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sociologists who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 154 results
Hans Günther Adler
Hans Günther Adler (1910-1988)

historian, philosopher, sociologist

  • Charles University, College of Philosophy of the Prague German University
Über Franz Baermann Steiner
Zu Hause im Exil
H. G. Adler, Buch der Freunde
Die unsichtbare Wand
Theresienstadt, 1941–1945
Die Juden in Deutschland
Der Wahrheit verpflichtet
Zeugen der Vergangenheit
Die Freiheit des Menschen
Eine Reise
Vorschule für eine Experimentaltheologie
Der verwaltete Mensch
Über Franz Baermann Steiner
Die verheimlichte Wahrheit
Von der Legitimation der Gewalt
H. G. Adler und Hermann Broch
Orthodoxie des Herzens
Stimme und Zuruf
Theresienstadt 1941–1945
Die Erfahrung der Ohnmacht
Die Verheimlichte Wahrheit
Literární tvorba pražské školy =
Erzählungen, Gedichte
Transubstantiations Mixed and Fixed
Jon Elster
Jon Elster (born 1940)

philosopher, professor, sociologist, economist, political scientist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Oslo Cathedral School
Alexis de Tocqueville
Local Justice
Rational choice
Ulysses and the Sirens
Ulysses Unbound
Making sense of Marx
Closing the Books
The Multiple self
Strong Feelings
Alternatives to capitalism
Alchemies of the mind
The cement of society
An introduction to Karl Marx
Sobre las pasiones
Explaining technical change
Logic and society
Explaining Social Behavior
The Multiple Self (Studies in Rationality and Social Change)
Institutional Design in Post-communist Societies
Sour grapes
Getting hooked
Constitutionalism and democracy
Om Kapitalen
Solomonic judgements
Nuts and bolts for the social sciences
Karl Marx
Collective wisdom
Retribution and reparation in the transition to democracy
Alquimias de la mente/ Alchemies of the Mind
Transitional justice
Rational choice
Psychologie politique
Oekonomi og historie
Strategic uses of argument
Majority decisions
Leibniz et la formation de l'esprit capitaliste
Logica y Sociedad
Reason and rationality
Vitenskap og politikk
Forklaring og dialektikk
Desires and opportunities
Political psychology
Rasjonalitet og rasjonalisme
Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-being
Nytt perspektiv på økonomisk historie
Nytt perspektiv paa okonomisk historie
Essays om Hegel og Marx
Securities against misrule
Traité critique de l'homme économique
Le Laboureur et ses enfants. Deux essais sur les limites de la rationalité
Proverbes, maximes, émotions
Choice over time
The roundtable talks and the breakdown of communism
Deliberative democracy
La Etica de Las Decisiones Medicas
Stat, organisasjon, klasse
Essays on Hegel og Marx
Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being (Studies in Rationality and Social Change)
Leibniz and the development of economic rationality
Om utbytting
Psicologia Politica - Politica
El Cemento de La Sociedad
The ethics of medical choice
Ulises y Las Sirenas
Rendicion de Cuentas - La Justicia Transicional En Perspectiva Historica
Foundations of social choice theory
La Democracia Deliberativa
Raison et raisons
Rationale Argumentation. Ein Grundkurs in Argumentations- und Wissenschaftstheorie
Traité critique de l'homme économique
Justicia Local
Marx i dag
Juicios Salomonicos
Optimism and pessimism in the discussion of the standard of living during the Industrial Revolution in Britain
Alternatives to capitalism
Constituionalismo y Democracia (Seccion de Obras de Administracion Publica)
Transitional justice
Las limitaciones del paradigma de la elección racional
Elster og sirenenes sang
Constitutionalism and democracy
Die Akten schliessen
Sensazioni forti
Ethique des choix médicaux
Yuan zhuo tan pan yu min zhu zhuan xing
Alternatives to capitalism
Indirecte rede
Chiudere i conti
Foundations of social choice theory
Come si studia la società
Giustizia locale
Lucien Goldmann
Lucien Goldmann (1913-1970)

literary theorist, sociologist, philosopher, researcher

  • University of Vienna
Sciences humaines et philosophie
Power and humanism
Pour une sociologie du roman
The philosophy of the Enlightenment
Le Dieu caché
Essays on Method in the Sociology of Literature
Le dieu caché
Lukacs and Heidegger
Toward a Sociology of the Novel
Cultural creation in modern society
Lukács und Heidegger
Lukacs And Heidegger Towards A New Philosophy
Introduction à la philosophie de Kant
La communauté humaine et l'univers chez Kant
Le due avanguardie, e altre ricerche sociologiche
Épistémologie et philosophie politique
Jean Racine
Lukacs et Heidegger
Structures mentales et création culturelle
The hidden God
Immanuel Kant
The hidden God
Pour une sociologie du roman
Mensch, Gemeinschaft und Welt in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants
Cultural creation in modern society
Towards a sociology of the novel
Situation de la critique racinienne
Marxisme et sciences humaines
Om marxistisk metode
Dieu Cache
Recherches dialectiques
Lukàcs et Heidegger
Structures mentales et création culturelle
Ningen no kagaku to tetsugaku
Soziologie des modernen Romans
Method in the sociology of literature
Per una sociologia del romanzo
Der christliche Bürger und die Aufklärung
The philosophy of the Enlightenment
Power and humanism
Le dieu cache
Weltflucht und Politik
Immanuel Kant
Marxisme et sciences humaines
Dialektische Untersuchungen
El teatro de Jean Genet
Der christliche Bürger und die Aufklärung
Human Sciences
L'illuminismo e la società moderna
La création culturelle dans la société moderne
Lukács and Heidegger
La création culturelle dans la société moderne
Problems d'une sociologie du roman
Situation de la critique racinienne
René König
René König (1906-1992)

translator, sociologist

René König. Soziologe und Humanist
Leben im Widerspruch
Autobiographische Schriften
Menschheit auf dem Laufsteg
Navajo Report
Schriften zur Grundlegung der Soziologie
A la mode; on the social psychology of fashion
Emile Durkheim zur Diskussion
Soziologische Studien zu Gruppe und Gemeinde
Emile Durkheim
The restless image
Die Familie der Gegenwart
The community
Soziologie der jugendkriminalität
Die naturalistische Ästhetik in Frankreich und ihre Auflösung
Zur Konstitution moderner Gesellschaften
Materialien zur Soziologie der Familie
Niccolo Machiavelli
Materialien zur Kriminalsoziologie (René König Schriften. Ausgabe letzter Hand) (German Edition)
Vom Wesen der deutschen Universität
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Á la mode on the social psychology of fashion
Soziologie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht
Schriften zur Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (René König Schriften. Ausgabe letzter Hand) (German Edition)
Kritik der historisch-existenzialistischen Soziologie
Beiträge zur Militärsoziologie
Macht und Reiz der Mode
Probleme der Medizin-Soziologie
Max Weber zum Gedächtnis
Praktische Sozialforschung
Soziologie in Deutschland
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Soziologie heute
Studien zur Soziologie
Soziologische Orientierungen
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Niccolo Machiavelli
Grundformen der Gesellschaft
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Die Mode in der menschlichen Gesellschaft
Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung
Sociologie de la mode
˜Dasœ Interview
Soziologie der Gemeinde
The community
Kleider und Leute
Max Weber zum Gedächtnis
Probleme der Medizin-Soziologie
Leḳsiḳon le-sotsyologyah
Praktische Sozialforschung: das Interview
Materialien zur Soziologie der Familie
Soziologische Orientierungen
Künstler und Gesellschaft
Ruha Benjamin
Ruha Benjamin (born 1999)


  • University of California, Berkeley, Spelman College
Mario Moore
People's Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier
Race After Technology
Captivating Technology
Viral Justice
Techno-Vernacular Creativity and Innovation
Critical Digital Pedagogy
Eugen Kogon
Eugen Kogon (1903-1987)

journalist, historian of Modern Age, sociologist, politician

"Dieses merkwürdige, wichtige Leben"
Der SS-Staat
Die restaurative Republik
Theory and practice of hell
Der SS-Staat, das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager. [Aufl. für Gross-Hessen]
Ideologie und Praxis der Unmenschlichkeit
Nationalsozialistiche Massentötungen durch Giftgas
Sociologia de los campos de concentracion
Die unvollendete
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin
Heyne Sachbuch, Nr.9, Der SS-Staat
Die Stunde der Ingenieure
Europaische Visionen
Eugen Kogon-- ein politischer Publizist in Hessen
Europäische Visonen
Die unvollendete Erneuerung
Liebe und tu was du willst
Bedingungen der Humanität
Die reformierte Gesellschaft
Nationalsozialistische Massentötungen durch Giftgas: Eine Dokumentation (German Edition)
Ökologische Zwischenbilanz
Der SS-Staat, das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager
Nationalsozialistische Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Eine Dokumentation
Die Idee des christlichen Ständestaates
Der totale Notstandsstaat
The system of the German concentration camps
The theory and practice of hell
Terror und Gewaltkriminalität
Der SS-Staat
Jane Addams
Jane Addams (1860-1935)

journalist, philosopher, women's rights activist, autobiographer, social reformer, social critic, suffragette, peace activist, human rights activist, political theorist, sociologist

  • Rockford University
The selected papers of Jane Addams / edited by Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury
My friend, Julia Lathrop
20 Years at Hull House
On education
The social thought of Jane Addams
Jane Addams on education
The excellent becomes the permanent
The essence of Jane Addams's Twenty years at Hull Hsouse
What I owe to my father
Women at the Hague
The spirit of youth and the city streets
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Peace and bread in time of war
Jane Addams: a centennial reader
The long road of woman's memory
The second twenty years at Hull-House, September 1909 to September 1929, with a record of a growing world consciousness
The Overthrow of the War System
Newer ideals of peace
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays
The Jane Addams papers, 1860-1960
Harrap French Media Dictionary
Democracy And Social Ethics (The Works Of Jane Addams)
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Jane Addams's writings on peace
What I Owe to My Father
Philanthropy Social Progress
Hull-House maps and papers
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays ... Delivered Before the School of Applied Ethics ...
Dietary studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896
Writings on peace
Democracy and Social Ethics
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets, The
Muckraking & 1912 Election and the Power of Progressivism & Muller v. Oregon & Twenty Years at Hull-House
Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1945 & Twenty Years at Hull-House & Harlem Renaissance
Peace and bread in time of war
Jane Addams' Essays and Speeches
Jane Addams' account of her interview with the foreign ministers of Europe
Forty years at Hull-House
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book)
Extraordinary Women: Jane Adams
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
On Education
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Confessions of Nat Turner & Judith Sargent Murray & Twenty Years at Hull-House & César Chávez & John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry & Martin Luther ... Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s
Forty Years at Hull-House
Long Road of Woman's Memory
Democràcia i ètica social
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book) by Jane Addams (1989-08-01)
On Education
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 2
The spirit of youth and the city streets / by Jane Addams
Jane Addams
Women and public housekeeping
Peace and Bread in Time of War
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3 : Vol. 3
Democràcia i ètica social
Newer ideals of peace. by Jane Addams .
The social thought of J. Addams
Newer ideals of peace
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 1
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil (Perfect Library)
The housing problem in Chicago
The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
The Social Thought of Jane Addams
Atlantic Classics
A function of the social settlements
Twenty Years At Full House
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Philanthropy and social progress
Philanthropy and social progress
Veinte Años en Hull House. Jane Addams
Weight Watchers Freestyle Air Fryer Cookbook 2021
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3
The Child, the clinic, and the court
Social Application of Religion
The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House
Jane Addams
The Spirit of Youth
The Long Road of Woman's Memory [microform]
The Excellent Becomes the Permanent
Newer Ideals of Peace
Jane Addams on peace, war, and international understanding, 1899-1932
Excellent Becomes the Permanent
...Woman and the larger citizenship...
Forty Years at Hull-House
My Friend, Julia Lathrop
The clash in Nevada
Social consequences of business depressions
A new conscience and an ancient evil
Newer ideals of peace
Democracy and social ethics
Jane Addams' account of her interviews with the foreign ministers of Europe
A new conscience and an ancient evil
A challenge to the contemporary church
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
Social control
Twenty years at Hull-House
Why women should vote
Lynching and rape
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
Why women should vote
Jane Addams
The spirit of youth and the city streets
The long road of woman's memory
Peace and bread in time of war
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
The spirit of youth and the city streets
Newer ideals of peace
The overthrow of the war system
The subjective value of a social settlement
Funeral services for Mary Hawes Wilmarth at Hubbard Woods, Illinois, August 30, 1919
Child labor legislation
1912 Election & 20 Years at Hull House & Black Protest & Scopes Trial
A function of the social settlement
A function of the social settlement
The Child, the clinic, and the court
Benoy Kumar Sarkar
Benoy Kumar Sarkar (1887-1949)

economist, sociologist, editor

  • Presidency University, Malda Zilla School
Ācārya Binaẏakumāra Sarakāra
The futurism of young Asia
Love in Hindu literature
Chinese religion through Hindu eyes
The positive background of Hindu sociology
The science of history and the hope of mankind
The Bliss of a Moment
Hindu achievements in exact science
Creative India
The positive background of Hindu sociology
Hindu art
The folk-element in Hindu culture
Parājita Jārmmāṇi
The sociology of races, cultures, and human progress
The equations of world-economy in their bearings on post-war reconstruction
Chinese Religion Though Hindu Eyes
Jarjja Oẏāśiṃṭana, Huiṭamyāna, o Mārkiṇa naranārīra dhāt
Magaja merāmatera hātiẏāra
Education for industrialization
The sociology of population, with special reference to optimum, standard of living, and progress
The folk-element in Hindu culture
Villages and towns as social patterns
Imperial preference vis-a-vis world economy
Secular & social strata in Buddhist thought
The political institutions and theories of the Hindus
The sociology of population
Studies in applied economics
Morals and Values in Indian Education
Imperial preference vis-à-vis world-economy in relation to the international trade and national economy of India
Steps to a University
Biplabīra bīrabandanā
The politics of boundaries and tendencies in international relations
Dominion India in world perspectives, economic and political
Economic development
The beginning of Hindu culture as world-power (A.D. 300-600)
Folk Elements of Hindu Culture ; A Contribution to Socio-Religious Studies in Hindu Folk Institutions
Indian currency and reserve bank problems
India in America
The war-economy and Indian industrialism
The expansion of spirituality as a fact of industrial civilization .
A scheme of economic development for young India
The beginning of Hindu culture as world-power
The Sukranîti
Strukturelle erneuerung in der indischen industrie und wirtschaft .
Inland transport and communication in Mediaeval India
Indian currency and reserve bank problems (1926-33)
India in exact science old and new
The hindu theory of the state
Greetings to young India
Social insurance
The political philosophies since 1905
Chinese religion through Hindu eyes
Villages and towns as social patterns
Introduction to the science of education
The political philosophies since 1905, their origins and their tendencies