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sociologists who wrote biography
Showing 97-104 out of 154 results
Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz (born 1946)

psychologist, sociologist

  • New York University, University of Pennsylvania
Abraham Lincoln in the post-heroic era
Psychology of learning and behavior
Practical wisdom
The Paradox of Choice
Learning and memory
The paradox of choice
Why we work
The battle for human nature
Instructor's guide and test-item file for Psychology of learning and behavior
The costs of living
Jewish theology
Behaviorism, science, and human nature
The paradox of choice
The new humanism
Psychology of learning & behavior
Why we work
The Costs of Living
Psychology of learning
Practical Wisdom
Battle for Human Nature
Northeast Asia's difficult past
Psychology of Learning
Paradoks wyboru. Dlaczego wiecej oznacza mniej
Paradox of Choice
Abraham Lincoln and the Forge of National Memory
Por Que Trabajamos?
Paradox of Choice, The
Educating for civic responsibilty in a multicultural world
Warum wir arbeiten
Why the Best Things in Life Must Be Free
Karl Popper
Karl Popper (1902-1994)

philosopher, philosopher of science, sociologist

  • University of Vienna, University of Cambridge
Unended quest
果てしなき 探求
The Open Society and Its Enemies (1+2)
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
The Poverty of Historicism
The self and its brain
Realism and the aim of science
Conjectures and refutations
Quantum theory and the schism in physics
In Search of a Better World
The Lesson of this Century
Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem
All Life is Problem Solving
After The Open Society
Popper selections
The world of Parmenides
A World of Propensities
The philosophy of Karl Popper
Objective Knowledge
The Open Society and Its Enemies
Offene Gesellschaft - offenes Universum
The Open Universe
Etat paternaliste ou Etat minimal
Two Fundamental Problems of Knowledge
The Myth of the Framework
Wissenschaftstheorie, Hermeneutik, Theologie
Vermutungen und Widerlegungen
Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus
The Open Society and Its Enemies
Die Zukunft ist offen
De Vienne à Cambridge
Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt
Of clouds and clocks
Post-scriptum a la logique de la découverte scientifique la theorie quantique et le schisme en phys
La Television Es Mala Maestra
Karl Popper Bundle RC
Alle Menschen sind Philosophen
Gegen den Zynismus in der Interpretation der Geschichte
"Ich weiss, dass ich nichts weiss-- und kaum das"
U potrazi za boljim svijetom
Truth, rationality, and the growth of scientific knowledge
LA Responsabilidad De Vivir
Karl R. Poppers Philosophie der wissenschaftlichen und der verwissenschaftlichen Erfahrung
Revolution or Reform?
Research on Bipolarity And Reflexivity
Frühe Schriften
Brain’s Winter
A la busqueda del sentido. - 2.Ed.
Vermutungen und Widerlegungen, Kt, Tl.1, Vermutungen
Wissen und das Leib-Seele-Problem
Kritischer Rationalismus Heute
Tarihselciligin Sefaleti
Mysterien des Ostens
i zoi einai epilysi provlimaton
On the sources of knowledge and of ignorance
Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge
Hayat problem c ʹo zmektir
Come io vedo la filosofia e altri saggi
Después de La sociedad abierta
Vermutungen und Widerlegungen, Kt, Tl.2, Widerlegungen
Cai xiang yu fan bo
Towards a rational theory of tradition
Die Quantentheorie und das Schisma der Physik
La logica delle scienze sociali e altri saggi
Nuvole e orologi
Why probabilistic support is not inductive
La télévision
Karl Popper
Problems Of Scientific Revolution
Bemerkungen zu Theorie und Praxis des demokratischen Staates
An  evaluation of the prophecy
La scienza, la filosofia e il senso comune
Fakt i teoria
Des sources de la connaissance et de l'ignorance
Wszechświat otwarty
Wiedza a zagadnienie ciała i umysłu
Misère de l'historicisme
Ha-ḥevrah ha-petuḥah
Raymond Aron
Raymond Aron (1905-1983)

journalist, philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, professor, economist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Sciences Po
Le spectateur engagé
Sur Clausewitz
Raymond Aron, 1905-1983
Etapes de la pensée sociologique
The century of total war
On war
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe décadente
République impériale
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Penser la guerre, Clausewitz
Sociologie allemande contemporaine
Diversity of worlds
Politics and history
Histoire et dialectique de la violence
Thinking politically
History, truth, liberty
Introduction to the philosophy of history
La philosophie critique de l'histoire
Marxism and the existentialists
La sociologie allemande contemporaine
The committed observer
World technology and human destiny
Gaulle, Israël, et les juifs
France, steadfast and changing
The new economics of health care
The great debate
The industrial society
In defense of political reason
An essay on freedom
Révolution introuvable
La lutte de classes
Political reason in the age of ideology
War and industrial society
Une histoire du vingtième siècle
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Opium des intellectuels
Jouir entre ciel et terre
Dix-huit leçons sur la société industrielle
Leçons sur l'histoire
De Giscard a Mitterrand
18 lectures on industrial society
France, steadfast and changing: the Fourth to the Fifth Republic
De Gaulle, Israël et les juifs
La guerre froide
La révolution introuvable
Les articles de politique internationale dans Le Figaro de 1947 à 1977
Clausewitz: philosopher of war
The dawn of universal history
Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes
France, the new Republic
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
Dimensions de la conscience historique
Les desillusions du progres
Les désillusions du progrès. English
Las Etapas Del Pensamiento Sociologico
The great débate
Démocratie et totalitarisme
Etudes sociologiques
La société industrielle et la guerre
The Soviet economy
République impériale; Les États-Unis dans le monde, 1945-1972
La querelle de la C.E.D.
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
L' Algerie et la Republique
Asia between Malthus and Marx
La revolution introuvable
Introduction à la philosophie politique
Progress and disillusion
L' opium des intellectuels
Les etapes de la pensee sociologique
Les étapes de la pensée sociologique
De la condition historique du sociologue
La lutte des classes
The Gaullist Republic
Espoir et peur du siècle
La France dans la competition economique
D'une Sainte Famille à l'autre, essais sur les marxismes
Introduction a   la philosophie de l'histoire
Les crises
Power, Modernity, and Sociology
Le Marxisme de Marx
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu
L' homme contre les tyrans
Die deutsche Soziologie der Gegenwart
La coexistence
Les dernières années du siècle
Society and Democracy in Germany
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu. Comte. Marx. Tocqueville. Durkheim. Pareto. Weber
Über Deutschland und den Nationalsozialismus
Études politiques
D'une Sainte Famille  a l'autre
Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique
Essais sur la condition juive contemporaine
Le grand débat
Essai sur les libertés
Chroniques de guerre
Scientists in search of their conscience
Les Désillusions du progrès
Essai sur la condition juive contemporaine
Die industrielle Gesellschaft
Essai sur les liberte s
Sosyolojik dusuncenin evreleri
Auguste Comte et Alexis de Tocqueville, juges de l'Angleterre
Les éléctions de mars et la Ve République
Les e lections de mars et la Ve re publique
Social Structure & the Ruling Class
La tragédie algérienne
France and Europe
Raymond Aron, intervista
La Révolution introuvable, réflexions sur les événements de mai
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Leçon inaugurale faite le ... ler décembre 1970
La trage die alge rienne
Trois essais sur l'âge industriel
Culture and its creators
L' histoire et ses interpre tations
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire, essai sur une théorie allemande de l'histoire
Dix-huit lecons sur la societe industrielle
Raymond Aron et la liberté politique
De l'armistice à l'insurrection nationale ..
The two cultures and the rebellion of the students
Scientists in Search of Their Conscience
D'une sainte famille à l'autre
L' Algérie et la République
Immuable et changeante
Les élections de mars et la Ve République
Essai sur la théorie de l'histoire dans l'Allemagne contemporaine
L'Histoire et ses intè̀rpretations
L' historie et ses interprétations
De mocratie et totalitarisme
Ensayo Sobre Las Libertades
Trois essais sur l'age industriel ..
Les guerres en chaine
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Historia
Leçon inaugurale faite le mardi 1er décembre 1970
Betrachtungen zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Idee
Aspects sociologiques des notions de quantité de qualité en fait d'education
L' âge des empires et l'avenir de la France
Imperialism and colonialism
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe decadente
Philosophie mathématique. Troisième cycle et recherche
Main currents in sociological thought
Le socialisme francais face au marxisme
Etudes politiques
Social structure and the ruling class
Le grand schisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Les guerres en chaîne
Estudios Politicos (Seccion de Obras de Politica y Derecho)
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire ; essai sur les limites de l'objectivité historique
Les Guerres en chaîne
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, V
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las
As etapas do pensamento sociológico
Les Grandes Heures De La Troisieme Republique
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las - 2 Vol
The century of total war
The Tanner lectures on human values
Lecciones Sobre La Historia
Main currents in sociologial thought
Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society
L'Église sous leurs regards
La lutte de classes ; nouvelles leçons sur les sociétés industrielles
Estudios Sociologicos (Nueva Austral Series : No. 97)
Main currents of sociological thought
Tocqueville et l'esprit de la démocratie
Tragédie algérienne
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Hans Mayer zum 19. März 1977
Colloques de Rheinfelden
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
The Soviet economy
The century of total war
La Démocratie à l'épreuve du XXe siècle
La tragédie algérienne
ha-Ṭragedyah ha-Alg'iraʼit
Essai sur les libertés
Culture, science et développement
The industrial society
Science et conscience de la société
Ekonomia wobec potrzeb ludzkich
Dimensions de la conscience historique
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
Espoir et peur du siècle
Hat Europa noch Aufbaukräfte?
L'Unification économique de l'Europe
Liberté et égalité
Raymond Aron
Le grand schisme
Main currents in sociological thought
War and industrial society
Lun zhi shi
Opium intellektualov
Ranimer l'Europe
Peace and war
Machiavelli nel V ̊centenario della nascita
E tapy razvitii Ła sot Łsiologicheskoi  mysli
Penser dans le temps
Inventaires III
La Querelle de la C.E.D.
Frnce, the new republic
Introduction to the philosophy of history
Leçons sur l'histoire
The Great Debate; Theories of Nuclear Strategy. Translated From the French by Ernst Pawel
German sociology
Democracia y totalitarismo
Le marxisme de Marx
Les sociétés modernes
L'abécédaire de Raymond Aron
Le France dans la compétition économique
The industrial society
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Evidence and inference
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Marxismes imaginaires
War and peance between the nation
The century of total war /Raymond Aron
הקידמה ואכזבותיה
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire
Les Rapports russo-américains et les rapports franco-russes, convergences ou contradictions?
Frieden Und Krieg Eine Theorie Der Staat
Widz i uczestnik
Estudos politicos
Démocratie et totalitarisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Estudos sociológicos
Progress and disillusion
La sociologie Allemande contemporaine
Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne (born 1955)

philosopher, sociologist, jurist

  • Pontifical Gregorian University, University of Turin
Osama bin Laden
Les Mormons
Il cappello del mago
I nuovi movimenti religiosi
The Plymouth Brethren
Inside the Church of Almighty God
The Unification Church (Studies in Contemporary Religions, 2)
I Fratelli
La Turchia e l'Europa
Les Témoins de Jéhovah
I Mormoni
I nuovi culti
Sacred Eroticism
I testimoni di Geova
Pour en finir avec les sectes
I due principi di giustizia nella teoria di Rawls
La nuova guerra mondiale
Enquête sur le satanisme
Il segreto dell'Europa
I satanisti
New age & next age
L'isola che c'è
Preti pedofili
Il sacro postmoderno
Massoneria e religioni
I testimoni di Geova
Millenarismo e nuove religioni alle soglie del Duemila
I pentecostali
Il ritorno dello gnosticismo
Il segreto di papa Francesco
Pour en finir avec les sectes
Le nuove religioni
Cattolici, antisemitismo e sangue
Il satanismo
Les Veilleurs de l'Apocalypse
L'eredità di Benedetto XVI
La magie à nos portes
L' ebraismo moderno
Il lavaggio del cervello
La messa è finita?
La dottrina sociale di Leone XIII
Le religioni in Italia
Tu sei Pietro
Il cortile dei gentili
Islam, che sta succedendo?
Islam, che sta succedendo?
Indagine sul satanismo
Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia
Lo spiritismo
Il simbolo ritrovato
Una battaglia nella notte
Tu sei Pietro
Edvard Beneš
Edvard Beneš (1884-1948)

lecturer, politician, association football player, diplomat, sociologist, teacher

  • University of Paris, Sciences Po
Masarykova cesta a odkaz
Edvard Beneš 1884-1948
Edvard Beneš in his own words
Světová válka a naše revoluce
Živý odkaz TGM
T.G. Masaryk
Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Beneš
Bohemia's case for independence
Odsun Němců z Československa
The fall and rise of a nation
Mnichovské dny
Democracy today and tomorrow
Czechoslovak policy for victory and peace
Na cestě k vítězství
Mnichovské dny
President Beněs on war and peace
Czechoslovak policy for victory and peace
What would be a good peace
The problems of Czechoslovakia
Towards a lasting peace
Smysl československé revoluce
Locarno a svaz narodu
President Beneš on war and peace
International security
Boj o mír a bezpečnost státu
Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Benes: from Munich to new war and new victory
Práce za československou samostatnost
Listy důvěrné
Úvahy o slovanství
Uvahy o slovanství
Der Aufstand der Nationen
Le dilemme européen
Edward Benes in his own words
Masarykova cesta a odkaz
Šest let exilu a druhé světově války
My war memoirs
Le pacte d'organisation de la Petite Entente et l'état actuel de la politique internationale
Détruisez l'Autriche-Hongrie
Tři roky druhé světové války
Projevy, články, rozhovory 1935-1938
Vers un régroupement des forces en Europe?
The problem of Central Europe and the Austrian question
Le sens politique de la tragédie de Marseille
Nová slovanská politika
Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Benes
A new phase of the struggle for European equilibrium
Nazi barbarism in Czechoslovakia
La France et la nouvelle Europe
An appeal to the American people
Dopisy bratru Vojtovi, 1938-1944
Demokracie dnes a zítra
Deux conférences sur T.G. Masaryk
Où vont les slaves?  Üvahy o slovanství (Essais sur le slavisme)
Détruisez l'Autriche-Hongrie!  Le martyre des Tchéco-Slovaques à travers l'histoire
Přednášky na Univerzitě Karlově 1913-1948
Problém alkoholové výroby a abstinence
My war memoirs
The diplomatic struggle for European security and the stabilization of peace
Projev presidenta republiky Dr. Edvarda Beneše v Praze, dne 16. května 1945, na Staroměstském náměstí
Czechoslovakia's second struggle for freedom
Deutschland und die Tschechoslowakei
Nazi barbarism in Czechoslovakia
Christmas message, 1936
Edvard Beneš in his own words
A radio discussion of the outlook for Europe
Světová krise kontinuita práva a nové právo revoluční
Naše politická práce v druhém a třetím roce války
Demokracie dnes a zítra
Une nouvelle phase de la lutte pour lʹéquilibre européen
Úvahy o slovanství
Edvard Beneš, diplomat na cestách
Odsun Němců
My war memoirs
A free Czechoslovakia and a free Germany, in a free Europe
Literatureʹs mission in modern times
Democracy today and tomorrow
President Benes  on war and peace
The way to victory
Souvenirs de guerre et de révolution (1914-1918) la lutte pour l'indépendance des peuples
Czechoslovakiaʹs struggle for freedom
The opening of the Prague Parliament
The problem of the small nations after the world war
Détruisez l'Autriche-Hongrie!  Le martyre des Tchéco-Slovaques à travers l'histoire
Gedanke und tat
My war memoirs
Do nového života Republiky
Edvard Beneš als Politiker
Five years of Czechoslovak foreign policy
Edward Benes in his own words
Práce a zápasy po boku TGM
Le socialisme autrichien et la guerre
Discours aux Slovaques sur le présent et l'avenir de notre nation
La Tchécoslovaquie 1938-1941
Soupis publikací
U vahy o slovanstvi
Nazi barbarism in Czechslovakia
Czechoslovak policy for victory and peace
Les problemes des réparations et la liquidation de la guerre mondiale à La Haye
The problem of the small nations after the world war
La situation internationale et la politique étrangère tchécoslovaque
International security
The Austro-German customs union project
Democracy today and tomorrow
L' avenir de la Société des Nations
Bohmeia's case for independence
Podkarpatsko a jeho vztah k Československu
Projev pana presidenta republiky Dr Edvarda Beneše na sjezdu českých spisovatelů v červnu 1946 v Praze
European security
Literature's mission in modern times
Demokracie dnes a zítra
Problèmes de la Tchécoslovaquie
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956)

economist, politician, constitutionalist, barrister, jurist, sociologist, anthropologist, pedagogue, philosopher, social reformer, journalist, revolutionary, professor, political scientist, scholar, orator, freedom fighter, historian, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, humanitarian, human rights activist, educational theorist, spiritual leader, peace activist, autobiographer, theologian, painter, women's rights activist, bibliographer, essayist, scholar

  • Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science
Asā mī jagalo
The homage
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcī ātmakathā
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Pakistan or partition of India
Annihilation of caste
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Ranade, Gandhi & Jinnah
The Buddha and his Dhamma
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Hindūñcī jātīprathā va tī moḍaṇyācā mārga
Annihilation of caste with a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
The untouchables
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
States and minorities
Who were the Shudras?
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhārata, 1927-1929, āṇi Mūkanāyaka, 1920
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Ambeḍakarāñcī vilāyatehūna ālelī patre
Maharashtra as a linguistic province
"Janatā" patrātīla lekha
The evolution of provincial finance in British India
Thoughts on linguistic states
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcā janatelā upadeśa va Gopāḷabuvā Valaṅgakara yāñce uccavarṇīyāvirūddhace jagātale pahile vinantī-patraka
The untouchables [by] B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution of India
Dalitānnī ārthika unnatī kaśī sādhāvī?
Annihilation of caste
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
Dalitāñce rājakīya astitva sampushṭāta āṇaṇārā Puṇe karāra
Gandhi and Gandhism
Ambedkar speaks
Poona pact
The problem of the rupee
Ambedkar writes
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables
Mr. Gandhi and the emancipation of the untouchables
Why go for conversion?
Three historical addresess of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
ʻBahishkr̥ta Bhāratāʼ tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarāñce sphuṭa lekha
Thoughts on Pakistan
Federation versus freedom
Social justice and political safeguards for depressed classes
History of Indian currency & banking
Conditions precedent for the successful working of democracy
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
Pakistan or the Partition of India
Bharata ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution
Christianizing the untouchables
Thoughts on Pakistan
Pali sabdakoda
Communal deadlock & a way to solve it
Untouchables and the Indian Constitution
Buddhist revolution and counter-revolution in ancient India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man and his message
India and the prerequisites of communism
'Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratā' tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarañce sphuṭa lekha
Pakistan or partition of India
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī bhāshaṇe
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
The essential Ambedkar
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar's the Kathmandu speech
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī patre
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
100 essential quotations of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Triumph of Brahminism
Annihilation of caste with reply to Mahatma Gandhi
Philosophy of Hinduism
A scheme of political safeguards for the protection of the depressed classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India
Letters of Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Christianising the untouchables
Prajñā mahāmānavācī
Thoughts on Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian constitution
Castes in India
Christianizing the untouchables
India and communism
Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
Alexander Zinoviev
Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006)

philosopher, caricaturist, sociologist, logician, opinion journalist, satirist, politician

  • Moscow University's Department of Philosophy
Ispoved otshchepentsa
L'avenir radieux
Kommunizm kak realʹnostʹ
Foundations of the logical theory of scientific knowledge (complex logic)
Zii︠a︡i︠u︡shchie vysoty
Svetloe budushchee
Globalʹnyĭ cheloveĭnik
Philosophical problems of many-valued logic
I︠A︡ mechtai︠u︡ o novom cheloveke
Ich bin für mich selbst ein Staat
Gomo sovetikus
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh
Non-standard logic and its applications
Postkommunisticheskai͡a︡ Rossii͡a︡
Globalʹnoe sverkhobshchestvo i Rossii︠a︡
Logical physics
Vratio sam se zbog Srbije
Filosofskie problemy mnogoznachnoĭ logiki
Logika vyskazyvaniĭ i teorii͡a︡ vyvoda
O Rossii, o Zapade, o zagranit͡s︡e, i o sebe--
Osnovy logicheskoĭ teorii nauchnykh znaniĭ
L' occidentisme
Komplete Logik
Le Communisme comme réalité
Mon Tchékhov
Kompleksnai͡a︡ logica
Nasheĭ i͡u︡nosti polet
Bez illi͡u︡ziĭ
Ni liberté, ni égalité, ni fraternité
Kommunizm, evrokommunizm, sovetskiĭ stroĭ
My i Zapad
Die Macht des Unglaubens
V preddverii  rai͡a︡
Zheltyĭ dom
Zhëltyĭ dom
[Idi na Golgofu
Gibelʹ russkogo kommunizma
The madhouse
Zapiski nochnogo storozha
La grande rupture
Logicheskai͡a︡ fizika
[Para bellum
Russkai͡a︡ tragedii͡a︡
Stalin -- nasheĭ íùnosti polet
Moĭ dom--moi︠a︡ chuzhbina
Ni svobody, ni ravenstva, ni bratstva
Russkiĭ ėksperiment
Sans illusions
Logische Sprachregeln. Eine Einführung in die Logik.
Voskhozhdenie ot abstraktnogo k konkretnomu
Nesostoi︠a︡vshiĭsi︠a︡ proekt
Foundations of the logical theory of scientific knowledge (complex logic)
Idi na Golgofu
Logicheskai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡
Logicheskiĭ intellekt
Logika nauki
Восхождение от абстрактного к конкретному
Ideologii︠a︡ partii budushchego
Die Diktatur der Logik
Rosja i Zachód
Russkai͡a tragedii͡a
Zi︠i︡a︠i︡ushchie vysoty
L'évangile pour Ivan
Moĭ dom--moi︠a︡ chuzhbina
Logical physics
Homo sovieticus
Katastroika, Gorbatschows Potemkinsche Dörfer
Na puti k sverkhobshchestvu
Fenomen Zinovʹeva
My i Zachód
Gomo sovetikus
Logische Sprachregeln
Walter Bagehot
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

journalist, economist, political scientist, sociologist, engineer, politician, businessperson, essayist

  • University College London
Biographical studies
Bagehot's historical essays
Biographical studies
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard Street
Physics and politics
Literary studies
Shakespeare the man
The Works of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
The collected works of Walter Bagehot
The postulates of English political economy
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money
Lombard Street
Some articles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connected with it
Shakespeare, the Man: An Essay
Literary Studies: With a Prefatory Memoir
Essays on parliamentary reform
A Practical Plan for Assimilating the English and American Money: As a Step ..
Physics and Politics: Or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "natural Selection ..
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Estimations in criticism
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money as a step towards a universal money
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la ..
La constitution anglaise
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen
The best of Bagehot
The English constitution, and other political essays
Der Ursprung der Nationen: Betrachtungen über den natürlichen Zuchtwahl und der Vererbung auf ..
Historical essays
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen, a series of articles reprinted by permission principally from the National Review
Literary studies by the late Walter Bagehot
Parliamentary reform
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The love-letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson
Walter Bagehot: a study of his life and thought
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes IX, X, XI
The Postulates of the English Political Economy
Literary Studies V2
The English Constitution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Walter Bagehot
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes III and IV
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
The Works And Life Of Walter Bagehot V10
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes I and II
Works and life
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes VII and VIII
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes V and VI
Collected works
Der Ursprung der Nationen
Economic Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
The English constitution
Essays on parliamentary reform
Physics and politiics
Lombard street
The postulates of English political economy
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection andinheritance to political society
Die englische Verfassung
Literary Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
Postanak i razvitak naroda
The English constitution
La Constitución inglesa
Lombard Street
Shakespeare the man
Selected essays of Walter Bagehot
Literary studies
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political science
La costituzione inglese
Lombard Street
Lombard street
Physics and politics
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
Der Ursprung der Nationen
The English constitution
Shizen kagaku to seijigaku
Lombard Street
The English constitution
Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
The English constitution
Bajotto, Rasuki, Makkīvā
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard street
Lombard Street
Wu li yu zheng li
Literary studies
Early Law and Crime, 87 books on CD
The postulates of English political economy
Dustūr-e salt̤anat-e Inglishīya
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
Literary studies
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la sélection naturelle et de l'hérédité