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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 705-712 out of 790 results
Dinesh D'Souza
Dinesh D'Souza (born 1961)

political pundit, film director, journalist, politician, political scientist, conspiracy theorist

  • Dartmouth College, St. Stanislaus School
The Catholic classics
Falwell, before the millennium
Stealing America
The Roots of Obama's Rage
The roots of Obama's rage
Illiberal Education
The end of racism
The Enemy at Home
Letters to a Young Conservative
Ronald Reagan
What's So Great about Christianity
What's so great about America
The virtue of prosperity
United States of Socialism
Life after death
Letters To A Young Conservative (The Art of Mentoring)
The Virtue of Prosperity
My dear Alex
Obama's America
Ronald Reagan
Hillary's America
The big lie
The Virtue Of Prosperity
What's So Great about Christianity
One-Party State
Life After Death
Life After Death
Death of a nation
What's So Great About Christianity
What's So Great About America
What's So Great about God
10 Answers for Skeptics
Illiberal Education
Obama's America
Death of a Nation
The Big Lie
Letters Young Conservative (Art of Mentoring)
Letters to a Young Conservative
What's So Great about America
That's Not Fair!
Hillary's America
What's So Great about Christianity Study Guide
L'éducation contre les libertés
Voting As a Christian
The Roots of Obama's Rage
2000 Mules
Party of Hypocrites
What's So Great About America 12-Copy Floor Display
Stealing America Lib/E
The Catholic Classics II
Obama's America
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

economist, sociologist, politician, journalist, philosopher, printer

Mémoires sur ma vie
Qu'est-ce que la propriété?
Du principe de l'art et de sa destination sociale
Property is Theft! A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Anthology
Du principe fédératif et de la nécessité de reconstituer le parti de la révolution
Système des contradictions économiques, ou, Philosophie de la misère
Les Confessions d’un révolutionnaire pour servir à l’histoire de la Révolution de Février
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des ..
les actes des apotres
Carnets de P.-J. Proudhon
Si les traités de 1815 ont cesse d'exister?: Actes du futur congrès
Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle
Correspondance de P.-J. Proudhon
France et Rhin
Ideario Anarquista
Oeuvres complétes
De la justice dans le révolution et dans l'église
Oeuvres posthumes
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des conséquences qui peuvent en ..
�uvres compl�etes de P.-J. Proudhon
Si les traités de 1815 ont cessé d'exister?: Actes du futur congrès
Les majorats littéraires
Les femmelins
Manuel du spéculateur à la bourse
Les Démocrates assermentés et les réfractaires
Napoléon III
La guerre et la paix
Ausgewählte Texte
Idées révolutionnaires
Justice et liberté
La pornocratie
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer
De la création de l'ordre dans l'humanité ou Principes d'organisation politique
Théorie de l'impôt
Œuvres complètes de P.-J. Proudhon
Contradictions politiques
Théorie de la propriété
Lettres de Pierre Joseph Proudhon
La féderation et l'unité en Italie
Qu'est-ce que la propriété ? (1840)
Si les traités de 1815 ont cessé d'exister?
La révolution sociale démontrée par le coup d'état du 2 décembre
Système des contradictions économiques
Philosophie du progrès. La justice poursuivie par l'Église
Théorie de l'impôt
Abrégé des oeuvres de Proudhon
War and Peace
Philosophie du progrès
Selected Writings
Théorie de l'impot
Jésus et les origines du christianisme
Eigentum ist Diebstahl
Avertissement aux propriétaires, ou lettre à m. Considérant, rédacteur de la Phalange, sur une défense de la propriété
Lettre à M. Blanqui
Oeuvres de P.-J. Proudhon
Œuvres choisies
Petit catéchisme politique
Selected writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Théorie de la propriété
Du principe fédératif et oeuvres diverses sur les problèmes politiques européens
Purūdon, Bakūnin, Kuropotokin
Silvia Rota Ghibaudi
Solution du problème social
La pornocratie, ou, Les femmes dans les temps modernes
Banque du peuple
Proposition relative a l'impo t sur le revenu, pre sente e le 11 juillet 1848, par le citoyen Proudhon
Le droit au travail et le droit de proprièté
Ecrits linguistiques et philologiques
Banquet de la République démocratique et sociale du mardi 17 octobre 1848
Rapport du citoyen Thiers
La questione sociale
Theoretischer und praktischer Beweis des Sozialismus
Abrégé des oeuvres de Proudhon
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, ou, L'esprit libertaire
Proudhon's Solution of the Social problem
Que es la Propiedad
Les démocrates assermentes et les réfractaires
Philosophie der staatsökonomie; oder, Nothwendigkeit des elends
Die Volksbank
Les évangiles
Napoléon Ier
La Guerra E La Pace
De la création de l'ordre dans l'humanité, 1843
Du principe fédératif et de la nécessité de la révolution
Proudhon expliqué par lui-même
P. J. Proudhon : textes choisis et présentés
Proudhon's Solution of the social problem
Les actes des apôtres, les épitres, l'apocalypse
La Bible annotée (Nouveau Testament)
Carnets. Texte inédit et intégral établi sur les manuscrits autographes avec annotations et appareil critique de Pierre Haubtmann
Oeuvres complètes Tome 1
France et Rhin
Le miserere, ou, La pénitence d'un roi
Abrégé des œuvres de Proudhon
Canditature à la pension Suard. De la célébration du dimanche. Qu'est-ce que la propriété?
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des conséquences qui peuvent en résulter, soit pour l'augmentation du revenu des compagnies, soit pour l'abaissement des prix de transport, l'organisation de l'industrie voiturière, et la constitution économique de la société ...
Œuvres complètes de P.-J. Proudhon
The Philosophy of Misery, V1
Le droit au travail et le droit de propriété
Les Evangiles annotés
Für dezentrale Nationen
Théorie de la propriété
System of Economical Contradictions
La Pensée vivante de P. J. Proudhon
Les Malthusiens
Œuvres complètes
Zaisan to wa nanzo ya
Résumé de la question sociale
La féderation et l'unité en Italie
Proudhon, P
De la justice dans la Révolution et dans l'Église
Écrits sur la religion
La pornocratie ou Les femmes dans les temps modernes
Correspondance de P. -J. Proudhon
Avertissement aux propriétaires; ou, Lettre à m. Considérant, rédacteur de la Phalange, sur une défense de la propriété
Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle
Contradictions politiques
Liberté, partout et toujours
De la capacite  politique des classes ouvrieres
Lettre à M. Blanqui
Deuxième mémoire sur la propriété. Avertissement aux propriétaires. Programme révolutionnaire. Impôt sur le revenu. Le Droit au travail et le droit de propriété
Philosophie der Staatsökonomie oder Notwendigkeit des Elends
Les majorats littéraires
La révolution sociale démontrée par le Coup d'État du deux décembre. Projet d'expositions perpétuelle
Césarisme et christianisme
La révolution sociale démontrée par le coup d'état du 2 décembre
De la classe politique des classes ouvrieres
Manuel du spéculateur à la bourse.
Capacidad política de la clase obrera
Les majorats litte raires
La fédération et l'Unité en Italie
Lettres au citoyen Rolland
Ṿos iz eygenṭum
Oeuvres compl etes
Oeuvres completes de P.-J. Proudhon
P.J. Proudhon
Noah Webster
Noah Webster (1758-1843)

lexicographer, linguist, journalist, politician

  • Yale College, Yale University
The autobiographies of Noah Webster
Biographical dictionary
A letter to General Hamilton occasioned by his letter to President Adams
Biography for the use of schools
A letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his letter to President Adams
American dictionary of the English language
An American dictionary of the English language
Dissertations on the English language
The new Webster dictionary and complete vest-pocket library
Webster's universal dictionary and thesaurus
The elementary spelling book
Elementary dictionary
Webster's students dictionary for upper school levels
Webster's collegiate dictionary
The American Spelling Book: Containing the Rudiments of the English Language, for the Use of ..
Webster's Giant illustrated dictionary, new
Webster's high school dictionary
Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged.
Elements of Useful Knowledge, Vol. II: Containing a Historical and Geographical Account of the ..
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language: Comprising a Easy, Concise, and Systematic ..
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language
Webster's new secondary school dictionary
Grammatical institute of the English language. Part 1
A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases: With the Principal Phenomena of the ..
The Merriam-Webster pocket dictionary
A dictionary for primary schools
On the supposed change in the temperature of winter
Webster's elementary-school dictionary
(Circular.) To the physicians of Philadelphia, New-York, Baltimore, Norfolk and Newhaven
Elements of useful knowledge
The American Revolution
Noah Webster's advice to the young and moral catechism
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language: Comprising an Easy, Concise, and Systematic ..
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version with Amendments of the Language, by Noah Webster, LL. D.
Webster's new international dictionary of the English language, 2d ed., unabridged
A plain and comprehensive grammar of the English language
Value of the bible and excellence of the Christian religion
Webster's Academic Dictionary: A Dictionary of the English Language
Grammatical institute of the English language. Part 3
Effects of slavery, on morals and industry
An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking: Calculated to Improve the Minds and ..
History of the United States: to which is prefixed a brief historical ..
Thin paper Webster's new collegiate dictionary
The Elementary Spelling Book: Being an Improvement on The American Spelling Book
A manual of useful studies
Letter ..
Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged
New twentieth century dictionary of the English language
Miscellaneous papers, on political and commercial subjects
Dissertations on the English language, 1789
An improved grammar of the English language
Webster's international dictionary of the English language
Webster's New international dictionary of the English language
The Platoon's RETRIBUTION!
A dictionary of the English language
A collection of essays and fugitiv writings
Noah Webster--letters on yellow fever addressed to Dr. William Currie
Webster's new illustrated dictionary, with U.S. census and maps
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
The New American Webster dictionary
Sketches of American policy (1785)
A high-school dictionary of the English language explanatory, pronouncing, and synonymous
Webster's secondary-school dictionary
... Webster's common school dictionary
Webster's new secondary school dictionary
The Universal Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the English Language
Grammatical institute of the English language. Part 2
The Original Blue Back Speller (Vocabulary of a Warrior)
A collection of papers on political, literary, and moral subjects
Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language
Instructive and entertaining lessons for youth
On being American, selected writings, 1783-1828
An American dictionary of the English language
A manual of useful studies for the instruction of young persons of both sexes, in families and schools
A letter from Noah Webster, Esq., of New-Haven, Connecticut, to a friend, in explanation and defence of the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel
Webster's handy dictionary
Sir, with a view to collect authentic facts respecting the origin and progress of the public prints in the United States ..
A letter to the Hon. Daniel Webster, on the political affairs of the United States
New popular Webster dictionary
New World dictionary
Webster's giant illustrated dictionary
New international dictionary of the English language, unabridged
The prompter, or, A commentary on common sayings and subjects
A collection of papers on the subject of bilious fevers
New collegiate dictionary
Plan for the Union of the American states
Webster's complete dictionary of the English language
Webster's secondary-school dictionary, abridged from Webster's new international dictionary
Webster's dictionary of synonyms
Webster's encyclopedic dictionary
New international dictionary of the English language, 2d ed., unabridged
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language unabridged.  A Merriam-Webster
A grammatical institute of the English language, 1783-1784
National dictionary of the English language based on the principles established by Noah Webster and including a practical guide to business English, Self-pronouncing
Webster's seventh new collegiate dictionary
Webster's new ideal dictionary
The illustrated Webster spelling book
Webster's unabridged dictionary
An address to the freemen of Connecticut
An oration, pronounced before the citizens of New Haven, on the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July, 1802
A rod for the fool's back
An oration pronounced before the citizens of New-Haven on the anniversary of the independence of the United States, July 4th 1798; and published at their request
A philosophical and practical grammar of the English language
Sketches of American policy
To the friends of literature in the United States
"A rod for the fool's back", or, An examination of a pamphlet entitled Republican economy
Webster's modern English dictionary unabridged
An oration, "On the extent and power of political delusion," has lately been re-printed and issued from the press of Citizen Haswell: the public are in turn presented with A rod for the fool's back; or, Abraham Bishop unmask'd
Webster's Students dictionary
The history of the United States
A letter to the Honorable John Pickering
A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic method of education, designed for the use of English schools in America. In three parts. Part I. Containing a new and accurate standard of pronunciation
The little reader's assistant
History of the United States
The revolution in France, considered in respect to its progress and effects
Elements of useful knowledge, vol.I
A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic method of education, designed for the use of English schools in America
Letter to the governors, instructors and trustees of the universities and other seminaries of learning in the United States on the errors of English grammars
An introduction to English grammar
An oration pronounced before the citizens of New Haven
Holy Bible Aionian Edition
Noah Webster
Elements of useful knowledge, vol. II
The farmer's catechism
A plea for a miserable world
Webster's self-pronouncing dictionary combined with Roget's Treasury of words. The dictionary is a new edition, ed. by C. M. Stevens. The Treasury is ed. by C. O. S. Mawson... and Katherine A. Whiting
Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language
A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic method of education
An examination into the leading principles of the Federal Constitution proposed by the late convention held at Philadelphia
Ten letters to Dr. Joseph Priestly, in answer to his Letters to the inhabitants of Northumberland
A letter to Dr. David Ramsay of Charleston, S.C. respecting the errors in Johnson's Dictionary and other lexicons
Webster's revised unabridged dictionary of the English language
New international dictionary of the English language
Webster's new collegiate dictionary
The reforming of spelling
Rudiments of English grammar
Webster's academic dictionary
Sketches of American policy under the following heads
Spanish Maze Game, The
A collection of essays and fugitiv writings 1790
Webster's elementary dictionary
The American spelling book, containing an easy standard of pronunciation
A compendious dictionary of the English language
New dictionary of synonyms
Noah Webster's American spelling book
A syllabus of Mr. Webster's lectures on the English language and on education
Elements of useful knowlege
The peculiar doctrines of the gospel explained and defended
An address to the citizens of the Connecticut
The New Testament in the Common Version with Amendments to the Language
A letter to the secretary of the Treasury, on the commerce and currency of the United States
An oration, pronounced before the Knox and Warren branches of the Washington Benevolent Society, at Amherst
A letter from Noah Webster, of New-Haven, Connecticut, to a friend, in explanation and defence of the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel
Webster's new international dictionary of the English language, based on the International dictionary of 1890 and 1900
An oration, pronounced before the Knox and Warren branches of the Washington Benevolent Society
Letters to a young gentleman commencing his education
Webster's new standard dictionary of the English language
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking, calculated to improve the minds and refine the taste of youth
Elementary spelling book (blue-back speller)
History of animals
New handy Webster dictionary
Observations on language, and on the errors of classbooks
The following is a specimen of the lexicography of Webster's dictionary ..
A high-school dictionary of the English language
Sentimental and humourous essays
A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases
Webster's shorter school dictionary
Thin paper Webster's New collegiate dictionary based on Webster's new international dictionary
The English ship of war righting herself after twenty years hard fighting! (in allusion to the present times), or, Thirty practical essays rounded on common sense
Circular. To the clergymen or other well informed gentlemen in the several towns in Connecticut
Webster's illustrated dictionary
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking calculated to improve the minds and refine the taste of youth and also to instruct them in the geography, history and politics of the United States
Attention! or, New thoughts on a serious subject
Mistakes and corrections ..
Rudiments of English Grammar
The universal English pronouncing dictionary
A Review of the Elementary Spelling Book
The New Webster Dictionary And Complete Vest-pocket Library
An American dictionary of the English language
Webster's elementary dictionary
Dissertations on the English Language
Education of youth in the United States
Letters of Noah Webster
The elementary spelling book
Webster's Elementary-School Dictionary
Webster Bible
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, Comprising an Easy, Concise and Systematic Method of Education. Designed for the Use of English Schools in America
A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases; With the Principal Phenomena of the Physical World, Which Precede and Accompany Them, and ... Deduced from the Facts Stated. of 2; Volume 2
A primary school dictionary of the English language, explanatory, pronouncing, and synonymous
An American Dictionary of the English Language
The Elementary Spelling Book
An examination into the leading principles of the federal constitution proposed by the late convention held at Philadelphia
The American Spelling Book : Containing the Rudiments of the English Language
Webster's International Dictionary
The Teacher
The Elementary Spelling-book. Being an Improvement on The American Spelling Book
A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary, and Moral Subjects
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language unabridged ... with seven language dictionary
The elementary spelling book
Laird & Lee's Webster's New Standard Dictionary of the English Language
Manual of Useful Studies
Webster genealogy
The American spelling book
A Dictionary of the English Language
The prompter, or, A commentary of common sayings and subjects, which are full of common sense, the best sense in the world
Ten Letters to Dr. Joseph Priestly, in Answer to His Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland. from Noah Webster, Jun
Webster's Academic Dictionary
Webster's Etymological Dictionary, with the Meanings Revised and Many Thousand Words Added by A. Machpherson
A High School Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language
Effects of Slavery, on Morals and Industry. By Noah Webster, Jun. Esq. Counsellor at law and Member of the Connecticut Society for ehe [sic] Promotion of Freedom. [Two Lines From Shakespeare]
An American selection
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
Elements of Useful Knowledge. Volume I.
New illustrated edition of Dr. Webster's unabridged dictionary of all the words in the English language
The New-England primer
Webster's Practical Dictionary
Elements of Useful Knowledge. Volume I.
The American Spelling Book : Containing the Rudiments of the English Language
Webster's High School Dictionary
The Teacher
The New Webster Dictionary and Complete Vest-Pocket Library
The universal self-pronouncing dictionary of the English language ..
Dictionary of the English Language
History of Animals
An Examination Into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed by the Late Convention Held at Philadelphia. With Answers to the ... Against the System. By a Citizen of America
A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language
An American Dictionary of the English Language
The New York directory for 1786
Sentimental and Humourous Essays, Conducive to Economy and Happiness. Drawn From Common Sayings and Subjects, ... By Noah Webster,
The Little Reader's Assistant; Containing I. a Number of Stories, Mostly Taken from the History of America, and Adorned with Cuts. II. Rudiments of English Grammar
A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases
A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases, With the Principal Phenomena of the Physical World, Which Precede and Accompany Them, ... By Noah Webster, ... of 2; Volume 2
An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking
Webster's American standard dictionary
The American spelling book
A Grammatical Institute of the English Language : Comprising an Easy, Concise and Systematic Method of Education
An American dictionary of the English language
American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking : Calculated to Improve the Minds and Refine the Taste of Youth
A dictionary of the English language
Commendations of Dr. N. Webster's books
Laird & Lee's Webster's new standard American dictionary of the English language
The New-England primer
A condensed dictionary of the English language
The American speller
Webster's new school & office dictionary
Webster's universal dictionary of the English language
The new supreme Webster dictionary, self-pronouncing
The New England primer
Webster's condensed dictionary of the English language
Elements of useful knowledge
A dictionary of the English language
Webster's home, school and office dictionary
Laird & Lee's Webster's new standard dictionary of the English Language
Webster's International dictionary of the English language
Webster's practical dictionary
Elements of Useful Knowledge: Containing a Historical and Geographical Account of the United States
The American spelling book
The New York directory for 1786
A letter to the governors, instructors and trustees of the universities, and other seminaries of learning, in the United States, on the errors of English grammars
A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases; with the principal phenomena of the physical world, which precede and accompany them, and observations deduced from the facts stated
Webster's dictionary of the English language, unabridged
Elements of useful knowledge
The elementary spelling book
An American dictionary of the English language
Webster's national dictionary of the English language
Webster's International dictionary of the English language
The elementary spelling book
A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise and systematic method of education, designed for the use of English schools in America; in three parts
Webster's tower dictionary
An American Dictionary of the English Language: Exhibiting the Origin ..
A dictionary for primary schools
Webster's unabridged dictionary of the English language
A dictionary of the English language
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking
Webster's practical dictionary
An American dictionary of the English language
Webster's twentieth-century dictionary of the English language
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking
Webster's new handy dictionary, based upon Webster's new international dictionary
Webster's new handy dictionary
Webster's New international dictionary of the English language
The prompter
A primary school dictionary of the English language
A collection of papers on the subject of bilious fevers, prevalent in the United States for a few years past
A grammatical institute of the English language
New universal self-pronouncing dictionary of the English language
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
Letters to a young gentleman commencing his education
Laird & Lee's Webster's new standard American dictionary of the English language
National dictionary of the English language
Webster's complete reference dictionary and encyclopedia
The elementary spelling book
New universal graphic dictionary of the English language, self-pronouncing
A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases; with the principal phenomena of the physical world, which precede and accompany them, and observations deduced from the facts stated
A Plea for a miserable world
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking
A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases
Webster's tower dictionary
The New-England primer
The Holy Bible
A Collection of essays and fugitiv writings
Webster's condensed dictionary
A manual of useful studies
A dictionary of the english language
A brief view 1. Of errors and obscurities in the common version of the scriptures; addressed to Bible societies, clergymen and other friends of religion
Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged
Series of books for systematic instruction in the English language
A dictionary of the English language
A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases; with the principal phenomena of the physical world, which precede and accompany them, and observations deduced from the facts stated
Webster's home, school and office dictionary
Webster's practical dictionary
Value of the Bible, and excellence of the Christian religion...
The Holy Bible
(Webster's) pocket dictionar y
An American dictionary of the English language ...
Webster's new school & office dictionary
Laird & Lee's Webster's new standard dictionary of the English language for all grammar and common school grades
Noah Webster's value of the Bible and excellence of the Christian religion
Elements of Useful Knowledge: Volume II : Containing a Historical and Geographical Account of ..
A dictionary of the English language, explanatory, pronouncing, etymological, and synonymous
The Webster Bible
A Dictionary of the English Language: Abridged from the American Dictionary
A dictionary of the English language, explanatory, pronouncing, etmyological, and synonymous
Webster's reliable dictionary for home, school and office
Series of books for systematic instruction in the English language
The New York directory for 1786, illustrated with a plan of the city
Miscellaneous papers on political and commercial subjects
The elementary spelling book
Noah Webster
Webster's new standard dictionary ...
A dictionary of the English language: abridged from the American dictionary
Webster's elementary dictionary
The new supreme Webster dictionary, self-pronouncing
An examination into the leading principles of the federal constitution proposed by the late convention held at Philadelphia
Webster's elementary dictionary
New universal self-pronouncing dictionary of the English language ...
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
The elementary spelling book
A primary school pronouncing dictionary of the English language
Webster's New international dictionary of the English language
Webster genealogy
A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic method of education
Webster's New Century Dictionary of the English Language
A grammatical institute of the English language
Ten letters to Dr. Joseph Priestly
National dictionary of the English language
The prompter, or, A commentary on common sayings and subjects, which are full of common sense, the best sense in the world
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
Webster's elementary dictionary
Webster's national dictionary of the English language
Flags of the United States and foreign countries
[A grammatical institute of the English language, comprising an easy, concise, and systematic method of education, designed for the use of English schools in America
Webster's comprehensive reference dictionary and encyclopedia
A grammatical institute, of the English language
A primary school dictionary of the English language, explanatory, pronouncing, and synonymous
The elementary spelling book
A manual of useful studies for the instruction of young persons of both sexes, in families and schools
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
New-Haven remonstrance. Together with an exposition of the remonstrants, or a curiosity for the curious
An American dictionary of the English language
The Student's reference dictionary
The elementary spelling book
Elements of useful knowledge: volume 1
A pronouncing and defining dictionary of the English language, abridged from the Webster's American dictionary ...
Webster's New World dictionary of the American language
To the friends of literature / [Noah Webster]
Laird & Lee's Webster's new standard dictionary of the English language, adapted for high school, academic and collegiate grades ...
A rod for the fool's back
The elementary primer, or First lessons for children
Webster's new modern English dictionary
New international dictionary of the English language
Effects of slavery on morals and industry
Observations on language, and on the errors of class-books
The teacher
The American spelling book
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, on the commerce and currency of the United States
Noah Webster papers
Georgi Plekhanov
Georgi Plekhanov (1856-1918)

philosopher, politician, journalist, historian, sociologist, economist, art historian, revolutionary

Ot pervogo lit︠s︡a
My i oni
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Анархизм и социализм
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
The role of the individual in history
Essays in the history of materialism
History of Russian social thought
The role of the individual in history
N. G. Tschernischewsky: Eine Literar-historische Studie
The materialist conception of history
Literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Selected philosophical works
Nuzhna li voĭna?
N.G. Tschernischewsky, eine literar-historische Studie
The Development of the monist view of history
G.V. Plekhanov
Art and society
Istori i Ła russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli
Obosnovanie narodnichestva v trudakh g-na Vorontsova, V. V.: kriticheskii ėti︠u︡d
Literatura i estetika
Art and society
God na rodine
Stranit͡s︡y bylogo
The developmentof the monist view of history
V.G. Belinskiĭ
Le matérialisme militant. (Materialismus militans)
Art and social life
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
Filosofsko-literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
K voprosu o razvitīi monisticheskago vzgli︠a︡da na istorīi︠u︡
The materialist conception of history
The bourgeois revolution
The Role of the Individual in History
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
The development of the monist view of history, audiatur et altera pars
La conception moniste de l'histoire
Istoriya o slove
Selected Philosophical Works, Vol. 4
Ocherki po istorii materializma
A.I. Gertsen
Iz arkhiva gruppy "Osvobozhdenie truda"
Selected Philosophical Works Volume I
History of Russian social thought ; translated from the Russian by Boris M. Bekkar ... [et al.]. --
Histoire de la pensée sociale russe
O zadachakh sot͡sīalistov v borʹbi͡e s golodom v Rossīi
Selected philosophical works
Henrik Ibsen
Essays in historical materialism
L' art et la vie sociale
Fundamental problems of Marxism
The Development of the Monist View of History
Ot oborony k napadenii͡u︡
Art and social life
God na rodin
Unaddressed Letters & Art and Social Life
The role of the individual in history
Russki i  rabochi i  v revoli͡u͡t͡s͡i onnom dvizheni i
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Art and society & other papers in historical materialism
Utopian socialism of the nineteenth century
Selected Philosophical Works, Vol. 5
Marxister om Ibsen
Unaddressed letters.  Art and social life
Selected philosophical works
काल्पनिक समाजवाद की धाराएं / Utopian Socialism of 19th Century (Hindi)
The materialist conception of history
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Die Grundprobleme des Marxismus
N. A. Nekrasov..
Utopian Socialism of the Nineteenth Century
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Essais sur l'histoire du matérialisme
The materialist conception of history
Sochinenii︠a︡ ..
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
God na rodin
V zashchitu revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnogo marksizma
Nashi raznoglasiya
N. G. Chernyshevskiĭ
Der hisṭorisher maṭerializm un zeine ḳegner
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Selected philosophical works
Estetika i sots͡i︡ologii͡a︡ iskusstva / [Bystup. stat'i͡a︡ M. A. Lifshitsa, c. 7-102 ; Primech. I. L. Galinskoĭ]
Essays in the history of materialism
Rech na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom soveshchanii. Istoricheskaya spravka
History of Russian social thought
Pisʹma o taktiki︠e︡ i o beztaktnosti
Ezhegodnyĭ vsemīrnyĭ prazdnik rabochikh. (Le premier mai)
Estetika i sotsiologiıa izkusstva
Sot͡s︡īalizm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba
14-e [i.e. chetyrnadtsatoe] dekabri︠a︡ 1825 goda
Literatura i estetika
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Yuibutsuron to benshōhō no konpon gainen
The bourgeois revolution
Anarchism and Socialism
O zadachakh sotsialistov v borʹbie s golodom v Rossii
K voprosu o roli lichnosti v istorii
Buliehannuofu zhe xue zhu zuo xuan ji
O zadachakh sotsialistov v bor'be s golodom v Rossii
Istorii︠a︡ sozdanii︠a︡ knigi G.V. Plekhanova "Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli"
Kʺ voprosu o razvitīi monisticheskago vzgli︠a︡da na istorīi︠u︡
Novyĭ zashchitnik samoderzhavii︠a︡
Materialismus Militans
Novyĭ pokhod protiv russkoĭ sotsialʹ-demokratii .
Perepiska G. V. Plekhanova i P. B. Aksel'roda
Anarkhizm i sot︠s︡īalizm
V zashchitu revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnogo marksizma
O voĭni͡e︡
V zashchitu revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ionnogo marksizma
Izbrannye trudy
Über Kunst und Literatur
Unaddressed letters
Russkiĭ rabochiĭ v revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnom dvizhenii
Russkiĭ rabochiĭ v revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ionnom dvizhenii
Critica del sindicalismo
Ot idealizma k materializmu
Lun ge ren zai li shi shang di zuo yong
Proletarat i krestianstvo
Shiteki ichigenron
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ let
Anarchism and Socialism
Proletarskoe dvizhenie i burzhuaznoe iskusstvo
Kindai yuibutsuronshi
Makesi zhu yi gen ben wen ti
Anarchism and Socialism (1908)
Novyĭ zashchitnik samoderzhavīi︠a︡ ili gore g. Tikhomirova
Wei wu shi guan de gen ben wen ti
Art and society & other papers in historical materialism
Selected philosophical works in five voluwes [sic]
Dvi︠e︡ linīi Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Materialismus militans
Unaddressed letters
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
In defence of materialism
Istori i Ła russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli
Über materialistische Geschichtsauffassung
Mu-seifu shugi to shakai shugi
Materialismus militans
Nashi raznoglasīi︠a︡
Plekhanov i Tolstoĭ
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ li︠e︡t
O voĭnie
The materialist conception of history
Essays in the history of materialism
Nashi raznoglasīi︠a︡
Purehānofu shiteki ichigenron
Cong wei xin lun dao wei wu lun
Shiteki ichigenron
Pervoe mai︠a︡ 1891 goda
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Kaikyū shakai no geijutsu
Sot͡s︡ializm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba
Sot͡s︡ializm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba.  Nashi raznoglasii͡a︡
Ob ateizme i religii v istorii obshchestva i kul'tury
Ocherki po istorii materializma
Selected Philosophical Works
Godʹʹ na rodinē
Anarchism and socialism
Ferdinand Lassalʹ
In defence of materialism
Selected philosophical works
Essays in the history of materialism
Der Rusisher arbeṭer in der Reṿolutsyonerer baṿegung
Russkīĭ rabochīĭ v revolyutsīonnom dvizhenīi (po lichnȳm vospominanīyam) G. Plekhanova
O materialisticheskom ponimanii istorii
La famine en Russie
V.G. Bi︠e︡linskīĭ
Perepiska G.V. Plekhanova i P.B. Aksel'roda
14-e dekabri︠a︡ 1825 goda
Grundprobleme des Marxismus
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedeniya v pyati tomakh
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
Naqsh-i shakhṣīyat dar tārīkh
Kaikyū shakai no geijutsu
Filosofsko-literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii͡a︡
Ri͡echʹ na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom sovi͡eshchanīi
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Dnevnik sot︠s︡ial-demokrata
Selected philosophical works
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba ; Eshche raz sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Art and social life.
Art and social life
Art and social life
God na rodini︠e︡
Puliehannuofu mei xue lun wen xuan
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
O religii i t͡s︡erkvi
Anarchism and Socialism
Ob ateizme i religii v istorii obshchestva i kulʹtury
God na rodini͡e︡
Yi shu yu she hui sheng huo
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
The materialist conception of history
Ocherki po istorii russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli XIX veka
Essays in historical materialism
Geijutsu to shakai seikatsu
Art and society
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus: Holbach, Helvetius, Marx
Zhan dou de wei wu lun
Les questions fondamentales du marxisme
Kunst und gesellschaftliches Leben
Marukusu shugi no konpon mondai
Za dvadt͡s︡atʹ li͡e︡t
Stoli︠e︡tīe velikoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Jin dai wei wu lun shi
Der hisṭorisher maṭeryalizm un zayne ḳegner
Warera no tairitsu
K voprosu o roli lichnosti v istorii / G.V. Plekhanov
Fun uṭopye tsu ṿisnshafṭ
Iskusstvo i literatura
Pisʹma bez adresa
Na dva fronta
Zu hegels sechzigstem Todestag
Anarchism and Socialism
The Materialist Conception of History
Literatura i ėstetika
Makesi zhu yi gen ben wen ti
Vserossīĭskoe razzorenīe
O materialisticheskom ponimanii istorii
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
Estetika i sotsiologiya iskusstva v dvukh tomakh
Art and society
Art and social life
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
The Materialist Conception of History
Zami︠e︡tki publit︠s︡ista
Utopicheskiĭ sot︠s︡ializm XIX [i.e. devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atogo] veka
Kritika nashikh kritikov
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Perepiska G. V. Plekhanova i P. B. Aksel'roda
Zami︠e︡tki publit︠s︡ista
Istorīi︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Sot︠s︡īalizm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
The materialist conception of history
Literatura i kritika
Genrikh Ibsen
Na dva fronta
Essais sur l'histoire du matérialisme
Ezhegodnyĭ vsemīrnyĭ prazdnik rabochikh
[Ocherki po istorii materializma. (romanized form)]
Fundamental problems of marxism
History of Russian social thought
Essays in historical materialism
ha-Omanut ṿe-ḥaye ha-ḥevrah
Russkīĭ rabochīĭ v revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īonnom dvizhenīi
Fundamental problems of Marxism
אמנות וספרות
काल्पनिक समाजवाद की धाराएं/ Utopian Socialism of 19th Century
Pervoe Mai︠a︡ 1892 goda
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
A.I. Gert͡s︡en
O moem "sekreti︠e︡"
Anarquismo y socialismo
Ri︠e︡chʹ na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom sovi︠e︡shchanīi
Stoli︠e︡tīe velikoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Novyĭ pokhod protiv russkoĭ sotsialʹ-demokratii ...
The development of the monist view of history
Selected philosophical works
Za dvadtsatʹ li︠e︡t
על האישיות בהיסטוריה
Literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Our Differences
Genrikh Ibsen
Essays in the history of materialism
The role of the individual in history
Proletarīat i krestʹi︠a︡nstvo
Anarchism and socialism
Essays in historical materialism
Art and social life
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Na dva fronta
Utopian socialism of the nineteenth century
Marukusu shugi shūkyōron
The materialist conception of history
Obosnovanie narodnichestva v trudakh g-na Voront︠s︡ova (V.V.)
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ li︠e︡t
Der historisher materializm un zeine kegner
Richard A. Clarke
Richard A. Clarke (born 1950)

official, politician

  • University of Pennsylvania, MIT Sloan School of Management
Artificial Intelligencia
Against all enemies
The scorpion's gate
Your Government Failed You
The scorpion's gate
Against All Enemies - Inside America's War On Terror
The Fifth Domain
Your Government Failed You LP
Contra todos los enemigos (Against All Enemies)
Your Government Failed You CD
Sting of the Drone
The forgotten homeland
Paul in Picture land
The forgetful letter B
NSA Report
U.S. sale of Abrams tanks to Saudi Arabia
Pinnacle Event
Defeating the Jihadists
La Puerta Del Escorpion/ the Scorpion's Gate
Against All Enemies
Contra Todos Los Enemigos
Pulapka na skorpiony
The story's home
Digital Resilience
Shaʻar ha-ʻaḳrab
Kirilma Noktasi
Cyber War : The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It
The Scorpion's Gate
Akrep Kapisi
David Lloyd George
David Lloyd George (1863-1945)

politician, diplomat, solicitor, civil servant

My darling Pussy
The truth about reparations and war-debts
Peace and retrenchment
The people's insurance
British war aims
Memoirs of the Peace conference
The great crusade
War memoirs of David Lloyd George
Through terror to triumph
The task before us
Lloyd George and Labour's future
Spain and Britain
Where are we going?
Mr Lloyd George's great land speech, at Bedford, October 11th, 1913
The government and its work
Honour and dishonour
The people's budget
Coal and power
Peace proposals and the attitude of the allies
When the war will end
The truth about the peace treaties
Better times
Slings and arrows
War Memoirs
The Great war
Why the allies will win
Peace and retrenchment
The wit and wisdom of Lloyd George
British war aims statement...
Fact v. fiction
Prominent Welshmen on the resources of Western Canada
Das gewappnete Deutschland, ein englisches Lob
Mein Anteil am Weltkrieg
Liberal finance: a reply to Mr. Bonar Law
The budget of 1909
The problem of unemployment
Addresses on German reparation
Is it peace?
Mr. Lloyd George's speech on the road hogs of Europe
Die Wahrheit über Reparationen und Kriegsschulden
"Through terror to triumph!"
Abraham Lincoln
İngiliz başbakanı Lloyd George'un I. Dünya Savaşı anıları
Looking forward
The Lords, the land and the people
Victory or defeat: no half-way house
Organizing prosperity
Lloyd George family letters, 1885-1936
Mr. Lloyd George's great land speech at Bedford, October 11th, 1913
"Companionship in arms"
Spain and Britain
How to tackle unemployment
The truth about reparations and war-debts
John Wesley
Appeal to Nonconformists..
Tributes to Abraham Lincoln
Slings and arrows; sayings chosen from the speeches
The budget of 1909 and the people
La guerra europea
Fact v. fiction
Mr. Lloyd George's speech
The great war
Lloyd George
Government of Ireland
The truth about the peace treaties
War memoirs of David Lloyd George
Preferential trade at the Colonial Conference 1907
The great war
War memoirs of David Lloyd George
The churches and the war
Speech delivered on March 3
The case for war for democracy
Looking forward
Prominent Welshmen on the resources of Western Canada
Coal and power
Voennye memuary
Por que?
Honour and dishonour
Liang Chi-chao
Liang Chi-chao (1873-1929)

translator, journalist, philosopher, historian, politician, revolutionary, educator, social activist

  • National Tsing Hua University
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Tʻao Yüan-ming
Wang Anshi zhuan
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Liang Qichao xue shu lun zhu ji
Ming ren zhuan ji
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Li Hongzhang
Liang Qichao zi shu
Shi hai hui mou Li Hongzhang
Kang Youwei zhuan
Xin Jiaxuan xian sheng nian pu
Liang Qichao ping Li Hongzhang
Tao Yuanming
Kang Nanhai
Liang Qichao zi shu 1873-1929
Liang Qichao zi shu
Kang Nanhai zhuan
Liang Qichao jiang Qing dai xue zhu
Liang Qichao zhuan ji jing hua
Ming jia de cheng zhang
Liang Qichao Zhongguo jin dai ming ren zhuan ji cong bian
Wang Anshi zhuan
Mengzi er shi jiang
Guo xing yu min de
Liang Jen-kung hsien sheng chih chiao shou cha
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi (Jin dai ming ji chong kan)
Liang Qichao wei kan shu xin shou ji
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Lun Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi (Penglai ge cong shu)
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa (Penglai ge cong shu)
Chunggugin ui kamjong pyohyonpop
Liang Qizhao ji (Jin xian dai zhu ming xue zhe fo xue wen ji)
Jin dai xue feng zhi di li de fen bu
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji (The Commercial Press library)
Chin tai Chung-kuo hsüeh shu lun tsʻung
Intellectual trends in the Chʻing period
Intellectual trends in the Ch'ing period (Ch'ing-tai hsüehshu kai-lun)
Dun bi ji
Yin bing shi wen ji
Liang Qichao zheng lun xuan (Zhongguo ji zhe cong shu)
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Qing dai xue shu gai lun (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Yao ji jie ti ji qi du fa
Ru jia zhe xue
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Yin bing shi shi hua (Zhongguo gu dian wen xue li lun pi ping zhuan zhu xuan ji)
Shao nian Zhongguo di hu huan
Xin da lu you ji
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu san zhong
"Yin bing shi he ji" ji wai wen
Liang Qichao zhe xue si xiang lun wen xuan
Chung-kuo li shih yen chiu fa
Zhongguo jin gu qing ge ju li
Xin min shuo (Zhongguo qi meng si xiang wen ku)
Liang Qichao guo xue jiang lu er zhong (20 shi ji guo xue ming zhu)
Liang Qichao xue shu wen hua sui bi (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo xue shu wen hua sui bi da xi)
Qing dai xue shu gai lun (Penglai ge cong shu)
Liang Qichao tan fo
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun, ru jia zhe xue
Xin min shuo
Liang Qichao yan jiang ji
Tūng-hsi wen-hua ja ji chue-hsueh
Liang Qichao jiang du shu
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
The so-called people's will
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Liang Qichao wen xuan (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo wen hua ming ren wen ku)
Liang Qichao wen ji
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu di 1 ji
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa bu bian
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi
Guo xue yan du fa san zhong
Qing yi bao lun shuo
Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi
Liang Ren'gong wen cun
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Li chao xue an shi yi
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu di 1 ji
Liang Chi-Chao's comments on journalism
Guo ti wen ti lun
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Qichao yu cui (Zhongguo er shi shi ji si xiang wen ku)
Guo xue da shi shuo ru xue
Liang Qichao shi wen xuan (Zhongguo jin dai wen xue cong shu)
Shao nian Zhongguo shuo
Guo min qian xun
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu si zhong
Liang Ren'gong xue shu jiang yan ji
Liang Qichao ping lun wen ji
Zi Mozi xue shuo
Ouzhou zhan yi shi lun
Lao Kong Mo yi hou xue pai gai guan
Kuan-tsǔ chuan
Yin bing shi he ji
Yin bing shi quan ji
Liang Jen-kung wen chi
Zhu Shunshui xian sheng nian pu
Liang Qichao juan (Zhongguo xian dai xue shu jing dian)
Intellectual trends in the Chi̓ng period (Chi̓ng-tai hsüeh-shu kai-lun)
Mozi xue an
Xin Jiaxuan xian sheng nian pu
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Zhong guo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Jen-kung chih chiao shou cha
Liang Qichao lun zhu xuan cui
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Qichao lun Qing xue shi er zhong
Yin ping shih wên chi
Liang Qichao jia shu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Qichao
Dao jia er shi jiang
Chʻing tai hsüeh shu kai lun
Mo jing jiao shi
Wu hsü cheng pien chi
Liang Qichao jiang wen hua
Liang Qichao shi wen xuan
Hu guo zhi yi dian wen ji lun wen
China's debt to Buddhist India
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Wu xu zheng bian ji : fu san pian
Guo xue zhi dao er zhong
Guo xue yao ji ju mu
Xin da lu you ji jie lu
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu
Yin bing shi zhu ren zi shuo
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Rengong xuan ji
Liang Ren'gong shi gao shou ji
Liang Qichao xiu shen san shu
Liang Rengong shi gao shou ji
Zui jin Liang ren gong wen ji
Liang Ren'gong xue shu jing hua lu
Liang Qichao tan fo xue
Yao ji jie ti ji qi du fa
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Chʻŏngguk musul chŏngbyŏnʼgi
Zi you shu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Rengong Hu Shizhi xian sheng shen ding yan jiu guo xue shu mu
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi
Jin ni Jing shi da xue tang zhang cheng
Gu shu zhen wei ji qi nian dai
Liang Qichao lun xian fa
Liang Rengong yu cui
Yang Ch'ich'ao, Chosŏn ŭi mangguk ŭl kirok hada
Guo xue yan du fa lun ji
Likhunchzhan ili politicheskai︠a︠ istorǐi︠a︠ Kitai︠a︠
Shi wu bao
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Liang Rengong zhi jiao shou zha
Li shi de sheng yan
Xin min cong bao hui bian xu kan
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu
Liang Qichao, Zhang Taiyan jie du Zhonghua wen hua jing dian
Jia ren qi yu
Liang Qichao shou pi Jiaxuan ci
Qing yi bao lun shuo
Guanzi zhuan
Kang Nanhai xian sheng zhuan
Shina rekishi kenkyūhō
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Ren'gong (Qichao) xian sheng zhi jiao shou zha
Liang Qichao lun Zhongguo fa zhi shi
Liang Qichao
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Liang Qichao shou gao jing cui
Liang Qichao wen cun
Lun Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi
Xin xiao shuo hui bian
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Liang Qichao jiang Zhongguo mei wen ji qi li shi
"Li Hongzhang" jie lun
Xin min shuo
Zhongguo jin gu qing ge ju li
Gu shu zhen wei ji qi nian dai
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa wu zhong
Xin da lu you ji
Bian fa tong yi
Dun bi ji
Yin bing shi wen ji
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Zhongguo chen si
Liang Qichao ti ba mo ji shu fa ji
Liang Qichao quan ji
Liang Qichao Zhongguo fo xue yan jiu shi
Zhongguo wen xue yan jiu
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Yin bing shi quan ji
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Yuan Shikai wei zao min yi ji shi
Ying xiong yu shi shi
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Liang Qichao jia shu
Yin bing shi shi hua
Liang Qichao jiang guo xue
Yuan Shikai wei zao min yi ji shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Dan kai feng qi bu wei shi
Liang Qichao jiang Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Guo xue yao ji ju mu
Xi xue shu mu biao
Xin da lu you ji
Liang Qichao jia shu jiao zhu ben
Liang Qichao shi xue si zhu san zhong
Liang Ren'gong shi gao shou ji
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Chun qiu zai ji
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu si zhong
Liang Ren'gong du fo jing zha ji shou ji
Ji yu
Guo xue da shi shuo Lao Zhuang ji Dao jia
Liang Qichao wen xuan
Wang Yangming zhi xing he yi zhi jiao
The so-called people's will
Shindai gakujutsu gairon
Liang Qichao xue shu lun zhu ji
Guo xue da shi shuo zhu zi bai jia
Ru jia zhe xue
Senshin seiji shisōshi
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Tao Yuanming
Guo xue da shi shuo fo xue
Liang Qichao ping Wang Anshi
Zhongguo wen xue jiang yi
Ou you xin ying lu jie lu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa bu bian
Liang Qichao jiang guo xue
Yin bing shi yi zhen
Liang Qichao ru jia zhe xue
Guo ti wen ti lun
Zhongguo Fo jiao yan jiu shi
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Da shi, ci fu, ai
Xian qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Liang Qichao Hu Shi er xian sheng guo xue shu mu
Shuo fo
Liang Ren'gong zhi jiao shou zha
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Zhongguo fo jiao shi liu jiang
Yin bing shi zhuan ji
Hai guan shui wu ji yao
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Liang Rengong yu cui
Liang Qichao xuan ji
Liang Qichao tan ru xue
Xin min shuo
Yan jiu shi xue ji qi ta
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
San da shi tan guo xue
Shindai gakujutsu gairon
Mozi xue an
Yinbing shi shu du
Zhongguo wen xue lun cong
Yin bing shi wen ji
Liang Qichao lun xian qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Zhongguo yun wen li tou suo biao xian de qing gan
Wen shi yan jiu fang fa lun ji
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Wu shi wu you
Kosŏ ŭi chinwi wa kŭ yŏndae
Zhongguo hun
Tai yang de lang zhao
Chu ci er shi jiang
Liang Qichao fo xue wen xuan
Ta cheng
Yin bing shi shi hua
Da cheng qi xin lun kao zheng
Thomas Dixon Jr.
Thomas Dixon Jr. (1864-1946)

film director, lawyer, politician, playwright, Christian minister, white supremacist

  • Johns Hopkins University, Wake Forest University
Southern horizons
The Clansman
The Leopard's Spots
The Sins of the Father
From Passions to Emotions
The Victim
The life worth living
The Foolish Virgin
The Man in Gray
The clansman
The Southerner
The inside story of the Harding tragedy
The Sins of the Father
A Man of the People
The Foolish Virgin
The Victim
The Traitor
The leopard's spots
A statement of facts, &c
The One Woman
The Southerner
The Sins of the Father
Living problems in religion and social science
The failure of Protestantism in New York and its causes
The life worth living, a personal experience
Weeping Britannia: Portrait of a Nation in Tears
The Fall of a Nation
The Man in Gray
The Root of Evil
The Southerner (A Romance of the Real Lincoln)
The Leopard's Spots
The Clansman
The Southerner
The Clansman
The Root Of Evil
The Victim (A Romance of the Real Jefferson Davis)
The Reconstruction Trilogy
The Traitor
The One Woman
The Victim
The black hood
The Traitor a Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire
The Southerner
Massacre at Estelle's
The practical millwright's and engineer's ready reckoner
The Leopard's Spots A Romance of the White Man's Burden 1865 to 1900
The Southerner
The Foolish Virgin
The One Woman
Treatise on the arrangement, application, and use of slide rules
The flaming sword
Dixon on Ingersoll
The way of a man
A dreamer in Portugal
The Clansman
The One Woman (A Story of Modern Utopia)
The One Woman
The Sun Virgin
The Fall of a Nation
The One Woman
Man in Gray : A Romance of North and South
The southerner
Sins of the Father
A description of the environs of Ingleborough, and principal places on the banks of the river Wenning. Attempted by Thomas Dixon, of Bentham; ..
The One Woman
The Love Complex
The Clansman an Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan
The One Woman
The sovereignty of the divine administration vindicated
Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis
Southerner : A Romance of the Real Lincoln
The traitor
The One Woman
From Passions to Emotions: The Creation of a Secular Psychological Category
Victim : A Romance of the Real Jefferson Davis
The clansman
Man in Gray
The Life Worth Living: A Personal Experience
Fall of a Nation : A Sequel to the Birth of a Nation: (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
The Leopards Spots, a Romance of the White Mans Burden, 1865-1900, 1903 Edition
The Clansman. Photo-Play Title
Man in Gray
Nation aflame
The Traitor a Story of the Fall of the Invisible Empire
One Woman
The Life Worth Living
The Southerner: A Romance of the Real Lincoln
Man of the People
Leopard's Spots
The failure of Protestantism in New York and its causes
A Man of the People
A man of the people
The leopard's spots
Man in Gray : A Romance of North and South
Fall of a Nation
The Leopard's Spots
The hope of the world