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priests who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 148 results
Prosper Guéranger
Prosper Guéranger (1806-1875)

Catholic priest

Mémoires autobiographiques
The spirit of Solesmes
L'année liturgique
Institutions liturgiques
The Holy Mass
Sainte Cécile et la société romaine aux deux premiers siècles
The church; or, The society of divine praise
Par un moine bénédictin--
Institutions liturgiques
Défense de l'Eglise romaine contre les accusations du R.P. Gratry
Lettre à Monseigneur l'archevèque de Rheims, sur le droit de la liturgie
Explanation of the Holy Mass
The Liturgical Year
... Religious and monastic life explained
De la monarchie pontificale
Mémoires autobiographiques
Institutions liturgiques
Life of Saint Cecilia, virgin and martyr
L'année liturgique
Par un moine bénédictin--
Sainte Cécile et la société romaine aux deux premiers siècles
L'Année liturgique
Par un moine bénédictin--
The Liturgical Year
Institutions liturgiques
Institutions liturgiques
The Traditional Latin Mass Explained
De la monarchie pontificale
Liturgical Year, the
année Liturgique; Volume 3
Essai sur l'origine, la signification et les privil`eges de la médaille ou croix de Saint Benoit
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
Explication des prières et des cérémonies de la sainte messe
Essai sur l'origine, signification et les privilèges de la médaille ou croix de Saint Benoit
The Liturgical Year
The Medal or Cross of St. Benedict
Life of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
année Liturgique; Volume 13
The Liturgical Year, Tr. by L. Shepherd. Continuation [By L. Fromage]
Life Of Saint Cecilia, Virgin And Martyr
The liturgical year
The Medal Or Cross of St. Benedict
Liturgical Year; Volume 7
Essai sur l'origine, la signification et les privil`eges de la médaille ou croix de Saint Benoit
Passiontide and Holy Week
On the Religious Life
Life of St. Cecilia
Sainte Cécile et la société romaine aux deux premiers siècles
The Liturgical Year
Liturgical Year; Volume 7
Liturgical year
année Liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Advent, its meaning and purpose
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
The Liturgical Year - Vol. VI Passiontide and Holy Week
Life of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
De la monarchie pontificale à propos du livre de Mgr. l'évèque de Sura
De la Monarchie Pontificale; à Propos du Livre de Mgr. l'éveque de Sura Par le R. P. Dom Prosper Guéranger
The Liturgical Year, Vol. 5: Lent (Classic Reprint)
The medal or cross of St. Benedict, its origin, meaning, and privileges
On the Holy Mass
Life of Saint Cecilia
The Medal or Cross of St. Benedict
Essai Sur l'origine, la Signification et les Privilèges de la Médaille Ou Croix de St Benoit
année Liturgique; Volume 1
Life of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
Liturgical year
On the Immaculate Conception
Time after Pentecost
Life of Saint Cecilia
Explanation of the prayers and ceremonies of holy Mass
Life of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
The Spirit of Solesmes
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
Liturgie et archéologie, deux fondateurs
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Institutions liturgiques
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Die höchste Lehrgewalt des Papstes
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
Explanation of the prayers and ceremonies of Holy Mass
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
De la monarchie pontificale
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
The liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
Liturgical year
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Defence of the Roman Church against Father Gratry
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Life of Saint Cecilia
L'Année liturgique
L'Année liturgique
Essai historique sur l'abbaye de Solesmes
Liturgical year
Lent, its meaning and purpose
Le moine et la comtesse
Liturgical year
Lent, its meaning and purpose
Liturgical year
Pietro Bembo
Pietro Bembo (1470-1547)

poet, librarian, historian, translator, essayist, Catholic priest, humanist, philologist, scholar, Catholic bishop

  • University of Padua
Volgarizzamento des Dialogs De Guido Ubaldo Feretrio deque Elisabetha Gonzagia Urbini ducibus
Prose della volgar lingua
Prose scelte
Delle lettere di M. Pietro Bembo ..
Gli Asolani
Sarca: Petrus Bembus : Einleitung, vollstandiger Text, erste Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen = Sarca
History of Venice
History of Venice, Volume 2, Books V-VIII (The I Tatti Renaissance Library)
Oratio pro litteris graecis
Quaecunque vsquam prodierunt
Lettere inedite del Card. Pietro Bembo, e di altri scrittori del secolo 16, tratte da' codici Vaticani e Barberiniani e pubblicate da Giuseppe Spezi
Prose e rime
Della istoria viniziana di m. Pietro Bembo, cardinale
Le prose nelle qvali si ragiona della volgar lingva ..
Rime di M. Pietro Bembo
Le prose
Gli Asolani
Della istoria viniziana
Istoria viniziana
De l'etna
Gli Asolani e le Rime
Opere del cardinale Pietro Bembo
Degli Asolani di Messer Pietro Bembo ..
"Motti" inediti e sconosciuti di M. Pietro Bembo
La Grande fiamma
Petri Bembi Epistolarum Leonis Decimi Pont. Max. nomine scriptarum libri XVI
De Aetna liber
Le rime di messer Pietro Bembo, cardinale
Prose scelte
Le prose nelle qvali si ragiona della volgar lingua ..
Petri Bembi cardinalis patritii veneti Epistolarvm familiarivm libri sex
Prose a rime
Lettere di Messer Pietro Bembo a sommi pontefici et a cardinali et ad altri signori et persone ecclesiastiche scritte
Della historia Vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo, Card., volgarmente scritta
Petri Bembi opuscula aliquot, quae sequenti pagella connumerantur
Petri Bembi De Aetna liber & Pietro Bembo On Etna
Petri Bembi ad Nicolaum Teupolum de Guido Vbaldo Feretrio deque Elisabetha Gonzagia Vrbini ducibus liber
Le prose... nelle quali si ragiona della volga lingua... divise in tre libri, e di nuouo aggionte le postille nel margine, e reviste con somma diligenza da M. Lodovico Dolce
Le prose del Bembo
Epistolario scelto
Epistolarvm Leonis decimi Pontificis Max. nomine scriptarvm libri sexdecim
Opere del Cardinale Pietro Bembo, ora per la prima volta tutte in un corpo unite
Opere in volgare
Delle rime di M. Pietro Bembo
Petri Bembi... Omnia quaecunque usquam in lucem prodierunt Opera
Una lettera [per le nozze Zannini-Bucchia.]
History of Venice
Delle lettere
La Rime..
Nvove lettere famigliari
Prose della volgar lingua ; Gli Asolani ; Rime
Rervm Venetarvm historiae libri XII
Istoria Viniziani
De Aetna ad Angelum Chabrielem liber
Rime di Monsignor P. Bembo
"Motti," inediti e sconosciuti
Historiae venetae libri XII
Prose di M. Pietro Bembo
Le rime
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo
Prose di Monsignor Bembo
Delle lettere di Messer Pietro Bembo ..
Opuscula aliquot ..
Lettere inedite or rare
Delle lettre amorose di diversi hvomini illvstri, libri nove
Delle rime
Petri Bembi... Omnes quotquot extant epistolae latinae puritatis studiosis ad imitandum utilissimae
Gli asolani di M. Pietro Bembo
Rime di tre de' piv illvstri poeti dell'età nosrtra [sic] cioè
Della historia vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo card. volgarmente scritta. Libri XII
Gli asolani di Pietro Bembo
Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum Petri Bembi, Andreae Naugerii, Balthassaris Castillionii, Joannis Casae, et Angeli Politiani
Della historia vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo card. volgarmente scritta. Libri XII
Epistolarum Petri Bembi cardinalis et patricii Veneti ... libri XVI
Pietro Bembi de Aetna =
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua
O Etnie
De l'imitation. Le Modèle stylistique à la Renaissance
Les Azolains de monseigneur Bembo
Petri Bembi patricii Veneti, Epistolae omnes qvotqvot extant, Latinae puritatis studiosis ad imitandum vtilissimae
Petri Bembi... Epistolarum familiarium, libri VI
Petri Bembi... Historiae Venetae libri XII
Prose della volgar lingua
Prose di m. Pietro Bembo nelle qvali si ragiona della volgar lingua
Della historia Vinitiana
Petri Bembi De Aetna liber
Prose e rime
Delle lettere di m. Pietro Bembo ... primo[-secondo] volvme
Cardinalis Petri Bembi Patricii Veneti omnia quaecunque usquam in lucem prodierunt Opera
Carteggio d'amore, 1500-1501
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua
Della historia vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo card. volgarmente scritta. Libri XII
Degli Asolani del Cardinal Pietro Bembo
Prose di Monsignor Bembo
De Aetna
Les Azolains
Delle lettere di M. Pietro Bembo ... primo[-qvarto] volume
Rime di M. Pietro Bembo
La grande fiamma
Delle rime di M. Pietro Bembo
Gli Asolani
Petrus Bembus De Guido Ubaldo Feretrio deq. Elisabeta Gonzagia urbini ducibus
Epistolarum Petri Bempi cardinalis et patricii Veneti
Petri Bembi Patricij Veneti quaecunq[ue] vsquam prodierunt opera
Lettere inedite del card. Pietro Bembo e di altri scrittori del secolo xvi
Petri Bembi ... Rerum Venetarum historiae libri XII
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua
Gliasolani di messer Pietro Bembo
Petri Bembi cardinalis Historiae venetae, libri XII
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo
Le Osseruationi della lingua volgare di diuersi huomini illustri, cioe del Bembo, del Gabriello, del Fortunio, dell'Acarisio, et di altri scrittori
Degli Asolani del Cardinal Pietro Bembo
Della historia vinitiana di M. Pietro Bembo card. volgarmente scritta. Libri XII
Lettere da diversi re e principi e cardinali e altri uomini dotti a mons
Petri Bembi ... Historiae Venetae Libri XII. Cum priuilegiis
Petri Bembi epistolarvm Leonis Decimi pontificis max. nomine scriptarvm libri sexdecim ad Pavlvm Tertivm pont. max. Romam missi
Petri Bembi Epistolarvm Leonis Decimi pontificis max. nomine scriptarvm libri sexdecim ...
De Aetna
Lyric Poetry. Etna (The I Tatti Renaissance Library)
[Petri Bembi Epistolarvm, Leonis Decimi pontificis max. nomine scriptarum libri sexdecim
Delle rime
History of Venice, Volume 1, Books I-IV (The I Tatti Renaissance Library)
Petri Bembi cardinalis viri clariss
Opere in volgare
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua
Gli asolani
Petri Bembi patricii Veneti, Epistolae omnes quotquot extant
Le prose di M. Pietro Bembo nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua
Isidore of Seville
Isidore of Seville (0559-0636)

musicologist, philosopher, music theorist, Catholic priest, historian, polymath, Catholic bishop

El "De viris illustribus" de Isidoro de Sevilla
El "De viris illustribus" de Isidoro de Sevilla
De ortu et obitu patrum =
Etymologiarvm sive Originvm libri XX
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originvm libri XX
Traité de la nature
Etymologies, book II
Isidore of Seville
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
Liber De ordine creaturarum
Sancti Isidori Episcopi Hispalensis De ecclesiasticis officiis
The letters of St. Isidore of Seville
Sancti Isidori... Opera omnia quae extant
Chronicon D. Isidori archiep. Hisp. emendatum, scholiisq[ue] illustratum
De dignitate sacerdotum
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi De haeresibus liber
De summo bono
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarvm sive Originvm libri XX
Expositio in Vetus Testamentum Genesis
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive originum libri XX
Etymologiarum libri xx
Etymologiarum sive originum, libri 20
Etymologiarum III, de mathematica
Isidori ivnioris episcopi hispalensis Historia Gothorvm Wandalorvm Sveborvm ad a. DCXXIV
Isidore of Seville: the medical writings
Isidori ivnioris episcopi hispalensis Chronica maiora ed. primum a. DCXV
Isidorus Hispalensis sententiae
Opera omnia
Divi Isidori Hispal. episcopi opera
Isidori Etymologiae
Etimologie o origini
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Hispaniarvm doctoris Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis De natura rerum liber
De summo bono lib. III
La colección canónica Hispana. --
Etimologias (Auteurs latins du Moyen Age)
Opera e vetustis exemplaribus emendata
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
De natura rerum liber
Cõtenta in hoc libello
De summo bono libri tres
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis ...
De responsione mundi et de astrorum ordinatione
Geschichte der Gothen, Vandalen, Sueven
Libri duo
De summo bono lib. III
Isidori Ivnioris Hispalensis Episcopi liber Etimologiarvm
Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandolorum et Suevorum
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Synonyma
Dialogus siue synonima ysidori de homine et ratione
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Originum libri viginti ex antiquitate eruti
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
Historias y Testamento político
Isidori iunioris Hispalensis episcopi prologus in librum de responsione mundi & astrorum ordinatione
Opera omnia quae extant
Sancti Isidori, hispalensis episcopi, opera omnia
Isidorus ethimologiarum ; Idem de summo bono
[Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu, Soliloquia]
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi liber de variis quaestionibus adversus ludaeos seu ceteros infideles vel plenosque haereticos iudaizantes ex utroque Testamento collectus
S. Isidori hispalensis episcopi ... opera omnia
Opera omnia
Synonima Isidori de homine [et] ratione com colloquio peccatoris [et] crucifixi
Opera omnia
Isidore of Seville's History of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi
Isidori Iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi Liber etimologiarum ad Braulionem Cesar Augustanum Episcopum scriptus incipit foeliciter
De nature rerum liber
Etymologiarvm Sive Originvm Libri Xx, Volumes 1-2...
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis episcopi opera omnia
Annales hildesheimenses
Etymologiarum libri XX
Incipit tabula Primi libri q[ui] dicitur speculu[m] Isidori de summo bono
Dialogus siue synonima Isidori de homine et ratione
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Opera omnia quae extant
Here be the gathered counsailes of Saincte Isidorie to informe man howe he shulde flee vices and folowe vertues
Etymologiae. Add: De summo bono
Le livre des nombres =
Incipit liber primus etymologiaru[m] sancti Isidori hispalensis episcopi
Etymologiarum; sive, Originum libri XX
Soliloquiorum de angustia et miseria hominis
Isidori iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi prologus in librum De responsione mundi & astrorum ordinatione
Synonyma de regimine vitae praesentis
Isidore of Seville's History of the kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi
Isidorus Hispalensis Chronica
Ethimologiarum: liber IIII: de medicina
Sancti Isidori, hispalensis episcopi, opera omnia Romae anno Domini MDCCXCVII excusa
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarvm Sive Originvm...
La última carta de Isidoro de Sevilla
Dialogus siue synonima Isidori de homine et ratione
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Opera Omnia
Etymologiarum libri XX
Sancti Isidori... opera omnia quae extant
Opera omnia
Los tres libros de las Sentencias
The medical writings
S. Isidori hispalensis episcopi De haeresibus liber
De summo bono lib. III
Isidori Hispalensis Chronica
Opera omnia
Opera omnia
The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville
Opera omnia
Opera omnia
Las historias de los godos, vándalos y suevos de Isidoro de Sevilla
Beati Isidori Hispalenensis archiepiscopi, De officijs ecclesiasticis libri duo
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Liber differentiarum (II)
Opera omnia
Codex toletanus (nune matritensis) 15
La "Cronaca Volgare" isidoriana
Isidori Hispalensis versus
Synonyma de regimine vitae praesentis
De summo bono libri tres
De summo bono lib. III
Pierre Daniel Huet
Pierre Daniel Huet (1630-1721)

Catholic priest, philosopher, theologian, Catholic bishop

  • Collège du Mont
Memoirs of the life of Peter Daniel Huet, Bishop of Avranches, written by himself
A philosophical treatise concerning the weakness of human understanding
Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens
Against Cartesian Philosophy
Traité de l'origine des romans
Traité philosophique de la foiblesse de l'esprit humain
Traitté de la situation du paradis terrestre
Daniel Huet, évêque d'Avranches
Traitté de la situation du paradis terrestre
Memoirs Of The Life Of Peter Daniel Huet, Bishop Of Avranches V2
Mémoires de Daniel Huet, évêque d'Avranches
Pet. Dan. Huetii, Episcopi Abrincensis, Commentarius de rebus ad eum pertinentibus.
Demonstratio evangelica, ad serenissimum Delphinum
Nouveaux mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du cartésianisme
Memoires (1718)
The History of Romances: An Enquiry in to Their Original; Instructions for Composing Them; an ..
Diane de Castro
Petri Danielis Huetii Poemata, Latina & Graeca
Memoirs of the life of Peter Daniel Huet, Bishop of Avranches
The History of Romances: An Enquiry Into Their Original; Instructions for ..
Memoirs of the Dutch Trade in All the States, Empires, and Kingdoms in the ..
An essay concerning the weakness of human understanding
Petri Danielis Huetii
A view of the Dutch trade in all the states, empires, and kingdoms of the world
Comercio de Holanda, o el gran thesoro historial, y politico del floreciente comercio, que los holandeses tienen en todos los estados, señorìos del mundo
A philosophical treatise concerning human understanding
The weakness of human understanding
Petri Danielis Huetii de interpretatione libri duo
Traitté de l'origine des romans
The history of romances. Made Engl. by S. Lewis
Petri Danielis Huetii De interpretatione libri duo
Censura philosophiae Cartesianae
Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens
Les origines de la ville de Caen
The history of the commerce and navigation of the ancients
The history of the commerce and navigation of the ancients
Memoires sur le commerce des Hollandois
Tractatus de situ paradisi terrestris
A treatise of romances and their original
Traité philosophique de la foiblesse de l'esprit humain
Memoires sur le commerce des hollandois dans tous les etats et empires du ..
Petri Danielis Huetii... Demonstratio evangelica ad serenissimum delphinum
Traite de l'origine des romans
Traite  de l'origine des romans
Traité de l'origine des romans
The history of romances
Petri Danielis Huetii Demonstratio euangelica
Diana de Castro; a novel
Lettre-traité de Pierre-Daniel Huet sur l'origine des romans
Pet. Dan. Huetii Episcopi Abrincensis Commentarius de rebus ad eum pertinentibus
Storia del commerzio e della navigazione degli antichi
Carmina Huetii, Fraguenii, Oliveti et aliorum ex Academia Gallica Poëtarum
Memoirs of the Dutch trade in all the states, kingdoms, and empires in the world
Lettre de Monsieur Huet à Monsieur de Segrais de l'origine des romans
Petri Danielis Huetii... Demostratio evangelica
The history of romances
Diana de Castro, o, El falso Inca
Censura philosophiae Cartesianee
Pet. Dan. Huetii episcopi Abrincensis de imbecillitate mentis humanae libri tres
Memoires sur le commerce des Hollandois dans tous les Etats et empires du monde
De hollandsche koophandel in alle gewesten des werelds, staatkundig verhandeld ...
Dissertations sur diferens sujets
Petri Danielis Hvetii episcopi abrincensis Demonstratio evanglica
Le grand tresor historique et politique du florissant commerce des Hollandois, dans tous les etats et empires du monde
Petri Danielis Hvetii ... Alnetanae qvaestiones de concordia rationis et fidei
A treatise of the situation of paradise
P. D. Huetii, episcopi abrincensis, Tractatus de situ paradisi terrestris, ad Academiae francicae socios
Petri Danielis Huetii episcopi Abrincensis designati demonstratio evangelica
Petri Danielis Huetii ... Demonstratio evangelica
A philosophical treatise concerning human understanding
The history of the commerce and navigation of the ancients
Historia del comercio y de la navegacion de los antiguos
Nouveaux memoires pour servir a l'histoire du cartesianisme
Memoirs of the Dutch trade
Mémoires de Daniel Huet
Memoirs of the Dutch trade in all the states, empires, and kingdoms in the world
Petri Danielis Huetii Demonstratio evangelica ad serenissimum delphinum
Memoirs of the Dutch trade in all the states, kingdoms, and empires in the world
Comercio de Holanda o el gran thesoro historial, y politico del floreciente comercio, que los holandeses tienen en todos los estados, y señorios del mundo
Petri Danielis Huetii De interpretatione libri duo
Traité de l'origine des romans
Petri Danielis Huetii ... Censura philosophiæ Cartesianæ
[Scriptores latini
Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens
Julian of Toledo
Julian of Toledo (0642-0690)

Catholic priest, archbishop, theologian, Catholic bishop

I Will Never Forget You
Prognosticum futuri saeculi =
The story of Wamba
Julian of Toledo 'De vitiis et figuris'
De vitiis et figuris
Ars grammatica, poetica, et rhetorica, e membranis antiquis bibliothecae Vaticano-Palatinae nunc primum in lucem edita
Ri︠e︡chʹ protivu frant︠s︡uzov
Sancti Iuliani toletanae sedis episcopi opera
Opera, pars I
Declamacion de San Julian arzobispo de Toledo, traducida del latin en castellano
Reginald Heber
Reginald Heber (1783-1826)

Anglican priest, poet

  • University of Oxford
The life of Reginald Heber
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India
Some account of the life of Reginald Heber
The life of Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta
Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India: With Notes Upon Ceylon) an Account ..
Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825 ..
Hymns, written and adapted to the weekly Church service of the year [ed. by A. Heber]
Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta ..
The poetical works of Reginald Heber
Palestine, and other poems
Bishop Heber in northern India
The life and writings of Bishop Heber
The personality and office of the Christian Comforter asserted and explained
Heber's hymns
Heber's hymns, illustrated
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India
The Poetical Works Of Crabbe, Heber And Pollok
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825
Noah's carpenters
Sermons on the Lessons, the Gospel, or the Epistle, for every Sunday in the year
Hymns, written and adapted to the weekly church service of the year
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825
Sermons preached in England
Poems and translations
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825 (with notes upon Cyelon); an account of a journey to Madras and the southern provinces, 1826; and letters written in India
Sermons preached in India
Noah's carpenters
The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor ...
From Greenland's icy mountains
Sermons on the lessons, the gospel, or the epistle
Hymns, written, or selected for the weekly church service of the year
The personality and office of the Christian Comforter
Noah's carpenters
Poetical works
The poetical works of Reginald Heber, D.D. Lord Bishop of Calcutta
The life of Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta
Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta ...
The life of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D., Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore
The poetical works of Reginal Heber
The life of the Right Rev. Jer. Taylor
Heber's Indian journal
The poetical works of Reginald Heber
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India
The life of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, with a critical examination of his writings
Poems and translations
The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor ...: With a Life of the Author, and a Critical ...
Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta ...
The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor ...: With a Life of the Author, and a Critical ...
Poems and translations, with a memoir of the author
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India
Sermons preached in England
The life of Reginald Heber
[Narrative of a journey through the upper province of India from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-25]
Heber's Hymns
The personality and office of the Christian Comforter
The life and writings of Bishop Heber
The life of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D. D
Sermons preached in India
The poetical works of Reginald Heber, lord bishop of Calcutta
From Greenland's icy mountains
The poetical works of Reginald Heber, late bishop of Calcutta
Investigation of the cause of Easter, 1818 being appointed to be celebrated on a wrong day
Poems and translations ; Hymns written and adapted to the weekly church service
The poetical works of Reginald Heber, late Lord Bishop of Calcutta
Palestine, a prize poem ; Europe, lines on the present war ; Palestine
From Greenland's icy mountains
The life of The Right Rev. Jer.  Taylor, D. D., Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore, with a critical examination of his writings
Noah's carpenters
The poetical works of Reginald Heber
Poetical works
From Greenland's icy mountains
Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825
Hymns, written and adapted to the weekly church service of the year
Europe: lines on the present war
The life of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D., lord bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore
Hymns, written and adpated to the weekly church service of the year
Heber's hymns
The life and writings of Bishop Heber
The Poetical works of Reginald Heber, Lord Bishop of Calcutta
Hardwicke Rawnsley
Hardwicke Rawnsley (1851-1920)

cleric, Anglican priest

  • University of Oxford, Uppingham School
Memories of the Tennysons
Reminiscences of Wordsworth among the peasantry of Westmoreland
Ruskin and the English lakes
Idylls and lyrics of the Nile
Ballads of brave deeds
Sonnets at the English Lakes
Literary associations of the English lakes
Notes for the Nile
Literary association of the English lakes
Notes for the Nile
By fell and dale at the English lakes
Months at the lakes
Poems at home and abroad ..
Ballads of the War
Edward Thring, Teacher and Poet
Chapters at the English lakes
A nation's heritage
Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle
Flower-time in the Oberland
A reminiscence of Wordsworth Day, Cockermouth, April 7th, 1896
Months at the Lakes
Lake country sketches
Poems, ballads, and bucolics
A rambler's notebook at the English lakes
Henry Whitehead
Past and present at the English lakes
Life and nature at the English lakes
Literary associations of the English Lakes
Literary associations of the English lakes
Memories of the Tennysons
Life and nature at the English lakes
Harvey Goodwin, Bishop of Carlisle
Ruskin and the English lakes
The book of the coronation bonfires
Literary association of the English lakes
Ballads of the war
Ruskin and the English lakes
Memories of the Tennysons
Peter Rabbit's other tale
Round the Lake country
Notes For The Nile Together With A Metrical Rendering Of The Hymns Of Ancient Egypt And Of The Precepts Of Ptah Hotep
A sonnet chronicle, 1900-1906
Hymns of Ancient Egypt
Round the Lake Country
Notes for the Nile
Chapters at the English Lakes
The European war 1914-1915
Sonnets at the English lakes
Flowertime in the Oberland
Chapters at the English Lakes
Yan, tyan, tethera: counting sheep
A book of Bristol sonnets
The resurrection of oldest Egypt
The European war 1914-1915
S. Kentigern and S. Herbert
A coach-drive at the Lakes
A Rambler's note-book at the English Lakes
Ballads of the war
Edward Thring
Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy
Literary associations of the English lakes
Reminiscences of Wordsworth Among the Peasantry of Westmoreland
Lake country sketches
The undoing of De Harcla
The book of the coronation bonfires ...
Red Sunday in St Petersburg
Ruskin at Rest
Life and nature at the English lakes
Chapters at the English Lakes
Sonnets round the coast
Cecil Rhodes
Sonnets in Switzerland and Italy
Some Records of the Annual Grasmere Sports
Edward Walford
Edward Walford (1823-1897)

priest, editor, genealogist, journalist

  • University of Oxford
In memoriam
Portraits of men of eminence in literature, science, and art : with biographical memoirs
London Recollected
A series of progressive exercises in Latin elegiac verse
Chapters from family chests
Village London
Life of the prince consort
Greater London
Hardwicke's Annual Biography
Patient Griselda
Pleasant days in pleasant places
The Ecclesiastical History Of Sozomen
Old London
The county families of the United Kingdom
Tales Of Our Great Families V2
Tales Of Our Great Families V1
Tales of our great families
Old London
Walford's County families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
The Antiquary V7, January-June
London Recollected (London Library)
Progressive exercises in Latin prose
The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius (Christian Roman Empire Series)
The county families of the United Kingdom
Frost fairs on the Thames
Walford's History of Clapham
The county families of the United Kingdom, or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland
The county families of the United Kingdom, or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland
A hand-book of the Greek drama
A hand-book of the Greek drama
Walford's History of Putney
Walford's History of Camberwell
Walford's History of the Whitgift Hospital and Other Croydon Charities
Walford's History of Wandsworth
Hardwicke's Shilling Peerage for 1855 ...
Walford's History of Southwark Bankside
Walford's History of St Saviour's Southwark
Veneteiæ. Carmen Lat. in theatro Sheldoniano recitatum
Walford's History of Southwark Inns
A hand-book of the Greek drama
Walford's History of Croydon Parish
Walford's History of Croydon Town and Suburbs
The shilling peerage for 1881
Juvenal: Plautus and Terence
Tourist's guide to Berkshire
Walford's History of Dulwich
Walford's History of Tooting
Chemistry in the lab
Walford's History of Sutton
Village London PT. 1
Walford's County families of the UnitedKingdom
Walford's History of Lambeth
Walford's History of Norwood and Streatham
The shilling baronetage for 1877 [microform]
Walford's History of Rotherhithe
Walford's History of Croydon Palace
Tales of our great families
Walford's History of Crystal Palace
Representative men in literature, science, and art
The jubilee memoir of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
Walford's History of Sydenham and the Crystal Palace
Holidays in home counties
Walford's History of Woolwich
Walford's History of Stockwell and Kennington
Walford's History of Chislehurst
Walford's History of Newington and Walworth
William Pitt: a biography