from the Latin of Jeremias Drexelius
David, regius psaltes descriptus et morali doctrina illustratus
Friedrich Spee
Friedrich Spee (1591-1635)

poet, theologian, pedagogue

Friedrich von Spee
Friedrich Spee
Güldenes Tugend-Buch
Cautio criminalis
Theologischer Process
Die anonymen geistlichen Lieder vor 1623
Cautio criminalis, 1631
Trutz Nachtigal, oder, Geistlichs-poëtisch Lust-Wäldlein
Lied und Leid
Sämtliche Schriften
Cautio criminalis, seu, De processibus contra sagas liber
Ausserlesene, catholische, geistliche Kirchengesäng
Friedrich Spees Güldenes Tugend-Buch
Cautio Criminalis oder Rechtliches Bedenken wegen der Hexenprozesse
Friedrich Spees Trutz Nachtigall
Theologia moralis explicata
Cautio criminalis
Güldenes Tugend-Buch
Trutz Nachtigal, oder, Geistlichs-poetisch Lust-VValdlein, dessgleichen noch nie zuvor in Teutscher Sprach gesehen
Mein Herz will ich dir schenken
Nikolai Aseev
Nikolai Aseev (1889-1963)

poet, translator, architect, furniture designer, teacher

  • National University of Kharkiv
Rodoslovnai͡a︡ poėzii
Moĭ Mai︠a︡kovskiĭ
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ i poėmy
Mayakovskii nachinaetsya
Mai͡a︡kovskiĭ nachinaetsi͡a︡
Sobranie sochineniĭ v 5 tomakh
Plami͡a︡ pobedy
Stikhotvoreniya i poémy
Zhiznʹ slova
Pamiati let
Stikhotvoreni|i|a i poemy / Nikolaĭ Aseev
Solnechnye propisi
Stikhi, 1914-1956
Alʹmanakh s Mai︠a︡kovskim
Zachem i komu nuzhna poezii͡a︡
Izbrannye stikhotvoreniia i poemy
Vremi︠a︡ -- ego stikhami
Sobranie sochineniĭ, v 5 tomakh
Pervyĭ pervomaĭ
O poėtakh i poėzii
Izbrannye stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Razgovor o poėzii
Razgovor o poe̊zii
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mai͡a︡kovskiĭ
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, poėmy, vospominanii︠a︡, statʹi
Samoe luchshee
O poetakh i poezii
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Song Lian
Song Lian (1310-1381)

painter, politician, historian, teacher, calligrapher, scholar

Yuan shi
Puyang ren wu ji
Shen shi zu pu
Yuan shi zhu ru zhuan
Yuan shi
Puyang ren wu ji
Song Lian quan ji
Yüan shih
Hongmu chŏngun
Hongmu chŏngun
Gu shu bian wei si zhong
Yuan shi wai yi zhuan
Zhu zi bian
Economic structure of the Yüan dynasty
Hongmu chŏngun
Long men zi ning dao ji
Un code des Yuan
Hongmu chŏngun
Hongmu chŏngun
Sung wen-hsien kung chʻüan chi
Song xue shi wen ji
Yuan shi jing hua
Song xue shi quan ji
Song Wenxian gong quan ji
Qian xi sui yan
Wen yuan
Song Wenxian gong quan ji
Un code des Yuan
Song Lian san wen xuan ji
Sung hsüeh shih wen chi
Song Wenxian xian sheng ji
Luo shan za yan
Dai Yuvan Ulus-un bicig
Hongwu sheng zheng ji
Song xue shi quan ji
Song Jinglian wei ke ji