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priests who wrote biography
Showing 97-104 out of 148 results
Pierre Hadot
Pierre Hadot (1922-2010)

philosopher, historian, professor, Catholic priest, researcher

  • University of Paris, École pratique des hautes études
Marius Victorinus
What Is Ancient Philosophy?
Etudes de philosophie ancienne
Proclus et son influence
Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?
Eloge de la philosophie antique
N'oublie pas de vivre
The inner citadel
Plotin ou la simplicité du regard
Philosophie comme manière de vivre
Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique
The Veil of Isis
Wittgenstein et les limites du langage
Zur Idee der Naturgeheimnisse
La citadelle intérieure
Leçon inaugurale faite le vendredi 18 février 1983
Wege zur Weisheit. Oder Was lehrt uns die antike Philosophie?
Philosophy as a way of life
Que Es La Filosofia Antigua
La philosophie comme manière de vivre
Philosophie als Lebensform. Antike und moderne Exerzitien der Weisheit
Plotin, Porphyre
Eloge de Socrate
Filosofía para la felicidad. Epicuro
Porphyre et Victorinus
No te olvides de vivir
Le voile d'Isis
Plotino O La Simplicidad de La Mirada
La ciudadela interior
Wittgenstein ve dilin sınırları
Plotin, ou la simplicité du regard
Bernard Bolzano
Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848)

mathematician, logician, philosopher of science, theologian, Catholic priest, historian, epistemologist, philosopher, professor, aesthetician, teacher

  • Charles University
Ausgewählte Schriften
Vlastní životopis
Über das Verhältniss der beiden Volkstämme in Böhmen: Drei Vorträge im Jahre 1816 an der ..
Paradoxien des unendlichen
Paradoxien des Unendlichen
Lehrbuch der Religionswissenschaft
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Erbauungsreden an die akademische Jugend
The mathematical works of Bernard Bolzano
Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes
Die drey Probleme der Rectification
Selected writings on ethics and politics / Bernard Bolzano
On the mathematical method and correspondence with Exner
Die Sozial- und Ethnoethik Bernard Bolzanos
Mathematische und philosophische Schriften 1810-1816
Reine Zahlenlehre
Vermischte Schriften, 1839-1840
Zur Physik
Miscellanea mathematica
Kleine Wissenschaftslehre
Mathematisch-physikalische und philosophische Schriften, 1842-1843
Sozialphilosophische Schriften
Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der Ästhetik
Vermischte philosophische und physikalische Schriften, 1832-1848
Von der mathematischen Lehrart
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie? Trad, et commenté par Denis Macabrey
B. Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre: Versuch einer ausführlichen und ..
Selected Writings on Ethics and Politics (Studien zur oesterreichischen Philosophie 40)
Einleitung zur Grössenlehre und erste Begriffe der allgemeinen Grössenlehre
Über das Verhältniss der beiden Volksstämme in Böhmen
Der böhmische Vormärz in Briefen B. Bolzanos an F. Pr̆íhonský,  1824-1848
Bernard Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre in vier Bänden
Erbauungsreden für Akademiker
Les paradoxes de l'infini
Uber das Verhaltnis der beiden Volksstamme in Bohmen. Drei Vortrage im Jahre 1816 an der Hochschule zu Prag gehalten. Wien 1849. Nachdruck
On the Mathematical Method and Correspondence with Exner (Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, 37) (Studien Zur Sterreichischen Philosophie)
Dr. Bolzano und seine Gegner. Ein Beitrag zur neuesten Literaturgeschichte. Sulzbach 1839. Nachdruck
Was ist Philosophie?  Aus dessen handschriftlichem Nachlass
Bernard Bolzano, 1781-1848
Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes
Versuch einer ausführlichen und grösstentheils neuen Darstellung der Logik mit steter Rücksicht auf deren bisherige Bearbeiter
Dr. B. Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre
Miscellanea Mathematica 10
Theorie der reellen Zahlen im Bolzanos handschriftlichen Nachlasse
Bernard Bolzanos Schriften
Paradoxien des Unendlichen, hrsg. aus dem schriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers von Fr. Přihonsky
Von dem besten staate, nach den manuskripten des National-museums in Prag
Vermischte mathematische Schriften
Paradoxes of the infinite
Was ist Philosophie? Aus dessen handschriftlichen Nachlass. Wien 1849. Nachdruck
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie
Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik. 1. Lfg
Was ist Philosophie? von Bernard Bolzano, aus dessen handschriftlichem Nachlass
Paradoxes of the infinite
Grundlegung der Logik
Ueber die Perfectibilität des Katholicismus
Athanasia, oder, Gründe für die Unsterblichkeit der Seele
Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848)
Die Sozial- und Ethnoethik Bernard Bolzanos
Der böhmische Vormärz in Briefen B. Bolzanos an F. Příhonský, 1824-1848
Versuch einer objectiven Begründung der Lehre von den drei Dimensionen des Raumes
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der Ästhetik
Kleine Wissenschaftslehre
Rein analytischer Beweis de Lehrsatses
Philosophische Tagebücher 1827-1844
Grundlegung der Logik
Wissenschaftslehre [von] Bernhard Bolzano
O logice
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Geometrické práce (Geometrische Arbeiten)
Von dem besten staate
24 Erbauungsreden, 1808-1820
Philosophische Texte
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?
Das Problem des Unendlichen
Bernard Bolzano, Leben und Wirkung
Philosophische Tagebücher, 1817-1827
Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik
Was ist Philosophie?
Wissenschaft und Religion im Vormärz
Über den Begriff des Schönen
Versuch einer objectiven Begründung der Lehre von der Zusammensetzung der Kräfte
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Rein analytischer Beweis de Lehrsatses
Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe
Über die Eintheilung der schönen Künste
Philosophische Tagebücher, 1811-1817
Paulo Evaristo Arns
Paulo Evaristo Arns (1921-2016)

Catholic priest, Catholic deacon, archbishop, Catholic bishop

  • Faculty of Arts of Paris
Ano sacerdotal 2009-2010
Em defesa dos direitos humanos
Você é chamado a evangelizar
O Evangelho
Da esperança à utopia
Comunidade : união e ação
Por que escolas católicas?
Os ministérios na Igreja
Em favor do homem
Fé e política
A família constrói o mundo?
La technique du livre d'après saint Jérôme
Mulher, quem ès? que procuras?
De esperança em esperança na sociedade, hoje
Die Theologie der Befreiung, Hoffnung oder Gefahr für die Kirche?
A humanidade caminha para a fraternidade (Idéias e sugestões para a Campanha da Fraternidade)
Santos e heróis do povo
Estrelas na noite escura
Clamor do povo pela paz
Discutindo o papel da Igreja
Brasil, nunca mais
A quem iremos, Senhor?
Igreja, Classe Trabalhadora e Democracia
Presenc̜a e forc̜a do Cristão
Cidade, abre tuas portas!
Baue meine Kirche auf
Teología y liberación
A violência em nossos dias
Presença e força do cristão
Die Macht der Verschuldeten
Cristãos em plena vida
Sê fiel!
O que é Igreja
Torture, how to make the international convention effective
Mulher : Que es? Que Procuras?./ Cardeal Arns
Alexander Crummell
Alexander Crummell (1819-1898)

priest, missionary

  • University of Cambridge, African Free School
The shades and the lights of a fifty years' ministry
Against Slavery
The relations and duties of free colored men in America to Africa
Africa and America: Addresses and Discourses
Civilization and Black progress
The Future of Africa
Destiny and race
The Black woman of the South
A defence of the negro race in America from the assaults and charges of Rev. J. L. Tucker, D. D., of Jackson, Miss., in his paper before the "Church Congress" of 1882
Sermons nos. 1-412
The social principle among a people, and its bearing on their progress and development
Common sense in common schooling
Marriage and divorce
Africa and America
The man: the hero: the Christian!
The greatness of Christ
Incidents of hope for the Negro race in America
The duty of a rising Christian state to contribute to the world's well-being and civilization
The race-problem in America
Africa and America
The solution of problems, the duty and destiny of man
The future of Africa
Charitable institutions in colored churches
Civilization the primal need of the race, the inaugural address, and The attitude of the American mind toward the Negro intellect, first annual address
The duty of a rising Christian state to contribute to the world's well-being and civilization, and the means by which it may perform the same
The future of Africa
Eulogy on the life of and services of Hon. Frederick Douglass
The solution of problems, the duty and the destiny of man
A defence of the Negro race in America from the assaults and charges of Rev. J.L. Tucker, D.D., of Jackson, Miss., in his paper before the "Church Congress" of 1882, on "The relations of the church to the colored race"
The English language in Liberia
The future of Africa
The greatness of Christ, and other sermons
The eulogy on Henry Highland Garnet, D.D., Presbyterian minister, late minister resident of the U.S. to the Republic of Liberia
The Negro race not under a curse
Duty of a rising Christian state ...
The greatness of Christ
The relations and duties of free colored men in America to Africa
William Stubbs
William Stubbs (1825-1901)

cleric, Anglican priest, legal historian, medievalist, historian, parson

  • University of Oxford, Ripon Grammar School
Memorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history
Registrum sacrum Anglicanum
Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects
Historical introductions to the Rolls series
The letters of William Stubbs
On convocation
William Stubbs on the English Constitution
Lectures on early English history
Lectures on European history
The early Plantagenets
The medieval kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia
Germany in the later Middle Ages, 1200-1500
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
Church and state principles
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history, from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
Germany in the early Middle Ages, 476-1250
Ordination addresses
William Stubbs on the English Constitution
The constitutional history of England
Biblical criticism
Letters of William Stubbs, bishop of Oxford, 1825-1901
The Constitutional History Of England V1
Visitation charges delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the dioceses of Chester and Oxford
Zeal - for the Lord?
Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history
A translation of such documents as are untranslated in Mr. Stubbs' collection from the earliest times to the conclusion of Edward the First's reign
Historical Introduction to the Rolls Series
On the English Constitution
Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects; delivered at Oxford, under statutory obligation in the years 1867-1884
The early Plantagenets
Genealogical history of the family of the late Bishop William Stubbs
William Stubbs, bishop of Oxford, 1825-1901
Chronicles and memorials of the reign of Richard I
Resta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis
Chronicles of the reigns of Edward I and Edward II
Early Plantagenets
Historica introductions to the Rolls series
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history
Radulphi De Diceto Decani Londoniensis Opera Historica
Evil days
A Lifetime's Service
A Translation of such documents as are untranslated in Dr. Stubbs' Select charters from the earliest times to the conclusion of Edward the First's reign
A sermon preached by William, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the Cathedral Church of Chester on the occasion of the ordination, Decmeber [sic] 21st, 1884
The constitutional history of England
Registrum sacrum anglicanum
Magistri Rogeri De Houedene (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle a)
Historical introductions to the Rolls series
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history
Germany in the early Middle Ages, 476-1250
Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects
Gesta regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti abbatis
An address delivered by way of inaugural lecture, February 7, 1867
Historica introductions to the Rolls series
Memorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury
Historical introductions to the Rolls series
Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects
A charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Diocese by William Stubbs, D.D. Bishop of Oxford, at his second visitation April and May, 1893
Germany in the later Middle Ages, 1200-1500
The Apostolical succession in the church of England
Hints for teachers of church history
Ordination addresses
Lectures on early English history
The medieval kingdoms of Cyprus and Armenia
Lectures on European history
Registrum sacrum anglicanum
Histoire constitutionnelle de l'Angleterre
Further Education Funding Council for England Accounts 1992-94
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
Two public statutory lectures on the history of the canon law in England
Letters of William Stubbs, bishop of Oxford, 1825-1901
Gesta Regis Henrici =
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
An account of the courts which have exercised ecclesiastical juristiction in England
Germany in the later Middle Ages, 1200-1500
The constitutional history of England
The early Plantagenets
The constitutional history of England
Robert Bellarmine
Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621)

Latin Catholic priest, librarian, theologian, philologist, Hebraist, Catholic bishop

  • Pontifical Gregorian University, University of Padua
Autobiografia (1613)
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber vnus
Roberti Bellarmini e societate Iesu, S.R.E. cardinalis De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus : cum adiunctis indicibus vndecim & breui chronologia ab orbe condito vsque ad annum MDCXII
De officio principis christiani libri tres
De scriptoribvs ecclesiasticis liber vnvs
De officio principis Christiani
De scriptoribus eccesiasticis liber vnus
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis
Roberti Bellarmini ... De scriptoribvs ecclesiasticis liber vnus
De scriptoribvs ecclesiasticis liber vnvs
De scriptoribvs ecclesiasticis
Spiritual writings
Disputationes de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis
De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum
The Louvain lectures (Lectiones Lovanienses) of Bellarmine and the autograph copy of his 1616 Declaration to Galileo
De arte bene moriendi
Institutiones linguae Hebraicae
Spiritual writings
De gemitu columbae
Explanatio in Psalmos
Eglurhad helaeth-lawn
Opera omnia... in septem tomos distributa...
Disputationes... de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos...
De aeterna felicitate sanctorvm libri qvinqve
Steps of ascension to God
Ouranography; or Heaven opened. The substance of Cardinal Bellarmino'sfive books concerning the eternal felicity of the saints. Published in Latin 94 years ago And now made English; with some few variations; by B. Jenks, Rector of Harley in Shropshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bradford
Scritti spirituali (1615-1621)
Risposta del cardinal Bellarmino a dve libretti
Declaracion copiosa de las quatro partes mas essenciales, y necessarias de la doctrina christiana
Responce aux principaux articles & chapitres de l'Apologie du Belloy
Live well, die holy
Disputationes... de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos
De laicis
Notes of the church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmin
Disputationes... de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos, quatuor tomis comprehensae...
Aplogia... pro responsione sua ad librum Iacobi, Magnae Britanniae regis, cuius titulus est Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus..
Opera omnia
Recognitio librorum omnium Roberti Bellarmini..
Opera omnia
Psalterium Davidis cum brevi ac succincta paraphrasi ex Bellarmini commentario deprompta
Vita ven. Roberti Cardinalis Bellarmini
Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini Politiani... de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos...
De aeterna felicítate sanctorum libri quinque...
The eternal happiness of the saints
The ascent of the mind to God by a ladder of things created
Disputationum Robert Bellarmini e Societate Jesu S.R.E. Cardinalis de controversiis Christianae fidei, adversus hujus temporis haereticos, quatuor tomis comprehensarum, tomus primus [-quartus]
A shorte catechisme of Cardall Bellarmine
Exercitatio grammatica in Psalmvm XXXIII, Secunùm Hebræos XXXIIII
Responce aux principaux articles & chapitres de l'Apologie du Belloy
De gemitu columbae, siue, De bono lacrymarum, libri tres
De gemitu columbae
A short Christian doctrine composed by the R. Father Robert Bellarmin, of the Society of Jesus, and cardinal. Now revis'd and much amended. Publish'd with allowance
De Laicis
Roberti Bellarmini explanatio in Psalmos
De arte bene moriendi libri duo
A catechism of Christian doctrine
The Louvain lectures (Lectiones Lovanienses) of Bellarmine and the autograph copy of his 1616 Declaration to Galileo
An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine. Composed in Italian by the renowned Cardinal: Card. Bellarmine. Translated into English by Richard Hadock D. of Diuinitie
Opera oratoria postuma, adiunctis documentis variis ad gubernium animarum spectantibus
De gemitv colvmbae
De gemitv colvmbæ
De aeterna felicitate sanctorum libri qvinqve
The use and great moment of the notes of the Church, as deliver'd by C. Bellarmine ..
La montée de l'âme vers Dieu par l'échelle des créatures
Tractatvs de potestate svmmi pontificis in rebvs temporalibvs
Opuscula ascetica
The autobiography of St. Robert Bellarmine
Apologia Roberti S.R.E. Cardinalis Bellarmini
A short Christian doctrine, compos'd by the R. Father Robert Bellarmin, of the Society of Jesus, and cardinal. Now revis'd and much amended. Published with allowance
De æterna felicitate sanctorvm libri qvinqve
Institvtiones lingvæ Hebraicæ
Illustrissimi et reuerendissimi D. Roberti Bellarmini S.R.E. Cardinalis Conciones
Institutiones linguæ Hebraicæ
De operibus S. Roberti Bellarmini
Of the eternall felicity of the saints
Opera omnia Roberti Bellarmini
Power of the Pope in temporal affairs, against William Barclay
Dispvtationes Roberti Bellarmíní de controversiis Christianae fidei, aduersus huius temporis haereticos
Opera omnia
Reply to the principal points of the argument
Bellarmino contro Baio a Lovaniano
Opera omnia
De gemitu columbæ, siue De bono lacrymarum, libri tres
A treatise, framing a ladder, whereby our mindes may ascend to God
Of the seaven last vvordes spoken by Christ vpon the crosse, two bookes. Written in Latin by the most illustrious cardinall Bellarmine, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by A.B
Roberti Bellarmini Politani Societatis Iesv, De translatione imperii Romani a Graecis ad Francos
De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creaturarum opusculum
The mind's ascent to God by a ladder of created things
Opera omnia
Christian doctrine
Opuscula ascetica
De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatorum opusculum
How true Christiane libertie consisteth in the true service of God
De aeterna felicitate sanctorum libri quinque
Riposta a dve libretti
Commonefactio et postulationes Regiorum Cognitorum, necnon Arrestum Curiæ Parlamenti Parisiensis de 26. Nouembr. 1610 latum ..
Opervm Roberti Bellarmini ex Societ. Iesv S.R.E. Cardinalis, Tomvs sextvs, Complectens conciones sacras, qvas avthor ante annos circiter qvadraginta in dominicis et celebrioribvs anni Festis Louanij habuit, & pij cuiusdam auditoris calamo exceptas. Fr. Simon Ryckivs de consensu eiusdem in lucem producit
Risposta del card. Bellarmino, al trattato de i sette theologi di Venetia
A most learned and pious treatise
Dichiarazione del Simbolo
Dispvtationvm de controuersiis Christianae fidei aduersus huius temporis haereticos.  Epitome labore Fr. I. Baptistae Desbois
Bellarmino contra Baio a Lovaniano
Psalterium Davidis cum brevi ac succincta paraphrasi
Dottrina cristiana, composta dall' Emo, e Rmo cardinale Roberto Bellarmino
Exhortationes domesticae venerabilis servi dei Cardinalis Robert: Bellarmimi
Limud ha-Meshiḥiyim be-ḳitsur
De gemitu columbae, sive, De bono lacrymarum libri tres
De aeterna felicitate sanctorvm libri qvinqve
Dottrina cristiana, composta dall' Em̃o, e Rm̃o cardinale Roberto Bellarmino: tradotta prima ...
An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine. Composed in Italian by the renowmed [sic] Cardinal: Card. Bellarmin. Translated into English by Richard Hadock, Doctor of Diuinitie
A short catechism, or Christian doctrine. Composed by the most eminent Robert Card. Bellarmin, of the society of Jesus. Translated into English
Spiritual authority
R. P. Roberti Bellarmini Politani, e Societate Iesv De indvlgentiis et ivbileo, libri dvo
Illust. card. Roberti Bellarmini opuscula selectiora quinque
Robert Bellarmini, Societatis Iesu, Presbyteri Cardinalis, Explanatio in Psalmos
Matthaei Torti presbyteri & theologi Papiensis Responsio ad librum inscriptum Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus
Illvstrissimi et Reverendissimi D. Robert Bellarmini S.R.E. Cardinalis
De aeterna felicitate sanctorum
An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine: Composed in Italian by the renowmed [sic] Cardinal, Card. Bellarmin. &c. Translated into English by R.H. Doctor of Diuitie [sic]
Liber de locis communibus continens tractatum primum de r. pontifice
Dispvtationvm Roberti Bellarmini Politiani Cardinalis ... De controuersiis Christianae fidei aduersus huius temporis haereticos
Disputationum de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus haereticos
Psalterium Davidis cum brevi et succincta paraphrasi ex Bellarmini commentario deprompta
Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei adversus hujus temporis haereticos
A shorte catechisme, 1614
al-Taʻlīm al-Masīḥī
Seelen Leyter, oder, Auffsteignung dess Gemuths zu Gott durch die Leyter der erschaffenen Creaturen dieser Welt
Exhortationes domesticae venerabilis servi dei Cardinalis Robert
Roberti Bellarmini Politiani S.J. Opera omnia
Disputatio Bellarmini ... de controversia prima [-tertia] fidei christianae ...
The Tocsin, Or, Watch-Bell
Dottrina Christiana
al-Ta‘līm al-Masīḥī
A treatise, framing a ladder, whereby our mindes may ascend to God
Consigli per un vescovo
A Large Exami- nation Taken at Lambeth, according to his Maiesties direction, point by point, of M. George Blakwell, made Arch- priest of England, by Pope Clement 8. Vpon occasion of a certaine answere of his, without the priuitie of the State, to a Letter lately sent vnto him from Cardinall Bellarmine, blaming him for taking the oath of Allegeance. Together with the Cardinals Letter, and M. Blakwels said answere vnto it. Also M. Blakwels Letter to the Romish Catholickes in England, as well Ec- clesiasticall, as Lay. (ornament)
Power of the Pope in temporal affairs, against William Barclay
How true Christiane libertie consisteth in the true service of God
Institutiones linguae Hebraicae ex optimo quoque auctore collectae
Risposta del Card. Bellarmino al trattato dei sette theologi di Venetia, sopra l'Interdetto della Santità di N. Signore Papa Paolo Quinto
Opera omnia
Die Selbstbiographie des Cardinals Bellarmin
Tafsīr wāsi‘ ‘alá al-ta‘līm al-Masīḥī
De aeterna felicitate sanctorum libri quinque
De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum
Institutiones linguae Hebraicae
Opera omnia
Del gemito della colomba, overo Della vtilità delle lagrime
Explanatio in Psalmos
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus
Roberti Bellarmini ex Societate Iesu S.R.E. Tit. S. Mariæ in Via, presbyteri cardinalis Conciones
De ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum opusculum (etc.)
R.P. Roberti Bellarmini Politiani, e Societate Iesv
Opera omnia
Dichiarazione più copiosa della dottrina Cristiana composta per ordine della santa memoria di Papa Clemente VIII
Doctrinae christianae rudimenta... in vernaculam Chaldaeorum linguam translata
Risposta del Card. Bellarmino a dve libretti ...
Disputationes ... de controversiis Christianae fidei, adversvs huius temporis haereticos, tribus tomis comprehensae ...
De officio principis christiani, libri tres
The seven words spoken by Christ on the cross
Apologia Roberti S.R.E. Cardin. Bellarmini, pro responsione sua ad librum Iacobi magnae Britanniae Regis, cuius titulus est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus. In quo apologia refellitur praefatio monitoria regis eiusdem. Accessit eadem ipsa responsio iterum recusa, quae sub nomine Matthaei Torti
De indulgentiis, et iubelo, libri duo
Elménknek Istenben föl-menetelérül a teremtet allatok garádichin
The soul's ascension to God, by the steps of creation. Written originally in Latin by the learned and pious Cardinal Bellarmine. From thence render'd into English by H. Hall
Doctrinae Christianae rudimenta cum nonnullis precibus atque indulgentiis
Disputationes de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus hujus temporis haereticos
Dispvtationes ... de controversiis Christianae fidei
Risposta del Card. Bellarmino a dve libretti ..
The Notes Of The Church, As Laid down By Cardinal Belarmin; Examined and Confuted. With a Table of the Contents. Imprimatur, Apr. 6. 1687. Guil. Needham
Apologia Roberti ... Bellarmini pro responsione sua ad librum Iacobi ... Magnae Britanniae regis, cuis titulus est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneuns : in qua apologia refellitur praefatio monitoria regis eiusdem
De officio principis Christiani libri tres
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis. Libri duo
Explanatio in Psalmos, cui accedit nova Psalmorum ex hebraeo versio latina notis illustrata, auctore Augustino Crampon
Opera omnia
Kʻristonēakan vardapetutʻiwn hamaṛōtuats
De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus. Cum adiunctis indicibus undecim, & brevi chronologia ab orbe condito usque ad annum M. DC. XII
Commentary on the book of Psalms
Roberti Bellarmini ex Societate Iesu S.R.E. Tit. S. Mariae in Via, presbyteri cardinalis Conciones
Responce dv cardinal Bellarmin, av traicté des sept theologiens de Venise, sur l'interdict de N.S. pere le pape Paul V. Et aux oppositions de F. Paul Seruite, contre la premiere escriture du mesme cardinal
The seven words from the cross
Roberti Bellarmini Politiani, Societatis Iesu, S.R.E. Cardinalis, Institutiones linguæ Hebraicæ postremò recognitæ, ac locupletatæ
De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo
Dispvtatio ... de controversia prima [-tertia] fidei Christianae ...
Der erste zimbrische Katechismus
Opera oratoria postuma
Dottrina Christiana ...
Tractatus de potestate summi pontificis in rebus temporalibus, adversus Gulielmum Barclaium
Opera omnia
De arte bene moriendi libri duo
Biblia sacra vvlgatae editionis
Disputationum de controversiis Christianae fidei tomus primus
Apologia Roberti S. R. E. Cardinalis Bellarmini, pro responsione sua ad librum Iacobi Magnae Britanniae regis, cuius titulus est, triplici nodo triplex cuneus; in qua apologia refellitur praefatio monitoria regis eiusdem. Accessit eadem ipsa responsio iterum recusa, quae sub nomine Matthaei Torti anno superiore prodierat
Doctrina christiana, armenice
The minds̓ ascent to God by a ladder of created things
Abhandlung von der Macht des Papstes in zeitlichen Dingen, Oder, Vertheidigung seines ersten Werkes wider Wilhelm Barclaium
Explanatio in Psalmos
Institutiones linguae Hebraicae
A short catechisme, 1614
Auctarium Bellarminianum
Extracts on politics and government from the Supreme Pontiff from Third general controversy
The joys of the blessed
Doctrina christiana
Opera omnia
Textes choisis
Ouranography: or Heaven opened
De ascensione mentis in deum per scalas rerum creatarum, liber singularis. Exacte recudendum curavit et annotationibus instruxit F.X. Dieringer
al-Taʻlīm al-Masīḥī = ቸመሀረ
Epistolae familiares
De translatione imperii Romani a Graecis ad Francos
Disputationes Roberti Bellarmini e Societate Iesu, De controversiis Christianae fidei, adversus huius temporis hæreticos, tribus tomis comprehensæ ...
De operibus S. Roberti Bellarmini
Il catechismo
De aeterna felicitate sanctorvm libri qvinqve ...
Giovanni della Casa
Giovanni della Casa (1503-1556)

priest, poet, diplomat

  • University of Bologna, University of Florence
Vita di Pietro Bembo
A renaissance courtesy-book
Rime et prose di M. Giovanni Della Casa
Galateo, or, The rules of polite behavior
Il galateo
A renaissance courtesy-book, Galateo
Rime et prose
Galateo, of manners and behaviours in familiar conversation
Le Galatee
Giovanni della Casa's poem book =
Opere di Monsignor Giovannidella Casa
Corrispondenza Giovanni Della Casa, Carlo Gualteruzzi (1525-1549)
Canzonieri del secolo XVI
Le rime
De officiis inter potentiores et tenuiores amicos
Dizionario delle diversità
Rime, et prose di M. Giovanni della Casa
Galateo of Maister Iohn della Casa, archbishop of Beneuenta
Rime di Mons. Gio. della Casa
Fifteen fourteeners
Opere di Monsignor Giovanni della Casa
Il Galateo di messer Giovanni della Casa
Opere Burlesche ...
Le Galatee, premierement composé en italien par I. de la Case, & depuis mis en françois, latin, allemand, & espagnol
Se s'abbia da prender moglie
A treatise of the maners and behauiours
Corrispondenza con Alessandro Farnese
Prose scelte e annotate
Galateo of manners & behaviours
Galateo, ovvero de' costumi
Trattato de costvmi
Se s'abbia da prender moglie
Corrispondenza con i legati al Concilio di Trento (1544-1549)
Galateo, or, The book of manners
Scritti inediti ...
Avvisi di buone creanze cavati da Monsignor Giovanni della Casa ed altri buoni autori, ad uso de' giovanetti del Seminario Romano
Prendine mille e una ma non sposarne alcuna
Se s'abbia da prender moglie
Tratado de M. Iuan de la Casa
From Rome to Venice for a cure
The Arts Of Grandeur and Submission
Ioannis Casae Latina monimenta
Henry Scott Holland
Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918)

Anglican priest

  • Eton College, University of Oxford
Memoir of Madame Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt
Personal studies
A bundle of memories
Jenny Lind the artist, 1820-1851
Personal studies
A bundle of memories
Creeds and critics
The fourth gospel
Creed and character
Pleas and claims for Christ
Christ or Ecclesiastes
The Apostolic fathers
God's city and the coming of the kingdom
Logic and life
A forty years' friendship
On behalf of belief
The philosophy of faith and The fourth Gospel..
Jenny Lind
Henry Scott Holland ... memoir and letters
Henry Scott Holland ..
Dean Aldrich
The Optimism of Butler's Analogy
So as by fire
Fibres of faith
Old and new
A Lent in London
Vital values
An apology for St. Paul's Cathedral
Good Friday [addresses]
Unity in diversity
A selection from his writings
Churchmanship and labour
Memoir of Madame Jenny Lind-Golschmidt
Facts of the faith
Death is nothing at all
The besetting sin of empires!
Good Friday
Pleas and claims for Christ
The optimism of Butler's "Analogy,"
Logic and life
The optimism of Butler's 'Analogy'
On behalf of belief
Our neighbours
Four addresses on the sacrifice of the cross
The philosophy of faith, and The Fourth Gospel
Logic and life
In memoriam
The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
A sermon preached in Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford, on Whit Sunday evening, May 28th
God's city and the coming of the kingdom
The Apostolic fathers
Creed and character
The call of empire
Henry Scott Holland
The coming of the women