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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 209-216 out of 294 results
George Gamow
George Gamow (1904-1968)

physicist, inventor, nuclear physicist, cosmologist, biochemist, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Odesa University
Thirty years that shook physics
Laughing Space
One, two, three ... infinity
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
A star called the sun
The Expert Dreamers
Matter, earth, and sky
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins Gets Serious
The birth and death of the sun
Biography of the earth
The New World of Mr Tompkins
Biografia De La Fisica/ Biography of Physics
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
The creation of the universe
One, two, three ... infinity
The great physicists from Galileo to Einstein
Mr Tompkins in paperback
My world line; an informal autobiography
The moon
Cosmology, fusion & other matters
A Star called the sun
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of physics
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The creation of the universe
A plan et called earth
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
The atom and its nucleus
A planet called earth
Matter, earth, and sky
Mr. Tompkins inside himself
Thirty years that shook physics
Dunyamizin hayat hikayesi
Matter, Earth, and sky
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations
Thirty years that shook physics
Biography of the earth
Physics: foundations and frontiers
Physics: foundations and frontiers
The atom and its nucleus
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
the moon
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland; or, Stories of C, G, and H. Illustrated by John Hookham
Atomic energy in cosmic and human life
Jeux mathématiques
Matière, terre et ciel
Mr Tompkins learns the facts of life
Una estrella llamada Sol
Monsieur Tompkins au pays des merveilles
La gravitation
Matter Earth and Sky
Thiry years that shook physics
Biographie de la terre
A star called the Sun
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland or Stories of c, G, and h
Mr Tompkins in Wonderland, or, Stories of c, G, and h
Monsieur Tompkins s'explore lui-même
Der Bau des Atomkerns und die Radioaktivität
Thirty years that shook physics. The story of quantum theory. Illustrations by the author.
Constitution of atomic nuclei and radioactivity
One, two, three ... infinity
Biography of the earth, its past, present, and future
A star called the sun / George Gamow
Geburt und Tod der Sonne
Un, deux, trois...l'infini
One Two Three..
Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself
La creación del universo
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Matematiska tankelekar
Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland
Mr. Tompkins explores the atom
The atom and its nucleus
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller Historien om lille c, store G og lille h
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transfomations
Matter, earth, and sky
My world line
The birth and death of the sun
Cong yi dao wu qiong da
Di Qiu gu jin tan
Nacimiento y muerte del sol
Mr Tomkins in wonderland
Wu li shi jie qi yu ji
Mr. Tompkins i Droemmeland eller historien om c, G og h
One, two, three ... infinity
Prikl͡iucheni͡ia mistera Tompkinsa
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Mr. Tompkins in paperback
Expanding universe and the origin of galaxies
Theory of atomic nucleus and nuclear energy-sources
Simon Mawer
Simon Mawer (born 1948)

teacher, zoologist, biologist

  • University of Oxford
Gregor Mendel : planting the seeds of genetics
Mendel's dwarf
The gospel of Judas
The Fall
The glass room
Swimming to Ithaca
Gospel of Judas, The
The glass room
The gospel of Judas
The girl who fell from the sky
A jealous God
Mendel's dwarf
The glass room
The Glass Room
Mendels Zwerg
Prague spring
Gregor Mendel
El evangelio de Judas (The Gospel of Judas)
Prague Spring
Le palais de verre
Place in Italy
De val
The girl who fell from the sky
The Bitter Cross
Swimming to Ithaca
The glass room
Karzeł Mendla
Gospel of Judas Hb Book Club
Prague Spring EPub
La chica que cayó del cielo
De glazen kamer
Jürgen Mittag
Jürgen Mittag (born 1970)

historian, political scientist

Wilhelm Keil (1870-1968)
Versöhnen statt spalten
Fifteen into one?
Transnationale Parteienkooperation in Europa
Die württembergische SPD in der Weimarer Republik
Nach dem Strukturbruch?
Die Idee der Kulturhauptstadt Europas
Revolution und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland 1918-1920
El pueblo unido?
Bochum und das Ruhrgebiet
Politische Parteien und europäische Integration
30 Jahre Direktwahlen zum Europäischen Parlament (1979-2009)
"Der kölsche Europäer"
Das Spiel mit dem Fussball
"Nach dem Strukturbruch?"
Theoretische Ansätze und Konzepte der Forschung über soziale Bewegungen in der Geschichtswissenschaft
Richard A. Muller
Richard A. Muller (born 1944)

physicist, scientist

  • Columbia University, University of California, Berkeley
Worms and Human Disease
Energy for future presidents
Ice ages and astronomical causes
Physics and technology for future presidents
Advances in Parasitology
Advances in parasitology
Bibliography of onchocerciasis (1841-1985)
Chronica Juridicialia, or, A general calendar of the years of our Lord God, and those of the several kings of England from the first year of William the Conqueror successively down to this first year of the reign of our most dread sovereign, K. James II
The instant physicist
Advances in parasitology
Advances in parasitology
Advances in parasitology
Advances in parasitology
Physics for future presidents
Residential Care of Children in South Africa with Special Reference to Boys'Towns in South Africa
Advances in parasitology
Leer Speel-speel Afrikaans
The instant physicist
Advances in Parasitology
Wei lai zong tong de wu li ke
West European Case Studies in Stratigraphy
Australien - Neuseeland
Advances in Parasitology
Physics and technology for future presidents
Transcriptional regulation during the mammalian cell cycle
Worms and disease
Significance of barley microflora for malting and brewing
Advances in Parasitology
Verfahren Zur Bewertung Von Auftragsdurchlaufzeiten in Den Indirekt-Produktiven Bereichen Von Maschinenbau-Unternehmen (Ipa-Iao Forschung Und Praxis,)
Advances in Parasitology
Alexander Mitscherlich
Alexander Mitscherlich (1908-1982)

psychologist, historian of Modern Age, chemist, physician, opinion journalist, philosopher, actor, scientist, psychoanalyst

  • Heidelberg University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Ein Leben für die Psychoanalyse
Auf dem Weg zur vaterlosen Gesellschaft
Thesen zur Stadt der Zukunft
Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern
Die Idee des Friedens und die menschliche Aggressivität
Der Kampf um die Erinnerung
Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte. Anstiftung zum Unfrieden
Thesen zur Stadt der Zukunft
Il feticcio urbano
Über Eigentum und Gewalt
Freiheit und Unfreiheit in der Krankheit
Endlose Diktatur?
Über Treue und Familie
Der Kranke in der modernen Gesellschaft
Eine deutsche Art zu lieben
Doctors of infamy
Krankheit als Konflikt
Wege in die städtische Zukunft
Massenpsychologie ohne Ressentiment
Versuch, die Welt besser zu bestehen
Inability to Mourn
Das Ich und die Vielen
Freier Sozialismus
Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit
Bis hierher und nicht weiter
Toleranz, Überprüfung eines Begriffs
Glück, Gerechtigkeit
Vom Ursprung der Sucht
Entfaltung der Psychoanalyse
Das Ich und die Vielen
Wissenschaft ohne Menschlichkeit
Über Feindseligkeit und hergestellte Dummheit
The death doctors
Vers la société sans pères
Massenpsychologie ohne Ressentiment
Hauptworte, Hauptsachen
Addresses at the Frankfurt Book Fair 1969
Toleranz-Überprüfung eines Begriffs
Psycho-Pathographien des Alltags
Das Diktat der Menschenverachtung
Das Beschädigte Leben
Krankheit als Konflikt
Auf dem Weg zur vaterlosen Gesellschaft
Die Unwirtlichkeit unserer Stad̈te
Vers la société sans pères
Eine deutsche Art zu lieben
Alexandra Kollontai
Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952)

revolutionary, diplomat, women's rights activist, political theorist, People's Commissar, sociologist

  • University of Zurich
Selected writings of Alexandra Kollontai
The autobiography of a sexually emancipated woman
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
Otryvki iz dnevnika 1914 g
The autobiography of a sexually emancipated woman
Letopisʹ moeĭ zhizni
Autobiographie einer sexuell emanzipierten Kommunistin
A great love
Love of worker bees
Love of Worker Bees
Selected writing of Alexandra Kollontai
Diplomaticheskie dnevniki
Die Situation der Frau in der gesellschaftlichen Entwickklung
Die neu Moral und die Arbeiterklasse
Marxisme et révolution sexuelle
Communism and the family
Sot͡s︡īalʹnyi͡a︡ osnovy zhenskago voprosa
The workers opposition
The workers opposition in Russia
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Communism and the family
The workers opposition
Diplomaticheskie dnevniki
Wege der Liebe
Semʹi͡a︡ i kommunisticheskoe gosudarstvo
Marksistskiĭ feminizm
Communism and the family
Trud zhenshchiny v evoliutsii khoziaǐstva
Kadinlari ozgulugu
Marxisme et révolution sexuelle
To gynaikeio zitima apo tin protogoni kinonia sti sychroni epohi
The workers' opposition
Women workers struggle for their rights
Selected articles and speeches
Iz moeĭ zhizni i raboty
Ich habe viele Leben gelebt ..
The workers opposition in the Russian Communist Party
Die Situation der Frau in der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung
Sexual relations and the class struggle ; Love and the new morality
Red love
Kära kamrat! Allrakäraste vän!
Marxisme et révolution sexuelle
Sot︠s︡ialʹnyi︠a︡ osnovy zhenskago voprosa
Women workers struggle for their rights
Red love
Vospominanii︠a︡ ob Ilʹiche
The workers opposition
Marksistskiĭ feminizm
Love of worker bees
Essential Alexandra Kollontai
Kvinnans ställning i den ekonomiska samhälls utvecklingen
International Women's Day
Kvinnans kamp för ekonomisk frigörelse
Mit liv - kvinde og kommunist
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Love of worker bees, and
Selected writings of Alexandra Kollontai
International women's day
Women workers struggle for their rights
Red Love
Selected Writings
Izbrannye statʹi i rechi
Rabochaya oppozitsiya
Sexual relations and the class struggle
Den första etappen
Red love
Wege der Liebe. Drei Erzählungen
Women workers struggle for their rights
La bolchevique enamorada
Free love
Iz moei zhizni i raboty
Izbrannye stat'i i rechi
Kak boryutsya rabotnitsy za svoi prava...
The autobiography of a sexually emanicipated Communist woman
Rabotnit͡s︡a i krestʹi͡a︡nka v Sovetskoĭ Rossii
Selected articles and speeches
Sexual Relations and Class Struggle
Obshchestvo i materinstvo
Bolʹshai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Rabotnitsa i knest'yanka v Sovetskoi Rossii
A Great Love
Free love
Bolʹshai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Trud zhenshchiny v evolyutsii khozyaistva
The workers' opposition
Ich Habe Viele Leben Gelebt
Women workers struggle for their rights
Alexandra Kollontai
Alfred Thayer Maan
Alfred Thayer Maan (1840-1914)

military officer, geopolitical analyst, military historian, historian, political scientist

  • Columbia University, United States Naval Academy
The life of Nelson
Types of naval officers drawn from the history of the British Navy
Life of Nelson
From Sail to Steam
Types of naval officers drawn from the history of the British Navy
Types of Naval Officers Drawn from the History of the British Navy
Retrospect & prospect
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
Lessons of the War with Spain: And Other Articles
Sea power in its relations to the War of 1812
Retrospect and Prospect: Studies in International Relations, Naval and Political
The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812
The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire
Mahan on naval warfare
Lessons of the war with Spain
The interest of America in international conditions
The major operations of the navies in the War of American Independence
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
The gulf and inland waters
Armaments and arbitration
Some neglected aspects of war
From sail to steam
Admiral Farragut
The interest of America in international conditions
The problem of Asia and its effect upon international policies
The Problem of Asia and Its Effect Upon International Policies
Naval strategy compared and contrasted with the principles and practice of military operations on land
Naval Administration and Warfare: With Other Essays
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1805
Naval administration and warfare
Life of Nelson
Retrospect and Prospect: Studies in International Relations, Naval and Political
The interest of America in sea power
The Life of Nelson: The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain
The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783
The Royal Navy
Unilateral force in international relations
Mahan on naval strategy
The Problem of Asia
The Life of Nelson (The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain, Volume II)
The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
The story of the war in South Africa, 1899-1900
Types of Naval Officers (Drawn from the History of the British Navy)
The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812
Admiral Farragut
The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783
Major Operations of the Navies/Amer Civl
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
Influence de la puissance maritime dans l'histoire, 1660-1783
Sea Power In Its Relations To The War Of 1812 V2
The interest of America in sea power, present and future
Mahan et la maîtrise des mers
The Interest of America in International Conditions
Problem of Asia
The major operations of the navies in the War of American Idependence. --
The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
The Influence Of Sea Power Upon The French Revolution And Empire 1793-1812 V2
Sea Power In Its Relations To The War Of 1812 V1
The harvest within
The war in South Africa
Naval strategy
The life of Nelson, the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain
The major operations of the navies in the War of American Independence
Life of Nelson Embodiment of the Sea Power of Grea
The Panama Canal & sea power in the Pacific
The Life of Nelson (The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain, Volume I)
The influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812
Influence of Seapower upon History
The Life Of Nelson
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812
Influence Of Seapower Upon History, The
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
Major operations of the royal navy, 1762-1783
Naval administration and warfare, some general principles, with other essays
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
Naval strategy compared and contrasted with the principles and practice of military operations on land
The Royal Navy
Types of Naval Officers   Drawn from the History of the British Navy
Letters and papers of Alfred Thayer Mahan
Gulf and Inland Waters
From Sail to Steam
Some neglected aspects of war, together with the power that makes for peace
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present And Future
Armaments and Arbitration
Naval strategy compared and contrasted with the principles and practice of military operations on land
Story of the War in South Africa
Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
Story of the War in South Africa, 1899-1900
Anglo-Boer War from the Beginning of Hostilities to the Fall of Pretoria With Original Illustrations
The Navy in the Civil War
Armaments and arbitration, or, The place of force in the international relations of states
Life of Nelson Vol. 1
From Sail to Steam; Recollections of Naval Life
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812; Volume 1
Taiheiyo kaiken ron
The battle of Trafalgar
Admiral Farragut
Sea Power and World History 1660-1783
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future (Esprios Classics)
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 2
Sea Power and the American Revolution 1775-1783
The Gulf and Inland Waters
The gulf and inland waters
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire
Sea Power In The Relation To The War Of 1812 (2 Volumes)
The Influence of sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
Sea Power and the American Revolution
L'influenza del potere marittimo sulla storia (1660-1783)
The Navy in the Civil War
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812; Volume 1
The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812
The Life of Nelson Volume 2
The influence of sea power
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812
The Major Operations Of The Navies In The War Of American Independence
Naval Strategy Compared and Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of Military Operations on Land
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Structure of the Te Deum considered devotionally
Types of Naval Officers Drawn from the History of the British Navy (Esprios Classics)
Naval administration and warfare, some general principles, with other essays
The Problem of Asia and Its Effect Upon International Policies
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812
The Problem of Asia and its Effect Upon International Policies
The Persian Gulf and international relations
Life of Nelson Set
Types of Naval Officers
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812 2 Volume Set
Subordination in historical treatment
Types of Naval Officers
Navy in the Civil War
Story of the War in South Africa
Is the Panama Canal Still Essential to the Defense of the United States and the Safety of the Free World
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 1
Story of the War in South Africa, 1899-1900
The Harvest Within
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire
Admiral Farragut
The Life of Nelson
The Problem of Asia
Kaijō kenryoku shiron
Interest of America in International Conditions
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
Interest of America in International Conditions
The Interest of America in Sea Power - Present and Future
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 2 Volume Set
The Life of Nelson
Mahan on Naval Warfare
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the sea Power of Great Britain;
The influence of sea power upon the French Revolution andEmpire, 1793-1812
Naval administration and warfare
Influence of sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 2
Navy in the Civil War
Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 2
Influence of Sea Power upon History
Admiral Farragut
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
Sea Power and the French Revolution and Empire
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 2
The Life of Nelson Volume 1
Retrospect and Prospect
The Influence of sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812, vol I
Naval Strategy Compared and Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of Military Operations on Land
Futsukoku Kakumei jidai kaijō kenryoku shiron
Life of Nelson, Volume 1 the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain
The influence of sea power upon history
The Major Operations of the Navies in the War American Independence
Life of Nelson Vol. 2
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783 (Esprios Classics)
Sea Power and the War of 1812
The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812; Volume 2
The Influence of Sea Power upon History.
Interest of America in International Conditions
The life of Nelson, the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain
Naval Strategy
Armaments and Arbitration
Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
Life of Nelson
Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
Naval Administration and Warfare
Makers Of American History
Mahan on naval warfare
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812, Volume 2
The Interest of America in Sea Power
Sea Power French Revolution Napoleon
The Problems of Asia and Its Effect upon the International-Political Balance of Power in the World
From sail to steam; recollections of naval life
Armaments and Arbitration, or the Place of Force in the International Relations of States (Classic Reprint)
The problem of Asia and its effect upon international policies
Mahan on Naval Warfare
Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future
Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783 : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
The life of Nelson
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812; Volume 1
Deniz Stratejisi
The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812
Life of Nelson, Volume I (Esprios Classics)
Motives to imperial federation
David Farragut
Sea Power and World History
The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1805
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812
From Sail To Steam; Recollections Of Naval Life
Lesson of the Spanish War
Types of Naval Officers
The world naval history of the late 18th century
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 16601783 Volume 27
The influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783
The Influence of Seapower Upon History
Letters of Alfred Thayer Mahan to Samuel A'Court Ashe (1858-59)
Relations of the church to the state
Mahan on naval warfare
The story of the war in South Africa, 1899-1900
Hai quan lun
Admiral Farragut
From Sail to Steam
The story of the war in South Africa, 1899-1900
The interest of America in international conditions
The Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1805
Admiral Farragut
The Interest of America in Sea Power
Fuat Sezgin
Fuat Sezgin (1924-2018)

mathematician, historian of mathematics, historian, scientist

  • Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, Istanbul University
The Ottoman geographers Kemāl Reʼīs (d. 917/1511), Pīrī Reʼīs (d. 961/1554) and Sīdī ʻAlī (d. 970/1562)
Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums
Wissenschaft und Technik im Islam
Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyāʾ ar-Rāzī (d. 313/925)
Tanınmayan büyük çağ
Muḥāḍarāt fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah
Ibn Ḥazm ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʻīd
Ibn as-Sīd al-Baṭalyawṣī ʻAbdallāh ibn Muḥammad
The School of Baghdad (4th-5th/10-11th cent.) and its achievements
Ibn Bājja, Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn aṣ-Ṣāʻigh
Abu l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Rushd
Ibn Ṣāʻid al-Andalusī (d. 462/1070) and Ibn al-Qifṭī (d. 646/1248)
Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Arabistik und Islamkunde
Greek philosophy and the Arabs
Ibn Rushd in the Western tradition
Abū Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad al-Fārabī
Buhâri'nin kaynaklari hakkinda araştirmalar
Buhârı̂'nin kaynakları hakkında araştırmalar
Proclus Arabus and the Liber de causis (Kitāb al-īḍāḥ fi l-khayr al-maḥḍ)
Miskawayh, Abū ʻAlī Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad (d. 421/1030)
Muḥāḍarāt fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm
Plato in the Arabic tradition
Plotinus Arabus and The theology of Aristotle
General outlines of Islamic philosophy
Islamic philosophy in the Western tradition
Dante and Islam
Bilim tarihi sohbetleri
Aristotle in the Arabic tradition
The Umayyad Mosque in Córdoba
Pseudo-Aristotelica preserved in Arabic translation
Democritus, Theophrastus, Zenon, Bryson (?), Porphyrius, Themistius and Johannes Philoponus in the Arabic tradition
I slam'da bilim ve teknik
As-Suhrawardī, Shihābaddīn Yahyā ibn Ḥabash
Geschichte der arabischen Schrifttums
Tārīkh al-turāth al-ʻArabī