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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 169-176 out of 294 results
Paul Otlet
Paul Otlet (1868-1944)

lawyer, librarian, information scientist, inventor, bibliographer, jurist

  • Free University of Brussels, Catholic University of Leuven
International organisation and dissemination of knowledge
Traité de documentation
La banque internationale
L' organisation rationnelle de l'information et de la documentation en matière économique
Un Musée du Livre à Bruxelles
Les problèmes internationaux et la guerre
Les aspects du livre
Sur la création d'une université internationale ..
L' état actuel de l'organisation bibliographique internationale
Classification décimale universelle, études et projets: les subdivisions communes
La réforme des bibliographies nationales et leur utilisation pour la Bibliographie universelle
Manuel de la bibliothèque publique
The end of the war and the establishment of a world charter
... Bibliographia sociologica
La Société des nations et l'Union des associations internationales
Plan belgique
Monde, essai d'universalisme
Sur la bibliothèque mondiale ...
Friedrich Hayek
Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992)

economist, philosopher, historian, political scientist

  • University of Vienna
Hayek on Hayek
The Road to Serfdom
Good Money
Contra Keynes and Cambridge
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
The constitution of liberty
The Trend of Economic Thinking
The counter-revolution of science
Individualism and economic order
Socialism and war
The Pure Theory of Capital
The Fatal Conceit
A Tiger by the Tail
The collected works of F.A. Hayek
The Fortunes of Liberalism
The sensory order
Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache
The mirage of social justice
Unemployment and monetary policy
Law, legislation and liberty
The Road to Serfdom
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Money, capital, and fluctuations
A discussion with Friedrich A. von Hayek
New studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas
Good Money
A conversation with Friedrich A. von Hayek
The Pure Theory of Capital (The Collected Works of F.a. Hayek)
Rules and order
The Constitution of Liberty
Business Cycles
Denationalisation of money
Rechtsordnung und Handelsordnung. Aufsätze zur Ordnungsökonomik
The Markets and Other Orders
Unfinished Agenda
Studies in philosophy, politics and economics
Hayek no Brasil
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The Road to Serfdom - Text and Documents
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
Knowledge, Evolution, and Society
Droit législation et liberté, volume 1
Denationalization of Money
The political order of a free people
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3
Entnationalisierung des Geldes
Ordre sensoriel
Monetary theory and the trade cycle
The Pure Theory of Capital
Profits, interests, and investment, and other essays on the theory ofindustrial fluctuations
Droit, législation et liberté
Business Cycles
Wissenschaft und Sozialismus
Drei Vorlesungen über Demokratie, Gerechtigkeit und Sozialismus
Camino de servidumbre / The Road to Serfdom
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Dr. Bernard Mandeville
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship
Prices and production
Collectivist economic planning
1980s unemployment and the unions
Economic freedom
Capitalism and the historians
The Intellectuals and Socialism (Rediscovered Riches 4)
Contra Keynesand Cambridge
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. Aufsätze zur Wirtschaftspolitik
The Sensory Order
Nineteen Eighties Unemployment and the Unions
Der Strom der Güter und Leistungen
La présomption fatale
Freiburger Studien
The essence of Hayek
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Die Irrtümer des Konstruktivismus und die Grundlagen legitimer Kritik gesellschaftlicher Gebilde
Die Anmassung von Wissen
Individualism true and false
The collected works of Friedrich August Hayek
Profits, interest, and investment
Los Fundamentos de La Libertad
The confusion of language in political thought
The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays
Recht, Gesetz und Freiheit
Camino de servidumbre
Collectivist economic planning
Hayek On Mill
Economic freedom and representative government
The constitution of liberty
1980's unemployment and the unions
Missbrauch und Verfall der Vernunft
Social justice, socialism & democracy
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Choice in currency
The constitution of liberty
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Die Verfassung der Freiheit
The Economics of F.A. Hayek
Grundsätze einer liberalen Gesellschaftsordnung. Aufsätze zur Politischen Philosophie und Theorie
Rules, perception, and intelligibility
Pianificazione economica collettivistica
Capital and Interest
Denationalisation of Money - The Argument Refined
Profits, interest, and investment, and other essays on the theory of industrial fluctuations
Beitrge Zur Geldtheorie
Geldtheorie und Konjunkturtheorie
Legacy of Friedrich Von Hayek (HAYEK)
Toward liberty
Order--with or without design?
John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor
Capitalism and historians
The Loeb collection of Arretine pottery
Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
Beiträge zur Geldtheorie
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Monetary nationalism andinternational stability
Housing and town planning
Fortunes of Liberalism
Pure Theory of Capital
Der Wettbewerb als Entdeckungsverfahren
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
The three sources of human values
Socialism and War
Scientisme et sciences sociales
Capitalism and the historians
Droit, le gislation et liberte
Prices and production and other works
Full employment at any price?
Road to Serfdom
Individualismus und wirtschaftliche Ordnung
˜L'œ économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Roads to freedom
Individualism and Economic Order
Die Anmaßung von Wissen
The Intellectuals and Socialism 1949
Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik
In memoriam Friedrich August von Hayek 1899-1992
The confusion of language in political thought, with some suggestions for remedying it
La route de la servitude
Collectivist economic planning
Rent control, myths & realities
Obras Completas - Ensayos de Teoria Monetaria T. 5
A tiger by the tail
legislation and liberty
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
The condensed version of "The road to Serfdom"
Economic progress in an open society
Profits, Interest and Investment and Other Essays on the Theory of Industrial Relations
Freiheit, Wettbewerb und Wirtschaftsordnung
Geltheorie Und Konjunkturtheorie (International Carl Menger Library)
End of the U. S. Dollar Monopoly Toward Free Market
Verdict on rent control
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 6
Freedom and the economic system
Hanns Martin Schleyer-Preis 1984 und 1985
Precios y Produccion
Sensory Order
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 9 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band II
The Reactionary Character of the Socialist Conception (Lecture Ser : No L-107)
Friedrich A. Hayek, honorary fellow at the Hoover Institution, speaks on the reactionary character of the Socialist conception to the Advisory Committee of the Domestic Studies Program and the 1978-1979 visiting scholars, Stanford University, October 27, 1978
The rule of law
A free-market monetary system
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache
Tao nu i chih lu
Gesammelte Schriften in Deutscher Sprache : Abt. a Band 8 : Geld und Konjunktur. Band I
The political ideal of the rule of law
Fatal Conceit
Prix et production
Nobel prize-winning economist
Collectivist Economic Planning
The road to serfdom
The market and other orders
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Die verhängnisvolle Anmassung
Rent control
Profiles in liberty
Capitalism and the historians
Camino a la servidumbre
Roads to freedom
Precios y producción
Collectivist economic planning
The use of knowledge in society
The rule of law
L'économie dirigée en régime collectiviste
Gesammelte Werke. Band 1-4
Friedrich August von Hayek's draft biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Pravo, zakonodatel'stvo i svoboda
Pour une vraie concurrence des monnaies
La route de la servitude
The economics of F.A. Hayek
Právo, zákonodárství a svoboda
Capitalism and the historians
The road to serfdom
Liberale Marktwirtschaft
Hayek na UnB
Law, legislation, and liberty
Prices and production
Gelncoe Algebra 1 Teacher Wraparound Edition (California) (Glencoe Mathematics)
Das politische Ideal der Herrschaft des Gesetzes
Studije iz filozofije, politike i ekonomij
The intellectuals and socialism (Studies in social theory)
Hermann Heinrich Gossen
The pure theory of capital
Preiserwartungen, monetaere Stoerungen und Fehlinvestitionen
Der Weg zur Knechtschaft
Dao nu yi zhi lu
Jing ji, ke xue yu zheng zhi
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou (born 1937)

philosopher, playwright, editor, sociologist, mathematician, scientist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
In praise of love
Plato's Republic
Philosophy and the Idea of Communism
Pocket pantheon
Saint Paul
Infinite Thought
Abrégé de métapolitique
The rebirth of history
Théorie du sujet
Etre et l'événement
Concept de modele
Le fini et l’infini
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
Le concept de modèle
Jacques Lacan Past And Present A Dialogue
Handbook of inaesthetics
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
For a Politics of the Common Good
Second manifesto for philosophy
German Philosophy
On Beckett
Reflections on AntiSemitism
Briefings on existence
What Is a People?
There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
Can politics be thought?
Philosophy and the Event
Logics of Worlds
Badiou and His Interlocutors
Logiques des mondes
The meaning of Sarkozy
The End
Number and numbers
In praise of theatre
To Live and Think Like Pigs
Theoretical Writings
The Meaning of Sarkozy
L'antisémitisme partout
Ahmed the Philosopher
Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time
Pornographic Age
In Praise of Politics
Calme bloc ici-bas
In Praise of Mathematics
Division III of Heidegger`s Being and Time - the Unanswered Question of Being
Les Citrouilles
Manifesto for philosophy
Plato's Republic
Migrants and Militants
Ahmed The Philosopher Thirtyfour Short Plays For Children Everyone Else
Five lessons on Wagner
Manifeste pour la philosophie
Theoretical Writings
Mathematics of the Transcendental
La philosophie et l'événement
Circonstances 1
Rhapsodie pour le théâtre
Pequeno manual de inestética
Democracy in What State?
Ahmed the Philosopher
Incident at Antioch
Ahmed le Subtil
Collapse Volume 1/I
Éloge de la politique
La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique
Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy
Über Metapolitik
알랭 바디우와 철학의 새로운 시작
Althusser et nous
Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel
Our Wound Is Not So Recent
Peut-on penser la politique?
Petit Manuel d'inesthétique
Se Puede Pensar La Politica?
In Praise of Theatre
Versuch, die Jugend zu verderben
Communist Hypothesis
Plato's Republic
The adventure of French philosophy
Political Writings
The communist hypothesis
Images du temps présent
Petit panthéon portatif
Imagenes y Palabras
Théorie de la contradiction
Lacanian Ink 21
Court traité d'ontologie transitoire
I Know There Are So Many of You
Number and Numbers
What Is to Be Done?
Eloge de l'amour
Jean Borreil
Homme, femme, philosophie
Le nombre et les nombres
Philosophy and the Event
Alain Badiou
De l'amour
Wider den globalen Kapitalismus
Philosophy in the present
Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?
De l'idéologie
Second manifeste pour la philosophie
True Life
Lacanian Ink 19
Batallas Eticas
Philosophie und Aktualität
Ahmed philosophe, suivi de "Ahmed se fâche"
Una descripción sin lugar
Trajectoire inverse
L'idée du communisme
Breve Tratado de Ontologia Transitoria
Le Concept de modıele, introduction ıa une épistémologie matérialiste des mathématiques
Philosophie und Aktualit at: ein Streitgespr ach
Handbook of Inaesthetics (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
San Pablo - La Fundacion del Universalismo
Deleuze Clamor del Ser
Święty Paweł
Imágenes y palabras
El Siglo
L'echarpe rouge
de Un Desastre Oscuro
Philosophy in the present
Manifiesto Por La Filosofia
L'Hypothèse communiste
Reflexiones Sobre Nuestro Tiempo
L' écharpe rouge
D'un désastre obscur sur la fin de la vérité d'état
Filosofia del Presente
Le siècle
Theoretical Writings (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
L'idée du communisme
Ser y El Acontecimiento
Carlo Rovelli
Carlo Rovelli (born 1956)


  • University of Bologna, University of Padua
The first scientist
What Are You Optimistic About?
L'ordine del tempo
Siete breves lecciones de física
Reality Is Not What It Seems
There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness
Quantum Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Reality is not what it seems
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity
Carlo Rovelli Collection 3 Books Set
General relativity, the most beautiful of theories
La realidad no es lo que parece : la estructura elemental de las cosas
Collapse Volume 5/V
General Relativity
White Holes
There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness
Reality Is Not What It Seems
Variations sur un même ciel
Ya Zaman Var Olmasaydi?
Die Geburt der Wissenschaft
Reality Is Not What It Seems
Gerceklik Göründügü Gibi Degildir
L'ordre del temps
Et si le temps n'existait pas ? - 2e éd.
Reality Is Not What It Seems
L'ordre del temps
Ci sono luoghi al mondo dove più che le regole è importante la gentilezza. Articoli per i giornali
Anaximandre de Milet ou La naissance de la pensée scientifique
La realidad no es lo que parece
What is time? What is space?
Lo sapevo, qui, sopra il fiume Hao
Die Wirklichkeit, die nicht so ist, wie sie scheint
Set lliçons breus de física
L'ordre del temps
O abismo vertiginoso - Um mergulho nas ideias e nos efeitos da fisica quantica
¿Y si el tiempo no existiera?
L'ordre del temps
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics 8-Copy Counter Display
General Relativity : the Most Beautiful of Theories
Che cos'è la scienza
Buchi bianchi
La realtà non è come ci appare
Drucilla Cornell
Drucilla Cornell (1950-2022)

philosopher, political scientist, playwright, feminist, jurist

  • University of California, Los Angeles
Albie Sachs and Transformation in South Africa
What Fanon Said
Defending ideals
The imaginary domain
Der Streit um Differenz
Clint Eastwood and issues of American masculinity
The philosophy of the limit
Between women and generations
Beyond Accommodation
Feminism and pornography
Feminism as critique
Moral Images of Freedom
Law And Revolution In South Africa Ubuntu Dignity And The Struggle For Constitutional Transformation
The Dignity Jurisprudence Of The Constitutional Court Of South Africa Cases And Materials
At the heart of freedom
Mandate of Dignity
Symbolic forms for a new humanity
Just cause
Ubuntu and the law
Deconstruction and the possibility of justice
Just Cause
Feminism and Pornography (Oxford Readings in Feminism)
Ethical Feminism
Throwing the Moral Dice
En El Corazon De La Libertad (Feminismos)
Feminism as critique
Law and Revolution in South Africa
Hegel and legal theory
The post-structuralist challenge to the ideal of community
Spirit of Revolution
Dignity, freedom and the post-apartheid legal order
Feminism as Critique (Feminist Perspectives)
Creolizing Rosa Luxemburg
Between Women and Generations
Philosophy of the Limit
Planetary Politics
New Essays on Clint Eastwood
Beyond Accommodation
Varieties of Feminist Liberalism
Symbolic forms for a new humanity
Moral Images of Freedom
Strangers to Nature
Dietmar Herz
Dietmar Herz (1958-2018)

political scientist, jurist

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Thomas Morus zur Einfuhrung
Frieden und Stabilität
Die Amerikaner im Krieg
Die Europäische Union
Das kurze amerikanische Jahrhundert
Die wohlerwogene Republik
Professional education for international organizations
Frieden durch Handel
Von himmlischer Ordnung und weltlichen Problemen
Simulation und Planspiel in den Sozialwissenschaften
Politik, Kommunikation, Kultur
Lexikon ökonomischer Werke
Polityčni rol'ovi igry
Julius Mader
Julius Mader (1928-2000)

journalist, jurist, political scientist

  • Humboldt University of Berlin
An geheimer Front
CIA-Operation Hindu Kush
Der Banditenschatz
Hitlers Spionagegenerale sagen aus
Rote Kapelle gegen Hitler
Instruction 37/57
Los nuevos conquistadores: penetración imperialista germanooccidental en América Latina
NATO backing for Southern Rhodesia's racists
Dr. Sorge funkt aus Tokyo
The NATO conspiracy with the South African racists
Neo-colonialist practices of the Federal Republic of Germany in relation to Namibia
Geheimnis von Huntsville
Jagd nach dem Narbengesicht
Yellow list: where is the CIA?
CIA in Europa
Taĭnoe stanovitsi͡a︡ i͡a︡vnym
Who's who in CIA
Gangster in Aktion
Śladami Człowieka z blizną
Die graue Hand
La OTAN y la junta de Pinochet
Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

physicist, quantum physicist, inventor, percussionist, theoretical physicist, science communicator, politician

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman"
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
Perfectly reasonable deviations from the beaten track
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
No Ordinary Genius
Don't You Have Time to Think?
Classic Feynman
Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman
Bie nao le, Feiman xian sheng
Komarimasu, Fainman-san
Gojōdan deshō Fainman-san
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
The Meaning of It All
Six Easy Pieces
Six not-so-easy pieces
Feynman's tips on physics
Feynmana wykłady z fizyki (T. 1.2)
The Character of Physical Law
Quantum mechanics and path integrals
Feynmana wykłady z fizyki. (T. 1.1)
Feynman lectures on computation
The quotable Feynman
Selected Papers of Richard Feynman
Feynman lectures on gravitation
Was soll das alles? Gedanken eines Physikers
Quantum electrodynamics
Qed - The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
The art of Richard P. Feynman
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol 1
Elementary particles and the laws of physics
Statistical mechanics
The Very Best Of The Feynman Lectures
Faiman-san besuto essei
Exercises for the Feynman Lectures on Physics
El carácter de la ley física
Le Cours de physique de Feynman
Lectures on physics
The Reason for Antiparticles
Six Easy Pieces, Six Not-So-Easy Pieces
Sechs physikalische Fingerübungen
The theory of fundamental processes
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations From the Beaten Track:selected Letters of Richard P. Feynman
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 1-2
Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter
                Feynman Lectures on Physics Paperback
Feynman's Thesis
Tipps Zur Physik
"What Do You Care What Other People Think?"  Further Adventures Of A
Statistical Mechanics
Struktur der Materie
La fisica di Feynman Vol. 3
Feynman's Thesis
La nature de la physique
Lumière et matière
Feynman-Vorlesungen über Physik
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 4
Feynman's Tips on Physics: Reflections, Advice, Insights, Practice
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Feynman on Fundamentals
The Meaning of It All (Allen Lane History)
Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. III : The New Millennium Edition
Está usted de broma sr Feynman?
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Commemorative Issue Vol 1
Es ist so einfach. Vom Vergnügen, Dinge zu entdecken
Feynman Lectures on Computation
Vorlesungen u ber Physik
Strahlung und Wärme
The Feynman lectures on physics : Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 2
Tipps zur Physik
Six Easy Pieces Multimedia
Feynman on Flow (The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 18)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Güzel Dediniz Bay Feynman
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 6 : Feynman on Fundamentals
Feynman Lectures On Physics (Volume 3)
Photo-Hadron Interactions
Theory of Fundamental Processes
Fizik Yasalari Uzerine
Feynman Fizik Dersleri 1 - Mekanik, Isinim, Isi
Feynman Lectures on Computation
Seis Piezas Faciles
Cong fan li zi dao zui zhong ding lü
Feynman Lectures on Physics - Volume 1
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 5-6
La Conferencia Perdida De Feynman
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 1
Six Not-so-easy Pieces Book And Cd Package
Kümmert Sie, was andere Leute denken?
Kesfetmenin Hazzi
The pleasure of finding things out
Particules et lois de la physique
Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals
Statistical Mechanics
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman/What Do You Care What Other People Think?
QED. La strana teoria della luce e della materia
Vy, konechno, shutite, mister Feinman
Six Easy Pieces, Enhanced Ebook
Tiny machines
Feynman Lectures On Computation
Fisica Nuclear Teorica (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Character of Physical Law
Kümmert Sie, was andere Leute denken? Neue Abenteuer eines neugierigen Physikers
Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II : The New Millennium Edition
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Complete Audio Collection
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Complete Audio Collection: Volume 13
Selected Papers of Richard Feynman
Vous voulez rire, Monsieur Feynman !
Commerorative Issue Slipcase
'What Do You Care What Other People Think?'
El carácter de la ley física
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces
The Feynman Tapes, Volume 0 (Fixing Radios and other stories)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter
Feynman Lectures on Physics
The Feynman Tapes, Volume 1 (Chief Research Chemist and other stories) (The Feynman Tapes (Recorded By Ralph Leighton).)
Statistical mechanics; a set of lectures
Leçons sur la physique
Seis piezas fáciles
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vols. 5 & 6
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I: The New Millennium Edition: Mainly Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat (Volume 1)
The character of physical law
Theory of Fundamental Processes a Lecture Note Volume
KED strannaja teorija sveta i veščestva
Idiosyncratic Thinking Workshop
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 7-8
Physics in 12 Lessons: Not as Easy, Easy "
Feynman Six Easy Pieces Shipper
Quantenelektrodynamik. Eine Vorlesungsmitschrift
Leçons sur la gravitation
Conferencias Sobre Computacion
Vom Wesen physikalischer Gesetze
Feynman on Electrodynamics (The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 17)
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Complete Audio Collection, Volume 2)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 2
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces
Slipcase Filter
Le cours de physique de Feynman - Mécanique 2
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Complete Audio Collection: Volume 14
Meaning of It All Display Piece
Classic Feynman
The Feynman Lecture on Physics
' Sie belieben wohl zu scherzen, Mr. Feynman.'. Abenteuer eines neugierigen Physikers
Feynman Mixed Display Pleasure Of Finding Things Out And Meaning Of It All Six Easy Pieces
Photon-Hadron Interactions
Temel Parcaciklar ve Fizik Yasalari
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vols. 5 & 6
Wu li zhi mei
Fisica - Volumen I - Mecanica, Radiacion y Calor
Quantum Electrodynamics
Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman
Quantum Electrodynamics
Meaning of It All
Exercices pour le cours de physique de Feynman - 900 exercices corrigés
The Feynman lectures on physics
Kharakter fizicheskikh zakonov
Baskalarinin Ne Dusundugunden Sana Ne
Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track 24-Copy Display
Feynmana wykłady z fizyki (T. 2.2)
Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Reviews of Modern Physics Volume 20, Number 2. April 1948
Fip 4 Fund Proc H
Está a Brincar, Sr. Feynman!
Alti Zor Parca
Feynmana wykłady z fizyki (T. 2.1)
Butsuri hōsoku wa ikani shite hakkensareta ka
The Feynman Lectures on Physics : Commemorative Issue, Volume 3
El placer de descubrir
Electrodinámica cuántica
Feynmana wykłady z fizyki (T. 3)
KED - strannaya teoriya sveta i veschestva
Kuantum Elektro Dinamigi
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 3
6 Not -So-Easy Pcs W Cd Clamshell
Altı kolay parça
Cd Trap Filler for 48306
Fip 3 Quant Elec H
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Three Volume Set
Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I : The New Millennium Edition
Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 9-10
Pleasure of Finding Things Out
New Cosmology
Quantum Electrodynamics
Esta Ud. de Broma, Sr. Feynman?
El carácter de la ley física
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out and the Meaning of It All
Esasy And Not-So-Easy Pieces
Sechs physikalische Fingerübungen - Physikalische Fingerübungen für Fortgeschrittene
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 11-12
The Feynman Lectures Gift Pack
Quantum Electrodynamics
Eminim Saka Yapiyorsunuz Bay Feynman - Merakli Bir Sahsiyetin Maceralari
Радость познания
Fizik Dersleri
"A co ciebie obchodzi, co mys la · inni?"
The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Volume III
The Feynman Lectures on Physics including Feynman's Tips on Physics
Feynman's Lost Lecture
La nature des lois physiques
Her Seyin Anlami
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Volumes 3-4
Mechanik, Strahlung, Wärme
Que Significa Todo Eso
QED - osobliwa teoria światła i materii
Fisica Vol. III - Mecanica Cuantica
Feynman Vorlesungen über Physik, 3 Bde., Bd.2, Elektromagnetismus und Struktur der Materie
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Definitive Edition Volume 2 (2nd Edition) (Feynman Lectures on Physics)
Fisica Em 12 Licoes
El Caracter De La Ley Fisica
Vous y comprenez quelque chose, monsieur Feynman ?
The Feynman Tapes, Volume 2 (At Cornell and The Draft)
Quantum Mechanics (The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Complete Audio Collection, Volume I)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1
Safecracker Suite
Feynman Lectures of Physics
Feiman de zhu zhang
El Placer de Descubrir
Feynman Vorlesungen über Physik, 3 Bde., Bd.3, Quantenmechanik
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, The Definitive Edition Volume 3 (2nd Edition) (Feynman Lectures on Physics)
"Pan raczy z artowac , panie Feynman!"
Pleasure of Finding Poster
Vorlesungen über Physik, 3 Bde
Despre caracterul legilor fizicii
Fisica Volumen 2 - Electromagnetismo y y Materia
Feynman Vorlesungen über Physik, 3 Bde., Bd.1, Mechanik, Strahlung und Wärme