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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 294 results
Michael Buckmiller
Michael Buckmiller (born 1943)

political scientist

Judentum und politische Existenz
"Antagonistische Gesellschaft und politische Demokratie"
Zur Funktion des linken Intellektuellen-heute
Leonard Mlodinow
Leonard Mlodinow (born 1954)

physicist, mathematician

  • University of California, Berkeley
Feynman's Rainbow
A Briefer History of Time
The Drunkard's Walk
The Grand Design
The last dinosaur
Stephen Hawking
Euclid's Window
The Upright Thinkers
War of the Worldviews
Stephen Hawking
Titanic Cat
O andar do bêbado
Stephen Wolfram
Stephen Wolfram (born 1959)

mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, patent inventor, businessperson, artificial intelligence researcher, opinion journalist, merchant, podcaster

  • California Institute of Technology, Eton College
Idea Makers
The mathematica book
The MATHEMATICA ® Book, Version 3
Mathematica 3.0 standard add-on packages
An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
A new kind of science
Cellular automata and complexity
Mathematica reference guide
Cellular automata and complexity
Cellular automata
Mathematica : a system for doing mathematics by computer
Cellular automata
Siegbert Wolf
Siegbert Wolf (born 1954)

historian, political scientist, opinion journalist

„Ja, ich kämpfte“
Gustav Landauer zur Einführung
Silvio Gesell
„Antisemit, das geht nicht unter Menschen“
„Antisemit, das geht nicht unter Menschen“
Der Werdende Mensch
Von der Verwundbarkeit des Humanismus
Gustav Landauer
Martin Buber zur Einführung
Hannah Arendt
Liberalismus in Frankfurt am Main
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Siddhartha Mukherjee (born 1970)

essayist, oncologist, academic, scientist

  • Stanford University, University of Oxford
A cancer in the family
The Emperor of All Maladies
The Gene
The Best American Science Writing 2003
The Song of the Cell
The best American science and nature writing 2013
The laws of medicine
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Lisa Yuskavage
Process Engineering and Plant Design
In the Sum of the Parts
Science Mind Box Set
The Gene
Otto Schmeil
Otto Schmeil (1860-1943)

botanist, zoologist, carcinologist, biologist, pedagogue

  • Leipzig University
Leben und Werk eines Biologen
Text-book of zoology
Pflanzen der Heimat
Lehrbuch der Botanik für höhere Lehranstalten und die Hand des Lehrers
Text-book of zoology
Leitfaden der Botanik
Leitfaden der Botanik
Grundriss der Naturgeschichte
Leitfaden der Tierkunde
Der mensch
Lehrbuch der Botanik
Lehrbuch der Zoologic
Text-Book of Zoology
Lehrbuch der botanik
Tabellen zum Bestimmen von Pflanzen
Leitfaden der tierkunde
Flora von Deutschland und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten
Flora von Deutschland
Flora von Deutschland und angrenzender Länder.
Deutschlands freilebende Süsswasser-Copepoden
Flora von Deutschland
Der menṭsh
Leitfaden der Botanik
Grundriss der Pflanzenkunde
Ibn Zafar
Ibn Zafar (1104-1170)

philosopher, political scientist

Anbāʼ nujabāʼ al-abnāʼ
Sulwān al-muṭāʻ fī ʻudwān al-atbāʻ
Farīdah al-aṣqāʻ fī tarjumah Sulwān al-muṭāʻ
al- Sulwānāt fī musāmarat al-khulafāʼ wa-al-sādāt
Solwan el Mota' ossiano Conforti politici di Ibn Zafar
Solwan, or, Waters of Comfort
Sulwān al-muṭāʿ fī ʿudwān al-atbāʿ
Khayr al-bishar bi-Khayr al-Bashar
Sulwân al-mutâ'
Michael Grant
Michael Grant (1914-2004)

historian, classical philologist, archaeologist, numismatist, classical scholar, administrator, historian of classical antiquity, scientist, academic administrator, actor, film director, opinion journalist, translator

  • Harrow School, University of Cambridge
The classical Greeks
The collapse and recovery of the Roman Empire
The Roman emperors
Greek and Roman historians
Saint Paul
Constantine the great
The twelve Caesars
The classical Greeks
St. Paul
The Emperor Constantine
Saint Peter
Julius Caesar
My first eighty years
The Roman emperors
Gli imperatori romani
The Roman emperors
Saint Paul
Dis Klassischen Griechen
The climax of Rome
The world of Rome
Art in the Roman Empire
The fall of the Roman Empire
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
The army of the Caesars
The history of ancient Israel
Roman myths
Roman history from coins
The ancient Mediterranean
Cities of Vesuvius
From Alexander to Cleopatra
The Routledge atlas of classical history
Who's who in classical mythology
Greek and Latin authors, 800 B.C.-A.D. 1000
The Etruscans
The Jews in the Roman world
The Rise of the Greeks
History of Rome
Ancient History Atlas
A guide to the ancient world
The visible past
The birth of Western civilization: Greece and Rome
The Antonines
From Rome to Byzantium
Dawn of the Middle Ages
Nero, Emperor in revolt
Roman literature
From imperium to auctoritas
The Roman forum
Dictionnaire de la mythologie
The founders of the western world
The Severans
A short history of classical civilization
The civilizations of Europe
Greek literature in translation: translations from Greek prose and poetry
The Hellenistic Greeks
Eros a Pompei
Readings in the classical historians
Roman imperial money
Roman anniversary issues
A social history of Greece and Rome
Latin literature
The ancient historians
Myths of the Greeks and Romans.
The civilizations of Europe
Aspects of the principate of Tiberius
Greeks and Romans
Roman readings
Herod the Great
Ancient history
Who's who in classical mythology
The six main aes coinages of Augustus
Greek literature ; an anthology
Roman readings
Myths of the Greeks and the Romans
The world of Rome
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean : Greece and Rome
Erotic art in Pompeii
The rise of the Greeks
Dawn of the Middle Ages, A.D. 476-814
The birth of Western civilization
The civilization of Europe
The ancient historians
History of Rome
Eros e Pompei
Mittelmeerkulturen in der Antike
Del imperium de Pompeyo a la auctoritas de Augusto
The Etruscans
The art and life of Pompeii and Herculaneum
Greece and Rome
Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum
The sayings of the Bible
Gods and mortals in classical mythology
The climax of Rome
Ancient history. --
The climax of Rome
The civilization of Europe
The world of Rome
The world of Rome
Von Alexander bis Kleopatra
Rätselhafte Etrusker
The ancient Mediterranean
Dawn of the Middle Ages, A.D. 476-814
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean
Cities of Vesuvius
Ancient history atlas
Gods and mortals in classical mythology
The Birth of Western civilization
The rise of the Greeks
The world of Rome
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
The world of Rome
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Le città sepolte del Vesuvio
ʻOlamah shel Romi
Ancient history
The coinage of Tiberius in Cyprus