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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 689-696 out of 790 results
Piero Bargellini
Piero Bargellini (1897-1980)


  • Istituto tecnico per geometri Gaetano Salvemini
Firenze delle torri
Storia di una grande famiglia
The Little flowers of Saint Clare
Il santo del lavoro
Donne di casa Medici
Pagine di una vita
Citta di pittori
Nuovi santi del giorno
Mille santi del giorno
Uomini e donne come santi
Mille santi del giorno
Nuovi santi del giorno
Sant' Antonino da Firenze
Orsanmichele a Firenze
La fiaba pittorica di Benozzo Gozzoli
Lettere, 1920-1979
Caffè Michelangiolo
The Medici Palace and the frescoes of Benozzo Gozzoli
La città di Firenze
Florence the Magnificent
Il bicentenario della Camera di commercio fiorentina. 1770-1970
Glimpses of Florence
Pena dell'Ottocento
Il Natale nella storia
Dante Alighieri
The Convent of San Marco and the paintings of Beato Angelico
Pintores de Florencia
Città di pittori
Tre Toscani: Collodi, Fucini, Vamba
L' Anno Santo
Vedere e capire Firenze
Florence. An appreciation of her beauty
San Casciano
Fra Diavolo
Santi come uomini
Il Ghirlandaio del bel mondo fiorentino
Disegni e incisioni di artisti italiani contemporanei
Florence, cité des peintres
La donna italiana del tempo antico
Pian dei giullari
Libello contro l'architettura organica
I Della Robbia
Giosuè Carducci
Il tempo de Il frontespizio
Die Kunst der Etrusken
Fiabe popolari
La soave mestizia del Perugino
San Bernardino da Siena
Il Concilio di Firenze e gli affreschi di Benozzo
Questa è Firenze
Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio
Pellegrino alla Verna
La plendida storia di Firenze
Nascita e vita dell'architettura moderna
Vita di Dante
Die Kunst der Etrusker
The unquiet conscience
Com'era Firenze cento anni fa
Via larga
Il racconto della Bibbia
Santa Reparata
Gli atti degli eretici
Cento tabernacoli a Firenze
Volti di pietra
La splendida storia di Firenze ..
I Buonomini di San Martino
I Buonomini di San Martino
Chiodi solari
S. Francesco
Vita privata a Firenze nei secoli XIV e XV
L'Anno Santo
Volti di pietra
Questa e' Firenze
L'arte del Novecento
I ponti di Firenze
Florence the magnificent
San Bernardino da Siena
Carteggio, 1930-1937
Vita di Dante
Carteggio, 1923-1956
Il racconto della Bibbia
Maria di Nazaret
S. Francesco d'Assisi
San Miniato al Monte dans l'histoire et dans l'art
Carteggio, 1930-1937
Firenze, domani
Carteggio, 1930-1937
Scoperta di Palazzo Vecchio
Il miracolo di Firenze
Assisi, città santa
Le strade di Firenze
Pian dei giullari: panorama storico della letteratura italiana
San Miniato al Monte nella storia e nell'arte
Carteggio, 1934-1973
Santa Chiara
Pius XII
La pittura ascetica del Beato Angelico
Voir Florence et la comprendre
The Medici Palace and the frescoes of Benozzo Gozzoli
Lettera ai Romani
The Medici palace and the frescoes of Benozzo Gozzoli
When in Florence
Ama Firenze
Pian dei Giullari
Via Larga
Daniel Guérin
Daniel Guérin (1904-1988)

politician, historian, LGBTQ rights activist

Le feu du sang
Class struggle in the First French Republic
No Gods, No Masters
Anarchisme et marxisme
La révolution française et nous
Fascisme et grand capital
The Brown plague
Front populaire
No gods no masters
Anarchismus & Marxismus/Anmerkungen zum Anarchismus
Essai sur la révolution sexuelle
Ben Barka, ses assassins
The West Indies and their future
Les Antilles décolonisées
100 years of labor in the USA
Autobiographie de jeunesse
Rosa Luxembourg et la spontanéité révolutionnaire
Pour le peuple tchécoslovaque
Einführung in die Geschichte des amerikanischen Monopolkapitals
No Gods No Masters, Vol 1
Sur le fascisme ..
Le Mouvement ouvrier aux États-Unis
Le mouvement ouvrier aux États-Unis
Jeunesse du socialisme libertaire
Quand le fascisme nous devançait
La Révolution française et nous
Negroes on the march
Ci-gît le colonialisme
L' armée en France
Bourgeois et bras-nus
Shakespeare et Gide en correctionnelle?
Les Assassins de Ben Barka
Shakespeare et Gide en correctionnelle?
La concentration économique aux États-Unis
For a Libertarian Communism
Quand l'Algérie s'insurgeait, 1954-1962
Où va le peuple américain?
Le grain sous la neige, pièce en 2 actes et 17 tableaux
No Gods No Masters, Vol 2
De l'Oncle Tom aux Panthères
La concentration économique aux Etats-Unis
La promotion de la santé
The West Indies and their future
A la recherche d'un communisme libertaire
L' anarchisme
Proudhon, oui et non
Homosexualité et révolution
Le Pouvoir noir
Cuatro colonialismos sobre las Antillas
Décolonisation du noir américain
L' enchantement du Vendredi Saint
La vie selon la chair
Le Mouvement ouvrier aux États-Unis, 1867-1967
L 'Algérie qui se cherche
Pour un marxisme libertaire
Au service des colonisés, 1930-1953
Autobiographie de jeunesse
Abortion = Avortement
Marxismo y socialismo libertario
Kahverengi Veba
Fasizm ve Buyuk Sermaye
Negroes on the march
La peste brune
Bourgeois et bras nus, 1793-1795
El anarquismo
Kinsey et la sexualité
L'Algérie caporalisée?
Die braune Pest
Fascisme et grand capital, Italie--Allemagne; nouvelle ed., entièrement refondue
Fascisme et grand capital
Abdullah Öcalan
Abdullah Öcalan (born 1949)

politician, activist, political scientist

  • Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University
Devrimin dili ve eylemi
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanlığı
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanliǧi
Kürt sorununa demokratik çözüm manifestosu
Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşme
Önderlik Gerçeği ve Apocu Siyaset
Din Sorununa Devrimci Yaklaşım
Gerçeğin dili ve eylemi
Prison writings
Kürdistan’da Kişilik Sorunu, Devrimci Militanın Özellikleri ve Parti Yaşamı
Özgür insan savunması
The PKK and the Kurdish Question in the 21st Century
Krieg und Frieden in Kurdistan
Din sorununa devrimci yaklaşım
Dirilişin öyküsü
Prison Writings
Kadın ve aile sorunu
Bir Halkı Savunmak
Tarih günümüzde gizli ve biz tarihin başlangıcında gizliyiz
Kapitalist Uygarlık
Sosyal devrim ve yeni yaşam
12 Eylül Faşizmi ve PKK Direnişi
To Dare Imagining
Kürt bahçesinde sözleşi
Özgürlük Sosyolojisi
Kürdistan'da Kişilik Sorunu, Devrimci Militanın Özellikleri ve Parti Yaşamı
War and Peace in Kurdistan
Ortadoğu'da Uygarlik Krizi ve Demokratik Uygarlık Çözümümü
Roma Konuşmaları
Seçme yazılar, Cilt 1
PKK 5. Kongresi'ne sunulan politik rapor
Zafer perspektifleri
Democratic Confederalism
The Road Map to Negotiations
Gilgameschs Erben 1
Gilgameschs Erben 2
Sosyalizm ve Devrim Sorunları
Özgür yaşamla diyaloglar
Barış Umudu
Plädoyer für den freien Menschen
Türkiye Sosyalist ve Demokratik Hareketi
Politik rapor
Halk savaşında militan kişilik
Erkeği Öldürmek
Dadgay mêjû
Serok û Însan
PKK IV. Kongresi'ne sunulan politik rapor
Nasıl yaşamalı?
Democratic Confederalism
Oligarşik cumhuriyet gerçeği
Liberating Life
Güney Kürdistan'da egemenlik mücadelesi ve devrimci demokratik tutum
Özgürlük kazanacak
Seçme yazılar, Cilt 2 (Düşünce dizisi)
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
Çeteciliğe karşı mücadele
Çepkêk le wutekanî serok Apo
Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşme
Kürt-Türk iliskileri üzerine baris ve Demokrasi konusmalari 1988-1998 (Söylesi dizisi)
Kürdistan Devriminin Yolu
19. yüzyıldan günümüze Kürdistan gerçeği ve PKK hareketi
Sanat Edebiyat ve Kürt Aydınlanması
Erkeği Öldürmek
12 Eylül faşizmi ve PKK direnişi
Kürt-Türk ilişkileri üzerine barış ve demokrasi konuşmaları, 1988-1998
Bir halkı savunmak
Kurdische Frage und Europäisches Recht
Sosyalizmde ısrar insan olmakta ısrardır
Demokratik devrimde halk serhıldanları
Kürt sorununda demokratik çözüm bildirgesi
Dastan-i dubarah zistan
Sümer rahip devletinden halk cumhuriyetine doğru
Gilgameschs Erben 1
Kürt hümanizmi ve yeni insan
Kürdistan'da işbirlikçilik-ihanet ve devrimci direniş
Der 1. Mai, der Sozialismus und die sich entwickelnde Lösung innerhalb der PKK
Urfa - Segen und Fluch einer Stadt
Dāstān-i zhiyānawa
Başkan Apo'dan Özgürlük Perspektifleri
Kürdistan'da zorun rolü
Sociology of Freedom
Dāstān-i dūbārah zīstan
Berxwedan. La storia del movimento kurdo attraverso la storia di Koma Berxwedan
Orígenes de la civilitzación
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
Mānify̌stǒ-y chārasar-i Dimukrātiyāna bǒ ky̌sha-y gal-i Kurd
al-Taḥawwul al-kabīr
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanlığı
Dastan-i dubarah zistan
12 Eylül faşizmi ve PKK direnişi
Kapitalist Uygarlık
Mukhtārāt min taḥlīlāt ʻAbd Allāh Ūjalān
ʻIshq-i Kurd
al-Ummah al-dīmuqrāṭīyah
Democratic Nation
Pirsî kesayetî le Kurdistan'da
Dirilişin öyküsü
Civilización Capitalista
Kürt aşkı
Min dawlat al-kahanah al-Sūmarīyah naḥwa al-ḥaḍārah al-Dīmuqrāṭīyah
Sosyalizmde Israr İnsan Olmakta Isrardır
Civilització capitalista
Kürt Sorunu ve Demokratik Ulus Çözümü
Tawjīhāt bi-shaʼn marḥalat al-taḥawwul
Welatparêziya Kurdistan
Beyond State, Power, and Violence
Prison Writings
Demokratik Ulus
Sümer rahip devletinden halk cumhuriyetine doğru
Hoja de ruta
Chapkyk la-wutakan-i sarok Apo
Kürdistan'da Halk Kahramanlığı
Demokratik uygarlık manifestosu
Partileşme sorunları ve görevlerimiz
Seçme yazılar
Demokratik Ulus
Kürt hümanizmi
Kayfa naʻīsh?
Demokratik uygarlık çözümü
Parastina Gelekî
Li-nastawʻib qaḍāyānā wa-nuṣbiḥ qūwat al-ḥall la-hā
Partileşme sorunları ve görevlerimiz
Sociology of Freedom
Kürt sorununda çözüm ve çözümsüzlük ikilemi
Tasfiyeciliğin Tasfiyesi
3. Kongre Konuşmaları
Liberando la vida
Kürt sorununda çözüm ve çözümsüzlük ikilemi
Barış umudu
Demokratik Ulus
Guerra y paz en el Kurdistán
Dāstān-i zhiyānawa
Confederalismo Democrático
Bir muhatap arıyorum
İlk konuşmalar
The Third Domain
Wege zu einer Lösung der kurdischen Frage
Kürt Aşkı
A. P. Herbert
A. P. Herbert (1890-1971)

politician, barrister, playwright, political activist

  • Winchester College, University of Oxford
Uncommon law
The secret battle
Holy deadlock
The house by the river
Bardot M.P.?
Mr. Gay's London
Half-hours at Helles
General cargo
Misleading cases in the common law
Letter to the electors of Oxford University from A.P. Herbert ... independent national candidate
Letter to the electors of Oxford University from A.P. Herbert ... independent candidate
Light articles only
Little Rays Of Moonshine
In the dark: the summer time story and the painless plan
The singing swan
Wisdom for the wise
More misleading cases
The water gypsies
Barbican regained
No fine on fun
Libraries: Free-For-All?
The man about town
Independent member
The ayes have it
The wherefore and the why
The Bomber gipsy
More uncommon law
Double demon, and other one-act plays
Silver stream
Anything but action?
Sundials old and new
The Thames
Derby day, a comic opera in three acts
The trials of Topsy
Laughing Ann, and other poems
What a word
Number nine, or, The mind-sweepers
No boats on the river
Derby Day
Pools pilot, or, why not you?
The English laugh
I object
The right to marry
Honeybubble & Co
Tantivy Towers
Best Cartoons from Punch
Topsy Turvy
Double demon
Codd's last case, and other misleading cases
"Well, anyhow--", or, Little talks
The Topsy omnibus
Riverside nights
Voluble Topsy
England speaks, a symposium
'Less nonsense'!
Why Waterloo?
La vie parisienne
"Tinker, tailor"
A better sky, or, Name this star
Watch this space, six years of it
Fat King Melon and Princess Caraway
Topsy, M.P.
The point of Parliament
'Full enjoyment'
Mr. Pewter
Rechtsfälle, Linksfälle. Eine Auswahl juristischer Phantasien
The Secret Battle
Wasserzigeuner, Roman
Big Ben
Ballads for broadbrows
Four one-act plays
Still more misleading cases
A book of ballads
Mild and bitter
Light the lights
The Secret Battle And The House By The River
Wigs at work
Bless the Bride
Bring back the bells
The old flame
Two gentlemen of Soho
Let there be liberty
Die gewerblichen produktivgenossenschaften in Deutschland nach dem stande vom 1. januar 1912
A. P. Herbert
Vrangen på retten
Sip! Swallow!
Siren song
Leave my old morale alone
Poor poems and rotten rhymes
Let us be glum
Made for man
Plain Jane
Lew Wallace
Lew Wallace (1827-1905)

military officer, lawyer, diplomat, politician, autobiographer, journalist, poet, jurist, military personnel

Ben Hur
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Smoke, sound & fury
Stories-The Boyhood of Christ
An Autobiography 1827 1905
Men at Sea
The fair god, or, The last of the 'Tzins
The First Christmas: From "Ben-Hur,"
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Fair God: Or, The Last of the 'Tzins : a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
The wooing of Malkatoon
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ
The Fair God
Life and public services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S
The Chariot Race From Ben-Hur
The Prince of India, or Why the Constantinople Fell
Ben-Hur; a Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ.
Ben Hur (Classics Illustrated, 147)
Prince of India (Volume 2)
Prince of India (Volume 1)
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U. S.
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Ben-Hur: a Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace:(Annotated Edition)
Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ
Classic Christian Novels (6 Books)
Prince of India
A Tale of the Christ
The Mystery of the Smoking Chimney
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison
Constantinople - Vol I
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Ben Hur
Ben Chour
The first Christmas, from "Ben Hur"
Life of Gen. Ben Harrison and Life of Hon. Levi P. Morton
Mimi Pond's Secrets of the powder room
Ben-Hur Annotated
Ben Hur
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur.
Prince of India (Volume I) Illustrated
Lew Wallace
The Fair God
Ben Hur Illustrated Classics Edition
The Boyhood of Christ
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. Vol. II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Abdülhamit ve Sarayindaki Amerikali
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography. ; Volume II
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ (Annotated)
Ben-Hur (Diversion Classics)
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ Annotated
Scenes from every land
First Christmas
Boys' Ben-hur - Tale Of Christ
Prince of India  Illustrated
Chariot-Race from Ben-Hur
Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ
Prince of India (Volume 2)
The story of American heroism
Prince of India Vol 2
Ben Hur, A Tale of the Christ (complete and unabridged) (An Airmont Classic, Cl74)
An Autobiography
Lew Wallace : Volume II
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Ben Hur (Bantam Books #A1450)
Prince of India, Vol 2
La carrera de carros de Ben-Hur
Ben - Hur a Tale of the Christ Illustrated
Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ Annotated
The Fair God
Fair God or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Papazone adventure stories
Life and Public Services of Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
Ben-Hur (Illustrated)
Ben-Hur A Tale of Christ
Ben Hur - A Tale of the Christ - 2nd printing
Ben-hur - a Tale of Christ
Ben Hur (Christian Epics)
Prince of India : Why Constantinople Fell
Contributions to a History of The Richmond Howitzer Battalion (Army of Northern Virginia)
The Fair God; Or, the Last of the 'tzins
Prince of India (Volume II) Illustrated
Ben-Hur (Dhingra Children's Classics)
Boyhood of Christ
The Wooing of Malkatoon & Commodus
The prince of India
The prince of India
Fair God
Life and Public Services of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.
The pirate of Topsail Island
The Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil war, as Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
Fair God : Or, the Last of the 'Tzins
Ben-Hur Illustrated
Fair God; or, the Last of the 'Tzins; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico
Prince of India, Vol 2
Ben Hur; Complete & Unabridged Book
Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace
Ben-Hur/ The World's Greatest Literature/ Volume 10
Ben Hur a Tale of the Christ
Prince of India or Why Constantinople Fell
Prince of India
Ben-Hur; A Tale of the Christ (Heritage Press Illustrated Editions)
Fair God; a Tale of the Conquest of Mexico; Volume 2
The Prince of India; or, Why Constantinople Fell, by Lew Wallace VOLUME 2
Story of American Heroism; Thrilling Narratives of Personal Adventures During the Great Civil War, As Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men
The Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India; of, Why Constantinople Fell; Volume 1
Prince of India, or Why Constantinop
Prince of India (Volume 1)
The Story of the Making of Ben-Hur a Tale of the Christ from Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Lew Wallace; An Autobiography.; Volume II
The city of the King, or, What the child Jesus saw and heard
Prince of India; or Why Constantinople Fell
Ben-Hur (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Lew Wallace; an Autobiography
Prince of India
Lew Wallace papers
The Boyhood of Jesus
Yerusholaim un Roym
Yerusholaim un Roym
The Life of Benjamin Harrison
Blackbeard and the Topsail Island Pirate
My own account of the first day at Shiloh
Life of General Ben Harrison and Life of Honorable Levi P. Morton
בן חור
The new court house
Ben Ḥur
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes (1822-1896)

judge, cricketer, politician, poet lawyer, lawyer, trade unionist, social reformer, barrister

  • Rugby School, Oriel College
Alfred the Great
James Fraser, second bishop of Manchester
Tom Brown's School Days
The Manliness of Christ
Tom Brown at Oxford
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Sherlock Holmes Investigates / Tom Brown's Schooldays / The Call of the Wild
Tom Brown's School Days
Tom Brown at Oxford
Young heroes of the Civil War
School days at Rugby
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Tom Brown at Rugby
Tom Brown at Oxford
David Livingstone
A history of Marlboro County, with traditions and sketches of numerous families
Tom Brown's School Days
The Vale Royal of England
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Vacation rambles
School Days at Rugby
Tom Brown at Rugby
A manual for co-operators
Brown and Arthur
Gone to Texas
The Old Church, what shall we do with it
The scouring of the White Horse
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Tom Brown At Oxford
Tom Brown's Schooldays
The cause of freedom
Foundations: a study in the ethics and economics of the co-operative movement
Rugby School
A history of Marlboro County
Young heroes of the Civil War
G.T.T. Gone to Texas
Tom Brown's School Days
The life of David Livingstone
Memoir of Daniel Macmillan
Life and times of Peter Cooper
Tom Brown at Rugby
Memoir of a brother
Tom Brown's School Days
True manliness
Tom Brown's school days
Tom Brown's school days
Alfred the Great
Lecture on the history & objects of co-operation
Tom Brown At Oxford
The anarchy of London
Fourth lecture of the St. Louis Catholic Lecture Bureau Course
Marriage and funeral notices from the daybook of J.A.W. Thomas, 1865-1896
The manliness of Christ
Lecture on the history & objects of co-operation
Life of Livingstone
Lecture on the history and objects of co-operation
Foundations, a study in the ethics and economics of the co-operative movement
The life of Alfred the Great
Tom Brown's days
Alfred the Great
Hughes's Tom Brown's school-days
Address by His Honour Thos. Hughes, Q.C., on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial in recognition of his services to the cause of co-operation, December 6th, 1884
Tracts for priests and people
Mental furniture; or, The adaptation of knowledge for man
Tom Brown's schooldays by an old boy
A reminiscence of Arthur Stanley
Tom Brown at Oxford
Memoir of a brother. (G.E. Hughes)
David Livingstone
Account of the lock-out of engineers, &c
A layman's faith
Tom Brown's schooldays
Memoir of a brother
Rugby Tennessee
[Letter to] Dear Mr. Garrison
Tom Brown's school days
G.T.T., gone to Texas
Memoir of a brother
Co-operative production
Address by His Honour Thos. Hughes, Q.C., on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial in recognition of his services to the cause of co-operation, December 6th, 1884
Lecture on the history & objects of co-operation ...
School days at Rugby
Tom Brown's school days
Rugby, Morgan County, Tennessee
Tom Brown's school days
School days at Rugby
David Livingstone
The scouring of the White Horse
David Livingstone
Tom Brown's school days
James Fraser, second bishop of Manchester
Life of Livingstone
Early Memories for the Children
Tom Brown's school days
Tom Brown
Tom Brown's school-days
The scouring of the white horse, or, The long vacation ramble of a London clerk
Alfred the great
A lecture on the slop-system especially as it bears upon the females engaged in it, delivered at the Literary and Mechanics' Institution at Reading, on February 3rd, 1852
Tom Brown's Schooldays ... With an introduction by Lord Elton. Illustrated by Will Nickless
Tome Brown's school days
The manliness of Christ
Bet ha-sefer shel Tom Braun
Tom Brown's schooldays
Tom Brown at Oxford
[Letter to] My dear Sir
Tom Browns  school-days
Memoir of a brother
Tom Brown's school days
Lecture on the history & objects of co-operation
Co-operative faith and practice
Tom Brown at Oxford
Alfred the Great
Edward Gibbon
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)

historian, politician, classical scholar

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
Memoirs of my life
Memoirs of My Life and Writings
The life and letters of Edward Gibbon
Autobiography of Edward Gibbon (World's Classics, No 139)
Gibbon's autobiography
Memoirs of the public character and life of Alexander the First, Emperor of all the Russias
Gibbon's journal to January 28th, 1763
Gibbon's autobiography
Gibbon's journal to January 28th, 1763
The autobiography and correspondence of Edward Gibbon, the historian
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Complete and Unabridged
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Christians and the fall of Rome
Life of Mahomet
On Christianity
Gibbon for moderns
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: By Edward Gibbon ..
Memoirs of the life and writings of Edward Gibbon
The autobiographies of Edward Gibbon
An historical view of Christianity
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Le journal de Gibbon á Lausanne, 17 août 1763-19 avril 1764
The memoirs of the life of Edward Gibbon with various observations and excursions
Autobiography of Edward Gibbon
Gibbon's The decline and fall of the Roman Empire: A modern abridgment by Moses Hadas
Private letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794)
The miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, esq
Gibbon on Christianity
Reflections on the Fall of Rome (Classic, 60s)
Survey of the Roman, or civil law
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol 1.
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Part 2
The portable Gibbon
The life of Edward Gibbon, esq
History of Christianity
Miscellaneous works
The autobiography of Edward Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume II
The English essays of Edward Gibbon
Historia De La Decadencia Y Caida Del Imperio Romano / The Portable Gibbon
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume I
Gibbon's journey from Geneva to Rome
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume III
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon written by himself and a selection from his letters with occasional notes and narrative by John lord Sheffield
Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 6 of 6
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Memoirs of my life and writing
The Empire of Rome A.D. 98-180
Essai sur l'étude de la littérature
An  account of the taxation & finance of the Roman Empire
The student's Gibbon
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 4
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1
Journal to January 28th, 1763
Der Sieg des Islam
Graham's Gibbon
Memoire justificatif pour servir de réponse à l'Exposé, &c. de la cour de France
Private Letters of Edward Gibbon 1753 to 1794
Miscellanea Gibboniana
These splendid fighters
The indispensable Gibbon
The memoirs of the life of Edward Gibbon with various observations and excursions, by himself
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 2 of 6
A vindication of some passages in the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of the History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The letters of Edward Gibbon
The Age of the Antonines
Great Books of the Western World, Volume 41
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The life and letters of Edward Gibbon, with his History of the crusades
Private letters of Edward Gibbon
Edward Gibbon, Essai sur l'étude de la littérature
The Private Letters Of Edward Gibbon 1753 To 1794 V1
The Life Of Edward Gibbon
The memoirs of the life of Edward Gibbon
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 4 of 6
The beauties of Gibbon, consisting of selections from his works
Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, The
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 6
Histoire de la décadence et de la chute de l'empire romain
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 5 of 6
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
The library of Edward Gibbon
Private letters (1753-1794)  With an introd. by the Earl of Sheffield
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 5
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 1 of 6
The CN Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Private Letters Of Edward Gibbon 1753 To 1794 V2
Private letters, 1753-1794
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume II
The autobiography and correspondence of Edward Gibbon
Gibbon's The decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The end of the Roman Empire in the West
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon written by himself and a selection from his letters
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 3
Histoire du déclin et de la chute de l'empire romain, Byzance de 455 à 1500
The triumph of Christendom in the Roman Empire
The Autobiography And Correspondence Of Edward Gibbon The Historian
The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Volume 3 of 6
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
English Essays
The Saracens, their history and the rise and fall of their empire
Histoire de la décadence et de la chute de l'empire romain
The portable Gibbon: The decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire volume 4
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Lt
Critical observations on the sixth book of the Æneid
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire V5
Selections from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Man and society
Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, as originally edited by Lord Sheffield
Verfall und Untergang des Römischen Reiches. Die Andere Bibliothek - Erfolgsausgabe
Páginas de Historia y de Autobiografía
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Emp
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire and other selected writings
The sack of Rome
Historia de La Decadencia y Caida del Imperio Roma
Chri stianity and the decline of Rome
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memorias De Mi Vida
Histoire de déclin et de la chute de l'empire romain
The miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esq. with memoirs of his life and writings
Autobiography of Edward Gibbon
Gibbon's history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. In six volumes octavo, abridged in two volumes. ..
Great Books of the Western World, Volume 40
Decline and Fall of (15)
A vindication of some passages in the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of 'The history of the decline andfall of the Roman Empire'
Mémoire justificatif pour servir de réponse à l'exposé, &c de la cour de France
Det romerske riges forfald og undergang
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The Letters of Edward Gibbon
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
History of Christianity: comprising all that relates to the progress of the Christian religion in "The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire," and A vindication of some passages in the 15th and 16th chapters
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 7
The history of the decline & fall of the Roman Empire
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 2...
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire V2
Autobiography ; as originally ed. by Lord Sheffield ; with an introduction by J.B. Bury
Memoirs of the life and writings of Edward Gibbon, esq
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Classic Non-fiction), Vol. 2
History of the Saracen Empire. History of the Saracens
Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 2
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
History of the Roman Empire
The decine and fall of the Roman empire
History of the Saracen empire
Le journal de Gibbon á Lausanne, 17 août 1763-19 avril 1764
Life of Mahomet
Autobiography of Edward Gibbon
The auto-biography of Edward Gibbon, esq
History of Christianity
Verfall und Untergang des römischen Imperiums
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
The Saracens
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
The history of the decline & fall of the Roman empire
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Die Germanen im römischen weltreich
The Life of Edward Gibbon: With Selections from His Correspondence and Illustrations
Exposé des motifs de la conduite du roi de France, relativement à l'Angleterre
Guizot's Gibbon
A vindication of some passages in the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Graham's Gibbon
Luoma di guo shuai wang shi
Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq.: With Memoirs of His Life and ..
History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
The autobiographies of Edward Gibbon
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Private letters of Edward Gibbon (1753-1794)
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
History of Christianity
Gibon jijoden
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire boxed set
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire
The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and other selected writings
Eduard Gibbon's historische uebersicht des römischen rechts oder das 44ste kapitel der Geschichte des verfalls des römischen reichs
Le journal de Gibbon a Lausanne, 17 août 1763-19 avril 1764
Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, Esq
Decadenza e caduta dell'Impero Romano
Histoire de la décadence et de la chute de l'Empire Romain
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
The student's Gibbon
Mémoires de Gibbon
Viaggioin Italia
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Essai sur l'étude de la littérature
Gibbon's History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire; with notes, by H.H. Milman
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Miscellanea Gibboniana
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire
Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, esq
Memoirs of the life and writings of Edward Gibbon
The Life of Edward Gibbon: With Selections from His Correspondence and ..
The library of Edward Gibbon
Edw. Gibbon's Versuch über das Studium der Litteratur
The place of accounting in labor-management relations
Konstantin Simonov
Konstantin Simonov (1915-1979)

journalist, poet, translator, playwright, politician, war correspondent

  • Maxim Gorky Literature Institute, Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature, and History
Istorii ti︠a︡zhelai︠a︡ voda
Glazami cheloveka moego pokoleniya
Always a journalist
Raznye dni voĭny
Raznye dni voĭny
Daleko na Vostoke ; I͡A︡ponii͡a︡, 46 ; Vospominanii͡a︡
Wo zhe dai ren di jian zheng
Sto sutok voĭny
Segodni͡a︡ i davno
Glazami cheloveka moego pokolenii͡a︡
Ostai͡u︡sʹ zhurnalistom
Simonov i voĭna
Days and nights
The living and the dead
On ne nait pas soldat
Ot Khalkhingola do Berlina
The Lublin extermination camp
Zhivye i mertvye
Segodnia i davno
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ i poėmy
Zhivye i mertvye
Soldatskie memuary
Sto sutok voĭny
Kazhdyǐ den' - dlinnyǐ
Sto sutok voĭny
Razgovor s tovarishchami
Ne zabluzhdaĭtesʹ!
... Stalingrad fights on
Iz zapisok Lopatina
Tak nazyvaemaı︠a︡ lichnaı︠a︡ zhiznʹ
Russkie li͡u︡di
Soldatami ne rozhdai͡u︡tsi͡a︡
In My Eyes
Daleko na Vostoke
Vʹetnam, zima semidesi͡a︡togo ..
I︠A︡ponii︠a︡ 46
Kazhdyĭ denʹ--dlinnyĭ
Zhan dou zhuo di Zhongguo
Ot nashego voennogo korrespondenta
Ot Chernogo do Baren~t¬sova mor~i¬a
Friendship is the most important thing in the world
Sofʹi︠a︡ Leonidovna
Zapiski molodogo cheloveka
Srazhai͡u︡shchiĭsi͡a︡ Kitaĭ
Zhivye i mertvye
Russkie li︠u︡di
El último verano
Stikhi, poemy, vol'nye perevody
The Living and the Dead
Tak nazyvaemai︠a︡ lichnai︠a︡ zhiznʹ
Esli dorog tebe tvoĭ dom ..
Poslednee leto
Friends and foes
Bugun ve yillar once
Soldatamy ne narodz︠h︡ui︠u︡tʹsi︠a︡
Pisʹma o voĭne, 1943-1979
Dvadtsat' dneĭ bez voĭny
No quarter
Nezadolgo do tishiny
Voennaia lirika, 1936-1956
The Russian people ..
Na literaturnye temy
Tretii adi utant
Izbrannye stikhi
The whole world over
Yasayanlar ve ölüler
Zhivȳe i mertvȳe
Tovarishchi po oruzhiyu
[Izbrannaya lirika]
Ar Manas Paaudzes Cilveka Acim
Tak nazyvaemai͡a︡ lichnai͡a︡ zhiznʹ
Dim otechestva
Tam, gde my byvali
Stikhi i poėmy
The whole world over
Friends and foes
Norvezhskiĭ dnevnik
Russkiĭ vopros
Poslednee leto
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Tridtsat' shestoǐ - sem'desiat pervyǐ
Shel soldat...
Konst. Simonov rasskazyvaet--
Tak nazyvaemai͡a lichnai͡a zhiznʹ
Shel soldat..
Tridtsat'-shestoi - sem'desyat pervyi
Iz trekh tetradeĭ
On the Petsamo road
Sobranie sochinenii v desyati tomakh
V ėti gody
Segodnya i davno
Dorozhnye stikhi
Iz trekh tetradei
Campo de exterminio
Konst. Simonov rasskazyvaet...
Tak nazyvaemaya lichnaya zhizn' (iz zapisok lopatina)
Tridzat' shestoi-sem'desiat pervyi: Stikhotvorenia i poemy
Tri tetradi
Druzʹi͡a︡m na pami͡a︡tʹ
Belgŭradŭ ŭi pam
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, 1936-1942
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh
Stikhi i poėmy
Dym otechestva
V odnoĭ gazete ..
The living and the dead
Russkoe serdt͡s︡e
Pi͡a︡tʹ tysi͡a︡ch strok
Sof'ya Leonidovna
Ne zabluzhdaĭtesʹ!
Konstantin Simonov
Voennai͡a︡ lirika
Tovarishchi po oruzhii͡u︡
Tovarishchi po oruzhi|i|u
Victims and heroes
The Living and the Dead
Razgovor s tovarishchami
The living and the dead
Istoriĭ ti︠a︡zhelai︠a︡ voda
Druzʹi︠a︡ i vragi
Konstantin Simonov
Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh
Zhivye i mertvye
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Tovarishchi po oruzhiiu
Soldatami ne rozhdayutsya
Soviet war stories
Raznye dni voiny
Kazhdyi den' dlinnyi
Lubliner farnikhṭungs-lager Maydaneḳ
Stikhi, poėmy, volʹnye perevody, 1936-1961
Stalingrad fights on
Konstantin Simonov rasskazyvaet
O russkoĭ muzyke
Poslednee leto
Zhan dou zhuo di Zhongguo
The whole world over
The death factory near Lublin
Solatami ne rozhdayutsya
Die Lebenden und die Toten
Murmanskoe napravlenie
Russkie lyudi =
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi͡a︡ti tomakh
Gruzii︠a︡ v russkoĭ sovetskoĭ poėzii
Stikhi tysi͡a︡cha devi͡a︡tʹsot pi͡a︡tʹdesi͡a︡t chetvertogo goda
Lagerʹ unichtozhenii͡a︡
Stikhi, pésy, rasskazy
Tridts͡a︡t śhestoǐ-sem'desi͡at︡ pervyǐ
Dvadt͡s︡atʹ dneĭ bez voĭny
IUzhnye povesti
Die russische Frage
Stikhi, poemy
Tak nazyvaemaya lichnaya zhizn'
Сын артиллериста
Konstantin Simonov
Tage und Nächte
Der letzte Sommer
Moscow - Stalingrad 1941-1942
Das sogenannte Privatleben