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teachers who wrote biography
Showing 105-112 out of 344 results
Luis Landero
Luis Landero (born 1948)


  • Complutense University of Madrid
El balcón en invierno
retrato de un hombre inmaduro
Caballeros de fortuna
EL balcon en invierno
El balcón en invierno
El Guitarrista / The Guitar Player
Juegos De La Edad Tardia
Entre líneas
Hoy Jupiter a-630
El mágico aprendiz
El Guitarrista / The Guitarist
La vida negociable
Juegos de la edad tardia
Juegos De La Edad Tardia (Fabula) (Fabula)
Les jeux tardifs de l'âge mûr
Como Le Corto El Pelo Caballero?
Juegos de la edad tardía
Juegos de La Edad TardA
El Magico Aprendiz
Páginas de viva voz
Retrato de un hombre inmaduro
Hoy, Júpiter
Späte Spiele
Caballeros De Fortuna / Knights of Fortune (Fabula)
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen
Alexander Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870)

philosopher, journalist, autobiographer, literary critic, opinion journalist, pedagogue, politician, teacher, revolutionary

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Byloe i dumy
My Past and Thoughts
Ends and beginnings
The memoirs of Alexander Herzen
Ends and beginnings
Byloe i dumy
Otryvki iz "Bylogo i dum."
Camicia rossa
Byloe i dumy
Yi ge jia ting de xi ju
Lettres inédites
Otryvki iz "Bylogo i dum."
רוברט אוון
Byloe i dumy
Kto vinovat?
Who Is to Blame
Letters from France and Italy, 1847-1851
Byloe i dumy
My exile in Siberia
From the other shore, translated from the Russian by Moura Budberg and The Russian people and socialism, translated from the French by Richard Wollheim
A Herzen Reader
Du développement des idées révolutionnaires en Russie
From the other shore
The memoirs of Alexander Herzen
Who is to blame : a novel in two parts
The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen (1 Volume in 2 Parts)
Selected philosophical works
From the Other Shore
Kreshchenai︠a︡ sobstvennostʹ
Lettres inédites à sa fille Olga
Mein Leben
Pisʹma izdaleka
O literature
From the Other Shore & The Russian People and Socialism
Childhood, youth and exile
Staryĭ mīr i Rossīi͡a︡
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedeniia︡
Sochinenii︠a︡ i perepiska s N. A. Zakharʹinoĭ
The memoirs of Alexander Herzen, Parts I and II
Bȳloe i dumȳ
O vospitanii i obrazovanii
Letters from France and Italy, 1847-1851
Thieving Magpie
O razvitii revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ionnykh ideĭ v Rossii
My exile
Gert͡s︡en i Ogarev v krugu rodnykh i druzeĭ
Mysli ob iskusstve i literature
La Russie et l'Occident
The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen, Parts I and II
From the other shore
From the other shore
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Childhood, youth & exile
Prervannye razskazy
Ausgewählte philosophische Schriften
Kto vinovat? ; Soroka-vorovka
Le cerveau et l'activité cérébrale au point de vue psychophysiologique
Sochineniia v deviati tomakh
Briefe aus dem Western
Zagovor 1825 goda
Byloe i dumy Iskandera
Razdumʹe (Raznyi︠a︡ varīat︠s︡īi na staryi︠a︡ temy): (raznyi︠a︡ var−iat︠s︡−ii na ..
Neizdannye pis'ma A.I. Gertsena k N.I. i T.A. Astrakovym
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Die gescheiterte Revolution
Aus den Memoiren eines Russen
O razvitii revolyutsionnykh idei v Rossii
Izbrannoe proizvedeniya
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Povesti i rasskazy
Lettres de France et d'Italie (1847-1852)
Who is to blame?
La mazourka
Byloe i dumy ; Detskai︠a︡ i universitet ; Ti︠u︡rʹma i ssylka ; Vladimir-na-Kli︠a︡zʹme ; Moskva, Peterburg i Novgorod
O sotsializme
Gert︠s︡en v zagranichnykh kollekt︠s︡ii︠a︡kh
Ėstetika, kritika, problemy kulʹtury
Pis'ma izdaleka
Khudozhestvennye proizvedenii͡a︡
Ausgewählte philosophische Schriften
From the other shore, and The Russian people and socialism
Izbrannye pedagogicheskie vyskazyvanii͡a︡
Byloe u dumy
Aus den memoiren eines Russen ..
Lettres de France et d'Italie, 1847-1852
Who is to blame?
Erlebtes und Gedachtes
Sochinenii͡a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Ob ateizme, religii i tserkvi
A. I. Gert͡s︡en ob ateizme, religii i t͡s︡erkvi
Sobranie sochinenii
A.I. Gertsen ob iskusstve
Sobranie sochineniĭ v vosʹmi tomakh
Le monde russe et la révolution
Nouvelle phase de la littérature russe
A. I. Gert͡s︡en ob iskusstve
S togo berega
Pisʹma ob izuchenii prirody
Selected philosophical works
Golosa iz Rossii
Eseje filozoficzne
Izbrannye proizvedenni︠a︡
Kto vinovat?
The thieving magpie
Über die Verfinsterung der Geschichte
Ti︠u︡rʹma i ssylka
From the other shore
Gert︠s︡en v zagranichnykh kollekt︠s︡ii︠a︡kh
Pisʹma iz Frant︠s︡īi i Italīi Iskandera, (1847-1852)
O razvitii revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnykh ideĭ v Rossii
Za pi︠a︡t li︠e︡t (1855-1860)
From the other shore, and The Russian people and socialism, an open letter to Jules Michelet
Pisʹma izdaleka
[Zagovor 1825 goda]
Golosa iz Rossii
Novye materialy
De l'autre rive
Russkiĭ zagovor 1825 g.
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Neizdannye pisʹma A.I. Gertsena k N.I. i T.A. Astrakovym
Shui zhi zui
La France ou l'Angleterre?
S togo berega
Russlands soziale Zustände
Izbrannye trudy
Sbornik posmertnykh stateĭ
O sot︠s︡ializme
Lettres de France et d'Italie (1847-1852)
Kreshchenai︠a︡ sobstvennostʹ
Russkoĭ narod i sot︠s︡īalizm
14 dekabri︠a︡ 1825 i Imperator Nikolaĭ
Kto vinovat?
Die Pflicht vor Allem
Aus den memoiren eines Russen
Camicia Rossa
Dvizhenīe obshchestvennoĭ mysli v Rosīi
Kto vinovat
La mazourka
Staryĭ mir i Rossīi︠a︡
O Powstaniu Styczniowym
Sochinenii︠a︡ v chetyrekh tomakh
Sbornik posmertnykh stateĭ Aleksandra Ivanovicha Gert︠s︡ena
Die russische Verschwörung und der Aufstand vom 14. December 1825
Pisʹma iz Frant︠s︡ii i Italii ; S togo berega
Eyn oyfruf tsu yunge layṭ
Prervannye razskazy Iskandera [pseud.].
Frantsiia ili Angliia?
Die gescheiterte Revolution
Le Peuple russe et le socialisme
Gertsen i Ogarev v Shveĭtsarīi
la conspiration russe de 1825
My past and thoughts
Ob iskusstve
Lettre adressée à l'Empereur de Russie
Poli︠a︡rnai︠a︡ zvi︠e︡zda
Kto vinovat?
La camicia rossa, di Alessandro Hertzen
Ėstetika, kritika, problemy kulʹtury
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ i pisem
From the other shore
Kreshchenai︠a︡ sobstvennostʹ Iskandera
Kontsy i nachala Iskandera
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ i pisem
Le monde russe et la révolution
Le monde ruse et la révolution
Povesti i rasskazy
Erindringer: Paris, Italien, Paris, 1847-1852
A.I. Gert︠s︡en
Liberalizm i sot︠s︡ializm--Zapad i Rossii︠a︡
Unterbrochene Erzählungen
Du développement des idées révolutionnaires en Russie
Soroka vorovka
La conspiration russe de 1825
John Stevens Cabot Abbott
John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1805-1877)

historian, theologian, biographer, preacher, pastor, pedagogue

  • Bowdoin College, Andover Theological Seminary
Christopher Carson
The history of the Civil War in America
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte
The history of Christianity
History of Mme. Roland
The life of Christopher Columbus
Benjamin Franklin
David Crockett
Lives of the presidents of the United States of America
Daniel Boone
Miles Standish
Captain William Kidd and Others of the Pirates or Buccaneers Who Ravaged the Seas the Islands and the Continents of America Two Hundred Years Ago
History of King Philip
Kings and queens
Napoleon at St. Helena
Boone, the backwoodsman
Kings and queens, or, Life in the palace
South and North
The history of Napoleon III, emperor of the French
History of Louis Philippe
Austria, its rise and present power
Maria Antoinette
Ferdinand de Soto
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Louis XIV
The school-boy
The Empire of Russia: From the Remotest Periods to the Present Time
The Empire of Russia
The history of Maine
Chevalier De La Salle and his companions
The mother at home, or, The principles of maternal duty familiarly illustrated
Italy, from the earliest period to the present day
Confidential Correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine
The history of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and of Italy
The Life and Adventures of Rear Admiral John Paul Jones Commonly Called Paul Jones
Peter Stuyvesant
The history of the state of Ohio
History of Frederick the Second, called Frederick the Great
The Empire of Austria Its Rise and Present Power
The life of General Ulysses S. Grant
George Washington
The romance of Spanish history
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte
Henry IV
The pictorial New Testament
The path of peace
The story of Francis, Day and Hunter
Through prairie and forest, or, The adventures of de La Salle, discoverer of the Mississippi
John Paul Jones
The French revolution of 1789, as viewed in the light of republican institutions
The young astronomer
The history of Prussia
Them other at home, or, The principles of maternal duty
Practical Christianity
Life of Abraham Lincoln
The History Of The Civil War In America V1
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 3
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 4
The Life And Adventures Of Daniel Boone And David Crockett
Benjamin Franklin And George Washington
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The child at home
Native Life in South Africa
Abbott's Concise History of Christianity
The history of the Civil War in America
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 2
360 Degrees of Tailgaiting
The hero of the prairies
Strategy Six 2
The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. By : John S. C. Abbott
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 1
Italy, and the war for Italian independence
Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power Volume 2
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte 2 Volumes
The Buccaneer Chiefs
The History Of Napoleon Bonaparte : With Maps And Illustrations
Famous Characters of History . . ; Volume 5
The history of the empire of Russia
The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, Vol. 1
Empire of Russia Volume 1
The History of the Civil War in America; Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the Rebellion Volume 1
Empire of Russia Volume 2
那翁 外傳 閨秀 美談
Napoleon Bonaparte and the French revolution
Die Familien-Mutter, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze, welche eine Mutter in der Erziehung ihrer Kinder leiten sollen
The history of Napoleon III
Advice to young tradesmen
A sermon on the reciprocal duties of pastor and people
Das Kind im elterlichen Hause, oder, Vertrauliche Darstellung der Grundsätze
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Heroic deeds of heroic men
Preussen und der französisch-preussische krieg
Geschichte des Bürgerkrieges in Amerika
Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky
Christian duty
Dr. Abbott's letter
Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war
Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson
True stories of famous men and women of America for young people
Heroic deeds of heroic men
True stories of the favorites sons and daughters of America for young people
The school-girl, or, The principles of Christian duty familiarly enforced
Madame Roland
Josef Pfitzner
Josef Pfitzner (1901-1945)

politician, historian, pedagogue

  • Charles University, College of Philosophy of the Prague German University
Grossfürst Witold von Litauen als Staatsmann
Kaiser Karl IV
Kaiser Karl 4
Das Sudetendeutschtum
Das tausendjährige Prag
Volkstumsschutz und nationale Bewegung
Sudetendeutsche Einheitsbewegung
Reise in ein "paradies,"
Refik Halid Karay
Refik Halid Karay (1888-1965)

journalist, teacher, politician

  • Istanbul University Faculty of Law
Bir ömür boyunca
Kirpinin dedikleri
Sakın aldanma, inanma, kanma
Ay peşinde
İstanbulʼun içyüzü
Guguklu Saat
Sakın aldanma, inanma, kanma!
Guguklu saat
Yüzen bahçe
Yevini seven fidan
Disi orumeek
Kadinlar tekkesi
Kendi yazılarile Refik Halid
Memleket hikâyeleri
Kadınlar tekkesi; roman
Bugünün saraylısı
Gurbet hikâyeleri
Minelbab ilelmihrab
Sonuncu kadeh; roman
Ago Paşanın hatıratı
Yezidin kızı
Bu, bizim hayatımız
Memleket hikâyeleri
Minelbab Ilelmihrab
Iki cisimli kadin
Istanbul'un bir yüzü
Dişi örümcek
2000 yilin sevgilisi
Bir icim su
Sonuncn kadeh
Nilgu n
Aych on dovdu
2000 yilin sevgilisi
Dis ʹi o ru mcek
Ayin on do rdu
Bu bizim hayatimiz
Dört yaprakli yonca
Bu, bizim hayatimiz
Memleket hikayeleri
Gurbek hikâyeleri
Memleket hikâyeleri
İstanbul'un iç yüzu
Yuzen bahçe
Yezidin kizi
Çete, roman
Yezidin kızı
Yerini seven Fidan :Roman
Sürgün, roman
Ekmek elden su gölden
Bu, bizim hayatimiz
İstānbūluñ iç yüzi
I̊stanbulun bir yüzü
Yer altında dünya var
Karlı dağdaki ateş
Ago Paşanin hatirati
Ayın on dördü
Kadinlar tekkesi
Bir avuç saçma
İki cisimli kadın
Sakin aldanma, inanma, kanma
Yezidin kizi
Yeraltında dünya var ve Gurbet hikâyeleri
2000 [i.e. İki bin] yılın sevgilisi
Bugünün saraylisi
Dört yapraklı yonca
Michael Bar-Zohar
Michael Bar-Zohar (born 1938)

journalist, politician, historian, pedagogue, biographer

  • University of Paris, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The quest for the Red Prince
Shimon Peres
Arrows of the almighty
The quest for the Red Prince
Yaacov Herzog
Tsafnat paʻneaḥ
Massacre in Munich
Ke-ʻof ha-ḥol
Hitler's Jewish Spy
Ben Gourion
Muṭāradat al-Amīr al-Aḥmar
Sefer ha-gevurah
Sefer ha-mofet
Shimʻon Peres
Ben Gurion
Loḥamot ha-Mosad
100 anshe mofet u-gevurah
The unknown soldier
Bitter scent
Facing a cruel mirror
The Enigma
The secret list of Heinrich Roehm
The spy who died twice
Double cross
Spies in the Promised Land
The deadly document
The Secret List of Heinrich Roehm
The devil's spy
Troisième vérité
Beyond Hitler's Grasp
A spy in winter
Be-ashmat retsaḥ
The devil's spy
The Enigma
Ben-Gourion, le prophète armé
The enigma sacrifice
ha- Memuneh
Histoire secrète de la guerre d'Israël
Phantom Conspiracy
Ben-Gurion, the new millennium edition
J'ai risqué ma vie
The avengers
Une histoire sans fard
Spies in the Promised Land: Iser Harel and the Israeli Secret Service
Double Cross
Secret List of Heinrich
No Mission Is Impossible
Embassies in crisis
Shimon Peres et l'histoire secrète d'Israël
Gesher ʻal ha-yam ha-tikhon
La troisième vérité
Meragel ba-ḥoref
ha-Ḥ odesh he-ʾarokh be-Yoter
The unknown soldier
The hunt for German scientists
Quest for the Red Prince
The phantom conspiracy
The third truth
Operation Enigma
A spy in winter
Spy in Winter
Les Vengeurs
ha- Ḥayal ha-almoni
Suez: ultra-secret
David Ben Gurion
Chasse aux savants allemands
Erets moledet
Histoire secrète de la guerre des six jours
The Enigma
The armed prophet: a biography of Ben Gurion
Spy Who Died Twice
Tevat Pandorah
Mishak kaful (Metah)
A spy in winter
Kesher ha-zahav (Sifre Yediot aharonot)
No mission is impossible
La chasse aux savants allemands
L' espion Juif de Hitler
Un espion en hiver
ha-Ḥayal ha-almoni
Hitler's Jewish spy
Sefer ha-tsanḥanim
Ein Spion Kehrt zurück
Sefer ha-tsanḥanim
ha-Emet ha-shelishit
Tsed ha-madʻanim ha-Germaniyim
Meragel ba-ḥoref
ha-Ḥodesh he-ʾarokh be-Yoter
Ḥisul memuḳad
L'homme qui mourut deux fois
Miśḥaḳ kaful
Ḳitsur toldot Yiśraʼel
ha-Ḥodesh ha-arokh be-yoter
ha-Reshimah ha-sodit
ha- Reshimah ha-sodit
ha-Loḥamim pashṭu ʻim shaḥar
ha- Reshimah ha-sodit
Mul ha-marʼah ha-akhzarit
J'ai risqué ma vie
Le Complot
La vingt-huitième enigma
ha-Emet ha-shelishit
ha-Rakavot yatsʼu reḳot
Dov Kimchi
Dov Kimchi (1889-1961)

translator, newspaper editor, teacher

Entsiklopedyah le-ishim ba-Tanakh
Masot keṭanot
Ben ha-shiṭin shel ha-Tanakh
Mivḥar sipure Erets-Yiśraʾel
Bi-shevile ha-Tanakh
Bi-shevile ha-Tanakh
Bet Ḥefets
Bet ḥefets
Etrogim ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Mivḥar sipure Dov Ḳimḥi
Bet Ḥefets
Sefer ha-kilyonot
ʻAśarah sipurim
Mivḥar sipure Yiśraʼel
Etrogim ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Sipurim ḳeṭanim
Hemant Mehta
Hemant Mehta (born 1983)

editor, high school teacher, podcaster

  • DePaul University, University of Illinois at Chicago
I Sold My Soul on eBay
The Reluctant Apostate
Queer Disbelief
The Young Atheist's Survival Guide
Getting Started with Oracle Public Cloud