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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 225-232 out of 294 results
James C. Scott
James C. Scott (1936-2024)

anthropologist, political scientist

  • Williams College, Yale University
A history of the lives of the Protestant reformers in Scotland
The life and work of Dr. Alister MacKenzie
Domination and the Arts of Resistance
Against the Grain
Weapons of the weak
Two Cheers for Anarchism
The moral economy of the peasant
The Art of Not Being Governed
Comparative political corruption
Political ideology in Malaysia
The Music of James Scott
The attack on the Liberty
The Politics Of Food Supply Us Agricultural Policy In The World Economy
The Other Side of Home
Exploitation in rural class relations
Everyday forms of resistance
State simplifications
Transatlantic Rebels
The Documents, reasons and proceedings connected with the formation of said order
Mission Accomplished
Decoding subaltern politics
Trade, poverty, development
Seeing Like a State
Homo Domesticus
Health and agriculture in China
The settlement of Huron County. --
Of mud and dreams
The Old Man Who Danced Naked Around the Flag Pole
Corruption, machine politics, and political change
Agrarian studies
Remarks on a passage to Botany bay, 1787-1792
The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Others
A bibliography on land, peasants, and politics for Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Christian vision
A bibliography on land, peasants, and politics for Burma and Thailand
Report of the Commissioner of Health, Kingston, Jamaica
Bridge to Terabithia
Political ideology in Malaysia
Disputatio medica inauguralis de dysenteria ; quam, annuente summo numine
Politics of Food Supply
The Indiana gazetteer, or, Topographical dictionary
A hand-book of English orthography
Note Taking and Outlining Skills (Language Arts Skills)
English-Corean dictionary
The Chosen
All-American Ragtime
Teen love
The Collected Works of Scott Joplin
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

naturalist, astrologer, protestant theologian, mathematician, astronomer, musicologist, physicist, cosmologist, music theorist, philosopher, teacher, inventor

  • University of Tübingen, Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler
Gesammelte Werke
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae
Opera omnia
Harmonies of the world
The harmony of the world
Le secret du monde
Joannis Kepleri astronomi Opera omnia
Sixcornered Snowflake
Tertius interveniens
Warnung an die Gegner der Astrologie
Johannes Kepler in seinen Briefen
Joannis Keppleri De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
New astronomy
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mvndi libri v
Die astrologie des Johannes Kepler
Understanding Modern Taiwan
Nova stereometria doliorvm vinariorvm, in primis Austriaci, figuræ omnium aptissimæ et usus in eo virgæ cubicæ compendiosissimus & plane singularis
De cometis libelli tres
Tabvlæ Rudolphinæ
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur
Astronomia nova [aitiologetos (romanized form)], sev, Physica coelestis
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo
srodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Traum vom Mond
Ausszug au  der uralten Messekunst Archimedis ..
Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ, or, The Rudolphine tables
Des kaiserliches Mathematikers Johannes Kepler Unterredung mit dem Sternenboten
Joannis Kepleri Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
J. Keplers grundlagen der geometrischen optik
The secret of the universe =
Dioptrice Johannis Kepler
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi
De fvndamentis astrologiæ certioribvs
Epitome astronomiæ copernicanæ vsitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Selections from Kepler's Astronomia nova
Nova Kepleriana
The Secret of the Universe
Joannis Keppleri Admonitio ad astronomos, rerumque colestium studiosos, de raris mirisq[ue], anni 1631
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Epitome of Copernican astronomy, books 4 and 5, The organization of the world and the doctrine on the theoria ..
Ephemerides novae
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena
L' Harmonie du monde
Mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia nova aitiologētos [romanized] seu Physica coelestis
Prodomus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
L' étrenne
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumum de astronomia lunari
Harmonies Of The World (On the Shoulders of Giants)
Kurze Darstellung der Copernicanischen Astronomie in sieben Bänden
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Joannis Kepleri Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quæ visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ..
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sideral messenger
On the more certain fundamentals of astrology, Prague, 1601
Ioannis Kepleris ... Strena
Über die zuverlässigeren Grundlagen der Astrologie
Harmonices mvndi [di Giovanni Keppler]
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunft Saturni unnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Lo wenso da geschicht im Monat Julio dess MDCXXIII Jahrs..
Discussione col Nuncio sidereo e Relazione sui quattro satelliti di Giove
Weltharmonik, übersetzt und eingeleitet von Max Caspar
Dissertatio cum nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata  quaestionum..
Strena seu de niue sexangula..
Harmonices mundi..
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscriptae Libri V. VI. VII. quibus propriè Doctrina Theorica (post principia libro V. praemissa) comprehenditur
Harmonies Of The World
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ..
Neue Astronomie
The Six-Cornered Snowflake
Dissertatio cum nuncio siderea nuper ad mortales Misso a   Galilae'o Galilaeo..
Somnium, Seu Opus Posthumum de Astronomia Lunari, Divulgatum A M. Ludovico Kepplero, ...
Etrenne Ou la Neige Sexangulaire
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Joh. Kepleri, mathem. cæe. & Jacobi Bartschi Tabulæ manuales logarithmicæ ad calculum astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Rudolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles
Ioannes Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V quorum
Weltharmonik (German Edition)
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inque Vll libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt De doctrina sphaerica
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Concerning the more certain fundamentals of astrology: A new brief dissertation looking towards a cosmotheory together with a physical prognosis for ... of Christ, written to the philosophers, 1602
Keplers Elegie in obitum Tychonis Brahe
De stella nova in pede serpentarii..
Somnium ya da Ay Astronomisi
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur; potissimum de artificiosa observatione et aestimatione diametrorum deliquiorumque solis & lunae, cum exemplis insignium eclipsium
Neue Stereometrie der Fässer
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum..
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum continens mysterium cosmographicum
Astronomia Nova
Astronomia nova aitologetos
Tajemnica kosmosu
Johannes Kepler: life and letters
Epistolae J. Keppleri & M. Berneggeri mutuae
Ioannis Kepleris Strena, seu, De niue sexangula
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae..
Ioannis Keppleri Ad epistolam clarissimi viri D. Jacobi Bartschii ... præfixam ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Kepleri Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso à Galilæ'o Galilæo ..
Astrnomia nova aitiologestos
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Joannis Keppleri Somnium seu Opus posthumun de astronomia lunari
The Almagest by Ptolemy; On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, by Copernicus; Epitome of Copernican Astronomy IV and V; The Harmonies of the World V, by Kepler. Great Books Vol. 16
Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, usitatâ formâ quaestionum & responsionum conscripta, inq; VII. libros digesta ...
Neue Astronomie
Astronomia nova aitiologētos, seu, Physica coelestis
Les fondements de l'optique moderne
Tajemnica Kosmosu
Joh. Keppleri mathematici olim imperatorii Somnium, seu opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Tabvlae Rudolphinae
Astronomia nova
Ioh. Keppleri Somnium, seu Opus posthumum De astronomia lunari
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo
Kepler's Somnium
Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]
Prognosticon, von aller handt bedraulichen Vorbotten künftigen Übelstands in regiments und kirchensachen sonderlich von cometen und erdbidem auff das Jahr 1618 und 1619
Astronomia nova aitiologetos
Kosmische Harmonie
Joannis Keppleri ... De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
[Tabulæ Rudolphinæ
Tabulae Rudolphinae
Harmonies of the world
Kepler-Festschrift. 1971
Joannis Keppleri mathematici Eclogae chronicae ex epistolis doctissimorum aliquot virorum, & suis mutuis
De stella nova in pede Serpendarii
El secreto del universo
Joannis Kepleri... Chilias logarithmorum ad totidem numeros rotundos
Astronomia nova aitiologetos seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis democibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe plurium annorum pertinaci studis elaborate Pragae a Joanne Keplero
De cometis libelli tres
Tertivs interveniens
Kepler's conversation with Galileo's Sidereal messenger
Doctrina sphaerica
Joannis Kepleri Astronomi opera omnia
Joannis Keppleri harmonices mundi libri V...
Kepler's Traum vom Mond
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Mysterium cosmographicum
Prodromus Dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Harmonices mundi libri V
Schriften zur Optik 1604-1611
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg. 1599
Ioannis Kepleri mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio cum Nuncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso Galilaeo Galilaeo mathematico Patavino
Tychonis Brahei Dani Hyperaspistes
Ioannis Kepleri Sae. Cae. Mtis. mathematici Dioptrice, seu, Demonstratio eorum quae visui & visibilibus propter conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continetur, a Phoenice illo astronomorum Tychone ...
Opera omnia
The Major writings of Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler
Tychonis Brahei dani Hyperaspistes
Sämtliche Gedichte
Dissertatio cum Nvncio sidereo nuper ad mortales misso
Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae pars optica traditur
Ausszug auss der uralten messekunst Archimedis ...
Gründlicher Bericht vnd Bedencken, von einem vngewöhnlichen newen Stern, welcher im October dess 1604
Astronomia nova, seu Physica caelestis
Zwei wiederaufgefundene Prognostica von Johann Kepler auf die Jahre 1604 und 1624 / [herausgegeben] von Walther von Dyck
Johannes Kepler, 1571-1971
Ioannis Keppleri ... Ad epistolam clarissimi viri d. Jacobi Bartschii laubani lusati, medicinae candidati, praefixam Ephemeridi in annum 1629, responsio
Ioannis Keppleri Harmonices mundi libri V
Ioannis Kepleri Mathematici Caesarei Dissertatio, cum nuncio sidereo, nuper ad mortales misso a Galilaeo Galilaeo, Mathematico Patauino
Discurs welcher Gestalt allerhand Ulmische Mass-Sachen
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ
Astronomia nova ai'tiologe tos; seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariisde motibus stellae Martis, ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe ...
Prodromus dissertationvm cosmographicarvm
Tabulae Rudolphinae, or, the Rudolphine tables
Ungedruckte wissenschaftliche Correspondenz zwischen Johann Kepler und Herwart von Hohenburg
Discurs von der grossen Conjunction oder Zusammenkunfft Saturni vnnd Jovis im fewrigen Zeichen dess Löwen
(1) Strena, sive, De nive sexangula (1611) ; (2) Sidereus nuncius (1653) ; (3) Dialogus de calendario gregoriano (1726)
Der Traum, oder, Mond Astronomie
Pierre Rosanvallon
Pierre Rosanvallon (born 1948)

historian, professor, economist, trade unionist, politician, political scientist

  • HEC Paris, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Notre histoire intellectuelle et politique
Le sacre du citoyen
Le peuple introuvable
La nouvelle question sociale
La société des égaux
La contre-d©♭mocratie
La question syndicale
Democracy past and future
La crise de l'Etat-providence
La monarchie impossible
La nouvelle critique sociale
L' âge de l'autogestion
Democracy Past And Future
Pour une nouvelle culture politique
Le capitalisme utopique
The demands of liberty
L' Etat en France de 1789 à nos jours
Democratic legitimacy
Science et démocratie
Le libéralisme économique
Le moment Guizot
La démocratie inachevée
Le libéralisme économique
Le bon gouvernement
Good government : democracy beyond elections
La crise de l'État-providence
Democratic legitimacy
Le Capitalisme utopique. Histoire de l'idée de marché
Pour une histoire conceptuelle du politique
La légitimité démocratique
Democracy past and future
Le parlement des invisibles
Le modèle politique français
Misère de l'économie
Les Conditions de travail
La république "une et divisible"
Carlos Taibo
Carlos Taibo (born 1956)

orator, political scientist

  • Autonomous University of Madrid
Como si no pisase el suelo
Anarquistas de ultramar
Para entender el conflicto de Kosova
Repensar la anarquía
Los olvidados de los olvidados
Estados Unidos contra Iraq
Crisis y cambio en la Europa del Este
Estados Unidos Contra Irak/ United States against Iraq
Historias antieconómicas
Marx y Rusia
Globalización neoliberal y hegemonía en Estados Unidos
En la estela de la guerra de Ucrania
La rebelión de los indignados
No Es Lo Que Nos Cuentan
Sobre el nacionalismo español
Rapiña global
Nacionalismo español
Las transiciones en la Europa central y oriental
Anarquistas y libertarias, de aquí y de ahora (Mayor) (Spanish Edition)
En defensa de la consulta soberanista en Cataluña
Hablando de Izquierda Unida
El 15-M en sesenta preguntas
Anarquismos. Ayer, hoy y mañana
España, un gran país
A Desintegracion De Iugoslavia
En defensa del decrecimiento
O castelo de fogos
Imperio norteamericano e capitalismo global
Los Cambios en el este
La Unión Soviética de Gorbachov
Ante el colapso
Decrecimiento, crisis, capitalismo
Su crisis y la nuestra
Izquierda Unida y sus mundos
De la Revolución de Octubre a Gorbachov
Las  fuerzas armadas en la crisis del sistema soviético
A tortilha de Betanços
Unión Soviética
La disolución de la URSS
Hacia dónde nos lleva Estados Unidos?
Jerarcas Sovieticos de Lenin a Gorbachov, Los
La Rusia de Yeltsin
La explosión Soviética
Iberia vaciada
La Europa oriental sin red
El 15-M
Europa sen folgos
Anarquismo y revolución en Rusia 1917-1921
Un nuevo orden internacional?
Neoliberales, neoconservadores, aznarianos
Union Sovietica 1917 / 1991, La
Voces contra la globalización
Para entender el TTIP
Fendas abertas
Cien preguntas sobre el nuevo desorden
Historia de la Unión Soviética, 1917-1991
Rusia de Yeltsin, La (Mundo de Finales de Siglo)
Rusia frente a Ucrania
OS Movementos De Resistencia Fronte a Globalizacion Capitalista (Ensaio)
Estado de alarma
Nada será como antes
El Acuerdo de los euromisiles de Reikiavik a Washington
El decrecimiento explicado con sencillez
Movimientos antiglobalización
Sobre política, mercado y convivencia
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1623-1673)

philosopher, physicist, poet, essayist, lady-in-waiting

Paper bodies
The blazing world and other writings
The description of a new world, called the blazing world and other writings
Bell in Campo
Margaret Cavendish
Margaret Cavendish
The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing World
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
Political writings / Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of New Castle ; edited by Susan James
The Cavalier in Exile: Being the Lives of the First Dvke & Dvtchess of Newcastle
Observations upon experimental philosophy
The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing World
The Description of New Blazing World and Other Writings (N Y U Press Women's Classics)
Assaulted and Pursued Chastity
Sociable letters
Sociable letters, 1664
The convent of pleasure and other plays
Bell in Campo and The Sociable Companions (Broadview Literary Texts)
The Blazing World and Other Writings
The sociable companions, or, The female wits
The life of William Cavendish
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle
Grounds of natural philosophy
The lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret Duchess of Newcastle
Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, Abridged
The life of the Duke of Newcastle
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle; to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life
"The Convent of Pleasure" and Other Plays
The cavalier and his lady
The lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Sociable Letters
Poems and fancies, 1653
The description of a new world
Philosophical letters
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World (Broadview Editions)
Assaulted And Pursued Chastity
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life
The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle
The philosophical and physical opinions
The Contract
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle, & other writings
CCXI sociable letters
Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places
De vita et rebus gestis nobilissimi illustrissimique principis, Guilielmi ducis Novo-Castrensis, commentarii
Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places
Blazing World Anotated
Blazing World an Illustrated
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle
The Blazing World
The lives of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Illustrated
Lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle
Grounds of natural philosophy : divided into thirteen parts: with an appendix containing five parts
Blazing World an Annotated
Blazing World Annatoted Version
Philosophical letters
The life of the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ..
Poems, or, several fancies in verse
A true relation of the birth, breeding, and life, of Margaret Cavendish, duchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Llustrated
Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places. VVritten by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the Dutchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Be Annotated
Blazing World Annotated
Ground of natural philosophy
The philosphical and physical opinions
The Blazing World
The cavalier and his lady
The cavalier in exile
The worlds olio
Poems, and fancies
The sociable companions
Natures pictures drawn by fancies pencil to the life
The presence
Poems and phancies
CCXI sociable letters
Poems, or, Several fancies in verse
A piece of a play
The Life of the thrice noble High and Puissant Prince, William Cavendish, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ...
The life of the Duke of Newcastle and other writings
The description of a new world, called the blazing world
The Life of the Duke of Newcastle
The life of William Cavendish
Poems and fancies, 1653
The convent of pleasure
The bridals
Plays never before printed
Poems and fancies
Theodosius Dobzhansky
Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975)

evolutionary biologist, geneticist, zoologist, academic, entomologist, biologist, naturalist, population geneticist

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Columbia University
Dobzhansky's genetics of natural populations I-XLIII
The roving naturalist
The biology of ultimate concern
Genetics and the origin of species
Genetics of the evolutionary process
Genetic diversity and human equality
Evolution, Genetics, and Man
Human culture
The genetic effects of radiation
The biological basis of human freedom
Mankind evolving
Factors of evolution
Heredity and the nature of man
Science and the Concept of Race
The raw materials of evolution
Man and the biological revolution
Studies in the Philosophy of Biology
Die Entwicklung zum Menschen
Essays in evolution and genetics in honor of Theodosius Dobzhansky
Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary biology
Le droit à l'intelligence
Contributions to the genetics, taxonomy, and ecology of Drosophila pseudoobscura and its relatives
Beetles of the genus Hyperaspis inhabiting the United States
Vererbung und Menschenbild
Genet Diversit Human (John Dewey Society Lecture No. 13)
L'effet de position et la théorie de l'hérédité
Genetics and the origin of the species
Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary biol 06
L' Homme en évolution
Evolutionary biology
The Genetic Basis of Evolution
Jail Library Service
Evolutionary Biology
Humankind, a product of evolutionary transcendence
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics and the origin of the species
Essais sur l'évolution
Book That Shook the World
The North American beetles of the genus Coccinella
Scientific papers
Evolutionary Biology
Biology Ultimate Con
Russian genetics
Biology Ultimate Con
Les Mécanismes éthologiques de l'évolution
Evolutionary biology
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956)

economist, politician, constitutionalist, barrister, jurist, sociologist, anthropologist, pedagogue, philosopher, social reformer, journalist, revolutionary, professor, political scientist, scholar, orator, freedom fighter, historian, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, humanitarian, human rights activist, educational theorist, spiritual leader, peace activist, autobiographer, theologian, painter, women's rights activist, bibliographer, essayist, scholar

  • Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science
Asā mī jagalo
The homage
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcī ātmakathā
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Pakistan or partition of India
Annihilation of caste
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Ranade, Gandhi & Jinnah
The Buddha and his Dhamma
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Hindūñcī jātīprathā va tī moḍaṇyācā mārga
Annihilation of caste with a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
The untouchables
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
States and minorities
Who were the Shudras?
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhārata, 1927-1929, āṇi Mūkanāyaka, 1920
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Ambeḍakarāñcī vilāyatehūna ālelī patre
Maharashtra as a linguistic province
"Janatā" patrātīla lekha
The evolution of provincial finance in British India
Thoughts on linguistic states
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcā janatelā upadeśa va Gopāḷabuvā Valaṅgakara yāñce uccavarṇīyāvirūddhace jagātale pahile vinantī-patraka
The untouchables [by] B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution of India
Dalitānnī ārthika unnatī kaśī sādhāvī?
Annihilation of caste
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
Dalitāñce rājakīya astitva sampushṭāta āṇaṇārā Puṇe karāra
Gandhi and Gandhism
Ambedkar speaks
Poona pact
The problem of the rupee
Ambedkar writes
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables
Mr. Gandhi and the emancipation of the untouchables
Why go for conversion?
Three historical addresess of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
ʻBahishkr̥ta Bhāratāʼ tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarāñce sphuṭa lekha
Thoughts on Pakistan
Federation versus freedom
Social justice and political safeguards for depressed classes
History of Indian currency & banking
Conditions precedent for the successful working of democracy
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
Pakistan or the Partition of India
Bharata ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution
Christianizing the untouchables
Thoughts on Pakistan
Pali sabdakoda
Communal deadlock & a way to solve it
Untouchables and the Indian Constitution
Buddhist revolution and counter-revolution in ancient India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man and his message
India and the prerequisites of communism
'Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratā' tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarañce sphuṭa lekha
Pakistan or partition of India
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī bhāshaṇe
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
The essential Ambedkar
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar's the Kathmandu speech
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī patre
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
100 essential quotations of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Triumph of Brahminism
Annihilation of caste with reply to Mahatma Gandhi
Philosophy of Hinduism
A scheme of political safeguards for the protection of the depressed classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India
Letters of Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Christianising the untouchables
Prajñā mahāmānavācī
Thoughts on Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian constitution
Castes in India
Christianizing the untouchables
India and communism
Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
Walter Bagehot
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

journalist, economist, political scientist, sociologist, engineer, politician, businessperson, essayist

  • University College London
Biographical studies
Bagehot's historical essays
Biographical studies
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard Street
Physics and politics
Literary studies
Shakespeare the man
The Works of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
The collected works of Walter Bagehot
The postulates of English political economy
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money
Lombard Street
Some articles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connected with it
Shakespeare, the Man: An Essay
Literary Studies: With a Prefatory Memoir
Essays on parliamentary reform
A Practical Plan for Assimilating the English and American Money: As a Step ..
Physics and Politics: Or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "natural Selection ..
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Estimations in criticism
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money as a step towards a universal money
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la ..
La constitution anglaise
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen
The best of Bagehot
The English constitution, and other political essays
Der Ursprung der Nationen: Betrachtungen über den natürlichen Zuchtwahl und der Vererbung auf ..
Historical essays
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen, a series of articles reprinted by permission principally from the National Review
Literary studies by the late Walter Bagehot
Parliamentary reform
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The love-letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson
Walter Bagehot: a study of his life and thought
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes IX, X, XI
The Postulates of the English Political Economy
Literary Studies V2
The English Constitution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Walter Bagehot
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes III and IV
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
The Works And Life Of Walter Bagehot V10
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes I and II
Works and life
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes VII and VIII
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes V and VI
Collected works
Der Ursprung der Nationen
Economic Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
The English constitution
Essays on parliamentary reform
Physics and politiics
Lombard street
The postulates of English political economy
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection andinheritance to political society
Die englische Verfassung
Literary Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
Postanak i razvitak naroda
The English constitution
La Constitución inglesa
Lombard Street
Shakespeare the man
Selected essays of Walter Bagehot
Literary studies
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political science
La costituzione inglese
Lombard Street
Lombard street
Physics and politics
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
Der Ursprung der Nationen
The English constitution
Shizen kagaku to seijigaku
Lombard Street
The English constitution
Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
The English constitution
Bajotto, Rasuki, Makkīvā
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard street
Lombard Street
Wu li yu zheng li
Literary studies
Early Law and Crime, 87 books on CD
The postulates of English political economy
Dustūr-e salt̤anat-e Inglishīya
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
Literary studies
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la sélection naturelle et de l'hérédité