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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 121-128 out of 344 results
Gershom Scholem
Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)

philosopher, librarian, historian, pedagogue, bibliographer, bibliophile, poet, theologian, Judaic scholar

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin
From Berlin to Jerusalem
Walter Benjamin : the story of a friendship
A life in letters, 1914-1982
Gershom Scholem
Sabbatai Ṣevi
Od davar
Walter Benjamin und sein Engel
Du frankisme au jacobinisme
Devarim be-go
Gershom Shalom
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi R. Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mi-Berlin li-Yerushalayim
שבתי צבי והתנועה השבתאית בימי חייו
Devarim be-go
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Ursprung und Anfänge der Kabbala
Zur Kabbala und ihrer Symbolik
On Jews and Judaism in crisis
The Messianic idea in Judaism and other essays on Jewish spirituality
Von der mystischen Gestalt der Gottheit
„…und alles ist Kabbala“
Judaica 1
Es gibt ein Geheimnis in der Welt
Lamentations of Youth
Greetings from Angelus
Shabtai Tsevi
Aux origines religieuses du judaïsme laïque
Devils, Demons and Souls
Über einige Grundbergriffe des Judentums
The Fullness of Time
ha- Ḳabalah shel Sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafyah
Judaica 2
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
On the possibility of Jewish mysticism in our time & other essays
Ra'yon ha-ge'ulah ba-Kabalah
"Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail" Briefwechsel 1939-1969 : Briefe und Briefwechsel. Band 8
Reshit ha-ḳabalah (1150-1250)
Retsifut u-mered
Judaica 4
Zohar: The Book of Splendor
Mẹḥḳarim u-meḳorot le-toldot ha-Shabtaʻut ṿe-gilguleha
Alchemie und Kabbala
ha- Ḳabalah bi-Provans
Meḥḳere Ḳabalah
On the Kabbalah and itssymbolism
Das Buch Bahir
Le Nom et les symboles de Dieu dans la mystique juive
Reshit ha-ḳabalah ṿe-sefer ha-Bahir
Mehkere Shabtaut (Kitve Gershom Shalom)
Lenguajes y Cabala / Languages and Kabbalah (Biblioteca De Ensayo / Essay Library)
Avraham Kohen Hirirah, baʻal Shaʻar ha-shamayim
Shedim, ruḥot, u-neshamot
De la création du monde jusqu'à Varsovie
Fidélité et utopie
Kriminologie im Strafprozess: Zur Bedeutung psychologischer, soziologischer und kriminologischer Erkenntnisse für die Strafrechtspraxis (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft) (German Edition)
Walter Benjamin the Story of a Friend
Das Davidschild
Catalogus Codicum Cabbalisticorum Hebraicorum
Frants Rozentsṿaig ṿe-sifro Kokhav ha-geʾulah
Judaica V
Shabtai Tsevi ṿe-Natan ha-ʻAzati
Briefe, 3 Bde., Bd.3, 1971-1982
Ḳabalat ha-Ari
Ha- Ḳabalah be-Geronah
El Misticismo Extraviado
Leḳeṭ margaliyot
Hay Un Misterio En El Mundo
[Ḳovets tadpisim shel maʾamaraṿ ba-Ḳabalah she-nidpesu be-khitve-ʻet shonim.]
Einige kabbalistische Handschriften im Britischen Museum
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-shabtaʾi Rabi Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mafteḥot le-khitve ha-pulmus ʻEmden-Aibshits
ha- Mistorin ha-Yehudi ṿeha-ḳabalah
Walter Benjamin et son ange
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Conceptos Basicos del Judaismo, Los
Correspondence, 1939 - 1969
ha- Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Bibliographia Kabbalistica
Osnovnye techenii︠a︡ v evreĭskoĭ mistike
Las Grandes Tendencias de La Mistica Judia
Los Origenes De LA Cabala
ha- Mistorin (ha-misṭiḳah) bikhlal
Jewish gnosticism, Markavah mysticism and Talmudic tradition
Todo Es Cabala
Briefe an Werner Kraft (German Edition)
Studies in mysticism and religion
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940
Judaica 6
Briefe (German Edition)
Judaica III
Sur Jonas, la lamentation et le judaïsme
ha-Raʻyon ha-meshiḥi be-Yiśraʾel
La cábala y su simbolismo
ha-Shelav ha-aḥaron
Ḳabalot Rabi Yaʻaḳov ṿe-Rabi Yitsḥaḳ bene Rabi Yaʻaḳov Hakhohen
Ḳunṭres eleh shemot
Mi-ḥoḳer li-meḳubal
Shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot shel ha-Shabetaʾim
ha-Ḳabalah be-Geronah
De Berlin a Jerusalem
On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
Concetti fondamentali dell'ebraismo
Kabbalistes chrétiens
מגן־דוד: תולדותיו של סמל
Parashat ha-Shabtaʾut
Toldot ha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit
Walter Benjamin. Historia de una amistad
Messianic movements after the expulsion from Spain
ha-Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Kabała i jej symbolika
Shir shel Yiśraʾel Najarah be-fi ha-Shabtaʾim
Masoret ha-berit
Yiśraʾel Sarug-talmid ha-Ari?
[Biḳoret ʻal Ḳaṭalog ḳitve ha-yad shel Ambrozyana be-Milano me-et Ḳarolo Bernhaymer]
Le-ḥeḳer ḳabalat rabi Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen
Żydzi i Niemcy
ha-Ḳabalah shel sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafia
Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem Mektuplasmalar 1932-1940
Le-aḥar gerush Sefarad
Meḥabro shel ha-maʾamar ha-mezuyaf bi-leshon sefer ha-Zohar
Report of Prof. G. Scholom in his mission to Europe
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi Rabi Mordekhai Ashḳenazi
From Frankism to Jacobinism
Kitve Gershom Shalom
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-Ḳabalah u-semaleha
Peraḳim le-toldot sifrut ha-ḳabalah
Dr. Yoḥanan Leṿi
קונטרס עלו לשלום
L'idea messianica nell'ebraismo e altri saggi sulla spiritualità ebraica
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
On Eduard Morike's Nolten the painter & On Rainer Maria Rilke's The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Mistycyzm żydowski i jego główne kierunki
Śeride sifro shel Rabi Shem Ṭov Ibn Gaʼon ʻal yesodot torat ha-sefirot
Mi-tokh hirhurim ʻal ḥokhmat Yiśraʾel
Los nombres secretos de Walter Benjamin
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʾit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
ha-Ḳabalah bi-Provans
The Messianic idea in Judaism
"... und alles ist Kabbala"
גרשם שלום (תרנ״חי־תשמ״ב)
Sabbatai Sevi ́
Pirḳe yesod be-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Die Geheimnisse der Schöpfung
Jewish mysticism in the Middle Ages
La kabbale
Das Herz der Kabbala. Jüdische Mystik aus zwei Jahrtausenden.
Phil Carradice
Phil Carradice (born 1947)

poet, social worker, historian, teacher

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University
Herbert Williams
Charles Dickens His Life And Times
Bloody Mary
Life Choices
Nautical Training Ships
Ghostly Riders
1914 Grand Fleet V Germany Navy The First World War At Sea In Photographs
Exploring the Pembrokeshire coast
Hannah Goes to War
The bosun's secret
Pembroke Dock 18142014
The Pirates of Thorne Island
The Great War
Highlights of Welsh history
Do Not Go Gentle
Cardiff The Vale In The First World War
The Ships Of Pembroke Dockyard
Pe mbroke Dock
The Write Way
Headlands School in Camera (In Camera S.)
Pembroke Dock in Old Picture Postcards
Welsh Islands (Wish You Were Here)
Welsh Shipwrecks in Camera
In the Teeth of the Dragon (Crime & Custom (Saga))
The Great War
Penarth Pier 1894-1994 (Town Book S.)
Beside the seaside
Kate Grenville
Kate Grenville (born 1950)


  • University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney
Searching for the Secret River
One life
Lilian's story
The idea of perfection
The Secret River
The lieutenant
Albion's story
Dark places
The Writing Book
Writing from Start to Finish
The lieutenant
Joan makes history
The writing book
The Secret River Rage
Sarah Thornhill
Lilian's story
Making stories
The secret river
Lilian's Story
The secret river
Sarah Thornhill
Jason Makes History
Bearded ladies
Bearded Ladies Stories
The writing book
The idea of perfection
הנהר הסודי
Bearded ladies ; Dreamhouse
Ramachandra Guha
Ramachandra Guha (born 1958)

historian, teacher, journalist, environmentalist

  • The Doon School, University of Delhi
Gandhi Before India
The Ramachandra Guha Omnibus
An anthropologist among the Marxists and other essays
A corner of a foreign field
Savaging the civilized
Makers of modern Asia
Savaging the Civilized ; Verrier Elwin, His Tribals and India
Gandhi before India
The last liberal & other essays
Makers of modern India
Rebels Against the Raj
Makers of modern India
Ecology and equity
The unquiet woods
This fissured land
Varieties of environmentalism
How Much Should a Person Consume?
India after Gandhi
The states of Indian cricket
Sociology and the dilemmas of development
Social Ecology
Institutions and Inequalities
Wickets in the East
Social ecology
Nature, culture, imperialism
Nature, Culture, Imperialism
This Fissured Land Second Edition
Commonwealth of Cricket
Making South Asian cities habitable
Spin and Other Turns
State forestry and social conflict in British India
The Picador Book Of Cricket
How Much Should Person a Consume? Thinking Through the Environment
Makers of Modern India
How Much Should A Person Consume [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2011] RAMACHANDRA GUHA
Patriots and partisans
Patanera pare Kamiunistara ki paltabe?
The other side of the raj
India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy
Use and Abuse of Nature
Varieties of Environmentalism
India after Gandhi Revised and Updated Edition
Forestry and social protest in British Kumaun, c. 1893-1921
India After Gandhi
The Picador Book of Cricket
Anthropologist Among the Marxists and Other Essays
Gandhi 1914-1948
The unquiet woods
The last liberal & other essays
The States of Indian Cricket
Democrats and Dissenters [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 2016] Ramachandra Guha
India after Gandhi
Speaking with Nature
Commercial forestry and social conflict in the Indian Himalaya
Cooking of Books
Gandhi Before India
The Unquiet Woods
A Functioning Anarchy
Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World 1914-1948
Christoph Hamann
Christoph Hamann (born 1955)

historian, pedagogue

  • University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
Die Mühsams
Demokratische Tradition und revolutionärer Geist
Geschichte - Friedensgeschichte - Lebensgeschichte
Visual History und Geschichtsdidaktik
Friederike Hausmann
Friederike Hausmann (born 1945)

translator, teacher, historian

Herrscherin im Paradies der Teufel
Die Macht aus dem Schatten
Die deutschen Anarchisten von Chicago
Die Agrarpolitik der Regierung Montgelas
Zwischen Landgut und Piazza
Kleine Geschichte Italiens seit 1943
Berlusconis Italien- Italien gegen Berlusconi
A. N. Wilson
A. N. Wilson (born 1950)

historian, biographer, teacher

  • University of Oxford, Rugby School
The life of John Milton
C. S. Lewis
The Elizabethans
Hilaire Belloc
Iris Murdoch, as I knew her
Hitler A Short Biography
The Laird of Abbotsford
Eminent Victorians
Dante in love
A life of Walter Scott
The Queen
Charles Darwin
My name is Legion
A bottle in the smoke
Dream children
Daughters of Albion
Winnie and Wolf
Hearing voices
A watch in the night
Love unknown
The rise and fall of the House of Windsor
Penfriends from Porlock
Scandal, or, Priscilla's kindness
Our times
God's funeral:The Decline of Faith in Western Civilisation
The Healing Art
After the Victorians
How can we know?
The Tabitha stories
Incline our hearts
Gentlemen in England
Who Was Oswald Fish?
The vicar of sorrows
Wise virgin
The Victorians
Unguarded hours
The Sweets of Pimlico
The Elizabethans
Essays by Divers Hands
My Name Is Legion AN Wilson
Hilaire Belloc, A Biography
Against religion
Incline our hearts
Incline Our Hearts
Gentlemen in England
Hazel the guinea pig
Dante in love
The Faber book of church and clergy
Kindly light
The book of the people
More Of The World's Best Dirty Jokes
Carl S. Lewis - Biografia
The Elizabethans
The Faber book of church and clergy
Wise virgins
The Rise & Fall of Windsor
Paul-the Mind of the Apostle
The potter's hand
The Norton book of London
Hazel the guinea pig
The Lampitt papers
Our Times
Ink and Spirit
The rise and fall of the House of Windsor
A jealous ghost
Der Streuner
Konstantin Tsiolkovskii
Konstantin Tsiolkovskii (1857-1935)

flight engineer, mathematician, inventor, physicist, philosopher, astronomer, scientist, cosmologist, teacher

  • Vyatka men's gymnasium
Cherty iz moeĭ zhizni
Geniĭ sredi li͡udeĭ
Beyond the planet earth
The will of the universe ; Intellect unknown ; Mind and passions
Reaktivnye letatelʹnye apparaty
Putʹ k zvezdam
Ocherki o vselennoĭ
Selected works
Izbrannye trudy
Selected works
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Na lune
The call of the cosmos
Issledovanie mirovykh prostranstv reaktivnymi priborami
Grezy o zemle i nebe
Raketa v kosmicheskoe prostranstvo
Vne Zemli
Selected works
Trudy dvenadt︠s︡atykh Chteniĭ, posvi︠a︡shchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo nasledii︠a︡ i razvitii︠u︡ ideĭ K.Ė. T︠S︡iolkovskogo, Kaluga, 14-16 sent. 1977 g.
The science fiction of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Promyshlennoe osvoenie kosmosa
Trudy shestykh i sedʹmykh chteniĭ, posvi͡ashchennykh razrabotke nauchnogo nasledii͡a i razvitii͡a ideĭ K.Ė. T͡Siolkovskogo